Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1888, Image 1

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The Hooplor Senator Playing Possum
in a Private Hotel.
Bpoonrr's Scheme to Trick the Direct
Tnx PilllbnoterflCIcvrlnnd'B Op-
posit Ion to the Hloux ItcBcrvn-
tlou Hill An Allison Mnn.
Tlio Tall fiycnmoro In Hiding.
WASHINGTON. D. C. . May 3. 1
With significant unanimity all of the
Washington papers announced that Senator
Voorhces has gone to Indiana on law busi
ness. Ono paper stated that ho left on Tues
day Immediately after his encounter with
Ingalls. 1 learn to-night that Senator Voor-
bees is In seclusion at n private hotel In this
city ; that he has been there for forty-eight
hours ; has no Idea of leaving the city , and
that the announcements in the press wcro
made at the request of his friends to explain
Ills continued absence from the senate. It Is
ntated that the senator Is very ill.
Just before the Ingalls-Voorhecs debate
opened In the senate It was reported around
the cnpltol that Senator Joe Blackburn
was "loaded for tlio man from Kansas , " and
that ho was anxious for an opportunity to
participate In the affray. It was , noticed dur
ing the early part of the debate that Black
burn squirmed nervously In his scat and
evinced the keenest Interest. Three or four
times ho was on the eve of rising to put In
his our , but was admonished uy senators
around him not to do so. The senator from
Kentucky could hardly control himself when
Ingalls made a broad Intimation about con
federate brigands nnd banditti raiders uud
guerrillas , and the crime there was in send
ing clolhiiittJinfcctcd with deadly diseases
into the families of innocent people to destroy
their lives. The fnco of the Kcntuckhiu
blanched and ho grated his teeth. Ho said
not a word , however. Presently a note
was brought to Senator Blackburn by
n doorkeeper. Ho took it and read
it nervously , and after that sat back in his
chair and watched the proceedings with in-
B tcnso interest und exticmo nervousness , but
mudo no effort ut any time to offer a reply or
engage in the combat. During the awful can
nonading and the discharge of painful shots
by Ingalls , nnd at a moment when the sensa
tion in the senate beggared description , the
senator from Kentucky left his scut and re
tired to the Those who saw him
were amazed as ihoy expected him ut every
moment to spring to his feet in defense of his
helpless friend from Indiana.
A friend says that the note the senator re
ceived was from a very dear friend on the
outside who begged him to say not n word ut
the hazard of his reputation. He said that
Ingalls was loaded to the rnuzzlo for him ,
having procured certified copies of his war
record , and that ho would ruin him (131ack- (
burn ) if ho took any part in the debate.
T.hcro were also wonacis heard from the
lips of the people in the galleries and about
the scnato at the time of this furious fusilado
over the extreme quietude of Mr. Turpie ,
Senator Voorhecs' colleague fiom Indiana.
Many of Turpio's democratic friends de
clared that he would himself extinguish the
senator from Kansas , but Mr. Turplc said
not a. . .wordIt now becomes clear why ho
was quiet. Senator Ingalls was loaded to the
muzzle for Mr. Turplo also. He
would have placed him in the sumo copper
head category and despicable role in which
ho arraigned Voorhccs , and he hud the docu
ment over Turpio's own name in his posses
sion to prove his assertions.
Senator Heck of Kentucky nnd Senator
Vest of Missouri were also remarkably quiet
on this occasion , and It dovelopes that they
wcio forewarned by friends who learned that
the senator from Kansas was likewise prepared -
pared to club them if they rose to interfere.
Ho hud several records at hand. Before
noon yesterday not a copy of
the Congressional Record could bo
procured about the city. There
was an unprecedented demand for the Rec
ord notwithstanding the fact that only the
running debate and cutting dialogue between
Senator Ingalls and Voorho.'s was published
in yesterday's edition , tlio two long speeches
being withheld for icvision. There have
been many thousands of copies of yester
day's issue of the Record ordered by Sena
tors for distribution among theirconstituents.
INOALLS TO nvvi : A riin.ic iincui'TioN.
At n meeting of the National league hold
last night , at which General E. F. Bcalo
presided , resolutions thanking Ingalls for his
fearless and patriotic defense of the repub
lican party and his arraignment nnd exposure
of Voorhccs and his copperhead allies , who ,
in the nation's hour of need and peril , sym
pathized and plotted with rebels , encouraged
the enemies of our country In their treason
able work , but lacked the courage to openly
unite with the traitors and light for their
cause , were adopted amid enthusiastic cheers ,
nnd a special resolution was passed proposing
n public reception to the senator froniKansas ,
A commit ) eo representing the league will
call upon him with an engrossed copv of the
resolutions and ask him to fix a date for the
Tiiicuixn Titn rn.LinusTKiis.
Senator Spooner is to conduct n vigorous
fight in suppoit of his proposed amendment
tp the sundry civil appropriation bill when it
comes up for action in tlio upper house of
congress. The bill came over from the house
t ( > the scnato about the tlmo the llllibustcrs
succeeded in defeating the direct tax bill ,
The passage of the sundry civil appropria
tion lull is absolutely essential to tlio legis
lative , executive and Judicial departments of
the government , and oil never falls of pas
sage When the lillibustcrs defeated the di-
rcut tax bill , Mr. Spoonor determined to offer
tto ) measure as un amendment to the sundry
civil appropriation bill , which would guarun-
tpc a ' , oteupon it. But there is to bu a point
o'f 01 dor made against the pioposed amend
ment. It Is to bo made under the
mlo which prevails In botli houses of
congress that new legislation cannot bo in-
Kortod in regular appropriation bills. Mr.
Kpoonerlll hold that the direct tax bill is
not amendable and the bill as it is is not now
legislation ; that it is In the nature of an up-
piopilution nnd therefore comes properly
within the jurisdiction of a regular appropri
ation mouiuiic. It is not improbable that
there will bo fllllbustering in the scnato , und
then another session of it when the bill goes
ovnr to the house for the concurrence of that
body to the amendment , ( should It not bo
Ihrou n out on the point of order in the senate ,
rnr sioux INPIAN nusBUVATiOV.
