Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1888, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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Rain and Mud Fail to Hinder the
Votarloa of Pleasure.
Wlilflt nt Judge Piintly's Imperial
Club May I'nrty The Knniiiicrnd-
ficlinft , llnnquct Unllo. IVirtlcs ,
fj Uciicrnl Gossip.
The Mny Pete.
By some stroke of artistic genius and n
Rrcnt deal of luml work , the usually barn-like
npi > caring Exposition hnll was converted Into
n bewildering bower of beauty for tlio openIng -
Ing evening of the Mny feto. Tlio transformation
mation hud been wrought by the members of
the woman's Christian association , nml was
participated In by some of the most promi
nent society Indies In Omaha. The purpose
of the entertainment was to raise funds for
the olil ladles' home , mid also for the young
ladles' homo recently established In the city.
It Is doubtful whether there 1ms over been
n display of iny character Riven In this city ,
not excepting the celebrated urt loan exhibi
tion held Home t ( mo ago. that excelled this one.
Upon entering the hall the llrst attractive
feature that greeted the eye of the visitor is
the "Jnpcneso Kawi" situated nt the left of
the miiln cntrmicj door. It Is presided over
by Mrs. Cadet Tailor , Mm. J. C. Taylor and
Mrs. W. H. Henderson , who are assisted by
Misses Irene Frazc. Jcsso LcChilr , C'arrlo
Iiimton and the Misses McClaln. The booth
is picturesquely lulorncd with fans of all
BOM | mid ages , ten boxes , lantern" , dishes
nml any number of minor trinkets. The
Koman pavilion is next In order. At the
corners of this Btood two elegant Corinthian
pllllitrs that were imported by Mr. Linlngcr ;
nbout the booth hung the richest tapestries ,
one of them being u Moorish curtain , hand-
madn In thu harems of Turkey. It Is all
wrought In gold thread on u silk groundwork.
Tables covered with bouquets were about the
booth to add to tlio beauty of the scene. The
steps on which the statues stood
were covered with Uoinuti stripes
and leopard skint. Thcro was
n bevy of young ladies In charge of the
booth , and the ill-starred young men who
paused to admlro the noblest Homan of them
nil found it diflicull to get away with n full
pockctbook. The young ladles In charge of
the booth lust night proved great financiers
mid coined much money on thobevcrngo they
soldT-Konmn punch , The costumes of these
young ladies represented both ancient and
modern Italy , and were very handsome. Two
of the ladles , Miss Mabel Halcombo and Miss
Ounoy Coburn were dressed in white dra
peries and otherwise attired as Kotnan ladies.
to represent ctutucs. Tlio lady in charge of
this booth was Miss Hallcr. Her assistants
were : Mrs. J. M. Mctcalf. Mrs. Joseph Uar-
ton and Misses Gundy Coburn , Mny Yates ,
Daisy Hrowiibon , Kmnm Halbook. Nellie
Moore , Mabel Fonda ( the beautiful Galatea ) ,
Opal Touzalln. Qertlo Clark , Grace Perine.
Jennie McClcllan and Amelia Holey , all of
whom take up the different Oriental characters
tors as well as represented statuary and the
Tzilqrstvnshlzkl Jurstkvlz was the startling
language which was heard spoken immedi
ately next to the Homan liootli , but upon in
quiring the visitor is Informed that ho should
not bo uneasy , as it is simply the Russian
stronghold , which had as its ruler Mrs. F ,
Cnlpctror , whoso assistants arc Mrs. L.
Hradford and Miss Nellie Wakoley. Tlio
.booth represented u cottage and was cov
ered with furs of the white and black bear ,
and was u most striking and handsome piece
of work.
"Maud Muller at the Spring" was imper
sonated by Miss May Dundy In a bower of
vines and ( lowers , and tor ten cents , slaked
the thirst of commoners as well as Judges
who sauntered by.
A Si-oteh hiss , with numerous lasses jyid
bairns , readily informed the visitor when
lie had reached ' 'Scotland" as It was rep
resented , and in case they did not its presid
ing olllcer , Mrs. N. 11. Falconer did. Her
assistants were Misses Gcorgo Sharp , Emily
Wakeloy. Daisy Doano , Edith ,
Pheinlo Howie and Nat Goodwin , the last
t\\o of xvhom during the evening entertained
the numerous visitors with the Scotch reel
nml Highland fling as did also Mr , William
Hess who impersonated the character of a
Highland dancer.
The cottage was constructed after the
llighland style , was trimmed up with ivy
and hud a thatched roof. The effect was
made more realistic by an actual hen and
chickens in n coop outside , and by the herr
ings hanging up to dry. A peep inside
showed the interior very cozy and home
The next "cottago" is the "sweetest of
them all , " as Mrs. Howard Smith , who presided -
sided over the "Homo Made Canoy Hooth , "
termed it. The young lady assistants hero
were Mrs. J. U. Collins and Misses Bertha
Yost , Nellie Burns. Jcnnlu Murry , Mary
JJowini , Ida Dlxon , Nolliu Sherwood and the
Misses MeClmtoek. The booth was very
tastefully ornamented with portiers and ar
tistic hud ruga.
In the center of the room Mrs. William
Fleming , assisted by Mrs. Frank Hills , had
n beautiful May pole , anil during the evening
the following little boys and girls amuseil
the spectators with songs and dances. Misses
Mabel Ill-own , Louise Squires , Suslo Col
petzor , Mabel Hobble , Lizzie Allen , Ltllio
Muoro , Hatllo Katie , and Musters Henry
Clark , Howard , Tllton , Hey Hubble , Harry
Stevens , Hussel Wilbur , Ira Van Kump ,
ftloslcr Colpetzer and Charles Pratt , witli
Miss Grace Allen acting as the queen.
