Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Ko Advertisements will bo taken for
these column * after 1U.-UO p. in.
Terms Cash In nclrnnco.
Advertisements under thin head. 16 rents per
line for tlio Ilrst Insertion , 7 cent s for ench sub-
BMjnent Insertions nnd tlJi ( ) B line per month.
No advertisement , taken for less than 25 cents
for . tlio first Insertion. Sovt-n words will bo
counted to tlio line : tlicyintiRt runronncrntlvoly
nnil mint bo paid In advance. AH artvrrttao-
ncnts mint bo nanded In before. KW : o'rlock p.
in. , and under no circumstances will they ba
takrn or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In those columns andlmv-
Ing tlio unsworn addressed In euro of the lice ,
will plroce ask for n check to enable them to
Ret their letter' , in none will be delivered except
on presentation of chock. All answers to adver
tisements should Ixi enclosed In envelopes
AJ1 advertisements lit the o colmnni are pnb
IIMicil In both morntnqnnd evening editions ot
the Hep , tlio circulation of which aggregates
more than IH.OOn papers dallv. and Rives the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation ot the llee , nut also of Council IllulTs.
J.lnroln and other cities and other cltlos and
towns throughout this section ot the country.
" '
Advertising for these columns will betaken ,
on the above conditions , nt the following bus-
lnc n .houses , who" are authorized agents for THIS
HEK special notices and will quote the same
rates as can bo had at the main office.
O IIABl' .V KUDV , Stationers and Printers , lll :
goutlt ICth Street.
SH. FAllNSWOltTII , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
ing Street.
\\T HUQIIES , Pharmacist , 121 North ICth
T I Bt.
. W. 1'AllR I'liarmaclst 1 '
GKO. , , St. JIary's
WANTKD rosltlon by a druggist of .1 years'
experience in wholesale or retail store
In city or country. Address , Room UK , I'axtou
block , cor. ICth nnd raniam. 257 4'
WANTED Situation O.H clerk In any branch
of business. Address J 20 lleo ollluo. 231C *
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or corres
pendent , can glvo best of references.
Address J 22 Dec olllco. SW 4 *
WANTED A place to work around house ,
horses , yard , Ac. Address 1'hllllp MoIIut ,
.city. 2311 r , *
WANTED Situation by a young mau22 , ex
perienced bookkeeper , stenographlc-tj pe-
Writer , good penman ; good city references ; ad
dress State Kmp olllco , 1117 Turnum , roe i m : 11.
217 B *
WANTED rirst-rlnn.s pastry cook ; must bo
good on creams. Ices , etc. Address llrowu's
Jtp.sti.urout , N. lltli-Bt. , IJncolu , Nob. 343
T17ANTED ? Ily a flrstclasa drcssmakrr , cn-
T T gagnsemcnt lu private families. E2 818th.
PA Hiss Tumor. CKSmOj
\\f ANTED A man with references understanding -
standing the care of horses nnd cows and
Willing to make liliiipelf useful around the
Jiouse. B. A. Sloman , aj ( S Llth. 22.1 6 *
\\T ANTE D Experienced pantry man ; must
IT bo a good cat vcr ; also a No. 1 baker ; $10
per weck. Jlrs. Ilrega. 814 & aifl S. 16. 213 4 *
t\TANTED tactical shirt makers at Lincoln
J > shut factory , 118 South 10th street , Lin
coln , Neb. 187-lj
/ANTED-A cake baker nt 623 Main st ,
Council llluirs. 1M4
r ANTED-1J arbor at 1IM So 1,1th st 135 8t
WANTED A tntstworthy boy with a good
horsu to carry an venlng route on Daily
Iff o. Apply nt the lice olllcu. 1"0
WANTED Ono good agent for Omaha and
vicinity ; also one in each oouuty In No-
urnska , to Introduce u newly patented window
Ventilator. Profit largo. No capital icqulred.
Address , giving references , Ventilator , llov J U ,
Jlee olllco. IU7 8 *
$75 I'cr Month Agents wautcd In every county.
1'Iau of work easy ; now goods ; write with
stamps. OouldJlTg Agency , K 63 University
Jl'laco. N. Y. City. 4 ) iii'JJ
TDOTB Am. DIst. Tel. Co. , 1304TJouglas.
JP S50
WANTED 1 flrst < dass nursoglrl to take care
of child 'J4 years' old must know how to
BOW will have to travel , must glvo best of refer
ences ; 1 second girl for private family of 3 ,
Bwedo preferred , must give references. Omaha
Kuip. liurcau , 11U N. IGth. ail 4
T\7"ANTED-Glil , must bo good plain cook ,
ft 2W Douglas st. S311
WANTED linmcillntclya competent nur.o
for two chlldrun ; apply at M. 'i' . Patrick'
cor 24th and Lake st. Take preen cant. 218 a
TSXTANTED A competent second rlrl who has
TT worked for good families. Cull forenoon
fit 613 N. and st. 841
* 7 ANTED-ltespoctablo middle aged Swedish ,
.TT , Norwegian or Danish woman as house
keeper , for Cheyenne , $ ! 0 ; faro paid. Dining-
room girls for Iloldredgc , Vlattsmouth and
jVkron , Cock for Sioux City , (30. Laundress
end chambermaid , in city ; four girls for Coun
cil IllulTs , one for A.shland , nnd 5 for good
Jiia es In prlvato families , Hrs. llruga i Sou ,
014 and 310 S. 15th. UK 4t
W ANTED Girl for general housework. 1723
Bt It'll ' St. . Mra. Arnold. 214 6
'SXTANTED A good , stout , llrst-closs house
TT and kitchen girl ; boit cash wages. Call
At OJIO Leavonworth st. Mrs. Vaughn's. ICO 4
W ANTED A uurho girl. Inquire Mrs. Henry
Moyer,22d aiid llowuidtsts. 170 t
WANTED At once , an experienced house
keeper. Apply between the hours t ' "
nnd 3 , 101 North Dili st , Ittl fit
Four good dlmngroom girls al
once , Ilostwlckliotol , Hustings , Neb.
11W 4
GIIt 1.9 Call at International Employment
olllce for situations. Cor. 16th and Doug-
lag. Falconer block. I04
I. AllV ugentH. flu u ilny mire ; now rubber un-
JLJaur garuiunt. Mrs. 11 , F. Little , Chicago ,
in. urn u
VITANTKD Immediately , ladles to work for
TT u wholesale house on needlework at their
liomca. ( Sent uny dUtunce. ) Coed pay can bo
made. Everything furnished. Paitlculars
free. Addnws Altlstlc Needlework Co. , l.Vibth
Bt. . New York City. filO-iil
\\7ANTED Young ladles who uro employed
T T In the city and boarding , to try the Not rlH
Kuropoan jlcftniiriuit. lletit anil cheapeht
ladles nnil gentlemeu'd restaurant in the city.
UI1 31JSo.l tlibt. Opp. Paxtoii Hotel.
! ! S7.
\XrANTED Contractors and otheisto know
T T that w o can till orders for laborers and all
Jclnd.s of male help promptly and Butlsfuctorlly.
fta olllco fvo. iMu. llrcga & Sou , Ull A. IMU 8. IS.
* rNTEHNATIONAI/KmiIoyment Parlors , cor
JL. l&th und Douglaf , will for one week furnish
Yilaces fro.o of charge.
yi girls for housework ut International.
diiln for bi'coml work , und nurse girls atlu-
tern tit loinil.
Dining room girls at International. 1514 *
TNTEHNATlONAIj Kmiiloyinont nailors ; re-
JL bpectublo help bent to all parU If faro Is ad
vanced , cor luth .V Douglas , Falconer bl'k , H , 'J
CANADIAN Employment Omco Male and fe-
male help vent to ull purta if faro is ad
vanced. Hufi-rence , Omuha National hunk , Mra ,
i Dill B 15th. T l. hW. "
/"i ATE City Employment oniro , ! ! 14 S. 15th. Tel-
VJ ephone 1,100. Help for nil kinds of work
tent to all parts. Reference Douglas Co. bank.
* l VANTKO Men and boys out of woik to call
T ) at the City Inti'lllgtinro olllce ( Crulghton
vlk ) , comer jimi and Dougasl t-ts. 617
TTN1ON Employment Olllco Is conducted In an
U honorable mannei , and our applicants
{ supplied on short notice. Small fee. OrJS. llth
Ull mis *
ANTlSlJ-Tuble boardcra , am N. IStit.
