Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    HF * < B w
Her Court Dookot Contains But Nine
Criminal Caso.
A Jlncy Petition for Divorce Com-
plnlntfl Filed Ilcforo Ihn tlonrtl of
Trnnsnortatlon--x'iio ' Musionl
Festival Drlcfx ,
1029 P STUKET ,
LINCOLN , May 14 , )
Monday next tlio May term ot tlio district
court for Lancaster county opens with a
docket of 420 law and , equity coses
' and nlno criminal cases. Tlio num
ber of law and equity cases la exactly
the sumo as tlio February term , but tha
number of criminal case * Is practically re
duced to the minimum , thcro being but
nlno nnd the greater number ot these are
cases that arc practically settled and only
remain to bo dismissed from the docket ,
Thcro is not a murder case , or In fact a
Criminal case on the docket of nny character
that rlsca above the level of a misdemeanor ,
oil of which speaks well for the char
acter of the 75,000 people who com
prise the population of Lancaster county.
The laclc of criminal business has rendered
it entirely unnecessary for the Judges to call
a grand Jury. Tlio petit Jury for the term
comprises the following citizens : W. W. Wil
son , O , A. Cornell , John McManlgal , Klmcr
Stcphcnson , L. Ii. King , John L. Horniancc ,
Ole Uoquist , 13. F. Smith , Brad Uinger , W.
J. Mnrshnll , S. 3. GriAln , E. Kcurns , J.
Baughtnan , O. E. Qoodell , John Albcw , W.
H. Horn , S. S. Boll , W. H. Hartz , D. A.
Collno , J. W. Mcndovo , Louis Maxim , Ed
Morgan , O. S. Hazleton , 13. P. Knight.
The members of the bar of Lancaster county
number 121 , thrco of whom Messrs. W. 0.
Lo Hano , Don L. Love nnd H. W. Ponnock
have been enrolled on the long list since the
February torm. The now rules adopted ut
the lost term , and Hint worked with excellent
satisfaction , will bo followed. , ,
A jiumbor of now cases have been filed in
district court the past few days , ono of them
being the petition of George E. Maxwell ,
who seeks n divorce from his wife on the
grounds of adultery. The petition in the
cnso as filed is very outspoken lu fact fairly
rich and racy specifying the particulars of
the cause why divorce should be given and
laying the chnrgo for the causa of trouble
against a young man who is in ono of the
banks of the city , with accompanying de
tails. If the case is contested the outlook
for interesting proceedings is excellent.
Another divorce case filed yesterday is
brought by Brodor Hanson against his wife ,
Catherine Hanson , alleging their marriage in
the old country , shortly after which ho came
to this country to hotter his condition. Ho
recites in his petition that ho has at numer
ous times written her to como nnd Join him
here , offering to send her the necessary
means to cross the ocean and oven sending
his brother to her to got her to como. She ,
however , refuses all demands and ho will
got a legal separation and , if ho wishes , a
wife in this free country.
Other new cases liled are these of Buford
vs Staff , Vincent vs Oheustcr , Crandoll vs
Moshor and Barnes vs McNuntry , the latter
case being brought against J. H. McNuntry ,
as. roediver of the defunct Lincoln Insurance
icompany , to effect a settlement of a loss that
occurred some time since in Michigan.
' 31 , J. Ycnsen , of Lowell , Kearney county ,
filed a complaint agniust the B. &M. with the
board of transpot tation. The complaint 10-
citcs that tlio road has turned a stream of
water out of it natural course and forced It
across his land to his great injury and loss ,
Ruumcrqing about twenty acres of good til
lable land and rendering it unlit for cultiva
tion , and greatly injuring eighty acres of
land altogether. D. C. Black and George
f Gray , the latter postmaster at that place ,
certify to the truth of the statements. The
complainant aske that action be taken imme
diately that ho may have the trouble reme
died in time to put a crop in the Hold.
The superintendent of the Wells Fargo
Express company writes that the complaint
of Miss Antic on tlio charges on a trunk has
boon satisfactorily settled.
General Manager Pitch of the Elkhorn
writes the board that the complaint of J.
VG. llauor of Exotcr will bo Investigated ,
and satisfactorily settled by the company.
Tin : SHY rjiSTiVAi , .
Commencing to-night the May musical fes
tival will bo on for three engagements. The
opening concert will bo a miscellaneous one ,
the second , the oratorio of"Judas Macca-
bous , " and.tna third the cantata of the "Holy
City . " The following wall-knawn.musicians
Will take part in the entertainment : Princi
pal performers Sopranos , Miss Gunovra
.lohnson , Chicago ; Miss Kuto Jircwstcr
Choenoy , Sioux City ; Mrs. J. P , Dow , Lin
coln ; Mrs. H. N. Parks , Lincoln ; Miss Clara
Funko , Lincoln ; altoo. Mrs. H. F. Donno ,
Crete ; Mrs. Albert Watkins , Lincoln ; Mrs.
A. S. Kaymond , Lincoln ; Miss Carroll
Churchill , Lincoln ; tenors , Mr. C. B. Donuis ,
Sioux City ; Mr. H. W. J. Scain.U'k , Mr. S.
II. Uurnlmui , Lincoln ; baritone , Mr. B. U.
Young , Omaha ; Mr. C. M. Kcolor , DCS
Moines ; Mr. B. L. Curtis. Dos , Molnes ;
bassos , Mr. E. II , Chapin , Lincoln ; Mr. G.
W Peters , Lincoln. Instrumental Miss
Edith Doolittlo , Miss Minnie D. Cochran ,
Miss Nellie Young , Miss Emma Young , Miss
Sudio Young , Mr. G. C , Monramlorf , Lin
coin Organist and accompanist Mrs. P. V
M Uuymond. Conductor Mr. M. L Bnrt-
lott , Chicago. Th" ontortninmonts will bo
glvon In the First Congregational church and
the prospects uro moat Haltering for a largo
CITV muni's.
