Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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feho Finally Boturno to Omaha With
Her Father.
A. Fellow Travel I IIR Mnti Kxposcs ttio
IIcartlcBH Conduct of tlio It.
& M. How Ills WIfe
IVns Duped.
Goes Back to Her Fattier.
1029 1' STIIBP.T , >
LI.NCOLS , May 1C. )
The mystery over tlio abduction and the
giving away ot Magglo Kruso In Omaha a
short time ago Is a mystery no longer. In
fact it doca not seem to over Imvo been much
ota mystery. The llltlo girl has l > cen In
this city over slnco her disappearance from
Omaha , In the possession of n scab 13. ft M.
engineer named C. A. Calkins. That the
mother know the man and all about It nnd
where the child was thcro scents to bo no
doubt whatever. The agonized father has
Icnown it too , if not all the tlmo slnco her
disappearance , the greater part of the time.
Ho in the nnd with the
was city to-day as
sistance of the sheriff secured the child nnd
took her homo with htm to Omaha. About a
week or ten days ago the mother was hero
nnd when she returned toolc the following
letter from the little girl to her father.
"Mama has como after me and I do not
want to como back with her. I do not want
to como back with her I want to stay wboro
1 am I have a good home 1 go to school and
am taking music and have two nice dresses
at the dressmakers. I will como and BOO
3fou once n month nnd will soon send you my
picture as soon ns my dress Is done. You
Know wo never had any nice clothes. I can
get all I want to eat I am well satisfied
where I aic. This is all I can think oC now. "
This letter the fellow had with him to-dny.
Since the girl has been in the city she has
been stopping with the engineer and occupy
ing the same room with him. When the girl
was found lo-dny the sheriff took her to n
physician , who certified that she had not
been mistreated. The officer therefore did
not know whether the engineer could bo ar
rested and a cnso be miulu npntnst him.
It IB rumored that the mother of the child
nnd the engineer have been on terms of inti
macy for some time , and probably the end of
the entire cnso is reached by the return of
the child to its home.
"Thcro haa been a great deal said about the
peed care that Charlie Eaton received from
the U. & M. . " said a traveling man yester
day , "but it is false , " he continued. He re
lated the following facts and will swear to
them : "It wns thirty-two hours after the
pccidcnt before the company had his wife tit
the scene nnd n regular company physician
to dress his wound. Their trains were run
ning so smoothly that they carried Mrs.
Eaton to Ued Cloud and then doubled back
over the line to Hastings nnd sent her to
Alma around by way of Oxford. When the
physicians of the road did dress his wounds
they found that the local butcher had
sowed up the wound in his face with
common wrapping twine und sowed in
the wound particles of his hat and
splinters of the wreck. These splinters tnat
were sowed in hia face , the trophies of the
excellent caio Mr. Eaton received , are now
in possession of parties in this city. When
the regular physician came ho only removed
n portion of the bones fronf the broken leg
nd the plaster cast put on was so imperfect
that it was removed afterward Und a second
one put on. Again after Charlie Eaton was
brought to Lincoln bones loft in the broken
limb hud to bo removed by n second operation
nnd from this ho never rallied. So anxious
was the road to have appearances on their
pldc , that when Eaton waa lying on his bed
nt Alma the physician brought a written cer
tificate for Mrs. Eaton to sign , which in her
tncntal condition she signed. When the
In-other found out what the physician had
done ho demanded the letter back again and
lie was so incensed that the paper was re
turned to him , but not until it had accom
plished its purpose and appeared in print.
The cheek that this character of work ex
hibits could only como from a soulless cor
poration that seeks to hide its negligence by
Securing from a suffering woman a statement
under such circumstances. The traveling
jneii are deeply incensed at the treatment
liud a committee of six has been appointed to
investigate the wreck and all tlio circuni-
htunccs connected with the accident and
heath. "
To-day the dry goods house of H. Hornellns
Was closed under chattel mortgages given by
the proprietor on his stock to secure claims
held by the Lincoln National bank , by George
M. Traver wholesale dry goods and by E.
Horncllus. This morning n new complica
tion to the failure was added by the rep
resentative of Samuel C. Davis , of St. Louis ,
Who had an attachment issued upon which to
parnisheo any of the stock remaining after
the mortgages are satisfied to meet
Ills claim of some $1,500. The charge
is made iu the attachment proceedings that
lioruoflns has been and is disposing of prop
erty with intent to defraud his creditors.
