THE OMAHA DAILY . : SATURDAY , MAY 10 , 1888. BDRDICK PROVED A BERRY , Sb. Louis Picked Him 10 Times With a Total of 2O. A CLEAN COMPLETE KNOCKOUT. Heavy Hitting Ry St , Lou Is nnd Fine Fanning Uy Otnnlia Loses the Onmo A Tired , Tired Crowd. St. 1/ouls 7 , Omnlin 1. All you who have shirts to tear , hero is your chanco. Yesterday wan Friday black Friday. And there was n game of base ball between nlno young men from Omaha and a ball team from St. Louis. The Mlssourlans won. Hnd it bcon DCS Moines wo would not cured much , but as it is , oh my , oh my. It happened In this manner : Sowders of Omaha walked up to the plato and scared Staloy so badly thnt sooner thnn lot him hit the horse hide ho gave him n baso. Coonoy came to bat nnd ns h'o wns small Staloy fired them right at htm and Coonoy paid him back by driving a single out Into center flold Just after Sowders had stolen second. Then An- nls and O'Connoll fouled out , nnd Uurus went out at first. Now hold your breath , for behold , nttcr two men were out , Crooks of St. Louis made n hit nnd Uureh mndo a hit nnd Hcrr inndo n homo run nnd chased both of them in nnd the thrco earned runs coming In so suddenly caused a man in the grand stand to faint lead away. It was nftcrwurd lenrned that he hnd M on Omnlin. In the second Inning Miller got n bnso on balls , third on Stnloy's error and came homo on Sowdcrs' hit , which was the only smell Omaha got during the gnmo. In the third Crooks of St. Louis led off with a three-bagger , Herr inado n three- bagger , Kenyon n safe hit , Hcrr nud Crooks scoring. In the fifth Buckley mndo a three-bagger , Ilurch n hit , Herr n hit , Beekloy and Burch scoring , and that is what cooked Omahus goose. .Hero is the score , nnd he who runs may read : OMAHA. SCOIIE I1V 1NN1XOS. Qjiaha o 10000000 1 St. Louis 3 0202000 * 7 Kuns earned St. Louis 5. Bases on bulls By Staloy 0. Struck out By Staloy 7 , by Burdlck 1. Left on. bases Omaha 12 , St. JLouis 5. Two-baso hits Crooks 1 , Burns 1. Three-base hits Beckley 1 , Crooks 1 , Herr 1 , Homo run Herr 1. Wild pitches Bur- dick 1. Passed balls aasUield 2. Double plays Miller to Coonoy to O'Connell. Time 1:55. : Umpire Brcnnan. Kansas City ! , Dos Moliica .1. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 18. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] The greatest garno of ball o > or played In Kansas City was the ono contested to-day between the Blues and the _ DCS Moines nlno. It took thirteen Innings to decide it. Though Kansas City made six er rors and her opponents nine , and there was not on earned run , the game was sharply played on both sides and full of interest. The visitors scored in the first innicg on Qulnn's three bagger and a wild pitch. Kansas City failed to score until the third Inning , when Manning hit safely to center , stole second , went to third on Campau's sacrifice , nnd came homo on Qulnn's wild throw to first , which gave Jlasomncr two bases , the latter scoring on Ardner's hit to loft. The score Atood 3 to 1 in favor of tno homo team until the sixth inning , when the visitors filled the bases and Mncullnr onmo to bat. Ho tried to dpdgc n very swift ball which struck his bat with such force that it rebounded over the third baseman's head. It was , of course , a dead ball , but Umpire Powers called it a safe lilt and two men scored. Thcro came very near being n petty row , which wns finally averted and the gnmo continued. In the ninth Inning Johnson hit safely to loft , mndu second on a passed ball , third on a sacrifice end scored on a passed bull , tlelng tlio score , nud the wildest enthusiasm pro vailed. Neither side scored ngam until the first half of the thirteenth inning , when Campau got first on choice , second on un out nnd scored on Cushmnn's wild throw to Stearns nt first > n an effort to retire Ardner. The visitors were retired In ono-two-threo order In their half of the thli tccnth Inning. The score : Kansas City 0 02000001000 1 4 DCS Moines 100002000000 0 a Earned runs None. Thrce-baso hits Quinn. Struck-out By Swnrtzal 14 , by Cushman 7. Wild pitches Swartzol 1 , Custi- ninn 1. Bases on balls By Cushman 2. Hits Kansas City 8 , DCS Moines 7. Errors Kansas Cltv 0 , I > es Molnos 9. Time of game 2:20. Umpire Powers. Batteries Kwartzol and Reynolds , Cushman und Traf- Iloy. WcHtorn Association Stnnilini ; . The following tnblo shows the standing of the Western association teams up to nnd in cluding yesterday's games : Played Won Lost Pr Ct DCS Moines 10 8 3 .600 Kansas City 1U 0 4 .002 Omaha 11 7 4 .CISC Milwaukee 0 4 5 .411 fit. Paul , 0 4 5 .444 Kt. Louis 13 5 8 .834 Chicago 10 a 7 .800 Minneapolis H 2 11 .214 Schedule ol'Guineti For To-iluy. Omaha vs St. Louis at Omnha. Kansas City vs DCS Moines at Kansas City. Milwaukee vs St. Paul at Milwaukee. Minneapolis vs Chicago ut Minneapolis. No Onmo nt MlUvmilceo. Italu ngnln prevented the St. Paul-Mil- vvaukco game nt Milwaukee. Thcso games , although scheduled for St. Paul , were to bo played at Milwaukee , owing to the bad con- dltionof the grounds at the former plnco , the result of Iho Mississippi spring ovorJIow. The Imfaycttos. Manager Plummer has now signed fifteen jilayors for the Lafayette bnso ball club. TLo men uro practicing every day when the weather will permit and promise to nmko a Rtrong team. Now nulls am being inado by J , J. Hardln. They will bo cream wtlto , with blue trimmings and light blue- caps and Blockings. William Lancaster signed with the team us catcher on Monday. Flashes From tlio Diamond. Ouch I Will the Omahas ever hit Jubt a little bit. Omaha is now third in the pennant chaso. Will they over got their optics on the ball I DCS Moines dropped a notch yesterday. So glad. The game will be called at 3:30 : this after- Ij