Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Yesterday's Trading Puzzled the
Knowing Ones in WJicat.
In Hpllr of Kxtctifilvc Door Trading
Corn rittctuntCB Within a Nar
row JlniiKC OfttH Sternly
Provisions Blow.
CHICAGO , May 17 | Specal ! Telegram to
TUB Bi'n.l There were clever people in the
wheat pit nU session , who were firmly of the
opinion nt the c'osc of the day thnt the
Cudnhy-LInn party hnd rnnllzed on something
like 2,000,000 bushels of Its holdings. There
were Just ns clever people In the pit , Just ns
much during the session , who were quite ns
Itoslllvo'y ' of the opinion thnt this Interest hnd
not rcallrcp on a bushel. Tills was the one-
really significant feature of the dny this
proof that the innrltcts hnd finally become so
big thnt experts could differ as to whether
the chief bull Interest In the pit had or had
not bold some millions of wheat. July whqnt
stopped Wednesday night nt90V , selling up
on the "curb" to Wfc. It opened tblsmorning
with none of the bull energy lost. Starting
jit 90Ve , July hesitated n little nnd eased oft
to 90ngc , then sold up to 91c. 'iho close at
1 o'clock was nt 90J < c.
U was u bigger day than Wednesday in
corn and the telegraph people last night said
that Wednesday's was the biggest floor busi
ness they hnd ever done in the city. There
was from the ouutot an enormous icnli/Ing ,
especially by thnt class of traders who take
lines of from 100,000 to BOOIOJ , bushels The
great local commission houses led , Baldwin
. Fnrnum , Schwartz. Dupcc & Co. , and
Irwin , Green & Co. , being especially promi
nent. Hutchlnson was by all odds the
biggest buyer. Bloom certainly was the
largest Individual seller. Toielgners were
at last In the market to cover some of their
contracts , most of them , however , only
tnking in .luly to put out some moro distnnt
options. Orr & Comes at one moment were
prominent , on the buying side nnd Cudnhy ,
certainly openly was n biiioramlon no small
scale cither. The narrow range inndo for
speculative operations correctly indicates the
absence of significant trading. Tlio oat in
spection 100,000 bushels was of course nil
nid to the mnrkct early , so was the bull con
duct of wheat , but liberal estimates for Friday
nnd quite ft ce selling by Robert Warren & Co.
for June finally gave piicesn start down.
May opened at 69c , sold up to 59 c. and at 1
o'clock was back to 5Cc again. July opened
at 671 < c , sold between 57Jo nnd 58c , and
closed at 1 o'clock at 57e.
Free charters of oats 202,000 bushels-
helped to keep oatssteady , notwithstanding
transactions were very moderate. May
opened at 34Xc , and nt 1 o'clock was 34Jfc.
July opened at 33J < c , sold down to 33 , ' e , but
nt 1 o'clock closed at 33X0-
In the provision pit trading was slow nnd
without special features. Cash buyers were
too modest in their purchases to afford any
encouragement , nnd with the speculative ele
ment there was no freedom in the day's ope
rations. A.slow feeling held contiorf and the
product dropped to a lower level. At 1
o'clock pork was 5c and short ribs 2J ( < ? 5c
under last night's closing. Lard was un
changed to 2J < c lower.
ATFHJ < OON SrbbioN Wheat lower : Mny
ruled quiet , closing at SS c , Juno closing at
9 0. July opened at 90jjc , sold to 90J o and
sparingly at 90c. up to 90Kc , eased off , clos
ing ut OOj/ffigo/sC , August closing at b9 ? < @
89 > fc , December closing nt nbout 90 c.
Corn easier ; May closed about 59c , Juno
closing at 57 f@57Yc. July sold at 57o to
57 @ 57 c , split , closing nt about 57J o.
August sold nt 67575 c , closing at 57c.
Outs easier ; May closed nt nbout ! ! 4c , Juno
closed nt 33o bid , July sold and closed at
3Je , August closed nt C9tf bid , September
closed nt 2bc. Pork was 5c lower. May and
Juno closed at $14 20 , July nt $14.80oAugust
nt$1440 and September at $1147 . Lard
was steady on light , business. Juno closed at
$3.45 , July at $8.47f } , August nt $852 ' , and
September at $8.55. Short ribs closed n shade
stronger than at 1 o'clock , or at $7.57 } for
Juno , $7.05 for July , $7.72 for August and
$7.80 for September.
CIIIOAOO , May 17. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Bnn.j CATTLE General business
opened with buyers bidding lower. They
made a great effort to get cattle at lower
prices , especially ripe , heavy beeves. Buy
ers snid big heavy cattle had too much worth
less fat and tallow nnd they were raising nil
borts of bbjcctions to beeves that nvcragcd
over 1400 IDS. At any rate Dig cnttlo were
extremely slow sale and sold lower in pro
portion than half-fat light steers. The gen
eral market to-day was about steady for de
sirable light and medium-weight
cnttlo and closed with rather better
feeling Shippers paid $ -105@5 00 , nnd
dressed beef men bought the bulk of their
cattle nt $4 25i(4 10. paying $4 05@4 85 for a
few choice heavy. Kansas City had 900 cattle
tlo and repoited diesscd beef cattle strong
mill shipping grades slow , St. Louis only
had COO cnttlo nnd sold them at steady prices.
Good to choice steers , 1400 to 11.50 Ibs , $4 5 ( ! @
4.90 ; fancy 1350 Ib steers , 5.00 ; fair to good
1000 to 1300 Ibs. , $4. ! > 5@ 150 : Infeiior , $ % bO < 3
4 10 ; cows , $1.75(28 ( 00 ; stockcrs und feeders ,
$2.7r < < ? 410 ; Texas grass btecis , $ aoOQtJ50 ;
fed , $ J 50i:4 ( ? : 20.
Hens Trade was active with n downturn
of nbout a nickel on heavy , while light sorts
underwent little or no change. The Burlington
division seemed to bo thu weak end of the
market to day. Best heavy sold at $5 70@
C.75. largely nt $5.70 ; mixed at $5 50@00 ,
light at $5.45@5 50. Sperry & Barns' soi t of
fancy heavy cost $5,75. The Underwood
string of prlmo heavy consisted of about 500
head , averaged 275 Ibs , and cost $5,70. ICcnt ,
buj or for C. H. North , bought his sort of
heavy nt $5.JO@5,05. ( Light hog buyers wore
well icprcsentcd. Lijiton's , 100 Ibs average ,
cost about $5.45. Averages of 180 Ibs cost
5.r > 0. Light-light , averaging 125 to 145 Ibs ,
utilized by Jones & Stiles , cost $5.25@5 40 ,
nnd Sim Williams paid $5.45@5.50 for
yoikcrs. _
GhlonRO , May 17. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows ;
Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; mnrkct weak for
heavy cnttlo ; steers , $3 805 00 ; cows , $1.75
(33 ( GO ; stockers and feeders , $2.75(34.10 ( ;
Texas steers , $3 00@4 20.
Hogs Receipts , 21,000 ; market fairly
active at 5a decline ; mixed , $5.40@5GO ;
heavy , $500(35.75 ( ; light , $5.30@5.GO ; skips ,
Sheep Receipts , 1,000 , ; market steadier ;
nnolcd , $4 00@ 00 ; shorn , $300@5.50 ; Tex-
nns , wooled. $4 5005.70 ; Tcxuns , shorn ,
2.50H500 ( ; lambs , $1.50 < 34. iO.
