Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1888, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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The Bulls In Control of the Wheat
Corn Upcnn Strong and ActUo Hut
doses InllIlrifik Business In
Oats Provisions Also On
the Halsc.
CIIIOAOO , Mny 12. ( Special Telegram to
TUB BEC.I Tlie bull fever was strong In
the wheat pit this morning and rirst sales
were made at Ic higher prices than could beget
got at jestcnlny's ' close. Outsldo markets
wcro strong , crop news bad and most alarmIng -
Ing for shorts. Humors wcro current that
We was the mark flxcd for July wheat for
to-day by strong people who arc under wheat
and that they would put It there at whatever
cost. This created n good demand from the
shorts. Then too , every commission house
with a country clientage had buying orders.
Tins was the condition of things which n
number of local longs thought most favorable
for unloading purposes and realizing began
on an enormous scale. This long wheat com-
ibg out broke the market about J-tfe from the
opening prices and then followed an advance
of ti full cent when realizing was flnlshcd for
a tlmo. Cudalm , Linn and Hutchlnson wcro
big buyers , but near the top the last named
turned seller when prices took n down turn
of % o again , about half of which was re
covered before the close. It was an active
and exciting market during most of the
session , with a very largo volume of business.
The majority of local tnlcnt still fight the ad
vance and arc busy feeling for the top , and
confident of a break. However , they
have thus far generally covered short
sales at the smallest possible loss only to re
peat the operation a little later. Their faith
helps to keep n quick acting short interest
constantly in the market and thereby helps
the bulls. Nobody can sec that the big short
interest , which Is foreign , shows any Inclina
tion to cover yet. The strongest bull influ-
tnce , other than local was cold weather in
the northwest. With freezing ground in the
spring wheat country at this last date there
seems but u remote chance that the Increased
spring wheat acreage will mtiko up for the
shortage in the winter wheat cropwhich has
been the claim of the bears and especially of
foreigners. July wheat opened at bSJ c , Just
Ic higher than last night's close , fluctuated
between 83Uc and bSJfc for some time , then
declined to & % c , advanced to 89 c , declined
gradually to 88Jc , Improved to 88J < @S > iJc ,
dropped to SSUc and closed at SSc. Juno
wheat opened at 87 c , sold at 8"c and 8 ? c ,
and closed at S7Kc.
The corn market was active and strong at
about the opening , with a heavy covering by
aborts nnd prices touched the
highest point thus far reached on
the crop. After this urgent demand
of shorts was satisfied , the feeling became
tfnsier , prices sagged , and during the latter
part of the session the pit was dull , with
very light trading on corn. Exports arc fair
and stocks arc small , but receipts wcro
larger to-day , and receiving houses are lookIng -
Ing for houvlor ai rivals next week , provided
the weather is favorable for handling grain.
May corn opened nt 60c , sold up to C0 ? e ,
down to 59 } e , and closed at fiUXe. July
corn opened at 58c , sold up to 58c , then
gradually declined , withoccasionarrcactions ,
to 6 < J < | C , advanced to 57 c , and closed nt
67Jfa67J ( < c. Juno corn opened nt 58c. sold
up to 58 @ 53 } c , down to 57 > c , nnd closed
at 57c.
There was active speculative trading in
oats at a somewhat higher rate of values than
ruled yesterday. There was heavy
realizing by longs , but any depressing -
* pressing influence from that causa
was offset by the support given the murkot
by Norton & Worthington. Mny oats opened
and closed at 85c , ranging from 3 < j c , to
ikWc. Juno oats opened at 34J c , sold at 34c
and 34Kc , closing nt 34 } @ 3 c. July oats
opened nt 34 Vc , sold nt JH e , down to and
closiag at 33c. August oats opened at 29c ,
sold nt 28c and 29c , up to Wtfc. closing at
29K@'i'J.Jc. September oats sold from 28o to
28 0 , and closed at 23 ' c.
The provision trade kept company with
grain in the day's upward movement. In
the product holders were favored with bet
ter prices , and at the adjournment pork
rested with on actual advance of JOc. Lard
was also Co and short ribs 2X@5c higher than
Friday's closing.
CHICAGO , May 12. [ Special Telegram to
Tnn BBK.J UATTLE Business was about the
saiua as on the ending Saturday. The run
was light , made up mainly of Texans , some
twenty loads being duo. Then there was a
train of ( .tillers for export direct , leaving
only a small number of natives , nil of which
were sold out fully ns high , If not higher ,
than yesterday's arrivals. The general mar
ket closed strong and fully 15c higher than
last week. Texans steady so far , but as the
run is on the Increase a downturn may bo
looked for. The increase In Texans will
send down prices on native canning
nnd butchers' stock , hence country
buyers should buy both with good
judgment nnd caution. Values nro liable
to go to 50$75i ( ! lower any week. Beeves ,
inferior . , to fair , $3.7504.25 ; medium to good ,
, 73.00
* M.IU , AVll , f OiOVl V-te\S.
Hocis The market was active and prices
steady ns compared with yesterday. Best
heavy made $5.70@5.75 ; ono lot of I'hlladel-
phias , $3.M ) ; mixed , $5.55@5,05 ; largely at
$5.00 and light sorts nt * 5.55.
Nsw Yonit , May IS. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BUB. ] STOCKS This has been the dull
cst Saturday that stock operator have wit
nessed In over a month , sales aggregating
only 78,133 shares. London was stronger Dili
tent a few orders for St. Paul and Heading
but the execution of UIMO orders cut llttk
figure In the market here. Hoom traders
wcro the most conspicuous operators. Char
ley Johns and Durand took a leading part
and wore the principal buyers. The greatcs' '
activity was In Missouri Pacific , Burlington
and cotton oil certificates. The latter advanced
vancod 1 point and closed } ( higher than yes
terdny. Burlington and Missouri Pacific
however , wcro if lower. East Tennessee
second preferred , advanced } { . The move
ment of the rest of the list was Irregular
and confined to tfGJVf point variations , The
close showed a very rug-god market , ad
vanccs being % on Omaha , j& on Erie , X on
Jersey Central and % on Michigan Central.
Declines ranged from % to h" . 'I'ho market
during the week has been unsatisfactory to
all classes of operators , especially the bulls
who at times had their nerve and bank ac
counts severely tried by the sharp decline
that followed the poor shewing maJo-by the
Burlington and Atchlsou roads. The stock
of former dropped 0 points and closed 1 ] > oln <
above inside figures at 1.15 } ) . Confidence
has been badly shaken by such developments
and In some circles has created a feeling Urn
if the truth wore known there might bo
other roadft in ns bad u fix. The poor show
Ing made by the government crop report 01
winter wheat is not considered favorable lo
liu'Ke business for cast and west trunk lines
the coming summer and fall. These reports
coupled with exports of gold , Induced frco
selling of long and short stock but the bean
rather over did it und wcro forced to cover
in some instances at a loss. Gould am
Ueacou White are. pronounced bulls tun
their followers are not scared so long as the
government continues to buy bonds ar.c
money is easy and rates are lower hero tuna
n London. The call rate at the close to-Ua ;
was 1 per cer.t on stocks , \vhilo in London 1
wosSi@2 ( . The arguments advanced bi
the bulls Is that the money received from ihe
will seek iuvcstment In othei
ccuriUcs nnd go far toward relieving the
market. Northern .Pacific preferred has
more friends nnd points arc out to buy it ,
owing to its Increased business , which at the
ircsenl rate 11 expected to exceed last year's
ly $1,503,000. The changes for the week
lave been small in the main , declines rang-
n ? from } to 3 points outside of Burlington ,
lock Island Is of ! 3 , Manhattan W Canada
Southern 1 % , Lake Shore ltf , Northwestern
IJf , Omalm 1J { , St. Paul ! > „ ' , Eric 1 ? , Ulch-
moml Terminal 1 , Union Pacific l > f , Mis
souri Pacific 1& , Pacific Mall 1 , Louisville &
Nashville 1J < , cotton oil * * ' . The advances
wcro : Northern Pacific preferred l } ( , Jersey
Central X , Kansas ft Texas J/ .
GOVERNMENTS. Government bonds wcro
quiet and dull but steady.
