Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    " " ! ' '
Plod Among SlrniiRCrs.
Josrpli Clcfllng , ngcd forty-three , died nt
St , Joscpli's hospital yesterday of consump
tion , Ho Is not known to have nny friends
or relatives hero , nnd his body Is at present
nt Hcafoy ft , Henfcy's awaiting the disposi
tion of nnv friends who should happen to
Icnru of his demise.
Addressed ly tlio Doctor.
Dr. Matter spoke in German yesterday
afternoon , nt Mctz , to the workmen of
the city who are endeavoring to create n
library of Kngllsh , German and Hohcmlnn
literature. The doctor's subject was ' 'The
Influence of the Wife on the Social nnd Politi
cal Progress of Mankind. " It was an nblo
and Interesting address , and was greatly ap
preciated by those who listened to It. It is
proposed to hold a ball in a few weeks to
rniso funds to defray the expense of the pur-
those of a library ,
Bhe IB Disturbed aa to ttic Singleness
of Her Ony Admirer.
A youn ? man named Charles Snmuclson
occupies a berth in ono of the cells of the
county Jiill. Ho was put Into it on last Sat
urday night. Ho H charged with perjury ,
but the charge seems to annoy him In so light
n degree that last night , when Tun linn
Bought an Intcrviow , the accused had to bo
aroused with ti number of sledgO'hntnmcr
blows on the car before ho was nblo to extrl-
cnto himself from the arms and clasp of
A little more than two ye.irs npo Charles
was n farmer. Ho resided near Preston , In
Henry county , Illinois , Ho fell In lovu. The
object of Ills attentions was Anna Abrahmson ,
the daughter of a farmer in that vicinity.
Anna and Charles got married. It si'cms
their bucolic love did not satisfy the bucollo
parents of the fair and uonllding brldo. In
this lack of satisfaction , the mother-in-law
was the first to assert herself ; nnd her style
of assertion was BO emphatic that Charley
made up his mind , for u titno at least.
to put Homo distance between himself and
the nuwly-mado partner of his Joys and the
Irnsrlblb temper of his uowly-niado mother-
in-law. Ho hnd been n miserable bride
groom , although ho had had but ono week's
oxpcricnco of the trying situation , and upon
consideration ho eoncluded'to coino and suck
surccaso from sorrow , as also a slowly-ac
quired fortune in tbo booming west.
Charles ciuno to Nebraska. Ho toiled and
moiled and , Ilka Whang the miller , nightly
dreamed of fortunes which his days of labor
aided but indifferently in acquiring. At
all events ho desired to have Anna
With him , and returned to Henry county in
the land of the Illinois , and besought her to
-accompany him and leuvo father nnd mother
so that she might cling to him , ns did the
* maiden of old In the tame whereof the
scriptures bear witness. IJut there was too
much inotbcr-iu-luw , and it was believed
there was also a good deal of the bride.
ThuJattcr refused point blank to leave hori
i parental hearthstone. She had had-but ono
week's experience ns the wife do facto
of Charles. That seemed to her enough.
No , she would not accompany Charles
- to the wild and wooly west. If Charles
wanted to live in the W. and W. west thcro
was nothing in the constitution or the several
nmeiidmcnts thereto to prevent him from
\ > gratifying his wishes ; but as for the gentle
Anna , she would remain at home. She did
remain at homo. lie returned , brldclcss to
the VV. nnd W. west. Ho entered the em
ploy of A. P. Tukcy , who resides on west
j > . Chicago street. Ho there found a young
woman named MIna Gustavson. MIna is a
robust beauty. Charles and Mina met. They
ran across ono another frequently. Such
. running , at least among congenial spirits ,
conduces very frequently to love. In the cnso
of Charles mid Mina thcro was no exception.
They saw , admired nnd loved. Hut Charles
t said nothing about his former wifo. Ho said
c nothing about his mother-in-lnw. Last I3o-
* comber ho wrote to a friend in Henry county
' asking nbout his wife and the latter said
F that Anna had procured a divorce. Charles
i was theroforoa free man. Hut ho told Mina
1 ' nothing about the breaking of his bonds. Ho
simply made love to her as best ho knew
how , nnd Mina helped him in the pastime.
