Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1888, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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    P" "
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SP : IKIorse&Co
During the last 18 days we have
been able to make some purchas
es in Now York/.sojcheap that it
compels us to make great reduc
tions in our present prices , and
wo shall Inaugurate a grand
Silk and Dress Goods sale next
week ; among the other bargains
that we shall offer will be the entire -
tire balance of odd pieces on hand
purchased at
from the Immense silk house of
ier Grose fi Co.
Consisting largely of
Black Silks
Black Surahs
China Silks ,
We took the entire lot and know
they are cheap and good.
Only about 6OO yards ; these are
very nice quality neat checks and
as the quantity is limited wo ask
an earlycall.
The Reaper Proved Stronger Than
Poor Charley Eaton.
ArrniicemciitsFor the Funeral To-day
RctsolutloiiH l > y HiH Fellow-
Travelers Hoard of Trmlo
Committee Chairmen.
LINCOLN UunbAU or Tim OMAHA Bnu , )
LIVCOI.N , May 12. )
The death of Charlie Eaton , briefly mciv
tloncd yesterday , has cast a feeling of sad
ness over tils many friends in this city. The
fortitude with which Mr. Eaton bus borne
Jils sufferings has bean widely noted , and
with bis broken limb , broken shoulder nnd
the great gosh cut across his face , he 1ms
fought bravely against death that largely
seemed inevitable from thu commencement.
His journey to his homo in this city was a
long und hard ride for ono in his precarious
condition , and whllu ut ilrst It appeared us
though he was going to stand tbo great
fatigue without complicating his sufferings
thu hope was u false one , for only a few hours
after reaching homo ho began to fall rapidly
until his death.
Lust evening a largo number of tbo travel
ing men in the city held a meeting to assist
nt the funeral. The mooting decided that
thu traveling men attend the funeral in n
body , meeting at the Capital hotel at 1 p. in.
to-morrow , going tbonco together to Grace
M. K. church where tbo funeral services will
bo hold nt 'J p. in , Mr. F. A. Fnlkcnburg
will huvo charge of the delegation of travel
ing men. There uro some elegant iloru
tributes In course of preparation that the
boys on the road will lay upon the coflin ,
Tbo A. O , U. W. lodges in the city , of whicl
order Mr. Eaton was a member , will also
uttoiul tbo funeral In a body and will moct a
JMr hull prior to the services.
At the meeting of the traveling men the
following resolutions wore udoptod :
Whorcus , We , the traveling men of Lin
coin , have learned with sorrow that our
highly respected and dearly beloved fellow
traveler , Charles E. Eaton , has been callec'
to render his account to the great Head 01
tbo house above ; therefore bo it
Resolved , That in his untimely demise the
traveling mon of Nebraska huvo lost a whole
eouled , genial , generous-hearted brother , his
Wife a devoted and loving husband , thu state
a bright and active citizen , and tbo city o
Lincoln ono of her most earnest and entliusi
nstlo workers.
Resolved , That wo tender to his Iwrenvcd
wife and family our slncoroxt sympathies ii
their irreparable * loss ,
Resolved , That the thanks of the traveling
men of Nebraska and tbo friends of the deceased
ceased in general , nro hereby tendered to tbo
uenerous cltifims of Alma , one and all , who
* by kindness and attention relieved his bed o"
pain from some of tbo pangs caused by tbi
fatal Injuries bo revolved.
Resolved , That u copy of these resolutions
duly engrossed , bo presented to the wlfo o
our deceased brother.
JonsM. . COTTON ,
FllCl ) , A. WlLbOX ,
Ctmrlw E. Eaton was twenty-six years
of age , u native of Boston , wh
for a number of years was ;
rctiMcnt of Kansas City prior to removing to
tills city about two years ago. For tbo pas
seven yours bo hr.s been on this road for
Murdoek & Co. , of Kansas City , and was
widely known over tbo state. A brotbc
from Kansas. City , his mother from Nun
York and hl wife have been In constant at
to'idanco upon him since his injuries wpr
received uhd were with him when he died.
