, , , . 5 THE OMAHA DAILY BE.E : WEDNESDAY , MAY 16 , 1888 , 3 HIE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Battle Between Giants in the "Wheat Pit. A SLIGHT DECLINE RECORDED. Unexpected IlccclptB of Corn Produce .tjio Usual UlTcct Onts Firm . Active Belling In 1'rovlHlous Genera ! Quotations. CHICAGO IMIODUOIS MAIIKKT. CIIICAOO , May 15. [ Siicclnl Telcgrnm to TUB Unn.l It wns n tussle In the wheat pit to-day between high rollers , with Kcnm , Mitchell nnd Kent on the selling , nnd Cudnhy , Hutchlnson nnd possibly Linn on the buying side. The mob of small trmlers could not bear to sco their profits slipping nwny nnd so swung over n * 'allies to the big Boilers , Lnto Monday , nt the "club , " Hutch- InAon took n great lot of wheat from traders who happened to bo over there. Singer sold him 400,000 bushels , nnd others contributed enough to make the jag n big ono. Hutchln- 80nvnftcr batclngout these , oven offered to Inko 000,000 bushels morontOOc for July. This "plunging" nfter hours hud seine effect nt the oponlnff. It Inclined seine of these "irrcgti- lnr"jnerlcrs to help nlonR the rnld so they might get their sellings back cheap. July wheat opened nt 89J c nnd nt once began on the down grade. Hcatn personally sold sev eral hundred thousand , Mitchell sold n big line , presumably on joint account with Kcnm. Bryant , of Ocorgo C. Walker & Co. , the ficllcr most talked of , put out perhaps n mil lion , and tills wns sot down ns for Kent's nc- count. There was some bear news from the northwest relating to the ncrcago nnd pros pects up there , nnd seine selling orders nc- compnnicd it. Outsiders seemed to be in the mood to capture what profits wcro In sight. Hutchinson was supposed to bo on the buy ing sldo nnd Cudnhy certainly was. The opening figures proved to bo the top ones for the dny. At 1 o'clock July wheat wns at 8SJ < c , showing n l c decline. The receipts of corn 522 cars were nbovo the expectations by 20 curs. The grail o showed an improvement , 81XJ cars 5S per cent going No. 2. These big arrivals would probably have affected prices in any event , but wcnkncHS In wheat contributed consid erably to the decline that resulted. In May thcro wcro no significant operators. It opened nt fiOJ c , sold up to G'JJ ' c and at 1 o'clock closed ni C'Jc. In July thcro was an nctlvo trade , almost all the houses prominent in the pit in the Mny denl buying freely. Gcorgo O. Wnlkor & Co. , E. A. Clark & Co. , Boydon & Co. , N. H. AVurrcn & Co. , Culver & Co. , Uailey & Co. mid Foss , Strong & Co. wcro all on the name side. The selling was led by Uobcrt Warren & Co. , by Lopnn Co. , nnd by Baldwin & Pnrnum. It wns flUfiniscTI thai ono prominent wheat bull was putting out corn ns a temporary hcdgo while ho gave seine support to the wheat market. The estimate for Wednesday 200 cars was regarded ns moderate under the circum stances. No. 8 grade kept up to 50J @ 5"c petting'even nearer to July than it has been of late. Cables were J < fd lower. White corn wns decidedly easy. May oats actually advanced. They opened nt 35fc. : touched ST > % c nnd at 1 o'clock , when everything on the lloor wns very weak , closing nt I'SUc. July did not keep so steady , opening nt Mc , selling between 34J/C nnd 831 < c , nnd ntl o'clock closing nt ! W ? ! Xc. In provisions an easier tendency was wit- pessed. Advices from the stock ynrds , Where hogs wcro reported in light supply nnd higher , occasioned n strong opening of the product nnd initial sales showed a substnntlnl advance in prices. Figures cur rent , however , induced free selling , mainly by English houses , and under the excessive offerings a weaker market was speedily developed. Prices all around experienced a decided depression , and ns compared with last night's closings , pork at 1 o'clock stood nt n decline of ir > ( ffil7J c , and short ribs of ty < r@ ; > c. Lard was unchanged to 3 > c lower. AITEUNOOX Sr.ssio.v. Wheat steady ; May closed at SO'jc , Juno closing at 87c. July opened nt SS' c , sold nt 8S3 c , fell to bbc. then sold at SS f , closing nt 88'c ( ; August closing at b7j8Sc ( ; December closing about ! V ° c. Oats steady early but closed about o lower. May closed at y5c , Juno closed at 'Me bid. July sold at 833.1Xe , and nt MJ.ii'Mc on the split and closed at 33c. August closed at 2.iC < i2'.lk'c bid , Sep tember closed at iitj c. Pork clobcd zyc lower than nt 1 o'clock , or nt JH.JiflJi' for May , Juno $14 47 } , for July $11.55 and SH.O'irf f0r August. Lard wus nbout steady. June closed nt SS.47July ! ; nt S8.53JI , Au gust nt t.S.f)7J4 , September nt $ s.A ( ) und January nt$7tC. Short ribs declined 2 > ; jc , nnd closed at VT.OO for May , ? 7.WK ( for June , V7.70 for July , $7.77H for August and $7.b7j ; for September. CHICAGO IjIVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Mny 15. [ Spcctnl Telegram to Tin : BEK.J UATTLK Prices to-day were as n rule stronger. Good to cholco light and medium weight cattle sold in some cases higher , but common thin and rough cattle , nnd especially heavy kinds , wcro neglected. Cattle that cost the most money , ripe , heavy beeves , sold the poorest of nil , nnd notwith standing the improvement in the London cattle mnrkct , exporters hero bought seine good cnttlo nctunlly lower , nnd some good ones rcmnlncd unsold. Dressed beef cnttlo generally sold at stronger prices. The mar ket to-day closed very weak on'hcavy cattle ; heavy beeves , fl.40@-l.50 ; medium , 1,200 to 150 Ib stcorn , strong nt M.ao@-l.70 ; f50@1EO ! Ibs fl.OC@-J.4S ; cows lower , in- ferlor175(32.2o ( ; uicuium , fJ.EOgiS.'G ; good to rlioico. $ ; i.Ki.)0 ( ) ( : ( ; stackers and feeders , 2.35(3:1.85. ( : Toxiins , receipts , 1,700 ; grasscm lower ; rows , * 2.10rtl2.40 ; steers , f'j.00(5'i.45 ( ! ; fed steers , & ) , ( } 5'C4 25. Four cars of line 1120-lbs stillers gold to nn exporter nt fl.OO. HOGS Trade was active with on up-turn of 610c , the best selected heavy and Phila- aclphias making t5.75@5.80 , und best mixed 15,00 ( 5.70 , a few lots of common mixed going as low us f5.CO@5.55. Light sorts did not show as much of an advance as mixed nnd heavy , us orders for such wore'light and the number on sale moro In propoitlon than heavy. Bulk sold at $5.50@5.53. i i i FINANCIAL. Nnw Yonic , May 15. [ Special Telegram to Q'nr. Br.K.l STOCKS Business In stocks