What the sottlomcnt of the diDlcultlcs may
be seems to bo .yet undetermined.
Stuto Superintendent Laur In in Omaha as
nre also Auditor Habcock , Deputy Auditor
2 teuton , Secretary of State Laws and Deputy
Hen Cowdry.
Judge Mqxwoll was In the city yesterday
tit work at the supreme court room on decis
ions that will be forthcoming at the opening
Of the next term of court.
The state superintendent has thus far ro-
roived the CCIIHUH of school population from
fibout one-half the counties in the state. Ho
lias prepared the new manual for institute
ivork and It is in the hands of the printer.
In the auditor's ofllco the Liberty Insurance
company , of Now York , und the South British
Insurance company , of Now Xolaud. have
l > eon admitted to transact business In Ne
The following notaries public have boon
commissioned by the governor since the last
report : W , U , Siiytler , Hastings , Adams
county ; P. J. ICeuyon , lirowxted , liliilno
ouuty ; O. S. Connor , Lyons , Hurt county ;
ji. 11 miner , ruurusiui uiiy , uioo coun
0. II. Davhlwm. Hondricks , Otoo county.
Tlio uutiru frame work for the dojno of the
capitol building is now in place and It Hsos
to fairly majestic proportions uboyo the
building and it shows as n conspicuous land
in ark for miles around the city. The de
formed uppi'aranca of tlio building is ro-
Xnoved by the placing of tlio dome in posi
tion and with the grounds Improved as con
templated the capitol building will bo quito
} > rc9cntullo to the visitor.
Articles of Incorporation of the bank of
I'arloy , located at Marciuotto , Hamlin county ,
were ( Hod yesterday with tlio secretory ol
Utatu , Capital block J50.000 in shares of 1100.
110,000 to bo paid in at the commencement of
pusiitogs , indebtedness limited to two-thirds
tUu paid up stock , business to commence
( KprilL'S ami continue tlfty years. The in
forirorators are J. J. FarleyV. . 1. Farley and
Cleorgo Farley.
The Omaha typo foundry also filed articles
nf Incorporation yesterday , capital btocck
I'il,000 ) , 113 to bo paid ut announcc-went of
business. Incorparutora : A. T. H , Urowor ,
M. 1 . Hnllock , H. J. I'iukering and S. P.
Hounds. ] r.
Tim Fourth ward democrats hold a meet
ing last evening for the purpose of organ
mug a ward club , This was accomplishes
l > y electing \V. C. CundilT president , Mason
fireifS vice president , J. N. Higgonbottom
secretary , Harry Q , Hannu treasurer. Ex
I'cutivo committee ; A. S. Tibbetts , J. M
.Hamilton and 13. C. Wiggcnham ,
Martha Turner , a colored woman , was It
I > oliro court yesterday on the charge of dis
ordurly conduct and maintaining u house o
prostitution. She protested her innocence and
her virtue und uurightness und offered to
briny a host of witnesses to prove her repu
latlon , but , she didn't do it ami the judge
lined her &U end committed her to a cell u
MIO Jail.
ClTl' DltlKFS ,
The talk U revived , with u great deal o
assurance , that the Rock Island road is to
build to Lincoln the prcsout year on a shor
line route from Omaha to Fulrbury. The iu
ulcations , u * summed up by a number o
jirouiiuout business men. iwiut iu that dlroc
. - lUMAtrx-n
-mi ir i
ion , and it is ntated that trnflle arrangement *
vlll bo made with the Union Pnclfle for yard
iiid depot ground room in this city.
The first of the entertainments by the
nuslcnl festival , Riven last night , wns a
marked success nnd wns greeted with a
crowded house. The indications nro very
n-omUing that the festival will bo the great
est success in the history of the city.