'V\ANTKI-linmedlatoly , boarders.
V ? class private table ; terma icasouable. Ill
North I8th at. t Dodge and Capital avo. 185-9J
" \\rANTIU ) I wish to knoivthe whereabouts
, > of MlKo Schmltt of Krieud. Neb. Should
nnyono know the above named man iileaio nd-
iliebd or call ou II. Itqrbadi , llth aud Iluruey bt ,
1 will pay a liberal roHiuii. SM4 *
* V\7ANTKD A ut'tof books tokerportomo
11rltlugtu thocvi'uliif. Address J U , lieo
olllce. na 4 *
* \VANTBU Kverv one to know that I fc'lvo
l Dpoclulntteutiou to tulus of household
furiUturo , llouly Ciclghtou , auctlom'or ' , IMU
I'arnam. 1U b
f\rAN < rElV-l''lfty fuct ot coumter and sixty
* i feet of shelving sunable Sot general tni'r-
fhuudlso Htoro , Address U. C. McDonald. . Uitrti
Ml , la , ( Ul W
T NOAOBMBNTSto dor droMmaVlrtB In faml-
Jll lies solicited , Mi Sttmly. BBS. 18th M.
671 m 10 *
WANTRI > One or tire unfurnished rooms
with board for man and wife ; call or ad-
dre Neb. Clothing Co. KO fij
"IjlOK HUNTFourroom rottaRo on South 18th
JL ( it , ovrrythliiK In good repair , fIS per
month. O. J. sternsdorff , room C , opiwsltel * . O ,
THOU HUNT New 7 room house , with city
JU water. SulOOroMSt , 2M6 *
HI5NT S-room house. Inqulro J. V.
llarlon. M10 Cnpltol ftvo. _ fitfl 10J
17IOH HI'.NT 6-room , 28th avo. and
JL' Webster M. Inoulre at Hoom 007. I'axton
block. 1' . J Crecdon , IPO 4
Fll HKST f. room cottfvro for rent J3.1. nnd
f multure for sale at n bargain : rooms
rented paying rent of houfto ; central , best loca-
tlon In city. Apply liGl DoiiKlai Kt. tt f. '
T71OH HUNT-I-ower floor of 181,1 So. 15th St. ,
X1 near Dorcas ; ami. light and airy ; $9 a
month , with small garden. 1CS
TfTlUJlNIBIIEn House1 To rent for the summer ,
JU ll rooms , fully furnished , all modern Im
provements' , paved street and car lino. Ames ,
) a > T Varnam. IKi 7
FOH HUNT House ( I rooms and closets In
good repair , hard and , ort water , on 17th st.
between JarfcHon and llrownellhall. InqulroGOn
3. 1'illi ' st. 1G.I 4t
OH HUNT Two largo cottages , fB7 nnd fCT
17th avenue , now lu course of construction ;
ready by Juno 1st next , John H. 1Lehmuim. .
171011 Itr.NT Flue Tmodcrn residence l j
JL ? South 17th street , John 11 , K , Lclinmnn.
FOH HUNT S-room house 8nppr month. In
quire S. E. corner llth and vluton st.
J 10-
_ _ _
TjlOH HRNT 7-room cottage , ' "Sia Capitol nvo.
Jj Inquire SilS Capitol ave , Us7-0 *
Foil HENT About Juno 1 , very convenient
H-room house In good repair , desirable loca
tion , 10 mlnitlrn walk from 1' O ; fumlturuand
carpets for sale should applicants \vlsh to pur
chase. AdilrthH drawer i , I'O. UtU
POH HUNT Elegant 10-room house , all mod
ern Improvements , ou car line. Inqulro
lias Douglas st. 075
Foil HENT An 8 room house , with bath. 0110
block from car line , SW per month. II. E.
Cole , room n , Continental block. IKS
ITUm HENT Cheap to Rood tenant , -room
JL1 house , U3iN , 17th. Inquire 2IU S Uth st.
POH HENT IJrlck hotel in city ot 10.000 pop
ulation J. II. Wooloy , Urnnd Island ,
Nob. 470 7t
VEHY desirable 10-room house , corner 2Ist
and Hurt st. All modern Improvements.
On cable and street car Ilm > s. Inquire Dr. Paul ,
no cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. 031 7f
TTIOH HENT Furnished house , 0 rooms. En-
JL ? qulro HW So. SJd St. from U to IS a. re.
2S7 II ?
SOJIETHINO cheap , house for rent or for
sale , fill nlturo for sale , including Encyclo
pedia llrltnnnten , new Sterk jilano and other
furniture. Otto Ileludorfr , K5J Ceorgla avenue.
UHNlsiTlil ) hotel for rcnt-'flio St. Elmo
hotel , Missouri Valley , 7a. The leading ho
tel of the city and only ono block from the de
p ot , For further particulars address I high
P ercy. Hit nils
PFOH HUNT 2 new 11-room nouses , $10 , by S.
T. I'etersen , so cor 15th and Douglas. 7J" >
1710HHENT 2 elegant 8-room houses , all mod-
JL ? ern conveniences , excellent location , con
venient to street cars , KB par month If taken
soon. II. E. Cole , no 15th and Douglas. 5TiO
T710H HENT A 7-room flat. Ino.ulra of ( Ico.
-I ? Illgglns , In the cigar moro 1015 Howard st.
6HI *
TTIOR HENT 1 8-room house. North Saundcrs
JL ? st. Enqulro of C. W. Ueall&Co. . 310 S.
10th. MB
17101' HENT 10-room house , nil conveniences
JL ? Igth st. ; 7-room cottage. Unwind at. ( ! . E.
Thompson , ,111 B. 15th bt. up stairs. KM
rilO KENT Klght-room flat , front room sult-
JL , able for olllcos , with all modern conven
iences , ere s. 13th. f)53
C1OR IlKNT Six desirable Houses , from t ' > to
Jt ? i.W per month. Leavitt Hurnluuii , Hooml ,
Crclgliton block. 077
1710H HENT Nlne-roomhouse with all modern
JL ; convunlencos , furnlturo for sale at bargain.
Inqulro of J. 11. O'Donahoo & Shurfy's
9 HOUSES centrally located , rent from $12 to
875. lunitturo for sale on monthly payments.
Co-op. L. cad L. Co. , 20 > N. IBthst Ml
17IOH.HENT When you want to rent a house ,
-L store of office go to II. E.Colo. uT -
EOH HENT Two good 8 room houses on
1'ark ave , JIO per month , 1) . V. Sholes , Hoom
1 Harker bloclr. KfJ
FOB. HENT A neat $ M cottage. Apply at
once. C. P. Harrison , 418 S 15th St. 65. !
FOlt HENT And furniture for sale , almost
now. at a bargain , best house nnd location
in city ; every modern convenience ; this will pay
to Investigate at once. Apply 170.1 Dndgu 655
F IOR RENT Furnished room. 1708 Douglas.
T7VJR RENT Sulto newly furnished parlors.
JL' and ono single front room , mil St. .Mary's
we. M ' *
"OOOMS furnished or unfurnished , single or
J-\i en suite , with or without board , at nil ) I'leas-
imt st .
tttw Ok- , rr.\j u
171OR RENT Several newly furnished front
J-1 looms for gentlemen , jd mouth , SOU Howard ,
2)8 B *
N'EWI.Y furnished front rooms with or with
out board inprhato family , CO. , southnest
corner 8th and Jaoksou sts. 21 ! ) 7 *
FOR RENT Furnished rooms lupleasant lo
cation , gas bath , etc. , now hoiiso nud now
furniture , no objection to lady roomers ; 2121 ,
Be ward st. 210 10J
PLEASANT furnished room for gentlemen ,
S per month. ( Ml N. 17th. MS D *
10H KENT Furnished rooms , aluglo and en-
milt , 1M3 Davenport Ht. IKJ K
TTIOH HENT Ono elegant front room , furL -
-L ? uLshed , all modem improvements , three
bloces we t court house , halt block trom cable
lino. Also , small room , " 107 Douglas. clHJ
T7)OR RENT A.suite ot furnished or unfur-
J. nlslied rooms ltli nil conveniences for
housekeeping , on 19tli street , south. Toims
moderutu. Address , J Ul , lleo Ollice.