Kansas City , May 17. Cattle Receipts ,
521 ; shipments , 1,150 ; market slow and
weak on shipping grades ; dressed beef steers
und cows active nnd strong ; good to choice
corn-fed , $4 80 ( < r4.75 ; common to medium ,
$32f > ( < 4 25 ; ilockers , $2.00 < < < .2.90 ; $300 MX ( ) ,
Hogs Receipts , 10,000 ; shipments , 3,700 ;
medium to choice heavy linn ; pigs lower ;
common to choice , $4 25@4 65 ; skips nnd pigs ,
National Stock YnrdH , Knst St.
lioulu , Mny 17. Cattle Receipts , bOO ;
shipments , 500 ; market btrong ; choice
lienvy native steers , $ 505 00 ; fair
to good native steers , $4.10@4 ( > 0 ; butchers'
steers , medium to choice , $ .UO < if4 25 ; stack
ers and feeders , fair to good , $ J 30@J CO ;
rangers , ordinary to good , $ J . ' 0@4.15.
Hogs Receipts , 4,400 , ; shipments , 900 ;
matkct easier ; choice heavy and
butchers selections , $550(35.00 ( ; packing ,
medium to prime , $ o.30@550 , light grades ,
ordiuni.v to best , $5.1565,40.
NEW YOIIK , May 17. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEK ] Sioohs London came In wcakcr
nnd lower this morning owing to n rumor of
u cut In west bound freights being cabled
there last night. 1 he market in Wall street
0cncd ] irregular , fiist bales showing changes
of from ) t to J jicj cent cither way ns com
pared w ith last uvcning'b closing quotation ,
Thcro was an inclination to weakness in
early dealings , but the list boon tecovcrcd
uid Xrocticuoi advances were established ,
New England loading the advance , though it
had been conspicuous in the early decline ,
losing J { per cent. Tuo business done wns
very moderate , otfccpt fn New England ,
Richmond Terminal , Reading nnd St. Paul.
Sales up to noon were only 00,000 shares.
The report of n fleet enso of f.17,000 In St.
I'nul comings for the pccond week of May
caused some" soiling and a drop of W tip to 2
o'clock Northwestern nets stubborn. Strong
houses are picking up common quietly and
linvo given out bull pointers. They assert
that 0 per cent dividends will be maintained
nnd rcgnrd U ns one of the best dividend
payers. Coal stocks remained steady.
Agents say the coal trade Is Improving nnd
expect ns good , if not better , business as last
year at nearly equal rates. Richmond Ter
minal wns sold with surprising freedom after
midday nnd a drop of 2V points from yes
terday's closing wns recorded. Selling , it
was claimed , came from nn Inside source ,
GovnnxMEXTs. Government bonds were
dull but steady.
V R.4s registered 12T < C. & N. W . . .107
I J. S. 4s roil poll. . . 127'd doprcfcircri .142
" . " . 4'isrcRlstrcd N.y Central 10BK
U. 8 4 > 4S coupon .108 O. H. N IMU
VnclHclMoCOS 121 1 > . T 24' <
Camilla Southern. 40 ; Pacific Mull . 3IS
Central 1'nclflc 31 > < O. D. * Ii . 10
"liirnpo & Alton 13o ; l'ullmi\n l'ftlaccCirH5 (
( ' . , lt.A-0 . . . mttHeadlm , '
I ) , I , . AW . . 1JO' , Itock fslaml 1OT
U &U.O . . . . 18 Bt. L. .VS. K . 28'j '
Krio . 24 \ do preferred . . B7
do preferred fir , C. , M. \ St. I'nul 71 > i
Illinois tVntinl. 119'J do preferred . 113'i '
. . . . 11 St. P. .VO. .
If. AT. . 14 I doprefemd. 100
l.nkoShore . . lfl\ Texas 1'aclllc . 20Vi
I. . & N " Union I'aclflc
Michigan Central 78" W. , St. L.&P 13
Missouri Pacific 70'4 Uo preferred 25
Missouri Pacific \V. U. Telegraph. . 78'4
do preferred. 61'i '
MoNnr os CALL Casy nt 1(32 ( per cent ;
last loan 2 , closed circled nt HulVtf per cent.
PIIIME MniiCAXTiLE PAI-LII lViJ.O ( ! > j per
STEIIUSO ExciiANOE' Active and firm at
$4.8014 for sixty day bills ; $4 8S lor do-
maud ,
May 17. rollowliiR arc the
2:30 : closing prices :
Flour Inactive nnd firm nt prices 20Vl2'ic (
over last week , winter wheat , sacks ,
$2.500300 ; in bbls. $2 75@4.40 ; spring
wheat , in sacks , 81 75@3.85 ; in bbls , $3.50 ©
4 50 ; rye ilour , in sacks , ? J.70@2..K ) ; in bbls ,
$ -K@y ! ! ) 10.
Wheat Inactive , unsettled nnd nervous ,
with Irregular prices ; opened about the same
as yesterday's close to 9ac advance and closed
about stendj , cash , bbjfc ; June , b'J c ; July ,
'JO 5-lOc.
DCorn Moderately actlvo ; opened at
about yesterday's close and closed steady ;
cash , Me ; June , 57e ; July , 57 } c.
Oats Heavy and lower , but moderately
active ; cash , SIJ c ; Juno 33Jffc ; July , 3J < o.
Rye CSc.
Barley Nominal at 75c.
Prime timothy J2 30@2 35.
Whisky $
Pork Moderately active , but weak and
lower ; cash and June , $14 20 ; July , $14 30
Lard Declined 24@5c } and closed steady
at medium figures ; cash and June , $8.45 ;
July , $ 8 471 * .
Dry Salted Meats-Shoulders , $ GOO@0.25 ;
short clear , $8.00@805 ; short ribs , $7.5T > .
Batter Steady ; creamery , 19&24CJ dairy ,
( S22c.
Cheese Quiet nnd dull ; full cream Ched
dars and Hats , SWfS'Jo ; young Americas ,
Eggs Firm ; fresh , 13@13Kc
Hides Unchanged ; green hides
heavy green salted , S c ; light green salted ,
Oc ; salted bull , 4) 0 ; green bull , 3Kc ; green
salted calf , So ; dry flint and dry calf , 12@13c ;
dry salted , lOc ; deacons , SOc each.
Tallow Unchanged ; country , 4J @ 5c ; No.
2,4 > c ; cake , 4j (25c ( per lu.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 18,000 71.000
Wheatbu . 2J.OOO 27,000
Corn , bu . 10J,000 1SO.OOO
Oats , bu . 262,000 2JJ.OOO
R > ebu . 2,000 7,000
Barley , bu . 11,000 14,000
Liverpool , May 17. Wheat Firm nnd
demand fair ; holders oiler sparingly ; Call-
fotnia No. 1 , Os lld@"s per cental.
Corn Firm and demand fair ; new mixed
western , 5s 9d per cental.
Kansas City , May 17. Wheat Dull but
stronger ; No. 2 soft , cash , 65) c blu ; May ,
815 0 asked.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , June , 51J c bid ;
July , 52c ; No. 2 white , May , 54c bid.