Canton Pord No. S , I. O. O. P. , has Just
received a gorgeous banner that was
manufactured especially on their order bj
Pottibino & Co. , of Cincinnati. The banner
will bo unfurled for the ilrst time in the
liurado on Decoration Day.
A largo real estate deal was consumatod
to-ihiv , iu which W. II. B. Stout sold a
section and a half of land some three miles
couth of the city to Fred Punko , considera
tion $ ll,20l ! > . The sale is regarded ns n
Imi gain , and the land is ono of the hand
somest tracts hurronnding the city.
The delegates from this county to the
f talc convention in Omuhu to-morrow oxpeci
to go on tlio cuily morning train over tlio
now KlUioru route between this city uia
A report wns circulated to-day that Joe
Burns hud succeeded in plugging the city well
ind stopping the How of bait water that has
bcon Hticli a hurdi'n to consumers for months
past , Tlio news IB almost too good to ho
true , but if so will bo hulled with umverbul
commendation ,
The Press club benefit in the appearance
of the noted elocutionist. A , P. Burpank. at
the opera house on Wednesday evening ,
promises to bo largely attended , and tin ex-
rollunt ontoitammcnt is assured.
Charles A. Hobblns , an attorney of this
city , has boon appointed on the executive
rommittco of the National Anti-Saloon
republican organisation , and ho will organize
fiuch clubs over the state.
Police court wns light to-day , n family
row nnd a half doznn inebriates couipiisiug
the docket of eaics called.
An Imperative NccosHlty ,
"Want pure nir is to an unhealthy
locality , what spring denning is to the
neat housekeeper : so is Hood's Sarsa-
tuu'illa to everybody , at this season.
The body needs to bo thoroughly reno
vated , the blooil purilled aim vitiUr.od ,
the germs of ilisoaso destroyed , scro
fula , salt rhouin , nml nil other blood
( Ubordors ure cured by Hood's Sttrsn-
purillu , thu most papulannd bucccssful
springmedicine. .
" \VIU1 Humors in the Anlr About thu
Hnuta l < 'o Otlinr llomls.
And now coincs a story from New York to
the affect that tbo Atchison , Topeku & Santa
Fo management are try ing to obtain control
of a line from the Atlantic to the Pacific. A
reporter who evidently desires to muko his
"string" as lengthy as pohsiulo contributes u
lengthy special to the effect that secret meet
ings have been hold , that President Stiong
has visited Chicago lu disguise and' regls-
cred under an assumed namoat a cheap
lotcl to throw reporters off tbo scent , Just as ,
thoughStrong was afraid of a newspaper
nan. The special also relates that for weeks
ho Santa Fo have had a special agent trav-
velihPt between Chicago and Buffalo
on tao various roads for the purpose
of ascertaining which is the best
, o purchase. It ii settled that the Erlo from
Uuffaloto Now York city , while the Lake
jhora from Chicago to Buffalo are
to bo tbo roads bought. If the former
object , why they nro to bo frozen out by a
lassengcr combine that will knock the
ttocklngsoff the successors of Jim Fisk , Jr.
The story Is very prettily arranged , but rail
road men do not give it the slightest credence.
While the Santa Fo management would
doubtless bo glad to make a purchase of the
roads mentioned , the fact that the Lacka-
wanna , a rival of the Krlo from Buffalo to
New York. Is interested In Luke Shore to u
considerable extent makes it very improba-
jlo for any such action to bo taken.
The trunk line managers on roads Jrom
Chicago eastward held n meeting at Com *
nisMoner Fink's ofllco last week nnd from
.bo meagro reports sent out It is learned that
tliero was melody la the atmosphere. The
Chicago & , Grand Trunk has for sorno tlmo
been pormlttcd to glvo differential rates on
Iressod boot nnd In a very short tlmo had
nearly all the trado. At the meeting an of-
Tort was to bo made to Induce the Grand
Trunk officials to advance tliclr fairs but
.lie.y did not attend , hence no aotion could bo
mkon. Kather than redUce rates on dressed
i > cof the managers determined to strike tlio
dressed beef Interest by making Hvo stork
rates so low that dressed beef men could not
compote. Hence they reduced the rate
from 35 cents to 25 cents per 100 pounds ,
which will allow the shipping of cattle so
cheaply Hint they can bo killed cast and sold
niich cheaper than dressed beef from Chicago.
The matter will doubtless not rest where it
is , ns tn all probability the dressed meat men
will carry It before the Interstate commerce
commission on the ground that It Is unjust
"TUB vnsTinur.n. "
The Hock Island commences running its
now vestibule trains between Chicago and
Omaha next Thursday , the llrst train leaving
teront .1:15 : p. m. of that day. This is the
ilrst vestibule train ever ruu to the Missouri
river , and In all ot its appointments Is of
surpassing elcganco and finish. In the train
will be run new and elegant dining cars ,
which nro fully up to the high standard
which that road has long maintained in its
dining cars. This will bo a dully train ,
The SloUx City Journal is authority for the
statement that the "Sop" road has negotiated
Iwnds for the building of a road from Roches
ter , Minn. , to Council Bluffs Via. Sioux City
if they want it.
Another rumor Is afloat to the effect that
the Illinois Central will build a Hue across
northern Nebraska , but like the first , there is
probably good grounds to disbelieve both.
A car load of flno horses , the property of
Senator Hearst , of Californiapassed through
Cmaha yesterday , attached to a passenger
traiu on tbo Union Pacific.
The report of the passenger agents' associ
ation of Kansas and Nebraska , which held a
meeting in Kansas City May 3 , has been is
sued. Nothing of any special interest was
Whcnton station , on the central division of
tbo Kansas division of the Union Pacific west
of Lcavcuworth , has been designated as a
reporting freight and passenger station.
Sheiidan station , 405 miles west of Kansas
City , 1ms been changed to Lisbon , and Boar
Creek station , in Colorado , to Sheridan.
