Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1888, Image 1

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The Old War Horse Will Wade
Right Into the Mills Bill.
Proposition Will Prolmhly lie
lli-Jcclctl UrRliiK Appropriation * !
For Missouri Hirer Improve *
inciitH Mllltla Mutters.
Two Ijlvcly Tariff Tnlkt ) to Como.
WAsinjuiTON HuiiKAt ) THE OMAHA Br.i ! , }
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 17. )
Neither Mr. Randall nor Speaker Carllslo
vrero in their scats in the house to-day. Both
were closeted in their private rooms , giving
the finishing touches to their tariff speeches.
jMr. Randall is to talk to-morrow nnd Mr.
Carllslo will close the debate on Saturday.
It is with great anxiety that the friends of
x Mr. Randall anticipate his speech to-morrow.
It Is stated that it will bo the effort of his
life. Ho will probably indulge In personali
ties nnd Invective. Mr. Randall is much out
of patience with the reports put Into circula
tion recently to the effect that ho has been
driven by force of the adminis
tration nnd the tariff reform ele
ments In Pennsylvania to support the
Mill's bill. Twoorthrcoof the hot-he aded
democratic members of the committee on
ways nnd mentis , Including Mr. Scott , of Mr.
Randall's state , have Ixwstcd that thu latter
had been coerced , brought to his knees , nnd
that he would bo found acquiescing In the
demands of the party when the bill is taken
up under the five minute rule , and that ho
would bo compelled to vote for It upon its
final passage. No ono of sense has believed
these statements , although they have been
given wide circulation. A few nights ago ,
I telegraphed TIM : Bun an Intimation of this
kind upon the authority , nnd at the same
time quoted , ono of the democratic mem
bers of the committee on ways and means ,
who declared that Mr. Randall would
support thu Mills bill. I did not believe it
then , nnd did not give it credence or endorse
it , and do not now. There have been some
men putting these reports In circulation ,
however , for the purpose of deceiving the
public , while others have innocently taken
up the statements and misinterpreted them.
I notice that the chump editor of a country
newspaper In Nebraska , in denouncing the
intimation that Mr. Randall will vote for the
Mills bill , states that lie will have to have
better proof than the statement of Tin : BEE
correspondent that Randall will support the
Mills bill , before ho will believe
it. I never said Mr. Randall
would vote for the bill. It ia only necessary
to say that If this obscure and obtuse editor
had read Tim Dun dispatches which ho
alludes to as closely as a man of ordinary in
telligence usually rends , ho would have dis
covered that I did not sny that Mr. Randall
will support the Mills bill , but simply quoted
n democrat who did malco the assertion.
Mr. Randall's friends say that ho has never
been so strong for protection as ho Is now.
It Is probable that his speech to-morrow will
bo sensational , and ho is to have a largo
Speaker Carllslo was so completely en
grossed in his work to-day that he refused to
receive bills from the senate requiring his
signature before they could bo announced to
the house or sent to thu president. He de
clared that ho would not bo disturbed and
sent the messengers away.
The members of the republican caucus
committee in the house labored until 1 o'clock
last night in an endeavor to reach a conclusion
upon thn proposition submitted by Mr. Mills
to take a vote on the tariff bill at the con
clusion of the general debate this week. A
majority of the commmitco expressed the
opinion that it would bo wisdom to accept
the proposition , but there was ono very
serious obstruction in the way. Tlio Mills
proposition contemplates n vote on a bill to
bo offered as a substitute by the republicans ,
and the latter have not a bill prepared , and
What Is more it is unlikely they can agree
upon one. Four-fifths of the republicans
in the house say that the bill which
they will vote for must pro
vide frco sugar , and to this
Judge Kelly of Pennsylvania who is ono of
thu leading republicans In the house , enters
a most positive disapproval. Ho declares
that ho will vote for frcn sugar under no
condition of circumstances , while other In
dustries are protected. There are about a
doun other extreme protectionists from the
the cast who it seems cannot bo coaxed to
como down from their high position to meet
the views of the great body of republicans
who como from the central and western
states. It looks now as though the prepara
tion of a republican tariff bill will bo left to
the scmlto committee on finance.
Senators Paddock und Manrtorson yester
day made arguments before tlio senate com
mittee on commerce in favor of amendments
they have proposed to the river and harbor
bill , making appropriations for improvements
if ) the Missouri along the Nebraska side.
Bunntors Allison nnd Mandcrson also had a
tonfcrenco with Chairman Fryo of the com-
jnlttco on commerce , which is considering
the river and harbor bill , and they were
promised that tin appropriation of $ ino,000
would bo put Into the bill for the improve
ment of tlio Missouri between Omaha and
Council Bluffs , and for flvo miles up the
stream , $100,000 nt Sioux City and for the
Nebmska shorn opposite , and $ r > 0,000 for im
provements at Plattsmouth , Mr. Fryo also
promised Senators Paddock and Mandersoa
that lie would give them ? rr.XX ( ) for the Mis
souri at Nubriudw City and $ ! ioOUO at Itulo
nnd Brownsville.
Senator Mandurjon Is pic-paring a favor
able report which ho will submit fiom the
committee on military affairs on the bill pe
titioned for by a resolution of the military
board of Nebraska , making an appropriation
ofewo.WX ) annually for the militia of the
United States. The appropriation , which
was doubled last year , is now $100,000. Pre
vious to that thno it was just half that sum
annually. 1'ho military board of Nebraska
asked to have the amount made 1,000,000 ,
but this was rather more than the senate was
willing to give.
uooMixn itoairoiiANS rou VICK riir.frinFNT.
The name of General Rosccrans continues
to bu mentioned for tlio second place on the
aomocratlo national ticket. Interviews with
Senator Yoorhces and Representatives Hol-
uian , Howard , O'Ncallnnd other members of
congress confirm the claims made by friends
pf General Kosrcrans that his nomination
would bo highly acceptable to all classes of
people in Ohio and Indiana.