Oats Nominal.
Now Vork , May 17. Wheat Hecoints.
18,150 ; exports , 02,250 ; cash again very dull
and nominal ; options opened j@li.C better ,
latter on May , afterwards decline
2o on realizing , closing heavy nt a shade
nbovo bottom ; ungraded red , 97c ; No. 2
red , t9l'cffil,01c ( in elevator. $ I.Glfgl.01 ( > 4
nominal delivered , $1.00 nominal f. o. b ;
Juno closing at 07J < Jc.
Corn Receipts. 143 ; exports , 27,200 ; cash
( filc lower und heavy ; options opened ' ) , ( J3
% c lower , latter on May , then lost j4tOoL ,
May and next option , closing heavy at bottom
tom ; ungraded , 05'4@ < J7X ; No. , t , O5' ' c in
elevator , 07c duiiveied. No. 2 , C7c in ele
vator , Juno closing at ( ili c.
Oats-Receipts , 27,000 ; exports , lfc9OCO ;
tmukot a tihado lower ; mixed western , 3b ( < i >
41c , white western , 41C ! < :47c. :
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , firm at S15.75@
10.00 , options 30fe40 points higher .uulactive ,
closing barely steady ; sales , 123,750 bags ;
May , $11 101500 ; June , il3.40@13.15 ; July ,
$12bU ( < jl29i ! ; August , $12.05012.20 ; Septem
ber , 11 IO ( < S11 U ) ; Odobcr , $11 10& 11 25.
Petroleum United closed quiet at b9' ' c.
Kegs Stronger and in lair demand ; west
ern , 14@14c.
Pork Quiet and unchanged ; mess quoted
at 14 OOQJ14 50 for old ; $15 00@15.25 for new.
Lard Moderately active , but lower ; west
ern steam , May , $8 7.1 ( ) S5.
Butter In fair demand ; western , 19@20u.
Cheese Quiet and rather weak.
St. Louis. May 17. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 93(3)93X0 ( ) ! June , 93 > c.
Corn Uasy ; cash , 60o ; June , 54J/C.
Oats Easier ; cash , 35Xu ; Juno , 34c.
Pork-$14 90.
Lard $8.00.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 20@22o ; dairy ,
'CH"JOc. (
AFTEIIVOON BoAim Wheat , lower and
Minneapolis , May 17 , AVheat Receipts ,
102 cars : shiumonts , 48 cars : market active
and higher. Closing quotations In store :
No. 1 hard , cash and May , 89oJuno ; ,
July , 90o , No. 1 not them , cash and May ,
83 ; June , SSJfo ; July , b9u. No. 2 north
ern , cash and May , bS c ; Juno , SOc ; July ,
87c. On track No. 1 hind , b9 @ 90o ; No.
Inorthern , 68lJc ; No. 2 northern , biic.
Plour Unchanged ; patents , In sacks to
ship in car lots , $4.20@4.40 ; in barrels , $4 45
< $4.S5.
Mllwnukoo , May 17 , Wheat Weaker ;
cash , S5o ; Juno , b5J c ; July , bUJfc.
L Corn Easy ; No. 3 , Mlfc.
Onts Weak ; No 2 white , 37 0.
Ri'o Steady ; No. l.tWtfc.
Barley Easier ; No. 2 , 07Co.
Provisions Weaker ; pork , May , $14.25 ®
OOlnciunntl. May 17. Wheat Scarce
and stronger ; No. 2 red , W c.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 60@rxKa )
Oats WeaK and lower ; No. 2 inlxctl , 37c.
Rye Quiet ; No. 2 , 72c.
Provisions Pork , easy at $14.75 ; lard ,
strong at $4.10.
Whisky-Steady at $1.12.
Now Orleans , May 17. Corn Fair de
mand and higher ; white , tile ; mixed , C7@07c ;
yellow , CSc ,
Oats Excited and higher ; No.2 , 45c ,
Coin In good demand at full prices ,
selling at $3 15.
Hog Products Good demand and a shade
higher ; pork , $15 00 ; laru , $7 75.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , N3.50j long clear
and clear lib , $7.b7) | .
Thursday , May 17 , 1SS3.
There was a very heavy falling off in the
receipts of cattle to-day , only twentj-thrco
fresh loads being on sale. There vyat. u \ ery
fair demand and the muikct adnnced 5o on
account of the light receipts In t > omo In
btunccs the advance was greater than that on
dcslrnblo cattjo. All the beef cattle of auy
ncconnt were sold before the Close ,
TiiO receipts of hogs were also ypry light.
The market wan nbout lfko yesterday's ' nt
the opening , but it ffalned In strennth on nc-
rount of the light receipts nnd closed stronger.
The hops were all Bold nnd the buyers were
not able to fill their orders.
There were none on the mnrkct ,
Cnttlo , , * . 450
Hogs 3,900
Horses and mules 55
PrevnlhriK Prices.
Thcfollowlng Is a table of prices paid In
thlsmnrkct for the grades of stock men
Prime steers , 1800 to 1600 Ibs. . IJ.20 ( 4.00
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 3.90 ( $4.30
Fnt little steers. 900 to 1050 Ibs. 3.75 ( e3.90
Common to choice cows 2 00 @ 3 50
Common to choice bulls 200 ( S3.25
Fair tocholco light hogs 500 rtj5.25
Fair to choice heavy hogs 535 ( ct5.4'i
Falrtocholco mixed hogs 520 © 5.35
ItcprcHcutnuvo SnlcB , ,
No. Av. Pr.
5 cows 10bO 2.25
Ibull 1350 300
Ibull 1430 325
1 bull , ItttO 335
1COXV , 950 3.35
3 heifers 10S3 335
5stcers MVJ 3.50
21 steers bVJ 31 > 0
22stccrs 738 3.155
. ' 1 steers 940 3.05
2 steers IVIQ 3.75
21 steers ; b51 3.75
47stccrs 918 3.b5
1 steer. 1100 3.85
21 steers 977 3.90
20 steers USfl 3 97K
llstccis 1037 4.00
4 steers 1205 4.05
"Ostcers , 957 4.10
OS steers 1011 4.10
31 steers 10b2 4.10
13stceis 1210 4.15
13stecis 1193 4.20
lOstcci-3 125 4.20
4 stccis ; Ilb7 4.20
20stccrs 12(15 ( 4.2iJ
14 steers 12S9 4.30
9 giado Angus steers 1157 4.40
1100" .
No , Av , Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
105. . . . 15b 120 $4.95 W , . . . 208 1 M ) 5 25
73..201 320 510 5T..219 120 525
57..1S1 40 610 53..202 440 525
70..2C4 120 515 08 . . .251 300 525
70..19. ) 40 5,15 74..24,1 300 530
88 .183 120 5.15 < VJ . . .245 200 530
1(5. . .201 30 515 Cd . .2.18 bO 530
80. . .20.3 120 515 fi4..SN > 28J 530
78. . .205 M ) 5.15 72..2U 530
77. . .191 120 515 55 . . .253 HVO 530
b2 . .220 2bO (20 Ii9..221 bO 530
70. . .209 11.0 520 71. . .249 200 530
t'(8. .207 120 Jj.20 7.1..23(1 ( 40 530
58 , . .229 24(1 ( 520 70 . . .239 110 530
01. .204 120 520 ? 2..24r. 80 5 iUJtf
75 . .2.0 120 520 71..251 100 535
91. . .195 IC'J ' 520 01. . . . 275 5 35
70. . .195 5.20 CO..329 535
00. . .22. ! SO 5.20 7b..252 200 535
70. . .205 40 520 03..245 bO 535
93. . .245 51.0 5.20 73..204 400 535
74. . .191 100 520 59..328 4SO 540
70. . .191 40 520 07..20(5 ( bO 540
73. . .217 SO 522J 5 40 . . .224 120 525 03..257 540
ar . . .202 100 525 00..250 bO 540
70. . .22b 100 525 07..272 40 5 42J4
79. . .212 120,525 07..313 200 5.45
Live SrocK Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
to the loading buyers on the market to-day.
