Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1888, Part II, Page 16, Image 16

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A Aight Dress ofbcstmuslln , good
width , finished four rows of inser
tion In yoke
four clusters of three tucks each.
For This Week 88c ,
A Skirt made of best muslin ,
eight inch
Cambric Ruffle
r headed with group of six tttcJcs and
flnlahcd with two Inch embroidery ,
headed with group of four tucks ,
For This Week 88c.
Another large invoice of Musllt
Underwear just in to be sold at for
mer low prices. This includes ai
i i elegant line of
A line of Misses'and
Maid's ' Gaps ,
Not the Rival , But the Partner and
Oo-Workor of Man.
A Gifted AVoimm's Vlo\ve of tlio Des
tiny of Her Sex Her Hopes For
the Future and the Lessons
She Drawn From tlio Past.
far tlic Sunday Dee.
It is a well-known fact In natural his
tory that tho' highest lorms of life de
velop most slowly. The ephemera are
born in the morning , go into society
and dance merrily over the green pools
of their birth , become parents , and die
before sunset. The elephant , with his
wonderful sagacity und human powers
of method and memory , is years in
reaching maturity , and , under favora
ble circumstances , lives for centuries ;
while apes , our cousins , according to
Mr. Darwin , grow moro diabolical as
they grow older , and probably are , in
the end , translated direct to the In
ferno , to bo herded , according to tradi
tion , by luckless damsels who have
found no other destiny. Another woll-
known fact is that man is the head of
tho'animal creation ; and , also , that ho
is n creature of such slow development
that a good many specimens never de
velop nt nil , but , whether Irom innate
weakness , a worm at the heart , or bliz
zards of adversity , they drop off the
tree and lie in abject heaps , poor , use
less windfalls , "scurco fit to feed the
1'iKB , "
And now , to ascend ono stop higher
in thu scale and reach woman , is it not
a fact , perhaps not as widely recog
nized ns the others , but still a fact , that
woman , not us an individual , but as n
race woman paroxcollenco is but now
reaching her perfection ? Looking
| back through the centuries , do not wo
be'o. that eho has been gradually growing -
' ing up until now she is just entering
upon her magnificent maturity , and
beginning to show what she was made
for to prove , indeed , that she is the
crown and final finish of her race ? See
her in all stngctfl In the east and
Turkey oven now what is she but a
bdbyj'a thing to bo played with , chid
den" , punished , coaxed , fed with candies
and. docked with pretty clothes , and
cnrpfully kept inclosed lest she should
fall into mischief or danger ? Sea her
aa the child of the middle ages , nmusod
with tournaments and extravaganzas of
chivalry , listening to interminable
ballads about love and udven-
turo , sung by harpers in
castle hall. See the romantic
girl , listening to troubadours and dressing -
ing us a page to follow her knight to
battle ; and , if ho died , rushing into the
cloister , and fancying she gave lier&olf
to God by running a way from her duties
in the world , See her , ignorant of her
own powers , and following bomo of her
sweetest instincts , submitting to bo the
vassal of man , yielding obedience ,
without solf-rospcct or reason , to her
husband or her sons ; serving patiently
until the unpitiod burden bore her to
thp ground and into her grave ; con-
Eontihg , without argument , to man's
dictum : "I am the stronger , and I can
fight. nid | I can wring a living from the
worlu , and I hnvo no nerves to bo over-
wrpught , niid so I am the mo&tor and
jou are the slave , or , at best , the pupil ;
n Outfit
sun ,
We have ft most complete stock of
Infants Wear , tnclutllny six differ
ent styles of
Little Shirts
rein a Hoc , ribbed soxony to a
% .2o , sill : .
We Jtave the finest line that is
made of Children's
A hand-tome line ofFer
For this week we sell
Atl5c Per Cake.
Perfume 25c Per
For This Week
At One-Jtalf Price.
