14 THE OMAHA DAILY JBEE : SUNDAY MAY 13. 18B8.-SIXTEEN PAGES. Specially made to bo the most perfect range of the present day. Refined wrought steel body and mic ; ! ibie iron castings. Cracking forever done away with. * A Wrought Iron Range , with cast iron cast ings , is not much better than a cast iron range , and will cost you twice as muce. THE HOWIE COMFORT , has many new features not found in * other ran ges that are of vast importance to a Range. PT THE LORDS OF CREATION ! But tbo Ladies and the Thoughts They Are Thinking. THEQUEENS AND THEIR KINGDOM An KiitlniHlnntlo Admirer of Elln AVlicclcr AVIIcox in Par Prom Com plimentary to the Halo Bex Oilier Items For the Lmdics. To Ella Whcclcr VVllcox. [ irrntcn tor the Sunday lice/ ] I have for a long time admired your poems and letter. I think you tell moro truth than the gospel tolls. [ I will give you my views on that most interesting theme man. You say man is moro vain than woman , and more or less selfish in his friendship for the fairer BOX. I consider mnn a whole cargo of vanity and selfish ness in whatever blass of life you place him. That is the reason ho is a most in teresting theme. You say a man commits a folly because it flatters .his vanity to bo tempted , while ho despises the temptress. His reason for that is ho knows she had the power to make him commit a folly , and ho not have the strength to resist hor. Mon know that women have more strength of character and mind than they have , but will not admit the truth. There is but ono man that I know of in history who does admit it Charles Follon Adams in his poem , ' "Dor Oak und Dor Vine , " as follows : 1 don't vos preaching woman's righdts , 0 Or anyding like dot. Und I likes to see all bcoplcs Shust gondcnted mit dhcir lots ; Budt 1 vants to gondradlct dot simp Dot made dls lecdlo shokc : "A votnan vas dcr glinging vine , Und man dcr shturdy oak. " Borhnps somcdlmcs dot may pe druo ; , ' But den dimes oadt of nine , ' I find mo out dot man himself Vas JMSCII dcr glinging vine ; Und ven hces friends dhcy all vas gone , Und ho vns shust "toad proko , " Dots' vhcn dcr voman shteps rlgndt in , Und pccn dor shturdy oak. Shust go oup to der paso ball proundts Und see dhosc "shturdy oaks" All planted ruondt ubon dcr scats Shust hear dhcir laughs and shakes ; Dhen see dhoso votnons nt dcr tubs , Mit glothcs oudt on der lines ; Vich vas dcr shturdy oaks , mine frlendts , Und vlnch dcr glinging vines ) Vcn sickness in dcr household comes , Und vcoks and vccks he shta.ys. Who vns id ilghtdts him mitoudt rest , Dhoso vcary nighdts und days ! Who bcaco und gomfort always prings , Und cools dot fofcrcd prowl Moro lika Id vas dcr tender vine Dot oak ho gllngs to , now. "Man vants budt lecdlo hero polow , " . Dcr beet von time said ; Dbcro's lecdlo dot man he don'd vant I dink Id means inshtcd ; Und vcn dcr years keep roolling on , Dhcir cares und troubles printing He vants to pa dcr shturuy oak , Und also do dcr gliuglng. Mayoo vcn oaks dhcy gllng some more , Und don'd so shturdy pccn , Per glincing vines dhcy haf t > omo shanco To hclu tun life's mashccn , In licit und sickness , shoy und pain , In calm or shtormv vcJdhcr , Tvas bcddhcr dot dhoso oaks und vines Should nlvays gllng togcddher. A man will lie to protect another far eooner than a woman will. Lying is secondary to a man's nature , Man is born Inconsistent in all things in love affairs , his politics , religion and busi ness affairs. Women can't ho success fully , they can keep a secret when their own happiness is involved , but they Is can't act and out live a lie. If they , should succeed to live through a lie i they are sure to confess it on their f oeuthbod. Did you over hear of a man V doing that ? Truthfulness in womanis t the reason she is a desirable agent at the helm of business. She is to bo trusted. She don't abscond at the first opportunity that presents itself. With the gains of some hard-working man , that tolled perhaps a lifetime to start a business largo enough to em ploy a man , or moro , and give them ways and mean to earn their living honestly , Man is inconsistent somewhere in his life. Women love independence and they never abuse it. It is not un innuto nobility that makes man love virtue in woman , but his over-educated selfish ness. Who is to blame that our sons ore full of vice nnd error ? ' 'Our mother8they educate their EOUS that the only attainment they need F aspire to is a grand conquest of Eomo L beautiful goddess filled with an innuto fr nobility that will carry both through ! l life. life.Thoy educate their daughters from the cradle to the altar , that virtue and purity must bo their chief end that they may bo sought after by venerable mon , When the daughters begin to wane out of their teens , their father becomes alarmed if "Don Quixote" has not