, * " - Pjl. 6 THE OMAHA DAILY &EE : WEDNESDAY. 'MAY 0 , 1888. ; .THE DAILY BEE. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFFICE ) , NO. 12 VEAItli STREET. Delivered by rnrrlcr in Any Part of the City at . , Twenty Cents I'cr Week. H. W.T1LTON . ' . MANAGEH. TKI.EPHONUSJ Iln8iNr.cs OFFICE. No. it. , NHIIIT KDlTOIl , No. 23. MINOlV MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. New spring goods nt Itcltcr's. C. S. Atwood hold the lucky number , 69 , which drew tlio organ at the encampment drawing of the d. A. K. The funeral of the Into Dr. Ulco will bo , held this afternoon from the residence , nt 3:30 o'clock , Hov. G.V. . Crofts ofllclatitig. Arrangements nro about perfected by which the building of tlio Mcrrlam block on thoold Catholic church property will bo as sured , On account of the llagnn lecture the reg ular prayer mcctine of tlio Congregational church will bo held to-morrow evening , In stead of to-night. The system of n dally drill has boon inau gurated at the llro houses , nnd will be con tinued until the horses nnd men are well trained in all tholr duties. Thoio who want a Jolly evening should at tend the dramatic entertainment by the ' , Acme club at the Temple hall to-morrow evening. Admission ii" cents. Dalby's or chestra will ploy for the dance winch fol lows. The work on the Broadway bridge lias been delayed some by the heavy nnd contin ued rains , but is by no menus stopped. Tlio grade of the approach to this bridge will bo a little lighter than that of the approach to the Union Pacific , which will insure easy hauling for teams. On Monday the llttlo two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Uussell , of this city , died nt Blcncoo. la. Tlio body was brought hero for burrial nnd the funeral services were held yesterday nftcrnoon at the rcsl- dcnco of Johu Dougherty , at No. 022 avenue - nuo D. "Llttlo Puck" was greeted by n largo ami appreciative audience nt Dohany's last even- Ing. The play is replete with original fun nnd ludicrous situations , and the audience was kept In n continual roar for two hours ' mid n half. The company was much better than the average , and will bo welcomed by n crowded liouso on the occasion of Us next visit. To-night the second Ragnn leeturo will bo given nttlio opera house. There have been between three nnd four hundred season tick ets sold , nnd thcro is nn assurance of wcll- fllled bouses at each of the lectures. Few can afford to miss these opportunities of visit ing the lands over the water. A 50-cent trip with such a guido is indeed n great cbanco. To-night these who go to the opera house will bo taken up the Hliin'o , and will bo given some line views of Switzerland. Ladies wishing u > patronize the Wo man's oxcbango can do so by calling upon' any member they choose to fill tholr orders. Tipton has houses to rent. Tipton 1ms a family horse , phaeton ' and harness to trade lor a lot. The oldesf firm , and largest stock of wall paper in the city. All the new shades in ingrains and valours. A few patterns in gilts ut lOc per roll at Niles , 402 Broadway. Satisfied AVIth the Plans. . .The choice of the plans of Architect Ward by the school board was rather a surprise to many , inasmuch as the choice was presumed to lay between these submitted by Messrs. Allen Is Boll and Mr. Maxon. In conversa tion yesterday , a member of the board said " that Mr. Ward presented his plans with others , but did not urge their adoption. In fuct , he was so modest about tlio matter that the plans wcro not Riven a thorough and careful Inspection. Ho had not noticed the many excellent points which the plans pin- brnccd until the dead-lock had gouo to that point whcro some dcllnito notion.was neces sary to bo taltcn at once in order to hava the building erected this year. The board ex press themselves as being well suited with the plans , and that when completed tlio building will bo both beautiful nnd imposing. Money nt low rules on flrst-clnss larm security. Burnhum , Tulloys & Co. , IttJ Main street. E. H. Shcnfo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Oilico 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. This isn't Dry. Yesterday was the sixteenth consecutive day of wet weather that luis passed over this section , and the effects of it nro noticeable In many particular * . The streets give Indis putable