Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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price last night was 119. This morning It
opened nt 110 and hung between 110 and 117
tip to 2 o'clock , the trading up to noon being
2,780 shares , which Is considered good busi
ness for quiet stock. Tlio general list wns
sold freely by the bears during the morning ,
nnd declines of J toK points were recorded ,
the latter being on Manhattan. The bear
leaders took advantage of the free outpour
ing of stocks to cover , hut tailors oversold
themselves and In their efforts to get their
stocks back bid them up with more rapidity
than they had previously sold them. All
early declines were recovered nnd fair ad
vances cstahllshed. The market gained
strength the last hour. Burlington advanced
J nnd closed 117 % . Closing prices on the
rest of the active list were at about the out
side figures of the day , and the recorded
gains of about K@l point over yesterday's
reaction were only natural after the recent
bicak , The total Bales wcro 330,00(1 ( , shares.
GoviuSMBNTg : , Government bonds were
quiet but steady.
Chlcn o , May 0. Following are the
2IH : ) closing jirlcus :
Flour Finn , ns last quoted ; wlnterwhcat
In Baclts. $2.r > 0@U ; < 0 ; In bhls. 8a.75@4.lO ;
sprlnR wheat , in Backs , S1.7IX33.S5 ; In hbls ,
? 3.50(74.uO ; rye Hour , in sacks , ? 'J.70@2.'JO ;
in bbls , e2.lH3.10. )
Wheat Active and excited , within hltrhcr
rniiBo of prices. Opened at nbout yester
day's ' close nnd closed "c higher ; cash , SJJ c ;
Juno , & 5Yc ; July , 0) ) c.
Corn Aloilcratcly active ; unsettled ; open
ed nt yesterday's ' close ; ruled llrinand closed
? < f@Ko higher.
Oats Quiet ; In meager demand and high-
crs cash , W(5fc ( : Juno , 55 11-lCc ; July , 53c.
Rye MJ c.
Barley 77@78c.
Prime timothy S2.CO.
Flax-seed $1. 5.
Pork Steady , and moderately active ,
cash. $14.25 ; June , $14.25 ; July , S14.32 ; < f@
Lnrd Moderately active nnd compara
tively steady ; cash , SS.17 ; June , $8.20 ;
July , $ -8.2 2 1
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. W.00 ( in.25 ;
short clear , * 3.l)0@8.10 ) ; short ribs , $7.52J .
Butter Firm j creamery , 20@23c ; u'uiry ,
Chccso Firm : full cream Cheddars , 9@
" "s ; Hats , 9@U c ; young Americas , 10 ( < s
ggs Firm ; fresh , 12@3c.
Hides Unchanged ; green hides
heavy green sailed , 5 c ; light green salted ,
Cc ; salted bull , -IJ c ; green bull , 3 } c ; green
salted calf , 8c ; dry flint and dry calf , r.13o ;
dry salted , 10c ; deacons , iiOc each.
Tallow Unchanged ; country , 45e ; No.
2,4 , > o ; cake , 4 ? { < < g5c per lu.
Heccipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 27,000 30,000
Wheat bu . 20,000 3'J,000 '
Corn , bu . 241,000 1110,000
Oats , bu . ISll.OOO 180,000
Kycbu . ,000 U.OOO
Earloy , bu . 21,000 10,000
Now OrlcntiH , May 9. Corn Quiet but
firm ; mixed , and white , 00@U7c ; yellow , 07
( gCSo.
Oats Strong and higher ; No. 215c. .
Corn Meal Firmer at $2.90.
Hog Products Quiet hut steady ; pork ,
? 14.7fl ; lorn , $7.50.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.37 } ; long clear
nnd clear rib , $7.75.
Liverpool , May 9. Wheat Steady ; de
mand fair ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Dulldemand poor ; new mixed west
ern , 5s Bjil | per cental.
Cincinnati , May 9. Wheat Active nnd
stronger ; No. 2 red , ! )2c. )
Corn In good demand nnd steady ; No. 2
mixed , 5S'c.
Oats In good demand and strong ; No. 2
mixed , 85 % @ : 5c.
Kyc Firm ; No. 2 , 70c.
Provisions Pork strong nt SH.C2 > ; lard ,
strong at $7.95.
Whisky- Steady at $1.11.
Knnsns City , May 9. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 soft , 81 } c.
Corn Higher ; No. 2 cash , 50J c Bid : June.
5o ; bid , DO c asked ; July , DO' c bid , 51c
Oats No. 2 , 30J c bid , 31c asked.
Milwaukee , May 9. Wheat Less buoy
ant ; Juno , 83J/c ; July , S5c. "
Corn Its higher ; No. 2 , on track , 57c.
Oats Stronger : No 2 white , 33Ti3liC. (
Uyc Steady ; No. 1 , C4o in bin ; D-l c on
Barley Steady ; No. 2 , 70o In slore.
Provisions Higher ; pork , May , 514 25.
Minnenpolls , May 9. Wheat Receipts ,
102 earn ; shipments , G'J curs ; sellers \vero
prompt to put up values to correspond with
the rlHu in outside markets nnd a few sales
wcro at an advance at nbout le over yester
day. Closing In store : No. 1 hard , cash
nnd May , 83o ; Juno , b5) ) c ; July , bic. ( ! No.
1 northern , cash and May , 84c ; June , 61jc ;
July , Ob5c. No. 2 northern , cash , 82) ) c ;
May , 82c ; Juno , Ktjfc ; July , b3c. On
tracks-No , llmrd , fDVigbOo ; No. 1 north-
trn , 84J ( < ? 85c ; No. 2 northern , 82. ? RSiJtfc. :
Flour Unchanged ; patents , In sacks to
ship Incur lots , $4.20@4.40 ; in barrels , f 1.43
( < i4.55.
St. IoulB. May 0. Wheat Excited nnd
higher ; cash , 89c ; Juno , Ml.J e.
Corn Higher ; cash , @ 52 c ; JUPO. < S3J/c.
Oats Higher ; cash , 35U'30cj ( Juno , 35c.
Whisky $1. 11.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 20@24o ; dairy ,
AFTKIINOON BOAIID Wheat , strong ; May ,
89Ko ; June , Wl'tfo bid ; July , b8Vjib)5 ( ) } < c.
Corn , steady ; May , .V-ij o bid ; June , fi- e
bid ; July , 525 < o. Oats , easy ; May , 35Kc ;
Juno , 34o usked ; July , 2Uc.
Now tfork , May 9. Wheat Receipts
none ; exports , 24,200 ; cosh uioro or Iccss
nominal ; options very feverish , at times ox-
oitcd , on bad crop reports ; prices declined ? <
@ ? 6 < i early , which was quickly recovered ,
afterwards the shorts covered nnd the mar-
bet rose fully 2V@3 to 4c , closing unsettled
nt W@Kc below best llgurcs ; No. 3 red ,
nominal at 90xV@07o in clovutor , 9909'J c
delivered , 93o f. o. b , , Juno closing ut IMI c.
Corn Heceipts , 70,000 ; exports , Kl.WK ) ;
cash f@Ko lower nnd dull ; options Jf@ o
Higher , closing tlrm nt top llgurcs ; ungraded ,
M@ rtKo ; No. 3 , MKwtHo ; No. 2 , G4tf@
041) ) in elevator , Cri'/QiJCo delivered , Juno
closing ut Oi'f c.