Senator Voorhecs said in conversation on
llm subject : "Of coursu , wo Indiana people
have already received instructions for Gray
nnd will stand by him for first choice , but
General Rosccrans stands very well indeed
ivlth our people and would uiuko u stiong
man. "
Judge Holman , who hns twelve times been
elected to congress from Indiana , said : "Al
though I do not wish to bo understood as
faying anything to injure the prospects of
Governor Gray , the candidate from out-
Mate , I have no hesitation la saying that
General Rosccraus would make an excep
tionally strong candidate , not only
In Indiana nnd Ohio but over
the wliolo country He is the ideal of old
toldlcrs , stands high with the laboring
classes and no one. tlmt could bu named
would bo a stronger man for the place. His
birth and long residence in Ohio and his
present identification with the Pacific coast ,
ft section considered doubtful , add still more
urcngth to his nainu in this i-unnivtion , "
Secretary Vilns to dnj divided t > .o rlulm of
Pcttr Helm , of Plat to county , amountipgto
ICO , for I'a'nages 1yPawncc Indians in 173.
jriie secretary , finds that the evidence- not
- to establish the. claim.
Ptuitv S. HUATU ,
A A 3L ' LM * "JJ-J- "
* - - - - - '
liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini ii n'l 11 | "JJJ'i ;
Presbyterian , Methodist mid Baptist
Fmi.Anr.t.riiiA , Pa. , May 17. The centen
nial meeting of the Presbyterian general
assembly , the supreme ecclesiastical court
of the Presbyterian church in the United
States , began in this city this morning.
There arc over MX ) delegates or commissioners
present , representing every state or territory
in the union. The first business session of
the assembly was called to order nt 2:30 : this
HAI.TIMORE , May 17. The general assem
bly of the Southern Presbyterian church met
in the Franklin street church , this city , at 11
o'clock to-day. Dr. J. J. Hullock of Wash
ington was elected modcratoi , after which
the assembly took n recess until 4 o'clock
p. in.
in.NHW YOUK , May 17. The active work of
the fifteenth day of the General Methodist
conference began with a report of the judi
ciary committee on certain questions referred
to it , touching the organic law of its creed.
After much discussion it was resolved to
receive no more petitions or memorials after
May'J I.
Then followed n heated discussion on the
subject of the election of bishops. This was
brought about by a report submitted by the
Episcopacy committee recommending that
five bo the number of bishops to bo voted
for at the forthcoming election. In an In
stant twenty members were on their feet
clamoring for recognition from the chair.
Several amendments were proposed but
the original report was adopted uy a two-
thirds vote.
WASHINGTON , May 17. After n discussion
of the constitution of the proposed American
Daptist Educational society by the Baptist
convention this morning , and after one unim
portant amendment had been made , the con
stitution was adopted. Immediately on the
adjournment of the education convention ,
the American Uaptlst Homo Mission society
resumed its sessions. Hev. Dr. Hcnson of
Illinois presented a resolution which was
unanimously adopted , earnestly protesting
against the threatened repeal of the law for
bidding the admission of obscene matter to
the United States mails. Anthony Comstock
then addressed the society.
Without transacting any business the
assembly adjourned till 3 o'clock , and when
it icassembled It proceeded to the election nf
n moderator , which resulted in the choice of
Hov.Dr.Charlcs L. Thompson of Kansas City.
Ho was inducted Into ofllcc , nnd the conven
tion adjourned until to-morrow.
AVASHIKOTON , May 17. The senate passed
the pension appropriation bill.
The calendar was then taken up under the
rule'providing that only unobjcctcd meas
ures Khali bo considered.
After passing thirty-five bills the senate
adjourned till Monday.
WASHINGTON , May 17. Mr. Henderson of
Iowa , presented a conference report on the
"Cincinnati exposition bill , and it was agreed
The house then went into committee of the
whole ( Springer of Illinois in the chair ) on
the tariff bill.
Mr. Peters of Kansas argued that if it
was true as asserted by the gentlemen on
the other side , that n protective tariff was
robbery , the Mills bill only scctionalizcd that
robbery. If protection was robbery. It was
pillaging the people and taking property by
violence nad wrong.
Mr. Anderson of Illinois antagonized the
protective system for having accumulated in
the treasury a dangerous surplus ; and ho
controverted thu position that a return to a
revenue basis would result in a reduction of
tho'rate of wages to labor.
Mr. Urcckenridgo of Arkansas opened his
speech with a reference to and a eulogy of
the president's annual message , und dcclaicd
that it had met with great popular favor ;
that the political adversaries of the demo
cratic party had sought some point of at
tack along the democratic line and that thu
chief of the opposing forces who had rushed
valiantly into the light had sent a letter
which was practically u letter of resignation ,
withdrawing entirely from the contest.
After a brief reference to the proceeding of
the ways and means committee , in which he
denied that the majority over refused the
right of petition , and criticised the minority
for having made extravagant statements in
regard thereto , he passed to an exhaustive
analysis of the provisions of the bill.
Mr. Stcwait of Vermont spoke against the
Air. Cox of New York said that ho would
do almost anything to get rid of the surplus
which menaced and paralysed the industries
of the country. The gentlemen on the other
said that the Mills bill was a radical measure.
Ho did not see that a reduction of 7 per cent
was much of a frco trade reduction. Mr.
Cox referred to Mr. Uurrows' speech , nnd
especially to tlmt gentleman's peroration
where , like Silas Wigg , ho "dropped into
poetry. " The gentleman , after eloquent
language picturing the advancement and pro
gress of the now south , quoted "Hail its
coming , tongue und pen" quoting Charles
Mackc.y's ' corn law rhyme for the incoming
of absolute free trade. In conclusion Mr.
Cox sold that the country had grown from
sea to fea , and from gulf to lake , expanding
in its progress.
Mr. Mason of Illinois then made a long
speech against thu bill.
Air. Herman of Oregon spoke in opposition
to the bill.
The committo then rose and the house took
a recess till b o'clock , the evening session to
bo for general tariff debate.
At the evening session , Messrs. Felton of
California , Marsh of Pennsylvania , Spooncr
of Kliode Island , Komeis of Ohio , Sawyer of
New York , Nicholis of Noitli Carolina , and
Lane of Illinois addressed the house on the
Alllls bill.
Nebraska and Iowa Pensions.
WABIIIXOTOX , May 17. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Hr.i ! , ] Pensions were granted No-
biaskans to-day as follows : Original invalid
Walker HolT. Central City ; Samuel U ,
Hobst , Humboldt ; Stephen II. Hates , Uluo
Springs. Hestoration nnd reissue Elijah
Lutes , Com Hand. Mexican widows Mary
C. , widow of Thomas J , Taylor , Grand
Pensions for lowansi Original invalid-
William L. Daggott , Full-Hold ; James M.
