THE OMAHA DAILY gEE : TUESDAY , MAT 15. 1888. MACBETH BBS TDK DERBY , Hanklns * Horse the Equlno Here of Kentucky Yesterday. THE FAVORITE EASILY BEATEN Milwaukee Administers Another Drill * bin ) ; to Minneapolis Iluteliinecm Wallops Ijlncoln General . Sport. A Great Hnco nt Ijoulsvlllc. L'ouisvatn , ICy. , Mny 14. Another Ken- , lucky derby hns been run , another fnvorlto beaten nnd another great thoroughbred crowned with laurel wreaths of victory and excellence. Mnsbcth II. , the great dark son ofMncduff , dam Agnes ; belonging to the well known Chichgo stable of Goo. Hnn- kins , is the cqulno here In Kentucky to- . night. The weather wns cold , threatening nnd disagronblo , but this did not opornto ngninst the presence of nn Immense throng. The Indies wcro out in full force. The track was about n second or two slow. First race , llvo furlongs Owing to n mis take this rnco had td bo run over nf tor it wns won by Liberty , Mndstono second nnd Santa Cruz third. The start was mndo from the half-mill ) polo Instead of live-eighths. At the second trial Mndstono won , Snnta Cruz .second nnd Liberty third. Time 1:0ijf. : Second rnco , Ono and one-sixteenth miles Terra Cottn won , Barrister second , Jaco bin third. Time 1:50. : . Third race , Kentucky Derby , $3,500 added , Of which $500 went to second and $200 to third Starters , Alexandria , 118 ; Autocrat , 118 ; Colonel Zob Ward , 118 ; Gnlllflt , US ; Macbeth , 115 ; The Chevalier , 118 ; White , 118 , Auction : Mclbourn stables $50 , The Chevalier $27 , Macbeth , $11 , White fS , field * 11. Books : Mclbourn stable4 to ? 5 , The Chevalier $3 to 81 , Autocrat 813 to $1 , White $0tol , Macbeth $1) ) to 81 , Zeb Ward $10 tol. Galliflt and Alexnndrin were flrst to show cnthotrnck. The Chovnllor , a inngnillccnt looking blnck colt , received nn ovation ns she loped past the stand. White received Dome recognition , but Macbeth compnrativcly littlo. Afterono false start Caldwcll got them off up in n chute in great style and the fun bognn. ThoCliovnller led nxvny with Autocrat mid Gnhillt close up , White third , nnd others not fnr off. Into the stretch they swerved , Colonel Zob Wnrd holding in front for what wns to be only short lived glory. Alcxnndrin second , While third , Chevalier fourth , Galliflt fifth , Autocrat sixth and Macbeth last. Coviugton , on the winner of the Gayoso hotel stakes nt Memphis nnd other leading southern events , was playing his inovo admirably , awaiting the game , which - lie kept up and which , if McCnrty on Gallint had bettor ndhored to , might hnvo led to a moro Interesting finish. Passing the grand stand Alexandria moved to the fore to the music of thousands of throats there , his stable companion second. Chevalier third , White , Mncboth , Wnrd and Autocrat back In a bunch. Hounding tlio turn into the back stretch Gallifit's Jockey seemed to become impatient and let the chestnut have his head , running first by n length nlmost the entire way to the next turn , Chevalier second and Macbeth third. Wnra had dropped back and Alexandria and - Autocrat and also appeared to weary of the rapid pace set by the fleet son of Falsetto. As they approached the turn , Covington was scon to give Macbeth more head , and the colt answered like the staying ono ho proved .liimsolf to be. By the time the lead of the long run homo wns reached ho hud collared Galliflt and was running easy. McCurty began to use the lash on the favorite , but ut the eighth polo it was evident to all that it was no use. Macbeth was running easy with Ills head up and without the least bit of urg ing. Galliflt was working hard , and as Macbeth pssscd under the wire a length in front of him ho looked severely punished and ready to quit. White was third , , two lengths behind Alexandria , n bnd fourth , Chovnlior fifth , Autocrat sixth and Ward seventh nnd last. The time was 'J :37 : * nnd compared favorably with that made in former Dorbys. Macbeth won in a gallop aud seemed ready to go another quarter. It wns stated after the race that the Chicago cage stable hud certainly won ยง 70,000 on Macbeth , If not more. They closed winter books on him in Now Orleans , this city nnd probably other places. For nil apes , three-qunrtors milo heats First heat , Persimmons won , Lela May sec ond. Lida' L. third. Time l:15Jf. Second hcnt Persimmons won , Lola May second , Llda L. third. Time 1:10. : KntricH and Tips. x The entries in the running circuits for Tuesday , posted at the Diamond , uro : AT LOU1SV1I-1.K. First race , one nnd one-half milo , soiling Van Trim , Fan King , Alpina , Atinio Clare , Albert Stuhl , Vesper , Belle , Jess , Pcrdita , - Ruuhol , Bonnie Bounce , Receiver , March- burn , Allaiirono. Second race , three-quarters milo Luvinu , Belle , Sir Joseph , Guardsman , Calcutta , Shotovor , Benedict , Pat Donovan , Finality , Egnor , Estrollli , Volatile. Galatea , Duhnio , Bankrupt. Thlra rnco , flvo-oighths mile , Hurstbourn utako Mary Louise , Alniiru , Corinno , Blackburn , Tcressn , Nylcpthu , Half Sister , Misused , The Lioness , Huebnel , Daisy Wood ruff , Brown Princess , Dutchess May , Van Huzon , Minnie Pnlmor. Fourth rnco , seven-eighths milo Marshall , Luke , Lady Uoso , Long Roll , Brother Ban , Comedy , Mutton , Outscrauiblo , Key Note , Lund Lady , Lconattn , Winslow. Fifth race , ono mile Solid Silver , Roi d'Or , Lnlltlo , Unique , Tronl Louise , Liz/Io B , Winslow. Tips First race Entry flrst , Fan King second. Second race Bankrupt Jlrst , Sir Joseph second. Tliinl race The Lioness llrftt , Brown Princess second. Fourth racn Lung Roll flrst , Mutton second. Fifth race Rol d'Or ' first , Lalitlo second. AT IIUOOIUAN. First race , five-eights milo Clay Stockton , Thfora , Audy-Mue , Britnnlc , Kingston , Cyclops , Sum Hurpor , jr. , Portlnnd , Duke Bouibon , Freedom , Juggler , Cutorn , Jim Rolso. Second race , opo nnd one-fourth miles- Dry Monopoll.13csslo Juno , Alurlc , Laredo , Argo , Longljj'ht , Defaulter , Hurry Fields. Third nice , expectation stake , ono-hulf milo Gypsey Queen , Servin , Curnot. Verona , The Tartar , Buddiat , Minnie Brown ( colt ) , Oregon. Fourth rnco , the grent Brooklyn hnudlcnp , ono and ono-fourth miles Hanover , Sir Dixon , Dry Monopoli , Klkwood , Orillninuol , Osceolu , The Bard , ICuloolnh , Bun Burg , t Rupert , Belvndlero , voluuto , Favor , Saxony , Dunboyne , Exllo , Richmond , C. H , Todd , Grover Cluvolnnd. Feinlon , Fifth race , one-Half inlle , selling Darling , Vnnllla Flley , Wild Rose ( colt ) , Little Bare foot , Siuglestono , Wnghyrn , America. Sixth race , one milo , soiling Loire ! in , BrouzoiuarUJ. Lottery , Bainur , Bearer , ChnniWy , Wheat.