It was ascertained to daj that President
Cleveland's object In refusing to sign the bill
opening to settlement the Sioux reservation
In Nebraska und Dakota until the last day of
grace ( Tuesday of this week ) , was to afford
Film every opportunity to veto it If ho could
flint any grounds upon which to do so. Ho
was opposed to the bill , and also the one
opening the reservation In Montana , but
Ihoro being no objection made to the measure
lie attached his signature about noon on Tues
day , nnd at half past 1 o'clock the constitu
tional ten days elapsed. Delegate Gilford
said to-day that the president would appoint
the two commissioners the bill provides
for , and also the interpreter a.d
stenographer who make up the commission.
Within the next ten days , nnd that they would
piocccd to their duties nt onco. Ho had no
hopes of securing a commissioner from his
territory , believing that the president will
appoint men from the cast , who can have no
JHSoiblu Interest In the transaction , but ho
i \pccts Insecure the appointment of the in-
U'rpietcr anil stenogianlicr from Dakota.
The commission will negotiate with the In-
iliunR , and us soon as full runsunl has been
obtained , the president will Issue his procla-
ruUicu throwing the reservation open to set
tlement. Mr. Gitford believes this \vill occur
EomeUuie in June.
tKN'ArOIl tOIS 10ft AtlHf.l.
Senator Sabiii , of M'Mo ia ai'.j ta-cv ,
whllo cxpicsstng B wiliniiitfs : to suipott
iny man who would be considered by iho
javty the strode1to & prejirtcncy , that
10 believed Senator Allison , of Iowa , was
ho most available man , nnd that ho first pre
ferred him to any other mentioned. When
asked what ho thought of Walter Q. Gresham ,
10 replied that the Gresham boom seemed
to bo raoro of a i > ersonnllty than anythlnc
else. Other members of the Minnesota dele
gation express themselves very warmly in
favor of the Iowa manwhose strength seems
to bo growing.
. In the house to-day Mr. McShano called up
ils bill providing for a bridge across the Mis
souri between Council Bluffs and Omaha.
ind It was passed. A duplicate of the bill
ms been introduced In the senate , which in
sures early final action.
C. P. Squires nnd wife , of Burllncton , la. ,
nro at the Ebbltt.
The secretary of the treasury to-day
awarded the contract for special furniture
For the public building nt Council H luffs to
Cotmnt Bros. , of Toledo , O. , for the sum of
? 3fX > 0. Penny S. HEATH , j
Army Matters.
WASHINGTON , May 3. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK. ] Corporal James Warren , n
provost guard of the general service , now on
duty nt the military prison , Fort Leaven-
worth , Kan. , is transferred as a private to
Troop F , Sixth cavalry , and will bo sent to
the station of that troop , Fort Lewis , Colo.
To complete the record , the discharge of
First Scrpeant William A. Clark , Company
C , First Iowa cavalry volunteers. May 18 ,
1N5J , is amended to tnko effect February 13 ,
It03 ; his muster into service as first lieuten
ant in the satnn company and regiment May
14. 1803 , is amended to date February 14 ,
ISO I. nnd he Is mustered for pay in the same
grade during the period embraced between
the aforesaid dates.
Campaign. Asscssmcntf ) .
WASHINGTON , May 3. [ Special to the
Bnii.l Already agents for the political par-
tics have been appointed to maka collections
In the departments of contributions towards
the approaching campaign , In the way of
money. The democratic associations have a
man in each ono of the executive departments
who collects subscriptions , nnd the assess
ments arc levied on the old plan of ti per cent
of tha annual salary of clerks for the first as
sessment , and 3 per cent on each subsequent
assessment. In some of the departments
there wcro three assessments taken up to de
fray the expenses of the campaign of I860 ,
aggregating In nil 8 per cent of the annual
salaries of the employes. It Is not probable
that the republican party will get very much
financial encouragement from the men who
have succeeded in keeping themselves in their
oflicial jxxsltloiis under this administration.
Ninety-nine per cent of them hold their
places by virtue of the civil service law , nnd
almost as heavy n per cent arc frightened
when they hear the word "assessment" men
tioned. Thoflrst assessment for the approach
ing campaign is new being collected , nnd is
to bo expended for reorganization purposes
through the state central committees. The
second installment will bo levied about Au
gust nnd will bo expended largely for free
trade literature nnd. speaker * .
The third Installment will como about Octo
ber , and will bo for the purpose of buying
Yesterday's Bond Offerings.
WASHINGTON , May 3. The secretary of the
treasury has accepted $1,277,000 of the
$3,701,000 bonds offered to-dap.
Washington Briefs.
Early in ttiis session the negroes of the
south petitioned congress fet > an appropria
tion of § 100,000 for n national exposition to beheld
held at Atlanta , Ga. These petitions , to
gether with memorials from white people ,
poured in asking that the colored population
bo encouraged in demonstrating their attain
ments of a quarter of a century. A great
portion of the people of Atlanta at first fav
ored the appropiation , but after some time
the party leaders deemed that it might bo un
wise , us it might afford an opportunity for
political organbation which would over
throw the democracy. It was also feared
that the assembling of so largo n number of
negroes might result in a riot. For a month
the people have been divided , ono clement
openly favoring the appropriation and the
other openly opposing It.
There arc some ten or twelve senators who
have the presidential bee in their bonnets
and their committee rooms are tliiongcd
with constituents who have come to make
suggestions as to individual booms. Some
of the senators have well-filled sideboards
and messengers to attend to the wants of
their followers In their own absence. In
formed of the committee rooms of these
presidential aspirants crowds congregate ,
sometimes blocking the way of passers-by.
Thcic are probably 500 men in Washington
at present to consult on the outlook , and
each has In charge the boom of the senator
from his own state.
Denver's Would-bo Suicide Goes From
Delirium Into Insanity. , Colo. , May 3 , [ Si > ccial Telegram
to the BEK. ] Hon. Ben. Robblns , the Ken
tucky statesman and lawyer , who was ap
pointed assistant United States district at
torney under Mr. Hobson , and who attempted
to commit suicide a few days since by cutting
His own throat , Is thought to bo hopelessly
insane. Ills friends hud him icmoved to St.
