Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1888, Image 1

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Randall and MoKlnloy Flro Hot Shot
at the Mills Measure.
IMoKlnlcy'H Speech Conceded the IJcnt
and Strongest Answer to the frco
Traders Delivered ns Yet
In the Debate.
Ho "WnH Sick Hut He Got There.
01.1 FouiiTr.KNTH STIIDCT ,
To-day the debate in the house on the
Mills tariff bill reached the climax. A larger
or finer audience or more- Inspiring surround
ings never greeted n speaker In the lower
branch of congress than wcro present when
Mr. Randall began shortly after 11 o'clock.
As an orntorial effort Mr , Randall's speech
did not como up to the expectations of his
friends , but us on argument fcr the main
tenance of the protective tariff system and
nn arraignment of the Mills bill , It was nil
that could bo hoped for by his most sanguine
admirers. Mr. Randall was really too sick
to speak. Ills voice almost failed and ho was
compelled to read and in low tones. Wash
ington Is filled with visitors just
now nnd they turned out and
flooded the galleries to overflowing. Every
member In the city was In his seat. It. wus
expected that Mr. Randall would pay his ro-
epccts to Borne of his mallgncrs representing
the administration in Pennsylvania mid
other states. William L. Scott occupied u
seat very near the ex-speaker and sat with
hla back to him throughout the speech ,
ready to take up the gauntlet whenever It
wns thrown down. It is stated that Mr.
Randall 'Intended to relieve Mr. Scott of
some of his surplus cuticle , but ho was no. *
physically nblo to withstand the excitement
or make himself heard. Had ho been well ho
would have precipitated a combat.
Thcro wns but ono incident during nil of
Mr. Randall's speech which partook in any
decree of an unusual character. It wns ar
ranged that ho should begin his speech at
half-past 10 , but Mr. Anderson of Iowa held
the floor when the house adjourned yester
day nnd insisted upon completing fits .speech
before the Pcnnsylvanian was permitted to
begin , and at the conclusion of the lowan's
observations nn Indiana member ( Mr. Chen-
dlo ) spoke , so that almost an hour , the time
which , under the agreement , Is given each
member for his speech , was taken from
Mr. Randall. After the ex-speaker
had progressed to within fifteen or
twenty minutes of the completion
of his speech , Mr. Springer , who wns in the
chair , rapped him to order and announced
that his time had expired. Thcro was a
storm of voices instantly crying , "Go on , "
"Go on , " but Chairman Mills , who had up to
that time occupied n seat behind a screen
where ho could not bo seen but could hear ,
sprang to his feet nnd stalking like n bell
Weather down the main aisle , raised his hand
nnd exclaimed , "I object. " In two seconds
half the members were on their feet and were
beg\'lng the chairman of the committee on
ways and means to withdraw his objection.
All of'tho ' leading democrats declared that It
was u shame that a man of the
distinction of Mr. Randall should bo cut off
when the republicans had never entered ob-
Jcjotionsto extending the time of democrats
When they had not completed their speeches
nnd their time hud expired. Mr. Mills , bull-
Jiko , bowed his back and neck and declared
that he would not withdraw , and in u mo
ment the whole house wns in confusion.
Amid the din that ensued Mr. Mills skulked
away and Mr. McICinloy of Ohio , who wus to
follow Mr. Randall , arose and his clear ,
strong voice was heard to exclaim : "I yield
fifteen minutes of my time to
the gentleman from Pennsylvania. "
The magnanimity of this proposition
elicited upronroua applause. Not to bo out
done , Mr. Breckenridgo of Kentucky , who
was to follow Mr. McKinley , said that
ho would permit to bo taken from his time
jialf of the time necessary for Mr. Randall to
complete his speech. Mr , Mills made a great
mistake when ho objected to the extension of
Mr. Randull's time , but It came naturally to
him. He can't help such blunders. Ho wus
born to commit them. Mr. Breckenridgo
tried to tuko the edge olT the insult , but itdid
no good , nnd only showed the difference be
tween a boor and a gentleman.
The speech of the session was that of Mr.
McICinloy of Ohio. It was the greatest ar
gumentative effort of his life , nnd It is
doubted If its enuul will bo presented oven
when Mr. Reed nnd Speaker Carlisle have
closed the debate to-morrow. It wus not
Jlllcd with dry stntistics , but bristled with
practical demonstrations and everyday illus
trations. He met and obliterated the argu
ments presented by the extreme tariff re
formers , who held that it required twenty
'days' ' labor of a worklngnian to purchase an
nil-wool overy-day suit of clothes at a cost of
120 , by drawing from his desk a
Very hundsoiim suit purchased at the
establishment of Representative Leopold
Morseof Boston , who is crying himself
hoarse for absolute frco trade. Ho said the
nult cost $10 , and they wcro passed nil over
the house us ocular proof of the fiimsynoss of
the free wool argument presented. It was
tlio'most convincing object lesson ever pro-
Rented in congress. The speech of Mr. Mo-
ICinloy wns a lucid analysis simply told , and
was powerful In Us effects. Hu spoke about
two-und-n-hulf hours , and scarcely a member
moved In his scut except when ho arose to
give evidence of the energy of his applause ,
nnd the galleries , crowded to al
most suffocation , drowned tlio sound
of his voice by hand clappings.
There were on the floor during the delivery of
Mr , McKinlov's speech and at its close many
distinguished public men , among them Jus
tices Miller nud Hnrlan of the supreme court ,
Senators Gray , Heck , Paddock , Mnndcrson ,
Duller , Hpooner and Sabine , cx-Govoinors
Foster of Ohio , Cm-tin of Pennsylvunlu , and
ninny ox-members of congress who came
from a distance to hear the speech. Among
the prominent persons in the gallery wus
Mrs , Cleveland , who eat throughout the
speeches of Randall , McICinloy and Brcckcm-
Mr. Hreckcnridgo of Kentucky next spoko.
It wuo buds and fiowers , but no food , It wus
nn oration , n display of fireworks , poetry nnd
scriptural quotations , with scintillations
from history , ShaUcspcaro and the poets , but
it never proved u point in support of the bill
under consideration , The oration would
have been quite us applicable ut a Fourth of
July demonstration , u campaign celebration ,
or a cam ] ) meeting.
Speaker Carlisle was not at the capitol to
day. He wus closeted In his private room at
his hotel. Mr. Heed will speak first In the
morning , nnd the opeech of the speaker will
close the general debate on the Mills bill.