coon. Como now , boys , brace up and let's sco you play ball. Brennaa will uraplr * both to-day nud to morrow. Ono Httlo run In twenty-seven iur.lngs Is tery ynllor. Burdicli was bully big b rry forthnSt. Louis gong. Yostord&r aft rnonis's dvfeat KUVB L > oo Yorloy tua night sweats. V Bender * played with a vim aud u dusu Hint will win under anywise favorable circum stances. Old Tom Dolan , with h ( two score years , Is a pretty clover backstop yet. The Omnhogs thought they hnd n snap yes terday. So much for human prescience. The ladles' folding chairs will bo put In the cast end of the grnnd stand this morning. Mnnnger Loftus were n smile last evening that extended clear to the back of his neck. The boys say they will win this nfternoon , if they hnvo to knock the cover oft the ball. Hope so. There was n cloud n good deal bigger thnn a man'4 linnd on Manager Solco's bro\v last evening. Burns' fielding yesterday wns perfection ittclf. Ono 6f his catches was Indeed n ptie- nomcnnl one. It was"crnpk , smash , bang yesterday M fast ns Burdlck could send thorn In. Kvcry- body hit him. IB It posilblo thnt all ofoOmnha's catchers nro going to have ( rassod balls when there is a man on third I Mr. and'Mrs. Lovott and Mr. nnd Mrs , Shannon took the game In from the grand stand ycsferday. The St. Louis 'follows nro n gentlemanly set of players , nnywny. And then , oh my how they did wield tnb stick. Joe Herr had on bla batting breeches yes- torday. His , homo run , was the longest hit ever made on the local grounds. Gastllcld did not distinguish himself yes terday. However , ho lifts had but little prac tice , and will show aip all right yet. That wns a great gnmo In Knnsns City yes terday , the cowboys finally knocking Dos Molncs out 4 to 3 In the thirteenth Inning. Aiitclopc , Oakland , Nebraska. The reason the total gnuics won do not balance with the total games lost in the Western nssoulntlon tnblo Is simply because- some of the clubs have nlaied more games than others , Suveyl NATIONAJJ Chicago 13 , Boston O. CniCAOo , May 18. The game between Chicago and Boston to-day resulted as fol lows : * Chicago . : . 0 010 0 in Boston . 0 000 0 0 The gnmo wns called on account of the bad condition of the grounds. Pitchers Borchors nnd Radbourno. Bnso hits Chicago 12 , Boston 4. Errors Chicago 1 , Boston 5. Umpire Lynch. IiidlanapollH-l'lillndolpIila. INDIXXAI-OLIS , May 18. No game to-day- rain. _ Pitt slmrs-Ncw York. PiTTsncuo , May 18. No game to-day- rain. _ Dctrnlt-AVashington. DETIIOIT , May 18. No game to-day- rain. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Clnclnnati-St. liouls. CINCINNATI , May 18. No game to-day- rain. _ TURF AND TRACK. . Entries For To-Day nnrt "Tips" on tlio Winners. The entries In the running races for Thurs day , posted at the Diamond , nro : AT LOUISVILT.B. First race , ono and one-sixteenth miles , hnndicnp Loin May , Huntress , Swift , Oscooln , Glen Hall , Jim Nave , Longlight , Wary. Second race , five-eighths miles , selling Aunio Clare , Los Webster , Meta , Champagne Charley , Albert Stuhl , Irene Dillon , Sallie O. , Sunlight. Third race , ono and one-fourth mile , Clark stake Long Roll , Ed Mack , Galhfit , Alex andria , Glen Fortune , Zeb Ward. Fourth race , three-fourths mlle , selling Pohattcn Queen , Dan Wood , Blaze Ban , Parish , Laurel , Backus , Collector , Yough- ioughmy , Ashland , Antonla , Osberno. Fifth race , three-fourths milo , soiling- Hottentot , Bennie King , Balance , Buckeye , Colainorc. FuUsail. Tips : First race Swift-first , Glen flail second. Second race Annlo Clare first , Sallie O second. Third race Gallifit first , Long Uoll aacond. Fourth race Parish first , Blaze Ban second. Fifth race Balance first , Fullsuil second. AT llltOOKLTJf. First race , one mile Ella Smith ( colt ) , Joseph , Lnvohmont , Now or Never , Toristun , Refund , Billy Brown , Bullston , Ivcrness ( filly. ) 9 Second race , ono mile Eurus , Kaioolah , Portland. Amalgam , Lancaster , Letrutla , Main. Subaltern. Third race , threo-fourths mile , Bradford stake Goldfish , French Park , Bob Furoy , Servia , , Holiday. Fourth race , ono and one-sixteenth milo , Parkway handicap Favor , Richmond , Fcr- mzi , Volant ! , G rover Cleveland , Kiikmnn , Valiant , Oarsman , Victress Filly , Dry Mo- nopolo. ) Fifth race , five-eighths mile , selling Tav- iston , Omega , Sam D. , Bravo , Dalesman , Darling , Carnot. Little Barefoot. Sixth race , thriio-fourths milo Barnum , Young Duke. Mute , Lctrctlu , Bennie Lad , Juggler , Umpire , Rosalie. Tiiis : First race Joseph first , Now or Never second. Second race Eurus first , Lancaster second. Third race French Purk first , Holiday second. Fourth race Richmond mend first. Favor second. Fifth race Little Barefoot first , Taviston second. Sixth race Barnum llrstt Young Duke second. The Ijoulsvlllo Races. LOUISVILM : , Ky. , May 18. The attendance was largo , the weather rainy nnd the track very muddy. For nil nges , six furlongs Orderly won , Emma Johnson second , Full Suil third. Time -l:17Jtf. : For three-year-olds and upwards , ono nnd three-eighths miles Terra Cotta won , Hypasia second , Nick Finzer third. Time 2I. : ! ) 2I.For For nil nges , seven furlongs Wheeler T. won , Shotover second , Comedy third. Tiuiu lilC. For two-year-olds , flvo furlongs Specta tor won , Fan King second , Famous third. Timo-l:00. : Throo-tiunrtcrs of u milo Lllbert won , Dago second , Tain O'Shnnter third. Time 1:20. : PtiglliHtlo Jockeys. NEW Yottic , May IS. