Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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THUMB OF BunscntmoN.
( Mornlnff Edition ) including Snndajr
llisr Ono Yew . > ° $
ForHlrMohth * . . . * < S
j-or Three Months. . , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2W
The Umnlm Sunday UKB , malted to any ad- -
dross. Ono Year. . . . . . , < . 2 ° °
OMAllAOrffCK.NO < ! .01UIIiflllPAnNAMStltr.KTi (
MuiuiiNd. WASIUNUTON Orrice , No. 613
All communications relating to news and edl'
torial matter should bo addressed totheKWTOH
. . , , , ,
should bo
All btislnew loiters and remittance *
OMAHA. lrnf ts , checks and jiostojnco orders td
1)0 made payable to the order of the company.
Tbc Bee PnWislih ! Company' ' , Proprietors
E. ROSEWATEtt , Editor.
Bworn Statement of Circulation.
Elate of Nebraska , I. " ,
County of Douglad , l" ' '
Oco. 11. TZflchucx , secretary ofTh nee Pub-
llfililnK companr , docx solemnly swear that the
icttial circulation of the Daily flea for tlia week
endlnir Mny.ll. 1868. was as follows :
Paturday. May B . . i..r . 'VjlO
Bumlay.Jlnyn . . JIVUJ
Monday , May 7 . | Z'X3
TiiMKlny. Mnyx . , . 1T.IM )
Wednesday. May fl . . - . ' " 'IHSx
Thursday. Mny 10 . . < )
1'rlday , May 11 . . . .19.610
Averace. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,239
Bworn to nd subscribed In my prnsence thU
12th day of May , A. D. , 1B83. N. I1. KI21U
Notary I'ubllc.
Btato o Nebraska , I . _
County of Douglas. f " " '
George II. Tzschuck , being flrst duly sworn ,
ileposos and Rays that ho is secretary of The lieu
ruhllflhlng company , that the actual avoraKO
dally clrciflntlon of the Dally lleo for the month
] . : H9 copies ; for October , 1887.14CBcoplpg ! ; for
November , 1887 , Vi. ' X copies ; for Rocolnber ,
3887 , ir.,041 copies ; for January , IBiS. IRJWti cop-
les ; for February , 1IW,16VJ3 coplcsr for March ,
1888 , m.CHconlen ; for April. 1RW , 18.7U coplos.
1 QF.6. 11 , , T&CIIUCK.
Bworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presouco this2d day of May , A. I ) . 1888.
N. P. FEIIfc Notary Public.
IF the Omnhaa hadn't played on Sun
day they woufd not have lost thtit garao.
Tun tuxpayors of Douplns countywho
pay the per diem of Jurors , demand
that good men bo compelled "to servo
upon the regular panel. Otherwise ,
Iho professional * juror will flourish and
multiply. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THIS May term of the Douglas county
district court began this morning.
Fifteen hundred cases appear on the
doclcot foradjudication , including seine
very important criminal cases. Even
wlth-an increased number of judges it
Booms impossible to keep pace with ac
cumulating litigation.
TriKitE is to bo a convention of Inw-
yora in Washington in which every bar
association in the country is to bo rep
resented. The objoet of the mooting is
to urge uniformity of legislation in the
different states in regard to bills of ex
change , promissory notes , execution of
wills , mnrrlngo nnd divorce. But the
question of uniformity of lawyers' foes
will bo passed over in dread silence.
AN analysis of many cases now in the
district court would furnish a theme for
many a dissertation from which n moral
or a , lesson * could bo drawn with profit.
A very valuable lesson might bo had
from the history of the questionable
work of irresponsible contractors who
last your , when the building season was
ut its height , managed to burden owners
of many buildings with a heavy load of
mechanics' lions and unpaid bills. The
oBsonco of such a lesson 'would bo that
the lowest bid of a contractor is not always -
ways the cheapest.
TIIKHE is some misunderstanding
shown by a few newspapers of the state
with reference to the business to come
before the state convention to-day. It
is the province of' this convention to
nominate four delegates to the national
convention , four alternates , and also
five prcsidontinl doctors. As to the
latter , however , their election will del -
l > end upon what the convention mny
dotormlno after proper consideration.
It is a more mutter of form and will de
pend upon what has boon the usage in
ether states.
Tans railroad programme for to-day
is to elect Thurslon , Egnn nnd Palmer
us dologatcs-at-hirgo to the Chicago
convention. In that event , the First
congressional district would be givuA )
flvo delegates to the national conven
tion , leaving1 tlio remaining two dis
tricts to divide the other five delegates
between them. It would also give the
First district three dclugntos-at-largo
and the ether two districts one dolo-
gnto-at-lnrgo. But it remains to bo
iseon whether this hoggish scheme cqu
bo consummated.
THKIIB seems to bo a growing fooling
ot disapproval among our people at the
selection of the nigh school ground9
for Decoration day exorcises. Some of
the arguments advanced against the
choice made arc good. There can belittle
little doubt thut much of the sacrcdncsa
And boautj' of past cclobrtitions of the
day will ba wholly lost by reason < jf the
preeonco of an indifferent element upon
the High school campus which is drawn
to every largo crowd. Decoration dny
finds its ohiof inspiration in the com *
momorntion of dead heroes. Its oxoiv
cisos arc not in any sonuo to partake of
the gladsome features of a gala day ,
Most of our fallen heroes lie in'Tros -
poet Hill ccmotory , which is easy of acr
cuss , and a more fitting place could not
ho doslrad inwhich to pay tribute to
their memories.
BOWKN , of Colorado , has Ja
Echcmo to utilize the waste water of the
Mississippi and Missouri which an
nually overflow the lowlands of their
respective valleys. It is the senator's
idea to coiibtruet n system of reservoirs
along the tributaries nnd head waters
of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers ,
aud by a series of canals and reservoirs
to turn this immense volume ofvtisto
vrator toward Irrigating thn arid lands
of Colorado , Wyoming and Now Mex
ico. The proposition is certainly am
bitious nnd laudable. Thu question is
wholhor it is feasible. The undcr-
taldug would cost millions of dollars.
