Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Awarded the Contract For Lancas
ter County's Court House ,
of News Gathered At tlio State
Ilbitso The UnlYoraltjr Cadets
Start For the Onni | > at WJT-
more Brief Mentions.
1029 1 STKKKT. }
LIXCOI.X , May 18. )
Tlio board of county commissioners passed
the greater part of to-day in consideration
Of tba bids for the now Lancaster county
court liouso. The result Is that the board
unanimously found the bid of W. 11. U.
Stout the lowest imd best , and awarded ttio
contract to him. In awarding the contract
the board reserves the right to select the
quality of Atone to bo used. The bids of Mr.
Stout wcro for Ohio blue stone , $101,470.42 ,
nnd for Colorado red standstono f 103,470.43.
a difference la favor of the red stone of
(3,000. The board of county commissioners
will go at once to Chicago , Fort Collins and
Denver to Inspect the red stone quarries , and
expect , before deciding , to also tnako a crit
ical examination of tlio Ohio stono. The red
Btono from the Colorado quarries has of late
been Introduced to some extent In this city
and seems to bo greeted with favor. It will
not bo tlio particular quality of stone that
will plcaso or displease the public so much
as the fact that the second county In the
state is to have a court house commensurate
With Its greatness.
mounts I'jtr.i'Aitni ) TO Jouiixr.r.
The leading prohibitionists of the state
have been perfecting arrangements to visit
the national prohibition convention at In
dianapolis In largo numbers , and to this end
they have secured a special train ever the
Missouri Pacific and Vandalln lines to make
the Journey , tickets for the round trip being
flxed nt $17.75. Tlio special train will leave
Lincoln on Monday evening. May 23. It
will at Kansas City bo merged with the train
containing the delegations from California ,
Colorado , Kansas nnd the territories ; the
Missouri delegation will further bo added to
the train , and made up of these members it
Will speed its way to the cold water gather
ing at Indianapolis on the 80th Inst. The
local leaders In this state , in addition to the
eight delegates , will attend the cathcrlng
and one of the prominent third party men
stated that at least fifty would take advan
tage of the low rates from this state and
attend the convention. The call is mudo for
nil who desire to go to notify at once C. P. S.
Tcmpltn , of. Nebraska City , chairman of the
atato committee , that they may bo properly
enrolled and the transportation secured.
Nnw Airncin < i.
Articles of Incorporation of the Covington ,
South Sioux City & Dakota City street rail
way wcro , flletl with the secretary of state
Sjstcrday. The incorporators are T. L.
riftey , H. M. Holer , 13. B. Wllbor , G. W.
Wilkinson , Charles J. Clark , J. M. Moan , C.
D. Smiley , M. C. Jay , Frank Hunt , Atler
Hurt. The object of the corporation is to
build , equip and maintain a street railway
system within and connecting the towns of
South Sioux City , Dakota City and Coving-
ton ; also running a line to Crystal Lake.
The capital stock of the company is $30,000 ,
In shares of 9100 each , and business is to
commence with the subscription of stock at
The board of public lands and buildings
will hold n special session to-morrow to open
the bids for the additional building to the
deaf and dumb asylum at Omaha. The
amount appropriated for the new work is
John Laubum. the successful competitor in
the bidding for the improvement of the capitol -
tel grounds , appeared before the board yes
terday and lilou his bond for the work and
received the contract. Tbo amount of his
bid for the work wag $57,200.
1 Governor Thayer departed at noon to-day
to * Kearney where ho will attend the closing
exorcises of the public schools of that city ,
Visit the reform school and reach homo Sat
urday evening for Sunday in this city.
Among the guests at the Capitol hotel to
day was Mr. J. T. Hoylo , in years post a citi
zen of the state , who hold the ofllco of United
States marshal. Mr. Hoylo was appointed
marshal for the district from Richardson
county nt the time when Governor Thayer
was in the senate. In the whirl of events
that sent Mr. Hitchcock to the senate the
lattcrs influence secured the United States
marshals position for Mr. Dally of Peru
to succeed Mr. Doyle , who closed his
public service with that ofllce. Mr. Hoylo is
at present engaged hi the construction of a
canal across the peninsula of Capo Cod on
the eastern part of Massachusetts. Ho is
nlso largely interested in red cedar forests in
Arkansas , and is in the city conferring with
paving contractors regarding furnishing ma
c.inr.TS IN CAMP.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon the university
cadets took the B. & M. train to Wymoro ,
wbcro they will go into camp. The camp
will bo prepared for them near the town ,
nnd the people of that vicinity have offered to
furnish hay , fuel nnd similar supplies free.