made his appearance ; consequently they pick up the daughters and march for n sum ' inor resort to make a display , On the t same principle that a farmer will take j r his fat cattle to a fat cattle show , to sec who will gain the winning prize , What is the result ? Generally the daughter becomes marred to a great hunch ot corruption that ha * loaded himself down with mon vices than a millionaire could bupport , and her life is llllcd with woe and con tention over thereafter. She finds that her innate nobility von't support both , and she becomes illcd with desperation and sinks to his cvol. "Don't you often wonder that so many lure women are to be found , when you consider the prevalence of folly and vice among men ? From the savage ages down to the ircsontninn has always made his choice of a life companion. But enlightcn- nont bhould change this vice vor-a. Slen have their choice of all vocations , jutnow the ladies should bo allowed to nako their choice of a life companion. Then let them search for a companion ns moral as themselves. Men would then .strive to please , and not think so nuch that they arc the only party to bo ) leascd. Instead they would grow noral ; they would then have that 'heaven on earth" that Dr. Allgicrs ialks about. Men scarcely over [ make a pretty marriage proposal. Man's vain-lillcd soul would bo a joy to see , when they would have to wait 'or the Goddess of Love to make her choice. But much of men's morality rests on their motherssince woman is the moral standard of society. Thou wilt listen to many voices , And , Oh ! woe that this must bo The voice of praise and the voice of love , And the voice of flattery. But listen to me , my little one , There's one thing thou shall fear ; Let never a word to my love bo said That your mother may not hear. No matter how true , my darling one , The words may seem to theo ; They arc not fit for my child to hear , If they cannot be told to me. And a record \vas made by his golden pen And this on his page ho said : "The mother who counseled her child so well Need never to feel afraid. " Miss CI.AHISSA MAIISII. nrneHscU to Oxen. Washington Post : I can never forgot the feeling of astonishment mingled with shame with which I first looked upon u woman harnessed side by side with an ox. It was on a lonely road in Switzerland , near the Italian frontier. Night had already set in , and the bon fires lighted , by woodmen on the steep mountain sides , hundreds of feet above my head , gave scarcely light enough to pick a way over the rocky road. I hur ried on to reach the next village , and in my hurry almost ran into a huge mass of moving hay. A woman was pulling that hay. and an ox not her husband was helping her. On the same road I overtook a number of women who looked like veritable walking hay stacks. Strapped on their backs were funnel- like contrivances into which hay was stacked to a height of live or-ix feet. The men , who kindly fill the funnels that their wives carry , fill the hny so high that the poor women fairly stagger under the load. For this severe labor the present women of Switzerland and Germany earn from thirtv " to thirty-five cents a day. They take "their babies , their bread and their bcor to the fields , wield the scythe all day long , then creep buck to their hovels under their huge loads and go to bed to get up at 4 next morning to go through another twelve or fourteen hours of similar drudgery. I have scon women in Bul garia threshing gram with sticks a very slow and laborious process , and none tbo more pleasant for thu burning sun that beats down on that semitropical cal country. While they wora engaged in this work their brothers and hus bands sat on the shady side of their thatched huts and dozed or minded the children as the humor struck them , Evidently , in the Bulgaria peasants' opinion , woman's sphere is where the hardest work is to he done. In Heidelberg I made the acquaint ance of an honest rod cheeked woman who mudo her living selling milk. She had a small cart that held two six gallon cans. To this cart she hitched herself and a dog and made her rounds from house to house selling milk at 6 cents a quart. This queer team stopped before the door of my lodgings , punctually every morning at 0 o'clock ' mid while I chatted a. moment with the Gorman fruu the dog would lie down in his har ness to rc"st. The frau and her husband wcro trying to save enough to bring them to America. The husband was a shoemaker , hut somehow never managed to save anything. There was not much profit in milk , still she would bo very careful and hoped to have enough some day. Once in America she bolt sure that her und Hans could get along. It is doubtful whether the poor woman with all her economy and toil will over reach her goal. Many months afterward when I was in