There was a republican senatorial caucus
to-day. Tlio meeting lasted four hours and
Was of great Importance. It discussed the
iwlicy to bo pursued by the party in congress
the remainder of the session. There was nn
unusually full attendance and nn interesting
debate. The first topic taken up wus the
fisheries treaty , arranged by Mr , Bayard
nnd Mr. Joseph Chamberlain lust
winter. This treaty has been ad
versely reiwrtcd from the committee
on tluunco by the republican majority
and every republican In the senate will vote
ngulnhlit , which will prevent Its ratification.
Some of the senators thought , however , that
it might bo amended BO us to bo satisfactory ,
but Mr. Frye , Mr. Hour and other New Euu-
land senators , who take very strong grounds
against it , 'said that it was Impossible to re
vise it BO ns to satisfy tlio fishermen of the
United States , and advocated its ceje.ctl.on ui
the earliest possible moment , leaving the
present convention which exists between ttio
two countries , which they consider much
moro ndvantagcous to the United States than
that arranged by Mr. Hayard nnd Mr. Cham
berlain. No vote was taken upon the treaty
In the caucus , but there was a tacit under
standing without , any dissenting voice that
the policy of the party should bo to squelch
the treaty as soon ns possible.
A Dr.MANn roil TAIIIFF nr.ronM.
The next topic for discussion wns the
tariff. It appears that the caucus committee
of the house has been in consultation with
the caucus committee of the senate in regard
to the propriety of voting upon the Mills
bill ns soon as the general debate in the
house Is completed , nud It wns the unani
mous opinion of the caucus that such action
should bo taken If possible. It wns assumed
that the bill would pass the house by n small
majority nnd bo sent over to the senate , and
no ono seemed to think that the republicans
could gain anything by offering amendments
to the bill Intho house , nnd
the business Interests of the country
rcqulro that action upon the tariff
should bo taken as soon as possible. It was
reported that in some of the manufacturint ;
districts there wns almost n business stagna
tion , as merchants would not buy goods and
and manufacturers would not make them
until they know what the duty was going to
be. A general tariff discussion was engaged
in by nearly nil of the senators present , who
constituted n majority of the republican
members of that body. Bvcry one expressed
the opinion that something must bo done
towards a reduction of the revenues nnd the
surplus. Hut there wns n good 'deal of dlf-
fcronco of opinion ns to Just how such n re
duction should bo brought about. It was
finally decided , however , to lenvo the matter
entirely with the republican members of the
committee on finance , with power to draw up
n bill and report it to the senate , where it
would receive the unanimous support
of the republican side. Much to the
surprise of some of the senators there were
no signs of a break in tlio ranks on this sub
ject. It had been expected that some of the
northwestern men would Insist on free lum
ber and some otlicr concession that the east
ern man would not bo willing to make , uut
all of the doubtful men were present , nnd
every one expressed himself In favor of ad
hering to the party policy on the tariff.
Mr. Hoar and William E. Chandler thought
that the senate should pay moro attention to
the outrages that hud been committed on
colored peopio and the violation of the elec
tion law In the south. There have been
two Investigations this session , both
under the direction of Mr. Hoar ,
ono relating to the election frauds
in Mississippi nnd the other to tlio
brutal outrages committed by the democrats
against the colored people of Texas. Both
reports are in course of preparation , when
some sensational disclosures nro expected ,
and it was the opinion of Mr. Hour and Mr.
Chandler that thcso mutters should bo debated -
bated at length in the senate in order to call
public attention to the fnct that tbo political
condition of the south was worse than ever ,
and that there was no such thing as freedom
of speech or fair elections. The only
ono to dissent from this opinion was
Mr. Plumb of Kansas , who asserted
that the people ot the country wcro tired of
having the bloody shirt continually waved iu
the air , and , while he had no doubt that such
outrages described hud been committed , it
would do no good to keep up the agitation
and simply embitter both parties in these sec
tions. Ho believed , too , thiit it would bo
worse for the colored men than for the white
men to have this agitation continue.
There was some further action taken as to
the order of business to be pursued , nnd it
was decided tliut the Dakota admission bill
should bo taken up as soon ns possible.
Star mail service between Washington and
Elk City , Hluo Vnlloy and McCook Junction ,
Plum Creek nnd Arapahoe , Neb. , has been
ordered discontinued after Juno SO.
Changes huvo been ordered m the time
schedule of star mall routes in Nebraska as
follows :
O'Connor to Cedar Rnpids Lcavo O'Con
nor Tuesdays nnd Saturdays nt 7 a. m. ;
arrive at Cedar Rupids by 13 m. Lcavo
Cechlr Rapids Tuesdays and Saturdays ut 1
p. m. ; arrive ut O'Connor by 0 p. m.
Nordcn to Spriiiffvlew Lcavo Norden
Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:30 :
p.m. ; arrive at Springviow by p. m.
Leave Sprmgview Tuesdays , Thursdays and
Saturdays ut 15UJ : ( a. m. ; arrive at Norden by
10:80 : a. in. PKIUIV S. HCATII.
Nchrnskn niicl loiva. Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Muy 18. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Huu. ] The following pensions wcro
granted Nebrusknns to-day : Original in
valid William Hubart , North Piatto ; Abram
Holdcrness , Fullerton ; Alanson II. Williams ,
Albion. Increase John W. liyatt , North
Hend ; James G. Smith , Palisade ; Isaac C.
Pacurd , Fairbury. Reissue John Thornton ,
Hlair. Mexican survivors Nehcinish Mel
ton , Waterloo.
Pensions for lowans : Original invalid
Daniel Scott , Keokuk ; David E. lloman ,
EarlingJohn ; W. Cox , Clarindu ; David E.
McICee , Perlec ; Nelson Benedict , Solon ;
William Brewer , Charlton ; Solomon D.
Delk , Osceolu , ( special net ) ; Henry Stafford ,
Snllmi. Increase Hugh K. Duke , Wood-
burn ; Archibald P. Culbcrtson , Seymour ;
John H. Wood , Albiu ; Milton T. Monroe ,
Florissa ; Benjamin F. Applcgate , Fort Madi
son ; William Huff , Murcngo ; James Emmcr-
son , Mugnollu ; John W. Athoy , Redding ;
George IS. Doe , Des Monies , Original wid
ows , oUMatilda , mother of Charles S.
Miller , Dahloiiega ; minors of Matthew P.
Bonur , Afton , Ottumwa nnd Crcston ,
Army JIuttorB.
