Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' '
IT .
The internal rovcmto collections yes
terday amounted to $11,704.40.
Some sneak thief got awny with a
handsome coat and vest belonging to
John Gibson , of the city water works
Monday evening. The theft was made
from his room on Twelfth street.
The condition of old man Kern * , who
was dangerously shot by Billy Woods
Eomo four or flvo weeks since , is such tts
to again render a postponement of the
trial of Woods and his pals , Mrs. Woods
and Jeff Davis.
Tire Shnkcspenro-IJacon controversy
by the young men of the senior class in
the high school was well attended nnd
the decision of the audience was in
lavoroftho Bacon party. The young
orators acquitted themselves very
The Amnnd Woods and Richard
Davis attempted murder case has been
grautcil another continuance , this time
until Saturday , as it is thought that
then old man Kerns will bo BUlllclontly
recovered from his wounds to bo able to
appear in court.
Mr. MeKinnoy , a Union Pacific
watchman , was arrested yesterday for
diBclmrcing lire-arms down on the bet
toms. Ho gave ns his defense that ho
was shooting a snvuga and dangerous
dog , but thu judge held that that was
hn itisulHcient reason and fined him
80 and costs.
A largo and valuable valise was found
yesterday in u vacant house on the
corner of Thirteenth and Capitol ave
nue. Papers found in it show it to bo
the property of John W. Kennedy ,
Chimcolhc , Mo. It evidently has boon
stolen from Mr. Kennedy , rilled of its
valuable contents and the empty recep
tacle loft nt this house by the thieves.
Personal Paragraphs.
G. T. Thoains , of Davenport , lain the city.
Dr. Parsoll has returned from Now York ,
C. C. Council , of Blair , Nob. , Is at the Mil-
Alba Brown , of Lincoln , Neb. , is nt the
Puxton *
Mrs. Joel Tishtic , of Scward , Neb. , Is nt the
John Dawson , of Altmi , Neb. , Is at the
C. W. Ilickloy , of Geneva , Nob. , Is at the
"V. Allyn , of IJroken Bow , Nob. , is nt the
W. H. Tickncr , of Beatrice , Neb. , Is at the
Gus States , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is at the
E. W. Griffith , of Mnrion , lunched 'at the
WnltM. Sccly , of Bennett , Nob. , is nt the
D. M. Lewis , of Nebraska City , Neb. , is at
the Millnnl.
E. W. Thompson , of Klmball , Neb. , Is at
Henry Wolf and wife , of Kansas City , Mo. ,
nro ut the Paxton.
Mr. nii'l Mrs. T. L. Chcsnoy , of Abington ,
111. , nro at the Windsor.
W. G. Washburn , of Beatrice , Nob. , is at
the Paxton wlth his sister.
, T. W. Akin , of DCS Molncs , is stopping at
the Paxton for a few days.
OS. L. Hue , of Weeping Water , is in the
city nnd is recistercd ut the Paxton.
H. W. Grimes , of North Plattc , came in
yesterday nnd is stopping at the Paxton.
Byron need returned yesterday from
Now York after an absence of three weeks.
David Moore has returned from n trip
through the state , and Is resting at the Millard -
lard after his trials nml tribulations.
Dr. Dysart , who has been danccrously sick
for flvo weeks , was pronounced yesterday
to bo In n slightly"'Improved condition ;
. ; Miss Alice Parker , daughter of Dr. Parker ,
who spent the winter in southern California ,
returned yesterday , quite restored to health.
Mr. Phil Prnttncr and wife , of Cleveland ,
O. , arc the guests of Mr. G. II. Mack. They
expect to stay lu this city about three or four
Rov. P , Leo , pastor of the Catholic church
of York , ami formerly of Falls City , in this
Btato , is in town making arrangements for
the erection of u new church in his new par
Major W. IT. Williams , a special agent of
the treasury deportment , who has been hero
for several days looking Into the immediate
transportation of port affairs , left for Wash
ington last evening.
At the Millard : L. S. Perry , Chicago ; P.
Cilcltly I/oiiiMi YiiNtim.
The father of Louisa Ynsuin has filed a
complaint against her charging her with in-
corrigibility. Ho wants her arrested and
Bent to the reform bcliool , butns yet the llj
copper hus failed to fasten his talons on the
B iy , bud , giddy thing.
A Sneak Tillers Work.
While Mr. Morrell , the druggist nt the
corner of Sixteenth and Chicago streets , was
engaged in compounding a prescription Thurs-
'cluy evening , seine thief made n sneak on his
show case and cot away with a handsome
toilet-box and n case of razors.
t Wlio'so Got Spencer's 31nro ?
W. A. Spencer put In an appearance at the
.Central police station yesterday nnd re
ported that somebody had stolen Ills horse ,
which ho had hitched an hour before at the
1 corner of Sixteenth and Dodge streets. The
nnlmul , n largo bay marc , was hitched to an
uncovered buckboard.
Want to Get Acquainted.