But if the immonsa arid tracts cl land
in the territories could bo reclaimed ,
nr.d the low lands ot the Mississippi vivl-
loy be protected from submersion , the
canals anO/rcsorvuU's would bo cUoup at
tiny price. ' . . ' ,
Tlio. Colfhx Cottntr Tntrlot. ,
The Colfnx County republican convon *
tion Saturday distinguished Itsotf in an
eminent degree. The railroads cap'
turod the county , nnd II. C. Russell not
only succeeded In having the delega
tion to tlio Norfolk convention ot yesterday
torday Instructed to push Ins boom for
congress , but ho railroaded through a
resolution instructing tlio delegation to
tlio flttUo con vontion , ot which ho is n
member , to vote tor John M. Thurstoit
for dolognlo-at-lnrgo to the national
The result ot this action will bo ft de
feat ot the republican party in Colfnx
county , whore the democrats nnd re
publicans nro about equally dlvidodi
Russell la practically a political non
entity , and the people of this
stnto very distinctly remember
that ho treacherously entered
the campaign two years ago with tnlso
promises which ho never intended to
fulfil. As chairman ot tlmt infamous
legislative judiciary committee nnd
pliant tool of corporate oil-room attor
neys and- lubricating contrnctora } Mr.
Russell succeeded in crippling this city
by maliciously mutilating the charter
for metropolitan cities , whereby Omaha
was curtailed in her city limits , de
prived of the power to acquire parks
and boulevards , and plunged into a
light over her police system. As ono
ot the conspirators who were in
close communion with professional
gamblers and sought to extort money
from them under promise to defeat
the anti-gambling bill , the Colfnx
county patriot also achieved immortal
renown in the eyes of his political
associates of the Colfax county band ot
Russell is the man who , under sacred
pledges , prevailed upon Senator Van
Wyck to stump Colfax county tor him in
the legislative canvass , only to turn
traitor and spy upon the men to whom
ho owed his election.
But to cap the climax" defiance to
public sontiuiont , the Colfax county
convention instructs its delegates
for John M. Thurston. Whom
do they represent tlio small band
ot ringstors , two-por cent , men
and jobbers who manipulate
the town caucus , or the 'largo body of
republicans who live in Colfax county
OB tillers of the soil and who are repub
licans , not for plunder , but from prin-
Avoid tlio Breakers.
The republican party of Nebraska can
take some chances. Its largo majority ,
and. the earnest loyalty of the rank nnd
file , have enabled it to generally escape
the penalty of defeat for many grave
blunders. In this presidential year the
republicans of Nebraska will undoubt
edly bo found in line , maintaining
their woll-enrncd reputation for con
sistent devotion to republican princi
ples and to the republican cause. But
the future ol the party in this state will
bo endangered unless it shall make n
successful effort to reform its methods
and throw off the pernicious and cor
rupting influence that has always domi
nated it , and is still Impudently aud ag
gressively assorting itsolf.
The tlmo to institute the required re
form is now. should bo done by the
convention which assembles to-day to
choose dologates-at-largc to the national
convention. It is certain that the rail
road influence will be present in force ,
prepared to employ its familiar tactics
for obtaining control of the convention
and inducing or compelling the sol'uctiop
of men who arc agreeable to the cor
porations. It must bo confronted and
defeated. The republicans of Ne
braska cannot afford to bo rep
resented ut Chicago by state- delegates
who are the creatures of the railroads.
It is most unfortunate that the republi
cans of the First district permitted two
of this class to be olcctod to the national
convention , but that blunder cannot
now be undone. A similar and more
serious blunder may bo averted , however -
over , if the state convention shall firmly
sot its face against the railroad in
fluence and select men who have no
interests or sympathies in common with
the corporations. There are many
such men who would intelligently and
creditably represent Nebraska in the
national convention men who have
always fouglit with the party
and who are sincerely and patriotically
devoted to its principles and its cause.
The representatives ot the state at
largo should bo ns free as possible from
all influences and prejudices that would
alTect their judgment regarding any
candidate who may bo presented to the
national convention. This cannot bo
the case with a man chosen by order ot
the , railroads , or ono who has any con
nection with those corporations. There-
is likely- bo a muoh greater railroad
influence in the national convention
than will bo for the good of the party ,
The republicans ot Nebraska should bo
most careful to contribute no more to it
than is now inevitable.
Tliero will bo no more propitious time
than now to make a su promo effort to
throw oil the domination exorcised by
the railroads on the poll tins ot this
slate. The republican party cannot
gafoly postpone the necessary reform in
this particular. Its dishonorable and
demoralising thraldom to the corpora
tions cunnot bo continued without
bringing the inevitable penalty. It
may go through this presidential year
without serious consequQuces , oven if it
refuge to reform , but the future will
not be secure. It is most seriously
to bo hoped that to-day's conven
tion will firmly ropuillato every ollort
of the railroads to influence or
dictate Its action , and thut
in the selection of delegatos-Kt-largo
mon will bo chosen who have no in
to rests or sympathies in common with
the corporation ! ) . It otherwise the rank
und lllo pt thp republican party of
Nebraska will bo misrepresented at
A Signal of llntre , j.
It 1ms been reported that Mr. Cleve
land would like very much to have Mr.
Thurman , of Ohio , on the prohldontial
ticket with him , and it is euid that the
veteran statesman- boon appealed tote
to accept the second plnco ou tie } ticket.
If such le the fact it would justify the
lufurunro that Mr. Olevelund is fueling
some solicitude rogardliig the result ,
Mid is not willing'to triiat theluiittor
wholly to hla vaunted luok. There is
no lack of material from which the
democratic party may solOct a vlco
presidential candidate , but oven Mr.