- ' First raco--Sam flrst Dnko Tips - - Harper , ; , Bourbon , second. Second race Dry Mono- 'poll ' , first ; Defaulter , second. Third raw , ljuddist , firt > t ; Vcroun , second. Fourth .race Hanover , flrst ; Yoluiite , second , Fifth ice Little yarefoot , first ; Siuglostone , rTocond , Sixth race Letrethi , first ; Hrou- zoumrto , becond. AVEST4UIN ASSOCIATION. "Western Association Standing , . Tun following tublo phows the standing of the Western association teams up to and In cluding yofatevdiiy'd guinea : Playou Won LostPrCt Des Mollies 8 7 1 .830 Omaha 0 7 a .777 Kansas City , 11 7 4 .KIT Milwaukee 8 4 4 .000 St. Paul. . . , 8 U 5 .87S St. Louis , , U 4 7 .3 , Chicago 8 3 H .250 Minneapolis . .12 a 10 .ItW Schedule Guinea fur To-Day. Omaha VB Dos Momcs at Omaha. Minneapolis vs Milwaukee at Minneapolis. St. Paul vs Chit-ago nt St. Puul. Kansas City vs S.t. Louis at Kansas City. Milwaukee 8 , JHiiiiioupoll * 0. MlNi.'EJU'ous , May 14 [ Suuoial Telegram to Tile HUE. ] Minneapolis had to-day's game well iu hand up to the sixth luuing. ' Then the Milwaukee sluggers ( ell 'on for two singles , a double and a homo run , re sulting In three runs and tlclng the score. Minneapolis added ono to their score In the eighth and again took the load , but tha Mil- waukoes settled things by knocking out two wore runs In their half of the Inning. The < features of the gnmo were Howe's daring base running and the quartette of rank er rors by the homo floldcrs in the eighth In ning. The score ! Minneapolis 0 0-0 Milwaukee..0 3 0 0 1 n 0 3 3 Base hits Minneapolis 0 , Milwaukee 0. Errors Minnoniwlls 0 , Milwaukee 5. Bat teries Klopf nnd Graves , Shekel and Mills. Umpire Fcsscndcn. NATIONAh EJ3AGU13. ' Chlcftcn 5 , New Yorlc 1. CniiAOO , Mny 14. The game between Chicago cage nutl Now York to-day resulted as fol lows : Chicago I 0003001 * B Now York 1 00000000 1 Pitchers KrocU for Chicago. Welch for Now York. Base hits Chicago 0 , Now York 3. Errors Chicago 0 , Now York 0. Umpire Lynch. rittsuurR 5 , Boston O. PiTTBDimo , Mny 14. The game between Boston and Pittsburg to-day resulted as fol lows : Plttsburg 1 fi Boston 0 0 Pitchers Henderson for Pittsburg , Sow dors for Boston. Bnso hits Pittsburg 11 , Boston 1. Errors Pittsburg 11 , Boston 5. Umpire Valentine. Indlmmpnlifl 7 , AVnsliltiRton 1. IxniANArous , Mny 14. The game between Washington and Indianapolis to-day resulted as follows : Indianapolis 0 7 Washington 0 1 Pitchers Hcaloy for Indianapolis , O'Day for Washington. Base hits Indianapolis 10 , Washington 5. Errors Indianapolis G , Wash ington 3. Umpire Decker. No Gnmo nt Detroit. DETHOIT , May 14. No game to-day wet grounds. _ _ AaiEIUCAN ASSOCIATION. Cleveland il , Brooklyn 7. ' CMiYiiLAxn , May 14. The gnmo between Cleveland and Brooklyn to-day resulted ns fallows : Cleveland 3 0000 3 Brooklyn. . . * A 0003 7 Game called on account of darkness. Gnmc Callcil llnln. PiuuncLi'itu , May 14. The Athletic Bnl- .imoro game was called at the commcnce- ncnt of the flfth Inning on account of rain. The score was 4 to 1 in favor of Baltimore. St. liouis O , Kansas City 4. ST. Louis , May 14. The game to-day bo- Avcon St. Louis and Kansas City resulted as follows : St. Louis 1 0 Kansas City 0 10000300 4 WESTJUKN LEAGUE. Ilutchinsoii 12 , Lincoln 2. LINCOLN1 , Ncb.jMny 14. [ Special Telegram Lo Tun Bcu.J The gnme to-day between .ho Hutchinson and Lincoln clubs was a poor exhibition Of "tho national game , as have jcon the Western league games in this city thus far. . The umpire was rank nnd igno rant , and nt the last half of the eighth in ning Captain Sylvester called his men in and loft the Hold. The score was : Lincoln 0 0 2 Hutchinson 5 100001 5 13 Earned runs Lincoln 1 , Hutchinson 3. Two-baso hits Whitely , Kafferty , Corkhill. Thioo-baso hits Burns. Struck out By Soible 4 , Kuno 3. Time 1:53 : , Umpire Humby. _ Fort Omaha Notes. The following are the orders issued with regard to the examination of the non-com- inlssioncd officers , Sergeant W. V. P. Gush , Sergeant William Clarence Bennett , Ser geant Simon II. Drum and Corporal F. II. Sergeant , for promotion in the army to the commission of second lieutenant. 1. In accordance with the requirement1 ! of the 4th section of the act , of June 18 , 1878. for the purpose of examining such meritorious non-commissioned officers as may bo duly rec ommended for promotion in the army and or dered by the department commander to appear befOre it. a board of officers will as semble in department headquarters building in the city of Omaha cm the Ifith of May next , or as soon thereafter as practicable. Detail for the board : Major Robert H. Hall , noting inspector general ; Major Edmond Butler , Second infantry ; Captain Augustus W. Cor liss , Eighth infantry ; Captain Cyrus S. Rob erts , Seventeenth' Infantry ; Captain Fred- crick II. E. Ebstcin , Twenty-first infantry. Upon completion of the business before the board the members thereof will return to their proper stations. By command of Brig adier general. SAMUEI , Buccic , Assisting Adjutant General , The examination will last live days , com mencing to-day , ana is instructed to prepare questions on a certain subject , and no will examine each applicant on that sauio subject. A very pleasant and enjoyable surprise party was tendered Mrs. Murray Saturday cvontug by her many friends at the garri son. son.Miss Miss Mogglo Scott lately arrived at the garrison , and will spend the summer with her sister , Mrs. Tuttlo. Contractors Will Not Arbitrate The brick contractors mot at their usual place last night and passed the entire evening - ing in discussing the overtures from the bricklayers asking for arbitration. The up shot of the discussion resulted in the passage of a resolution that enough concessions had been made to tlio workmen nnd If they could not accept the terms already offered them they could stay out of work. A communica tion to that oirooMs to bo sent thorn as a reply. The brick manufacturers complain that the BtHko is seriously affecting their trudo but say it would bo poor policy to give in to the striker now. When all so-called remedies fail , Dr. Sago's Catarrh Itomudy euros. IjicoiiHctl to AVeil. The following marriugo licenses were Issued yesterday by JudgJ.Shiclds : Name and Residence. Ago. John Kollnor , Omaha 21 Dora Nachtigal , Otnahu. .10 HonryS. Bell , Lincoln , Neb at Katie Rlordan , Lincoln. . . . , ; 23 Joseph Sknluk , Omaha. . 