Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    w t
A Mlaorablo Exhibition on the Local
Diamond Yesterdays
A Very Cold Dny For tlio Homo Tenm
anU the IIlR Crowd in Attend
ance llcnllzcn It Fully
Other Sports.
lies Molncs 5 , Otnnlin O.
A detailed description of yesterday's jrama
between Omaha nnd DCS Molucs v/ould bo n
uccalcss aggravation.
It was simply rotten.
Still it would not bo In Rood part , or con
sistent either , to Jump on tlio homo team and
administer nn excoriation.
" " An excoriation Is a good thinf ? in lUnlnco ,
ns every school lx > y knows , but this la not
Just exactly the place.
Every good player and cvory good team
hits Its ofl day , nnd yesterday was Omaha's
ft day Omaha's awfully oft day ,
' Wo were paralyzed.
Our peerless battery , Lovett and Wilson ,
\vcro unaccountably weak , and while the
former was hit nt will , ttio latter couldn't
Vno\d \ anything , nnd between the two they
managed to pile up ton errors.
The balance of tbo team , BO far ns their
fielding wa concerned , was up to their usual
Atandard of cxcullcnce , but If Kennedy had
Ifocn pitching street cars they couldn't have
S t him.
But It won't do to dwell upon tbo harrowIng -
Ing theme , for declarations might bo made
that mipht bo regretted In the sweet , sweet
l > yo nnd byo-
The prohibitionists played their customary
Btrom ? game , and won a decisive victory.
The weather was raw and chilly , still do-
ppito this fact , there were fully fi.lXH ) people
upon the grounds , among whom were more
ladles than ever attended nny previous half
doyen games ever played hero.
The crowd was n phcnominally quiet one ,
however , for the cold water fiends quickly
Jcnoekcd nil of the enthusiasm out of
'them. ' Occasionally they xvonuld wnlto
tip nnd cheer n good play ,
but there was llttlo pleasure in witnessing
the defeat of the homo team , and the re-
fsoundinir shouts which nro always heard
\vhcu the gilt-edged took the load did not
< Bhako the roof of the grand stand yesterday.
But this la the way in which the nvalanch
overtook us.
In the second inning Mncullcr , the Ilrst
man at the bat , banged tlio pigskin to the left
for a pair of bags , mid on Alvord's out he
tnado third aud homo on a passed ball.
' In the fourth Monkey Holliday bit safe to
right , stole second , went to third on n passed
ball , and scored on Alvord's drive to O'Con-
noil. O'Connoll cot the ball nil right , but
nobody covered Ilrst nnd Alvord was safe.
sMncullar was presented with a base by Lov-
r ptt , nnd on Vandyke's safe bit , filled the
Itlght hero was the masterful play of the
entire game Lovett striking out the three
pcxt batters , Kennedy , Sngo and Steams in
In the ilfth the visitors continued to smear
it on.
t Qulnn lined out a two bagger , and scored
the next moment on n two base hit by a mnn
Who has dandled George Washington on bis
i Irnco , old man Shafer , who also came in on
Mncullar's hit to O'Connoll and the muffed
return of the ball to catch him at homo.
In the sixth Kennedy hit safe to center ,
f ptolo second ns n matter of course , and came
pcross tbo plate on a wild pitch.
The Prohibitionists had men on bases in
every inning but the last , and the only
wonder is Unit their score was not doubled.
But hero is the score , read it and go lay
down and die :
-Lovutt , p It 0 0 0 0 9 3
Wilson , c 3 0 0 0 15 1 7
Totals 20 0 4 0 24 10 11
scoiti : ny INNINOS.
' Omaha 0 00000000 0
PCS filolnes 0 10131000 5
Kims earned DCS Molncs 1. Two-baso
lilts Annis , Stearns , Quinn , Shiifcr , Macul-
Jar. Tliree-baso lilts Shannon. Double
* plays Alford , Stearns , Holliilay , Qulnn.
' "Uases on Halls Oft Kennedy it , Lovott 2.
Btruck out lly Lovett 10 , Kennedy 4.
Passed balls Wilson 5. Wild pitches
Lovett I. Time 2 hours. Umpire Urennnn.
Si. Paul O , ClilCftRo V.
, ST. PAUL , Minn. , May 15. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun llr.r. . ] Sprnguo's jwor coin-
jiuuul of the ball lost to-day's game for Chl-
tago. I3esldes soudiiifr seven men to first on
"Jwlls ho flolded his position poorly. Outside
- of the box the Chlcagos played a pretty
paino. St. Paul took the lead early In thopiumo
< > vhlch Itmaiiitainrd until the seventh Inning.
j lu the last half of that Inning , however , the
Chleagos got onto Tuclcorinaii's delivery mid
poutided nut live earned runs on one base on
balls , two siiiKles , as many two-baggers nnd
B tripplo , which gave them a lead of thi-m ; .
' ! rhls lead was abort lived , however , as in the
1 "first half of the eighth four St. Paul players
i * passed the plato on two bases on bolls , awlld
t throw to Ilrst by Sprnguo , n single , three
Heals and a two Logger. Chicago tried hard
In Its next two innings to again hit the hall
put could not succeed. St. Paul played a
? pretty lielding giyno. Score by innings :
Bt. Paul 0 02002004 1 0
Chicago 0 000020000 7
Runs earned St. Paul , Chicago 5 , Two-
base hits Shafer , Pii-lcctt , Itingo , Morlarity ,
'Crogan. ' Three-base hits Moriarlty. Homo
iruns Shafer , Carroll. Double and triple
flays Ucilly and Pickott 1 each , Pickett uud
JlliiRO , Lance ami Ingranam. liases on balls
, Bhofer (2) ( ) , Ingralmm ( .2) ) , Morrlssoy , TucU-
fcrman , Crogan , Lango. Left on bases St.
Paul 5 , Chicago a. Flrbt biso : on errors St.
l > oul 10 , Chicago 2. Struck out Uy Tucker-
man 0 , Sprague n. Stolen bason Carrol-J ! ( ) ,
" I'iekott (2) ( ) , Hollly. Passed balls Hlngo 1 ,
JJugdalo 1. Wild pltchos- Sprague a. Time
2 hours and 10 minutes , Umpire Iliigiin.