' There were registered j estcrday at tlv
auditor's ofliro the (07,000 funding bonds 'o
I mdon precinct , Miiiaha countjrt the bond
. \Jtln\f \ \ is'stiuvt la ticm c-f bonds issued years
: Morse&Co
Wo shall offer TOO yards all
silk genuine printed China Silks
n dork colored ground work , al
ways sold for 70c a yard. Mon
day morning for S8c.
China Silks ,
2O pieces figured China Silks , In
dark and light grounds ; these are
the very finest quality made , re
duced from $1.28 down to78c ,
Megroz , Portier , Grose & Go , , are
Agents for the Celebrated
and we secured about BO pieces
of these ; not over half value.
These are genuine Italian silk
Surahs.and sold for $1.38 yd ; they
are double warp and at 78c a
The genuine Bollon , Lyons
weave , satin finish , double warp
and wilt , has heretofore sold for
3.2B a yard , a reduction of 33
1-3 per cent ; next week our price ,
ago in the wild cut railroad days , in aid of
tlio Brownville , Fort Kearney & Pacific rail
road. Tbo road 1ms been lost in the swim of
consolidations but the old bonded debt re
mained , and has uccn for twelve years in the
courts of the land at large expenses to the
litigants on both sides of the question. Of
the now 0 per cent bonds us registered
Augustus Frank , of New York City , takes
17,000 of them and the rest will be floated
on the market.
The standing committees of the board of
trndo for the year have been announced by
President McBride , tbo different chairmen
of the committees being as follows : Rail
roads , J. P. Wright ; live stock , M. L. Tres-
tcr ; miscellaneous business , W. W. Wilson ;
rules , U. S. Horwood ; membership , Louie
Meyer ; finance , U. II. Oakley ; executive , A.
S. Raymond ; transportation , T. W. Lowery ;
manufacturing , Patrick Eagan ; reception , J.
H. Hurley ; market reports , Mason Gregg ;
paper and periodicals , H. D. Hathaway ; real
estate , E. H. Andrews ; arbitration , J. A.
Bucks tuft ; advertising , J. C. Bonncll ; special
committee to secure payment of the debt to
the Lincoln Paint and Color company , Pat
rick Eagan , E. H , Andrews , J. C. Bonuell.
Articles of incorporation were Hied with
the secrctrry of state yesterday as follows :
Loomls Milling company of Loomis , Phelps
county ; capital stock $10,000 , with J. W. Jen L.
kins and seventy others incorporators.
The Workingmen'H Building und Loan
association of Lincoln. Nob. ; capital stock
$48,000 , to bo paid on the Installment plan ,
with Patrick Eawn , F. A. Bochmor , Joseph
Boclirner , Alex Hatter nnd W. W. Clay as
the incorporutors.
The York Foundry und Engine company of
York , Neb. ; capital stock (0,000 , organised
for tbo purpose of a general manufacturing
business in iron. J. C. Kilmer , W. W. Wyo -
Itoll and others , iucorporutors.
Two women driving iu the business part
of the city yesterday carelessly drove into
the multitude of ditches that abound. Ono
of them was thrown out and ruu over , und a
crowd quickly gathered , but the lady did not
sustain serious injuries.
There are some very loud complaints
against the policy of putting tbo city police
under bonds , many claiming that the method
muKcs tbo oftloars so wary that arrests are
not made when tboy should bo. A gentleman ,
In Illustrating this fact , stated that n drunken
man who was furiously swearingund abusing
his sou on O street , In thu midst of throngs
of passers by , Including ladles , was followed
two blocks by nu otllccr who was vainly tryIng -
Ing to pacify him , instead of promptly ar
resting him and landing him in tbo cooler.
Ayouug man named T. Buckley , who l.s In
thu employ of Kendall & .Smith , at their
warehouse , dislocated his shoulder in lifting
a few days ago. To-day ho called ut Tin :
BKE ollloo and states that ho hud been badly
handled by tbo physicians who attended to
placing his shoulder in position. Ho stated
that they put him under the Influence of
chloroform against his protest and laid him
on the warehouse floor , where , in putting his
shoulder in place , ono of them crowded with
his boot into tlio hollow of his arm
ut the shoulder until ho tore the
Itcsh for four inches , going away
without sowing up the wound and before he
came from under the influence of tbo drug
administered to him. Ho stated that ho had
to procuru another physician at nncu to sew
up thu wound torn under his unit by the boot
of tbo practitioner , und that from tbo hand
ling ho had , ho had been greatly Injured , The
two physicians are well known In the city ,
and If Mr. Buckley's statements are not
overdrawn they exhibited u manner of prac
tice without excuse.