Cleveland has enough political sngnolty
to undorstotjit thai most of those who
hnvo boon prominently talked of would
give little strength to the ticket. Since
McDonald's th rust at Gray , the boom
of the latter has suffered B6mothlng
like a collapse , from which it is not
llholy to recover , and the democratic
situation in Indiana is shown to be such
that , it will doubtless bo thought ihox-
podiont to nominate nny ono from that
stalo. Illinois offers two'candidntcs in
Black nnd Slovotison , both of thorn
holding ofllco under the administration ,
and very llkoly Mr. Cleveland is un
willing to have these subordinates
elevated to the position of vlco
presidential candidates. They would
not holt ) the ticket the least bit. Mr.
Vilas would like the prize , but
it has boon obvious for
some time that the president
docs not favor his ambition , besides
which ho has the opposition of a very
largo faction of the Wisconsin demo
It is the part of wisdom for Mr. Cleve
land to seek to uiako the tail of the
ticket strong and respectable. Better
than nny ether democrat in the nation
Judge Thurman would supply these re
quirements. But what an incongruous
position It would bo for this distin
guished statesman to occupy. Ho is
without question the ablest living dem
ocrat. Would not his association with
Mr. Cleveland on a presidential ticket ,
ho occupying the second place , seem al
most ludicrous ? Cleveland and Thur
man would bo such a reversal of the
proper order , when brains and dig
nity and character are considered , as to
do gross violence to the otornnl prin
ciple of fitness. It is hardly conceiva
ble that Mr. Thurman could bo Induced
to consent to such nn arrangement ,
loyal as ho is to his party and , ready as
ho has always boon to give It his best
efforts. It was ono ot.tho most serious
mistakes ot Mr. Cleveland that ho ex
cluded the Ohio statesman from his
councils. There is every reason to believe -
liovo that had Judge Thurman boon
called to n place in the administration
it would bo much stronger than it is in
the confidence of the country. The
wisdom and experience of the veteran
statesman would have enabled Mr.
Cleveland to avoid most ol the
blunders of which the admin
istration has boon guilty. His presence
in the administration would have given
it a character which it now lacks. It is
by no means incredible that Mr. Cleve
land should now desire to call to his
aid this able loader ot the democracy ,
but it is hardly to ho thought that- the
veteran will allow himself to bo used in
this way. Ho is undoubtedly as solicit
ous as ho has ever boon for the success
ot his party , but ho can have little ad
miration for Mr. Cleveland and will
probably make nosucfi sacrifice for him
as would bo involved in accepting the
second place on the presidential
A False Friend.
The unblushing effrontery ol Secre
tary Agor , of the Nebraska state board
of transportation , is refreshing. Ho has
coolly informed the members tlmt tlio
board should not interfere with the rail
roads in their exorbitant local charges
and rates. Before any reduction of
local freight rates has boon effected ,
this member of the board comes out
with a statement that the railroads have
made substantial reductions in both
.state and inter-state rates , and that , in
consequence , the board is not justified
in asking the railroads to adopt a lower
The facts show Secretary Apor's
statements to bo erroneous. When the
inter-state law wont into effect , April
4,1887 , the railroads ot Nebraska ono
and all screwed their freight rates to
the highest notch which the law would
allow. Since that time competition and
agreements between thorn lowered the
rates somowhat. Still , under cover of
the intor-stnto law , their schedules are
from 25 to 30 per cent higher than the
freight rates were before April 4 , 1887.
' It was for the purpose of regulating the
local charges for transportation between
points in this state that the board took
the question of freight rates in hand.
But Mr. Agor has boon n stumbling
block in the way. How will the secre
tary satisfy the people of Nebraska
that the rates made by the railroads of
this state are substantial reductions ,
when Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota are
given rates lower by at least 20 per
cent , and more oquitabloi1 Mr , Agor
can not hoodwink the board or tlio people -
plo into a belief that Nebraska is not
entitled tp the same consideration.
It was only a day or two ago that the
railroads of Iowa adopted their local
schedules In compliance with the re
cent recommendations ottho Iowa state
board of transportation. Thla will se
cure for the pepplo ot Iowa an equal
ization of local freight raloa , But Mr.
Agor dops not propose to allow the , people -
plo of this state any rolioMrom railroad
extortion either in a reduction or an
equalization ot freight charges , It is
the duty of the board of transportation
to pay no attention to Mr. Agor.
An Uiijufitllhiblo Clubbing.
During thp past year a number of
cases have boon brought before the
courts of various cities in which polico-
meu have been made defendants to- ;
inhuman and brutal treatment in the
arrest ot prisoners. In these trials the
judges have laid down the law , that
policemen in-making arrests shall oxor-
else no more force than Is absolutely
necessary. The frequent use of the
policeman's club was especially con
demned ns unwarranted aud an abuse of
authority. Moreover , policemen were
cautioned that they wore not to use their
clubs except as n last resort
in a serious emergency or when
their lives were endangered ,
That this warning1 has not been
hooded by the pollpo of our city was ex
emplified by the arrest of the unfortu
nate young Scotchman who died yes
terday from the effect of the clubbing
received at the hands of Offlcor Bloom
t > vo weeks ago , The account of the
arrest found in pur local columns shows
that-Mr. Jumiuson resisted arrest for dis-
ordurly conduct while intoxicated , end
that Officer Bloom inslontl of calling fftr
assistance , in J tSlrlt of rage nnd retail *
aUon nt the blows ot Mr. .Tamloson
clubbed the young nmn in a brutal
manner. Thnf lhls policeman exceeded
his authority is apparent. Officer
Bloom is n strong ) vigorous man , who
evidently allowed his torapor to got the
upper hand of his discretion. Ho was in
no way in dnngftr of Ills life or the cscapo
of liisprisonor jllo was notdoaling with
n thug or a desperado , anil could have
effected his njTgst quietly if ho had
kept cool and nottd with moderation.
Sam Jones thinks that unless the demo
cratic party of Georgia Is divided pretty soon
the devil will got the whole lump ,
The earl of Dudley , who comes of ago this
month , has an incotno of $1,000,000 a year.
Ho has been lame from his birth.