itnd you are to do just as I bid you , and
believe what I tell you. and imitate that
nice womanly woman who said , when a
candidate ottered herself to the con
vent and wished to bring her bible with
hoi * 'No will have neither
, ; wo you nor
your bible ; wo are a community of
women who only know how to
spin and to pray. " ' And , linally ,
bee woman in our own day rest
less , inquiring , aspiring , experi
menting in this direction and in that ,
making a thousand failures and a hun
dred glorious successes , feeling1 the un
suspected power stirring at the core of
her being , expanding lungs that noth
ing less than all the air that stirs under
heaven can satisfy , and listening , half-
bewildered , to the whispers of her own
brain' and the throbs of a heart that
siiys : ' 'Oh , I can love inoro than hus
band , and child , and family. I can love
art , and use , and my own race. Like
the heart of God , I can sympathize , I
can comfort , I can strengthen all that
live ; and by loving as He loves , I reach
my own highest happiness ! "
In not this somewhat the moaning of
the stir and ferment wo see in our day
among the ranks of womanhood ? And
when some ono ardent and too hasty
sister breaks out in rank absurdity of
dress or 'manner , or some cruelly mis
taken sister imagines that liberty
means license , and that the love of all
mankind means frco love , and that the
right to labor means the right to
wrangle , lot us not sot down the fault or
folly of that ono woman to the corporate
body of womanhood. In every great
movement there are individuals
who fail both in aim and
uchiovoinbnt , but the whole moves on
to success. The explorers and settlers
of our own land were , many of them ,
sordid treasure seekers , or fugitives
from justice , or merp mercenaries ; but
the grand and governing idea of open
ing up a now world , and making a now
homo for humanity , led on the whole
body , and the result is the land of which
wo are so justly proud. Take another
and very homely example : The swarms
of grasshoppers that make their mys
terious journeys across the western
plains have , no doubt , some object in
view , although they have never yet con
fided it to man ; but no obstacle has over
prevented their reaching this myster
ious goal. A good many rush heed
lessly into the iires that are kindled in
their path ; a good many drown them
selves in the streams they encounter ; n
good many stick fast in the tar and
pitch spread in their route by the farm
ers ; but over the bodies of thcso victims
or thcBO fanatics , or these blinded zea
lots the great mats parses on and on ,
and in the end achieves its purpose ,
So , then , lot us say that \\oinun , hav
ing passed in her infancy , her child
hood , her girlhood , and unreasoning
pupilage , has reached maturity , and
feels within herself both the power und
the determination to rise into amore
prominent and executive position in the
world. How shall she do it , and how
shall she adjust her new phase of exist
ence to her relations with man ? First
of all , in importance und stability , re
mains the fact of that inborn attraction
of the sexes to each other which results
in love , marriuga and the duties of par
entage , No development of \ \ Oman's
mental , spiritual or executive powers
will over , in ono jot or title , alter the
law cf nature which leads her to love ,
muriiugo and maternity , and her other
capacities must always bo grouped
around these .fundamental bases , Np
doubt there uro a grout many women
who never marry or become mothers ;
but should any onool them be invited to
do bo by the man of men in her eyes , it
is moro than likely that she would ,
for the time being , foe that no do s.tiny
was higher , and. no vocatllon morp con-
Corner 15tn and Harney St. , Ramge Block.
The Windsor Parasol or Sun Umbrella , with
gold , oxodized and natural wood handles , leads
them all. We knoW it will wear longer , give bet
ter satisfaction , than any other make.
v Each one warranted.
An slegant line of novelties in Parasols , in
cluding plaids , stripes/changeable / moire , faille
in new and choice shades , with white and gold
tips and selvedge edge to match tips.
Children's Sateen Parasols , 19c.
A good Taffate Silk Glove , in black and color
ed , usual price 50c and 65c ; for thiszweek will
sell at 25c.
Corner 16th and Harney St.Ramge Stock.
genial , than that ho suggests. , Some
years ago a prominent artist cbtablinhed
a clubs of female wood-engravers at
Cooper institute , and for a while met
with brilliant success ; but , after an
other while , the work was abandoned ,
and the reason given by the artibt , with
rather a pettish laugh , was that it was
quite useless to spend time and energy
in teaching young women anything re
quiring training and experience , for
by the time they learned it they were
in love or married , and art was Hung to
the winds. It is rather to broad 11
statement , no doubt , butbtill has a good
deal of truth in it. and is one of the
many stops by which I have reached
the linn conviction , which 1 hero an
nounce , the woman ib not the rival ,
but the partner of the man ; that his
nature supplements hers , and hers his ,
in harmonious co-operation , and that
either ono which despibes or ignores
the other commits tluo same folly that
the hands would if they despised the
fcot , or the head if it felt superior to
the luntrs.