Oats Heceipts. 55,000 ; exports , 010 ; mixed
western , 37 ( < ? 3'JVf o ; white western , 42i4Cc.
i Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , Jlrm at $15.25 ; op
tions active and higher , closing linn ; Bales.
120,750 hugs ( May , fl2.bli@iy.tO ; Juno , * 12,20
© 12.00 ; July , $ U.a5 ( < ell.ia ; Augusl. $10.70
C < $11.00 $ ; September , 10.25@10u5 ; October ,
10.15fe 10.25 ;
Petroleum United closed firm at SOJfc.
Eirgs Firm ; western , 14@14.jC.
I'ork Firm ; mess quoted nt $15.00@15.25
for now ; * 14.25@14.50 for old.
Lard A trilio stronger ; western steam ,
spot , quoted ut $ S.OO.
Butter-Quiet ; western , 16@20Kc.
Checso liull and weak.
ClilRiiK" , May 9. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cuttlo Heceipts , 8,000 ; uiaikut slow
but steady ; bteers. * 1.90 < 35.00 ; stockers -
ers nnd feeders , $2.70 ® 3.b5 ; cows , bull ?
nml mixed , fJ.OOiga.fcSj Texas steers , $3 25
( < i4. J.
Hogs Receipts , 10,000 : market opened
strong mid closed S@IOo higher ; mixed , fo.43
W5.70 ; hca\T. 'i.COii5'jO : ; light , $5.3505.0 ; ) ;
8kli , f4.2. ' > @ 5.10.
Sheep Receipts , . 3,500 ; weak ; w.oolcd
Datives , .75@oSO : ; shorn. $4.00(30.00 ( ; shorn
, woolod Teiaus ,
I Bb *
$0,25 ; shorn Texans , $3.00ft5.40j ( lambs , (3.00
Knnsnr ) City , May 0. Cattle Receipts.
1,000 ; shipments , 400 ; market steady ; coed
to cholco corn fed , $4.25W4.50 ; common to
medium , $3.25@l.OO ; stackers , $2.00@2.00 ;
feeders , $3.00@3.GO ; cows. $1.5Mi3.50.
Hogs Ueccipts. 12,000 ; shipments , 300 !
market fairly nctlvo at 5c lower ; mixed hard
to sell ; common to cholco , $4.75@5.45 ; skips
and pigs , 11.00@4.50.
National Stock Ynrtls , Knot St.
L/oiiln , May 9. Cattle Itccelpts , 1,800 ; ship
ments , 800 ; market higher ; choice heavy
natlvostccrs , $ l.50@5.10 ; fair to choice nntlvo
steers , f4.00C'Z4.65 ; butchers' steers , fair to
choice , t3.iKXg4.30 ; stockcrs nnd feeders ,
fair to Rood , $2.40(33.80 ( ; rangers , ordinary
to good , $2.35(34.23. (
Hogs llccclpls , 4,200 ; shipments , 1.100 ;
market nctlvo nnd stronger ; cholco heavy
nnd butchers' selections. $5.00g5.SO ( ; packing ,
medium to prime , $5.45@5.05 ; light grades ,
fnir to best , $5.25@5.GO.
Wednesday , May 9,1838.
There wns n heavy increase in the receipts
of cattle to-dny. ono hundred fresh loads
being on sale. The market was fairly active
nnd n largo number of cattle were sold. The
prices paid wcro about steady with yester
day )
The hog market was active with liberal re
ceipts. It was a strong market and In KOHIO
cases , considering the quality , 53 higher.
One load reached 45.55 the top for some time
back. The hogs wcro all sold early.
Slicci > .
Thcro wcro no sheep hero to tnako a mar
KcpVc.HOiuntivc S.ilc * .
No. Av. Pr.
1 COW 520 1.50
1 cow ff. 1020 B.35
Ibull " . 1550 2.CO
Ibull 15W 2.75
4 calves 517 S.bO
2 calves 490 2.SO
Ibull 1850 2.90
3 cows 1KO 300
Ibull 1700 300
1 cow 1050 3.12M
4 bulls 1013 3.15
I ! bulls 1033 3.23
Istcer 1003 3.25
Scows 1118 3.30
5 cows 10SO 3.40
Sbulls 17fc3 3.50
15 cows 1020 3.70
13 cows 1073 3.70
20 steers 1033 3.bO
12 steers 9CO
! M steers 10(18 ( asr.
10 steers 1093 3.BO
ISstecrs 1195 3.90
22 steers 1100 3.95
(0 ( steers 998 3.93
30 steers 1075 3.95
21 steers 1247 4.00
42 steers 1042 4.0D
20 steers 1025 4.00
35 steers 10J8 1.00
54 steers 1107 4.00
18 steers 1130 4.05
22 steers 1157 4.0J
17 steers 115(5 ( 4.115
17 steers 1102 4.10
40 Bteers 1358 4.10
20 bteers 1268 4.10
85 steers 1139 410
22 steers 1115 4.10
20 steers 1237 J
ISstecrs IIUK ) 4l5 !
& 7 steers 1104 4.W
19 steers 1117 4.20
18 steers 12b3 4,20
30 steers 12 2 4.20
39 steers 1378 4.27
ICstccrs 1318 4.30
19 steers 1252 4.35
f > 2 steers 1HOO
ISstecrs 1427 lUo"1
5 veal calves 121 5.50
1 veal calf 130 5.75
No. Av. Shic. Pr. No. Av. Shk , , Pr.
84. , . .150 200 $4.70 72. . .205 120 $5.35
77. , . .1(13 ( 5.10 34. . , .235 100 5.35
St. , . .171 2SO 5.10 09. . , .249 2SO 5.35
48. . .187 300 5.15 70. . , .212 100 5.35
b3. . .179 & 21) ) 5.15 75. . . .215 100 5.35
40. . .197 120 5.20 59. . , .220 120 5.33
88. . .182 2JO 5.20 SO. . . .243 20 5 35
79. . .197 320 5.20 07. . , .22. } 60 5.33
7'J. ' , .1'JO ' 260 5.20 138. . . .225 200 5.35
52. , .198 300 5.20 13o. . , .234 200 5.37
(58. ( , .207 100 ( 5.25 59. . , .238 240 5.40
C5. 280 5.25 07. . . .247 200 5.40
C9. . .211 80 5.23 50. . " 237 4 ! ) 5.40
09. . .205 80 5.25 09. . 219 40 5.40
(58. ( . .190 100 5.27 (57. ( . . .233 100 5.40
79. . 219 100 5.30 09. . , .2iS 80 5.40
07. . .104 1(50 ( 5.30 70. . . .240 80 5.40
CO. . .205 12J 5.30 05. . . .248 5.40
C4. . .223 320 5.30 58. . . .239 100 5.40
53. 232 40 5.30 05. . " " 27 SO 5.40
70. 229 SO 5.30 00. . 210 100 5.40
79. ! ! 5ii 230 5.30 03. . , .2UO 5.45
b3. . .215 240 5.30 (50. ( . . .2(53 ( 320 5.45
71. . .220 100 5.30 02. . " 54 SO 5.45
71.W. ( . 225 40 5.30 ( VI. . i.249 100 5.45
00. . .207 bO 530 58. . . .2315 5.45
72. . .215 80 5.30 70. . . .210 5.45
74. . .197 80 5 30 59. . . .240 120 5.45
72. . 219 40 5 30 01. . . .272 120 5.45
77. . .219 ICO 5.30 5S. , . .293 80 5.50
70. . .207 1K ( ) 530 03. . . .288 120 5.50
84. . .102 120 5.30 59. . . .2-37 120 5.50
S3. . .214 210 5.30 C2. , . .272 40 5.50
72. . .203 210 5.30 57. , . .270 40 5.50
78. . .223 120 555 ! ( H. . . .2(53 ( bO 5.50
72. . .22(5 ( SO 535 55. , .278 40 5.50
70. . .219 2SO 5.35 10. , .439 40 5.50
08..217 100 5.35 01..253 5.55
Cattle . 2,200
Hogs . 5,400
The following is a table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $1.25 (24.50
Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs , 3.85 © 1.35
Fat little steers , 900 to 1030 Ibs. 3.SO (181.00 (
Common to cliolco cows . 2.00 ( $3.50
Common to cholco bulls . 2.0J ( ( $ : t,25
Fair to choice light hops . 5.10 < iJ5.30
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 5.40 ( i5.55
Fair to cholco mixed hogs . 5.25 @ 5.45
Ijivit Htouic Hold.