Hldcr Haggard sent $3 the other day to n
woman who wrote to him nnd pointed out
blunders "Sho. "
very patent grammatical in
Justice Stanley Matthews of the United
States supreme court Is to deliver the
law school commencement oration at Yala
next month.
General Hancock's grnvo Is In a secluded
nnd Isolated corner of the cemetery nt Nor-
rlstown , Pa. , nnd is entirely unmarked by
slab or tomb.
Senator Saulsbury , of Delaware , still
proudly boasts of the fact that ho Is the only
bachelor iu that unhappy assemblage the
United States senate.
Sidney Lnnler , the southern poet , Is to
have n monument costing $15,000 , and Balti
more , Montgomery and Macon will pay the
largest part of the bill.
H. Hldcr Haggard Is earnestly in favor of
a copyright law. Ho says Its absence has
caused him the loss nt least of 9250,000 , and
that is why ho mourns.
President Eliot of Harvard has a good
many opinions , Ono is that women should
never lecture to younp men. The opinion is
not shared by the women.
Prof. G. Stanley Hall , of John Hopkins
university , Baltimore , has left that institu
tion nnd accepted the presidency of the new
Clark university , Worchcster , Mass.
Senator Wntornnln , of California , has a
gold mine in San Diego county that is now
paying him n not profit of WOO n day. Ho ex
pects to take $1,000,000 out of It next year.
GcnernlBoulangcrhos boon paid $10,000
for the manuscript of Ins book on the Gor
man Invasion. In his case the pou appears
to be not only mightier but moro valuable
then the sword.
Mr. Gladstone owns n patch of land on the
Canadian aide commanding a splendid view
of Niagara Falls. Ho was asked to soil when
the Prospect Park improvements were being
planned , but declined with thanks.
Secretary BayanHs a victim of irresponsi
ble gossips. Thoyinbw have it that ho is en
gaged to Miss Kodo Elizabeth Cleveland ,
which is probably/as / destitute of truth as the
story that ho was to marry Mrs. Folsom.
Congressman Mplduloy , of Ohio , is said to
bo a strikingly resemblance to Napoleon
Bouuparto , while the profile of Representa
tive Baker , of Now York , is almost an exact
reproduction of Gcdrgo Washington's side
Secretary Endlcot't lives the most retired
life of any public man in Washington. Ho
visited the capital thp other day for the first
time during his residence in Washington.
When ho went into the senate chamber ho
was recognized by only three senators.
Joseph Chamberlain still causes much talk
in England , and lately ho has been humil
iated. The Workinginen's Liberal club'of
Lcamoningrton have removed his picture
from their walls nnd replaced It by that of
Sir William Harcourt. The change was ac
companied by enthusiastic cheers.
Matthew Arnold's ' grave is close by 'those
of bis two eldest sons , and also of his young
est child , and near to these of a small circle
of relatives and connections , amongst whoso
tombstones are to bo read the names of some
eight or ten members ot the Buokland fam
ily , and that-of Mrs. Delnflcld , sister of Dr.
Arnoldand aunt of the late poet and scholar.
John Wnnomaker , the Philadelphia mer
chant , has divided among 272 employes
whose names weroon the roll of honor a part
of last year's profits , amounting to S10,2Sl.oi ,
nearly f 150 each. Ho also game to the em
ployes' pension fund a chock for $10,000 , and
his total payments to the various funds for
the benefit of his help during the year
amounted to f 100,439.68.
President Smith , of Trinity college , Hartford -
ford , said to bo a cool , clear-headed nnd
healthy man , ' has been much puzzled over a
heavily-draped woman who shadows him In
his walks and appears to him unexpectedly
seated on his study sofa. Instead of trying a
mouse on the apparition1 the startled doctor
has sent an account of his experience to the
American society for Psychical Research ,
Edward Everitt Halo has a double in
Washington , Sonatgr Teller if ho were
shaved would rescmblo John C. Calhoun ,
Senator Dawos reminds one of President
Garfiold. Wade Hampton suggests the Em
peror William , Senator Hoar Is the shadow
of Homco Greoloy , Judge Edmunds might
pose as a model for St. Jerome , Eugene Halo
nnd the "Plumed Knight" nro twins in ap
pearance , Senator Dolph looks like old John
Brown , and the quiet , dignified fncq of Sen
ator Gorman calls to mind the familiar
countenance of the "Father of his Country. "
General Fremont , wife and daughter re
cently visited San Jose , Cat , , and received a
great-reception. Ad the General entered the
hall the band played "Sea , the Conquering
hpro comes , " the stnjjo was handsomely
decorated with flowers and ovcrgrooijs , qnd
n banner bore the words , "Welcome , Path
finder , " While the speaking was in pro
gress a soft aud aljent shower of rose loaves
fell upon the group , and not until the exor
cises wore completed did It cease. Repeatedly
Mrs. Fremont slioolrofT the leaves , but they
fell fast and tluck c vcrlng her head and
shoulders and forming a pile iu her lap.
When the shower erased rose leaycs covered
thq stage floor a foot in depth.
JSJen , Neb Slicnp Vote.
/Vifl < ulrf/////u / / / Jlccoril.
In the great and magnanimous state of
Texas mon , not sheep , 'do the voting. . Mr ,
Lanatmm of Texas , .represents u district iu
Which there nra upward of 1,000,000 ehoep.
valued at more C
A Dark Horwo.
In General Groshmn , the republican party
has a man whoso claims to public confidence
rest not upon assuraqpcjj as to what he may do
in the future , but upon the evidence of things
already accomplished. Ho has been thor-
ougly tcbtcd , that is to say , and not a flaw
can bo found In his record.
lYlmt It Ought to Uo.