I half-playfully said , in the first ] ) art
of this paper , that woman is the crown
and giory of man , and in many ways I
think she is ; but a crown could bo of
small UPO without a head to wear it , and
glory requires strength to sustain it. So ,
in my mind , dear sisters , the coming
woman for whom the- world waits and
watches , and whoso advent is fore
shadowed in all the throes and strug
gles of our own day , is not going to bo
emancipated from the tender weak
nesses and loving impulses of the wo
man of to-day. She Is not to spring ,
like Minerva from the head of Jove ,
fully armed and equipped , into a world
she will coldly govern by wisdom and
jubtico. She will , to the end of the
chapter , love , and marry , and bear
children , or feel rather sorry and
humiliated if no man asks her to dose
so ; and she will never , ah , never ! under
whatever circumstances , lose that delight -
light in submission of her own will
and judgment to that of the
man flio has crowned as
her king ; she will never bo very
logical , or very consistent , or very com
prehensive in nor theories ; she will al
ways have a good deal of personal preference -
ferenco in public or in private life , and
she will very seldom bo capable of ab
stract justice in her decisions or her ac
tions. But where she fails in these
characteristics , man that is , the com
ing man abounds ; and as jho woman
gives to him her quickness of intuition ,
her losty standarus of right , her over-
llowing benevolence and untiring devo
tion of self , her bright fancy and subtle
perception , her gentle courtesy , her
pure morality , and her inborn religious
tendencies , so may ho give her of his
own best qualities , and the two will
work together in sweetest liannonyand
with noblest results.
Perhaps this hope is a little Utopian ;
but , ono thing I know , and , Cassandra-
HKO , I lift my voice anil cry aloud my
warning : The woman of the future is
the power of the futurol
The-philosophors toll us that no true
force , once set in motion , ever ceases
in its effects , and I think any thought
ful person , considering the history of
woman , from Eve's persuading Adam
that it was bettor to sm in her company
than to remain virtuous without her ,
until the late conventson of women in
Washington , will deny that woman has
boon , is , and will be , a iorce in the des
tiny of the world. And wo all know the
object lesson of the snowball which , beginning -
ginning in n small boy's bands , ac
quires , before it reaches the bottom of
tho'hill , she enough and force enough
to upset the boy's big father.Hueo
fubulu docet ; and it was not at Ameri
cans that the bitter eatiro vas-liumched
that they never learned anything and
never forgot anything.
And the lesson , both to man and
woman , is clear. To man , not to bury
his head in the desert sands of tradi
tion and mcdireal contempt of woman ,
except as a docile domestic , ward
and subject , but to rccogni/o
her tremendous powers over
him , and his destiny , and his
world , and to make room 'for her at his
side , and to give his best powers to con
sidering the terms of copartnership on
which ho and she can work together for
the advantage of both , and to see to it
that if the man is to be the head of the
woman , that ho rises up to a level
higher than that to which her victo
rious army is climbing , with the deter
mination never to go down again.
And to woman the lesson is just in two
word : Hasten blowly ! They say that
wo lire impetuous , impulsive , ill-cpnsid-
erod and impatient ; and there is fire
beneath thissmokuof nsporbion. Then
let us resolve , having a tremendous
work to do for this poor old world of
ours , to lay broad and deep foundations
for the glorious structure wo plan. Lot
women bo educated for their work , not
only by the severe and exact training of
books and schools , although these are
needed , but lot them bo taught and
teach themselves habits of thought ,
of perseverance , of justice , of self-con
trol , and of reserve. Learn to think be
fore you speak , and think n good deal
moro than you speak. Remember that
the pyramids and the cathedrals and
the monuments of all sorts , that claim
respect for their grandeur and scorn of
time , were n long time in building ; and
don't expect , in your own lifetime to
gather the harvest you are rowing
to-day. Work for the future , and the
woman of the future shall thank and
bless you.
Ana just ono word moro , a sort of
postscript , in which lies the gist of the
whole letter :
Our influence over man lies in our
unlikencss moro than our likeness to
himself. Ho loves and admires our
womanliness , and ho is jealous and sus
picious of our manliness. Then , let us
never cease , liowovar manly wo may
become , to clothe ourselves in the gra
cious garments of womanliness ; and ,
however iron the ( hand beneath , bo
very careful never toislip off the glove
of velvet. "A word to the wise , " etc.
Kit Carson's CIiuui Killed.
A special dispatchifrom Port Garland ,
Col. , to the Chicago Herald says : Hilly
Carson , a son of KiUCarson , the famous
scout , shot and killed'Thomas T. Toblns
in a flght hero yesterday.
Tobins was a companion of Kit Car
son and almost equally famous. His
most noted exploit was the capture of
the Mexican bandits , the Kspanos
brothers , single handed , for whoso cap
ture , either dead or alive , the territory
and the United States government had
offered largo rewards.