G H. Hammond & Co . 557
Omaha Packing Co . 1,3)2 )
Armour & Cudahay P. Co . ] ,50J
J. P. Squire As Co . 553
Kliifran &Co . 157
G. 13. Wilson & Co . bS
Swift&Co . 59
A. Jackson . 20
S Dreifuss . 22
G. H. Hammond As Co . 115
C. E. Welch . 19
A. S Williams . 17
Bunibldo & Meek . 20
Otton & Van Sant . 7
C. C.C . 19
J. Meek . 170
J. Deacon . 20
Stevens Hamilton &Co . 1
lilvc Stock Notes.
Light receipts.
Cattle 5c higher.
Hogs closed stionger.
Henry Ott , Henderson , was hero with a
car of cattle.
J. D. Boi Ics w as in from Crete and sold a
load of hogs.
Hogs averaged last week 232 pounds and
09 head to the car.
f Jones ifL Poll.ud , of Auroia , had a load of
hogs on the market.
Hercules Rico , Wilsonville , Neb. , was in
with two loads of stock.
Mr. Christy , Wilber , was hero with a car
of cattle and a car of hogs.
C E. Welch came in from Papillion and
marketed u bunch of cattle.
Valparaiso was repiesented by J , M.
Gre\er , who came in with cattle.
A W. Bcnhm , Cortland , was among the
shippers who came In with cattle.
A. Trout , Ord , county trejsuicr of Valley
county , inai ketcd a load of hogs at the top
B. F. Downer , Arapahoe , came in with n
load of cattle and a load of hogs , winch sold
on the matlcet.
A. C Smith , of the firm of Askwig .t Co .
Oakland , was in with u load of hogtvhidi
bold on the imukct.
The IJrovci'8 Journal of Chicago icmarks
that the time used to bo when cattle bu\crs
seemed to consider it their duty to tell re-
) K > rters especially thnt prices were higher
than they really wore , to induce big receipts ,
Now , however , they have- changed tactics.
They take the bear side all the way through ,
and they start the repoit enily that the mar
ket is dull and lower , so as to keep weak-
kneed salesmen from asking high prices.
Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Etc.
Thursday , May 17.
T7ic following qnotiitionH arc wholesale
and iwt rcttitl. I'rlccs qitntiil OH produce
arc the rules at tt/ifc/i / / roiinillots me sold on
thlsimnltct. Fruits or other lines of goods
rc < iuMnu crtrn Inborin wichiny ciinnotnl-
ictiys/jc / supplied on outside orders iitthc
kmnc jirlcts quoted fur the local tiailc.
Hates on flour and feed are Jobbers1 prlccH.
Prices on ( mifii are those paid h\t \ Oinnltii
millers delivered. All quotations on mer
chandise arc obtained from laidlnp homes
and arc corrected daily. Prices on emitters ,
cakes , etc. , arc those vlvcn bu Icadlmj munu-
Tliis was an off-day for trade , and buRiness
was dull generally. There was no change in
the prices of butter , poultry or vegetables ,
but eggs wore llimcr. and strawben ies somu-
wliut scarce. Both were marked up a frac
tion.BUTTCU Fancy creamery roll butter. 25@
2Cc , with solid packed nt 20 ( ( 2. c ; cliolco
country butter 15@10c , common grades
Eaos Strictly fresh HK@12c.
STIUIIEKUIES $4.50@5 00 i > er case.
CiincsE Full cream , 13@Hc.
BKUTS 50o per doz.
POTATOES Choice homo grown , 75@S5c ;
Utah and Colorado stock , $1.10@ 1.25 ; low
grades , 55 ( .li5c.
POULTHV No dressed "fowl In the market ;
live chickens. $400(3450 ( per doz ; turkeys ,
9llc per Ib ; geese , $6.00@7.50 per doz ;
ducks , $3 00@3 25.
Si'iSNAOB $1.50 per bl.
Ruuiuiiii 2o per Ib.
ON IONS Native stock $1 25@1.60 , Spanish
per box of 5 Ibs $1 75@2 00 , California onions
3K@4c per Ib
LEMONS $ J.75@4 50 per box ; fancy , $4 50@
550.OIUNOES California Riverside , $3 75flM 00 ;
Mesbina , $4 50 (5 50 ; Los Angeles , $ J,00@
825 ; Los Angeles Navals , fl.OO ; Riverside
Abi'AitAOUs So per Ib
CUCUMIIIUIS 90iS1.00perdoz for choice ,
LKTTUCE 30a35o ( per tloz
CCIEUV California stock , $1.50 per doz.
RUIISIIES Wo per doz
STIUNO BEANS $1 " .I ® ' ' 00 per bu ,
GUEEX PEAS $ J.25 per bu.
TOM ATOUS-$3 00@3 M ) per bu.
PINK An-LEs-J O0 < g3 50.
BANANAS Common medium , $3,50 ( 3.00per
bunch ; choice , $3 00@3 50.
TUIINIPS Rutabagas , 5bgCOc. (
DATBJI Persian , oU ( < J7o per Ib
Ciiiuit Choice Michigan elder , fl.WQO 50
per bbl. of agaU
Porcons Choice rlco corn Is quoted nt 3 ®
4c iicr Ib. , other kinds 3k@3o per Ib.
UAIIIIOTS New stock , 10@l5c per do ? .
UAIHIAOES Sfe.T c per Jb. for California
CAULIFLOWEK- Good stock , $2 252.50 per
BnAXR-Good stock , $ .2GO@2.73 ; California
beans , f2.2i@2.40.
Fins In laicrt , 13@tCo ; cake , lOc pcrlb.
NUTS PeanuU , raw.f K@Tc ; Brazil nuts ,
Id3l almonds , Tarragona , 2.'c ; English wal
nuts , I6rtl8.crIllbcrts ( , 18o ; Itnllnn chestnut- * ,
J6c : pecans , ftic. . . . .
HONHY 10@21c for 1' Ib frames ; canned
honey , KX312 < J per Ib.
PAitoLE-f 'Wcpcrtloi.
Citr.r.x ONIONS 15rf20c ( per doz.
PUIIE MAI J.E Sur11.25 per gal.
SALsiPr 25c per bunch
Grocer's Lint *
Rrnsrn LAIID Tlcrco , 7J < o ; 40-lb square
cons , % cN ) Ib round , 7iC ; 20 Ib round , Sc ;
10-lb palls , 8)sc5-lb ; palls , Sjfc ; 3-lb pails ,
dYiiur < 3 New Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
37S4Uc ( per gnl. ; oorii syrup , 8tlo ; half bbls. ,
38c ; 4 gal kegs , $1.55 ; sorghum , 3Sc.