Showing the number of hoaiof stock sold
to the leading buyers on the market to-day.
G , II. Hammond & Co . 72T
Omaha Packing Co . MK )
Armour & Cuduhuy P. Co . 2,734
.T. P. Squlro & Co . (0
Kingnn & Co . 07-
Halstcad & Co . 549
Wilson & Co . 234
Speculators . . . . . . . 37 :
Swift & Co . 215
W. liurnsitlo . 191
G. H. Hammond & Co . 107
A.Jackson . 243
S. Drelfuss . 19'-
Anuour & Co . , . I
J. Pepper . 5
Harris & Fisher . 22
J.L. Hill . 1
Sam Coruy . , . !
Stevens , Hamilton & Co . 3
J. Kcsslcr . 4 . 10
J , Curlin . 3
Live Stock Notes ,
Mr. Gallup , Stunbury , Mo. , was among the
visitors tit the yards ,
M , Hutton , Handolph. marketed a load o
Jiogs from Malvera , at $ > .50.
Among those In with hogs wcro J. D
Drown , Halsny , and Mr. Curleton , Mead ,
Joseph AVidman , Mead , a heavy farmer
nnd fooilcr , was in looking over the market
Clay Plutncr , Council Bluffs , topped the
hog market with a loud of 258-lb hogs , of his
own feuding , which sold at $5.55.
Business has Increased to such an extcn
that two engines uro now required to do the
night HwlU-hing nt the yards instead of one
U. Bada , of Silver City , was on the markc
with thlrty-jilno lu-ad of cattle that uverapci
1,378 Ibs , uiul sold at $4 2rjj. They were o
his own feeding.
The following were in with hogs : Thoma
Self , Brock ; Uoo Chumbley , Herman ; J. B
litown , Pmluui ; 0 , Swcnscn. Chapman
M. Williams , Louisville ; J. H Umstcad
Fullerton ; O. llmlnt , Norfolk ; J. K. Thomp
ton. Council Bluffs ; . ! . P Dolan , Havolock
H. Johnson , \Vahoo , nnd Joe Berry , Urokei
' ' Produce , Fruits , Nuts , Kec.
Wednesday , May 9 (
TJu J allotting quotation * ( e wholesale
nnd iiot.rciil. / . I'rlccs quoted on p/Wuc
are the rates ( it whRih roimd lots are sold 01
J/ilj / jmirt.ct , Fruilt or other llntiofgood
cqittrlny extra Inbot In packing cnnnot t-
f ibe mtppllul on outside orders at the
aino prices quoted for the local trade.
latcH on flour and feed arc Jobbers' prices.
'rices on. rnn arc those paid by Omaha
nlllcr * i7rtrcrcI. ( Ml quotations on mcr-
handluc arc obtained /rom IcniUny houses
and arc corrected ( tally. Prices on crackers ,
aiftc-s etc. , arc those olt-cii by leadlna tiwnii-
Trade ran along as usual to-day and was
vlthout any special features. Vegetables
came In freely , but wcro In peed demand and
sold readily at quotations. Good butler con-
Inucs In demand , but it would bo hard to fix
quotations for other grades nnd wo lvo them
, s before. Eggs are firm at 18 to 13J c per
loz.Btmr.n Fancy creamery roll butter. 25@
20c , with solid packed nt 20 ( < ? 22c ; cholco
country butter 19@20c , common grades
17@l8c , Inferior stuff 12@15c , according to
CHEESE Full cream , 13f14c. (
Eons Strictly fresh 13 ( < tl3 c.
STiuwBuuiiins FrcsnlFlorlda , 25Q30c per
BEETS COc per dor.
POTATOES Choice homo grown , 75@95c ;
Utnh nnd Colorado stock , $1.11.25 ( ) ; low
grades , 5565c.
POUI.THY No dressed fowl In the market ;
Ivo chickens , W.75ft4.00 ( jicr doz ; turkeys ,
Ib ; geese , t9.00@10.00 per doz.
RHUIIAHII Sc per ib.
ONIONS Native stock $1.C5@1.50 , Spanish
) cr box of 5 Ibs $1.75@2.00 , California onions
iK ( < Mc per lb.
Lr.MONS $3.50@3,75 per box ; fancy , $4.00 ®
GUANOES California Riverside , $3.75 ( < Z4.00 ;
Messina , $ -1.50 5.50 ; Los Angeles , $3,00 ®
3.25 ; Los Angelcr Navals1.00 ; Klvcrsldo
Navnls , $0.00.
Asi'AitAous 50@fiOc per doz.
CUCD.MIIGIIS Sl.OO per doz for cholco.
LUTTUCK 30@40c per tloz.
Cii.r.iiY California stock , SI.50 per doz.
RADISHES 4Uc per doz.
STIIINO BEANS $2.75@3.00 pcrbu.
GHHE.V PDAS SJ.23 per bu.
TOMATOKS $3.00 ( 3.50 per bu.
PlNn Al'l'I.KS $3.M3.50. ( )
BANANAS Common medium , ? 2.50@3.00por
bunch ; choice , $3.00@3.50.
TuitNll's Rutabagas , 55yOOc. (
DATHS Persian. ilji @ 7c per lb.
SAUP.II ICitAUT Cholco nor bbl. of 82 gal.
$5.00@5.00 ; X bbl , , $4.00@4.30 ; $11.00 per bbl.
of 50 gal. Choice Michigan elder , ? 4.50u0.50 (
; > cr bbl. of 33 gal.
Porcoux Choice rice corn is quoted at 3@
4c. per lb. , other kinds 23c tier lb.
CAUIIOTS $2,25@2.50 per bbl ; new stock
40 ( 45o per doz.
l'AUSNli'3 New stock , $3.00@3.50 per bbl.
CAIIIIA ES $1 per doz. for native stock nnd
1 5 © 4c per lb. for California.
CAUI.IM.OWEKGood stock , $2.50@2.75 per
BRANS Good stock , $2.CO@2.75 ; California
beans , $2.25@2.40.
Fins In layers , 13@15c ; cake. lOc pcrib.
NUTS Peanuts , 0 } J ( < i7c ; raw Brazil nuts ,
I3c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal
nuts , 15@18c : Illborts , 18c ; Italian chestnuts ,
I5c ; pecans , 15c.