evidence of it , and the lawns ntul parks testify to the fact by the unusual start that the grass has taken. The cnrdeus are rather backward on account of the cold , In cident to the dampness , but the gardeners nrcdict a rapid growth ns soon as there Is n changa in the weather. Tlio fanners who visit the city nro Jubilant over ttio prospect Of n heavy crop and successful season. All doubts ns to n dry season are entirely dls- polled , nnd the line outlook is appreciated by tlio business men of all brunches. Shoufo loans money on real estate. Tipton has furnished rooms to rent. I'ci'Koiinl Paragraphs. W. S. Vernon , of DCS Molncs , nn old friend of J. D. Johnson , is visiting in this city for u few days. Qcorgo B. Hardoll , formerly n business man at Columbus , Nob. , has moved to Coun- i- uil Bluffs and will assist in booming the bus. 1. Incss interests of the city. L A party of Manning , la. , speculators were ? In the city cestorday looking for profitable _ . ( uvsstmcnts. They were O. W. Humphrey , Who deals In real estate ; G. S. Ivcs , n promS - S jnont merchant , nnd C. L. Van Patten , They loft lost night for Kansas and the , . booming towns of the southwest. r Wuruurton & Iwnrson , fashionable dressmakers , No. 32 Pearl st. r Sewer connections and liouso sewers laid by N. Y. Plumbing company. Travolorsl Stop at the Bochtolo. * No Quorum ! At the meeting of the board of trade last evening , thcro were not enough members present to sonstltuto a quorum and an ad journment was taken until Tuesday evening , f { Secure yours reserved souls to-day at | Bushnoll'a for the three following Ru- * gan lectures. | | " Tipton has bargains in real estate. Decoration Day Committees. | The following committees have been nn- pointed by the G , A. H. to superintend the P details In the observance of Decoration Day ; - in Council Bluffs : Invitation J , J. Stcadman , R. C. Hubbard , H. C. Barnes and William Soars , - , - Music Dr. F. S. Thomas , L. B. Cousins „ nnd K. F. Holmes. Reception William Roper , John Lindt. K , i J. Abbott , J. B. Heft , Captain B. W , Bight s und William Campbell. C Cemetery H. O. Hubbard , Wall MeFad I den , Joe Cramer and Perry Knight. I platform-Ed Brooks , C. O. Brown , H fe Genheimer , Peter Heft and L. Joseph. , , ' " Floral John Fox , J.W , Kllgoro , J. Jacoby , | [ John Dunn , John Caughllu uud C. S. Bub i > bard. Carriages Thee , Bray , Vie Keller , G. Boy. ingtou , T. J. Cady , Captain Hoberts and D , I ? B Clark | i Ice ami Water R. L. Williams , J. Ward , ' WIlHam Uoper , Gilbert Bros. , J , Mulholland , Finance Theo. Gulttar , John Limit , J. C. DoHaven , J. M. Phillips , D. J. O'NcUl. George Motcalf , John Fqx , D. B. Clark and John Keller. General Arrangements E. J. Holmes , C S. Hubbard , D. B. Clark , WHlumi liopfiram U , O. Barnc * . ' . LATEST. ABOUT THE BLUFFS , The Gathering of lowa'a Pollco Chieftains and Oity Marshals. PREPARING FOR MEMORIAL DAY. The IMnns For tlio New School Ilulld- ItiB Kuno Again Upronroiis The Hoard of Trndo 1'cr- sotml 1'nrngrnplis. A Stnrry Constellation. Yesterday was the tlmo set for the annual meeting of the state association of city mar shals and chiefs of police , to bo held in this city , ana it was expected that the various cities and towns of the state would bo well represented , but the stormy weather pre vented the arrival of many of the delegates , nnd for this reason the meeting that was to have been held nt 10 o'clock wan postponed until to-day , nnd these who did arrive were shown about the city by Mayor Hohrcr and Chief of Pollco Lucas. Tlio visitors were Phil II. Francis of Cedar Rapids , president of the association ; P. N. VnnTasscl , India- nola ; William J. Hay , Chicago , chief of the Rock Island detective force ; t'lnlC. Holland , Cedar Rapids ; J. N. Shoup , Maxwell ; and L. . G. Allen of Oskaloosa. Tlio guests Arcro shown through the now court liouso , nnd the rooms of the Busi ness Men's club , after which the party dined at the Pacific house. Carriages wcro ordered and the hospital of the Wo man's Chrlstain association" was visited. The ladles had extended an invitation to the members of the city council to visit the building , but owing to the inclemency of the weather it was deemed advisable to postpone the visit until some future tlmo. The party examined the entire building and expressed themselves as well