, _ ' Finally , it became announced that Charles
and MIna were nbout to bo married. The
announcement was reliable , because , on last
Thursday , Charles got a license in the
i county court which authorized him to marry
the loviuir Mina. This caused Churles
. , trouble.
A letter was produced. It was from
Henry county , Illinois , to n lady In Omaha ,
and written about two years ago. It told of
Charles' Jlrst marriage. It said ho wisa bad
man , though it seemed to have little au
thority for the statement. The letter was
Bhown to ncv. E. A. Fogolstrom. Ho saw
Ninn. Nina was badly broken up with the
disclosure. She called upon Judge Ander
son , charged Charles with perjury in that ho
claimed ho was not a married man , and , ns
recorded , Charles was given a mattress as
Ubovo described ,
Charles says that the letter ho receivo.1
from Illinois announcing the divorce secured
by his wife , was shown to Judge Stcnberg
, nnd that the latter gentleman pronounced -
nounced Chuvlts free to marry again ,
nnd Charles proceeded to do so , as above de
tailed. Ho slates further that ho did not
- , think it necessary to tell Mina of his former
t marriage , especially us ho was now dl-
t" vorced ,
? Mina soys that she loves Charley , the only
objection she has to him being that ho has
already been married , but she says she will
be able to net over that if ho is not married
now.To ascertain the facts In the case Mr.
Tukey telegraphed to Preston , and if it can
bo shown that Mrs. Samuelson has been di
vorced , Charley will bo ubsowcd from the
charge of perjury and speedily mnko Mina
Mrs , Samuelson the second.
Two Italian * Hlnsh Each Otlnr :
In n squalid hovel on Twentieth stioct ,
near the Union Pacific tracks , lives n colony
of Italian banana merchants. In their so
berer moments they are n quiet class of pco-
pin , but when 11 rod with liquor they are as
wiirllho ns any of tholr illustrious Hoiiuui
ancestors. Yesterday they p.isscd the after
noon most assiduously in "rushing the
growler" until nil hands were pretty well
besotted. Finally a quurrol sprung up be-
5 twccn two of them , named Jotiouh Uolvetuo
: ' nnd Angello Hlpzclo , hist night while iw-
* gaged at cards. As the quarrel grew hotter
both drew btllletos , and a dcsucrnta and
bloody struggle ensued. Antonio Mashed
Joseph across , the fiont of the neck , laying
open n gaping wound , but failed to
' either sever the wmdplpo or Jtigu.
lar vein , Dulvctuo in * returd stabbed
Hlpzclo twice in the right arm ns that
member was lifted to protect his body , and
succeeded also in thrusting him onto in the
hip and llvm times in the back. Tlio blade
entered Urn left lobo of the lungs a time or
two and Inllictrd what may prove to bo fatal
wounds. Dolvetuo's cut on the neck Is not
thought to bo. fatal. This deadly tight lusted
only n short time , when they were separated
by the other parties prt-sont. They were n
bloody and despot ate looking pair. When
IJolvctuo rcnIUcd how badly ho hud injured
Itlpzclo ho took alarm and tied from the
houso. The onicers learned of the affair and
u description of the fugitive was telephoned to
the different policemen , The affair occurred
nbout i'M ; p. m. , nnd about nn hour later
Dolvctuo was found by Sergeant Matzn and
Officer John Urudy , skulking up Thirteenth
street. Ho was pi otty giunoy when they at
tempted to arrcbt Him , but ho was boon over-
powered. Ho was transported to the central
station , where ho seems to manifest the most
stolid Indlffercnc6 ns to the fate of the man
ho mis stubbed.
Tlio Unfortunate Man Pnssos Awny nl
SI. Josoph'H JlospMnl.