Luke's hospital the other day upon the ad
vice of physicians who'nro undecided as to
the extent of his injuries , believing that a
thorough course of treatment would bo
necessary to icstoru his former mental
ability. Ho has cntiicly recovered from the
delirium occasioned by drink , but Ills mind
wandcis more than over before. Ho Im
agines that Mr. Hobson performed the sur
gical operation from which he suffers , nnd
believe * that his chief is still after him with
muidcrous intentions. So completely Is ho
imbued\\lth these thoughts that helms made
several Ineffectual effoits to escape. To In
tensify the sad condition of Mr. Robblns , his
Denver friends recently received u letter
from his father stating that It would bo Im
possible for him to leave Kentucky nt pres
ent , ns ono of Hen's brothois Is on his death
bed , and his demise is looked for almost any
hour. The doctors have reached the con
clusion that tlio knife used bv Mr. Rabbins
must huvo severed or damaged n ncrvo lead
ing to the brain , and in consequence ho will
never recover his once bright intellect.
A ClioHtnut.
SU.F.M , Mass. , April 3. [ Special Telegram
to the Buu. ] The report cabled from
London yesterday that Joseph Chamberlain
had asserted positively that ho Is engaged to
Miss Endicott , created considerable comment
here , in view of the fact that Secretary En-
dlcott said n few days ago that the report
was absolutely false. Mrs. Endicott was
shown the ai tide by a reporter last night.
She read and handed it back withthoicmaik
thut she had nothing to say whatever.
Another Northwestern Flood.
WIXONA , Minn. , May 3. The water rose
four inches last night and the Hurlington &
Northern road hod a washout opposite hero.
The saw mill at this point hud to suspend ,
and the railroads uro generally inconven
ienced by the flood.
MIMNAUKKE , May 3. Specials from Carthage
thago , La C'robso and Ashland , V.'ia , state
thoiU'cis are rising and u is feared serious
Hoods will ensue if the water continues to
rise. .At-tho latter place It is icared 5,000,000
feet of logs will bo swept into Lake Superior.
Ice Bound Honlsi
ST. UiiCB : , May 3. There ore BOW to
twecr. twenty and thirty boats In the ice
boond up and down , between Wauliestiano (
light nnd St. Hc'ena ' island. They aw
m.iking nn headway and cannot until the ice
bit-Hiu up. A heavy snon etorin piova'ls. '
Will Pay the liiterret
t l Vor.K , May 3. At the o'tu' * t.f Jay
Gould to ( lay it was learned that it Ico-i
decided * o pay the Interest on thp doVt of the
International and Great Western railroad ,
which wan due May 1 ,
Particulars Showing the Act Was a
Case of Solf-Dostruotion.
A DlHtlnculslicd Union Army OHlccr
and n Prominent Figure In Chicago
cage Legal Circles General
Nebraska News.
Stanton's Prominent Suicide.
STANTON , Neb. , May 3. fSpcclal Telegram
to the Ben. ] I send you further particulars
of the Bulcldo of Martin Becm. The coroner's
Jury found n verdict of instantaneous death by
a pistol shot from some unknown hand. Mr.
Becm arrived at Stanton Sunday at 4 o'clock ,
hired n llver.v rig and drove to the Case
ranch that night. All day Monday bo seemed
to act very strange , wanting a pistol to go
out in the valley to shoot wildcats and seemed
to want the family to stay away from the
houso. Ho was apparently on friendly terms
with his wife. Tuesday right after dinner ho
told his wife she had better lay down and take
a nap , which she did in her own room. Mr.
Case and son went to the barn to take care
of the stock , and Mr. Beem said ho guessed
ho would go to his wife's room and Ho down
too. He went to the room , told his wife ho
would read n whllo before lying down and
sat down in n chair by the side of the bed.
She in a few minutes had fallen asleep. She
testifies she did not hear the report of cither
of the two shots of the pistol. There were
two shots fired about three or four seconds
apart. The first shot did not take effect
but passed over the head of the
bed and entered the wall. The
second entered his bojy Just
below the heart , killing him Instantly. The
noise of the falling of her husband
and other persons coming to the
room awakened her. Her father ,
Mr. Case , found her standing nt the head of
the stairs with her hands pressed against
tier cars. She neemcd to be almost out of
her mind. Her husband had fallen face
downward across a chair. Ho made two or
three gasps when moved by Mr. Case and ex
pired. Mr. and Mrs. Bccm have not been
living together for some years , their married
life not being a pleasant one. The remains
will bo shipped to Alton , 111. , for interment.
Mr. I3cem was a veteran soldier and a dis
tinguished lawyer of Chicago.
CHICAGO , May 3. [ Special Telegram to
the Bcis. ] Deep sorrow as well as great sur
prise was created among the many friends
of General Martin Uccm In Chicago by the
receipt of the dispatch from Stnnton , Neb. ,
stating that ho had committed suicide there
Tuesday. General Bccm was greatly re
spected here , and during the war was con
spicuous for many dceds _ of personal daring.
He enlisted as' a private at the age of
eighteen niyl loft the service a captain at the
close of the war. At the battle of ShilOh ho
saved a flag fiom being captured by wrap-
ing it around his body ; and that flag now
hangs in the trophy room at West Point. Ho
further distinguished himself In that buttle by
rallying the center of the line when it was
yielding by seizing a battle flag and rushing
alone in the face of the enemy , and thus turnIng -
Ing the tide of battle.
"I always supposed that the relations of
General Bccm und his wife were of the most
friendly and loving character , " said ono of
his clients talking to a reporter this morning ,
"till about a couple Jof months ago when I
went Into the general's ofllce. It was Just
about the tlmo that Mrs. Bccm went to
Europe the last time. I found him reclining
on a sofa. Ho lay with a handkerchief in his
hand which ho held to his mouth , as he was
taken with a severe coughing spell. I asked
him if ho was sick , and herculfed , 'Yes , both
in body and soul. Look at that,1 ho re
sponded , showing mo his handkerchief which
was saturated with blood. I asked him what
was the matter , and ho told mo that his wife
had taken her business out of his hands , and
ho expected she was going to sue for n di
vorce. I asked him what was themattcrnnd
why she wanted to get divorce. Ho replied ,
'I do not know ; she has no grounds in the
world unless she manufactures them. I have
done everything on earth I could for her. I
cannot stand much more of this. This trou
ble is going to kill me or I am going to kill
myself. ' 1 never knew of any family difll-
culty before that conversation with him.