21) Mary G tvgor , , Omaha. , . ! U Englehnvt Greuig , Otnahu. . , .27 Catherine Qtenuut , Omahu 20 Ladies who vnluo a refined complex ion must uso. I'ozzoni's ' Powder it pro duces u soft und beautiful akin. * ' ( 11 ! | . ITiru in n. Grocery Sioro. A small UUuo called the. uru department and an immense crowd to 915 South Four teenth struct about UrSO last evening. Tlio lire was found to bo in tlio grocery store of Htiuida & Timmson and is owned by S. II. Butfott. Not over $30 worth of damage was done. * _ Sold by lliu Sheriff. Shoiiff Cobuni mounted tha counter in tlio hardware etorp of F. A. Atwater , on Howard btreot , and sold the stuck and fixtures under- confessed Judgments , There were a number of biddoi in attendance , but H.V. . Gillott's bid of ) , S5U wu * tlui highest uud lie carried oft the prko. Children for Pitcher's Cry Castoria. \71itn Baby wwi sick , \re gave her Cwtoria , \Vhen f Iwwaa a ChlU , 2io criej for CutorU , When slio became Mlia , cte clucg to Cutoria , MHjcu kh tni CbUJfta , t IOWA XKWS. Decisions llntulcd Down By the Sn- promo Court Yesterday. DES MOIST. * , In , , Mny 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hsn. ] The supreme court filed the following decisions herd to-dnys E. M. Poddleford ct nl vs. .Tohri Cook , nppcllnnt , Story district , action to recover for land sold and convoyed , the price being fixed by oral agreement. Affirmed. Stnto vs. Lorenz Ills , appellant. Polk dis trict , Joiinh Given , Judge , defendant waived Inry In n liquor cnso nnd was convicted nnd appealed , the question being tm his power to wnlvo his right. Afllrmcd. Opinion by Uoblnson. holding tnnt ns ho was not denied the right but wnlvcd It , ho could not bo hoard in n complaint on that sooro. J. H. Burroughs , nppcllnnt , vs. Princess II. Kills nnd others , Pottawattamio'district. Reversed. W. S. f'lsk , trustee Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Puul railroad company , nppnllant , Linn district. Uovorsod , Griflln & Adams , npncllnbts , vs. C. A. Ilnrrimnn , Clny district. 'Koverscd. Godfrey Nelson vs. George C. Nelson , np- pellunt. Wright district. Reversed. 1C. W. Brown vs. State Insurance com pany , appellant , Polk district. ARlnncd. Sucked Under the Drift Wood. DBS MOIRES , In. , May 14. ( Special Tolo- grnm to Tun Bin : . ] A special from Wick , Warren county , says that August Graff , ono of the foremen in charge of constructing the Diagonal railroad bridge over Middle river , near thnt place , was drowned there Satur day. Ho was in n boat with other workmen engaged in removing drift wood train the bndgo when the boat capsized , throwing all into the water. Although ho was n good swimmer , yet with his heavy boots on ho was sucked under the drift wood nnd never cnmo up. His homo was in Dubuquo. Will Commence Work nt Once. MASONCITV , In.May 14 [ Special Telegram to Tnr. Bin : . ] All doubt that the Winona & Southwestern railroad might not uinko Ma son City n terminal point has been dispelled. It is learned on good authority hero to-night that Contractor Langdon has ordered his foroinnn to moot him hero on short notice. The cotnpnny hnvo. contrnctcd for 400 cars of stool rails to bo delivered hero , and the In tention is to commence constructing the road from hero nnd from Winona eimultaneously. Bonuses to the amount of $101,000 hnvo boon voted to the rond. Drowned in the Raging Mississippi. KCOKUK , In. , May 14. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] John Surry and John Laffroy , two young men living In this city , were drowned this afternoon near Warsaw , five miles below hero. They with three other companions had been to the brewery nt Wur- fuw. After remaining there some time they started to pull for this city up the Mississippi nnd proceeded oniy a short distance when tlitir craft overturned. The three who wore saved clung to the bout until assistances came from shore. A Trio of Fatalities. Sioux CITT , In. , May 14. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKE. ] Fritz , the fourteen-year- old and only son of A. Gronlnger , a loading citizen , was instantly killed by being thrown from n pony this afternoon. , The body of. Charles Howard , a man of family , was recovered from a sand bar to day. Ho was drowned when the ice wont out. Bonnie Uolfson , a boy twelve years old , fell into the Missouri and was drowned to day , almost in sight of his parents. A Child Has Hydrophobia. MELUOSIJ , In. , Mny 14. | Special Telegram to Tnu BGI3.1 About three weeks ago Mary Spnnn , eight years old , living nenr Melrose , was bitten by a mad dog nnd is now suffering from hydrophobia. Her physician , Dr. Kiordun , says there is no hope of saving her life. Now Yorlc'B Two Conventions. BUFFALO , N. Y. , May 14. The republican state convention assembles hero Wednesday. It is accepted ns a foregone conclusion thnt Senator Frank HLscock , ox-Sonntor Warner Miller , ex-Senator Thomas C. Plhtt and Chauucy M. Dopcw will bo chosen delegates to the Chicago convention. NEW YOIIK , Mny 14. The democratic stnto convention moots nero to-morrow. The state committeetonight chose Frederick U. Cou- der for temporary chairman. The delegates- at-larpo to the St. Louis convention will be State Senator Raines , Koswell P. Flower , Hugh MeLaughliu and Smith M. Weed or ox-Mnyor Cooper. "SCABS" IN TUOUJBIjE. A Switchman anil Kiiglnoor Arrcatcd Under