"Tho best on earth" can truly bo said
of Griggs' GlycoriiiQ Salvo a spuody
cure for cuts , bruises , scalds , burns ,
sores , piles , totter , and all skin erup
tions. Try this wonder hoalcr. 2.5
cents. Guaranteed. Goodman Drug
Co , , Agent.
Considerable Business Transacted
Imst NIchtBy the Board of Trade.
President Her wielded the gnvel at the
regular monthly meeting of the board of
trade held in the aasembly room last night ,
and Secretary Nnttiugcr wns at bis post.
Ho reported that ut a gathering of the
directory it was announced that the rentals
of the building in April amounted to $1,550 , ,
and the present receipts from the same
source will amount to $ l,7Qt ) per month. The
grain committee sent in a communication
deeming it not advisable to inaugurate an
open board until about the first of August.
Tbo manufacturers' bureau committee sent
in n long and extended report of what they
are doing. They state that they have adopted
a plan of $3 monthly subscriptions that is not
meeting with the hearty support they had
looked for , owing to an undercurrent of op
position. Since its oignnizatlon the bureau
has had thirty-two manufacturing interests
under consideration , among the latest
ami most important being the stove
works at Marshall , Mich. ; omni
bus nnd street cars , Waterloo , la , ;
watcb factory. New York city ; glucose
works , Maralmlltown , la , , and Pcoria , 111. ,
wire works. Minneapolis Minn. , and malt
works , Omaha. The committee have aided
the Mayuard factory , Bedford place , in se
curing machinery , a foundry at North
Omaha , a casket factory , nnd an effort is be
ing madu to raise $10,000 to secure the loca
tion of tbo Kcokuk tinwaio works ; have in
duced the Van Pelt paint works to locate
hero , also soap works from Creston , la. The
majority of tliesu have been supplied with
funds nnd tboy ask for more , which the
members of the committee are trying
to r.ilsoj with encouraging hopes in
connection with the Omaha Implement com
pany , and the proposed malt liouso of J. D.
Her with a capacity of from 500.000 to 2,000-
000 bushels of grain for which Kansas Qity
has already offered powerful inducements.
Mr. Her asks for 15,000 in cash to bo paid
when the works nru erected.
The adoption of the report caused a discus
sion in which Clement C. Chase nnd Messrs.
Clark and Wakcflold participated. Tlio
former criticised the manner in which the
circulars had been gotten up typographically ,
and Mr. Wakefbjld moved that
a rommittco consisting of Messrs.
Evans , Gibbons and Chase bo appointed to
get up circulars to bo distributed among
business men setting forth concisely the ob
jects of the bin can and asuing them to sub
scribe liberally towards its maintenance.
Thu motion to appoint the committee was
withdrawn after a lengthy debate.
The freight bureau committee reported
favorably on the proposition to construct a
Niagara ship raiml. They say : "Tho al
most Incalculable benefits to bo derived from
the economic advantages of water transpor
tation almost toourown doors cannot bo over
estimated , and taken in consideration with the
early construction of tlio Short Line railroad
from Duluth to our city , presents a situation
which calls for our hearty approval , cooperation
ation and support. " Upon lecommondution
resolutions wqro passed that the boards of
trade of St. Paul , Sioux City , St. Joseph and
Kansas City , loml their cfforth in securing
the passage of the bill by congress , and that
Governor Thuyor bo communicated with on
the subject.
The report of the special committee op
pointed to confer with the Council Bluffs
delegation relating to a location of uOhautau.
qua assembly , already printed in full In TUB
BEK , was adopted and the committee con
Mr. Patterson proposed the following ro -
oluUon which was adopted , the becrotary be
ing authorized to telegraph the coufo ronco
of the action of the board :
Hcsolvcd , That the Omaha board of trade
iu regular session duly assembled , do Invite
and earnestly that the general committee-
the gomiral couforonce of tlio Methodist
Episcopal church now assembled in the city
01 Now York , having the authority of loca
tion of the next general conference four
years hence amuilut Ouiaha as their next
place of meeting.
A resolution was passed favoring the passage -
age of the bill now pending in congress , pro
viding a plan for thu extension of the time
of payment by the Union Pacific railroad of
its bonded indebtedness to the government.
Other boaids of trade throughout the state
were asked to Join in with tha petition ,
The communication of the International
Perpetual Exposition company was placed on
Hie , and the mayor and city coumfll were re
quested to heed complaints made In rofci-
euco to the uncertainty of the hay scales.
HTha malt house proposition \vas taken up ,
und dibcussoil pro and con by the geotlomen
present The president did not consider the
proposition sufficiently binding on tha part of
Mr. Her , and on motion it was returned to the
manufacturers committee , with the renuest
that that gentleman put bis proposition In
writing , when it will then bo submitted to
tUO people to subscribe the ! 15OUO
The secretary stated that the fc'inaualch
gfucoso works had not Riven up the Idea of
iocatlng in Omaha , but we're waiting
for an answer from the twoplo of Marshall-
town in reference to n bonus nnd certain
facilities nskod for. Mr. Her was also of the
opinion that Mr. Firmcnich would locate
his work * in Omaha eventually.
Without health HIo haq no sunshine ,
Who could bo happy with dyspepsia ,
piles , low spirits , headache , ngtio or
diseases of the stomach , llvor or khl-
novsV pr. Jones' lied Clover Tonic
quickly cures the above diseases , Price
60 cents. Goodman Drug Co. , Agent.
A Supposed AVonld-IJo Bigamist Uo-
leased IiVom Jnll.
Mna | Gustavson , attired In a nobby-fitting
dress of grey flannel with hat and decorations
Lo match , stepped sprightly Into the county
| nil yesterday and asked to co her Intended
liuaband , Charles Samuclson , whoso cscn-
[ mdcs with a former wife and his resolution
to escort Mina to the stirmo of Hymen have
already been fully described in THE BDK.