was spasmodic , but up to the noon hour only 04,572 shares had been traded In , Profes sionals gold nt the market and a weak fuel ing developed. The opening was Irregular nnd fractionally lower , declines ranging up to yt on the general list , except on Missouri Pacific , which was oft 1 point , and Heading and Oregon Transcontinental . After the Jlrst hour the market became dull , except in Richmond Terminal und Burlington. Trims- actions In the former became large , nnd it was taken as fust as offered , and prices ad vanced Ki but lost thn appreciation before 1 O'clock. Burlington became decidedly weak OB ! dropped from 11U % to 11 % , but rallied 1 point. Grangers wcro weak and &Q&X lower on discouraging reports from the west about duimiKO by Hoods nnd continued talk of poor crops. The reported closing of a twcnty-fivo year contract between the Erm and Pullman companies , whereby the latter will run a vestibule train from Jersey City to San Fiau- ciaco , caused good Investment buying of Pullman , and while the list was weak und declining It advanced \ points from yestcr- tiny' * close , to HUJf. London did very Uttia Jn the market , the feeling there being weak nnd prices lower. It was expected that at the meeting of the Manhattan directors fare : ; would bo advanced , but when it became known thut they simply mot end , adjourned there was a drop of d points , wnich was fol lowed later by a * f rally. The purchiso oj llM.OJOiu bonds'by the government and imall offerings of stock caused a better feel- IDS tlurlug the liut hour. Sbsrs covered fnlr lines nnd fractional ndvnnccsvoro re corded. Hlchmond Terminal wns bought freely by the Wormsers , whoso purchases aggregated t,000 shnres , nnd they succeeded In closing the stock up to within } of the top price or $4 $ nbovo yesterday's close. The only other stock of prominence showing nn ndvnnoo wns Pullman , which gained 1'f net. Burlington recorded n decline of Ifa On the rest of the list the los oj r.ingo from * i to } $ , the latter being on New England. The benrs hnvo gained nothing by their raiding nnd n Inrijo short Interest wns nppnrcnt nt the close. Hnr silver 01 . Money cnsy nt 1 @ 1 per cent. Total sales , 171,788 shares. GOVBUNMBNTS. Oovernment bonds wcro ( julct but Jinn. vr.sTr.nruT's QUOTATIOKS. U. 8.4sregistered. 127 IC.&N. W 108U II , 8.4sroupon. . . 127 iloprefcrrcd U2 IT.S.44srcglstrcJ.10 ! < l' , N.Y.Ccntrnl IffiVJ MONKY ox CAM. Ensv nt 1@3 per cent ; Inst loan 1 , closed nt l@l } per cent , PiiiMB MEUCANTII.C PAPKU IKS K per cent , STEUI.INO EXCH tNon Quiet but steady nt W.bO for sixty day bills ; $4.8SK for do- mtind , PItOUUCK MAKKI3TS. ChlcnRO , May 15. Following are the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Firm nnd unchnngcd ; winter wheat , sacks , $2.50@I.CO ! ; in bbls , $2.75@4.40 ; spring wheat , in sacks , * 1.75@3.85 ; In bbls , M.50 © 4.50 ; rye fiour , in sacks . , $2.70@2.l)0 ' ) ; In bbls , $2.00(3a.lO. ( Wheat Active but lower ; opened unset tled , early sales being from } .f@c below yesterday's close and n further decline was made , nud closing l o lower than yester day's last figures ; cash , blc ; Juno , 87c ; July , 88 , ' < rc. Corn Moderately active , unsettled nnd rather weaker ; opened at about the close of yesterday , nnd close Jfe lower ; cash , f ) June , 67J.Cc ; July , 57 Jc. Oats Firm ; cash , ySJ c ; July , 333 c. Rye-Quiet ut C4.ic. ; Barley 75c. Prime timothy 42.50. Flax-seed $1.45. Whisky tt.18. Pork Active , unsettled nnd Irregular : cash and June , $14.37 ; July , $14.4"K. Lard Unsettled ; advanced early , but later the advnnco was lost ; cash , SS.45 ; June , $8.47 } $ : July , 88.B2K. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. ? 0.00@0.25 ; short clear , * 3.10@8.15 ; short ribs , $7.00. Butter A shade easier ; creamery , 20@24c ; dairy , 20@23c. Cheese Lower ; full cream cheddars nnd flats , 8Jf@9c ; young Americas , 9@9 } c. Eggs Steady ; fresh , 12Jf@iyc. Hides Unchanged ; green hides 4J c ; heavy green salted , 5) ) c ; light green salted , Oc ; salted bull , 4XciKreen bull , 3c ; green salted calf,8c ; dry flint nnd dry calf , ll13c ! ; dry salted , lOc ; deacons , 30c each. Tallow Unchanged ; country , 4Ji@5c ; No. 2 , 4'i'c ; cake , 45cperlb. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 23,00(1 ( 0,000 Wheat bu . 11,000 27,000 Corn.bu . 81,000 M.OOO Oats , bu . 214,000 103,000 Ryc.bu . 2,000 5.000 Barley , bu . 15,000 11,000 New York , Mny 15. Wheat Receipts , 2,300 ; exports , none ; cash grades lj < @ -u lower. Options weaker , very feverish ; opened heavy , # ( < 2 > lc lower , afterwards ad vanced } < C'S8 s , later declined 1 } @ ' % c , clos ing steady at about bottom ; ungraded red , Wiii93 ( ; No. 3 red , OU@U9tc ; store and ole- vutor. J1.001.01 , delivered ; Juno clos ing tvt CO c. Corn Receipts , 129.800 ; exports , 19,500 ; cash grades about lo lower , fairly active ; options steady on May , ? rfiKc lower on other months , subsequently weak , dropped generally I(7i2c ( , closing heavy nt bottom ex cept May , which recovered 3 c ; ungraded , G7c ; No. 3 , CO'.fSGOJfc ; elevator ; 07 > c de livered ; Muv closing at O'J c. Onts Receipts , 39,000 ; exports , 91 ; firm ; mixed western , 8S ( > 41c ; white western , -lit @ 4fic. Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , steady at $15.75 ; options lower ; fairly active ; bales , 97,250 bags ; May , $13.00@1305 ; June , S12.95 ® 13.5 ; July , 12.3512.50 ( ; August , SU.75M 11.00 ; September , 11.05ll.25j October , $10.SU@10.UO. Petroleum Steady ; united closed strong Eugs Firmer nnd quiet ; western , 13XO 14J4c. Pork Steady and quiet ; mess quoted nt $14.00@14.50 for old ; H5.00@15.25 for now. Lard Opened % ! > points higher , but later lost the advance. Butter Easy and about steady ; western , 17 < $25c. Cheese Quiet nnd weaker. St. liouls. May IB. Wheat Lower ; cash , 91ic bid ; Juno , OlJi'e ; July,88c. Corn Lower ; cash , May , 65.Js'c ; Jure , 5-l c bid ; July , 54J c asked. Oats Dull and easy ; cash , 35J c ; June , 33o asked. Pork $15.00. Lard SS.OO. Whisky $1.12. Butter Firm ; creamery , 20@24e ; dairy , 18Gi22c. MlnnciipollH , Mny 15. Wheat Receipts. IS'.lcars ; shipments , 32 cars ; prices ranged Jic below yesterday. Closing quotations I In store : No.l hard , cash and May , 87Jic ; Juno , b ) c ; July , SS } e. No. 1 northern , cash and May , SO ; Juno , biiKc ; July , 87 > ( fc. No. 2 northern , cash and May , 81u ; Juno , 84fe ; July , bSJ c. On track No. 1 hard , feb > c ; No. 1 northern , B' a ; No. 