Kansas City 1O , St. Imnla i ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , May -Special [ Tele.
groin to Tim Hns.j Kansas City won its
sixth consecutive game to-day. The St ,
, oul Whites could do nothing with Swart-
zel's superb pitching. Staley , the St. Louis
star twirler , did fairly well , but lie was nol
given stroiiB support , Nicholson's playing n <
eecond base being particularly bad. Cainpni
nnd Cartwright of tbo homo team lead ir
butting. The score by Innings :
jvansasCity 0 0010170 1 1 (
Et. Louia 1 1
limo hits Kansas City 7 , St , Louis 3
Errorn Kansas City 4 , St. Louis U. Hut
tories Swartzol and Keynolds , Staley auil
jVrundel. Struck out Hy Swartzol 7 , bj
Ktaley S. Umpire Powers.
* Minneapolis I'J , lllxvaukco 5.
Mi > 'NiuroLis , Minn. , May IB. [ SKwia |
Jelegnini to THE HBB.J The homo team oul
jilayod Mllwaul'ee at every point to-day am
Bcored a crodltublo victory , Kheso. the tiigl
school pitcher , occupied the box for the liouu
team , and outsldo of the Ural inning pitchci
a pretty gamo. His supiwrt- was also 11 rs
class. Person wut > hit hard in the ilrst tlvi
Innings , when he was sent t.a center flcld am
, Davu ( put In the box. The hitter did grca <
- rvortt and bold tbo bbua team ui Hue style
Milwaukee's errors were nil costly. The
score :
Minneapolis . B 0123000 1 12
Milwaukee . 8 00100010-5
Earned runs Minneapolis 0 , Milwaukee 8 ,
Two base hits Graves , Walsh , Winklenmn ,
Hawos , Maskory , Petteo , Iterator Home
runs Brosnan. Double plays Lowe and
Forstcr. Uases on balls Korstcr , Mllli.
Wlnkletnan (2) ( ) , Jcvno. Hit by pitched ball
WoKh , Krolg , Jovno , Forstor. Struck out
ny Khcflo 3. by Ferson a. Pasicd balls
Qravoa 2 , Mills 2. Wild pitches Hlicio I ,
Person 2. liases stolen Hawos , Graves ,
"ovno. Porstor , Cuslck. Time 1:15. : Urn-
lire Pessenden.
AVcslcrn Asnuolntloit Stniidlnir.
The following table shows the standing of
, ho Wcitcrn association teams tip to and In-
ludlng j-csterday'R ( fames :
Phiyca Won LostPrCt
Molnes . .8S3
innha . 10 7 3 .700
ICansas City . 12 8 4 .COO
Milwaukee . 9 4 5 .444
31. Paul. . . . 0 4 5 .441
St , Louis . 12 4 8 ,3U
Ilnnoapolla . 13 10 .830
Ihlcago . . . i ) 3 7 .S23
Dlikinoiul I lanlicq.
Kansas.City Ls making a spurt.
Joe Qtiliin Is playing great second for DCS
Lovett , IJurdlck nnd Plynn will do thobulk
f Omaha's pitching this year.
Sowders nnd Vlan.two of last j-car's North-
ivostern twirlers , nro the star pitchers of
both the National league and American as-
ioclation to-day.
Sam Morton , of the Chlcagos , has his eye
iCt longingly on Urynar. , DulTy mid Tebcau ,
\nd thinks they would lit the Maroons about
ight to cope with Omaha and DCS Molncs.
Manager Harncs , of the St. Pauls , has
hnllcngcd Sullivan , Kllraln , Klllcn. Smith
iiud Mitchell , wo see by his letter in a St.
Louis paper. This is to provo that Instead of
being kicked hko any common loafer out of a
gentleman's ofllco while hero recently , ho
whipped the whole town.
Iilncolii IS , Ilutcliinson IO.
.X , Nob. , May 15. [ Special Telegram
.0 THR Ben. ] The last of the series of
games between the Hutchluson and Lincoln
.cams was played to-day and won by the
lomo club , their flrst victory sluco the opon-
ng of the Western league. The weather
ivas cold uud a high wind prevailed. The
'allowing is the score !
I.IXCOl.N' .
All. 111. I'O. A. Ii.
Dasey , Ib 0 2 11 0 5
ichno , ss
French , o 4
Toohoy , If
Mussoy , ab
Moore , p 4 0 3 0 0
Carty , cf.
Long , rf
Total 41 10 27 15 0
All. 111. I'O. A. Ii.
Burns , 3b
Uryan , Ib 2
"Vhitoly , cf
Paatz , rf
Hafferty , ss
Hoggins , c
Corkhill , If
Moakiin , p
Total 45 11 27 10 0
jincoln 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 2 0 12
Iutchinson..0 0012011 5 10
Earned runs Lincoln 4 , Hutchinson 2.
Two-base hits Whitely , Dugnn. Threo-baso
hits Toohey , Burns , Paatz , Corkhill. Base
on balls By Meakim 1. Hit by pitcher
Meakim 4. Struck out By Meakim 5 , Moore
4. Passed balls Hoggins 4. Time of game
2:15. Umpire Humby.
Denver 7 , Licavonivortu O.
Dnxvint , May 15. [ Special Telegram to
Tim Bcc.J The best game of the season was
played at River Front park to-day between
Denver and Leavcnworth. The feature of
the game was the excellent pitching of
Avcry and Burns. The batting on both sides
was very light , and the fielding very good.
About live hundred people witnessed the
contest , which took ton innings to decide.
The score :
Denver 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 7
Leavcnworth 0 0
Errors Denver 2 , Leavonworth 5. Base
hits Denver 8 , Loavcnworth 9. Earned
runs Denver" , Lenvonworth 4. Batteries
Avcry and Krelimeyer , Burns and McNabb.
Umpire Winue.
Itoston 2O , Chlcitffo G.
CHICAGO , May 15. [ Special Telegram to
THE BIE. : ] This has been o day for
base ball enthusiasts. "Old Man" Anson
stood In the coachcr's box nnd watched the
work of the $ CO,000 , battery , which had once
worked under his orders , nnd everybody in
terested in the national game was on the qui
vivo from an early hour this morning. By
way of display upon the Hold , Anson deter
mined to receive the visitors in a style never
before accorded , and accordingly furnished
his club with a brand now outllt of clothes.
It consisted of a suit of creamy white Jersey
material , lilting us snugly as posMblo to the
forms of the men , and with them were worn
black stockings nnd black caps. Over the
shirt was worn for the first time in the his
tory of ball playing a full dress coat , swallow
tails and nil.
