t ' ! " ' ' - " I , . - 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. MAY 1 % 188aSIXTEEN PAGES. llnydcn Bros. Letting down tlio prices on Inco cur- tains. Double width curtain net nt 6 nnd 8c a yard , worth 10 and 15c a yard. Tape bound curUiin not nt lOc a yard , worth 20o. Three yards long tape bound curtains nt 40c each , worth 7oc. Three yards long tape bound curtains nt 60c each , worth $1. IJow is this ? Lace curtains thrco yards long 50e u pair. Wo will show great bargains on Mon day in lace curtains at $1 , $1.2-5 , $1.35. * 1.60 , 1.7o , $2 , $2.25 , * 2.60 , $2.75 and * 3 n pair. Every pair a bargain. Lace curtain scrim at 6Jc , Blc , 8c nnd lOc a yard. These are no ronrtmnts out now fresh goods bought at a forced Bale. Twenty-five picccscolorcd lace striped Berlin and Persian draperies ut lOc a yard , worth 16c. Special bargain in towels , reel and lluo glass checked towels fie each. All linen towels 8c , lOc , 125e and lee each. The boss bargain in a big , heavy , all linen towel , 2Jlx 15 , at 19c each ; only 0 Bold to each customer. Fancy striped Turkish towels at lOc each. Just received 50 dozen more of those extra largo size Turkioh towels at 2/5c / each. All linen crash , 3c a yard. All linen fancy stripe crash 6c a yard. Red or blue checked glass toweling at 7jc a yard. Red or blue checked napkins at 20c a dozen ; this bargain you 11 ml only at Haydon's. 50 dozen i bleached Gorman napkins at $1.00 a dozen , worth $1.60 or money reluuded. Our linen department never was BO full of bargains as at present. Largo Hio white bed spreads , C'Jc , 75e , 85c , ! )8c ) ijnd $1.00 each. 50 pieces of yard wide fine brown sheeting , worth Oc a yard , on Monday only Cc a yard ; only 25 yards to one cus tomer. j Awron chocked gingham , 4i & Gjc a yard. Buy your wall paper now , while wo have a good selection. II.VYDKN BltOS. To Salt Lake and return. The Union Pacific , "The Overland Route , " will sell tickets from Missouri river points for the special excursion to Salt Lake City and return Juno 0 at one faro ( $40) ) for the round trip. Tickets going good for five days , and returning fifteen days , extreme limit thirty days. Stop over privileges allowed within these limits. Parties desirous of visiting Gariield beach , on Great Salt Lake , the famous watering place of the west , should improve the opportunity now of fered. IlhiHt rated Ijccturc. RAMBLINGS IN ROME MONDAY NIGHT AT BOYD'S. Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock , Matinee , The Yosemite and the Yellowstone. Auction I Auction t Wo will sell at public auction on Mon day. May 14th , at 10 a. m. , all household furniture at No. 211 South Twenty-fourth street between Farnain and Douglas , late residence of J. H. Sherfy , Esq. , of the well known linn of O'Donuhoo & Shorfy , consisting of Brussels carpets , parlor and bedroom suits , mattresses , bedding , Marseilles and Crochet quilts , feather beds and pillows , dining and kitchen furniturp , crockery ware , glass ware , refrigerator , largo range , etc. YATKS & Co. , Licensed Auctioneers. Second Ward Patriots. Tlio second ward republicans have organ ized a military-flambeau club , which they in tend to uniform , and with which they will mnko a sensation diirinp the forthcoming campaign. The uniform now contemplated Is a white trousers , blue blouse and clmlto , with red , white and blue pompom. Council man Kaspar is the captain and T. S. Broil- crick lieutenant. All republicans of the second ward arc requested to meet ut Hoy's. Eighteenth and Vintou streets , on next Wednesday night. Owing to our inability to wait on the crowds which invaded our store yester day , wo will continue our sale advertised in Friday evening's BKB. On Monday we shall also ollor seven bargains in our dr ss goods stock and eighteen im mense bargains in dilTorent parts of our store ; also biggest drives on record in our millinery department. Come early in. the morning or between 12 and 2 o'clock and avoid the great rush. STONEHILL'S , . 