The urt and gnan department was In the
jjnllory and contained many antique articles ,
nuch as chairs , pictures and 'clocks , whicli
liavo long ago scon then100th anniversary ,
while mantels and tapustry decorated the
walls , with show cases and glasses , lllleil
with little articles were placed on long
tables. This department , whicli is one of the
llncst In the "Fete. " Is in charge of Mrs. G.
It. Gilbert , assisted by Mrs. It. Dunbars ,
Mrs. H. C. Moore , Mrs. W. F. Allen , Mrs. G.
A. Fair , of Salvida , Col. , and Mrs. C. F.
Catlln , of Now York city. The assistants
nro Mm. George H. Stcbbins and Misses
Julia Knight , Clurlo Hustln. Mora Halcombo ,
Magnolia Hoyd , Minnie Richardson , Clan
Summers , Calllo McCarncll , Millie House.
the Messrs. Kcnncily and Messrs. Free
Knight , Will H. Morris , William Kennedy ,
L. I' . Funkliauscr , K. A. Shornll and Wil
liam Alexander. During the evening the
.following . tablcaus were given and the par
ticipants wore worthy of the pra'.so that was
bestowed upon thorn. The love mid marriage
riago Nccnes from "Komeo mid Jul'ct" ' was
presented with Mr , F. P. Funkhnusor as
Kninco. Miss Mora Halcombo us Juliet anil
Mr. William Alexander as the priest.
Tlio coiirtt-hlp of Miles Stumllsh was un
dertaken by Mr. E. A. Shcrrll , who iniunr
somiteil John Aldcn , while Mrs. Julia Knlgh
took the character of Prcsllhi.
The lust sec-no was that of "Nydla , " or the
blind girl , with Miss Nellie House in the till
Immediately on the opposite side Is locatci
the American booth with the emblems o
Undo Knni proudly lloatlm ; around , Mrs
Augusta Pratt having entire charge , witl
the. following ladles us assistants : Mrs
Shields. Mrp. J. Evans , Mm. W. K. Clark ,
Mrs. .Manning , Mrs. S. W. Minor , Mra , D
V , Slides , Mra , St. John , Mra , I ) , H , Good
rich , MI-H. Dooulittlo , Mrs , HolU and the
Misses Emma Howcll nud Laura Alexander
The visitor to tills part of thu Imllulng Jlrt > t
bceamo uwaro of its presence , by coming ii
contact with "Undo Sinn , " who through the
courtesy of Mr. W. H. Alexander took the
guests into his refreshment departments
where cream and c.ikcs are served ,
In the art dciwrtmi'iit Mrs. K. A Thayer
of Kallihi , Col. , had charge of the living plot
uras. This lady has been very prominent ii
helping this entertainment to bo n success.
A repetition of thu entertainment was
given lutttavonliu' .
An to the success of the exhibition , whic !
although it proved to bo not as II nun
cially ns lii'd been rxpocttM , still onougli will
however , bo cleared bo as tc reduce the dobi
n little , The net proceeds , Including every
thin ; ; after nil dcbtN have horn paid , t > uch m
music and hall , will nmo'iit to the neighbor
hood of fVXi. ( The lady munagcis uro cs
iicoially grateful 5o Messrs. Max Meyer
Ill-nit. , tlin well-known merchants ? \vliodmlh )
loaned them many rare pieces nf urt , wlilyl
nddoil greatly toward > i.ikini { the urt depart
mcnl thu success that It V.MS.
To the many pretty young ladles who
KiaeO'.l the booths by their presence , cs
liut-hiily those of the curdy booth , as well as
nil others , the tl.ankj of Uio innnngcrs an
I It was iiulccd a fuuhlonixb'.o audience thai
graced the buiMIng with ll pic&eiiuU luo
evening. I'rotty fuccs roigncd supreme
v.'hllu il.ti booth * pix-M-nted ui ; even uioro
Wo nro now showlntf an elegant
CHECKS at remarkably low prices.
10O Coaching Parasols in plain
satin with handsome sticks , assorted
colors , at $1.OO ; real value $1.4O.
76 Coaching Parasols , all silk satin
with heavy English sticks , paragon
frame and gold tipped wires , in
Black , Tans , Cardinals , Navys and
Seal Browns at $3.15 ; worth 64.OO.
1OO Ladies' fancy Merle Silk Para
sols , with solid paragon frames and
beautiful English sticks , in all the
very latest shades , at $4.OO ; real
value $4.76.
These are only a few of our numer
ous stylos.
Sun Umbrellas.
Sun Umbrellas.
Sun Umbrellas.
160 Ladies' 26-inch Gloria Silk
Umbrellas , with paragon frame and
natural sticks , at $1.65 ; good value
for $2.12 J.
1OO Ladies' 26-inch Gloria Silk
Umbrellas , with paragon frame and
gold mounted sticks , at $2.25 ; worth
2OO Ladles' 26-inch All Pure Silk
Umbrellas with paragon frame and
fancy natural sticks , WARRANTED
to glvo good wear , only $2.65 ; worth
New Dress Goods , New Scotch Ginghams , New French. Satines.
Corner IDod.g'e ra7 ± i.d. ± 5tlDstreets. .
Take the Dodge and SOtli Street-Gable cars. Ehey pass our door.
gay appearance than on the evening previous.
Up stairs in the art department , to make it
more attractive , the tableaux hud been
changed and the different scones were greeted
with vociferous applause by the many who
had paid the extra ten cents to witness them.
The American Hooth win re the light re
freshments were served also aid an excellent
business , while the numerous pretty young
ladies who had charge of the "Candy Uooth"
were loud in their praises of the attention
that had been paid to their department by
the numerous youngg.illantrios who disliked
the idea of passing it without contributing
their share.