The national convention of any party
ought to bo a place for earnest deliberation
nnd wise weighing of chances , The tend
ency always Is to degrade It it into a place of
trickery , where tlio exciting game of nomi
nating candidates is watchfully played to a
close with marked cards , The straining of
ambitious little uiou , the pulling and hauf-
intc and bullying politicians , tmvo obscured
the plain , lionet purpos.0 of that great
gathering , The readiness with which
"favorite sons" iu the past have traded
away their -votes to other candidates , fet
promises of office , should onuxo delegations
Whoso loyalty goes to the length of blind do-
votlon , to temper the wnrmth of their sup
port by ( nutating upon thotr rl/rht / to carry
tholr sovrolghty under their own hats.
In ItA Horns.
Kansas City Star.
Readers ot the Star will boar willing tcstl
mony that this paper has never sought to do
proclato the credit and renown of Kansas
City , but It would counsel caution to these
who are figuring out ft population1 of nearly
200,000 upon the basis of the now directory.
In a couple of years there will bo ft count ol
noses under the national census which Is al
ways accepted ns authoritative , nnd It will
bo nn Injustice to Kansas City to show n decrease
crease or only n small Increase ns compared
with extravagant estimates now.
Ho ' Vfts nn American.
Ho was nn American proud of his coun
try , thut was and ever will be proud of him
Ho did not find perfection only in other
lands. Ho did not grow small nnd shrunken
withered nnd apologetic , In the presence o :
those upon whom greatness had boon thrus
by chance. Ho could not bo crowned by
dukes or lords , nor flattered Into vertebrate
less subserviency by the patronizing smiles
of kings. In the midst of conventionalities
ho had the fooling of suffocation. Ho believed
liovod tn the royalty ot man , in the sov
rolgnty of the citizen and iu the matchless
greatness of this republic.
Tlio Kind Ho Wants.
"Daniel , " called the president , as he
throw nwny his cigar and newspaper atu
pulled up to hlsjdcsk for buslncsss "Daniel.1
"Yes , slro , " responded Daniel , coming In
"What's on the docket for to-dnyl"
"Slro , there's a man In my ofllco wants to
see you. "
"Who is he , Danlcll"
"Ho says ho is a democrat , slro. "
"What irind of a democrat , Dnnloll"
"A Cleveland democrat , sire. "
"Well , I don't want to see him , Daniel ; ' .
won't see htm , " and the president brought
his list down on the desk ; "all thcso Cleveland
land democrats cither hold ofllccs or want to
and I'm tired of them. Can't you get some ol
the other kind to call on mo ? "
"Certainly , sire , certainly , " said Daniel
cheerily , nnd ns ho wont out ho whispered to
himself : ' 'What lies us politicians have to
tell. Darned if I know how to catch the
kind of a democrat the old man wants to sec. '
Ittnjoi * Mart In of Texas.
/ the Jloutn , tnwhdiolon CHc.
Then up rose Willlnm Martin ,
And every fnco was palo ;
They Jniow that ho was going
To twist Protection's tall.
Five thousand eyes were on him
As he prepared to meet
The crirn nnd gory monster
And knock it oil its fcot.
Ho forced it to the corner ;
Ho punctured it with speech ;
Ho smashed it with statistics
And everything In reach.
Ho carromed on its counter ;
Ho pushed it to its tents ;
Till pnralyzpd Protection
Essayed to climb the fence.
Then came the chance for Martin ,
A chance that could not fail ,
For as Protection bolted ,
Ho caught it by the tail.
Full many n twist ho gave It ,
And then ho gave it more ,
Till poor Protection , conquered ,
Curled up upon the floor.
Loud shouted all the people ;
They raised a mighty fuss ,
And with ono voice proclaimed him
The Lone Star Spartacus.
Ncbrastta Jottings.
Hastings will have fourteen sale ons tin's
year.Colby , Thomas county , talks of a new
Liberty offers the Wyandotte road 531,000
to run through that town and to Beatrlco.
Between the years 1866 nnd 1BSO there were
fifty-nine divorces granted in Cumiug
The American Farmer's union , organized
at Pawnee City , is receiving a good mem
The Bccmer Times reports the. Iocs of
many cattle in thut vicinity , caused by some
unknown disease.
The recent rains have raised the Blue river
about-live feet , clearing the rubbish from the
banks , ana making a good run for llsli.
Sheriff Culwell , of Noinaha county , took
Thomas Allgood to the reformatory on the
4th inst. Thomas evidently belies his name.
A thrco year old child of .Charles Bishop
near Fairbury while playing pulled out ono
of the stove legs , upsetting the stove and u
kettle of hot water upon It by which she was
scalded so severely that sbo died in a short
The Elkhorn road has placed Lincoln on nn
equal footing with Omaha in regard to the
freight business in the western portion of
tlio state. Heretofore the rate on all classes ,
except first class , was higher from Lincoln to
the points in the western part of the state
than from Omaha.
The Grand Island city council has started
the work of reform by the adoption of n reso
lution that n fine of ? 5 be and the same is
hereby imposed on all councllmou nnfl the
city clerk , for non-nttciidunco at regular or
special meetings of the council unless ex
cused by a majority of the council present ,
and that no smoking bo allowed in the coun
cil chamber duringbuslncss hours.
The York Times says : "Tim conning fac
tory is again out of till. Over twq hundred
thousand cans nro now made , which is less
than halt the number required for this
year's product. The factory expects to
inuko things hum this season. York canned
goods are in demand nil over the state , and
whenever tried establish such a favorable
reputation tlmt tlio retail dealers are obliged
to handle them. "
A rlflo club has boon organized at Dead-
The Clay county assessors 1'nve changed
the assessment ou land from f .50 to $20 an
acre.Mrs , E. A. Lewis has presented the Vor-
milllon Baptist church with a pipe organ
costing * 1,600.
The Illinois Central contemplates a movo.
mont west from Sioux Fulls toward the 13aclc !
Hills this year.
The Dcudwood Pioneer promlsses its read
ers thad Dead wood will have two railroads
within a few months.
E. H. Willoy , of Waldo , Wis. , has purchased -
chased the Vcrmllllon Republican and will
ausuuio the management immediately.