1615 Douglas. When you buy a hat or nice present for your sister , wife or best girl , call at M. E. Hawloy's , 1510 Douglas , fine mil linery and art store. Auction Bales. The undersigned is prepared to hold sales ut residences , stores , etc. , also to receive goods of all kinds at my lire proof salesroom , 1112 Howard Bt. UlSNUY CUEIGHTON , Auctioneer , Ollleo 1510 Farnam. Kngnii's llliiHtrutud Ijcoturc. RAMBLINGS IN ROME MONDAY NIGHT AT BOYD'S. Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock , Matinee The Yosemite and the Yellowstone. Crow's High Patent flour boats all. Flrat Communion nnd Confirmation. This morning u number of students of CreiRUton college will receive their first com- muu ion at the U o'clock muss , The occasion is ouo of interest to u largo number of people end will attract many adults from all parts ' of the t/lty. In the afternoon , nt the same f , pluco , at a o'clock , Bishop O'Connor will administer - minister the sacrament of conllimntion to about uventy children and grown puoplo. lloimbllcim Coiivontlon , Norfolk. The Union Pacillo railway have made special arrangements to accommodate all who wish to attend this convention. In addition to its prevent unsurpasbud train-service to Norfolk , on May 14th train - No. 07 will bu held at Columbus until rrival of No. 8 from the west , thus enabling delegates from all points west of Columbus to make direct con nection and arrive at Norfolk in time to attend convention. Tickets for the i round trip will be bold at one fare and n > third. " < Anlc your grocer for Crow's High Pa- I tout flour. Best flour iu market Smoke Soidonborg's Figaro and get the best fi-cont cigar in the world. Max Meyer < k Bro. , wholesale depot , Summer millinery just received. Mrs. Hlckmnn's , 1414 Douglas st. Call and sea styles and prices. Chattel Mortgage Sa'.o el heavy span mules , wagon and har ness at ' 'Windsor" bUiblos , 1410 Daven port et , on Monday , May 14th nt - o'clock p , m. A. W. COWAN , Auctioneer. lllustrMtud Lecture. HANDLINGS IN ROME MONDAY NIGHT AT BOYD'S. Tuesdaj afternoon 't 4 o'clock , ' Matin'to , TLo Yosemite and the Yellowstone. 1IAYDKN HUPS' Notion Hnlc. Good brass pins , Ic paper. Mohair dress braid , nil colors , 3c. Stockinet dress shields lOc. Dress reeds , elastic ends , i > er sot , Cc. Black pins , < ) c per box. Whalebone dress stays , 6c per doz. Holding Bros'embroidery silk , 6c doz. Plush balls for fancy work , 6c each. Tinsel balls in all shades , 5c each. The largest variety and lowest prices on children's and ladies' hdkfs , LACE SALE. Elegant tatting Inco , inch wide , leper per yd. ; fancy luce , all grades , 2c , 3c and 6c per yd. , now style machine tor- ehon,5c per doyds , wide widthscqunlly low. Real linen torchon lace , Ic , 2e and Sc per yd. for goods worth lOe. Our special sale of Hamburg and Swiss embroideries has been a , tremendous success. Wo have added many now and elegant patterns from late purchases and will continue the sale a week longer. We are showing this week nearly everything now in rushing , crepe , Hsse , linen collars and ladies' neck wear. Quality and price are both relia ble. ble.Our assortment of flounelngs was never so complete cither in silk , Span ish , French and oriental lace tlouncing from fl-lc to $4.87 a , yard. Wq show an immense variety of Hamburg and Swiss flouncing in all grades. If you need any thing in shade ) quality or htylo of rib bon that jou can't find , remember wo have thc'most complete stock and low est prices to bo found in any market. Our complete stock and low prices in millinery goods , ostrich feathers , French flowers , millinery ornaments , ladies and childrciiH hats , has attracted 111010 at tention than any other feature of our business. Wraps , fchawls and jackets. Elegant ' beaded wraps $4.75 to $ ! ) .00. Imported beaded wraps $15 , $17 to $25. Jackets of every description cost $2.50 to $1.00 to make , will bo closed at $1.50 to $2.50 each. HAYDBN BUGS. , UK and US Kith st. Itagnn'H IlliiHtrntcd Iiccturc. RAMBLINGS IN 11OM E MONDAY NIGHT AT BOYD'S. Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock , Matinco , The Yosemite and the Yellowstone. llowc , ICcrr & Co. , Furniture , 151C Douglas street , Opposite Falconer. AMUSEMENTS. "Mil. SAMl'SOJf OF OMAHA. " The new opera. "Mr. Sampson of Omaha , " which has been written by Fred Nye , of this city , and set to music by Mrs. B. 13. Young , also of this city , is being rehearsed with a great deal of interest and success. It is cer tainly worthy of the parties who have been instrumental in its creation and no less worthy of the city whoso name it will place on many lips. Aside from the curiosity to see a home production , the merit of the work Itself will commuiul It to all who enjoy the light opera of the period. The piece will bo presented undtr the most favorable of social circumstances , the cast comprising nearly all the leading vocal talent to be found in the leading society circles of the city. The opera will bu produced at Boyd's three evenings and a matinee , commencing on the 31st iuat. JIAOAN'H i.ECTtmns. These entertainments will bo continued nt Boyd's for a part of next week , the subject on Monday being "Hambllngs in | Home ; " Tuesday , "Glimpses of Scotland. " and on Tuesday afternoon , by special request , "Yosemito and the Yellowstone. " DOCKSTADIIU'S MlN8Tltii/J : AT BOYD'S. Dockstador's minstrels from New York will bo the next attraction at Boyd's ' opera house , appearing there Friday and Satur day , Ttlay 25 and 20. This company is recog nized as the leading minstrel organization of America. EDEN MUSHE. The programme nt this place this week will include M'lle. Loitcrie , the wonderful art designer ; the Sheppurd sisters , two clever vocalists ; "Wlnstanly brothers , mu sicians and dancers ; DrummonO , also a dancer ; Tex Bender , the cow-boy violinist , and the Miller brothers with their diorama ofntonr through forcigh countries ; Prof. Callalmn , the ventriloquist , with a number of others. "VON STUru xv siurn. " This evening there will bo an extra per formance and the last one , at Boyd's by the German company , Introducing all the favor ites with Marie Kraft Frcy as the star. The play will bo "Von Stufo zu Stufc. " It is a pretty comedy by Mueller , with a number of musical nieces among which is the auartetto entitled the Mctz-Krug-Storz & Iler-Jetter & Anheuser-Busch-Schlitz-Lenip buck beer waltz. "lUN'lEI , IIOONE. " On next Wednesday evening , the boards of the Grand will bo occupied with the show , " Daniel Boone , " which possesses a number of features of frontier life and character which will bo new to many people even in this part of the country. THE I'EOI'LP.'S. The attraction nt this place of amusement will bo Plimmcr & Harvey , song and dance men ; Joslo Do Forest , serio-comic singer ; the Lynch family of specialists and a number of other stars , the entertainment concluding with the farce of a "Hod Hot Stove. " The management of the Union Paci fic "Tho Overland Route , " made a change in the running time of its local trains Sunday , April 29th , that will bo hailed with delight by the residents of "Tho Omaha and Republican Valley. " This change .is in ado in conjunction with the St. Joseph add Grand Island , making the leaving time of No. 7 at Council Blulls at 8:40 : a. in. , and Omaha U a.m. Arriving at Valley at 10:25 : a. in. ; it connects with the train arriving at Valparaiso at 11:5(5 ( a.m. ; and nt Stromsburg at 2:50 : p. m. Hero it connects with the St. Joseph and Grand Island train , via McCool Junc tion and Full-Hold , arriving at Alma at 10:00 : p. m. The train running opposite leaves Alma daily at 5:80 : a. in. , arriv ing at Stromsburg at 12:00 : p. in. , Val paraiso 2l0 : ! ) ) . m. and Valley 4:15 : p * m. , connecting with No. 8 arriving in Omaha at 5:50 : p. m. and Council BlufTs nt 0:10 : p. rn , , making close connections with all eastern trains. Those trains run through solid between Alma and Lincoln , and pasbongors leaving Alma in the morning reach Lincoln nt3:40 : p. m. Leaving Lincoln at 11 : < S5 a. m. they arrive at Alma at 10:00 : p. in. Good time and through chair car ac commodations makes thin the most desirable - sirablo line running into this portion of Nebraska. Itock The genuine. Omaha Coal.CokoiV Lime Co. . 