Misapprehensions. The position of the "scab" railroad em ployes still continues to bo uncomfortable both through the strikers and the blunders of the thick-headed policemen. As n "scab" switchman named Huff was passing down Tenth street with his wife last evening , some B. & M. ox-switchmen who stood in front o a saloon , throw out some insulting and obscene - scene epithets. Ho took his wife ever to the depot and returned to the scene to settle the matter with the follows who had insulted his wife by using such language. The strikers did not care to tackle him , as they heard ho carried a revolver nnd would use it in nn cmcrt'cncy. They therefore tjomplaineu to a policeman that ho wns currying concealed weapons and caused his nrrcst. On being taken to the central station ho was searched nnd no deadly weapon qt any description whatever was found on his per son. Ho wus therefore released. Ha there upon swore out warrants for the arrest of three of the men who insulted him , and later ono of them , named II. J. Haverly , was ar rested. Still later in the evening ns II. S. Hudson , a "scab" engineer , passpd , into Heplinger's saloon , ho was followed by about two doun strikers. They made things pretty hot for him inside and ho loft. Outsldo ho was as saulted , his IIOSQ smashed and was knocked down. Olllcers Ward and Adums cfinonp nnd at seeing him covered with blood demanded nn oxplnniou. Ho wus still somowhut.duzcd with the blows ho hud received mid. could not even tell who had assaulted him. They , therefore , tumbled him into tlio , patrol wagon nnd hud him locked up at the central police station to answer the charge of being drunk and disorderly. The Human Wall of Tomlnr. J'uK Mall aazettei : Yesterday n largo assembly of anti quaries and"archaologiets took1 place at a spot in Aldorsgato , a little to the north from the now building1 ? of ' tlio general postolllco , for the purpose o'f in- Bnecting a portion of the old walls'of the city , close to what was in all probability their north western angle. Thin portion was flrst discovered and laid Tjaro in the early part of last autumn , when tno Bull and Mouth hotel and the French Proth ostant church were removed in order to make room for tlio intended additional buildings. The length of the wall now exposed to view is iv1 > out 100 feet , and the great'or purl o'f it stands about ten feet above the soil. This is largely medlamili but tlio portion below the surface soil measures about lifteon or sixteen feet , and'this is composed of stone * and bricks , laid in alternate strata , after the Roman fash-i ion so well known at Colchester and Lincoln , and also in other parts of the wallb of London , a * for instance in Bovis Marks and the Minorics. The material is Kentish rag , laid in regular , with line joints and other couiws of red tiles with wide joint * , . As this wall is actu ally on the boundary of the building site lately iirnuired by the authorities of St. MartinViij-Grand , there seemsto bo no necessity for its removal , and a gen eral opinion was expressed among the antiquaries present that the wall is too line a &pecimen of Roman work to bo wantonly destroyed. . . . .1 Changes are contemplated in the by-laws o tb < ? American Ucgiou of Honor , renulring the appointment of a committee to viblt sus pended members , inquire into the en use of 6uspcn&ioa and Icnru the prospects or desires of. the inKnbpr for reinstatement. t/- _ > i Heavy LosseteHo Crops Along the LEVEES CONtlNUE TO BURST. Ai I/ _ Acres Upon I'Abrcs ' Burled Under lluntiliiK AVn\9fs Tlio IIlKli "Water Mnrk of tHJll 1'nssctt BeKln- lil.n t to Knll. The Unglnt : Waters. DcnuqUB , la. , May 14. The water to-day has begun to recede slowly and so far has fallen ono inch from the highest mark of Saturday. Tlio worst now seems to bo ovot. II is believed tha river will continue to stead ily fall until It reaches Its normal stand , OTTUMWA , la. , May 14. The water rose six Inches last night nnd nt noon to-day was nt n standstill. There was frost last night here , but no serloun damage resulted. KEOKVK , la. . May 13. Tlio rlvor rose five inches hero to-day , and the water continues to spread over the low lands. In the Hooded districts and nt Alexandria , Mo. , the situa tion remains about ns It has been , no addi tional loss of property being reported. As all the railroad tracks In the city nro sub merged and little or no shipping Is being done. Extra precautions are being taken to prevent loss or damage In the lumber district. BcnuNOTox , la. , Mny 14. The river here lacks but a couple of Inches of the high water of 1881 , the biggest flood slnco 1851 , nnd may possibly coma quite to it although It enn not pass It. The rise Is coming very slow and will probably slacken during to night until It roaches n stand. There has been no serious damage at this point beyond the drowning of several small herds of cattle in the adjacent bottom lands of Illi nois und Iowa. Packets coiitinuo to make their trips but no raft boats are running 111 the swift current makes it impossible for them to handle their tows with any degree of safety , especially in passing bridges. The bottoms nro flooded and collars on Main street have from six to eighteen Inches of water which comes through the sowers. The Burlington Lumber company's mill has been closed by water and portions of its yards nro flooded. Tlio rolling mill has also been compelled to close down. The only road troubled is the "Lon Lino" on this side of tlio river near ICcokuk. The damage so far reported is small. At 8:30 : p. m. to-day the bridge gage ro- cordcd 97.10 , a ruiso of six inches in the last twenty-four hours. The river was then fifteen feet , seven nnd ono-fourth inches nbovo low water mark and still rising. At sunset it lacked only ono inch of the high water of 1831 and will pass It during the night. Tlio water has now backed up the sewers so as to enter the basements of sev eral wholesale houses near the lovco neces sitating the removal of the goods. No serious damage has been done in the city and none is anticipated , as advlcos from nbovo indicate that the water will not rise , much higher ? The