When the Bostonlans arrived to-day they
wore driven at once to their hotel , where a
great crowd of the admirers of Clnrkson ar.O
Kelly were waiting to receive them. They
were fairly overwhelmed with handshaking ,
and it was fully twenty minutes before they
could break away from the throng nnd got
to their rooms. After bottling down they
tmido their appearai-e once moro In the lobby
of the hotel , which immediately assumed nn
appearance Rornewhot like that of the hotel
when President Cleveland held his reception
when lie wan here , The reception continued
until it was time for the club to start for the
ball park , at which time a nasty drizzle
began falling. When the time for the pro
cession tn start cnmo the Chicago club ,
attired in tl.clr startling outllt , proceeded In
carriages to the hotel accompanied bv a bond
which serenaded the Bostons , When Clark-
son and Kelly stepped forth and entered
their carriages a tromonduous shout went up
from Urn assembled crowd.
After n good donluf crushing and push
ing by the police the road was cleared uml
the triumphant procession started for the
ball paik. When that place wits reached
It was found Unit an nudienco of over 0UOO ,
people hud assembled In sinto of the rain
which was now coming down quite fast.
The horses drawing the carriage containing
Anson , Pllnt , Kelly and Clarkson became
unmanageable after entering the park uml
trampled down n policeman , seriously Injur
ing him , hut they were boon subdued. Tim
preliminary work anil reception were cut
short by the rain , and the Chicagos soon
donned their old suitn and started a game in
which they received a tromcniluous boating
in six innings , The grounds were we I
and unfit for playing. Poor Van
Hallron had nn oil day and the
wet ball was no good for him , He was what
Is termed im "easy mark" for the Boston
lans , nnd his support most of the tlmo was
very poor. Clarkson was hit in a wnv that
would have lost Boston the ganut under or
dinary circumstances , but everything scemoi
against the whole team to-day and they couk
not win. The rain became tn heavy at the
end of the sixth as to neoossitato the calling
of the gamo. The score then stood ai
follows :
Chicago a o o o a o r
Boston 5 2514 3 2 (
Pitchers Vnnllultren and Clarkson , Base
hits Chicago 10 , Boston 21. Errors-Cbi
cage fe , Boston 3. Umpire Lynch.
Plltslwrj ; U , New York O.
PITTSUDHO , May 15. The game between
Now York and Pittsburg to-day resulted as
follou-s :
I'itUbnrg.G 3000000000 8
Now ft > rlcU 3001p 00000- !
dome was called at tho.-cudof the eleventh
nnlni ? on account of darkness. Pitchers
Galvin nnil Koofo. Bao hits PHtsbilrjr 0 ,
Cow York U. Errors Pittsburg 4 , Now
fork 4 , Umpire Vnlontlne ,
Detroit 11 , Washington ! > .
Dr.TitoiT , May IS. The game between
, Voshlngton and Detroit to-day resulted ns
'ollows ' :
Detroit 1 3203200 1 11
Washington 0 5
Pitchers Baldwin nnd Daly. Base hits
3otrolt 13 , Washington 8. Umpire Dan-
No Onine Ilnlti. '
xniAHAPoi.iB , May 15. The game between
i'hilndclphin and Indianapolis was postponed
on account of rain.
Cincinnati K , Ijotilsvlllo 4.
CINCINNATI , May 15. The gnmo to-day be
tween Cincinnati nnd Louisville resulted as
'ollows :
Cincinnati 0 8
t-oulsvlllo 1 0 0 1 11000-4
Cleveland 7 , Brooklyn it.
Ci.r.rntAXi ) , May 15 , The game between
31ovolaml ami Biooklyn to-day resulted as
follows :
loveland 0 7
Brooklyn 0 U
Baltimore . * } , Athletics 12.
Anr.M'iiiA , May IB. The gnmo to-day
between the Athletics and Baltimore resulted
ns follows :
Baltimore 0 30010000 3
Athletics 4 0300041 13
Pntsy CnrcllfT Xlilnkfl llo fcnn Best
Pntny Klllcn.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , May 15. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKB. ] Patsy Cardiff has
written a loiter in which he suites that ho
will meet Pat Killcn at any place In
Minneapolis nnd arrange a match for any
number of rounds , the contest to tuko place
ilther In public or private. His letter Is
iharactorlzed by the usual epithets which ho
nas at different times heaped upon Klllcn's
lead , nnd ho closes as follows : "If Pnt
ICIllcn does not want to take back everything
, hat ho has flaunted to the publio through
the papers , nnd show outright that ho IR n
dub. let him reply to this like n man. "
Klllcn was interrogated to-day relative to
; ho above. Ho stated that ho lias.arrangcd
to glvo a sparring exhibition at Market Hall
on the first Saturday evening in Juno , and
that ho Is willing to fight Cardiff n ton or
fifteen round contest two weeks after tlint
date. Ho says if Cardiff means business ho
will go to Minneapolis , or Cardiff can comate
to St. Paul and make arrangements for the
match. Killcn said : "It has come to a show
down now , nnd I will meet Cardiff on nny
reasonable terms. "
A liivcly Bent In Iowa.
WHAT Cnnnn , la. , May 15i At midnight
last night Harry Martin , champion light
weight pugilist of the state , and William
Samuels , formerly known as "Tho Dog , "
fought to n finish in skin tight gloves the
liottcst fight over fought in the state. Mar
tin weighs 132 pounds and Samuels 103
po unds. They fought twenty-nine rounds In
an eighteen foot ring , London prlzo ring
ru les. lasting fifty-ono minutes. Both men
were badly punished. When the thirtieth
round was called Martin stopped to the cen
ter , but Samuels % vas unable to come to time.
Samuels was seconded by Mart Tuohy ,
champion light weight of Now Jersey. Mar
tin was seconded by Pranlc Owens , at one
time champion heavy weight of Montana.
Mike Carr , of this city , was referee.
Boston's " Great nrnn. "
BOSTON , May 15. [ Special Telegram to
THE BnE. ] The break between Slugger Sul
livan nnd his last manager , Harry Phillips ,
which has long been expected , has at last
come. According to Harry , ho hunted John
up in ti saloon yesterday to talk business ,
when tbo big fellow flow Into a rage ; swore
Phillips was no friend of his ; that ho was
backcapping him , and that he was tired of
him. Ho would , however , continue to show
with him until he paid off the 81,800 ho owed
him , after whicli he wanted nothing more to
do with him at all.