209S. 18th. iail O.UTAXT. Clmnifo of Time. On and alter Sunday , May 18th , the Miebouri Pacific trains will leave their depot at 15th and Webster sts at 10:20 : u. m. and 840 ; p. in , Do not forgot the flue millinery store of M. E. Hawley , 1610 Douglas btreet , when you buy jour now hat or any art goods. Mechanicb and Traders' Bank. Capital. $250.000. 318 S. 15th st. 11. C. Patterson , President. Frank Barnard , Cashier , Deposits hoHeitod. General bunking busincea done. Crosv's Patent flour takes the lead , 's nnos. Special Prices on Monday. 100 doIndies' kid gloves , Bella Helene - one , embroidered backs , only 75c per pair , worth $1.60. 100 doz Indies' Jersey TatTotn gloves , only 2oe per pair , worth 50c Ladles' Venetian Lisle gloves only 15c per pair , worth 2oo. Ladies' balbriggan hose only 15c nor pair , worth 25c. Ladies' ingrain hose , double solos , only lite , worth 35c. Ladies' hair line hose , regular made , only 121c per pair , worth 2oc. Ladies' fast black hose only 25c per pair , worth 60c. Ladies' sanitary black hose only 43c , others ask 75c. Children's cotton hose , ribbed , only 8c , A-orth loc. Children's ingrain hose , 0 to 8 , only lOc per pair. Ladies' gnuxo vests , pearl buttons and cat stitched , only 2oc each , worth 60c. Ladies' Jersey ribbed vests only 2'3c , wortli 50c. Ladies' fine balbriggan vests , lace trimmed , only 'Wc , worth OOc. Ladles' lisle vests , jersey ribbed , only 60c. worth 75c. Satin pnrabols , trimmed , only $2.25 , worth $3.60. Satin parasols , trimmed ' only $2.75 , wortli $5.00. Gents' unlaundcred shirts , double back and front , good muslin , only 85c , worth 55c. Gents' linen collars , now bhapcs , only Sc each. Boys' shirt wuUts. made from good quality cheviot , only 25c , worth 60e. Gents' turkey red handkerchiefs , full bl/.o , only 5c each. Ladies' laec mils , only 12je per pair , worth 25c. ] ( ' ( ) do/ , corsets , only Me , worth 05c. 100 do/ , corsets , only 60o. worth 11.00. Bargains in muslin uudcrwcur for Monday. BARGAINS IN WALL PAPEU. Mail orders attended to promptly. IIAYDEN BROS. , 10th st. near Douglas fat. The passenger department of the Union Puelllo , "Tho Overland Route , " has just gotten out as an advertisement what is known as the Switchmen * s Puzzle , capable of solution in ton moves. It fncinatcs all who try to solve it and bids fair as a novelty to surpass the * great 13-15-11 puzzle that created such a craze bcveral vcars ago. Send " to J. S. Tebbcts" , G. P. & T. A. , for one of these little interesting and entertaining little puzzles , but bo sure to enclose 10 cents in stamps to pay post age on same. _ The Commissioners' Acting Chairman Mount presided over the deliberations of the county commissioners yesterday afternoon , when the following business was transacted : Kcfcrrcd to committees W. W. Farquhar'a petition to bo appointed justice- the peace of the First ward in place of U. H. Haven , resigned ; H. G. Whltuioro's claim of $3 ; the resignation of II. H. Uavon as justice of the peace of the First ward ; claim of John Stanley , ? 30 , for making out report of pris oners In county jail ; petition of South Omaha property holders for the finishing of the east fifty feet of the grade on Twenty- fourth street between N and Q streets ; one from property owners on Sixth street be tween Pacific and Dorcas asking that the street bo graded ; bond of K. H. Stewart to grade Missouri avenue. Resolutions passed That the salary of the house physician at the poor farm be discon tinued and the ofllco abolished ; that the county treasurer cancel taxes on certain piece's of property ; directing assessors as to. their powers in assessing gas imiilis. " " ' Reports of committees That a new * gHiTP ing machine to cost $1,000 had been pur chased ; allowing several claims against- the county ; tnat the county is in favor of paving one-half the cost of grading Thirty-sixth street between Hamilton and Paul and be tween Pleasant and Thirty-third ; disallow ing request of Thomas C. Goss in reference to Douglas addition ; instructing the county treasurer to correct errors in tax lists ; in structing Frank Crawford to turn over jus tice docket ; accepting resignation of Dr. Devries , house physician at the jwor farm. PERMANENT SIDEWALKS. Graut'a SIuKolitliic Pavement. For sidewalks , carriage drives , coping cellar floors , etc. , also hectogon blocks laid in colors to suit , all work guaranteed for 5 or 10 years and laid in strict accordance with specifications on file in the board of public works ; otllco room 428 Ram go building , telephone 821. 