river opposite Bur lington is from sotfftnito nlno miles wide. DxvENroiiT , la. , Mrfy 14. The Hood reached its height this forenoon nnd is about at u stand. The watcrMs higher tlian over known before , being nbovij the high water murk of 18SO. A decline isW-pccted to-night. The dam at Il6ck Island has just given away and 200 or SQl ) families arc in danger. MUS.OATINE , Ia.5 May 14. The rlvor at noon was at the hicli' water mark of 1881 , which was the bjighest over known. It is believed the river will commence ; to fall to day. No damage n reported here. QUINOY , 111. , Mu'y ' 14. The Indian Grave lovco broke five mllcsnorth of Quincy early tills morning , ' ' flooding hundreds of magnificent farms aAJl ruining thousands of acres of winter wheat. Up to this evening there are four crevasses in the embankment and the entire lovco district will bo covered with water. The Stiy lovco gave away be tween Hannibal nuo , Cousiunaat noon to-day , and thirty-four miles bf the most productive farms in the Mississippi vnlloy will bo flooded. No lives have been lost , as the people ple living in the lowlands have been watching for a break for the past three days. Tlio river at this point rose seven inches yester day , but lias fallen ono inch to-day , the do- cliuo being caused by the breaks in the levees and the spreading out of the water. At Quinoy many of the large factories along the river have been shut down but the damage thus far has been slight. The railroads in the vicinity nro experiencing gruat trouble from the flood , and on some of them trains have been abandoned. ROOK IbL\Ni > , 111. , May It. The Mississippi has risen live inches since Saturday after noon and now stands 18.SO feet , which is the highest stage over known hero , being ono- tenth above the stage in 18SO , 18.40 feet. The Peoria & Hock Island embankment , which protects the lower portion of the town , is not broken yet. The high water has , com pelled the saw mills nnd plow factories to suspend nnd lack of coal has shut the glass works down. It is believed the worst is ovor. A Ttoynl Halo'n Mishap , In n tnllc with a Now York Herald reportorafowdnys ago Dr. G. F. Shrady Bind : "The present difllculty of the Crown Prince William dates from'1 hhj birth , when a fracture of the left arm oceurcd which resulted in that member bo'iny : about two inches shorter than tlio other and has given rise to the stories of his being alllictod with scrofula. Prior to the birth of her child Empress Victoria , the then crown princess , was seriously ill , and her mother. Queen Victoria , dispatched from London two obstett- rioiiuiH to attend to her. Those physicians found themselves unable to cope with tlio difficulty that presented itself , and then arrived the neccessity for a consultation. A messenger was dispatched for Prpf. Martin , the older , since dead , who at the time was high in the circles of the court and president of ono of the universities. Piqued at the introduction pf tlio Englishman in the case , to the exclusion of those of the fatherland , the eminent scientist re turned this answer ; "If I was not able to attend to the crown princess in the flrst place I am not able to do it now. " Informed of this brusque reply of Professor Martin , Emperor Williaiiij at that time king of Prussia , issued an im perial edict ordering tlio obdurate Shysioian to attoiijl the crown princooss. uch a summons had to be obeyed. Pro fessor Martin weitti ) the palace , lie was conducted ho presence of the crown princess , Ji'lj u'o wore the two English obstotrlolai s. Saluting the crown prince , who was in the apart ment , the GormaiijflUoiitly gave his at tention to the rojlntonothor , overcame the dilllculty thilt hud puzuled the London doctors , 3/lHeed / the now born infant in the arnjSt1 of a nurse , Ixnvod slillly to the two prpjcbslonal gentlemen from Fngland an&f retired from the apartment without nuttoring a word , Iloro was the speCtacle of a proud , ficiontiflo man wi/cP-would / not unbend for royalty. IloJ'Jifld performed his duty , in a tnciturrr , .nmuinor it IB true , but that was all. Puiofobbor Martin was dibtnibscd from court , " \Vhou the little prince was throe or four days old it was discovered that his left arm was fnioturcd n short distance from the shoulder. Who broke ii't Did the accident oi-uui' through the agency of Prof. Martin , or while the babe was in the care of iU English attendants ? That question lias never been answered , probably never will bo. The doctor who broke the arm felt the snap of the infantile bone. From the nature of things he would keep the news to him self , fearing to have it known that to him belonged the blunio. The fracture of n newly born infant's arm is not an unuSuul occurrence , and is not regarded in tlio medical profession as sonoub or attended by great danger. In this case , however * when the bones knit the loft arm of the prince was bliorUr than the riiht.and , it has cv r tiuco romulucd , THA1UMNG A TtGKU. Showlnallow nMnucntervasCnnjht with a Corpse for Unit. We wore astir at an early hour. The tiger's lair was in n piece of woods to the west of the village , and very likely In a rocky ravine in the center of the forest. Wo soon found that ho used ono path in approaching the village , and ns ho had eaten nothing but human llosh for several months ho might bo expected to come nnd go by this path as long as anyone was loft In the village. Midway between lils don nnd the village wo built a stout log pen just to ono side of the path , and when it was completed the door was hold up by a cord running inside to n spindle on which the bait was to bo attached. Wo had every thing ready by mldaftornoon. nnd then camp the question of bait. Nothing but human llosh would do , but that did not worry the natives a bit. I think the head hian would have ordered a sacrifice bill for it piece of good luck. An old woman died about noon , nnd wo obtained permission to nrnko such use of the body ns wo desired. It scorned a horrible thing to do , but if wo were to rid the district of the boast wo must en tice him into the trap. The body was carried there , noutcd in an upright