Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA DAILY ' BEE : FRIDAY , MAY 18 , 1888.
The revenue collections yesterday
amounted to the unusually low figure of
W,401. 0.
Prof. Rex L. Ilobinson is In receipt of
n case of California fruit , n.ncl yesterday
ho was distributing Los Angeles oranges
amonu his newspaper friends.
"VVilllnm Qulst , who was charged with
stealing n sealskin cap from Albert \V.
Cowan on the first day of last Decem
ber. was tried In the police court yester
day afternoon and exonerated from the
The Amand Woods 'and Richard
Davis attempted murder case has been
granted another continuance , this time
until Saturday , us it Is thought that
then old man Kerns will ho sullleiontly
recovered from his wounds to be able to
appear In court *
Personal 1'nrnRrnpliH.
J. II. McClay , of Lincoln , is ut the Mil-
L , . Spelts , of David City , Nob. , Is nt the
Pnxton ,
Gcorgo W. NcIT , of Lincoln , Neb. , Is at the
II. II. Hobinson , of Klmball , Neb. , Is at the
Hobcrt Mcltnynolds , of Lincoln , is nt the
J. O. Connor , of Kearney , Neb. , is nt the
C. T. Urown. of Lincoln , Neb. , is nt the
John L. Doty , of Lincoln , Nob. , is nt the
S. A. Werner , of Nebraska City , Is at the
Prank Wintdr , of Emerson , Neb. , Is nt the
H. 1'armlco , of Emerson , Neb. , is tit the
W. J. Dnvls , of Grand Island , Neb. , is at
the Windsor.
James Wi Zlbbcll , of Pullcrton , Nob. , is nt
the I'nxton.
J. C. Humoy , live stock commissioner of
the state , Is at the Pnxton.
" 13oss" Stout c.imo up from Lincoln last
night nnd registered nt the Mlllnrd.
W. S. Kector nnd wlfo and Miss Minnie
Hawke , of Nebraska City , Neb. , are at the
Pnxton. _
A Pntnl Shot.
The explosion of what sounded like a small
howitzer came from the alley adjacent to
GcorgeDuncan'son Fifteenth street yester
day morning , nnd lulcml dog was found nt the
place weltering In his gore. The canine had
bitten a child on Thirty-nfth street nnd nt
the miuest of the owner was shot by Louts
Goldschmldt , deputy garbage master.
Stopped the Team.
Yesterday there was a very successful
stopping of a runaway team on Sixteenth
street near Fnrnnm by a man named Silas
Hanson. He stood before the team nnd held
up n wire window screen which strangely
accmcd to dnzo the horses. They came to n
stand and as they were about to turn down
Farnam street they were caught by the reins
nnd thus prevented from causing injury on
that crowded street.
A Clue to Where They AVero Stolen.
The account In yesterday's Bnn of the cap
ture of a suspicious character named John
Cox , who had on his person a large amount
of cutlery nnd revolvers , was read by Mr.
Fuller in Crcston , fa. , who Immediately rec
ognized It as tallying with some goods taken
from his hardware store in n recent burglary.
Ho telegraphed immediately to Oniccr Haw-
don concerning the affair , and the telegram
was turned over to the chief. Fuller will bo
written to for further particulars , and Cox
will meanwhile bo held.
Going ; to Chicago.
The calm which has surrounded the rela
tions of the ex-engineers and ilremcn of the
13. & M. for several weeks promises to ap
pear in a new light in a few days , as a move
ment is on foot , as a i well-known railroader
reader said last night , "that will shako
the earth. " To-day a delegation from the
engineers aud firemen's brotherhood of this
city will depart for Chicago to confer with
Chiefs Arthur and Sargent. Tlio.ohjoct of
this conference will not be made known until
it has been thoroughly considered.
Fliied Tor His Foolish ness.