Heidelberg she was there still , hitched with her dog in the car , Boiling milk for 0 cents a auurt , A Now Club for London Women. London Letter to the Philadelphia Telegraph : A now club for ladies WPE opened last Tuesday at No. 231 Oxford street. It is not the first of its kind in London , for the Alexandria club , in Bond street , has boon moat successful , and has now boon obliged to remove to larger quarters. Two or three bed rooms are at the disposal of country members , while the reading-room , drawing-room and diuing-roomuro very much affected by Its town supporters , A hook is always kept , in which mem bers write their suggestions for im provements to the club , and among thcbo are to be found many 'requcsti for u billiard room , while not a fcv , ladies clamor eagerly for a retreat wharo they can smoke mild cigarettes nt their case. One frequently sees sev eral cavaliers , like Peris at the jrato of pnradihC. waiting at the doors of the club for bomo fair member , for no man is allowed to enter the wicred precincts in which their sweethearts and wives rejoice. At the opening of the Somerville - villo club last Tuesday , the committee gave an afternoon "at homo , ' to which a few members of the sterner BOX came , out of curiosity to boo the roonib , and probably to bticoi1 at the idea of women appreciating any place to which they are not admitted. It is strange how completely dependent on the lords of creation wo are supposed to bo , yet how little they know the thorough enjoy ment girls deriyo from the society of their female friends , and how entirely they manage to dismiss the tyrant man from their thoughts. Girls Training for n Walking Match. In this great city of dudes and bood- lers it is not the general fashion to getup up at 0 o'clock in the morning and roam around in the parks. But the Nww York Telegram's Bon Franklin re porter was out with the lark this rare April morning. While dilating his nostrils with joy at the lovely scene of morning light warming up the rich brown of the trees , ho unintentionally baw a flock of remarkably pretty girls armed with riding whips. What the dickens they wanted of riding whips was something that remained to bo found out. Was it for protection and style ? Yes , it was. The girls were well dressed , with rosy cheeks , spark ling eyes and the jjlow of health blush ing under their skin like the beauty of the morning. An astonishing thing about the girls was their bilenco. Not a word did they utter , but oh , my , how they walked walked as if they wore training for a six-days' go-ns.-jou-please race. They wore stout walking shoes with thick soles. Their tailor-made dresses wcro not pulled back , but swunp loosely and com fortable as they btrodo by Other groups of girls were seen. Some wore escorted by big dogs , who tugged at their chains , compelling their mis tresses to keep up a lively gait. A jolly policeman who btood on the drive overlooking the lake touched his cap to the young ladies as they glided past. "You did not think Now York gals got up so early , oh ? " said the officer , with a merry chuckle. "Why , bless you , they've got more sand in their heels than all the knock-kneed dudes on Fifth avenue. " "Who are they and why do they walk at a 2:40 : pace BO early in the morning ? " "They're from young lady walk in clubs , " said the officer , "that's what they are , and if there was more on 'em and less all night dancin' , there \\ould not be to many rich undertakers. Thorn gals como into the park every mornin' in good weather. They're ladies every inch on 'cm. They usually como in at the Fifty-ninth street entrance and make for the Mall. Then they go up the lake path and out by the boulevard entrances. There seems to bo a rule among thorn not to do any talkin' till the got through their constitutional. Kinder hard on the pretty dears , " chuckled the policeman , "but if they got to talkin' they'd do no wnlkin * . There's more o' them this spring than over before , and I must sny thoy's the healthiest gals I over BOO. They can walk , too ; and don't you forgot it. Whether they like early mornin' because - cause there's so few people in the park , or it touches up their appetites for breakfast , I can't say , but I do know they are the real ladies of the hull town. " Women as Studcntx. A j'oung woman , now n student nt Columbia college , writes to the current number of Woman concerning the trials of the girls who are attempting to get u collegiate training in thin city. She says : "It is some four years and a half since women first invaded the sanctity of the college. The first to cross the threshold must have been very cour ageous. I remember only two and n half years ago when I joined the small army of a baucr's dozen , and what n bravo defense was made against us by the aborigines. * * * The