Tlio Louisville : Itaocs.
LOUISVILIR , Ivy. , May 13. Weather rain
ing ; attendance large.
For two-year-olds , half milo : Aifnlo Clnlro
won , Vantrlm second , Allarheno third.
Time 40.
Three-quarters of n mile : Egmont won ,
Guardsman second , Estrella third. Time
For two-year-old fillies , five-eighths of a
milo : Lioness won. Daisy Woodruff second ,
Bnnhazan third. Time 1:0 : : ) % ' .
Seven furlongs : Long Roll won , Winslow
second , Comely third. Time l:18Jf. :
For all ages , one milo : Koi D'Or won ,
Lulltto secpnd , Unique third. Time 1:44. :
The Brooklyn Jockey Glub.
GnAvnsBNi ) , L. L , May 15. Opening day
of the Brooklyn Jockey club. Drizzling rain
falling , track soft and muddy. A great
crowd of people in nttcndanco. Five fur
longs Britnnnio won , Duke of Bourbon
second , Juggler third. Time 1:05. : Ono
nnd one sixteenth miles Dry Monopole
won , Bessie June second , Argo third. Time
1:60K. : One-half mile Oregon flrst ,
Buddhist second , Minnie third. Time 0:51. :
Brooklyn handicap , one nnd one-fourth miles
Tlio Tiard first , Hanover second , Exile
third. Time 2:13. : One-half mile America
Ilrst , Slnglestono second , Little Barefoot
third. Time 52tf. _
GnloroGets There.
LONDON , May 15. Tlio race for thoPayno
stakes for three-year-olds , at Newmarket ,
second spring meeting to-day , was won by
The race for the Dyke Plato for two-year-
olds was won by Gulboyaz.
Gun dull Shnotg.
. The South Omaha gun club hold their
their weekly shoot , for the John J. Hnrdln
diamond modal , Monday afternoon , 25 blue
rocks , IS yards , with the following result :
MfCraith . 1001111111 0111011110 iflll-SO
Miller . 1110011111 1011111111 inill-X !
NoUon . ( iwiooiiii loiirmoio 11001-14
Miirtyhtxn . oiiiliuoi lOuonoinoi 11101 in
Morrow . 01UU10100U OOOOOOlOOl U1UW fl
Ilium . ouiiililiu luinuiioi lotio-ir
Heiner . 0011010110 0111(101101 ( ] OJ'l-ii ' ) ;
( iormau . 1111101011 1111101111 11111-
KKBOW . doiioiiax ) oounmoo noooo-8
MaKiiell . 0000001)003 ) lOIOOiXJUO 00000 4
Young . .oooioooooi loominono 01101 H
llouley . 1001100100 1010001110 00000-
The score of the nbovo club's shoot , which
also took place Monday , will bo found
below :
/.oiler . 0010111101 1011111101 10111-18
llntmon . , ,1011111010 1110111101 10100-17
Johnson . lull 100101 0110C01100 11011-Ui
Knapii . 0111111001 0010100101 10110-14
Anderson . oooiuoiio nooouom 01IO-K
H-iicn . . . . .louanoau iionuoii 11100-11
Simpson . 101(1011101 ( 1110110110 11010-W
The American Association.
Plnyod Won Lost PrCt
Cincinnati . 21 10 5 .701
Brooklyn . 20 14 6 .700
St , Louis . 18 13 6 . ( SCO
Baltimore . 18 9 9 .500
Athletics . VJ 8 10 .421
Cleveland . I'J 7 12 .803
Louisville . 23 8 14 .303
Kansas City . 19 4 15 .210
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drujr Co. at 25
cents per box by mail 30 cents.
HIr Stanu Stops Out.
CHICAGO , May 15. Melville E. Stone , imm-
dor and editor of the Dally News , wuTau-
nounvc to-morrow that 'ho has severed his
connection with tlio pn > ei % having sold his
entire interest to Victor F , Luwsou , Us publisher
lisher . '
Krusc Discover ' t joVhcrcliout8 of
Ills Little Girl.
A sensational starji/jvas rccsntly printed
about Mrs , AugustlCfllBO giving her oldest
daughter , aged tonto a reputed stranger
from Ohio , who pjoBlYscd to educate nnd
mnko a lady out of , . h'e.r. It was also hinted
nt the time that .jthnmmn was some black-
icartcd scoundrel\rho had gotten the girl for
evil purposes , It fe 'ribw proven that the
whole story is a fatold 'of falsehoods ns the
facts In the following liito developments will
show. It is said that Mrs. Kruso and her
liusband have not -led'n ' vcrv happv wedded
life nnd nt one lime they parted. Mcnmvliilo
the children were kwpt in an asylum. Krusa
finally induced his wlfo to como buck to him ,
but It appears that she lias been tn love for
some time with nn engineer nt Lincoln who
lias been quietly paying her his nttontions.
Whether an olopcmont was being planned
with the engineer , or not , is not yet positively
known , but it was to thoonginocrshognvohcr
daughter on ono of his visits instead of to n
stranger , ns she stated. The stories she has
since given of the nffnir have boon so contra
dictory that suspicions were aroused ns to
the truthfulness of nny of her statements ,
nnd through the aid ot an attorney the hus
band Instituted an Investigation that led to
the discovery of the young girl at Lincoln in
the charge of the engineer , who passed her
off ns his daughter. Mr. Kruso loft for Lin
coln yesterday morning , but found consldor-
nblo diftlculty In getting tlio girl from the
engineer , nnd finally had to call tlio sheriff to
Ills aid. At last ho secured possession of the
child and returned homo last evening n happy
man _
Humors run riot in tlio blood at thia
senson. Hood's Sarsaparllla o.xpols every -
ory impurity and vitalizes and enriches
the blood.
The Flro Record.
HtmoN , Dak. , May-15. The Dakota pack
ing and provision company's packing house
burned this morning. Loss $20,000 ; covered
by insurance.
CHICAGO , Mny 15. The candle factory of
Fitzgerald & Co. , known as the Dearborn
manufacturing company , burned to the
ground to-day , The factory was a throe-
story brick structure. Loss estimated nt
"Without health life hns no sunshine.