F. D. Houston , the tobacconist , appeared
in the police court yesterday with his face
still disfigured from the terrible kicking
Gcorgo Fleming gave him for taking his
horse without permission. At first the charge
of stealing was entered against Hous
ton , but by advice of the assistant city attor
ney it Vas changed to using property without
permission. His honor gave the case a thor
ough hearing. The excuse offered by the
defense was that ho was on a spree , and did
not know what ho was doing. Owing to the
previous good character of Houston the judge
assessed him only $10 and costs. On advice
of his attorney he will take an appeal.
Charged With Horne Stealing.
Frank L. Moore , a haekioan , and Jeff Tin
ner , a negro laborer , are in cells at the cen
tral police station on the charge of horse
stealing. It is said that on last Monday night
they uroko into the barn of H. S. Hunnells ,
Thirty- fourth and Cumlng streets , and stolen
n valued at $1.10 , a sot of harness and n
Wagon. They have boon seen since wilh the
iitolcii property nnd yesterday they were
captured by Ofllecr Gregg. Moore excuses
himself hy saying that the horse was taken
on a chattel mortgage and that ho merely ac
companied a constable to the stable the night
it was taken. Hut when asked as to who the
constable was and where he had put the
property , Moore refused to answer and became -
came very impudent. Hunnolls says ho has a
clear case against them and will laud both of
them in the penitentiary.
The I'lillo-Ccltlo Association.
The first meeting of tills association was
held Wednesday night , in St. Patrick's
school , Fourteenth and Castcllar. Hev , Dr.
McDonald opened the proceedings with a few
warm words to recommend the study of the
Irish language. He concluded by introduc
ing Mr. C. M. O'Donovan , who is to have
charge of the class. Dr. McDonald was
elected prcbldont ; Miss Mamlo Hush , secre
tary : Mr. Michael Donovan , treasurer , and
Mr C. M. 6'Donovan , Instructor. Speeches
were delivered by Messrs. Tom Noon , P. J.
Harrott and ottiers , to exhort all the Irish of
the locality to support the association , A
speech in liish by Mr. C. M. O'Donovnn
brought the meeting to a close. The asso-
clutlon will again meet this evening at S
o'clock. All lovers of the language of Oism
and Finn arc earnestly Invited to attend.
Shot o Chicken Thief.
Druggist Hull has a carpenter living on
South Thirteenth street making repairs on
his house , and yesterday morning when the
man of saw and hammer presented himself
for duty ho told of having filled the back of
n chicken thief with a good sized dnso of
powder and salt pctrc. The hen coop of the
carpenter has been besieged for some tune
past by pilferers , and it wade him sore nt
heart and riled In temper as ho saw his fowls
disappear in largo numbers , Ho resolved to
lay in wait for the thief , and about day break
yistcrday morning ho was rewarded for his
nloitnessby discovering the purlolner busy
at woik in the coop , Grabbing up the blun-
ilcrbus which he had loaded to the muzzle he.
blazed away , and fcnls certain that his aim
was perfect , for the Icllow disappeared howl-
iug with pain. _
A Pants Thlei In Custody.
Frank Hatcher , alias Frank Howard , a
bartender in one of the liothcry mtoons , is
in hock eu the serious clmrgo of Mealing
clothing from iloses Block's store , TO ! North
Sixteenth street. It is sld by Mr. 131 < xk
that on May 7 Hatcher came into tils More
nnd pretended ho wanted to buy some
clothes. Under different pretexts ho re
jected this and that article , and had the pro
prietor ( lying all over the store to find some
tmltublo.urtide. When ho could think of no
other excuse Hutcher would say the clothes
\veio not his nio , although he. would neither
try 'them on or let the proprietor tuko his
tiieubure. Tula uwakunud the suspicions of
block , uud noticing u suspicious fullness
unilcr Hatcher's coat , he suddenly throw it
open as though he were going to tnko his
rncnMtre , when ho discovered that the bar
tender hod hidden two pnlrs of elegant pant
aloons beneath it , which ho evidently meant
to make away xvith , An soon AS he saw ho
was caught ho dropped the stolen property
nnd Hatted out of the door. His description
was loft with the police , but ho has been
lying low for a number of days until yester
day , when ho ventured from his hiding place
nnd was captured by Detective Ormsby and
Ofllccr Cullcn in the Turf and Field Exchange.
