Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    - ' - - "ijsi ; TTT
neither bulls or bears had gained n decided
idvtintng-o. Total sales wcro 380,403 shares
tgaintt 404,704 shares yesterday.
GovEjufMEji'rs. Government bonds were
dull but steady.
per cent ; lost loan IS per cent ; closing
nt 2 per cent offered ,
PIIIMR MnitOANTiLB PArr.n 5@0 per cent.
FOIIRIOX KxciiANon Dull , steady , M.80
for sixty day bills ; M.SS for demand.
Chicago , Mny 3. FollowinR nro the
8:80 closing prices :
Flour Finn and Unclinnpcd ; wlnterwhcat
In sacks , rj.fiO ( 3.tX ) ; in bbls , $2.75@l.40i
ftprlnp wheat , in sacks. 81.7f > ( ( l3.5 ; in bbls ,
t3.COS4.GO ; ryoHour , in sacks , f2.70@2.00 ;
In bbls , | 2.W > @ 3.10.
Wlient Moderately nctlvo end nt times
slow : opened easier at J c lower , and closed
about the satno to J < @ 'fc above yesterday ;
cash , 81Jfc ; Juno , 82 l-l ) c ; July , bc. :
Corn Fairly active and stronger ; opened n
fthndp blKher than the close of yesterday ,
ruled easier for u time , then bccatno active
mid stronger , closing at ' 4@J4c nbovo yester
day ; cash , 67c ; Juno , ftTiKc ; July , r > 5 11-llJc.
Oats Steady , with ? M@5jTc uuvanco ; cash.
83Vc ; Juno , wyc.
Hye Nominal at C3Jo. .
I3arlcy 77@78c
Flax-seed $1.45.
Pork Moderately active but quiet : cash ,
? ia.7U : June , ? 13.fcO ; July $13.00.
Lard Fairly active and steady ; cash.
J8.I2K ; Jun"fS.17'4 ; July. * 3.224. !
Dry Salted Mc.Us Shoulders , $5.7500.00 ;
short clear , * 7.M7.S5 ) ; short ribs , ? 7. 5.
lluttor Steady ; creamery , l'J@2-lc ; dairy ,
15@23c. .
Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , nnO
flats , 0@10c ; yount' Americas , l K10Kc.
Eggs In good demand ; fresh , 12@12-c. }
Hides Unchanged ; green hides 4J c ;
heavy green salted , 5 e ; light green salted ,
Oc ; salted bull , 4 > c ; green bull , 3 } c ; green
salted calf.Sc ; dry Hint and dry calf , 12@13c ;
dry salted , lOc ; deacons , 30c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; country , 4J5c ; No ,
2,4 > c ; cake , 4 % < 5c per lu.
Uccotpts. Shipments
Flour , bbls . 10,000 30,00 (
Wheat bu . 18,000 UIO.OW
Corn , bu . 215.0W ) MS.OtX
Oats , bu . 1(15,000 ( OS2,00 (
Ryebu . 8,000 1,0H (
Barley , mi . 15,000 11,001
Now Vork , May 3. Wheat Ueceipts
none ; cxjwrts. 80(1,000 ; spot lots wel
maintained ; options opened heavy and J @ ? H <
lower , later reacted ? i@5tfc , subsequently
broke ? ( T@fc , closing steady at l ( Kc abov <
bottom ; ungraded red. 05 ( < ? ! )7c ) ; No. 2 red
05@95Jf In store and elevator ; J7@07J < (
doltverod , 'J7o f. o. b. , Juno closing at U3X
Corn Receipts , 13,000 ; exports , 2,000
options opened strong and J < @ ? better , sub
sovucntly lost most Improvement , closing
steady ; cash a shade better ; ungraded 00) ) ,
(3C9c ; No. 3 , 5UCiaic ; No. 2CSc ; f. o. b
Juno closing at G2 c.
Oats Hcccipts , 0-1,000 ; exports , 2,000 ; mod
cratcly active and } f@hc higher ; mixct
western , 3 ( &Wo ; white western. 42@40c.
Coffee Spot fair ; Hlo , quiet and steady a
September ,
Petroleum Steady : United closed at
Ecgs Fair request and firm : western ,
Pork Dull and unchanged ; mess quoted a ) for old ; S1S.00@15.50 for new.
Lnril Advanced 6n\y \ points , but tradinj
was lifeless ; western stcatn , spot , JS.RO.
liuttcr Weak and utibettled ; western
Cheese Dull and easier.
Cincinnati , May 3. Wheat Strong
No. 2 red , 8SjJ90c. (
Corn Stronger and active ; No. 2 mixed
Oats Steady , with good demand , No. I
mlxoa , 35c.
Hyc Strong and higher ; No. 2 , 70c.
Provisions Pork steady at $14.50 ; Ian
firmer , nt $7.82 } . ? .
Whisky Steady at $1.09.
St. Iioiils. May 3. Wheat Higher ; casli
83c ; June , 857 < c.
Corn Steady ; cash , 51J < f@ri2c.
Oats Higher ; cash , 33 > i3-lo ; Juno , 2'Jc
Pork $14.25.
Whisky tl.09.
Uutter Firm ; creamery , 20@23c ; dairj
ArTuiiNooNnoAitn Whcat-13arcly steady
May , Slic ; Juno , b5 ° ( fc bid ; July , b3J < c. Con :
flrm ; May , 5i ; < c ; Juno , 51 J < c bid ; July , 51 %
bla. Oats , dull ; May , 33c bid ; June , 33
Minneapolis , Mny 3. Wheat Receipts
220 cars ; shipments , 18 cars ; a shade lower
Closing In store : No. 1 hard , cash an
May , b2tfc ; June , S3e ; July , 8lc ; No.
northern , cash nnd Mny , Sic ; Juno , 81J < jC
Julv , 82y c ; No. 2 northern , cash and Maj
TO c ; June , SOo ; July , 81c. On track No.
hard , 83o ; No. 1 northern , 62@8Rc ; No. 2 nortl
ern , Sic.
Flour Unchanged ; patents , In sacks t
Bhlp in car lots , $1.20@4.10 ; in barrels , $ -1.4
( < ? 4.C5 ,
New Orleans , May 3. Corn Quiet an
steady ; mixed , 0-lu ; white and yellow , 05c ,
Oats Steady ; No. 2 , 41K@42c.
Corn. Meal Quiet at $2.b5.
Hog Products Quiet aud weak ; port
$14.75 ; lant , $7.2T .
Hulk Meats Shoulders. $0.20 ; long clcai
* r. < l ; clear rib , $7.02 .
Mllwnukeo , May 3. Wheat Weak
June clobcd at bO SSOJfe ,
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 5io ( dolivcred.
Oats Scarce und higher ; No 2 white , 37 }
@ 38c.
Hyc Steady ; No. 1 , C5o in bin ; COo dolh
iiarloy Higher ; No. 2 , fiO > @ 70o for casl
Provisions Quiet ; pork , May , $13 75.
KUIIHUH Oliy. May 3. Wheat Steady
No. a soft , cash bO-ye bid , b2o asked ; May , bC
bid , b2c asked.
Corn Stronger ; No. 2cahh. 40'fo bid , 47
asked ; Juno , 40 % bid , 47Ko asked.
Oats No. 2 cash , 8Uo bid.
May ,3. Wheat Steady ; 'di
maud fair ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Quiet and steady.