AVlien his wife came back I saw him again ,
and he told mo it was nil right. His wife
was not going to apply for a divorce , and it
was all light. Ho .said I was the only one ho
had ever told of his family troubles , and ho
was sorry now he had told me. Ho would
not have done so if I had not culled Just
then. "
"Was his wife Jealous of him , or what was
the trouble i"
"Ho did not think she loved Him , nnd that
was the cause of all the dinirulty. Unsaid
she had no cause to be jealous , but she simply
wanted to get rid of him , and if she applied
for a divorce she would have to manufacture
grounds. "
"Was there anything in his business ar
rangements to causa him trouble ? "
"That is where the whole trouble began.
His business nffulw bothered him , and
ho wanted her to help him out
and she would not. She had plenty of prop
erty , but she took the management of it out
of his hands , and went off to l'uro | > o. She
lived with him very little. She went to Europe -
rope and remained there for a year , and came
buck lust summer. Then she spent n largo
part of her tlmo out nt the ranchc , and when
she came back from there she went right
back to Europe ugaln. Ho left hero Satur
day , and I have learned that when ho got to
Nebraska his fatlior-in-luw told him his wife
had como to Chicago.
Wnhoo'H Drought.
WAHOO , Neb. , May 3. [ Special to the
UCK. ] Since Monday night at 13 o'clock
Wnhoo has boon without n saloon , At that
time the license for the past year cxplred.und
the prohibitionists are waging war on the ap
plicants for license so vigorously that not ono
has secured a license. Hcmoiistrancos
were lilcd against every appli
cant , and the cases were heard
by the council on Monday night , and
none of the petitions wcro free.from material
defects , and so wo have nominally prohibi
tion , but it is noticed the drug stores uro do
ing u largo business , and some have been
mean enough to surniit.0 that they wcro deal
ing out the ardent. Prohibition In Wuhoo
was a failure two years ago , and will bo
so now. The Joy of the prohibs will bo of
shoit duration , The applicants fqr license
will at once fllo now petitions and sco that
they ore In proper form.
Gathering of Ministers.
VALENTINE , Neb. , May 8. [ Special Tele
gram to the HUE. ] The ministerial associa
tion of Chadron district of the northwest
Nebraska conference of the M. E church ,
Rov. T. C. Webster presiding , closed a three
days' session hero to-night. Ministers from
all parts of northwestern Nebraska wcro In
attendance , and the exercises have been of
unusual interest , calling together people
from all parts of the county. Ono Interest
ing feature was uu address by Mrs , " Wood
ward , state organizer of the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance alliance , last evening. Val
entino will organize u Woman's Christian
Teropciam.o Union und will b-itii ) this icason
a AieU'.dt.t ( ! church.
Generous to Mr. n 'o .
BEUiucn , Neb. , May , ' ! . [ Speciil Tele-
er.nn to HKE. ] At the republican county
convt'i.tion to day Charles O. Hates was al
lowed tp select the delegates to both the dis
trict convention at Ashland the state
convention ui Omaha. Mr. Bates h .1 cnndi
date for the Chicago national con-cntlon , but
it is undcrstpod that his whole light will be
wade iu .he district convention. Mr , Uaics
is n leading ottorndy 8f this county and n
regimental ofllcer In the Nebraska National
I/nlrd Carried the Precinct.
McCooK , Neb. , May 3. [ Special Telegram
to the llEn.1 Laird delegates were elected
In this precinct by twelve majority. This Is
his strong hold in this county , though the
county will bo anti-Laird.
Gene Dry.
NKUOII , Neb. , May 2. [ Special to the
DKE. ] The saloons are closed in Ncllgh.
The city board did not grant a license last
night. Great excitement is caused by their
not granting licenses.
Xmconn , In. , Slightly" Damaged nnd
Fatalities KIIRIIC.
DBS MotNna , la. , May 3. [ Special Telgram
to the 13KB. ] Thjs morning opened very
close nnd sultry. About noon a great thunder
shower came up , accompanied by gusts of
wind , which did no particular damage hero
but serious results are reported in other
parts of the state. At Laconn , In the south
east comer of Warren county , the storm
struck the place about 2:30 : p. m. . and in a
glfly demolished Myers & MclCinlcy's two-
story building , occupied by J. A. Pogue , mer
chant. Leonard Wilson , a farmer , was In
the store at the tlmo and was crushed by the
falling timbers and was dead when his body
WUB found In the rums. Two other men
wcro slightly hurt , nnd two boys nro still
missing who were in the building Just before
the storm. The saw mill belonging to Myers
& McKinley was also blown down , though
without loss of life. Other buildings wcro
unroofed and fences and trees were de
molished , _
"Won't Sell Any More Liquor.
DBS Moixr.s , In. , Mny 3. [ Special to
the linn. ] The State Pharmacy association
Is in annual session hero to-day , with a largo
number of druggists from all parts of the
state present. It took very Important action
In deciding by an almost unanimous vote
that as soon as the present permits had ex
pired they would not sell liquor for any pur
poses whatever. They adopted a strong
resolution declaring that the last legislature
has passed a law under which "no phar
macist can sell liquor either with safety to
his financial Interest or with any degree of
respect for himself or the profession of
pharmacy. " As there nro 2,000 registered
pharmacists in tho'stata who are members of
the association this action will make it very
difllcult to get liquor for any purposes. The
association also adopted a memorial to cong
ress asking that they bo not classed with
saloon keepers by being required to take out
a license and pay a federal tax of $23 a year.
No Bnll/ifor Billing ) ) .
WA.VEIH.V , la. , May 3. The ruling admit
ting Hillings to ball on his appealing to the
supreme court after conviction and sentence
to imprisonment for life was revoked by
Judge Hcddlck. A'statute passed in 1878 , at
the same session vfttlra statute reviving cap
ital punishment for murder , forbids bail
after conviction in cases of murder. This
statute , which was .overlooked , limits the
capital punishment statute , which allowed
bail in nil cases before and after conviction ,
excepting where the -Jury imposed the death
penalty , drawing a distinction in the matter
of bail before and after conviction , nnd mak
ing no distinction in regard to the penalty.