Charles greeted the young girl with a broken
licart , tear-covered face and remained silent
while she did the , talking. The rtifliod temper
of the girl on Sunday had bacomo consider
ably calmed , and she expressed compassion
for her unfoitunnto lover. Charles still In
sisted that ho was divorced from his former
wife , with whom ho lived for the space of
only two weeks , by the courts of Henry
county , Illinois , and In response to Mina's
question why ho had not told her this when
ho proposed matrimony to her , bo blubbered
and cried that ho feared she would not marry
htm if she was apprised of the
unfortunate fact. Following this confession
there was a loving rolag indulged in by the
pair. Mlna being the most demonstrative , re
marking In tbo Swedish tongue that she
loved tlio man with a Jealous love , to which
she added : "I'm going to find out about this
myself , ami If jou have another wife living
I will see you sent to the penitentiary. But
If you are free , as you say you are , I will have
you out of this Jail this very day. "
With continued assurances of bis divorro
by Charles , nnd directions to consult Judge
Stcnberg ns to Its truthfulness , the girl hur
ried away , and in an hour returned with the
doleful intelligence that ho know nothing
whatever of the divorce proceedings. Then
there was another outburst of anguish on the
part of Charles , but he was paciilcit with
tender cxpicssions of continued devotion by
the girl , nnd she again left , saying she would
consult Mr. A. P. Tukey , by whom Samucl
son is employed , nnd who has been taking a
great deal of Interest in bis case. Mr Tukey
bad telegraphed to the clerk of the
courts of Henry county and received a
response to the effect that the records showed
the dissolution of the marriage vows re
ferred to , ami with a light heart and gleam
ing countenance Mira bobbed into tbo Jail
with the happy news. Charles broke down
in his joy , and half an hour later the two
went arm in arm to the court of Judge An
derson , who released him on bis own recog
nizance until such time ns h copy of the di
vorce proceedings can be iqccivcd from
Henry county.
Mira nnd Charles were to have been mar
ried to-day , and great preparations made for
the event. Two hundred invitations are out.
and in all probability the troubles of the past
few days may have something to do with a
And Eltidcd tlio Blue-Coated Guar
dians of the Peace.
Gcorgo J. Williams is n man who has a
penchant for forging checks and has worked
bis little game successfully in many cases.
At ono period of his existence bo worked a
hotel man in Denver find succeeded in ab
sconding. Saturday night , while Williams
was in Hlggins' watching the bartender com
pound a fancy drink , who should enter but
the Denver hotel clerk , who at once notified
the proprietor of the character of bis guest.
A policeman wns sent for nnd Williams taken
to the station , wboie , in his usual suave man
ner , ho convinced Captain Giccn that bo was
not tlio man wanted and was turned loose.
Ho gave his address ns tbo Barker hotel , and
said ho could be found there for the next ten
days. Yesterday morning Gcorgo arose
early , paid his bill and skipped , and when
the officers who hud been sent there to see
him arrived , ho was gone. At this writing
he is still absent ,
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up In large two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns. ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co , at 33
cents per box by mail 30 cents.
Live Bnlies for Bnit.
W PANTKD Hablcs for crocodile bait , Will
be returned alive.
If newspapers abounded in Ceylon ns
much as crocodiles do , advertisements
worded like the foregoing would bo
common in their want columns' . As it
is , the English arocodilo-huntcr has to
secure Ids baby by personal solicitation.
Ho is often successful , for Ceylon parents
as a rule have unbounded confidence in
the hunters , and will rent their babies
out to bo used as crocodile bait for a
small consideration.
Ceylon crocodiles suffer greatly from
ennui. They prefer to lie finite still ,
soothed by the sun's glittering rays ,
and while away their lazy lives in medi
tation. 13ut when a dark brown Infant
with curly toes sits on a bank and blinks
its oycs at them they throw oil their
cloak of laziness nnd make their prepa
rations for a delicious morsel of Ceylonese -
lonose baby humanity.
When the crocodile gels half way up
the bank tlio hunter concealed behind
bomo reeds opens up fire , and the croco
dile has his uppetito and life taken
away at the same timo. The sportsman
secures the skin and head of tlio croco
dile , und the rest of the carcass the na
tives make use of.
The average Ceylon infant displays
a passive imltlToronco to his advances ,
and the only thing that frightens him
is the report of the gun , at least so the
hunters assort.
IU superior excellence proven In millions of
homes for morn tlmu a quarter ot a century It
Is used by the United States Government En-
domed by the heads of thu went uuh ei-tltlcs us
the strongest , purest und most healthful Ir.
1'rico's Cream llaktng 1'owiler does not contain
ammonia , lime or alum Sold only tn cans
New Vorlc. Olilraco. st Louis.
incomparably the Uast.
Plenty iritltrjlcFaslffoiilt ,
ThoMlatinp That Hefolt A Nrwspnpor
Wrltorln Ills Attempt tolienvo
a nohtnll CnMh the Mml Ho
Secures Ills interview
The rain and mud that has reigned supreme
for the past \\eekipro\od to DO an effectual
Injunction against Sunday baie ball , cnusinir
postponed Ramos with the illnneapolls. Ft. Paul
and Mllwaultea clubs , the former nd latter bd-
Iriff Hunday pames. The aforesaid rain nnd mud
has also furnished several humorous Incidents ,
one , of wlrtch mention was nindo during the
week , of nhone being mliod on Park avuntte ,
and another or n well-known nownpaper writer
who having business In North Omaha , hied him-
naif to that locality on ono of our famoun bob-
tall street cars , over oceans of mud , nnd on at
tempting to leave the cnr on North Nineteenth
street was unqciomonlously thrown Into the
inhd.which was at that particular localllv about
twenty inches deep. He emerged from the mire
swearliiR veiiKeanco on the condition of our
streets iu Bonerut and on bobtail street cars iti
WeltI am In luck because I hero are but f ow peoPle -
Plo here to see mo ! but what did I route out hero
for ? soliloquized the bespattered youuR mail ,
who hadfor the time forgotten his business nnd
had to refer to his note book for the desired In
"An Interview with u gentleman on North
Twentieth btroot , and Inm In n nlco condition
to Interview anyone : but It must bo douo , and
Uuro cocs. " and he did.
