THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , TUESDAY CORNING , MAY 35. 1888 , NUMBER 332. Laird and Dorsoy Ronomlnotod for Congress by Acclamation. STATESMAN JIM'S WALK AWAY. TJio Hnllrond Cappers Capture Uic Second District Convention AVIlli- out ( i HtniBRlc The Wltf Third Harmonious. A DnyllRlit Vlawiiftlio Forces. HASTIXUS , Neb. , Mny 14. [ Spocinl to Tun BEF. . ] AnoMicr catastrophe Is Imminent. The clans arc gathering and Jim Lnlrd will doubtless bo nominated by acclamation to night. With Hnrlnn out of tlio race , fcitlml- rtutcd by a few henchmen whoso solo busi ness It Is to assist monopolies In their ravages , Lnlrd has the Hold to himself , and the more farce of n nomination Is to bo gone through with. Even York county , so far n1 * I can learn , has surrendered to corporate dictation , and C. A. McCloud , of York , Is hero with his | > antB pockets filled with proxies , and will vote them for Laird without a blush or murmur. It Is fitting In this Instance that McCloud should favor corporation tools , ns he Is the rlirht-of-wny man for the Fremont , Elkhorn & . Missouri Valley road. Kearney county delegates nro Instructed tmd will make n fight to postpone the con vention , but as stated In my telegram lost night , the case is hopeless. Laird , through his political manager , Boss Bostwick , lias the entire programme his way , and while not on the ground personally , the scriptural quo tation that the ass knowoth its master's crib , is pertinent. Tlio few delegations arriving SunOay were all for the pugilistic congressman , and these coming m to-day nro singing his praises. W. T. Uichardson of David City , n candidate for delegate to Chicago , nud a 13. & M. contractor , Is one of the Butler county delegation. Hichnrd Norvnl of Scward Is another candidate for Chicago , and blooms out Hue -a lily of the Held , though ho tolls not but Is buzzing all the boys. John Harper , a pollticnn whose fame Is confined to the narrow boundaries of David City and Butler county , Is hero working every man ho sues , and insists that they help him secure the nomination for state treas urer. Harper sees In Lard all tbo ennobling graces and attributes that malic a statesman and n man , and is accordingly howling him self hoarse for the peerless statesman. G. II. Stewart ( another lawyer ) heads the Frontier county dele gation , and unless something of great moment trnnsnircs will deliver it body , soul and pantaloons to the patriot of the Second district. U. H. Likes , now a banker at Hayes Center , Hayes county , formerly of Culbert- sou , is u candidate for Chicago , and as ho has never charged men interest to breathe in his bank , thinks ho should bo rewarded for the dangers ho has not been called upo n to pass. George Einscl , another banker , of Hol- drcgo , is figuring out how ho could save the nation by going to Chicago ns a delegato-nt- Inrgc. 8. Hi Stcelc , of David City , who does some business for the Fremont , Elkhorn & Mis souri-Valley , road , is also a delegate hero to boost Laird. .T. C. Roberts dispelled all my hopes or fears , by telling mo that Lnlrd would go through by acclamation. Everybody knows Jake. Ho gained the enviable cognomen of Beefsteak IZobcrts some years ngoJus mem ber of the legislature. It will bo remem bered In a certain memorable investigation when Roberts was most needed , a skilled and schooled physician came in with tears in his eyes nud announced to the committee that Mr. Roberts was sick deathly sick at his room , and could not bo Interrupted oven dis turbed. Finally someone looked into his room , and saw Roberts in all the strength nnd vigor of his manhood , spreading desola tion through a double porter-house steak larger than Jumbo's ear. Well , as would bo expected , Jnko is for Lnlrd having fully re covered. John Barsby. who in years agono printed the Fairmont Bulletin , through one campaign to bolster Laird in Fllltnoro county , who is a lawyer nnd 11 politician , came in Sunday to BOQ that "everything was running smoothly. " Charley Johnson , of Nucholls county , who was a member of the legislature that elected Manderson to the United States faonnto , will probably die with his slippers on to-night , In 11 vain attempt to go to Chicago. E. J. Haincr , a lawyer of Aurora , Hamil ton county , also wishes to go to Chicago , and is plastering the kinks in his fences. I ) . 13. Cropsy , of Falrburg , heads the Jefferson county delegation , and is not par ticular who goes to congress , just bo it is Laird. Mr. Montgomery , a moulder of public opin ion , from Culbortson , is hero gently scream ing for "Our Jim" and soliciting subscribers for his paper , the Sun single copies 5 cents. J. Ken Matthews , none time Unudllla ( Otoo county ) lawyer , now a Jeweler from the wilds of Clmso county , heads n delegation from Champion. 13111 Urown , of Culbcrtson , and late of the defunct legislature , could not bo elected as a delegate was woefully defeated but early this morning arrived in Hastings and now Is pouring out his soul to Hostwick. W. 10. Habcock , of Furnub county , Is on the ground. J. I * . Prieo. of Strntton , once of Ncmnha county , nnd then Church Howe's right hand man , is losing no time in pc'rfccting Laird's slate , in order that he may bo nominated on the first ballot. As the convention to-day nominates two delegates to the Chicago convention , ns well as a congressman for the second district , there is considerable work to do. The result of to-night s i-onvontion will certainly furnish food for thought to these who think. AL FAIKIIUOTIIHII. Tlio Catastrophe of the Night. lUsriNOS , Nob. , May 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bun , ] The fourth biennial tip. pcnranco of Jim Laird hero and the states men of thq Second district was greeted tills evening with u crowded house. The scenic effects wcro good , and although Jim was not hero , the pluy was not Ilko Hamlet with Hamlet omitted , for Boss Hostwlck played Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The convention drew u good crowd , nnd whllo the dilTcrcnt delegates wore nil in favor of Laird there yet was n desire oven among them to assert supremacy. The show was opened by Bootwlck , fol lowed by prayer by Rov. Harlan , of Fair mont , who asked that through good , sound BOiiflo Mr. Lnlrd bo returned. Twenty coun ties wcro represented , 205 votes being tlo total number. John