\Vhon you como to Otnnha stop at the
Slobe , the host located $ ! 2-n-tlay hotel
In town. Between 18th uud 14th streets
on Douglas.
Dr. McGrow. Hectal , urinary & priv
ate diseases only. Hoom 6 , Barker bl'U.
Shetland pony for sale hy Gcorgo A.
Keclhio , Council Bluffs.
I have opened my Woodruff granite
quarries and can fill all orders of almost
any dimensions. Rocik call ho BOOH at
stone yards of Win. Tyler , Lincoln ,
The management of the Union Paci
fic "Tho Overland Route , " made a
change in the running time of its local
trains Sunday , April 29th , that will bo
hailed with delight by the residents of
"Tho Omaha and Republican Valley. "
This change Jis mtulo In conjunction
with the St. Joseph and Grand Inland ,
making the leaving time of No.
7 nt Council Bluffs tit 8:40 : a. in. , tuid
Omaha 0 a.m. Arriving at Valley
at 10:2o : a. in. ' , it connects with the train
arriving at Valparaiso at 11:615 : a.m. ;
and at Stromshurg at 2:50 : p. m. Hero
it connects with the St. Joseph aud
Grand Island train , via McCool Junc
tion and Fail-field , arriving at Alma at
10:00 : p. m. The train running opposite
leaves Alma daily at G : , ' ! ( ) u. m. , arriv
ing at Stromsburg at 12:00 : p. m. , Val
paraiso 2:30 : p. m. and Vnlloy 4:16 : p' m. ,
connecting with No , 8 arriving in
Omaha at 5:60 : p. m. and Council Bluffs
at G:10 : p. in. , making close connections
with nil eastern trains. These trains
run through solid between Alma and
Lincoln , and passengorsj leaving Alma
in the morning reach Lincoln ivti:40 ! : p.
m. Leaving Lincoln at 11:1(5 : ( a. m.
they arrive at Alma at 10:00 : p. m.
Good titno and throuirh chair car ac
commodations makes this the most de
sirable line running into this portion of
The Work Upon the Temple , the Stalls
niul Amphitheatre.
Chairman Kitchen , of the committee which
was appointed by the Omaha Fair and Expo
sition association to look into the subject of n
Temple of Ceres , has not yet called n meet
ing of that body to take action on the subject.
One of the directors of the association said
yesterday that nothing had yet been done
with regard to the project. Some people , ho
stated , had ifpokcn to the board and favored
the erection of the temple In the heart of the
city. "But , " said the director , "if the build
ing is put up In Omaha , the Fair association
will have nothingto do with It.
Yesterday the now cattle stalls at the fair
grounds , to supply the place of those burned
last fall , were linlshcd. They number 240
and are separated from the fence by a drive
way. They are built in rows 1 > 00 feet long
and thirty feet apart. Work on the new
amphitheatre is progressing satisfactorily.
Yesterday there was received nt the
fnir grounds n largo installment of Holstein-
Friesian blooded cattle from Bonaparte ,
Iowa. They are the property of J. Meek &
Sons , and are intended for auction , which
will take place on1 the 25th of this month.
Mr. Meek says that Omaha is superior us a
place in which to dispose of line cattle.
Stop at the Glebe hotel.
Salt Lalcc and return.
The Union Pacific ,
"Tho Overland Route , "
will sell tickets from Missouri river
points for the special excursion to Salt
Ltiko City and return Juno C nt ono faro
( iHO ) for the round trip. Tickets going
good for five days , and returning fifteen
days , extreme limit thirty days. Stop
over privileges allowed within these
limits. Parties desirous of visiting
Gurliold beach , on Great Salt Lake , the
famous watering place of the west ,
should improve the opportunity now of
Ask your grocer for Crows High Pat
ent Hour. Best Hour in market.
And Her Pa Goei Hack to IIU Iowa
Jlonu/ .
The chief of police yesterday received a
letter from Grctchen Lutz , the girl of whom
so much has been said , stating that she was
in Charter Oak , la. , and is all right. W. P.