There is a tad nnd unfoitunuto Ignominj
nbout the death of A. G , Jamicson , A. M ,
nt St , Joseph's hospital yesterday nftcmooi
that Ib touching In the extreme. One of tin
physicians in charge of the CUEO ascribes hi !
demise to a fovcr , but others claim that tb <
iinmcilint ? cause of his death was cryMpolui
i-psulUip | from Injuries received in his desperate
perato struggle with. OfnYer Ulcoai on tin
morning of the 37th Inst. , when he win
severely-clubbed. At any rate , the corane
wjlf instltuU nn investigation , unduu Jnqucs
Will bo heltf this morning , ,
vii had'bceii orrcstcd on a prcvlou
occasion for Insulting ladles -while In
n bcnstly state of Intoxication , nnd nbont
I n. tn. on the STth ho was again nt
: ns old tricks on South Tenth street nnd
Officer Hloom found it necessary to urrest
film. Jnmlcson refused to go with the policc-
nan nnd commenced to strike I31oom over
.he head and shoulders with his cnno , The
ofllccr , stunned nnd cnrngcd , Jerked out his
billy nnd fiercely rctnlintcd. Ho soon
clubbed Jaralcson into submission after
breaking his arm nnd nearly fracturing the
skull also. The injury to the arm was found
0 be n most serious ono. the fracture extend-
ng into the Joint , which would over make
, hat member useless.
Jamleson was aged about twenty-four , was
1 man of good family nnd had enjoyed excel-
cut educational advantages , beluga graduate
of the university of Edinburgh. Ho was
of pleasing appearance. and while
lober was gentlemanly in his actions , His
ills parents live in Scotland , but ho has trav
eled In nearly every quarter of the globe , and
cslded for some time in Australia , whore hems
ms a brother living. While on nn expedi-
Ion to the north pole ho came near meeting
ho usual fate of most Arctic explorers in
jeing frozen and starved to death , Iho
terrors of that expedition seemed to have af
fected his mind , ns was Lieutenant Dancn-
lower's on n similar voyage , nnd ho was
gradually becoming insane. Whenever he
ndulgcd in the intoxicating cup his reason
cmpornrlly fled , and the traveled ) cultivated
; cntlcmun was converted Into nn Insensate
His parents , who live In Aberdeen , Scot-
and , nnd arc said to bo woll-to-do people ,
IHVO been notlllcd by cable of his death.
Smoho Soitlunborg's Fignro nntl pot
ho best fi-ccnt cigar in tlio world. Max
iloycr & I3ro. , wholesale depot.
ionic KncH ( About Xhnt Fur-Away
Section of America.
OAKMUU : , W. T. , May 7. To the Editor
of TIIC UF.B : Knowing that Tin : UIE : circu-
ates largely in n section of country and
among n class of people that are anxious to
enow something about Washington Terr !
ory , I give you a few facts in regard to east
ern Washington. I have 'lived here nine
cars and have been engaged in farming.
Vhitman county , or what Is more commonly
known as the Great Palouse country , sur-
msscs any other place that I hava ever seen ,
'here has been no such n thing ns a failure
of crop since the country has been settled.
Vhcut , oats and barley make almost incrcd-
ilous yields , wheat yielding from twenty-five
o fifty bushels per aero ; oats nnd barley
rom fifty to ono hundred. Of vegetables it
s useless to try to give the yield , ns it is too
enormous. The fact has been fully dcmon-
tr.itcd by the orchards that have been put
, ut that npplus , plums , prunes , pears , nnd
,11 , the small fruits will do well here and sel
dom ever foil. Trees could not grow better
n nny country , nnd come into bearing
Tliis ( s n country with no material diseases
no consumption , no epidemics nnd no other
liscascs unless they uro brought hero.
tlauy coming hero with diseases 11 ml inime-
liately that our climate gives relief nrnl ef-
octs many permanent cures. Wo have no
n sects to annoy man or beast. Stock of all
< Inds doe ? well and cattle , horses and sheep
arc raised by the hundreds and thousands in
nany localities. Wo have no disease among
logs. They are raised with good profits.
We have no cyclones , tornadoes , blizzards
ior sun-strokes. We undoubtedly have ono
if the garden spots of the world. Our win-
era are short , with now and then u cold
snap of a few days. Our summers arc nlco
nnd cool no sultry weather.