White , West Grove ; llonainin ] A. Norman ,
Davis ; Mor tau lidding , Corning ; UlairUolt-
? ol , Hopuvillo. UoKsuo Henry II. Trimble ,
Kcokuk. Original widows , etc. Special act.
reissue aud increase Arabella , widow of Ell
II. t'oddington , Mount Pleasant ; Susannah ,
mother of James F. Wright , Indianola ; mi
nors of Cyrus D. Casebolt , Lchigh. Mexican
survivors Thomas James , Lo Claire.
The Ilcjiiibllcnns Cations.
WASIIIXOIOX , May 17. The republican
caucus committee was In session last night.
There was a general discussion of the polit
ical discussion , but the tariff bill now pend
ing before the house was the subject of in
terest. It was thu understanding that if the
committee was able to come to an agreement
upon the proposition made by Mills looking
to a veto upon the tariff bill and the substi
tute which ho expects the republicans to
oiler , a caucus should be called to formally
ratify Us action. The committee adjourned
without issuing a call for a caucus , but the
members were instructed to request state
delegations to hold conferences and try to
npivo among themselves upon what they
might ivffanl as the best line of action.
Itninod For Thirty-Six Iloiu-4.
lUnn Cm , Oak , May 17. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Hun J - The weather cleared up
hero this evening and thu moon is shining
brightly. The Indications are for a light
frost. A thirty-six hour r.i1n fall ended at
nolui. The government lam gauge at thu
signal ottlco stuiwa the total full of ram to bu
1 u > > Indus The farmers , arc jubilant over
the proApcvt , us thu ground WAS uexcr so
svakc'd > v > now. .
Court Houoo at Sidney Burns Unclor
Suspicious Circumstances.
DCS Molncfi Cnn Have Hotter Street
Knltromls Prohibition Constable
1'ottH Convicted The Stnto
Mcillcnl Society Meeting.
Knoll Town Accuses ttic Other.
HAMHUUO , la. , May 17. ( Special Telegram
to Tun 13DK.- ] The court house located nt
Sidney burned at 1 o'clock this morning.
There is every reason to believe it was fired
by an Incendiary , as the fire was discovered
first by the fumes of burning coal oil and
could have been put out had there b'ccn any
facilities handy for the purpose nt the time
of the discovery.
There is a strong sentiment nt Sidney
against Hamburg nnd the opinion prevails
there that the some ouo was hired by this
town to set It on fire.- Hamburg has been
making n desperate effort lately to secure the
removal of the court house hero , and had
csnsidcrablo Interest worked up , hence the
suspicion of Sidney In regard to the matter.
On the other hand Hamburgers charge that
Sidney's skirts are not entirely clean.
The people hero believe that somebody
in Sidney , thinking that the chances for
holding the county scat there were not the
best , as the court house was in bad shape
nnd would require from $5,000 to ? 10,000 to
put it in safa condition , concluded that in
order to overcome this the best plan would bo
to burn the building down and thus be on nn
equal footing with Hamburg.
There was no insurance on the building ,
the policy of $10,000 having expired about
weeks ago. All of the auditor's ' records were
burned , according to reports , nnd the books
of 1887 , which were in the auditor's ofllca at
the time of the fire , were also destroyed.
Nothing is known as to the condition of the
records in the safes. They will not bo
opened before Monday. Treasurer Alex
ander reports that ho had $18,000 in his safe ,
$400 of which was currency nnd the balance
specie. There is much excitement hero ana
various prophecies are current as to where
the future court house will bo located. Ham
burg offers to erect the building nnd donate
it to the county if it can bo located hero ,
while it is reported that Sidney will dupli
cate Hamburg's proposition and go her one
Tried to Wipe Out the Family.
DUXLAP , la. , May 17. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Hnn.j This evening nt 8:30Tom :
Jones shot his wife in the nose , the ball pass
ing through the head in an angling manner
nnd out at the ccrrcbclluin. The deed was
of an entirely unprovoked character and the
natural outgrowth of nn ignorant mind. Im
mediately after the performance of the rash
nnd brutal act Jones fled to the street , where
ho sent a ball whizzing through his head. A
posse was soon organized and n detachment
of determined , law abiding citizens started In
quest of the offender , with the intention of
administering justice in a rapid form , but on
reaching the scene of the shooting it was
found that ho had nearly completed the work.
Ho was removed from the street to his home.
Medical aid was summoned and every atten
tion possible was given him. An examina
tion of his wounds show that ho cannot pos
sibly recover , while there is some prospect
for his wife.
The same man attempted to kill his wife
last week while she was visiting a neighbor
but was prevented by the interference of
friends. The deed is the outgrowth of an
old family feud , the couple having separated
four weeks ago on account of incompatibi
lity of temper , since which time Jones has
continually annoyed his wile by following
her , making boisterous threats and using
vile language. The people are well con
nected. Mrs. Jones lias practically sup
ported her worthless spouse for a number of
years. Public indignation runs high , and it
is not unreasonable to suppose that if the deed
fails to speedily end his earthly career the
people will takea hand in the matter.
The Street Railroad CIIHO Decided.
DcsMoiNES , la. , May 1 . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun 13 DC. ] The supreme court ren
dered a decision tins evening of very general
interest , in the famous street car case of this
city , granting to the broad gauge company
the right to use any kind of motor power ex
cept liorso power. Twenty-two years ago
the city council granted to the narrow gauge
company an exclusive charter to operate a
street railroad for thirty years. After hav
ing a monopoly of the street car business for
twenty years , a rival company was organized
and has bec-i in litigation with the old over
since. The court holds that the old charter -
tor granted exclusive rights for horse
power on all streets occupied by the
old company. This knocked out the now
company that had expended already S150.000
in a plant , unless it could operate some other
motive power. The city council granted a
charter for an electric railway nnd the
supreme court was askeU to devidQ on the
now phase of thu question. It docs so oy de
ciding that the old charter was exclusive
only as to the mode of locomotion then in
voguo. As electric or cable cars wore not
dreamed of , they wore not included In the
charter , and the rival company can have an
equal chance to the city streets ,
Prohibition I'otlH hi Guilty. '
Dns MOINKS , In. , May 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; Hun. ] The Jury that has been
hearing the case of Constable Potts , chargdd
with taking a bribe , brought In a verdict of
guilty this afternoon. Potts is one of the
prohibition scarcheis who have had most to
do with closing the saloons. Hut associated
with two or three other constables , the gang
pursued such methods as to bring prohibition
into disrepute and lead to the suspicion that
the constables were engaged in crooked
work. The charge upon which ho has been
convicted is , that on the 4th of February ho
accepted ? 100 from n wholesale liquor dealer
as n bribe for having his goods released from
custody. The prosecution swore that they
maikcd the bills which were found upon his
person a short time after the money was
paid him. The sentence for Pott's offense
may bo six months in jail nnd n line of | 5'JO. '
Two of his associates have been indicted by
the grand jury and are awaiting trial.
