Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    3Z1 !
Advertisements under this head , 10 cents per
line for the llrst Insertion , 7 cents for each Rub-
Sequent insertion * nnd IIJW a line per month.
No advertisement , taken for less than a * ! cents
for th first insertion. Fcven words will be
counted tot IIP line : they must pin consecutively
nnd must lo paid In ndvancc. All ndverttsc-
incnts must bo handed in before 12:30 : o'clock p.
irt. , and under no clrcumstancei will they Ua
taken or discontinued by telephone ,
4'nrtles advertlMng. In tliwo colnmns nnd hav
ing the answers ndurci > * ed In care of the Ilee ,
Wll plcafie ask tor n check to enable them to
get Inclr letters , ns none w111 bo delivered except
m presentation Of check. All answers to adver
tisements should Ixi fnclowl in envelopes
All Advertisement * In those columns arc pub
Jlshed In both mornlne onrt evening editions ot
the Ilee , tlio circulation of which nggregalos
more than 18.000 papers dallv , and gives the ad
vertisers the beneQt , not only bf the tlty circu
lation of tlio lire , wit also of Council tllulTs ,
Lincoln and other cities and oilier cities and
tojvns throughout thu section of the country.
"BRA N CH O F F ! cEsT
Advertising for these columns vrlll be taken ,
on.lho above conditions , at the following bus
iness houses , who are authorized agents for THE
lieu ftfteclal notices and Will quota the same
mice OB aio be had at the main ofllce.
South Tenth
O ; ttABi : & EliDV , Stationers and 1'rlntors ,
South 18th Street.
H. FAHN8WOHTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
1W ( lug Btreet.
W J. HUainJS , PlmnuBclst , 24 North 10th
, Rt. .
G HO. W. PAHH , I'hannacist , 1809 Bt. Mary's
G.llI.tITHI.Il. . News Dealer , Post Onicc ,
. South Omaha.
\\rANTKD ( lentloniRii. 24 years of age , do-
, TI Hires a position In nn insurance or real es
tate odlco ; object to learn the business. Can
KlvpA No , 1 references. Has recently held po-
Bltlon of Invoice clerk In the largest wholesale
tea house In the U. 8. nt Chicago. Address J 7 ,
Heoolllcu. 132-aj
A OOOD baker and cook for H. H camp wants
a steady job. Call O. 1' . , Commercial
hotel. 174-2 *
WANTED Hva yo tiiigiiian , position In store
or hotel olllco. 1 speak KngllMi , German
nnd Holiomian. Add J 0 , Ilee olllco. lit ) 3 *
WANTED Kirsr-class pastry cook ; must bo
Rood on creams. Ices , etc. Address llrown'a
llcstuurant , N , llth-st. , Lincoln , Neb , 34B
WANTED lly aflrstclas * dressmaker , eti-
cagagcment in private families. F22 8 l th.
Jilts Tuinur. ( IKimliJ
WANTED Experienced pantry man ; must
bo a good carver ; also a No. 1 baker ; J10
perwcck. J > liB.Jlifgn.814&3IOS.ll > .
AGENTS wanted Latest ad-crtlRlng novel-
ties. Iridescent sign , otc. Hampies free ;
Incloho stamp. Hobert Sims i : Co. , Washing
ton , 1) . C. 810
" "W7ANTKD Heglstorcd pharmacist for city
T 1 drug store , must bo a first class man and
have tcootl references ; uddrobs J 19 lice. 210 it
SECOND Cook Wanted At the Windsor hotel.
None but u sober and thoroughly capable
man need apply. 2013
AUKNTS Wanted Latest advertising novel-
t'os ' , Iridescent Blgti ! < , etc. Samples free ,
lucloso Btamp. Hoburt Sluis & Co. , Wuslungtou ,
D. C. 810 a
T\rANTKn-Practlcal shirt makers nt Lincoln
shirt factory , 11H South 10th street , Lin
coln , Nob. Ib7-lj
WANTKD Iteglstered pharmacist at once
for Auburn , Neb. Mate v > ages and glvo
reference. Addreta Dr. II. C. Hamilton. Scrau-
tontlty , la. 148-y *
wANTKD A cake baker at 583 Main 8t ,
Council Illuirs. 1511
EXPKHIKNCKT ) boy ; none other need apply ;
drug btor c. ffi.'l 818th st. 1U8 8 *
ANTKD-llarber at 1131 So 1'Jth bt. 135 St
\X7ANTKD A trustworthy boy with a good
? horwo to carry au oveiilng route on Dally
lice. Apply at tliu lieu ollice. 1-0
\\7ANTKD-Ono good agent for Omaha and
Tt vicinity ; also one Iu each county In Ne-
liraska , to Introduce a newlv patented window
ventilator. Prollt largo. No capital it-qulrod.
Address , giving references , Ventilator , Itox J 0 ,
lleo onion. 127 t *
WANTKD An experienced night clerk ; must
have tlrst-clabs icgoreiicvs ; wages $ .10. Mrs.
JJregn. 310 S.15. 123-3
$75 Per Month Agents wanted In every county.
Plan ot work easy ; new goods ; writowlth
stamps. HouldMTg Agency , K C2 University
Place. N. Y. City. 4H3mlJ )
B , OV' Am. Dist. TcU Co. , 1304 Douglas.
Tf\7ANTKD-llespoctablo middle-aged Swedish ,
TT Norwegian or Danish woman as houso-
Ueoper , for Cheyenne , $ -0 ; fnio paid. Dining-
room Rills for lloldredge , Plnttbinouth ami
Akron. Cook for Sioux City , { 30. Laundress
pud chambermaid. In city ; four girls for Coun
cil lllufls , ono for Anhland. and 85 for good
places In privntu families. Mrs. Hrcga & .Son ,
81 lalid 310 S. 15th. 212 4t
W ANTED-Girl for general housework. 17-J
St It'll ' Bt. , Mrs. Arnold. 214 5 *
WANTKD A good , stout , llrst-class house
and kitchen glrlj best cash wages. Call
nt 8SIO Leavenworth Bt. Mn * . Vaughn's. K/o 1
WANTKD A uurhBRlrl. Inquire Jlrs. Henry
Jl oyer. 88d and I toward ts. 170 4
"TST'ANTKD Atonco , an experienced house-
T keeper. Apply between the hours of 8
nud 3,101 North Uth st. 12,1 nt
TT7"-ANTKD A competent girl for general
T > housework. Apply U51 Soutli SOth bt.
m 3 *
_ _ _
WANTED 1'our peed dlningroom girls nt
ouco , llostwlck hotel , Huntings , Neb.
108 4 _
WANTKD Uootl Bccond girl ; must como
well recommenced , lunulre 1U14 Kaniam
Btreot. U80-8 *
GlHLS-Call at Intm-natlounl Employment
olllco for sit nations. Cor , 15th and Doug-
las. Falconer block. 1U04'
T AtY iigrnts $10 a day sure ; new rubber un-
4der garment. Mrs. II. K. Little , Chicago ,
JH. ! 1 8 *
IfANTKI ) Immediately , ladles to work for
u whtolosulo hpiiHu on needlework ut their
liomes. ( Bent any distance. ) Oood pay can bo
made. Everything furnished. Particulars
free. Address AitUtlc Needlework Co. , iriBtl J
U , _ New York Cltv. MfrSl
TVT ATTTF.D Young ladlrs who ore uployed
T i in the city and boarding , to try the Norrls
.KuroiJt'nn HcMnurnnt , Iletit and cheapest
IndloH i nnd gentlemen's restaurant In the elf .
" ' "o.J4thst , Opp. Paxton Hotel.
WANTKD Contractors and others to know
that u e can 1111 orders for laborer * and all
Vlnds of male help promptly and pittlsfuctorlly ,
No ollice foe , Mrs , llregu & Sou , 314 & 3to S. 15.
gii ! 4
TNTKHNATIONAL Employment Parlois. cor
JL 4.ith nnd Douglas , will for ono week furnish
jilnres free of charge.
20 girls for housework nt International.