Mr. A. P. Bnrbank , the noted elocutionist ,
will give onu of his delightful entertainments
ut Funkc'a opera house on Wednesday oven-
ing. Tbo entertainment Is under tbo auspices
of the Lincoln press club , and u good house
will undoubtedly bu accorded them.
Charley Green McCann of Sheridan
county , is In the city.
Captain H , K. Palmer of Casa is looking
after liiA fenc ii from this city.
D , V , Stepbenson of Richardson county
was a sojpurncr in Lincoln to-day.
Mrs. H. > I. Grimes , of North Platte , and
Ml&s McCroeUen , of Frouicnt , it re visiting
Mrs. H. A. Bubcoek.
Dr. Lane started yesterday for a visit at
his old homo in Indiana. H ? will be absent
a month.
Attorney C. G ; Dawes has gone to Clricin-
nati..O , , cu a business visit. ' to his old home ,
S P : Morse&Co
We closed out GO pieces of the
above celebrated silks from
Messrs Mogroz , Portior , Grose &
Co. , at
Per Cent ,
Loss than their usual price. The
goods are very fine quality , will
not crease or shlno and if you in
tend buying a silk In the next 2
months , it will pay you lo pur
chase now.
Black Silks
8 pieces of these soft and lus
trous quality that has usually re
tailed for $2.28 ; next week $1.8O.
Mail orders filled and so sure arc wo
of their cheapness , that money will
be refunded In every case whore pur
chasers arc not satisfied.
Black Silks
22 inches wide double warp
warranted to wear ; under no
circumstances has this ever sold
loss than $2.8O ; next week for
Peau de Sole
$1,75 and
This is an elegant rich summer
fabric ; will not catch the dust or
wear shiny ; two special bargains
Monday for $1.78 and § 2.8O.
J. L. Caldwcll has been absent the past
week engaged in a trial at law in Antelope
F. M. Ellis , of Omaha , was in tno city yes
terday on business connected with the plans
for yio Lancaster county court house.
Church Howe was iu the city to-day enrouto
from Hastings to Auburn for a Sunday with
his constituents.
Land Commissioner Scott was in a picas-
Ing and happy frame of mind to-day , all on
account of the arrival of a britjht girl baby nt
his homo last night. The commissioner was
warmly congratulated by callers at the state
A Confederate ) General in tlio G. A. R.
The excitement attending the announce
ment of the recent election of the distin
guished ex-confederate soldier , General
Joseph E. Johnston as a contributing mem
ber ot E. D. Baker Post , No. 8 , G. A. U. ,
Philadelphia , has not yet abated in the least ,
says the Philadelphia Hccord , and the dis
cussions and differences of opinion which
prevail upon the subject by grand army men
promise to create trouble In the ranks of that
organization. The members of Colonel Fred
Taylor Post , No. 19 , ono of the largest posts
in this city , nave become particularly in-
censed over the election of General John
ston. A resolution was unanimously adopted
at the last muster condemning Post No. 8
and stating "That on consultation with able
counsel we are advised that the action taken
by General E. D. Baker Post , No. S , in elect
ing General Joseph K. Johnston , of tbo rebel
army , as a contributing member thereof is a
violation of tbo objects , alms , principles ,
spirit and meaning of the organization of thu
Grand Army of the Republic , ana in order
to have thu subject properly adjusted b.y the
proper authority a committee of three com
rades of tills post ( of whom the past com
mander shall bo ono ) Is appointed to properly
present the case to tbo department comman
der , and through him to the cointnandor-inj
chief of the Grand Army of the Republic ut
thu earliest possible moment , in order .that
then mischief already done may , if possi
ble , bu corrected , and future blunders
avoided. "
Ono of tbo department ofllcors of the G. A.