HONCV 10@21c for 1 lb frames ; canned
iioncy , 10@12c per lb.
PAUSLCV 30c per doz.
CIIEEN ONIONS 15@20c per doz.
PUKE MAPI.C Svvui1 $1.25 per gal.
RiimiAitn 5c per lb.
SAI.SIFV 25c per bunch.
Grocer's List.
RRFINKD LAUD Tierce , 7 > c ; 40-lb square
cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 7 c ; 20-lb round , 8c ;
10-lb palls , S , ' c5-lb ; pails , SJfc ; 3-lb palls ,
ovnurs New Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
34to ! per gal. ; corn syrup , 3Gc ; half bbls. ,
3Sc ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55 ; sorghum , 3Sc.
Pito VISIONS Hams , lO lOJ c : breakfast
bacon , 10@10J.fc : bacon sides , 8 (33 ( 0 ; dry
salt , 7X@SJie ; shoulders , 7@7 c ; dried beef ,
PICKI.ES Medium In bbls , $5.73 ; do In half
bbls , $3.40 ; small in bbls , § 0.75 ; do In half
bbls , $3.90 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.75 ; do in
half bbls , $4.40.
CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , $3.10@3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case ,
$2.85(32.00 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $ ( ft > 3.85
2.90 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ;
apricots , per case , $4.2r > @ 4.35 : peaches , per
case , $5.COii5.75 ( ; white cherries , per case ,
$0.00 ; California plums , per case , $4.50@4.GO ;
blueberries , per case , $2.10@2.20 ; egg plums ,
2-lb , per case. ? 3.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.20@5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , $ l.SsO@l.S5 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25@3.35 ; 2-lb
string beans , per case , S1.75@l.SO ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case. $1.00@1.C5 ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , $2.50@200 ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per
case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.40@2.50 ; 2-lb
corn , $2.30@3.40 ; sardines , imported , 18 ®
15c per box ; domestic J , 0) @CKC ; mustard ,
9.H@ ° 2C-
JELLIES 30 lb pails , $1.25@1.50.
SALT Per bbl in car load lots. $1.40.
Horn Seven-sixteenths , 10U@10i c.
CANIIV Mixed , 9llc ; stick , 9@9 > c.
IIoi.iANi ) HEHHINOH OS@70o per keg.
Mti'i.u SUOAU Bticks , 12Xc per lb ; penny
cakes , 13@14c per lb.
BUOOMS Extra , 4-to ! , $2.00 ; parlor 3-tic ,
painted handles , $2.25 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 ,
$1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
STUICII Mirror gloss , 5c ; Graves' corn ,
GJ c ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo corn , 7c.
TEAS Japans , 20ffi55c ( : Gunpowder , 20@
COc ; Young Hyson , 22VS55c ; Oolong , 20@05c.
Powucit AND SHOT Shot , $1.15 ; buckshot ,
$1.70 ; Hazard powder , kegs , $5.00 : half kegs ,
$2.75 ; one-fourths , $1.50 : blasting kegs , ? 2.35 ;
fuses , 100ft,4 ! > @ 75c.
SUHAHGranulated. . < JJjM7e ; conf. A , G % @
7c ; white extra C , 0 ( 2ilc ; cxtnv C , ttj ( ®
Oltfo ; yellow C , BJflg.Vsc ; cut loaf , 7 # @
7J < c ; powdered , 7QtS ! > fc ; Now Orleans , 5 %
OOFFCB Ordinary grades , I0@17c ; fair.
17f18c ; prime , 18@19Xc ; fancy green and
yellow , 22@23c ; old government Java , 28@
80c ; interior Java , 25j ( 28o ; Mocha , 2S$30o ( ;
Arbuckle's roasted , 20' o ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , WfrDilworth's \ , 20c ; Red Cross ,
20c ; Alaroma , 19c.
WoouENtt'AitB Two-hoop pulls , per doz ,
$1.40 ; three-hoop palls , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub , $7.00 ;
No. 2 tub , $0.00 : No. 3 tub. $5.00 ; washboards ,
electric , $1.50 ; fancy Northern Queen wash
boards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1
churns , $9.50 ; No. 2 churns , $3.50 ; No. 3
churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in
rests , 70c per nest.
Toiucco Lorillard's Climax , 45c ;
Splendid , 44c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Lcg-
gctt it Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 39c ;
Drummond's Horsc.shoo , 45c ; J. T. , 42c ;
' 45c "Cut Rate " 29c
Sorg's Spearhead , ; , ;
"Oh , My , " 27c ; Piper Heldsick , ( Me.
Toiucco SMOKING Catlin's Meerschaum ,
31c ; Catlin's Old Style , 2Ic ! ; Sweet Tip Top ,
33c ; U. N. O. , 17c ; Red , White and Blue , 18c.
CitACKKiis , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , Jc ; soda
anowllako ( In tins ) , lOc ; noda dandy , 5 > io ;
soda wafers ( in tiim ) , lOu ; soda zephyr , 8c ;
city oyster , OJ c ; excelsior , 7o ; farina oys-
cr , 7o ; gem oyster , Cc ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha
tystcr , 7o ; pearl oyster , 5o ; picnic , 5o ;
snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5o ; Boston ,
8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , UJfo ;
cracker meal , 5 > fc ; graham , 8c ; graharn
wafers , lOo ; graham wafers in pound pack
ages , 12 o ; hard broad , 5o ; milk , 7 ! c ; oat
meal. 80 ; oat meal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wafers
fors ( u pound packages , 1'JKc ; animals , 12c ;
Bollvcr gingerround ( ) ,7o , ; croam,8c ; Cornhill ,
lOc ; cracknclls , ICc ; frosted cream , 8J c ;
ginger snnjs , 8c ; "ginger snaps ( city ) , 9o ;
homo made ginger snaps , In boxes , 13c ; Homo
mndo ginger snaps , U-lb cans ) per dozen ,
$2.50 ; lemon creamsSoprutzelshund ; ( made ) ,
11XC assorted cakes and Jumbles , llj > c ; as
sorted lingers , 15o ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) ,
per box , $7.00 ; bnnuna lingers , 14c : butter
jumliles , UK0 ? Brunswick , 15o ; brandy
snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) Ino ; chocolate -
late wafers , 15o ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) ,
per dozen , $4,50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffco
cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , HK ° ! cream pulfa ,
30o ; egg Jumbles , 14o ; ginger drops , lie ;
honey Jumbles , llj c ; Jelly lingers , 15c ; Jolly
wafers , 15o ; lolly tart ( new ) . 15c ; lady ling
ers , 13o ; vanilla bur , 14c : vanillu wafoi-s , He ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in a box ,
per dozen. J2 50. *
All goods packed In cans le per lb advance
except snowllako und wafer soda , which are
packed only In cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb
paper boxes , Kc llcr 11 * advance ; ull other
goods lo per lb advance. Soda in 1-lb paper
boxes , le per lb advance. The 2-lb boxes ate
packed In cases holding 18 in n case. The 3-
ib boxes are packed In cases holding 12 in a
caso. The 1-lb boxes are packed in casst-s
holding 30 in a case. Ono-lbtratmm and oat
meal wafers packed 2 doz in u case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to
show goods , 75c. Cans lor wafer soda , $3.00 ,
not returnable. Cunt , for bnowllalto soda ,
$5 00 per doz. Tin cases with glass face to
dUplay the goods , 75c each , NO charges for
packages except for cans nnd returnable
goods. Glass front tin cans and "fmowllako"
boda cans uro rctuinablo at prices charged.