Chief Seavcy detailed Sergeant Slgwart
nnd Detective Ormsby to go toCouncll ; Bluffs
yesterday ami familiarize themselves with
the mugs to bo seen in the various gambling
dens over there. The oftlcors will also go
through both the county and cit.vjailand take a
siiifiiit at the birds conllncd there. Hereafter
this will be done once n week.
Notvs From tlio Wild West.
Mrs. George Canllcld received a Icttci
from her son Sherman , who Is with the
Buffalo Bill Wild West , last evening , in
which ho said the great show , after n trem
endously successful wlndup in London ,
would sail for this country from Hull on the
Oth hut. The Wild West oncns one week
from licit Tuesday nt Statcn Island.
Knitted Tlii'lr Tout.
Messrs. Stevens & Walker , of 1B12 Dodge
street , for a couple of weeks have been camp
ing out In a tent in the northern suburbs
They nave only been passing their Sundays
nnd evenings hero , nnd owing to the recent
cold weather were Induced to put a stove in
their tent. Tuesday night the whole outfit
wns stolen , entailing a loss of something llko
Struck by n Grip Car.
Charles Smith attempted to cross in fronl
of a grip car at the switch on Tenth street
last night , nnd before ho could got out of the
way ho was struck nnd thrown to the tracks.
Ho was pushed a few fcot boforothocar
could bo stopped , Alter recovering from his
shock Charles arose to his feet and ambled
off to the Tremont house on Sixteenth street
to lllVVP the few llesh wounds ho received
cared for.
The National Turners.
Mr. H. 6 , Grubo , who has boon elected
delegate by the Omaha turners to the na
tional convention of that association whlcl
assembles in Chicago on Sun day next let
for that place yesterday afternoon. The
convention will continue about flvo days
After Us conclusion , Mr , Grubo will maka
fcjiort visits to Milwaukee and St. Louis. Ho
Will send daily letters to the Nebraska Trl
buno , the German dully of this city , during
the convention.
Fleming Fined ,
P , D. Houston , who was fined on Tliursdnj
for taking Gcorgo B. Fleming's horse and
buggy without permission , swore out a war
font agumst Flvuiliiff j esterday for his as
nulton him ntthc time the missing property
was found In Houston's possession. Fleming
vas arrested shortly after the \vnrrnnt wns
ssued , nnd arraigned for trial. Ho plead
guilty and wns fined 110 nnd costs. Houston
s still badly disfigured from the drubbing ho
received. _ _ _ _ _
Tnuou'n Little IMensnntry.
Jncob Stynrtr. went Into the yard of J. P.
tforxvood , corner of Eleventh street and
: npltol avenue Thursday and called Mrs.
Norwood , who Is n colored lady , nn "old
> lack rhtnoseros , " nnd because Mr. Norwood
remonstrated with him for his unseemly
angungo , Swartz smashed him across the
owl with n potato mnshcr. Being unable to
cnsonably explain all this , the court mulcted
Mr. Swnrtz in the sum of 525 nnd costs ,
vhlch ho paid , and sorely and sadly mingled
vlth the greasy , odorous crowd lathe specta-
ors' pen.
A Costly Drunk.
A commercial traveler for a well known
Omaha firm got on the dummy nt Shcclcy's
about 2 p. m. yesterday in a maudlin condl-
.Ion. When the conductor nskcd him for his
Ickctho nrctcmlcd ho had already given it to
ilm. The conductor insisted ho had not , nnd
, ho drummer commenced to curse him in a
most vllo'nmnnor In tlio presence of a num.
jcr of ladles. The conductor nt first was
very gentlemanly , but when the drunken fel-
ow persisted in his abuse , the knight of the
mnch seized him by the collar and hustled
ilm oft the train. The follow attempted to
'ct back on again , and the conductor pushed
ilm off. The drummer fell on his face , the
corner of a tie striking him in the eye. It Is
thought ho will lose the sight of that optic.
"The Ovcrlnml Honte"
Hnvo arranged to run extra coaches
on suburban trains leaving Council
Bluffs nt 12:45 : nnd 1:45 : p. in. , returning
leaving Omaha at 0:15 : and 7:16 : p. m. ,
mid on trains leaving South Oinulia at
12:55 : and 1:55 : p. in. , returning leaving
Omuliiuit G:05 : uml 7:05 : p. m. , on Sun
day , May 20 , to accommodate those de
siring to attend the base ball game
between the St , Louis and Otnnhti teams
in this city. _
Smoke Soidonborg's Figaro nnd got
the best 5-cont cigar in the world. Max
Meyer & Co. , wholesale dopot.
Dr. McGrow. Rectal , urinary & priv
ate diseases only. Koom 5 , Barker bl'k.
Shetland pony for Milo by Gcorgo A.
Keolino , Council Bluffs.
I have opened my Woodruff grnnito
quarries and can fill all orders of almost
any dimensions , Re'1 can bo seen at
stone yards of Win. Tyler , Lincoln ,
Neb. Tues Piiici2.