821.Send Send address for circular. JOHN GRANT , Supt. Crow's Superlative flour ; bakers want it. _ To Develop Wyoming OH. Mr. A. L. Gillcspic , superintendent of the Rattlesnake Valley Oil and Mining company and the North Star Oil and Mining company of St. Paul and Stillwatcr , Minn. , has been spending two days In Omaha arranging and purchasing goods and equipments for his companies to ship to the Wyoming oil fields for the purpose of developing their oil lands at an early day. These two companies arc solid Institutions and backed by wealthy men , who go forth with the view of business in a practical way. Such Institutions as these , with the ready cash in hand In ample quantities , under the management of us practical u head as Mr. Gillesplo possesses , mean business in that Important field , and , further , It is quite a compliment to Omaha , to say the least , thatthis market of supplies for the northwest is selected with such favor and not found wanting when her merchants were quoting figures on articles needed for that Held. This is the beginning of u new fccctlon for tr.ido and it will continue to grow In great magnitude. Other parties will bo here on similar missions , which speaks volumes. District Court , nUOUGlIT IT INTO COU1IT , Sovrin F. Smith yesterday brought into court tlio sum of fi which ho claims is the balance due on a certain piece of property deeded him by Walter G. Phelps , deceased , with the request that George W. Loomls , ua executor , bo compelled to turn the land over to him. WANTS IT SOU ) . Joe B. Hadllcld asks that certain property UIMII which lie holds a niortgagu amounting to $5)5 given by Kmmu Gad , William S. Cook and the Nebraska Savings bank , bo sold to defray thu payment of the lien upon it , Confirmation on I'cntlcost. Next Tuesday at sundown the Jewish feast of sliebnoth or penticost commences. Divine services at the synagogue will com- mcnco at 7 p. m. During the morning ser vices on next Wednesday the confirmation ritrs will bo conferred by Rabbi Henson uwn | the Miescs Battle Morris , Aunlo Brown , Hattiu Obcrfeldar , Mablo Hellmand , and the Mttbtcrs Moritz. Koimld , Kmil Kretsch , Sam Goldsmith and I ouis Motz. The synagogue will bo handsomely decorated for the oc casion by tlio younger members of the church , * DIED. DIKD-ln th's ' city May 12 , at 11 o'clock a. in. , Mm tin Kusmussen , aged seventy years and two days. Funeral May 14 at 2 o'clock p. ra. from the chapel of the Latter Day'a Saints , Tweuty- flrst and Grace streets. Friends are invited. Sidewalks. Vancourt & Benedict manufacture ar tificial stone pavement. Exposition building. _ Greenman & Richardson . ' " Fine millinery and hair goods , 417 S , 16th st. Shecly building. JIAVPEN BKO8. IjCttltiR Down thb I'rlccs. Special silk sale for Monday and next vrcok. Merle silks in 67 different shades at 47c , worth $1.25. A full line of surah eilks , 24 inches wide , 65c. sold everywhere atOoc. Several pieces black brocade silk to close lot at 89c , worth $1. A full line black and colored brocaded silks at 05c , worth $1.60. A complete line black and colored silks , fully warranted , 6c75c ! ) ; and $1.15. Black colored gros grain silks rang ing in price from OOo to 82.95. A few pieces plain satins to close nt lOc , ropular price 60c. Silk plushes in every shade at 69c , fully worth $1.10. Every article at an awful sacrifice from manufacturers' cost and is well worthy the attention of close buyers. 