ChlcnKO , Mny 3. The Drovers' Jourm
reports as follows :
Cattle Keccipta , 8,000 ; Rhlpmcnts , none
roarkut strong and lOo hlghor ; steers , $ ; i.b ( ) (
4,90 ; stockers and feeders , $2.fiO@3.b5 ; cow
bulls ami mixed , t2.OUM3.70 ; steers. fcJ.MX
4,00.Hogs Hcculpts , 15,000 ; strong and fiC K
lilphcr ; mixed , * 5.35 < g5.GO ; heavy , $ .r > .50 (
6.70 ; light , 5.S5 5.53 ; skips , ? 4,4o4'5.15. '
Sheep Heceiiits , 2 , KI ; market hlghoi
woolcd , $5.HK ( i,75 ) ; shorn , $4.2Sit(1.00 ( ; wcs
crn , $ l,7f > 0MJ ! ; Texans , f3,30 ( r5.bOi lamb
Kannns City , May 3. Cattle Receipt
tJ35 : shipments , 415 ; market strong ; good I
choice , < & 4.5r > ; i-ommon to mudluni , f3.i
@ : ,50 ; stockers , $2.00@2.'JO ; feeders , ? ; J.OO (
3.00 ; cows , $1.60@3.50.
Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 2OOC ,
market 5i$10u ( higher ; common to choici
| 4,70@5.40 ; skips und pigs , | 2.1i5g4.50. {
Natlunnl Stock Yards , ICnst B
Jjoiilw , May 3. Cattle Heccipts , 2 , 0 (
Bhlpmcuts , 1,100 ; market steady ; choice hcav
nutlvo steers , Il.406j4.45 ; fair to good nati\
Bteci-a , $4.00Cii4.i' < l ; butchers' steers , medlui
to choice , $ .1.20i4.a. ( ! ' ; Ktockcrs and feeder
fair to good , $2.lO < fl3.GO ; rancors , ordinal
to good , $2.31X34.10.
Hogs Receipts , 6,000 ; shipments , tXX
market active and strong ; dioico heavy an
butchers' Bolectlons , $ o.45a:5.S5 : ; nacklni
medium to prime. $ .1.25 5.60 ; light grade
fair to best , $5.00 ( 5.80.
Thuraaay , May 3 , 18S3.
There were only TOO cattle en sale to-da ;
ho receipts being very light as compared
with the average of the past few weeks.
i ho market was not actlvo but was Inclined
o bo slow , however , the cattle wcro nearly
nil sold before the close. An compnrcd with
yesterday there was very llttlo difference in
trices , the general market being about
itcady. As high as1.35 was paid for ono
ranch of 15o5 lb cattlo.
llo g.
The offerings on the market to-day con-
Istcd of about sixty-five fresh loads. The
; cncrnl market was about steady but the
icst heavy hogs sold a little strong and the
Ight hogs cased off toward the close. The
market was active and everything was sold
out early.
The market was well supplied but only ono
oad was sold.
Jattlo. ' 700
Toga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ! ! 4,550 ,
Sheep. . . . . „ COO
Prevailing Prices.
The following Is a table of prices p.ild In
this market for the gratlos of stock men *
Lloncd ,
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . H10 @ 4.35
Prlmo steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.75 $4.10
Pat llttlo steers. 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.00 CB3.85
Common to choice cows 2.00 © 3.50
Common to choice bulls 2.23 ( < S3.10
Fnirtochoicollghthogs 5.IK ) ( 5.10
Pair to choice heavy hogs 5.25 ( M-- " )
fair to choice mixed hogs 5,15 GJ5.23
Kcpresentiuivo Sales.
No. Av. Pr.
S bulls 1CCO 2.25
1 bull 1100 2.50
leow 1130 2.50
1 bull 1550 2.75
leow . 1120 ! UK )
1 cow DM ) 3.CO
1 bull 1750 3.00
Ibull 14.10 3.00
6'J tailings 1083 8.15
2 steers 1000 3.25
2stccrs 075 3.30
1 steer 1330 3.50
10 steers 1107 3.50
12stccrs 875 3.00
4 steers 1150 3.02) )
IS steers 1011 3.85
15 steers 1173 3.85
01 steers 1150 3.00
22 steers 1025 3.80
21 steers ; 1071 3. 0
17 steers 1085 3.00
20 steers HOO 3.00
14stcors 1228 3.05
25 steers 1124 4.00
12 steers 1153 4.00
25 steers 1220 4.10
37stccrs 1205 4.12
35stccrs 1208 4.15
70 steers 1214 4.25
25 steers 1384 4.25
10 steers. . . . : 135li 4.25
0 steers 1555 4.35
No. Av. Pr.
410 IbS 5.10
lllnativcs 70 4.50
No. Av. Shk. Pr.
81..182 200 $4.85
103..173 120 5.00
87. . . . 107 320 5.00
01 185 200 5.CO
74..213 240 5.05
05..201 3W fi.1'5 '
70..200 320 5.05
81. . .200 40 5.10
(54. ( .2113 bO 5.10
72. .217 200 5.10
74. .22'J 200 5.10
53. 220 200 5.15
.230 120 5.15
03..220 40 5.15
. .218 120 5.15
72..224 5.15
72..218 100 5.15
* > . .232 120 5.15
80..210 40 5.15 07..219 40
75..210 515 G4..252 100 5.25
70..230 200 5.15 50..253 80 i ) . < * t )
70..229 80 5.15 71..253 100 2.23
08..235 120 5.15 CO..279 fcO 5.30
78..203 120 5.15 74..259 5.30
71..234 240 3.15 05..289 120 5.30
70..230 320 5.15 02 . . .274 80 5.30
75..232 120 5.17 } , 03..230 280 5.30
72..233 100 5.20 03..277 120 5.30
72..253 120 5.20 53..274 100 5.35
70..218 100 5.20 59..280 bO 5.35
01..211 40 5.20 07 2SO 60 5.35
72..232 100 5.20 CO..312 40 5.40
01..217 40 5.20
Live HtocK Sold.
Showlngthonumborof hoalof stook sold
to the leading buyers on the market to-day.
G. H. Hammond&Co 35' '
Omaha Packing Co 01 !
Armour & Cudnlmy P. Co 28'Ji
G. U. Wilson & Co. 50' '
Klngan & Co 21i
J. P. Squire & Co 20
Speculators 14
G. H. Hammond & Co. . . . 13
Stevens , Huuiiltun & Co. . .
S. Drcifus
Swlftfc Co lb
J. Pepper 2
W. Hoycr
William Hurnsltlo 5
Harris & Fisher. :
sucii > .
Stevens , Hamilton & Co. . 11
Monthly Report.
Showing the number of cattle and slice ]
weighed at the yards during the month o
April and the average weight and incrcas
over the saute month in 1SS7 :
Drafts. No Cattlo. Av.
1st week . 415 0,219 1,10
2nd " . 439 0,333 114
3rd " . 303 5,873 1,16
4th " . 423 7,249 1,12
Total . 1,009 25,074 1,15
Increase . 045 14,779
sinn' .
Drafts. No. Sheep. A\
iBtweok . 0 H'Jt 6
2nd " . 13 1,220 b
3rd " . 10 1,317 I )
4th " . 8 1,220 10
Total . 37 4,094 I )
Increase . 23 1,053
iavo Stock Notce.
Very little change in the markets.
Sims & H. , Portsmouth , la. , marketed
load of 35o hogs.
Uenry Hammer , MInncola , was lu will
two loads of cattlo.
Gu Theline , Shelby , nnd B.
Exuter , were invith hogs.
The top price , J5.40 , was obtained for i
load of hogs belonging to II. liurkctt , Silvc ;
Captain Wood , of the Kansas City Liv
Stock Hccord , was among the visitors at th
Among these who marketed 30c hog * wcr
James Uivctt , Lincoln , and W. II. Errctt
Ilnrlan , la.