IU2 4 *
O FURNISHED rooms , light housekeeping !
tJ 2U2U St , iiury's avo. 1BU o ;
ij OH Iir.NT PuruUhed rooms with or without
A ? board in private family , nicest locality in
the city. Corner of Pleasant and Bt. Mary's ave ,
Slit ! . Ml 6 *
ITIOR RENT-Nlcolv furnished room. SO per
JL1 mouth , 1510 Haruey st. 205 6t
RENT Nicely furnished ft out room In
EOR cottage , 41M Williams St. , K minutes
Ikbontheust U , P. depot. 200
171URN1S1IED looms cu suite ; also single
JL1 room. 71U So. 16th St. , llvu blocks fron
Farnam , 173-1 *
N ICii ; < Y furntslind rooms for rent , with or
Without board , Ult ) N , 15th , 154 ot
TTMJRN1SHKD rooms for tout , cor. Kill and
J3 Capitol nve. , 1701. 171 8r
OuTiENT-FuruisliPil rooms with or with
out board , on 'M lloor ( Ui South 13th st.
EOR RENT Suite of newly furnished rooms
and ono ylngl room ; all modern convent
ences ; board It ( U'dsed ; near two car linos. U. .
Georgia avo. ( S2Uth st. ) 130 6t
17IURNISIIED and tinturnlslied room for rcn
JU at Kit South lUth bt. UW ( 4J
"T7IUUN1SHED rooms and board , 1UOJ 1'aruam
J hhOlillU *
T710R RENT-To lor 2 gentleineu , room with
JL1 butli etc. , 2U1U Douglas , tK ! '
"IT'OR RENT Furnished rooms in Greunig bile
-i ? cor. l.HU and Dodgexts. Inqulrn of Oeo. It.
Davis , .M illard hotel billiard room. WU
LARGE comfortublo front roqm , suitable fu
three or tour young men , ut lull Dodge.
LA RG K pleasant room , modern conveniences
liUlChtcaeust. , .567
T710R RENT To gentlemen who will Uo per
_ L ! inanent , llitt-claaa loouis , at uioderut
prices , ir.'l Davenport. cat
"I71OR RUNT Furnished rooms with Orat-clas
JO boaid , 2013 Douylai. t.t. 615 4t
TT > OR RENT A nicely furnished front room
-I. uUable for two gentlemeu. Enquire a
20 11. lit M , IQ 'save. 411
TTOU RENT 2 furul > hed rooms suitable for
JU irontU'lucu. luquiro Room C , 3d lloor , 13a
oulas. i
rooms ' , 113 8 20th , fcj ) ji
lfnNISnED rooms to rent ,
room'suitable for gentleman , K23
t j Dodge direct 611
NEW nnd nicely furnished rooms , with aas ,
bath , cuv , moderate rates , at SW9 Don el as.
VEHY pleasant Inrgn furnished rooms ) Ml
desired convenlencesprlvato ; hou oboard ; If
desired ! 1 block from postofllce.HGl Capitol ave.
17HH IlKNT Hoomi furnished and unfur-
JJ niMhod. 1724Cap. ave. D58
O UNrt'llNISH ED rooms for rout-to a small
O family , aiin Clilcago-sl. ' 8on.3t
[ TOR RENT-4 rooms 1T02 Webster st. . . . ai 00
13 .iiooms icei h 2oth st . 12 ta
rooms lions 7th t . rt . U W )
rooms , 4 HIS 19th at . , . 200.1
rooms. 7TI7 Paclllc . v.v . 1360
rooms , IOI N.21 t . --.01100
Judge Rental Agency , S.W. corlMh- Ilarnoy.
. 'JM j i
fjlOR RENT Throe unfttnilsUcJ "rooms for
L1 rent. 2213 Mason St. _ . 003 4J
[ JflOR RENT Two unfurnished floors , JJ12 south
- ' . uith street. '
FOR RENT -A stoto 20x39 , WO. liinuire. OI8 S.
13th. Pctcr&ou , 151
T INTONblock.P. 1,1th , corner of Mason st. Six
J-J liAndsomu now stoioroom with Inrge eel-
nrs underneath , Ilnlsliril with'nil modern 1m-
irovements nnd convenience. ? . Rents moderatu.
Apply to John Hmnlln. Ull 8. llth at , Omaha.
FOR RENT Two-story Brick building. ' 1
Douglas st. ' 1.H 8
RENT Some well located store rooms
cheap. H. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental
> ! ock. JWJ II
HOnillR block-A now .1 story brick Just
Hearing completion , S. E. coiner Park uvo
and ] , oa\cm\ottli , two elegant store rooms ,
eacli24xBO , large collars , also rornur' basement
com finished off for barber shop , several Hats
n tlio second and third floors. 4. < iw rents and
ill modern conveniences. Apply to Hobble
Iros. , telephone ( yS. 271) )
RENT-Onn half of store room. 1212
JL ? Douglas st. Wm. H. Spolmau. 4" l
T7\OR \ HUNT Store and basement , COJ S. 13th
Jtf at. Mrs. M. Lango. t l
FORREST Two business or olllco rooms on
1st lloor 523 per month. W. E. Clark. 1414
In nicy. 6.Y )
RENT-Ilalfotolllco nt 312 S 16th st.
Chamber of Commerce bid , Odell Ilros. it Co.
O FFICE rooms , COS S. 13th St.
TjlOR HUNT Sulto of olllco rooms , Dughman
J- ! block , ror. 10th nnd UoURlaa. Nine room
louse , cor. nth and Dorcas , SJO per month , In
quire W. M. liushman , 1311 LoavenwoUh , 7LJ
"T710R ItljXT Iliwiness room now occupied as
JLJ my olllce on 15th st. C. F. Harrison , 118 S 15th
TjlOll RENT Three stores nnd OnScment at
JU 100.11'arnnm street. Inqulro at Room 19.
Arlington block , 1511 Dodge st , between I ) and
12 a. m. WB
FOR RENT baloou with fixtures complete In
good location. Apply. 10"-t Douglas st.
QTORAGE room to rent , 111J Farnam t.
O aa J3
FOR RENT 8 acres , with good house and
barn , JIM per year , Norwood park. Uonewn
Co. , opposite 1 * . O. ! ) n j ; ]
FOR RENT Oood sale and llverv barn , excel
lent location , rent ruasonaDlo , Innuiro of C.
W. JlcVIckor , rooms , llarkcrblk. T5
IF you want your nouses rented to coed ,
prompt tenants , list thum w ItU J. II. 1'ar-
rotte Rental Agency. IC-ufi Clilcano. K)0 ) mltl
IF YO17 vant j-our houses rented place them
with IIcuiuvu &Co. , loth , opposite postolllco.
" \X7"ANTED Houses to rent , and wo can rent
V > them too. II. E. Cole , N. E. 15th and
Douglas. MJ
T 1ST houses for rent with II. E. Cole , N. E.
JU inth und Douglas. M.
/"I REGORY , F. L. . Rental ngont , yi)0 S 16th st.
PEHSONAfi Any 0110 having u. remedy for
hog cnolcra address J IX ) , Omaha lleo.
LADIES , call at OUCH to s-eo Madam lluppert.
nttheMlllard. She will cheerfully consult
you on the subject of a beautiful complexion.
Call at once ; time limited. : iU 4
PERSONAL Send postal address for May
"Male Mirror. " L. O. Jones , American
Clothier , Omuha. WO 5
PERSONAL do to the Norrls European Ret-
tauraut for your meals. Everything lln > t-
clans , at chop house prices. 311 and 313 M > . 1 Itli
St. , opp. I'axton Hotel. 3S7.
"PERSONAL I.lbtyour property to exclianga
JL with C. C. Spotswood , 305 } ' , S. 10th. st Ml
PERSONA11'rlvato homo for ladles during
cuiillnument , btiictlv conlldeutiul. Infants
adopted. Address E 4' ' , lice olllce. h
STRAYED-From cor. of llth and Dodge sts. ,
bay mule , whlto spot on hip , also marc ,
roan buy , Koro on right hind li-g. Return to
Amos Cruvob , Model Ktemu Laundry.IK U *
OSTWICH Hotel. Hastings. Nob. , May 2. ' 88.