Hupp , who was to bo arrested by the irate
father of the girl on a charge of abduction ,
is now safe , and old man LuU has gone to
Dunlap fooling considerably meaner than ho
did while hero. The whole affair was not
worth mentioning , and if old man Lutz had
kept his clothes on and not got excited no
trouble would have occurred. The girl stated
tlintHlio would go to Charter Calf to see her
brother before goinghoinc , and Hupp told old
man LuU so , but the irate old man refused
to believe him , and proposed to turn the city
upside down unlesa his daughter was re
turned to Ills arms. Ho should stay in Iowa
where they drink nothing but water.
Crow's Patent Hour takes the lead.
The passenger depurtmont of the
Union Pacific , "The Overland Route , "
has jtibt gotten out ab an advertisement
what is known as the Switchmen's
Puzzle , capable of t-olulion in ton moves.
It faciiiates all who try to t-olvo it and
bids fair as a novelty to surpass the
great l.'l-lfi-l 1 pu//.Ie that created such
a craze several vonrs ago. Send
to J. H. Tobbot ; , G. P. & T. A. ,
for ono of those little intorobting and
ontortniiiihg little piu/los , hut he buro
to enclose 10 cents in stamps to pay post
age on bumo.
Smoke Seidonborg'fl Figaro and got
the host 5-cont cigar in the world. Max
Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot.
Stop at the Globe hotel.
Miss Tony Mol/'s
On next Saturday afternoon Miss Tony
Metz , daughter of Fred Metz , the well known
brewer , and equally well known in social
ciu-lcs of this city , will bo mar
ried at the residence of her
brother Charles , 503 Virginia avenuo. The
groom Is Dr. Eugene Hauck , a popular and
successful phybciaa of St. Louis. Ho is also
the brother of Mrs. Fred Metz , jr. The
ceremony will taVo place at high noon , Rov.
J. S. Detweilcr otlicmting. The marriage
Will bq private only the immediate relatives
and friends being present. The bridal party
will take the 3:15 : train for the cast and go
on n snort tour be lore going
to St. Louis. The best nnd most
kindly wishes from hundreds of friends in
both thls.clty and St. Louis will attend the
nuptials of Dr. and Mrs. Hauck.
Crow's Superlative Hour ; bakers want
it. _
Stop ut the Glebe hotel.
Licensed to Wed.
The following uiarrlajo licenses were
issued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and Hcsidcnce. Ago.
j WiUlutn Hulsuizer , Omaha ;
I Ulla H. Funk , Omaha 83
j MclviuT. Donovan , Omaha ; u
I Mamlo risk , Cheyenne , \V.vo yj
\ Jumcs P Chri tcu cn , Omaha 25
I Mary Jonscn , Omaha 'j-j
Crctw'g High Patent Hour beats all.
Continental . Clothing " House <
An opportunity of Special Importance for cash buyers throughout the west. Specials in Children's
Suits , prices , $3 , $4 , and $5.
Continuation of the sale of Sawyer Suits , Price $12.00.
Continuation of the sale of Dplan Suits , Price $8.00.
Continuation of the sale of Blue Flannel Suits , Price $8.00
OUR orders by mail-and express for
the bargain susts advortisod'wcrolarger
during the past month than wo had an
ticipated. Scarcely a city'or town in
the Western States that Imvo not sent
liberal orders. This is OUlt method of
advertising , nnd wo propose1 to continue
it , knowing that every article sent in
response to these orders will be a last
ing advertisomeni for the CONTINEN
LOT 2705. Price $3.00. We odor 160
Boys' Scotch Plaid Norfolk Blouse Suit
at the merely nominal price of $3.00 ;
these are in regular sizes from 4 to 13
years old , and as pretty a btylo anil as
serviceable as any that wo have been
nhlc to make up this feoason for a much
higher price.
LOT 2304. Price $4.00. T iis is a
very choice lot in a neat mixe rChoviot
a good serviceable color and cut in the
same sizes for Boys' from 4 to 1U years
old. A now lot which has boon made up
to sell for.SO.OO , and wo unhesitatingly
oiler this as one of the Best Bargains
ever offered this season in this depart
LOT 2368. Price 85.00. This lot is
offered to those who want something in
a little darker color than the other lots.