Both Wcro JDiNclinrgcd.
CnrsTON , la. , M.ay 3. [ Special Tele-gram
to the Bin.l : MUchJIhtercst was manifested
hero to-day over the trial of George Fisher ,
chief of the local division 6f the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers , and E. Hull , a
striking switchman , for an assault committed
the night of April 30 on a working engineer
named Small. Small was assailed in the
dark by four men and severely pounded , his
head being cut in several places and his col
lar bono broken. Fisher and Hall were
found not guilty. Leading "Q" attorneys
and ofllccrs were present at the trial.
The State Dentiil Association.
IOWA CITV , la. , May 3. The State Dental
association is still busy with lectures , clinics
and dlscushions. Prof. Nutiiig , of the state
university , gave nn instructive lecture on
teeth from a yoologicul standpoint. The
features of to-day's proceedings were a lec
ture by Dr. H. S. Chase of St. Louis , on
"Primitive Dentistry in Iowa , " and another
by Dr. I. P.ViIson on the "History of the
Iowa Association. "
lie Will Piny Hookey No More.
AXAMOSA , la. , May 3. [ Special Telegram
to the UEE. ] Essie , the eight-yeur-old son
of Frank Marshall , was drowned in the
Wnpsle this afternoon while playing truant
from school and catching clams. The body
bus not been found.
Killed tlio Lad.
CursTON1 , la. , May3. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] Robert Minor , the ten-year-old
son of 13. F. Miner , employed by the "Q , "
was instantly killed by lightning during a
heavy rain storm this morning. The lad was
standing at a window around which a coil of
loose telephone wire was hanging and
through which he received the fatal shock.
Governor Clmrch Scorod.
MINNEAPOLIS , May 3. The arraignment of
Governor Church , of Dakota by Day's fac
tion of the democratic party ycstcrdayat
Wutertown was ono of the most vindictive
articles ever adopted by a political conven
tion. The article charces Church with hav
ing , both directly and Indirectly , attempted
to Inllucnco caucuses , county conventions
and the territorial convention by threats und
promises ; that he , by his agents , threatened
postmasters and others with removal
if they did not support his faction , and prom
ised appointments us postmasters , lunil of
ficers , uttorncys general and United States
district attorneys to men for endorsement of
his imbecile , paitisun und trafllcklng admin
istration. The petition is made that ho bo
removed from ollleo und some reputable dem
ocrat of Dakota bo appointed in his stead ,
A committee was appointed to tone down
the arraignment and send it to President
Cleveland ,
Should bo Suppressed.
BOSTOV , May 3. [ Special Telegram to the
BEK , ] John L. Sullvan | broke his promises
yesterday nnd got very drunk. Ho appeared
In the morning at the south end police court
hlflsilkhat battered , dress suit awry and
staggering up to the rail announced to the
sergeant that ho could lick any man born of
woman. The ofllcer told him to get out and
Sullivan repeated the statements nnd was
locked up. When ho sobered up a little ho
was liberated and was next seen holding up n
lamp post on Slmwniut uvenuo ut 7 o'clock in
the morning , mud bespattered , hands in his
pockets , cut slug and accosting passois. Ho
stood a good chance of arrest but friends
gathered him In und put him to bed , Sulli
van said in ntighmd that when ho got homo
LO would lead a quiet , respectable lite , living
with the old folks
A JonrnalUt 10 ho Jailed.
CoLUvni's , O. , May 3In the case of Allen
O Myers' charged xvlth contempt of couit in
writing and publishing objectionable articles
during the progress of the tally sheet trials , ho
was sentenced to pav a line of J200 nnd was
given three months in the county Jail The
sentence was suspended to give the defense
an opportunity to carry this case lo the
A Health Mcnsii' "
CJT. co , May 3. Mayor Hoeho gav < rdrrs
this morning directing that all cattle v'aids
in the cltj connected with distilleries bo re
moved. His action U based on the report of
an expoi t regarding Die pollution which Vbcso
cattle m the Chicago nvcr ,
Illinois' Next Governor Enthualas
tlctilly Rocolvod at His Homo.
A Genuine Product of American In
stitutions Indlnnn Republicans
Thnnk ItiKnlls For Kxposlni ;
Voorlipcs' ItccortI ,
An Ovation to Flfcr.
BLOOMINOTOV , 1111. , Mny 3. Hon. .Joseph
W. Flfcr , who was nominated by the repub
licans for governor yesterday , arrived from
Springfield to-day at 2 p. m. nnd was tend
ered an enthusiastic reception , A grand escort
cert of people of all political creeds had as
sembled at the depot nnd the military and
civic societies' escort were standing In a
column awaiting his arrival with banners
nnd music. Mr. Flfcr was escorted to the
Windsor hotel and Introduced In the parlors
by Judge O. T. Severs. Mr. Flfcr responded
as follows :
As neighbors and friends , I thank you
most cordially and sincerely for this magnifi
cent reception. I thank you and through
you , the people of McLean county , for the
heroic manner in which jou and they have
over stood by my cause. I have lived In this
county , as boy. nnd man , for
more than thlrty-ono years , and
your endorsement , to mo nt least ,
means a great deal. I will say that wo are
to bo congratulated on the issues before us
this coming campaign , as they appeal to
knowledge and to reason , rather than to the
passions. With strong arms and bravo hearts ,
with cool heads and patriotic impulses , let us
go forward to deserve and achieve victory.
General Klllott , of Princeton , who was
commander of Mr. Fifer's ' regiment , the
Thirty-third Illinois , spoke in part as fol
lows :
"I have a peculiar interest m this gentle
man. Ho belonged to that grand army of
heroes who , commissioned only with
the oath of allegiance and in
spired by patriotism utterly unselfish ,
stood , a safe rampart around the
national Hag. Those who planted it on every
rebel battlefield , carried it in triumphal pro
cession through our streets nnd brought it
homo with them with Its fair face. In all
sober earnestness , Mr. Fifcr represents tome
mo the magnificent possibilities of American
civilization. To think that a young man
starting from the foundation upon which ho
has built , can over liso so high in the esteem
of the people of this state , speaks well for
American civilization. "
A few other brief speeches wcro made nnd
ncarlv ten thousand people shook hands with
Mr. Fifcr.