Vt 8.4sics'ntcrcd. 120 10. AN. W 10S.V
1) . K. 4s coupon. . . IZflvl do preferred 1(2 (
1J.8. 43reKUtrcil.lOflSN.Y.t ! ] > ntral lOiK
U.8 4)f ) coupon. .M7 > iO. It. N t > 4
1'aclIlcOsofM 121 Jr. T 24K
MlchlRan Central. . 7H 4 W. . St. I. . * 1' , .
Missouri Pacific. 77 ilo preffrrpd ! ! 7U
MlwmriPacific. . 21'V.U. ' . Telegraph. . TCii
4lo preferred K
MONEY ON CALL Easy nt 1 per cent.
STEIILISO KXCIHNOK Fairly active and
firm at $4.60 } for sixty day bills ; $4.8.5 ' } < for
Chicago , May 12. Following arc the
2:30 : closing prices ;
Flour Firm , with an advance of 5-ilOo ( per
Wheat Active , unsetllcd nnd nervous ;
opened Ic higher , and closed IJiJc higher than
ycslcrdny ; cash , SG c ; June , 87c , , ; July ,
b8 C.
Corn Active , excited nnd unsettled ;
opened % < 340 higher , nnd closed " "
nbovo yesterday ; cash , COc ; Juno ,
luly , 57 13-H5C.
Oats Active and higher all around ; cash ,
33e ; June , 34 3-102 ; July , 3J o.
Hye Olc.
Barley 777Se.
Prime timothy J2.CO.
Pork Firmer early , but later became
easier and closed quiet ; cash and June , $14.35
@ 14.37K ; July , 14.45.
Lard Advanced 5@7 } c , but before the
close had settled back 2K@fie ; cash nnd
June , $ S.32 > ( g835 : July , .t8.d7& .
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , ? < 1.00 ( < 7ri.25 ;
short clear , (4.10(38.15 ( ; short ribs , $ Mi2 , ' , ' .
Butter Firm ; creamery , 20@25c ; dairy ,
Cheese Quiet nnd lower ; full cream cheddars -
dars nnd fiats , 8'Jc ; young Americas , 9
Eggs Easier ; fresh , 12 @ 13e.
Hides Unchanged ; green hides 4Ujc ;
heavy green salted , 5' e ; light green salted ,
Oc ; salted bull , 4J c ; green bull , 3Kc ; green
salted calf , 8c ; dry flint and dry calf , 12@l3c ;
dry salted , lOc : deacons , 30c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; country , 4X < 35c ; No.
2,4 fc ; cake , 4gocjpcrlu. (
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 17,000 31,000
Wheat bu 20,000 23,000
Corn , bu 115,000 257,000
Oats , bu ias,000 210,000
Ryebu 2,000 0,000
Barley , bu 18,000 9,000
New York , May 12. Wheat Receipts ,
18,150 ; exports , none ; the market has been
bullish all throughout the entire session ; op
tions , early sales advanced prices } < j@Xc ,
later shorts covered , and stronger cable ad
vices lad to a further gain of % ( SKc , closing
at near the best ; ssot quiet but held higher ;
No. 2 red , nominal atSl.OO in elevator.
( gl.OO delivered , June closing at 9Sc.
Corn Receipts , 57,000 ; exports , 38,750 ; op
tions opened % @lc better , advanced 2 ! c on
May mid Jjt@ c on others , closing firm at
the best ; cash l@lKc higher out quiet ; un
graded , CO > if@C9c ; No. 3 , 60) < c in elevator ,
GSc delivered ; No. 2 , 69c , car lots , in eleva
tor ; Juno closing at 07c.
Oats Receipts , 34,000 ; exports , 004 ; l @lo
higher ; mixed western , 3S@41o ; white west
ern , 44 ( < ? 47c.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Hio , firm at $15.75 ;
options fairly active at 25@35 points higher ;
sales , 80,500 bags ; May , J13.30@13.3j ; June ,
tl2.bll@l2.U5 ; July , 511.00O11.15 ; August ,
$11.25 ( < 511.45 ; September , 10.75 ® 11. 00.
Petroleum United closed steady at SOJf c.
Eirgs Quiet but generally steady ; west
ern , 13K@14Mc.
Pork Steady and unchanged ; mess quoted
nt $14.00@14.60 for old ; $15.00 ® 15.S.for new.
Lard 5@7 points hichcr , closing firm ;
western , spot , quoted at $3.tio@5.70.
Butter Quiet and easy ; western , 18@20c.
St. LioulH. May 12. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 90 < ayoWe ; June , 91c.
Corn Higher ; cash , 55e ; Junu , 54 c.
Oats Higher ; cash , 30o ; June , 35Wc.
Pork $14.85.
Lard ? S.OO.
Whisky ? 1.12.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 20@24c ; dairy ,
Miniicapolls , May 12 , Wheat Receipts ,
105 cars ; sellers were asking an advance as
usual , hut buying was extremely limited.
Closing quotations In store : No. 1 hard ,
cash and May , 87 o ; Juno , S7J < c ; July ,
SSJ c. No. 1 northern , cash and May , Sflj o ;
June , bli c ; July , 87c. No. 2 northern ,
cash , ana May , 84c ; Juno , 84Ko ; July ,
85Kc. On track No. 1 hard , b9o ; No. 1
northern , 87 > c ; No. 2 northern , S5K@SOc.
Flour Unchanged ; patents , in suelw to
ship in car lots , fl.20@4.40 ; in barrels , ) M,45
Milwaukee. May 12. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 85c ; June , 85X" ! July , 87c.
Corn Firmer ; No , : t , 57Kc.
Oats Steadier ; No.2 white , 37Vo.
Uyo-HigherNo. ; lC5o.
Barley Irregular ; No. 2 , CfiXc.
Provisions Firmer ; pork , May , $14 0.
Cincinnati , May 12. Wheat Strong und
higher ; No. 2 , 94 > < e.
Corn Active and higher ; No. 2 mixed , CO
Oats In good demand and higher ; No. 2
mixcit , 37@37Ko.
Hyo Moro active and higher ; No. 2 , 70@
Provisions-Pork , firmer ntfl4.C2 @ 14.05 ;
lard , strong at $7.05.
Whisky Firm at $1,13.
New Orleans , May 12. Corn Quiet but
firm ; mixed , and white , GG@07u ; yellow , 07
Oats Strong and higher ; No. 2 , 45c.
Corn Meal Firmer at $2.00.
Hog Products Quiet but steady ; pork ,
$14.75 ; laru , $7.50.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.37X ; long clear
and clear rib , $7,75.
KiiutmH City , May 12. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 soft. 6y : < c ,
Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 51c bid , 53o
Juno , Sic bid , 52Mo asked ; July , 52-tfc bid ,
53o asked.
OatsNo. . 2 , 32Kc bid , 33c asked.
Liverpool , May 12. Wheat Firm with
fair demand ; holders offer sparingly ; Cali
fornia , No , 1 , Os OdQlt'1 * 10d per cental.
Corn Strong ; nothing offering ; mixed
western , 5s Sd per cental.
ClilcnK" , Mayl'- | -Tho Drovers' Journal
reports a * follows :
Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; market strong ;
beeves , * J.75@5.1I ) ; stockcrs nnd feeders ,
$2.75@S.W ) ; cows , f2 OJ3.b5 ; Texas steers ,
Hops Hccelpts , 12,000 ; opened 5o higher ,
but clobcd with the advance lost ; mixed ,
S5.a5 < JJV 0 ; heavy , $5.55a5.tOj ( light , f5.30@
S.COjpigs , * 4005.15.
Sheep Receipts , 4,500 ; market strong for
gooJ ; common weak : natives , Vvooled , $4.50
OiO.50 , bharn , iJ.75@5.UO ; woolcd Toxang ,
$4.DOtSi.40 ) per head.
National Slock Yards , East St.
Louis , May 12Cattle Receipts , none ;
shipments , 900 ; maakct firm ; choice na
tive steers , tl.48@5.00 ; fair lo peed native
steer , H.OOM-4.00 ; butchors' slcers , fair to
choice , $3/20(34 ( 25 ; stackers and feeders ,
medium to ( 'iud. * 220Q3.50j rangers , or
dinary lo KO ( > 1 , 12.2304.20.