At all the other pretty booths there was
not ono that had cause to complain , for ample
was the patronage that was bestowed upon
them by their admirers , suflicicnt to
warrant the sentiments of one who remarked
that It is both "business and pleasure" to
voice them nil.
During the evening pretty dances were in
troduced which attracted the attention of all ,
as Hid also the odd and quaint costumes
which bedecked bcvys of younir ladies as
they promenaded around the building.
The last session of the West End Whist
club was the best , and was held Wednesday
evening at tlio beautiful rcsidcc no of Judge
Dundy , 71S South Twenty- ninth street. The
Misses May and Luna Dundy wore hostesses ,
and they have justly won local fame as enter
tainers. They were assisted by Mrs. D. II.
Wheeler , Mrs. Ucdick and Mrs. Sharp. The
club is composed of twenty-five members ,
and each , on this occasion , was granted the
privilege of inviting five friends , and , as a
consequence , the pnUitial homo was thronged
with lovers of the game. The ladies were
attired in full evening dress. During the
game the guests were refreshed with claret
punch. Later in the evening refreshments
were served , consisting of strawberries , ice
cream , cake of different varieties , and coffee ,
The ladles' prizes , n handsome scarf pin and
handkerchief-holder , were won by the Misses
Ida Sharp and Lunn Dundy. The gentle
men's pri7csa cigar-holder mid paper basket.
were capurcd by Si-iplo Dundy and Will
Hcdlek. Among these present wero.
Mr.s. Cutlin , of New York city ; Mrs. Emma
Homan Thayer. Denver ; Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Vuill , Mr. and Mra. C. E.
Squires. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eota-
brook , Mr. nnd Mrs. Colpetzer , Mr. and
Mrs , G. M. Hltchcol-k , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. It.
Webster , Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ames , Mr.
and Mrs. Stubbing Mr. and Mrs. Patterson ,
Mr. and Mrs" . Hradford , Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ton , Mr. and Mr . Dr. Cofftmm , Mr. and
Mrs , Nye , Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Whroler.
The MIHSOS McCord , of St. Joseph ; Gar-
ncaii , of St. I.o.ils ; Knight , Gnrtrudo , and
Minnie Clumbers , Hums , Lake , Hoyd ,
Congdon , Lai-iiner , Wakcley. Wall , Gilbert ,
Ida and Matt > Sharp , Hoblnson , Millard ,
Summers , Halcombe , Kichardson , and Wool *
worth. The Messrs. Ego , Hishop. Sharp ,
Douel Olfutt , Wllcox , Full-Hold , Mulntosh ,
Wukeley , Hamilton , Ogdcn , Hlngwalt , Mc
Millan , Patrick Corton and numerous others.
There were so many lovely costumes worn
by ( ho ladius tu ) < t u description of of
them would bo interesting and appropriate.
Among them were noticed the following :
Miss May Dundv , handsome- costume of
cream albatross , clr.bontely trimmed In hell-
otropo moire , diamonds.
Mrs , E. S. IJuiidy , Jr. , blue dotted swlss ,
with laoo trimmings.
Miss Lena Dumly , cream serge and red
Mrs. D. II , Wheeler , very becoming dress
of whitu lace , derolctto and alecveless.
Miss Sharp , blue faille , becoming and
Mlbs Ida Sharp , cream gronnillui * , trimmed
in blue.
Mrs , Joseph Gornoau , o'.o ant brown satin
with bronc diamonds.
Miss Ourneau , wuito luce with blue trim'
mings , dceclcttc.
Mrs. Squires , an cffootivo costume of
black dotted net and Jet.
Mrs Ks'.sbrook , lov Uy dress of bluck moire
and tullo. on traino ,
Mi's. W. K Vulll. copper cok-rrd faille , en
trutnc , very breaming.
Mrs. Jay Morton , black sllU , elaborately
trimmed in Jet.
MUsVall , a beautiful creation of cmim
snrpo and green velvet.
Miss Gilbert , bUtk silk skirt and copper
colored pluehvalst , wonderfully bmunlnir.
Ml s , broiyn h-atln combined with
pink moiro.
Mrs. Stcbtlns , pretty costamo of pale blue j
Mlbs Wakely , blark silk unu hi--o.
Mr * . Colpetzcr , ei.'gmu black silk ,
jcttfi ! , dUr.i.iiKK
Mils ISv'jd , grey faille and velvet.
Wo talto pleasure in informing our
customers thai after many experi
ments wo have at last secured a line
of Black Hosiery called
which will not stain the foot or gar
ments in any way and withstands
the effects of perspiration as well as
repeated washings with soap and
Wo guarantee that the dye con
tains no ingredients likely to bo In
jurious to the wearer or fabric. Hav
ing thoroughly tested the goods wo
confidently recommend thorn to our
cuetomors as an article of great
merit and ono which will prove a
boon to these who have long wanted
a Black Stocking which does not
stain or lese its color.
86 dozen Ladles' flno Lisle Thread
Hose with split foot , in Blaoks.Modos
and Assorted Tans , at 26c : worth
1OO dozen Ladies' Brilliant Lisle
Thread Hose , all full regular made
-warranted fast colors , In Blacks ,
Grays , Modes and Tans , only 39e ;
worth GOc.
OO dozen Ladies' flno Ribbed Jer
sey Fitting Vests , high nock , Oroam
and White only , at 26c : worth 4Oo.
G5 dozen Ladies' Swiss made flno
Lisle Thread Jersey Fitting Vests
with square cut nocke , all silk fin
ished , In Oroam , White , Pink and
Blue , all sizes , at 86c ; worth $1,16 ,
Miss Woolworth looked very petite in light
blue silk with brown velvet trimmings.