( llils for second work , and nurse girls at In-
Dining loom girls nt International. 1M 4 *
INTUHNATIONAL Kmployiuent rarlors ; re-
spectable hulp bent to all parts If fai els ad
vanced , cor 15th & Douglas , Valconor bl'k , H.2
151in4 *
CANADIAN Employment Ofllco Male and fo-
mule help sent to all parts if fare in ad
vanced , livfuionco , Omaha National bunk. Mrs ,
ItreKuaiOH. llilli. Tul. biJI. "illl.
GATlt City Kmplovmcut onico , 314 B. 15th , Tel-
cphono 1,1011. Help for all kinds of work
dent to all pans , Iteeix-nce DougUs Co. bank.
, i 641 4'
TXTANTITD Mem and boys out of work to call
T > at the City Intelligence onico ( Ciclghtou
fclk4 , corner intli and Dougasl Bt . fi7
TTNH1N1 liniplayiuent Ofllee Isconduciotl In an
U honorable manner , nnd our applicants
supplied on short notice. Small fee. UIU B. llth
ou mis *
T ANTKD-Table boarders , 818 N. 15th.
\\7ANTKD- Immediately , boarders. Fiiot
> > class prlvutu table ; U'rnm rt'iui > : iublo. 11
yorlh IMlt et , bet. Dodge und Capital nyo. 185-9
BOAHD for pontleman and wife , in1v t fain
lly , near u , 1' . depot , address J 12 , care lie
pfflcp. _ 137 a *
' " WAMTsT" "
' " " "
" \\r ANTKU A 'set of bookT"to"keep"or koine
T wilting In the evening. Address J U. Itee
oftlcc. IJ8 4'
Rvoryonn to know that I
Epeclal-attcnuou to siilcs of houie
TnrnUure. Henry Crclglwcu , aucttonvrr. 151
WANTHD-Flfty feet of counter nnd sixty
feet of shelving suitable for Bcnfrnl mer.-
, handle store. Address D. C.McDpnald. Itart-
ett , la , CT1 M
NOAOKMF.NT8to flo dressmaking in faml *
- lies solicited , HIM Sturdy , 822 8.18th st ,
671 mlO *
fJIOll HKXT-- & room house , SSth ave. and
JL ? Webster st Inquire at llootn U07. Taxton
block. P. J. Crecdon , IPO 4
OH HKNT Oroom cottngo for rent 13" , and
furniture lor ealo at a bargain ; rooms
rented paying rent of house ; central , best loca-
Ion In city. Apply liGlOoiigla * nt. W5 ft *
moil HKNT 10 rdom flat , with nil modern
U conveniences , on 8.25th St. , between Dodge
and Varnam sis. Two 4-room cottage * on H.
Twelfth t. Six-room cottage No. sail Popple-
on ave. T\vo 0-n > om homes N. 21st , near Clark ,
vlll bo vacant In a few days. Inquire Green &
Williams , 2ir > S. 13th. 10.1 8
HKNT-Lovcr floor ot 1813 So. 15th st. .
near Dorcas ; cool , light and airy ; P ) n
nonth , with small garden. lf > 3
Fl'llNISItni ) Homo To rent for the summer ,
0 rooms , fully furnished , all modern 1m-
irovemeitts , pared street And car lino. Ames ,
307 Farnam. IBS 7
171011 HUNT lloiiso fl rooms nnd closers In
J-1 good repair , hard nnd sort water , on 17th st.
jetviccn Jackson nnd Uronnellball. InqulroGOO
S. loth st. ' 103 4t
FOH HKNT Neat cottauc , 3 rooms and pan
try , newly paporofl and pnlntcd ; small
arn. ! nr n lot and on Street car line , ttumlne
egulnr trips. Lies y mile west of'llnngeom
1'nrk. Kent J < per mouth. Inquire of O. C. Ev-
nin. 401 N. 16th st. 124 at
"IOH HKNT T\olarRO cottages , 037 and 020
J. ' nth nvpiiuo , now in course of construction ;
ready by Juno 1st next. John II. F. Lehmatin.
FOH HUNT Fine Tinodcrn residence. KM
Hontli 17th street , John II. F , I.elimnnn.
POH HUNT 3-room house 813 per month. In-
iliiiru S. i : . corner llth aud Vliiton tt.B07
H HKNT 7-room cottaRe , 112 Capitol avo.
Inquire & 11S Uupltol ave , 1137-3 *
Foil HUNT About Jnno 1 , very convenient
H room house In uood repair , desirable loca
tion , 10 minutes walk from P O ; furniture and
carpets for Hale should applicants wish to pur
chase. Address drawers , I10. W > 1
TiOH 1IENT Klegant 10-room house , oil modern -
- ern Improvements , on car lino. Inquire
1103 DoiiKlaa at. 076
FOIt UKNT An 8 room house , with bath , ono
block from car line , S0 ! per month. U.K.
Jole , room I ) , Continental block. cat
T7KU ) HENT Cheap to good tenant. B-room
J : house , 1134 N , 17th. Inquire 21U S 13th st.
T710H HUNT-Itrlckhotel In city of 10)00 , ( ) pop-
J-1 illation. J. It. Wooloy , Uraud Island ,
Neb. 470 7t
171OH HKNT 8-rooin house. Inquire J. V.
JJ llarton. filll Capitol avo. ixfliij
YKHV desirable 10-room house , corner 21st
aud Hurt t. All modern Improvements.
Oil cable nnd street car lines. Inquire Dr. Paul ,
no cor. 15th and Hedge 8ts. C2J 7 *
EOH HKNT Furnished house , Grooms. En
quire WO So. ISld st. from to 12 a. m.
SOMETHING cheap , house for rent or for
Bale , furniture lor Bale , Including Encyclo
pedia Ilrltannlca , new Stock piano nnd other
lurnlture. Otto Ueludortt , K3 Georgia avenue.
T71UHNISIIKI ) hotel for rent-Tlio St. Elino
-t ? hotel Missouri la. The
- , Valley , leading ho
tel of the city nnd only ouo block from the do-
? ot. Tor further jmrtlculnrs nddreas Hugh
crcy. 840 inlft
FOH KENT Snow 11-rdom nous-es , SIO , by S.
T. 1'cterhen , HO cor 15th and Douglas. 713
FOH HKNT 2 elegant B-room houses , all mod
ern conveniences , excellent location , con
venient to Btreet earn , ? .Vj per mouth If taken
Boon. II. U. Cole , no Ifitli and Douglas. 550
FOll HUNT A 7-ronm Hat. Inoulra of Oeo.
Hlgglus , In the cigar atoro lOlo Howard st.
FOR HKNT 1 8-room house. North Sauntlers
st. Kuqulro of C.r. . llcall & Co. , ! HU S.
10th. JBS
"IJ OK HENT 10-room house , nil convenlonoos
- * - 18th St. ; 7-room cottage , Howard bt. ( J. K.
Thompson , all S. 15th st. up stairs. CW
rpo HUNT Might-room Hat. front room sult-
JL able for olllces , with nil modem conoil -
lences. CO'8.13th. KU
ITIOR HENT Six deslrablo houses , from ? a to
X1 ( fiO per month. Leavltt Uuruham , Hooml ,
Crclghton block. 077
TTIOH HKNT Nino-room house with all modern
X' conveniences , funilture forsalo nt bargain.
Inqulie of J. II. Suorfy.ut O'Donahoo & SUerfy'a
0 HOUSES centrally located , rant from $12 to
$75 , lurnlturo for fcalo on monthly paymnuts.
Co-op. L. cad I , . Co iSK N. lOthst C51
Foil HENT When you want to rent n house ,
Btoro of oHice go to H. E. Colo. 552-
FOIl HKNT Two peed 8 room houses on
Park uve , ? < 0 per mouth , D. V. Sholos , Hoom
1 Ilarker block. KJ7
OH HliNTr-A neat fc cottage. Apply nt
once. C. K lliiiTlson , 418 S 15th st. 6.VJ
TTOll HENT Tvveivo-room house , 25th and
X1 nnd Mason streets , J10 per month. J. 8.
CaulDeld. 13011'arnam st CM
POH RENT And furntturo for sale , almost
now , at n bargain , best house and location
In city ; every modern convenience ; this will pay
to Investigate at once. Apply 170J Dodge Gfu
71011 HKNT One elegant front room , fnr-
t. ulshcil , all modern Improvements , three
bloccs west court house , half block Irom cable
Hue. Also , small room , 2107 Douglas. clB'J
POK HKNT A suite of furnished or unfur
nished rooms with all conveniences for
housakeepiug. on 19th street , south , 'forms
moderate. Address , J 01 , Itee Olllco.