Who could bo happy with dyspepsia ,
piles , low spirits , headache , ague or
diseases of the stomach , liver or kid-
novsV Di.Tnnod' Red Clover Tonic
quickly cures the above diseases. Price
60 cents. Goodman Drug Co. , Agent.
Stcnmshlp Arrivals.
N lay 15. [ Special Telegram
toTiucBr.B. ] Arrived The Ohio nnd Arabic
from Now York.
May 15. Arrived The
British Princess from Liverpool.
LivEiirooi. , May 15. Arrived The Sar
dinian from Baltimore.
MA.VILI.B , May 15. Arrived The Anchorla
from Now York for Glasgow.
Between Blntno and Grcsham.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , May 15. Two-thirds of
the delegates to thqrcpublican state conven
tion which meets hero to-morrow are already
on hand. The present indications point to
the election of tho'
following delegates-at-
lorgo to the Chicago Convention : H. A.
Castle , St. Paul ; . -G , G. Hartly , Duluth ;
JoolP. Hcatwole , Northficld ; W. B. Wasii-
burne , Minneapolis.1 Of these three nro for
Gresham and ono for Blaino. The district
conventions hold th'rbugh'out the state' to-day
elected delegates fdvorablo to Greshara and
and Blaine in almost ! proportions.
Democratic Convention Officers.
NEW YOIIK , May 15-rTho committee of
seven appointed by the national democratic
committee to ninko arrangements for the
national convention' , niot ierc to-day. W. H.
Barnum , of Connecticut , presided. The
committee selected Hon. Richard J. Bright ,
of Indiana , ns sergcant-at-arms , and Captain
Dan Able , of St. Louis , as chief door-keeper.
These appointments will be subject to the
approval of the dcmocr.itie national commit
tee , which will submit them to the conven
tion for ratification.
Sport on the Fourth.
PAWNEE CITINeb. . . May 15. [ Special
Telegram to THE BKE. ] A club was organ
ized to-day to prepare for the finest races in
the state on July 4. Much interest Is
manifested and a big purse will bo made up.
The races will bo fluo. H. S. Van Patten ,
of this city , has charge of it. No effort will
be spared in making them the best.
Weather Indication * ] .
For Nebraska nnd Iowa : Slightly
warmer , local rains , preceded in Iowa by
fair weather , winds becoming fresh to brisk
For Eastern nnd Southwestern Dakota :
Warmer , fair weather , light to fresh variable
Old people suffer much from disorders
of the uninury organs , and are always
gratified at the woudorful effects of Dr.
J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm
in banishing their troubles. $1,00.
ICenl Kntiito Transfers *
Iteka Van Gllbon nnd husband to Qcorgo
W llrigBS , lot 8 , blk 1 , Uotner & Archers
mlil , w il $ 1,000
A 1' Tiikoy et al to 'Jlionma II Norrls ot nl ,
lot SI. blk 11. Clifton hill 7 ± >
John Ii Miles et al to William li.Wood , lots
3i ! , 40. bit II , Orchard hill , wil l,4SO
Hannah 1C ICllliorn to.Inmos II Dol.nml.
part lot ( > , blk UI , nlt > o onst lft , lotO ,
blkiM , city of Moienoo , wd 1
Ella K l.atson ( single ) to Kdltlia H Cor-
belt , lots 1 , S , II. 4,5. .7 , , blk S , first
n < ld to 1'niyn park , w < 1 5.1WO
Frank Murphy ( single ) to K G Meyer , lot
4 , blk 1 , ArmstroiiK'HHOcoiul add , ( jc. . . . 1
Frank Mtuphy ( Klnu'lo ) to Ilitrmnn J
Mayer , lots 4,0 , blk(1 , Armstrong's sec-
conil inlcl , q e 1
Alfred Adams uml wlfo to William I , Me-
Capm. lot 1 , blK 32d , city ot Omaha , q c. 30
Owen Jfor and wlfo to Ohns A Van 1'elt ,
lot SI , blkfl , Mixyne's add , wcl 1,000
W It Morris ( single ) to James Bavago. o
ti H H lot 0 , blk 411 , city of Onmim , w d. . tf.GOO
Omaha k Florence Land itTrubt Co to
thu Lollln & llnnd Powder 1'J-llMJ.
wil 2,600
Gee I ! Drown nnd wife to II K Humes , lots
1 , 'I , : i uml 4. blk H , lots K and IH , blk u ,
lots 1- and 18 , blk ' 1 , George H Doaggs1
iipd. wil 4,000
I ! V ItliiKcr anil wlfo to John A Mllligan ,
lot 10 , blk 1 , Dcnnmn place , wd 800
Slorrls Morrbon.trustoo , to Alexander Me-
Gurvock , lot M , blk 1 , Mount Mouglas
add , wil 000
Win 0 Allan and wlfo'to l.anraj Kline.
lot 1 , blic 1 , Hanscom iKirk , wd 003
Jjiuiru J KJIno ( widow ) to Hophla Allen , U
xltilftlot 7 , blk S , suljaivjJ 1 ltedillcK',8
addwd , , , - , 4,000
Patrick Heade ( single ) foMHKato French ,
pt lot a , blk 3 , QulmrXiidil. u c 1
0V Harrison ( HluKlo ) tij. O W Hart , lot SI ,
blk i ) , Kckermann plafte , W d , . . . . DOG
John A McSImim ( will ) tu J M gwetnam- ,
lots 15 to 21 , blk 37 , IqtS IT , 18 , IV , blk SB ,
west Biclo , w d < . . . -tU. 8.0JO
n Jamiefum et ill to tlui.lteiiaick 1'nrlc Hid
ass , lot 1 to 15 IncI and 10 ttf S Incl , blk a ,
Keddtckpark , wil . . ' . ; , - 20,000
Malthas Jotter and wlW lo'Minirloo Fitz-
gonilil , u W lot 1 , bill Id , ' .letter's udil ,
wd , 800
A F lloscho and wife to John Nichola , lot
IH. It ) , blk 7 , llrown ptirk , w ; d 1,500
South Omaha Laud C < 1Tn frank 1'lvouka ,
lota , blk 74. South Oiuuha.Mvd aa
O J Itytui ana v/lfe lo K II Corbett , s tf lot
3 , blk HO , South Omiili , vf it. COO
Jl H Lindsay and wlfo , to Alfred Olson , lot
13 , MlcJ , Mayna's 2d add.wd 1,000
Twenty transfers aggregating , 57.8 )
Building Permits.