United BtntcR Court.
There was but little business transacted In
ludgo Dundy's court yesterday nnd the
chances are that there will bo still less to
day. The attorneys are asking * to have
heir cases continued for n day or two in
almost every case that Is ailed. The object
of attraction Is the republican state couven-
, lon. The court instructed the attorneys
.his morning that ho would not continue a
case on account of the convention nnd that
unless they were In attendance when their
: nscs were called the case would bo dismissed
'or want of prosecution. Ho stated that
after this week ho would not send out after
any attorneys to Inform them that their cases
were on for trial.
The case of Freiberg , et al , vs Troltschko ,
n suit brought to recover the payment , of
51,500 with Interest duo on n promissory note
was next called , and was on trial this after
noon. _ _ _ _ _
District Court.
nnroiiK jt'nar. WAKRI.ET.
A ruling wns handed down by Judge
Wukeloy yesterday that affects a largo
number of important cases and as it is a test
case It will no doubt bo carried to the supreme
premo court for a final decision. The title of
the cone was Monoll vs the FrcmontElkhorn
& Missouri valley railroad. The plaintiff
began action against the road to set aside
the action and apprnlsmcnt of un appraising
board which was ] appointed to condemn
a right of way for the road through
certain property In Douglas county.
The case wns tried before Judge Wnkoloy
about two months ago and ho sustained the
action of the appraising board. After sixty
days the attorneys for the plaintiff in the
case filed a notlco of un appeal In the case ,
The attorneys for tho" railroad filed a motion
asking that the appeal bo dismissed on the
ground that the attorneys asking for the ap
peal had not filed their papers in the cnso
within sixty days from the time the case was
passed upon by the court , ns required by an
act passed by the last legislature.
The act in question provides
that the appellants In such cases
shall file their appeal bond with the court
within sixty days from the time he makes
his ruling in the case , nnd that a transcript
and the pleadings in the case shall bo illcd
with the clerk and a summons issued in the
case within sixty days from the trial of the
same. When the motion to dismiss the ap
peal was nrgued the attorneys for the plain
tiff held that the act of the legislature wns
unconstitutional. The court , after milking
nn elaborate review of the rulings of the
supreme courts , in a number of
cases on similar constitutional points
stated that ho considered it within the power
of the ' .pgis'uituro to pass suoli n law , and
that , In his opinion , the law was constitu
tional , nnd ho would , therefore , have to sus
tain the motion of the defendants and deny
the plaintiff the right to an appeal in the
caso. Some rulings were made in a number
of small cases. The final arguments in the
nnroitE JUDOI : DOVNR.
The case of Kennedy vs. Potwin was called
before Judge Doano and the testimony was
all in before dinner and the arguments bo-
gun. Kcnncdj sues Potwin for $78 for sand
furnished him and used in the construction
of the Leavcnworth street school. The de
fendant holds that ho paid another contrac
tor for the sand and that the claim has no
right to be paid a second time by him , but
that the contractor who had the plastering of
the building should pay the bill.
IICFOKC Jtrnou iioi'iiwr.M , .
The case of Thomas etal. vs. Pugh was
called before Judge Hopewell. Mr. Hall ,
one of the parties to the case stated that ho
could not have his witnesses in court and
asked tlmt the case bo continued until Satur
day. The court overruled the motion , but ,
continued the case until this morning
nt 9 : :50 : , when it will bo on for trial.
The jury Unit tried the action of Kennedy
vs Potlien returned a verdict of § 'J5 for the
A iirximrn-noLLtni.oAN1.
Octavo Ilouscarcn yesterday petitioned the
court to soil a lien on u piece of property
which was deeded to him by Jacob Carcn to
secure the payment of a loan of § 100 , which
has increased considerably under the weight
of interest at 10 per cent.
Annie Lorino Cook married Henry Cook nt
Toronto , Canada , in ISSli and she then had
$1,800 In her own name. They came to
Omaha , and from timu to time she loaned
him money to speculate on. Ho never paid
her back , but some time ago promised if she
gave him $000 ho Would invest it for her inlets
lots 14 , 15 and 10 in Greenwood addition.