Saturday the farmers of the surrounding
country met nt Carthage and perfected tlio
organization of the Farmers' Elevator com
Deadwood has developed a very accommo
dating ghost , which serves the local writers
of the daily press there almost as good u turn
as did the obsUuuto Chiuanian a few duya
Arrangements have been couiplotod , by
which the Dakota Kuraliat , the official orgun
of the Dakota Farmers' ' Alliance company
will bo removed Irani East Pierre to Aber
The south Dakota prohibition central com
mittee , through its chairman , D , R. Grovcr ,
has called a meeting of that organization at
Yunkton for next Tuesday aud il is the in
tention of the cpmmittce on that occasion to
nominate a candidate for delegate iu con
gress. This committee is the remnant of the
third party movement in Dakota.
A singular accident occurred to a j'Oiuip
man recently , named Prod Eiker , living six
inues south of Solom , which resulted iu hl
death , The young man was engaged In
sinking a largo stone in thq field by excavat
ing beneath it , when the eurtu unexpectedly
iruvo way and the stone fell , Injuring iilai 30
badly tlmt lie died the
Preparations for the RopubHcai
Stnto Convention To-day.
The Programme ) of tlio antliorliiR 8
Knr ns ArrmiROd'-Plniis of the
Numerous Cniulldntcs Presi
dential Preferences.
PrcparliiR For The Battle.
The ITTCSCHCO of largo delegations to tin
congressional district conventions in Hasl
ings nnd Norfolk conduced to the mengo
gathering of delegates to thostnto republics
convention which moots lioro this ovi
nlng In the Grand opera house. Only n tc\
republicans liavo thus far made tholr appear
ance , though at nil the principal hotels , th
Mlllard , Paxton , Darker , Merchants am
Windsor , a number of telegrams have bee ;
received asking for quarters during th
Walter M. Sceloy , secretary ot the roptib
llcnn state central committee , arrived yostct
day morning and opened up headquarters a
the Mlllard hotel. Ho was busy nil the day li
making out the list of credentials to b
used to-night. This ho hope
to have completed at an early nour thi
morning because n largo number of th
delegates hnvo already tholr name
for enrollment. Thus far there has boon n
suggestion of u contest. Eighty-Hire
counties will bo represented , thus compris
ing somebody from every county in the suite
The total delegation numbers COS , thougl
some of the members will undoubtedly bi
represented by proxies.
Mr. Sooloy will bo assisted In his clorlcn
duties by V. O. Shickloy , of Genoa , who wa
his assistant in the lust state senate.
The convention will bo called to order b ;
George G. Mciklejohn , of Nance , who ii
chairman of the btato executive committee
Ho has not yet arrived , and will not bo llkclj
to reach hero until to-day.
John M. Thurston was at Lincoln ycstcrdnj
and did not reach townuntillnstox'cning. Hi
has been steadily communication withfrlcndi
hero regarding his nomination as delegate n' '
largo to the convention. Ho has been out ai
Lincoln with the some end in view nud it is
thought that ho has alrerdy made up a coin
bine with Egan , of Lincoln , who is also a can
dlduto and In whoso Interest the delegation
from Lincoln has been instructed.
Captain Palmer of Plnttsmouth is the
01115- candidate for dolcgatc-aHnrgowholsoE
the ground. Ho pitched his tent earlj
in the morning in the Millnrd nnd indited hi !
autograph upon the register which was re
cognized by guess work only. Ho professes
to feel that ho hopes for election , the old
soldier , and South Platte delegates with n
sprinkling from , this aide of the canal , being ,
he claims , likely CO stand by him , notwith
standing Etjan's ' candidacy.
The other candidates are numerous , among
them being Loran Clark of Albion ,
Senator Emsol of Holdrcgo is another
candidate , as also R. B. Likes , of
Hey Center ; J. P. Hartmau , of Kearney , and
Judeo Heist , of Sidney.
It can not yet bo told who will be the pref
erence for president of the delegates to the
convention. It is known , however , that the
majority of the coanty delegations which
have thus far expressed their opinions on the
subject have been for Elaine , Groshaui fol
lowing in second place.
The gathering will corno to order this
evening at 8 o'clock in the Grand opera
house. Secretary Seoloy has already as
signed the different delegations to seats in the
auditorium. To bring nil the dele
gates as near as possible to the stage
he has filled every chair in the first twenty
rows ; leaving the , last tenrows for specta
tors. Douglas county is well back toward
the roar.
The scatins of delegates has.always caused
a gr at deal of delay and annoyance to
everybody , because at the moment , every
one wants to sec. the chart about the same.
To facilitate the business the BOB u resents
the location of each delegation and this will
bo found of great value with the following
understanding : The auditorium is divided
in halves by a small aisle. Every line of
seats alt the way across the house is num
bered consecutively from the stagp back , the
last delegate row being number twenty.
By the terrii "north side" given below , is
meant north of the aisle ; "adjoining the
north wall , " the section north of the north
aisle and attached to the wait
On the south side of tlio main aisle the
same distinction is maintained.
Hitchcock and Logan counties , first row ;
Cheyenne , second row ; Dundy , Chase- and
Wheeler , third row ; Gqspor and Kearney ,
fourth row ; Butler , north half of flvo and
three north chairs of slx | Phclps , south half
of row flvo ; Sounders , south half of rows six
and Boven ; Seward , four seats in seven nnd
north half of seven ; Sarpy , north half , nnd
Cass south half of eight and nine ; Otoo ,
north half , aud Rod Willow south half of
ten ; Nonmha , north half of eleven and four
seats in twelve ; Pawnee , four middle seats
in eleven ; Lunc.istor , four souls m south end
of eleven , nine south scats in twelve , nine in
thirteen aud seven middle seats in fourteen ;
Johnson , four north seats in thirteen and
fourteen ; Adams , sovcn north seats In fif
teen nnd bixtceii ; Filmoro , seven south seats
in llftccn ; Thaycr , ditto in sixteen ; Clay , sis
north scats in seventeen nnd six in clRhlecn ;
Jefferson , eight south in seventeen ; Webster ,
nine sputa in eighteen ; York , eight north in
nineteen and three north in twenty ;
Nuckolls , six north In nineteen ; Frontier ,
cloven south in twenty.