Kentucky Republicans.
LOUISVILLE , ICy. , Mny 2. After spending
the afternoon in speech making and appoint
ing conitnittccs , the republican state conven
tion , gathered hero to select delegates to the
Chicago convention , reassembled at S o'clock
to-night. General W. Landrum , of Lan
caster , was made permanent chairman. After
choosing district delegates , the following
were chosen dolegates-ut-largo : W. O. 13rad-
ley and George Denny. At a late hour bal
loting Btill continued. The delegates will prob
ably gotuuinstructed. Skerman was the
favorite with Blatnc out of the rate.
LouiaviLLK Ky. , May 3. The republican
convention lust night chose Congressman
George M. Thomas the third delegate to the
Chicago convention.
The republican state convention was called
to order for its second day ut 10 o'clock this
morning. John W. Lewis was chosen the
fourth delegate to the Chicago convention.
LOUISVILLE , Ivy. , May 3. The convention
to-night instructed for W. O. Bradley for
vice president by : i vote of 822 to 2)3. ! ) The
convention-refused to instruct for Sherman.
The delegation goes unmstructcd but is for
131aine if named.
Tlio Anti-Saloon Republicans.
Niw YOUK , May 3. The anti-saloon re
publican national conference opened its second
end day's session this afternoon. It was de
cided that the different delegations should
select ono from each state to be etelegatcs ut
tlio national convention. In the platform
adopted the saloon was regarded as the com
mon and malignant fee of civilization in
America and as a public enemy which
should bo abolished ; the rapid growth of the
anti-saloon sentiment In many of the states
was highly commended ; maintains that
the people should have the right
and opportunity of deciding how and
when the saloons shall bo suppressed , speaks
in the highest terms of the republican party ,
past , present and future , and demands of the
republican national convention that tha plat
form contain n declaration of hostility to
saloons. A resolution offered by Albert
Grltiin of Kansas , urging all women to give
their support to the republican party when
ever or wherever it stiiuds , for the protec
tion of the homo against the saloon , was
unanimously adopted.
Thanked For Scoring Voorhoos.
LNDIANATOLIS , May 3. The republican
state convention for .the selection of dele
gates and altcrnatcs-at-largo for the Chicago
convention was called to order at 11 : ' ) this
morning. Richard W. Nelson of Terre Haute
was chosen permanent chairman. Resolu
tions wet c adopted presenting the name of
General Hcnjumln Harrison us a candidate
for president of the United States , and the
delegates aio instructed to vote and woik
earnestly and persistently to secure his nom
ination ,
The resolutions send greeting to Senator
In galls for his scathing expose of the treason
able record of Daniel W. Vooihocs. Colonel
10. P. Thompson was unanimously elected
delcgatc-at-largu , On the first ballot .lames
N. Hasten and Studebaker wcro elected.
Ithodo Ihlurut KcpnhllcniiH ,
PROVIDENCE , R. I. , May 3. The republican
state and two district conventions for the
choice of delegates at large to the Chicago
convention met to-day in general convention
nnd selected Fied I. Mnrcy , W. R Walker ,
Richard Thornley and ( jeorgo T. Cranson.
A recess was taken and the second district
convention elected the following delegates :
Albert L. Sayles , and II. L. Uallou. The
first district convention followed , and chose
Mclvlllo Hull uud Ucnjumm M , 13osworth us
The platform favors liberal pension legisla
tion ; demands that this shall continue to he a
nation with u blir N ; demands a free ballot
nnd a fair count and the continuance of pro
tection. Finally it regrets Hlaluo's with
drawal and pledges the nominee full uuppoit.
Now .Jersey Democrats.
TRENTON , N. J. , May 3. The democratic
state convention for the selection of dele
gates to St. Louis assembled hero at noon to-
duy. The platform adopted reaffirms the
principles laid down by the last democratic
iiutlonul convention , stands by the tariff
planKof Unit convention , and rccofjniies the
wisdom of the recommendation of President
The vote on delegates at-large was taken
amid considerable excitement , and Senator
Hlodgott was defeated. The four elected are
Governor Green , ex-Governor Av.b 'It , Moses
Migclow and Senator Pailicr.
llllnolu GolH
, Ills. , May 3-lt\\us after 1
o'clock this morning when the ropublicun
state convention adjourned. The following
addition was made to the platform : "Tho
republican party is iu favor of the main
tenance of such a tariff as will guarantee
the protection of American labor and Araerl'
can manufactures ugiunBt the pauper labor of
the old world , It bciicves in the develop
ment of its home induilncs by all rational
means. " An attempt was made to get the
convention to adopt resolutions favoring the
submission of a prohibition amendment to
the people , but it failed to pass ,
Pennsylvania Prohibit I enl st a ,
IlAiiKisnnio , Pa. , May 3. The state pro
hibition convention assembled this morning
and selected A. A. Barker , A. A. Stovcnn ,
James Black nnd Charles A. Wolfe , as dole-
cutcs-atlarga to the national convention ,
Provisional delegates to the national conven
tion wcro chosen , nnd James Black was
unanimously nominated for supreme Judge.
A i evolution was adopted endorsing Clinton
B. Klske for president , after which the con
vention adjourned ,
Objector Holnuut Itnnoinlnatod.
CINCINNATI , May 3. Hon. William S.
Holman was rcnomlnatcd forcongrcss by the
democratic convention of the Fourth Indiana
district to-day at Lawrcnccburg by acclama
Wyoming AgaitiHt Blalnc.
NonTn YAKINH , Wyo. , May 3. The con
vention to elect delegates to the Chicago con
vention assembled hero to-day and elected
the following delegates ; W. J. Thompson , 13.
O. Hyde , O. C. White , Edward AVhltson. T.
II. Cavanagh and T , J. Minor. But ono of
the delegation Is for Ulalnc. A resolution
laudatory to Blaine was laid on the table by
a two to ono vote.
A "Q" Train Wrecked nt the Chicago
Stock Yards.