They will take rations along with them , and
tlio irying pan and the black nosed coffee pot
Will add their picturesque presence to the
sceno. The portion of the afternoon remain
ing after their arrival to-day will ho devoted
to the pitching of tents and getting the camp
in order. To-morrow forenoon several hours
will bo devoted to target practice , and in the
afternoon thcro will bo a drill und dress
parade. Monday will bo the seventh anni
versary of the founding of the city of VVy-
jnoro , which is to bo celebrated by the people -
plo of that prosperous nnd enterprising place.
' nnd in these demonstrations the cadets will
take part. Governor Thayer will bo present
and deliver an address , and Department
Commander Henry will also speatt , The
celebration will bo closed by a sham battle
in the afternoon , Tbo cadets will coiuo homo
Tuesday forenoon ,
OITV nmnrs.
At the civil service examination held at the
postufllco building ypsturday thcro wcro four
applicants examined , one for u position In
Urn pension department and the others for
departmental service in the capital. Three
of the applicants were ladies. The exami
nation was conducted by Mr. W. J. Vickery ,
of Washington.
The Lincoln base ball team started for
Denver on the flyer this morning in charge
of Captain Sylvester. Hob Ponder , raptaln
of the Fort Smith team that won tlio punant
in the southwest last season , has been signet ]
and will report itt Denver , Ho is a second
and third baseman and is said to bo a gooO
fielder and batter.
An electric light wire got down on L street
last night and the insulator having become
thoroughly wet was useless. The result was
that a horse attached to ono of Ensign's
hacks was twice thrown violently to the
ground and the driver Mike McCann was
treated in the same way.
The deposits In the savings banks depart
ment of the public schools grow weekly , and
that department promises to bo a purmunoul
part of t ho school work , including a mosi
valuable lesson. The deposits for tbu present
week amounted to $144.14.
Thi ) Lincoln Chautauqua circle has a veri
interesting programme for this evening. The
session of the circle will have also to-nlghi
the additional Interesting feature of a gram
facial reunion , such as Chautauquans uro so
WVll adapted to enjoy.
If the liver und kidneys uro sluggish
and inactive , Hood's Sarsaparlllu wll
reuse them to prompt und regular ac
tion. Tttlco it now.
A barge Increase in Mileage Now
KquliuuontH Otlior Itoms.
The increase in mileage on the Union Pa
cine during the first ten days of May as coin
pared with the witno period in 1SS7 , U com
putcd at 20 per cent. Tills applies between
Council Bluffs and Ogdon. The direct causa
of this IB attributed to the largo increase in
freight and passenger traftto which has no
cessitatcd addlui ; a number of trains of both
classes. *
In a few days coutmcts will bo invardcd by
the Union Pacific company for the construc
tion of thirty now locomotives and about
five hundred freight and stock cam and a
number of passenger coaches. H it under
stood that the Dlckson Manufacturing com
pany of Scrnnton , Pa. , Is n strong competitor
In the race for the locomotive contract.
Among the freight cars will bo about fifty
rcfrieorator cars. The demand for these
earn has Increased wonderfully of la to. In
addition to being especially adapted
for shipping fresh meats in summer
they ore invaluable in winter for
transporting vegetables , as they prevent
freezing very effectually. A largo number of
stock can will nlso bo built.
Ono year ago this time the Union Pacific
purchased nearly nil its castings , Iron and
nrns , nt ether points. At present this work
is all done at the shops in thin city. All the
brass work is finished here nnd the car nxlcs
too are constructed by Omaha workmen.
This speaks well for the cntcrprlso of the
management of the road.
A mooting of committees of the brother-
leeds of engineers and firemen will convene
In Chicago to-day and will bo presided
over by Chief Arthur. No ono knows defi
nitely what will bo done at that meeting , but
Cram these who have an opportunity of catch-
ng on to a few sldo remarks It Is learned that
: ho strike on the "Q" Is to rocolvo careful at-
.cntion. A point-blank proposition to
-ho management of the Burlington
in to bo submitted , the terms
) f which nro that all brotherhood mon are to
bo taken back at the rate of wages demanded
it the tlmo ot the strike. In the ovcnt this
Is not done no engineers In the brotherhood
will under nny circumstances handle a Bur
lington car , pull a passenger that has ridden
on the Burlington or handle n pound of
troight. This actoln will doubtless cook the
"Q. " geese to a turn.