This is a very neat black and brown
, not showy at nil hut Very gontcel
perfect fitting and thoroughly made In
Norfolk Blouse style , same sizes as the
other lots Wo do not expect to dupli
cate as good a suitas this for the money
this season. The suit has boon marked
on our counter for $7.00 and wo know
that every ono taken out of our store
will give perfect satisfaction. Remem
ber these are short junta suits only.
Continuation of the sale of the
Fabrics. There are only two colorings
left on these celebrated suitingsand. wo
olTcr them until they arc entirely closed
out nt the same unapproachably low
price of $12. per suit. No more desira
ble material can bo offered for a bus
iness suit than these goods are , being
purely all well fabrics and goods that
have stood the test for years.
LOT 3521. _ In this lot wo have about
] UO suits left in single breasted Sack
Coats , in sizes from 35 to 41. The very
best Sawyer Woolen Co's. , Double and
Twist Spring Suitings , now light grey
and brown mixture just mndo'up in our
very best manner , and never , during
the twelve years that wo have been sell
ing this suit has it ever been placed on
our counters at less than $18.
We do not need to commend the colc-
broted Sawyer Woolen Co. , of Dover , N.
II. , but unhesitatingly pronounce them
the best manufacturers of fine all Wool
Suitings in Now England. No shoddy.
flocks or cotton is used In any of their
fabrics. Do not forgot the price , only
LOT 3514. Wo offer 100 of the well
known Velour Cloth Finish Sawyer
Woolen CO'B. Suits In a very dark Oxford
mixture , a small neat check pattern ,
ono of the most popular styles the mill
has over made , suitable for either bus
iness or dress purposes. Single breasted
Sacks , regular sizes in Spring wolghtat
the same extremely low price of $12.
LOT 3525 Is a Single Button Cuta
way Frock Suit of this Dark Velour Fin
ish Sawyer of which wo have made up
about 60 Suits , as a largo number of our
customers want a frock suit of these
celebrated Sawyer goods. Wo have
made up n few suits of this shade in
regular sizes from 35 to 44which will ho
sold at the same extraordinarily low
price as the others , $12.
Wo continue the sale this week of the
noted Dolan Cheviots , in regular sizes ,
34 to 44 , comprising four different styles
nnd mixtures at the wonderfully low
price of $8.00 per suit. Those are strict
ly all wool goods , free from shoddy ,
durable and right in every respect. No
suit in this lot ought over to be retailed
for less than $12 , but wo offer this us an
attractive bargain in Men's low priced
Business Suits.
Fast Colors , Price $8,00 $ , ,
, LOT 3500-Wc offer this week 100 In-
illgo Blue Flannel Suits , made In slnglo
nnd double breasted sacks , regular sizes
from 35 to 44. The regular prlco of this
suit has always been $10.00. in fact ,
coino d oalors have sold them for as high
as $12.00 per suit , but wo offer them now
nt this extraordinarily low price of.
Send for Samples. !
Send for samples ol these goods bofora
ordering1 them. Wo will gladly send sam
ples of cloth to any address , orvo would
much prefer to send a sample suit , so
that the manner of making and tritnr
ming can ho scon. Wo would recom- 1'
mend , however , that self measurement
blanks bo sent for first , so that a sample
suit may bo bent fitted to the party order
ing , thus saving the trouble of returning
suit to exchange it. Parties wishing
Children's Suits , plcaio B3iul for lot and
ago they wish , as wo have no samples of
the short pants suits. . I
. examining the same beiore paying perfectly satisfactory , returning
goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding $10 may be returned at our expense.
TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. For years we have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfactory
results. You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if they do not please you.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co.
NEW YORK _ _ ,
DES MOINES Proprietors ;
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
The Oinnlin Board of Trndn Favor
tlic Outhwnito Hill.