102 4
O FITHNISIIED rooms , light housekeeping ,
J a J St. Mary's are. loot
S LI. furulsbed front room , rent f 10. for
gentlemen. 1019 Harney. 201 'Jf
FOH HKNT Viirnlshcd rooms with orwithout
board in prlrott' family , nicest locality In
the city. Corner of Pleasant and St. Mary's ave ,
24D2. 803 6'
TT10H HENT Nirelv furnished room , SO per
Jl ? month , 1610 Harney st. 205 6t
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished front room In
nlcn rottjiRo , 40il Williams st. , B minutes
walk r > outhea t u. P.depot. 80J
TOUHN1BI1KD rooms en aulto ; uKo bluglo
J-1 room. 719 Bo. 15th St. , Uvo blocks from
Furnam. 173-1 *
N 1CIUA" furnished rooms for rent ; with or
without board , aiB N. IBth. 153 Bt
TTlUIl.NJSIIKl ) rooms for ronl , cor , ITth uiul
JL1 Capitol uve. , 1T01. 171 br
T7IOH llfiNT KurnlHhoil rooms with or with'
-L1 out board , on 'M lloor ( XU South lUth st.
1407 *
HENT Suite of newly funilhhcd looms ,
and ono shurle room ; nil modern conveni
ences ; board if ilrnlfted ; near two car HUPS. Ci )
Ueoi-flaavo , ( SL"Jthst. ) I'M Ct
H'llNISHKl ) nnd unfurnished room for rent
at 821 South l th tit COS 4J
IJU'llNISIIKl ) rooms and board , ion Tarnam
J-1 880mll ( *
Foil ItKNT nmilshed rooms In Grounlg blk
cor. l.lth and Dodge nts. Inijulru ot Quo. IU
DftVls. .Mlllard hotel billiard room. 650
ni\VO furnUhed rooms , splendid location , one
Jblock from the streetcar , IleferenwN ro-
qulrcd. Ailiirc II GTi lleo olllco. Iti St
11 HUNT Piirnlshed rooms , eluglo and en-
suit , 1512 Davenport at , lisa 3 ;
"PU.ABANT furuUhod room for gentlemen.
Jt'J per month. ( XBN-lTth. 60S U
LAItnu comfortable front room , suitable for
thrro or four young men , ut lull Dortgo ,
LAltOK picut-nnt room , modern conveniences ,
IVCWClilcagott. (067 (
FOIl HKNT To gentlemen who \\111 ue per-
niauent , tirst-olass rooms , at niodora * "
prices , mi Davenport. KH
THOU HUNT Furnished rooms with llrst-class
J-1 board. 013 Douglas st. 015 it
HKNT A nicely furnlshnd front room ,
- suitable for two gentlemen. Unqulro at
aill , St Mary'suve. ill
[ TKH HUNT Sfuralbhed rooms suitable tori
J. ccntleuien. Inquiry Uoota 0 , lid lloor , 134 }
Douglas. su
" TU\V and nicely furnished rooms , with pas ,
> - > bath , eta , raodsruU rates , dlkiOS louirla- ) .
" \7"EIU * pleas&nt large furnished rooms ; all
> desired convMiieuces-.prlvutu hou.eboard ; It
dMired ; 1 block from postoOice.llCJ Capitol ave.
bMO *
T710H HEKT Tolor ZcentlrmEn , room with.
.L' bath etc. , S319 Douglas , (
niNltfllCD rooms , 113 S SOtb. c Jt
JpCllNlSHKD rooms to rent , 2S7" Poilgo st
SHAM , room 'suitable for RonUeman , 1C33
Dodge Btrcef Ml
"I ) OOMS { LOO to tiM ; 003 B 18th 6t ,
T710II HENT Hooms furnished and unfur-
U.1 nulled. lK4Cap. ave. K 8
O UNFL'HNISIIED rooms for rent to n small
p family gilt ) Chicago st. ( nat
FOH KBNT 4roomil70BWeb8torBtr , . . . WOO
3rooms 1023N SOth st , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ly'fiO
Also3 rooms 1017 N 20th ifi W
3 rooms 110-1S 7th fit 1260
4rooms. 419S 19th st . . . 000
3 rooms , 707 Pacific . . , . , . , . . , , 1850
Brooms. 1010 N.21st 1100
Judge Hental Agency , S.W. cor 15th fcllarnoy.
UNFURNISHED rooms to r mt,8 South 17th
St. 107 .1 *
POH HKNT Three unfurnished rooms for
rent. 2J12 Mason St. W9.4J
TJ10H HENT Two unfurnished floors , 512 sonth
JLA 13th street , Citmmlngs & Murphyon prcm-
TTI IOH HKNT-A store 20x60 , 830. Inquire. 018 S.
J3 isth. Peterson. 1M
T INTON block , H. Mill , corner of JtKsoiiBt. Blx
JLJ handsome now store rooms with largo cel
lars underneath , finished wlUf nil modern 1m-
provcini'iits and convonlonccs. Hents modorato.
Apply to John Ilnmlln , 311 S. llth st , Omaha.
FOR HKNT-Two-story brick building. 131
Douglas st. m 8
ijTOH HKNT Some well located storerooms
-L' cheap. 11. II. Cole , room 0 , Continental
block. tWKI
OH lir.NT Sultoof olUces frontlUR on 15th
Btreol. in Wltlinoll block. IM.a *
HOIIHIK block-A now 3 story brick Just
nciu-lng completion , S. 1 ! . corner Park ave
and I.envcnwortli , two clcKunt store rooms ,
each 2JxflO. largo collars , also corner basement
room nnlphcd otT for barber shop , several flats
In the second and third lloors. l.ow routs and
all modern conveniences , Apply to Hobble
llros. , telephoned. 2TJ
iriOH HHNT-Ono * half ot store room. 1Z12
-I ? Douglas st. Win. II. Bpelnmn. 451
FOll lir.NT-Storo aud basement , C01 S. 1.1th
st. Mrs. M. I-nnge. U.T3
FOH lU'.NT Two business or onico rooms on
1st lloor { per mouth. W , 15. Clark , UK
Ilnrney. ' fiOD
TjlOH HKNT Half of oHIco at 1112 B IGth fit.
JL Chamber of Commerce- bid , Odoll Hrpa. & Co.
O 1'TICE rooms , GOi S. 13th st.
Foil HKNT Suite of otlloo rooms..lliifiluimn
block , cor. Ifith and Dollulas. Nitto rjjom
House , cor. 17th and Hortfas , ' * JO per montli , In
quire W. M , Hushnum , Kill Loavouworth. 713
T710K HENT Huitness room now occupied ag
JJ my ollico on 15thst. C. F. Harrison , 418 8 15th
TJ1011 HKNT-J-Threo stores and bagemont at
JL1 loOo I'urnnm street. luqulro alt Hoom UK
Arlington block , 1511 Uodgo st. , between V ami
12a.m. rat
POH HKNT Good sale and llvorv baru , excel
lent location , rentroafir inlo , Inqmru-ot C.
W.McVlcker , rooms , Ilarkerblk. H75
IP you want your houses rented to coed ,
prompt tonauta , list thorn with.J. H.par-
rotto Hental ABcncy , 1003 Chicaco. HW.inlO
F VOU want your houses reutcd place them
with lleiiawa Jc Co , , loth , opposite postolllco.
' 601
T\7"ANTKD Houses to rent , mid vm can rout
> > them too. H. K. Cole , N. E. 15th aud
Douglas. CffiJ
LIST hoines for rent with II. E. Cole , N. E.
Uith find Douglas. - 5t ! ' . '
QIIEQOUV. P. L. . ilental agent , 809 S ICth ft.
IJKHSONAIj Send postal address for Jlay
"Mule Mirror. " L. O. Jones , .American
Clothier. Omaha. v UC6 5 ,
TDKItSONAL Go to the Norrl&T-uropoan Hes-
JL taurant for your meals. Everything llrst-
cliiss , at chop house prices. 311 and ul'J So. lltli
St. , opp. Paxton llolul. 337.