This she did , ana while she was lying sick
in bed , as she claims , from abuses
heaped upon her by Henry , ho took the
deed from the house and had the lands stipu
lated registered by the recorder in his name.
Ho in turn mortgaged them , und yesterday
upon application Judge Wakoly issued a tem
porary order upon Henry not to dispose ot
or enjoy any further the benefits of the
property until the case can bo nrgued on the
I'JthofMay. Mrs. Cook also applies for a
divorce and full possession of her two chil
dren , ngod respectively 11 vo years and seven
teen months.
County Court.
Judge Shields yesterday awarded a Judg
ment in favor of Stearns 13ros. , amounting
to $927.43 , against J. W. Bishop.
Harriett C. Hallou brought suit against J.
L. Ilico and Mrs. J. L. Uloo yesterday to re
cover ? 4U7.10 duo her on a promissory note.
The Boys Fool Sanguine.
Thcro Is another side to the stories already
related in THE UKB in reference to tlio trou
bles of the man Huff \vith several switch
men of the Union Pacific that do not reflect
very favorably ns to the etiquette and rcpar-
tco of Mrs , Huff. The latest disclosures will
bo presented in the police court to-day , and
they are to the effect that Huff when passing
the men bulged his coat pocket so as to show
the outlines of a revolver. Ho wns Jokingly
told that no ono feared his pistol , when Mrs.
Huff brokoout with u flow of Innguargo that
reports say was of a sulphurous character.
HntT followed suit in similar language , and
drew his pistol but refused to shoot when
bantered to. Soon after Huff WHS arrested
for currying concealed weapons , but when
smirched the pistol was mUsing. Those
whom ho had subsequently put under arrest
for Insulting him fcc4 confident that they can
convince the Judeo that Huff placed the re
volver in the keeping of his wife after the
Its superior excellence proven In millions o )
homes for more tluin n iuarter ot a century. II
U used by the l.'nltej State * Government. En-
doraed by the heads of tlio great uulveritttles as
the strongest , purest ant ) nion healthful. lr
I'rlce'3 Crdaut llaklng Ponder doea not contain
ammonia , lime or alum. Bold only in cans ,
Naur York. Oliicaco. St. LouU.
( ! 2BYMVt = . " % l mlJ'cuHE ' ron
s < i § JtiCATARRH
For Stile by
Goodman Drug Co.
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
* Medical and edcntinr Bfelll has at last solved tha
problem of the lonff iicletl medicine for tbo Her.
vous , dcbllilntoj , ami thu aed , by combining the
liost nerve tonics , Colrry nnd Coca , with other cffee-
tlvo remedies , which , nctlnir protly bnt einciently
on Uiu ktdneyH , lUcr and txiwcls , rcmovo dlRoaRo.
tct toi-o s trcasth and i cnew vitality. T Ms medicine la
, 'Tt Ulls a place heretofore unoccupied , and marks
a new era iu the treatment of nervous troubles.
Overwork , anxiety , illseaaa , lay the foundation of
nervous prostration and weakness , and experience
lias ehown that the usual remedies do not luend tbo
Ktraln and paralynls of the nervous system.
Recommended by professional and business men.
Eend for circulars.
Price 31.00. Sold by druggists.
WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. , Proprietors
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by the IxKl Inturo In 1S"8 , for Kduca-
tlonnl und riiurltnblu purpose * , und Its IranchHu
made n part nf tbo pro-tent Slum Constitution , In 137U ,
by an overwhelming popular vote.