'J northern , Flour UnchiuiRcd ; patents , in sacks to ship incur lots , .20@4.40 ; in uaricls , fl.lo ( (1,1.55. MllwnukeeMayl5 , Wheat Depressed ; June , bl ( > o ; July , S5Kc. Corn Steady ; No. ! ) , 57c , Oata Steady ; No 2 white , 3S c. llyo FinnNo. ; lU5 > < c. Harley DropiIiiNo. | / ; . 2 , OSKc. Provisions Steady ; pork , May , fl-MO ® 14.50. Cincinnati. May 15. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , Ur > @ 'J ! c , Corn Firm ; No. "mixed , Olc. Oats Strong and higher ; No. 2 mixed , 3Sc. 3Sc.Hyo Easier ; No , 2 , 7l@72c. Provisions Pork , tirm nt ( U.75 ; lard" , steady at 18.00. Whisky Firm at II , 12 , Iilvorpool , May IB. Wheat Firm with fair demand ; holder * offer ap.irliih'ly ; Cali fornia , No , 1 , Os 10d@7 per cental ; red wes tern , winter , ( Is .id@is lOd Corn Firm ; nothing offering ; mixed western , 5s 9d per cental. KatiNiiH City , May 15.-Wheat Dull and weaker ; No , 2 soft , cash , S3o bin. Corn Stronger ; No. 9 , cash , 51o bid ; June , file bid. Oats Nominal ; No , 2 , cash , 33c asked. New Orleans , 15 May . Corn Fair de mand and higher ; white , 07o ; mixed , 07S07o ( ; yellow , OSc. Oats Excited and higher ; No , 2 , 45c. Corn Meal In good demand at full prices , selling at i. ir . IluK Products Good demand and a shade Dinner ; pork , ll.VOO ; lani , $7.75. Hulk Moats Shoulders , fU.50 ; long clear and clear rib , f 7.57'f , lilVK STOCK. Chicago , May 15. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle JJccelpts , 7,000 ; strong except for heavy beeves which were dull ; heavy beives$4.40@5.00 ) ; steers , f I OOS.4.75 ; cows , * l.iG ( 3 fifl ; stockcrsand feeders , $2.25g3 ( 83 ; Texas , fa.lO@4.'JO. Sheep Keccipts,7,000 ; market dull ; shorn Tcxans , f'J.OOQi 70 ; fancy wooled , J5.70& t > .0 natlvo woolcd , $4.00i.30 ; shorn , Tltt ! Drovers' Journal special cablegram from London quotes a liberal supply of American cattle , moderate general supply , demand limited but prices } fo higher titan labtweek ; best American btecrs , I'JJjc. per .ponied , estimated ileud weight , \ ' National Stock Ynrds , Ennt St. I oulR , May 13. Cattle Receipts , 2,400 ; Shipments , none ; market shade higher ; cholco nntivo steers. Jl.45Q3.00 ; fair to good natlvo steers , * .10C < ? 4.60 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , W.20t(4'I5 ( ; stockers and feed ers , medium to peed , $2..TO@a.OO } rangers , ordinary to good , 2.10@4.20. Hogs TZecelptfl , 3,300 ; shipments , COO ; J > ( ( MOo higlicr ; choice heavy nnd butchers' selections , 50G.7" ; packing , medium to prime , f-VOOQuC. ) ; light grades , ordinary to best , W.20S5.50. Hnnsns City , May 15. Cattle Receipts 351 ; shipments , KW ; strong and active , 5@ lOo higher on choice ; common , steady ; gootl to choice corn-fed , fl.HO4.70 ( ; common to medium. $3.25 ( 1.25 ; stockers , $2.00@2.00 ; $3.00@3.00. Hogs Receipts , 12,000 , ; shipments , none ; market active to steady , but closed wealc ; common to cholco , (5.00$5.o ( ! ! ; skips nnd pigs , t2.50Q4.GO. . _ _ _ _ OMAHA MVi : STOCR. Cnttlo. Tuesday , May 15,1833. The market wns well supplied to-day , 119 fresh loads being on sale. There wcro some very choice cattle nmong the offerings , ono hunch averaging over I'M ) . The market was nctlvo and the speculators as well as the dressed beef operators were free buyers. The general market was about steady , but there wns a strong feeling on handy cnttlo. The ciitllo wcro about all sold before the close and nothing that was nt all dcslrablo was held over. HOUH. The receipts of hogs wcro nlso heavy , there being 100 fresh loads fu the yards. The mar ket opened with a stronger feeling among botli buyers nud sellers , but it was about us uneven as could well bo imagined. The hogs sold all the way from steady to 5u higher , nnd loads that were n good ways apart in quality sold at the same price. Tnklng the sales altogether they would not nvcnigo up much stronger than yesterday's market. As high us $ . " > .f > 0 was paid for heavy hogs by the Boston packers. The market closed a little easier but with the hogs all sold. Sheep. Thcro were no sheep ou the mnrkct. Hecclpts. Cattle 2,300 Hogs 7,000 Sheep Prevnlllny : Prices. The following is a table of prices paid in this market for the grades of stoclc men tioned. Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $4.20 ( i4.00 Prlmo steers , 1100 to i : ) U Iba. S.tM ) ( 4.30 Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.75 © 3.00 Common to cholco cows 2.00 dt',1.50 Common to choice bulls 2.00 @ : \ . ' > Fair to cholco light hops 5.00 M.VJO Fair to choice heavy hogs 5.35 C < M.50 Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.20 Kcpresciuauvo Sales. CATTI.U. No. Av. Pr. Scows 3. ) 2.00 1 cow bbO 2. ! > 5 1 bull 1120 2.50Q 5cows Him 2. : > o 4 bulls nno s.r.o Scows 1035 2.75 ibull sow 3.00 3 cows 1175 3.20 0 steers 1170 3.25 a oxen 1800 3.23 "bulls 1550 3.40 1(5 ( steers 10 ! > 5 3.75 20 steers 1155 . ' 1.75 35 steers 1053 3.75 13 steers 101)0 ) 3.75 53 steers 1155 3.85 llhtecrs ICO 3.S5 35 western steers 11SS 3.00 13 steers 1045 3.00 3 ! ) steers 101(5 ( 3.00 ( Hbtcers ! ) : ' 3 3.110 13 steers .Mi 3.05 10 steers 1172 3.05 5 ! ) steers 1241 3.1'5 ' 40 steers lOslI 3.05 23 steers . , . .1079 4.00 15 steers KM 4.00 1(1 ( steers 1125 4.00 102 steers 1125 4.05 10 steers 1171 4.05 21 steers 111(5 ( 4.05 01 steers 1101 4.05 78 steers 1141 ! 4.05 IS steers 12(50 ( 4.05 17 steers 124(5 ( 4.10 77 steers 1230 4.10 17 steers 1214 4.10 11 steers 12S8 4.15 30 steers 123(5 ( 4.15 37 steers 11(57 ( 4.15 77 steers 113 ! ) 4.15 (50 steers IKK ) 4.15 33 steer 12V ( ! 4 15 31 steer 105(5 ( 4.15 30 steers 1159 4.15 IS steers 1202 4 20 17 steers 12(51 ( 420 07 steers 1310 4.20 18 steers 1267 4.20 1(5 ( steers 1 IbS 4.20 10 steers 1115 4.20 21 steers 1314 4.20 In steers 1378 .4.25 35 steers 1311 4.30 115 steers 12S2 4. ! ) 3" steers 13 (5 ( 4.30 1(1 ( steers 12SO 4.30 10 steers 1404 4.40 20 steers ( Polled Angus ) 1182 4.50 31 steers IMS 4.00 11OU9. No. Av. Suk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 83..119 3i ( ) W.OO 138..225 3.50 $5.25 5'.202 ' ) 3s ( ) 5.10 70..221 210 5.25 75..214 IfO 5.12K 02..2-15 20 5.25 75..200 80 5.12X 153..237 40 525 71..201 240 5.15 75..224 120 525 72..103 bO 5.15 72..220 120 5.25 75..2J7 210 5.15 S3 . .242 bO 5.30 70.,207 120 5.15 50..205 120 530 70. . . 