When Kit Carson died , Billy , his son ,
married Toblns' daughter , and in later
years the old scout has done little but
eke out a lazy existence on his ranch.
Young Carson , his son-in-law , kept a
store In Fort Garland und Tobins fre
quently visited the place. Yesterday
they engaged in a quarrel , when the
old scout , under the influence of liquor ,
announced his determination to kill
Carson. The -son-in-law , knowing that
the old man had lost none of his remark
able ability with the use of his rillo , did
not give him much latitude , and shot
him down.
Croupy suffocations , night coughs and
all the common affections of the throat
and lungs quickly relieved by Dr. J. H ,
McLean'b Tar \Vino Lung Balm.
ire have the best corset flock in
Omahaincluding all the best makes
in the domestic and imported.
We make this stcclc a study and
Guarantee Satisfaction.
with all wo sell. Wo Know all the ins
and outs of it ! know that a cor. < ct
that fits one lady will not fit another
at all. We have a good many
makes , very sliort , very long and
medium length waists.
Wo would cnM special attention to
All Linen Summer
We carry the best line of
Corset Waists
Made for Indies and children.
News and Anecdotes of Plays and
Paul Kissed by n ICIrig Stories of
Unnecrs and Singers Wit and
Humor Itclilnd the Scenes
Dramatic Notcn.
ModJrBkn'H Protege.
Mine. Modjeska has for a protege ,
s.\ys the Now York Star , a little follow
countryman of hers , who travels with
the company , and is known as Johnny
Tata. The countess takes a great in
terest in the boy and has essayed to
teach him his catechism. She com
menced by making him learn the seven
deadly sins and the seven sacraments.
She called him out ono day to exhibit
his wonderful memory before some
friends. She made him recite the sins ,
ono after another. Six he remembered
perfectly. "What is the seventh sin ,
Jack ? " The boy hesitated a moment ,
and then stammered out : "Matrimony ,
mudnmc. "
Milton Nobles' TJCKH.
The Cairo (111. ( ) correspondent of the
Mirror tells the following on a promi-
flont st&r : "Milton Nobles , the actor ,
isntriflo bow-legged. Monday after
noon ho and boino of the members of
his company wore in the opera house
arranging the scenery , etc. , for the
night's performance , when the ubiquit
ous small boy strolled in. 'What do
you want hero , boy ? ' demanded Nobles ,
sternly. 'Oh , nuthin" said the boy.
'I'm juut lookin' round. ' 'Well , you bad
better clear out. ' The boy looked quiz
zically1 nt Nobles' legs. 'Strikes mo , '
he said , 'that you had bettor git out an'
go to some tailor an' hnvo your logs
pressed. The actor laughed good
nntvircdly. 'I guess you may stay
awhile , my son. ' 'Thanks , father. ' And
the boy wont on 'lookln. ' " '
Ono On DlKby Doll.
Ono night whllo the McCaull opera
company were singing "Tho Mikado"
in Philadelphia , Digby Boll staid out
somewhat later than usual , says the
PhiladolphlaTimes. The truth is that
ho lingered to see DoWolf Hopper
muko a Welsh rarebit. "Merciful
heavens ! " ho cried , looking at his
watch. "Four o'clock ! I had no idea
it was so late ! What will my wife say
poor Laura , will she over forglvo mo ?
I know she has been waiting and watch
ing for mo those many weary hours. "
So she had. Gentle anticipation had ,
however , mellowed into rescntmentnnd
this natural emotion had by degrees
broadened and deepened into stern in
dignation. So that by 4 a. m. the usually
amiable Laura Joyce Boll was in a mood
to deal heroically with her delinquent
spouse , and her superb contralto voice
was never In finer form for the impres
sive delivery of the riot act , At 4:15 : an
uncertain tread in the hall without
announced the approach of the offender ,
and by a tremondousofforttheaggrieved
wife gathered together every energy of
her forceful nature to receive him with
what she determined bhould bo the
chef d'ocuvro of her martial career. Hut
the next momenther husband burst into
the room , prostrated himself before her
blazing eyee , and shrieked loud enough
to bo heard all over the hotels "Par
don , Kutisha ! "
The effect was electrical. Mrs. Bell'a
resentment subsided , melted , vanished ,
New and Novel
Our line of
suvpasscss anything ever before
shown In the city. A fine French
vibbcd open wore , striped silk hose
for ladles , $2.50 , Well worth $3,80.