Mr. C. S. Carrier , who for years ban been
Lho favorite city ticket and passenger agent
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road ,
has entered upon an extended vacation be
cause of Illness und will spend sonic months
In the mountains and on the Pacific coast m
search of rest and recreation.
Mr. Carrier has been succeeded by J. II.
Greene , late city passenger agent of the same
rood , ns also city ticket agent of the Union
Pacific. Ho is well known , encrgetio nnd
> opular , and will bo readily welcomed to his
lew position by many of the old friends of
the road.
The position of assistant city ticket and
lassongor agent will bo filled by W. V. Wood.
General Manager Hayes , accompanied by
lovcral other ofllcials of the Wabash , came
n from the castThursdaynightovcrthoKock
stand in n special tram. They left for Kan
sas City yesterday.
It is learned on very good authority that
ho Hock Island will soon run Its trains
across the river to tills city. It is nlso given
out as n cold fact that the road will build a
iranch from this city connecting with the
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska , for Denver.
n the event such action is taken a howl of
dlsproval from St. Joe may bo confidently
The Colorado delegation to the republican
convention will it is said travel by the Chi-
Migo , Burlington & Qulncy. It is said that
abor unions will endeavor to boycott them
as they did Mrs. James Brown P otter.
"The best on earth" can truly bo said
of Griffgs' Glycerine Salvo a speedy
euro for cuts , bruises , scnlds , burns ,
sores , piles , totter , and all skin crup-
-ions. Try this wonder healer. S25
cents. Guaranteed. Goodumn Drug
Co , , A ont.
John Philpot , of Weeping Water , had five
cars of cattle on the market. Ho is stopping
nt the City Hotel.
J. Buck came In from Crete with four loads
of cattle.
W. Z. Tellson , of Ravenna , was on the
market with a load of cattlo.
P. M. Colby , of Bradshaw , had two cars of
cattle on the market.
H. W. McClure. ol O'Neill , had a car of
cattle on the market.
M. P. Williams , of Louisville , brought in
.wo cars of cattlo.
J. B. Dunn came in from Eustls with two
cars of cattle and ono of hogs.
L. M. Gallup , of Gibbon , was looking
over the yards.
Exchange hotel guests yesterday wore : F.
W. Ayrcs , F. Tillotson , A. W. Wltchom , A.
F. Schrombergcr , L. Carey , all from Ra
venna ; A. W. McClure , Ord , nnd Russcl
Gates , Denver.
Thcro is trouble among South Omaha
sporting mon Just now. Two of them were
arranging for a $100 bet on a shooting match ,
and" ono of them deposited a $100 bill with the
stakeholder. The bet wasn't made and the
stakeholder returned a $1 instead of the $100
claimed. There is trouolo ahead.
Ticknor & Bogarth had four loads of cattle
on the market from Beatrice.
William Eikenbary came in from Union
with a load of hogs.
The City Steam laundry , of Omaha , is
about to build a branch ofllcc on Twenty-
seventh street , Just north of the now hotel.
John T. Martin Is In visiting his brother ,
J. T. , nnd is In looking ever the .yards at the
same time.
George Nichols was said to have been dls-
orderly as well as drunk , and in consequence
ho was asessed $9.50.
A. Dacotto was fined $2 and costs for get-
tiug drunk on beer und is still in the cells
thinking it over.
William Volke disturbed the peace on
Twenty-sixth street , nnd ns ho brought wit
nesses to prove ho didn't the costs ran up.
Ho paid f 11.00.
C. M. Lee hired his team out by the dav ,
and so thought to ovndo the license law. Ho
was arrested all the same and was tried in
the afternoon.
Jack Leonard , who was arrested Wednes
day night , says ho had f-7 at the time , and
only got a few cents when ho came out.
Ofllccrs who searched him In the station suy
that ho was very drunk and had O'J ' cents
when ho went In , and had Hit cents when ho
got out. Jack says he will make it a statu
case , and then further particulars will bo
The Poll Tax.