Its 'Orand SliiKlo Number Drnwlnzs take plnco
monthly , and tlio < ! rand ( Quarterly Ilr.iwIniM rogulnr-
IT every three months ( Murcb , Jane , bcutcmbur nnd
December. )
"Wo do hereby certify Hint wo siiporvlso the iir-
rniiKcrnvnts tor till the month ! } and quarterly Draw
lliK ot The I.oulaliuKl blutu I.ottvry Company , nnd In
iiurson mamiKii nnd control the Hr.iwlnxs themselves ,
und that the : uuo tiru conducted with hononty , lulr-
HOHH and In gonil iiilth toward ult ptirtlcit , nud TTQ
nutnorlio ttio Company to uo this certificate ! with
fuo similes of our signature attached , iu Us advertise
ments , "
We. ( bo undersigned Danksnnd Hankers wlllpayall
Prl c drawn In the Louisiana SUilo Lotteries which
may bo presented nt our countois.
11.51. WAI.MSI.KV ; Pros. Louisiana National Hank.
I'limUK LANAUX. I'res. State National Hanlt.
A.IIALDWIN , Prei. Now Orleans National iUut
CAUL KOIIN. Ties. Union National Dank.
Iu tlio Academy of Music , New Or
leans , Tuesday , Juno IS , 1888.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tiefeots at Twenty Dillars each ,
Halves $10 ; Quarlow $5 ; Tenths $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
i I'uizi ! OF ( HII.UOIS . pm.nix )
1 l'IU/K OK lllj.llllls . lUO.IIK )
I ritl/.K OK HJUUII. . . . . . , . -HUMI
I I'llI/.K OF U.UUU . 2J.UIO
8 I'HIKKS OK lu.uim arc . wtw
0 rill/.KS OK 6.UDOIIIV . 2 > .UU
2D I'lll/.KS OK UMInri ) . 2WJUO
1(0 ( I'HIXKS OK ftUiiro . . . . ) , IM )
a < ) I'ltl/.Hri OK : ) nro . ID.UX )
'Ml I'UI/.KS OK auuro . 1UU.UJU
10) ) Prizes of ta approximating lo
SUJ UI 1'rlio aio .
100 1'rlteHor > npproxlnintlnx to
I uii.iai iTlzu urn . SifKO
100 I'rtiriof FJUUiipproxIniutliiK lo
J.MI.UU I'rlzo Hru . SO.UW
, .
IO ( ) Prizes of HIM decided by. . .10,000
1'rlzenro . 100,000
1,000 Prizes ot I10U decided by. . . .tlOU.uoo
Prltoare . . . . . . . 100.0UO
3.131 Prltes amounting to.
Korclub ruUin , or any further Information apply to
the underiilviuul. Vour handwriting mint bn distinct
nnd signature plain. orumpU ruturn mallilullvurr
will bn aasuruu bf your enclosing an envelope bearing
your full address.
Nond POnCAL NOTES , express moner orders. or
New York ICxchanee in ordinary loiter. Currency by
express ( at our eipcnso ) addressed to
y. P.O.
Address Registered Letters to
T > " 17ATT7T\T RT"R That the presence of Oen.
U ltiHlt/lU 151MX CT II Hoauruaard and
Early , ifhuatu In charge of the drawiuiis , is a guar
antee of absolute fairness and Integrity , that tbo
chances are all equal , and tbat no ouu cn possibly
dltlnn hat number will draw ft I'rito.
ltC.MIC.MUKU that the payment of alt prizes Is
OIILKANP , and the tickets are signed bv the president
ol an Institution whose chartered rljnls are tecoz-
nlied In the blithest courts ; therefore , bunaru ot uuy
Imitations or anonymous sclieoioi.
A Quick , permanent cure
FOR MEN ONLY/ for lost or tailing
. _ manhood , nervousness ,
weakness , unnatural lossoa , JOCK of strength ,
viiror or development , cauoed by Indlurouon ,
excesses.etc. lufuaM * toot trot ( tfaltilfrrt.
Incomparably the Baat >
Ulook , on 13th St. , Are Crowiletl
AVIth intniitlH From Morn-
{ Ay'Tlll Night.
Dr. Smith's slVnngo magnetic power of
healing dlseajo has croaled great excite
ment In ana. around Omnhn , Ills par
lors In Graeme lllock. on 13th street. nro
rilled with Invnlldsr from morning till night sock-
Intfald'from his powerful magnetic treatment.