The mall who took my valise this moaning
from this hotel \ \ 111 save hlmsulf u good deal of
trouble by returning the MUIIO at once to thu
1'aston hotel , Oiimhu , with lontents intact. E.
II. Itrando. 21W1J
TOST Saturday evening , April SI , onShthst ,
J but ween Jackson uud Lea veil worth M , , si
grco plaid double shawl , leave at Ueo olllco and
receive reward. i)7 ) 5t
TKAYKD Fromatth and N hts , S. Omaha ;
O gray mare , nbout U years' old , Re aid for
return to F. J. ntl. 3JK 5 * f
IOST-Pmall black mare , bllud In on < ) ey and
J one of hind legs Hwoilen. Kinder return to
Chus AndcrM3ii , Till Loavumvorth ht , Hil 4 ;
T71OR SALE Ono Himu line cells , 4 years old.
X' one line slnglo driver , 4 5 fain old , all fround
and gentle , eaby terms. A. 1' . Tuckey , 15th and
Douglas , &
T7\OR \ HA LE-r trade. 15 head yearling colts.
J-1 uhoud" year old colts , 1 Head U year old
lllly , U head 4 year old cows with calves , I bull .1
year old whlcli I will trade for Omaha or South
Omaha lot or lots ; J. R. Arnold , 17.3 S 1'
TjlOR SALE Furniture , four-room collage ,
-U 8UJJ : rrnt ! H. A bargain. J75cash. Ad
dress , J 17 , lieu Ollleo. mi M
FOR SALE Dormant seal" capacity U.101
Ijounds. I'liiU Ptlmmel &Co. . vil-UIIJoiiM
t. , Omaha. f , )
"I71OR SAT.E 10 head of horses , ranu'Ing In
J piicusfrom J.r > to $ Jo ( ) each ; a taldwcll
wagons , S sots double harness , 1 road cart. All
for tale cheap. Co-op. L. & L. Co , ! ! )5 N ItSth.
! > U5B
_ _ _ _ _ _
ONPaturday next , Jloynth , at I p. in. , I wIU
tell by auction at my olllce , 1518 DoMgo st. ,
all tlicibo iiu > triiments which have been on show
there , consibtlng of i ! levels. " hcrvlco coinpasii's ,
1 hi'ntuut , i pcntagraph , 1 theodolite , with tri
pods , rods and cases and a nuuiLer of curves.nn-
gles , moasun-s and other things used by sur
veyors , architects and engineers , tttrtimer , 1518
Dodge st. 13U 4
TTU ) R SALE Holler and uhaftlng. A UVliorso
JL1 j > ewer boiler , good as new , nearly a fc t
a-inch shafting and about ) feet sinoko stock ,
for sale cheap. Enquire at otllce Omaha 1'ulr
and exposition Association , 213 South Hth bt.
J , 1 1. McShaue , secretary.
T710R SALE Ice cream. Boca water , conft'c-
Jtloucry auil cigar business , H 70 Iteu oinco.
] 710R SALE The furniture , carpets , fixture ?
. and lease ot u pleasantly located , ueuly
lurnlshod house , uour horse and cable cars ,
lioubo heatfd by steam , furuituro , etc. . In use
less than a year ; must bo sold nt once , ror par
ticulars apply to llartmau\- Gibson , 1013 I'ar-
nam st. 497
THOR 8ALE-Hest carriages at Seaman's.
JU Cheapest carriages at Seaman's ,
Ilest phaetona at Beaman's ,
Cheapest phaetons at Seaman's.
Dest buggies at Seaman's.
Cheapest buggies at Seaman e.
lit-st wagons at Seaman's.
Cneaiwst wapon's at Seaman's.
Kost side ot lUlli St. . north of .NlsUolw.
Btudobaleer Itoposltory. W. M 17
TTIOR 8ALK-160.0CW good building brick , do-
-i ? llrered on cars , at 1'cru , Neb , , at a very low
price. U. M. Meara , 815 m 83 *
T71011 BALB-8 or 10 horee power engine and li
J } iorne boiler in coed order. Cheap for casu.
Itccs J'rlutifls Co. 6Ci
TJ10H 8AiK-iarKe UPPTT HOOP itnlUMe for
J llBhtrninufacturln * * ocatlon IIS N 10th at.
PriooRaper month. AflT Heal Estate and
Property Exrli > nReLlgjodgg | st. 937
17UH 9AI.K--Two < 2) ) ttijJwar steel boilers MX
JL ? 14 feet , with smoke stack , steam ( Hinges ,
glass water gusqes. etc. , all complete ; will .sell
cheap. Address FreJ Knie , Urewer , Omaha ,
Neb. -SJ m
1710H SAI.E-I.argo HaUvS safe , now. M. A.
JL1 Upton A Co. _ * Oil-
OlTsAt.E A No. 77flaH'38afo with Insldo
door. 215 South 13ti t. 49J
17IOH 8AI.E If sold atoneo , n No. 1 driving
JL1 homo. Addre ? , _ JJ Ileonice , IPO 4 * n
TtHUVATHsnTeof household goods of n largo
J house. Will soil wlMH > or by piece , for this
week only. Inquire of Anight & Larburg , 813
South mil M. . upstalrg.N gn 5
VXrANTRD lAdlcs and gentlemen to call on
> Madam Iluppert at the Mlllard hotel and
have their linger nalla bc&utllled. g4l 4 *
you nave anything to trade call on or nd <
IF dress OcorgoJ StcrnsdorfT , HoouiO , oppo-
BltC postolllco. 187
OHSAI.K A top on Ry. nearly ncw.C oUnu
bus niakr , also good i single harness. A. II ,
Comstoek. 313 8. IBtbBt. HO
13AHASOI.8 and Umbrellas cirvorert and re-
JU paired at 14th between Dodge and Do tig-
las. II. llalor. Bond mo postal card and I will
call upon you. ' _ 125 b *
/"lASHpald for secondhand books at the An-
\J tlquarlan book store. 8UH M. 16th st. cajmf. '
rpHEbanjo taught as an tut by Goo. F. Qollcn-
JL beck , 80J Harnoy st. isi
HUOH STOCKMAN Hrass andbronzo foun
dry , work of all kinds. Cor. 14th and Ixsav-
enworth sis. , Omaha , Nob. 4Kim8t
' I UK Insurance , reliable companloa. II. E.
Cole , N. E. ISth out ! Douglas. HTT
ANTIJO A good horse , buggy and harness
lu exchange for SouthOnmha lots. Ueorgo
J. StemsdorlT. room 0. opp postolllco. 'JtO
AI.ENTrINE'S Sirortliand'Inotltuto Is the
only practical , exclusive shorthand school
In the w est. All Its graduates are In good sit
uations nud giving entire satisfaction. Students
cancntor at any time. No summer vacation.
Bend for circulars to Valentino's Shorthand In
stitute. 1515 Dodge St. , Omaha. 420
. COWAN has rented a largo storcago
. house. 208'ID and ' 'U South Hthtt ,
whore lie Is prepared to tnko In all kinds of
goods for Ktorago at a reasonable rate ; a lire-
iroof building. 2JIJ3
storage for furultiuc , stores , mer-
CLEAN . etc. Rufus 11. Clark , 314 1111 S Utli
Street. J4 IH2-1
your stoves and furnlturj with the
STORE 1'urnltuio CoM 715-17-21 North
ICtll street. 470m8
STORAGE Having rented the largo six stary
lliopioot building In the Mercer block am
prepared to offer the best facilities for storage
of all kinds of goods , furniture , pianos , stoves ,
buggies , cutters ami merchandise , reasonable
rates , receipts given , insurance. R. Robinson ,
1112' owanlst. 072 mO
TRACKAGE , storage , lowest rates. W. M
llushmau. JU11 Lcarcmvorth. 513
WANTED To buy for aish. a harness busi
ness in NobiasUu , northern Kunsas or
western Iowa. Addu'sa.itbfull particulars
nirkhuuser & Illumcr , ROoin IS , Ware building ,
15th and Farnam. JU Ib3 5
TT10RSALE 10 head othorses , 1 road cart , 2
J ? lumber wagons and naruebs. Co-oporatlvo
Land and Lot Co.0.i ! Ni'Tfltli at. IM 4
ANTED A. 1' . Ttikev will buy some good
1st and M mortgages If well secured. A.