linrsby , of Fillmore , was made chairman by Judge Morris. The J alrd lawyer , accepted gracefully Ho liopcd by his strong right urm that wo would havu success. He stood like the poet David nnd Bang his song for Laird. Captain Parkinson , of Seward , offered a motion junking Unrsuy permanent chairman , J , 6 , Qlllam of Webster county nominated Laird In gobs panegyric. Ho know Laird was not here , uut all his friends were , Ho knew Laird was able , honest nnd deserving , and talked on nud on , gioanlng like a young Atlas with a world ou his back. Cnptnln Parkinson seconded it ull In ilru- mat in style. Ho said that among the many congressmen Laird WAS the ablest Romau of them all. It was Immediately moved nnd seconded that Lain ] boiiswmmeii by acclamation , ami can led arnld wild and protracted cheers. Ucbrgo 11. Hustings read twenty-three pages of a long nnd windy speech of statis tics which Lnlrd had sent , which wonld have put the editor of the Congressional Record to shame. Tears filled the eyes of all per sons present. It was n masterpiece of eloquence , by his man Friday addressed to Bostwick several days ago. Laird claimed that Cleveland had fiddled away like Nero upon loose strincs of reform , unmindful though Rome should burn , though ho said nothing of what ho had done In congress. As n republican ho was a protectionist. Bo would protect America by shutting off the tide of foreign Immigration. Sleelo , of Hutler , moved to elect delegates to the national convention. It was tlnally decided to cut the district In two , cast nnd west , electing one delegate from each nnd. Some discussion followed , but It was carried. Butler , Clay , Jefferson , Nuckolls , Polk , Sow- nrd , Saline , York , Fllmorc , Thaycr and Ham ilton were the cast end , with KKi votes , nnd Adams. Chase , Dundy , Frontier , Furnas , Franklin , Gasper. Harlan , Hitchcock , Hays , Kearney nnd Phclps. with 103 votes , wore the west. On the third ballot Ben Baker , a law yer from Fnlrbury , was elected from the cast , receiving ISO , against 40 for Richardson , of Hutler. . From the west Einscl , a banker of Holdregc , received 65 votes , against Bab- cock's ! ) S , and was elected. C. S. Johnson , of Nuckolls , was elected alternate from the cast , nnd Gcorgo F. Stewart , of Frontier , from the west. Einscl is for Blalno ilrst , Qresham second choice. Baker is not com mitted. R. H , Norvnl , of Scwnrd , wns rcc- ommendcd ns dclcgutc-at-lnrgc. The convention declared the rightful clnlm of the Second district to bo represented direct by nt least ono delcgntc , ns it com prised one fourth of the state. Uos i Bostwlek sat at my table and wrote n telegram to "Jim" apprising him of his suc cess , but , ns It had all been arranged , ho will not need congratulations. Richardson , like Bnbcock nnd a score of others , died grace fully nnd peacefully. James McNcny , of Webster was recom mended to the state convention as presiden tial elector. II. Bostwick was elected chair man of the congressional committee nnd W. L. Stark , or Hamilton , secretary. The resolutions favored n reduction of the surplus , appropriation for coast defences , n nnvy niut other needed public Improve ments ) demanded the duty be removed from coal , salt , lumber , sugar , copper and tin. Also , the immediate issuing of patents to nil lands not contested. In order to gratify Laird it was further resolved that wo have experimental stations. They favored the de pendent pznsion bill and state homes for dis abled soldiers. It was no victory for the railroads , v There fight. It was simply a walk-away. The convention adjourned at 11:80. : AL FAIIUIUOTHEB. Dorsoy Gets Thci-o Arery Easy. NORFOLK , Neb. , Mny 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEC. ] Delegates and others have been gathering hero since Saturday. The day has been most auspicious. The opera house m which the convention assembled was tastefully decorated with the red , white and blue. Dorscy's entrance woke up the echoes. At 8 o'clock the hall was packed when Chairman Barnard's gavel fell. Prayer was offered by Rev. J. J. Parker. George F. Blanchard , of Sheridan county was elected temporary chairman , S. C. Becbe , of Custcr , secretary , nnd W. G. Connor , of Buffalo , assistant secretary. The roll of delegates was read by the secretary. On motion the temporary organization was made permanent. A committee on resolu tions was appointed by the chair with Bacon , oi Hall , as chairman. An original song was sung by the Arion quartette entitled , "There is Trouble In the Democratic Camp , " which was enthusiastically cheered and gave such an appetite for more of the same sort that the singers presetted another song "We Are All Sobbing. " A motion was made to proceed with the order of business ns contained In the call , which placed the congressional nomination Ilrst. Ilrst.A A substitute was offered to proceed with the election of delegates to the national con vention. A spirited discussion ensued , in the midst of which Dorsey came forward and poured oil on the waters beginning to bo agitated. The vote on the substitute resulted in 220 noes to 01 nays , and showed the strength of the Dorsoy clement in the convention. S , K. BlttenbcnUer , of Dixon , put G. W. E. Dorsey in nomination to represent the largest congressional district on earth. A. E. Cooley , of Howard , presented the name of Thomas Darnell. Brad Slaughter of Nanco , said his delega tion came instructed to present the name of G. W. Meilciphn , but he would second the nomination or Dorsoy. John R. Neisbltt from Lincoln county , withdrew the name of Thomas Darnell , and seconded the nomination of Dorsey , It was then moved that Dorsey bo nomi nated by acclimation , and the motion pre vailed without a dissenting voico. Dorsoy was loudly called for , and in responding spending ho expressed his great obligation to tlio Third district , for the honor con- f cried upon him. He stated his determine to continue to serve liia constituency to the best of his ability. Ho then alluded to Uio various candidates for the presidency , each name awakening applause , but when Blatno's name was men tioned there was the wildest applause. Colonel Tucker , of Brown county , gave an address full of pith and humor , backed by his USD pounds of republicanism. Ho was followed by Russell of Colfav nndMcikloJohn of rJnuco , counseling united action for victory. On a vote