R. in this city , who is thoroughly acquainted
with the working of the order , stuted that
the national judge advocate general had de
cided , when un appeal was made to the order
for contributions to assist some southern
people at u time of great distress , that posts
could not contribute money to aid those who
has rebelled against the government. Inas
much us this decision had been made , this
gentleman claimed that | < osts should not re
ceive contributions from ex-confeilurutcs.
This view of the subject is , however , rjdl-
culcd by some members , who say that posts
can receive contributions for Decoration day
or for other puriiosos from confederate sol
diers without violating any law. Onu of tbo
interesting questions that liavo been raised
In as to whether tbcro can bo "contributing
nr honorary membership In the Grand
Array. " Tbo rules und regulations of tbo
order make no provision for other than a full
membership. Nearly all tbo jwsts have ,
however , these superfluous members con
nected with their organizations.
Olllccr HiiRlies lOvpulloil For Drunk-
omiess Weir's Kcconiiueiicliitlons.
At the meeting of thoflio and police com
missioners lost o veiling tbo leave of absence
of Officer McCarty was extended six days ,
W. L. McCowin was appointed special po
lircman on South Thirteenth street between
Mason and Martha. Oflleor Hughes was expelled -
polled from the force for being found deai
drunk. S. S. Yauhorn was appointed spe
cial policeman for the People's theatre and
the Diamond pool room. Martin Beck was
appointed special policeman on Cumlng
A communication from A. M , Wolr , man.
nger of tbo board of underwriters , was reat
recommending the following additions to thu
Uro department : Thirty-three men , Ave
standard steam caclncs , live hose cans , ono
hook and ladder truck , twenty bors'cs , 5,000
feet of hose , three gongs uud tbrcc
This was pUccd on lllo. ' ' ,
t >
, -
S ,
P ,
I2c Yard.
Monday morning wo will offer
1OO pieces Checked Wool de Bei
ges , In brown , gray , "tan and
black check goods that cost 28c
a yard to Import ; we will offer
them at 12c per yard next week.
Tamise ,
This Is a new midsummer fab
ric. the most elegant line of colors
shown , tans , modes , serpents ,
gobelins , gray , risede , cream ,
black , etc ; it will not catch dust
and is very rich , just the right
weight , at $1 a yard.
In nice light grey , brown and
blue mixed with nice light checks
and plaids to go along with them
at $1 ; the plain albatros for 78c is
actually worth $1.
Camel's Hair Suits
Pink , light grey , olive and
brownche'c'xs'and plains tomatch
This is a genuine soft camel's hair
fabric and they are very stylish
and cheap- ,
We. are showing the latest and
best of colors in Summer Broad
cloths , at $1.BO a yard.
The Week Amonor the Sooroct Orders
of the Country.
Their Year's BiiHlncHS The Klks' So
cial Ascension Day llio Con
ventions and Society
Notca in General.
of Honor.
At the fifteenth annual meeting of the
supreme ledge of Knights of Honor hold In
Cleveland , Ohio , last Wednesday , tbo follow
ing ofllccrs were appointed : W. C. Jones , of
Missouri , past supreme dictator ; D. W.
McGargher , of Alabama , supreme assistant
dictator ; S. B. Riggs , of Kansas , supreme ,
chaplain ; H. M. Gllmorcof Illinois , supreme
guide ; Edmund Bacon , of South Carolina ,
supreme guardian ; and Gcorgo Arklu , of
West Virginia , supreme sentinel. According
to the recording secretary's report the entire
receipts from every source were $18S,237.m.
Charters were issued to seventy three now
lodges during the year. Tlio report set forth
that about. 11 f teen hundred members had
died during the year 1SS7 , and their heirs
received $2,000 each from thu fund. It also
showed that thu applications during thu year
were 0,025 , nnd U.BtJl members were rein
stated. The total membership of the order is
122.rK ( ) . The whole number of lodges work-
lug on April 1 was 2,4b8 , mid seventy-two
lodges were instituted during the year. Of
tbeso ( Ifteen nro now defunct , and very few
of such ever paid an assessment. Twenty-
four assessments were called during tbo
year , and 1.178,435,4-1 was put out for death
benefits. Mr. Joseph W. Branch , the
supreme treasurer , made nu exhaustive
report showing tbo funds to bo In good con.
* *
An Ellen Snclnl.