P. Tukey. ! . . ' Farnam. > 1 > 5'J.l
\7IIjIibuyfuriilturoofa IIOUEO or Hat cen
trally located. Co-01/'L. & L. Co , 20J N. IBtU
MADAM ECCLES ! Tht'Wpnderfiil Clairvoyant
and test medium. TjT conscnuenro of her
Increasing bitbinessw 111 rHiuiln lj days longer
at her former parlors NiTSiJ N. 10th , st.
Where In her trance srafe she accurately re
veals the most hldOeuKjn'crets of tnu past.
ircsoiitnnd future , is Ufffoctly reliable in all
.ovo. tremble , diseasepTJSd business allalrs.
Consultation personally wiby mall SI. No let-
teis answered uiilebSiaMftmpuiiletlby lets In
stumps. 3iJ N.mth , omT2n'd tlOor oiuiilin. .
- KM 4
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical , business und test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases a specialty. 11B N. 10th
'St. . Rooms 2 & 3. Tel. 044. 570
M rRS. HOOPER , magnetic healing clairvoyant
nnd trance reading , N W cor 2Uth and Oass.
7U4 m 7 *
fONEY to loan on chattels. Hoom 31 , Cmim-
1 ber of Commerce. C. F. bhaw.
500 iu37
MONEY to loan on horses , tuinlturo und
other personal property , or collateral.
Hatoa moderate , llntlncbs coulldentlal. Olllce
lumoved toS. W. corner 1MU and Douglas sts.
Entrance on 15th ! > t. Thu FalrbauU Invo'it-
munt Co. - 1
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons etc. ,
without lumoval or ou collateral security ,
llu.slness wtrlttly contldcntlal. A. E. ( Jrewi-
wooil ti Co. , Kooin 1 , Cunningham block , cor.
Uth und Jackson. tK''m.ll
M1 ONEY to loan on chattels. Room , ' 11 , Cham
ber of Connneri'e. 000 m27
( tCOO to JW.OOO loans by SIiolos.
MONEY To Loan fly the undersigned , who
1ms the only properly organized loan
agtncy in Omalm. Loans of 110 to $100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , liorsos , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
mad < > on line watches nnd diamonds. Parsons
should carefully consider who they nro dealing
with , as muny now concerns nro dally coming
Into oxistnnco. Should you need money call and
see me. W. R. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell building ,
Kith and Horjiev. 67.1
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate : no
commission charged. L avltt Uuriihum ,
room 1 , Creighton block. 674
MONEY to Ijonn Omaha real estate and
farms. Mortgngtn bought. Odell llros , i
Co.U12S , ICth Chamber of Commerce building.
f)7f >
. to loan on city and farm real estate.
Ltnahau & Mahoney , room Kc ) , I'axtou blk.
ENAWA & CO. , loan agonta , lMhst.opj > osltu
Itoatollleo , 7'J m 10
QIIOLES , Hoora 1 , Harker Illock.
MONEY to Loan J can plnco good flrs > t-cla s
city loans ui eiiort notice and at lowest
rates. D. V , Sholes , room 1 , Harker block.
LAHQH or small loans without delay by
Sholes , room I. Harker block. IW1
MONEYT-OANiTD afa F. Hoed * Co.'rt houa"
OHIcfl , on furniture , planoi , hoHOd , wntgous ,
personal property ot all klmU , and 7'a other ar-
tick's of value without removal. S. 13th ,
ovcrlllngliaui'a cojurnU.tjJi store. All bust-
ness btrletly conlldentlal. 571
MONEY to loan on flrst-llass real estate so
curlty. Harris'ILi&Ij. Co. , W . . H. . . . > . Kith .
IOANH marto ou rcnl c&fAte. Cash ou hand.
-i W. M. HnrrU over fe. Llth in. f.'j
ClIIOI.ES places more SJAa tlian auybocly ,
MONEY to loan , at liIwjratBM , on cTiutToH ,
without removal pr.plliig ; financial Innl-
liens of all kinds tratmcOfl quietly and without
publicity ; monur mlvaiui rf on Jewelry ; secured
nnti'H IxiUL-lit Call and , ej ua , it will pay you.
People's Financial Exchange , room&l'i , llarkor
block , ISth und Faruam ,
MONEY loaned on furifSjire , p.lanos , organs ,
horaed , etc , lowratoH ! J. \VllklnsouJc
Co. . 1417 Farnam. i 541
GPEIl CENT moTioy to loan , Pattersou & liar-
nard , U1H H Uth bt. _ 7o6
MON KV to Loan-O , 1' . Davis Co. , real cstata
flud loan uuunts , UU3 Kuruam st , to )
CCOOO.OOX } ToloaironOmaha city property at 0
tP per cent. O.V. . Day , 8. E. cor. Kx. Hid.
_ fjSi
MONEY to loan on furniture , xvagoni ,
etc. , Ithotit removal ; or on collateral socurr
Uy. liualuobs conUdeutlaU 0 11 Jacobs , XIO S Uth
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ftH
QIIOLKS , Itoom 1. llarker block , for loans.
QITY loaus , Buoles , lloora 1 , liarker block.
UILDING loans. Jjnaliau 4 : JIaUone y .
3 " OANB made on real estate and mortgage !
-t bought. L wl fl. Heed i Co. , 1MI Varuam.
gO JI E choice loans wanted by Sholes. 883
Tj ° ArNl.TORlleonOnillha city property uy n
A-l V , fcholo * . room I Usrlcer liik. 6 , casnon hand , no delay. J.
H Lr. . nd H. U Squire , U13 If xn m st. PM
ton hotel buildina. r.n
r A. WOODMAN-Money folium onr l
O tate In sums to suit , zw South 13th nt.
_ , M7
SUE Sholea before getting a loan. .
_ 833
GHOLES makes Improved city loans. 333
HE. COt.n loans monev on Improved city or
farm property. Hoom 6 Continental
block. 870
JjlOll loir r to loans , Snolcs. US3
MONEY to Ioan-t ,000 to loan In sum ! ' ot
from JoflO to SJ.50U on Omaha and South
Omahaproperty. . Jlonoy on hand , Wright Sc
Lasbury.aiS 8.14th gt. , upstairs. fei )
MONEY To loan , ixiwost rates. No delay
J. I , . Hlce A Co. , over Commercial Na
tional bank (90
K OUNTZK 1'lnco loans by Sholos. 333
3I1OUT time loans madn on any araniUilo
J Bflcurlty , id reasonable amounts. Secured
mips bouKUt , sold or exchanged. Oeneral
financial business of any kind transacted
iromptly.qulotly nnd fairly at the Omahn Fi
nancial Kxchango , N. W. cor. nth and Har
tley nts , over State National bank. Corbet * ,
nanagor Ml
Sj"6TE3 bought. 0.11. Jacobs. 33) S. loth st.
B UIMJINQ loans. Sholos.
\rONEY to loan on rurmtiiro. horses , wagons.
-I'L etc. , or on any approved security. Itovr
rules. J. W. Itobblns. 18H Karniun. KCi
500,000 to loan at lowest r.xto ot Interest , oa
P city property. II. II. Iroy , Frenzorblk , opp.
! \Jt &itl
21'ENDin rates on loans. Sholoa. 3SJ
"TTIOH SAtiK The U. S. on a household ma-
Jchlno covered by to patent s. Costs J2" > to
manufacture. Solli quick for $1 IS. Will sellmy
vhole Interest , or will form i\ stocK comimny.
iliLsInoas established In N'cbrusku.Iowa and 1111-
lols. Address , J 24 , Hoe , 25.1 *
" 171011 SAMil VIrst class moat market , dolnR
J. best cash tradn 111 the city , cheap for cash.
Address K 4. lleoolllce. SSI 0 CD
T\rANTT.D An active business man with JW )
to J2.Y ) to take hold of a fast sellltiR article ,
[ 'rollls from 110 to J40 per day. lioom 4. Crounso
Jlock , Hi ) N liltli. gju J 4
FOll SAIX-Photopraph gallery outlltat less
tluin half price. C. II. Walworth , sw cor.
luth and Douglas st. IT n
a3OiX ! ) An Immense chance ; a contracting and
P manufucturlnt ; business for sale In this city
[ latent buHllnprmntorl.iluo ( ; opposition , a mo-
lopoly ; previous oxperlouco Is not necessary ;
ihorouBli Investlgutfon and proofs Klvon. owner
.s compelloil to leave the city on account of largo
: ntcre6ts elsewhere ; rome and look at It at .1. K.