Second Day of the Doctors.
Ir.s Moixns , la. , May 17. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HKK.I There wore a number of
new arrivals at the state medical convention
to-duy , there being now about two hundred
nnd fifty physicians , including about twenty
ladies in attendance. This morning's ses
sion was devoted to surgery. Papers on
technical subjects were read by Dr. J. F.
McCarthy and Dr. J. P. Crawford. In the
afternoon the section on obstetrics und
gynccology met. The report was read by the
chairman , Dr. A. L. Wright. Papers were
read by Dr. Margaret A. Cleaves , of this
cllj , and Dr. H. G. Hcstine. This evening's
sonKlon is devoted to ophthalmology und
otahnology. Thu election of olllccrs to-day re
sulted in the selection of Dr. Donald Macron ,
of Council Hlufls , president of thu tissue !
tion , and Or. S. S Ljtlc , of lown Ci'.j , b'-c-
rotary. _ _
Jobbers Hel'uro ( ho Commission.
. Dis MOIM > , la. , May 17. [ Social Tele
gram to TIM : IlKUlTho railroad I'omaus-
sioners gave a heading thin nftrtnntn 'o icj > -
lOswit.itiVP joUbtis of I'm ' stfito in a ro ilanco
with Uic nov Jutv Abuui f iti louherewrro
preseat , and tUcj d-.siii. to urge llic.r views
of what should bo a reasonable rate before
the commissioners llr n new schedule , ns
they are required by lanr to do. Mr. W. II.
Torbcrt , president of the Jobbers' association ,
urged the commissioners to adopt about such
n schedule of maximum rates as was em
braced In house bill 374 , which failed to pass
the last legislature. The commissioners took
no action , but adjourned till to-morrow after
hearing several speeches.
The A. O. U. W.
Dunt'Qcn , la. , May 17. [ Special Telegram
toTnr. Hnn. ] The meeting of the grnnd
lodge , A. O. U. W. was concluded to day.
The committee on revision recommended
that the grand lodge Initiation , give way to
something more modern nnd less time con
suming than the present ceremony. The
proposition to make assessments uniform at
? l was rejected. It Is left optional with sub
ordinate lodges to compel attendance nt fun
erals. The disputed claims of the heirs of
Thomas Taylor of Oclweln lodge , S. S. Ar
thur of Union lodge , of Clnrlndn , and of Judge
Lcfllngwoll were rejected. In caffli case the
deceased brother had allowed assessment
lues to lapse. The case of Arthur was pe
culiar , lie was back ten assessments , but
before ho died his friends paid his back duos
nnd ho was reinstated In the subordinate
lodge on the ground that ho had been Insane
for months before his death. The grand
ledge holds that his friends know of his In
sanity and should have kept his assessments
paid up. The committee to whom was re
ferred the comments in Grand Master Hll-
singcr's report on the controversy
with the supreme ledge approved
the samo. It was decided
that a person living outside of the state is
eligible to membership. The expenses for
the next biennial period are estimated at
$ .21.000. An estimate of receipts contemplates
an increase of the per capita tax.
The officers elected for the next two years
were : Dr. L. T. Hanks of Duouque ,
grand master workman ; O. II. Wilson
of Washington , foreman ; Hawley Main ,
of Hoone , grand overseer ; II. A. Whitakor ,
of Waterloo , grnnd recorder ; E. A. Wad-
lelgh , of Clinton , grand receiver ; Henry
Fritz , grand guide ; Dr. Jones , grand watch
man ; M. Alexander , trustee. The annual
dues were raised from $1 to $1.50.
Council Lluffs was selected ns the next
place of meeting two years from now.
The University Squnhblo.
IOWA CITV , May 17. In the university in
vestigation this morning Dr. Fellows con
tinued his testimony. Ho described the man
ner of his dismissal , saying that ho had no
notice ana that his prohibition views were
the cause. He also continued his explanation
of his opinion that a bargain was made
with democratic members of the legislature
for the university appropriation conditioned
on removal of the prohibition professor.
Dr. Fellows continued his testimony this
afternoon in the university investigation ,
bringing nothing new nnd failing to give
more than hearsay evidence and private opin
ion as to his charges. Prof. L. F. Parker ,
another deposed professor , was more specific
but did not wish to give nt present the names
of the legislators alleged to have been con
nected with the democratic deal to oust the
prohibition professors from the university.
Supreme Court'Dccislons.
DES MOINBS , la. , May 17. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BEE. ! The supreme court
filed the following decisions hero to-pay :
In the matter of the probate of the will of
J. Sworcfield , deceased , ' Hattie A. Miller ,
appellant , Jones disthc&court. Affirmed.
Thomas J. Acirea vs'williatn Hrayton , ap
pellant , Harrison district , action for recovery
of damages for a trespass. ' Affirmed.
Hughes , Stewart & Forrest , appellants , vs
P. T. Smith , Cedar circuit. Reversed.
E. 1C. Goodnow vs AVesley , Wells , et nl. ,
appellants , Webster district , action in equity
to receive taxes. Afllrmed.
Adolph Anderson vs Olcf Peterson aad
Jcsson Peterson , Webster district. Af
Mary E. Spelman vs Darby Gill , appellant ,
Polk district. AiHrincd.
After Hurled Treasure.
NEW YOIIK , May 17. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bic. : ] The World this morning
cays John C. Peck. ex-Journalist and ex-
treasure agent , whoso cruise in the ill-fated
yacht "Maria" to the Caribbean sea in search
of a treasure buried by pirates half a century
ago , was in the city this week nnd did a great
deal of talking about the expedition and how
it came to fall. His stay was very brief , however -
over , as lie learned that Stewart R. A.