Fertile benefit of iho poor Dr. Smith hai en
gaged Max Meyer's music hall on Iflth and Far-
until streets , weero ho publicly heals the sick
free of charcc , erery morning , from 10 to 11
o'clock. Yesterday mornlnB there was ft largo
audience present , nud mnnj- Invalids wore re
stored to health. A gentleman who Hvea about
thltty miles from Ornnhn , went upon the since
nnd was treated for a calarrlml nllectlon of the
head , He stated to the nmllcnco thuthohnd
been afflicted "with catnrrh for many years , ami
for the past live years ho had not been nblo to
breath through his loft nostrel. Ho said that In
less than three minutes from the time the doc
tor laid Ids hand on nt.s haid he could feel some'
thing giro way in the nostrel , ana that he could
now breathe through It ns well as ever. It
scorned strange to him how It could ho done. In
coshort a timo. All that the doctor did was to
lay his hand on his head nnd make a f ew passes
over him. and ho wns well. A colored lady who
was suffering from partial paralysis of
her left Bide , went upon the stage.
The Doctor made a few passes over her.
anil as Strange as It may scent , sha could
u so the lama arm and leg us Melt nt over. A
man who wns suffering from rheumatism was
relieved frcim all pain and soreness as It by
maple. Several cases of dcafnois were made to
hoar In less than live minute * time. A gcutlo-
man called at the doctor's ofllcj , In Oruolng
block , Saturday , who wes BO stilt und lame from
rheumatism that ho had to bo enroled Into the
doctor's parlors , After receiving ono treat
ment ho got up nnd walked around the room as
well as over. Ho siildho felt well enough to go
to n ball. Tlio doctor will continue to hanl the
slrk free of charge nt Max Meyer tc llro'.s music
hall every morning from 10 to 11 o'clock all thli
week. Ills parlors In Orticlng block , on Mth
street , next to the Mlllard house , aroopcn to the
public from U a. in. to f > p. m. daily. Consulta
tions frco. Dr. Smith cures nil forms of chronic
disease. If you or any of your friends nro nick ,
go and see him. It will not cost you anything
to go nnd talk It over with him. All letters of
( inquiry imiHt contnlu postage. 1C you have a
hernia mid want It cured , go to Dr. Smith.
The Inmost , fnsteM. and linen in the world
I Paisenncr nccommodutlons unuxcclled.
I Xcn- York toClu cow vhi l.ondondpr
riUOAMIA . . . MAYlOttl | AXCltOHIA. . .lUNH SUIl
KrilNKS IA , . .MAYath DEVONIA. . . .JU.VK Ililh
ITIIIIII > IA .Ji'NE andli'iiic\SSIA . .JI-NKKW
Tlio tulebrnted . . . . Illicit I'm MAY
Htcnnis'dn acuitcr steamer Iu .It'.Nt. l.'lll
C1TV OK 11OMK tlio SVorlJ. JUI.Vlltll
Saloon pn nnKO to ( Jliwow , Deny , Liverpool , Holfint
or yuct'iiHtownf-VJan'l upwards per ( Ihnncm Mourn-
on. Miami upwiinli for Cltr of Homo. Soconil-clas *
. l. Hutiirn tlckutsiit roJiicct rntei made nvnl'nnlo
for cither roiiti' , iillarlnit otrurslimlttt tlio privilege
ot.ioclnBllio North unit South of Iraland , the Itlvers
JIi'r cy unit picturesque Cljrdo. s-lccniKi' 2J. Anchor
Line drafts payable tree of ch r ro , cold at lowest
rates. Kor boos ottqure , tickets or further Infornw
tlon npilr | to
HENDERON BHOS. . 72 La Sails S > . ,
Or to any of ouiMocnlaaents.
Ovurluiid Roiito ? "
Has so arrnngcd 'its ' Family S'eeping ' Car
service , that berths can now be reserved
upon application by any ticket agent to M
J. Grcevy , Pasbengcr Agent , Council Hlufl's
Iowa. The .reservations when made are
turned over to the train conductors taking
out such cars , so tltat passengers can now se
cure berths ordered , the same as a Pullman
berth is rescrVed and secured ,
Gen. I > . & T. ARont. Ass't 0. P. & T. A.