Miss M. Chambers , cream erfshmero , ar
tistically made.
Collegians Run the Gaunt
let of Miscellaneous Examination.
On Wednesday last at S o'clock a large nnd
appreciative audience assembled in the
Creigliton college hall to witness a public
specimen of the class work , given by the
students of the lowest Latin class. As an
nounced in the programme , any ono in the
hall was free to question the class upon the
matter there laid down , it being the matter
passed over in the last three months. The
routine of questioning was relieved by a
goodly number of declamations , composi
tions and songs. Tlio class consisted of about
thirty boys , varying in ages from ten to four
teen years ; the polished appearance , the
spruceness of attire , and the radiant coun
tenance of each little gentleman , as ho filed
on the stage from a side door , was the gen
eral index by which tlio friends in the aud
icni'e could pretty well judge beforehand the
character of the coming entertainment. A
prologue was given by Master Philip Mc-
Evoy , welcoming all there assembled , and in
a way introducing what was to follow. As
they awaited the volunteer questioning from
thu audience , the students began to examine
each other , the dialogue form being ob
served , while ono of tlieii-.own members oc
cupied the chair. These present who
had formerly believed that Latin and
catechism constituted the curriculum of
Crolghton college , If any such there woro.
hail iimplo opportunity to lay aside their
wrong impression. The questioning was not
on these branches ulono but also upon United
States history , geography Its various
branches , English analysis , spelling and do-
llning , memory exercises and arithmetic. It
was of a sprightly and interesting character.
as were the. answers , which were received
with applause. Among the pleading features
of the exercises were a composition "Tho
Value of u stocking , " by Fred Hall ; vocal
solo , "Only a Dream of Home , " by Dennis
O'Neill : violin solo , "Fifth Air Vurio-Ch ,
Dnnclu , " by Einil Hofmann ; declamation ,
"Tho Pauper's Death Hed , " bv Hurt Davis ;
tiiis last was an excellent rendition and was
heartily encored.
At the close , of the exorcises , President
Dowling m n few well timed remarks , kindly
thanked these present for Mio manifest ap
preciation and interest they exhibited in all
attairs concerning the college ; ho again cor
dially invited any one to interrogate the
members of the class which ho assured them
was open to publlo examination. No ono
responding hu proceeded to urge upon tlio
parents of boys the necessity of a thorough
classical education , such us Crelghton college -
lego endeavors to impart.
Tim Mcrritt ICcooption.
On Monday night the ninny friends of Mr.
and Mrs. John Morritt nnd Miss Minnie
Uusenthal relebiiitcd the occasion of their
InUmdnd departure for Kuropo by giving
them n complimontury farewell reception.
The host of f ncndh assembled at the Windsor
ser hotel demonntratcd fully how much the
guests of the evening wrro appreciated and
beloved by these jircsont A collation was
spread by the genial proprietors of the Winu-
BOI- , the brothurs-in-luw of Mrs , Morritt and
Miss Hosenthal , Among the friends present
to wish a happy "bon voyage" were Mr. and
Mrs , S. Dreyfus , Mr. and Mrs , E. Simon ,
Mr. and Mrs , .A , Hrown , Mr. nnd Mrs , I.
\Vcdeles , Mr. and Mrs , S. Jacobs , Mr. and
Mrs. (1. Scluiw , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Uoson-
stlne , Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Uelchenberg. Mr , and
Airs. L. KopaM , Mr. and Mw > . J.
C. Kupald , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Levy ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. L , J. Uubln , Mr. and Mrs. C.
Hrandies , Mr. and Mrs. L. Hess. Mr. and
Mrs. L. ICulieh , Mrs. and Mrs. Sol Prince ,
Mr- unit Mrs. and Ch. Kchlr.nk , Mr , and Mrs.
N. J , Uenson ; thu Misses Sura ami EUhcr
Jacobs , Dora Schlank , Augusta Kopald ,
Addio nnd Eva Gladstone and Mlnnlo Ito.Hcn-
hill ; th ? Mosers. Herthold , Hloom , Forth ,
APii'ico Llso , My'sdrs. Dopuns , Gross , Be-
llfamin , Ilabbi Hensou , nnd the Messrs.
Hloom and Prince delivered toasts. MUs
Jacobs , in behalf of thu youi g ladles' coffee
parly presented the two gunsts with two
valuable fans. Koran tostly t'oral ' prosenta-
wpiaalso mndo. They lull via the North-
westvrn lost Thursday ,
of Kiuupr\l ( < * cha/'l.
No better example of the eoclal auil pntri-
otic trnltb of the German rare could bo given
than the drUxhtfu ! Blltherlng of gentlemen
at Uoicnmimd'a cafe on Thursday evening
They composed the members and guests or
uft , " nu c vnr.uaton ! com
Linens arfdS&ousekeep-
ing Cfcoods.
2O plecoa Turkey Red Damask ,
warranted fn&t ° jbplors , nt 26o per
yard ; reduced fropi 4Oc.
AT BOo 12 pieces heavy Cream
Table Damask , O3 Inches wide ; re
duced from 76c.
AT 05o 14 pieces extra heavy and
flno Oroam Damask , O3 inches-wide
usual price 80c.
AT 76o 1O pieces heavy and flno
Bleached Double Damask , GO
Inches wide , tisually sold at 61.OO ;
for this sale 76a.
AT 81.OO 12 pieces Bleached Double
Damask , satin finish , now pattoni ,
at $1.OO ; reduced from $1.4O.
Napkins. Napkins.
AT $1.6O 10O dozen 6-8 Bleached
Gorman Linen Napkins , former
price $2.OO ; for this sale $1.5O.