invading army has triumphed. That is to say , women are now floating in and out of the buildings amidst the crowd of men who don't relish their presence hut can't exactly prevent it. The triumph aflor all is a meagre one , Does any ono know I wonder , under what difficulties a woman is obiitrod to take her examin ations at Columbia ? At the beginning of every term she is permitted to BOO a professor who instructs her ns to her courho of study for the ensuing term. Ho tells her what he thinks will be the work of the boys ; but many a time thu boys accomplish a little more , or take dilleront work after all , and the poor woman comes to her exam ination utterly unprepared , President Barnard 'is considered the guardian angel of the women ; to him they fly for protection , which they always find. But ' " " is unfortunately the president's "yea" not always "yea" to the professors. Even their examinations women have been obliged to take in a room where n class of boys wore orally reciting , and they wore obliged to fasten their atten tion en their own examination while a blind man was being orally examined on the same subject in the same room not two yards away. It speaks well foi the perseverance of the women thai twenty-eight nro at present golnfi through this in the hope of some daj obtaining more. At first the prqfesson were too courteous to the h'olplesi women. They all expressed their deter mination never to "interfere with the bwcot will of a woman , " but since some couple of degrees have been given to witmeti the professors and male students generally have awakened up to the fact that superficiality in the women stu dents means imputation of the cholnr- ship of Columbia , and now the pro fessors are very severe on the women. There is on foot a movement to found an annex to the college where women can attend the lectures of professors and take a thorough collegiate course. At present there is no place in this city where women can take a complete col- ItgSato course. " Girls Who Write. Miss Ethel Ingalls , the daughter of the president of the bonato , has entered upon journalism as a profession , bays the New York Tribune , and has for tome monthb been writing articles for the newspapers. See has recently had an article accepted by oneof the New York monthlies , which will bo hand- bomoly illustrated and published in the Mav number. Mibs Dawes , daughter of the senator from Massachusetts , has long been n frequent contributor to the magazines , and was ortco regularly at tached to a newspaper ; at her home in Pittsfield. She has also published ono or two books. Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton , daughter of. Representative Ezra B. Taylor , of Ohio , the successor of Gnrficld in the house , is albo a writer of reputation , but most of the work of her pen has been in the line of juvenile literature. Miss Footo , the sister-in-law of Senator Ilawley , is well known in literature and is the regular correspondent of the In dependent in Washington. Mrs. Do Koven , the daughter of Senator Far-well of Illinois , has literary ambition and considerable talent. She has contributed frequently to the columns of the Chicago cage papers and has won considerable local reputation as a writer. Mibs Cut- cheon , the sister of the member from Michigan is an accomplished writer and is the regular correspondent of the wes tern papers. Miss Edmunds.tho daugh ter of the senator from Vermont , is an accomplished artist , [ and Miss Cannon , the daughter of the representative from ne performer on the violin. A Graceful Tumble. It is becoming enough of a practice to warrant chronicling that the extreme belles of Now York bociety , says the Sun , those who are never content unless they are doing something that is far in advance of the generality of rich young women , are now learning and practis ing the art of posing at all times. A class in gymnastics has about twenty- five pupils , and the ostensible training received from their master is in the use of dumb bells and Indian clubs , hut once a week ho gives instructions to thorn in noses. Ho tolls thorn that they should acquire the knack of never taking awkward positions , whether walking , Bitting or lying. Ho assures them that if they icarn thoroughly how to do it they will eventually take grace ful positions unconsciously , and so ho puts them through a great variety of postures. Ho shows them how to take a beat in a chair or rise from it ; how to half recline on a sofa , or lie flat on a couch ; and ho oven gives them instruc tions how to save themselves from awk wardness when they fall. "It is not the bruise or sprain that hurts a woman when she sprawls in the street , " he said , "half BO much as the hurt to her pride. If she knows that the witnesses of her misstep are struck by a