PKHSONAI List your property to exchange
with C. C. Spotswood , 306 y S. 10th. st 6
IJKHSONAL 1'rivate homo for ladles during
confinement , strictly conlldential. Infants
adopted. Address K 42 , lieo ollice.
BOSTWICH Hotel , Hustings. Neb. . May 8. 'F8.
The man who took my valise this moaning
from this hotel will Have himself a good deal of
trouble by returning the biune nt once to the
Paxton hotel , Omaha , with contents intact. 12.
1C. llraudO. 818-5J
LOST Saturday evening , April "SI , on 88th st ,
between Jackson aud Leuvenworth sts. , agree
groo plaid double shawl , leave at Uco oulce and
i ecelvo reward. 817 ot
STUAVKI ) 1'iom 81th aud N t > M , H. Omnha ,
giay manv about U years' old. Htiward for
letuintoK.J.Fltl. . 803 6 *
LOST A gold headed cauo ( with my name en
graved ) nt U. P. freight depot at 0 o'clock
last night. Direct to freight auditors oITIco. U.
P. H'y. M. L. Stone. 143-3 *
STHAVED Monday , bay pony , shod all
round. Iloturu to 29th and Cumlng. J6l-jJ ;
T OSTSmall black mare , blind In one cyo nud
J-J ouoof bind legs swolleu. Kinder return to
CliaH Andersen , "luLeavouworth &t , 101 4 ?
TTJOUNI ) Pocket book containing money.
JL1 OHuer can huvoaamo by provlugiiroperty.
Iheusec , Hayden Uroi. iwi : it
rPAKKN 1'P-Ilay horse colt , small white hind
-L Kootnnd wlilto strip in face. InquiruC ,
Vurblcst , N 10th st , near Florence lake , 141 3 *
"IT10II SALR-Or trade. 15 head yenrllng colts.
JS hand" your old colts , l heady year old
lllly , 0 head 4 year old cow * with calves , 1 bull : i
year old which 1 will trade for Omaha or pouth
Omaha lot or lots ; J.H.Arnold , 17.U ti I'Jth st.
- 815W
"TJIOH 8ALK Furniture , four-room cottage ,
Jv Sir. ; n-nt H4. A bargain. 75 cash. "Ad
dress , J 17 , lleo onice. 191 0 *
POH 8ALK-lf sold nt once , n No. 1 driving
horso. Address , J 18. Hoe Ollice. 1UO 4 * .1
EOH 8A LK 10 heral of horses , ranging in
pricuh from t'ifi to $850 uiirli ; S Cahlwell
wagons , 8 sots double haiuosH , 1 road cart. All
for bale cheap. Co-op. L. & L. Co , 8J5 N 10th.
03 Ti
ON Saturday next. May 5th , at 3 p. m. , I will
Hell by unction at my oflloo , 1.118 Dodge at. ,
all those instruments which linvo been on ehow
there , conslbtintt of 8 levels. " norvlco coinpn-iBo.s ,
1 boxtant. 1 pontagraph , 1 theodolite , with til-
pods , rods ami ca&es and a number ot
gles , measures uud otner things used by sur
veyors , architects aud engineers , tftrluger , 151B
Hedge st. 13'J 1
FOH 8AL15 llollor and slmftiug. A US-horse
power boiler , good ns new , nearly 300 foot
3-inch shafting and about 00 feet Binoko stocK ,
for fialo clienp. Kngulro nt ollice OiOaua 1'alr
and exposition Association , 813 South 14th Et.
J , II. SlcShaiie , Becretary. ' UbO-7
T710H SALE Ice cream , soda water , confeo-
Jtlonery ? uud cigar business , II70 Uoo olllco , >
FOH BALE The furniture , carpets , fixturen
und lease of n plcasantlr located , newly
furnished house , near horse and cable cars ,
house hdatcd by Eteam , furnlturp , etc. . In use
less than a year ; must be sold at once. J'or par
ticulars apply to Uartmanft Gibson , 1019 Fur-
Main ut. 497
TTiOH 8ALK-Two p { ) tubular steel boilers 661
JJ II feet , with smoke stack , steam euuge %
glass ivator guagos. etc. . all complete ; will sell
cheap. Address Trod Kme , llrower , Omaha ,
Nob. ,05 ,
"filOH BALK Large II U' safe. n w. M. A.
.U Upton A : Co. 811-
FOll SALK-A No. 77 Hall's safe with Inside
door. 15 South 13th st. i\ \
filOK BALK A top Dugrgy. Nearly new.O olum
J ) bus make , also good binglo harness. A , 11.
Corastook. 818 ri. ICth st , no
" 1710 U SALE Heat carriages at Seaman's.
JClicapest corriagei At Hcatnan'u.
Ilivst i > ba tons at Seaman's.
Cheapest phaetons at Seaman's.
ilest buggies at Seaman's.
Cheapest buggies at Buamtn's.
llust wagons at Seaman's.
( iieapett wagon's at Seaman's.
liast side of 16th et. . north ot Nicholai.
Btudebaker HepoaUory. 003 M 17
TT\On \ 8ALU-1 1.WO ( cooU building brlclc , do-
JJ Itvercd on cars , at Peru , Nob. , at a very lo
price. II , M. Mean , S15mK )
TTtOH 8ALB 8 or 10 horsk power engine and 13
JL' hone boiler in cpod ordei1. Cheap for cosu.
FOR BALK Largo xip"per floor cnlteblo for
II AT rtanurtcturlnfrtocfttlon 118 N Win st.
Price jasper month. Active Heal Estate and
rropefty Exchan
KsRlo louWJR > W Aoflsof n larco
o. Will sell wbole or by piece , for tlili
. Innulro of Wright & iMvntg , R15
Bt. , upstairs. _ 813 6
710H SALE DormanlPWfti" catmctty 3,400
- pounds. Phlt StlnifiBSl * Co. . Vll-913 Jones
st , Omaha. . _ WO
IP you nave nnrthlngri § trade call on or ad-
drc8 ( leorgo J. StcrMdorff , HoouiC , oppo-
Blto postomco. , ' lot
JAHASOL3 and Umbn covered and re-
JL paired at llth bctw en Dodge nnd Uotic *
1m. IL llalor. Scndulo.l/ / jstal card and I will
call upon you. 1 > 8
and door scrconi nt the lowest
price. Old HCroons repaired. Address S.
W , cor , 30th and Cumlng. 48V 0 *
paid for secondhand books nt the An
tiquarian book store , 80S N. ICth st. C88in5
nillKbrxnJo taught ns au att by Goo. F. ( lollen-
JL beck , to ) Hnrncy t. 183
UOH 8TUCICMAN tlrns < < and bronze fonn-
dry , work ot nil kinds Cor. 14th nnd IKIOV-
tnw rtli nts , , Umnhn , Nob. 4r iiu8
F . Insurance , reliable companies. II. U.
Cole , N.K. loth and Douglas. fi67
WANTKD A goort horso. buggy and unroots
in exchange for Soutli Omaha lota. George
J. Stettisdorff , room 0 , opp postomco. W
Y ALKNTINK'8 hortiramrTnstltuto H tlio
only practical , exclusive shorthand school
In the went. AH Its graduates are In good hit-
nations aud giving entire satisfaction. Students
ran enter at any time. No summer vacation.
Send for circulars to Valentino's Shorthand In-
Btltute , 1&16 Dodge Ht. , Omaha. 40
OLKAN Btorngo for furniture , stoves , mer
chandise , etc. HufUSlJ. Ulaik , 314-illO 8 12th
street. 304 m2l
your stoves nnd furniture with the
FurgUBOii Furniture Co. . 715-17-21 North
10th street. 470m8
CJTOHAOB Having rented iho largo six story
C * nroproot Imlldlngln the Mercer block am
prepared to olfer the best facilities for storage
of all kinds ot goods , furniture , pianos , stoves ,
buggies , cutters ana merchandise , reasonable
rates , receipts given , Insurance. It. Uoblnsou ,
1118 Howard wt. 072 mO *
, storage , lowest rates. W. M
JL lluslimim , 1311 Lcaveuworth. 508
WANTKD To buy for cash , a harne = s busi
ness In Nebraska , northern or
western Iowa. Address with full paitlculars
Hlrklmuaer & Hlumer , Hoom 18 , Ware building ,
15th aud Farnam. 188 G
FOH SALE IU head of horses , 1 road cart , 8
lumber wagons nnd harness. Co-operative
Land mid Lot Co. , 805 N. 10th st. 155 4
WANTKD Will pay cash for desk nud re
volving chair , It otlerecl cheap. .1. 8 , Dee
onico. 1303'
WANTKD- . P. Tukoy will buy some good
1st nnd 8il mortgages If well secured. A.