William Talvert , on old and well-known
resident of this city , died Thursday , and was
buried yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
his late residence , Twentieth and Elm
Two weeks ago a sick young man named
Nels Barntscn was brought to St. Joseph's
hospital by a physician of this city whoso
numo is not now known. Yesterday
Barntscn died. Ho seems to bo without
friends in this city , though there was a mem
orandum In his pocket bearing the numo of J.
P. Lund , the Fifteenth street clothier.
Burntscn was a jeweler and it seems
worked for H. C. Thurgate , Kansas City.
Later ho went to Fairfax , Mo. , where It
seems a subscription of about $14 was taken
up to enable him to come to the hospital here
for treatment. The list was headed by
Ernst Lindstrom , and among the papers
found on the deceased was a postal from the
former. The remains are at Hcafny & Hca-
foy's , ana the firm has telegraphed to Fair
fax. Uarntscn Is a Swede and a fine looking
Yesterday 'morning , at an early nour , Mrs.
H. J. McConncll died of apoplexy , after but n
short illness , and nt tlio ago of twenty-nine
years and live months. She wns the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Storrs , and died at
his residence , 102 ; } Farnain street. She was
also the sister-in-law of William H.
Bowen. She was born in Omaha
in 18S5. and has resided hero
since. Mr. MeConnell is a well-known
engineer on the Union Pacific. Ho is the son
of Uobert McConncll. for many years master
mechanic of the Union Pacific road , and
brother of Fred and Joe MeConnell , both
well known in this city. She loaves four
children. The funeral will take place this
afternoor. at , ' 1 o'clock from the First
Congregational church. The remains will bo
Interred in Prospect Hill cemetery.
Ask your grocer for Crow's High Pat
ent Hour. JJt'Bt Hour in market.
Union 1'aclllc ,
Will hell through tickets to St. Louis ,
Mo. , to nartics desiring to attend the
National Democratic Convention , to beheld
hold at that place , on Juno 5th , nt ono
faro for the round trip , from points in
Nebraska , nnd Kansas. Tickets going
good .luuo 2nd to 5th , Inclusive , and re
turning Juno Oth to llth , inclusivegood
foi' continuous passage only in each di
Valentino's Shorthand Institute hay
ing outgrown its former quarters has
removed to the now Paxton block. Wo
now have the largest and handsomest
schoolroom in the west , and the largest
exclusive shorthand nnd typewriting
school in the United Stato. Call nnd
BOO us. Take elevator at Farnam street
entrance same as to public library.
"Wliole.milo Cigar Auction.
160,000 cigars to bo sold nt wholesale
auction Friday May 18 , nt2 p. m. sharp.
Dealers and retailers should attend this
eiilo. Goods will positively bo sold , and
CO par cent can bo saved to buyers.
KOIIN & , Auctioneers ,
203 , 210 , 212 , So. llth street.
When you como to Omaha stop nt the
Glebe , the best located $2-n-day hotel
in town. Between 18th and llth streets
on Douglas.
Crow's Patent Hour takes the load.
"Why tlio Freight Bureau oftlic Board
of Trade Wns AuollHliud.
W. P. Grlfiltts , commissioner of the
Omaha Freight bureau has received a letter
from Messrs John Evans , John A. Wakcficlc
nnd Max Meyer , a committee of the board of
trade , Informing him of the circumstances
under which the freight commlssloncrshlp
was brought to a close. It sets forth that the
resolution dispensing with the services of
that official was adopted on the 5th of last
month and the committee above referred to
was appointed to formulate a letter to Mr.
Grlfiltts embodying the action of the board
relative to the retention of a
commissioner and expressing the
thanks of the board for the earnestness
and ctUcIcncy of Mr. Grlfiitts' labor in the
interest of. the freight bureau , The commit
tee further states that in the discharge of
the duty devolving upon it they deem 11
pioper to suite that when the board of trade
created tlio "freight bureau of the Omaha
board of trade , " and authorized liberal ap
propriations of its fiiiuls toward the main
taining of said bureau , the members of the
latter were influenced by the need of sucl
protection to thu Jobbing interest of the city
against unjust discrimination by the rail
roads In mutters of freight. They also had
reason to believe that the larger proportion
of the Jobbers not .members of the board * of
trade , would take advantage of the oppor
tunity offcicd them to become ccmtrluu-
tors to the euppprt of the bureau
and mutually share with members of
thu board in any benefits from the operation
of an clllclcnt freight bureau. In thU rc-
bjiect wmo oftbo expectations of the board
mvo been realized , the merchants not giving
hnt financial supimrt. nnd commercial Influ
ence , expected nnd necessary with the finnii-
; iat aid of the board of trade to render the
> urenu operative ; nnd the maximum mem-
larfihlp assessment , a.8 limited by articles of
ncorporatlon not being sufficient to meet
ho necessary working expenses of thobonrd ,
ind also properly maintain the freight bureau
ndcpcndcnt of outside nid , hence the action
of this board In dispensing with the scrvico
of n commissioner after the first day Of Juno
next ,
The committee further say that they but
voice the sentiment of the Omaha board of
trade in expressing to Mr. Gr.flltts their high
ippreciatlon of the valuable service rendered
.he commercial interests of Omnhn by his
'lUtliful , efficient nnd Intelligent discharge of
.ho duties devolving upon him as commis
While regretting the causes necessitating
; he severing of his connection with the board ,
: ho committee feel assured that Mr. Gnflltts'
alnnt , long experience and eminent ability
Tor the service will soon command n greater
nnd more remunerative field of usefulness.