Annot , who sailed on the "Maria" had filed
a complaint with the United States district
attorney asking that ho bo arrested for cru
elty to the crew. Captain Peck's presence ,
ho confided to several persons , was in rela
tion to matters of the greatest importance.
Nothing less than the organization of another
and a third expedition to search for treasure
which ho believes lies buried on Turncffo
Cays roft the coast of British Honduras.
One of the crow says Peck tried to get Judge
Davidson to tell where the $1,500,000 treas
ure lay nnd ho would not. Peck finally ob
tained at Hellso from the government the
concession. Davidson , ascertaining this and
that Peck had located the spot , abandoned
the expedition. Judge Davidson started for
San Francisco. Horn secured a position as
engineer on the Nicaragua canal. Peck's
concession is said to bo good till January 15 ,
18SO. Peck wants a powerful sand pump.
There is a free hole of sand and water where
the treasure is , which it is stated flowed in
almost ns rapidly ns the diggers threw it out.
It is probable that another expedition will
bo formed.
Arthur nt the Helm A ain.
CIIILHCO , May 17. Chief Arthur , of the
Hrothcrhoodof Locomotive Engineers , re
sumed to-uay his old place at Ufa headquar
ters of the Burlington strikers. AH the
brotherhood officials are now gathered in
Chicago , nnd will within n few days deter
mine what is necessary to meet the exigen
cies of the situation. A circular to the public
has been distributed during the past three
days , which declares that the strike is not off.
Jlln "Honali. "
Nr.w Yonu , Aluy 17. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Uii : : . ] The Star says Colonel Grant
offered Hadeau to compromise the suit by
paying him the sum , originally named.
Hadeau lias refused , contrary to the ndvico
of his attorney , who has thrown up his case
in consequence. Hadeau has procured a now
lawyer and will push the case to trial , as ho
says , to vindicate his "hfanor. "
. -1 *
Powder Kxploslon ,
niivir : > Eiii ! , N , J , , May. 17. An explosion
of 300 kegs of powder in the powder house at
the Prattsvillo brownstone quarry near
Stockton this morning killed one man and In
jured several others , wrcciccd n number of
houses and destroyed considerable property.
A report was heard und thu houses bhakcn
for a distance of thirty-six miles. The ox-
nlosion was caused by. a workman dropping a
keg of powder.
Steamship Arrivals.
QfEixsTowx : , May 17. [ Special Telegram
toTucHcE. ] Arrived The Urittanie , from
New York.
NKW YOUK , May 17. Arrived The In
diana , from Glasgow ; the Hhjiiland , from
HAI.TUIOU ; : . May 17. Arrived The Peruvian -
vian , from Liverpool.
PniLAiicu'iiiA , May 17. Ai rived The
Prussian , from Glasgow.
Wo.uhor Indications.
For Nebraska : Wunnci , fair weather ,
light to fro > -li vai-i.iblo winds.
l-orlown : Wnriipr | , Unlit to fresh \ari-
r.blc winds , l < i , . einhur Jr. foivouir.1 becoming
For Dakota : Warmer , local ram * , fol
lowed by fair wcatter. light to fresh variable
Virginia Republicans Have a Split
nt Tholr Convention.
A ChlcnKO Political Prophet FlgnrcH n
Clcnn Victory For Itlnlno in the
National GntcrliiR Stnto
Old Virginia Itopnhllcnns.
PuTEiuiiuno , Va. , May 17. The republican
state convention assembled Miortly after
noon to-day and was addressed by General
Mahono. William Lamb , of Norfolk , was
chosen temporary chairman nnd briefly ad
dressed the convention. After the adoption
of resolutions providing for the formation of
committees , n recess was taken until 4 p. in.
Upon reassembling , reports from the sev
eral districts were road. When the Fourth
district was reached. It appeared there were
two delegations claiming recognition of the
convention , and thereupon nn uproar ensued ,
during which the friends of both sides seemed
to vie with each other in trying to see which
could make the most noise. The matter was
postponed until the committee on credentials
should bo heard from. A recess was taken
till 0 o'clock.
At 0:30 : the convention reassembled nnd
Colonel William Lamb was selected as per
manent chairman. The report of the Third
district delegation of Mahoncists was pre
sented. Hon. John S. Wlso , who led the
opposing delegation from the same district ,
advocated the claims of his delegation. Ho
charged corruption and fraud on the part of
hlsonponcnts in the district , and ho was going
to Chicago to fight the battle of the republi
can party and let those who did wrong stand
from under. Captain Wlso then called upon
all those opposed to thu unit rule to retlro
from the hall und hold n separate meeting.
Ho then left the stage nnd amid tremendous
shouts , huzras and the waving of hats , etc. ,
about one hundred nnd fifty left the hall.
Comparative quiet followed the departure
of the scceders and routine business pro
gressed. The following arc the delegatcs-at-
largoJohnG. Watts , J. Z. Brown 11 n , A.
II. Harris and General William Mahoae.
The unit rule at Chicago was adopted. A
regular republican platform was adopted.
The seccders organized , with General Groner
as chairman. Addresses wore made by John
S. Wise. , Senator Kiddleborger and others ,
in which General Mnhono fared badly. At
12:45 the Mahono convention adjourned.
Minnesota Democracy.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , May 17. The democratic
state convention to nominate delegates to St.
Louis was called to order at 12:15 : by Chair
man Doran , of the state committee. Eugene
Wilson of Minneapolis was elected temporary
chairman. Wilson made a brief speechacclar-
ing that the ono thing essential to Minnesota
democracy was harmonious loyalty to the
delegation finally selected to St. Louis. Ho
said the party in.Mnncsota ! had been growing
strong since it so nearly carried the state two
years ago , and with harmony it could carry
the state this fall. The speaker said so gen
eral was the sentiment of Minnesota demo
crats In favor of the renomination of Presi
dent Cleveland that the action of the con
vention m the nomination of delegates would
only bo formal.
The appointment of the usual committees
was followed by a recess.
At the opening of-the afternoon session ,
amid the wildest applause , Mayor Ames of
Minneapolis and Chairman Doran of the state
committee were chosen delcgatcs-at-largo.
Mayor Robert A. Smith of St. Paul and
John Ludwig of Winona county were
the other two chosen. A full
complement of district delegates
were selected aud the convention then heard
the report of the committee on resolutions.