Our lands arc cheap. Improved lands can
> o had nt from $12 to $20 per acre ; uuim-
> rovcd , at from $7 to ? 10 but will not re
main long at these figures as emigration is
coming in nt n lively rate. Now railroads
nro being built , old towns doubling up in
lopulntlon with many now ones
springing up in the different localities. In
'act , the whole territory is undergoing u
good healthy growth , both country mid towns
; oing along equally , but wo have room for
.housands more of all classes. Oaksdalc ,
situated on the Spokane. & Talons railroad ,
'orty-seven miles north of Spokane Fulls , is
ocatcd in ono of the finest and best agricul
tural districts to bo found anywhere , and
without nny doubt wo will have the second
road , and possibly the third ono. It is al
ready admitted that it is the coming town of
Whitman county. Wo need more stores of
all kinds , n good mill , a bank , n good
creamery and a shoo factory. I will also say
that up to this time wo have had ono of the
nicest springs for seeding ever known uny-
whcro. and the best prospect for a. largo
yield. I. N. li.
I have opened my Woodruff granite
quarries nnd can fill all orders of almost
my dimensions. Rock can bo scon at
stone yards of Win. Tyler , Lincoln ,
The regular monthly meeting of the
Omaha board of trade will bo hold this
evening atr8 o'clock.
Mrs. Elizabeth Burridgo Bullock
daughter of Mr , Benjamin Burridgo , o
Lockport , N. J. , says the Times , who
died Tuesday and was buried to-daywas
a suflorer from a strange ailment. She
was , so to speak , in an almost complete
stuto of ossification for tlio last five
ysnrH , and her joints had become stiff
ened HO that it was impossible for her to
live. She was a most intense sufferer
from the pain attendant upon the ad
vances of the disease. The contracting
and drawing of the bones and cords of
the body was agoni/.ing. To see the
frightfully distorted and emaciated re
mains of what was once a beautiful and
perfect woman would give only a partial
idea of what Mrs. Bullock suffered.
The lady was thirty-six years old at
the time of her death. When thirteen
years of ago Bhe was a plump girl , at
tendant at the Wnshburn street school
hero. Ono day , with other playmates ,
she climbed a tree in the neighborhood
of the school and was dared to jump
from ono of the branches. Thin bho
did , breaking her collar-bone and in
juring her right kncu , A swelling ap
peared on the inside of the knots , which
troubled her more or lo-s as the years
advanced. In 187 ! ! medical aid was first
called in to treat her for her knee , the
pain from which hud grown to bo quite
bovoro , she having caught cold in the
member while bleating ,
She married in 187-1. .Somo years
later lieu- hones began to stiffen and
trouble her somo. Five years ago the
joints became hardened and ossified ,
and she was helpless. Her tooth wore
all drawn out from the upper jaw nnd
both jaws pet. LMivsicians inbortod u
piece of thin wood between the lower
set of teeth and the gums to keep the
teeth from injuring them , ft was about
three months after the first appearance
of the rigidity of the bones before the
body was completely affected. Her
health WIIH completely undermined , and
the hint five years she has been failing
gradually from day to day , The effect
can ho rcali/.ed when from a strong ,
healthful woman weighing 103 pounds
she filled away to almost a mere skele
ton , weighing only thirty pounds when
the died.
Her joints not only hardened , but tne
cords of the body contracted and drew
them Into all manner of bhapes. The
hip joint on the right side was com
pletely out of the socket , and protruded
frightfully. The left limb was drawn
all out of shape , as wore the hands and
head. She subsisted on food prepared
for hor. She fed herself , a tooth in the
lower set being removed to admi't the
nourishment. Her right hand was mo-
tionlcEd , but her loft side was able tc
guide a littlo. She was thus enabled tc
write some. She read easily , and talkeil
readily to the time ef her death.
For the last three yctm. Mrs. Bullocli
resided jVHh her father in this city
She wan palieut and never known .tc
complain. The .only similar case , ant
then it is not in such a inarketT degree
us this , ib that of JohnulUuu Bass ; tin
Continental Clothing House
Special Sale of Riverside Worsted Suits , Price $12.
Special Saleiof Sawyer Woolen Go's. Cassimere Suits , Price $12.