OSrA.llA ,
Big G httaglven univer
sal satisfaction Iu the
cure of Gonorrlja'a and
Ulcot. Iprvscrlbcltand
feel sato In recommend *
lug it to all sufferers.
, . J. STON'KIt , Jl.n. ,
Decitur , III.
PRICE , 81.00.
Sold by Druggists.
WEAKESL sutTcrinar from th ef
n B j U HTjH fcai nw fects of youthful vi .
0 i la By fta as rora. early dernj , lost
hianhood f etc. I win remTa valuable trfatiso ( fcaleu ]
rontalnlnff full parUculan * fur liomo euro , free of
chartrc. Addles ,
PROF. F. G. FOWLER , Mocdus. Conn.
Besides doing the largest clothing business \vo keep the most complete stock of Mon's
Furnishing Goods. The prices at which we sell them make it very difficult for other houses
to compote with us.
Shirts are sold everywhere at all sorts of prices. Wo would like to show you a sample
of the "Nebraska" Shirt ; you will not buy any other. Wo believe wo have touched bottom
on our Unlaundried Shirts at 30c , 50c and 70c. Laundered at 65c , 90o and $1.25. Elegant
pleated front Shirts at $1.00 , which cost you elsewhere $1.75. In fancy Percale Shirts we beat
the world. Our95c Eronch Percale Shirts , in newest designs , is equal to any $1.50 Shirt in the
market. All our Shirts are 80 inches long , out full and guaranteed to lit and bo just as
represented. An elegant line of French flannel and fine cassimoro Shirts in beautiful pat-
cms. Low prices everywhoro.
In Underwear wo arc iii a position to beat all compotion out of sight. Recent heavy
purchases at prjces which would have been impossible a month ago enable us to offer several
lots far below manufacturer's cost. Fine Gauze and Gossamer Merino Shirts at 15c and 20o
Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 25c each. Our fancy Standard Balbriggan at 55o each
for Shirts and Drawers are indeed surprising value ; nothing less than $2.00 per suit would
buy such goods at any other place.
HOSIERY at just about one-half you have to pay elsewhere ; good - (
British Socks , 2 rcair for 25c , no better can be bought for double I
the money elsewhere- Fancy Balbriggan and Silk clocked at SOo
and 25c.
NECKWEAR. A glance into our window on the 14th street corner ,
will give you a small idea of what we propose to do in this line this
summer ,
RUBBER COATS. We hope you will not need them any more this
week , but if you should , we keep a large assortment and prices on
them as on everything else we handle positively the lowest.
One Price Only. No Deviation.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha ,
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colo.
Of the Mn cum of Anotomv , St. LOH | , Mo. Mem
bers of Unyjr | lty College Hospital , London. M. D.
Ulcscn , Germany and New York , iminu devoted
their attcnilon specially to the treatment of >
More cspcclnlly these arlalnp from Imprudence , In-
tlta nil so euftcrlng to correspond without delay.
DlfcncJ of Infection and conta lon cared safely and
Ipecdlly without use of dangerous ( lrn3. 1'jtlcnts
whose C.-.S03 naro been iipxiocted , badly trer.tcd or
pronounced Incurable , should not fr.ll to write na
concerning tliclr symptoms. All letters rcctlvo Im
mediate attention.
And will bo mailed FttETIto any address upon re1-
celpt of ono 2-reut atniiin. "rraci Icnl Observation on
Nervous Uchillty and I'nplcal r.xlmuKtlon. " A val
uable medical treatise which ebould be read by alt
Address ,
1742Xawrenco Street , Denver , Colo.
Notice to Contractors.
Hlil3 will be received by the Hoard of Tulillo
Lands und IlulldlnKS at any tlnio before Satur
day , Jlny 19. 1888 , nt 2 p. in. , for work nnd mate
rial to complete kitchen tmd cllnlnj ; room for
Deaf mid Dumb Institute , nt Omnhn , Nebmska ,
according to plans nnd spcclflctitlous now on
tlio with Commissioner of Public Lands nnd
buildings , und also wltti V. M. Kills , architect.