Dry Goods
PuiXTiSoi.m COLONS Atlantic , Cc ;
Slater , 5V e ; Berlin oil , OK" ; Garner oil , 0@
7e. PINO ANoKouui Kicbui'OtiiJ.O c ; Alieu ,
GJfc : River Point , Cc ; Slccl River Cc ; Rich-
nond , Co ; Pacific. G > { c. INIHOO
Washington , ' 40 ; Century , tllgo blue prints ,
ie ; American , OKc ? Arnold , 0 > ( c ; Arnold B ,
O' e ; Arnold A , 12e : Arnold Gold Scnl,10'fc ,
3iir. s Charter Oak. So ; Rnmapo , 4Jfc ;
Lodl , Be : Allen , Oc : Richmond , Go ; Windsor ,
" < c ; Eddystone , OJfo ; Pacific , 0 > < c.
BnowN SiiEniiNti .Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Kc ;
Mlantlc H , 4-4 , 7 'c ; Atldntlc D , 4-4. GJfc ;
Atlantic P , 4-1 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Cc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; CrowntXOCX. 4-4 , 7J < o ; Hoo-
sler LL , 4-4 , Co ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7Kc ;
L.nwrcnco LL. 4-4 , Cc ; Old Dominion. 4-4 ,
5Kc ; Pcppcrcll , R , 4-4 , 7c ; Pcppcrcll , O ,
4-4 , Oc : Peppcrell , 8-4IStfe ; Pcppcrcll , 9-4 ,
21c ; Peppcrell , 10-4 , B3c ; Utica. C , 4-4 , Bo ;
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7fc5 } Aurora. B , 4-4 , GKc ;
Aurora , R , 4-4 , GJfc.
" ITS Standard , PC ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
; Byonne , 14c : B , cased , $0.50.
iti'ET WAHP Bibb , whito. 19c ; colored ,
22 c.
DUCK West Point 20 In. 8 oz. , lO o ; West
Point , 29 In. 10 oz. , 12kc ; West Point , 10 In
12 oz. , 15c : West Point 50 In. 11 oz. , I Go.
Checks-Caledonia X , Wo\ \ Caledonia XX ,
3Kc ; Economy , 9c ; Otis , 9c.
KESTUCKT JEANS Memorial , Ific ; Canton ,
2So ; Durham , 2Kc ; Hercules , ISc ; Learning-
: on , 2.JJ c ; Cottswold , 2Jc.
CitAsit Stevens' B , Oc ; bleached , 7p ;
Stevens' A , 7l c ; blenched , S c ; Stevens' P
i > c ; blenched , ( % e ; Stevens' N , OJ c ;
bleached , I0) ) o ; Stevens' S R T , 12Wc.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.85 ;
ilaln Holland , 3l , c to 9 > c ; Dado Holland ,
'CoMroiiTEiis $ < 1.GO ( < J3. .00.
BLANKKTS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
Bi.EVCiicn Sunr.TiNo Bcrkcly cambric.
lOc ; Valley , 5c.
GINGHAM Plunkett checks , 7J c ; Whlttcn-
Lon , 7) ) e ; York , X0Normandl \ dress , 8 } < fc ;
Calcutta dress , SJ tv. Whlttcndon dress , SJ c ;
Hcnfrew dress , 8'Mo. \ .
TICKS Lewiston , HO-in , 12J cf Lowlston.
32-in. , ISJ c ; York , 32-ln. , 14c ; Swift river ,
cThorndykoOO ; , 8' < fc ; Thorndyko FF ,
< o ; Thorndiko 120 , lltfc ; Tiiorndiko XX ,
c ; Cordis , No. 5 , flitfc ; Cordis , No. 4 , lie.
DnxiMs Amoskeag B , 9-oz. lOc ; Everett ,
7oz , 13c ; York 7-oz , 13J < c ; HaymaUer , 8 > < c ;
Juffroy XX , ll' c ; Jnltrcy XXX , 1'JJfo ;
Beaver Creek A A , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshcn ,
32i < c ; Clear Lake , 82 > 4c ; Maple City , 80 } c.
Whlte-G H No. 2 , V , 2lc ; G H No. 1 , < tf ,
30c ; QucchcoNo. 1 , } { , 42c ; Qucchco No. 2 ,
? / , 37i < c ; Quecheo No. 4 , ? / , 32J < te ; Anawan ,
131 0 ; Windsor , 22 } c ; Red XC , 34-ln , lo c ;
E24-in , 21e ; GO 34-ln , 18c ; H A F , J , 25c ;
J R F , % , 27c ; G , f,33c.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , 0-tfc ; CC , 7 } c ; SS , SKc ; Name
less , 6J < c ; No. 5 , Oc ; EE , 9K ! GG. 10 > ; c ;
XX , 12 c ; OG , 14c ; NN , lOc ; RX , 18c : R ,
20c ; No. 10 , 8 } c : 20,10J c00,12Xc80 ; ; , lOo ;
20c , colored , lOc ; 50 colored , 12c ; 7U , colored ,
25c ; Bristol , 13Kc ; Union Pacific , ISc.
General Markets.
FLOUH AND FEED Minnesota patents , $2.45
( S2.50 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri fancy
winter patents , $3.50@3.75 percwt ; Nebraska
patents , $2.45@2.50 per cwt ; rye flour , $2.00
per cwt : wheat graham , $1.75 per cwt ; rye
graham , $1.3501.40 per cwt ; New York buck
wheat , $3.50 per cwt ; Excelsior , $3.00 per cwt ;
ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmcal ,
yellow , $1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white $1.10@1.15
percwt ; bran , $10.00@17.50 per ton ; screen
ings , $ l.f ; ) > 0 per ton ; sacked , 85c per cwt ;
hominy , $3.25 per bbl : chopped feed , $18.00
per ton ; chopped corn , $10.00@17.00 per ton.
LutTimi Oak soles , 35@U7c ; hemlock
slaughter sole , 21@39chemlockdry ; sole , 12
( g25e ; hemlock kip , C0@90c ; A. &B. runner
kip , 5075c ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@$1.00 ; A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock
upper , 19@24c ; English grain upper , 23c ;
hemlock grain upper.2l@24o ; Tampico B. L.
Morocco , 29 ( < ? 33c ; Tampico pcpplc , O. D. Mo. ,
22@29c ; Curacoa. B. G. Mo. , 30c : Simon
O.D. Mo. , $ J.75@3.00J Danpola kid , 30@32c ;
X. M. kangaroo. 40c-American ; calf kid. 32c ;
Griescn kids , $3.00@3.50 ; French glazed kids.