24-inch reversible batinu diagonals nt 12c } , worth 25c. 88-in. English double cashmere 12ic , worth 38c. 30 to 44-ln. Louplns cashmere at 4c ! ) to 0c ! , fully HO pQr cent under rogjlar prices. 41-inch black Henrietta cloth at 75c to $1.26. 41-inch black Henrietta cloth at l)8c ) to $1.85 , goods imported to sell nt 25c per yard. 24-inch colored wool brocade dress goods at 6Jc , worth loc to 18c. 24-inch diagonal and plain dress goods , now shades , 12c , cost 18e to make. 30-inch English double twill cashmere , now shades , 12Jc , worth 28c per yard. F. F. American cashmere , now shades , lOc. lOc.88Inch plain serges , till new shades , 2e ! ) , worth 45c. 88-inch all wool suiting 38c , worth 6Sc. 64-iuch all wool suiting G9c , worth SI.25. 44-inch all wool suiting 7c. ! ) worth $1.10. IIEYDEN BROS. , 110 and 118 S. Kith st. Till UTY YEAIIS AGO. Organization of the "G. O. IV In This State ntul Its Work. If the republican party in this state lives until 11 o'clock to-day it will bo just thirty years , three months and twenty-five days old. During these years , months and days it has grown and flourished and has been the predominant political party of the state. In persuanco of a previous motion , the re publicans of Nebraska met in convention in the city of Oinalin the 18th day of January , IMS , for the purpose of organizing in this state a branch of the party that lias'slnco grown to bo and has been catlcd the grand old party. The meeting was called to order at 11 o'clock and the initiatory steps toward the organization of the body were then and theio taken. On motion of Dr. G. C. Monell , General William Larimer , Jr , , of Douglas county , was elected chairman of the mcctlni ; , and James W. Van Nostrnnd was elected secre tary. On motion of Dr. James H. Seymour , a committee of live was appointed by the chair to report ofllcers for the permanent organization. That committee , consisted of the following gentlemen : Dr. James H. Seymour , P. W. Hitchroclc.Ed F. Schneider and C. W. Shrceve , of Douglas , county , and H. S. Munduy , of Sarpy county. On motion of William Young Brown , Esq. , the chair appointed a committee of eight , consisting of William Young Brown , James H. Seymour , John H. Kcllum and Reuben Sheldon , of Douglas county , L. G. .letters and E. T. Cressoy , of Cnss county , Dr. Campbell , of Otoe county , and Reuben Love- joy , of Sarpy county , to pieparo and report resolutions. At the conclusion of the ap pointing of the committees some eloquent speeches were delivered by the leading politi cians attending the convention , and a recess was then taken until 2 o'clock in the nf ter- n3o'n' " "WUeiV the convention , assembled in the afternoon the committee on permanent organisation reported the name of William Larimer , jr. , of Douglas county , as president. Thirteen vice presidents were se lected from so many counties and two secre taries. In the general resolutions introduced and ado'pted by the convention they held that the organization of the party was thrust upon them by the democrats. They extended the party lines HO as to admit of all who were opposed to the then existing administration. They extended their sympathy to Kansas 'n ' her struggle to escape slavery. They re solved in favor of the government appropri ating land for the builduigof the Grand I'acilic railroad and passed a resolution asking the senate to pass the homestead bill. The con vention adjourned to complete their final or ganization at a meeting to be held in Omaha on the 27th day of May. That was the first meeting of the great party In the state and It was largely attended and the citi/ens who were present were men who wore full of patriotism and love for the fltnto. The resolutions they passed wore full of the sentiment of the times. Since the or ganization of the party it has been followed by victory and thu state has always been known as one solid for the republican party. The first convention of the party was held for the good of the state and people. The last convention held was for the election of a delegate to the Chicago national