Vest plain
Silk Hosei
We Itavca line of
Tn the royal fast dye , run in prices
from 35c to SSc , that we guarantee
tvill not crack or fade. If they do ,
return them to us and
We Will Refund Money
Paid for Them.
Silk , Lisle and Cotton
Ribbed Hose.
Best goods at lowest possible prices
We call special attention to our
$1.38 $
under the pathos of that cry and of tluit
scene Her tenderer emotions asserted
themselves , yet hot- intensely dramatic
instinct did not desert her. She said :
"Arise ; m.v Digby , we'll to breakfast
hie , methinks the bell therefor will
ring anon. "
Mrs. Boll has a precedent in the fa
mous Mrs. Siudons , who invariably
talked in blank verso. It is narrated
thatat _ u dinner given her by a lady of
quality , she reproved one of the waiters
baying : "Come hither , lackey , and
atonement make ; I called for sherry
you have brought mo beor. "
Actors nntl Plays.
San Francisco Chronicle : I don't
suppose anybody or anything gets as
much abused in a quiet way as actors
and plays. I know people who will pay
their money to go to a theater just for
the satisfaction of being able to abuse
something- , with some kind of right.
Then there are other people who find
everything good andsplondSdaiid never
have a Dad word to say about any picco
or player. I know a lady who'l don't
believe over really came out of a theater
quite dissatisfied. Almost the first case
of her being compelled to admit the
badness of the piece was a woolc or two
ago. Then her husband said in an
emphatic manner that defied contradic
tion :
"Well , that was a bad play , wasn't
"Y-o-s , but I think the orchestra was
real good. " _
Ralph Dclmore will sail for Liverpool on
tlio 10th.
Minnie Piiltnor is a slave to the fruit of the
succulent gum tioo.
Cloy Green is writing plays forMcKco
Rnnkin and Fred Hryton.
Georgia Cuyvun IIIIH an album of all the
stage babies she ever ployed with.
Lclnnd Williamson of Philadelphia , has
written n comedy for the Florences.
Wilton Lauknyo has been engaged for the
'Siberia" company for next season ,
Clara Morris will close her season at
Nlblo's theutor , New York , on May 12.
Joseph Jefferson invested $5,000 In rental
property In Tort Smith , Ark. , last week.
Now York gossip has It that the husband
of Mrs. James Urown Potter is seeking a di
Lett a sails for Europe on May 10 , She
will bo absent from this country about thrco
mouths ,
The monkey actors at the Star , New York ,
ore amusing largo numbers of children and
of old people , too.
Clara Morris 1ms disappointed her nudlenco
but once this season. Sue is getting stouter ,
and Is in good health ,
The name ' 'Khou" is n tnllsmamc dramatic
trade mat k in the United States and the
adjacent English dominions.
A report comes from San Francisco that
Washington Irving Bishop , the mind reader ,
is in a private insane asylum.
Clara Louisa Kellogg and her husband
have returned to New York and aio teportud
to bo as loving as two tuitlo doves.
The lot upon which the California thea'er
stands was lately sold in San Francisco for
1127.000. It cost $15 forty years ago.
Mr. Osmond Tcarlo and wife , accompanied
by other members of the Walluck stock com
pany , will sail for England on May 10.
Mr. Frederick Wardo never had a more
prosperous season than the picscnt , under
the management of Hudson & O'Neil.
Lawrence Barrett has leased a farm at
Soulhborough , Mass. , and , with his family ,
will occupy it during his summer rest.
Colonel Maplcson's creditors hold a meetIng -
Ing In London last week and accented an
offer of $2,500 , in settlement of his debts.
Charles II. Hoyt's "A Hrass Monkey"
will bo tiled at Now Heaford , Mass. . May
14 , with his wife ( Miss Flora Walsh ) iu thu
Miss Jennie Kimball has given up her pro
posed trip to London. The Corinne com
pany will ploy a summer'cngagvmeiit at the
Uoston museum.
Pauline Hall ha been engaged by Mana-
For this week Special Bargains
IFandsotno Chantllly Lite ? , 43
inches wide , f3.75 per yartl *
Guipure 4V inches wide $1 S7
and $ ! .7o per yard.
BIGS- error
Giving to the cold backward
Spring , tvchave reduced the price of
all our embroideries , and will give
1/oti prices that will astonish you , '
Our stock includes a choice line of
in fine patterns for Jx/fJ/es'
Children' * treur ; will give you a
42 Inch Flounce as lo.v as 40cj > at >
yard and narrow embroideries
from JLOc upwards.