$2.50@2.75 ; French $3.20 ; oak kip
skins , $ SOc ( < tS1.00 ; oak calf skins. $1.00@1.55 ;
French calf skins , $ I.25@2.2'5 ; French kip
skins , $ l.lO(7til.50 ( ; Russitt linings , $0.00@0.50
per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , S7.50
( ( $9.75 per Uoz. ; colored toppings , $9.00 ®
biiuos Acid Carbolic , crystal , per Ib , 50c ;
cltrls , per lb , OOc ; tartnric , per lb , 50c ; sul
phuric , per lb , 5c ; ammonia , cnrb , per lb ,
15c ; alum , per lb , 5c ; alcohol , 95 percent , per
cnl , $2.22 ; blue vitriol , per lb , Sc ; borax , re-
llncd , per lb , lOc ; camphor , refined , 35c ;
cream tartar , pure , per Ib , 4Cc ; cream tartar ,
commercial , per lb , 20c ; cloves , per lb , 33c ;
cuttlefish bone , per lb , 30c ; dextrine , per lb ,
12s ; glycerine , pure , per lb , 30c ; hops , fresh ,
per lb , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per lb , SOc ;
insect powder , per lb , COc ; morphine , P.
W. pcroz , $3.00 ; opium , per lb , $3.75 ; qui
ine , P. < fc w. , per oz , 58c ; quinine , German ,
per oz , 48c ; Rochcllo salts , per lb , 35c ; saf
fron , American , per lb , 40c ; saffron , true
Spanish , per oz , $1.00 ; saltpetre , pur per lb ,
lOtr ; sulphur. Flowers' , per lb , 5c ; soda , bi-
cnrbonate , per lb , 5c ; silver , nitrate , per lb ,
$11.50 ; spermatti , per lb , OOc ; strychnine ,
lcroz$1.25 ) ; wax , white , pure , per lb , 65c ;
wax white , pure , per lb , 55c ; wax , yellow ,
pure , per lb , 35c.
HIDES Green butchers,1 4@4Vc ; green
cured , 5K@0 } c ; dry Hint , 9c ; dry salt , 8c :
green salted calf , 7J @ 8o ; damaged hides
two-thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25c
each. Tallow No. 1 , 3) ) c ; No. 2 , 2 c.
Grease Prime white , 4fc } ; yellow , 8c ;
brown , 2c. Sheep pults 10c@l.X ( ) , accord
ing to quality. Branded hides classified as
Si'iitiTs Cologne spirits 1SS proof , $1.14 ;
do 101 proof. $1.17 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , $1.15 ; do 188 proof , * ! ,13 ; alcohol ,
183 proof , per wine gallon , $2.12 ; rc-distillcu
whiskies , ? 1.25@1.50 ; gin blended , $1.50 ( 2.00 ;
Kentucky bourbons , $2.00aO.OO ( ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00S(1.50 ( ( ; Golden
Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies , $1.50@3.00 ;
brandies , imported , $5.00@8.00 : domestic ,
$1.30@3.K ( ) ; gins , imported , $5.00@0.00 ; do-
inestic , $1.25@3.)0 ( ) ; champagnes , imjwrtcd ,
per case , $ iS.OO@33.00 ; American , per case ,
$10.00@10 00.
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees , I8c ; carbon ,
150 degrees , 13c ; linseed boiled , GOc ;
linseed , raw , 75c ; castor , No. 1 ,
$1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00 ;
whale water bleached , Wic ; fish , bank , 35o ;
ncatsfoot , extra , C5c ; ncatsfoot , No. 1 , Me ;
gasoline , 75 degrees , 15c ; W. S. Lard , 35c :
No. 1 lard , 50o ; No. 2 lard , 50@55c ; W. Va.
zero , 14oV. ; . Va. zero , 14c ; golden No ,
l,40c ; golden No 2,25c ; whale , 20c ; nnpthn ,
1 degree. He ; headlight , 150 degrees , 12c ;
headlight , 175degree , 15c ; turpentine , 44c ;
castor , pure , $1.30 per ga | .
Lumber ,
2. B.15ft.
15ft. 18ft. ) ft. 22ft. 24ft.
2x4 . .17 W 20 00 21 00 22 00 21 00
Zxll . .17 K ) 38 (10 21 UO'K ' ) (10 2i U )
2x8 . 17 60 SO 01) 21 U ) 22 ( JO 22
4x10 . .17 GO 20 ( JO21 110,2 : ) 00 ICl 00
2x12 .10 2A2U 0021 ( JO 24 00,21 , 00
2xx8. . .ilH HOlltl WM 60'23 ' OJ. ' I
No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 No. 3 com , a 1 8115.50
No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 1 No. 4 com , B 1 B. 13.50
Np. 1 , 4 & 0 in 12&14 ft , rough $19.50
No. 1 , ' " 10 " 1050
No. 2 , " 14 " 10.50
No. 2 , " " ,10 " 18.00
A , 12,13 & 10 ft.$21,50 I C , 12,14 & 10ft.tl5 50
B , " " 20.5011) , " " 12.50
2d com % in White Pine ceiling $34.00
" t t 28.00
Clear X In Normay " " . . . . . . . . 10.00
2dcomJi'in " " . . . . . . . . 14.00
AC in White Pine $20.50
BOin " 33.50
COin " " 30.00
l)0in " " 21.50
EOln " " ( Sol. Fencing ) 19.90
0 in Drop Siding 5"c per M extra.
AlSinchsls $15.50
B 13 " 39.CO
C13 " 80.00
D13 " 23.00
No. 1 com , 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
' " " H ft 10.00
" " ' joft , 18-50
" " " 21.50
10 , 18,20ft
No. 2 " . 19.00
" " " 12 fi 14 ft l&.W )
" " " 17 ft 17.50
12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M more than 12
Bin Stock Hoards Eamo length.
10 in Grooved rooting same price as 12 in
filStock Boards.
Improvements Tor South Omrtlin.
There have been few , if any , more lm-
Kirtant meetings held In SoulliOmnba than
ho ono that met in the Exchange hotel par-
ors Tuesday afternoon. Those present
wcro few In number , but they represented
all the Important Interests of the city. P. E.
: icr was there on behalf of the South Omaha
Land syndicate , John Boyd for the Stock-
anls company , Councilman Smith , Bayllss ,
McMillan und Hnffcrty for the city and
Messrs. Persons , Hunt , Howlnnd , Cockcrcll ,
Anderson nnd Erlon for the board of trade.
The meeting was not n formal ono , but ono
n which the best Interests of South Omaha
wcro represented , and in which routine busi
ness wan supplanted by an Informal talk In
which all present became better acquainted ,
nnd many little differences wore amicably
jxplalncd. Hon. W. A. Paxton would hnvo
been there only that ho was prevented by Ill
ness , and Mr , ller as far ns possible took hi.s
l > lnco. His safe to say that the policy of the
Stackyards Co. and of the land syndicate ,
was never so thoroughly understood ns nt
Lho mooting , nnd that it was novcr before so
thoroughly understood that the best inter
ests of South Omaha njo Identical with the
best Interests of these companies. The
grading of Twenty-fourth street was first
considered anil Mr. Her explained that his
company had ngrccd to expend $2,000 for
that purpose , with the understanding that
the work would be done within the limits of
South Omnha. The agreement had been
partly written nnd partly verbal , but the
company had expended the necessary $2,000
H remained for the county commissioners to
complete it , nnd he had no doubt but that
they would. The grade had never been olH-
ciallv established , but it was intended to bu
of full width 100 feet. The main object of
the Land company was to secure a road
through to Omahn , and the quickest nnd
most direct way wns along Twenty-fourth
street to Vinton nnd up Vlnton to Six
teenth. They Imtl secured thb services
of nn attorney to linn out If the county com
missioners could legally do any paving or
grading along the route within the : ity
limits. Ho thought , however , that South
Omaha should provide for sewers , water
and gns before doing any paving.