Omaha , Nebraska. Contractor to bo paid on
monthly estimates with n reserve of 15 per cent.
IJy order of the Hoard of Public Lands and
liuildlngs. May , 1888. O. L. LAWS.
Ul llttUUllfl
Paid Up Capital $250,000
Snrplux 50,000
H. W. YATKB. 1'resident.
LEWIS S. Kr.Ki ) . Vice President.
A. 13. TOUZAMN , "nd Vice President.
W. H. a. HUGHES , Cashier.
A , 15. TOUKAMN.
Corner 12th nnd Fnrnam Sts.
A General Uanltlug Business Transacted.
' Conntlcs.Clt-
les. towns end Water Companies , etc.
JWCorrnspondcnco solicited.
86 6tl
Ilenmrkable forpowcrriil _ sym pa
thetic tone , pliable action unit ub-
soliitu durability. : U years' record ,
the best truarantee of the excel-
State Line.
To Glasgow , Hcldist , Dublin nnd Liverpool
From New York Every Thursday ,
Cabin passage $ . ' 15 and (50 , uccordlng to location
ofbtate room. Ki.curslon $05 to $90.
Steerage to and from Knrone at Lowest rates
Ocn'l Agents , 53 Broadway , New York.
JOHN 11LEGKN , Gen'l Western Agent ,
101 llantlolph St. , Chicago.
IIA1UIY B. MOOHES , Agent , Omaha.
"The Ovcrlniul ICoutc. "
The Sportsmen's , Tourists' and Pleasure
Seekers' Line-
Send for the Neat Little Sketch Book.
"Or-crisr c XITB 1-crxjBs , "
highly ilitercsting and useful to Sportsmen.
It contains the American rules for trapping
nnd shooting adopted by the National Gun
Association ; as well as the revised game
laws of the Western States and Territories.
Copies sent free upon application to
J. H. TI3IU1KT8.
Geii'lP.&T. Agt. .
Omatin. Neb.
Is an old and true proverb , and we trust it will vindicate itself in regard to the weather , which has been so bad ofla'.e that it has
severely encroached upon the general business of the country.
Is always the rule at THE MISFIT PARLORS , and to note the pleasant and contented looking faces of the purchesers ofou goods
would make one imagine that there was no such thing as bad weather , and that everybody was happy , and would be so as long
as they could buy custom-made goods at less than ready-made clothing prices' Our last consignment consisted of an assort
ment of the
< i
Any mortal man could behold. Thedullness of trade , coupled with the fact that the tailors had a great quantity ofcoDds loft on
their hands , lent considerable toward our opportunity to purchase them at a very nominal figure , and below we quote prices for *
these goods which will induce the most inveterate bargain seeker to investigate.
$ 9.50 buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $20.
11,5O buys a One Button Sack Suit , which was made to order for $22.
13.75 buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which was made to order for $28.
16.OO buys a Railroad Sack Suit , which was made to order for $3O.
2O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $40.
24.00 buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $50.
28.50 buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which was ; made to order for$6O.
30.00 buys a Crepe Worsted , ( imp , ) 4-Button Cutawaywhichwas made to order for $65.
$18,00 Buys a Cassimere Prince Albert Suit which was made to order for $37.
$22.50 Buys a Cheviot Prince Albert Suit , which was made to order for $45.
$25.50 Buys a Corkscrew Prince.Albart Suit , which was made to order for $5O.
$30.00 Buys a Nobby Pin Check , light color , which was made to order for $6O.
$35.00 Buys an Imported Worsted , satin lined , which was made to order for $7O.
$4O.OO Buys a Clay Worsted , silk lined , which was made to order for $8O.
rcoats , Beauties , from
A Hobby and Complete line ofPantaloons from $2,70 to $10. All altcrntlona to improve a flt done free of cliarqe.
Parlors ,
1119 EARN AM STREET. 1119.
Three Doors East of I2th Street
Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to.