The following building permits were is
sued yesterday by the superintendent of
buildings ;
0. H. Keller , two-story and attio frame
residence , Cuss and Tweiity-fourth
stieut t 0,000
S. Heichonberg , two-story frame dwelling
Nlneth near Mason 2.GOO
August Jlanseu , cottage , Seventeenth
near Ixavenworth 1,000
1) . I' , Hoe , Impiovements , Sewara and
Twouty-MVeiuli 250
Mrs. 11. Herman , cottage , fapancer near
Fourtoouth avenue. . . J BOo
E. I. . . Stone , two-atory anil attic frame
residence , Farnain ami 'nilrty-Hecond , 15,000
Euclid Martin , cottage , Thlrty-ufth and
lllondo 1.000
Edward Cassldy , two-story ami uttto
frame residence. Arbor aim .fclevontU. ; , 4,000
Six penults , agerr-gBting ; . . . . , , . (31,659
ditto In Berlin.
The public cab of Berlin is a thingof
unfathomable mystery to the man who
has preconceived notions regarding
cabs , saya Blnkoly Hall in a Berlin letter -
tor to the New York Sun. Itbafllos
analysis and defies experiment with
masterful and sagacious inertia , In
Now York a man takes a cab because
ho wishes to flaunt his wealth in the
pubRo eye ; In Chicago It Indicates ab
sorption nnd business cares ; In Brook
lyn It Is put down as pawky
eccentricity ; in London ti hnn-
Bom's the thing at all tunes ,
and In Paris people climb into cabs be
cause there Is less danger of being run
over by flltocn or twenty of them when
ono la insldo a big ono and holding fast
with both hands. Why Berlin caoa
were over born nnd have their being
can never bo known. They are too
hotvvy , too low. too narrow , too slow ,
too dirty , too rickety nnd too vacillat
ing for comfort or expediency. They
can stand in ono place longer without
attracting attention than any other
thing on earth.
There are t.wo breeds of the Berlin
cab , the dead and the comatose. The
driver la the only man in Germany who
has no Bocial status. Ho Is so univer
sally abhorred that natives of Berlin
never patronize him. If they are weary ,
they elt down in a beer garden and rest.
If they are in n hurry , they board a car
or sit down in another boor garden and
wait with Teutonic placidity till it is
too late to bo In a hurry. They never
take a cab. The cabman looks as though
ho felt his degradation. He la mon
strously uncivil when he's awake , but
ho slqops with such steadfaat enthu
siasm that his rudeness is not oppres
sive. The average stranger approaches
a cabman briskly , and after poking him
violently in the ribs , crloa :
"Take mo to Charlottonburg , quick I"
The cabman opens his eyes and stares
heavily while hia assailant repeals the
demand four times. Then the cabman
slowly lights his pipe , after borrowing
a mutch from his prospective faro , and
loses himself in thought. Finally ho
says :
' 'It Is five miles away. "
Ho looks at his horses and shakes his
head. The stranger shares hia misgiv
ings , for the horae is a moving sight. A
long silence ensues , during which the
man who Is in a hurry looks at his watch
many times. Finally the driver shows
signs of returning consciousness.
The Boisterous Atlantic
is a terror to timid voyagers , scarcely
loss on account of the perils of the deep
than the almost certainty of sea sick
ness. The best curative of mal do mor
is Hostotter'a Stomach Bitters , which
settles the stomach at once and pre
vents disturbance. To all travclersand
tourists , whether by sea or land , it pre
sents a happy medium between the
nauseous or inclTcctual resources of the
medicine chest , and the problematical
benefit derivable from an unmcdicatcd
alcoholic stimulant , no matter how puro.
The jarring of a railroad car often pro
duces stomachic disorders akin to that
caused by _ the rolling of a ship. For
this the Bitters is a prompt and ccrtnin
remedy. The use of brackish water ,
particularly on long voyages in the
tropics , Inevitably breeds disorders of
the stomach and bowels. Hoatettcr's
Stomach Bitters mixed with impure
water nullifies its impurities. Simil
arly it counteracts malarial and other
prejudicial influences of climate or at
mosphere , as well as the effects of ex
posure and fatigue. Use It for kidney
complaints , rheumatism and debility.
A Wonderful Cnvc.
A Tully ( W. T.J special to the St. Louis
Republican says : Martin G. Fuller , of
this place , dug the biggest well on his
promises that has ever been dug in this
county , and did it in less time than has
boon consumed in digging any other
well near the salt district. His men
had excavated a few feet when the bottom
tom suddenly fell out of the well at a
time , fortunately , when all the men
wore in places of safety. There was left ,
in the bottom of the well a broad hole
leading into utter darkness , apparently
of unfathomable depth. In a snort time
an exploring party was formed , ropes
and windlasses were procured and sev
eral men were lowered to the bottom.
It was found that the well led into a
cave , whoso bottom was about forty foot
below the well. The explorers went
over the cave with torches and lanterns
and found It to ho about a milo long. It
extends under alake but is ontirolydry ,
no water whatever having boon found.
A number of stone columns and some
fine stalactites and stalagmites were
found with fossil formations , and Mr.
English , the geologist , who subse
quently descended , found two very line
specimens. William Payne also found
a number of fern formations. A party
from Syracuse is to explore the cave
Gilbert niul Sullivan's New Ojicra.
I received a letter last week from one
of the members of the London Savoy
theater company , says the Now York
Telegram , who writes all sorts of mys
terious tliingd about the forthcoming
production of Gilbert and Sullivan's
latest operatic concoction. The date ,
so far as is known now , of the initial
production in England has been sot in
September , and the American perform
ance will bo given simultaneously.
Little is known of thu plot or music ,
except in the lirntnct , the scone of which
ia laid in the tower of London , nur-
rounded by hintorical paraphernalia ,
which is worked into the lines of the
libretto in Gilbert's usual clover man
ner.Tho sensational rumors of an es
trangement between Messrs. Gilbert
and Sullivan are as unfounded , I am
told , as most gossip of this sort , and Sir
Arthur Sullivan's departure for the
south of France was necessitated by tlio
impaired state of hie health and not
from any breach of fooling or friend
ship botwoun him and Mr. Gilbert.