Hogs Uccclpts. 000 ; shipments , 2,7X | ) ;
market steady ; choice hCavy aud bulcbc'rt'
selections , W.nOg5.05 ( : packing , medium to
prime , $ . " .80@5.65 ; light grades , ordinary to
best , $5.20@5.45.
Knnsns City , Mny 12. Cattle Receipt1 * *
1,000 ; shipments , none ; heavy shipping steers
dull and wean ; dressed beef Rtcadj * ; fat cows
scarce ; good to choice , $4.25(554.00 ; common
to medium , $ ,1.25S ( > 4.00 ; slockcrs , $2.0002.90 ;
feeding steers , $3'.00@3.00 ; cows , $1.GO@3.X { ) .
Hogs Receipts , 1,500 ; shlpmcnU , none }
market steady lo 5o higher , closing strong ;
common to choice , $5.00@5.50 ; skips and pigs ,
$2.23 < 34.80.
Salurday , May12,1883.
The rccclpls were light nnd hardly
enough en Sixlo to make a market. There
w ns. liowcvcr , a good demand , nnd what cat
tle there wcro hero wcro mostly nil sold be
fore the close. The prices wore n little
stronger than yesterday's market. One loud
of 1803'lb cattle sold at $4.47 } , which was
the top for the day.
The receipts were liberal for the last day
of the week , seventy-three fresh loads being
on sale. Out of this number eleven loads
dld.not arrive until nftcrnoon nnd after the
market had uraetlenlly closed. The hogs
wcro about all taken , however. The n.arkct
opened slow and n shade easier than yester
day , but improved later in the morning and
the bulk of the hogs sold at prices about
steady with ycstcrclay.
There wore none hero to make n market.
Cattle 040
Hogs 5,000
Pruvnillni ; Prlous.
The following is n table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men
Prime steers , 1300 lo 1500 Ibs. . $4.25 (84.50 (
Prime slcers , It00lol300 Ibs. 3.S5 ( JS4.30
Fat llttlo steers , 900 to 1050 Iba. 3.80 @ 3.90
Common to choice cows 2.00 ® 3.50
Common lo choice bulls 2.00 @ 3.25
Fair lo cholco light hogs 5.00 45.15
Fair lo cholco heavy hogs 5.25 ® 5.40
Fair lo choice mixed hogs G.15 @ 5.25
Kcpresoutftttve Sales.
No. Av. Pr.
Icow 1100 2.25
1 cow 800 2.25
2slecrnndcow 940 2.75
Ibull 16CO 2.75
13 cows 1007 3.10
4bulls , 1500 3.25
Ocows 953 3.25
2 cows 1125 3.25
2 cows 1225 3.25
11 mixed l < 95 3.40
Sbulls IOCS 3.40
1 steer lO.'O 8.W )
1 steer 700 3.0
3 steers 940 3.75
4 steers ' 805 .75
Ssteors 900 3.85
10 steers , t 1110 3.95
1 steer 118(1 4.00
19 steers 1105 4.05
74 steers 1135 4.10
30 steers 1100 4.10
17 steers ' . 1192 4.20
51 steers 1259 4.25
10 steers 1232 4.25
102 steers 1215 4.25
14 steers 1285 4.30
19 steers 1308 4.47
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. , Pr.
70..174 320 $5.00 01. . .270 120 $5.20
80..171 240 5.05 03. . .220 2SO 5.20
72..193 40 5.05 04. . 220 120 5.20
CO..158 120 5.05 0..245 80 5.20
OS..205 200 5.05 04. . .240 120 5.20
83..180 200 5.0'K < > 9i . -237 100 5. !
CO..223 240 5.10 07. . .245 123
93. . . . 100 SO 5.10 81. . .231 203
7(5. ( . . . 193 10 3.10 03. . .241 40 5.25
77..198 100 5.10 74. . .250 SO 5.25
04..202 5.12K 40. . .254 80 5.25
73..228 ICO 5.15 07. . .24J 120 5.23
70..203 200 5.15 70. . .238 100 5.25
92..202 40 5.15 72. . .225 100 5.25
72..219 100 5.15 74. . .259 100 . 5.27
09..249 200 5.15 40. . .339 120 5.30
09..230 5.15 0-1. . .234 80 5.80
82..ail 240 5.15 09. . .237 100 5.80
59..210 120 5.15 CO. . 264 280 6.30
75..201 120 5.15 74. . .230 40 5.30
04 . .230 40 5.15 5'J. . .230 40 5.30
74..227 5.15 02. . .240 40 5.30
73..217 80 5.15 CO. . .297 120 5.30
73..227 2tO 5.17 ' ! . .270 5.30
09..221 80 5.17 } $ 50. . .H41 40 5.30
05..221 40 5.20 70. . .241 5.30
09..241 1C ! ) 5.20 03. . .252 SO 5.35
77..224 40 5.20 03. . .270 320 5.35
C5..220 40 5.20 50. . .279 40 5.35
43..230 40 5.20 09. . .257 120 5.35
OS..234 SO 5.20 5S. . .294 80 5.40
71..220 240 5.20 04. 5.40
403..172 5.10
Showing the numbar of cattle , hops nnd
sheep sold to the leading buyers on the
market to-day.
G. H. Hammond & Co 413
Omaha PackingCo 502
Armour & Cudnhay P. Co 2,741
J. P. Squire & Co. 270
E. L. Lambert 4ft3
Speculators 310
Swift & Co 258
W. Burnsido 1
S. Drcifuss 23
A. Jackson 50
G. H. Hammond & Co 137
J.L.HI11 33
J. Carlin 8
J. Deacon 19
Pork Packing.
Special reports to the Cincinnati Prlco
Current show the number of hogs packed
from March 1 to date and latest mail dates at
the undermentioned places , compared with
the corresponding tlmo last year , as follows :
March 1 to May 3. 1837.
Ijlvo Stouk Notes.
Fuller , Smith & Fuller marketed a load of
hogs from Crcston.
L. L. Darling. Tekatnah , came in and mar-
Itctcd a load of hogs.
W. M. Hrynnt , Chicago , was among the
visitors at the yards.
I. S. Moycrs , Hendlcy , was hero und mar
keted a load of hogs.
J , Taylor came in from Shclton with a load
of cattle and a load of hogs.
Fairmont was represented by C. Strathern ,
who came In with iwo loads.
Gregg & A. , Huhboll , Neb. , wcro among
those who markclod 40o hogs.
M. P. Williams , Louisville , was at the
yards with three loads of cattlo.
J , R. Rogers , of Manion & Co. , Wabash ,
was bora and marketed a load of hogs.
J , F. Sluarl , of Cook & Stuart , St. Paul ,
was in with a load each of cattle and hogs.
Last year , from March 1 to May 10 , Kan
sas City packed 1512,273 more hogs than
Omaha. During the same time Ibis year
Kansas City is only 75,000 ahead.
The western pocking for the week has
been about 155.000 nogs , against 103,000 the
preceding week , and 175,000 last year ; from
March 1 to duto , 1-UO.OUO , against 1 75,000 , a
year ngo increase , 35,000.
The firm of Lorimcr , Westorfleld & Moley
has been dissolved , Mr. AVcstorflcld retiring.
Mr. Lorimer will hereafter glvo his personal
attention to the business , and the now ilrtn
will bo known as Lorimcr & Maloy.
The F. E. & M. V. stock train did not arrive -
rive until near 1 o'clock on account of an ac-
uidenl at Arlington , which smashed up two
cars of slnck. Ono was a car of hogs owned
H. W. Rngan , of York.
Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Etc ,
Salurday , May 12.
The following quotations are wholesale
anil not rct'tll. Prices quoted on produce
arc the mtts at uhlih round toM arc sold on
this mmkct. Fruits or omcr line * of good *
requiring extra Inbur In patkn'O ' cannot ul-
tcui/ / lie sitjjjiHi'd on ouuttle aiders ai the
fume prices quoted for the localtrade.
Hates on riouruiu ! feed urejeblicrt * brlccj.