U. C , Oldhani , of Heaver City , a rcguln
bhippor , was in with two loads of hogs am
ono of cattle.
Charles W. Roberts , of Heaver City , er
gaged In farming , also a ranchman , was her
with a load of cattle ,
Ccrcsco was represented by C. L , William
who marketed thrco loads of cattle of hi
own feeding at 13.00.
Hoth members of the firm of Buckley i
HOI.S , Stromalmrg , wcro here with four load
of cattle and a load of hoga.
H. W. Hawkins , of Heaver City , Colo. , o
the Nebraska division S. of N. , U. S , A. , wa
a visitor ut the yards to-day.
The i-attlo weighed hero last month aver
aged 17 lb . less than the rattle weighed dur
ing the month of April 1(87.
The Hi-fat hogs ever shipped from hero ! i
double decks wcro taken out by the Nortl ;
wobUrn to-day. They wore bought b
Squires & Co. for their Boston iiackin'
The following wcro among these who cam
in with cattle : S. H. Smith , ExeterV ;
Twer , Dorchester $ William Holmbaurn
Waco ; William Her.hel and C. H. Har.lichl
Thertirmof Lorlmer , Westileld a Male ;
has been dissolved by mutual consent Th
buslnoss will bo continued by William M
Lorlnicr und Charles S. Maloy , under th <
lirm nainoof Korimer & Maloy. who nssum
ull liabilities and who are autuorizeed to col
lev't all debts of the llrm.
I'rotluce , Fruits , Nuts , Hie.
Thursday , May 3.
TJtt foltoirtng flirtations are '
and not retail. Prices fliinfcd on pro.tucc
arc the rates at ichtch round lots arc told on
h ( market. Fruits or other lines of goods
requiring extra labor In pac/an0 cannot nl-
trays be supplied on outside ordcn at tnc
same prices quoted for the local trade.
Kates on flour nnd Jccd arc jobbers' ' prices.
Prices 071 pr ln arc Miosc ; inld liy Omaha
tnlller * dcllver . All quotations on mer
chandise arc vlMlncil Jrom leading houses
and arc corrected dally. Prices on crackers ,
cakes , etc. . arc those ulvcn by Icaclhu/inniw /
faclurcrs.r * fS w * * * s. * .
TrftJo was folr to-day nnd without any
special feature. Eggs were , flrm nnd poultry
scarce nnd in Rood demand. Butter wa9
easy , nnd vegetables ruled nt uncertain
prices but wcro In good demand.
UuTTr.ii Fancy crcamcr.v roll butter. 25 ®
CCc , with solid packed at 20 ( < t22e' , choice
country butter 10@20c , common pradca
17@18c , Inferior stuff 12Q15c , according to
Koos-Strictly fresh 12@12Kc.
CHEESE Full cream , 13iUc. (
STiuwiinitmcs FrcshJITlorida , 25 ( < J30c per
BEETS OOc per doz.
VOTATOES Cholco homo grown , 75aS5c ( ;
Utah and Colorado stock , $1.10@1.25 ; lo\\
grades , fiS OSc.
Poui.inv No dressed foxvl In the market'
llvo chickens , * 3.75a4.00 ( per doz ; turkeys ,
c per lb ; geese , $9.00i10.00 per doz.
l'l.VNAOC 12.002.25.
HnuiiAitii 5cpcr lb.
ONIONS Native stock f 1.25@1.50 , Spanisli
per box of 5 Ibs SI. 7502.00 , California onions
-lc per lb.
EMONS $3.50@3. 75 per box ; fancy , $4.00(3 (
5.00.OiUj or.s-CallforniaHivcrsldo$3.75@4.00
Messina , .50@5.50 ; l.os Angeles , t3,00S (
3.25 ; Los Angelcr Navals , $4.00 ; Utversidt
Navals , iO.OO.
Asi'AitAOUs 50@00c per doz.
CucuMnEiis $1.00 per doz for choice.
LETTUCE 30V810c ( per tloz.
CCUJHY California stock , J1.50 per doz.
K.uiisiiM lOc per doz.
STIIINO BEANS * 2.75@3.00 pcrbu.
GIIEI.V I'KAS J2.25 per bu.
TOMATOES $3.00(3 ( > : l..r > 0 tier bu.
PINIAITI.F.S $ ! .UO ( < ( > < > .
BANANAS Common medium , J2.50@3.00pci
bunch ; choice , $3.00@3.50.-
TuiiNli-s HutabaRas , C5(3COc. (
DATES Persian. iK@7o ! per lb.
SAtnu KIIAUT Choice ncr bbl. of 32 gal
S5.00@5.CO ; K bbl. , W.00@4.50 ; fll.OO per bbl
of 50 Bill.
CIDEII Choice Michigan cider , $4.50@G.5l
per bbl. of 32 gnl.
PorcouN Cholco rlco corn is quoted at 3 ( < i
4c per lb. , other kinds 2) ) @ 3c per lb.
CAHIIOTS f2.25Q2.50 per bbl ; new stocl
40f45c ( per doz.
PAIISSIM New stoclt , $3.00@3.50 licr bbl
CAmiAnns f 1 per doz. for native stock ant
3) @ 4c per lb. for California.
CAULiri.owcu- stock , $2.50@3.75 pc
BEANS Good stock , ? 2.CO@2.75 ; Californl :
beans , $2.25@2.40.
Fios In layers , 13@15c ; cake. lOc pcrlb
NI'TS Peanuts , 0)iJi7c ) ( ! ; raw Brazil nuts
13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal
nuts , 15rilSc ) ; lilbcrts , ISc ; Italian chestnuts
15c ; pecans , 15c.
HOSCY 10@21c for 1 lb frames ; cannct
honey , 10@12c per lb.
PAKSI.EY SOc per doz.
CitEEN ONIONS 15@20c per doz.
PUIIB MAPI.C SYVUI$1.25 per gal.
KntiiiAitn 5c per lb.
SALSIFY 25c per bunch.
I I Grocer's Ijlst.
KEHNED LAUD Tierce , 7 > ! c ; 40-lb squan
cans , 73c ; 50-lb round , 7c : 20 lb round , 8c
10-lb pails , S ? c ; 5-lb palls , 8 c ; 3-lb paila
New Orleans molasses , per bbl.
37@40c per gal. ; corn syrup , SOo ; half bbls.
38c ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55 ; sorghum , 3Sc :
PROVISIONS Hams , 10102i'c : breakfas
bacon , 10K@llc : bacon sides , 8 > f@8Kc ; dr ;
salt , 8@8J/c ; shoulders , 7@7'/c ; dried beef
PICKI.CS Medium in bbls. $5.75 ; do in hal
bbls , 3.40 ; small in bbls , $0.75 ; do in hal
bbls , $3.1)0 ) ; fibcrkins , in bbls , 57.75 ; do u
half bbls , S4.40.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , pe
case , $3.10@3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case
$3.00Si3.10 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3-00J (
3.10 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80
apricots , per case , 4.30@4.40 ; peaches , pc
case , $5.00iir ( .75 ; white cherries , per case
$0.00 ; California plums , per case , $4.50(34.00 (
blueberries , per case , $2.20@2.40 ; CKR plums
2-lb , per case. $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case
$3.20@5.75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , $ l.b5@1.95
2-lh gooseberries , per case. ? 3.25@3.35 ; 3-11
string beans , per case , S1.75@1.SO ; 2-lb Lira :
beans , per case. $1.00@1.05 ; 2-lb marrowfa
peas , $ i.50@2 00 ; 3-lb early Juno peas , pe
case , $285 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.40@2.50 ; 2-1
corn , $2.30@3.40 ; sardines , imported > { , 12 ( <
15c per box ; domestic ' / , O' feOKc ; mustard
EI.UES-30 lb pails , $1.25@1.50.