Ulackmnn , 1 Douglas at. , upstairs. "M OJ
T7UKST class hotel for sale or exchamw. H. S.
-L1 Lilly , rual estate dealers , llrokcu Uow , Nob.
TTIOH SAl -Confectionery , fruit , tobacco and
J-1 clRar , Ice cream fixtures ; beat location In the
city , a crand ehunco to go in to business. Ad
dress J 2. lieu olllco. 110 7r
" \\rANTDD 1'nrtnor with KO for theatrical
> T enterprise ! that has paid $180 In ono week.
Ad dress J 21 IJce. 21MJ
T\7E hove forsalo n longtime lease ot the best
' location for fancy retail bu&lncss ill the
city. Vcaron , Cole ic Hobertson. U10 S. ISOi t.
FOH HALE-iShort Order restaurant. Can
makeKMOto a month. Part down ;
Imlanru on time. Oood reasons for selling. Ad-
' : -BS , J J5 , lieeoflico. 11)1 ) B *
POH SAtjK Cheap A clean stock of hardware
and tinners' tools amounting to about
.roj ; good trade , good town , t o U. H.H. , only
one other ho id ware In town. Good reason for
selling ; will not trade. Direct to Lock Hox22 ,
Davenport , Nob. I'JU 4 *
"VTOTICK Clark's Valaco hotel , located In
JOreenwood , Nebraska , all furnished com
plete , tltlo good and free from Incumbrance , for
hale or exchange or will rent sutun from ono to
three years , party renting to buy the furnituru.
Address nil communications to Geo. W. Clark ,
Greenwood , Nebraska. 10 ? 4 *
71011 SALE A stock of hardware in good lo-
JL1 cation. Co-Oporatlvo Land 4 : Lot Co. , 2U3
N. 10th st. 1W 4
7IOK SAVff-An established business doing
- * i" > .lOO u year , contrail } ' located , good reason
for soiling. Address J 13 , llee. 105
fK can hull you anything from a fruit stand
to a mammoth storo. Co-operntlvo Land
& Lot Co. . 306N. 10th st. 150
FOH BALK Restaurant doing good business.
Apply HB 8.10th st. 1X"J 5 *
SALK Several good restaurants. CoOperative -
Operative Ij nd & Lot Co. , 203 N. intli it.
FOR SALK A banking business In a promin
ent location with , lease , books , time look
and good \ \ 11 ! , . Addles 11 GB , lleo onice.C13
C13 4
OlOAIt , confectionery and tobacco stand for
. sain , rent AM , prlco J100. Co-Operative
Laud & Lot Co. , 20.JT. lOtli st. 1 5 4
FOlt SALE A good brick vard and all the ap-
pnrtauance.s , ul o ! WJ,000 good brick.
Apply HI an & Walsh , room 0. Arlington block.
$ lij'J ' per month , $ 'i.starts you m business , conn-
try rights free ; Houdhtamps for catalogue
1'otteison Oil Humor fin. ,
201 Cniml st. Clilcngo , 111. 107 m20 *
FOR SATiU Grocery store , meat market ,
Ire cream parlor , and all kinds of business
chancel. CD Operative Laud is Lot Co. , 2JJ N.
IHth ht. 1R5 4
T71OH S.VLH or exchange. A new combined
-L. ll'ibbl roller and burr mill with complete
outllt of modern machinery , doing a good busl-
iness , with unltmltoil water power , on Llttlo
Illuo river. In Tliuyer county. Nob. No bettor
location In thn state. Will tuko good lands > r
city property In ( part or eutlrn ) exchange. Ad
dress , A. O , ColUim. Hebron , Nob-
T7IOR 8ALH A good paying busluoss. Cigars ,
JU stationery toys , soda water fountain etc. .
In first-class location. Ktock will Invoice about
W.jU ) . Will tattu city real estate In oxcaungo.
Knqutro at Mux Meyer .t Co.'s. 2ill
FOR SALE Ilrlck hotel , with storo-rooms ,
cheap. In city of IU.IKH population. Llttlo
or no intmey required. Long time , low Intoreat ,
easy terms. ( Iroat bargain. J. II. Woolley ,
Giiiiul Island , Nob. 4TD it
rPO 15XCHANGIJ-W ) acres of land in Rooks
Jcounty. . Kan. , fit ) acres brokou , stone house
and bam , all go ( d laud , for a good muat murk -
k t , grocery titock or hardware , Address M. ( J.
B. , IOCK box 4 , Auburn , Nob. 2M 4J
WILL exchange 10XXI acres of the finest till ,
able' gruring and mining land InVyo -
mtiiKiorOiiiUhn vac-ant lots.hinall incumbranro ,
. line nuldcnco house utia lot clear , and No-
huwka farms t price Jl.H ) per ncr4own ; ra equity
In contract WI.3JU. Addrcaa I. U. , Norfolk. No-
brusku , . ll 7 0
ONK hundred and hlxty acres of South Daicota
laud for stock of harness and saddles nnd
saddlery Imidwarc : land is sltuatod at Miller.
Hand Co. , D.ik. , on line of 0. N. W. U. It. , or will
tiadp forstock of buggys and carriages. What
have you got. Audre.u W. J , K. Lock
llox 21 , Onawu , Iowa. ItQ-fj'
TT10R EXCHANOE-Varont lots clear and en-
X' curaborud , for farms and Improved city
property ; huouurltbt. II. K. Cole , room fl. Con-
tlni'utal block- . fi.10 Ul
Tooxchungea good , substuntlul
t mid commodious brick hotel building ,
% \ ell rented , located at Lincoln , county m-at of
Logan county. Ills. , for improved or raw west
ern land. A bargain to rignt party. 1'or par
ticulars address J.M. Molonuy , Lincoln , IIU.
1J2 1 il
FOR iXOItANan-We : have n largo list of
licniaiw and lots , farms , etc. , fur exchange ;
when you huvo anything to uzcbango romu and
t > eo us. H. i : . Culu , roQiuU , Coulincutul block.
you tu trade for 80 acroa of land
uuiuciimborod In .lunoan couuty. Wls , ,
3 miles from couuty neat. U. J.
( opp 1'oatolllce. 1UT
T OR TRADE Or Bale A span ot carriage
JL ? horses ; a nlro carrlngo ; u span of hlto
pnntejandotl outllt , cans , etc. ; a line driving
mare , pheuton ; also hlngld and iloublo liarnebs ,
Will turn fuiuu in us llrst payment on a nil o
hoiiso or lot centrally located. Cull at unro un
, lklg 'arllalu. B.'J
J.IOUSKSandlut&iuOiuahu for haul , wild or
1 Improved
Wnutod StocKs of dry goodi. groceries and
lUorchandUo In exchange for uniahu property
mid farms.
Wanted Horses for Omaha property.
Wauled Good farms , rancUea , dairies , for
farnu and Omaha pronerty.
Wanted Cattle or taeeii for Omaha property
or improved farui4.
a ooil road horse , 3 colts , standard bred.
bupny , 2-sout wagon , harness , robes. Arc. , will
oxcliango for good lot worth tl AO clear.
Proptrty of all kludu for lulu ot uxckang * . J.
H , Wutu , Chamber of Commerce. 3 i 0
raxl3coruor 3d and Douglas sts , to trade for
- on elaht to tea-room house and lot. Ota , J ,
SttruidorJT room t , opposlts 1 * O. ' KM
TITAVniMtotilnn. . * 'SC. Park addition to
JL .South UmMiR , free ot Incumhrancis to
trade for Improved or unimproved omana property -
erty , farm lands , stocks of goods , horses , cuttle ,
or anything of mine. These lots r rapidly
increasing In value , nd It you have anything to
trade call and sea me. George J. Stcrnsdurtr ,
room 6 Frenrer block. oppoMta postofflce , 230
1J10H or two South
J.1 Omaha lots for f ptnof in r or mulrs. W.