picturesque succession of pretty poses as she drops from the perpendicu lar to the horizontal , she can stand all the damage with equanimity. " Therefore on6 of the exercises which ho prescribes for his young Indies is to fall on mattresses in a row. They are made to drop forward , backward and bidowise , until they are able to go down in any direction in a sightly manner. Airs. Cleveland's PonleH. The president has so far relented from his original determination ns to buy for his wife u pretty phaeton , with a seat behind for the groom , and a pair of small brown horses for her exclusive use , and thereby hangs a talc says the Washington correspondent of the Phila delphia North American. A man in Richmond wrote a pathetic letter to the president not long since , which by boino inadvertence on the part of the wise "private secretary , " fell into his own hands. In it the man wont on to say that ho had married a young and beau tiful girl three months before , and had bought for her , with many fond anticipations , a pair of horses. for which ho had searched the south over , and she drove them for a few weeks , and then , on returning from n drive ono afternoon , died sud denly in his arms from heart disease. He could not bear to see these remind ers of a happy past any more , and Mrs. Cleveland was the only woman into whoso hands ho was willing to have them fall. He concluded by Baying that ho was too poor to give them to her , but he wanted her to have these treasures of his pretty dead wife. The president , without having seen the horses at all , telegraphed to have them sent on , and in a letter following inclosed a check for them. They came , saw and con quered nt once , ns they are pretty , gcntlo little animals , and amiling peace reigns everywhere. Just Like Women , The peculiarity that so many women have of hiding things is much moi'o general than might bo supposed , and hundreds of women keep it up nil their lives. There is a well-known woman of fashion in Philadelphia says the Times , with a house full of servants , who never lots ono como in her bed room except when she is there , and she does most of the dusting and "fixing"of that room herself. " The reason is that in the corners of cablnots , inside vases , in this drawer and that , or in a wall pocket or some hanging ornament she has distributed about every jewel and valuable trinket she owns. No ono knows just whore each article is but herself and she thinks that their safety is accordingly assured. Stick ing money under the covers of tables and oven between mattresses is n com mon trick among women , and the prac tice of putting money in the stocking is not confined to market women and bal lot dancers. Perhaps one-third of the women in Philadelphia when they do not wear them carry their diamond ear rings around in their corsets. HONEY FOR THE LADIES. Ay , laugh , If laugh you will , at my crude speech , But women sometimes die of such a greed Die for the small joys held beyond their reach , And the assurance they have all they need. Mmo. Carnet is the bestrdressed French woman in France. Mrs. Hamilton Douglas of Atlanta is the only woman lawyer in Georgia. Mrs. Mary P. Sprague Frazcr Is the only worn an lawyer in Cleveland , O. Mrs. Scely is eighty-seven years old and has Just cast her first vote is Kansas. Miss Jennie Flood is in no hurry to divide her five millions with a male partner. The mother of General Lew Wallace lec tures on woman suffrage and temperance. Miss Rose Elizabeth Clereland will re main in Washington until the end of June. The Women's Educational and Industrial Union of Buffalo , has over a thousand mem bers. bers.Mrs. Mrs. Anastaslo Parsells of Pamrapo , N. J. has celebrated her one hundred and second year. year.Mrs. Mrs. Garrett Anderson , the leading woman physicmn of England , makes & 0,000 a year. The widow of the late Justine David Davis has returned to her old home in North Carolina. A man never really appreciates the value of a wife uutil she has secured a divorce und alimony. A daughter of General Wade Hampton has Joined the ranks of the professional nurses of New York. A council of United Frienas , composed en tirely of ladles , has been organized at Vinal- havcu , Me , A fashionable wardrobe is now incomplete unless it includes a Jewelled fan to match every toilet. Young ladies whoso homes are on the bounding prairies should not feel offended if called "plain girls. " Elizabeth Cady Stanton is seventy-two years old , but she is as much interested in this world as over. . Women are naturally truthful , especially when they are talking about another woman that they don't like. A Wichita , Kan. , baker sell "eight loves for $1. " And all the Wichita girls are sav ing up their pennies. London has eight homes for poor working girls , at which breakfast , dinner and tea costs only f 1 u week. The queen of Corca is attended by nn American lady physician who receives a sal ary of $15,000 u year. Vandurbilt once paid Miss May Tilllnghast ? 