AT 81.76 1OO dozen 3-4 and 6-8
Bleached All Linen Napkins , satin
finish , regular price 62.6O.
AT $1.96 20O dozen 3-4 Grass
JBloachod Gorman Linen Napkins ,
warranted to wear ; reduced from
AT $3.OO Wo have just SO dozen
3-4 Bleached Irish Linen Napkins
which wo have sold at $4.5O , 85.OO
and 86.GO per dozen. This is the
best value over offered by any
house west of Now York at $3.OO.
25c Towels.
25c Towels.
25c Towels.
AT 25c 25O dozen extra largo slzo
Bleached Huck and Damask Towels -
ols , knotted fringe and fancy
colored border , worth 40o to 6Oc ;
for this sale 25c.
AT 6Oc All our Huck and Damask
openwork , hemstitched , knotted
fringe Bleached Towels which wo
have sold at 75c and 85c ; reduced
to 50c.
1 case of the Real Patent Mitchollne
Imported Bed Spreads in Scarlet ,
Pink. Fawn , Light and Navy Blue ,
warranted fast colors , at $3.OO ;
worth $5.OO.
1 case Marseilles Pattern Bed
Spreads , extra'largo size , at $1.OO
reduced from 81.5O.
posed of American-Germans to perpetuate
and keep green the memory of their fathers
and kin who had fallen in battle. To the in
spiring strains of a march from the Elite
orchestra , Prof. Sclienkc in the lead , the fol
lowing named members and guests marched
Into tlio banquet hall , with their president ,
L. Hoscnmund , in the lead :
Ed. J. H. Wohlcrs , William Wiedemann ,
M. Lcntz , O. Harsch , M. Hande.M. Flothow ,
H. Shilling , O. Siemssen , E. G. Gruble , J.
Schopmann , H. Andresen , G. Walter , C. F.
Houfrer , Ernst Wiese , Christian Grotmak ,
W. Wccker , L. Wandrich , Charles Hur-
mcister , August Spccht , Simons It. Sehoen ,
Charles Barker , Itoschmann H. Husckist ,
Karl Kaufman , Willis Kaufman , O. Uem-
inghoven , Frederick Schuake.
The company sat down to a table of luxury
and the well trained waiters were agreeable
to the wants of the guests and served them
with promptness and dispatch. President
Hoscnmund welcomed the party in his usual
happy and agreeable manner , and referred
to the meeting as one that all those who as
sembled should feel proud of. Vice President
Siemssen responded in a like strain and rc-
feired to the growth and prosperity of the
society since its last annual gathering. Be
tween the serving of the several courses
there was instrumental and vocal selections
from the orchestra and party. Among the
toast respondcrs were L. Ilosenmund , M. I ) .
Stando , Frederick Schnake , Captain 13ur-
meister , Julius Poycke , and others.
Imperial Mny Party.
Tlio Imperial club , which Is exclusively a
a social organization of North Omaha young
people , gave their last party of the season at
Goodrich's ball , Sunders street , on Thursday
evening. The ladles nearly all were white
dresses , which always make pretty girls look
prettier and with their lloral ornaments they
looked truly like a "rosebud garden of girls. "
The music for the occasion was furnished by
violins and harps , a little different from the
usual orchestra music and was a delightful
change. Louis Littloflcld , the master of
ceremonies ' , led in the grand march , being
as'sistcd by Miss Nettie Aumuck. The party
was declared by all to bo the best of a suc
cessful series. The dancing programmes
were among the prettiest that
the society editor has seen this
season. Among these present were :
Mr. W. F. Clark , the Misses Von Ilnller ,
Mr. Louis Llttletleld , Miss Nettle Aumark ,
W. H. Huxhold , Miss Annie. Huxhold , Mr.
and Mrs. H. II. Lucas , Mr. and Mrs. Hen-
slmw , Miss Lake , Mr. liacbeth , the Misses
Macbeth , Mr. Greer , Miss Dedrick , Mr.
Tuscort , Miss Annie Dedrick , Mr. John AV11-
litt , Miss Voh Heller , Mr. Crulekshank , the
Misses Crulckshunk , Mr. Hunter , Miss Hun
ter , Mr. Allen , Miss Hazzard. Mr , Argo , Miss
Hcdman , Mr , Hustln , Miss Ward , Mr , Ander
son , Miss Cooler , Mr. Healey , Miss Thomp
son , Mr. and Mrs. Achcson , Mr. Fred Ache-
son , Mr. and Mrs. Neal , Miss Caltor , Mr , J.
P. Crulekshank , Miss Kclley , Miss Jessie
Smller , Mr. D. H , Christie , Miss Huxhold ,
the Misses * Fry , ihovls , J. C. Murphy
Walker , W. A. Van-Ice , Miss Walker. U
was impossible to get a full list , but there
were about forty.couples present.
The pupils of Mrs. S. E. Clappo , assisted
by Mr , E. Crapj ) nmMho Central Glco club ,
gave a very cntcrtalifltig muslcalo at Crap's
music hull hist Tuesday evening. Notwith
standing the prevailing humidity of the
atmosphere then * was .a good uttendaneo of
the friends of the performers , and their ap
preciation of the' miislc was attested in the
fact that nearly all the bololsts were recalled ,
It would bo making Invidious distinctions to
mention especially any one of the many
soloists , but the quartette by the Ochiltrees
Was notoworthy1ftiib''pcrformor8 being nil of
ono family. Thoj Central Glee club is the
male choir ot the Contra ! United Preaby-
terian church and arc drilling with Mrs.
Clappo. They are worth hearing.
Onialm On arils' Dance.