PnoIMOXS Hnms , lOXiijtO'fc ; breakfast
bacon , 10(310Jfc. ( bncon sides , aJfffiSKo ; dr.v
salt , TJfljlSJfc ; shoulders , 7@7 < fc ; dried beef ,
I'li'Ki.r.s-Medium In bbls. $5 75 ; do In hnlf
bbls , $ .140 ; small in bbls , $ U75 ; do in hnlf
bblR , $3.90 , gherkins , in bbls , $7 75 ; do in
half bbls , $4.40.
CANN'iJi ) Goons Oysters , standnrd , per
case. $3.1003 35 , straw berries , 2 Ib , per case ,
$2.8r > ( S2 90 , raspberries , 2-lb , per cnse , $ ( ; 2.85
290 ; California pears , per case , $4 70@4.80 ;
npneots , per case , t-I.U'iQil.RS. ' pcnches , per
rase , $5 ( (0(35.75 ( ; white cherries , per case ,
14500 , California plums , per cnseJ 50@4.GO ;
blueberries , per case , $2 100220 ; egg plums ,
2-lb , per case , $2 50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.20@- ; 1 Ib salmon , per do7 , $1 80@l.b5 ;
' - ' Ib gooseberries , per ease. $3 25r ( 3.35 % , 2-lb
string beans , per case , $1 751.M ) ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case. $1 OOdsl.Oii ; 'J-lb miuiowfat
peas , $ .3.50 ( " ' .JiiO ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per
case , $2b5 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , $ . ! 40@2.50 ; 2-lb
coin , $ 'J.30rt3 ( 40 ; sardines , Imported X , 1 ! ! @
15c per box , domestic > f , OJfl&OJijc ; mustard ,
JCLLILS 30 ) pllh ? l ) " ( @ 1.50.
SJ.T 1'cr bbl in car load lots , $1.40.
Hoi-n Se\cn sixteenths , 10 < 4@10 > c.
CMT ) Mixed , OQgllc ; stick , 9l9' c.
Hoi.ijAND HKIIHIMIS ObM'Oc per Iteg.
MAI-LI : St'oAii Bucks , 12 > iu per Ib ; penny
cakes , 13it ( > l4e per Ib.
UHOOMS Extra , 4-tle , S2CO ; parlor 3-tie ,
painted handles , $225 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; ' No.2 ,
75 ; heavy stable , $1.00.
GOc ; Young Iljson , 22a55c ( ; Oolong , 20@05c.
Po\viiit : * NI > SHOT Shot , $1.45 ; buekshot ,
$1 70 ; Hazaul powder , kegs , $ r > 00 : half kegs ,
$2 75 ; one-font ths. $1 50. blasting kegs$2 35 ;
fuses , 100ft,45't75c. (
Si'otlt-Grnnulatpd , fMdp'v ; conf. A , f % @
7c ; white extra C , OJ ( WiiC ; extra C , 0)4 ) ( $
( ( > hc ; yellow C , ; > Jfii5 ; < c , cut loaf , Tt $
7Kc ; powdered , J6@8Je ; New Orleans , G %
, 'lJfC.
Corntu Oidlnury grades , I0@17c ; fair.
17Slbc ( ; prime , lbiyi9Xe , fancy green and
yellow , 22fe23c ; old government Java , 28@
3flc ; interior Java , 25 ( 28c ; Mocha , 2Sfd30c ;
Arbuckle's roasted , 20c ; McLaugnlin's
XXXX , 20fefc ; Dilworth's , 20e ; Red Cross ,
20o ; Alaroma , 19Xc.
WOOUKNWAUC Two-hoop palls , per doz ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop palls , 51.115 ; No. Hub , $7.00 ;
No. 2 tub , $ ( i 00 ; No. 3 tub. $5.00 ; washboards ,
electric , $1.50 ; fancy Nbrthcrn Queen wash
boards , $ J.75 ; assorted bowls , $2 75 ; No. 1
churns , V950 ; No 2 churns , $3 50 ; No. 3
churns , $7,50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in
rests , 70c per nest.
ToiiACCO PLUO Lonllard's Climax , 45c ;
Splendid , 44c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Leggett -
gett ifc Mover's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 39c ;
Drummond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. , 42c ;
Sorg's Spearhead , 45c ; "Cut Rate , " 29c ;
"Oh , My , " 27c ; Piper Hcidsick.Olc.
ToiiACt o SMOKI vo Catlm's Meerschaum ,
31c ; Catlm's Old Style , 2io ; Sweet Tip Top ,
AJc ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Red , White and Blue , Ibc.
soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , Sc ;
city oyster , 0 > c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oys-
cr,7c ; gem oyster , Gc ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha
tystor , 7c ; peail oistcr , 5c ; picnic , 5c ;
snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5e ; Boston ,
8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , OJ/c ;
cracker meal , 5 > < c ; graham , Sc ; graham
wafeis. lOo ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , li c ; hatd bread , 5e ; milk , 7'tfc : oat
nical. So ; oat meal wafers. lOe : oatmeal w.i
fers in pound packages , \ " } o ; animals , 12c ;
Bollvcr gmgei ( i ounl,7e ) ; ci cam,8o ; Cornhlll ,
lOc ; craeknells , Itic ; frosted cream , 8J < je ;
ginger snaps , Sc ; ginger snaps ( city ) , 9c ;
home made ginger snaps , in boxes , 13c ; homemade
made ginger snaps , (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen ,
$2 50 ; lemon creams , Sc ; pretzelshand ( madu ) ,
llXc ; assorted cakeb and Jumbles , llj c ; as
sorted fingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) ,
per box , § 7.00 ; banana lingers , 14c ; butter
jumbles , l"Kc ; Brunswick , 15c ; brandy
snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) llc ! ; choco
late wafers. 15c ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) ,
per dozen , $4 50cocoa ; taffy snaps , lie , coffee
cake , 12c ; Cuba jumbles , ll > ; c ; cream puffs ,
30c ; egg Jumbles , 14c ; ginger drops , He ;
honey Jumbles. llj < c ; Jelly lingers , 15c ; Jelly
wafers , 15c ; Jolly tait ( new ) , 15c ; lady ling-
ets , 13e ; vanilla bar , 1 Ic : vanilla wafeis , 14c ;
Vienna wafeis , 1 dozen packages in u box ,
per dozen , > 2.50.
All goods packed in cans le per Ib advance
except snowllakc and wafer soda , which aio
packed only in cans Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb
paper boxes , } o per Ib advance , nil other
goods Ic pei Ib advance , boda in 1-lb paper
boxes , Ic per Ib advance. The 2 Ib boxes nto
packed in cases holding 18 in a ( asc Tho3-
ib boxes niu packed in cases holding 12 in a
case. The 1-lb boxes arc packed in cassed
holding ! ! U In a case One Ib graham and oat
meal wafei o packed 2 do ? in a case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer soda , ? . (00 ( ,
not retui liable. Cans lor snowilaHc soda ,
45 00 per doz. Tin cases with glass face to
display the goods , 75c each. No charges for
packages except for cans and rctuinahlo
goods. Glass front tin cans and "snowtlake"
soda cans are icturnablo at pi ices chaigcd.