205 2bO 5.J5 (57..231 ( 5.30 7(5..210 ( ICO 5.15 CO..225 120 2.30 70 . . 200 1150 5.15 71..227 1(10 ( 5.30 71 . .221 ItiO 5.15 71 . . .2)9 8(1 ( 5.30 72 . .200 200 5,15 b.229 ( ) 120 5.30 70 . .213 40 5.17)4 153..273 1(50 ( 5.30 84 . .100 120 L.'JO OH..241 80 5.30 71 . .205 400 5.23 74..224 120 530 70..210 120 5.20 (50 . . .242 40 5.30 78..SJ3 5.20 ra.S5'5 40 5.30 74..187 80 5.20 71..217 PO 530 75..231 240 5.20 I55..SI5U 101 5.30 (13..222 ( 200 5.20 Cr..2 ! ( ( 1(50 ( 5.30 70. . . 223 120 5.20 7i..2.iO 40 5.35 03. . . 227 240 5.20 ( U. . . 2 < ' ( J 120 5.35 01. . . 205 120 5.20 ( U..2J5 320 5.35 77. . . 215 ICO 5.20 OS.215 120 5.35 75. . . 192 SO 5.-2k 7S..2I1 80 5.35 (19 ( . . 2(53 ( 210 5.25 21..212 5.35 47. . . 224 40 5.25 3S..2.M 5.3s ( KI..23 , } 525 (55..212 ( 5.35 ID.225 200 5..5 ( IS..200 200 5.35 (17..251 ( 320 5,25 122..243 120 5.35 00..233 40 5.25 01 . . .244 120 5.35 (17..213 ( 5.25 24..245 40 5.40 150..273 2SO 5.25 07..2(50 ( 5.40 75. . . 210 120 5.25 1)7..201 ) fcO 5.40 78. . .230 40 5.25 55..270 80 5.45 03. . J30 240 5.25 57..301 1(10 ( 5.45 03.W. ( W. .23(1 ( bO 5.25 59.,270 5.45 71. .220 10'J 5.25 (17..271 ( 80 5.45 (57. ( . .251 3.0 5.25 58..332 120 5.50 (12 ( .247 2bO 5.25 01..310 40 5.50 Mvo Sroou Hold. Showing the number of head of stock sold to the leading buyers on the market to-day , * iioos , G. H. Hammond & Co 600 Omaha PackingCo 414 Armour & Cuuuhay P. Co. 3.WVJ J. P. Siiuiro & Co 1,020 (1. H , Wilbon & Co 2.VJ lUilstead & Co 5)1 ) Speculators , . , , . COS CATTLK. Swift&Co 270 O. II. Hammond & Co 73 S. Dreifuss , 85'J A.Jackson , 241 J. Carlin 2'J W. Uurnslde 3bO A. M. Crone Itt J.L.Hill 4 Chlpman &W ! W 1) . Murphy W ) Slovens H. & Co , 4 C. C. C 81 Lilvo Stock Notes. B. F. Stllley , Tobias , was hoi o with a car of cattle and a car of hogs. Two years ago to-day the top paid on tills market for hogs was $ J.SO. The top paid for cattle two years ago to day was $5.35 for 1,50.3-lb steers. Wneplng Water was represented on the market by F. Massie , who came in with n car of hogs. J , E. Uycrs of the firm of Uyers. Patter son iS ; Co. , has returned from a trip to Do KalU , III. , whurQ ho went to see Ills father u ho lids licon been very sick , William' 0'ro.iluy , Cpuucil B luff a , marketed a big string of catllq t-p-dnv of his own feed- \ng. \ Ono bunch solo nv M.SO , the ton jmld hero in some llmo.Vffbthcr bunch of grade polled Angus stccW ftild heifers brought M.50. ' 1 Among those In with battle were the fol lowing ! David Craik.P eto , Kan. ; Thomas SH-otch , Valparaiso1 , A , Lavcnburg , Council Bluffs ; K U. Dcninari. Valparaiso ; Hiram Lewis , Genoa ; Mr,1 HcWgenknmp , Hcncdict ; K. K. Kuhn. Emerson 1 A. J. Stump , Uertrnm , and T. R Herd , Central City. I - - -7) ) 031 A II A WltOJtiE AIjIS MAUKKT. Produce , I'np. Nnin , Etc. ' { ' 1 1 Tuesday , Mny 15. T7icolloirliitf fjiloJ'itiotis rc wholcmtlc ntu { notrctnK. J'cJwniiofcil oil prodttcc arc the rules at ti'/iich / round lotv arc sold on , fhN mur/kCt. / Fnills or ot/icr / Hues of too(7 ; * rcinrirlmi extra l < tlmr In j > arkni ] cannot at- want be MI pplfrd on otisi/c ( ( / orrcrs at the mmc prices quoted for the local trade. Hates on flour and feed arcjolilicrx' iirlcci. 1'rlci'Aan ' ( train arc tltouc jMld by Omaha miner ) ? delivered. All quotallonion mcr- chandlNcarculilnlncI from lending houses und arc corrected dally. Price * on crackers , rcs , etc , arcthnsculvcnbulcadlnumanU' facturcrs. Tnulu wns ratlior quiet nnd without feat- tire. Kpggs were a shndo lower , and poultry and butter unchnngcd. Vegetables are un settled , with prices ! according to the stocks on hand. Fiuit is dull. 13UTTr.ii Fancy creatnorv roll butter , 25 ® 20c , with solid packed at 20ft22c ; choice country butter 15@10c , common grades 12 ( 14e. Citunsn Full cream , 13Ji)14c. ) Eoos Strictly fresh UQll'fc. STKAwniiiuiKs : ? I.OJ@4.50 per case. HIIT.S50o : : per doz. POTATOES Cholco homo grown , 75@S5c ; Utah and Colorado stock , $1.10@1.2.i ; low grades , 5."iri.ll5c. ( Pot'i.Titv No dressed fowl in the market ; live chickens. $4.00(34,50 ( per doz ; turkeys , Willie per Ib ; geese , $0.00@7.oO per doz ; ducks , * 3.00a ( > : .2.-i. Si'iNXAOi : $1.50 per bl. Illinium 3c per Ib. ONIONS Natlvo stock $1.25@1.50 , Spanish per box of 5 Ibs $1.75cJ2.00 ( , California onions 3K ( < ? 4c per 11) . Lr.Moxs $3.75@l.50per box ; fancy , $4.50@ 5.50. 5.50.OK \xocs California Uivcrsldo , $3. 75fft > 1.00 ; Messina , fi.50@5.50 ; Los Angclos , > l,00@ 3.25 ; Los Angeles Navals , $4.00 ; Hiversido Navals , $ (5 ( 00. Asi'vuvGua Sc per Ib. CucfMnnus OOclJSM.OO per doz for cholco. LIITTUCI : 30S3.)0 ( ; per doz. CUM-.HY California stock , ? 1,50 per doz. Kumiius 30c per doz. STHIXO UnANs $1.75@2.00 perbu , GHIIS" : : Pi\s SJ.25 per bu. TOIIATOKS $3.00@3.50 per bu. Pixi : Al'i-i.rs ? 3.00Gt3.50. U VXAXAS Common medium , ? 2.50J3.00per ( bunch ; choice , S..00@3.50. ! Tfitxi rs Hutabagas , 5 ! > © 00c. DATIS Persian. OJrfjJ7o ( per Ib. Cmmt Choice Michigan cider , ? 4.50@O.GO pcrbbl. of 32 pal. Poi'coitx Choice rice corn is quoted at 3@ 4c i > er Ib , , oilier kinds 2 } G 3c per Ib. CAIIUOTS Now stock , 40 ( 45c per doz. ns 3rJ3ic ( ! per Ib. for California. - Good stock , i2.25@2.50 per HIIAXS Good stock , ? 2.CO@'J,75 ; California beans , $2.25 2.40. Fxs ; In layers , 13@15c ; cake. lOc per ib. NfTM Peanuts , raw , (5 ( > ( ; (7o ; Brazil nuts , ISc ; almnnds , TnrragtJtm , 22c ; Englisli wal nuts , 15 ( lSc ; Iilbensil8c ; Italian clicstuuts , 15c ; pecans , 15c. i HOXIIY 1(5l2lcior ( ( I Ib frames ; canned honey , 10@12o pur Ib. PAitbi.iv 30c pir dtfe. Citii.v : : Oxioss 15Qi)20c ) per doz. Puui : MAI-I.C Siliuiv-il.Sj ) cr gal. SALSITV 25c pqr-bunch. Ofoccr's Ldst. Unrixnn LMiD-j-Ticrcc , 7 o ; 40-lb square cans , 7 ? < o ; 50-lb round , \ % c20lb \ round , Sc ; 10-lb pails , SKc'.ff-lb palls , bj c ; 3-lb pails , S > * HC. HC.Svitups New Orleans molasses , per bid. , SiQl-tCo per gal. ; corn syrup , 3(5o ( ; half bbls. , 3Sc ; 4 gal. kegs , SJ.55 ; sorghum , 3Sc. PUOVISIOVS Hums , JOXC < BlOfc ; breakfast baron. 10@10' c : b'acon sides , 8 ( )3 ) ; < c ; dry salt , 7JfiaS ( ) c ; shoulders , 7M7iyo ; dried beef , 10W lie. PicKt.r.s Medium In bbls , $3. 