The Rentloman to
bo Interviewed
proved to bo Mr.
( Korne llandorson.
residing at No. ll',7
North Twentieth
Stioet , ablacksmlth
employed by thu
car company at
their shops ut the
corner or U'wcnly-
llrst and Cumlng
htrcats. Jlr. Uau-
dcr < ou has resided
In Unmha for nbnut
llv < > jears , nnd for
thrco jears of that
tlmo has w orkud f or
the car compiny ut
the above place.
"Jlr. KntHlormui.I
' near you linvc been
sick and have sonic1-
thing to sav about It that would Interest our
loader * , nnd for tlmt reason I have called on
you , " said thu writer.
"Well , jos , 1 had been sick , but am not now.
as you see , but for about eight jeainlwnsa
pretty sick man , not so nick that I hod toro-
mnlii Indoors , but sick enough to feel miser
able nil tha time. During the last tight jenrs
I have been n constant .sudVrer from cntairh ,
my nose \\ould stop Up so that I was compelled
to breathn through my mouth. Kvery fro u
cold would cause mo more suircilnt ; , until It bo
cnmo almost unbearable. I had n continuous
dull pain over and In tlio back part of my eyes.
I scarcely know what It wrts to be without ft
headache. I was continually hemming nnd
spitting to remove n lump In my throat , w lilch 1
could tiovcr displace. In the morning It would
caliifc mo so much annoyance thatbj the tlmo I
V as rcadv for inv breaksast I hud lost all my
appetite forlt.ln uppetito was poor fora
lung tlmo as in v stomach was continually out of
order , a constant rising ; of wind and of sour
water In my throat , n 'dull heavy fecllm ; In the
pit of niy stomach and n rain on OUB side or the
other under my libs which made mo feel ns
though I could not take a lone breath. My
lung > fait soio nil the lime , but the doctor told
ma it was due. more to the condition of my
stomach , w lilch I afterwards found to bo true ,
for as soon as 1 felt better in my stomach the
pains in my Chest left me. My condition was
such as lo alarm mywife and my friends , my
sleep was broken , and' ' I would arlso In the
laoiulng feeling as tired and languid as I did the
pluvious night.
As J said , my condition alarmed myw Ifo nnrtl
made up my mind that something had to bo
done , for 1 had suffered enough. 1 consulted
several doctors nnd tiled Bovoral patent prepa
rations , but it did mo np igood. I w ns ndvlsjod by
a friend of mine to consult Dr. .1. Alcfoy ,
nnd as 1 had read considerable about him , in
the dally newspapers. I concluded I would con-
bulthim. I \ Islted his ollice about two months
ago and consulted him in regard to my cnso I
took treatment nnd bofjau to Improve at once ;
after tlio llrsttroatment my nose became clearer
and 1 could breathe through it once more soino-
thlnB I had not done for u long time and it did
not take lonjr until I began to feel better In eveiy
way. and to-day I feel Ilka a new man. : I have a
good appetite , my stomach Is all right again ,
and I can eat three good meals every day : I
have no more trouble with mv throat , nnd thp
pain over my oyeblsathliiRof the past ; Ihnve
no more headaches , and , to make n long story
short , 1 think Dr. McCoy has cured my catarili. ' '
Jlr. Kanderson resides at No 2711 , North
Twentieth street , nnd is employed as a blacK-
snllth at the car shops , corner of Twenty-llr t
and Cunilnq streets , and will corioborato the
nb.ove statement to any one doubting It.
A Few SymptoniH of Dlaonso That
May Prove Serious to Xou.
Do you have frequent Uts of raontal depres
sion ?
Do yon experience ringing or buzzing noises
In your ears/
Do you feel as though you must sullocato
when lying down/
Are you troubled with a hacking cough ami
general debility/
Aio your ayes generally weak and watery nnd
frequently intlamedi1
Does your volco have a husk , thick sound anil
a nasal sort of twang/
Is your breath frequently offensive from omo
unaccountable ca e/
Have you n dull , oppressive headache , gener
ally located over the eyes ?
1)0 \ ou luvfl to haw k and rough frequently in
the ellort to clear your ?
Aio you losing your souse of smell and is your
seiv-eof taste becoming dulled/
Docs < yonr nose always ft'Ol ttopped up , fore-
in ? > on tn breathe through your mouth ?
tK > you frequently feel tllzzy. paitlcularly
wheuhtoopini ! to pick an } thing oil the lloor/
Does every Ilttli ) draft of all and o very fall gilt
change of temperature glvo you a cold ?
Aio yon annoyed by a constant doslro to hawk
and spit out an endless quantity of phlegm ?
Are jou always tiled and indisposed tooxer-
tlon , whether of business , work or amusement ?
Is great effort required to keep your thoughts
fixed upon matters llmt formerly were easily
performed ?
Do > ou rise from bed as tired and weak as yon
were the nlpht before nnd feel as though jou
wanted to llo there foiever ?
Is jour throat Illled with phlegm in the morn-
lilK , which can only bu tllsiharued after \lolunt
coughing and hawklug and upltting ?
Can Catarrh bo Carnrt.