Dry Goods.
Slater , S' ' c ; Berlin oil , ( % o ; Garner oil , < ! ( < g
7c PIMI AMI Rom s Richmond , O c ; Allen ,
6J < Jc ; River Point , 5c ; Steel River Co : Rich-
Bond , Oc ; Pacific , OK ' . INIIIOO BLUI :
Washington , J/p ; Century , dlgo blue prints ,
9c ; American , 0 } c ; Arnold , OU.c ; Arnold B ,
10' c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lU'f.o.
Atlantic H , 4-1 , 7c ' ; Atlantic D , 4-4 ,
Atlantic P , 4-4 , < > o ; Aurora LL , 4 4 , < ic ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , Cc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7Kc ; Hoo-
sicr LL , 4-4 , ( to ; Indian Head , 4-1 , iytc\ \
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , lie ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5Mc ; Peppeiell , R , 4-4 , 7c ; Peppeicll , O ,
4-4 , tto ; Puppcrcll , 8-4 , 18Kc" Peppcrcll , 9-4 ,
21c ; Pc'pperell , 10-4 , 23c , Utica , C , 4-4 , 5c ;
Wachusett , 44 , 7Kc ; Aurora. B , 4-4 , OJtfc ;
Aurora , R , 4-4 , GJfc.
BATTS Standard , 9c ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Byonne , 14c ; B , cased , $ 50.
C'AKIET WAIII' Bibb , whito. 19o ; colored ,
DUCK West Point 29 In. 8 oz. , 10' c ; West
Point , 29 in. 10 oz. , 12K'c ; West Point , 10 in
12 oz. , 15c ; West Point 50 in. 11 oz. , lOc.
Checks-Caledonia X,9' ' < c ; Caledonia XX ,
lOKc ; Economy , Oo ; Otis , 9c.
KENTUCKY JEINH Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
28o ; Durham , 27 } c ; Hercules , 18c , Leaming
ton , 22Jtfc ; Cottswold , 27fc.
Miscui.LANEot'B Table oil cloth , $285 ;
plain Holland , 8 > c to O c ; Dado Holland ,
tloMfOHTEHS $0 C0@35 00.
c ; cpre. - , o ; anon. - , c ;
Canton , 4-4 , 9Vic ; Triumph , Oc ; Wumsutta ,
lOc ; Valley , 6c
GIVOIIAM Plunkett checks , 1Vo , Whittcn
ton , 7 } c , York. 7Kc ; Normandi dress , S'
Calcutta dress , bj o : Whittendon dress , 8
100 , i uruio , i > o . ( , u > < c ; Lionus , AV ,
DEMMS Amoskeag B , 9 oz. Ilic ; Uverott ,
7oz , 13c ; York 7-oz , 13) ) 0 , Haymaker , 8 } c ;
Jaffrey XX , 11 Wo , Jatfrey XXX , 12jo ;
Bcavor Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lie , Beaver Creek CC , lOc
FLAJ.J.ELS Plaid Uaftaman , 20o ; Goslicn ,
n 24-ln , 3tc ; GO 24-ln , ISo ; H A F , Jf , 25o ;
J R F , V , 27c ; G , Jt,35c.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
count LL. fifc ; CC , 7 > { e ; S9 , 8o ; Name
less , u-r-guf No 5 , Oc ; j lift , 9Kc ; VfVJ . lU'tt " I
XX , IJ&c ; OG , 140 : NN , 10 ; RX , 18o ; R ,
20c ; No. 10. 8kc ; 26 , lOtfcjOO , 18J& SO , lOo
Me , colored , lOo ; 60 colored , 12o ; TO. colored ,
25c ; Bristol , 13i < e ; Union Pacific , 13c.
CitASit Stevens' 11 , Oc ; blenched , 7e ;
Stevens' A , 7Jfc ; bleached , 8Kc ; Slovens' P
blenched , 9 c ; Stevens' N , 9'/ct
- ' , lOJ c ; Stevens' S 11 T , 12 | < c.
Orncrnl Markets.
FI.OUH ANH TEED Minnesota patents , f2 45
C3 ? CO per cwt ; Kansas nnd Missouri fancy
winter patents , $2 f > 0@2.75 percwt : Ncbrnska
patents , f2.45 ( , < 2 60 per cwt ; r.yo flour , tJ 00
per cwt : wheat graham , fl.75 percwtryo ;
Rraliam , f 1 355M 40 per cwt ; Now York buckwheat -
wheat , f3.f > 0 percwt ; Excelsior , $ .1 00 per cwt ;
ready raised , $5 00 per 100-lb case ; cornnical ,
\cllow , fl.OOroil.lO per cwt ; white tl 10
percwt ; bran , J10 0017.00 per ton ; screen
ings. $ ti,50 ; per ton ; socked , Mo per cwt ;
hominy , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $1800
per ton ; chopped corn , $10 50OT17 CO per ton
LBATIIBU Oak soles. S5@37c ; ' hemlock
slaughter sole. 21IW9c ( ; hemlock dry sole , 13
@ 2oc ; hemlock kip , COfeOOc. A. & H , runner
Kip , riOiW75c ; A hcmloclt calf , 00c@l 00 ; A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock
tipper , 19(324c ( ; Knpllsh grain upper , 85o ;
hemlock grain upper , 21@25c , Tnmpico H. L.
Morocco , 2nrtT3c ; Tnmplco pcpplc , O. D. Mo , ,
, .
Gricscn kids , M00@i7fi : : French glared kids.
5250(14275 ( ; Flench calf kids. $ JJO ; o.ik kip
skins , $ j > 0c $ l 00 ; oak calf skins , $1 00@l.r ;
Trend' calf skins , $1 2T C Z2 2V French kip
sUlna , $1 10@1.50 ; Hussltt linings , ? 0 00 ( < tOr > 0
jicr doz. ; pink cream and white linings , 57 fiO
( < t li 73 per tloz. ; colored toppings , $9 00 ®
Uitfas Acid Carbolic , crystal , per Ib , GOo
cltris , pur Ib , GOo ; tuitaric , per 1U , BOc ; sul
phucic , per Ih , 5c ; ammonia , cat b , per Ib ,
Ific ; alum , per Ib , Be ; alcohol , 0' > percent , per
irnl , SJ2J ; blue vltiiol , per Ib , be ; borax , ro-
llned , ter ) Ib , lOc ; camphor , refined , 35c ;
cream tartar , pure , per Ib , 4ic ( ; cream tnrtur ,
commeicial , per Ib , 20c ; cloves , per Ib , OTc ;
cuttlcllsh bone , per Ib , 30c ; dcxtilnc , per Ib ,
lic ! ; glycerine , put c , pcrlb , 30c ; hops , fresh ,
per IblOc ; indigo , Madras , per Ib , 75c ;
insect powder , per Ib , Wc ) ; morphine , P. &
W per oz , WOO ; opium , per Ib , $ J 75 ; quin
ine , P. & W. , per 07 , 59c ; quinine , German ,
per oz , 48c ; Hochcllo salts , per Ib , 35c ; saf
fron , American , per Ib , 40c ; saffron , true
Spanish , per oz. $1.00 ; saltpetre , pure per Ib ,
lOc : sulphur. Flowers' , per Ib , "e ; soda , bi-
carbona'te. per Ib , Bo ; silver , nitrate , per Ib ,
fll.oO ; spcrmncctti. per Ib , Wo ) ; strychnine ,
per oz , $1.25 ; wax , white , pure , per Ib , 55c ;
wax white , pin e , per Ib , 53o ; wax , yellow ,
puie , perlb. 35c.
two-thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25c
ca.h. ( Tallow No. 1 , .T e ; No. 2 , 2' c.