Now there is trouble about the poll tax ,
nnd these who paid it lost your soy they won't
do it again. It scorns thcro was some defect
in the ordinance governing the tax , and these
who were honest paid it , while these who
were not took advantage of the defect and
refused , ISvcry ono who tarns a living in
South Omaha should pay his eharo for the
benefits he derives , nnd If ho don't make
enough to do so ho should immigrate ; but in
the meantime if the city council wishes to
collect the tax they should prepare an ordi
nance that would unable them to do it.
Ita superior excellence proven In millions of
homes for more than a quarter of a century. H
U Uied by the United States Government. Kn-
domed by the heads of the great milTerslttes as
the strongest , purest and most healthful. Dr.
1'rlco's Cr am Jlukluc I'owilor dons not contain
auimoaU. lime or alum. Bold on'.v lu rang ,
ruicu UAKI.NQ row' uu a ) .
New Turk. Chlca g. St. Louis.
- -
Diseases. '
. .
/In lh realm of dUe the facts of in.
Iwrtlance rt most nnnjerotu iind are dsllf
ccumnUtlnf. Here , I < u. t y become Hr.
ttblt , fateful * J S oT rnh lmIoir. No fact of
nature U more prfjnuni Tlth wfnl mean.
Ing than th fa l ot the Inherttanoa ot
disease. It meets the phritot&n on hll flally
round * , periarelnj ; his art and filllnf bio
with dismay. The Ugtnd ot the uncUnl
Q reeks picture ! th Furies u puriulng
families from generation to generation ,
rendering them desolate. Tht Furies ( till
ply their work of terror and. death , but they
an not now clothed In the garb ot uperstt-
tlon , but appear In the more Intelligible but
no IMS owful form ot hereditary dheaoe.
Modern science , which haj Illuminated n
many dark corners ot nature , has abed s >
new tlgbt on tba ominous wordi of tht
BcrtptutM , "Tb * iloi ot the fathers shall b
visited upon the children unto the third and
fourth generation. " Instances of hereditary
disease abound , Fifty per cent , ot cases ot
eoniumptlon , that fearful destroyer of famfc
tics , ot cancer and scrofula , run In famlllei
through Inheritance. Insanity U hereditary
In a marked degree , but , fortunately , Ilka
mnny other hereditary dlio&aei , tendi to
wear Itself out , the stock becoming extinct.
A distinguished scientist truly IATSI "Ho
organ or torture of the body ti exempt from
Ibo change of being the subject ot hereditary
disease. " Probably more chronlo diseases ,
rrhtoh permanently modify the structure
and function ! ot the body , are more or leal
liable to bo Inherited. The Important and
far-reaching practical deductlona from such
fact * affecting no powerfully the happlncu
of Indlrldnali and famlllei and the collectrt !
welfare ot the nation are obrlona to reflec
ting mind * , and the bolt means for prevent
ing or curing these dlsoiuet li a subject of
Intent * Interest to all. fortunately nature
has prorlded a remedy , which experience
hiu Attested as Infallible , and the remedy U
the world famous Sniffs Specific , a pure
vegetable compound nature's antidote for
all blood poisons. To the amicted It Is
blessing of Inestimable ruluS. An Interest
ing trcatlso on "Blood and Skin Diseases"
will be mailed free by addressing
Tn SwinSrzcino Co. ,
Drawer S , Atlanta , Qa.
a man for groaning when ho lias
Rheumatism or Neuralgia. Thcpaln
is simply awful. No torture in the
ancient times was more painful than
these twin diseases. But oughtn't
a man to be blamed If , having llheu-
niatism or Neuralgia , be wont use
AthJo-pho-roi , when it has cured
thousands who have suffered in the
same way ? It has cured hundreds
after physicians have pronounced
them incurable.
"Tho iklll of fin phrticlnru cnald not
eora me ol llhouinitlim which bul tettlra
in the hips , neck in J shouldon. So IntcnM
tr < the pain that ele p WM umoit lmpo < -
> ible. TUB iirat doMi of Athlophoro. T
me relief , and the third ernblM roe to > lep
for four and a half hours without naklng.
1 continued IU nse , and am now well. "
KZT. 8.11. THOYKU , New Albany. Ind.
JlJ-Scnd 0 cents Tor the lic.iutlml colored pic
ture , " Moorish Maiden. "
Easily dlRestod ; of the finest flavor. A hearty
beverage for a strong appetite ; a delicate drink
for the sensitive. Thoroughly tested ; nutritious ;
palatable ; unexcelled In purity ; no unpleasant
after ellucts. Requires no boiling.