pleased with the arrange ments , nnd left a substantial token of their appreciation In the shape of a liberal sum of money for the purchase of an easy chair , , for which the ladles in charge are very thank ful. ful.Rev. . T. J. Mackay , who was with the party , then invited them to visit his church , which invitation was gladly accepted , and the guests were shown through tnat beau tiful edlflco. From there the party drove through the city , stopping on the way to In spect the different llro buildings. A fine blrdsoyo view of the city was obtained from the bluffs near Falrview cemetery , and also from Fairmount park. The visitors ex pressed the greatest surprise at the steady growtlt that , this city is experiencing , and from one polntof observation counted nearly one hundred now buildings in course of erection. Mayor Rohror was highly complimented for his frco hospitality , and the visitors found nothing to criticize with the exception of the mud. Last evening several other members of the association arrived in the city , and a number will come to-day. The meeting will bo held nt the now court liouso to-day. Mr. Holland brought with him a largo ns- iortmentof samples of police equipments , : md It is probable that the authorities here will find something in the lot that will fill ; ho bill in fitting up the city's police force. It s probable that the date of the meetings will bo changed in the future. Heretofore it has always been held on the second Tuesday in May , but the ualo has given much dissatis faction. It Is probable that the next mcet- ng will bo held at Oskaloosa , or somewhere ! n that vicinity. Everything Goes. Immense sale of embroideries this ivcek at Harkness Bros. They will bo closed out at a large discount. Closing out stock of dress goods , silks ind other dry goods at cut prices. Do not fail to attend this cash salo. Union Abstract company , ! 23B Main street. S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan money. Kane. Jim Kane had n hearing yesterday for as saulting Mrs. Murphy , an estimable lady who lives on lower Broadway. A short time ago Kane got into some other difficulty , nnd 10 claimed that Mrs. Murphy was largely in strumental in having him arrested. Ho went to her house and begun abusing her with his tongue , which so nrousqd her righteous in dignation that she attc&ptcd to drive him away with a broom. Ho then hit her , and she had him arrested for the assault. After a hearing yesterday Kane was allowed to go on the promise that ho would not disturb Mrs. Murphy any more. Mrs. Murphy claims that she has befriended the Kane familywho nro newcomers , and that the neighbors joined in helping them to the nccticd com- Torts of life , they being short of many of them. While Kane was in jail on the former charge a dog was left locked up in his house , and the key being at Mrs. Murphy's she went to his house with a neighbor , and un locking the door let the animal out to pre vent it from starving to death while there was no ono to earo for him. Knno mndo use of this incident to charge Mrs. Murphy with going through his house , n charge which the worthy lady tnkes greatly to heart , ns she has lived hero many years and has always been respected nnd trusted. Knno Is making a bad record for himself for a now citizen , and will probably not escape so easily if he again indulges in such disorderly conduct. Postponed. The St. Paul's church parish meeting which was announced for this evening , has been postponed until Friday evening , Mai 11. A full attendance is desired. An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , and is nn absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles , Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 25 cents per box by mall 30 cents. * RAILROAD MATTERS. Engineers Incompetcnoy Amlerson' Union Paclllo Bill Spikes. During the months of April and May the board of warehouse and railway commhv sloners of Illinois , at the urgent request ol citizens of Aurora and [ other cities , have boon taking tcstimonyTCgardlng the cause ol the numerous wrecks and accidents on the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy linos. The competency , nnd general character of the oil' glncors lias also been called in question While the Ansociatcd press has sent out brio ! notices of the meeting , the greater portion ol the