The past age might be called n superstitious
one. The present can mote properly bo called
among tlu < Impossibilities have now become
oterjday possibilities. It would be superlluoua
to enumerate them , Ilutluvo wo reached the
utmost limit ? HnoweI'hyslcians who claim
to make tcttaln ailments the human body Is
subject to a special study and claim to be nbla
to sure such diseases , are pionouncod by othar
self-nails lied practitioners an pri'sumpttiousjbut
does thelrsaylng so make H so ? Tnu man who
comes the nearest to o\ercoinlHK the t > eemlng
imposslbllltleaof others Is now all the-rage , anil
well does he or they duseivo the Miccewj they
h vo labored so hard to attain. Dr. J. Cresnp
McCoy or his associate do not make claims to
anything marvelous , meJi as raising the dead
and glIIIK them new IJfe ; neither < ! o they claim
to gl\o sight to t ho blind j but by their ncwaml
sck'iitlllc method of treating catarrh they have
cured and do euro catarrh , ns well us bumchiul
and tin out troubles , " ' They malio catarrh n.
y becauhu It Isonb ottlio most prevalent
and tioublet > ome dlseiuu-s that the people of thin
cltinuto uro heir to , .Sliue Dr. McCoy an 1 his
associates have locutoi ) , In this city they have
treated w 1th .sucre&s hundred * of purxons whom
other phbtciaus have tola their dlseiibo was
classed among the Incurables. Io they not pub
lish from ut > k to week -In the dally paper * tes
timonials fiom some ! of thvir many irratoful
pallunbi , giving in varji cane th full namu
and uddreag of the piirt-on making the state
ment , that thu doubting and skeptical may call
and Intoi view the balcr'people prior to visiting
the doctor's unices for consultation. The people
mh urtihod as cured ara by no means obscure or
imknowii. but tn the majority of cases are citi
zens well known by the business people and
community at large , audjlf will more than icpay
unyonn Buffering from catarrhal directions to
visit those whoso stutintents are published , or
consult with the doc tor or his associate * at his
I'emanniitly located.
Dr. J. Crosap McCoy , late of Hello ; ue Hospt.
tal. New York , and his asfcodaUw , lately of the
University of Now York City , al.o of Washing
ton , J ) , ( ' . , have located purmunently in thu
Hamgu lock. Oniulm , Neb. , wjiuro all curable
V5e ? . , atS.'wated Bklllfully. CouMiuiptiou ,
Ililghfa nisoase. Dyspepsia. llheuuintUin , and
nil nervous dlsuases. All diseases peculiar to
sex a specialty
Consultation at onice or by mull , II , OllHe
hours , U to U a ra , a to 1 p. in. , 7 to H p. in.
Sunilny Mourn , rrom O a. m , to J p. in.
CprespondencB iccelves prompt attention
No letters uiis erea unfew accoiapaulcd by i
cootb In stamps.
Block , on 13th St. , Are Crowded
With Invalids From Morn
ing Till Night.
Dr. Smith's Ktrnngo magnetic power of hf nl-
Ing hai created great excitement in and around
Omaha. Ills tmrlora In Oruelng mock , on Hth
street , are tilled with invalids from mordlng till
night Reeking aid from his powerful treatment.
For the bonoilt of the pool Dr. ( Smith has pa-
gagod Max Mover a music hall ou 10th and Tar-
nanl streets , weoro ho publicly heals the sick
free of cliojgo , every mornliw. from in to 11
o'clock. Yesterday inorntns there wns a largo
audience present , nnd many invalids were restored -
stored to hcaltli. A gentleman who lives about
thirty miles from Omaha , went upon the utaco
nnd was treated for n catarrh affection of the
head , He stated to the audience ( but he hud
been nmicted with catarrh for many years , and
for the past five years he had not been abloto
breath through his Inft nostrel. He said that In
less than three minutes fiom the time tha doc
tor laid his hand ori nts hald ho could feel some
thing give way in the nostrol , nnd that he could
now breathe through It ns vroll a9 ever. It
scorned strange lo tilm how It could bo done In
Ho short n time. AII that tin- doctor did wnsto
lay his hand on hM head and make ft few passi-s
over him , nnd ho was well , A oolorod lady .who
\voa \ sufferinK fiom partial p.irnlysls of her left
sidewentnponthostane. A few parses over
her , Mid ns strange as it may seem , sbo could
use tbo lama nrm and leg ns well as OM.T , A
man who was suffetlnK from rheumatism was
relieved frrtm all pain and soreness as If by
mrtKic. 8o\ oral coses of deaf no b were made to
hear In less than lUo minutes tlmo. A Konllo.
man called at the doctors nnic. , In QruoliiB
block , Saturday , v ho wns so still and lame from
rheumatism that ho had to be carnted Into the
doctor's parlors. After recelvlim one treat
ment ho got up and w nlked around the room ns
wcllnsover. Ho ? ntd he felt well enouphloco
ton ball. The doctor w 111 rout time to lunl the
sick free ot charito at Max Meyer * Hro , s music
hall every morning troin 10 to 11 o'tlock nil tills
week. Ills parlow In ( Iini'lng block , on llth
street , no\t to tint M Htm d house , are open to the
public f lorn ii ii. m. 10:1 : p m. dally. Consulta
tions fieo. lr ) Smith euros nil forms of chronic
disease If you or any of your fi lends are Kick ,
CO and see him. It will not cost you anything
to go nnd lalK It over v tth hint. All letters of
enquiry must contain postage. If you hnvo a
hernia nnd want it cuied , go to Dr. Smith.
Has TUIFI.KD away hi * VIGOR of BODY ,
HIND and MASfJSOOI > . causing exlmuttliig
drains upon the FOUNTAINH of iIFK.
irEADAfiHK , BACKACHE , Dreadful
Dreams. WEAKNESS of Memory , 1IAHH-
FUI.WEHS in HOCIETT , Fim'l.KS upon
the FACE. and all the EFFECTS leadlnc to
EAKI.Y DECAY and perhaps CONSUltir.
TION or INSANITY , should consult at oneo
the CKLEnBATI".I > Dr. Clarke , Established
1BBI. r.r. Clarke has made NERVOUS DE
BILITY , CHRONIC and all Dlieaies of
the GEMITO ITHINAHY OresnB a 1,1 lo
UMldy. It makes HO dlfltjrence WHAT you
' .litre taken or WHO ban failed to cure you.