The members of B. P. E. O. ledge No , H9
will give a social the 25th of this month in
honor of the exalted high ruler of the order ,
Dr. Hamilton E. Leach of Washington , D.
C. , and Grand secretary Arthur C. Moru-
head of Now York , who will bo in this city
at that time. , A number of members of the
order will bo jtoro from out of the city to at
tend the roajptjpn among whom will 'bo
about twelve .members of Dockstador's min
strels who will be playing in the city during
that week. AH this Is the llrst visit of the
chief ofllccrs of the order to tbo city tbo
members of No. BS will do everything in their
power to give , thorn a pleasant reception and
a generous entertainment ,
ObserVfnK Decoration I > ny.
Tlio Omaha rcgjinent K. of P. has been In
vited to takotpart , in the exercises on the
High school grounds on Decoration day , und
to prepare for Uiot , event bus been ordered to
assemble on Capital avenue , near the ExK | > -
sition bulldiuiro'n Wednesday evening , May
Hi , at 7 o'clock ? A number of battalion
movements will be gone through and tbo reg
iment ordered to meet again on Decoration
day ( May 50) ) ut 1310p. : ! in. for the purpose
of joining the procession to the grounds. The
Held and stuff officers will bii mounted , and
nil will appear la full dress uniform.
AscoiiHlon Duy.
The members of Mount Calvury Common
dary , Knights of Pythias , made elaborate
preparations during tbo early part of thu
week forlho reception of guests from out
of the city who were coming" to assist them
la tbo observance of the annual Asccnsien
day , A pilgrimage hud been planned that
was to lead tbo sir knights to Prospect Hill ,
there to hold services over the graves 01
their departed knights and brothers. Owing
to the rains umi the condition of the roads
this plan haa to bo abandoned , and the
knights assembled at their asylum In Uia
morning at 0:30 a'cl6ck , and went fronvtbere
Mens' French
Balbriggan Undershirts
These are our.own Importation ,
have red trimmed French olnstlo
necks , and are sold by other stores
for 70c.
Angola Undershirts' '
50c ,
Monday morning wo shall offer
men's summer weight Angola
Undershirts and Drawers at $1 a
suit ; worth fl.BO.
BlackHose ,
' UU2U
Monday we shall offer our en
tire stock of mens' black hose ,
made by I. & R , Morley ; Netting
ham , England , to sell for GBc a
pair ; 28 dozen next week for
83 l-3c.
King Shirt Waist.
After having introduced the
"Mother's Friend , " tried the Star ,
and other waists in Omaha we
found the general complaint of
the extremely poor sewing and
fit of all except the. King Waist.
The styles are magnificent.
in carriages to the St. John's Episcopal
cburch. where the services of the day
were road and an elegant sermon
was delivered by Hov. William O.sgood Par
son , which was listened to with interest by
the entire company. At the close of the
church exorcises the knights returned to
their asylum where an elegant dinner was
spread for them. The banquet was presided
over by Sir Knight Gustavo Anderson , who
acted us toast master for the after dinner
speeches , that were delivered by the brothers
of the order. A number of sir Knights were
present from Council Bluffs , among whom
were Past Commanders Lucy nnd Atkins.
* *
The hadlcB us Knlglits.
The ladies of Concord , says a correspon
dent of the Pythian Knignt , nro quick to ap
preciate the advantages of a ladies' rank K.
of P. , recognizing in such a medium for the
furtherance of sociability and wider acquaint
ance , and an aid to tlio establishment of the
principals of friendship , charity nnd bcnovo-
lonco. The wide comment occasioned by the
active advocacy of the Pythian Knight , for
creation of u rank for our wives , daughters
and sisters , has aroused the ladies of Con
cord. Ail auxiliary to Concord ledge No. 8 ,
known us the "Pytbia Sisterhood" has boon
in active operation for several months , and
is prospering bettor than tlio most Hanguiuo
anticipated. The ladies have the use of Con
cord castle hall and meet every week. They
are very enthusiastic , nnd their influence has
already been felt. One of the primary ob
jects of the sisterhood Is to assist each other
in sickness or distress and render all aid
possible. ]
Red nicu'N Council.