The platform says sufllcient revenue should
bo collected for the support of economical
goxcrmncnt ; taxation for government pur
poses should bo imposed on luxuries and not
on necessities. The convention also endorsed
the action of Minnesota's three democratic
congressmen. This was amended to include
ICuuto Nelson , the republican member. Ad
Figure It Out For Hlnino.
CHICAGO , May 17. [ Special Telegram to
THE Br.u. ] When Blalno was nominated
four years ago , a large , enthusiastic and rich
Young Men's Blalno club was formed hero in
Chicago. The organization has been kept
alive ever since in .spito of the protests of the
friends of several other prominent men , and
to-day numbers ii,000. The club is making
great preparations for parades and recep
tions during the republican convention , nnd
its secretary has also been making a careful
canvass by letter nnd telegraph of the var
ious state delegations and claims that
Blaino's strength on the second ballot will bens
ns follows : Maine 12 , Vermont 8 , Connecti
cut 12 , New Jersey 18 , Massachusetts 23 ,
Rhode Island 8 , New Hampshire 8 , Now
York 05 , Pennsylvania 50. California 10 ,
Colorado 0 , Kansas IS , Nebraska 10 , Min
nesota 1U , Nevada 0 , Wisconsin 2. ? , Oregon ( ! ,
Virginia 24 , AVest Virginia 12 , Tcnnpssseo 24 ,
Missouri S3. Maryland 10 , Kentucky 14 ,
Texas 1(5 ( , North Carolina 10 , Arkansas 14 ,
Georgia 10 , Alabama 11 ; total 4fc'A The
Hlnlnu club men say that on the first ballot
Ohio will give 40 votes for Sherman , Illinois
44 for Gresham , Indiana ! ! 0 for Harrison , nnd
Iowa 20 for Allison , but that there will also
bo serious defections from these ranks on
the second ballot. They claim that the
members of the Illinois delegation have al
ready pledged themselves to vote for Hlainu
after tiio first ballot.
Got ThroiiKh With the Job.
Los AXCIIII.ES , Cal. , May 17. When the
democratic convention met this morning the
chairman of the committee on resolutions
read the platform. It endorses President
Cleveland's administration and pledges thu
party to secure an equitable revision of the
tariff ; favors the free coinage of gold and
silver ; opposes the subsidizing of monopoly ;
endorses the new Chinese treaty , and de
clares tliat thu jiaity favors an amendment
to the constitution so ns to have United
States senators elected by direct vote of the
people. The platlorm also favoni the man
agement of the postal and telegraph system
by the government.
M. F. Tarpoy , W. D. English , C. W. Taylor -
lor and Stephen M. White were elected dele
gates at large to St. Louis.
For CoiiKrc-HH.
Los ANO.ct.ns , Cal. , May 17. At the demo
cratic convention yesterday the following
nominations for congress were made : Second
end district , Marlon Higgs ( rcnominatcd ) j
First district , F. I. Thompson ( rcnominatcd ) :
Fourth district , Hobeit Fcrrall ; Sixth dls-
district , Kiel Terry.
The democratic convention of the Fifth
congressional district this morning nomi
nated State Senator Thomas Clunlo for con
gress and selected C. L. Kulnnd and Maurice
Schmidt as delegates to thu St. Lotus con
The Third congressional district conven
tion selected J. G. White and B. G. Blessing
as delegates to the St. Louis convention.
Thu nomination of congressman was post
poned until September.
MaryUmd Hc ] > uhlcaiiti. |
EASTOX , Md. , May 17. The republican
state convention met hero to day. Dr. W. G.
Tuck was elected temporary chairman ,
The permanent organ ! Ait ion was effected
with Colonel S T. Hods in the chair. The
platform denounces the democratic tariff
policy ; favors the abolition of taxes on tobacco
and alcohol for use In the arts , and the modifi
cation of the duty on sugar. Other sections
denounce the administration as inlso in its
profus&iong of refoi'ru in the civil service ;
savor a liberal pension fiotiry , approve tire
ac'.iou uf the. republicans lu cviigaas In up-
posing the Mills bill , Iclc fates were then
chosen to the Chicago convention. Ad
They Stny by Ingnlle.
Fnr.DON'tA , Kan. , M iy 17. The Third con
gressional district republican convention to
day rcnominatcd Uishop W. Perkins for con
gress by acclamation , nnd selected William
U. Jenkins , of Cowloy county , and Captain
J. D. Barker , of Crawford county , delegates
to the national convention , nnd Hon. T. P.
Anderson presidential elector. Resolutions
endorsing Senators Ingnlls nnd Plumb were
unanimously adopted.
South Carolina Dnmocr.itn.
COI.UMIUA , S. C. , May 17. The democratic
state convention met hero to-day. Hon. T.
J. Pope , of Ncwbern , wan elected chairman.
The following were chosen delegatcs-nt-
largo by acclamation : J. F. Hart , F , W.
Dawson , W. Jones and C. A. Wood.
The platform endorses the administration
of Cleveland and his message on the tariff ,
declares the treasury surplus a menace to
the country nnd approves the Mills tariff
bill. District delegates to St. Louis were
then elected.
Ncvndn Democrats.
VIIKHNM , Nov. , May 17. The democratic
state convention assembled to-day. M. S.
Honnlltcld was elected chairman. The plat
form adopted endorses Cleveland and cal's '
for the frco coinage of silver ,
general free trade and denounces
the surplus ; also the anti-immigration
plank. Delegates to the national convention :
Ex-Senator J. G. Fair , N. II. W. Mason , J.
Dorsey , George Ernst , J. S. Mooney nnd 11.
Garragen. Presidential electors : Theodore
Winters , J. H. II Hardln , C. C. Thomas.
Congressman George W. Cassldy was nomin
ated by acclamation.
Delaware Republicans.
Dorr.n , Del. , May. 17. The republican
state convention was called to order nt l'JtO : !
to-day , with Washington Hastings as chair
man. Ho made a brief address. After the
appointment of the usual committees a recess
was taken until U0 : ! ! this afternoon.
The business of the convention was con
cluded at the afternoon session by the elec
tion of the delegates named and the adoption
of resolutions denouncing thu president's
tariff message and the Mills bill , and endorsing
ing high license. The delegates are unln-
structcd , but favor Blalnc.