At the last meeting of the board of trade
there was n series of resolutions adopted re
garding the extension of the time for the
payment of tlic bonded Indebtedness of the
Union Paeillc road. These recited thut the
provisions of the bill have been , in their gen
eral features , recommended and approved by
the majority of tno P.icifio railroad Investi
gating committee , under the Joint committee
appointed under joint resolution of the con-
Rressof the United States ; that the general
provisions have also been approved by the
president of the United States in his mes
sage , calling the attention of < engross to
the necessities for legislation in re
spect to the extension of time
for payment of said indebtedness :
that it has become evident that it is impos
sible for the Union Pacilic railroad company
to cirry on such a system of extension of its
branch lines as is required to enable it to
meet the necessities of transportation in the
western country without the assistance of
congress In extending the limp for the pay
ment of its government obligations : that it is
most necessary for the state of Nebraska ,
and the city of Onmha , that said company
should have an opportunity to axtcud its
system of branch lines into the rapidly
developing territory of the great west ;
that the extension of such branch lines would
bring the city of Omaha into Immediate com
mercial relations with vast sections of ItTr-
ritory , and would greatly foster rnd encour
age Its wholesale trade , and would bo of
great use to the building up and advancement
of its manufacturing and other commercial
interests ; and that it is the opinion of the
board that the said bill provides a fair , Just
mid equitable basis of settlement between
said railroad company and the government ,
and it is also evident that under its wise pro
visions the certain payment of said company's
Indebtedness Is amply secured.
For these reasons the following resolutions
were adopted :
"That our senators and representatives in
the congress of the United States bo most re
spectfully but earnestly requested to use
every possible endeavor to secure the certain
nnd speedy passage of said bill through the
congress of the United States ,
' That this bo.ird request the co-operation
of nil boards of trade throughout the state in
asking congress for the extrusion of tno time
of payment of the debt of the Union Pacilie
luilroad company , and further , that said
boards of tradu bo requested to forward
copies of such icsolutlons as they may aaoiit
to our representatives at Washington , U , C , ,
nnd to this board of trade.
"That a copy of the foregoing bo for
warded to each of said senators and ropi e-
bcntatives. "
Secretary Nattiugcr yesterday bent out
a number of these circulars to prominent
citizens throughout the state , as also to all
the Nebraska members in congress.
Traveling MOM llnifileil ,
The Union passenger departuicnt , In refus
ing to grant u reduction in rates to the na
tional convention of the Travelers' Pro-
tcctivo association ut .Minneapolis , Juno 10 to
ti'j , 1ms aroused the ire of the commercial
travelers and loud nnd many uro the com-
ylalnts heard. The gentlemen feel that they
nave not been treated fairly in the matter ;
that the members of their organization , who
are the greatest travelers on earth nnd pay
more railroad faro than any other body of
men , should bo entitled to some favors. The
matter will doubtless bo revived soon and
another effort rnudo.
The Boisterous Atlantic
is a terror to timid voyagers , scarcely
less on account of the perils of the ( loop
than the almost corfuinty of 6ca sick
ness. The best curative of mal do moi
ls Hostottor'a Stomach Bitters , which
bottles the stomach at once and pre
vents disturbance. To all trnvolersnnd
tourists , whether by sea or land , it pre
sents a happy medium between the
nauseous or ineffectual resources of the
medicine , chest , and the problematical
bonulit derivable from an unmodicated
alcoholie stimulant , no matter how pure.
The jarring of a railroad car often pro
duces stomachic disorders nlin to. that
caused by the rolling of a ship. For
this the Bitters is a prompt and certain
remedy. The use of brackish water ,
particularly on long voyages in the
tropics , inevitably breeds disorders of
the stomach and bowels. Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters mixed with impure
water nullifies its impurities. Simil
arly it counteracts malarial and other
prejudicial influences of climate or at
mosphere , as \ vcas the effects of ex
posure and fatigue. Use it for Uidnoy
complaints , rheumatism and debility.
Valentino's Shorthand Institute hav-
inc outgrown its former quarters has
removed to the new Paxton block. Wo
now have the largest and handsomest
schoolroom in the west , and the largest
exclusive shorthiuul and typewriting
school in the United State. Call and
see us. Take elevator at Farnam street
entrance same as to public library.