A number of the Omaha Guards gave va
pleasant and informal hop at tlio armory
an Tuesday evening. The affair was almost
an impromptu one and was all the more de
lightful for so being. Tlio boys all were
their uniforms and tlio occasion was thereby
given a distinctively military appearance.
Preparations are being made for a grand
ball and reception on the evening of the 2Sth.
Oillii'H Municale ,
Miss Julia E. Oflln gave an informal and
pknsant muslculo at her homo on Willow
avenue , in Council Hluffu , Thursday night.
Tliose taking part in the performance were :
Professor Hacteus ; vocal , Mr. H. 13. Young ,
accompanied by Aludaao Young and Mrs.
Wo will offer for the coining week n
choice selection ot
In Blacks ,
Cream and Colors.
A Jersey nil-wool for $1.00. For $1.60
wo will sell a Jersey that other houses
pronounce cheap nt $2.00. A handsome
Cream Jersey Vest Front for $1.60. At
$2.25 wo show a flno cashmere yarn
Cream Jersey that is n bargain. An
olcpfant Cream Jersey with plaits and
vest front for $2.85 , which other dealers
offer as cheap at $3.60.
Our Jackets nt $4.G5 mot with such
favor last week that wo telegraphed du
plicate orders oust , and will place on
sale Monday morning the best line of
Jackets over shown in Omaha , and con
tinue our prices until they are closed
out. "Wo have still a few choice things
in NowmarKcts and Raglans , on which
wo shall make prices to close. Our line
ol Fichus , with knotted silk fringe ,
have mot with decided favor for the
past wcok , and no bettor spring wrap is
offered to the trade. Prices , $2.2.5 , $3.15 ,
$3.2-3 , $4.00 , $5.00 , $0.00 , $7.60 , and up
wards. Wo show the best Persian
Shawl for $4.00 over offered at retail.
Remember our Shirt Waists for boys.
Prices from 2oc to $1.60.
Take the Dodge and 20th street cable
cars that pass our doors.
\Vndsworth ; piano , Mrs. Skelton , Chicago :
vocal , Mrs , Ward , Miss Puscy mid D. M.
- Elegant refreshments were served and a
delightful time enjoyed socially. Among
these present were : Mr. and Mrs. John N.
HaJdwin , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kimball , Mr.
and Mrs. Ward , Mr. and Mrs. Hums. Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. M. Pusey , Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Pusey , Mrs. Dr. Pinney , Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Stubbs , Miss Jennie Unldwin ,
Mrs. Frank Lawrence. Mr. Hisnop , of
Omaha , and a number of others.
Hebrew LiiullcH Sewing Society.
The entertainment and ball to bo given
under the auspices of this association on tlio
22d inst. , at Metropolitan hall , promises to bo
u pleasant event. The sweet cause of charity ,
for which it is intcdcdto be given , insures its
success. Messrs. Elguttor , Friedman and
Haer will recite original essays , Mrs. Martin
Calm will sing a number of seclcctions and
the talented Misses Isaac will contribute
largely to the musical and literary features
of the event.
On for Germany.
Otto Beindorf and wife loft yesterday for
Germany , where Mr. Heindorf will devote
two years to the study of music. They stop
for short visits with friends and relatives in
Clinton , la. , and Chicago. They then go
directly to Now York , setting sail in the
steamer Elder on the 19th inst. They land
in Bremen seven days later if the voyage is
Pnrncll Clul ) .
The Par/fells hold their usual bl-wcekly
dance at Cunningham's hall on Wednesday
evening and had the usual turnout of Jolly
young ladles anil gentlemen that distin
guishes all the parties of this club. Hoff
man's ' orchestra furnished the mnslc ns
usual , having done BO for over two years
past , so that it has almost como to bo part nf
the club. About eighty couples were present.
ConjrrCKUtloiial Concert.
The Young People's society of the Sara
toga Congregational church hold their post
poned concert on Thursday evening. The
roads were still in a fearful condition , bJit
there was , nevertheless , a good turn out.
The musical selections presented were all
rendered acceptably.
Tlio Now
The new society game of "angling" was
given its formal introduction to Omaha
people at the residence of Colonel Chuso on
Saturday evening. Miss Fannie Uuttcrllcld
was hostess. The game proved to bo very
interesting and oven exciting. A number of
prizes were given to the most buccessful
Y. M. O. A.
Thursday night nineteen young men as
sembled at the rcsldenco of Dr. IJcniso for
the purpose of organising a committee to
ufflist in securing the money required to
complete the Y. M. C. A. building. Mr. Gee .
C. Jennerwns elected chairman , while Mr.
Silas Cobb was chosen secretary. After the
business had been transuded , the genial
doctor announced that refreshments would
bo served. Short speeches and songs fol
lowed , after which the company dispersed to
meet again next Thursday at the same placo.
Ofllcor O. M , DeGravos was married to
Miss Mary Potin on Tuesday evening ut the
residence of Ofllcor Sheep , an intimate friend
of the groom , The mnrriugo was a quiet ono
and was witnessed , by a few friends and rela
tlvcs. They arc a very handsome conplo and
are- greatly esteemed by their associates. The
groom is ono of the mounted jiollco ,
Mr. Wilkcs McDcrmott , well known among
the architects and contractors of this city us
liar ) , owner of ono of the best quarries of
brown htono in the neighborhood of Dulutli ,
was married In this city Thursday to Miss
Hattia ItoynoldB , u charming young lady of
Sipux City. The speed with which the knot
was tied led some of Mr. Mclermott'i >
friends to bellnvo the affair an elopement ,
which the jtonderous groom did not deny , but
laughingly said ho was satisfied if the rest
were. The newly married pair left last night
for an extensive tour through the northwest.
Thcro was a very pleasant wedding last
Monday evening ut the residence of Hon. E.