Price * on ( train are tfuiss i > ald by Omaha
millers ic-l ? ! ! > m'ti. - < 1II quotations on mar-
thandlse arc obtained /mm
and arc corrected dallyPrfm on crackers ,
cnhc , etc. , arc those ulvcn by leading man\i- \
IJufTnn Fancy cronmcrv roll bultcr. 25Q
20o , with solid packed nti.BOtftSSc . ; choice
country butter 15filGc ( , common grades
CIIEESB Full cream , i35We.
Eons-Strictly fresh 12 < 12Wc.
STnAwiiEiiKiES Fresh Florida , 25@30c per
BEETS 50o per doz.
POTATOES Choice homoprown , , 75@85c ;
Utah and Colorado Block ) II. 10@1.23 ; low
grades , 6r < 3G5c. . . '
POULTRY No dressed fowl in the market ;
live chickens. .00@-1.25 per doz ; turkeys ,
0@Uc per Ib ; gccsc , ? C.OO < g,7.1)0 per dos ;
ducks , * 3.00@a23. rt
SHNNAOC tl.50 per bl.
Kituiunn ! 5c per Ib.
ONIONS Nntivo stock fl.SMl.SO , Spanish
per box of n Ibs f 1.75@2.00 , California onions
3U-jo ( per Ib.
LEMONS $3.75 ( 4.GO per box ; fancy , $4.60 ®
G.50.OiiAXons California Riverside , t3. 75 < < m.OO ;
Messina , W.BOQS.W ) ; Los AngoloR , tt.OO ®
8.25 ; Los AnReler Nuvals , fl.OO ; Rlvcrsldo
Nnvnls , W.OO.
Ast'AUAdUs R0@00o per doz. 00c@$1.00 per doz for cholco.
LETTUCE 30@T5o per dor.
CKI.KIIT California stock , $1.60 per doz.
HAIIWIKS 30c per doz.
STHINO HEANS $2.75(33.00 ( pcrbu.
QIICCN PBAS JJ.25 per bu.
TOMATOES $3.00@i.fiO : per bu.
PINK AiTi.ES f3.uOJi8.50. (
UAXANAS Common medium , t2.BO@3.00pcr
bunch ; choice , * l.00@3.60.
TtuiNiPS Rutabagas , 5b00o.
DATES Persian , OU@o per Ib.
Ci licit Choice Michigan cider , I4.50S0.50
per bbl. of 32 gnl.
POPCOUN Cholco rlco corn is quoted at 3@
4a per Ib. , other kinds Z ® 3a per Ib.
CAitltOTS New stock , 40@45c per doz.
CAiuiAncs 3Jj@4c per Ib. for California.
CAULiFLoWEii--Qood stock , ? 2.25@2.60 per
UFIANS Good stock , f2.00@2.75 ; California
beans , ? 2.25@2.40.
Ftos In layers , 13@15c ; cake. lOc pcrlb.
NUTS Pcanutn , OJ ® 7c ; raw Brazil nuts ,
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal
nuts , 15@lSo ; filberts , ISo ; Italian chestnuts ,
15c ; pecans , I5c.
HONHV l21c ( ! for 1 Ib frames ; canned
honey , 10@12c per Ib.
PAIISLEV 30o per doz.
CitCGN ONIONS 15@20c per doz.
PUHE MAPLE Svrur $1.25 per gal.
RuUHAJiu 3@5c per Ib.
SALSIFY 2Co per bunch ,
Grocer's List ,
RKFINED LAIIH Tierce , 7e ; 40-lb square
cans , 7Xc ; 50-lb round , 7Jfc ; 20-lb round , 8c :
10-lb pails , Bc ; 5-lb palls , 6c ; 8-lb pails ,
8 c.
c.SVHUPS Now Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
37@4Bc per gal. ; corn syrup , 30c ; half bbls. ,
38c ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55 ; sorghum , 3So.
PUOVISIONS Hams , 10x@l09fc : breakfast
bacon , lOQlO c : bacon sides , 8 > f@8Ko ; dry
salt , } @t > Xc ; shoulders , 7@7 c ; dried beef ,
PICKLES Medium in bbls , $5.75 ; do in half
bbls , $3.40 ; small in bbls , $0.75 ; do in half
bbls , $3.90 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.75 ; do in
half bbls , * 4.40.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.10@3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case ,
$2.85(32.90 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $ ( n > 2.85
2.00 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ;
apricots , per case , $4.25@4,33 : peaches , per
case , $5. < iO@5.73 ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; California plums , per case , $4.50@4.00 ;
blueberries , per case , $2.10@2.20 ; egg plums ,
2-lb , per case. $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.20@5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , $1.80@1.85 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.2C@3.Bo ; 2-lb
string beans , per' case , $1.75@1. 80 ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case , $1.00@1.05 ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $ i50@2 (50 ( ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per
case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , , ? 2.40@2.50 ; 2-lb
corn , $2.30@3.40 ; sardines. Imported X , 12 ©
15c per box ; domestic X , # @ > ; c ; mustard , Ib pails , $1.25@1.50.
SALT 1'er bbl in car loadTots , $1.40.
Ilo PC Seven-sixteenths , 10'f@10Kc.
CANDY Mixed , OQllc ; stick , 9@&j c.
MAPLC SUOAU Bricks , rJ c per Ib ; penny
cakes , 13@14c per Ib.
13 itooMb Extra , 4-tle , $2.00 ; parlor 3- tie ,
painted handles , $2.85 ; No. ' 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 ,
$1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
OOc ; Young Hyson , 22@55c ; Oolong , 20@05c.
PowDun AND SHOT Shot , $1.45 ; buckshot ,
$1.70 ; Hazard powder , kegs , $5.00 ; half kegs ,
$2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 : blasting kegs , ? 2.35 ;
fuses , 100 ft , 45@75c.
Sue -Granulated , 07c ; conf. A , t
7c ; white extra C , 0 @U > { c ; extra C ,
0 ? c ; yellow C , SKft ffe ; cut loaf ,
7) < o ; powdered , V QS c ; New Orleans ,
@ 5c.
COFFEE Ordinary grades , I0@17c ; fair.
1718c ; prime , 18@19Xe ; fancy green and
yellow , 22@23c ; old government Java , 28@
30c ; interior Java , 25@2.3o ; Mocha , 2S30c ;
Arbuckle's roasted , 20i c ; McLaughlin's '
XXXX , 20ifc ; Dilworth's , 20c ; Red Cross ,
20o : Alaroma , 19J < c.
WOODKNWAIIE Two-hoop palls , per doz ,
$1.40 ; Ihree-hoop pails , Sl.QSi No. 1 tub , $7.00 ;
No. 2 tub , $6.00 : No. 3 tub. $5.00 ; washboards ,
electric , $1.50 ; rancy Northern Queen wash
boards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 : No. 1
churns , $9.50 ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No. 8
churns , $7.50 ; butler tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in
pests , 70o per nest.
TOHACCO PLUG Lorillard's Climax , 45c ;
Splendid , 44c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Leg-
pett & Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 39c ;
Drummond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. . 42c ;
Sorg's Spearhead , 45c ; "Cut Rate , " 20c ;
"Oh , My , " 27c ; Piper Heidsick,04c.
Ton tcco SMOKING Cutlin's Meerschaum ,
31c ; Catlm's Old Style , 23o ; SxveetTip Top ,
33o ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Red , Whlto and Blue , 18c.
CiiACiiEits , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda
snowfiako ( in lins ) , lOc ; soda dandy , 5Xc ;
soda wafers ( in lins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , So ;
city oyslcr , O c ; excelsior , 7c ; fnrinn oys-
er,7c ; pemoysler , 5e ; monllor , 7c ; Omaha
tyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5c ;
snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Boston ,
8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , OJ c ;
cracker meal , 5J c ; graham , 8c ; graham
wafers , lOc ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , 12 > o ; hard bread , So ; milk , 7Hc ; oat
meal. 80 ; oat meal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wn
fers in pound packages , 12 > c ; animals , 12c ;
Bolivcrliigcrrouiidl7ccrcatnl8cCornhilll ( ( ) ; ;
lOo ; cracknells , lOc ; frosted cream , 8Ko ;
ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Oc ;
homo made ginger simps , in boxes , 13c ; homemade
made ginger snaps , ( Mb cans ) per dozen ,
$2.50 ; lemon creams , 80 ; pretzels ( hand made ) ,
11J ° 5 assorted cakes and jumbles , HKc ; its-
sorted flngurs , 15o ; afternoon tea ( inline ) ,
per box , $7,00 ; banana lingers , 14c : butler
Jumbles , lfo ; Brunswick , 15c : brandy
snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( now ) lOc ; choco
late wafers. 15c ; Chrislmas lunch ( in lins ) ,
per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa tafly snaps , 14a ; coffee
cake , 12o ; Cuba jumbles , HK ° i cream pufTs ,
We ; egg jumbles , Ho ; ginger drops , lie ;
honey jumbles. ll ) o ; jelly fingers , 15e ; Jelly
wafers , 15o ; jelly tart ( now ) , 15c ; lady ling
ers , 13c ; vanilla bar , Ho : vauilla wafers , Ho ;
Vienna wafers. 1 dozen packages in a box ,
per dozen , $2.50.