WASHINGTON , Muy 18. fSpoclul Telegram
to THE Bcu. ] Paragraph H , special orders
No. 100 , May 11,1838 , directing the discharge
of Private Guy B. Rickerson , as of Company
D , Seventh Infantry , Is amended to road com
pany H of that regiment.
Leave of absence for three months , to take
effect upon his ueliig relieved from recruit
ing hcrvlce , Is grunted Major Evan Miles ,
Twenty-fifth infantry.
Private Frank II. Hlpolow , Company I ,
Seventh infantry , now with his company nt
Fort \VIiusukin , Wyoming , is transferred to
the hospital corps an u private.
Second lieutenant Eugene F. Ludd , Troop
E , and Second Lieutenant Harry C. Trout ,
Troop B , Ninth cavalry , are transferred.
A. ItciilIluan CniicuH.
WASHINGTON , May IS.The republican
senators held a long caucus to-day in respect
to which they uro unusually reticent. It was
culled at tlio request of Senator Edmunds ,
nnd was for the purpose of discussing the
fisheries treaty , Tills subject took up u good
portion of the time of the caucus , but the
tariff and politics were also dwelt upon at
fcomo length. No action wus taken , the pur
pose being simply for an interchange of
views. Adjourned until Tuesday.
AVabliliiKton Hrlcf'H.
Tlio acting secretary of the treasury this
afternoon accepted 5,302,000 in bonds.
ThnrniiithhrcdH Coming- .
MIDDLEIOWN , N , Y. , May 18. [ Special
Telegram to THIS Hu : . ] The famous Orange
county stock farm , which comprises 850
acres of the finest land in Orange county , on
which moro than $100,000 hus been spent , has
Just been sold under n foreclosure of mort
gage held by the original owner , Collis P.
Huiitington , for f27,570. The farm has been
fitted up for a training and breeding estab
lishment nnd has a splendid race track.
Conker , the purchaser , Is a wealthy English
man , who intends Importing some of the best
racing blood in England. Ho will also form
hcrls of priro Durham shoit-horn , Devon
and Ahkrucy cattle.
Wantti to Pi-o\e It.
NRW YoitK , May 13. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HEB. ] Concerning the alleged inter
view of the btatt correspondent of the Buffalo
New * with Bluine , wherein he is credited
with endorsing Depow for the prc&ldcnoy ,
the ( ion. Joseph Manly , of Augusta.'Mc. ,
says it was a fake. Tlio Telegram says the
HuftuloNi'ws , however , asserts itasccnuluo
audoffers to submit prCof of the fact.
President Fltzicrnlct Denies Asser
tions Mndo By Vntlcnii Journnls.
LINCOLN , Neb. , | Ma.v 18.- President Fitz
gerald of the Irish National lenguo to-day
sent the following cable to the Dublin Free-
mans Journal :
LINCOLN' , Neb. , May 19 , 1SS8. The asser
tion made by Vatican journals that the
American Catholic newspapers unanimously
approve the papal rescript is absolutely un
true. The vast majority of American Catho
lic newspapers nnd the Catholic pabllc"bo-
llovo that the plan of campaign and boycot
ting were condemned on fnlio evidence sup
plied by English ngcnts'nnd Irish-Americans
especially resent as unwarrantable any
Roman interference in the political affairs of
Ireland. [ Signed ] , JOHN FiTzannvLD ,
President I. N. L. A.
Profltnhlo Temperance Meeting.
HLUH Sriusos , Nob. , Mny 18 , [ Special to
THE Hr.n. ] The district convention ottho
W. C. T. U. closed hero last night nftcr a
thrco days' ' session. Tlio attendance wns
very largo and much interest manifested.
Thcro were delegates hero from the five
counties comprising the district. The lec
tures of Mrs. Mattlo Slcetli , of Falls City ,
Wednesday evening , and Mrs. Emma Pow
Smith , of California , last night wcro highly
complimented by all who heard them. The
following officers were elected for the en
suing year : President , Mrs. E. A.Fulton ,
Pawnee City ; corresponding secretary , Mrs.
A. J. Ducr , Pnwnco City recording secre
tary , Mrs. Hcrtzel , Auburn ; treasurer , Mrs.
J. H. Battles , Stella.
A Derailed Freight.
EMEIISON , Nob. , Mny 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Bun. ] Number 3 freight ,
going south , was derailed four miles south of
hero nt 11:30 : last night. A car load of cnttlo
was killed and three persons Injured , ono
PCNDCII , Feb. , May 18. [ Special to TUB
Bni : . ] The night south-bound freight train
was wrecked lust night about four miles
south of here. Several curs , including ono of
emigrant's stock and movables , were ditched ,
Nine head of cattle are reported killed , and n
man nnd a boy seriously Inlured. The acci
dent is blamed to a misplaced rail.
Stntc Medical Society Adjourns After
n Profitable Session.
Dns MOINKS , in. . May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKE.I The state medical asso
ciation closed Its three days' session hero to-
dny. In the annual report of the secretary ,
read to-day , ho stated that there wcro now
6"0 members of the association , 434 of whom
were permanent resident members. The
treasurer was directed to sell the $500 gov
ernment bonds belonging to the society to
pay any deficit there might bo in tbo running
expenses of the society. The principal paper
of the day was read by Dr. J. F. Kennedy ,
secretary of the state board of health , on the
topic , "Stato Medicine. " The next session
of the association will bo held in Kcokuk in
Mny , 1SS9.
The University Investigation.
IOWA CITV , Muy 18. This morning Prof.
Parker closed his testimony in the university
investigation. Ho said ex-Rcpresentativo
Georco W. Ball , of this city , was the legislator
later who said ho thought Regent Crosby had
made a deal In the legislature to got demo
cratic votes for the appropriation in consider
ation of the dismissal of the prohibition pro
fessors. Prof. Currier testified as to the re
moval of the professors and said Fellows and
Leonard had made themselves conspicuous
in temperance matters. Ex-President Pick-
ard and President Schaefer wcro on the
stand. The committee has adjourned till
Monday. _
Supreme Court DeclHloriH.
Dns MOINCS , In. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bcn.l The supreme court
filed the following decisions to-day :
Marshal Judge , appellant , vs Otto Kohl
and Elizabeth Kohl , Clinton district. Re
\V. J. Hart vs H. E. Hart , appellant , action
for divorce ; there was a decree granted in
the lower court , Carroll district. Affirmed.
Mary Serrin and another , appellant , vs
Jacob II. Brush et al , Hancock district.
Dl8conraicd by the Wenther.