1C. Long , the bride's father , on park avenuo.
The contracting parties were Miss Anne
Long , Mr. Long's eldest daughter , and Mr.
Robert Tunica ; Miss M > iy McICcnnu acting
us bridesmaid tun ! Mr , U. C. OmuhunUro aw
Men's solid Seamless Shoos , $1.05.
Ladies' Genuine- Bright Dongola
Button Shoos , $1.97.
Wigwam Slippers , 80o to $1.00.
Men's Shoes.
Men's solid seamless button and
congress Shoos , 61.95 ; worth $2.CO.
Men's Kangaroo Shoos , congress
and button , $3.85 ; worth $5.
Men's Flno Calf Seamless Shoes ,
congress , lace and button , $4.5O.
Men's finest Kangaroo hand sowed
Shoos , Waukonphasts and Opera
lasts. $6.5O ; elsewhere $7.5O.
Men's finest Cordovan hand sowed
Shoos , lace , button and congress ,
plain "Harvard Too , " $7.GO ; worth
Ladies' Shoes.
Ladies' genuine Bright Dongola
Button Shoos , $1.96 ; worth $2.5O.
Ladles' flno Bright Dongola Button
Shoos , C. S. and Opera styles , C to E
widths , $2.87 ; worth $3.5O.
Ladies' genuine French Kid Button
Shoos , Opera style , O to E widths ,
$3.OO ; worth $4.6O.
Ladies' French Dongola Hand
Turned Button Shoos , O.S.andOpora
styles , Bto E widths , $4.OO ; worth
Men's Wigwam Slippers , $1.OO.
Ladies' Wigwam Slippers , 9Oc.
Boys' Wigwam Slippers , with ex
tra solos , $1.OO.
Misses' Wigwam Slippers , 80o.
OnePrice to All.
best man , the Uev. W. E. Copeland ofllciat-
mg. Among these present were Mrs. ox-
Governor J. P. Johnson and Bister , Mrs.
Riley of St. Louis , Mr. and Mrs. CJeorgo C.
Hassctt , Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Uockcnflold ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gunnon , Mr. and Mrs. H.
A. Haskcll and daughter , JUiss lues ; the
Messrs. Charles HoUertson , Fred Pickens. L.
Livcsey. An elegant supper was served , and
many costly and useful presents were re
IUVH iioi.-rnx.
Miss Blanche M. Davis , daughter of
Charles H. Davis , the artist , was married
to Lester Holten on last Tuesday evening
at the Seward street M. E. church by Uev.
C. W. Savidgo. There was a large number
of friends and relatives present. At 8
o'clock the bride entered the church , es-
cortcd by her father , the groom attending
his mother , and took n position before the
minister , who performed the ceremony with
a great deal of solemnity , and at its con
clusion delivering to the contracting
parties a beautiful and instructive ad
dress. The reception took place at
the residence of the bride's mother , 2710
Grant street , where a bountiful repast was
enjoyed. The K. of L. band was present and
discoursed some e ccllent music. The bride's
dress was of cream satin , en traino looped
witli snow balls. The ornaments were dia
mends , and the presents were many and val
Social ( iosslp.
S. S. Campbell is in Denver.
C. F AVollcr has gone east.
Dr. Oalbrulth is in Cincinnati.
Major Samuel F. Uurdctto is taking a tour
through the far west.
Mrs. William Wilde has returned from
Mount Vcrnon , N. V.
Onicor McCarthy and John Shannon have
gone to Hot Springs.
C.iptain and Mrs. Simpson and daughter
Louise nro In Cheyenne.
Mrs. Albert Abel , of Denver , Ctolo , , is the
guest of Mrs , Adolph Meyer.
Mr. and Mr. John Hurleigh arc planning a
trip to England in the near future.
The members of the Union club represent
an aggregate capital of nbout $5,000,000.
Mr. H. H. Hloso leturns from his month's '
trip to the HooMcr state looking
rested nnd refreshed.
Mrs. Henry Fuhrman. of Fremont , is ltd
truest of Mrs. Adolph Moycr.
Hobort Wilkinson , of I'oughkPOTisic , N. Y. |
is in the city , the guest of friends.
W. M. Cowherd has loft for Cftiiipbcllvlllc ,
Ky. , for a four weeks' visit among friends.
Mrs. M. Gnrllclis , of Now York , IB the
guest of her daughter , Mm. Anna M. Votes.
Dr. H. C. Moore is In Cincinnati attending
the convention of the National Medical nsso'
Mr. and MM. Snm ICntz lenvc for Europd
on Tuesday , where they will travel for thrco
Mrs. Osburg , of Sim Francisco , In the
city , the guest of her cousins , General nutl
Mrs. Urcck.
Miss Esmcrald Hoyle , sister of .Tuan noylo ,
of Kearney , was in the city Friday on hoif
way to the east ,
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Eustls lofton Thursday
for Son Francisco. They were accompanied ,
by Miss Jackson.
Mrs. O. 1C. Uamsey Is on her way to Eng
land. The vessel In which she sails leaves
New York next Thursday.
Mrs. F. F. Hone , of Philadelphia , N the
guest of her brother , Mr. W. J. Fulllam , 603
South Thirteenth street.
Dr. A. G. Smith , the dentist , leaves In ft
few darn for Honif Kong , China , to opcrnto
on the ivories of the celestials.
General Hrlsbln , U. S. A , , nnd family , of
FortMcKlnnoy , are visiting Major nnd Airs.
W. E. Uivary , 1831 Cass street.
Mrs. ,1. II. Hershey , wife of the partner of
W. A. Paxton , Sr , , of O'Fnllon , In this state ,
Is In the city visiting Mrs. Paxton.