posi tion behind tlio spindle nnd lashed to it , and then a dog was tied up in a corner of1 the pen. A second dog wad killed and his blood scattered ever the loaves and earth about thopon , and just before dark wo returned to.tho vlllngo. After supper orders were issued for every person to remain indoors for the night , and to keen as quiet ns possible , nnd by the time it was fully dark the village was as quiet ns a graveyard. It was about 10 o'clock when wo hoard from the man-eator. There was a yell from the dog and a howl from the tiger in one breath , and wo felt sure wo had trapped him. It would not do to move out , however , nnd such was the suppressed excitement that no ono in the village slept an hour. Soon after daylight a couple of natives went on n scout , and in the course of half nn hour they cnmo running back with the news that the man-eater was safe in the pen. no had killed the dog and torn the dead body in pieces , and was reported in a furious rage. After breakfast the cage was carried up and wo had little dilllculty in transferring the benst. When wo came to got a good look at him everybody was amazed. Ho was the longest , heaviest and tallest tiger _ any ono of us had ever seen , and this was also the verdict of all others who got a peep at him. He waa in his prime , with teeth and claws at their best , and n more forocious'disposition no beast ever had. He fatally clawed two natives on the way down the river , and killed a sailor while on the voyage to Amsterdam. lie was sold to an English showman at a big price , but re sold to the Byal museum of Russia on account of his savage disposition and untamable nature. When a portion of the buildings burned about five years ago , "Satan , " as this man-eater had boon appropriately named , perished in the flames. A PERILOUS ADVENTURE. Eleven Boys Shut in n Cave by the Title A Thrilling Experience. More than thrilling was the adven ture of eleven boys as told by the New castle ( Eng. ) Chronicle recently. At the south side of the town of Scaham there is a rock projecting from the mainland known as Nose Point , on top of which is built the Vane and Scaham blast furnaces. Underneath is a largo cavern , known as the "Smugglers' cave , " which , at high tide is llllcd by the sea. Ainong the boys referred to the exploration of this cave and the un earthing of treasure of some buccaneer of the past had long been an object to be accomplisned , and a determination was at last como to to carry out the pro ject. They started oft" , provided with candles , lanterns , torches , a pick and shovel. Entering the cavern at low water , they commenced work and soon wore so intent upon it that they never heeded the turn of the tide , and it was only when they found csjcapo from the cave by the way they had entered impossible that they iealisied their position. The water drove them further and further back into the caveuntil at length they found it impossible to recede any more. To avoid the rise of the water several of the boys climbed as _ high up the walls of the cave as possible. Others had no alternative but to stand pressed up ngaiust the end of the cavern and allow the water gradually to creep in upon them. Il'ghor ' and higher rose the water , and deeper and deeper tlio lads became immersed , until some of them were covered up to the shoulders , They all managed , however , to stand erect , notwithstanding their weakened con dition , produced by shouting for help , and numbness arising from being com pelled to stand in the water. Now and again n broken wave would dash in among them , rendering their position still more perilous. Moreover , the cave was nearly dark , all the lads' lights having been put out except ono , which had escaped the wash of the waves and continued to give forth its feeble illum ination. One of the boys at last , from sheer want of strength , wag washed from his holding , but soon another lad standing near groped in tlio dark , and , with nothing but tlio erics of his com rade to guido _ him , succeeded in re storing him to his feet. In the meantime the lads had been missed from their homos , and their continued absence caused inquiry to bo made. Tiis | resulted in their whereabouts bc- coroiner known. A rumor then got abroaij that all the boys had been drowned , ami"soon fathers , mothers , brothers , .sisters , and a largo body of other men , women and children rushed off in eager haste to the top of the dill. There was no way of reaching them from the shoVe , nor was there any possibility - ' bility of going down the precipitous face of the cliff with ropes. Nothing could , therefore , bo done by the him drods of people who had collected but to wait until the fall of the lido would ad mil of access to the cnvo from the shore Meanwhile the imprisoned boys pnsset a terrible time , but just ns they though the worst had come the water stopped rising. Slowly the water loft the cave nnd in n short time they felt tnomsolvos in comparative- safety , although it darkness. It was. however , lOlitt ) o'clocl nt night before they were rescued. BURIALS ALIVE- A Gentleman Gets Out of Ills Co fill nntl Dnnccs nt n Unit. Burials alive nro far moro common ii hot countries , where the burial takes place within twenty-four hours aftoi death , than they nrohqro , says the Lon don Hoforoo , where onc'gots as a rule a weeks grace. In Spain the body is fre quently removed to the undertaker's sriop a few hours after death. In oao o the largest of these establishments it Madrid sotny years ago , an extraordin ary sight wa9 witnessed. A guntlomai was brought in his "casket" ono after noon nnd placed in the room sot annr fur that branch of the business. u.ho proprietor Uvod ever his promiccs and on this special evening was given a grand ball. When the ball was at its hoighth. a gentleman in full evening dress suddenly joined the company. Ho danced with the wife of the undertaker nnd ho danced with the undertaker's daughter , and seemed to bo thoroughly enjoying himself. The undertake ) thought ho know his face , but didn'l like to bo rude and ask him his immo but by and by all the guests departed , nnd the