matter was , it is alleged , quictlj "squelched" In Chicago. A gentleman from Aurora , who has a com. ploto copy of a stenographic report of the testimony taken , furnishes the following concerning ono Hose DoWitt , a passenger engineer : , , Seven witnesses who were not nil cngi Beers formerly in the Burlington's cmploi wore examined. The llrst stated that DC Witt was an habitual drunkard , nnd that al Pullman , where ho resides , the saloonkeeper ! hud boon by his wlfo forbidden to sell liquoi to him , The witness stated that ho had sel dom seen him sober. A gentleman formerly on the local examining board of the Chlcagc division of the Chicago , Burlington & Quint1 } stated that Do Witt was discharged from tin employ of the company for being implicated in u wreck at Naperville , and that ho had al ways been a hard drinker ; that ho had re fused him rides over the road because ho was so drunk ho was dangerous to hnvo around : that for thrco years no was out of a job because cause of his habits , and yet was given a situ atlou when the strike began. Concerning the engineer , Gray , who rar into a train on the Pittsburg , Fort Wayne A Chicago crossing , it was proven that Graj was u drunkard , and that since he was glvei an engine this last tiuio ho had been drunk The "Q. " management discharged him fo ; causing a wreck ut Streator , 111. , a year or E < ago. * George Rogers , who runs engine 203 , was formerly itUdiarged from the Milwaukee foi drunkenness nnd unreliability as was proven Engineer Stiuimls1 jou testlflcd before tin board that ho had seen hla father take i train out of Gulesburg when ho was drunk In fact , so full that ho was trying to get hiii home. Samrnis admitted that saloon keoixir had been forbidden to sell him liquors. Th testimony- now being taken will. It Is said , b In book form and. 'distributed by fublishcd the striking engineers. It is pos sible that it will bo offered fortho consider ation of the Intcr-stato commerce commis sion. "Everything Is running smoothly. " ' Representative Anderson , of Kansas , is trying to Immortalize himself by solving the Union Pacific problem , nnd to that end has introduced a bill In congress which provides for the government taking possession of the Union Pacific road , including its branches , depots nnd grounds , but not the rolling stock. Then Mr. Anderson proposes to declare the road a public highway and leave it open for nil companies and persons to run freight trains upon subject , of bourse , to n system of tolls nnd regulations established by its owners , the people. Passenger trains nro to bo let to the highest bidder nt a maximum rate o fare which is never to bo exceeded. Passes nro to bo prohibited and n newspaper man wishing to take n trip over Its line must walk , What will become of the bill Is at present unforsccn , Wll.t. HUN SUNDAY T1UIKS. The good people of Milford recently filed n petition with Mr. Eustls , general passenger agent of the B. & M. asking him to prohibit Sunday excursions to tholr quiet hamlet by refusing to let the excursionists have cars. The document alleges that the parties who come there to visit arc a drunken , noisy , blasphemous set , etc. Mr. Eustis slept over the matter and decided that the right of pe tition was a divine ono and ttmt the longer petition represented the majority. There fore , in accordance with the prevailing cus tom of this country when n largo number of people petition for n Sunday train they will get it. tlio Milford people to the contrary , notwithstanding , VESTI11UI.E TIUINS. It is rumored that the B. & M. nro about to purchase vestibule trains to tcko the place of Its Dyers between Chicago and Denver , but ns yet It is nothing but rumor. A CHANOn OF TIMH. On May 15 a change in tlio time of the B. &M. passenger trains will occur. Tram No. 1 willmnko two stops only between Red Cloud nnd Oxford. Train No. 3 will nrrivo at Denver ono hour and a half later than nt p resent. TUG ATCltlSON nOAD. A rumor from Boston that the Atchlson , Topeka & Santa Fo has bought tlio St. Louis & San Francisco is exciting some interest in railroad circles at present. While some doubt , and others believe the truth of the statement , the recent action of the Atchlson management goes far toward confirming it. Tlio St. Joseph & St. Louis line is now oper ated by the Atchlson , and as the St. Louis & San Francisco is a competitor of the Snnta Fo line it would of course bo a plum. Fur ther developments nro awaited. A UTAH EXCUllSION. On Juno 0 the B. & M. will run a grand ex cursion to ( Utah , the rate from Missouri river points being & 10. Proportionately lower rates in comparison to regular fnro will bo made from points further eastward. The cgular faro from Missouri river points nt ircscnt is ? 