Missouri Kcnubllcanfl.
Snn U.IA , Mo. , May 17. The dcmocratlo
state convention to elect delegates to the
national convention met nt noon. General
John Hockady was chosen permanent chair
man. Resolutions endorsing Cleveland's ad
ministration and also endorsing the position
assumed by him on the tariff were adopted.
Delegates nt largo were selected ns follows :
John O'Day , D. W. Caruth , E. L. Martin
and Nat C. Dryden. Adjourned.
Selecting Two Senators.
BATON ROUOB , La. , May 17. The demo
cratic legislative caucus to-night on the first
ballot , nominated General Gibson to suc
ceed himself as United States senator. On
the ballot for junior United States senator
the result was , White 37 , Eustis 34 , Jones 31 ,
Blauchard 10.
Nortli Carolina Gold Water Men.
RAI.CIOII , N. C. , May 17. The prohibition
ists of North Carolina met m state conven
tion at Greensboro to-day. They nominated
a full state ticket with the exception of sec
retary of state and attorney general , headed
by W. T. Walker for governor nnd Moacs
Hammond for lieutenant governor.
Kansas Democrats.
WICHITA , Kan. , May 17. The democratic
state convention to nominate delegates to St.
Louis met hero to-day at 1 p. m. After ap
pointing the usual committees they took a
recess until 3 p. m.
Missouri Delegates.
SEDAUA , Mo. , May 17. Tlio republican
state convention selected as delegates at largo
to the national convention C. I. Filley. D. P.
Dyer , William Warner and Joseph II. Pel-
I iihor Con volition.
CINCINNATI , O. , May 17. The united labor
convention upon reassembling to-day nomin
ated Robert H. Cowdry of Illinois , for presi
The only name presented was that of W.
R. J. Wnkcflcld , of Council Grove , Kan. , and
ho was nominated for vice president by ac
clamation. The convention , then , at 1:45 : ,
adjourned sine die.
Cowdroy , nominated for president , is a
druggist in Chicago. Wakelield is the editor
of the Anti-Monopolist.
Both Tendered Kcoontlons.
WASHINGTON , May 17. Just after the In-
galls-Voorhees episode in the senate , friends
nnd admirers of both senators tendered each
a reception and selected to-night for the oc
casion. The reception to Senator Ingalls
brought a largo crowd to the club-house of
the republican league , where speeches were
made by Senators Ingalls and Sherman , Rep
rcseutatlves Perkins , of Kansas , nnd Johns
ton , of Indiana , and Judge Sliollabarger.
Senator lugalls. in his speech , criticised the
nomination of Fuller to bo chief justice of
the United States.
The reception to Senator Voorhces was
hold at Willard's hall , which was elaborately
decorated and filled to overflowing. The
speakers weio Senator Voorhecs , Represen
tative Ontbwalto of Ohio , Caruth of Ken
tucky , and Compton of Maryland , ex-Gov
ernor Curtin and Commissioners Hlnck ,
Stockslagcr und Hall of the pension , land
and patent , offices respectively. Prolonged
applause greeted every mention of President
Cleveland's nunc.
Army Orders.
WASHINGTON , May 17. [ Special Telpgr.-lm
to Tun Hii.l : : First Lieutenant Francis
Woodbridge , Seventh infantry , having been
found incapacitated for active service by an
army retiring board , will proceed to his homo
and report by letter to the adjutant general
of the army.
Major Uvan Miles Twenty-fifth Infantry ,
promoted from captain Twenty-first Infantry ,
will bo relieved from duty on the recruiting
service , and will join the station to which liu
may bu assigned by thu commanding geaeial ,
Department of Dakota , to whom he will re
port by letter.
A Prollliihli ; Meeting.
ROCK IHI.AMI , 111 , May 17. Tlio Illinois
medical society closed its annual session hero
to-day , and selected Jackson vhlo as the meet
ing place for next year. The officers
are : C. W. Early , of Chicago , piesident ;
P. H. Oyler , of Mount Pulaskl , ana
G. L. Eynter , of Rock Island , vice-presidents ;
D. W. Graham , of Chiigo , permanent secre
tary ; J. M. Culllmoru , ot Jacksonville , assist
ant secretary ; T , M. Mellvaino , of Peorla ,
treasurer. Thu papers nnd discussions have
been of a high order of merit , and a pleasant
feature was the drive in carriages over the
grounds of Rock Island arsenal , and a picnic
dinner at Black Hawks watch tower given
b } Hospital Guild ladies.
Wortio than Kvrr ,
LOUISVJU.K , May 17. The supplementary
report made yesterday on thu investigation
of Treasurer Tatcs1 olllco shows tlmt $18-
000 taxes paid by the Kentucky Central rail
road In January hu never been accounted
for. Tills swells the defalcation to ? 217,000.
On Hall.
Loxnox , May 17. Kuly , Nye & Chailea
Greenway , partners in the Dank at Warwick
which failed September last , have been ( in-
milted for trial on a charge of fraud. 'J hey
weio admitted to bail of 50,000 each.
Devoted to Hoiitlno Matters.
CHICAGO , May 17. The Illinois State Hilc-
tnu Medical society bognn its twentieth an
nual session hero to day Tin ) dtiy was devoted
voted to busiuXsa uf a routine character.
The Raging Mississippi Onuses
Great Damngo Near Quinoy.
Keller Committees Organizing to
llnlso McaiiH to Cnrc For the SuC-
tcrlng nnd Destitute Tlio
Itlvcr Still Utslng.
Ilrcnkliii ; Through the bcvccs.
ST. Louis , May 17. A special to the Post-
Dlspatch says there are now llvo bad breaks
in the Sny levee and the whole of Sny bottoms
toms , reaching from a point opposite Louisi
ana , Mo , , to Hannibal , Mo. , is inundated.
The Hood covers an area of forty miles lonjr
and llvo miles wide. Over 100,000 acres of
crops will bo Injured or destroyed.
Q.UINCV , 111. , May 1 . The Upper Sny
levee gave way near East Hannibal this
morning , nnd the destruction of the levco dis
trict in this section of the Mississippi valley
Is now complete. Many thousand acres of
the most productive farming lands nre cov
ered with from six to fifteen feet of water ,
nnd the loss from the great Hood in this vi
cinity cannot bo estimated. The river has
risen six inches since morning , nnd reports
from above state the water is still rising.