Marlon Harland , Christine Terhuno Herrlck ,
Denn A. II. Thomas , M. D. , pronounce It the best
of nil the powoderou chocolates. NootheronuaU
It In iluvorpurltyondANTi-DYBrKiTioqualItl s.
Sold by Qrocert. Sample matted for 10 ! ami > .
UPBECEDENTED Ipmcrlbsltand"A
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated br the legislature In 18fB , forKduca
tlonal and rharltaMo purposes , and Its frnnclili
made B part of the present State Constitution , In ls7J
by an ovcrnhclmlnt ; popular veto.
Its Grand Finnic Number Drawings take phio
monthly , and the Grand Quarterly Drawings renula
Iy every three months ( March , June , September an
December. )
"Wo do hereby certify that we supervise the or
rangoments for all the monthly and quarterly Draw
ings of The Louisiana State Lottery Company , and In
person manage nnd control the drawings themselves ,
and that the name nro conducted with honmity , fair
ness nnd In good faith toward all parties , and we
authorize the Company to use this cert 1 flea to with
fac similes of our signature attached , lu It * aJtertlso-
uients. "
We , the undersigned Hanks nnd Hankers will pay all
I'rlres drawn In thn Louisiana Statu lotteries which
may bo presented at our counters ,
It.M. WAI.MSI.KVj 1'rej. Louisiana National Bank.
I'IKRIlK LANAUX , I'res. State National Hank.
A. IlAI.mVIN , 1'rcj. New Orleans National Dank.
CAHI. KOHN , Pres. Union National Us ok.
In the Academy or 31 it sic , Now Or-
Icane , Tuesday , June 12 , 1888.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dalian each.
Halves $10 ; Quarters $5 ; Tenths $2 ; Twn
tieths $1.
MST or
OF piiu.uuois . poonoo
i riii/.K OK wo.uois . „ ; jiiujiiu
1 I'Kl/.K Of Wtlllla . foixA )
1 I'Hl/K OK 25.UI11S . , , . 2JUIJ
2 I'ltl/.KH OK llMWUnro
61'lll/KrtOK 6UIJaro
26 1'UI/K.S OK IfUiutu . . . . . , .
1O1 I'ltl/KS OK Ml ate . Wnn0
au I'ltlXKS OK 3d ) are , . , . OMJD
auuaro . . . . ! . ; ! lououu
100 PrlieinrMO approximating to
run.UUl'rlio are . M , < jrr )
100 Trues or approximating ; to
flOu.UJU l-rlio art ) . , , , . 30.0U ]
100 Trues of nuOapproxIrnatlng to
are . 20,000 , I'lllZM.
1,000 Trlies of 1100 ductded by. . . .tWJ.OOO
1'rUe nro. . . . . . . , . 100.00) )
IjOOO Trlie of tlOJ decided by. , , . I1UO.OU )
_ 1'riioure. . . . . . . . . . . . , 100,030
8.1M Prlies amounting to . , . , . 11,0-5,000
For club rates , or auy further Information apply to
the undersigned. Your handwriting must be distinct
and ( Uusturu plain , era rapid return mall delivery
will be assured by your enclosing antmrelope bearing
your full addreas.
Hend POSTAL NOTKS , express money orders , or
New Tork Exchange In ordinary letter. Currency by
xpreis ( at ourtxpeuso ) addressed to
.v. P.O.
Address Registered tatteri ti
TT'rVnAT JilMv That tb presence of ( Jen-
JVlMYlJiliU emli Btaurcgard aud
Karly , hoare In cbargiof the drawings , is t guar
antee. of absolute fairness and Integrity , tbat tba
chancel are all equal , and tbat no ons can possibly
dlvluo what number will draw a 1'rita ,
REUUMUER that the payment of all prizes li
ur rautt .siiio.YAi , BINKI or
ORLXANK. aud the tickets are signed br the president
ot an Institution wbosa chartered rUnts are rccog-
died In the bleheit courts : therefore , banars ot any
Icsltallons or anonymous soli m .
Bic O has given nnlver-
lafactlon in the
j TO DATI. I cure of Gonorrhoea and
. Ipmcrlbsltand
"A Long Lane That Has No Turning ,
Is on old nndtruo proverb , and wo trust it will vindicate Hsolf in regard to the weather , which has been so bad oflalo that it has
i 1 severely encroached upon the general business oftho country.