LAKK Vnw , la. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TiiKBcu. ] A. C. Grier , a well-to-do
fanner living two miles south of this place ,
blowout his brains with n revolver this
morning while doing the morning work
about the barn. It is supposed that ho was
temporarily insane while discouraged bypoor
health and dispirited by bud weather.
AVhnt. Doi-s This Mean ?
MASON CITV , Iu. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bui : . ] Notices are now posted
in nil division round houses of the "Q" road
that after Muy 20 all engineers unableto run
engines without aid of pilot will be dismissed
from service. This will tuko off about 00 per
cent of the engineers.
BCIISOII'H Hody Iald Under the Sod nt
Cypress Hill.
New YOHK , Muy 18. [ Specinl Telegram
to Tun BII : : . ] The body of George Benson ,
the Patti ticket swindler , who suicided yes
terday , will bo buried in Cypress HIU ceme
tery , according to the Hebrew rites. The
burial lot was purchased by his counsel ,
Peter Mitchell , to whom ho assigned ? 11,000
In money and diamonds. Ono Holland ,
claiming to bo n cousin of Benson , and the
only relative the deceased had in this coun
try , mudo application for the money and
jewelry , but was invited to "cull again. "
The Mexican consul hero says the Mexican
government will try to provo the assignment
to Mitchell fraudulent. Beuson loft n note
to Mrs. Mitchell , thanking her for kind
nesses. It is said that among those swin
dled was tlio Mexican governor , Ceballos ,
who conceived the idea of buying frt,008
worth of tickets ns aspeculation. . Had all
Benson's plans worked ho would huvo got
uwiiy with 125,000 ; but the governor , grow
ing suspicions , ordered him to deposit the
money for the night In the government
bank. Benson played n sawdust game on
him , leaving the wrong package , and escaped
by special trnm , declaring tliut ho had got
into trouble about n girl of high family , and
tliut it would bo death to remain. Reaching
Geneva , Switzerland , ho swindled a man
with . ' ! . ' > , ( XX ) In worthless bonds. In London
ho played the same gaino for the sumo
amount ,
IiiHtruntod Tor Cleveland ,
WICHITA , Kas. , May 18. The platform
adopted by the democratic state convention
yesterday instructed the delegates to St.
Louis to vote ns a unit for President Cleve
land and in recounting the acts of the ad
ministration special reference is made to the
increased pensions granted to soldiers'
widows and orphans. The following dele
gates wcro elected to the St. Louis conven
tion : First district. S. F. Neeley , 13. P.
Waggoner ; Second district , H. S. Wlngley ,
G , E. Wins ; Third district. Angell Matthews ,
E. M. Howins ; Fourth district , E. E. Hagan ,
J. E. Decon ; Fifth district , W. F. Harris , C.
K. Gifford ; Sixth district. G. A. Collet , H.
Carpenter ; Seventh district , M , J. O'Meara ,
James McKinslcy.
Students Are Mad.
NEW IUVEN , Conn. , May 18. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The Yale corpora
tion has decided to build a now recitation
building where now stands the celebrated
Yolo fence , not heeding the petition of
over two thousand alumni and present
btudcnts. The present feeling among the
students over the proposed destruction of the
fence is one of intensebitterness. .
The Death Uoll.
PAUIP , May 13--Chailcs Francois Mungon ,
the dlstint'uisLcd Fm.cb snyjaecr , Ss dead.
ArRumcnts Used Bjf the Big Protec
tionists Yesterday.
Ilnmlnll nml TUclUnlcy Assail tlio
Mills Mcntmro Vfhllo Ilrcckcnrldgo
Ably Pclomls It Criticisms of
.WASHINGTON , May 19. The house imme
diately after being cnllcd to order went Snto
committee of the whole on the tariff bill.
Mr. Anderson of Iowa spoke in opjiosltlon
to the principle of protection nnd nt the close
of his remarks Mr. Randall took the Hoar.
Ho opened his speech by referring to the
president's recent message , In which the ex-
ccutlvo ndvlscd congress tluit the surplus in
the treasury by the 30th of Juno the end of
the fiscal year would bo expected to reach
the sum of $14,000,000 , Including prior accu
mulations , or moro closely stated , the sum of
$11,130,000 apart from prloraccumulnUons { ,
over and above the authorized expenditures ,
Including the sinking fund for the current
year. Ho then quoted from the president's
message , defining his position on the tariff
and Internal revenue questions , and said that
from the utterance of the president ho under
stood the executive to bo adverse to any re
duction of Internal taxes or that the
niodo of taxation afforded in the opin
ion of the president , ' 'no Just complaint ,
and nothing Is bo well able to bear tlio burden
without hardship to any portion of the pee
ple. " The president further said the tariff
law was a vicious and illogical source of inequitable -
equitable tax and ought to bo revised and
modified , and the president urged upon con
gress nn Immediate expression on this mut
ter to the exclusion of all others. The presi
dent had asserted in substance that the re
duction necessary should bo mudo by
additions to the free list and by the lowering
of the rates of duty. In the absence of such
language emanating from the executive it
was to require of the representatives of the
people to give a fair , intelligent nnd prompt
attention to the suggestions made. lie had
done that. Ho had introduced nnd had re
ferred to the committee on ways and means a
bill to reduce nnd equalize the duties on im
posts nnd reduce internal revenue taxes , and
some provisions of the bill showed that the
remedies ho would apply wcro at variance
with those recommended by the president.
The reduction provided for in his bill aggre
gated $77,000,000 on internal taxes. Those
tuxes hud always been the last to bo levied
nnd the first to bo repealed when no longer
nccessnry. Jefferson had given the death blow
to excise taxes that most vicious of all taxes
and among other things ho received the
thanks of the legislature ot his native state
for having the internal taxes abolished. Ho
favored now , ns he had always done , the
total repeal of internal revenue taxes. In the
bill which he introduced , ho proposed to
sweep all thcso taxes from the statute books
except 50 cents on wlilslty , nnd ho would
transfer the collection of that tax to customs
officials If that was found to bo practicable.
Mr. Randall then .analyzed the metal
schedule of the Mills bill and declared it
would bring about incalculable injury to the
industries of America. Ho could find noth
ing in the bill which gave a return for free
wool. Ho found many inequalities in it and
discovered few features intended to relieve
the poor or laboring men. He referred to
the fleclnrutions of his colleague ( Mr. Scott
who sat near ) as supercilious and said ho
would consign them to the obscurity they
would bo cast into , Ho pleaded with his
democratic friends to not undo the good
which hud been done to the manufacturing
Industries by the protective tariff , and read
from Jefferson , Mouroe- , and other demo
cratic forefathers , to provo that protection
was a fundamental democratic principle. Ho
Closed with a tribute to the results and
principles of protection , nnd asked that they
bo maintained , and maintained through the
effort's of the party that Instituted them. Ho
could not conceive that the ideas and princi
ples that wont down In 1N51 would ever again
predominate in this country.