convention and the pearls were cast before Charley Greene and the B. & M. railroad. It can bo said with truth that things have changed since ' 5S. ADDITIONAL COUNCIL BLUFFS Uncle Sam'H House Nearly Done. It is now intended to have the government building ready for occupancy by July 1. The work Is rapidly approaching completion , and the marble men and wood finishers are the only forces In the building. Sixteen of the twenty marble fireplaces are already hi place and the wood work outside of tbo court room and poHtonica Is nearly all in place. The work on thu grounds , laying the walks , sct- thiK c' rblng and grading. Is also nearly com- I.- ' " find us soon us the windows are in I thu structure will bo about complete. Tim Vim-gar Factory In AHICB. An alarm of tire was turned In at 9:3(1 : ( last evening from box 'M , nt the Chicago , Bur lington & Qumcy switch tower. The de partment responded promptly , but was un able to reach the scene of the lire , which was nt the vinegar factory , near the Milwaukee yard ofllco. The flames wore Issuing from around thu smokestack when dis covered , and in a short time the entire structuio was ablaze. It was impossible to fight the flames with any degree of success , and it .was but a few minutes until the roof fell m , and all hope of saving the building was abandoned , A few barrels of vinegar wcro rolled outside and saved , but everything clsu was destroyed. The building and machinery wcro valued at fl'JOOJ , and Insured for 110,000. The owner , Mr , Howe , will rebuild as soon as the Insurance. Is struighUmad up. The build ing was a largo two-story frame , about UOxbU feet. The nearest lire hydrant was one-half mile away and thus rendered the service of the flro department completely useless , Capering Over aiCapo. Jcnnio Armstrong , a female of rather un certain character , was arraigned before Judge Aylesworth yesterday morning , charged with stealing a capo from Nellie Do Moss lust December. Thoi > rosecutln ( ; wit ness saw tlio defendant on the street wearing the capo , and took it away from her. "Sal vation" Walker appeared us one of tlio witnesses - nesses for the defendant , and swore most accommodatingly and vigorously in her be half. In summing up the evidence , the court stated that Mr. Walker might ix > sslbly believe - lievo bis own statements , but they had little weight with the court. Ho was fully satis fied in his own mind as to the guilt of tlio prisoner , but owing to the insufficiency of evidence on the part of the state ho would discharge the defendant. The court dis played a wonderful knowledge of dress making , talking fluently of darts , gores , plaits , biases and scams , to the utter discom fiture of the defendant's counsel , Mr. Snyder. .The Do Moas woman walked away with the cajw , but Jennie ewpro to bavu It , and "Sal vation" Walker offered to advance 1100 to help her. BENNISON BROTHERS 1519-1521 Douglas Street Carpet Department Special Bargains ! Interesting Prices ! FOR NEXT WEEK. 10 rolls Chinese Brussels , 25c yard. 10 rolls Ingrains , bright colors , 20c yard. 10 rolls good Ingrain cotton chain Carpets , 35c ; worth 50c. We have received a special lot of Body Brussels , and we will sell them next week at a bargain. Don't fail to see them. 25 rolls of the very latest , designs in Moquettes. These were bought at a very low price with the other lot , and we will give our customers a benefit , if you want a nice carpet. DON'T FAIL TO EXAMINE THIS LOT. 011 Cloths 25cyard , worth 40c. Monday , we will sell 350 yards Stair Carpets , 18c , worth double. A nice Hassock for 25c. UPHOLSTERING DEPARTMENT. We make a specialty of making Curtain Shades and Dra peries. Get our prices before you buy. 75 Dozen Ladies' Fine BALBRIG-G-AN VESTS , low neoks and short sleeyes. These vests were never sold less than 60c each. We bought this lot very low and will give our customers the benefit. They are on sale Monday at 33 l-3c each-3 N. B. Our prices will always be found leaders , and we quote prices from our own stock , and -have no time to quote prices from our competitors windows. .00. . . 