Franklin county , box E ; Furnas , box F ;
Harlan , box G ; Grant , seat 2f In front Of
boxF ; Hlaino , seats 23 nnd 20 m front of
box'F ; Garnold , seats 27. 20 and 31 In front
of box G ; Pierce , scats 'JT. ! . 31 , 31 , second
tier in front of box G ; Gage , two rows
twelve nnd thirteen ; Hall , rows fourteen
nnd fifteen ; Saline , row sixteen and four
north seats row seventeen ; Richardson , flvo
south scats In seventeen and sovcn south in
eighteen ; Polk , six south scats in nineteen.
BOOTH sine.
Huyos nnd Qreoly , row one ; Valley , SK !
north scats of row two ; Plutto , flvo south
seats of rows two and three ; Colfnx , seven
north seats of throe ; Dawson , eight north
beats of row four ; Niinco , flvo south beats of
four ; Dakota , flvo south scats of flvo ; Ma-
Phcrson , one seat middle qf flvo ; Morrick ,
seven seats south of flvo ; Uox Buttc , four
north scats of six ; Sioux , two sc ts adjoining
on tho8outh ; Shoridun , spvcn south on the
same row ; Keya Palm , flvo north on sovcn ;
Cherry , live nortli on ulght ; Duwos , thrco
middle on eight and nine ; Hrown , flvo south
on eight ; Cubtor , eight south on nine and
nine south on ten ; Wuynu. llva north on
nine ; Lincoln , fourth north on ton and
elovci ) : UinTalp , nine sputh on cloven
nnd flvo south on twelve ; Madison ,
eight nprth on twelve ; Douglas , ul ) of rows
thirteen , fourteen and ton north seats of flf-
teen ; Uoone , four south scats of fifteen nnd
jlxtoon ; Hamilton , ten north scats of sixteen ;
Stanton , seven south scats of seventeen :
Holt , seven north seats of seventeen uiui
eighteen , Dlxon , three south seats of eighteen
uno nineteen ; Knox , iivo north scuts of nineteen -
teen ; ICoith , four middle seats of eighteen
and nineteen.
Arthur , scat twenty-eight in front of box
13 ; Thomas , guuts twenty-uiuht , and thirty In
front of box B ; Loup , twenty-eight , thirty
and thirty-two , and Stuntou uvonty-eight ,
thirty , tliirtivtwo nnd thirty-fpur , second
row in front of box C ; Perkins , box I ) ;
Howard , row twelve ; Coming , row thirteen ;
Dodge , four north scats of fourteen nnd fif
teen ; Cedar , live south scuta of llftccn ; Hurt ,
ow sixteen ; Antelope , ro\v seventeen ; Wash
ington , row eighteen ,
V. J. Majors , Peru Yes , I know some
thing of the feeling regarding presidential
nominees down my 'way , an < J I think it uioit
'uvoniblo to Hlufno. Sherman stands next.
For vice-president , I think Greeham ha
many frlondg , in fact. I guess ho would bo
considered in the lead if ho had his own
state , but he hasn't. Indiana , you know has
inbtructed for Harrison.
' How do the i > aoi lo down yvur way think
iibout Grociio's district dclo < { atC3hll" |
"Well , there Isn't any objr-ctlon to Green
personally. "
"Whet then is tlw objection to hjm fori"
"Uecaviso of. the corporatigi ) "
"Why "the corporation I"-
"Hccaubi- hua been too piOicSncat tn hit
no nil nbtiou. "
"Will Thurston bo nominated dclcffnto-at-
largo ! "
"There is nulto Afcolmff In that direction. "
"Wilt thftt bo another proof ol tlio corpor
ation in polltlfc ! "
"H looks tlmt way. "
Ooucnior 27iayer I did not oorao here to
attend the convention. I had some business
to attend to nnd mny not remain over to
morrow. There Is. 1 know , quite a fdoUnjr
In favor of Hlaino throughout the state , but
I hnvo not examined Into it enough to know
whether It I * greater for him than for any
ether candidate. I am waiting to hoar the
nomlnco of Iho convention so that I may sun.
port htm.
A. H. Chardc , rccclrcr of the land office
of Nebraska [ Mti Chnrda la n democrat.
Ho was not present nt the late democratic
state convention nnd his absence was no-
counted for by the fact tlmt ho was sick In
body nnd mind , because of the removal of his
oftlca to O'Nolll.J I waa sick. It wag true.
I had worked pretty hard. It was the first
tlmo I had lived on the Missouri bottoms
nnd the mnlnrin got Into my system and now
I am troubled with neuralgia. I have been
Ordered to take a , real for a month nnd hnvo
applied cfor ono. t was notified
by telegraph to-day that my re
quest to that effect was granted ,
and the formal notification will arrive In a
few days. My vacation * will commence to
morrow and continue until tlio IBth of Juno ,
nnd t shall spend the lime In Hot Springs ,
Dakota. I hnvo announced that the land
ofilco of Nlobrara will olosa on the 30thof
Juno nnd re-open in O'Neill on the Kith of
July. The change can not bo made iu less
time. Wo nro in a long building to which
nro fastened racks. 'These ' must bo taken
down , the pniwrs put carefully nwny nnd
loaded. Then there nro secretaries and safes
which must bo carried nwny. Wo'vo ' got
fifty miles to travel to O'Noll ' nnd thirty of
thcso ara through sand , where It Is dlmcu It
nnd slow work. When wo reach O'Noil the
shelves and everything will hnvo to bo put In
place ns they were at Nlobrara. Then wo
will hove to replace the papers , anil thntmust
bo done aarofully , because they represent tlio
work of thirty years. So that , tf everything
goes all right , two weeks ara just about ns
short n tlmo ns the thing can bo done in.