Is always the rule atTHEMlSFIT PARLORS , and tonoto the ploasantand contented looking faccsof the purchosers of ou aoods
would make ono imagine that there such bad weather , and that
wasno thing as everybody was happy , and would bo so as lena
as they could buy custom-mado goods at loss than ready-made clothing prices' Our last consignment consisted or an assort
ment ofthe
Finest Tailor-Made Clothing.
Any mortal man could behold. The dullness of trade , coupled with the fact that the tailors had a great quantity of goods loft on
their hands , lent considerable toward our opportunity to purchase them at a very nominal figure , and below wo quote prlcos for
these goods which will induce the most inveterate bargain seeker to investigate.
$ 9.5Obuys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $20.
11,5O buys a One Button Sack Suit , which was made to order for $22.
13.75 buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which was made to order for $28.
16.OO buys a Railroad Sack Suit , which was made to order for $3O.
2O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $40.
24.OO buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $50.
28.5Obuys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which was made to order for $6O.
SO.OObuys a Crepe Worsted , ( imp. ) 4-Button Cutaway.which was made to order for $65 ,
& 18.0O Buys a Cassiuiere Prince Albert Suit which was made to order for $37.
$22.50 Buys a Cheviot Prince Albert Suit , which was made to order for $45.
$25.50 Buys a Corkscrew Frince.Albart Suit , which was made to order for $50.
! > 30.OOBnys a Hobby Pin Check , light color , which was made to order for $6O.
> 35.OO Buys an Imported Worsted , satin lined , which was made to order for $7O.
$1O.OO Buys a Clay Worsted , silk lined , which was made to order for $8O.
Spring Overcoats , Beauties , from $8 Up ,
A Nobby anil Complete line of Pantaloons from $3.78 to $10. All alterations to improve a fit done free of charqe.
Lsfit Clothing Parlors ,
1119 FARNAM STREET. 1119.
Three Doors East of I2th Street
Omaha'Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to.
"The Overland Itouto. "
Has so arranged itt Family Sleeping Car
service , that berths can now be reserved
upon application by any ticket agent to M
J. Grecvy , Passenger Agent , Council Blufts
Iowa. The reservations when made are
turned over to the train conductors taking
out such cars , so that passengers can now se
cure berths ordered , the same as a Pullman
berth is reserved and secured.
Gon. P. iT. ARent , Ass'tO. P , &T.A.
State Line.
To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin aud Liverpool
From New York Every Thursday ,
Cabin passage $35 and $50 , according to location
of state room. Excursion $0ij to $30.
Steerage to and from Europe at Lowest rates
Ooii'l Agents , K ) II road way. Now York.
JOHN I1LKQEN , Oen'l Western Agent ,
164 Randolph St. , Chicago.
HAR11Y E.S100HES , Agent , Omaha.
Health is WeaStli !
MENT , a guaranteed spooino for HvHti'rln , Dlzzl-
ne . Convulsions , [ 'its , Nervous Jfournlt'la ,
lleadacho , Noivoim I'rostratlon. caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wnkefnlnesi. Mental
Doiiresslon , Softenlnu of tlio Drain , rosiiltlnK In
Insanity , and leading to misery , decay und
death. Premature Old Aye , Ilarrenness , Loss of
Power In either Bex. Involuntary Losses and
Bpermatorlii > n caused by over-exertion of the
brain , self-iibuse or over-lndulRence. Kuril box
contains one month's treatment. JI.OO n box , or
six boxes for J5.00 , sent by mall prepaid on ro-
colpt of price.
To euro any case. With each older received by
us for six boxeu , accompanied with Jo.OOvo
will send tlio purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money If the treatment docs not
affect a cure. Issued only byC , r.
OOOD > IAN. DniEBlat Sole Agent , 111U faruaiu
Btioet , Omaha , Neb.
Warranted abioliilely jiure
Cocoa , from which the CXCMS ot
Oil liasticen removed , HhaoMrM
timti Iht'tlrtngllt ot Cocoa mixed
with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and Is t rcforo far more economi
cal , ctfliny Itji titan one tint a
cup. It 19 delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , easily digested , and
admirably adapted for Invalids as
well a > for parsons In health.
Bold Ij Grocers eterrwhere.
W , BAKER & CO , , DorcliGsler , Mass.