SALT Per bbl in car load lots , tl.30.
Horn Seven-sixteenths , 10@llc.
CINDT Mixed , 0@llc ; stic ! , _
HOI.LANI > HEUIUNUS 70@72c per keg.
MAI-I.E SunAU Bricks , 12 > c per lb ; penn ;
cakes , 13@14c per lb.
BHOOMS Extra , 4-tc ! , * 2.GO ; parlor 3-tic
painted handles , 52.25 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. S
$1.75 ; heavy stable , M.OO.
STAHCU Mirror gloss , 5J c ; Graves' corr
GXc ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo corn , 7c.
TEAS Japans , 20S55c ( : Gunpowder , 20j
COc ; Young Hyson , 22@55c ; Oolong , 20@G5 (
POWDEU AKD SHOT Shot , tl.45 ; buckshol
$1.70 ; Hazard powder , $5.00 ; half kcis$2.75
one-fourths , $1.50 : blasting kegs. $2.35 ; fuse :
100 ft , 45@75c.
SUOAU-Granulated , 7@7Vc ; eonf. A ,
7c ; wliito extra C , V > M ( & ( % c\ \ extra C , 0 ;
OKc ; yellow C , 6 fe5c ; cut loaf , 7-'CO
7) < c ; powdered , 7 © S c ; New Orleans , 5.J
Corrr.E Ordinary grades , I0@17c ; fail
17@18c ; prime , 18019 0 ; fancy green an
yellow , 22@23c ; old government Java , 28j (
30c ; interior Java , 25n ( > 28o ; Mocha , 2S@30c
Arbuckle's roasted , 193 c ; MeLauBlilIn1
XXXX , lO c ; Dilworth'8,10 ' , > c ; Hed Crosi
Alarotna ,
WOODBNWAUE Two hoop palls , per do ;
$1.40 ; three-hoop palls , $1.05 ; No. Hub$0.75
No. 3 tub , $5.75 ; No. 3 tub. $4.75 ; wagiboar ) < l !
electric , $1.50 ; tancy Northern Queen wijsl
boards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 : No.
churns , $9.50 ; No. 3 churns , $3.50 ; No.
churns , $7,50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , i
nests , 70o per nest.
TOBACCO Lorlllnrcl's Climax , 45c
Splendid , 45c ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Let
gctt & Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 39o
Drummond's Horseshoe , 45o ; J. T. , 42c
Sorg's Spearhead , 45c ; "Cut Hate , " 29c
"Oh , My , " 27c.
TOIIACCO SMOKIXQ Catlln's Mccrschaun
31c ; Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Piper Hcidsict
C4c ; Sweet Tip Top , 33c ; U. N. O. , ISc ; Uci
White and Blue , 17c.
CitACKmts , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject t
chango. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; sod
tmowllako ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda dandy , 5Kc
soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; sodu zephyr , 8c
city oyster , O c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oyi
tcr , 7c ; gcin oyster , 5o ; monitor , 7c ; Oman
oyster , 7o ; pearl oyster , Be ; picnic , 5c
snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Bostor
8c ; Omana butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , OJ c
cracker meal , 5 > ic ; graham , 8c ; grahai
wafers. 10o ; graham wafers in pound pacl
ages , 12 o ; hard broad , So ; milk , 7i c ; oa
meal. 6c ; oat meal wafers , lOc ; outmcal wi
fcrs in pound packages , 12 > o ; animals , 12c
Bollvcrgingerround,7ccream,8cCornhiL ( ) ;
lOo ; cracknclls , 10o ; frosted cream , SKc
ginger snaps , 8c ; ginger snaps ( city ) , 5c
homo urnilo ginger snaps , in boxes , 13c ; horn
made ginger snaps , ( Mb cans ) per dozer
(2.50 ; lemon creams , 8cprctzclshund ; ( made ]
IIK'H assorted cakes nnd Jumbles , llj c ; as
sorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( In tins ]
per box , $7.00 ; banana liiiRera , 14cbuttc
jumbles , llo ; Brunswick , 15c ; brand ,
snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( new ) lilo ; chocr
lute wafers. 15c ; ChrUtmhs lunch ( In tins ]
per dozen , $4.50cocoa tafty snaps , Uc ; colTc
cake , 12c ; Cuba Jumbles , llj c ; cicam pufl
30c ; egg Jumbles , 14o ; ginger drops , lie
honey Jumbles. ll } < c ; Jelly lingers , 15c ; Jell
wafers , 15o ; ieily tart ( now ) . 15o ; lady lliif
crs , 13u ; vanilla bar , He : vanilla wafcit , Uc
Vienna w.ifcrs , 1 dozen parkacci in a box
per dozen , $2.50.
All good ! ) p.ickcd in cans In per lb ailvanc
except snowlluko and wafer soda , which ur
pai'Ucd only in cans , So'la in VMI ) and 3-1
paper boxes , tfa per lb advance ; all otlie
goods lo per lb advance. Soda In Mb pape
boxes , Ic per lb advance. The 2-lb boxen nr
packed in cases holding 18 In a case. The i
lb boxes are packed in cases holding 1" in
case The Ml ) boxes are packed in cusso
holding 30 In a case. Onc-lb graham anil oal
meal wafers packed 2 doz in a cube.
Show lops for boxes , with glasb opening t
show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer botlu , $ , t.t > ;
not ruturnablo. Cans for snowtlako sodi
$5.00 J > er Hot. Tin cases glass face t
display the gooilh , 75c each. No charges fu
packages except for cans and rcturnabl
poods. ( Jlnss front tin cans and "sncwllakc
uoda cans uro returnablu at prices charged.
Dry Guoila.
Pni TS SOLID COLORS Atlantic , Cc
Slater , oioBerlin \ oil , G c ; oil , 0j (
7c. PIND ANnIlonr.s RichmondCJe ; Alien ,
OMot Ittver Point , 5c ; Steel Htver Cc ; Hich-
m'ond. Co ; Paclllc ( i ; c. INDIOO BI.UB
Washington ; Ccritury , dlgo blue prints ,
Oc ; American , 7c ; Arnold , C. ' o ; Arnold B ,
Ic ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , ifli c.
fiEfS Chnrtcr QaU. pc : Haninpo , 4) < c ;
.ool , 5c : Alfcn , Ce : Klchntentl , Cc ; Windsor ,
Atlantic P , 4-4 , OS ; AnroraLL- 4 , Cc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , flc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 7 c ; Hoo-
sler L.L , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , .7) ci
Lfiwronco LL. 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
6 05 Pcppcrcll , U , 44 , ' Ttfc ; Pcppcrcll , O ,
4' < , Co ; Pcppcrcll , 8-4 , lS ) < c ; Pcppcrcll , 0-4 ,
21c ; Pcpporcll , 10-4 , 53c ; Uticn. C , 4-4 , 6e ;
Wachusctt , 44 , .7'tfo ; Aurora. B , 4-4 , O c ;
Aurora , H. 4-4 , CJ/c.
BATTS Standard , 9cj Gem , lOe ; Beauty ,
12Jfc ; Byonnc , 14c : B , cased , KJ..W.
CAHI-ET WAIIP Bibb , white. 10c ; colored ,
22c.DUCK West Point 29 In. 8 oz. , lOJ c ; West
Point , 20 in. 10 oz. , 12kc ; Wt-st Point , 10 in
12 oz. , 15c ; West Point 50 in. 11 oz. , IGc.