Grease Prime white , 4'4c ; yellow , Ho ;
brown , 2o. Sheep pelts 10e@l. 00 , accord
ing to quality. Urandcd hides classified as
SriuiTS Cologne spirits 183 proof , $1.14 ;
do 101 proof. $1.17 ; spirits , second quality ,
Kentucky bourbons , $ J)0cillOO ( ) ( ; Kentucky
nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $ 'JOO@050 ; Golden
Sheaf bourbon nnd rio whiskies , $1.50@3 00 ;
brandies , imported , $500ri3.00 ( : domestic ,
$1.30(1J3.00 ( ; gins , imported , $500@000 ; do
mestic , $125@300 ; chnmpacncs , imported ,
per case. $ J300@3300 ; American , per case ,
$10 00@17 00.
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees , 13c ; carbon ,
150 degiees , 18c ; linseed boiled , OOc ;
linseed , raw , 7Dc ; castor , No. 1 ,
fl.20 ; No 2 , $112 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ;
whale water bleached , b5c ; fish , bank , life ;
ncatsfoot , extra , 05c ; neatsfoot , No. 1 , 50c ;
gasoline , 75 degrees , 15c ; W. S. Lurd , 35e ;
No. 1 laid , 50c ; No.2 lard , 50 ( 55o ; W. Va.
? ere , 14c ; VV. Vn. ? ere , 14c ; golden No.
1 , lOo ; golden No 2,25c ; whale , 20c ; naptha ,
1 degree. 14e ; headlight , 150 degrees , ISc ;
headlight , 175dcgice , 15c ; turpentine , 40c ;
castor , pure , $1.3U per gal.
Lumber ,
novniH .
No. 1 com , s 1 s $18 50 I No. 3 com , sis $15 50
No. 2 com , s 1 b. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13 50
No. 1,4 &Cln 12 it 14 ft , rough $1950
No. 1 , " " 10 " 1950
No 2 , " " 11 " 1650
No 2 , " " 10 " 1800
A , 12 , 13 & 10 ft.$21.50 | C , 12 , 14 & 10ft.$15 50
B , " " 20 50 | D , " " 12 50
2(1 com / in White Pine ceiling $34 00
" " " "
Clear % in Noi may " " 1000
3d com ? in " " " 1100
Afi in White Pine $2050
BOin " "
COin " " 30,00
DO In " "
21 50
HOin " " Sol.
( Fencing ) 1990
0 in Drop S'dim ' , ' We per M extra.
A 12 inch B Is $15.50
B 12 " .TICO
C12 " 3000
1)12 " 2300
No. Icom , 12 in sis , 12 ft 2050
" " " It ft 19(10 (
" " " 10ft 1850
" " " 10 , 18,20ft 21 50
No.2 " " 19.00
" " " 12.tll ft 1850
" " " 17 ft 17..10
12 in Grooved loofing , $1 per M moro than 12
in Stock Boat dt > samu length.
10 in Grooved looting same price us 12 in
Stock Boards.
SHIP LAI' . J19.00
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in
No.2 " " " 17.50
No. 1 , OG , Sin 19.60
1st and 2d , clear , 1 , Itf , Ins2s $51.00
" " \y \ , 2 Cl.OO
3d , clear , 1 Ins as. . . 44.00
" I1IK In 3 40.00
A , select , I In H 2 H 40.00
A ' 1 > , lH,3ins3s 4400
B " linsiis 30.00
B , " 1' ' , IK. 3 In s2s 37.00
B , select , all 10 ft , $1 extra.
Clear Finish , 1 nndi \ Inch , s2B 2050
Clear Finish , \yt \ and 2 inch , 82 s SiO.OO
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 Inch 24 50
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base , . . . 20 00
Star , 4 Inch Flooring $21 00
1st and 2d clear 4 Inch FJooi ing 2J 00
Clear % inch Ceiling 20.00
Clear X inch Partition 24.00
Clear % inch , Partition $2 abavo % inch
O G Balls , 2) ) < nn $ 70
" Kx3 sis 85
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
3 In well tubing , 1) & M un'd'bov'.I' . . . , 23 00
Pickets , D & H flat 1950
" DHwi 19.50
> . I.ITII.
XXclear 860 Extra-A *
. ? $300
* A * Standard. . 275 Oin clear 210
No. 1 . 1.35 Lath 2.75
Live StocK Commission Merchants.
Office lioomit Opposite Kxchange llulldlng , Union
_ htutk 1 ards , boulb Omaliii , NeU
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market furnltbndreo on application Km ken and
feeders furnished on good ttrms Kurenntt tmu ) >
hu National Hank and bouth Ouiubu Natluuai , Uuluu
htock Vrd > , Bouth Umaliu
Live Stock Commission ,
lloom 15 , Kxcbanuu Itulldlni ; , I'nlon block Yards ;
couth Omulm , Ntb ,
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
Zoom 23 , Ofpnsllu Kithantiu IlulldliiK , Union Ftock
_ ianls , boutU Omaba , Neu.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
rmi7tyrrnn7flonfont& { .
cHlncuttL ) PAPuTen ,
DealerinAgricnllnrallnipleDienls , Wagons ,
Ctrriue. MX ! Bu. ojJJtreM.bctwecnWh.nO
Agricultural ImplementsWapnsCarriares , , {
HucslfSEto. Wholesale. Om haNebr tk .
Wholesale-Dealer * In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
to ) , TO. W and 007 Jones Street , Omaha.
P. P. MAST & CO. .
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultivators , Hay ttakei. Cider Mills and I.uban 1'ul
Ttrlmra Cor Hlh and Nicholas Mrcits.
Agncnltural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Comer llth and Nicholas Streets
OVA It Ann A NCI ! .
Harvesting MacMnery and Binder Twine
W. K. .Mead , Manager. 1313 l.cavcnnurth St. , Omahl
Boots and Shoos ,
> " "
"w. v. MORS"E & co. .
Jolihers of Boots and Shoes ,
Artists' Matorlnls.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Uouulas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Manufacturers nnd Jobbers In
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 8 h anil 1'nclflc Streots. Onmlm Neb
11101103-1103 DoiiKlns bt , Umalm Manufactory , Sum
mcrbt. , lloston
( Successors to llcid , Jones 4 Co )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Agents for llofton Kubber ShutCo 1KB , 1UU
Uarni'yM Omaliii. N
Dooksollors and Stotlonors.
H. M. & S. W. JONES ,
Bucccsiors to A T Kcnyon , t Co , \ \ bolcsale & Itctall
1 Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine Wcddlnc Stalionery. Commercial Stationery
Vtfi Iou lai fclroet , Omaha , Neb.
Coffops , Splcos , Etc-
Otualin Cottco nnd Sflcc Mills.
Teas. Coffees. Spices , Mm Powfler ,
FlRTOrtnB Eitractn , Lnunilrr Dluo InXs , Etc. 1U4.