30,000 for inventing a now kind of tapestry hanging for his house. Alberto Do you love me , darling ! Clarl- bel Huvo I not had all the chairs taken from the room except this ! Amelia Hives is bewilderingly handsome , smokes cigarettes , indulges in long walks and is an expert equestrienne. Mrs. Hancock , widow of the distinguished general , has received several valuable gifts of bric-a-brac toward the furnishing of her new house. Among the very latest fashionable skirt finishes Is a very wide hem , turned up on the outside with gold or silver or colored braid. A few Philadelphia women of fashion have ordered dircctoiru coats , which Will bo the great novelties of the coining season , Amelia ntvcrs has never been known to kocp an engagement at the hour named , but is nevertheless a great favorite among her friends , Mrs. Judge Woodward of Kentucky , has a half pint of diamonds set in car-rings , linger- rings , bracelets , brooches and ornaments for the hair. Miss Clara Foltz , lawyer , editor and lec turer , has been voted $10,000 by the common council of San Diego , Col. , to como east and boom that city. 'TwiiB ' over thus : Adam ( Just after getting acquainted with Eve "Will you go with mo to-night to see the animals I" Eve "I have nothing to wear. " Girls used to bo so timid that they would screech at the sound of a pistol shot , but nowadays when they go buggy-riding they usually go armed. The secretary of the Kansas Historical so- clety has received returns fiomtho munici pal elections which indicate that about 20,000 women have voted. A pretty lace cotton but costly has been brought out for the adornment of gingham and cambric gowns , and is known to the trade as "white chautilly. " Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gla istono will celebrate - brato their golden wedding July 25. She was twenty-six and "tho grand old man" twen ty-eight when they were married. Miss Agnatu Frances Hamsav , the young English lady who took the foremost rank in the classical tripos nt CumbridL-o labt year , is preparing a new translation of "Herodo tus. " Mrs. P , L. Collins , who is employed at the dead letter office at Washington at a large salary to decipher "blind" handwriting , can read every known language except Hussian and Chinese. A woman's Invention Is n baby wapon for the house , thoroughly padded , In which the baby cannot bo hurt , even if it tins over. Uho wagon can bo turned into a cradle and muue into a swing. < Smocking , now so much the rope , gets its name from the smock of heavy white or blue linen worn by Eughbh buUheis , and means that the material Is first vt-ry oaitly ath crcd in several rows and the COMFO Home Comfort Range. Is llio first ohoico of the following prominent raon who are now using them in their homes : "W. J. Broatch , Mayor ; A.W.Yates , BankorFrod ; NyeEelitor0. ; P. Goodman , Druggist ; 0. C. Orcutt , Capitalist ; F. D. Brown. U. P. Official ; J. N. Clayton , Wabash Office ; Christ Specif Cornice Maker ; D. Fitzpatrick. Plumber ; Hamilton Bi-03. , Cou- tractors , and many others too numerous to mention , Over one dozen are ordered to , bo delivered soon. * * H 4" "T" " " I mmia rnxm | W. F. STOETZEL , 1621 Howard Street , [ Seller of the world's best gasoline stove , THE QUICK MEAL. ward caught In honeycomb or diamond pat tern with strong silk , usually of a contrast ing color. ' Miss Virginia M. Hollyday of Carroll , Md. , has been grunted a patent for a bonnet holder. Considering the size of the contem porary bonnet , the holder is doubtless borne- what like a coal derrick. An Illinois woman attempted suicide be cause her husband sold a calf for $ - less than what she thought the animal was worth. She was probably depending on that $2 for her Sunday bonnet. A rumor from Paris Is to the effect that ladles' hats aie to bo higher than ever be fore. In view of this prediction , we know of no better way to save money this year than by staying away from theaters. Miss Linda Gilbert has devoted fifteen years and most of her fortune to prison re form. She has established twenty-two libra ries in the prisons of different states and found employment for 0,000 ex-convicts. Miss Frances Wil.ard advises nil girls who "feel a call , " as she once did , to the ministry to enter a thcologic.il seminary and prepare for the work , undisturbed by the alleged irreconcilability of the vocations of minister and mother. She "Do you love mo , dnrlingi" He "What in blazes do you want to interrupt mo for when I am Just adding up a column of ilgurcsl Of course I love you I Confound it all 1 now I've got to add that whole column up over