To this letter , of which the above Is n
synopsis , Commissioner Griflltts writes the
following reply :
MIL ( imrriTTs1 Asswnn.
OMAHA , May 10. [ Freight Bureau Omaha
Hoard of Trade. ] Messrs. John Evans ,
lohn A. Wakcfield , Max Meyer Gentlemen :
Hccelpt of yours of 14th inst. , covering pro
ceedings of the board of directors at their
meeting April 5 last , with reference to the
enforced discontinuance of the office of
freight commissioner , is hereby acknowl
This action virtually dissolves tlio frclpht
bureau Itself. It has done noble work for
Omaha , nnd has reason to bo promt of its
A freight bureau should bo a tower of
strength to the business coinmunily , a faith
ful watchman of the Interests of the cllycver
rcudj by earnest protest , Intelligent super
vision , and , nuove all , by the exercise of per
fect harmony of purpose and unity of action ,
to offer a standing menace to all opposing ele
ments that would threaten or delay our on
ward progress.
I regret profoundly the necessity which
compels the dissolution of the oreanbiUion.
The rcsxiigibillty | of failure must rest hole-
ly upon those whoso suplnoncss , lack of ap
preciation and blind Infatuation in steadily
refusing support to what they should have
considered the "right bower" of their board
of trade , has plnced our mercantile commun
ity in unenviable contrast with our sister
cities our commercial rivals.
I shall carry with mo In other service the
keenest appreciation of the courteous expres
sions of approval you nave scon fit to em
ploy , and with sincere thanks for the uni
form kindness ever extended mo by the
board , and best wishes for Its future , I re
Very Truly Yours ,
W. P. GuirriTTS , Commissioner.
Crow's High Patent flour boats nil.
TO SA.L.T . h A It 13 AM ) KETUKN.
The Union Puclllc.
Will sell tickets from all Kansas and
Nebraska points for the special ex
cursion to Salt Lake City and return ,
Juno 6lh , ut ono fare for the round trip.
Tickets going good live dnys , and re
turning fifteen dnys , extreme limit
thirty days. Stop-over privileges al
lowed within thoMj limits. Parties de
sirous of visiting Gnriiold Beach , on
Great Salt Lake , the famous watering
place of the west , should improve the
opportunity now olTered.
Stop at the Glebe hotel.
Ho Mysteriously Disappears and IB
Seen No More.
The Plnkcrton man who made himself so
prominent at Plattsmouth a few nights ago
has to all intents and uurposes disappeared
for good , and nothing can bo learned of his
whereabouts. Captain Foley , who returned
from the scene of the shooting yesterday
morning , cannot account for his disappear
ance , as ho had nothing to fear in consequence
quence of his acts. In all probability the
duck has skipped and will bo found on duty
nt some eastern point within a week or so
and ills action in vamoosing as ho did was to
escape from the wrath ho knew was sure to
Union Pacific.
Will sell through tickets at rate of one
faro for the round trip , from points in
Nebraska and Kmifaus , to parties desir
ing to attend the National Republican
Convention , to bo hold in Chicago , Juno
10th. Tickets good going Juno lth ( ! to
10th , nnd returning Juno 20th to 2oth
inclusivOj with continuous passage only
in each direction.
Stop at the Glebe hotel.
Stopping the Cable.
Having been opposed by the Horse-car
company on Twentieth street and overcome
the opposition , the Cable Tramway company
Thursday met resistance from the Missour
Pacific. Tlio Cable company had extended
their excavation for their yokes up to the
crossing of the road mentioned nnd had en
from under tlio tracks with the intention o
making a crossing which , of course , was t <
bo well supported on walls of brick. The
work it seems was not what tin
Missouri Pacific wanted , RO It
rolled to the intersection seven cars-
loads of loose earth , and had the latter
shoveled off Into the trenches under the
trucks and upon the street , to prevent the
cable company from finishing its work.
This resistance on the part ol
the roud was unexpected nnd
unreasonable , especially in view
of the fact that the Missouri Pacific got its
right-of-way through the alley at the cross
ing without 1 cent's cost for right-of-way.
Union 1'iiolflc ,
Will soil through tickets at ono faro foi
the round trip , from points in Nubnu > kii
nnd Kansas to parlies dobiring'to attend
the mooting of the Supreme Lodge ,
Knights of Pythias , to bo hold in Cin
cinnati , Ohio , Juno 12th to Kith inclu
sive. Tickets good going Juno 8th to
Kith and returning Juno Kith to 10th in-
chibivo , with continuous pusbiigo only in
each direction.
Cliurged With Hortio Stealing.