25c SAVED.
A French face powder that stanza
beside 1'ozzoni's and other best
make * ; price , only it
Ifandsone line of Boy's Shirt
ger Harris of the Academy of Music , Bajti *
more , to sing thcie during the summer sea
son for eight weeks.
This week Edwin Booth and Lnwrcnco
Barrett appeared in the dramatic festival
which bojun at the exposition building In
Louisville Thursday night.
Mr. Edward Lloyd , the English tenor , has
left Liverpool for New York. Ho will malU )
his first appearance in America at the Cin
cinnati music festival , May 23.
The Jim the Penman No. 1 company closed
the season in Philadelphia last Saturday
night , while the No. 2 organisation closed at
Kingston , N. Y. , on the sanio dato.
Manager Miner has offered to present Paul
Kauvar on three miccessivo nights of noxtf
week In Philadelphia , Baltimore and Wash
ington for the beucllt of the actors' fund.
It Is estimated that the profits of the Booth
Barrett season of forty-thrcowcekfl will
reach 000,000. , The lightest week of the
combination thus far shows profits of 313.000.
Three now plays , "Drifting Apart , " '
"Among the Pines , " and "A Perilous
Voyage , " are to bo tried at the New York
People's theater before the winter wmson
Fanny Davenport has ilccldod to omit "Ln
Tosca" from her repertoire next season. It
Is gossiped that her husband , Mr. Price , is
likely to have a "La Tosca" company on the
Francis Wilson's vacation begins May IS ,
on which occasion ho will sail for Europe ,
accompanied by A , II. Cnnby , the business )
manager of Atonson's New York Casino com
Mr. Melton Prior , the English nrtlst and
war correspondent , gave some of his experi
ences in the Soudan war and the Nile expe
dition nt Chlckcring hall , Now York , Tues
day evening.
Ebon Plympton will bo the lending man In
the company which Is to support Mm , Drew
when that admirable actress gives a season
of old comedies at her theatre In Philadelphia
late this month.
The Alhambrn Theaters of Varieties , Lei
cester Square , London , has recently under
gone expensive and artistic embellishment ,
and now compares favorably with the llueat
theaters In the world ,
The Tioubadorti are in Now York , but
they Htart out on the 10th for Chicago , thence
to this cityand then to San Francisco. Thofr
entire summer will bo taken up In an exten
sive tour of the Paclllo coast.
Mr. Hnbcrkoin , husband of Margaret
Mather , says that all Miss Mather luceivcd
from J , M , Hill for llvo yeais work wan
M.r 00 In cash and $10,000 In worthless block
of the Columbia theatre In Chicago ,
Two now theatcisaro bcini ; built In LOS
Angeles , Cal , , each costing over $180,000.
They are expected to bo ready in time for the
opening of next season , The city has rnoro
than doubled m population in thu lust Unco
Katie Uooney has loft thocompany pre
sided over by Patrick Roonoy , and hap
signed with W , B , Blulsdoll for a starring
trip next season. Hoonoy has takpn legal
steps to secure the girl's ' return , as uho in a
Carl A. Haswine has plavoil the role of
Wilfred Denver in the "Silver King" over
eight hundred times , whllo Kam H. vernly ,
as Jaikcs , and Hurry Dillon as Spider , hayo
rach hcon seen in the play over ono thou.
sand times ,
John Hurt , the masslvoEthiopian comedian
of the variety stage , will bo a member p/
Denman Thompson's company when the
new pluy by Mr. Thompson and Geoi go W.
Hyer , called "Tho Two Sisters , " In produced
next season.
The Cailctoa Opera company seems to bo
making a feature of the summer tlieateis.
After their Baltimore engagement they liavo
contracted for a six weeks' run ut the High
land house , Cincinnati. But Curlcton is not
with them , as ho goes to Europe.
Aunio Loulso Ami's , the young Boston ac
tress who is to create the role of "Angela"
in Justin Adams' dramatisation of Uidcr
Haggard's "Dawn" attl.o Hollls stii'et. Bos
ton , May 23 , is said to bo talented , under
twenty-one and extremely beautiful.
There is no foundation for the statement
that "La Tosca" would not bo pJaywl by
Fanny Davenport next season. Mr. Kla.w
says Miss Davenport has already ordcicd her
"La Tosca" printing , engaged the people
specially for this play , and will 'imiko il her
piece du resistance.