A largo delegation fiom Philadelphia will
attend the Great Sun Council of the Great
Council of Red Men of Pennsylvania , -which
will take place at York , Pa. , on Tuesday , the
15th last. A special train will bo required to
take thu delegates to its meeting. Members
of tlio Great Council will meet on Tuesday
morning at (1:130 ( : o'clock nt the wigwam of
Concwaga Tribe , und will march In a body
to the court bouse , where an address of wul-
rouiQ will be delivered. At the third run ,
Betting of the sun , u parade of tlio order will
take place , nml all thu members of the Great
Council are urged to participate.
The llrst annual council of the Great
League will take pluco on Tuesday night. A
banquet will take place on Wednesday night ,
and that will probably end the session.
Annual Oflicurs.
The supreme ledge of the Independent
Order of Mechanics , which has been in an
nual session at Wilmington , Del , , adjourned
on Friday , after electing the following ofll-
cers : Past supreme ruler , Louis M , Duvnll ,
of Baltimore. ; supreme ruler , John Hlohards ,
of Washignton ; vice supreme ruler , Francis
T. Stinebuck , of Camden , N. J. ; suprcmu
secretary , W. Louis Scbloy , of Baltimore ;
supreme chaplain , James H. Mugco of Balti
more ; supreme Inside sentinel , George M.
Hlnckcn , of Alexandria , V u. ; suprcmu out
side sentinel , Alfred Taylor , of Camden , N.
J , Thu next session will bo bold in Hicti-
mend , Vu. , the first Wendesday in May ,
The "Orlolo'u" Work.
Oriole Ledge No. 70 , K. of P. , hold its reg
ular session Tliursdav evening at its beauti
ful castle hall at Fourteenth and Dodge
streets , Oriole boys are all proud of their
lodge and tlio consequence is that they turn
out well. Tlirco ranks were conferred and u
largo grist of the routine work was run
through. Her doors are easily opnned by
visiting brothers who possess the "koy , " und
a right royal welcome is accorded to all
strangers who may wander that way. Oriole
is the champion wliou it comes to thu mutter
of social entertainment , and the members do
not proiioso to bo out-stripped by any ledge
west of Chicago in that line
Black Eagle division held their regular
weekly drill meeting last Tuesday evening
which was attended by nearly all the mem
bers of the division. The reputation of
Black Eagle ( s such that the boys will turn
.out to drill notwithstanding the inclement
weather whicli has prevailed for the last two
Special Prices
For Monday and
. During the Week
Curtain Dep't ' ,
\Vo Imvo just bought for SPOT CASH
the ontlro production of mi Antwerp
manufacturer of line Irish , Point Lace
Curtains , consisting of 310 pairs , all this
season's poods. They arc the cheapest
curtains \vo liavo over shown , anil to
simplify the sale have divided the
whole purchase into three lots.
Lot 1 at $7.25 $ a Pair.
These handsome Irish Point Lace
Curtains measure ! ! j yards long , 54 to 00
inches wide , with beautiful border 18
inches wide. This lot wo have marked
$7.ii ) a pair. They can not be duplicated
less than $12 u pair.
Lot 2 at 19.00 a Pair.
These arc also Irish Point Laoo Cur
tains , measuring full 8J yards long and
51 to 00 inches wide , with handsome
button-hole borders. These we have
marked $9 a pair ; they are good value
for $ lo.
Lot 3 at $12.00 $ a Pair.
Tills is the handsomest lot of Irish
Point Lace Curtains over shown in
Omaha , 3J and 4 yards long , 54 to CO
inches wide , all button-holo and raised
work , with plain and net centres.
These wo have marked $12 a pair ;
would be cheap at 820.
or three weeks. This division is getting in
bomo hard work just now preparing to dem
onstrate to the public at the prize drill on
May 80 with "Omaha Division" that Black
Englo is second to none. On Thursday eve.
May 17 , Black Eagle will give another of
its enjoyable social parties ut the Metropolitan
hotel and all those who have been fortunate
enough to have secured tickets are booked
for an evening of pleasure.
A Correction.
CuMiBitTsoN" , Neb. , May 10. To the Editor
of THIS Ben : Your special from this place
in your issue of the 9th inst. contained a most
unjust accusation against Mr. Nagle , the ar
chitect und superintendent of our new
church , In stating that lip had "skipped with
church funds. " This is absolutely false.