Special Sale of Dolan Cassimere Suits , Price $8.
Every Visitor to Omaha Talks About the Continental Clothing House
The sale of jro Sawyer Woolen Co.'s
fine Cassimero Suits , which is contin
ued this week has boon unprecedented
but of equal importance , however , nnd
of even grcntqr Interest in our great
sale of line worsted dress Suits , cloth
made by the RIVERSIDE MILLS , in
medium weight fabric , suitable for wear
all the year round. Wo offer this week
00 of thcso fine Worsted Dress Suits
which for dress purposes nrostrlctly cor
rect in every respect , nnd the most popu
lar nnd durable goods sold in this coun
LOT NO. 1. Wo offer.200of the above
named goods made by the RIVERSIDE
MILLS CO. , made up in a 4 button
cut-a-wny Frock suit , and in the most
thorough manner , suitable for dress
suits. They are goods which wo have
sold regularly for $18. but wo offer them
this week to close at , the extremely low
price of $12 per suit. The color is plain
black , edges bound , and'overy suit would
bo worth in the regular way $18 ; as tlio
lot is not largo they will bo Closed this
week. Send in your order at once if
you want ono.
< J * * y-A44
OT ? T5"F1"R l We wil1 sencl Packftges containing suits of clothing , furnishing goods , cloths and woolens of all kinds kep
V .A. < UJ-/jjj.t > K- ? . in address in Nebraska Iowa Kansas , Dakota Colorado . .
. . QUr establishment , to any , , , , or Wyoming , 0. O. D.
giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of
seeing any 'article of merchandise in our stock at their own towns , examining the same before paying for them , and if not perfectly satisfactory , returning
goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding $10 may be returned at our expense.
TRY. THIS ARRANGEM ENT. For years we have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfactory
results. You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if they do not please you. .
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , , Loomis & Co.
DES MOINES Proprietors ;
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
jssificd man of Lewiston , this county.
Bass is perfectly rigid , but has not the
contraction of his joints. Mrs. Bullock's
disease is called chalky gout and chalky
rheumatism , and many other names per
taining to disease of the bone.
Sneak Thieves Harvest.
"This is harvest time for the sneak-
thieving fraternity , " remarked a Cen
tral office detective as ho entered the
loss of a $1,000 vase from a IMndi&on
avenue residence.
'Why is tlintV" inquired a Now York
Mail and Express reporter , whoso curi
osity was excited.
' 'Well , you sco , nearly nine-tenths of
the moving population of this city do so
between the 1st of April and the early
part of May. There are several hun
dred professional sneak-thiovcs who dp
nothing else during this period than
robbing houses while the truckmen are
engaged in loading their vans. Of
course they rig themselves up to look
like workingmen and the members of
the household seldom distinguish them
from the movers. In tills way they
quietly enter by the front door nnd at a
favorable opportunity tuck under their
blouses any portable articles of value ,
such as vases and other ornaments. It
if not difficult for them to work a half-
dozen houses in this way within a few
hours. The regularly employed truck
man and their assistants , il they do hap
pen to stumble across ono of these
sneak-thieves , generally mistake them
for servants belonging to the house and
do not attempt to make any ramon-
stranco. Thousands of dollars' worth
of goods have been stolen after this
fashion during the past ton days. Very
little of it is recovered , and the queer
est part of the business is the fact that
the unfortunate truckmen nro invaria
bly blamed for the thefts. All wo can
say to the rightful owners of the prop-
arty to the contrary seems to count for
naught. All the policemen in the va
rious precincts have been uMilicd to
keep their eyes open for "sneaks"
wherever they see a family moving.
Most of the stolen property is shipped
to other cities nnd sold either at private
bale or at auction.
John Hampton , after graduating nt
Oxford , was a student of law in the
Inner Temple at nineteen.