Will Sue the City.
John Muybright is a teamster who lives
between Cuming nnd Izard streets on the
alloy between Nineteenth nnd Twentieth.
John owned ahorse which ho one afternoon
turned loose for exercise , and while the old
chap was loosening up Ins Joints , told his
wifu to watch him until he returned from the
store where ho was going to purchase n plug
of tobacco. While absent u special policeman
arrested the horse on a charge of vagrancy
nnd put him in the pound , notwithstanding
the protests of Mrs. Mnybright. who wit
nessed the whole transaction. The horse
was sold at auction , Garbage Master Gold
smith purchasing it for Slii nnd afterward
belling it for $ ' . ' 0. Mayhright claims
it was worth $75. Mrs. May-
bright contends that when the man
came and got the horse the animal was not
on the street , nor on the alley , but was on
private property belonging to one Mrs. Wilkins -
kins , who lives on Pierce street. That she
intormed the nfilccr of this fact , and asked
him not to take the animal away and ho
agreed not to if she would give him a dollar ,
winch she not having , could not do
As Mnybright had no money ho could not
get ttio animal out of the pound , and it was
sold. Under the circumstances there is good
giound for the action , and the taso should bo
investigated us it should he. Maybricht is n
poor man , and his family dependent upon
him for support , and why vigorous measures
should ho taken with him when graver of
fenses that is on the part of others arc con
doned , is. u mystery.
. A marvejofpurl-
tr.atreiiKtli ami. . whiilosntnoneii. More eeononi
iralthuut M onUnury MmK and cann"t fienolp
lnc9iiipetlUonwltntliomiiUliii'l of low cost ,
shortwelBlitalumor pnopiain ) powder * . Sold
C. 0. D. |
With Privilege of
All Wool Pants ,
both light and dark
colors , in sizes 30 to !
12 waist and 30 to 34' '
leg measure. Also |
a very largo line of
bettor grades of
Pants ranging in.
price from $2.50 to
88. Our $ ' . 1.75 to $5
Pants are extra good
Mall Orders Solicited.
A Concentrated Liquid Extract of
Aids Jtjcntlon ( ,
Ciircn Dyspepsia ,
Hound , Iteft'eslilny
bleep ,
1'rlceless to Xiirsinu Mothers *
Recommended liy Eminent Physicians ,
For Sale by all Driijjui ; ttsand lllch-
ardaon Druy Co. , Wholesale JJnty-
mne SCIENCE or LIFE , the
great Jlodlcal Work of the .
age on Manhood , Nervous andf
1'byilcal Debility , 1'rcmature '
Decline , Error , of Youth , and
thereon , COO pagca Bro , 1S3
prescription * for oil diseases. >
Cloth , full gilt , only $1.00 , Lv'
mall , eealed. Illustrath o sample free to all young
and middle aged men. Bend now. TneOoldanU
Jewelled Medal awarded to the author ty the Na-
tloual Uedlcal Asioclatlon. Adilrets 1 * . O. tux
16S5 , llonton , Mass. , or Dr. W. II. I'AUKEll , grail
uateof Harvard Jledlcal College , 25 year1 practice
In Doiton.who may bo consulted confidentially
Special ! ) , Dlteues of JIwi. Offlcis Ka Uulftocn U
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I70-CO4.
N. W. Cor. 13th & . Dodge Sta.
33 JR , .A. O H3 S ,
Ilcnt facilities , apparatus anil remrdles for cut
ccssful treatment of every form of ditcasc requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard nnil attendance ; best hospital accommo
dations in tlic west.
WRITK FOR CIXCOIAIIS on Deformities aniJ
Draces , Trusses , Club 1'eet , Cnrvntiirc of tin
Hurgicnl Operations.
Olooasos of Women o Speolal'.y.
Uooit ON DiBKiCES or WOMEN FniE.