All goods packed in cans Ic per Ib advance
except snowfiako and wafer soda , which arc
packed only In cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb
paper boxes , K" l > er Ib advance ; all other
goods Ic per Ib advance , Boda in 1-lb paper
boxes , Ic per Ib advanco. The 2-lb boxes uro
packed In cases holding 18 in a case. The 3-
Ib boxes are packed in cases holding 12 in a
case. The 1-lb boxes arc packed in casscs
holding 30 in a case. Oue-lb graham and oat
meal wafers packed 2 doz in u case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75o. Cans for wafer soda , $3.00 ,
not returnablo. Cans for snowflake soda ,
$5.00 per doz. Tin cases with glass face to
display the goods , 75o each. No charges for
packages except for cans and returnable
goods. Glass front tin cans and "snowflako"
soda cans uro returnable at prices charged.
Dry Goods.
Slater , 5 o ; Berlin oil , OVjfo ; Garner oil , C@
7c. PiNi ) AND RODES Richmond , OKc ; Alien ,
6Ko ; River Point , 5o ; Steel River Oo ; Rich-
Bond , Co ; Pacific , 6 > < c. INUIOO BLUE
Washington , # c ; Century , dlgo blue prints ,
Ooj American , OUo ; Arnold , like ; Arnold B ,
; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold Gold Seal , 1U4C.
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7 o ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , u i
Allunlio P , 4-4 , Cc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Au
rora 0 , 4-4 , 60 ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 7tfc ; Hoo-
bler LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7o ;
Lawrence LL. 4-4 , Oo ; Old Dominion. 4-4 ,
5Uo ; Pepporell , R , 4.4 70 Pepporell , O ,
4-4 , Oo ; Pojiperell , 8-4,18Ko ; Pepperoll , 0-4 ,
21oPeppeiell , 10-4 , 23e ; Utlca. C , 4-4 , 5o ;
WnchUBUtl , 4-t , 7 > 'o ; Aurora. B , 4-4 , OXc ;
Aurora , R , 4-4 , C > c.
Bins StamlarJ , 9c ; Gem , lOo ; Ucautr ,
" ' " " " U'j , cased , 10 50.
CAnrr.T WARP Bibb , while. 19o ; colored ,
DUCK West Point CO in. 8 oz. , 10' c ; West
Point , 29in. 10 oz. , 12 > < cWtst ; Point , 10 In
12 oz. , 15c : West Point 60 in. 11 oz. , ICc ,
Checks-CnlcdonlnX.PJfc ; Caledonia XX ,
lOKc ; Economy , 9c ; Otis , Co.
KBNTUCRT JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
2Sc ; Durham , 27) ) < c ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming
ton , 22X0 ! Cottswold , 27Vc.
CitASU Slovens' B , Co ; bleached , 7c ;
Slovens' A , 7Kc ; blcacned , 8Kc ; Stevens' P
8 > tfc ; bleached , 9 } < e ; Stevens' N. O c ;
bleached , 10 } < c ; Stevens' S R T , 12Kc.
MiscitLLANEOU8 Table oil cloth , $2.85 ;
plain Holland , 8' c to 9 > { c ; Dado Holland ,
'CoMFonTEits $ O.COQ35.00.
No. 00 , 9 < c ; Best Yet , 4-4 , O fc ; butter cloth.
OO , 4Ke ; Cabot , 7 < o ; Fnrwoll , 8Kc ; Fruit
of Loom , 9Frecno O , Oc ; Hopo. 7Jfc ; King
Philip cambric , lie : Lonsdnlo , lijfo ; Lons-
dale,8 ? c ; Now York mills. lOUo ; Peppcrcll ,
42-ln , lie ; I'cppereutum. . , 12e ; Pepporell ,
0-4 , lOc ; Pepiorpll. 8-4 , 21os Pepperoll , 9-4
23c ; Pepi > orcll , 10-4. 25.j ; Canton. 4-4 , 8Hc ;
Canton , 4-4 , 9Kc ; Triumph , Co ; Wttinsutut ,
lOc ; Valley , Be.
GINOIIAM Plunkctt checks , 7Vjo ; Whlttcn-
lon , 7 > < e ; Vork , 7 > c : Normandl dress , 8Jfc ;
Calcutta dress , 8KR : whlttcndon dress , 8 > ic ;
Renfrew dress , 313Wc.
TICKS Lewiston , ItO-in , 12) c ; Lowlston ,
32-in. , 13Kc ; York , 82-in. , 14c ; Swift river ,
7J'cThorndyko ; OO,8Kc ; Thorndyko FF ,
8)ic ) ; Thorndlko 120 , 9J o ; Tnorndiko XX ,
IBc ; Corclis , No. B , 9 } c ; Cordls , No. 4 , lie.
DBNIMS Anioskcnp B , 9-oz , lOc ; Everett ,
.UltltUl VS4UUK 1 1 , 1AU , AJL
lie ; Beaver Crook CC , lOc.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshcn ,
m nv , iviuviaui , H J IU , vuvt v\ , - - *
E24-ln , 21u ; GG 24-ln , 18c ; H A F ,
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , fijfc ; CC , 7i c ; SS , 8Wc ; Nameless -
less , BUcN ; o.G , OcEB ; , 9 0 ; GG , 10 } < c ;
XX , 12 } c ; OO'llo ; NN , lOc ; RX , 18c ; R ,
20c ; No. 10. 8 0 ; 20 , lOKc ; 00 , 12) ) c ; 80 , lOc ;
20c , colored , lOo ; CO colored , 12o ; 70. colored ,
25c ; Bristol , IS c ; Union Pacific , 18c.
Gnnornl Mnrkctn.
Fi.oun AND FEED Minnesota patents , $2.45
© 2.50 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy
winter patents , $2.50@2.75 per cwt ; Nebraska
patents , $2.45@2.50 per cwt ; rye flour , $2.00
per cwt : whcnt graham , $1.75 per cwt ; rye
graham , $1.35ci1.40 ( } per cwt ; Now York buck
wheat , $3.50 per cwt ; Excelsior , $3.00 per cwt ;
ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmenl.
yellow , 81.00@1.10 per cwt ; white $1.10
percwt ; bran , $10.00017.00 per ton ; screen
ings. $13.50 per ton ; sacked , 85o per cwt ;
hominy , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $18.00
per ton ; chopped corn , $10.t > 0@17.00 per ton.
LEATIIEII Oak soles. 35@37c ; hemlock
slaughter solo , 21@39c ; hemlock dry solo , 12
< § 25c ; hemlock kip , C0@90c ; A. & B. runner
Kip , 50@75c ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@tl.00 ; A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock
upper , 19@24c ; English grain upper , 25c ;
hemlock grain upper , 21@25c ; Tampico B. L.
Morocco , 29@33c ; Tnnipico pepplo , O. D. Mo. ,
22@29c ; Curacoa , B. G. Mo. , 30c : Simon
0. D. Mo. , $2.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , 30@32c ;
X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid. 32c ;
Gricscn kids , $3.00@3.75 ; French glazed kids.