Frank L , Moore , a hacknmn , and Jeff Tin
nor , n negro laborer , are in cells at the rcn-
tral police station on the charge of horse
stealing. It is said that on last Monday night
they oroko Into the barn of H. S , HunuolU
Thirty-fourth and Cumlng streets , and stole
a horse valued at $150 , a sot of harness and a
wagon. They have been seen since wllh the
stolen property and Thursday they were
captured by Officer Gregg. Moore excuses
himself by saying that the horse was taken
on a chattel mortgage and that he merely uc
conipnnlcd a constable to the stable the nlglr
It was taken. But when asked as to who the
constable was and whcro ho had put the
property , Moore refused to answer and became
came very Impudent , liunnolls enys ho hasi
clear case against them nnd will land botho
them in the penitentiary.
Crow's Superlative Hour ; bakers wan
Stop at the Glebe hotol.
A Doubtful Case.
Frank Hntchcr , who has hitherto borne an
unsullied reputation , was arrested Thurs
day by Detective Ormsby on a charge o
larceny. The complainant is M. Block , a
cheap clothing man at 701 North Slxtccntl
street. Ho says that Hatcher came into hi
place on the Cth of May and asked to look a
Eomo pants. Ho looked over about every
thing m the house , but could not satisfy
himself , when it struck Mr. Block that hi
actions were- very suspicious , and seeing tha
Htitchcrhad his overcoat buttoned up , ho
made a grab ut It and toro it open , and lo
out tumbled a couple of pair of pants. Mr
Block struck the man a blow in the facebu
ho took to his hecU and escaped , Thursday
Block pointed Hatcher out as the thief , nnd
ho wns nrrcfttcd. . ,
Hatcher wns acquitted yesterday after
noon. He never woftnbar tender In Kotncry's
morning , but
oloon , an was utatta yesterday
boijKlit out the Dodge street saloon of Hoth-
cry last summer.
Ijlocnsotl to Wed.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday by Judge Shields !
Name and residence/ -Ago.
I Anton Bupgren , Din ah a . ' 2i !
11da 1C. Iliad , Omaha 21
j Eugene F. Hauctr , St. Louis , Mo 31
iTony Metz , Omaha , 22
I Clint Wadswoith , Omaha ' >
I Mary Waltrlng , Omaha 'S
Thlspowrtjr ner r vnrle ? . A mfirve'Ofpurl-
ty.stronnth anS wa ilosormnosi. More cconora
JcRlthantlto onllnnrv kinds , nnd cannot oesolp
Incomputlllonwltii the mnUUncla of lore rout ,
shortwclBlitnlumor phosplmto powders , gold
onlv In cans. Uoynl Unking Powder C ° - . 1M
Wallstreet Now York
Will be attended by great danger
to body nml limb , out hundreds
THAT of leading players say they find
more prompt relief fiom htrulns ,
gpriilnsi. bruises , rheninntlsin.stllT
GAME unil enlarged joint J , lameness
etc. , by using Hr.NSos'rt I'LASTI-.H
for such troubles than nny other
OF external remedy known to the
profession. All ntlilotus ns well
as tboso lu the ordinary avoca
BASEBALL tions of Hfo unite with baseball
players In certifying to the vnlue
of this plaster In Mich accidents.
AT THE It Is prompt , plensnnt nnd pleasIng -
Ing lu action nnd never fails to
brcuro the best results when used
PARK iiccoidliig to printed directions.
Owing to ltn popularity many
worthless substitutions are offer
TO-DAY ed , llnjersshould always nsk for
IlKNiMiN'x. llrmly refusing all
A' ' ! Syphilitic Dlienses. of recent or longstandlngr ,
hi from 101 to tlfle n d.iy . Uo will RIVU written
KU irantevg to euro any c.taoor refund your money.
And we wo * 11 Miy to lioo ! who hnve employed tlio
niott Skllleil I'liytlilanuxi'cl eierv known n-iiio ly
un.llmvo millK'cn curu < lthat YOU me Ihayiiujczin w
nr louklrv for. You Hint harp Lie'n to tlie cell1-
UiHtetl Hut ! -irlii | i ol Arkansas , uiul have lost nil
hopy of recovery , v < o
orniakonoclmrco. Our remedy Is unknown to nnv
on iIn tlio worl.l outslno nt our riiuipanyuntl Ills
tin- only remeily In t'io world that will turu you.Vo
"III cute Ili'i mo"t obttliiutc in-o In lc < s thin ono
month , Seven Un > s hi recent i * dors the work It
IH the olil , thonlc , tleep-t-cnteil CUFCS that we pollelt.
\Vo hnro eurcU hmirlnulb who have hoeu ab inUoncil
by IMiyfele.UJS anil iiionoaiieeUlucurabu ! , anil
We Challenge the World
to brins us a ease that we cnunot euro In l < s than
on month.