P. Tukoy. 1381 Pamnni. KU
W ILL buy furniture of a house or Uat cen
trally located. Co-op. LL. . Co , 805 N. 10th
MAP AM ECCLES1 Tlio Wonderful Clairvoyant
aud test modlum. In coubenueuco of her
increasing business will rtmnlu 15 days longer
nt Her lortner pallors No.-'K2 N. ICth , Rt.
Where in her trance btnto she accurately re
veals the most hldOen'tacrets of the past ,
present and future , is ptefcctly reliable In nil
love , trouble , disease , and business affairs.
Consultation personally or by mall $1. No let-
tois answered unless ufeuompauled by 4cts in
stumps. 388 N.lGth , Hooiil 18ud lloor Omaha.
ftS l *
DK. NANNIE V. Wnrrcrt , clalrvovant. Mod-
leal , business and teatrmcdlnm. Dlacnosls
free. Female dlsdas'es n-Hpocialty. 119 N. 18th
fct. . Hooms 8 & 3. Tel. 44.'C 570
MKS. HOOPEH , magndllc liealiuc clairvoyant
and trance readliifiiNIWcor80th and Cass.
11 701 m 7 *
fONKY to loan on chattels. Hoom 31 , Cham-
L bcr of Commerce. Ov F. Bhaw.
500 iu27
MONEY to loan on horses , turnlturo nnd
other personal property , or collateral.
Hates moderate , llusliicns conlldential. Olllco
removed to S. W. corner 15th and Douglas sts.
Entrance on 15th at. The Falrbauk Invest
ment Co. 8i
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons etc. ,
without removal or on collateral security.
Husinebs strictly confidential. A. K. Green
wood & Co. , Hoom 1 , Cunningham block , cor.
13th and Jackson. DiCm'Jl
M1 IONKY to loan on chattels. Hoom 31 , Cham
ber of Commerce. G9-J ni87
CtGOO to J)0tiOO loans by Slioles.
\fONEYToLoan-ny the undersigned , who
JjJL has the only properly organized loan
agency in Omaha. Loans of { 10 to 1100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No dolays. All
business strictly confidential , Loans so uiado
that any part can be paid nt any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
mndo on line watches and diamonds. Poraoni
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
seemo. W. 11. Croft , room iWithuell building ,
loth nnd I larnev. C73
MONEY to loan on improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Loavltt Uurnham ,
room 1 , Crclghton block. 574
to Loan Omaha real estate and
farms. Mortgages bought. Odoll Hros. &
Co. , 312 S. 10th Chamber of Commerce building.
$600,000 to loan on city and farm real estate.
LinaHau & Mahoney , room 60S , Paxton blk.
loan agents , 16th St. . opposite
JD postolllco , 87'J iu 10
QHOLKS , Hoom 1 , Ilarker lllock.
MONEY to Loan 1 can plnco good first-class
city loans nn Bhort notice and at lowest
rates. L ) . V , Shales , room 1 , Barker block.
JAHOK or small loans without delay by
Sholos , room l , Ilarker block. ! H3
MONEY LOANED nt C. V. Hoed * Co.'s Loan
Ollice. on furniture , pianos , horaos , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds ; and a.'i other ar
ticles ot value without removal. B. 13th ,
overHtngham's commission store. All bust-
ness strictly confidential. 671
MONEY to loan on flrst-chiss real nstato BO
curity. Harris' H. K. & L. Co. , 880 S. 15th
Btreet. 870m28
T OANH made on real estate. Cash on hand ,
JUv.M. . Harris over 2203. IRth st. 672
Q < HOLES places more cans than anybody.
MONEY to loan , at low rates , on cnattols ,
without removal or filing : financial busi
ness of all kinds transacted quietly and without
publtclly ; money udvanceJL < mJowolryj secured
notes bought. Call and iH us , it will pay you.
People's Financial Rxcha k , room 60M , llarkor
block , 15th and I'aruam. K 801jui"
i < " -
MONEY loaned on fun Bre , pianos , organ * ,
horses , etc , low ratoH J. J. Wilkinson A
Co..11417 Farnam. Tl 68 J
f ! PEll CKNT money to loan , Pattorbou i liar-
\J nard/aiRBlDthst. 703
IVTONEY to loan. Nc.eSCnna it. H. tlckot.
1'JL bought and sola. A jKprman , 1380 Furnara
roNBY to Loan-O. F.HVis | Co , real estate
L and loan agents , UOyJ'arnam st. t&i
QJDOO.OOO To loan on Omatia city iroperty ) at 0
Jp psrcent. G. W.DaySE. cor. Kr.Uld.
MONEY to loan onfurnlturo , % vagons ,
otc.wlthout removal ; or on collateral securr
Uy , Dullness couUclentlalJJB U Jacob3,823 B 15th
58i >
QHOLE3 , Hoorn 1 , BarkeiOjlock , for loans
QITir loans , Shales , Ilooni 1 , Ilarker block.
> UltDINQ loans. Llnuhan Si Maliona y.
JOME choice loans wanted , A. K. Ililey.
5 1519 raruam. 456 m
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis S , lleod Ic Co. , 15-1 Furnam.
gKE Bholes before getting a loan.
O HOLES makes lmpr6Yed city loans. 883
COM G choice loans wanted by Bholos. 833
E. COLE loans money on improved city or
tann property , lloom o Coutlneutal
block. 270
ONBytploanci.-nonhftn < l , no delay. 3.
W. ahd K , L. Squire , 1413 Farnam St. rax *
ton hotel building. 577
JA-TVOODMAN-Monoy toloan on real
tate in gtiras to suit. 230 South 13th st ,
JjlOH low rate loans , Sholcs , 333
ONKV to LonnO.CiOO to loan In sums of
.from woo to fAMW on Om ha and South
Omaha property. Money on hand. Wright &
Lasbury. 2MB. 14th tt. , upstairs. b a _
MONKY To loan , U > wet rates. No delay
J. .L. lllce & Co. . over OoininorclRl Na
tional bonk rgo
1'laco loans by Sholos. 033
SHOUT tlmo lo.ins tnacio on any available
i curlty , In reasonable nmounts. Secured
notes bought. sold or exchanged. General
financial busi ness of nny kind
promptlr.qnletlyftml fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Bxclmnire , N. V. cor. 15th and Har-
ney its. , over Stain National bank. Uorbott ,
JTOTU3 bought. C. U , Jacobs , KM S. 15th .
OUILOINU loans , Wholes. 3S3
T\rONK\ loan on lurmture , hones , wagons.
L'etc. . , or on any approved security. Low
rates. J. W. llobblns , lftl3 Farnam. MB
( fiMKLOOO to loan at lowest rate of Interest , on
P city property. II , 1) ) . Iroy , Frenror blk. opp.
1 vlf f > \ 3
s PEND1D rates on loans. Sholos. ,133
l ) I ) Partner wrinPtflO for theatrical
enterprise that 1ms paid tlW In onn week.
Address J 81 Heo. 21IMJ
"t rE have for sale a long tlmo lease of the best
' location for fancy retail business in the
city , reatuu , Cole & HobcrUou , 310 8.15th st.
"T710H SAM ? Short Order reslaurant. Can
X' makoSi.iOto $ .100n month. Part down ;
balnuco on time. Oood reasons for selling. Ad
dress , .1 15--lloeolllco. l l 0 *
FOH SAIil' Cheap A clean stock of hardware
and tinners' tooH amounting to about
$2COJ : good trade , good town , two 11 , Hs. , only
one other hardware In town. Oood reason for
selling ; will not trade. Direct TO Lock Hox22 ,
Davenport , Neb. 103 4 *
NOTI CE-Clark's Palace hotel , located in
Greenwood , Nebraska , all furnished com
plete , title good aud free from Incumbrance , for
tialo or exchange or will rent same from one to
three years , party renting to buy the furniture.