to proceed with the election of two delegates to the national convention , G. W. HelrHt of Dawson , Aaron W. Wall of Custcr , Lornn Clark of Boone , W. M. Rob- orison of Madison nnd G. W. Brewster of Blaine wcro put In nomination. J. M. Rob ertson of Madison nud Aaron Wnll of Custer wcro chosen delegates , with J.V. . Radford of Lincoln mid B. S. Lllley of Custer ns al ternates. The Crawford Case. KRAHNEY , Neb. , May ! . To the Editor of TiiKBrxi There should not bo allowed any temporary set-back by the present depart ment nf state in the case of the shooting of the gallant Captain Crawford , U. S. A. The plain facts are , the Mexican troops have always acted with an envious spirit towards American troops. They huvo never lost an op | > ortunity to insult our troops , They knew when they attacked Captain Crawford's com mand that they wora attacking Indian scouts enlisted into the United States , commanded by a United States military ofliccr of the United States , and at the moment ho was shot ho was pointing to his uniform and but tons , upon which were the insignia of the United States. When Captain Crawford with n United States uniform was shot by a foreign foe , that shot was meant for every American citizen ; It was meant for the entire United States army , the principles they rep resent ; and It was meant for the govern ment of the United States. Now that the work has ) > ecn doao tlio honor of the Ameri can Hug and the dignity of the republic de mands nn explanation. Valentine Waterloo. WEST POIXT , Neb. May 14. To the Editor otTuullcc : The republican convention of Cumlng county was held here Saturday by the election of John D. Nellgh as temporary chairman , and Frank O. Evans ns secretary. The temporary organisation was made per- menant. George W. E. Dorsoy was endorsed for reelection to congress , amidst the wild est enthusiasm , and Andrew U. Graham of Winner , was declared to bo the unanimous choice of the convention for state treasurer. It was resolved thnt tlio republicans of this countv , and the several delegates , use every and all honorable means tibeeurotlu nomina tion of Mr. Gmhnm , by the republican state convention. Tlio following delegates wcro clouted , to attend the convention : State A. R. Graham. D. C. Giffert , J. L. Rewoy , Wm. Stnefcr , W. D. liibbon , J. u Nuligh. Congressional A. D. Uremer.C U McNibh , G. H. Ranson. J.-H. UiirrcU ( of Van Wyck iclcfcritv ) , J. L. Baker , J , E. Loiif , J. W. Shearer. The delegation at Norfolk , will present the nnmo of Wm. Stuefcr as district . Out of delegates delegate to Chicago. fifty-seven gates , Valentino had three superiors upon the floor of the convention. Ho nnd his henchmen made every effort , with several of the West Point delegates , to secure n proxy to the convention , but his efforts wcro fruit less , . - t UcBolmlons of Sympathy. McCooK , Neb. , May 14. [ Special to Tun Br.r. ] At a meeting of the traveling men spending Sunday , May 13 , at McCook , the following resolutions wcro unanimously adopted : Whereas , Hearing with much sorrow nnd sincere regret of the death of our esteemed comrade nnd friend , Chnrles E. Eaton , bo it Resolved , That we deeply sympathize with his young wlfo and dear mother in this their snd bereavement. Resolved , Thnt In his death the traveling fraternity has lost a warm-hearted nnd genial friend nnd his employers a conscien tious and faithful representative ; nnd bo It further Resolved , That n copy of thcso resolutions bo sent his bereaved fnmilyTnc OMAHA 13nn , Lincoln Journal , Kansas City Times , Kan sas City Journal nnd St. Joseph Gazette. They Fought nnd AVcro Fined. CUKTK , Neb. , Mny 14 [ Special to Tun Bnn. ] A terrific flght occurred between nildnk-ht and daylight [ this morning nt Big Blue pre cinct between Joseph KIclbnnok nnd wlfo and Vincent Fink nnd Frank Bcsplaz. Mr. Klolhaiiek was badly cut about the face and head nnd his wife wns struck a violent blow In the stomach which caused serious Illness. All the parties wcro nrrestcd connected with the affair nnd brought before Justice Schil- leny , and ho fined each of the parties { 43 nnd costs , nnd with the Judicial advlco to mind their own business in the future nnd not to Interfere with their neighbors. Died From Tils Injuries. Loui'CiTT , Nob. , May 14. [ Special toTun BKB.J Charles Bushonscn , an aged farmer living near Rockville , who jumped from the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern train near La Porto , Ind , , died Friday morning from his injuries nnd xvlll bo brought back to Rookvillo for burial. Ho was on his way to his old homo in Germany to secure n legacy which had recently been left him. nnd it is supposed jumped from the rapidly moving train while In a temporary lib of insanity , as ho wns but n few moments before engaged in a very pleasant and rational conversation with nn olllcial of the above named road who chanced to bo on the train. For Otoe County's Benefit. NnnuASKv CITY , Neb. , May 14. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Ben. ] The Otoo County Investment company filed articles of incor poration with the county clerk to-day. The headquarters nro at Omaha and the capital Slfi.OOO. The incorporates nro Brainbrldgo Howard , Lawrence Case , Giles Cook , H. A. Chirk , E. N. Hickman , James Johnson , T. Nettles , and the object of the company in vestment in Otoo county lands. Crete Grows Metropolitan. CKCTE , Neb. , May 14. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Work was commenced this morning on the curbing and guttering of Maine avenue with Nemahn hard stone. The side walks will bo of concrete covered with ce ment. This improvement will add greatly to the appearance and value of property on this thoroughfare. Messrs. Sidney Smith nnd Robert Vunco shipped twelve car loads of fat cattle to Chicago Saturday night. Only a Facetious Mugwump. O'NuiLL , Neb. , May 14. ( Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Republicans hero arc somewhat stirred up over a telegram which appeared in Sunday's Omuhn Herald , stating that eleven republicans in the county con vention endorsed Cleveland. This is fnlso in the extreme. Ono delegate in the convention stated , merely ns a joke , he was for Cleve land In preference to Blame. Itollcd Into tlio Creek. NoiiroLit , Neb. , May 14. [ Specinl Tele gram to THE BEE. ] A four-year-old son of Robert Wliitla was running along tlio high bank of the creek to-day. Ho fell nmi rolled down the bank into the cieek nnd was drowned. His body at a late hour hud not been recovered. Ilcports Denied. PiEiuin , Dak. , May 14. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Reports sent irom Huron and other points convey the Idea that the signa tures of the Indians will not bo obtained ; that the Sioux reservation will not bo opened for settlement before three years. Hon. J. J. Kleiner , commissioner of immi gration , who spent the past winter in W ash- ington , was i ntcrviowed to-day nnd says the signatures of the Indians will bo obtained as early us September 1 of the present year. Within thitty days thereafter the president will issue his proclamation declaring the reservation open to settlement and it will not bo necessary for a survey to bo made before settlers can move on the land. All reports to the contrary nro for the purpose of injuring this portion of the grout north west. _ _ Under Control. On. Crrr , Pa , , May 14. The fire is now believed to bo under control. A great over flow occurred shortly before 2 o'clock this morning. , and hugo islands of burning oil floated down the creek. Booms proved use less , nnd the flcrco muss of lire swept on , burning several dwellings , the railroad bridge two miles below and a largo barrel factory. The loss is estimated at SMU.OOO. There was very llttlo sleep in the city last night , ns it wns fcnred the town would bo destroyed. LA'nu--Tho : llro has burned out and nil danger has passed. The Ilrst reports wcro greatly exaggerated and the loss will not ex ceed 1100,000. Another dispatch from Oil City says the total loss is less than r > 0,000. Exploded , LAFAYETTE , Ind. , May 14. Frank Alkire nnd Edward Foster , well known young farmers living in the noithcrn part of this county , went fishing with dynamite cartridges Saturday night at the mouth of Tippccnnoo river. While each held u cartridge in his ritsht hand Foster lit his and both exploded. Foster's right hand was torn off and nn eye put out. Alkiro's right arm wns carried away nnd both eyes blinded. Both were severely burned , Alkiro is unconscious and cannot live. A Btono Stuck in n REAPINO , Pa , , May 14 , Astono which was wedged Into n frog on the Reading railroad track at Moss Creek , near Susrniehunna , this morning caused the wreck of a freight train. Engineer Houghton was scalded and crushed to death , and the fireman and ono of the brnkemun wcro badly injured , Tlio engine and cars were badly wrecked , having plunged down a twenty foot cmbunkmcut. Denied n Itehnarlnx. WABIIINOTON , May 14. The supreme court to-duy denied application for the rehearing of the telephone case. This application was muda by the people and overland telephone companies , who ubsert that Drawbuugh and not noli was the Jh-bt inventor of the tele phone. _ The Death Ifoll. Loxnox. May 14. Admiral Sir William Hewetl , commander of the channel fleet , died ut Portbjnouth last night , aged fifty- four. Had a Good Night , BEIILIN' , May 14. Tlio emperor hnd a good nlslit. .Ho arosn tit 10 in the morning. The cmiicroi walked about hit rooms to day , and transacted official bubiucfcb by per mission of tli y doctors. MONEY FOR TIE ( BIG MUDDY , The Harbor Haul Ataonclod to Cover Nebraska "Points. ANTICIPATING THE DECISION. Paddock's Irrigation Amendment The Oinnhn Bridge Fnvorcd by the ticnntc Committee Considering Fuller's Case. WASHINGTON BUHBAU TUP. OMAHA BCD , } 513 FOUHTEKNTH STHCHT , > WASHINGTON , D. C. , Mny 14. J In the senate to-day Mr. Mandcrson pro posed amendments to the river and harbor bill appropriating $100,000 for the improve ment of the Missouri ( maintaining the chan nel ) between Omnhn and Council Bluffs , and WO.OOO for improvements of the river nt Plattsmouth. The sonr.tor is confident thnt his amendments will bo ncccptcd. Chairman Fryo of the committee on commerce has no tified the senators that the committee will re ceive amendments nnd hear arguments on river nnd harbor Improvements until next Wednesday evening , when the bill will betaken taken up for final completion , It is the In tention of the committee to i-cport the bill to the senate within n few days , so that there may bo plenty of tlino for action by the house on the senate amendments after the latter has been passed by the senate. In the senate to-day Mr. Paddock intro duced an amendment to tbo river and harbor bill appropriating $75,000 for Improving the Missouri river at Nebraska City nnd $30,000 , at Hulo. covniiixo TUB nuxor DECISION. Senator Madcron presented a momorlal from the Nebraska board of transportation , calling upon the Nebraska representatives to support Mr. Nelson's bill , making govern ment aided roads passing through states and territories , amenable to the laws and regula tions of the state. This Is Intended to pre vent any possibility of Judge Dundy's de cision being supported on appeal by the higher courts. Immediately after the read ing of the memorial Senator Paddock in troduced Mr. Nelson's bill , which was referred to the committee on Inter-state commerce. Both the Nebraska senators arc heartily in favor of the measure. JUIIIOATION 6F Alllt ) LANDS. Senator Paddock to-day proposed nn amendment to his .po'stofilco bultdlng bill which leaves to the discretion of the com mission the matter of cost of sites and build ings. Ho also reported from his committee an amendment which will bo inserted la the sundry civil appropriation bill sons to insure action , providing for1 ah investigation into " the reservoir system 6f" irrigating arid lands. Tlio proposition might reasonably come within the river nndhnrbor bill or ns n dis tinct measure from th'o commltteo on public lands , but it wan referred to the committee on the Mississippi river'.und its tributaries , largely on account' of- Senator Paddock's practical experience In such matters , and the fact that that committee Is investigating water questions. Bnt it is to bo put into the sundry civil appropriation bill so that its con sideration will bo guaranteed. , FAILED TO irtKiltT ON"FUI.LEn. At the mooting of the senate committee on judiciary this morninj * the nomination of Mr. Fuller was taken up nnd'briefly discussed , but no action wag taken upon it. Mr. Vest and some of the other democratic senators expressed a wish to liavo an curly report from the committee , but Mr. Edmunds did not seem to be in any hurry , and Mr. Evarts stated that Mr. Fuller himself desired tbo fullest investioutlon Into his record , both political , personal and professional. It was however made clear by the attltudp of the republican senators that it is the intention of the committee to hong up the nomination in order , ns Mr. Halstead suggested , "to let the wind blow through Mr. Fuller's bones. " COXfrlDKllIXO Tlin IIAimOIl HAUL. The senate committee on commerce is In session almost continually upon the river autt harbor bill , aud is getting along very rapidly. The Illinois section of the bill and most of the harbors of tbo great lakes , have been considered , nnd tlio sum appropriated by the house of representatives has been agreed upon. This gives Michigan City 90- 000 , Calumet S20.000 , Chicago S200.000 , Wnu- kcgan 525,000 , Kenosha ? r,500 , tlio Wabash river iOH.OOO , the Calumet 50,000 , and the Illinois river S200.000. Senator Cullom's amendments to the bill concerning the Hen- nepin canal and the great water way will bo considered within a day or two , but have not yet been reached. FAVOIIB Till ! OMAHA 111111)01 ! . Senator Vest , from the committee on com merce , reported to the senate today with favorable recommendation the Dill passed by the houbc authorizing the construction of n bridge across the river between Omaha and Conncil BlulTs. The t > enuto committee makes but ono amendment , which is in the form of an additional section , and Is as follows : "This act shall bo null and void unless the construction of the bridge hereby authorized shall bo commenced within ono yuar and com pleted within three .years from the approval of this act. " HIATII or AN oi.n AKMY orricT.ii. Atolcgram from Bostonnnnounccsthodcatn of Colonel Israel O. Dewey , paymaster of the United States army , who is well known throughout the west. Ho bus been stationed in Washington during the last three or four years , but previous to thnt was nt Detroit , Chicago and other cities of the west. Ho was placed on the retired list on the Oth of March. Ho leaves a widow and daughter and son in tills city. Joseph W. Ebersol , of Beatrice , was tp- day admitted to practice before thu interior department. Commissioner of Patents and Mrs. Hull , of Iowa , will spend their vacation at Mar tha's Vineyard , N. J. PUIIKY S. HEATH , Nebraska and Iowa 1'ciiHlonn. WAsmxnTON , May 11. [ Special Telegram to THE HUE. ] The following pensions were granted Nebraska's to-day : Original invalid Philemon B. McFadden , Howe ; James II. Carter , Cedar Uapids. Original widows , etc. Elizabeth , widow of Daniel II. Boomer , Fremont. Pensions for lowans : Original Invalid Newton Jones , Iowa Fulls ; Alexander Low- den , Wilton Junction ; George A. Sens , Sey mour ; James 1C. Galloupe , Keokuk ; George Suffn , Hed Oak ; William H.Arnold. Walker ; Sylvester M. Carr , Ottumwa ; Kugg Hicks , IowaFalls ; Lewis 'Greenfield , Doud's Sta tion ; Hiram Dunn , Alllo , Reissue Peter M. Whltenack , Marion. Original widows , etc. Katherine , widow of John Frninbock , Cherokee ; Elizabeth A. , mother of James Smith , Tracy. To Cloio on Saturday. WASHINGTON , May 14. In the house to-day Mr. Mills , from the' committee on rules , re ported , and the house adopted a resolution providing that the general debate on the tariff bill shall close Saturday next. Washington Briefri. The house committee on invalid pensions reported the bill proposing to remove the re striction upon the payment on arrearages of pensions In the case of claims filed before the passage of the bill. A constitutional amendment was offered in the house by Mr. Ncnl of Tennessee , propos ing to oxtcud the term of office of the presi dent and vice president to six yuar * nnd to make tlj prusidunt ineligible for a second term. The principal speakers on the tariff bill during the remainder of the week will bo Butterworth Tuesday , Iandail Wedncbday , Brei-Uenridgo of Arkansas Thursday , McKinley - Kinley and Ureckmndpn of Kentucky Fri- day , and Heed and Speaker Carlisle Satur day.The The senate spent three hours In secret ses sion discussing the HIddloborgcr resolution for the open consideration of the fisheries treaty and the Hoar resolution for n steno graphic report of the debate , to bo made pub- lie nt the option of the senate. Both were defeated , the democrats voting solidly ngalnst them nnd the republicans dividing according to individual preferences. The consideration of the fisheries treaty wns further postponed till next Monday. The secretary of the treasury to-day ac cepted 1353,000 In bonds. FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Senntc. WASHINOTON , Mny 14. Mr. Stewart offered - fored a bill proposing nn amendment to the constitution of the United States so as to re duce from two-thirds to a majority vote in each house overriding presidential vetoes. Ho said ho would at n convenient time make some remarks on the subject. Mr Hoar , from the committee on privi leges aud elections , to which had been re ferred certain resolutions of the joint con vention of the two houses of the Indiana leg islature concerning the election of Turpio ns United States senator , made n report nnd nskcd to be discharged from further consid eration of the resolution and memorials , "thereby confirming the tltlo of Turpio to his seat. " Ho asked that the report bo printed in the Itecord , nnd gave notice that ho would call It up to-morrow. Mr. Vest offered n resolution for the ap pointment of n select committee of five senators to examine freely all . questions touching the meat product of the United States , and especially as to the transporta tion of bcuf and beef cattle nnd the sale of the same In cattle markets , stock yards and cities ; nnd whether there exists , or 1ms ex isted , nny combination of any kind by reason of which the prices of beef and beef cuttlo have been so controlled or affected as to do- minlsh the prices paid to the producer without lessening the cost of meat to the consumer ; the committee to bo permitted to hold its sessions during the recess at such times and places ns it may determine , with power to send for persons and papers. Ho nskcd that the resolution bo printed nnd laid on the table , nnd gave notieo ho would call it up to morrow. The animal Industry bill was laid before the senate ns unfinished business , nnd then the presiding oftlcor ( presumably under the order agreed upon in executive bcsslon