47.50. This reduction is made in rdcr to co-operate with the board of trade f Salt Lake City , who will advertise the ex- ursion very thoroughly. It will , without ; oubt , bo extensively patronized. Sl'lKCS. The depot nt Oakland station , on the Chl- : ago , Minneapolis. St. Paul & Omaha , was ebbed on Sunday night of 49 m cash that vas left in the drawer. Eleven cars filled with Methodist ministers lasscd through the city yesterday afternoon jn the Union Pacific , enrouto for New York nnd Indiana , the greater portion going to Now York city to attend a conference. Mr. Scott , or "Scotty , " as ho is familiarly called , chief clerk in the passenger depart- nent of the Union Paclllc , left yesterday morning with Colonel Reed , gen eral agent , for a trip westward. During his absence Mr. II. T. Green , chief rate clerk , will occupy the position of chief clerk in the passenger department , and will accommodate i all calls from reporters : o seekers after passes with that characteris tic urbanity for which he is so justly cole- jrated. J. B. Johnson , assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacific , left yesterday on the "flyer" for n western trip. Owing to n washout on the Missouri Pacific the passenger trains on that road nro using the Union Pacific track and are receiving and unloading passengers nt the latter depot. The St. Paul & Omaha officials complain of tramps who infest their yards and break open their freight cars and use them for sleeping apartments. A policeman would bo a valuable fixture in the St. Paul yard. MU. BARCLAY'S BONANZA. The Genial Pension Agent Not Quite Heady to liivrstills $75.OOO Prize. Pittsburg ( Pa. ) Dispatch , April 29th : In view of the fact that numerous in credulous inquiriesnml communications have been received in Pittsburg concerning - corning the truth of the good fortune of Mr.V. . II. Barclay , the well known pension agentfor the districtof Western Pennsylvania , in being the recipient of one-half of the capital prize at the April drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery , which was drawn by ticket No. 12f > 15 , a Dispatch reporter visited the gentle man , at his oillco on Third avenue yes terday afternoon. Mr. Barclay looked prosperously happy , and was perfectly willing to reassert - assort the truth of the statement. Ho said : "I purchased one-half of ticket No. 12,015 at Washington , D C. , on the morning of the day the drawing took place , April 10. I was notified on the following Wednesday that that num ber had drawn the capital prize. 1 never entertained the least doubt of got- ing the money , and consequently was not surprised when , on the 24th of this month , I received notice that $75,025 had boon deposited to my credit in the First National Bank of this city. The Iful amount was there , without an iota of discount. " Mr. Barclay takes his good fortune very modestly. Ho says the receipt of the windfall was not attended by a par ticular sensation of elation ; neverthe less his demeanor is not that of ono who has mot with a financial loss. The genial gentleman will continue to look after the wants of the old soldiers as hereto fore. Ho is in daily receipt of advice nnd propositions from these who tire blessed with little of this world's goods , and all anxious to get more , as to the best way of disposing of his newly got ten wealth ; hut ho is taking his leisure in the matter of looking out for a safe investment. This is not the llrst piece of good fortune that lias fallen to Mr. Barclay , ho having drawn $1,000 in the game institution at the Juno drawing in 1880. ) AT- --UNION : PARK-- : COUNCIL , BLUFFS , MAY 15th , JMJ7IL , [ AND 18th , FOUR RACES EACH DAY REDUCED RATES ON RAILWAYS. Largo field of horees now hero , includ ing Nebraska Favorites. For pro grammes or other information address the secretary. NEW SPRING MILLINERY * 1514 DOUGLAS ST. OMAHA , NEB. ACCIDENT INSURANCE , 1,000 AT DEATH I General AgenU. Koomll , Opera House Block. IlsrE"W ! J I SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OP COUKTCII , BLUFFS. Largest Stookf METCALF Furnishing Goods , " 1 BROTHERS. tOWBat > * " W . * . s Clothing , Hats , Caps , eto.