again. " Lexington , Miss. , has thrco feminine resi dents who play nn important part in keeping the town in communication with the rest of the world. Ono of the ladies aforesaid is postmistress , another express agent and the third has charge of the telegraph office. Kato Field evidently does not take much stock in the Southern California boom. She writes that "lunatics are an intensely Inter esting study to me , and 30,000 of them nt largo , going about as though endowed with reason , ( so irresistibly attracted mo that I sailed for Los Angeles. " Mrs. Langtry has again rented the cottage which she occupied at Long Branch last summer. She will go there immediately after her summer's tour is ended. She con templates giving n week of midsummer thea tricals along the shore , beginning at Long Branch and ending at Atlantic City. A young man went to call on a young lady .nt Valdosta , Ga. , several nights ago. She called his attention to the fact that ho was late , remarking that she was in the "arms of Morpheus" when ho came. The young man added to the embarrassment of the situation by innocently remarking that ho thought ho heard that fellow go out when he came in. Mmo. Esther Frame , a Quakeress who has been couductinc revival services in Nash ville , Is described as nn evangelist of great ability and a speaker of moro than ordinary interest. She is a small woman , of middle age , with a pleasing face. Crowds have heard her preach , and those who went to hoar her out of curiosity returned with rev erence. Rev. Antoinette Brown Blaclrwcll was the first woman in this country to prepare for and regularly enter the ministry. Sheresides at Elizabeth , N. J. , and her ago is not gener ally known , though she doubtless looks much younger than she is , She graduated at Oberlin college , and was the object of much curiosity and opposition when she first began her career. Mrs. Octave Pavy , formerly of St. Louis nnd widow of Dr. Pavy , who perished in the Grccly Arctic expedition , has just returned to Cleveland , O. , from Europe , where she spent a year for the good of her health. She is engaged in important literary work. In Juno ; she will return to Europe , and nfter visiting all thu principal cities on business , will settle in London at the bead of a literary und journalisticofllco. CONSPIRING BY CABLE. Luckless Jcuii Oimmy Pierced of His Fortune Ity Distant Sliarpcrs. Luckless Jean Dumny , white-haired and bent , formerly a well-to-do manu facturer living at No. 13 Boulevard Gambcttn , Nimes , Franco , came all the way to this country last week to punish conspirators who have wrung from him his little fortune and left his family im poverished , says the Now York Herald : Seldom has a moro dramatic story been told in brief cables than that which induced the old man to part with his money. It was for the honor of his boy , and it was given willingly , oven to the last cent. Now ho has got the alleged conspira tors to whom it was sen t. A French chef , Gustavo Dcraud , who was employed by Mr. W. W. Astor , is under arrest charged with being the principal in the nefarious scheme that ruined Dumay , nnd his accomplice , bo- liovcd to have been the supple tool , is alleged to bo Jean Gouat. Bcraud has u young and fascinating wifo. She figucs in the case. Was she in the conspiracy ? The lawyers hint so , but no charge has boon made against hor. Jean Gouat was brough up in the town of Nimos , with Henri , BOH of Jean Dumay. Both are young mon , the former twenty-two years of ago , two years older than his companion. Gra duated from school , the young follows determined to seek their fortunes in Amoi-ica , and they came over together in October last. They secured board with Boraud and his wife , whoso homo was then at No. 104 East Thirty-eighth street. Sus ceptible young Henri , it is said , bccumo smitten with thu voluptuous charms of his landlord's pretty wife , and on December - comber 10 both disappeared from the city.Their Their intimacy had long been no ticeable , and the infatuation of the youth led him a few days prior to de clare his love , The couple wcro after ward heard from in Philadelphia. Meanwhile there had begun a most re markable cable correspondence between Dumay pero in Nimos and Dcraud and Gouat in this city. Hero is a cnblegiam that startled the old'gentleman nnd hroko the hearts of Henri's loving mother and sister. "NKW YOKK , Dec. 20.To Jean Dumay , 13 Boulevard , Gumbotta , Nimes , Franco : Henri a thief. Most despicable. Arrested. Send by tolo- praph 0OOUf. Your honor will bo saved. Bernud will Btop.proscoution , I nm suro. Will fix the matter , 1 am suro. Twelve hours delay from the polico. Letters follow. 