ThUjiowder ncrer varies , A nurrriofpurl ,
ty.strdnsth unit wlioltdomeueju. Mora cconom
leal tbautlip ordinary kinds , anil rantiat txnolp
. ' tint multitude of 'loir ' toit.
i hart weight alum or phojnhate pmrderi . 6.0 ! d
only In cans , lloval , Unklug r < m > fr c ° t U
LOT NO. 2. Stock No. 4018,4019 and
4050. Imported Whipcord Suits made
in a 4 button cut-a-way style only , in
regular sizes from 85 to 42. This suit
was made In our own machine room dur
ing last sixty days , and tlio out and mnka
of this suit is as correct for dress pur
poses ns it is possible to have Ihqnij and
ns the present month Is the monlliof all
the year when people are thinking about
dross suits , wo claim that this lotof wors
ted suits Is absolutely the most desira
ble that it has cvor been our privilege
to olTor the public. This garment was
made UD to sell in our stock for $22 , but
as ono of the leading bargains for this
weak It is offered at the ridiculously
low price of $15. Wo unhesitatingly
claim that the average retail pricpof.
this suit is never loss'than $22. " , '
Of those two lots , which aiosmall ,
particularly lot No. 2 , which was advor- lot No. 1 , in our advertisement
of last week , wo can send no samples of
either lot , but as long as they last.-Satri-
plo suits will bo sent by oxnross C.'O. D.
with the privilege of examination.-
sure in ordering to mention the date of
the advertisement , as the lot numborsin
our different advertisements represent
different goods. In ordering mention
the No. of the lot nnd the date of the
Health is Wealth !
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wnkofiilness , Mental
Depression , Softening of the Ilraln. reuniting In
Insanity , nnd leading to mlscrv , decay and
dentil. Premature Old ARC. Itnrrenncss , l.oss of
Power In either sex. Involuntary Losses and
Hncrmatorliica caused by ovi-r-exortioii of tlio
brain , self-abuso or ovcr-lndtilRcnro. Iluch box
contains ono month's treatment. Jl.OO a box , or
six boxes for $ - .00 , sent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of prico.
To cure any caso. With each order received by
us for six boxes , accompanied with J3.00 , we
will sonrt the purchaser our written Ruarunteo
to refund the money If the treatment does not
cITectacnro. Guarantees Issued only by C. F.
( JOODMAN. Drutrtrlst , Bolo Agent , HlO Taruain
Street , Omaha , Nob.
A Concentrated Liquid Extract of
Aids Digestion ,
Cures Di/niicpsia ,
SlrenytliciiH tlio fijntcin ,
Restores Sound , JtcfrenMnu
ttleej ) ,
I'rlcclcsa to Xnrslna Mothers.
Recomraoiulcil by Eminent Physicians ,
For Sale 1I tM
ardson Driiy Co. , Wholesale
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Itouto from Omuha nnd Council
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Kock Ibluiul , Freeport , Itockford ,
Clinton , DuUuqiip , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janestllle ,
Deloit , Wlnuna , La Crossc ,
Aod ell oilier Important polnti lint , Noitheuit and
For through tlckt-t mil on ( be ticket nccnt at 1M1
Kurnmu ttrtct. lu lUrkcr illock , OT t Union 1'uclUo
Pullman Sleeper * and tbe tine-it Dining C ri In tha
worMururunou ( be mtln line of ( be Clilcaiio. Mil
wiuiVo A. bt Paul lUllway , and everr attention II
paid 10 i > anciiKer > by courteous vmplofii cl tua
lll.Kn. ( lencr l Hunger.
J V ailCKEH , AMliUut imierM JUuager.
A. V. U. CUHt'KM'KK , Ueneial 1'titen and
, Ai l lant General
In drift A " ° N"n can be mailo work
ID $0UU J e for in Airvnlt profcrrcU
ulio ( a tl't-lr. ' own bur r nu L-IVB tiiu'r
w bole ttiue. to tlio hutlno * Kiaro uuuiruu ujij b
pruilutlr employed- o. A few vacanelrt 10 Umi.
K < l vlllei. U.nJoiIv uM k Co. 1 UAIilal3 t..UICti
eod , V * . UvtUloulboDmatu Ue . > '
Continuation of the Sale of the Sawyer
Won Co's ' Fabrics ,
There arc only two colorings loft on
these celebrated suitings , ami wo offer
them until they are entirely closed out
at the sumo unapproachable low price of
812 per suit. No more desirable mater
ial can bo offered for a business suit than
these goods are , being purely all wool
fabrics , and goods that have stood the
test for years.