Address all communications to Cieo. W. Clark ,
Greenwood , Nebraska. 193 4 *
POH 8AL.E A stock of hardware In good lo
cation. Co-OporaUvo Land & Lot Co. . LtK
N.IOthst. IRS 4
FOH SALE An established business doing
IW > .f09 a year , centrally located , good reason
forselllng. Addrebs J 13 , Ilee. 105
WE can nell you anything from a fruit stand
to a mammoth store. Co-operative Land
& Lot Co. . 205 N. loth Bt. 150
TTjlOH SA MS Ite.stauraut dolug good business.
X1 Apply MB 8. 10th st. 2'
T710U SA IK Several good restaurants. Co-
X1 Operative Land & Lot Co. , 2J5 N. 10th st.
' 155 4
TTIOH SALE -Confectionery , fruit , tobacco and
X' cigar. Ice cream llxtures ; best location iu the
city , a4rrand chance to BO in to business. Address -
dress J g , Hco olllco. 110 3r
FOll SALE A banking business In a promin
ent location with laase , books , tlmo look
and good will. Address HGS , Ilee olllco.
513 4
01GAH , confectionery and tobacco stand for
sale , rent $2 . prlco flOtf. Co-Operatlvo
r.nnd & Lot Co , , 805 N. 10th st. 155 4
FOH SALE A good brick yard and all the ap-
purtnnancos , also 300,000 good brick.
Apply Hyan & Walsh , room o. Arlington block.
$100 per month. K starts j-ou m business , coun
try rights free ; send stumps for catalogue
Patterson Oil Humor Co. ,
201 Canal st. Chicago , 111. 197 m23 *
"I7IOH SALK Grocery store , meat market ,
X' Ice cream parlor , and all kinds of business
chances. Co-Operatlvo Laud A : Lot Co. , 205 N.
10th Et. 155 4
FOU SALE or exchange. A new combined
35 bbl roller and burr mill with complete
outllt of modern machinery , doing a good busl-
Inoss , with unlimited water power , on Llttlo
liltieriver , Iu Thayer countNob. . No "better
location In the Mate. M'lll take good lands > r
city pioporty In ( part or entire ) exchange. Ad
dress , A. G , Collins , Hebron , Nob' ( il2ml2
FOR SALE A good paying business. Cigars ,
stationery toys , soda water fountain etc. .
in flrat-class location. Stock will invoice about
f-.oOJ. .Will taKe city real estate In exchange.
Enquire at Max Meyer & Co.'s. 81)1 )
T710K SALE Itrick hotel , with store-rooms.
X1 cheap , in city of lO.OOJ population. Little
or no money required. Long time , low Interest ,
easy terms. Great bargain. J. II. Woolley ,
Grand Island , Nob. 470Tt
WILL exchange 10,000 acres of the finest till
able , grazing and mining land Iu Wyo
ming for Omaha vacant lotB.Niiiall liicumbrance ,
u tine residence house nnd lot clour , and Ne
braska farms ; pi Ice $ .1.80 per aero jowners equity
in contract JSl.m Address' I. H. , Norfolk. Ne
braska. 1U7 0
trade a good timber claim In Nebraska
for anything of viiluo. George J. Sterns-
dorir , room U , opp p. O. Ih7
/ \NK hundred and htxty acres of South D
W land for stock ot harness and Raddles and
saddlery hardware ; land Is situated at Miller ,
Hand Co. . Dak. , on line of C. N , W. H. H. , or will
trade for stock of buggys and carriages. What
have you got. Aadross W. J. K. Lock
Uox2t , Ouuwa , Iowa. Hfi-C *
TJIOH EXCHANGE Vacant lots clear and on-
X1 cumbered , for farms and Improved city
property ; see our list. II , E. Cole , room o , Cou- block. ( i30 31
WANTED To exchange a good , substantial
nnd commodious brick hotel building ,
well rented , located nt Lincoln , county beat of
Logan county. Ills. , for Improved or raw west-
cm land. A bargain to right party. Forpar-
tlculars addrchs Nolonoy , Lincoln , Ills.
1H12 0'
"I710H KXCHANGK We have n largo list of
X * houses and lots , farms , etc. , for exchange :
when you have anything to exchange oomn and
hue us. II. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block.
( J3031
WlfAT have you to trade for SO acres of land
iinlncumbered lit .limean county , Wls , ,
3 miles from county beat. O. J.
U , opp Postollloo. 107
TTIOHTHADE-Or Sale A span of carriage
X ; horses ; a nlco carriage ; a upon of white
ponies and oil outfit , cans , etc , ; a line driving
mare , ijfecatou ; also slngld and double harness.
Will turn hamo in as payment on a nlco
liouau or lot centrally located. Cull at once on
A'.HOflFarnain. 85:5 :
EIGHTY ( SO ) acres of land adjoining Lake
Manawa , Council. Hlults , la. Thja tract
will iriako 40abL autiful lots and is free from
eneumbranco. What hava vou to offer ? Georuo
J. Sternsllorir , room fi , opp I' . O , 1U7
\XTATITKI ) to Kxchango-Two lots in H. & M.
TV park for horse and bugcv. luqulro at 8.
A. Sloumn , 13th aud Parnam , Ilellinau block.
T7IOH HXCHANOU-Neb. fann or two Bouth
X' Omaha lotH for span of mures or mules. W.
lj. Belly , 1KI yarnani st. wa
IWU-i eivo any ona a good trade for a Hue
resilience ; call aud see mo. George J , HturiiB-
donr , Hoom 0 , opposite postolllcn , 1C7
N W 8 seated carriage nnd now binglo top
buggy to trade for long tlmo real estuto
mortpaeo , W. L. Solby 1521 Karuam st. VM
/'JBxia ? , corner 23d and Douglas sts , to trudo for
vJ nil night U > ton-room house aud lot. Gee , J ,
Bternsdorri room 0 , opposite P O. 8.10
BHICK Wanted-aoo.000 bricks in cxchango
for good inside Omaha property. 8. A.
blomtuirpom 82 and83 llollman bidg. tC7
ALL kinds of property for trade , Btnvpns
Jlloa. , 1531 Puruura. 4b8 3
A'FINE fann in Missouri , clear of incum-
brance , to tradofora good house and lot
or vacant property. George J , BttruBdorir ,
Ko6uiO , opposite postolllco. ] f7 !
rTUlADES inade in real estate and personal
X property. Boo exchange book. Co-op. U
and L. Co. 205 N. 10th fit. 503
III AVE 100 lots in H. & M. Park addition to
South Omaha , fro * of incumbraucv , tetrad
trad for improved or uulmproved Omaha prop
erty , farmland ? , fctocko of goods , homes , cattle ,
or anything of value. These lots are rapidly
Increasing In value , and if you have anything to
trade call and see me. Uoorgo J , Stornsdorlf ,
room 6 frenzer block , opposite poatolllce. gjQ
W ANTED U ) houses und lota toexchunga.
0. 0 , BpotswooJ , 305 S. 16th Bt. '
furnish complete
JJ and guArontead abstracts of title to any
r al estate in Omaha and Douglas count r upon
chart notice. The inost'complete iet ot auvtract
books ia Uw dtjr. No , 1619 Farnaia st. M3
MIDLAND Onarftntoe Mid Trust Co , 1506
Farnam street Oomplote l > str ct fur-
BlKhea , and titles to real estaU examined , per
fected and onmrnnteed. KK >
Abstracts-South < lm ha--Bl. .Johnson , t
Co. , agents South OinMm Land Co. . have
the only complete set of nb'tract books In
South Omaha. Complete abstracts furnlshod
on short notlcf. OUtco opposite depot , Bouth
Omnlm. r > ! )7 )
1710H 8ALi--lIouso : nnd lot on Lsko worth
J3 tiuwu , will soil for $ . - > , OOJ It taken Inside 30
da g , Inquire T 1N 10th st. 3)7 Cl
LOOK nt thU A nowS-room houio , cas , bath ,
furnace nnd full lot In Koiintzo place , price
IB.WX ) . * 1,000 cash , balance 17 } per mouth. Ham-
llton Uros' . 403 8. 18th st. 1S8-10 *
TTOH 8A Ln fi-room house aud full lot , 21st
J3 street , K.SXl.Jl. WO caMi.