Slnco tin1 history of meillclno. a True Specific for
Sjiilillltlc iniitlMii. : | Ulri'ii. NIIU Mouth , , Ve. , IKIM
teen sunlit for but never luuiul until
Our Magic Remedy
was illhcovoreil , anil wo nro justified In saying : It Is the
only rouuily In the worlil tnat uill | u > * itlvcly eure.
buciuihO the latest uiejlciil works , luihllxhed hy the
bent knimn authentic , buy lliero was never a true
HiL'dllc before. ( Mir Is tlio only nieilkliiiiln
tliunorlil ILat will euro whin everything ol-o has
lulled. It lm been soconrcJeil by a hir c number of
Oelehrateil I'liyxlelans. IrilAS VBVhll VBT KAII.HI
Tocriir. Why wa to ymir tlmo anil money wltli
patent meillclnei never hail virtue , or doctor
with phyftUlnnH that cannot euro > ou. Von tlint Imvo
tried e\er ) thirst oNo Mioalil cuuiu tu IIH now anil ( jot
relief ; you never ean et It elsewhere ,
Kcrnutnont * pay : lu the c'lil > ou mut take our
remedy or NUVKIl reeorer And jini thrtt have been
nlllleted but n Miorl tlmo vhould liy all means como
tousnow. M my nei help ami think they uro free
from the illn'iue. but In one , two or t'ireo jcnrs after.
It uppoars aualn In n more horrible form.
InveMliiutu our tlnuncliil standing ihrouiih the nier.
cintllo nvencleH and note that wo uro fully re * | > on l <
hlo and our written cimrnnteex are cood. Wo have a
UUMDDr prepared on purely Sclentldc I'rlnrlpleii ami
we wish tu repeat that It N'KVUll KAH.3 TO CU11K. All
letters MicrcUly coutldentlnl.
THE COOK REMEDY CO. , Omnlia , Neb.
llooms 10 nnd 11. U. S. National Hank , 12th nml
Knruam Sts , Callers take elevator on Fannim
Street ; to second floor. Koom 11 for ladles only
-AT -
Dr , Smith's ' Parlors
The Inline \VaIU , Idu ( Illiul See ,
nml lliu Deaf Hear.
Dr , Bmltli , the Jlngnctlc J'hyslcinn , Is per-
fniinliiK boinn uf the inoht reinuikablu cm us
ever wltncbsod InOnuilia. Hid pailoiH , luinui- (
\\\K \ \ Illock , on lllth btrv t , lietwuen Douglas and
Dudb'u KtrvetB , are tilled with Invalids from
moniliiK till nluht. Mr. T , L. Ilrown.lio rcHldos
In Council Illulls , has been a teirlblu HUflerur
from constipation uud ulles for the past tlilr-
ICIMI yeiiM. t'pwardH ot tlilrtuen years OKO
MHJ Drouu beuan to sun IT from constipation ,
\\mchwua followeil by the formutlon of pile
tmnoialilcliwereno larger than u'rapt'H ulii-n
tlrst discovered , hut ( 'iadtially ; narged ( until
they became as large as bliick walnuts. At each
movement of tlio bowels these tumors \\erepro
lapsed atul would bleed no prof luely as to catibe
talntniK spelln , Krotu a btruiiK. healthy man
Mr. Jlrown became tuhelpless Invalid. Ho Ktevr
pule and bloodless , and became- > u feeble that
no could not sit nn more than three or four
hours at a time , lie tried a croat many diirer-
cnt medicines and consulted heveral divtors
who make a specialty ot treating icclal com
plaints , Ho was told that hid trouble had bo-
iQmo mnliifuiiJlt ajid tnat there was no help for
film , IlKeaaroHlilnjiuaneverreauyto ( catch
at astiaw , ho applied to rr ) Bmttii. on Tlitirs-
day , thu 10th inst. A tier the doctor had made u
thorough examination of hlscabo he told him
that he could cure him. Mr. Drown had tried
so many physicians who had momlsed tocuro
him that ho had Mttloif any faith In what the
doctor told him , Ha decided , however , to give
the doctor a trial , aud began treatment on the
10th Inst. As stranuo as it may seem Mr. Drown
Is now convalescent. The treatment was mild
and not painful , and Mr. Drown U to-day a
happy mau. ,
Mrs. Baidenld Congden , who resides about M
miles ftom Omaha has been ullllcted with can
cer of the lip for the past four years. She
applied to Dr. Smith last Filday and Is rapidly
r. Built h will continue to heal the sick free of
charge at Max Meyer A : Jlro.'i , Music Hull ovuiy
morning from 10 to U o clock. Allot this week
his parlors , lu UrueulK Illock , are open tu
the public from a. m. till 6 p , m. d ally , except
tjundayx. Ugnsultutlons free. All letters of In
cmlry must contain postage. jr. Bmlth will
move his oillce , next Monday morning , from.
Kruenltt'DlQck , to looms an undaiu I'axton
Ulgck , over Max Mcyer.i ; Uro& ' Jelry Store.
The incessant cry of "bargains , " "great sacrifices , " etc. , etc. , is hoard all over , but tlio
people discriminate WHO is ADVKUTISTNQ THE HAKOAINS. In all our advertisements wo ad
here closely to the truth ; we do not even allow you to deceive yourself , and when , as is
often the case an article looks much better than it really is , wo toll you exactly WHAT
IT is. We have seized the opportunity hero to build up a great business on popular
prices. The result shows that we have succeeded , and we point with pride to our pres
ent and ever growing popularity , We have gained the confidence of the people by al
ways fulfilling the promises made in oar advertisements. Our reputation for .lowest
prices being established , we intend to maintain the same by offering a series of bargains
which no other house can approach.