CniCAOO , May 3. A Burlington freight
train wan badly wrecked at a late hour to
night near the stock yards. Circumstances
point to the belief that it was the work of
strikers or their sympathisers. The engine
and two cars had passed when some un
known miscreant threw the switch and the
next fifteen cars were immediately derailed
and piled up in a hopeless wreck in a ditch.
As the switch was thrown a man near the
rear of the train throw n tie on the track ,
wrecking the last thrco cars. At the same
time a car of "dope" material of n highly in
flammable nature , used for oiling wheels ,
which was m the center of the train , was so *
on tire. Fire engines responded to the alarm
and the flames were confined to the original
car. Tlio wrecked train is strung along the
track for nearly half a mile.
Soon after the wreck occurred policemen
found the conductor of the train. James A ,
Edwards , lying near the track badly bruised
nnd nearly insensible. When revived ho
said thrco men had hoarded his caboose near
the last crossing and attacked him. Ho was
beaten over the head with some Instrument ,
and his valuables taken. Physicians think
he cannot live owing to internal injuries.
Daniel Hannan , a Chicago & Atlantic en
gineer , was found lurking in the vicinity by
the police andarrcstcdforcarryingconcealed
weapons. The crew of the wrecked train
was made up entirely of now men wno hud
been working since the strike began.
Unduly Kxcltcil.
MEMPHIS , Tcnn. , May 3. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] John Martin , editor of
the New Mississippian , who was killed in a
street duel with General Wirt Adams , post
master at Jackson , Miss , , Tuesday , was the
author of the "Red Manifesto , " or the circu
lar which first conveyed to the colored people
ple of Jackson , last December , notice that
they would not bo allowed to vote at the
election on the first Monday in January fol
lowing. The manifesto was printpd in red
ink , in largo typo , nnd at the head was
displayed an engraving of pistols , two shotr
guns and-a powder flask. The following is
part of the text of the red manifesto , a copy
of which is hi the bunds of the senate com
mittee on Judiciary : "Monday night a
meeting of the Young White Men's league of
Jackson , which comprises almost every white
man of Juckson from nineteen to twenty-
nine years of age , unanimously nasscd the
following resolutions , with the order that a
thousand copies bo printed and distributed
as soon as the nomination was made : 'We ,
the young white men of Jackson , having
seen ono of our number coldly , cruelly , nnd
hellishly murdered in the dink by anegio
bully , set on by a negro policeman of this
negro-cursed city , do hereby resolve in
solemn and awful earnestness that the cor
rupt , radical negro government of our city
should , must , and shall bo wiped out , cost
what It may. Wo have earnestly believed in
peace nnd law and order , und wo hope now
that this government of negro butchers may
peacefully yield to defeat , but wo want no
peace bought at the prlco of our manhood
and of our companion's blood. ' " The murder
referred to was the killing of a young white
man who belonged to one of the best families.
Ho picked a row with anegioon the sticet
and was about to shoot when the negro , In
self-defense , dropped him. Negro policemen
were condemned by the authors of the mani
festo for not killing the murderer on the
Condition oi'KnnH.iB Crops.
TOI'EKA , ICun. , May 3. The oflicial report
of the Kansas board of agriculture thus sum
marizes the crop situation : During April ,
with btjt few exceptions , rains have been
abundant in the eastern pai t of the state. In
western and northwestern Kansas nnd gen
erally throughout the northern portion , the
rainfall was somewhat slight and crops have
suffered somewhat In many counties cast of
the ninety-eighth meridian. Chinch uio re
ported numerous , but only in a few counties
us having damaged the crops to any extent.
On the whole the situation throughout the
state Is quite satisfactory , and farmers gen
erally are us hopeful as they \\cro a month
Wlnonn Under Wntcr.
WiNONi.Mlnn. , May 3. The river is nearly
fifteen feet high and the town is partly under
water. The levco Is flooded nnd the elevator
and flour mills shut down. The Trcmont
house Is surrounded by water , and the fibre
works ca'i only bo approached by boats.
Residents o ( Pond Lllv addition arc well out
to sen. They reach their houses by boat and
sleep on tables and In hammocks. The
Herald's press loom Is ilo/ded. / The com
positors set typo In rubber boots and the
picssinnn { rocs about his duties in n skiff.
Word from Ueuf Slough says the water Is
at u stand und the Chippuwa is fulling.
Ohio Iioyal Lotion Men.
CINCINNATI , May 0 , The Loyal Legion at
its annual meeting yesterday afternoon elect
ed a full complement of ofllcors , choosing as
commander Lieutenant-Colonel IS. C. Dawes ,
Cincinnati. At night a banquet took placu nt
the liuriiett house. General Sherman was
tlio toast-master and leading attraction of
the many piomlncnt persons present , Gov
ernor Forakcr responded to the toast , "Tho
Soldiers Who Founded Ohio Ono Hundred
Years Ago. " Festivities wcro kept up to n
late hour.
A Shooting Rco In Idaho.
WARDNKII , Idaho , May 3A thootlng
affray occurred this afternoon at Wnidner
Junction in which three men wcio wounded.
The principals wcro Miles McNally , of the
Cricket theater of this place on ono side and
County Commissioner Pat McGowun and
Jack Dillon on the other. Both McUowun
and Dillon were badly wounded. A by
stander named George Owens is not expected
to livo.
An Assignment.
XKNIV , O. , May 3. The assignment of
HOOYCII& Allison andM. C. Allison last night
caused considerable excitement in this city.
The debts of the company ore about f 100,000 ,
whllo Allison's will reach about { 25,000. The
assets will reach * HOO,000 or $400,000. The
Second National bank , capital stock $ lf > 0,000 ,
which hold n largo amount of Allison's paper ,
closed its doors this morning.
Another Strike Deul.irrd > if
Pi/ThiiuHO , May 3 Thogreat strike at the
Edgar Thompson steel woi ks was declared
off this afternoon by District Master Work
man Doyle of the ICnights of Labor ,
A Combination to Control the Big
Mines of the World.
Ho DOPH Not Think There Is Much to
Fcnr. Hut AVIll Not Predict a
Collapse L'nunl to the
Failure In Tin.