To-night n largely attended meeting wan held
In this city to devise means for the relief of ;
the destitute families along the lowlands.
This evening n mass meeting was held to
devise means for the immediate relief of the
destitute sufferers from the Hood. For the
past two or three days tlieso helpless people
have been coming to the city in boats , a
single row-boat often containing an entire
family with such household effects as could
be ( illicitly gathered together. For ten days
it has rained steadily to add to the suffering
from the Hood. At the meeting to-night
money was freely subscribed to provide pro
visions and clothing to be delivered in the
morning north and south of Quincy in charge
of citizens' relief committees. These com
mittees will make careful Investigations
throughout the lloo.led district nnd relieve
the immediate wants of the people. Com
mittees were also appointed to solicit aid
from citl7cns generally , nnd boats will bo
loaded to be sent to the Hooded country. The
water is still steadily rising to-nlpht and the
worst of the Hood has not yet been reached.
BriiuxoTOX , la. , May 17. The river this
evening Is at a standstill. The rise the last
twenty-four hours is l } { inches , and it is now
17 feet n } { inches above low water mark , and
higner than it has been for thirty-seven
years. The Hood causes some inconvenience
and the interruption of business in a few in
stances , but creates no serious loss at Bur
ST. Loi'is , May 1" . Advices from Missis
sippi river towns above here say that at 4:15 :
o'clock this morning n break occurred in Sny
levee at a point about two miles below Han
nibal bridge , and this was followed nt 0:45 :
o'clock by a larger and more serious one
above the bridges. The wildest excitement
prevailed in Hannibal and among the few
fanners who stubbornly refused to leave the
bottoms. Two hundred men who have been
engaged all night in the work of stopping
seeps nnd placing bags of sand on the tops of
the levee to keep the river back , attempted
to close the breaks but without success. The
more sensible farmers had removed all their'
stock to the bluffs , six miles distant , but
sonio remained until the moment of calamity
and consequently they sustained severe
losses. Hogs , cows and horses could bo seen"
swimming on the flood until they came in
contact with some obstacle upon which. "
their bodies would bo mangled.
Smaller houses in the bottoms were i
wrecked. No loss of life Is reported yet
The territory now covered with water is
forty-five miles long and six miles wide , with
00,000 acres under cultivation. The depth of
the water is from one to twenty feet. Con
sequent upon the breaking of the levee the
river is receding rapidly. The tenants state
that if the ground gets in favorable condition
by the middle of June , they can raise late
corn. Their loss is incalculable. The dam
age to railroad property will bo great.
From Kcokulc word comes that it was
thought that the worst was over , but very
heavy rains set In there this morning and so
the DCS Molncs river is rising riipidly nnd
there is no tolling what the result will bo.
The overflow is constantly increasing , cover
ing more land every day and the water get
ting deeper.
QVnsi ( | imntities of water are creeping over
the levees a mile north of Alexandria , which
forms a swift current that sweeps through
the town and threatens to carry away a num
ber of houses whoso foundations have been
weakened. Ma.y families nave abandoned
their homes.
HOCK IM.\NI > , 111. , May 17. The Missis
sippi began falling hero to day. Its max
imum stage was Ib.GO feet , one tenth higher
than the hitherto unprecedented Hood of 1880
Named as the Scat ol'JiiHtlco of Con *
verse County.
UOUOI.AS , Wyo. , May 17. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : lira : . , The first election hold
in the new county of Convctsu occurred
Tuesday. Complete returns have been re
ceived and the board of organization com
missioners met hero to-day and are now can
vassing the vote. Tlio total vote of the county
is 2,173. The vote on the county scat in
northern Larnmlo county , now part of Converse -
verse , stood , Lusk ! 1'J5 , Douglas 4114 ; ; in 2
northern Albany county , Douglas l.lbO , Lusk j
151 , Glcnrock 21. Douglas has a majority '
over all for the county seat of 1,005. Mal
colm Campbell , democrat , is elected sheriff
over Hrown by 7M ) majority. Carl Gardner ,
republican , lor clerk , over Rostaotba by b2."i
majority. Kdmund .1. Wells , democrat , for
treasurer , over Hpnugli by b)0 ( ) majority.
Fred K. II. Hanvy , demucrat , for attoiney ,
over Prescott b.iuo . ! majority. The county
commissioners nro Frank \Valeott , Ed T ,
David and C ! H. Cross , Lusk cast 2111 votes
Glonroek 210 and Douglas Will. Douglas is
colnbi atlng tills evening with giant powder ,
bonfires , music and a grand pow-wow.
Ilpct'ptliin to UK ; Supreme Master.
PITTMIUWJ , Pa. , May 17 , A iccoptlon was
given this ovenlng to Hon. William II. Jor
dan , of San Francisco , supreme master work'
man of the Ancient Order of United Work
men and speaker of thu California house of
loprotionttitivcs , by tno lemdent olllccis of
the grand lodge of Pennsylvania , and the
local subordinate lodges and select knights of
the A. O. U. W. at Grand Central rinif , bo-
fora an audience of J,000. )
Fasted Fifty-Four Days , , Pa. , May 17. [ Special Tele-
Brain to THU Hun. ] Mrs. Wcidler , the fast
ing inmate of the county hospital , partook of
food yesterday after a fast of fifty-four days.
Slut ute thu food unobserved but atill refuses
to cut in the presence of others.
Mrs. Purnoll Coining Unok.
NKW YoiiK , May 17. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Bifr. ) Mrs. Parnoll Is again coining to
America. It was thought when she loft soon
after the Irish convention in IbSU , that she had
gene for good , but William J. ICnoud , at
whoso homo she stopped then , has a letter
from her saying she souii expects to leturn to
her native lanu.
A riirllul Vordict.
, May 17. The federal grand
jury la the tally sheet case relumed a partial
veidict this morning. John Couusolman ,
John Hoardon und Dr. Metcalf were acquitted ,
but no report was given on County Clerk
Sullivan or Deputy George liudd. Tlieso
men were the alleged accomplices of Hlen-
hamer , already convicted. The latter stalled j
for Michigan City to day.
lilnoil-'I lili'Hty HavngcH.
LONDON , May froui the island "
of Talutibuyb tliut a party ol nativivssnvpribcd
a F > vnch patrol ar.ul klllej r.n aftlccr ut
und two sulloru.