$2.50 2.75 ; French calf kids. $3.20 ; oak kip
skins , $ SOc@$1.00 ; oak calf skins , $1.00@1.55 ;
French calf skins , $1.25@2.25 ; French kip
skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Russitt linings , $ G.OO@0.r > 0
per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , S7.50
@ 9.75 per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.00 ®
Dituos Acid Carbolic , crystal , per Ib , 50c ;
citris , per Ib , COc ; tartaric , per Ib , 50c ; sul
phuric , per Ib , 5c ; ammonia , carb , per Ib ,
15c ; alum , pcrlb , 5c ; alcohol , 95 per cent , per
gnl , $2.22 ; blue vitriol , per Ib , Sc ; borax , re
fined , per Ib , lOc ; camphor , refined , 35c ;
cream tartar , pure , per Ib , 4Cc ; cream tartar ,
commercial , per lu , 20c ; cloves , per Ib , 33c ;
cutllcfish bone , per Ib , 30c ; ilextrinc , per Ib ,
12c ; glycerine , nure , perlb , 80c ; hops , fresh ,
per Ib , 40c ; Indigo , Madras , per Ib , 75c ;
insect powder , per Ib , OOc ; morphine , P. &
W. pcroz , $3.00 ; opium , per Ib , $3.75 ; cjuin-
ino , P. & W. , per QZ , 5So ; quinine , Gorman ,
per oz , 48c ; Rochelle salts , per Ib , 85c ; saf
fron , Americdfa , per Ib , 40c ; saffron , Iruo
Spanish , per oz. $1.00 ; saltpetre , pure per Ib ,
lOe ; sulphur. Flowers' , per Ib , 5c ; soda , bl-
cnrbonato , per Ib. 5c ; silver , nitrate , per Ib ,
$11.50 ; spcrmacotti , per Ib , OOc ; strychnine ,
per oz , $1.23 ; wax , white , pure , per Ib , 53c ;
wax white , pure , per Ib , 55c ; wax , yellow ,
pure , per Ib , 35c.
HiDr.s Green butchers , ' 4@4J e ; green
cured , 5 } @Gc ; dry flint. 9c ; dry salt. 8c ;
green salted calf , 7 } @Sc ; damaged hides
twn-thirdB price ; dry sailed deaconf , 25c
each. Tallow No. 1 , 3' ' c ; No. 2 , 2' c.
Grease Prime while , 4j/e ; yellow , 8c ;
brown , 2c. Sheep pelts I0c@81.00 , accord
ing to quality. Branded hides classified as
SrniiTs Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.14 ;
do 101 proof. $1.17 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , $1.15 : do 188 proof , $1.18 ; alcohol ,
188 proof , per wine gallon , $2.12 ; re-distilled
whiskies , tl.25@l.SO ; gin blended , $1.50(32.00 ;
Kentucky bourbons , $2.00aO.OO ( ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00(30.50 ( ; Golden
Shqaf bourbon and rye whiokies , $1.50@3.00 ;
brandies , imported , $5.00(38.00 ( ; domestic ,
$1.30@3.00 ; gins , imported , J5.00 ( < ? I5.00 ; do
mestic , ? 1.25@3. ( > 0 ; champagnes , imported ,
per case , Si8.00@33.00 ; American , per case ,
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees , 13c ; carbon ,
150 degrees , 13c ; linseed bolJea , COc ;
linseed , raw , 75c ; castor , No. 1 ,
fl.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ;
whale water bleached , 85c ; fish , bank , ! 15o ;
ncntsfool , exlra , 05c ; neatsfoot , No. 1 , Me ;
gasoline , 75 degrees , 15c ; W. S. Lard , 35c ;
No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , W55c ) ; W. Va.
zero , He ; W. Va. zero , He ; golden No.
1 , 40c ; golden No 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; naptha ,
1 degree. 14c ; headlight , 150 degrees , 12c ;
headlight , 175 degree , 15c ; turpentine , 45c ;
castor , pure , $1.80 per gal.
Lumber ,
No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 No. 3 com , s 1 Mlfi.M )
No. S com , s I s. 17.00 | No. 4 com , s 1 s. 13.60
No. 1,4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft , rough . $10.50
NO.I , ; ; ; 10 . inw )
No.2 " " 14 '
, . 10 W )
No.2 , " " 10 ' . 18.00
A , 12 , 13 & 10 ft.$2l.M ) I C , 12 , 14 & 10ft.$15.f-0
B , " 20.50 ( D ! 18.50
SUcomJf in White Pine telling . $34.00
" " " . 28.00
Clear * { In Normay " ' . 10.00
Sdcomjflu " " '
. 14.00
A fl in Whlto Pine . . . . . .ISfl.MI
HOIn " . , . . . 33. M )
COIn " " . 30.00
DOIn " " . - . 21.M )
EOln " " ( Sol. Fencing ) . 10.W
0 in Drop Siding fine per M extra.
IWhcrc tnlMnkcs ro founil below , pnttors nre te-
quc'toJ to enil corrections. Anjr otnl luni notrtl
will bo cheerfully Mippllce ! . ]
Unity , ScTcntcenth linJ CnUpT. . W. B. Corflnnrt.
Pprjlcci mornlnu nU CTtnlng. btimlny tcliuul ill
' '
Nortliwut corner Twcnty-ilrnt nnil Olnrk. Services
murnliiR nnil ovenlntt. Hnbbatli tUiool nl 12:3U : p. lu ,
llrsl. Twentieth iinil Cnpltol nvorme-Uov , Chnrles
II. H vllnn. forvlcos luurnlnu mid OTcnlnit. bun-
tlay school 0:50 : a. m ,
Oorrnnn WVi Soutli Twcntioth-ItPT. K. J , frocio.
ScrTk-fontlUn. m. Bunrtny tcliool nt 2. p.m.
DmilMi , Poulli Twcntr-tcconil between lxTcn. .
wet til nnd Mason-llor. K. U , IkMUoIJt. Services
morning Anil orcnlne.
Kountta Memorial Kmnitcllcnl , Sixteenth nnrt Hnr-
ncy HOT. ,1 , 8. Dctwcllcr. forvlccs luornlng nml
vcnliiK. . Snnilny sellout nt noon.
St. Murk's KvnnKolln\l , cornsr of North Twenty
flrct nnj ftunlpttu-ltcv. ( i , II. ychuur. bt-rvlcca
mornlnit nnd ovenlnn. Sundny nchool nt 7i30 p. m.
Dnnlrli , South Twenty-necimit. between T * Tcn-
worth nnd Mnson-llov. U. C. UoUlioldU fccrvlccs
morning and cvonlnir.
Imnmnufl Iliiptltt church , formerly North Onmhn
mlsMon.sw founders itrrct-Survlce bundnr morn-
nif nt 1U..U , nnd cveuln at 1:45. Sundny tcliool nt
12.00 1U.
Mrsl , Fifteenth nnd Tnvcnrort-llCT. A. W. .
Services nJornlnu nnd evening. Hundny tchoolnt
12 tn.
South Omnhn llnptlsts moot nt the M. B. church
building for Sunclny ncbool nt 3 p. m. nnd picnchlnut
nt I > . m. Itov. V. W. Kuiter.
Cnlvnry , Snunilcrii n nr Cumlng-llor. A. W.rinrk.
Forvico morning nnd evening. Sunday > ehool nt 12.
lloth-IMen , 1'nrk nvonue nnd Lenvenworth-Ilcv. llou < e. Sorvlcui luoriilng nnd evening , bnb-
bnth school nt 12 m.
North Onmhn , 24IM Snundcrn Itov. K. W. Foster.
Hervlccs mornlnK nnd evening , tiundny tchool nt
rovmiFOATiovAi , .
I'nrkvnto Clinpel , Twenty-ninth nnd Mnrllin Mr. T.
II. Tnylor , > n pcrlnkiidcnt.Bunday tchool nt 3 o'clock ,
Plymouth , Nineteenth nnd Spnice-ltov. A , n. I'pn-
nlmnn. frcrvlies morning nnd evening. KunOixy
f chool nt noun.
St. Mnry's Avenue , St. Mary's nnd Twenty-sixth
nvenucn-Ilcv. Wlllurd hcotu Services mornluB nnd
evening , bundny ecliool ntnoon.
Ilcthcl Chnpol , Slxtpcnth nnd lllekory-llov. M. J. 1' .
Thing. Sunday fchool nt 3 o'clock.
First , Nineteenth nnd Davcnport-ltov.A.F. Sher-
rill , D.I ) , fccrvlces mornlnu nnd evening. Bundny
school nt noon.