Before Mr. Randall completed his speech
his hour hud expired , and a request was made
that ho bo permitted to proceed , but uu ob
jection was made by Mr. Mills. The objec
tion was greeted with jeers and hisses by the
republicans. Mr. McICinloy then yielded
him a portion of his time , but by amicable
arrangements , suggested by Mr. Brocheu-
ridge of Kentucky , Mr. Randall was per
mitted to proceed without limitation of time.
Mr. Randall concluded his speech at 12:35. :
Ho was followed byMr. ; McKinlcy of Ohio.
Mr. McICinloy opened his speech with the
declaration that the country was in an ano
malous situation. While wo were seeking to
find objects to relieve from taxation , and
other nations were engaged in the fields of
human enterprise and human production to
find now objects of taxation , nil wcro agreed
that taxation should bo reduced , the only
contention being as to the manner of that re
duction. He sharnly contrasted the "tariff
for revenue" policy of the democrats nnd the
"tariff for protection" policy of the republi
cans. Ho maintained that one meant free
admission to this country of foreign goods
which could only bo produced hero whenever
the line of excessive revenue was reached and
consequently the destruction of American in
dustries. Tlio other meant protection
as well as revenue ; it meant
stimulation to our Industries and the protec
tion of our labor in the fruits of its works.
There wore many illustrations of the demo
cratic doctrine in the bill. Wool was one of
them , cotton bugging was another. The bill
meant that Calcutta and Dundee should sup
ply us with cotton bugging anil the countries
of the oust with wool. The democrats since
December hud been letting our own people
take care of themselves and trying to legis-
lute for other and foreign people
In the course of his speech ho entered into
a vigorous criticism of the bill and created
much amusement and applause by his
analysis of the incongi uitlcs of the measure ,
While ho said that owing to luck of time ho
could not point , out all of the
ridiculous features of the bill , he picked
out a few samples by which he said the bill
might ho judged. Ho showed that the duty
on steel billets hud boon increased from 45
per cent to ( Kl per cent ud valorem , thereby
causing an increase of from ' 4 to ! < ; cent on
every pound of wire fencing that inclosed
the farms of the west ) . The duty on cut nulls
umdo from steel billets was reduced 25 per
cent , while tlio duty on the raw material wns
increased 45 per cent. Ho criticized the bill ,
which the president said must bo passed
whether or no , and which ho was dispensing
ofllclul favors to huvo passed. Ho declared
tliut the bill was sectional , in that the cotton
planter could get hoop iron for his cotton
ties fieoof duty , while the farmer of the
west must pay for tib | name iron 1M cents per
pound if ho wished f6r It to bind his thatch
or his pail ,
Passing on to a discussion of the
general effect of the protective system on the
people , he Bald ho cared not whether the
present prosperous condition of the country
was the result of protection or not ; the fuel
that the condition had como with protection
ought to muko congress hesitate long before
It abandoned the sj stem. Gentlemen might
try protection by any test. They mljrht try
it not only by the Individual prosperity of
citizens , but by the advance which the coun
try had madoln Intelligence and invention ,
and by any standard It might bo tried the
protective system would show by its results
that it surpassed any other. New England's
prosperity was duo largely to the protective
tariff and her prosperity had been a positive
benefit to every one , of the 00,000,000 people
of the United States. Ho cited bta-
tlstlcs to show the largo amount of
farm products , " of the north and
west which were consumed In Now England
and asked if New England was not a better
market than old England for the people of
the United States. Was not Hobton u better
consumer than London ! New York than
Liverpool ! PittsburK than Manchester
Ciucinuatl than I.liicoingblreJ 'rho opportu
nltyof the people of this country was next
November , for if the people of the country
want frco trade it was their privilege to hove
It , but they must vote for n full , fair and
candid discussion. The majority of repre
sentatives on the floor of this house wns not
authorized to vote for this bill by the election
of 1880. The house was not elected on that
issue. Ho challenged the authority of the
gentlemen under the Instructions given
them by the people two years ago to
lorco this measure through the houpe.
Ho nskcd the members of the
present congress to go back to the
people and nsk to bo elected to
the Fifty-first congress on this bill nnd on
the prcsldcnt's-mossngo. Then If the major
ity Is returned to the next house they will
bo authorized aye , instructed to Vote for
this bill. "Do not dodge , " said the speaker ,
"but meet the issue squarely. Make your
platform In Connecticut , the sumo ns In the
Cnrollnas ; In Now Jersey nnd Now York ,
the same ns In Mississippi and Tennessee.
Then if the majority comes unck , you will bo
Instructed to accept the British system nnd
abandon the American. U Is not Important
about the details. It is the system that Is on
trial. It is whether the American system
should bo maintained or the British system
substituted. "
When Mr , McICinloy concluded ho was
greeted with round nfter round of applause
and was immediately surrounded by his
party colleagues who were profuse In their
congratulations. It wns some minutes before
fore order.was restored , nnd Mr. Urcckcn-
rldgo of Kentucky recognized , nnd then the
storm broke out afresh , gentlemen on both
sides of tlio house vlolng with the galleries
In their hearty welcome to the Kcntuckinn ,
Mr. Breckenridgo began with n review of
the situation so far as the surplus in the
treasury was concerned , nnd the danger at
tendant on further accumulation , Ho then
sketched the work of the ways nnd means
committee In framing the Mills bill. . The
committee , ho said , had rejected the proposl-
ttonto increase the duties for the purpose of
reducing the revenues ot the government
nnd Increasing the revenues of manufac
turers , and the proposition to repeal the in
ternal revenue system , nnd had attempted to
frame a bill which" would reduce the reve
nues by a safe amount , and would relieve , as
far as a moderate bill could do , the evils of
the present unequal system , reform
the inequalities of the present tariff ,
nnd promote American Industry by giving
to American lubor the hope of a permanent ,
stable and profitable market. It recognized
that a system that had been in existence forever
over a quarter of a century could not bo
hastily or recklessly overturned. It desired
to harm no industry. It constantly leaned
in favor of established rates of duty , nnd in
n case of doubt proposed a rate which it be
lieved to bo entirely safe. Ho contended
that the bill wus a protective tariff bill. It
left the average rate of duty higher rather
than under the Merrill tariff. The present
law was so highly protective as in many
many cases to bo prohibitory. The changes
proposed by the bill are designed to
give to the farmer , by whom all
provisions are raised , , a market for
breadstuffs and raw materials , which
is only profitable when ho has a prosperous
manufacturer for a purchaser ; to the laborer
the hope of n constant market ana to the
manufacturer freedom from unnecessary
burdens. "Wo have , therefore , " said Mr.