When the question of viaducts came up ho
said that tlio two proposed would cost nbout
$70,000 or $30,000 npleco , and in the present
state of the city's finances ho thought the
one at L street wouldnnswcr all purposes for
the present und be of more practical benefit
to the city. It would connect with Omaha by
way of Twenty-fourth street , and furnish
a good roadway for Armour & Co. nnd any
other packers who wanted to supply the re
tail markets. Ho thought the city could not
stand the expense of both viaducts , mid that
if In order to do It they made n high assess
ment or tin excessive levy , they would only
drive from the town the manufacturers that
other cities are trying to nttract. The land
company was willing to construct the L
street viaduct nt their own expense
providing the ono at Q street wns not built
on the proceeds of bonds issued. If bonds
wcro to bo issued , they should bo issued for
both , nnd in any case the land company and
the stock yards company would bear the
greatest share of the cost , ns they wore the
heaviest taxpayers. Tlio companies did not
wish in any way to oppose the Q street via
duct , but wished it to bo understood that
they at all times wished to bo hand and
glove with these working for the interest of
South Omaha. Thoywere will to bo very
liberal. Further discussion ensuedin which
Councilman Bayliss , Smith , Kufferty and
McMillan , ns well ns the board of trade rep
resentatives , pointed out that the Q street
viaduct was a necessity , as nearly all railway
facilities occurred there , and a man's life
wns worth more than the estimated cost.
Finally , Mr. Her said that if they wished to
issue bonds to build the land company would
not only offer no opposition , but ho
thought would cash nearly , if not nil ,
the bonds issued. He , however ,
advised them to go slow , nnd not go into
needless expense. Regarding scivernife , ho
thought the stockyards company would have
no objection to N street being drained into
their big sewer , nnd ho would call a meeting
of that company any time the city council
desired. Before he loft it was in n manner
understood that the proposed improvements
would include the two viaducts , the com
pletion of the grade on Twenty-fourth street ,
nBOweronN street , the paving of N street
between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-fourth
streets and a stone pavement on Twenty-
seventh street between N nnd Q. Citizens
will bo called upon to vote for the necessary
bonds , which will be made payable twenty
years from dale , and only cost present prop
erty owners a slight annual tax. In the
mean time the money will be spent in South
Omaha and the magic city will boom.
This Year'K Assessment.
Within twenty-one days , or on Junol , the
South Omaha assessors will be prepared to
hand in their vualuations. and the result will
bo a surprise party to many. To some It may
be an unpleasant surprise , but to the great
majority it will show that some men at least
can fearlessly do their duty. They have
gone nbout it in the manner outlined in THE
BEE , and as a result the assessment
will bo advanced from last year's figures of
$590,000 , to. about $2,000,000 or $2,500,000. and
this mcr case is not to be placed on the pack
ing houses or manufacturers , as muny sup
posed it would. They will have to bear a
share , but the assessors hnvo recognized the
fact that some consideration is duo them for
having helped to build up the city , and by
the employment of labor still helping to keep
It where it is. It is nftcr men who
will hnvo a lot assessed nt $10 , and
then ask $ JOO for it , they are
looking , nnd they have come across several.
One lot was valued at $300 last year and this
year it will show up at $ a,500. There are
many more such cases but it is only right to
say that Assessor Kane , nnd his assistants
II. J. Curtin nnd James Dougherty are try
ing to lee le nftcr them till nnd perform their
duty without fear or fnvor.
Notes About the City.
O. Owcnson , of Chapman , had two cars of
cattle on the market.
J. S. Umstcad came in from Fullerton with
a load of cattle.
C. Hudat brought In three loads of Norfolk
CAttle and ono load of hogs.
J. T. Benedict was on the market with four
loads of Hastings cattle.
The Exchange hotel guests yesterday wcro :
J. N. Welb. Bedford , In. ; Alex Segman ,
Beatrice ; F.J. Bencdlct.HastlngB ; II. Marsh ,
Elkhorn ; G. W. Martin. Chicago ; V. Allyn ,
Broken Bow ; H. Bada , Silver City , nnd A.
Stevcrs , Cedar Creek.
Already seventy citizens have applied for
shares in the ball club association. Only 100
are required , nnd it can bo safely said that
South Omaha sporting men support homo
Louis Slcchcr. of North Bend , is stopping
at the City hotel. Ho came In with a load of
Tom Kelly Is on the market with two cars
of cattle from Pleasant Valley. Ho has reg
istered nt the City hotel.
Nine-tenths of Douglas county taxes are
paid by Omuhu and South Omnha , und yet
the law won't let the commissioners grudo u
street to connect them.
Pat Ulce , jr. , has not yet joined the force ,
as this Is only his second day In the world.
In thu meantime ho resides In South Omaha ,
and Put , HIis receiving congratulations.
C. K. I'AI.MEIl. N. ) ' , lUClIHAN , J. II , III.ANCHAHU ,
Live Stock Commission Mercliants.
Offlce-Uoorn 21 , Opposite Kiclmngo llulldlntf , Union
btock Yurdt , Houtli Omnlia , Nub.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market funiWun ! fri'o on application Mockers < uul
( cederi ( urnUlicdoncood term : . Kc'crcncut' ( Him-
hu Nattunnl Hunk unit houtti Oruabu Natlouai , Union
btock Yi.rd , boutli Oinniiu ,
Liye Stock Commission ,
[ loom K , Exchange Ilulldlng , Union Stock Ycrdi ,
Boulli Ouiulm , Nub ,
Commision Dealers in Live Sock ,
; -.ooiu 2. , Oppo.lto Kxclinngo llullJIng , Uulou Stock
YarOn , buutu Omttnu , Neb.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
Jolu F.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
C rrl g" " " *
Agricnltiiral Implements , Wapns.Carriages .
IHiRRlci.Kto , Wholctale. Orruti * ,
Agricultural imSm3Wapiis & Bnggies
roi. OU3.006 anil TO ; Jonc Street , Om h .
P. P. MAST& CO. ,
Hannfactnrers of BucKeye Drills , Seeders ,
CaltlTalor * . liar H kr .CIrtor Mills iinfl LuMn I > ul.
Tcrlicra. Cur , lllli anil yicruilnsbtrccl ) .
-\Vhote alp-
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bnigics
Cbrticr lllh unit NltliolniiPtrocli.
, A-
Harrestlng Machinery and Binder Twinel
W. K. Mead , Mnuifiur. 1213 Lcavcnnorth > t. , Ouialm
Boots and Shoos.
W. V. MORSE & . CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Artlsis * rYlntorlnlo.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists ! Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 Douglas btrcct , Omaha , Ncbraskn.
Manufacturers anil Jobbers In
Wagons Buggies , Rate , Plows Etc ,
Cor. inn nnd I'ncino SlreoK Onmhi , Neh.
1110 1109-11(15 ( UoiiKlim HI. , Omnlm Manufactory , Sum
incr fct. , lloston
( Successors to llccd , Jones A. Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AKent , .or
aooksollorsjand Statlonors.
H. M , * S."W. JONES.
Successors to A. T. Kcnyon & Co , W liolcsalo & Ilctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Flno Wcddlnit 8tRtloni > ry. Commercial Stationery.
Iftt Douitlai Street , Omalia , Nob.