strange gentleman was the only ono loft. ' 'Shall I send for a cab for'ycmV" said the host at last. "No thank you , " replied the gentleman "I'm slaying In the house. " "Staying in the housol" oxolnimed the undertaker "who sirV" "What ! taker ; are you , don't you know mqV I'm the corpse that was brought in this afternoon. " The undertaker , horrified , rushed to the mortuary room and found the coilln empty. His wife and daughter had boon dancing with a corpse. An explanation of course , followed. The gentleman who had only boon In a trance , hat suddenly recovered , and hearing music nnd rovell'y nbovo , am having a keen sense of humor , had got out of his coilln ( the Spanish coflln closes with a lid which is only locked just previous to interment ) and joined the festive party. Ho was quite presentable as in Spain the dead are gonorallj buried in full evening dress. The Money KliiKol Houtli Americn. Don Mariano is ono of the riches mer of Central America , says the New York Times. His money has been hoarded for years , loaned on good se curity at 3 per cent per month , 30 pei cent a year. Ho has "cornered" corn the principal food of the poor , and in each operation heaven seems to have aided by failure of crops. Several times in his life ho has been ' 'hit" very hard. A certain president of his country was in need of $300,000 and applied to Don Mariano. Don Mariano knew very well ho would never see a dollar of it again , and pleaded extreme poverty. The president made the application a second time. Don Mariano again refused the loan , but ho was summoned to the palace , sent to the penitentiary , and , with ono side of his head and face shaved , was made to work in the streets as a member of the chain gang , much to the joy of his many debtors. Ho bore up bravely under this trentuent for nearly two months , when ho turned ever to the president the sum required. This little experi ence proved of great value on a subse quent occasion. On the death of another president each one of his cabinet ministers was anxious to succeed but any successor had to have the army on his side. The vice president wont to Don Mariano for 8160,000. It was delivered in _ ton inm ates , the army was paid , the vice presi dent succeeded and the former cabinet was banished. Don Mariano is described as a man not more than sixty years of ago , but ho appears to bo post his hundredth year. His spare form , covered with ' a black , threadbare coat , out of the top'of which comes a high collar which has never been a laundress , his white hair , the ( lurk leather skin of his face and his palsied hands make up an ideal concep tion of a miser. A AYIiiK Itnlli-ond. Hon. W. B. Berry , of Nowmnn , says the Atlanta Constitution , is rich in reminiscences of the times when whigs and democrats were "striving mightily" for the ascendancy. Ono of the best stories is as follows : When the At lanta & West Point railroad waa being built party strife was at its height , Those in charge of the location of that part of the line which ran through ( Jowota wcro of the untorrilied , uncom promising whig stripe that fought for whiggcry by day and dreamed of it by night , 'They decided that the road should bo a whig road , and that it should not bo dollied by running through the lands of any democrat. So they surveyed a route , making a bond here and a turn there ; and when the wark was done it was found that from Palmetto to Newman a distance of fourteen miles they had run through the land of but one democrat , and as ho happened to bo a mild sort of partisan and rather hard to surround "they didn't count that , " as Kip Van Winkle would say. And so the roud runs to this day. _ A temporary organisation of n section o'i the endowment rank , K. of P. , was effected at Winchester , W. Vn. , April IS. The foU lowing ofllcors were elected : President II , Schneider ; secretary and treasurer , W. Hiloy ; medical examiner , Dr. C , Manard , Tlio section will start with from twelve to fifteen members , representing an insurance of about $ . ' 0,000 , WfcXlCANMDSTANlH.INIMKNTIsiIcatlitoPiLM OLU SvlUX , UUCU > UUKA4M UU4 (111 JsnlXJUI THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Dny of Extraordinary Activity in Whoat. AN ALMOST UNBROKEN ADVANCE. Nearly All the News Favors the Corn Joins the Procession Fol lowed by Oat H Provisions Brisk Quotations. CHICAGO IMIODUCE MAUICKT. CntcAoo , May 14. [ Special ToloRrAin to TUB URK.I In the wheat pit It was another day with the news all favoring the bulls. There was unquestionably nn enormous real izing by holders , big and little , some lighting by big foreign shorts nnd heavy selling by at least one local plunger , but nil to no account. Wheat scored another advance in spite of the fickle bulls , nnd In splto of the bears , miulo more courageous by the extraordinary and almost unbroken advance. The mood at tlio opening was to sell , the bulls being Inollucd to concede that the advance might pause nnd the boars being very certain that the buying force had spent Itself. There was selling by Llnabloom , Kaminorcr , Singer , nnd especially very heavy selling by Uloom , but there was buying that ovenvolghtod It all and advanced prices. July , which closed Saturday nt 8Sc , opened nt SOc , hesitated some nnd dropped to 80 0 , then rose , and before 1 o'clock sold nt 8'Jc , and actually touched OOc , a trader named Cant- ner certainly paying that ilguro for ono lot , nnd perhnps others doing the same. Cables came higher , although the foreign tone was still described as dull. A board of trade cable snld thnt fnnncrs' deliveries aggregated for the week in the whole United Kingdom , 2,2r)0,000 bushels , the largest so far. Our crop clearances for the day were only 75,000 bushels , and for the week , Including Hour , only 1,543,100 bushels against 2,553.470 bushels for the same week n year ngo. But those were about the only immediate bear In fluences. The visible supply llgurcs showed n decrease of 2am,000 bushels , twice as much us conservative estimates. Tlicro was still freezing weather In DaKota - Kota and northern Minnc.sotn , nnd through the Red Uiver vnlloy. The prlmnrv