LOT NO. 8. In this lot wo have
nbont 100 suits left in Single Breasted
Sack Coats , in sizes 35 to 44. The very
best Sawyer Woolen Co.'s Double and
Twist Spring SuitingsnowHghtgroy , and
brown mixture , just made up in our vary
best , manner , nnd never during the
twelve years that wo have been selling
this suit has it been placed on our coun
ters at less than $18.
The celebrated Sawyer Woolen Co. ,
of Dover , N. II , , needs no commendation
from us , but wo unhesitatingly pro
nounce thorn the best manufacturers of
line all Wool Suitings in Now England.
No shoddy flocks or cotton used in any
of their fabrics. Do not forgot the price
only $12.
LOT NO. 4. Wo offer 100 of the well
known Vclour Cloth Finish Sawyer
Woolen Co.'s Suits in a very dark Ox
ford Mixture , n small neat ehocic pat
tern , ono of the most popular styles the
mill lias over made , suitable for cither
dress or business purposes. Single
Breasted Sacks , regular sizes in Spring
weight , at the same extremely low price
nf 1"
C. 0. D.
With Privilege of
All Wool Pants ,
both light nnd dark
colors , in sizes 30 to
42 waist and 30 to 31
leg measure. Also
a very largo line of
bettor grades of
Pants ranging in
price from $2.CO to
88. Our $3.75 to 85
Pants are extra good
Mail Orders Solicited-
Omaha , Nebraska.
Easily digested , of the fluent flavor. A nearly
bevernL'o lor n strong appetite ; a delicate drlnK
for the sensitive. Thoroughly tested , nutritious ;
palatable ; unexcelled in purity ; no unpleasant
uftereffects. Requires no bolllntf.
Merion Hnrlnnd , Christine Terhimai Herrlck.
Dean A. U. Thomas. M I ) . , pronounce it th I est
of all tlio powtilered chocoliites. No other emiuis
it lu tlavort purity and ANTi-t V6i'KiTiO'lual'"i8'
SoWM/Orocti . Sample mnttul lor 10 tlumju.
rticlt l T i-
N. W. Cor. 13th < b Dodge Sta
IS S ,
Dent facilities , apparatus and remedies for nue.
ceuful treatment of every form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Doard and attendance ; bed hospital accommo
dation ! In the west.
WHITB FOR CIECUI.AHS on. Deformities nnd
Draces , Trasses , Club I'eet , Curvature of tin
Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Cat.mli , Bronchitis ,
Inhalation , Klectrlcity , rarnlysis , Unllepsy. Kid-
ne > \ Dladder , Hye , Car , SUiu and Llood , a I'd all
Surgical Operations.
DIoooBOQ of Women a Spools I'.y.
lloon OK niiHA i or WOMEN Fnix.
All Dlood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Poison removed from the nyttem without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital I'ower. I'ersons unahle to visit ns may be
tfexttc ! nt home by correspondence. All commu
nications confidential , Medlcinrsorluttrunients
tent by mall or express , frcuicly packed , no
mnrlta to indicate contents or Fender. One per-
sdnal Interview preferred , Call and consult us or
send history of j our case , and we will tend in
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diteases. Juv
vitency , Syphilis. Gleet and Varicocele , with
\ut tlou list. Address
Omaha Medical and Surgical Itiitltute.oi
Cor. 13lhnndDods SU. . . OMAHA , NEB.
rpitE scinxcn OF LIFE , the
* -great JlwllcalVorkot the
age on Mauhood , Ki-rvous nndf
Physical Debility , Premature'
Decline , Errors of Youth , and
thonntoUl taUurlri consequent
thereon , CfO pages 8ro , 125
iiroicrlptluns for ull diseases. .