AH Illood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic I'otson removed from the nystem without
mercury , New restorative treatment for loss oj
Vital Tower , I'ersons unable to visit us may be
treated at home by correspondence. All cominu
nications confidential , Mcdicinet , or Instruments
sent by mail or express , t-ecurely jmcked , no
murks to Indicate contents or r > ciultr One jicr
sonnl interview preferred , Call and consult n&or
send history of your case , and we will send m
l > laiu wrapper , our
Upon I'rivate. Special or Nervous Diseases Im
potency , Sjphilis. Gleet and Varicoctle , with
tjicttloii list Address
Ontahii Mttlieul and Xurgicnl Institute,0 !
Cnr. I3lhand DodaoSli. . . OMAHA. HEP.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Advertising hita iilwnjs IHO veil
eiiccessful. llcforo placing any
Newspaper Advertising cousut
it U i'i HuitbUtUitl , CHICAGO.
" 'JTJic Overland Itouto. "
Has so arranged its Family Sleeping Car
service , that berths can now be reserve ? !
upon application by any ticket agent to J\l \
J. Greevy , Passenger Agent , Council Stuff's
Iowa. The reservations when made are
turned ovcrto the train conductors taking
out such cars , so that passengers can nowsc-J
cure berths ordered , the same as a Pullman
berth is reserved and secured.
J. S.THniJttTS. 13. I * . I.O.MAX ;
Gen. V. & T. AKCnt. Ass't G. 1' . & T. Ai
To Ulu < .goir , Dclfnsl , Dublin and Lhcruool
From New York Every Thursday ,
t'uliln passage Jll'i and ? VJ , uccoulInK to locution
of .state room. Kxciirolou 105 10 $ 'X > .
Steerage to nnd from Kuropo nt Lowest ratoa
Gen'l Agents , Klltroadway , Now York.
I01IN UUGIN : : , Ocn'l Western Agent ,
101 Itumlolpli St. , Chicago.
HAUUV15. MOOHis. : Agent , Omaha.
Health is Wealth !
HUNT , H K'l.uiiuti'i'd ' spot lllc for llystcrln , Il7zt )
HL-SS , I'ouvulbinijH , 1 Us , Nervous N < 'urulBJa ,
llCiiilnciii * . Norvotis I'rohtrntlnu 'iiuecd by the
itho of al'oliolor ' tobnrco. Wiiki'fu'nes" ' , Mental
Deprt'feMon , HnftcnliiK of the Iliuln , K'snltlimlit
Insanity , nnil loudlni ; to mlhirv , do' ' ay anil
dcutli , I'lomuturo ( lid AK < " . llmreniinsM , Loss ol !
1'owor In olthor hex. Involuntary I.OHUI-S nnd
P | > ermutnrlm > a rausol by ovi-r-i'xoitlrm of tha
bialn , K'lf uiiiiseor nvpr-iiifliilKi'nro. Iliiuh box
nmtiilns on immth'H In-atmint , ? 1 M u box , os
MX boxo.sfor &VOO , tent by mall prepaid on r
colpt of prlc e ,
Tonne nnycnss. With each ruder received by
us for hlx boxes , accompanied J.U > ) , wo
\t\\l \ \ Fend the purchaser our \\ilttuu Kimrantea
to lefiind the inoniiy If thn treatment iloi'Hnot
uflert n euro ( only by U. 1' ;
(1OOD.MAN. DniKclst , Solo Asent. 1110 I'urnam
tit red , Omaha , Nub.
S , K. FELTON & CO ,
Anil Manufacturers' Agents for
Of alt descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office , Stag's ' Building , Fourth Floor ,
A MONTH can bo intuo work
$100 to $300 $
I ; UK for inKf n IB prvierrta
wlio iuii funiUli li.tlr own liorsn tlvu limit
tvlio'a Mmii to ia linxlnctf. bparo luvuieuu mar bo
l > rurliubiy i-mplnfvd itlko. A lew vnnuiUc In lonn
wirt en ic * . II i .Jim.N MIX A Co. . IjifJ iUlu bl. . l
, Vu. 'Mcntlvu llic Uuiuuu Uev ,