A Big Copper Syndicate.
[ fYijii/r/uJit / iSSSby Jatntt ( ionlan Dennett , }
PAIUS , Mny 8. [ New York Herald Cable- *
Special to tlio Bun.--Tho ] movements ol
the copper nmrkct nro exciting n great deal
of attention , A Hcrnld reporter was c J
pccially commissioned to interview ono ot
the highest authorities of Paris.
"I am quite willing to give you , " snld ho ,
"all the information possible. You know , ot
course , copper is now quoted at say JCSO a
ton. Thli , of course , makes S3 per cent
backwardation. Copper hiul fallen at tlio
end of last year 40 a ton. At this move
ment there was a rush of buyers and copper
began to rise. "
"Who were these buyers ! "
"I cannot say , but they certainly are sum-
clcntly known to any observer of the copper
market. A great fact to remember is that
they were not satisfied with buying In the
ordinary way. They supposed the prlco
could bo maintained at that high level , and
acting under this influence , closed copper
contracts with the principal mines of the
world , Including Hio Finto , Tnrls , Pcrnun-
cillo , and Yignocs In Norway. As the Hold
of operation grew larger they formed a syn
dicate for buying the whole production of the
mines , and engaged to take all the copper lor
two or three years with the obvious purpose
of mastering the market. Now these specu
lators , whoso names I purposely omit , arc un
doubtedly strong unit wo fully recognize
their strength , but our theory IB they have
done too much. They begin by buying at an
allround price of 05 , and give up a part of
the eventual profits of the metal sold at 75
or SO. "
"Where is their weak point ! "
"Well , it may be said that they Imvo for
gotten certain mines , and notably the Calumet - '
met and Hccla. I could mention others , ol
course , in Chili , Australia , Italy and at the
Cape , but have my own reason for not doin ( *
so. Just reflect whether the mines which
could not produce n profit when copper was
at 40 cannot take advantage of the risa
to SO. I will explain myself us clearly as I
can. Probably what has occurred with tin
will occur with copper. The same syndicate , |
began operations with tin and this may bo aa '
indication of what wo have to expect in
copper. The market in tin rose from 100 to il
107. That price was for delivery Just as for
copper. This .urtiilo 407 backwardation for
three months , and even 30 backwardation
for a week. It was at once evident that
this Jumpy market showed an un
sound state of finance. This wag
proved yesterday by the fact that on the last
day of April tin rebounded to the old price of
100. " , ,
"You expect a collapse then ? "
"I don't think that copper , which Is n largo
market , will bo so extensive as this , but 1
should like to remark there may bo many
other secondary reasons contributing to a
full in copper. There are many industrial
enterprises now employing steel and iron in
stead of copper. I may .say that while I own
that the copper buying agencies are nstuto
operators , I fall to see their sequence of ideas
in the present case. "
"Whilo speaking of copper , may I ask a
question about wheat ? "
"All I can suy is that there Is every pros
pect of a big rise. On crops in America thq
forecast is a large diminution in Ohio , llli
nois and Indiana , and that will raise prices
all the more so , because wheat is lower than
for the last two years and this docs not In-
cluiloEuropean complications. No ; if anyi
thing were to happen to disturb the pcuco ot
Europe the rise would bo enormous. "
Curl KcliurItaiuiiicted Again.
[ Coj > j/jfo/it / If&Sliu Jamm Goiilnn Ifrimrtt.l
Brur.i.v , May 3. [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to the Bur . ] Curl Schura
was to-night tendered a fluttering ovation
fioni representatives of every political shade
of German nationality tit a banquet given by
Paul Linden. The crown prince was repre
sented by Prof. Grclst and a brilliant gath
ering of diplomacy and science were present ,
with ofllcers , politicians , artists and celebri
ties of all kinds. They expressed friendship
and kindred tics with the half million Ger
mans In Now York and Hrooklyn who will
read this dispatch to-morrow. Sebum made
no speech.
Standing By the League.
LONDON , Mny 8. The London nml Liver
pool branches of the National league have
passed resolutions cxpicssing confidence in
1'anicll , mid declaring they will pay no at-
tcntion to the rcscupt of the people.
He TnlkH to n Chicago Knporicr on
Politics anil Tnriir.
CIIICAOO , May -Special [ Telegram to
the Bii : : . I Congressman Dorsey of Nc-
brask.i , who with Mrs. Horsey , ih bound
home from Washington to remain until after
the republican state convention , May 15 , was
nt the Palmer to-day. He said ho hud no
preferences icgardiiiB the presidency to ex
press. It was quite clear that a candidate
must bo chosen who would curry Now Yorki
New Jersey and Connecticut.
"Why do you not include Indiana ! " lie was
" 13ccuuso Indiana Is nafc. The soldiers
will never let Cleveland carry the state
again , and In Indiana there is discord among
the democrats. I would , however , like to
sec General Hurr Ison huvo a place on the
ticket. No , 1 will no say that I would Ilka
to sen an Indlaua man on tlio ticket. Gen *
cm ) Sheridan could bo elected. "
Mr. Dorsoy said ho would rather havd
Sherman than fireshum , Out whllo compile
mentlng all the candidates , said ho was jicr-
tcctly willing to Icuvu the nomination to tlio
"The southern members were unwittingly
given an object lesson on the tariff question
by Secretary Whitney at the launching of the
now war vossuU last Saturday , " added Mr.
Dorsoy. ' 'Many of them had never seen a
( 'real ship building establishment before.
Several of them had never been north ot
Mason and Dixon's lino. They wore amazed
at the magnitude of the works , built up under
the protective system. "
Mr. Dorsuy dccluios the Mills bill will
never bu adopted , and said that upon a can.
vuss of the 11 publican members it iiad boon ,
found that everyone will support a substitute
now being prepared by the icpublicaii minor ,
ity of the ways and means committee.
Tried to Kill Her \ttlior. .
CI.KVKLANII , May 3.At Mt. Vcrnon , O ,
to-day , Minnie Forsyth , iiped eighteen , ot
tempted to kill her with a club. She
{ struck him on the brad , frarturmg his skull
I und breaking ono urm which WUB thrown up
to ward off the blow No. cause is usulguoit
fur .he assa ill