The offering wo make this week , is the grandest ever made in the line of ready-mado
clothing :
We place on sale 300 Fine Cussimoro Suits Sacks and Frocks , worth $18 ; at the unprec-
edontly low price of Ten Dollars each. The material of which these suits are made ,
is the product of one of the best mills in the country. They are well trimmed with
the best farmer's satin lining , perfect fitting and tailor made. We are willing and
anxious that they be placed alongside of , and critically compared , with any $18 suit
offered by any other house.
Many other of our choicest suits have been marked down this week , some four or five
dollars. They could not bo sold at the opening of the , season for near what we offer
them now.
* *
Have you seen the elegant Fancy Flannel Coat and Vest we offer at 95c. It wil pay
you to look at it. > I
One Price Only. No Deviation. ,
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
bu TRir&ED away bis VMJOB of BQUT ,
KIND and SlANHOOD. causing exhausting
drain ) upon tbo FOUNTAINS * of LIFB ,
DreAmi , WEAHNBHM of Memory , BA9U.
i/vCifknain SOCIETY , PIMPLES upon
the PACE , and all the EFFECTS Undlpr to
TION or INSANITY , should consult atjjnce
the CZELEI1RATED Dr. Clark * . EatabllsBfd
IBfil. Er. Clarke ha made NERVOUS 1 > JC-
BILrrr. CHRONIC and all Dlieues of
the OENITO UIIINAHY Ore an 5 a. Life
Wudy. It mates NO difference WHAT you
inre ttkan or WHO bus failed to cure ypu.
.63 FEHAl.ES lUfTerlng from dtsetscj pecu
liar to their BOX can consult with the oiiuranco
of ipGBdr relief and cure. Send 2 cents poitage
for works on your dUeasei.
49-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated
Works on Chronic , JVorvoun and Deli
cate Dlituas. Coniultation , personally or by
tetter , Iron. Coninlt the old Doctor.
Vbonsniida cared. Ofllce * and pnrlor *
private. M-Thoso contemplating Marriage
end for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide
Halo aud Fciunlc. each lie. , both 2Sc.
isUmiM ) . Before confiding your caic , consult
Dr. CbAKKE. A friendly letter or call may
lave future sufleringrnnd shame , and add colden
years to life. eBook "I.lfe' ( Secret ) Er-
fore , " We. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
tent everywhere , secure from oxpoiuro.
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays. 9 to ! 2. Address ,
F. D. OLABKB , M. D.
JP8 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sta.
Dent facilities , apparatus and remedies for sue
cesiful treatment ofe\ery form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Board and attendance , best hospital nccommo
rUtlons in the west ,
WHITE FOR CIKCCIARS on Deformities nnd
Unices , Trusses , Club I'eet , Curvature of the
Spipe , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , Bronchitis ,
[ Hhalation , Ulectricity , raraljsis , Hpilepsy , Kid-
uey , Bladder , Kye , Ear , SUiu aud Blood , ai'd all
Surgical Operations.
blsoasea of Women a Spoolal'.y.
HOOK OK DiiKi&if ) orVontH Fins.
AH niood Diseases successfully treated. Syph-
Ititlc Poison removed from he By stem without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ul
VilalTower. Persons , unable tr > visit us may be
( renter ! at home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential Medicines or Instruments
tent hy mail or express , securely packed , no
uinrks to Indicate contents or ei-niler One per
sonal interview preferred , Call and consult us , or
send history of your case , aud we will tend in
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Jm.
vitency , Syphilis , elect and Varicocclc , with
b'cstlon lilt. Address
Omaha JUcilical anil Marginal Itntltntect
Cor. 13th ind DodaeSU. . OKAHA.NEB.
A Ni\V : WOKIC TJio most complete over pnl > -
hehed.devotcd to the purchase and s ilo of btock
bonds , uto. Decisions of the cmirth regardlnij
stock sali's , brokers and bucket shops , inanlpu-
hitiou of the stock market , cmises of panic , otr.
How , \\hen , und hat to purchase and eell.
Send pobtpuld on recoiiit ot Wio. . by tlio
re for onr Patent Hurley CIlYBTAT h
alj/d Cereal Food.for Breakf tlTcS
there , write no for free eaoi-
Invalnrxblo Tfaste-rcpalrlng
. . tc.r > rblllty & Chll.
. o bran ; milnly free from sUrch.
usetftoothlnc equals our III.Al.TJI
circular offering 4 Us. free.
Sold by 'uttl * V millaini , Omuh
can to madowork
u 10 uuuu ins for < u. Agents preferred
ihV can furVil.h tbt-lr offii horse. na KIVO tb > r
wholotlmatu the busmen. Kpuro " ' < "u ' ? i'lnlu. ? ' " "
prolftttbly cmplorJd nlnil. A low vijeBiiUw in limlll
liiacltles. n K./onssoN- It.C . , uxo-Mamfct. . Ultli
uiuuil. Va. Jlciilfoa the Ouiihu Una.
nirfrom tte cf-
f yuuthf cr.