73 ; do in half bbls , S3. 10 ; biimll In bbls , S0.75 : do in half bbls , $3.110 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.73 ; do m half bbls , $1.40. CiNXKii GOODS Oysters , standard , per case. 83.10 ( ' 3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per casu , 5J.bjS)2.UO { ) ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , ? ( S)2.So ) 2.0 ! ! ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.SO ; < blucbeiTiea. per case , -2.10@2.20 ; egg plums , string beans , per cusc , Sl.T.Vgl.bO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per ease , ? 1.0Q@1.C5 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , SJ.50CS2 (50 ( ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , $2.b5 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.40@2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30Vt3.40 ( ; sardines , imported J.f , 13(8) ( ) 15c per box ; domestic ' 4 , Oj O' c ; mustard , OKuO ( ifc. Jri.i.n30 : lb pails , ? 1.25@1.50. SALT 1'er bbl in car loud lots , ? 1.40. lion : Seven-sixteenths , lOJ lOJ c. C\xi > v Mixed , 9jflllc ( ; stick , ' .l@'J ' > c. HOI.IAVD HIJUHINGS 8@70e per Iceg. Miri.i : SHOAU lirleks , I.,1 a" I'01' ' Mi penny cakes , 13M14c per lb. HIIOOMS Extra , 4-tie , $200 ; parlor 3-tie , painted handles , $2.25" No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , fl.OO. STtitcii Mirror gloss , SJ c ; Graves' corn , GJaC ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7e. TiiAs Jupans , 20 ( 55c : Guiiowder | ) , 20H ( > GOe ; Young Hyson , 22 ( < T > r e ; Oolong , 20@(55u. ( Powncit AND SHOT Shot , $1.45 ; buckshot , $1.70 ; Hazard powder , kens , $5.00 ; half kegs , fcj. < 5 ; one-fourths , $1.50 : blasting kegs , $2.35 ; fuses , 100 ft , 45&675C- . Si'OAitGranulated , OT < @ 7c ; conf. A , fi % @ 7c ; wlilto extra C , 0 Vfr > 5'ijC ' ; extra C , 0'4 ' ( ( $ (5\e ( ; yellow C , flJf&SJgc" ; cut loaf , 7 > 'i ' ( < 2 7J < e ; powdered , 7Ji@S , ' e ; Now Orleans , 5 'Con-en Ordinary grades , I(5@17c ( ; fair. I'OflRi1 ; prime , 18C'410o ; fancy green and yellow , 22(2'i'ic ( ; old government Java , 2S@ 30c ; interior Java , 25w23o ; Mocha. 3Sir30e ; Arbucklo's roasted , 20'4c ' ; McLauglilin'H XXXX. 20'A" ' Oil worth's , 20c ; Kcd Cross , 20e ; Alaroiini , lO p. WOOIIKNWAIIK Two-hoop palls , per doz , fl.40 ; tlitee-hoop pills , $1.05 ; No. Hub , $7.00 ; No , 2 tub. < i.OO ; No. 3 tub. $5.00 ; washboards , electric , $1.50 ; fancy Northern Queen wash boards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , 49.50 ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No.tl churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1,70 ; spruce , In posts , 70c per nest. Toiucro Pi.uo Lorlllard's Climax , 45o ; Splendid , 44i > ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Leg- Kelt & Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 30c ; Drumniond's Horscslioe , 45c ; J , T. , 42c ; Sorg's Spoariicad , 45c ; "Cut Hate , " 20c ; "Oh , My , " 27o ; Piper Hoidsick , ( He. Toiucco SMOKI.VO Cutlln's ' Meerschaum , 31c ; Catlm's Old Style , 23o ; Sweet Tip Top , 3.1c ; U. N. O. , 17o ; Ucd , White nnd Hltio , 18c. CuACKUit ? . C'AKKH , KTC. Prices subject to chaiiKo , Soda , fie ; soda ( city goods ) . 7c ; soda Riiowllako ( In tins ) , lOo ; soda dandy , f > Ko ; soda wafers ( in tinu ) , lOo ; soda icpliyr , be ; city oyster , 0)je ( : excelsior , 7e ; fiirinn oys- er,7o ; pom oyster'So ; monitor , 7e ; Omahu tystor , 7c ; peUrl oyster , 60 ; iicnic , Co ; snowdrop oyster , 7o ; butter , 5o ; Boston , be ; Oinalm butter , 7c ; sow tooth butter , 0fo ; cracker meal , nijd ; gruham , 8e ; gruliain wafers , lOc ; graiian ) wafers In pound pack ages , 12 jC ; hard brpad , So ; milk , 7kjo ; oat meal , 80 ; oat meal wafers , lOo ; oatmeal w fers in pound packages. 12)fc ; animals , 12o ; lJollvergingerrouml,7ccream,8c ( ) ; ; Cornhill , lOc ; cracknclls , lOc ; frosted cream , 8 ] o ; ginger snaps , 8e ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oc ; homo made ( jingpr snaps , In boxes , 13o ; lioinu made ginget tuaps , ' (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen , $2.50 ; lemon creamspc ; pretzelstmnd ( made ) , ' HMo ; assorted onk'ci and Jumbles , llj o ; assorted - sorted lingers , I5o ; afternoon tea ( In tins ) , per box , $700 ; 'banana lingers , 14o : butter jumbles , r > c ; Brunswick , 15o ; brandy snaps , 15o ; cliocolato drops ( now ) l(5c ( ; choco. late wafers , 15o ; Cliiistmas lunch ( in tins ) , per dozen , fl.50cocoa ; taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee cake , 12o , Cuba jumbles , HHo ; cream puffs , 30o ; ogt ! jumbles , 14c ; ginger drops , lie ; honey Jumbles , llj c ; jolly lingers , 15o ; jelly wafers , 15c ; Jelly tart ( now ) . 15c ; lady Jlnjj. ers , 13o ; vanilla bar , 14c : vanilla wafers , 14o ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in u box , per dozen , $2.50 , All goods packed in cans lo per lb advance except snowilako and wafer soda , which are packed only in cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb paper boxes , We per lb advance ; all other goods lo per lb advance. Soda in Mb paper boxes , le per lb advance. The 2-lb boxes are packed in cases holding 18 in a case. The 3- lb boxes are packed in oases holding 12 in a casu. Tlio l-lb boxes a.re packed in casses holding 3i5 In a ca.se. Ono-lbgraham and oat meal wafers packed 2 doz in a case. Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 75c , Uanb lor wafer sod * , J3.00 , not returnable. Guns tor snowflnho soda , $5.00 per dofc. Tin cases with glnsa face to display the goods , 75c each , No charges for packnpren cice'pt for cans ami returnable goods. Glass front tin cans nml "anowflako" soda cans uro returnable at prices charged. Dry Gnoilft. CpLons Atlantic , Cc ; Slater , 5'fc ; Berlin oil. 6Xc ; Garner oil , Cg ( 7c. Pi.vi ) AXi > Uonis : Hlchmond , OJic ; Alton , 0 } < c ; lllver Point , Cc ; Steel Ulvcr Cc ; Rich- Bond , Cc ; Pacific , fij c. Ixnioo BI.DE Washington , c ; Century , dlgo blue prints , 9c ; American , (5Jfc ( ; Arnold , O'fc ; Arnold B , 10 > c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , iti'tc. DHESS Charter Oak. 5c ; Rnmapo , 4Jc ; Lodi , 5c ; Allen , Oc : Richmond , Oc ; Windsor , 0 > fc ; Eddystono , Cjfp ; Pacific , O' c. UROWX Sitcr.Tivo Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 o ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7'fc ; Atlantic D , 4-4. Cjrc ; Atlantic P , 4-1. Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; All- roraC , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7J4O ; Hoosier - sier LL , 4-4 , Cc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 > e ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Oc : Old Dominion. 4-4 , 5J < c ; Peppcrell , R , 4 J , 7c ; Poppercll , O , 4-4 , (5c ( ; Peppcrell , 8-4 , 18 } < c ; Pcpperell , 0-4 , 21e ; Peppcrell , 10-4 , 23c ; Utica. C , 4-1 , 5c ; Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7 } c ; Aurora. B , 4-4 , 6o ; Aurora , R. 4-4 , ( l/c. lUrrs Standard , PC ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty , 12Ue ; Byonne , 14c ; B , cased , $0.50. C'Aitrr.T WAUP Bibb , white. lOc ; colored , 22c. 22c.DUCK DUCK West Point 29 In. 8 oz. , lOJfc ; West Point. 29 in. 10 oz. , 12Ue ; West Point , 10 In 13 oz. , 15o ; AVcst Point 50 in. 11 oz. , lOo. Checks Caledonia X , OWc ; Caledonia XX , lOKc ; Economy , Uc ; Otis , l c. Kr.XTUCKV JIIANS Memorial , Ific ; Canton , 2So ; Durham , 27 | c ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming ton , 22J c ; Cottswold , 27J c. CusnSt ovens' B , Oc ; bleached , 7e ; Stevens' A , 7' < c ; blenched , 8J c ; Stoventv' P blonclicd , Ol e ; Stevens' N , OJ o ; blenched , lO c ; Stevens' S U T , 12Ue. Mi iT.ii.ASiots Table oil cloth. $2.85 ; plain Holland , SJ o to OJtfc ; Dado Holland , 'CoMroiiTcits $6.00(333.00. ( UnuoiiED SIIKUTINII Ucrkcly cnmbrlc. No. CO. 9 } c ; Host Yet , 4-4 , O'fc ; butter cloth , OO , 4 > 4o ; Cabot , 7 e ; Fnrwcll , 8fc } ; Fruit of Loom , Oif : Frecno G , Cc ; Hope , 7o ; King Philip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo , llj o ; Lons- dalc fcjNcw York mills. lOKc ; Pepporell , 42-in , lie ; Pepperell , 40-ln. , 12o ; Peppcroll , 0-4 , ICc ; Pcpcrcll. | 8-4 , 21c : Peppcroll , 0-4 23e ; Peppcrell. 10-4 , 25o ; Canton. 4-4 , 8Mc ; Canton , 4-4 , < J > c ; Triumph , Cc ; Wumsuttn , lOo ; Valley , Be. GiNcniAM Plunltctt checks , 7 } < c\Vliittcn- ; ton , 7J c ; York. 7 > c ; Normnndi dress , 8 > e ; Cnlcutta dress , 8)fr ) : Whlttendon dress , 8)405 llenfrow dress , SK@12) ) < e. TICKS Lewlston , 30-in , 12 < < fc ; Lcwiston. 32-in. , 13'Je ' ; York , 32-in. , 14c ; Swift river , 7 c ; Thorndyko OO , 8Kc ; Thorndyko FF , 8'tfc ' ; Tliorndiko 120 , 9' < ? c ; Tliorndiko XX , IBo ; Cordis , No. 5 , ll' c ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie. DCXIMS Amoskcag 13 , 0-oz , lOc ; Everett , lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc. FLANNELS Plaid haftsman , 20o ; Goshcn , 32Kc ; Clear Lake. 32' ct Maple City , 30 > fe. Whito--G II No. 2 , & , Sic ; G II No. 1 , J/ , 22' < c ; E 24-in , 21o ; GG 2tn , 18o ; H A F , J R F , < tf , 27c ; G , ,35c. COTTOX Fi.\JJxr.i.s 10 per cent trade dis- * ii , iwjv ; , uvjr , iii , . 41x1 , luu , , iv. f Jwv , * , 20c ; No. 10. SKc ; SO , lOKc ; CO , 12 } c ; 80 , l(5c ( ; 20c , colored , lOc ; 50 colored , ISc ; 70. colored , 25c ; Uristol , 13 > < fc ; Union Pncilic , ISc. General Markets. FLOUU AXI > Fnun Minnesota patents , $2.45 ( (12.50 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy winter patents , $2.50@2.75 per cwt ; Nebraska patents , $3.45ft 2.50 per cwt ; rye Hour , $2.00 per cwt : wheat graham , $1.75 per cwt ; rye graham , $1.35uil.4 ( ) per cwt ; Now York buck wheat , $3.50 per cwt ; Excelsior , $3.00 per ewt ; ready raised. $5.00 per 100-lb ciiso ; cornmeal , yellow , S1.00W1.10 per cwt ; white $1.10 pcrcwt ; bran , $10.00 ( 17.00 per ton ; screen ings , SlJ.no per ton ; sacked , 85c per cwt ; hominy , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $18.00 per ton ; chopped corn , $10.50ir17..iO ( | ( per ton. LiiATiinn Oak soles. 35u ( > ; i7c ; hemlock slaughter sole , 21S30c ( ; hemlock dry sole , 12 @ 25c ; hemlock kip , GOC ? 90c : A. & H. runner icip , 50r75c ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@1.00 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75 < 3 ; hemlock upper , 19(33 ( ic ; English grain upper , 25e ; hemlock grain upper , 21Vt25c ( ; Tampico U. L. Morocco , 20 ( 33c ; Tampico iieple ] , O. D. Mo. , 2. > < fZ39c ; Curacoa , jl. G. Mo. , 30c ; Simon 0. D. Mo. , $2.75 ( < ? > 3.00 ; Dangola kid , 30@32c ; X. M. kangaroo. 40c ; American calf kid. 32e ; Gricson kids , $3.000 3.75 ; French glazed kids. $2.50jj2.73 ( ; French calf kids. $3.20 ; oak kip skins , $ SOctI.OO ; oak calf skins , $1.00@l.r,5 ; French calf skins , $1.25Vj2,2" ( ) ; French kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Hussitt linings , $0.00ilS.50 ( per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , ? 7.50 @ 9.75 per doz. ; colored toppings , $0.00 ® 1J UU Dituos Acid Carbolic , crystal , per lb , 50c ; citris , per lb , OOe ; tartaric , per lb , 50c ; sul phuric , per lb , 5c ; atnmonln , carb , per lb , 15c ; alum , per ib , 5e ; alcohol , 95 percentper gal , $2.22 ; blue vitriol , per Ib , 8e ; borax , rc- lined , per lb , lOc ; camphor , relined , 35e ; cream tartar , pure , per lb , 40c ; cream tartar , commercial , par lb , 20c ; cloves , per lb , 3lc ) ; cuttlcllsh bone , per lb , 30o ; clextnne , i > er lb , ISc ; glycerine , pure , per lb , 30c ; liops , fresh , per lb , 40c ; indifo ( , Madras , pur ib , 75c ; insect powder , jicr lb , OOc ; mori < liino , 1' . c W. poro.5 , $ .1.00 ; ojiium , per lb , . * .J.75 ; rtiin- | ino , P. & W. , pur 07 , 5Sc ; ( luininu , German , pur o , 4Sc ; Ilochelle salts , per lb , 35c ; saf fron , American , per It ) , 4'Jc ; saffron , true Spanish , per ot , $1.00 ; saltpetie , pure pur lb , lilt1 ; hiilphur. Flowers' , per lb , 5o ; soda , bi carbonate , per lb , 5o ; silver , nitrate , per lb , $11.50 ; spermaceti ! , per lb , ( JOc ; strychnine , jioro$1.25 ; wax , white , pure , per lb , 55c ; wax \vliitc. pure , per lb , 55c ; wax , yellow , pure , per lb , 35c. HIIIES Green butchers , ' 4GP4) ) c ; green cured , 5K@Oo ; dry flint. Oc ; dry salt. 80 ; green salted calf , 71ji'se ( ; damaged hides twn-tlurds price ; dry suited deacons , 25c each. Tallow No , 1 , 3 , ' c ; No. 3 , 2 | e. Grease Prime white , 4.fc ! ; yellow , 3c ; brown , So. Sheep pelts lUct < il.)0 ( ) , accord