Grab Orchard
OLD or ALL onuoanie. PA I > HIH et u k ran
Crab Orchard Water Co. Loulnvllle , Ky.
DRS. 8. &
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colo.
Of the Ifascnm of Anatomy. BL Lonls. Mo. M era.
6cr of Unlvereity College Hospital , London. M. D ,
Olncn , Germany andNfW York , havlnj devoted
taclr attention specially to the treatment of , v
Neifois , Ctanic & Bloo J Diseases
Kan especially those arlitnjr from Imrrndence , In-
ilts all BO i Buflertng to correspond n'lthont deltr.
prononnccd Incarnbln , iliould not fnll to wrtto us
conrernlng their symptoms. AU letters receive Im
mediate attention ,
"l5 * * '
And wfn bo mailed FREE to nny address upon re
ceipt of one U-ccnt itiunp. "Practical Observation on
NervousVohllltyand I'nyslcal Exhnustlon. " Aval-
nablo medical treatlso which should bo read by all.
oddrcu ,
DRS. S. D.
. . & . DAVIESON.
17-12 Lawrence Street , Denver , Colo.
The largest , fullest and finest In the world.
Passenger accommodations unexcelled.
Hevr xorktoOli gu rTinIxmdondnrrv
AxciioittA . . . .JUKE uilil KUIINKSSU.JUNE.WU
The Celebrated Largest and finest Tas-l JUNE 1.1th
fteannlilp neiiRi'r Steamer In Jui.rlUli
CITY OK 110MK the World , Aim. 8th
tialoon pansuKO to niavonr. Dcrry , Liverpool , HolfnU
or Quounstnirn , M and upwards per ( Jluagow Summ
ers , do imd upwards for Cltr of Uomu , Kt'cunnl-clusi
F > U ) Itctnrn tickets at reduce 1 rates made available
for either route , oflcrlng uxcurslonlsts the urlvllego
of recInK the North and t < nntb of Ireland , the Hlvers
Mersey und plcturesqua Clyde. SleeritgRfM. Anchor
Ilno arutu payable free of charge , sold at lowest
rates , Kor boox of tours , tickets or further Informa
tion apply to
HEHD2RON BROS , , 72 Li Salle St. , Chicago.
Or to any of our local agents.
"Tlio Overland Itoutc. "
The Sportsmen's , Tourists' and Pleasure
Seekers' Line1
Send for the Neat Little Sketch Hook.
"Crcrifl- IJ-CTB Z TJLES , "
highly interesting and useful to Sportsmen ,
It contains the American rules for trapping
nnd shooting adopted by the National Gun
Association : as well as the revised game
laws of the Western States and Territories.
Copies sent free upon application to
Gen'IP. &T : Agt , .
Omaha. Nob.
Union Pacific
' 'The Overland Iloulc. "
UntllJulyl , 1SRH , tickets sold for these excur-
dlous will be good tliltty days for the round trip
anil can be used ten days going. When purchas-
era uru ready to return , tlie e tickets will be
good nve days for that purpose. If purchasers
\\lalitoHtopshoi-tof destination on our lines ,
agents will stamp tickets good to return from
such point.
J.3TKW1BT3. E , I , . LOMAX
Hemartable for powerful ermya-
thetluTone. pllabj { aetTou anil lib"
fcolute'durablllty. iJ years' rtwrd ,
jhe beat Kuar&ntTa ot the excel
lence ot TitTeTn > trinupiit . "
S , K , FELTON & CO. ,
And Manufacturers' Ascents for
Of all descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Dice , Straus's ' Building , Fonrtli Floor ,
Epps's Cocoa
"Dr a tboroucli knowledge of tba natural Iowa
which KOTurn tlio operation of digestion and mitrl-
tlon , and by careful application of the line propertied
of well DOlccted Cocoa. Mr , Kpps has prorliloU our
lireakfuH tables with a ilollcntuljr tlnrorud bovcr.iRC
which limy * nro us rannr boavj doctor's hills. It Is
bjr tbojmlkluui use ot such articles of diet tlintn.
constitution may Uo itrndunlly built up until alrmiK
miouuh to resist ovorjr tendency to iliJcusc. Hun
dred * of siihtlaniiUadlesaro Uoatlnearound usready
to nttick wherever there U a weak point. We mar
escape nianr a futal shall by keuplnu ouraolres well
fortified nltli pure liloo.l . and a properly nourished
frame. " Clyll Hervlco Untetto.