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnu. ] There was a scrimmage- the Jockeys' dressing-room yesterday before the Brooklyn races. Snapper Garrison and Fit/- Patrick were chatting ono another and the wordy war became so hot thnt they started to fight Frank McLaughliu took a hand in the fray , and , things were getting decidedly lively when n number of people separated the combatants. A few .scratches were the extent of the bodlfy injuries receivpd. Frank McLaughlln , Fitzpatrluk and Garrison were set down for the day , but were not permitted to rldo as a punishment for their share in the fray , There has been a good deal of rivalry between the McLaughlln und Garrison fac tions ever the merits of Jimmy nnd Snappoi us jockeys , nnd this is not the first skinnlsli this rivalry has caused. The sentence of the executive committee , later In the day , wa that Garrison , Fitrpatrlok and F. MeLanpH- lin bo fined $250 each und forbidden to ride for any but their own stables for the rest ol the season , The Jtlllo Club Slioot , The Omnha rltla club held its first outdooi shoot of the season Wednesday nfternoon ou the practice range nt the foot of Grace street Many of the members went to the range Ii : the Palace stable wagonette , while other ; went out in private conveyances or walked Besides the members there were govern ! guests who seemed to enjoy the shooting vcri much The bcures ranged from 25 to 70 out of n possible 100. Mr. W. F. Kinnear won both medals , but will have to lese one nt tin next shoot , us under the club rules for shoot ing it Is utmost Impossible to hold both mod nls ou the same score The club will shoot next Wednesday or , the practice range and the following Wcdno5daj on the Bellcvue range. liOi-nl Hporiiiicotcn. . G , \V. Xotctiaui. John Pulty ami "All hole Billy To\vnt \ > end are attending a ahootinu tcurney nt Ashland. The John J. Hardit. oily league twin play ; at Council Bluffs to-morrow Oo .Suinlaj the MuU Bros , ploj in tl.o Blunt , and the C E. Maynes In South Omaha , The DBS Moiues news agecta ordbi ed ovci 1,003 extra copies of Tnn Br.non the days tlio prohibitionists played horo. Now Pntsey Cardiff Is out with a challenge to Pat Klllon. Next month Killon will challenge Cardiff again. AFTI3U TTHUTY.TWO Y13ARS. Twin Sisters AVIio Wore Sppnrntccl When BaMos Meet. TACOMW. . T. , Mny 18. A strange meet ing took place hero yesterday. The wlfo of A. F < Hosku , chief of the fire department , nnd Mrs. Annie Spencer , of Spcncervillo , Ont , nro twin slaters. Their mother died In Now York thirty-two yonrg ago In giving them birth. The babies were separated soon nftor and adopted by different families , ono being taken to Peshtlgo , Wls. , and the other to Spcncervillo , OnU The girls grow to womanhood , neither knowing anvtliiiiR of the whereabouts or fnto of the other. Later Mrs. Hoska moved from Wiscon sin here. Some months ngo n new comer met Mrs. Hoska , nnd mmnking her for Mrs. Spencer , ot whom she had for years been n neighbor at the liUtor'g homo In Ontario , addressed her In surprise nt seeing her hero. Inquiries thnt followed led Mrs. Hoska to write to Mrs. Spencct and nroved her surmtso thnt the latter was her. sis lor to bo correct. Correspondence lot ! Mr. nnd Mrs. Silencer to coma out hbro , nnd the two sisters who were parted before they know caeh other , and each of whom for years hnd thought the other dead , Were ; united Inst evening. There was such n scene of joy ns moved several spectators to tears , The two ladles bear such n remarkable resemblance to ench other , oven In their voices nnd man ners , thnt the two husbands nro constantly in doubt as to which is his oVra wife. A Q. A. R. 1'ost Corncrcil. PniLAnnu-niA , Mny 18. From extracts of the general order Issued to-day by the com mander of the department of the Pcnnsyl- vania Grand Army of the Republic it Is evi dent that E. F. Baker Post has boon taken to task for its action in oloctint ; General Jos. E. Johnston , the ex-confederate , a contribut ing member. The order says the establishment by i > osts of what they call contributing , honarary or associate memberships is without authority of law. nnd in conflict with the rules nnd rcgu- Intlons , nnd must bo nt once discontinued. Gas Causes nn Explosion. ST. CI.OUD , Minn. , Mny 13. Gns escaping in the basement of the First National bank exploded this evening. The building is n total wreck. The frontfwns blown across the street , shattering buildings on the other side. Many people were on the street and n largo number were hurt , the following seriously : E. Keller. J. Kahn , A. L. Huber , F. Tiilman and J. Whitney. The building caught fire , but the flames were quickly put out. "Weather Indication ) ! . For Nebraska nnd Iowa : Fair weather , followed by local rains In Nebraska , warmer , followed by cooler , winds becoming light to fresh southerly. For Eastern and Southwestern Dakota : Wnrmor , followed by cooler , rains , preceded by fair weather , winds becoming light to fresh , southerly. f Virginia Republicans. PnTEUsnuno , Va. , May 18. The republi can state convention to-day elected as dele gates at largo to the Chicago convention General V. D. Grover , Samuel W. Yost , R. A. Paul ( colored ) , and C. A. Herman. On motion of John S. Wise the platform to bo adopted at the Chicago convention wns adopted as the platform of the party here , und at 2UO : the convention udjourned. The Moonlighters. DUIILIK , Mny IS. The moonlighters have posted notices in Drumquln district of County Tyrone , ordering the boycotting of nil coraraunicntion with the police , nnd warn ing the people that all those who disregard the order shall bo shot. In the Hands of a Receiver. SYIIVCUSE , N , Y. , Mny 18. The Syracuse Bolt company und the Syracuse Screw oom- pany have gone into the hands of a receiver. They were practically under the same man agement. Their combined liabilities are nbout 577,000. _ Importing Russian Corn. Bcnr.ix , May 18. Enormous quantities of Russian corn nro being imported into Ger- mnny. During the last two days 343 truck loads of grain have entered Gorman terri tory. Steamship Arrivals. NEW Youic , May 18. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bun. ] At Now York the Germania nnd Scythln from Liverpool , the Saalo from Bremen , the Rugia from Hamburg. At Quccnstowu , the Gallla from New York. The Fire Record. PoitTi.ANn , Ore. . May 18. A Uro broke out last night in Palouso City , Washington Ter ritory , nnd destroyed n largo portion ot the business places. Seven blocks in all burned. Tno totnl loss will reach $250,000 ; total in- Buranco $75,000. Beyond the Political Field. KNOXVILLK , Tenn. , May 17. Jo-soph R. Anderson , who was last Wednesday nomi nated for governor of Tennessee by the state prohibition convention , died this morning. George Goon to the Asylum. George Langborn , who has been rusticating for some time nt the county Jull ever mental disturbances , has become so vicious nnd un ruly that it has been thought best to take him to the asylum for the insane at Lincoln. To-day a deputy shcrlft" will start off with him. _ Ladies who value a roflnctl complex ion must use Poizoni's Powder it pro duces n soft und bountiful skin. Grand Concert nnd Bull. Prof. Shunke's band of clghtcoji profes sional musicians give a grand concert at Motz1 summer garden nnd hull to-night. An attractive and entertaining instrumental programme will be rendered , after which there will bo a bull with music by the full orchestra. Mr. nnd Mrs. Josiub Hulttt'wioljt\yo ) been murriod sovonty-dno Jr'onrs } Uwoll in pencent Lundisllold , 'Muss ' , It l oviuont they Imvo never heard' { Eat bonutlful burg , Chicngor- " ' * ' _ Hood's Sarsapar/l/q Combines , in a manner peculiar to itself , the best blood-purifying and strengthening reme dies ot the vegetable kingdom. You will flrid this wonderful remedy effective wiero | other medicines have failed. Try it now. ! ( will ' purify your blood , regulate the digestion , , and give new life and vigor to the entire body , "Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo great good. I was tired out from overwork , mid U toned mo up. " Una. 0.12. SIMMONS , Cohocs , N. Y , "IBuffered thrco years from blood poison. I took Hood's Sareaparllla and think I am cured. " Hue. M. J. DAVIS , Brockport , N. Y. Puriflca the Blood nocrt's Baitaparllla is characterized by llirco peculiarities : 1st , the combination of remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion ! 3dthe proceii cl securing the active medicinal qualities. Tlio result is a medicine of unusual strength , eflcctlng cures hitherto unknown. Bend for book containing additional evidence , "Hood's B.irsararllli tones up my system , purifies my Wood , sharpens ray appetite , and seems to make mu over. " J. 1 * . THOMPSON , Register ol Deeds , Lowell , Mass. "Hood's Sarsapatllla beats all others , and Is worth Its -Aeight In gold. " I. lUuumaTON , \30 Uanit Ftrcci , New York City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sola by nil druggists. $15 six for f 5. Made oulybyO. l.IIOOD & ( X > . , towoll , Mass. IOO Doso3One _ Dollar. EARLY' SENATORIAL DAYS , f y _ _ . Ho\v the Nobrakn : Legislature Was C3 Ruu lu thd Senatorial Days. SIX.SHOOTERJN THE HOUSE. Men Compelled" Tnlk or Keep Quiet at the Point , tyf tlio Gun Utlt Illcklln'fy Ilnpo Mason CIcniii thb House. 0 * ' 1.- ! ' There nro many * very interesting1 stories told of the otxrly pioneer days in the Nobrasku Icpislntm-o by the men who organized the state and were com pelled to inako their speeches in the territorial legislature to suit the senti ments of the mn'jbrity in favor of a bill. One of the old ouos , in a lottcr in the San Francisco Examiner on those early days , says : The soil of Nebraska was over prolific of political rumpuses. Soon after its admission as a state the bad blood of both parties warmed up with the now responsibilities of state hood , and worked oft its unhealthy humors in sessions of the legislature. "When qulto n boy I witnessed some rather ronmrkablo scones there. A Brownvlllo lawyer , whose name I can not now recall , represented Nomaha county in the senate. One day ho rose cocked and primed with n speech in op position to n certain nefarious measure that the lobbyists wore putting through. It had passed the house with little oppo- posilion , but the Nomaha county lawyer had certain faclsin hia possession which would defeat the bill. Ho rose in his scat , with his face the picture of astonishment and suppressed indignation , when there came from sev eral directions about him the ominous click , click , click of the old-fashioned Colt's revolvers. "Tho member from Nomaha , " said the president of the senate. The member looked about him and same the muzzles of three six-shooters about to make a competitive point of him : "I merely wished to remark , " said the Nemahn man , "that when wo adjourn wo adjourn until 1:80 : p. m. , in order to give the committee on public schools time to report. " /The discussion on the merits of the bill wont on and the Nctnahu , member withdrew. In about fifteen minutes the bill was about to roach a vote , when the Nomaha member was observed in his seat , and his sharp cry of "Mr. President ! " rang out with an ominous vigor. As ho rose a man named Wilkes Majors , of Otoo county , a noted dead shot , fighter and lobbyists , rose just behind. Majors had a growth of hair likp Wild Bill , and ho stood SIK foot two. Majors had a six- shooter in each hnjid , and with these weapons ho covcrod.tho senate chamber. "The member from Nomaha and the gentleman from Otoo , " remarked the president of the senate A titter ran through the chamber and a round of applausp came from the yeo manry in the galeenies. The Nemahn member