ing to quality. JJrandud hides clasMlled as damaged. Sn itrrs Cologne spirits 1SS proof , $1.14 ; do 101 proof. $1.17 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.15 ; do IbS proof , $1.13 ; alcohol , 188 proof , per wine gallon , $2,12 ; re-distilled whiskies$1.25rtil.50 ( ; gin blendedI.50Q2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.M.00 ( ( ! ; Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00 < V 0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50W3.00 | ; brandies , imported , $5.00 ( < (8,00 : domestic , $1.30g3.00 ; gins , impelled , * 5.00 ( (5.00 ( ; do mestic , 81.23 ( :1.00 : ; champagnes , imported , peri-aso. $ J-j.OOifi3,00 ( ; ; American , per case , $10.00@17.00. Ou.s Carbon , 175 degrees , I3o ; carbon , 150 .degrees , 13o ; linseed boiled , GOc ; linseed , raw , 75c ; castor , No. 1 , H.20 ; No. 2 , 41 12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ; wlialo water bleached , b5c ; llsh , bank , 35e ; neatsfoot , extra , (15c ( ; neatsfool , No. 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 15o ; W. S. Lard , 35o ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , B0ji55o ( ; W. Va. zero , 14cV. ; . Va. zero , 14c ; golden No. 1 , 4o ( ) ; golden No 3,25e ; whale , 20c ; naplha , 1 degree. 14c ; lieadlight , 150 degrees , 12c ; hcadliglit , 175degree , 15e ; turpentine , 45c ; custor , pure , $1.30 per gal. Tansill's ' Punch Cigars wore snipped during the past two yearn , without ft drum- iner fu our employ. No other homo In the world can trutli * Ono aKont ( dealer ouljr ) wanted In ench town. 1 SOLD Br UADINO ORUCCISTS. RW.TANSILL&C0..55SfaioSt.Chlcaao. SOUTH OMAHA. c. H. r A i. UK n. K ! m rim ANj. . 11 , III.A.NCUAIIU. PALMER , mCHiyiAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Mcrcliants , MoCOY BROS. , Live Slock Commission Merchants , Market f urnlilieil free on application Mocker * and feeilurs lurrij liicloiiKOodUrius. IteH'ri'iirn' Oma ha National llankaiiirboutli OioRLa National , Uulon block Yi.rU > , buutli Omalia , KOniMERWESTERFIELp& MALEV Live Stock Commission , llooro 15 , Ezcbaoee llulldlnn , tlnlua Stock Tarda. _ boutuOiualia.Nel ) . _ ALEXANDER Ic FITCH. Commision Dealers in Live Sock , Seem ? ' , Opposite Kxibaneo llulldlne. Union Stock Yards , Homu Oioalia.Neb. ' UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limitefl , Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER , DealGrinAgricnltnrallmplcments , Wagons , Carriages and Flue ulm. Jcnrii ptrcn.betwef nStlinna _ lotb , Unjaha , Nebraska. " LIN1NO E R & "M ET C-ALF CO. , Agricnltnrallmplemenis.Wapns.Carriages . . niicglcs.Tte. Wliolcnalc. Omalm , Nebraska. PAR UIN , OR NDORF ft MARTIN , Wholesale Dcnlprii In AgncDllnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies _ Kllao , l6itnilOTJonc " Street. OmMi ft. _ p. P. M"AST & co. , Hannfactnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CultlTatoro , II r Hakes. Cider Mills nnd l.nbnn 1'ul- Ttrltcr . Cur , llth and Nlcliolas Btttet * . WIN ON"X I M P LEM E N T CO. , -Wholc al < Agncullnral Implements , Wagons &Bnggies Corner Htli nnd NltliolanStrccti' . .o. , HamsDne Machinery and Binder Twine W. K. Mcail , Manager. 12W Ix-arcnwortli St. , Omaui Boots nnd Shoos. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Johhers of Boots and Shoes , Artists' Materials. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 1513 Douulnj Street , Uinaba , Nolrnska. MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD Co Manufncturcrii nnd Jobbers In fagons BDEgies , Rates , Plows Etc , Cor. Uth nnil I' clflo Htrof Is , Oranhn , Nf b. 1110 1103-1105 Douglas St. . Onmhn Manufactory , Sum mer M. , Huston K1RKENDALU. JONES & CO. , ( Successors to Heed , Jones &Co. ) WDOlGsalcMannfactnrcrsofBootsanaShocs ABcntafor lloston Huboor Shoo Co 1103,110 * & 1100 * Unrnoy ft. . Omatin. N'pbraaka. Booksellers nnd Stotlonora. ' H. M , &S. W.JONES , BuocciBors to A. T. Kcnyon A Co.holcjnlo & Uctnll Booksellers anfl Stationers , Fine Wcdillnu Stntlonory , Commercial Stationery. 16221)ounln Street , Omubn. Nob. Coffees , Spices , Etc- CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Umaba Coffee nrt bplco Mills. Teas. Coffees , Spices , BaRing Powfler , " " ' ' ' -0'0- " " CrookorygjidClq8Byyaro. w. L" Axcnt for the Manufacturers anil Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , _ Ktc. _ oncoM7 H. 13th ht. , Omalia , XebrMta. PERKINS. CATCH & . LAUMAN , Importers nnd Jobbers of Croctoy , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware ISto 1511 FurnBm St. , New Paxton DnlldlnK. Commission and Storago. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Succctaors to McSlmnc A tchrocdcr. ) Produce Commissiou anil Cold Storage , _ _ _ _ _ _ Uinaba , Nebraska. _ _ _ _ _ FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS , Wholesale Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commission MerchatlU. Correspondence Kollcltctl. 1011 North lUh fcN eel , Umnlia , Neb RIDDELL fi. RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , icclaltlcs Butter , Kngs. Cheese , I'oultry. Can Orstcri , lite. , ttc. 112 South Kill Street. _ Coal , Coke and OM AHA "COA L. C 6 K E fiT LI M E "c O. JoMers of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 South 11th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. ' J. J. JOHNSON & CO. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , Piaster , Lime , Uralu Tile , and hewer Pipe. Ofllce , Paxton Hotel , tamamai. . Omaha , Neb. Telephone nil. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Snippers of Coal and Cote , ill South 13th 8U. Omaha. Neb. , 9 ° Pd8 and Notions. " * ' M. E SM'lTH ti. CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 and 1101 DouKlai. Cor. llth St. . Omabn. Ntb. KILPATR1CK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Johhers in Dry GoodsNotious , Gents' Furnishing ( loode. Comer llth and HaJnej Hi.Ouitthn. Nftornfkit. _ " _ FiJmlturo. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Street. Omaha. Nebra k . CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture _ pmahii , NebraNku. Office Fixtures. THK BIMMONDS MANUFACrUniNO CO. Miinufactitreraof BanK , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle * , Hdcbonrdti , llfmlc O.uec. DniK Plxturca , Wall Cnttuti , Partitions , Hallliitfs , Coiinterti , lleor HH < I Wlno ( , o < iler , .Mlrom , etc. l-uctory nnd once,17 ( U and 17JJ.