Free Ancollcnl Ocrmnn , Twelfth nnd Dorcns-Hcv.
F. II. W. Urnucliert. bcrvlccs morning nnd evening.
Bunday school nt2.JO o'clock.
Cherry Hill , Central park nddltlon-ltev.J. A. Mllll-
cnn. burvlces morning and evening. Bunday tchool
nt noon.
IlllMdo , Onmhn Vlow Her It. C. Crnno. Services
morning nnd evening. Bundity school nt noon.
Bnratoxii , Ames nvcnue nnd Twonty-tlflh. llcv. J.
A. Mllhgnn. yundny school at 2JU o'clock. Services
In the evening nt 7 o'clock.
I'nrk Plncc , California and Thlrtconth-llov. H. 1 , .
Ifolf Services morning nnd evening. buuUuy school
nt noon.
Swo.llsh KvnnKellcnl Mission , Davenport nml
Twcnty-llilrd-llev. J. A.ltultmnn. fcervlecs mornIng -
Ing nnu evening. Bundny school J:45 : p. m.
St. Paul Mission. Tnlrty-sccond nnd Cnss-Ilov. . ! . M.
Iliites. Services 10oU : n. in. und I p. ui. Sunday uchool
3 p. m.
St. John's Free. Twenty-sixth nud Franklin llov.
William Usgood. Services morning and evening.
Sunday school J.45n , m.
Mli-lon services Thursday nt 7:40 : p. m. at the resi
dence of Mr. John Upcnoter. Her. John Williams.
St. Philip's Free ( colored ) 811 North N'lnetcenth
llcv. John Williams. Buuilny school nt 3 p.m. liven-
song at 4 p. m.
bt. JInnmbas Frop , Nineteenth and California Itev.
John Williams. I'laln celebration lit 7:11(1 n. m.j choral
celebration ut llUn. : ) m : Sunday school at 9:4i a. m. ;
Choral evening song nt 7tO : p. m.
All Saints' . TwentT-slxth and Howard Rev. Jxnls
7.nhner , S. T. U. Hceulur services , Sunday ecbool
Ilnn'icom Pnrk , Ccorgln nnd Woolworth'nvcnucs
llcv. ( I. M. llrown. Services morning und evening.
bunday school ntZ.iXIp. in.
First , Davenport between Pflvcntccnlh nnd
KlKhtecntb-Hev. T. M. Home. Services morning
nnd evening. Bunday xchool nt 2:00 p. m.
Trinity , Suumlcra and lllnnoy HOT. A. II. Henry.
Services mornlnK ana evening. Sunday school at
South Tenth Street , Tenth nnd Pierce Her , C. N.
Dawson. Services morning nnd evening. Sunday
school ut2JO : p.m.
Cnstcllar Street , Nineteenth nnd Castellar llov.
W. r. Ix > we. Services morning und evening. Sunday
tchool nt 10.03 n. m.
gouth Omnhn-Hev. J. E. Eddlcbult. Bervlccs
morning und evening.
CrclEhton Avenue Mission , Crclchton nvcnuo nnd
Twcnty-teconil. Preaching Sunday at 4W p. m. J. M. Chambers , nuperln-
NorwoRlnn and Danl'h M. K. church , 2121 Saundem
Hev. U. Diinlelnon. bcrvlccs morning and evening.
Sunday school ut 12 m.
Seward Strcnt M. It. church-Rev. Charles W.
Savldgc. Services morning and evening.
Welsh , 1918 Cumlng street Rev. W. Roland Wll-
llntus. Services morning nnd evening. Bundny school
ut noon.
Second , Snundcrs-Rev. William n. Henderson-
Services morning und evening. Sunday school at
Ccntrnl United , Seventeenth between DodRonnd
Cnpltol nvcnue Hev , John Williamson. Services
morning nnd evening. Sundny school nt noon.
eoulhwet. Twentieth and Lcavenworth Hev. D.ll.
Kerr. Services morning and evening. Sunday tchool
atl2:15p. : m.
First United. C12 North Ktubtccnth-Rov. K. II.
Grnhtim. Services morning und evening. Bundny
chool nt noon.
Pnrk Avenue Unllod. Park nvenuo and flrant Rev.
.1. A. Henderson. Services morning nnd evening.
bundny echool ut noon.
First German , Eighteenth and Cumlng llov. J. n.
Fctmlblo. bcrvlcen morning and evening. Sundny
school at noon.
Cnstollar Street , Sixteenth nnd Cnstellar-Hcv. J.M.
Wilson. Services morning und evening. Buuduy
Fchool nt 12 in.
Westminster. Twenty-ninth nnd Mason Rev. John
r.nrJon. Services morning nnd evening. Bundny
echoolat noon.
Hamilton htrect , Hamilton nenrl-owonvomie Rev.
William J. Palm , bcrvlces luornlng nud evening.
Sunday school at noon.
Ambler Place Itov. C. M. Lodge. Services nt 10.00 p.
m. bundny school nt l .OU m.
Unltrd Presbyterian Mission. Twenty-sixth nnd
Cas Rev. John Williamson. Preaching by pastor ut
4.tOp. : in. Bundny school ati:10 : : p. m.
South Omaha , Twenty-nfth und J Her. U. M.
Ledge , bcrvlccs nt 10.45 n. m. Sundny school at
Knox , 1910 Lnke-1107. Paul Martin. Services
miirnlni. nnd evening , bundny school nt noon.
First , Dodge und Seventeenth Hev. W. J , Ilurcha
Bervlccs morning und cvenlue , Buudny tchool ut
Week Commencing Sunday , fflay 13th.
3 Headed Lady.
3 Pefeot Faces.
2tie Greatest of lllvalons and a Host of Novelties , . ? Theatres , 2 Com
panies , ! i Hhepnanl Nlstera and Wlnstanclu lira * . The Great Comedy
Combination , Tex Vender , Cowboy Fiddler. Jinunmond , The King of
Dancer A.
1'rof , CallaJian , Ventrlloqnlstf Millar llrothers' Jteaitlifitl ritnus Jlosa ,
Tlie IScarded Lady.
Special Kngaijment of Mile. Lolterlc , late of London , Kim , , the It'oniler-
fnl Veslaner and Manufacturer of Slumped Patterns. Kvery Lady at
tending during the week will be presented with ono I'altern ,
She will use the White Sewing Machine ,
next every Lady Visitor will receive a Itcautlful Jlmlroldercd
plllc Souvenir.
± Oc to lOc
The Rain Proves Such to Sunda
Base Ball.
No O.imcfl for 2 Stintlny * The Pnnny
Mlftlian ofn Newspnpor Writer
Mutl From Henct to Foot Ho
Bccurcn Ills Interview In
Spile of the Mml.
Thf r ln nnd mml that ImsreiRned ( mprtnttt
fortncpntt two vceks proved to DP nn cflectuiU
Injunction nijulnit Ptinilnr lBo ball , causing
postponed wines with the MlmionpolK st , I'mfl
anil Jfllvrntitco clubs , tlio former nnd latter be
ing Sunday Kamet , The nforeinld rnln and mud
Ims ) I MO furnished several hutnnroiis Incident * ,
one , of which mention was miulo duriiiKthe
wrrk , of n liono liolnit mired on Park n\nnue ,
and nnother of n well-known ncwM > npcrvrlt r
\\h ( ) having mislness In North Omalm , hied him-
felt lo that locality on ono of our famous bob-
tnll street cnrs , overjocenns of 111114) , nnd on at-
toniplliiKtuleiivutliecnr on North N.neleentd
street waq nnccreiuonloii'lj : thrown Into the
jiiml.whlch wns nt Hint pnttfrular locality about
\ \ \ entv Inches deep. Ho eiiicrgod from the. mlrs
KwcarliiRcnKennco 4 > n the condition tif our
plreotsluKoiKTiilnnilon bobtail street cnrs In
NVell.I mn In luck hccnuso there nro but few peo-
wo hiM o to sco me ; but w lint did 1 ramo out hero
for ? Holllo4iul7c4l the bespattered yotintt ninn.
who hail fortlio llnuiforcottcn his buslnpsB ainf
hitd to refer to hla note book for the ilutlrcd lu-
foi illation.