K Selby. 1B1 Farnam at. W )
IWIMi give any on n good trade fornflna
restdrnco ; call and sea mo. UcorgaJ.St rn > -
dorll. Hoom 0 , opposite postofllco. 1C7
NEW 8 seated carriage and now single top
buggr to trade for long tlniorral estate
mortgage. W. lj. Selby 1321 Farnam st. ( MJ
BIUPK Wantcd-100,000 bricks In exchange
for good Inside Omaha property , S. A <
Sloman , room and 23 Hcllmau bidg. KJ
BlnilTYSO ( ) ncres of land adjoining IaVo
Mauawn. Council. IMuITs , la. Tills tract
will make 400beautiful lots nnd Is free from
onrumurnnco. Whatlmvo you to offer ? ( leorgo
J. Stcrundorfi , room n , opp P. O. 107
A FINE farm in Missouri , clear of Incnm-
brance , to trade torn good house nnd lot
or vacant property. Heorgs J. Sternsdorff ,
Hobm 0 , opposite postonice , 1H7
riTItADKH madn In roul cvstftto and personal
X property. S o exchange book. Co-op. U
and I' . Co.205 N. 16thst. 003
ANTED to Exchange-Two lots In II. ft SI.
park for homo anil buguv. Inquire at S.
A.Stomau. 13th and Farn&m , lloltman block.
T\TANTED * 0 houses and low to exchange
T > C. C. Spotawood , 3a-.M S. ICth st. & )
ENSONAcCAHMlCHAED furnish complete
and guaranteed abst.rnct.iot tltlo to auy
real estate. In Omaha nnd Douglas couuty upon
short notice. The most complota setof abatraat
books In thejilty. No. 1519 Kiirnnm st. fiW
MIDLAND Ouarantcfl and Tntst Co , 1505
Funiam street Complete abstracts fur-
Dlnhed. and titles to real cstata ixamlnod , p r-
fected and guaranteed. Ol''i
Abstracts South Omaha Ed. Johnson ie
Co , agents South Onmha Land Co. . have
the only complete sot of abstract books In
South Omaha. Complete abstracts furnished
on xhort notice. Olllco opposite depot , South
Omaha. R 7
1J1O11 SALlUonso anil lot on Lake worth
JJ JO.IMK , will sell for anOOD If taken InMdo 80
due. Inquire IKU NllltU st. S07 IB
LOOK at this A news-room house , gas , bath ,
furnivco and full lot In Kountzo place , prlco
f n,500 , tl.UJU cusli , balance $75 per mouth. Ham
ilton Uros' , 403 S. Mh st. 152-10 *
FOR SALH 5-room house and full lot , 21st
street. 2FOO , 1,000 cash ,
fi-room house on 20th st. , S3.3.V ) , tl.OCW cash.
Corner lot on2)d ) street , JI.WW.
II. W. Huntress , 1417 Faruam sU 150
I WILL sell to the highest bidder , lots I nnd a
. block 7 , DO ft by 127 , east ami north fronts ,
only 135 ft from Relt Line , and ono block from
Satiuder.s st. Isabel add. , nnd ono good lot In
Orchard hill. Stringer , 1518 Dodge st. 1TJ 7
HOUSE and lot for sale In South Omahn , not
Insomo town near by , for S 00 ; tioocasli
and $15 per month. D. D. Smeatou , Ilurkur
block. 088-4
AllAROAIN-Lot 19 , block n , L'ottcr & Cobb'a
addition to South Onuinn , for $ 'WO. 'Ibis
lot Is worth $500. I. N. Watson. 3M 8.15th st.
483 4 *
L. RICE If CO. , Real Estate. 593
WE HAVE a few-pieces of good land In Hyde
county , Dakota , for sale cheap. Corre
spondence solicited. 1'arkcr & Uaraas , High-
more , Dakota. 2IW
T71ORSALE Or exchange.Vo have some good
-L' Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms ;
which wo will sell cheap or trade for stock of
clothing , furnishing goods.dry goods , boots and
shoes , groceries or hardware. Schlcslngcr Itros.
014 8 10th bt. IWOmlB *
BIGGEST llargaln Yot-I have 7 full-sized
lots for h.ile , lit Icon minutes' walk of Ar
mour's packing house , for 3i5 ; only $100 cash to
get a deed and loss for a contract. D. D Smea
tou , llaikur block. US8-4
J.L. . RICE ic CO. , Real Estate. C93
EOH SAliE or Trade Farnam st. . near 33th ,
inciimbrunco K.OOO. Equity W.OOO.
Farnam 8t. , cor 31st , IMxliii
Trackage , 13th st. near ( Jraco. < M < cll3.
fuming st. . cor 31st. 4S.U3xllO tncumbranca
N. ICthst , near Nicholas , ClxlOI. Incumbranco
Maunders st , cor. Hurt , 100x51 , Incumbranco
1'arkave. facing pars , COxlW , incumbrauco
Jo/iO / *
Douglas st , near Wth , 00x133 , Incumbrance
2.5 lols in n. & M. Park add to South Omaha , otlucumbrauco , perfect title.
2 quarter sections of school land la Kosautu
Co. , Iowa.
I quarter section land in Grundy Co. , Nob. ,
above property for sale or trade for
„ sldo Improved property or good im
proved or unimproved farms. 8. A. Sloman ,
rooms 23 and SJ , Hellinau bldg,13Jl Furnum St. ,
Omaha , Neb. 81J
I HAVE several choice , inside , full lots , upon
which I can build houses to suit purchasers
upon thuir cm n selection of plans , and on terms
to Htilt. Tills will pay to investigate. D. V.
Sholcx , room 1 , Darker block. 125
1. RICE & CO. . Real Estate. 608
FOR SALE Two acres , on Vinton St.between
21ht and 22d bt. , ! ! ,000 , half cash. J ohu Ilag-
ley , on premises. 014 5 *
L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 603
F [ SALE 9-room modern house , 60 feet of
ground , near IStli and St. Mary's ave. , for
87,000party anxious to aolL Q. E. Thompson ,
314 S. 16th at. H74
FOR SALE f/ot on Nicholas and 13th. Brtxin : . ' ,
for $0,000. Address John U. SUaw. Hamil
ton and Lowe avo. 100 m'i *
L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. C98
TTIOR SALE At less than cose : Nine nice ,
JL ? neat cottages , well built , elegant lots In
elegant location , high and dry , and only short
distance from Itult line depot In Walnut Hill ,
from &KXI to { 1,100. U cash , balance (10 per
Thcso houses are being closed out regardless
of cost und you cannot get another such a bur-
gain In a hundtcd years. Call quick on D. V.
ShoU's , room 1 , llurkcr block , - 723
OmaEia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only road to take for Dei Molnot , Munhultowa
Crdur Itapldi. Cillilori. lIUou , ClileHiju , .Mllnuuki'u
und nil iiulntM Kust To tuu puopfu ot liobriisku.Colo.
rado , Wyuuiln/i Ulub , | duhn , Neviulu , OnwiiVmli -
liinton und Callfurnlu , It otiera uupurlor udvuntiigui
nut iio lllo by any ntlier line.
AIIIUIIK a few of the numerous points of luporlorlly
cnjnyml by tlio patrons of tlil < ro.Kl between Omahn
und ChlriiKo , are I In two trnliD a day ut DAV
COACHES , wliHii am tlio finest lhat bumnn rtHnd
liiKiiiiulty can create. lUPAI.ACh'nl.KKI'IMi CAIIS ,
wlilcli aru iiiofloUitf t'nmfort nnd uli'tftiDcn ItH I'Alt-
J.OH DHAWINO UlK\t OAIIS , uinurpaMc.1 by uny ,
mid lt widely ci'lobraled IMI.ATIAI. IHNING CAHS ;
ttiu ( fjunl of wlilch cannot be found elieivliere. AI
Count II Illuirn , tbo trains ot tlio Union Tactile Hull-
wny connctt In union depot wlili the o of the Clil.
r > i ) .t NiirtliwesU'rn Uy. In Clilcavo Ilia trains ol
this line make close connection ftllti tliosu ot all
oilier Kaitern ln | .
For IKitrolt , Culumbns , Indianapolis , Cincinnati
Nlumiru Knlls. Ilutlal" , I'lttaburir , Toronto , .Monlrual
Iloxtou , New Vork , 1'htladulpbla , lUltlmoru , Wuiti
iiik'tou , and ull point * lu tliu Ku t. Ask furtluxvU via
" ' "
If you wlili Ilio boit arcomiuoU'tiuu. All ticket
iiironunell tlkeu > la this lies.
Uun'l Manager. tivu'l 1'usi'r Ascnt.