Checks Caledonia X , Okc ; Caledonia XX ,
; Economy , OKc ; Otis , OKc.
NTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
2Sc ; Durham , 2Kc ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming
ton , 22 c ; Cottswold , 27)-ic. )
CiiASH Stevens' 13 , tto ; blenched , 7c ;
Stevens' A , 7Kc ; bleached , 8)ic ; Stevens' Plo
blcaclied , Hic ; Stevens' N , O.'feS
bleached , lOKc ; Stevens' S UT , IS c.
MtBCEi.i.ANUot'a Tnblo oil cloth. $2S5 ;
plain Holland , 3Mc to Okc ; Undo Holland ,
Hj c.
c.UoMroiiTnns W.CO@35.00.
HI.ANKETS White , | 1.007. ( ! < JO : colored ,
$1.10C < f8.00.
Ui.iitriiEn SIICMINO ncrltely cambric ,
No. CO , 9Kcj 13cst Yt4-4 , C o ; butter cloth ,
00 , 4Kc ; Cabot , "Koi Karwcll , 8Jic ; Fruit
of L'oom , 0'C ' : Frceno G , Oc ; Hoic. ] tic ; King
Pliillp cambric , Ilo ; Lonsdulc , ll'Jc ' ; Lons-
dale , Pe ; New York mills. lOJ c ; Pcppcrcll ,
4'J-ln , lie ; Pcppcrcll , 415-in. , lye ; 1'eppcroll ,
IM , Klo ; Pcpporcll , 8-4 , 'Jlc : Pcppcrcll , IN
23c ; cppcrcll , 10-4. 25i" Canton. 4-1 , 8Hcj
Canton. 4-4 , UHo ; Triumph , Co ; Wumsutta ,
10o ; Valley , Go.
GINOIIAM Plunkett chcclis , " ! # : ; WliHtctv
ton , 7) c ; York , "Xu ; Nonmuidi dress , 8 } o ;
Calcutta dress , 8j o : whittcndou dress , 8 c :
Ucntrovv dress , 8K@liiKc.
TICKS Lewiston , UO-in , 12) ) c ; Lewiston ,
32-in. , 13 o ; York , as-in. , 14c ; Swift river ,
7KeThorndykoOO ; , 8kc ; Thorndyko EP ,
8Ko ; Tliorndiko 120 , ' ( Jc ; Tnorndilto XXi
15c ; Cordts , No. 5 , U cj Cordis , No. 4 , lie.
DB.NIMS Amoskcag H , 9-oz , Kio ; Everett
7 oz , l.'Ju ; York 7-oz , lUc ; llnymukcr , bKc
.lattrcy XX , llj o ; .luffrcy XXX , 12'fc ' :
Heaver Creek AA , 12c ; Ucavcr Creek II U
lie ; 13eivcr : Creek CC , lOc.
PI.AX.NELS Plaid Uaftsman , 20c ; Goshen
32 > < c ; Clear Lako. 33Xo ; Maple City , 30
Whlto-GHNo.'J , M , aic ; G H No. 1 ,
30c ; Quechco No. 1 , sf , 42c ; Qucclieo No. B
J37lrfc ; Quechco No. 4 , § / , JU' ' c ; Anawan
13 c ; Windsor , S2kc ; Heel XC , 24-in , lo' c
EU4-in , 21c ; GO 24-tn , 18c ; II A F , J , " 5
JHF , V,27KcGJf.n5c. ;
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis
count-LL , GJfc ; CC , 7 } c ; SS , 8J c ; Name
less , 5Ke ; No. 5 , Co ; EH. O c ; GG. 10' < ic
XX , 12 c ; OG , 14c ; NN , lOc ; HX , ISc : II
20o ; No. 10 , 8J4o : so , 10KcCO ; , 12 c80 ; , ICe
20c , colored , lOc ; 50 colored , 12o ; 7U , colored
25c ; Bristol , 13 > < c ; Union Pacific , 18c.
Gnnernl Markets.
Ftoun ANI > FtED Minnesota patents , $2.4 !
@ 2.50 per owt ; Kansas and Missouri fane ;
winter patents , $2.WX < i2.73 pcrcwt ; NcbrasUi
patents , $2.45@2.50 per cwt ; rye Hour , J2.0
i > cr cwt : wheat graham , 51.75 pcrcwt ; ryi
graham , $1.35(41.40 per cwt ; New York bucli
wheat , 83.50 per cwt ; Excelsior , $3.00 per cwt
ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornmeal
yellow. $1.00@1.10 per cwt ; white $1.10&S1.1 !
pcrcwt ; bran , $10.00@17.00 jcr ) ton ; screen
ings. $13.50 per ton ; sacked , SAc per cwt
hominy , $3.25 per bbl ; chopped feed , $18.0i
per ton ; chopped corn , $10.50@17.00 per ton
LEATtimi Oak soles. 35@37c ; hcmlocl
slaughter sole , 21@3c ! ; hemlock dry solo , 1 !
@ 2ic ! ; hemlock kip'CO@OOe ; A. & U. riinnc
Kip , 50@73o ; A. hemlock calf , 00c@$1.00 ; A
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlocl
upper , lS24c ) ; English grain upper , 25c
hemlock grain upper , 210f2-le ; Tampico 11. L
Morocco , 29@33c ; Tampico pepplc , O. D. Mo.
22@29c ; Curacoa. ll. G. Mo. , 30c : Simoi
O.I ) . Mo. , $2.75@3.CO ; Dantrola kid , 80QJ32C
X M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid. 32c
Gricscn kids , J3.00@3.50 ; French glazed kids
$2.60@2.75 ; French calf kids. 51.20 ; oak kii
skins , $ SOcff$1.00 ; oak calf skins , S1.00@l.flf >
French calf skins , $1.25@225 ; French ki |
skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Ilussitt linings , W.00@0.5 (
per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , f7.5 (
( < J9.75 per doz. ; colored toppings. $9.00 ( < j
EXTIIACTS Sanderson's oil bcrgamot , pe
lb. , $2.75(23.00 ( ; oil lemon , per lb. , J2.50 ; ol
pcpperment , J3.00 ; oil wintcrgrccn , t2.50
olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , 1.25 ,
WINDOW GLAbs Single , 70 per cent and i
per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent , discount
PAINTS White lead , pure. CKc ; white lead
fancy , GJ c ; putty , in bladders , 3c ; Pari
white , 3o ; common , 2ifc ( ; red lead , 7c.
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees , 13o ; linscci
boiled , G2o ; linseed , raw , 73o ; castor , No. 1
$1.20 ; No , 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , $1.00
whale water , bleached , baci fish , bank , 35o
qeatsfoot , extra , 63c ; neatsfoot , No. 1 , 5Qc
gasoline , 75 degrees , 15s ; W. S. Lard , two
No. 1 lard , 50o ; No. 2 lard , 50@55c ; AV. Va
zero , HoV. . Va. summer , 12c ; golden Nc
1 , 40o ; golden No 2 , 25c : whale , SOc ; napha (
1 degree. 14c ; headlight , 150 degrees , J2d
headlight , 175 degree , I5o ; turpentine , 48oi
castor , pure , $2.45 per gal.