Causes Its victims to bo miserable , Iior > oes3 ,
confused , and depressed In mind , very Irrita
ble , languid , and drowsy. Jt Is a disease
which docs not get \vcll 01 Itself. It requires
careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to
throw off the causes and tone up the diges
tive organs till they perform their duties
willingly. Hood's Barsapaillla has proven
just the required remedy In hundreds of cases.
" I have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla for dys
pepsia , from which I have suffered two years.
I tried many other medicines , but none proved
to satisfactory as Hood's Barsaparilla , "
THOMAS COOK , Bruali Electric Light Co , ,
New York City.
Sick Headache
"For the past two years I have been
afflicted with severe headaches and dyspep
sia. I was Induced to try Hood's Saisapa-
rllla , and liavo found great relief. I cheerfully -
fully recommend It to all. " Mna. E. l'
ANNABIJS , New Haven , Conn.
Mrs. Mary C. Smith , Cambrldgeport , Mass. ,
was asulfercr from dyspepsia and sick head
ache. Bho took Hood's Sarsaparllla and
found It the best remedy bho ever used.
Hood's SarsapariHa
Sold by all druggists. t ; sis for * 3. U do
alybyO.I.nOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
| OO Doses One Dollar.
Musfaiig : Lfni
In tno realm ot disease tb facti of In *
borltanco are most nnmcrons and nro dally
accumulating , Here , ala , they bcoomo ter
rible , fateful andoremholmlnei Ho fact of
nature la moro pregnant wllti awful mean *
lag than the fact ot the Inheritance of
disease. It mccti the physician on his dally
rounils , paralyzing his art and filling him
with dismay. Th * Itgcud ot the ancient
Qrooka pictures the Furies as pursuing
families from generation to generation ,
rcnjerlntr thorn desolate. The Furies ellU
ply tliclrwork of terror and death , but they
are not now clothed In the garb of aaporatl *
tlon , bat appear In the more Intelligible but
no less awful form of hereditary disease.
Modem eclcnco , which has Illuminated to
many dark corners of nature , boa ihod anew
now light on the ominous vrords of tua
Berlpturcx , "Tho ttni of the fathers shall b
visited upon the children unto the third and
fourth generation. " Instances of hereditary
dlionsa abound. Fifty per cent , of cases of
consumption , that fearful destroyer ot fuml-
llci. ot cancer and scrofula , run In families
through Inheritance. Insanity Is hereditary
In a marked degree , but , fortunately , Ilko
many other hereditary disease * , tends to
iroar lUelf out , the stock becoming extinct. *
A distinguished scientist truly saysi "No
organ or texture of the body Is exempt from
the chance of being the subject of hereditary
disease. " Probably more chronlo diseases ,
which permanently modify the structure
and functions of the body , are moro or Icfcs
liable to bo Inherited. The Important and
far-reaching practical deductions from tuoh
facts affecting to powerfully the happlncu
of Individuals and families and the colloctlre
welfare of the nation arc obrloua to reflec
ting minds , and the best means for prevent *
Ing or During these diseases Is a subject of
Intense Interest to all. Fortunately nature
bos provided a remedy , which experience )
has attested as Infallible , and the remedy it
tbo world famous Swift's Specific , a pure
vegetable compound nature's antldoto for
all blood potions. To the afflicted It Is a
l > lesilni of Inestimable value. An Interest
ing treatise ou " DIood and Bkln Diseases "
Will bo m.illcd free by addressing
TUG SWIFT arcane Co. ,
Drawer B , Atlanta , Qa.
AUO OTHER equ/Jircrrieic TREMCtizs :
It has stooa the Test of Ycaro ,
' Cnriccr all Diseases of the
EIS&e. ItPnrlficatho
Blood , Invigorates and
Cleancootho System.
disappear at onceunder
KIDNEYS Its beneficial Influence .
STOMACH It IB purely a Medicine
AND aa its cathartic propai-
ties forbids its use ai a
BOWELS leverage. It IB pleas
ant to the taito , and as
easily taken by cbild-
ron a adnltB.
PRICElDOLUn Bole Froprloton ,
flTLoai8 and KiKBiB QlTt
' All trpbtlltlo DIcoBsei , of reef nt or IODK
from ten to nlUicn dayi.Vo tilll gire written gunr.
nnto s to cure anj cnieor refund rour money. And
wi > would ir to thot wholmvi employed llio moll
fiklllirt 1'hnlclnni , mud ivnrr known muted ? anl
bare not been cured , tbat jou art tbe tubjocti we urn
looking for. You that Iiare b en to the celebrate ! !
Hot nprtnzi of Arkaaiu , and ba lost all nop of
ormtkt no cbariro. Our nmedr Ii unknown to any
on * In tb world ouutdoof our Company , and It If
the oulr remedy m tbe world that will cure you. We
will cur * tbe mott oliiltnate oaat ID Ion than one
roontb. B ven dayf In refont floe f ( ba work. It
Is thy old , chronic , dt > -8iiUed | caaet that we lollclt.
We bay * cured hundred ! wbo bad been abandoned
7 rli/ilctaua and pronounced Incurable , aud
We Challenge the World
totrlni Bi acata that we will not euro In Im than
CBeinontb. '
filnc * the hlitory of medicine , a Tim BpeclBo foi
Bypbllltle > .ICruitloni , Ulcern , Hora inoutb , ic. , baj
baea too t fur but never found until
Our Magic Remedy
El dlicoT rd , and * are fanned la faring It II tk
Enly remedy lu tbo world ( bat will poiltlrolj can ,
team * tb * Uteit medical works , pnbllihed by the
btit known authorltln , tar there wai never a trne |
tpeclBo b fore. Our llemnly It tbaoulr medicine In 1
He wcrld tbat will cure when oierylblnt ; ell * hM
tatleu , II b a been to conceded by a larfc number of i
Celebrated fhydotanf. IT UAB WITIH Tir raiLiu I
to cuun. Wby wtila your Urn * and money with
Ktent medldnei that never had virtue , or doctor '
th pbralclant thateannot cut * you. You tbat hav *
U1d vcrrthlnf * Utbonld com * to ut now and get
trmanejil relief i you nvcr can ( et Itelitwbera.
lark wbat we tayi tn tbe end jou must take oar
bemedr or KITED recover. And you that hav * ba
JUleUd but a abort time tbould by all m ana come teat
at now. Many iet balp and tbtak theya re free from
tbtdlttait , but In on * , two or three ytari after , It
appeari again In more horrtlile form.