\ ; < / $ M ? 0 O ) Slodontopfi t ol ' Hardman , Everdl Fisher Deiilet to - L "S"- * UEAL ESTATE JL 8 UA Main St. Council ninfli. ' .f No.B N.-M lo S > , 18M St. ' tuw tn & Largest Capital and Surplus CITIZENS STATE BANK/ Your Patronage Or > 'O of Any Banh in the city. la Solicited. " * 3 * < STHT& R , D.FastBr . , J.W.ULSQUIRK o § > i' ' , COUNCIL DUUFFS , & Mooro'a Vl . v * * V , _ , . . . inb,0il Qiaos Go , _ _ " 5 * { , Abstracts of Title . $ > Wholesale Santa Rnsai. T-.f ' > . " td iftV .ARE THE BEST. No. 8. Co 3 4 EMPKIE HARDWARE CO. WEIR SHUGART CO. ' , ETC. Manufacturer of Fine Carriages and Buggies. H. F HATTENH AUER I always keen in stock a largo variety of eastorrf I have always a full stock to select from. . , , miiko Carriages , which 1 soli atn very low rate. Call and examine. Prices Low. s. UTCoitl } fourth Strcol. I am always ready to show goods. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO , 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260. No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ? OF FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES , BOTH DOiMESTlO AND FOREIGN. DR. C. B. J U DD , MANUFACTURER OF It No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. "WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WANTEDL.OCALANp TIIAVEL1IVG AGENTS OX COMMISSION. SPECIALNQTICES. _ NOTICED QPECIATjadvertlsements , such ( is Lost , Found , C5 To Loan. For Sale. To Hent ; Wfllits , Hoarding etc. , will bo Inserted In this colurim nt the low rntoofTENJKNTSPEHIINJ5ro.r the llrst In sertion ana Five Cunts 1'cr Ll io for each subse quent Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our olllce. No. 12 Pearl Street , near Hroiulway , Coun cil UluIIs Iowa. WANTS. T710U RENT A 27-room hotel , with food pay- JJ liiKpatronaco , In city or'n-MltfJ. will rent to party whft will buy the furniture or will sell the whole property on easy terms. Forjmrtlcu- lars luquho or Johnston & Van Fatten , 33 Main btreiit. Lady of pleashiR mlrtross to so licit nnd canvass. Good wages. AddrcSH In own hand writing , 11. J. C. , Council IJlulIs. Care flee. Young unmarried man to work WANTKD about yard and stable. Apply at ofllce of Horace Kvcrctt. "I71OH KKNT To ono or two gentlemen , n largo Jfront room , neatly furnished ; closets and useofTiatli room ; new house , Kefcrences re quired. iJlTUlutr-st. A cooa plrl to work in restaurant WAMTED rant , 828 West Hroadway. Seventy-live pleres ot cood. sci- WANTED carpet. A. J. Manuel. & ) IJroad- way. MUST Ho Sold , Como Quick Two drug stocks fS09 to $1,500 ; ono In Iowa , one In Ne braska. Ilnrlo , Haas .t Co. , Council FOR 8AI/K-Or Trade Top bupiy In oed condition. Apply to Oil east llroadway. Housekeeper Elderly German WANTED lady preferred. One child to care for. In quire at I fee olllce. HENT The corner office over tlio 1C. C. FOH . 11 It. It. ticket office , now occupied by Judge Kord. Also The room No. 14 Pearl St. , now occupied by Forest Smith. Also The dwelling house on Woodbury ave nue , known as the McGco place , with ono ncro of land. Horace hvcrett. LOST A bunch of small keys. Howard for tame will be paid by Horace Everett. "T71OK IlKNT First-class pinno in good order. J } Can bo hail at reasonable price. I'OSSCH- Blori Riven May 1st. D. Goldstein , 228 Broadway , TTlOIl SALE At a bargain , V ) acres near stock J3 yards , South Omaha. Neb. . Johnson Ac Christian , Hoom 35 , Chamber of Commerce , Omaha. Stocks of merchandise. Have WANTED and Council muffs city property , olio western land to exchange for goodH. Call on or address Johnson & Christian , Hociu 33 , Cnambcr of Commerce. Omaha. First Appearance in Council Bluffs , of MR. H. H. RAGAN , In a Drllllant Berlcx of Ills Famous Illustrated Lectures AT DOHANY'S OPERA HOUSE , Under the auspices of the ladles' of the Con gregational Church. Dates nnd Subjects ns Follows. Wednesday , May Oth. at 8HO : p. m. , iand8WlT Friday , May IStta , i Each Lecture will bo Superbly Illustrated. Course Ticket , reserved , according to loca tion. JI.UO and * l.r . Single Heserved Peat , each ( ivotilng.H ) cents. Bnlti of KeMM-veil Beats wlllmpcifi laltiishiiell's Hook Store. Haturday , May Sth. at U. a. m. Doors open at 7 : : . Lecture at 8. Carriages may be ordered at 0 ; : o'clock. Star Stables and Mule Yards Urondway , Council llluSa , Ityp. Dummy Depot Horses and mules constantly on hand , for A"rSW ± VWW tract on short notice. * Rtoclc sold on commission. 