15 pairs handsome Chenille Curtains in bolid grqund with beautiful dado , at JS.OO pnir , worth $12.00. CURTAINS .58. 50 pairs Madras Curtains 8 } yards long , beautiful dobigne for this bale , 61.58 pair , fully worth $3.50. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS 98c. 24 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains taped all around ; on Monday S)8o ) pair worth $1.75. Va Price ! 27c. 50 pieces all Wool Dross Goods in fan cy pin head checks , fancy mixtures and plain Ladies' Cloths in nil colors on sale Monday , just to reduce stock. Your choice 27c yard , some worth more than double. FANCY PLAID PLAID8c. . 40 pieces fancy check Dress Goods in grey , brown and blue chocks , on sale Monday , 8c yard. SATIN RHADAMAS.89C . 20 pieces black batin Rhndamas , 20 inches wide. This Is a lot wo bought at a very low price and wo will close the lot ut B9c yard , wortli $1.50 ; mail orders filled. 98c. 8 pieces fancy Momio Silks in pink , Lavender light blue and cream suitable for evening dresses or for fancy work. These silks wore never before sold at less than $1.50 ; wo simply put this price on thopi for one week to clean up stock remember only 08o yard. SURAH SILKS 58c. Monday wo will place on ealo 25 pieces all silk Surahs in all colors , also evening - ing shades and blacks , Remember these Surahs are nil faille , not shoddy , cheap stutlod and would bo cheap at 85o yaru ; on bale for ij days only , Ladies' ' Jackets' $3.50. Monday wo will place on sale 7M Ladies' all wool black Jackets. Tailor made coat back , $3,50 , worth $0.00 , .00. Ladles' Beaded Wraps made of fine Faille I'Ynneaiso Silk , with solid jet blcovos. A handsome garment. Our price to close this lot $0 ; worth 810. French Woven Corsets , 73o. 25 do/on Ladies' French Woven Cor- fcets in whites and drabs , on sale Mon day only , 75c pair ; worth $1.50 , LADIES' CORSETS , 40 do7en Ladies' Corsets , the best 50c C'orhOt in Omaha in drabs and whites , on bale Monday only at I9c ! pair. Children's Dresses , 33o. 200 Children's Figured Calico Dresses , ages 2 to ( i years. These Drcsbcs are nicely made , trimmed , and just the thing for the little ones. On sale Mon day 'Ko ! each. Ladies' Jerseys , Ladies' All Wool Tailor-mudo Jer seys in all now spring shades in Gobe lin Blue , Mahogany , Now Green , Navy Blue , Cream , Tan , Cardinal. All at one price Monday , $1.08 each ; worth $3. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS 40 pairs heavy Nottingham Lace Cur tains bought at about half regular price , Wo will oJTor the lot Monday &i.OO pair ; worth 1.00. RUCHING , 5c. 100 places fine Ruchings in Cream , Pink , Blue , Cardinal , White , So yard ; worth 15o. Silk Ruching 100 pieces All Slllc Ruchinp in White and Cream only , 12jc yard ; worth 2-5c. mum LACE 16 dozen Children's Normandy Lace Caps never sold before at less than 60o , on sale Monday K5c each. I case 3d inch bleach Muslin , an extra good quality ; Monday only OJo yard. Princess Lawns , 7c Yard. 1 case Princess Lawns in plain colors , black , brown , pink and blue , on bale Monday , 7c yard. Figured Lawns , 3c. 100 pieces fine figured Lawns , Monday only 3jc yard. FIE SATEENS , 100 pieces fine figured Sntincs worth loc yard , on bale Monday , 0)c ) yard. 48c. 100 fancy Linen Lap Robes on Sale Monday , 48c each. White Goods , So 50 pieces fancy White goods worth loc yard , on sale Monday fiu yard. WHITE GOODS 15c. 100 pieces fancy checked white goods worth 25c yard ; we want to uloso thin lot at once ; your choice Monday , 15o yard. KID CLOVES , file 50 dozen Ladies' prime Kid Gloves In fancy fauchetto lingers ; also fancy em broidered backs and boino plain backs ; the odds and ends of the bciibon , nouu worth lobh than $1.25 and up to $2.00 pair ; will clobo the lot Monday B7c pair. LADIES' ' LISLEGLOYES 19c. 100dozen Ladies Lisle Gloves In bktka browns , tans , &c , ; worth 2ds to Mo ; your choice Monday lOo pair. BROTHERS. . * * ; ' * -A - iAuaiffc' * * " * * - t-- * * tfe r. * fl-- .A . . . f < r - " "MtWiti 1'yiitifr' _ _ in "i r