--oiitli 13th bl , , Uuiuhii. 'i'elephoner 1124. Crocorlos. PAXTON , Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions , . 706,707,703 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. MoCORD. BRADY CO. , Wholesale Grocers , t th and I-cavonworlh Streets , OmahaNebraska. "HordwaVo. LEE , FRIED & CO. , Johhers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Bheet Iron. Kto. Agents for Howe Scales , and -Miami Powder Co. , Omaha. Neb. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tooli and Buffalo Bcales. 1105 Uouglat Btreet. Uroaha , NcbruAa. RECTOR , WILHELMY it CO. , Wholesale Hardware , lOtii and Harney Bis. . Omaha , Neb. Western Agent , for Austin Powder Co. , Jeffenon Btoel Nails , _ Fairbanks btnndard Hcales MARKS BROSSADDLER Y CO Wholesale Manufueturers of Saddlery & Johhers of Saddlery Hardware AndLeutber. ] WI , HU-'i and 1107 Uuruey bt. , Oioaba , Nubrasku. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Btoek , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. JSUJ and 1811 Unriiey btrect , Oniaba. " " JAMES A. EDNEY Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriage Wood Block. Heary Hardware Btc. 1817 and I'M Ixiavenworth Ht. . Omaha. Neb. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 18U Street and Union 1'acinc Track , Omiibn. LOUIS BTlADFORia ] ! ' Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Ktc. V rJs-Ccrocr lib and Uouslai , Coruei UlU aad Duuglai. OMHAJOBBEBSlBEClli ! Hnts , Gnps , Etcu _ W. L. PARROTTE tt CO. , " Wholesale Hals , Caps and Straw Goods , C N DIETZ , ; j Dealer in Ail KIHIIS of Liiifc jj 13th and California Street.Omaha Nebraska. FRED W. GRAY. Lnmlier Limo Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Comer Mb and IHinalnsStB.Omnlm. tTW. HARVEY LUMBER COTe To Dealers Only , Office. 140,1 Farnam Street Omaha , ] ' JOHN WAKEFIELbl % Wholesale Lumber , Etc , -I Imported nnd American IMrllnnd Cement , HtaU J * ARontforMllwankpft Hydraulic Cement and ( julnc ; Whllo Mine. | CHAS. R. LEE , | Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier , Wood CarpcH nnd Parquet tloorln * , Dlh unit IVinilin Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS , Carter A ton , Prop's. Mnnufartureraof all klmlt Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Work Work * South ! 0th niul l ( . A M. c PAXTON & Vir.HMNll IHONVC WrongM and Cast Iron Building Vori , Ilnalm's. llram Work.Ooneral roumltjr , Mnrlilne and IJIaiksmllti Work , oniro niul Work * , U. I' , llf. nnd ITIli Htreot , Uiunlin. OMAHA VVTRE * IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings losk Hull * , Wlmlnw Qnnnl . Klowcr Btiimlv Wlto tJlKnu. Ktc. Ill North ICtli ijtri'i-I.Uinalia. OMAHA SAFE nnd IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of FireS Burglar Proof Safes VaulH. J ll Work , Iron nnd Wlr Kcnrlnit. HlKiii. 1316. ( J Aii'lrci'n ' , 1'ron'r Cor 1 jtli nmlliu k nn iH , CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fencss , Railing Guards cJHCrci'ti ! , lorlinnks , olllcus. Munv , iui > | ilcncv9 , cto ImprOTod AwnlnK' , Locksmith Machinery and JJlacksinltU Works. OJSouthlllUSt. IMEAGHER & LEACH , Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , ( Joncrnl Agents ( nr DlebnM Snfo , V Tiock Co. ' * VaultsnuilJall Work , 1115 FarnamStructOmaha. hillllnory and Notions. " " " ' " i. OBER"FELDER""CO. , Importers & Joliliers in Millinery & Notions OS , 210 and 212 South llth btrect. J.T. ROBNSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4oO And 405 Sc uth lOtli St. , Omnha. VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1KB llanier Street. Omaha. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO' . , Wholsale Refined and Luhricating Oils , Axle Ureaio , Etc. , Omaha. A. II lllrhnn. Manari > r Pnpor Boxes JOHN L. WILKIE. Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory , Nog. 131" ami 131U Douglas St. , Omaha , Ncu. Pnlnta and Oils. CUMMlNOS & NKII.SON , Wholctiilo Dealers In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , lllB Karnum blrcct , Omaha , Ncb. = 3 , Paper. "fAfiPENTEn PAPE CO r ' Wnolesale Paper Dealers , Carry R nlco stock of Prlntlnit , Wrniiplnu and Wrltlna 1'h er. Special attention given to car louil orilcra. _ Printers' Mntorlals. ' " 'WESTERN NEWSPAPER Auxiliary Publishers , " - - - - Dealers In T Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Ruhhcr Goods 311 Clothing and Leather llcltlug. 1003 Karnnui Street , Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam ana Water Supplies. Headquarter * for Mast. l-'ooit ft Co'a goods , nil Farimiii bt. . Omulia. U. S. WIND ENGINE aTpUMP CoIT Steam and Water Supplies , flalllilajr Wind Mills. OW nnd MO Tarnam St. . Oman * . Cj. t , Uo s , Actlni ; Manager. BROWN ELL ttuo7 " Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. BhectJron Work Htcam Pumps , Haw MIHs. 12LM21I I-eavcnworlh htrett. Urottha. _ _ Soode. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 911 and fl3 Jones Hlrfrt Omalia. Storage , Forwarding & , Commission ARMSTRONG , PETTJS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Urancli housuof the Ilemioy Huffy Co. HuiwlGsal ntiglcsaleundreUll.JiiH IJlOtnil lil'i liardBtrcut. Oiunlitt. Teli'iiliuno No.TW. OMAHA MAMCTinM Browora. STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1521 North Eighteenth Street. Omaha. Ken. Pyoroiia < _ * . CA NFIELD M/U JFACTURINa CO , , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jcan I'antsSUIrtsitc. : HWnnd I10 ( Douglai Hlrcet , Omahu , Nek. Cornloo , EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , Jobo Ktuoottir , I'roprlotor. 1MI Dortuo and lUlttud 101 North lUth Btroel. Umnna. "M.A.DISBROV' t , co. , Wliolotalu Manuricturtrs of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , IlrancU Office , litti and IturJ UrccU , Omaha , Nub , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uouldlriirs , htalr Work and Jiilmlor llar'l Wood 1-liv l u. a. U. Corner bib and J eureuwrorth btrut-ti , _ Omulia. .VfU. _ " OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors , Aud Ullnili. Turning. Btolr-work , Hank and Olllco HU ttim . ailb ud 1'uuiilclcm ATCDUO. _ _ Smbko . Stack8f Qollprs , Etc. H. K SAWYER , MaunfactDring Dealer in Smote Stacks , ' , Tankmnil OcDtral Uollcr Il u lilni : . Ilia ! X tUi BUe tOmli , Ncl ( .