last Thursday ) ordered the galleries to bo cleared and the doors closed , and the senate pro ceeded to the consideration of executive busi ness. When the doors reopened the senate adjourned. House. WASIIIXOTOX , May 14. * The house went into committee of the whole on the tariff bill , and was addressed by Mr. Hatch of Missouri. Ho said that ho would be derelict in his duty to the people , faithless to his constituents and disloyal to the agricultural interests of the country if ho necloctcd to speak ear nestly anil plainly in what ho considered the legislative crisis in the history of the coun try. The Mills bill was simply a proposi tion of modification nnd reduction. It did not touch the principle involved in the Merrill - rill tariff act. He wished there was n bill before the bouse based on a principle of equality and fairness , broader aud deeper than was involved in the pending proposi tion , but the principles of protection were fastened on the country and all that could bo hoped for to-day and all that the bill sought to accomplish was the reduction of the amount of taxation collected by tno government and put into the treasury. Gentlemen representing agricultural dis tricts of the west would find a storm of in dignation among their constituents when they got home. Ho spoke for the farmers of the Missouri valley when he declared that they were almost unanimous in favor of free wool and a reduction on manufactured woolcu goods. Mr. Syms of Coloradol said the president had shown nn entlrewant | of comprehension of the whole tariff system when he told the farmer in one paragraph that a protective tariff was wrong and in the next attempted to show the manufacturer that ho would bo benellttcd by the placing of raw materials on the free list. Mr. Funston of Kansas declared himself for Amcr'can interests as against the bal ance of the world. Ho wns a protectionist. He would protect the United States against foreign invasion , whether by armed force to lay waste the land or by tfio products of pauper labor to destroy our industries nud take away from the American laboring man his employment. Ho maintained the proposition that the farmer wanted neither nn English market nor English goods and would hail with joy the day when ho would have neither. Mr. O'Neill of Indiana argued in favor of putting lumber , coal and iron on the free list because he believed these products of the United States could compete with the world without there being nny tnriff upon them , Mr. Thompson of Ohio said the difference between the tlio republican party and the democratlo upon the tariff' question was rad ical. It was not a difference as to the adjust ment of the system of tariff taxation ; it wns a difference as to the system itself. It WHS the avowed policy of the democratic party to reduce tariff duties to a revenue basis , and not only this , but to eliminate entirely the idea of protection to American industries and American labor. The democratic party was absolutely hostile to protection A tariff for revenue onlv would result in the lowering of the wages of labor to the level of these paid in the old world and would mean danger to the pence of the republic. Mr. Strublo of Iowa said nmong the things some commendable , some despicable done by thu present administration , nt least three could not cscnpo the condemnation of the pcoplo. The president hnd first attacked the silver dollar , then the greenback and then the protective system under which tlio gov ernment had grown and prospered , and by reason of which it hnd attained financially , commercially nnd Intellectually the proud distinction accorded it by the civilized world. The committee then toso nnd the house adjourned. Hound for Foreign Smelters. Dfi.t'Tii , Minn. , Mny 14. [ Special Tele- frnm to Tim Bni.l : The Northern Pacific railroad received to-dny n number of car loads of copper nnd silver matter from the Buttc. Mont. , mines. A largo amount Is stored hero awaiting shipment to Swansea , Wales , for reduction. A few small lots are consigned to New Jersey smelters. The Fire Itocord. Pourr.ANU , Ore. , May 14. The entire busi ness portion of the town of Golilendalo , W. T. , wns swept away by fire yesterday. Tlio fire started in a livery stable. The town had no llro department with which to fight tbo fiames. The total loss will reach * 175UOO ; the total insurance fSO.OOO. Believed to ho a Train Itobher. SAN FKANCISCO , May 14. A man named Conrad Holing , who has been arrested at Huuchuca , is believed to bo the leader of the bund of train robbers which attacked the train ou the Sonoro railroad Friduy night. Grain In Klglit nnd Store. CmcAno , May 4. The visible supply of grain , as compiled by the secretary of thu Chicago board of trade , is as follows : Wheat 2USnCO bushels , corn li , ! 07,000 bushels , oats 4.10S.UX bushels , rye a 13,000 bushels , barley & 30GOO , Lushols. Know Storm In Michigan , MAuqi'r.rie , r4ih. ; , May 14 A snow and bloet storm has prevailed fer tlio labt four hours , aud thu snow is still In'.lmg rapidly. Oonunodoio KiiiKon liiiried. Sr. PAI L , May 14. The fuiieral of commodore ; - doro Kittftoa took place to day , A Tinuunu : AVUKCK. A Dynnmtto Kxplonlon Destroys n Town nnd Three tilvos. , Colo. , May 14. Fountain , n small village obout eighty miles from hero , was tlio scene of a terrible accident to-day. Train No.7 of the Santa Fc , known as the "Thunder bolt , " arrived at Fountain at 2:41 : a. m. , nnd had only been standing there n few minutes when a cnbooso and some cars , the brakes of which had got loose In some way , run down from n sldo-tntcic and struck thu train with terrllle forco. Ono car of the freight was loaded with naptha , which oxploded.throwing oil over everything and setting the train on fire. The train men shoved the Injured cars back from the wreck and were trying to save the depot when it was discovered that two cars wore standing on the main track that wet o not wrecked. The nearest ono wns burning nnd was tagged powder. Shortly afterward the car exploded , completely de molishing tlio depot , nil the dwellings In the town nnd a number of cnrs. Three persons , were killed by the explosion , and some twelve or fifteen persons wore wounded , none very seriously. There Is a hole In the ground where the car stood about thirty feet in diameter nnd fifteen feet deep. Two cnrs were burned nnd sixteen , together