"An Interview with n ccntlcmnn on North
n ontleth street , nnd I am In n nlco condition
tolntervlewnnjoiioj but it must bo done , nud
hero KOCS , " and ho did.
bo tntorviowoil
pro\ed to lip Mr.
Oeoruo llnnderxon ,
residing nt No. ll'JT
Noilh Twentieth
htreet , nXilnrksinltti
employed by the
car company at
their Hhnjm at tbo
corner of Tnvnty-
llrst and Cumlog
Btiejts. > lr. llnii-
Mil Omaha for about
five years , nnd for
three ream of that
llmu has worked fdr
the ear company nt
the above place.
"Mr. Hnndernon.I
hear you have been
KICK and ImvoBOinp-
thlngto Bfty about U that would intciest mir
renders , and for that reason 1 hnve called on
you , " said the writer.
"Well , yea , I hod boon sick , but nm not now ,
us you see , but for about i > lfht years In as a
pretty sick man , not so sick that 1 hnd t re
main indoors , but sick enouch to feel mlscr-
nblo all the time. During the hist rlht | yenro
1 have been a constant xuirerer from catarrh ,
my nose would slop up so that 1 was compelled
to brentho through my mouth. Every fresh
cold would cause me moio xiiffurlm ; , until Ifcbe-
cnnio almost unbearable. 1 hnd n continuous
dull pnlu over nud in the bnck part of my oycs.
1 hcnrcely know what ft WHS to bo without n
headache. I was continually hemmlnc nud
hplttlng to remove a lump In my throat , w filch I
could never dlfplace. In the morning it would
cause me so much annoyniico that by the tlmo I
wasreadvfor mv breaKtast I had lost all my
appetite appetite was poor fora
long time ns mv stomach was continually out ot
order , a conslnnt ruing of ulnd and of sour
water In my throat , n dull he.ivy feeling In the
pit of my Momnch nnd a pain on ono sldo or the
other under my ribs which made mo feel ns
though I could not tnke n long brenth. My
lungs felt soi o all the time , but t nu doctor told
mo It was duo moro to the condition of my
stomach , which I afterwards found to bo true ,
for as soon ns I felt better In my Hloiunch the
pnius In my chest loft mo. Jly condition was
Biicli as to nlnrm my wlfo and my friends , my
sleep was broken , and I would tirlso In the
Horning feeling nH tired and languid as 1 did the
previous night.
As I said , my comlltfon alarmed my wlfo and I
made up my mind that something hnd to bo
done , for 1 hnd sutrcred enough. 1 consulted
sevoinl doctors nml tried several patent prep a-
ratlohs , but It old me no good , 1 wns advised by
a friend of mine to consult Dr. .1. Crcsiip McCoy ,
and ns I had read considerable about him. In
the dally nowsp.wers. I concluded 1 would con
sult him. I visited bis olllco about twomonthn
ago and consulted him in regard to my case. I
took treatment and began to Improve at once ;
after the Hist treatment my nose became clearer
and 1 could breathelhroughltonco moro some
thing 1 hndnotdono fora longtime and It did
not tnke lony until I begun to feel better lu every
way. and to-day 1 feel like a now man ; I have a
good appetite , my stomach Is all right again ,
and I can eat throe good meals every dny ; I
have no more trouble with mv throat , nnd the
pain over my eyes Is a thing of the past ; I have
no more headaches , and , to make a long story
bhort , I think Dr. McCoy has cured my catarrh. ' '
Mr. Hnndcrhon reblcles nt No S711 , North
Twentieth street , und Is employed ns a black
smith nt the car shops , comer of Twenty-Ill b *
nnd Cumlng streets , and will corroborate the
above statement to any ono doubting ft.
A Few SymptomH of Disease That
May Prove Serious to You.
Do you have frequent fits ot mental deprca-
Mcm ?
Do you experience ringing or buzzing noises
in your earn ?
Io you feel as though you must suflocato
when lying down ?
Are you troubled with a hacking cough and
general debility ?
Are your eyes generally weak nnd watery and
frequently Inllnmed ?
Docs your voice have a husk , thick sound and
a nasal bortof twiiug ?
Is your breath frequently offensive from some
unaccountable caut-o ?
Have you a dull , oppressive headache , gener
ally located over the eyes ? .
Do > on It xvo to hawk and cough frequently la
the eltoit to clear your throat/
Ale you losing your sense of Pmell and Is your
heiiho of tauo becoming dulled ?
Does your nose nl ways f tel f topped up , forc
ing you to breathe through your mouth ?
fie you frequently feel dizzy , pnitlculaily
when Htoopln to pick anything elf the floor ?
DOCH rery little dratf of air und 41 very slight
change of temperature give you n cold ?
.A jo you iinnoyed by n constant desire to hawk
nnd Hjilt out im endless quantity of phlegm'/
Aio you always tlrod and Indisposed to exer
tion , whether of business , work or amusement ?
iHgreHtellort required tokeeji your thoughts
fixed upon matters that foimerly were easily
performed ?
Do you rlf.o fioin bed an tired and weak as you
were the night bcforo und feel as though you
wantd to lie them fotever ?
Is your throat filled with phlegm In the morn
ing , which can only be discharged utter violent
coughing and hawking aud spitting ?
Can Cntnrrli Iio Curntl ,
The past ngo might bo celled a supenstltlrmn
one. The present can more properly bo called
among the. ininobslbllltlcB have now become
everyday possibilities. H would bo Miperlluous
tu enumerate them. Hut Irivo we reached the
utmost limit ? Have we ? I'hyBlclans who claim
tomiike certain ailments the human body Is
subject to a special btudy and claim to bo able
to Hire such diseases , me pronounced by other
fcelf-batUflud practitioners aspresiimptuousbut ;
does their ba > lng so make It so ? Tno man who
come * the nearest to overcoming tlio ueemlng
Impossibilities of others is now all the i age , und
well does ho or they deserve the micccts they
have labored so hard to attain. Dr. J. Crt-sap
McCoy or his associates do not make claims to
anything marvelous , such as raising the dead
and giving them new life ; neither do they claim
to give Kiglit to the blind ; but by their new ana
scientific method of treating catarrh theyliavo
cut eel and do cure catarih , us well ns bronchial
and throat trouble * ) . They make cnturrh a
specialty because it is one or the mot > t prevalent ,
and troublesome diseases that the people of this
climate are heir to. Since Dr. McCoy nnd his
associates have located in this city they have
ti fated with Miccebs hundreds of persons whom
other phyfclclnns have tola their disease was
classed among the incurables. Da they not pub
lish from week to week In the dally papers tes
timonials fi mil homo of their many grateful
patients , giving in each case the full numo
and uddii-t-s of the perton making the state
ment , that the doubting and hkeptical may call
and Interview the said people prior to visiting
the doctor's ollices for consultation. Ihe people
rulvertltoil as cured are by no means obscure or
unknown , but In the majority of cases are citi
zens well known by the buslniss people and
community at large , and it w 111 morn than i cpay
anyone suffering from cutarrhal all eel Ions to
visit those whose statements are published , or
consult wltUlhe doctor or hU nss'xlatoj at lihi
Prinnniunly I
Dr. J. C'rcsup McCoy , late of le'liu ' Iloipl.
tal. New J'oik , nnd his associates , lately ot tlto
llnhvitltyof New Yoik City , alt-oof Wushlne-
ton , D. (3. , have located perma'iently In lh
Ituiuge Uloclf , Omni- , ! . , N < ! > . . \\lieie r.ll r.iu.ibla
cases aio tieatcd skillfully. Coi.-uumpllon.
Jh Ight's Disease. Oj sjioii la. ItheiiuiatUin , and
nil nervous d bouses , .ill dlt > uases peculiar to
aex a tpeclulty.
Consultation ut oilier or by IIMI | , II , OfBc *
hours , U to 11 a. m , 'i to 4 p. in. , 7 to s p , m.
Humtny llniirtt , friiiu U n , in , to 1 p , in. i-ecolrct prompt attention.
No letteis antweut ! uuiyjs accojilianted by t
teats In Munifi.
Acldrcfa ail mull lo Dr , , ) . C. UtCor , Kntugi
, Omit * . Nsb.