opened his'batteries ' on the bill and as ho paced up' ' and down the isle the tall form of Wickos Majors hovered close behind and wlion , the senator said anything particularly bitter Majors would cock his weapons and sweep the chamber with the business looking muzzles. As the sharp "click , click" floated across the aldlos there was a si lence of the most painful dimensions' . Well , the speech was delivered to a quiet , orderly son a to and a gallery that quaked with honest applause. When the roll was called Majors walked over to the first man on the list and the sharp "click click" . , came again. The member who had pulled a re volver oriprinnlly was down for the bill and had his money in his pocket , but after a couple of beconds deliberation he voted "no. " The bill was unanimously defeated. HILL IIICKLIN'S UOI-K. David Butler's second term as gover nor of Nebraska brought down on his head the wrath of his constituents. Ilis impeachment was made a political issue and several county conventions pledged their legislative nominees to vote for him. him.Colonel ' Colonel ScofloldjOf'Nobrnskn Cityl\vus so pledged , but on his arrival at Lin coln ho became "magnetized" by But ler , and openly declared that ho should vote against impeachment. This was telegraphed to Nebraska City and caused great excitement. Ben Hieklin , an odd character there and publisher of the News , chartered a special train , took 100 anti-Butler men to Lincoln , and finding their rocorant senator in the billiard room of the Tiob- nor house , collared him and dragged him into the parlor , where about twenty of his constituents interviewed him with closed dooos. It did not last long. Hieklin , grasping him by the throat , shook a noose under Ills chin and vowed that they would hung hi in if ho violated his campaign pledges. The vote wiia taken that afternoon , and Hieklin. while his 200 men , sat in the gallery. When . Scofiold's name was called , Hicklin dropped a rppo down over the senate chamber , with a noose at the end. It dangled over Scoliold's head , and ho voted "Aye" on the resolution of impeachment. His vote decided the question and led to proceedings that caused Butler's re tirement from public lifo. IIASKULr/S STATE CONVENTION1. In the succeeding legislature a man named Husk-oil was president of the senate. His hobby was the calli'ng of a constitutional convention , and after a bitter fight ho lost. , A few months afterward the governor was temporarily absent from the slate , and the lioutonnntrffovernor , who was rather fond of gin and fiddling , was in duced to cross the river one night and attend a danco. Once acrobs the stream ho was in Missouri , and thus loft Has- koll , by virtue of h.16 , position , acting governor. „ * Ho kept track of the other's move ments and took euro that he was nliod with liquor until ho could by no possi bility got buck to .Nebraska . for forty- eight hours. , ' ' Hubknll hud a confederate to keep him pobtcd by wire , , and , drawing up a proclamation culling for uconstitutional convention , ho took the document into the secretary of state's ofllce and re marked : ' , " "Say , Billy , how much does that blu&ted seal of the stuto of Nebraska weigh ? I have a littla bet on the weight and I'd like to win it. " The secretary of state handed it over with the suggestion that ho had "bettor weigh it. " Huskoll took tno seal , and , after gravely "hefting it" a moment , placed his proclamation boUycon its jaws and , probsing the lover , stamped th < > seal of the sovereign state of Nebraska on the paper and walked out. When the Statesman appeared in the afternoon , Acting Governor Huskcll's proclamation calling a constitutional convention appeared and was tele graphed over the stato. It ordered un election of delegates within three days , and UHHO favoring the scheme were not in availing themsolvua of the opportunities afforded to go on n Jaunt to thp capital. Mornwhllo Acting Gov ernor James was enjoying himself with merry company in the paw-paw groves of Missouri and when no realised the march stolen on him by his political adversary , hastened homo and issudo n counter-proclamation. The state at once became divided into two factions , favoring , respectively , the old old constitution and the constitution yet to bo. The election went on in splto of the counter-proclamation , and in duo course of time tno delegates arrived in nt Lin coln , the capital , and assembled in the chamber of the House. Acting Gover nor .Tamos was called upon by a resolu tion to road a message to the now body outlining his ideas relative to the needs of the Btato. Ho promptly replied by a message proroguing the convention. While his secretary was reading the mcssflgo Ulock of Beatrice walked up , and.snatching . it from his hand , tore it up and throw on the floor amid loud applause.- That afternoon James issued a call to the state militia to assemble in the capital for the purpose of main taining law and order and dispersing the "illegal gathering alleged to bo n constitutional convention. " All the military companies in the state reported in twenty-four hours' notice. The chance of free transporta tion to and from the capital and un limited rations was lee good to bo lost and every man who had over marched on a Fourth of July parade brushed up his old gun and knapsack , scoured his canteen with castito soap and white sand and rushed to the train. A MUSHHOO3I dKNKUATj. This was n golden opportunity for Bill Hieklin , of Nebraska City , the gentle man before alluded to in this article. Ho called his company together and caused them to elect him brigadier gen eral , and , chartering n car ut his own expense , landed over one hundred men in Lincoln before 12 o'clock that night , and , calling on the governor with his staff , proffered his services. There was no regular military head to the troops , and in recognition of the promptness of his movements , Hicklin was duly commissioned commandor-in- chief of the Nebraska militia. HicUlin was a born wag , the most noted practical joker in the state , but ho had also a marked aptitude for man agement of men , and was a lender and strategist in everything ho undertook. Although having but little education , just able to road nnd write , ho had a knaclc of managing and bossing every thing ho had anything to do with , whether a midnight flro , a horse race era a state campaign. Next day ho called on the state for tents , and by noon was in camp with regular military headquarters estab lished. Ho began issuing orders in regular military fashion. General order No. 1 proclaimed the captital under martial law , and , throw ing a cordon of troops around the capl- tel building , ho ordered any member of the convention arrested who attempted to pass. One did attempt , and ho was promptly broughtto Hicklin's tonttried by drumhead court martial and fined a bakot of champagne. Every breech of military otiquot resulted in a heavy fine Of champagne and soon Hicklin hail his tent stocked with "collected fines , " ranging all the way from one bottle to one basket. Reports of these proceed ings were written out in the most sol emn fashion , signed by Hicklin as com mander in chief and attested to by his staff. These reports were all given to the press and tno utter ludicrousncss of the situation soon caused a howl of laughter to rock the state. It was easy to see that Hicklin was simply making sport of the governor and also of the conven tion , and when he issued an order for all hands to go homo by common con sent it wus complied with. The farce cost the state about $50,000 , but the tax payers insisted that the sport was worth it and paid the bills without grumbling. It was _ this that enabled the citizens of Missouri to brag that they had a 850,000 ball in their state while the Nobrnskan taxpayers kindly settled with the fiddler. HE imOKE UP THE MKETTNQ. O. P. Mason , now a supreme judge of Nebraska , was a man of great personal courage. He was very independent and his brains and lack of what people call "policy1 earned him many bitter enemies. When once ho got the ear of n meet ing his oratory won them over so quick ly that to resist was useless. All the movements against Mubon had to bo done in the dark. One night several men , all sneaking cowards , mot in a little red schoolhouse a couple of miles from Nebraska City for the purpose of holding a "mass meet ing'1 to denounce Mason , whom they feared was about to receive a lucrative federal appointment. They drew up a series of resolutions beginning with "Wo , the people of Otoo county , in muss convention assembled , denounce O. P. Mason as an enemy .of the human race ; a foe of mankind , " etc. , etc. These political conspirators , who had no standing whatever in the county , spent an hour drawing up the most in flammatory resolutions in this little red school house in the woods , round the light of the single tallow dip. Presently there came the sound of horses' hoofs plodding up to the door , and a moment Or two later who should walk in but O. P. Mason himself. As his portly figure appeared at the door , his shaggy locks shaking , there was n dead silence in the little school room. Mason walked deliberately up to the table , throw of ! his heavy overcoat , laid his hat down on nbcnch , and , grab bing the resolutions and the candle , walked up behind the touchors'a desk and begun to rend : " \Yo , the people of Otoo county ( who spells county with a KJ , in mass con vention assembled. " Mns&n at this point gave a broad grin , and inquired when the balance of the meeting would bo there. After reading the Hat of verbose denunciations of him self , interspersed with comical criti cisms of tno grammar and spelling Mason laid < 1own the paper alongside the candle , and pulling a rather over grown six-shooter out of his pocket laid it down also , and addressed a few remarks to the mooting. " .Tack , I see you down here as presi dent at this meeting. Isn't it a little odd that a man just two venra out of the Kansas penitentiary should come ui here nnd run political mass meetings ? Mr. President , there's the door , gill" Ho lifted his six'shootor and the pros- dent of the mooting walked out. "Bill , I see you are hero too. I'm ' surprised to sco you here , after the waj I worked for you down in Brownsville to save you from the charge of robbing Doc Holiday's hen-roosts. Nine yearn ago that was , and yon ewe mo the fee yet. Bettor git ! " The six-shooter was ngnia lifted. "I don't want tooxposo the balance o ! this gang. I know your back , record , nnd you well know I do. It I tried lonfj I know you'd kill each other in cold blood for the imposition each man prac ticed in getting acquainted with the other four. It just prolongs your worthless - loss lives for mo to keep quiet. Boys there's room outside , and the meeting's adjourned sino die. " Ho lifted the revolver again , then the candle , nnd blow out the light. The "mass mooting" was thus dispersed in a most orderly manner , nnd Mason strid ing his old mare rode into town and or dered the proceedings published in the News , with an explanation of how ho came by them. It was the last "mass mooting" over hold against Mason in that county. SAM DAVIS. ANOTHEU FOIl THE HUUIjlN'GXON An lownti Strikes Ilnril mill Straight From the Shoulder. BUUUNOTON , In. , May 10. To the Editor of THE BEE : In lieu of an ex tended introductory , I'll shako the usual prefatory racket and get down to the bone and gristle of the subject mat- tor. < Burlington is noted ( stress on the "noted" ) for 'lovon or nine different reasons , viz. : 1. The town was cut bias , like a hog's eyes , for reasons known to the "Q. " 2. The founder didn't spoil a very good farm in disrupting the country for its location. 