with the locomotive , were more or less wrecked. It Is supposed that tramps let off the brakes from the freight car. The car thnt exploded contained 17,000 pounds of powder. The shock was felt for a distance of twenty miles. Everyone of the twenty houses In Fountain nro destroyed , together with the now Baptist church. Every inhab itant received more or less injuries from Hy ing fragments and the shock. The yard of the Newton Lumber company took llro and was consumed. The dead are ns follows : C. F. Smith , manager of the Newton Lumber company , formerly of Keokuk , la. : an unknown man found under tha engine ; an unknown rail road man. Lawrence Wolhnrt , a German carpenter , was struck by Hying timbers. Mrs. Wed- ridg , while standing t00 ! yard from the track , was struck on the head with a flying bolt. H. Hutchlus , n merchant sixty i cars old , was struck with a bar of Iron. The wounded numbered fifteen. Damages estimated nt * 100,000. A CHAT WITH SOIIUUZ. Ho Gives Hit ) Views on Ilaynrd'n In structions to nicljanc. irnfi/rft/htffiS8Ij/am | / | / ; Gordon JJcmielf.l IIusnuucii ci IlAituouitu , May 14. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THE Biu. ] A half hour's railway ride from Hamburg over the Elbe still hero and there overflowing its banks across nrscnlc-grcen prairies doited with thousands and thous ands of red and white Mecklenburg cattle , then an hour's drive in a venerable centen nial carriage that a stout pala of black horses could draw only at a snail's pace , through deep sandy lanes , and I found my self before a splendid stone castle built on the crest of a ridge of sand hills. To the bouth extended an endless forest of beeches nnd oaks ; to the north mile after mile of lint green pastures and the sun lighted up in the far distance" the spires and chimneys of Hamburg. " 1st der Herr Schurz zu hause ! " "Yah , " was the reply , nnd in a few minutes I was sitting with Mr. Schurz biforo n blu/.lng wood fire for it is still very cold here in the library. I handed Mr. Schurz an Euro pean edition of the Herald of May 0 , con taining' ' a cable letter from Now York announcing Bayard's ' instructions to McLano in reference to American citizens drafted in the French army. After Schurz read the whole story , I asked , "Do you think the claims of the French government tenable ! " Mr. Schurz replied , "No , I do not. " I asked him in what particular. Mr. Schurz said , "I do not think interna tional usage sanctions what the French gov ernment insists namely , that naturalized American citizens born in Franco drafted in the French army can seek immunity only from the courts. In such cases the remedy is by npplying to the department of state if they have reason to believe my particular do- crco had been iuiprovidcntly issued. But the French courts have no jurisdiction in the matter whatever. " I then asked Mr. Schurz , "Do you approve of Bayard's instructions to McLano to de mand immediate release and indemnity i" j Mr. Schurz said , " Yes , 1 entirely ap prove of Mr. Bayard's action in the mat ter. " Here tlio interview ended. I after wards had a very pleasant chat with Mr. Schuiv. on other subjects. We talked about the kaiser , about Bismarck about Boulangcr , but Mr. Sehurz would not authorize mo to give publicity to his views on those subjects. Mr. Schuris in robust health , takes lone walks through tbo beech forests of Hausbruch and is thoroughly enJoying - Joying himself. " 1 had a very busy time In Berlin , " said Mr. Schuras ho walked with me towards my centennial Mecklenburg carriage , "but hero at the houbo of my rela tive , Mrs , II. C. Myor , I nm far enough away to have n quiet time. I am only to-day be ginning to read my letters and papers. " Died Beyond the Sen. lConyrfhtfcSSbl ( / / / Joint sdnitlonllcnuctt.l LONDON , May 11. [ New York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEE. | Dr. Howard Pinkney , u Now York physician , died to-dny in a railway carriage. On tlio Journey from Southampton ho was a passenger on the Elbe and was attended by u fellow passen ger , Dr. Sterling llyeison. Three days ago ho complained of pains in the spine and cramped limbs , and told Dr. Hyerson ho thought ho would die nr.d requested that ho should not bo shot into the sea. The deceased - ceased was found alone in the carriage at Boslugstroko lying on his face. Dr. Hycrson says he died of appoplc.\y , WolHley Makes n Dcfunsc. LONDON , May 14. The house of lords was crowded to-day when Lord Wolsloy made Ins defense. In the course of his remarks ho said ho had nothing whatever to withdraw. As long us the navy is as weak as it is' the army could not hold its own. Defenses nt homo nnd abroad wcro in bud condition. The military forces did not oven gunrranteo the siifoty of the capital , Ho claimed that 100- 000 men properly handled could take posses sion of the country. Ho concluded by say ing ho had intended to resign after reading what Lord Salisbury had said. Laid Salis bury said that If Lord Wolsloy wished to as sail the administration in the future no would do so In the house. He trusted Lord Wolsley would not toke the matter too seri ously. Ho should regret the general leaving the service ab a very gre.xt blow , Ilevlew of British LONDON , May 14. The Mark Lane Kx- prcbs , In its icview of thu British grain trade during the past week , sajs : The English wheat trade is slow nnd previous rates are difficult to sustain. Foreign wheat is quiet. In Ix > ndoii prices have been ninln- tnincd , but In Liverpool they are a fraction cheaper. Flour is firm. Corn at Llverjwol is Id dearer. Oats nro In demand at an advance of U > 1. Linseed is weak and prices declined OJ. To-day there was a bolter damand for whcnt and DOtli English and foreign rot > o ( Id. Flour was Od higher. Outa wcro 0 to Is dearer. . Klgin ButtMaikul. . Ei ois , 111. , May H. Butujr m steady at ii cents. LOWEY MUST PAY THE BILLS , Another Intorosthifr Ohnptor oi "Smith's Special Snll. " DECISION FOR THE CREDITORS , Judge Shophnrd Kcfuscs to Holicvo the Testimony of Loxvcy , nnd Com * incuts Wltti Sarcasm on the Nefarious Xrnnimctlon. Hnimnti Jjotycy Must Ciuctno , Mny 14. [ Special Telegram t Tun Bin.