0-room house on SOth St. , M.2.V ) , JI.OOO cash.
Comer lot on Ski street , H.rox ) .
11.Y. . Huntress , 1117 Farnain at. 150
I WILL sell to tlio htghost bidder , lots 1 nnd S
block 7 , W ft by 137 , east nnd north fronts ,
only IV ) ft from Ilelt Line , and ono block from
Paundors st , Isabel add. , nnd ono good lot iu
Orchard hill. Stringer. 1519 Dodge st. 13117
T.TOU8K nnd lot for sale in South Omaha , not
J L in poino low nnoar by , for ( MOO ; JliWcnsh
and { 15 per month. D. D. Bmcaton , Marker
1IAHO AIN Lot l . block 6 , Potter & Cobhli
addition to South Omana , for t.I'K ' ) . This
lot Is worth MOO. I. N . Watson. KM 8. Kith st ,
_ 4SI 4 *
T L. HICK & CO. , Kent Estate. 69J
\\fI3 HAVE a few pieces of good land In Hyde
countj' , Dakota , for snlo cheap. I orro-
spoudcncc' solicited. Parker fc llarnes High-
more. Dakota. 203 U
FOH SALH Or cxclitingo. Wo have some good
Omaha real estate nnd Nebraska farms :
which wo will sell cheap or Irnde for stock of
clothing , furnishing goods.dry goods , boot * and
sh < x > s. groceries or hardware. Bchlosmtter llros.
014 8 10th sU UiOnilS-
B100KRT llnrgaln Yet T have 7 full-'lzed
lots for sale , llftoen minutes' walk ot Ar
mour's packing lioUfo , for $32fi ! onlyHOO cash to
get n deed and less for u contract. D. I ) . Smca-
ton , llarkor block. OSS-4
T L. HICK X.CO. , Heal Ustats. TO
T7IOH SAIiEorTradn Fnrnam St. . near 35th ,
JE Incumbranco.000. . Equity W.OOO.
Faruam Bt. . cor31st , I.IOxlffi.
Trackage , 13th st. near Orano. 68x11'3.
Cumlng st. , cor Olst , 48.03x140 incumbrnnce
f3.oot ) .
N. IGthst. , near Nicholas , 01x104 , Incumbranco
Bau'nders St. , cor. Hurt , 100x51 , Incumbranco
Ktr > 00.
Park ave. facing park , 50x159 , incumbrance
Douglas St. , near 20th , COxlSJ , Incumbranco
2j lot s iu U. &M. Park add to South Omaha ,
clear of Incumbrauce , perfect title.
2 quarter sections of school land In Kossuth
Co. , Iowa.
1 quarter section land In Qrundy Co. , Neb ,
All otnbovo property for sale or trade for
goad Inside Improved property or good Im
proved or unimproved farms. S. A. Slomau ,
rooms 23 and 2J , Ilellmnn bldg , 1301 l-'arnum st. ,
Omaha , Neb. _ 813
$30.W ( inntcs first payment on ono ot those WOO
lots. Homember the motor will make regu
lar trips to these lots or your money Is refund
ed , Come takn a ride wllh ns. lictison Land
Syndicate , II , E. Cole agent , room 0 Continental
block. 1WI3
I HAVK several choice. Inside , full lots , npon
which I can build houses to suit purchaburs
upon their own selection of plans , aud on torniR
to suit. Tills will pay to Investigate. D. V.
Sholes , room 1 , Ilarker block. 125
L ? RICH & CO. , Heal Estate. COS
FOH SALE Two acres , on Vlnton st. , between
2Ut and 22d st. , 3,000 , half cash. John Hag-
ley , on promises. 014 5 *
$30.00 innkos first payment on ono of these JOT
lots. Homombor the motor will muko regular
trips to these lota or your inouoy is refunded.
Come take a ride with us. llcnbon Land Syndi
cate. II. E. Cole agent , room 0 Continental
block. a iD
T L. H1CE & CO. . Heal Estate. 503
T710H BALK 0-room modern honso , 50 foot of
.1 ? ground , near 18th and St. Mary's avo. , for anxious to sell. G.E. Thompson ,
UU S. luth st. 874
filOH SALK-Lot on Nicholas andl.Tth , 00x133 ,
JJ forJO.OOO. Address John H. Shaw , Hamil
ton nnd Lowe ave. 100 mU *
L. UICE & CO. , Heal Estate. C93
FOH BALK At less than cost : Nine nice ,
neat cottages , well built , elegant lots in
elegant location , high nnd dry , and only short
distance from licit Hue depot in Walnut Hill ,
from 5900 to $1,100. U cash , balance 810 per
These houses nro being closed out regardless
of cost and you cannot got another such a bar-
pain In ti hundred years. Call quick on D. V.
Bholes , room 1 , Darker block. 725
Sheriff's Snlc.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued dut of the
county court for Douglas County , Nebraska ,
aud to me directed , I will on tlie Hth day of May ,
A. 1) . , 1888 , at2 o'clock p.m. of said day nttho
warehouse of Peycku liro.'s Co. , HltJ. HOt and
1100 , Howard street , In the City of Omaha. Doug
las County , Nebraska , sell at publlo auction the
property described in said order of sale as fol
lows , to-w t : A lot of cloth , consisting of fcuit-
ings , overcoating , coat and vest patterns , broad
cloth , etc. ; also a lot cf linings and tailors trim-
mines , materials , etc. , and a small quantity of
custom made clothing. Fuld property to bo
sold to.satlkfy a certain Judgment obtained by
Henry Wolf and William Llchtenslader against
August Miller , before .Innpo Shields , county
JudKO for said county , for Jte.lU damages and
liu.20costs , with inteiest frpm April 3rd , 1W8.
until paid , and il.O'i costs of Increase on said
Judgment uud accruing costs.
Sheriff of Douglas County , Neb.
Omaha , Nob. , April 28,18hS.
APEH1T.CT stock farm In Shelby county ,
Iowa , within two miles of two railway sta
tions , and within four nnd a half of the flourish
ing young city of Manilla , hlxty miles vast of
Omaha , and nlnoty south of Sioux City on line
C. M. k St. P. Hy. Tills farm contain ? four
hundred und seventy acres , has two dwelling
houses , two stables , ono burn , also two feed
buildings , Nlshua llotnay crook runs through
place ; there Is also a never falling spring near
imrnsand feeding yards that furnlshos abundance
anceot water tlio year round. Klrgant grove
about twelve acres skirts creek which f iirmslms
nuiplo fule , farm fenced with barbed wiroaml
oak posts , school house nt ono corner ot the
farm , good grlt > t mill one mlle and half , ouo
hundred and forty-live acres In corn and outs ,
ono hundred and twenty acres clever and tlm-
otuy meadow , 70 acres wild upland meadow ,
balance blue gras pasture. This farm with or
without ouo hundred nnd fifty head of cattle
nnd nlndty hogi for sale. For terms nnd price
address Cnas. w. Towsley , Cedar Hftplds , Iowa.
S. K , FELTON & CD. ,
Water Works Wracks
And Manufacturers' Agents for
Of all descriptions ,
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice ,
Correspondence Solicited.
Office ' rourtti Floor
, Strain's Billing , ,
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
were shipped during tbo imst
two yearn , without a ilriim.
iiifcriuiiurcmriloy. Nootlier
houioiu the \Kirld can truth *
fullyiuukosuch a stiowinc.
Ouo ituout ( dealer ouly )
wan ted iu ouch town.
.n.W.TANSILL&CO.,55 Stale St.Chlcaoo.
Plentvof Ash. Ma'ple. Catalpo , IIoxl ! .
lllack Walnut and Itusalan Mulboruy ricedllnga ,
on Iniudjbiiltttlile for planting timber tlaluia.