DJIUOS Acid , carbolic , crystal , per lb , 50c
citric acid , per lb , OOc ; tartaric , per lb , GOc
sulphuric , per lb , 5c ; amonia , carb , per lb
15c ; alum , per lb , 5c ; alcohol , 95 per cent
per gal , $ .3.20 ; blue vitric , per lb , 8c ; bora *
rcllncd , per lb , lOc ; camphor refined , SOc
cream tartar , pure , per lb. 45c ; cronui tartat
commercial , per lb , SOcrcldves , per lb , 33c
cuttlefish bone , per lb. 30c ; dextrine , per lb
12o ; clycerino. pure , per lb , 30o ; hops , fresl ]
per lb , 40c ; indigo. Madras , per lb , SOo ; in
sect powder , per lb , GOc ; morplilno , P. & W.
per oJ3.00 ; opium , per lb , 1.00 ; quinine , P
& W. , per oz. , Die ; quinine , German , per 0 !
5Go ; rochelle salts , per lb , 85cj saffron Auiei
lean , per lb , 40c ; saffron , true Spanish , pc
oz , $1 ; saltpetre , pure , per lb , lOc ; bulphui
Flowers' , per lb , 5o ; soda bl-carb , per lb , Cc
silver , nltrato , per lbll,50 ; spermacctc , pe
lb , COc : strychnine , per oz , $1,25 ; wax.whlto
cure , per lb , 55s ; wax , yellow , pure , per 11
35 c. *
SriitiTS Cologne spirits 1S8 proof , $1.14
do 101 proof. $1.17 ; spirits , second iualit.v |
101 proof , JUG ; do 183 proof , $1.13 ; alcohol
1S8 proofier ! | wino gallon , $2.12 ; ro-distille
whiskies , 5I.25@1.50 ; gin blended , $ l.fiO@2.00
Kentucky bourbons , $2,00rtO.OO ( ; Kentuek
and Pennsylvania' , $2. 00 ® 0.50 ; Golde
Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50 ( < j3.0U
brandies , imported , $5.GQ@8.00 ; domestic
$1.30@3,00 ; gins , imported , fS.OO@0.00 ; dc
mcstlc , $1.25@3.00 ; champagnes , importer
per case , $28.X33.00 ( ) ; American , per case
HIDES Green butchers , ' 3K@4c ; greei
cured , 5J @HJ c ; dry Hint , Oo ; dry salt , be
green suited calf , 7 } ( Vi8u ; damaged hide
two-thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25
each. Tallow No. 1 , 3 , ' c ; No , 2 , 2) c
Grease Prime white , 4Kc ; yellow , Uc
brown , 2c. Sheep pelts I0c@l. 00 , accord
Ing to quality. Urundcd hides classified a
Funs Raccoon , NO. 1 , 30rt45 ; No. 2 , 25i (
SOc ; mink , 10@50c ; muskrat , fall , 6@bc
muskrat , spring and winter , 8(2 ( > llc ; 8tri | > ci
flkunk , 10LUOc ( ; mountain wolf , No. 1 , tl.M&
2.50 ; No. S , pralrio , S0@70c ; No. 2 , S5@40r
beaver , No. 1 , per lb , $2.00@3.00 ; No. 2 , * 1.0
( < ? 1.25 ; otter , $1.00(30.00 ( ; dry deer skins , 20 ( !
fticpcrlb ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 1
( < i25u ; deer skins , per lb , 20@25o.
No. 1 com , s 1 st.lS.5U I No. 3 com , s 1 s.I5 f ,
No. 2 com , s 1 s 17.00 | No. 4 com , s 1 s. 13.0
No I.J&Ojul'J&u ' ft , rough J21.0
No. 1 , " " 10 " 21.U
No. 2 , " ' H lo.r ,
No. 2 , " " 10 " 17.5
A , 12 , H & 10 U.J21.00 | C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft $15.2
U , " " 20.25 I U , " " ia.
I6trominVhltePinecciling t33.5
2d " ' "i , . 'J7'j
Clear % in Norway" " 100
fid com ft in " " " H.O
A Gin White Pine . , . . . , . .J34.5
BOm " " S2.5
CUin " " 2'J.J ' ,
UOin " " 21.5
EC in " " ( Sel. Fencing ) 1V.O
C in , Drop Sldine 50u per M extra.
A 12 inch s 1 s. . . KVr-0
B13 " . S9.60
cia " . . . .j .
U 12 u . , , , . . 22 T > 0
No. 1 torn , ISin'sl's.'V/ft. . . . . . , ! ! 2UX )
" " " 14ft . 20.N )
11 " " 10ft . C0.r > 0
" " 10,18,20ft . 23.00
No. 2 ; . . : . . . .
" " " 13 14 ft . 10.00
" " " ion
12 In Grooved rooflnp , * l per M more than 12
in Stock Boards smno length ,
10 In Grooved roofing satno price na 13 In
Stock Boards.
No. 1 Plain 8 nnd 10 In . tlS.75
No. 2 " " " . 17.23
No. 1 , OO , Sin . 10.23
1st and 2nd , clenr , 1 , 1'In s2 B . J , " > 0.r 0
' " 1& , 2 . 50.W
3d , clear , 1 In , n2 . 45.M )
" Ui , IK i" , 2 . 40.50
A , select , 1 in B 3 a . 39.50
A , " 1/,1K } , 2ins2s . 43.50
B , " lins'Ja . 2D.50
U , " I/ ! , l1 . 2in.s2s . i. , 1M.50
B , select , nil 10 ft , $1 extra.
Clear Finish , 1 nnd 1J < Inch , n3 s . 2rt.50
Clear Finish , 1 % nnda inch , s2s . 30.00
Clear Corrugated Cclllnp , 4 Inch . 24.M
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Baso. . . . 20.00
Com. 4 inch Flooring . $10.50
Star " " . 20.70
1st nnd 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring . 22.00
Clear % Inch Ceiling . 20.00
Clear 5f Inch Partition . 24.00
Clear % Inch , Partition ? 2 almo Inch
OG Batts , 2 < in . $ 70
" } < xJ ! , sla . 85.00
3 In well tublntr , D & M and bcv . 22.5(1 (
Pickets , U & II Hat . 10 50
l'J.5J (
aiil.'xiu.i , LATH.
XX clear S 3.10 Extra A S 2.00
A * Stantiard. . 2.C3
5 In clear . - tl in clear 2.1C
No. 1 . 1.30 Ccilar * A
Lath 2.5J Estate Transfers.
J It rummlngs anil wlfo to V M Croft , lot
lit In SWU of nw U 3-lr > 13. q c J1.75C
Omaha mul Kloroncu Ianil anil Trust Cote
to Andrew Nelson , lot 2 blk 100 , City of
. Klorcnri ! , ( | c It
Otto Iolcck nml wlfo to .Innies Curran ,
lot 14 llk 8 Lincoln place , wd 37f
li K Muggins single , to Sarah J llooil , n',5
of lot 10 blk 4. ilorbnek's 2il ailtl , w il . 3.00C
Hrirvi-v Koromai ! ami wife to .las OClapn ,
lot2'blkG Ambler pluco , w 1 3XX (
Snrah J Hood nnd huslmnd to I < K Mug
gins , lot 18 blk8nndlotoiilk3 , Albrights
Annex , wd l.fXX
I * li I.el. onrlng ami wlfo to Ileiry O I.el-
scnrlm ; , lot 4 blk 2 helsenring-j ailtl , w d KX
Milton II Ooblo to Thoinna Swobo ct nl.