Breckenridgo , "put upon the free list , ns fur
ns wo felt it was Just , the materials necessary
for the manufacturer. Wo have reduced the
rates wherever wo have touched them , to n
point that gives to the homo consumer the
hope of fair competition whenever the de
mand shall bo made by an Internal trust to
advance prices beyond n fair consideration
for the article to bo sold , and yet we have
loft rates so that the protection afforded Is
greater than any necessity , and makes all
competition of foreign manufactur
ers on terms of great advantage
to the American manufacturer. Wo do not
believe there is a single instance In the bill
where the duty left upon an nrticlo is not
moro than the difference between the cost of
production in America nnd the cost of pro
duction nbroad , plus the freight. "
The evil effects of the surplus had already
been exhibited in schemes to squander the
public money. It was no answer to talk
about rebel brigadiers or the provisions of
the confederate constitution. The protective
tariff does not , lie argued , fix the wages of
labor. If there is a demand for labor equal
to or greater than the supply , then
labor Is profitably paid , and if combinations
of capital to force labor to sell itself ot prices
fixed by the combination cannot bo success
fully formed , then labor will bo free to muko
Its own bargains. But if tlio market be so
restricted that the supply of lubor exceeds
the demand , or if capital is enabled to com
bine to prevent competition , then labor must
bo sold at the price fixed by the employer.
"Now " said the speaker "our
, , present sys
tem docs both. It restricts the market to bo
supplied by our laborer and enabled manu
facturers to fix the price they will pay to the
laborer. " Ho said tinned plato wus put on the
frco list , and this will not injure a single
humane being. It affects no interests , no in
Passing to the consideration of the wool
schedule he declared that the schedule
agreed upon at the meeting of the Growers'
and Manufacturers' association , was
iniquitous. Discussing the protective
system he said : ' "Collossal fortunes made
as if in a day bear testimony to the viciousness -
ness of a system which enables so few to
absorb the surplus accumulations of a na
tion nnd that , too , without adding anything
to the growth of the country or its happi
ness. If wo will persist in class legislation
wo must submit to accept its nec
essary concomittant discontent first by
murmurlngs , then in resistance by organiza
tions and then by whatever force circum
stances produce. Wo , us our hope of safety ,
have the ballot box. by which peaceful revo
lution may prevent forceful revolt. Hut If
enormous capital , through organized effort ,
can control the ballot box and returns its
constituents to congress discontent , founded
on Justice , will find a remedy. Protrctivo
tariffs and monopolistic legislation can
not Introduce into America permanent
heriditary class distinction. Ho is | a
shallow thinker who docs not know that
man is essentially the sumo everywhere and
that his ultimata goul is civilisation bused
upon equality. Several times since this debate -
bate commenced the true argument against
this bill the only really effective appeal
had been uttered. It may bo condensed into
'United wo stand , divided wo fall.1 It is
the nrgumont of combination , of threat.
Each protective syndicate says to all
others in this greatest of all American
trusts the tariff combine wo must
stand together , for revision anywhere is defeat -
feat everywhere. " So the solo duty any one
will glvo up is the tariff on sugar , because
they belicvo the surrender of sugar will take
from the treasury so many millions that
other duties may bo saved. A promise to
give bounties is purely Illusory. The pros-
Qiit tariff is the result of u combination , it is
to bo maintained by a combination , The
boast hus been mudo on this floor that the
chairman of tlio committee on ways and
means of the Forty-eighth nnd
Forty-ninth congresses that gallant
and pure genlleman , bravo of hcurt ,
clean of life , loyal to friend ,
frank to foe with conscience void of oiTonso
nnd love for truth that nothing could daunt
has been stricken down becauseho opposed
this combine. Greatly as I deplore his defeat
nnd as much as I miss his presence it may bo
that his defeat , compassed as it was , will beef
of greater benefit than his presence. His
very absence arrests the attention of the re
public and all the people. Are such elections
necessary to thcmainteiiunceof this system ?
Gentlemen protectionists , I warn you that
the vacant seat of Morrison cries louder than
the virtues of Duncan , against the deep dam
nation of his taking off , "
Mr. Breckcnridge's reference to Morrison
wns greeted with the most tumultous ap
plause on the democratic side. Bunds and
arms wcro wildly waved and books tossed
into tlio air. Turning toward Mr. Randall
Mr. Breckenridgo expressed his high appre
ciation of Mr. Randall's services and of his
present ability , but added that It pained him
to hear the gentleman close his speech by u
reference to slavery. It contrasted with the
manly opening of the gentleman from Ohio
( Mr. McICinloy ) when he put the pastbohind
him and looked into the present and fu
ture.Tho applause which had been liberally in
terspersed throughout Mr. Urcekcnrldgo's
speech , grew into u storm when that gentle
man took his scat. Cheer followed 'cheer ,
ladles in the galleries waved their handker-
chiefs and Mr. Urcckenrldgo's colleagues
rushed forward , enthusiastically to grasp his
hand. The committee then rose nnd the
house took n recess till 8 p. m. At the even
ing session thlrty.flvo pension bills wcro
passed. Adjourned. )
The Unselfish Love of n Son of tlio
New Yonit , May 18. [ Special Telegram
to TUG HEK.I Mury Vandcrbilt , wlfo of
Jacob Hand Vnndorbllt , has been granted
$100 monthly temporary alimony nnd $ oOO
counsel fees. This Is while her suit for dl-
vorco Is pending. Vnnderbllt Is the son of
Jacob H. Vnndorbllt , the Statcn Island mil
lionaire , and a cousin of the late William H ,
Vandcrbilt. All the fashionable circles of
Fifth nvcuuo are In n fever of excitement
over the revelation Just mudo concerning the
divorce. The story is in effect that Jacob
married her under nn assumed name , she
being a country girl. The marriage was kept
secret for n long time. Finally his father ,
Captain Vandcrbilt , ordered him , under
threats to disinherit him , to abandon her.