D. S. LAKE ,
( , Iowa ,
Advortlslug has always provta
euccessful. Before placing any
Newspaper Advertising consul
iUTCRTiiika itixiie ,
U ( i UuitUik U t. CHICACO.
TED , wholn hi ) FOI.I.T Mid lONURAM'E
MINI ) and MAI IIOOI > , cAiulne zhauitinR
drtlni npon the FOVNTAINH Of MFK.
Dreams , tTKAKNEHN of M mtirr , IIANU.
th PARK. Qd All Urn EFFECTH Ic.rtlnr to
ARI.Y liKCAYund porhnpl CONNUMr.
TlOJf or I If HAKITT. ihould consult * t once
the CKIKI1WATEI > bt. CUrkc , Kutnl.ll.hM
1M1. nt. CUrke Imi maJe NEIIVOCN UT.-
I1II.ITY , CHRONIC and nil Dltnuta of
the UENSTO UHINAHY Orenni n Life
WuJy. It m kM nn dimtronee VVHAT you
tskvc uk n or TV II o hu fallrd to euro you.
llur to their iez can consult with the mur nc
oj iptedf relief end cure. Send 2 oonu posl S *
fur work * on your dlieues.
OT-Sond 4 ccnti postntro -Tclcbrntfrt
XTnrhH on Chronic , nervoni ftlifl neil *
onte DlicUM. Oontuliatlon , penonklly ot by
letter , True , Coniult the olil I > orl r.
TiiotiiinnilH enrrll. Onicc * nnd itnrlon
prlvntTho e conteraplotln * ; MarrUio
xnd for Dr. Clnrko'a oclabrmtfd gulaa
Wnlo and Frtnnle. each 1M. , both Kc ;
Blanvpii ) . Hdforo confiding yonr coie , coniult
r. CLARKE. A friendly letttror eMI may
Mve future ufforingand thitni * , mid add roldtn
reara to life.Book " I.tfc'ii ( Secret ) Rr *
ror * , * > Wo. ( tump * ) . Medicine Mid writing
sent evutytrhtre , icouro from
Uoun , 8 to C : Sunilayi , 9 to 12 , Addreii ,
1OO Sa Olarlc St. . CI11OAOO. ILX *
Ita mala lines and branches Include CHICAGO.
and ocoroi of Intormodlato olUos. Choioo ot
routes to and from the Pacific Coast. All tr n4-
fors In Union depots. Fait trains of ITlno Day
Concboo , clcpant Dining Care , mntmlflcont Full *
man Falaco Blcopcro , nui ( between Olilcftffo , Bt.
Joseph , Atculion and Ensu Cltr ) Ilocttntojj
Chair Cars. Doato Froo. to lioldirfl of Uiroutffi
Oral-class tickots.
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"OrentRock lolnnd Route. "
Extoado West and Southwest from Kaniai City
and Bt. Joseph to NELBQN. nOIlTON , . BEI/LE-
nuTcirrNQON , CAIDWELI , , tmaaU point * in
nnd beyond. Entlro pnsscnecr ouulpmcnt of UiO
colobmtod Pullman tnanulncturo. All eofoty air
jjUanccB nnd modern Improvements.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
I the favorite between Cbloairo , Hock XBland ,
Atcolson. Knnsan City nnd Minneapolis and dt
Paul Ita Watortown branch traverse * the stcat
of Northern lovm , Oouthwoetorn MlnncBota , and
East Central Dakota to Watertown , Spirit Into.
Oloui Folio anil many other towns and clUoa.
The Short Uno via Uenoca and Kuukokoo offora
Viporior fticllltloa to trnvol to anil from Indian-
Hrol'o , Cincinnati and other Southern point * .
1'OT Tickets. Mapa , Ft'ldtre. or destroa InJOrma-
lion , apply at any Coupon Tlckot offlce or addreea
Qou'i Manager. Oon'l Tltt. & Paso. Afit.
Milwaukee & St '
Chicago , , Paul R'y ,
The Ilcst Route from Omaha And Coaiicll
ItluiTs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rnpidfl.
Rock Island. Frccport , Itoekford ,
Clinton , Diihnqnc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , JancsTllIo ,
Iteloil , AViiuiim , Ln Crosse ,
Anil all ether Important point * Kast , NortUoait and
' Houthcait.
ForllirnuRh tlrket * call on tlio tlcltot npent atlWl
rimmm street , In Darker lllock , or at Uoloa 1'oclfla
1'iillmnn Rlecrcr * ntirt the tlucst DlnlnirCnnln the
world ro run on the main HMO of the Chlcano , Mil ,
wnukce tc bt. Paul Ilnlhvuy , unit every Attention U
pMd to imiscn 'or by courteous cuiiloyci of the
U. MIU.KH , r.encrnl Mnnuzcr.
J. K. TtlCKKn , AMlMnnt Ui'iieral Mimflcer.
A. V. It. UAlll'UNTKIl , Gonernl Piisscnsrer BnS
t'jICO. i 'llKAKTOUI ) , Ai'lntnnt Ooucral Passenger
nnd Tlfket Audit
J.T.GliAUK Uoncrul Suporlntcudont.
And Chicago ,
The onlf road to take for Dei Molncs , Marihallowa
Cedar ll i > iU * , Clinton , IMxon , Chicago. Milwaukee
and all point * n 't. Tuthq people of Neuraiku.Oolo-
rmlo , wjcmliiL' . Utah , iilnlin , Neman. Oregon , Wash
ington anil Citllfornlu , It offer. u | > crlor nJraijlkgoi
not poitlhlo by nnyotlierllno. .
Amunu a fan of the numuroui point * of nperlortjr )
enjojert IJJT tlie putrom or tlili row between Om h
unit OhlciiKO , nro lt two train * a d-T of DAT
COACIIKS , wlilcli nro tbn tlnottlmt huumn artand
Innonnltr can en-Mo , lUl'Al-AOICrtl.KlU'INO OAltH ,
nlilcb uro nir > < l l * of comfort and oluxanco. Iti 1'Alt-
IXJIt ) )1A\V1N(1 ) HOOM ( ! AUH , nniurpaMnl LIT an T ,
nna III whli'ly relebrntod 1'AI-ATIAI , IIININO OAKH.
Ilieuqunlof wblcli cannot be found elu'wbere. At
Council Uluir * , the tralnt of the Union 1'nrtno.lUll.
nnect In union depot with thoee of the Chi-
caco.t KonhrrcMcin Itr. In ChlcMro the trulni of
tlili llrio make cloBe connection wltli those or ml
oilier Kasturn Hues.
Tor ix-trolt , CoUirabni , Indian-poll' , Clnclnnmtl.
Nlngara Palli , lnrr ) | o , I'llUhuiv , Tornnio , Monimal ,
lloilon , New York , Phla3oliihTa ! , Jlalllmora. ATash-
Incton , and nil POInti In the Kast. Auk lur tlcVtU via
" "
If roil wlili the hntt ucroiumoiiatlan. AU ticket
nccni"oil tlcketi via lull Una.
if.UUGIUTT. K.P , WII50W ,
. ' . ' ' ' .
Uc.n'1 Alaimjer. Uuu'l Agent.
cuicuao , IM.I ,
W. N. IJAllCOOIf O n'l.'etern Acent.
1) . B. KlMIUl.UTIektl Aeont.
U. \VU&J' . Cltr r * ! ener Aitcnt
< HOI Kaniam St. . Omaha. Nob.
Or the Liquor JIabil , rosltivcly Ctircil br
Administering Dr. Hstlnes1 Uoldcu
It ran be given in a cup of coffee or tea with
out tun knowledfti of the portion taking it ; ub o-
lutoly harmless , umlwJIl ufecta pennant and
epecny cure , Mhuthortho patK'ut In a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands ot
drunkarda have been inudu turnperatu men who
have taken Uoldeu Bpeclllc in their coiree with
out their knowlndua uud today buliovetlioy
nult drinking of their own trvv will. It never
fails. Thonystem ouco impregnated with tlio
BpoclDc , it becomes an utter JmpoHsIMllty for
the llauor appetite to exist. For Bale by Kubn
k Co. , Uth and Uoufflai stiM Bad IKth and ( Xim-
IDS ts. . Omaha , leb. ( : A , V , foster & Uro-
CouucU DlutH Iow '