Pure , " Silver Gloss' * & Corn Starch ,
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science
' fhltitlffnScientifically Made and Practically Applied.
Gentlemen's B lt BIB * fhltitlffn
nith Klectrie * * ! ! , DISEASES CUBED WITHOUT MEDICfflES.
Hmto PtUe In tke Don a or
jo " ' "
IT WILL CURE TUU v ; aot utr , ,
m > tllm , PunlnU , Krirvlrla , fUlatle * , DUeMBi f KMaeja , fplncl . rpU
Uout , KifcauiUOB , KmtMteM. Arthmo , Heart InaeaM , Dyspepsia. C.iuUp.lton. Kmlpcl
l ( lla..tlo . VTcBkae * * , lm ot ney , Oatarrk. riles , BDllepsy. Dumb Ac et PUfeele * , nidi
- - - U nit * .
tkca thU belt Jut what n
to a of the WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.
w a
id used by ecrmliiloq.
rlandIl. B. 1'srkeran
iijrflockTttnlti llnadDobi
. - , . . . . . Konuoatown. Iowa ! Lanv-.v.
- 10 JWHTi vuni u uvi.u * * * v. - '
Uurrar.NaperTllle , III s T.L ibbott , iupt.clirw t rworki , BouthB Bl.l ( id'i Tloil. R. Simpson.
poitofflcnL.1) . Me.Mlchael.M D..IIuff loH.T. "TourbclJbMaccompli vnftt no ntbtr rF a * ! * *
tcadr norrra andromfortabledoepatnlfbt. " ftobu lUt ] , ajilgrmaa , 1 itit WtfiBtrcst. , Ki York-
and tuoniandi of otben.
Dr. HORHE'S ' ELECTRO MAQS1ETIC . . . _ , BELT . . _ . _ . rYff.j 7rijMB tK . /as.
u. ' .
- - - * - ' 'T It discuses
ilrei produces a continuous current ! conreri clMtrlelljr through taa boajr on th nefve * curfls
atlnc a. contlnuoiw current of electricity (10 or 19 houni out of O4) ) thjouahont tb biimsnpjlt m ,
allnerrousneulmmedUtclr , and producing a new clroulitlon of tbB lf * foroeJ-Ibi ) Uliod , 1m-
paHlnir Tljroritrengthoncrar and healtb , when another treatment -if llod. TbetuartUot tbUsoUa-
ilfla Hilt are belnnrccoirnlteJand Indorsed by thousands whom It bat curca.
lUCKEUENOEff. Any bankjcoQimerclalBReocy or wholesale hoaie InOhleagO ) woolestlo drueelrte ,
Ban FraneUen and Chicago. tw Bend itsunp for 11B page Illustrated pamphltt. _ .
33X& . XV. < 7. KOXUarxi , Inventor aaauanufactujtr , 191 ITibaah Avenue Onlecco.
Uihalovitch , Fletcher & Co. , Cincinnati , 0.
Tor ralci by tlio follow inir diMilcrs Ulthurdtuii DrtiK
Oi. , Illnko , llriice Co. , Ailli'r k llcllur. dlailitonu
llroi , \ Co. , Trunk Jlellimu \ < % i , II. II. iJrulti' , and
nil wlmluanlo nml rolrill ( IriiKKlBtn , liquor Ui'iiltis and
vtlnu murcUuuia everywhere.
c. o. i ) .
With Prh liege of
All Wool Pants ,
botli light nud dark
colors , in sizes 30 to
112 waist uml 30 to 31
log measure. Also
n very largo lluo of
bettor grades of
Pants ranging in
price from $2.60 to
$8. Our W.75 to &
Pants are extra good
Mail Orte Solicited.
Wlioro Shiipcllneii. Comfo
Health are dcMrcil It In Inrtl
blo. corputedt HKIUCII rcducdu
nndniado li pely In three tn\f \
months. Women need no
suffer from wo kue s of th
liy wi'iirlng tHI iiipportrr. On sal
by leiidtiiKinrrcliuma. Or for
fulurn itnrt Infurumtlon address
SOU StutoSt. , ( till Floor.
1'nhl Up Capital $250,000
Surplus G0,000
II. W. VATIIH. I'rcslilcnt , ,
LuwisH. ItKKii.VlcoI'rpsldcnt.
A. li.TouzAMN.Kiul Vice I'rcHlijcnt.
W.II.8 HuoiiCB , Cttshtcr.
Hanking onico
Corner 12tli and ranmm fits.
A General HanklUKUublueiia Transacted.
r , : uvc : ! :
leu. towna and Water Companies , etc.
a4'Corrc pondcnco enllclteil.
"B-B 8t' 80 ar 8tl
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
Spectacles Accurately Proscribed.
ir. j.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Coiner mil and llungUa Bt. Olllco
telephone , Itfj ; Ituuldcucu telephouu , MS.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.