3. The Sixth street brid o is a last ing monument to the magnanimity ol of the once-powerful C. , B. & Q. 4. This is when ho is not an at tendant at a clam-bake down ai Boston the hotno of C. E. Perkins , as also W. C. Brown , H. B. Stone , W. W. Baldwin , Superintendent Stewart , Master Me chanic Joe West , Tom Scholcs , and others of lessor light. It is also the home of M. G. Haight , the man with a bass voice who caused the cockroaches in the Madison penitentiary , twenty miles away , to put up their antaonos in holy horror every time he'd say ail-a board for Mad. , Kco. and Quin. Hero , too , the late lamented T. J. Potter had a residence , and was of and for the rank and file of the "Q" attaches. Would there were more like him. Peace to his ashes. Apropos of this , I append his dcclar ation , which borders on the prophetic : Said Mr. Potter : "Tho Chicago , Burlington & Quincy management is too weak , and it grows weaker with every recurring change in the force. There is trouble brewing , and it is not far off. " Rising to his feet and moving about the room ho continued : "Mark my prediction , the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy will have a strike and the road will go to hell within a year ! " Thobo are facts and the reader can draw his own conclusions. The writer of this is not a striker neither is ho the son of a striker but is ono who over frowns down' the wrong and upholds the right. Local news is meagre. Our river is too high can't got hear enough to it to water a horse. The converging tracks in the yards here are us rubty as a lust years' herring , and the scabs all work the other side of the street. A commendable dignity and sobriety pcrvudes the ranks of the engineers in my acquaintance. With such men at the throttle as Will Wilder , Mike Smith , Fred Kurns , Jim Titus , Ab. Par- mater , etc. , the old Chicago , Burlington & Quincy was in trusty and prosperous hands. But "there's heaps of trouble on the old man's mind" since the boys getaway away with the "Q. , " us the following attests : B"The | Wall Street News , which no ono will coiibidor other than n corpora tion journal , buys : 'The Burlington & Quincy thinks it is winning the fight because it is running more trains. It claims a victory , but it is more expen sive than a defeat. Franco was the richer for paying the indouiity to Ger many when Germany was the poorer receiving it. The company has alienated its associates , has lost the support of faithful employes , has antagonized the railroad system of the country by trying to involve all other roads in the inevitable results of the pig hoadodncES of its munugorB. It is to- dny a borrower of money to pay its divi dends. . And yet they expect , or scorn to , that other roads which are sutibficd with fair returns on capital , will sup port them in their insane attempt to keep up 8 per cent dividends by squeezing . ' " ing employes. That the boys hereaway are a little sore over their treatment at the hands of the Huwlcoyo. and in fact , ut the entire press of the city , is natural , since the Q tins bought up ovorthing from Chicago to Denver , ( except the Omaha BKE ) . "Socle ot turn. " Kight is mighty and must prevail. Visit. John Quackonbush , who died at Corn wall , N. Y , , on Saturday , wus born in 1781) ) . THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Much Exoltomout and High Frioos In the Wheat Pit. THE CEREAL FAILING TO SPROUT , Ait Alarming Krport Prom Iho Ilcd Hirer Valley Corn Kvcn Worse Off Outs StroiiR A Uooiu lu Provisions. CHICAGO nionocK MAUKIST. CIIICAOO , Mny 18. [ Spoclnl Telegram to Tun UKn.l Wheat opened so excited that whllo there were sales of July nt bOoon ono sldo of the pit there were bids nt Wo oft the other. At 1 o'clock , in splto of'tho bear * Ish inclination of the crowd , nnd In splto Of heavy selling by Hutohluson , the same option was above 01 c. "There wns nnoUior very largo clenrnnco of Hour out of Bultl- ' moro , over fSO.COJ barrels , mnklng exports. Qf Hour from thnt ixirt nlono ever 120,00"0 bar rels in two days. Taking the wheat nnd flour export together and reducing them , they aggregate for Now York und Baltimore for two days over 830,000 hushols.half ns much as cleared from nil Atlantic ports last week in six dnys. Those figures helped the market as much ns anything else , but there \ was plenty of other news of a bull sort. It was cold and wet all ever the west not only in the northwest but In the west as well. It . was freezing nt certain places in Nebraska , and colder weather wns pre dicted. Ono sensational dispatch from the Kcd river valley said that wheat In that famous district wus not sprouting and in some cases it certainly had rotted from cold and wet. The movement was favorable. In the pit Hutchinson , the great buyer of yesterday , was the great rcallzer. The crowd wont homo last night convinced that the under-pinning of the pit had gone nnd thnt n decisive break In prices was com ing. Thli Is the conclusion they had nt the opening , but affairs did not turn out that II way. Cudahv and his party , having sold f 1 * above OIo yesterday , were in shape to take a i ' great lot back nt nbout OOc. They bought , . however , chiefly for August nnd December. 1 Thcro was moro foreign buying thnn on any day so far. Baldwin Jc Itanium nnd others who had been prominent as sellers Wednes day were prominent on the other sldo to-Uay. Hutchlnson's selling was done largely by Mo- Jlenry. Bloom was n seller nt the start nnd then a buyer. It wns reported utter the tldo t ; . , hnd turned. 