O. C. infsoTi , Johnson County. [ Mr.
Wilson is n store keeper and farmer and is
ono of the nltcrnatcs from the first district to
the national convention. ] The feeling out
our way is that Gresham is stronger In Indl-
nna with the voters but that Harrison Is
stronger with the politicians. There nro
many near us , like mo. who would prefer
lllalnu if they thought ho could bo elected.
They consequently favor Groshaui , although
they nro not certain tlmt ho could bo
Judge Applcgct , Tccumsch. fTho Judge
is only a lookor-ou in Omaha. Ho resembles
Governor Thnycr In facial appearance end
accounts for this fact by the other that "all
good men bear some resemblance to one an
other.Tho ] people in my county nro som'o-
wlmt divided. I suppose that a majority of
them would fool favorable to Blatna If they
thought he was the most available candidate.
But there nro a great many who fool as 1 do.
I would lllco to know who the candidate Is f ]
that can bo elected. If you can toll mo who
he is I will bo nblo to tell you whom I will
vote for.
"Will you please explain what dlfforonoq
lies between the Nebraska Grain Dealers'
association , the constitution of which was
recently published in the BEE , with yourself
as one..of the incorporittors. and the 'elevator
trust , ' of which the Bns charged you with
being n member ? "
"The 'elevator trust' of which the BEB
wrote is a myth. No such trust has over
been proposed. The published articles of
association refer to a square , bona fide stock
company to bo composed of a limited number
of the leading grain dealers on the Union
Pacific , the B. & M. and the St. J. & G. I.
roads , and the objects of the company nro :
I to save expenses In handling tha grain ;
3 to ship the grain In largo quantities to the
sea board , direct , aud thereby get rid of the
present heavy commissions , elevator charges
and switching charges piled on at Chicago
and St. Louis ; 3 to obtain the advantages
in the shape of cuts that nro being
openly made by competitive eastern
roads on largo consignments of goods and
which cuts , m no way , infringe the inter
state commerce law.
"Tho company docs not propose
to , nor could it If it tried , lull out J
or oven curtail legitimate competition in buying - ' ' /
ing , bcca'uso , if they do not pay at loa t as
much as the grain would realize in Chicago
or St. Louis markets , the scalpers or the
farmers can ahvuys ship to these markets
themselves. Then it is not the aim or Inten
tion of the company to have more than one
elevator at' any station , nnd'tbo promoters ,
while they do not claim any credit for mo
tives of phllantropy , bcliova thut tholr pro
ject will enable them to pay to the producers
considerably better prices than they caii
afford to nay nt present ; nnd , In that way ,
they think they will bo In a position to do a
sol id-scrvtcoDto the community. The rail
roads are in no way connected with or in
terested in this proposed company. So far
as I am concerned , my only connootiou with
the B. & M. is the fact that I have usod'that
company ns a common carrier to transport
my grain and that I have reason to believe
that , on many occasslons. I was compelled
1 to pay them a higher freight than my com
petitors were paying. "
"Do you not think that , in so for as dole *
gates to the republican national convention
have already been elected , undue representa
tion has boon given to corporations in selec
tion of their attorneys to those positions1 ? '
"I do not think a man should be elected to
any representative position simply because-
ho Is a railroad or corporation attorney ; but ,
if a particular man is a good , honest , earnest ,
actlvo worker in his party , whether that
party bo republican or democratic , 1 do not
think ho should bo debarred from election
simply because ho happens to have n railroad
for a client. "
"Aro you a candidate for election or nom
ination to congress I"
"Most emphatically no. "
"Aro you a citizen of the United States ! "
"Yes : n full citizen both in law nnd In
sympathy. "
The Douglas delegation to the state con
vention to-night at o requested to meet this
morning at tlio council chamber at 10:30 :
The committee having In charge the ar
rangements for the Young Men's ' Republican
club trip to Chicago will meet , with a commit-
tco of the stnto central executive committee
nt 10:30 o'cloolc. '
In the Mlllard to-morrow :
Republican league buttons can bo had ail
day to-uuy at the cigar stand In the Mlllurd
hotel ,
Ladies are cordially Invited to' attend the
convention to-night.
Young aiou'H Kopuulluim Clulf.
There was n mooting of the Young Men's
Republican club last night tn the Mlllard ,
Ralph W. Breckonridgo presided. Charles
A. Collard acted as secretary. It was de
cided to Issue a challenge to thp Young Men's
Democratic club of this city to n joint debate
of the tariff question , the discussion to tuko
place in public. President Hreckonridffn
was delegated to confer with the democratic
club to decide upon a date nqd appoint the
republican speakers.
Messrs. R. S. Berlin , H. T. Leavitt , A. if ,
Uriggs , W. F. Uechcl and O. IJ , Rothrcker
were appointed n committee to nmkq ar
rangements for the representation of tlio
club at Chicago during the convention ; to
provide for the uniforming of tie ) sumo and
solicit the attendance of republicans who
are not members of the club , Parties who
ilcHim to go art ) expected tq notify some mem
her of the committee. Transportation will
be arranged nnd the cost of the sauio will bo
announced through the papers ,
Fourth of July ColcJ > r.iM' > n.
The stockholders and .delegates of KulfUt4 {
of Labor Assemblies hold their unnual
meeting last night and elected a full board
of directors of the Knights of Labor laud and
building association , There was a largo rep
resentation , und much interest was mani
fested in tlio success of the movement. It
was decided tlmt the trades unions and ull
labor organizations ba invited to send a com
mittee to a meeting to be held next Monday
ovcning at 7:80 : o'clock , corner Twelfth and
Ktirnam utroots , over Toft's cigar store lor
the purpose of making arrangements for n
< rind nh of July celebration in conjunction
ivltli the Knights of Labor. The lust 4th of
July celebration buing euoh a ( fraud suooesg
t is believed tlmt this year should be even
t groatcr demonstration. It la expected that
ivory 1C. of\L. assembly nnd labor orijar. .
[ Ration will sond-dolecatc * to next Monday's
necting , as the time- for such a la/pc dciasn.
jtrut ion as Is contemplated in short acd ag
tiioo can bo lost.