Mr. Nuglo bad charge of money to pay for
work , and has fulfilled his duties with strict
He bos the confidence of tny congregation
nnd of myself.
Ho did not preach and he bos not
"skipped. "
This correction is not only due to Mr.
Nttglo , but to our society , laboring as we are
to establish n house of worship for our Ger
man population.
I ask that tbis bo given the same promi
nence in Tin : BBK us was given the telegram
containing the attack.
Very respectfully ,
lliv. : .ions AU.VOI.I ) ,
Pastor , Free German Evangelical Church ,
Slcliicy'H New Lodge.
The charter was issued May 'I for a now
lodge , to be known as No. 93 , at Sidney. It
was organized by O. L. Green , grand inner
guard of Kearney. The petition for th's
lodge bears tbo names of forty petitioner ,
who compose the best mon of Sidney. Among
the number are several county and city
oflleers , the county judge , n couple of editors ,
several prominent lawyers and physicians.
It , promises to bu ono of tlio solldest lodges In
thu state from thu blurt. It will bu instituted
yet this month.
Tlio Now Spur.
The first issue of the Pythian Spur under
the now corporation by which it will here
after bo published , came out last Thursday.
It makes many good promises of promptness
in issue nnd improvement of appearance that
will make It u very welcome Journal in every
Pythlun homo.
Ilrollierly Sympathy.
G. C. Luther A. Turbell.K. of P. of Massa
chusetts , has Issued un ofllriul circular to the
lodges within his jurisdiction , Informing
them of the organization of the Loyal Grand
ledge of Pennsylvania , and directing that
tbo same bu duly recognized by all the subor
dinate lodges in the Bay state.
* f
The A. O , U. W. have no assessments In
thu month of May.
Thu Detroit Masonic lodges huvo raised
thu initiation feu to $50 ,
An endowment fund ims boon added to the
United Order of Honor.
Nebraska Knights of Honor have elected
W. H , White grand dictator.
The supreme lodge , Knights of Honor , will
convene ut Columbus , Ohio , May 8.
The San Fruseo Now Ago , devoted to Odd
Fellows , has suspended publication ,
The grand lodgo. Unlt6d Order of Honor ,
will convene in San Frmitiisyu , May 15.
Thu Masonic grand ledge of Connecticut
will celebrate its centennial July 8 , 1889.
About one-half of tlio pirllanu-nt of New
South Wales belong to the Masoaio older ,
Tbo'Father Upcburch" memorial fund ,
A. O. U. W. , amounted torr \ i.K } , April IS ,
The national camp , Patriotic Order Sons
of America , will ba hold at Reading , Pa. ,
Juno 21.
Fremont , Neb. , Mason * are advertising for
bids for the erection of a Masonic temple , to
cost J5,000.
The Order of Chosen Friends has paid
* a,010.90t.UI : on 1'JUO deaths , 8171,500 on 149
The Klks ut Lincoln are waiting patiently
for their now rooms that are being ilttud cs
pocially for thuir own uso. In addition to
their working lodge room tboy will have a
reception room , ladlei" parlor , billiard room ,
.card rooms' , ctcotra , all furnished and flttcd
S ,
P ,
AT $10 A PAIR.
Wo offer 110 palm All ChoniUo Por-
tiurs in crimson , blue , ollvo nnd gold ,
with handsome dmlos. Length Si yards.
AT $12.00 $ A PAIR.
Wo will sell 100 pairs of fine Turco
man Curtains , In 15 different patterns
and colorings , crimson , steel blue , terra
cotia , bronze , old gold , otc.
AT 690 A PAIR.
Wo offer 75 pairs of Nottingham Laoo
CurtaiiiH , taped edges. This lot of cur
tains are all now patterns , made to our
AT $1.75 $ A PAIR.
We have 100. pairs Nottingham Lnoo
Curtains , single and double borders , 3 }
yards long , 60 inches wide and all hand
some designs.
Wo offer 5,000 yards of Lace Curtain
as only the B. P. of 1 ! . know how to liavo
comforts around tlicin.