'U' , The cold nnd wet weather had even moro / / / Inllucnco on corn thnn on wheat enough to " entirely offset larger receipts thnn wns ex pected. The out Inspection , however , was largo 108,831 bushels and the cash do- / maud wus largo during the day. The esti mates for Saturday 355 cars showed some falling-off in the movement. A prominent | | ' k commission house had advices from Iowa | | that latcl planted corn was being spoiled by f cold and wet. In the pit operations were not significant. There was a little soiling of May and buying of July , but this changing was not on a great scale. May opened at SOJ c , sold to 59c nnd nt 1 o'clock stopped at 59Xc. July opcucd nt 57f o nnu at 1 o'clock was 5S c. : Outs were effected chielly by the strength ( ' ) in the other pits. Ilccoipts were 250 cars ana . , the estimate for Saturday 200. May opened 1 > at 34J c nnd closed nt 1 o'clock nt 5c. July K opened at 3Ko nnd nt 1 o'clock closed nt ' I 83Xc. Hutchinson wns n largo seller of Au gust , putting out probably 400,000 bushels , 'i ' 250,000 bushels in ono lot to Fowler at 20c. ' The provision trade departed from its well worn rut. The unexpected fulling off in ro .v ceipts of hogs developed n , bullish turn , nnd | 'i ' under the lead of lard , products of all dcscrip- I lions experienced u sharp boom. Trading opened all around at the lowest prices of the day and fronvstart to finish the market pur sued nn ascending course. The highest fig ures quoted were obtained just before 1 . „ o'clock. Bused on last night's closings , tlio advance actually established in pork amounted to 22X@25c. in lard to 17KC520c , and in short ribs to 12 > c. AITEIWOON SBSSIOK Wheat lower ; May , , | closed at about SSXc ; Juno closing at 89.5/o'i / ( / July opened nt Ol&c , sold uttlj ) < c , down to ' 'i 90) e , closing nt OOJ c ; August 8'c , Decom- i\ \ ber closing ntflO c. Corn wus higher early but eased otf. May closed at 59' c ; Juno closed at BTJfc ; July opened nt 5SKc , sold nt 53c , off to 5S&c , closing nt 5S'c. August closed nt 5Sc. Outs fairly uctlvo ; May was higher nnd sold und closed nt SKitfc. Other futures steady ; Juno closing nt IH c. July May and Juno , $14.47 > for July , f 14.55 for Aupust nnd ? K < B for September. Lard was 5c lower. May and Juno closed nt $ S.X ( ) , July at $ S.fK. % August at $8.03 , Snptombcr nt 8.07 } nnd year nt $8.00. Short ribs closed 5c lower or nt fT.G5 for May and June , $7.72'tf for July , ? 7.BO for August and S7.87K for September. CHICAGO IjIVK STOCK. CIIICAOO , May 18. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEI : . ] U\TTI.B Receipts were rather largo for Friday and some dealers scomod to think the tendency of values would bo lower. There wns n strong demand , however , nnd | j the market was quite active on all desirable 3 ? light and medium weights. Big , ripe cattle , of heavy weight sold slowly , however , nndut relatively lower prices than the hulf fnt kinds. The general market , however , was at least steady. Good to cholco 1400 to ICOO-lb , flJiOfeB.OO ; fair to good 1000 to KttO-lb , $4,00(3 ( > 4.55 ; slop steers. 1250 Ibs , fl.451.5r > ; cows , ? 1.8li ) ( < 3.ISO ; stoekurs and feeders , $2 60@4.00. , Good Texas cattle steady ; steers , $3.00@l.OJ ( ; cows , 81.50@2 5'J. Ilous Trade was ngnln active with an up turn of about lidjlOo on all classes. Heat heavy made $5.7r'S.80l largely at f5.75 ; mixed. $5.r.r ( < ( > 5 05 ; light at $5.55@5.00 ; light- light , $5.40 < Vf5.50. ' , LilVlU STOCK. \ Chicago , May 18. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle ItccolptH , 9,000 ; market strong for light ; hcavyBteady ; stcora , l,00 < ! (5.00cows ; , > Jl.SOfeijU.M ; stockers and fucdora , i.50@4.00 ; TCXUH cattle , * l.r 0@4.00. Hogs Ilocoipts. 14,000 ; market strong , active und f@lOo higher ; mixed , I5.40@5.7U ; hcayyp .55Qf5.bO ; light , .4 < K 5.05 ; skips , Sheep Receipts , 4,000 ; market steady ; good stronger ; woolud , fl.r/Oifftl.-li ) ; shorn , $300aUOO ( ; Tcxans , shornfli.75tn.lO ( ! ; lambs , f5.7.r ) ( < 47.00. KIIIIHUH City , May 18. Cattle Itccclpts , 2.UOO ; shipments , COO , market weak and u sliado lower on heavy shipping stcwa ; uthor grades stronger ami active ; good to choice corn-foil , ! % < ( ! 75 , common to medium , W25ct.20 ! ; sUickers , $ ; J.OOfti2.UO ; foedore. , , f3.MC ( < { H 00 Hogs Hecoipts , 8,400 ; shipments. a,400 ; market strong nnd ur.tivo und r o hlghcrj coninion to cholco , H.75@4.00 ; skip * unit pigs ' I2.500f4.00. Nntlonnl Stock Vurils , KIIHC Hi. IoulH , May 18. Cattle Ilccelpts , COO ; shipments , 1,800 ; market strong nnd un changed , cholco heavy native steers , tlCOtf $ 5.00 ; fair to good native stedrs , ? ! , U ) ( < f 1.00 ; butchers' stcfrs , nicdluin to choice , } J I0 ( < 5 4.25 ; bUicVcrs nnd feeders , fair to good , f2.30(5 ( 3 00 ; rangers , ordinary to good , $ J.20J $ 4.15. HogH-Receipts , 8,000 ; shipments , 1,200 ; market n uhndo higher ; cholco heavy and butchers selections , t5ri.Vff5.il5 ; packing1 , medium to prime , ir > . ! 0@5.fi5j light Kradoi , ordh.ary to best , ? fl.BO@5.45. Nr.w Youic , May 13. [ Spojlal Telegram to run HKK. | STOtK8--Thoro was moro trad- ng in stocks , sales up to noon being1 Os,000 blmrca. The bulk , however , was by profos- slor.ulcvlio , in the absence of outsldo orders of mc < iucnco , have the market to them- selves. The feeling nmoni ; largo traders waH bearish. They are heavily short and dolne ,11 in their power to hammer the mat-hut [ own lo cuvor. Seme long gtoclu have comu jut In the paf.t few duy , but the bulk of the telling WM by short * , flopc/rts from the ivest sUtB that tl o St. Paul comphof htd on iiuM.ey by th * rtcc.M fiorfie & : A