'QOUAT. " This followed the same day : "Donotbojfrigtlioned. Send telegram addressed 'Grandfather. ' Henri at Pittsburg. Letters follow. The distraction of the Dumay family nt the receipt of these surprising dis patches may bo surmised it could hardly bo described. But the father replied in despair ns follows : "Impossible to send 0,000f , at present. Soon ns possible. " No. 4 gave nn added pang to the young man's parents. It arrived at onco. 11 was : "Boraud hands mo telegram. Impos sible to arrange matter. Do the possible and impossible to telegraph money. Too much time lost already , I fear. Sorry for you. "GOUAT. " That stirred the sorrowing old man to action. and ho made strenuous endeavors to arrange for the sale of his worldly possessions , with the result that his business was closed out at a complete sacrifice , and ho telegraphed an order for fl.OOOf. ( $1,148.32) ) to Boraud , leaving himself penniless and his little family in want. Bnt on the next day his heart was bomowhat gladdened by the cheer ing news from Boraud : "Calm yourself. The prosecutions are ended. If I can bring your son back , I .advance money for his return to Franco. If ho is mndo n soldier here h will end badly. " Ho does not want to work. I nm ruined by him. Letters follow. BEKMJD. " Hafl the conspirators been satisfied to cease operations at this point all might have been well for them , and the crime not discovered. Boraud scorns to have got his hand in at sending lengthy cablegrams , and this ono roacho : ! Nimes two days after on December 24 : "Lawyer sends formal withdrawal. Money received. My life is ruined , for yocr son to abduct wife of his benefac tor , mo. Obliged to sell everything. Crazy with grief. Money received docs not pay half for us. I forgot momen tarily to say I will make your unfortun- „ nto son take first steamer. Hope ho will If have remorse some day. "BisiiAUD. " M On the day that Boraud sent his tele gram of the 22d there reached Now York nn appeal that must have touched the heart of a less remorseless scamp. It read : "Wo Bond nt once sum demanded. Wo supplicate and pray the person in terested to have pity on a family in do- suair. Henri's sister bogs it on her knees. "HONOitiNK DUMAY. " Bernud's final telegram awoke suspi cions in the mind of Dumay. "Hero was this man , " ho said , yester day , "posing as my dear BOII'B bonefat- tor , as trying to save him from the threatened prosecutions of some ono un known. Suddenly ho drags in himself as tbo injured ono. 'For your son to abduct wife of his benefactor , mo , ho says , and 'Money received does not pay half for us. ' ' 'What does it all mean' ? ' I asked myself. " Dumay laid the matter before the au thorities of his native place , who ad vised him to communicate with thq French consul at New York. Before ho got an answer to his letter word was re ceived from Henri. The young man made no mention of trouble , nnd this still urthor increased his father's belie ! that ho had been imposed upon. Then came a response from the French con sulate telling Dumay to como to this city. Ho arrived here last week prac tically without means. At the ofllco of the French consul the old man was di rected to the law firm of Stahlnccknr & Coudort and the French government Is now assisting in the prosecution of Bo- ruud and Gouat. On the day after the 0,000f. were sent to Bornud the chef's young wife re turned from Philadelphia and was joy fully received into the arms of her hus band and amicable relations have since existed between thorn. They removed to No. 112 East Thirty-second street. These facts and a good many others that have not been made public wore learned by the diligent lawyers in the case nnd it was also ascertained that young Gouat was engaged as a fresco painter for a man named liegeman of Mnnmroneck. Lawyer Stahlncckor and Court Officer Hnrrick , of the Tombs squad , drove out there Wednesday night , having with them Dumay pore , Gouat was met on the way homo from work and promptly arrested. When ho saw the father of his former sqhool follow and voyager ho turned palo with evident fear and broke down. Ho accused Bemud of having planned the schema and said the latter had got the monoy. Boraud was arrested at his homo yes terday morning just as ho was prepar- paring to start for Mr. Aster's to get up an appetizing bill of fare for the morn ing meal. "Why am I arrested ? " ho asked. "For conspiracy in getting 0,000f. from Joan Dumay. " "Gouat got the money , " the prisoner replied , shrugging his shoulders. "I go with you. J am innocent. " In the Tombs police court both men were charged with conspiracy , They plead not guilty and waived examina tion , Justice Patterson held thorn in bail of $2,500 each for trial at general ses sions. Later in the day Mrs. Boraud called on her husband in the Q'ombs and en gaged a lawyer to defend him. The old man Dumay is Booking work as a machinist to enable- him to pay hia ' expenses.