NT by 2 < i ) ft corner Twenty-fourth and
Howard sts , w d 3.MX
S II 11 Clark , trustee , to lllslo Johnson , lot
17. blk If. West side , w d 3
11II Smith ( single ) to Chas 0 Wontwbrtli ,
10 n < res In s w U 19. IS , It. w d 1OOC
II Q Clark nnd wlfo t .loromlah Hyan , lots
1 nni2. blk I , Unpont place , w if 1,00 :
II O Kulln. trustee , to John J Wilkinson ,
lots9 anil 10 , It II Crclghton hi-lcnt * . w d 1,2.7
Wm V ftivetn to Mary s Allls. lot 14 , blk
2 , Slovens'place , w d 1,00 (
Nnlrum 1' Fell ( single ) to Wm 1' Stevens
et al , lots 22 and 23. Ilurdcttu court , w d 371
Theodore Olson nnd wlfo to Clans A
Olson , lots 7 nnd f , blk 0 , Hammond
placo.wd 1.4CK
John Hush ft nl to Frederick Nelson , lot
17 , mk 8 , Albright's annex , w d 541
Theodora Olson and wife to Henry Curtis ,
lot 17. blk 2 , South Omaha park , w d . . . XK
Jobn M WntiKli nnd wlfo to 1.11 Schoenlc-
lier , lot 23 blk fi , 1'nddock place , w d. . . . 2,601
E S Hood nnd wlfo to II Newmnn ct al , lot
11 , 12 and Kl blk 7 , Albrights Annex , w d 30 !
Augusta ynnpke nnd liusbnnd to Mnttlo O
Connell. lotu , 10. 11. 12 nnd 13 l > lk J ,
Blunders A : IIlinebaughs add , wd 2,601
J M Swcntnam et al to'1 lie 1'ubllc , Swent-
nmns sub w',4 blk OS nud VJ , South
Omaha , w d , pint
Union Stock Yards Co to T n Mlnllmn ct
nl , lot 3 blk 7 , Ibt ndd to South Oninbn ,
w d CO1
T 11 Mlnlhnn and wife to Hldhnrd A Mor
ris , lot 3 blk 7,1st add to South Omaha ,
w d 1,60
23 transfers aggregating 40(13' (
Ituildini ; PermltH.
Yesterday the following permits wcro is
sued by the superintendent ol buildings :
Portland 1'nvcment company , alien , Nicholas
las J 10
W. fl. Ilahn.two-storynnd nttlc frame res-
clence , Mnyno near I.owo niienuo 4,00
Johanna Johnson , cottngc , 111 North
Twenty-fourth 1,00
Chris llullnheluier , cottage , Ohio near
Twentieth 90
Pour permit ? , aggregating $ 0OJ
Still Another.
A. few years ago , says a writer in tin
Pittsburg Dispatch , in the Unitei
SttUes court in New York , I had tin
pleasure of hearing Roscoe Conklini
inalco a very commonplace mesa of rail
road affairs interesting and oven exciting
citing with his marvelous eloquence
All of the speech lias escaped mo now
and I can't reinmcmber oven the nami
of the suit. An incident occurred whiol
was called to my mind by a very artistl
spring overcoat of New York architec
ture , inside which a Pittsburger ap
peared on Fifth avenue yesterday.
At the trial I referred to before
Coiikljng was opposed by William Max
well Evarts , the senator whoso son
fences are as long as his republicai
record , and longer. When Conkling
came into court ho was wearing a vor ;
handsome ovorcont liglit , now , am
glistening with sillc lining. It wa
spring , and the great stalwart novel
was known to dress carclc&bly ; on tin
contrary , his taso in attire is conspicu
ously good , and ho likes to dress well.
Qlie took off the overcoat and Hung i
over the back of a chair and ttirnci
nway to talk to some of his logai col
leagues. A minute afterwards Mr
Evarts came in and sat down at once ii
the chair over which his opponent'
overcoat hung. The overcoat slippei
down as the small lawyer composed nun
self in the chair and Mr. Evarts a ] )
pe.nred to bo enjoying the extra comfor
of 'the novel support to his back , wlioi
Colliding turned around and saw tin
tails of Ilia coat disappearing. Conk
ling took two stopa , and grasping tin
coat ( irmly jerked it and Mr. Evarts ol
the chair. Mr. Evarts was very mucl
astonished and disposed to be cross , bu
lie couldn't help laughing as Conklini
hold up the coat , wrinkled and crcaset
by its service as a cushion.
"Perhaps you'd like to shake me
too ? " said Mr. Evarts as Colliding fahool
out the coat.
"And I would , if I thought I couli
shako the wrinkles out of you ! " wa
Conkling'a laughing reply.
. , NEB.
The best known and moil popular Hotel In I tti
ttate. Uicatlon central , polntmunta llrsl-clai :
Ueadquarturn lor commercial l ujfu unJ all polltlca
K. I'llOCUCN I'/oprlctor
U U. l-ALSItll. K | - U1CHU.A.V. J 11 lll.i.NCIIAIll
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Office lloom 24. Oppoiltu ICichnnue lluildluif , t/nloi
_ btoclt \ ardn. Houtli Omaliu , Nub. _
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market ( urnl'hed ( rco on application btuckeri am
fuuilcm ( urnl b don Kood tvrma llu'crencvn Oiui
Im Nullorml Hunk anil buutU Omauu Nulluuai , Uulo
ritock , V rJa , south OIIKIUU.
Live Stock Commission ,
[ loom li , Kictianeo lluilillni ; , Union Stock Yardi
_ KuutU OmiiUa , Nub.
Comiiiision Dealers in Liye Sock ,
r.octo 'ft , Opptnlte KidiaDfO nuUdmif , Uaioo StQc
Vardt. boutti uniabn. NtJU ,
Of OHiaha , Limited ,
Jcba r.
0 !
ITrTpfemorTtB ,
Dealer in AgricnltnrallmDlements.WaEons . ,
Carrlaiei and nncglti. Jone PtrcM.betwcenJthnntl
1Kb , Otuaba , Neuramn.
icnlturallmiilcinGntSjVaions.CarriaE .
s , Hie. Waolctale. Omatm.Nebraiiln.
WholMalo Dcalm In
Agricultural lmnlements , a onsynggics
(01 , KB. POtt and W7 Jones Street , Omaha.
P. P. MAST & . CO. .
Mannfaclnrers of Buckeye Drills , Sectors ,
Cultivator * , Ilnr tUkc . Cider Mills and Lublin Pnl <
Ttrltera. Cor. Mb and Nlcholai fetrccU.
w ( NONA Tivi P LEM ENT co7i
AiricnltnrallinpleinBnts.faps&BnggiGS .
Curnrr llth and Slrholan Street * .
OMAHA nilAM'll.
Hamstins Macninery anfl Binder
W. K. Mend , Manager. 1313 tanvcunorth it , Owahn
Dpota and Shoos.
w7v < MORSE & co. ,
Jotes of Boots and Shoes ,
Artists' MotorlolB.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 DouKlns Street , Omnhii , Nebraska.
Mnnufacturcrs nnJ Jobbers In
Wagons Buggies , RaKes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 9th nml 1'nclSo Street v Onmhn , Neb.
1110 llffl-llOJ Douglan St. . Uninlm Alnnufnctory , Sum
mcrSt. , llo ton
( biicccssora to Uccd , Jonci A to. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Booksellers nnd Stntlonore-
" H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
Bucccseora to A. T. Kcnyon & Co. , WholetMo & nctftll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine Wcdcllns Ptntlonerr. ) > l Stutlonerr.
Urf Douulas Street , Onmhn , Neb.
Coffooe , Splcoa , Etp-
Onmlni Cotroa and Uplco Mills.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
FiaTorlna ISztractR , I.nunilrr llluo. Inkf , Ktc. lill
14IB Hnrnor Ptroot. Omnha. Nehraslia.
Crockery end Olosavvajro.
" "w. L * WRloHT.
Agent for the Manufacturers nnci Importers of
Glassware Lamps Chimneys
CrocKery , , , ,
Jttc Offl cc , 317S. 13th fcU. Oinuha. Nebraska.