W.N. 11AI1COCK. Oen'l. Western Azent.
l > . li. K1MIIAI.I- kev Auont.
U. \Vli3J' , Cltj I'asivnger A cent
_ HOI rarnani St. , Omuha. Nub. _
. , TJie lv 't known ana inou popular llotal lo Ilia
Itate. locatloa central , appolutinuuis nnt-cUn
ll adquart ri for comiM rcui inuu ad all polUci |
I'ropneto *
who u wr.AK , rrr.nvorn. DKMIMTA
hM TRIFLED away hi * viunn of nonr ,
KIND and HANUOOII.CRixIncexhAtiitlnc
dralni upon the FOITNTAINN of LI > 'K ,
EIKAnArilR , nACKACHK , Dreadful
Dreumi , WKAKNKNN of M morT. IMRK.
Pn.NF.S5 In NOriKTY , I'l Jf 1M.KB upon
he r\CF. , and nil th RFFEVTN Itudlnrto
RARI.Y I > KOAY and pfttiftM CO.XSUjfp.
TION or INNAMTY.ihould consult t once
he CKI.KHnATF.l ) Dr. ClMke , KsUMtiticd
SSI. nt. Clarke has made NnRVOim IK-
IIILITY. CHHONU1 and all IMicues of
Htndy. It rnakm NO dltlortnre WHAT jou
tTe talen \VMO hM fnil d to cure you.
Kfr KM At.KN lurTertiiK from rtl. M 8 ptcil.
iar to their I K can consult with the u urnncs >
> f ipeedy relief and cure. 8tml 2 cent * pottAjro
or works on jour diseases ,
* 3 flond 4 cents postftpo fbr Cclohrntvil
Worri * on Chronic. N r\nim anil Ucll *
c t UUcates. Consultation , personally or by
etter , ! > . Consult the old Doctor.
YtioninmU cur d. OITtcptiand pnrlorai
> rtvnto. * j-Thoio contemplatlug Marrlara
nd for Dr. Clnrke'a coletimlcd guldo
Mnlo and Fcmitle , each ISc. , both 3f > c.
stamtw ) . Iltfbra conOillna your case , coniult
Or. ( Jl.AKKE. A friendly loiter or call inn ?
Mve future suflorlng atul suamo , and add roldea
yean to tiro. -ltook Mfo-a ( Secret ) Er
ror1 , " soo. ( stamps ) . Mcdlctno and writings
ot everywhere , tecnre from vxpoisur * .
noun , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to la. Addrriu ,
F. i > . OUABKE , M. D.
180 So. Clark SU OHIOAOO , ILL.
Its main llnca and branchoa include CIHOAdO.
rom. DEB MorNEs , couNCiLBurrro. MOB-
EirwonTn. ATcnraonr. COJDAII HAJTDO.
and ncort > 3 of Intormcdiato cltloa. Cholca ot
routes to and from the 1'aclflo Coast. All trani-
'ere in Union dopota. Font trains of Zlno D 7
Coacboe. elegant Dinlntr Cars , magnificent Full *
man Falaco Blcororo , and OAtwoon Clilcngo. Bt
roaeph. Atcalaon and Uonsaa City ) ItocUnlna
Chair Cora. Boata Free , to holders ot throucb
ftrat-closB Ucketo.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Groat Rook Island Routo. "
Extends Wool and Bouthwost from Kansas City
and Bt- Joseph to NELSON. 11OHTON , , DELLK-
UTCinNSON. CALDWELI. . andallpolutaln
and berond. Entire passenger OQutpmont of tht
calebraUx } Pullmnn manufacture. All eafoty op *
jlioncoB and modem Improvomonts.
The Famous Albert Loa Route -
la the favorite botwooa Oblcaeo , Hock Inland.
Atchlson , Kansas City and Hnnaapolls and Bt.
rauL Ito Wfttortown branch traverse * th srcBt
of Northom Town , Southwestern Minnesota , and
East Central Dakota to 'Watsrtown. Spirit Lake <
Bloux Folia and many other towns and cltiea.
The Short Una via Dentca and Kunknko * offora
eurorior laclUtlea to travel to and from Indian-
ipolia , Cincinnati nnd other Southern polnU.
For Ticfcett , Maps , Foldcro , or desired Inlbrma-
tlon. applat any Coupon Ticket OBlco or addreM
Oea'l Mnnosor. O n'l TkU & fcaoAgt. .
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Host Route from Onmha and Council
ItlulTs to
Chlcnpo , AND Milwaukee ,
St. L'anl , Minneapolis , Cedar Unplilrf ,
Hock Islaiul , Frccport , llockfonl ,
Clinton , Jtnbuiiiic , DuTcnitort ,
Elgin , Jhullson , TiincsvHlo ,
Uclolt AVinona La
, , Crossp ,
Ami ull other ImporUuit polnti Knst , Northeast nata
Kortlirnnsh tlckotn cnll on tlio ticket agent at 1101
Kurnnin tiootln Darker lllook , or ut Union I'&clUo
ullman Sleeper * anil the finest Dining Cars In the
Tvorl J nro run on tlio miUii linn ot tlio Oblrazo , Mil
wnukco A tit. 1'uul luitlwiiy. nnil orory nttoiiUon U
pnlil to pnaaunitun tijr courteous cnjjilojos of Iha
R. MII.I.Kll. enfri > l Manncer.
J.T. TUCK Kit. AfSWntitUonerilManBKOr.
A. V. U. UAUl'ISNTISlt , Uuueml I'njacngor and
Tlcktit ARKIII.
( iio.i : : . MHAKKOllI ) , Asalatiint General 1'iujoaco ;
and Ticket Aucnt.
J.T. ULAltft Ucnoral BuperliitonJenU
BBS. S. & B.
1742 Lawrence St , , Denver , Cole ,
Of tlio Muxoiiin ( if AiiHloiny , Ht. LouisMo. ilciulicn
nf UllUcrMty ( Jollcun Jlnniiltul , l-nntlon. M. I ) .
Cilcsun.Cermunx niiU New Viirk.liuvlnudovotcd tlielr
iillcnUon ( .jieilully to the truntmont ot
HefvouSjChronic&Blood Diseases
Morn e pecl iilly tlioto nrlMtmfrom Impriidpnce.lnTll *
all 8i ) fiUllciitiK to corrc4iniii | | Kllhoulilehiy. Dfaotutui
or Infec lion uiul eiinliuldii cured lalelr anil bpuudlly
without 11 so ut cluimiTiius itriiK * . 1'ntlonta wlioie
CIIMM IIIIVH biiun neifluctcil , l > ; illy : trcutoil or pro.
nouncivi Incriubla. uhould not fnll to write us cou-
rurnltiK llii-lr symptoms. All letters rccolvo liuuiuij
late intention.
And will l > o ninlU-il 1'ltKU tonnrndilrKBi upon receipt
of one 441'ut Btuuiii. "I'riu tli'ul Uh orruU < iii un Nor.
vuim DehtlHy nml I'liTnlral Kxliiiimllon " A rnlunlila
meillcul UcullDO vtfjlcli ohoulil liu road by nil. Ad-
ilro i ,
. . . ,
17'I2 Lnwrcnco Strccl , Denver ; Colo.
Wliero t-buellncn ] , Comfort and
lloultlinro ilunlruil Itli ltidlpeni <
able. Corpulent Ilk'uroa reduceij
Hud made xlmpulr lu throu to 1
months.Vonirn need DO lonjcr
miller from wi'iikncti of tliclriex
liy wtmrliix Hits nupporter. Ou ula
liy Ivmllnii niorcljiiula. Or for Clr-
culnrsami Infonuntion uddrco
2GJ ! StafflSt. , Clh Floor.
Warranted nl > $ < itutetijmre
Cocoa , from which the excess of
Oil IHIS lt en removed. IthasMrct
I nut i the tlitrylli of Cocoa mixed
with Starch , Arrowroot or Eugar ,
and is therefore fir more ceonoml-
cl , ( citing leu Man oni tent a
cup. It is dillclous , nourliUIng ,
ctrcngtlitnlnc , ruilljrdlgettod , aud
adtnlrtblj udajittd fur Invalids at
nell as for iicr otis in ltealtlk
KolJ If tirorcrsjittrjrnher * ,
CO Dorclicsior Mass
BAKER & , , , ,