market receipts were small , only 177,000 bushels. Tlieso were the chief bull inlluences in u now way. In pit there was heavy buying by Cudahy nnd Ilutchliison , al though this trader was on both sides nnd then the volume of outside buying showed the same interest that it has eneh day slnco last Thursday. It was this latter trudo that furnished body and vigor to the big local buying. A cable from Paris said that French prospects wcro for only n moderate crop and that everywhere in Europe ex cept llussia , the prospects were the same. Corn was strong for nil active options chiefly because of tlio bull energy in wheat , aud the visible supply statement , which showed n dccrcaso of 2,4-19,000 bushels , flnully caused a little independent strength. The receipts were moderate , 218 cars , of which 113 graded No. 2 , but the estimates for Tuesday , 403 c.xrs , are liberal. Tlicro was not so much pressure on Mny. It opened at GOlfe und closed nt 1 o'clock ut 59c. Sell ing by Counseliunn of this option broke it iis low ns 59) $ c. July was strong with wheat. oponiug at 53 > c , 8ollUiK between 57J c and 5Si4'cand closing nt 1 o'clock at 58 c. No. 8 showed unusual strength , soiling up to within 2c of the July option. The local stock is now only 3,134,147 bushels , but the outiro visible is only 0,900,925 bushels. Oats , like corn , got some strength from wheat. Its small local stock , 1,202,000 bush els , also mndo May strong. Its visible In crease , 30,000 bushels , was not n significant ilgurc. May opened nt 35c , sold between 3IJfe and 35 o aud closed nt 1 o'clock , at 35 ' < je. July opened at 34c , sold between 3:15 : , cnnd34 ic and closed at 1 o'clock nt JU..j'c. It was a surprise to the trade , when during tlio progress of making up the visible it was scon that Uuffulo increased only 188- 000 bushels. That being the stopping place for grain bound cast , it was expected that part of the anticipated decrcaso on the hikes would bo offset by a big increase at this city. As soon as the IJuffalo llgures were known sixteen estimates , which had been as low us 1,000,000 bushels decrease were revised nnd made larger. It was argued that a good share of the grain expected to.sliow up at Buffalo had passed there , was en route by rail and likely to show up nt the seaboard next Monday. That , however , is simply n theory. TUo provision trade was bullish in Its movements. Tlio excitement in grain nnt- urally strengthened tlio market aud for the the different lines higher prices , as a rule , wore established. In pork tlio day's actual advance was 12 } ( ii > 17 , } < fo , nnd in lard 12 > @ 15c. Short ribs ut 1 o'clock wcro unchanged to 2 fc higher. Ai'TKitNooK SHSSION- Wheat openoil at Stc for July , sold at 89Uc , hack to 89 c , closing at b9 fc , June closing nt 8ho , Aa- gust closing at S9c , December closing at 91c. May closed nt 880. For corn , May closed at 59c bid , Juno cloning at 58W@ 5Sc. July oneiied nt 5SJ ! c und fell to ! 5S } < jO , closing at fi8e , Auguwt closing at 5S > c. Oats were easier early , but closed steady. May sold and closed ntUA o , Juno closed nt 34 1' , July closed utilise , Auuust closed nt 2i ! ; K30c. Pork wus 5 ( { ; 7 > jo higher. May and Juno closed ut $14.5 ! ; , July ut $14.05 , August at 11.75 , and September at $14,85. Lard was 'iVto higher. Mny and Juno closed at $8.50 , July at ,5'J > 8.55 , August at &r > 7 , und September and Qclober ut > , ( U > f. Short ribs were unchanged to 2 o lighor , and closed at J7.05 for May , $7,07' ' for June , $7.77 for July , $7.8.5 for August , and $7.9 for September. CHICAGO lilVK STOCK. CHICAGO , May II. [ Special Telegram to Tun HEK.J UATTMS At first tlio showing , taking into account the big rim , looked like v sharp down-turn , but when it was , discov ered that Chicago had about all the cuttlo in sight , salesmen were not us anxious as at ilrst , Buyers also discovered that fact , hence there were moro liberal offers than at first anil business opened brisk at about , lOo lowe * than on Friday on the ordinary run of useful and good cuttlo , with everything sold at n comparatively early hour. There were llfty loads of Tcxuhs on saleat prices quoted ITu- lower than lust week and nil uohl , Among the Texuns were twonty- uivcn louds of cowh nnd u lurgu nuiu- ier of grassy and courtto southern stock , Native butchers also went down with the i'oxans , nn also did native nlnnliig stock , I'lio Htookor and fuodoitrudo WIIH very pilot , and yard buyer * were about the only operators , Uoovoti , 13,10 to 1700 Ibs , W.-IOCn ! 4.50 ; WM utxa \ Ibs. . fl.HW ( ) > lOU ; Hlop.fed steers , f 1.2XI.I15 , COWH , bulls and mixed. 10 ( Sine lower , soiling iit$1.7r > ( eJ.Wl ; bulk , (3 ( 31 t-03.10 ; Btockuro uml foodi'VH , S7 40 ftl,7ri , 1'oxn.s grubs stcora , $3.1 ( ! ( < tl ! , 0 ; | , eu fed , 3.55 , corn-fed , .M4.00 ; cow * , ? 2f0 ! ( < , ' .40. Ilouo Buslue a was Lmk with a dinvti urn of 5c in some of the ( Uvuiuuh ami 5x1 le ) n others. Best heavy sold at fT > i3t5 ! 70 , nued ut W.&SfiiO (1 ( 1 , und light ut W.fX' ' l.aS. Niw ; VOIIK , May II. ( Sperinl Taliwuni to I'm : IJii : : . ] SrouThis being thu .mimal election on CXCIIUIIKO trading wiw luntncud mil the sales up tonooiMiuu uu , . , 4'u ! hliiirub. Tliuro w > iB 11 fair shnwm..i f * * "i.ftii ut tlio opening , tin uilviiiii-t- ' , < . < < \ U'ti4f ' ( .curded , wit ! ) Kichmond Ti-nmum ui.d { ending in the leud. For u time tlio mtu-teCt exhibited n lieoUutliif fcelui but it was t.noi | overcome und the former mlvaiiccil | < nivJ holuttor ' . Missouri Pui'itii : iilso to ho front nnd udv.mccd H $ . New EiigUnd vas strong und apiim-lutcd I point Iroui Kta urdny'B t-lobing on buying by BoBttn j'.irtlrs , vho gave it out that the Now IInvi.ii ( vould go through Manhattan iidvuiu t-u i'd Cast Tennessee secoml , pifft-rn-d , aUrat'trd air attention und uiidi ; < fructioaul gui { > 3. About midday a weakness itovfOuprU. lion- on was reported se.llmg uud mofct of the urly gains disappeared. Advices fioui the vest wcro not uucourugdig for u largo buul lots for the t'l-uuger j-i/uua , iu mnuf instances , ovwo washouts being reported , w.liich tvlU