/ari'JCJJ AIjESJ uufforlnfr from diseases pecu
liar to th ir aox can coniult with the assurance
Bf speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage
for works on ybur diseases.
lrSend 4 cents postage for Celebrated
WorliH on Chronic , Nervous and Dolt-
rate Diseases. Consultation , penonal'y or by
letter , free. Consult the olc ! Doctor.
Thousands cured. Office * and imrlora
private. JQrThOBO contemplating Mairiago
send for Dr. CInrko's celebrated guMo
Halo and Femnlc , each 15c. , both 25c.
( ( tamps ) . ' Bcfoic confiding your cose , coniult
Dr. CILAKItK. A friendly letter or call may
save future sufieringand shame , and add golden
years to life. a-Book " Life's ( Secret ) Kr-
rors , " Mo. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings
jiont everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 3 to 12. Addrcsi ,
F. D. OLARKE , M. D.
186 So , Clark St. . CHICAGO. ILL.
Tba only road to tnko for Daa Moinos. Mnrnlialtown- IUnld.0 , Clinton , Ulron. Chicago , Mllwnukoa
ma all points Bait. To tbo people of Nebraska , Colorado
rado , VYjrotnlnii. UU I > , Idaho , NcTBda.Oruiton , WasU-
Ingtnn ami Callfornln , It ufrer uperlor nilTuntat-cj
not possible by any otberllne.
Amnrm a few of tbo numerous polntsof superiority
enjoyed Dy tha uulroiu of tbls road biitsecnOnmhn
nnd Chicago , aru Its two trains n dHy of DAV
COACIIKSirlilcb nro tbo flneit that human rt.and
InaenuIlT can croutc. Itsl'AI.ACBHI.KBl'lM : CAIIS ,
\rlilcli are models of comfortnnil elegance. Its 1'Alt-
I.OH DltAWlNQ IIOOM OAKS , iipsurpH cd by anr ,
und ItH widely celebrated 1'AI.ATIAI. 1)1N1.NU CAH3 ,
llioequnlof which cannot bo foimrt olsonheru. At
Council ItlttiTn.tho tralDS of tbo Union Pncldo HHIJ.
way connect In union depot with tlu q ot the CM-
cneo \ Northivestcrn Ily. In ( lilcaxo tbo trnlns of
I his line inuko close connection with thogo ot all
oilier Kaitern lines.
I or Dctnilt , Colunibns. IndlanapoIK ClnchinHtl.
Nlaoaru Kails , Ilullaln. rittstninr. Toronto. Montreal ,
lluatDii , New Vorlc , I'hlliulelphiil , llnltlinoro , W.isQ-
Inittou , uuil till points In tbo Ka l. Ask for tickets via
( lift
If you nlDli tbo best accommodation. All ticket
deems si'll tlcliots via this line.
IT. UUdlll'lT , 15.1' . WILSON.
acn'IMnnnBcr. Oen'l 1'nss'r Agent.
W. N. I1A11COCK , ( icn'l. Weslorn Agent.
I } . Ii. KIMllAI.Ij 'llckot Aiccnt.
O , K. WKdl' . City I'ttssenBor Agent.
HOI Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Its main lines and branches Include cmOAQO.
ENWoain. ATcmoow , CEDAB HAPIDS.
and scaroa of Intermediate cities. Choice of
routes to and from the Paclflo Coast. All trees-
fcra In Union depoti. Fatt trains of Fine Pay
Coaches , clesant Dlnloe Cora , maenlflccnc Pull <
man Falace Bleopors , and ( bstwoen CbicMio , 8t
Joseph , AtchUon and Eensas City ) Xtecllalng
Chair Cora , Boats Free , to holders of through
Unit-class tickets.
Chicago , Kansas & , Nebraska R'y
"Great Rook Island Route. "
Extends West and Southwest from Kansas City
and BU Joeepli to NKLBON. HOHTON. . BELLM-
nUTOHTNBON , OALDWELL , and all polnu to
and beyond. Entire passenger equipment of tha
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All safety ap *
pllaucea and modern Improvements.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
Is the favorite between Chicago , Bock Island ,
AtchUon , Kansas City and Hlacoapolla imdBi.
FauL lie Watortavro branch travorsas tha irreit
of Northern Iowa , Southwestern Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to Wotertown , Spirit Lako.
Blouz Falls and many other townu and titles.
The Short Una via Ueneca and Kankakee offer *
uporlor facilities xo travel to and from Indian-
cpolli. Cincinnati and other Southern points.
For Tickets , If spa , UVlders , or desired informa.
tlcu , apply et any Coup.10 Ticket Ofllca or addreei
Qcnl M onager. Oen'I TkU d 1'aea. Aift.
tn Onn A ilo1" < ° made work
tPIUU IU' OOUU lni { for ui .Agents profnrred
who ran ( umltli their own lioracs nnU L'Ue Ilioir
nliule tliuo lo ttiobuBluu n .Spurn muuienli ia y In
proflut'lr emiiluretl olau Afaw vnrnnclfj la lawns
nacltlet 11 > Juiissuv 4. Co , 1 ( WUulnSt.Xlllli
onJ , Vtt. UeutloatU Omautt Uu * .
For BOYS and GIRLS ,
ages from I to 13 Yrs.
Style Ho. 52 especially for Ladles & Mipn $
The VERY BEST Garment Ever Made.
lAf D IVO Because It SUPPORTS Stockings and Under-
uUH f clothes from the SHOULDERS , and has NO
nrnnufiicturnl by 1'OY , HARMON > b CHAim'ICK , Now IInvcn , Conn.
For LVIedicinal and Family Use.
Is Death to Sure Cure for
Sold Only In Battles. For Quart Bottle.