Jacob did ns commanded , His wlfo wan
dered from place to place without homo or
fireside. She told her pathetic story in de
tail yesterday with tears in her eyes. Sev
eral letters were submitted from Jacob
wherein he avowed his love. With tlio
threat of disinheritance over him , ho sent
her the following letter :
OLOVP. HILL , Oct. 17 , 1887. My Dear Wlfo :
I nm very sorry you tnito the name of Vnn-
dcrbilt where you are , for it is not your numo
and you know It. It tuny bo according to
law , but that is not everything. If you con
tinue to live under that name I will bo a beg
gar almost , nnd will have to support my
children ana myself , nnd my homo where I
was born and brought up will pass Into other
hands and will bo mlno no moro.
Judge Barrett , when making the allowance ,
administered a scathing rcbuko to Vandcr
Another Small How AitionRthc Mctlio-
clists-Frntcrnnl Greeting.
NnwYonu- , May 18. At the Methodist
conference to-day Bishop Hurst presided.
The order of the day was the presentation of
reports from standing committees. The re
port of the commission on lay and ministerial
delegates was taken up and favored an equal
representation. It called forth heated dis
cussion. After much debate Dr. Qucal
offered the following substitute for the com
mittee's report :
Resolved , That a commission of ono min
ister nnd ono layman from each general con
ference district bo appointed , to bo presided
over by ono of the general superintendents ,
which commission shall consider and report
to the next general conference a plan for
equalizing the representation as now existing
and in connection therewith report on the in
crease of lay representation in the general
The discussion aroused by this partook of
the nature of a row between the lay and min
isterial delegates. Tlio vote on the substi
tute resulted in the ministerial delegates
voting in favor of the substitute by about 3
to 1 , while the lay delegates were almost
unanimously opposed to it , thus defeating
the substitute. The ministers voting
for were 201 : against 74 ; laymen 35
for and 114 against. Further action on the
report was deferred.
A message was sent saluting the general
assembly of the Presbyterian church now in
session in Philadelphia. Greetings wcro
also sent to ( ho general assembly of the
Southern Presbyterian church In session at
Baltimore. The conference then adjourned.
WASHINGTON , May 18. The American
Baptist Publication society began its sixty-
fourth annual meeting this morning. Presi
dent Crozer made an address , briefly review-
the work of the society. The secretary read
the report of the board of managers , which
shows the society to bo in a most excellent
condition financially. The committee on
nominations recommended that the
present officers be re-elected. Action
will bo taken to-morrow. Francis
Wayland , of Connecticut , was elected
president ; L. B. Ely , of Missouri , and Hon.
G. A. Pillsbury , of Minnesota , vice presi
dents ; Lansing Burrows , of Georgia , record
ing secretary ; Rev. F. T. Gates , of Minnesota
seta , corresponding secretary , and J. L. Ev-
cring , of Maryland , treasurer. A board of
managers was also chosen.
I'lin.vDKM'iiu , PH. , May 18. The re
port of the committee of conference with
tlio Southern Presbyterian general as
sembly in session nt Baltimore on the ques
tion of a union of the two bodies catno up.
The report substantially stated that the con
ference committees of tlio two general assem
blies met in Louisville December 14. Union
is favored if consummated with the fullest
confidence in the chnstlan character , in the
doctrinal soundness of both. Friday next
was fixed upon for discussion of the report.
BALTIMOIII ; , May 18. The general assem
bly of the Southern Presbyterian church
met this morning , Moderator Bullock presid
ing. An invitation from the Methodist Epis
copal general conference in New York , was
received proposing a union committee of the
evangelical church on .Sabbath schools ,
which was referred to the committee on Sab
bath schools. Protests against organic union
were presented and referred. A special com
mittee to which to refer nil correspondence
referring to union with the northern church ,
was appointed ,
PnrnnllltoH nnd thoPope.
Di'm.iN , May 18 , Forty ParnellitCB , in
cluding Dillon and O'Brien , sat nine hours
yesterday discussing the pope's rescript. A
sub-committee which was appointed drew up
resolutions declaring the allegations of
fact put forth in the circular unfounded , and
that they could not have been promulgated
under the authority of the holy office if the
statements so prejudicial to the Irish
people had been tested by reference to Irish
prelates and the elected representative of the
Resolutions wore adopted acknowledging
the spiritual Jurisdiction of the holy see but
reasserting that the Irish Catholics recog-
nlyo no right of the holy see to interfere
with the Irish people iu the management of
their political affairs. _
Tlio Jury
iNniANAVui.if , May 18. In tlio federal
court to-day the tally sheet Jury , which yes-
day acquitted Counselmunn , Hcardon and
Mctcalf , came Into court and reported a disa
greement ns to Sullivan and Budd and were
discharged by Judge Woods. The Jury was
divided on political lines. '
Mrs. Scofleld Discharged.
NEW YORK , May 18 , Judge Lawrence ,
after a brief hearing on the writ of habeas
corpus in the case of Mrs. Scoflcld granted
her discharge.
DCTHOIT , May 18. A special to the Journal
from Negaunee , Mich , , says by an explosion
of dynamite at the Palmer mine near there.
curly this morning , Fred Hnnburg and
Charles Sundberg were instantly killed , The
cause of the explosion is unknown ,
Local Option Unconstitutional.
jANSiNO , Mich. , May 18. The supreme
court has unanimously declared the local op
tion law unconstitutional. The decision holds
that the law is a direct violation of the con
Ills Strength Incrcuitlnif.
Bnui.iN , May 18. A bulletin issued this
morning hays the emperor's general condi
tion is BO satisfactory that ho will bo allowed
to spend the greater part of the clay in the
open uir. His strength Is Increasing ,
Their Now Miinuarr.
CINCINNATI , May IS. Picsldent Ingalls ,
of the Cincinnati , Indianupolis , St. Louis &
Chicago railway , today appointed W. M.
Greene general manager of the road.
Torrlblo Devastation Along the Mis *
Bissipsl's Shores.
Ono Hundred nnd Fifty lloiiiclcoa
Families Cnmplni : on the Hill
sides nud Hondwnyw
Nenr Cjnlncy.
Tno Floods.
Qutxcr , 111. , May 19. The flood In this
district gives no sign of abatement , the do-
cltno of an inch nnd a half up to 0 o'clock
this morning being duo solely to the relict af
forded by numerous breaks in the two lo-
vecs , which permitted vast lakes of water to
overflow the basins. Since that , however ,
the river has been at n stand , nnd n fur-
thcr rise is certain. It Is possible In
the Judgment of experienced river men that
the high water mark of 1851 will bo passed
before the climax Is reached. Relief crews
from this city have been sent In all directions
nud all people on the bluffs wilt bo cured for.