Clolli , full gilt , only $1.00 , > 'JH
mull , sealed. Illubtrath a sample free toall young
nnd middle aged mtn. Bemlnoir. TboOoldand
Jewelled Ucdal awarded to the author by t ! o Na
tional Medical Association. Editress P. O. box
1093 , Iloeion , Mats. , or Dr. W , II , PAHKKll , grud
tmteof Harvard Medical Collrgc,23ycart'practlco
In ilobtunwho max t > oconsulted confidentially
HK > clalyDUeaae ! olUan. oniceNo.4L'uinucUsU
Omaha Seed House.
Ileiulquart'trxfor ' r.undii-tirs CVinlirnlfd K'Mlfl.
I'lrtntc , f'ut Klowois and Moral designs , fend
W. II. fOSTBIt it SON , Propi-Jctot-9
1G22 C'aultol Avenue ,
Advertising has always inovca
successful. Ilcforo jiludiiKftny
Newepnper Advtrtielntr consut
u u > . lUidU'ii ut t , niucAco.
Cassimere Suits
Wo commence the Palo this week of
about 1000 Suits of the celebrated Dolan
Cnssimorcs , in regular sizes 31 to 4-1 ,
comprising four different styles and
mixtures nt the extraordinary low price
of $8 per suit. These are strictly all
wool goods , frco from shoddy , durable
and right In every respect. No suit In
this lot over to bo retailed for loss than
$12 , but wo offer this as an attractive
bargain in Men's low priced business
Send for samples of thcso goods before
ordering them , wo will gladly send sam
ple of cloth to nny address , or wo would
much prefer to send a Sample suit , so
that the manner of making and trim
ming can bo seen. Wo would recom
mend , however , that self measurement
blanks bo sent for first , so that a sample
suit may bo sent fitted to the party who
has ordered , and in this way saves the
trouble of returning suit to exchange it.
Remember , there nro four styles of
thcso Roods. Remember , the iirico i
only $8.00.
( load luiuuiKii miuu *
PaldiUp Capital $250,000
Surplus 50,000
II.V. . YATES , 1'reslilrat.
LEWIS S. HKKD , Vlco I'roMrtont.
A. U. Touxtl.iNlid Vlco President.
\V. II. S HUUIIKH , CftHliler ,
\V. V. Mon = c , JOHN K. COI.I.INS ,
II. W. YATKS. I.KWIS 8 Iiiu. ( :
A. K. Touz.u.i.v.
Uankins Olllce
Corner l-'th nnil Farnuni Bt ,
A Ocnuml HankingIIiHlnebs
Itcinarkalile for powerful svnipa-
thctlc lone , pllablu action uinl al > -
BnUite durability. ! IJ yeiiro' record ,
tlio bent gimianlt'e of tlie ( ixcel-
lento of these Initriimenta.
E.T.Allen , M. D.f
Homoeopathic Specialist ,
tit AND NOSE , tAK
Spectacles Accurately Ptftscrlbed ,
Surgeon and Physician ,
OfllctNV Corner lilliitud UoiiBlaaHt. ( ) fllc
telephone- ; Ht'sUluiitu tulephomi , 008.
only oao la tbn world ut
contJnuou4 Klrvtrio < t A
J'durrwiC. SolenilBoPowtrful , DuiaU * .
Oomf rtnW D < t BlUcllro. ATold IrAUdA
" °
ALHO r.LEofju < fuKi.TMDi'ounifjBrA"Hi : .
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
wore elilppod during thn poet
tuo yturu , without , a druiii.
iiior lii our euiploK No other
lionselu the worl'lcan truth *
fully luakoaucliiieljoirini. .
Ono agent ( iloalcr only )
wBiitml In each town.
R.W.TANSILL&C0..55 Stale SLChlcanOy.
ii'iwii uutful
14 Gli t.
VVehtu t > M icoildtt.
tttlt , tndln flrcry c (4 II
buglica liUifiitlcu.
Alcttt ti L ! H
rtil Cbe&lstl Oj. llud.OB.ltXi
J-llc. tl.OO.
MranM.1 and benutinea ttu ) liklr *
- .
Nsvor Fails to Rstlora Oriy
Hair ( o its Ytulhful Color.
M t f rugrant Una Ln 1rt ! [ u ( I'trfuuut. i : . 1'f Uftl
S CUT AND r t < UQ.
Incomparably the Bast.