Invalidate cur financial ttandlng through tbe mer
aantll * a tadtl and not * that we are fullreipouil <
ble and oar wrltitu cuaranUei are ( ood. w hav * a
Biuxiir prepared on purely Scientific filnclplet and
w with to repeat till It nt v n uu TO cuai. All
Ult rt lacredly ooundentlal ,
THE COOK KEMEDY CO. , Omalia , Met ) .
Itoom 10 ana 11 , U. B. National Dunkl'tli aud
FaruamiU. Callers take elevator ; ou Karuaui
street ; to second Ioor. ! Itoom 11 for laJioj outy
Easily dlRosteil ; of the Hnest llavor. A hearty
liovcrnKu for ft strons appetites n dcllcato drink
for tliosensitive. Tliiroughlytestt'iluutrltlou3 ; !
pnlntnllutnuixcolk'd ; In purity ; no unpleasant
uftor effects. Roqulros no Dolllnfr.
Marlon llnrland , Clirlstlno Tcrhnno ITetTlck :
Donn A , It. Tliomns. > r , I ) . , prououuco U the bent
of ull the powuderou cliocolatoa. No other equals
U lu flavor , purity aud ANii-m'srEiTio qualities.
i'oJii | / Grocers. Sample malted for 10 ( ampi >
And Chicago ,
Tbe only road lo take for De.iMolnoi. Mnmlmltown-
( Vdar Unnld * . Clinton , Dlxon , Chicago , Milwaukee
and all points Kaat. To tbo itconloot NcbraakaColo-
rado , Wyotnluir. Utah , Idaho , NevadaOregon , waeh-
liiKton nnd Cnllfornlii , It offer * cuporlor advantage !
nut possible by any other lino.
.Among a few of the numerous points of superiority
enjoyed by the patrons ot this road between Omaha
and Chltttgo. nro Its two trains a day of DAY
COACI1E8 , which nro the Quest that human art ana
ingenuity can create. Ua PAIiAGH HI.EKl'INO OARS ,
which are models ofcomfnrt and elegance. Its PAR-
LOU DHAW1NO ROOM OAHS , unsurpassed by any.
nnd Its widely celebrated 1'ALATIAh illNINO OAKS ,
the equal of which cnnnot bo found eliawhere. A *
Council Ulurrs. the trains of the Union I'scltlo Ball ,
wily connect In union depot with thosn of tbo Ghl *
Northwestern Hy. InUhlcaKO , the trains of
this line iiiiiko close connection wllli these of all
other Eastern linos.
For Detroit , folumlinf , Indianapolis. Cincinnati.
Niagara Fnllii , Uutialo. I'lttsuurs , Turonto , Montreal ,
lloston , Ninv York , rlilliulelphln , llliltlnioro , Wash >
liiKion.uudnll points In tbo East. Ask for tickets via
tb °
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
KKents sell tickets via this lino.
if.llUmilTT. IS. P. WILSON.
' . Gan'l 1'ass'r
lien'l Malinger. AgonU
W.N. BABCOCK , Cen'l. Wcatorn Agent.
1) . B. Kl.MIIAI.I. , Tloltot Agent.
O. K. WISSI" , City F-asscnger Agent.
HOI Farnam St. , Omalia , Nob.
Its main lines and brnnchea Include CHICAGO ,
WATERLOO. BmmjIArorJS , end BT , PAUi.
and scores of Intermediate cltlca. Oholoo ot
routes to and from the Faclno Coast. All trans *
fora In Union depots. Font trains of line Day
Coacbeg , elegant Dining Cora , moonlncont Pull'
man Palace Sleepers , and ( batwoon Chicago , Ot >
Joseph , Atclilsan and Kaneaa City ) Kccllnlnfc
Chnlr Care , Beats Free , to noldoro of through
flint-class tickets.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Groat Rock Island Route. "
Extends Woat and Southwest from Romas City
and Ot. Joseph to NEMON , HOKTON , . BELLE-
HUTC5IINBON , CALnWULL. and all polnta In
and beyond. Entlro paesonitor equipment of Uj
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All aAty ) ay
pllanroa and modem improvements.
The Famous Albert Lon Route
Is the favorite between Chicago , Hock Island ,
Atchlaon , Kanpao City and HlnneapoUa and St ,
Paul. Its Wuttrtowii branch trarorsoi the great
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
Knot Central Doiotft to Watartown , Bplilt I > alu > ,
Hloux mils nnd ra&ny other towns and clUoo.
The Short Line via Boneca and Kankakoe offers
superior facllltloa to travel to and from Indian *
BDolld , Cincinnati acd cither Southern polnta.
For Tickets , Maps , TVldora , or doilred informa *
tlon. apply atuny Ccurv u 'Jlckut Otflco or uddren
Qea'l Oen'l Tkt , & Peas , Agt.
Union Pacific
" 'JTtiu Ovorluiitl Koulc. "
Until.luly 1 , ISK8 , tltkots weld for these eicur-
Bloim will IIP good thirty days for the round trip
uml can bo used ten diiyd HOHK. | When pnrch&a.
cnuiro ru.idy to return , thcto tickets will bo
Kood llvu diiyn for Unit purpose , It purchaser *
wish toHlnjiHhoit of doHtlnutlon on our linen ,
pgcnts will ktamii tlcketH uoml to return from
tturli point.
OUuuuef and hcaatinaa tba lair *
I'romulti a luiurlatit growlu.
Never rallt to Reilor * Ory
Hair lo Hi Ytulhfui Color ,
Ou i to < JpdU a > utaniinalrfalUn | {
Moat IVmraut and Laithig of r rturnut , Kt , Uruggbii *
Adytnlilcp baa alwoja provwi
Bucocasful. Before placing any
Ninripnper Ad vortlllcg contuJk
U U ( S Utabbik ClrtO. CHIOACfA.
tn A .MONTH can be toad * work
, IU . ! Ing for u § . Aftntf prsferrfd
ube r * furnltb Uielr own horitt and elm tbclr
nho'p ' lime lu tbe buttneai. p re mutnenl * may t > f
| iruniil : > i/v > ! i | < l > ic I ulio. A for 'racancici la U > WM.
unJllllfll ll'.JullNSOV & DO , W
mouJi. t u Mifui'jfc th * UuKim 18 ,