--Judgo : ] Shephnrd tlollverod na opinion this morning In the case of Daniel 1C. Tcnny , trustee , against Loyal L. Smith , Halnian Lowey and Louis Cole which is of much interest to business Hi nearly every line of trade. In ISSrt Loyal L. Smith , who ran n largo dry goods store In Omaha , sold but to Lowey and with several thousands skipped to Canada. A vast number of at tachments and judgments wcro levied against the goods , which Lowey assorted ho had pur chased in good faith. After n long litigation the federal court ordered the proceeds of the sale of the stock , which was In the hands of the receiver , to bo paid to Lowoy , but In the meantime Smith came to Chicago from Cnu- nda and gave information upon which n Judg ment was granted tying up the moneys in the receiver's hands. Lawyer Tcnny , as trustee for the eastern cred itors of Smith , then began suit to muko Lowey and his alleged confederates liable for the debts of the concern. The trial has occupied nearly n month and the result Is a decision in favor of the creditors who nro represented by Tcnney. In giving his decision Judge Shcp- Shcphard referred to the alarming amount of perjury nnd irreconcilable contradiction in the case , and pointed out the difficulty of a court of justice arriving at n solid founda tion of truth under such circumstances. Ho said that Lowoy lias testified to much that was true , no doubt , but it was also evident that he had testified to much that was un true. The court could hardly credit the fact that a competent business man like Lowey would start oft" ou excursion like this to buy out the stock of a man whom he did not know , whoso financial nnd commercial standing ho knew nothing of , and pay the Mini of $30,000 for n stock of goods , the value of which ho knew nothing of. The court f urtlicr' inti mated bis disbelief of that part of the testi mony which went to show that Lowey brought down $30OCO in currency to Omaha nnd paid it over to Smith. Lowoy know what banks were for , and Omaha and Chicago banks wcro all on business relations with each other. For this reason the court refused to credit the statement that the sum of $30,000 was paid for the property nt all , nnd asserts his belief thnt nothing was no- tually paid for the goods , nil thnt Lowoy ovoo paid being $10,000 In consideration of Smith's ' turning the goods over to him and stepping out. out.TheJBdge continued : "Tho fact that ho has testified untruthfully once makes all hid evidence suspicious nnd unreliable. Smith don't ' deny his roguery , nnd his testimony in this has been corroborated in many material points , which is not the case with thnt of Lowey. But because two men with rascally Intent engage in a nefarious and wilful un dertaking is no reason why their testimony should not bo believed and taken for what it is worth. " In words of biting1 sarcasm the court then went on 'tu take the testimony of the two men for what it was worth , and show how it proved the case against themselves. He went on to say with considerable irony that of course ft man might rush off to Omaha , hold a ulid- night meeting with a bankrupt merchant , pay him ! 0,000 which he brought with him in currency at the risk of being robbed , 'in stead of using the banks , for a lot of goods , the value of which hi ) did not know , and bo acting good faith , but it was too much , for his honor to swallow. In conclusion Judge Shcphard said and he was sorry to be obliged to state It , for the defendant had been favorably known to him for many years sim ply this , "that Lowoy knowingly entered with Smith into a fraudulent conspiracy to defraud the Inttcr's creditors , and that the defense set up by the former Is manifestly mannfuctmod from beginning to end. A decree would then bo prepared clos ing up the place in accordance with the prayer of the creditors. After the decree was prepared n lawyer in the court f > uld that the court will doubtless relcr the matter to a master to determine the entire amount of goods In stock nud then order Lowey to pay the full assessed value of them to bo divided among the judgment creditors. SAY 1TAVAS MUllDHIt. General Itoom'H ComrndcH Itl.tlcc a SctiHiitionnl Charge. Cnicvno , May 14. The mystery of Gen eral Martin Becm's death was to-night made more peculiar titan ever by the decision ot the Veteran Union league an organization , which undertook to investigate the matter. The report from the committee charged with the task was submitted to a committee of the league this evening. The gist of the report was that General Becm had been murdered , but that no hlnmo was attached to his wife. No explanation was vouchsafed for such a state of affairs. The committee aukcd for additional time to probe deeper into the bubjcct. By a vote of the league this was grunted , but later a reconsideration wns moved and the committee discharged , thus apparently shelving the whole business , BO far us General Beems' old comrades are con cerned. Tlio feature of the meeting was the lending of a strong letter from Mrs. Bccin , demanding vhtually a vindication or prose cution. Steamship ArrivalH. Nr.\v VOHIC , May 14. [ Special Telegram to THE BKE.J Arrived Tlio steamer Ser via from Liverpool ; the Sunvia from Ham burg. LiVEiirooi. , May 14. Arrived The Btcainer Queen from New York. SOUTIIAMITOX , May 14. Arrived The steamer Elbe from New York for Bremen ; the Sxvitzcrl.ind from Philadelphia , HAMIIUUO , May 14. Arrived The steamer Polynesia from New York. Introduced the VcMilmlo System. CIIK AQO , May 14 The most prominent railroad men of this city were aboard the first vestibule tram operated by the Chlcftpo , Rock Island & Pacific railroad company. The train consisted of two Pullman sleepers , a dining and a baggage car , and two coachofj and a splendid run was made to Jolict nnd return. The event murks the permanent in troduction of the vubtibulo sjstcm ou thu Rock island road. Tjabor 1'olltleiaiin Gathering. CINCINNATI , May 14. Delegates to the two national conventions of the union labor uud united labor parties are coming In rapidly. The union labor convention will meet at noon to-morrow at the Odeon , the united labor at tbo Bamotmiont the Grand opera house. JCHSO Harper , the most prominuut man in the union labor pai ty , is here. Dr. MeGlynn , ninonc tbo foremost of thu uiillcd labor party , is on the ground. Weather Indications. For Nebraska and Iowa : Wanner , feN lowed by coooiar , fulr weather , followed by local rains , light to frcuh southerly winds , increasing In force. For eastern und smithoustrrn Dakota ; cooler , frill- weather , tiesh to bns'.i uoiib/ > oicjte'riy.rinds. .