For Sale by Grocers
For Sale by and Wine Merchantt ,
Druggists Entry where. Euerywhsrc ,
rr qp HOMINY
This U to certify tint I hjivo examined tht eimpla ot BELLE OF DOUIIBON WHISKEY received from
Lawrence , Oatrom A Co , and found the same to bo pirfoctly free from Fuacl Oil oud all other deUterioiu
ubstancos and strictly part ) . 1 cheerfully recommend tbo urns for family and McdlclnM pnrpoici.
J. 1 * . lUKNca. M. D. . ( ) li ml > t. I-oulnTtlle. Kv.
GLADSTONE BUGS. V CO. , Agcnti lor Oiiuilm , IVob.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandtil Triumph ol Electric Science
Gentlemen's D tit B t fitfifltlfta Sc'on"nca" ' * Made and Practically Applied.
ttit& Klettrie
iutlini , I'arnlTulnvimlcla , flrlatlau , I > UMMW of Kidney * Bplul ! ! . Tornt ? rt
Oo.t , Eih uitlo 7 Enluloiu , Aatfcina , Il rt Uliruie. I > y > D p I , CooJtlpnlon , Er. j li.oQt ] ,
9 Indlr < Uom Wemkneu , Impotrnor , U.tarrb , I'U * . Eplloptj , D mb Aauc , IMabeM * , Or
lllloo then tbi * belt U Jiutnbnt jau BOC < .
? n&wpU. _ f
who.toi ALlei IE ELSE
wear'lt' iVtlteUlrierthe blood and onree , iFAiLS.
I Chlc&goj A. Owgorr , oomm
i of tbe Mrr Otiani O. W ,
IHuniv.N. porrin , Tll'i r"jTi"bIiott7 upi.oi yw t rworks , fionthiitniOpd'tltl&t.lKTHarapio7nY < 5h lcairb
Jpoitnu . D. ItcHlchael.M D , Uuffalo. N. Y. "Tonr belt haiaccomplUilii.i what no other r medr hut
Ictcadr turret and comfortable tlnep at night. " UobU Ilall , aJiltimm , 1M > Kut 5Vtii Struct. , Han York
and tnouianils ofotberi
Dr. HORHE'S ELECTRO ? rrant,0fel trtol
. . . : ue w arer n x de
slrot pnxlacM a contlauoui curreoti conrers electricity tbrongh tbe body on the ncrrofl. [ t cures i dlicuti
by generating contlnaous current of eleotriclty (1O ( or 11 hours out at IM ) throughout tbe human ayium
allaying all Dorrouenau ImmedlaUily , and producing a now circulation of the llfo fortie tlio lilooJ.Ira
fining Tltror , atrengtli , enemy and health , -when all other treatment > > § failed. Tbe merttf of thu toleo-
Una Deltara being recotralieoTuul Indorsed by thousands whom It hai eured. .
i-Any bankromroerolalaeDoy or wholesale home in Chlcagoi wholesale
' ' ' " ' ' ' " " ' "
I Pan Iff unclMQ and Ohloaj Ur Bend u 'p'fo'r"iia'p'tRe ll'ruitr tcd pimphlei.
TentoraudUanofacturer , 1R1 W bnili A * Ohloaea.
"Tlio Overland Itoutc. "
The Sportsmen's , Touristb' and Pleasure
Seekers' Line-
Send for the Neat Little Sketch nook.
- -
highly interesting and use Ail to Sportsmen ,
It contains the American rules for trapping
and shooting adopted by the National Gun
Association ; as well as the revised game
laws of the Western States and Territories ,
Copies sent free upon application to
J. H. TIOItltlCTH.
Qen'lI'&T. AEt. ,
Otimtiui Noli.
"The Overland Ilouto. "
lias so arranged its Family Sleeping Car
service , that berths can now be reserved
upon application by any ticket agent to M
J. Greevy , Passenger Agent , Council muffs
Iowa. The reservations when made ore
turned overto the train conductors taking
on ttuch earn , vo that pastengers can now se
cure berths ordered , the same as a Pullman
berth is reserved and secured ,
J. H.'rKnnnTs. is. u I-OMAX ,
Oen. I'&T. Agent. Ass't O. I1. &T.A.
( Successors to Joliu 0 , Jacobs. )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At the old stand , HOT Parnam St. Orders by tele-
ST ph ( elicited and promptly attended te.
TelepU He No. * A
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio Itcst Route from Omnliu nnd Council
lUiifTs to
- = = = THE EAST = = = - -
Chicago , AND-
St. I'aiii , Mluncapollg , Cedar
Hock Island , Frocuortt Itockford ,
C'llntou , Diibuquo ,
iiln ; ( , MadlBoii , Juncsvllle ,
llclolt , Wlnonn , La
Ana all other Important polnti llait , Northeast ana
For through tickets call on tha ticket agent at 1B01
Kurnam suuot , la ll r er lllook , or l Union 1'aclda
1'ullraan Hleoper and the finest DlnlugCanrln lh
world nru run uii tba mulu Hue of tbe Cbltiago , Mil
nnukcu i HI. Paul Itallway , nod orerx tttteutloofl
paid to paiicatiurs by courteous cmplojm cl ul
H. Mli.f.KRj ( Icnoral &lanaz r.
J. V ' 1IICICKH , Anlilaut Oenural Manager.
A. V. It UAltl'lfNTKll , ( lunurel fmeutvr nal
( JKO K II AKFDIIDAj4lttant a ncr l I'zueugt *
tttid Tlckt t Avint
J. T. CJiA UK , Ueneral Bupcrlntoadcat.
Big O has elven uolver-
sal oatUtactlun In the
euro of Ouuorrbtva and
Glci't. I prescribe Hand
feel > afo lu recommend.
tog It to all eufTerere.
i.J. bTOU'H ! , M.D. ,
Deeilur , lit
J'RICE , 81.00 , „
Boll by