HlrtllRrnpy "tnot Ointthn. Ncbraata
Crockery a ndO _ I as w a r o.
"w. L"WRIGHT. .
Accnt for tbo Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Office.317 8.13th St. . Omaha. Nebraska.
Importers and Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc 15U Farniini bt. . New 1'axtim IlulldliiK.
Oommlsslon and Storage.
( faucccssors to JlcStmnc & Echrocdcr )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commission
McrchnntB. Correspondence solicited. 1011 North
ICth fctrect , Omaha , Neb
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Dutter , GVMS , Chceso , Poultry , Game ,
Oyetor' , Etc , Etc. 112 fcouth 14th Street
Coal , Coke and Llmo. _
' ' ' "
OMAHA'COAL. COK'E' & "LiwrE co.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
209 South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And nhliinors ( if Coal , Coke , Cement , Plaster. Mine ,
Drain Tile , and Howtr 1'lpc. Ofllcu. 1'axton Hotel ,
h arnnm Bt , Omaha , Neb Telepbonolill
SliiiiDers of Coal anfl Coke ,
211 t-outli l.ltli St. , Omnha.Kcb.
Dry Goods and Notions.
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor llth i t , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Cunts' Kurnlsblnc ( ion is Corner llth und Iliuney
MB .Omaha. Nrbraika
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
fcarnam Strcut. Oinaha. Ncbr.inka.
Omutm , iStibraska.
Office Fixtures.
ManufHCtnrort of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantles , t-IJcboiirds , Ilook Oa ee , I > niK I'Ulurcs , Wall
( nsts , 1'HrtlllnnH , HallliiKS , CounterH , liter and
Wlno Coolers , Mlrorv , etc. Factory and otncCilTI )
und 17J faoutli lath S | , Omaha , 'iclepliontr \ .
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions ,
TOG , 707,703 and 7118.10th Et , Omaba , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 tb and Leavcnwortb Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnnuru , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Agents for Howe Scale *
and Miami Ponder Co , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and nutfalo Kcalet. 1U6 IJouglti
fctrect , Omaha , Nebraaka ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOtliand IlarneyEUs , Omaha , Neb. Weitem Agent ,
for Austin Powder Co , Juiferion Steel Nails ,
Fairbanks Standard Hiuloi
Wholesale Manufacture ! s of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
Auill.cutlier , l < ( UHOn nnd U07 Uurucy bt.Omahu ,
JHIeiavy Harclwaro. "
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlngt KOII Mork. Hardware , , lite ,
uuU iil Hanay airtcl.Omulia
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
'Yauonnncl Carriage Wood Slock , Heavy Hard are
Etc. 17ttuJ liilAavunvtorthdt , Um lm. Neb
Lumber. _ _
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISt.i btrcet and Union PaclHc Track , Omaha
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Iocu , Ktc. Yards-Corair 7tb and Ceutlai , C
SltU and ljuu l i.
Wholesale Hals , Caps and Straw" Goods ,
llgUarnf > gtre t. Omaha. Nob.
Dealer in Ail Kinds of Lumber ,
IStlnnilCollfornlii Ptrfot , Oru h N
Lnmlicr Lime Cement Elc
, , , , , ,
Tornf r tih nnil l > o igl t Sl ,
To Dealers Only ,
OfflfCi 1103 Farnam Street Omahn.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
yulney \ \ lilte l.luio.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
WooitCArpetnandl'iirqiiotnoorln. ? Pill find Doimhi
_ lron Works , _ * '
Purler , V bon , I'nip'n , Mnmifncturrrnof nil
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Slieel
Work ) , ' -oiilli SJtli and II. A. M cro lni !
Wrouglit and Cast Iron Bnilding
" irltii" . llran Work , ( lonpral Knundrr.Miutilnniiud
lIliKksinlthork ( imco nnd \ \ nrks , U l llr ,
anil lith Mroot.Umnlia
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk Hull * . Wlmlow CIuiu.l' . Klowcr Hlnml * . Wlro
_ S-lKin , Etc. til Nortti Ifth Mtrcil.Omnlm
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vault * , .lull Work. Iron ami Wlro Konclnu , "IKIH , Ute
< J Aiulroc" ! lrot , r Cor Illh an UnrU * * * ! ! t
.ran and Wire Fence ? , Railing ? , Guards
nil ycnciiK. lorlmiiki , iitiUuV , MUTIK , r nkiats , elo
Improfod Atrnlnus , Lookamlth Mnclilncrj and
lllacksmltli Worki. 4Wfcoulli lull b
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
OencrnlRpntn for Dlcbnlil Pivfi ) , V I < ock Co '
Vault and Jail Wutk , H15 turuuui tjtrcut , Ouiaba.
rninlnory encl Notions.
i. OBER"FELDER & co. , "
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
3M. S10 nnd J1S South lltli Street.
Wesale Notions and Fnrnisliing Goods
103 nnd ilfi Hculh 101 h 81 , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
HOTi Ilnriu r Street , Onmlm.
Wbolsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Grease , Etc , Omnha A II Hl lin i " -
Paper Boxes
Proprietor Omaha Paucr Box Factory ,
Nos. 1317 and K110 Douglas St .Oinnlm , Net ) .
Paints ana Oils.
\Vliilc ! lo Uculuri In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
Ilia frnrnum fctreut , Uiualiu , Nub.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice Mock of I'rlntltiit , Wnipplng and Writing
l'n , . ° r. ayeclal atUintlon ulvcn to lar load orJer > .
PHntors * Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Pvalcri In TJPC , I'roisrs nnd I'rlntrra' Buppllea. CM
South 12ih Street , Omalia.
Rufobor Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clotblng nnd Leather Dultlnu. 1XW ( tarniim Street.
S * ° Jm Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
StcnmVntcr , Hallway nnd Mining Huiipllos , Etc.
WU , MB ana Vlt Fiirnam btrctt , Oniiilm
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam ani Water Snppllo * Headquarter * for Ma t ,
tuoH&Co'aEuoda. 1111 I arnnm bt , ( JninhH.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilalllclay Wind Mills. 019 nnd 030 rarnnm St.Omulia.
t ! 1 llo e , Acting Manugcr.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Bit and V13 Jones rUrtct Omaha
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
rancli liouMiof the Ileimer UutgT Co. DuuglesM
wholesale and retail , I KJH UlOand l1l2 Irurd Street ,
Ouiaba , telephone No.7M ) .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1K1 North ElgthtoentU Street , Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'uuts.Ehlrt" , Ktn llKand 1104 Dounlat Street ,
Omaha , Meb ,
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpenetcr , Proprietor luuioil eand 101 hnd 101
North 10th bCreot. Omaha ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV/ . CO. .
Vi holisalo iln-iuf .tturers of
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch Office , 12th and Uurd btracts. Omaha , Neb ,
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldluirs , Mulr Work and Interior Hard Wood flu *
l u , N X Corner bill and I Aavuunurtbbtrt eli ,
Omalin ,
Manafactnrers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And llllndsTurnlnif Etalr-vork , Hank nrrl OUlco flu
tint , * 'JJth uud lopEJJeton ArciniB
Smoke StnckB , Dollors , Etc.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
Urttchlokr , TJu > a ud Geu r l