John J. Wemplo , of Hastings , has boon
elected riht ( eminent grand commanuer of
the Knights Templar of Nebraska.
The number of I. O. O. F. lodges In the
state of Delaware is 105 , and the amount paid
for relief in the lust your was $ G310.83.
Endowment sections of the 1C. of P. will ot
once , bo established at Ashovlllo and Maxton ,
Del. ] , where lodges huvo been formed during
Seventy-one now camps of the Patriotic
Sons of America liavo boon chartered by tlio
State Camp of Pennsylvania since Septem
ber 1 , 18b7.
Broken Bow , Nob. , knights gave an old
war song concert April 11 , and will use the
proceeds In instituting a division of the uni
form rank.
Supreme Representative William B. Oalo
of Boston has been appointed chairman of
the supreme lodge committee on laws and
S. H. Adolph Brandt estimates that the
gain in membership in Georgia among the
Knights of Pythias' for the past year nan
been over 1200.
The Odd follows' National Bonevolonfe
iissociatlon , of Minneapolis , has boon con
demned by the grand master ami grend p- :
triarch of Minnesota.
G.K.H.S. T. LaHacho of Texas , having
completed bis Jlfth consecutive terra , r. -
reived his certificate as ( Hint crawl chancel
lor at the session April 17.
T. D , Tanner , editor of the Council Brand ,
bus been elected grand .sachem of the grcut
council of Pennsylvania Improved Order of
Keel Men , which bus 21,000 members of that
During the past week Grand Chancellor
O'Neill ' , of the Knights of Pythias , ln titutei
Wuhoo lodge No. Oil with a splendid member-
Kbip of twenty-live from the best citizens of
A grand benefit ball of the Overland ledge
No. 12 : ) , U. of L. F. for tno benefit of the
strikers on the Chicago , Burlington &Quincy
will tuko pluce at the Exposition hall Mon
day , May 10.
St. John's Ledge No. 1 , the oldest lodge In
the city of Now York , possesses the bible on
which Brother George Washington took tlm
oath of ofilco as llrst president of the United
States , April iW. 1TVJ.
A dispatch from Galllpolls , Gn. , April 20 ,
announces the suspension of Naomi lodge
No. OS , K , of P. of Unit plaeo by Grand
Chancellor Court , because its charter und
rituals were missing ,
The Bon. J , Belcher , govnrnor of tbo
province of Now England in 1710 , was Uio
llrst Mason Initiated in America , in 1704 , or
thirteen years before the re-organization of
the grand lodge of England.
The different lodges A. O. U. W. at Lin
coln have lust moved Into an elegant now
hull that has boon constructed , titled and
furnished for their special use , and which is
one of the best rooms In thu sttito.
Four hundred and twenty masonic lodges
In Now York huvo puld their quota to the
debt fund on the templu , nnd 390 liuve paid
halformoro. Before Jauutry 1 , 189tf , It it
expected that every dollar will ho paid.
G. U. Tarboll of Massachusetts received
during the llrst half of April three applica
tions tor thu necessary papers to organize 1C
of J * . lodges in Boston. The first two nro
well under way with over sixty slgucn each.
Chancs Eaton , the traveling man who lias
died from the injuries ho received at the
Almu wreck , was u member of the A. O. W.
Wi hut it U feuicd that onu delinquent pay
ment will cuuso his family to lose his insur
At the reunion at Mount Orctna , Pa. , oa
Juno 28. of the Knight * of the Golden Eagle ,
it is expected that there will bo 10,000 sir
knights and their friends present. One of
the features will bo a test of military disci'
plino of all communderles.
One of the most successful lodge * hi Lin
coln Is Htatod to bo Cbuiity lodge No. 3 ,
Daughters of Ilebcecu. This lodge has Jutt
secured un entirely now paraphrunalia , the
finest of the kind in the stale , and thu daugh
ters arc at all times wide invukcln their .oago
Judge Anderson , tuo genial sir commander
of the Knights Templar , Mount Cavalry
division , vvim made thu pleaded recipient ot a
handsome badge , symbolic of the order , by
the knights on Thursday owning. Hit en
tirely of gold a ; d let -with rub it * Bad dl-
mondw- '