IniportcTS and Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Kto 1514 Karnam St. , New 1'nxton llulldlns.
Commission and Storogo.
( Successors to McSlmno A Schroeder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Ouiaua , Nebraska.
Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commission
MurcUnuts. Corrc | iondenco follcltcil. 1014 Nortl
ICtli fctrcct , Uraulm , Nub
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Butter , EKKS , Chcene , I'onltrj , Game
Ojitvrs , Utc. . Ktc. 112 bouth Htli Street.
Coal , Coke and Llmo.
" " "
Johoers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
200 South 13th Street , Omalm , Ncbrnskn.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
Anil shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , riastcr. Lime
Drain Tile , anil boner 1'lpe. Oflleo , I'azton Hotel ,
rnrnam tit. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South l.'tlj St. , Omaha , Neb.
JDry Goods and Notion a.
* ' "
'M. E SMlfH & CO. .
Bry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers aud Jobbers in Bry GooflsNolion , !
Gents' 1'urnlehlnK ( ! oods. Corner llth and IlaJno.
BJa . Omaha. N bniskR.
Furnltur . _
Wholesale Bealers in Furniture ,
Farnnm Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
Omalm. Niiuranka.
Office Fixtures.
.Muiiiifucturers of
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions ,
700.7C7.709 and 711 B. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
14h nnd rxjavenwortli Etrceli , Onmba , Nobraik * .
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinvruru , Kheft Iron , Ktc. Agents for IloneScnlei
mid Miami 1'owilerC'u , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tools unit IlulTalo B ! fs. 14A ( Dougla
rJtreet. Omaha , Nebraalia ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
lOthand Ilarner Sts. , Orjnhn , Neb. U st rn Agcnl
ftr Austin lsowrtrr ( > j. , JflTerion Hteel Nalii ,
l-'alrbanka hluiulanl Bc le .
' '
Wliolesule Munufactururs of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardwar
And Leather. Kit ) , HOT , nl , nn llurncy K
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , \Vatton Stock , Hunlwaro. Lumber , Ktc ,
_ aud 1211 Itarnujr ritrcct , Umalia ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
< Yagonand rurrlago Wood Stock , Hearr Hardwari
Ktc. UI7 and Kfa Ixiuventrortu Bt. . Umaha. Nob.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesai
IBtj Ptrcct and Union 1'ueldc Track , Omaha.
Bealer in Lunmcr , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Uoon.iac. TrJCorn r7tb and DouxUi ) Corut
9lh ami
Hnts , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goofc
1107 ltarn > y Strf U Oniahit. N h.
Bealer in All Kinds of Lumber , .
1.1th and California. Strettt. Oaalm , K brsit .
FRED W. anAY ,
Lnmlier Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Comer rib ana DouclmSti. . (
To Dealers Only ,
Office , 1403 Fnrnum Ptrcel , Omnhn.
V/holesalc / Lnnilier , Etc ,
Imrortcd nd Amrrlcmi 1'ortloml Crant.
Agent lor Mllwnukpn llrilrniillo Comenl nd
yulncr White Mnio. iJ
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlicr ,
Wood Curiiol nnd 1'nrqucl Flooring Plh unit lniijrji > |
Iron Worka.
Cnrtcr > V fen , 1'rop'f. Jlnnutnctnrors ut nil kinds
Steam Boilers , Ms and Sheet IronWorlc
Works South 50th nnil H. i M. cros'lnu.
Wronglit and Cast Iron Building Worlc ,
Kntflnct * . IlrftM Work , ( icnonil Kouiulrf , Mnrhlno Ant )
JJIncksmlth Work , onico unit Wort * , U , P HI.
ami lith htriTt. Omalm ,
Manufacturers of ire and Iron Railings
Desk IlitllK , Wlnrtntr Uimnl" . I'lnircr Ftnml9 , Wlr < \
tlKi , lite. l' l Norlli Iftli StreetOinnUii.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
VnulKl ll Work , Iron ami Wlro Ki-nrlnii. SlKin. Kto.
< 1 An trfi'ii. t'roti'r Cor. llth H'nl .iHrk on SU.
Iron and Wire Fencas , Railing Gnards
uJ acri'eni , lortintiKH , oineuii , Murun , iun | < lvncu9 , UQ
ImproTOJ AwnlnRi , LockimttU Mnchlncrr ana
UlackBiultli Works. < U South 1UU S t.
iMtiAdhtirt it LbACH ,
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,
Rcncrnt Agent' for IHoboM Safe , t Uck Co.'n
Vaults aud Jail Work , HIS Karuatn Struct , Uuiabo.
riiillinoiy mid Notlono.
" " '
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
MS. Z10 ami 512 South llth Street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
< 00 and < U5 Sc uth 10th HI. , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1105 Hnrnor Street , Omaha.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo flroanc' , Etc. , Omaha. A It ll ! h' " , n
Paper Boxoa
ProBrietor Omaha Paner Box Factory ,
Nos. 1317 and K110 Douglas St.,0mnhn , Nob.
Paints and Olio-
\Vliol < ' 'iilo Dealtr In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
11/8 / Kuru a m btrect , Oiuuhii.Ncu.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carrr n nice stock of Printing , Wrnpplni ? and Writing
l' p r. Bpeclal attention utTon to car Foul ordere. T
Prlntora' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealer , la g5i { S ' 8 n MntjuJ-Buppllc. . WJ
Rubber Goods.
311 Clothlutf mid Leather IJcltlns. 1008 Kurnam Btroa
, Pumps , E
' " " "
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Jteam ,
Wholesale Puinns , Pipe , Fillings ,
To m
Steam and Water Supplies ,
( lallldar Wind Milk. 819 nml 930 Tarnnm Bt.,0m li .
O.r.ltOB .Acting Maimcer. j %
J3RO WNELL & CQ. . /
Rngines , Boilers and General Machine ? !
Blicotlron Work fitcnni I'nmin , B w MIMi. 1S1MZ11
Ix-avcnwortli Hlrei'l. Uni lm.
l olesale Farm , Field and Garden Seefi
til nml 1113 Jonci.Hirer t Om.lm.
Storogo , Forwardns A Commlealon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch Unmoor the llrmier llnrsr Co. liu le > ( tt
wliulcialu und rotull , l.ioi niOunrt UU Uard Utr "
Oiuabu. Telcpliuno No. JW.
Lager Beer Brev/crs / ,
\n \ : North Klgthtcciitll Btrei-t. Omaha. Nch.
Overalls. _ , . . _ _
Manufacturers of Oyeralls ,
; cani I'anti , ljblit , Ktc. DCCanil 1101 Douglai Street.
Omalm , .Neb.
MannfactDreGalyanized Iron and Cornice ,
Jolio UpoueK-r , I'rnprletor. VAIDodcoainl 110 ami 10 |
Noftb 101U t-lrcf t , Ouiu'iu.
Saoh , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV/ . CO. ,
\Vliolotalu Manartcturrni of
Sasli Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
ranch office. IZtli und IrnrJ b'.rcetiOinaba , Nob. '
Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding. HUUr Work niul luter'or Hani Wood Kin.
Isli. .N. L' . Ciifut'r bill and l.cnr unortU Blrt'tlS ,
OcjaUa , tjtb.
Manafactarers of Moulding , Sasli , Doors , Illlndt , Turning , FUrork : , Hank and Oalce Fit-
tliim.UU mid '
Srrtoko Stacks ,
Manufacturing Dealer in Smolo Stacls ,
IltltcliluK , 1 unkt and Henoral Holler Uep ! ili < , UU
l > uiU fct et.OiuabaN U.