5'eUi.honelH. . BCHLUTKn & HOLEY. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Ululfs OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. UX ) Broadway Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established nor. 1861. 1888. P. C. DEVOL. Jewell Vapor Stoves , Monitor Wrought Ranges. Charter Oak Stoves , Leonard He- frigrrators , Iluildpru' Hardware , ( iolilcn Star Vapor Ranges , ( Hidden Fence Wire , Tin Koollng and Job Work. 501 Ilrondway , Council Bluffs , la. Estimates Furnished , CASH TRADE SOLICITED. SKNO FOIt CIUCUIjAKS , JONES & SHUGART , MflENTB FOIK VICTOR CYCLES. HARDWARE AND STOVES. JTIIE CEr.r.iiiiATKnt DANGLER GASOLINE STOVE ! NO , 211 nilOAUWAY. OGDEN BOILER WORKS - : - - : - , CARTEIt & SON , rro ' 3 , Manufacturers ot All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work. Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended to. Satlsf action i uarantoed. 10th A venue. Ad dress Ogdtm Holler Works. Council Blutla.Iowa. SNYDEB &J3NYDER M. B. SNYDEB , A. M. . M. D. Physician and Surgeon MRS. M. B. SNYDBB , SPECIALIST : Diseases of Women and Children , 307 llroaaway. Council niutfs. D. H , McDANELD & 00 , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. t 0 and KB .Main SUect.Couucll Uluffs.Iowa. an.cL See ORDER , TO PRI3l ARI5 KOR MORE COMMODIOUS APARTMENTS Wfl Cl-iOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP -SAIiE COMMENCING Every person desiring bargains will not full ( o take ndranlngo of tills great cash sale. ' The stock is new and well selected. Fine dress goods , new styles , choice silks , etc. THE LARGEST STOCK OF CAKPETS IN THE WEST. GOODS AND FROM ISEST DESIGNS. FIRST COME , FIRST SERVED. REMEMBER THE PLACE , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 5 TIKIS AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY IT. Wo hnvo just received nn olepant line of MEN'S , YOUTH'S tintl BOY'Jl CLOTHING and latcbt styles of Gouts' Furnishing Goods , Huts timl nil kinds of * Boots nnd Shoes. Wo will olTor you prices which wcro before offered in this dityy MKN'B DKI-AUTJIKNT Best All Wool Suits 810.00 , worth $18. ScoU-.h Wool Suita 47.CO , worth $13. Imported Worsted Suits $112.00 , worth $20. Corkscrew Suits $8.00 , worth $11. ! Blue Flannel Suits $8.75 , worth $14. CugHiinero Suits $4.29 ( worth $7.60. Working Fancy Striped Punts nt 81.25. Imported Worsted Piinfe * nil kinds fancy stripes , $3.115 up ; latest styles. $3.30. All Wool Punts ut $2.2K' Fancy Suits' Sfl.fiO , worth $7.60. Fine Kid Gloves 7Cc. Fanctf Dress Shirts from 26c up. Working Shirts from C5o up. Youth f Suits 54.00. Suits Underwear from 60o up. Seamless IIoso 60 n pair/ Seamless IIoso Go a pair. Wo have 200 different patterns of Men's A1J Wool Pants. Boy's Suits from $2.00 up. Youth's All Wool Suits 80.00. Youthy Striped Suits $4.00. Working Seamless Shoes , warranted holid counters , 81. ' worth $1.75. Seamless Fine Shoes $1.2.5. worth $2.00. Boys' Fine Shoes $1.26 ? worth $2.00. Seamless Dress Shoes $ ! . ) . worth $2.25. FinoCalf Seamless Shoes $2.25 , wortli1.00. . Fine Gossamer Seamless Shoes $3.00 , worth $5.00. | All the goods mentioned hero are of latest styles. Come and bee our goochj before purchasing elsewhere' , it will pay you to examine our goods r REMEMBER THE PLACE , ZLvL 546 AND 548 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , ESTABLISHED 1812. INCORPORATED 1878 CO. , MASSILLON , OHIO , MAXWACTUKEItS. llnpeclally Designed tdt SIZES FROM MILLS , ELEVATORS 25 TO 250 AND HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT POWER , PURPOSES , - i g g j 3-3 AUTOMATI.CUTOFF : ENGINE * Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa. SEND FOIl OATAljOOUK. E. C. HARRIS , Manager. GRESTON HOUSE , Main SireetCouncil Bluffs , _ Only Hotel In the City with Flro Ea- oapo. Eleotrlo Call Bolls. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable MAX MOHN , Proprietor ESAN & K1MBALI , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS , No. 652 Broadway. Opera ITouso Block , Council Dlulla. Telephone No. l > 4