C Off 00 8 , Sj lCOB , EtC.
Omalin CotTco nnd bplco Mllln.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powfler ,
- > -
Crockery nn
Agent for the Manufacturers nnd ImpoHcis of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. QfBcc.317 8.13th St. , Omnha. Nctraskn.
Importers ana Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Kto 15U Farnain St. , New 1'a ton Hullillng.
Commlselon and Storage.
( Successors to McSbnno & Bcbrouder. )
Commission anil Cold Storage ,
Omaba. Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commission
Merchant ! . Correspondence ! solicited. 1UK North
ICth fctreet , Omaba , Neb
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
8peclaltlcIluttcr , Ket , Chccfe , Poultrr. Game ,
Oynters , Etc. , Etc. mboutblUh btreet.
Coal , Coke
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
903 South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers ot Coal , Coke , Cement , 1'lastcr. I.I mo ,
Drain Tile , anil Bcwur 1'lpe. onice , 1'axton Hotel ,
Karnam tit. * Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Snippers of Coal and Coke ,
214 South 13th St. . Omahn , Neb.
pry Copds and Notions.
M. E SMITH i CO. ,
Dry Goofls , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1101 Douslas , Cor. lllb St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and JohteinDry GooflsNotions ,
Goats' FurnlshlnK GQOIS. ! Corner llth and Huuoy
Ma . Ornnhii. Ni'lirnrkn.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre ,
Farnam Street. Omaba. Nebraska.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Office Fixtures.
Mnnufucturere of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantles , Sideboards , Hook Oases , Dmi ; rixturea. Wall
rnhCK , l'iirtUlun , HallliiKV , Counturu , lleer and
Wlno Coolers. Mlrore , etc. I'actory una olncol7JO
and ITJ-'Koutli 13tb b ) . , Omaha. Tclcpuoncr \ .
Orooor\oB \ ,
' '
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
KB.7OT,703and 711 B. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
t tb and LcBvenwortli StreetsOmabaNcbraika.
LEE , PRIED le CO. ,
Johliers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Kto. Agents for IIoweBcalei
and Miami 1'oirdor Co. , Omaha , Net ) . *
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. HC6 Douilai
Btreet , Omaha , Ncbrufca.
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOUi and Ilarner Sts. , Omaba , Neb. Western Agenti
for Austin Powder Co. , Jefferson Htecl NulU ,
Fairbanks titundard Hcaleg
Wliolesale .Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
Aud Lcattcr. H\U,1KX \ > and 1107 Ilaruer Ht. , Omalia ,
Hoayy Hardvvare.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon Stock , Hardware , Lumber , lite. 1Z/J
uud Ull lUrnuy Street , Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
H'flson and Carrlaeo Wood Stock. Ilearr Hardware
Etc. HIT aud I'M LeavBovronU bt. . Oiuaba , Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
IStj Street andJJnlon I'ncincTrapk.Omaha.
Dealer iu Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Upon , Ktc. Yards-Corner ? th anil Domini : Cornet
Sith aoil D iulai.
_ Hats , Caps , Etc.
Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 lUrnrr Street. OniHhi > . N h.
Dealer in Ail Knius 01 Liunlier ,
13th ami California StroeU , Omaha Nebr * ka.
Inter Linie Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner ftrmnd DouilftsBts. . Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Oflico , llffl Knrnnm Street , Omaha ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported mid American I'ortlnixi Cement. fetaU
ARCDI for Mllvauken llrilrnullc Cement nod
Dealer in Hardwood Lninlicr ,
Wood Carpets and I'nrqnet KlnorlnR Mil ami Doii
_ Iron Works.
Cnrtcr A fan , l'roi's. | Mumifnctiirers of nil kinds
Steal Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Ironwork
Works Hotilli 30th nml It , .V M. crowing.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
KlnoD , Ilrnn Work.lJpni'rnl Komiilrjr , Mnrhlno and
ll ) < i < .k mtlli Work. Otllco nml Works , U. I * llr.
niul 17th Struct , Uiunlm.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
lo k Hnt1 , Wlmlnw Ounnl * . Tlowcr Mam ! * , Wlro
Hutu , Ktc. . Ill Nortli Utll Street , OiUHha.
Man'frsofFire&BiuilarProofSafes '
Vnnltvlntl Work. Iron nml Wlro Konclrm , SlKnt , Kto.
( ! Anlr"cn I'nvi'r Cor llth mvlJarliwi sn , _ _
[ ron and Wira Fcncs ? , Railing Guards
ud bcrcuns , turbniiki , umiVm ttuiua , ,
Improved Awnlnni , Locksmith .Mnclilncrr and
_ Blacksmith Work * , < IXI South lull 8 t. _
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
Oonural Agent' far Dleunld Safe & I ch Co.'s.
Vaults and Jail Work , 1115 faruam street , Omaha.
_ mininory tind H tiona.
I. bBERFE LDER & "cb. .
Imprters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notious
203 , 210 and S12 South llth Street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
403 nnd W > Be uth 10th St. , Omaba.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
HOG UnrnCT Street. Omaha.
Wholsale Reflned and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle Grease , Klc. , Omaba. A. II. Illshop. Mnnaror
Paper Boxes
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
NOB. 1317 nnd 1310 Douglas St. , Omnlm , Nob.
Paints and Oils.
Wholoale Iu lcr In
Faints , Oils. Window Glass , Etc ,
ll/dl'urii'.ui ' blrcut , Oiuuuut4eb.
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
D alor..n . TyeMosd mer. ' Supplies. B
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry ( i nice iitock of I'rlntlni ; , Wrapplns and Writing
1'Uftt. tipcclal attention given to car load ordera.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing and leather Dultlnii. 1003 Farnain Street.
Stgpm Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pnraps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Jtcam and Water Supplies. Headquarters for Mast ,
I'Oost.&Co'a Kooila. 1111 Kurnani St , , Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ualllday Wind Mills. 019 nnd 93) ) Fnrnara Ht. , Omnha.
O.K.lloisAttlim Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BhooUron Work Steam 1'umpa , Saw MlHs. 1213-12U
lA'nvenwortli Blret-t , Omaha.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
fill and C13 Jones Htrpit Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding A Commlaalon
Storage 11 , Forwarding and Commisslou ,
anch house of the Hornier Ilucinr Co. Iluiuiloial
bolejalo and retail , 1 KM UlOmid 1312 liard Hlreet ,
* Omaha. Telephone No. 700.
STOR2 & . ILER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1521 North Klgthtccnth Street. Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeaus l'anUSlJlrt , Ktc. llOIand 110 ( Douglas Street ,
Uiuaba , Neb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John lipeuetcr , Proprietor. WO Dodge mid 103 and Id
Nurtli Mil Htreut. Uaialia.
8aahj Doora , Eto.
* *
M. A. DISBROVA , CO. , *
Wliolcialo Monufacturcri o (
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Ilr rancb bncu , 12lb and litrd Htraoti , Omtbu , N b.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding * , Btalr Work and Interior Hard Wood Hn
Ish. N. U. Curacr bth and 1-oateuwcrlu btruets ,
Omaha , tjub.
Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors ,
And Itllnds , Turnlnir. Stair-work , Hank and Office 11U
Hum , anli and I'uiiiiloton Avcuue.
Stacks , Bo I lore ,
" "
Manufacturing Dealer in Smote StacKs ,
. TanU and aenera. .