Their immediate necessities will bo nt once
supplied by boat loads of provisions. The
citizens hero are subscribing liberal sums of
money nnd boxes of clothing to
bo forwarded as soon ns the location
of the distressed refugees is determined.
They are in especial need for food for stock ,
hundreds of head of which are huddled to
gether on embankments. If the distress
proves as wide-spread ns is reported , there
will bo an appeal to citizens of tlio state at
largo for contributions of money , Tlio first
loss of human life was reported this morn
ing.The Gulney Whig to-day organized thrco
expeditions to the overflowed districts and
obtained minute particulars of the condition
of the refugees camped on the highlands nnd
the bluffs north and south of the city. In
Indian Grave district thcro are ICO
families rendered homeless , the majority
partly sheltered in burns and other
buildings on the farms not inundated , Num
bers , however , remain In the upper stories of
dwellings in the submerged aruu. They are
nil suffering to some extent , but the attend
ance nnd care of neighbors bus thus fur cared
for their actual wants. Thcso more fortunate
people , however , can not long stand the
strain upon their limited means.
The scenes of desolation and deprivation
have not been realized. Everywhere there
Is rum and destruction and pictures of the
fortitude of the distressed people are incon
ceivable. The names uird local ions of thcso
six hundred refugees are given in the ro-
port.They are not In such absolute misery and
want , however , ns are the much greater
number in the Sny district south of Quincy.
There the roadway to the bluffs and nil the
dry places are occupied by persons in
tents , under hastily constructed sheds
in wagons and with no covering but the most
scanty clothing. Women and children are
weeping over the cntnstrophe. which has
overtaken them , and are in sore need of
clothing and food. They nro a heroic lot ,
however , for even those who had nothing
but n wagon , a few pigs and chickens de
clared that they would be able to get along
and urged the relief committees from Quincy
to go further with the small amount of sup
plies they were able to curry with them.
The women in many instances hud totally
inadequate clothing. Some wcro without
shoes or stockings. The children were In a
garb fit only for the hottest weather in com
fortable homes , and the men had only , very
meager outfits. Some of them showed the
effects of exposure and toll In the endeavor
to save the levee and thus secure their stoclt
and crops. All of them came away from the
devastated homes in a precipitous /light / ,
thankful that they nnd their families were
not swallowed up by the torrent. They are
living ns best they can , existing only until
charity , which is already widespread , can bo
made available for their relief.
How many of these distressed people thcro
are within Suy cannot bo told. It will bo
w ith the greatest difficulty that some of them
can bo reached. The roads , hills nnd Ulllo
hamlets are thronged with them , but the
waste of water cut olt access to several of tbo
communities most In need of help.
One of the most Important results of the
trip is found in the report of the inspection
of the damage to railroad property on the
Illinois side of the river , which has not
heretofore attracted marked attention.
The Chicago. Burlington & Quiiuiy anil
Wabash roads at East Hannibal are
washed out for n thousand yards or more ,
nnd the tracks are covered with water the
cntlro distance in Sny district. The dnmago
to railroad piopcrty will bo enormous and the
interruption of traffic on both roads will bo
disastrous. Communication between Hanni
bal and thi1 cast is entirely cut off nnd cannot
bo restored for many days. Brunches of the
"Q" leading to Hannibal and Louisiana are
washed out fcr miles , bridges and culverts
being entirely carried away.
The force of the Hood inside tholovccs was
much greater than previous reports would
indicate , hundreds of farm bonnes and other
buildings being swept away and demolished.
AI.MA , Ark. , May IS. Rain bus been fulling
in tlio state for the lust two dujs and all the
streams have overflowed. Immense cotton
fields and corn bottoms nro reported inun
dated. So quick was the rise , that people
wcro forced from their homes , and some
were compelled to swim for their lives. It
is feared that several lives have been lost.
ST. Louis , May 18. A special to the Post-
Disputch from Kcokuk says that the water is
within less than a foot of the great rise of
18.r > l , The railroads are all blockaded and
will not bo able to resume for u week oven
should the worst of the Hood be over.
LITTI.K Rocic , Ark. , Muy IS. The heavy
rains in the past two days in the upper Ar
kansas valley have done great damage.
Specials to-night say nearly all the small
streams tributary to the Arkansas river have
overflowed and railroad triitllu is greatly re
tarded , Loss of lite Is reported , but nothing
authentic has boon received.
A muni : SUICIDES.
Her liiiHlmnd C'aino Homo Drunk
OIICP Too Ot'trn.
CAiUJtAan , 111 , May IS. A sensational sui
cide has Just cornu to light , at Fountain
Green , twelve miles cast of Carthage. Mm ,
Ida M. Wright , the six months' bride of Sllaa
M. Wright , was found hanging In the smoke
house yesterday evening by her husband ,
who hud been absent from homo since Mon
day. Tlio deed was committed Tuesday and
the body hung In the smokehouse from Tues
day until Wednesday and was cold and stiff ,
Upon discovering the body the horrified husband -
band fainted and lay in a stupor for several
hours , The body was cut down by neighbor
and the following letter was found on her
person :
"Dear Husband : It is my pleasure that I
write these few lines , 1 am us happy as can
be and I hope you are the same. 1 am going
to hang iiiys-elf to-duy ana I know you will bo
happy. 1 wouldn't k-uvo you , but I never
couly bo hnppy. Bury mo in my wedding
clothes , I hope you will Jump and sing for ;
joy when you neo mo hanging by the neck.
This is Tuesday morning. At (1 ( or half-post
U my troubles Khali bo ended In this world. B
wish you all Joy in the world , for I am ai
happy im cult bo , I haven't cried or shed n
tear since you left , for I was too happy to
cry. I am going to dlo believing in the Lord.
I will bo happier than to live with n drunk
ard. Your wlfo , li i M. WKIOIIT. "
Wright had como homo drunk on one or
two occasions and his conduct drove thg
woman to suicide.
Ohcrlln W ntN Waterworks.
Our.uu.v , Kan. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TDK HUE. 1 This city to-duy mudo d
contract with A. A. Richardson , on engineer
of Lincoln , Neb , to get u < i plane fcr water *
works to cost i5,000.
California Delegates.
Los AXCLUF.S , May 1.8. At the democratic }
ntato convention yesterday the delegates
dueled to St. Louis from the Sixth ConJ
grcs&lunul dlbtrict wcro Y. It. ICuupp and. J ,