Made ( Imply with uoHlnit water or milk. Sold only
In half pound tins by ( ! rotors labeled thus :
JPO from r Ur. Iraoiaar * or Vlf li itrlouildrtle
Iliilr VitilllT or Iil/llllt.l . a I heir Kcrroui FTiumif nd wl
rr . Incipmllinl for tlie Mulf UuUu or Life csu CaJ a
perfect rutortlloa to
Ilullh , htrinrlh ud Roluit H.nbottd In the
tlr Fell .ir sieMlk r.ilr , Ylre qilrU/tMleroit or Itnoi .ic. l.trt * VOUNQ fr .r . . " Ki "lisle I
li'X l"n " 'U " ? " ' "f4 " ll * " " ' " ' > " ' " !
Jo Vlililtf eqd rot.oef D > Tecr > n > >
. .TU .ho B.4 < kWMvu | I. . . Vl.onwi.rlel.llr
l r rl < ! i'o.r | l > o ig uitr | ' | ) iicy np uru Afinnv
wu. drtii . ! . . AWrif .picllyor wKi. iS
170 f niton Street , New York
State & Monroe 6U. CHICAGO ,
rifil VlaiUAltubl dMrlbliij
. crje/U Urt elrclbi
* c Dnm C r i. loolus ,
u/le | U.tcfliU , Trlautfif i.
. . UODI.IM Iutr.oU for
"liLitlur B u4i , Ktucltu ul EotJi.
WUot J U > l e ( itl Uulb
ha * always proven
succt 8ful. Ilefore placing1 nny
Nowipnper Advertisluff consult
U it 49 Hn l * SUHU CHICAGO.
Or tlio Liquor Habit , rosltlrclj Cured bj
AdminlstcringDr. Hai ties' Golden.
It can be given In a cup of coffee or tea with
out the Knowledge ot the person taking It ; abso
lutely harmless , und will Direct a permanent nd
apeody cure , whether the patient U a moderate
drluker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards have bean made temperate men who
have taken Golden Bpeclllc In tholr coffee with
out their knowledge and to-day believe they
quit drinking of tholr own free will. It never
falls. The Hystem once Impregnated With tU
Specific , It becomes an utter impossibility for
the liquor appetite to exist. For sale by Kuha
& Co. , ISth and Douglas BIB. , ana 18th and Cum-
Ingstn. , Omaha , Neb. ; A. U. Foster Cc Uro _
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
IU main lines end branched include OBIOAQO.
and Bcorai of Intermediate cltloi. Cholco ol
routsa to and from the Faclno Oout. All trans ,
fora in Union depots. Fait trains of Vina Day
Coaches , elegant Dining Oars , magmiaont Pfw1
man Falaco Sleepers , and ( between Chicago. Bt.
Joseph. AtcMson and Samoa City ) &acUnlna
Chair Can. Seats Tree , to holders of through
CrBt-clas tickets.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rook Island Route. "
Extend * Woat and Bouthwtst from Kaoias City
BndBt Joseph to NELSON , HOOTON. . DELLE-
HTJT07HNSOM , OALDWELL. and all points la
and beyond. Entire paaaeDger equipment of tbs
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All fiafity air'
pllances and modern ImprOTomonts.
The Famous Albert Lee Route
Is the favorite between Chicago , Bode Island ,
Atohlson , Kansas City and Minneapolis andBt.
Paul. Its Watertovrn branch traverses the great
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Lokt ,
Bloux rolls and many other towns and cities.
The Short Line via Ooneca and Kanlcakee offera
superior facilities to travel to and from Indiana -
a polls , Cincinnati and other Southern points.
for Tickets , Mu pa. Foldsrti. ordealred Informa
tion , apply at any Coupon Ticket Office or addreM
'l Manager. Oenl Tit. * Paso. AffU
Cloansef and twauUrle * the hair ,
j la luxuriant erowih.
Never Fells to ReMere Orsy
alrtoliYeuthrul Color.
Ourc * wulp dlseas .e4id halrfallUiv
too , et DnifnrlBt * i
Uost Fragrant and Luting of 1'ertames. tsv. DmjzUtJL
VlV n TE7-
KL"1ii lilsMil.
( Succoinors to John 0. Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At the old fctana , 14)7 Farnam St. Orders by
telegraph gollclted and promptly utteudud
tu.Nu. ii-6. .