John Hcnnison and wife and daughter
Minnie , of Kcwaneo , 111. , parents anil sister
of the Hcnnison brothers , nro in the city on a
short visit.
Joseph Poland and wife , of Montpellor , y t ,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Thurston. Mr. Poland is an uncle of Mr.
Vlrglnlus lodge , ICnlghts of Pythias. No.
05 , will open the strawberry and Ice cream
season at Goodrich hall , on Saumlors street ,
on Wednesday evening next.
Mrs , J. Mnndclbcrg of Hnltlmorc , Mil , , Is
visiting her son , A. Mandelbcrg. Mrs. S.
Hoscnthnl of thu sumo place , Is visiting her
daughter , Mrs. A , Mniulclborg ,
On Friday evening the Grocer Clerks
union gave their llrst annual ball at Masonio
temple. It was well attended and was a
pleasant and successful affair.
Mrs. Philip Schoch , of Ottawa , III. , who
has been visiting her daughter , Miss Minnie
Walthcr , returned homo Wednesday. She
was accompanied by Miss Carrie Wnlthor. "
The marrlngo ceremony of Miss Krotoh to
Mr. H. Sonnensclilcn will take place at the
Jewish synagogue on May 21 and wlll'bo fol
lowed by a banquet at Koscnmuml's hotel ,
Miss Miriam Chnso , after two and a halt
years' absence in Europe , during which , .the
greater part of her time , was devoted to , the
study of music , has again returned to Omaha.
Mr. E. G. Grubo has been chosen by the
Omaha Turn voriu to represent them nt < the
national convention of turners to bo hclil
soon In Chicago. Ho leaves for that elty ou
Friday next.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Wright nnd family , formerly
of this city but now residents of California ,
have been in the city for some days visltinj ?
old friends. They left Tuesday evening fop
Homo , N. Y. i
Miss Trant , of Chicago , who has been visit
ing in the city for some days with the faUf- (
lies of Messrs. Ilcufoy and Heafoy , left
Tuesday evening witli a party of friends for
Denver and the west.
Cards nro out announcing the marrlaga
csremony of Miss Fatiuio Harwich to Mr. > N.
Ginsberg , both well known young people of > .
this city. The ceremony and reception ta'ko
place at Gcrmania hall May 23.
A. 13. Stolp. a commercial traveler from
Minneapolis , is in the city with a view to Jo'
eating here. Mr , Stolp is ono of the Jlncst
tenor singers in the country , anil would bo
warmly welcomed by the music loving people
ple of Omaha.
Hov. A. W. Lamar , pastor of Uio First
Haptlst church , leaves shortly for Washing
ton to attend an annual gathering of church
delegates , whoso chief object is to considcv
missionary and educational work within that
Mrs. Lieutenant Kennon , wife of the wcll-
Icnown aiilo-do-cami ) to General Crook , left
Friday evening for Chicago , where she will
join her husband , who was lately transferred
to that place with his superior ofllecr. Since
his departure Mrs. Kennon bus been a guest
of Mrs. General Urcck.
Mr. Edward Kosewater , whoso life has
been threatened with u carbuncle near tlie ,
basa of the brain , has been out of danger
since submitting to the surgical operation by
which it was removed. The two boils no\v
developing on his neck nro reported as a
favorable bign bv the physician.
Hev. T. M. House and Mr. and Mrs. , T. M.
Davis return to-morrow from n delightful
trip through California and the west gen
erally. Ono of the points visited was the
Yosemlto valley on the wonders of which
they delightfully dwell in a Into letter. Mrs ,
Davis is greatly improved in health by the
Stockton Hcth , for some tlmo a clerk in
tlio internal revenue collector's oflico , lias
been promoted to the responsible and re
munerative position of deputy collector anil
cashier. Stockton is a modest , reliable
young man and his many friends will bo
pleased to Jearn of this recognition of his
business qualillcatlons.
Mrs. Harry Lawrio and daughter , wife of
Harry Lawrio , of Mendelsohn , Fisher &
Lawrie , were passengers on board 'tlio
Etruria , which sailed from Now York Satur
day , the 12th hint. Mrs. Luwrio intends tq
pay tier parents a visit In Uroughty Ferry ; ?
Scotland , during tlio summer months , amf
will return to Omaha about the beginning ot
Messrs. F. H. Koostors , Ed Mufllt and
Oscar Goodwin attended the grand bull
given by the pharmacists at Lincoln on
Wednesday evening. The boys report the
affair a great Jolly gathering. Everything
in connection with it was elegant ; the
dancing programmes were perfect goms.
Mr. Koestors returned Thursday , but the
attractions for the other two gentlemen
were too great to bo resisted and they lin
gered a day or two later.
Week Commencing Sunday , May 13th ,
W tQ
fn CD
< D rS
4-9 H
m ' #
rH C3
rtf 0
Winstanly Bros. , Fam Tex Bender , Cow Boy
ous Singers and Musi Fiddler.
cians. Tne Three Headed
Millar Brothers Beau- Songstress.
tilul Tours , A Bearded Lady.
Prof. Callahan Ventri Drummond , Champion
loquist. Dancer.
Special ' Enuayincnt o/ Mile , LoUarte , Lntu of London , JCny. , thn
wonilcr/'nl tlctifiner and in inij < tctnrcr of filumpetl 1'titti run , film will use
the White Hewing Machine.
i5trJtei > unil > i' ) ' that every tuily attending iluelny thltt weeJ : will lie. jtrcaen-
te < l with oiiejttttcni >
iSflWdtiu HKxtceoru ( < ( ? / / visitor will receive a Jlmttttl/itl IJinUroldewl
Souvenir ,
± Oc .d-KOLlt © to .AJL1 lOc