Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1888, Image 1

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Fooling Over Yesterday's Blttor
Fight in the Sonato.
I'mldock HcfntCH * Sonic Statements In
Howard td .Western Farm
i Mortgages-Mills' Adherents
ii i Growing Anxious.
Attnr tlio Itattlc of Words.
M3 FoUHTF.nNTIl STIir.F.T , }
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Mny 2. )
Senator Voorhccs was not In his scat In
tlio senate to-day. All sorts of explanations
were made for Ills nbtoncc , liut lute in the
afternoon n distinguished Indiana democrat
and intimate friend of the senior stated Unit
the absence was duo to disability ; that the
senator was suffering from the Intoxication
of yesterday's proceedings In the senate , and
that there was no prospect of his reappear
ing In the scnutb for a day or two. Uni
versal regret was expressed during the day
over the conduct of Senator Voorhccs. No
ono of his colleagues attempted to excuse his
disgraceful words , and It was the unanimous
expression that when ho becomes himself
ngain he will apologize , but oven this will not
redeem him. If ho wcro to apologize In a
public manner nnd abjectly to the senate and
nil the people who wcro In the galleries at the
tlmo of his utterances , ho would yet
bo in the eyes ot all who saw him politically
ruined. Although many who hoard the buttle
of words between the two senators recog
nized much of tlio testimony against Veer
hccs , and some said ha hud before met the
charge that ho was a copperhead , etc. , and
that ho was in the conspiracy to uniku r.iss
the federal government , nil have to-day ,
since reading the official report in the Con
gressional Kucord , frankly said Unit it politi
cally scaled the Iloosier senator's doom nnd
condemned him lu the estimation of nil who
wcro loyal to the union , ns there was vastly
moro admitted by him to bo true than ws
necessary to make a euso of disloyalty against
During the course of an elibornfc speech
delivered by Senator Paddock this afternoon
upon the pleuro-pncumnnia bill , l.n took oc
cnsion to denounce the misstatemcnts which
liad been miulo as to the incrcnso in the num
ber and aggregate of farm inoi tgngcs , nnd
protested aguinut the charge that what in
crease there hnd been wns the result of un
successful agriculture. 'Tens of thousands
of farmers , " mild the senator , "who formerly
depended upon wheat and corn raising have
now taken to stock raising and have been
obliged to borrow money to purchase such
Block. A largo portion of the money bor
rowed had also gone into improvements ,
which represent in their value much more
than the borrowed money. The loans had
for the most part been made for the diversifi
cation of .111 industry which has added enor
mously to the wealth of the country. The
western farmers , in spite of the charges
made , have been growing yearly more pros
perous. " The senator Insisted that these at
tacks made upon western securities were the
result of attempts to secure partisan advantage -
vantage nnd to turn back the tide of eastern
capital which hail been diverted from the
distrust of Wall street.
The larger portion of Senator Paddock's '
speech , which occupied nearly an hour in its
delivery , was devoted to an argument of the
constitutional right of congress to legislate
upon quarantine- regulations to protect out
cattle tlccks and droves from contagious
and epidemic diseases. During the
course of his speech Mr. Paddock quoted
extensively from the frumors of the consti
tution and decisions from the supreme court
from the earliest time , which gave their in
terpretation of what constituted commerce
between the states , and based his argument
far the constitutionality of the law upon the
power which had been granted to congress
lor this purpose. The speech was filled with
Interesting statistics of the losses which oui
farmers and ranchmen hnd suffered fron
'contagious diseases and of the scourge ;
which hud swept over Europe during the
past century , destroying millions of dollars
Of capital invested in agriculture.
A caucus of democratic members of tin
house is to bo hold on Wednesday or Thurs
day evening of next week. The object is tc
anticipate as far us possible what the rcpub
Means intend to do in the way of olTeriiif
amendments to the tariff bill. The friend !
Of the Mills bill are not only willing
but anxious now to grant concession !
to those who refuse to support
the measure since they have seen thattlu
1)111 ) will fall short of u majority. There an
nil sorts of trades and tuifllcing going on ovci
this hill , nnd it is anticipated thut the dome
crats themselves will agree to accept utmost
nny kind of amendments which do not tak (
fico wool out of the list , nnd that every cfTor
lf > to be ticnt from now on to secure n ma
Jorlty on the linal vote. It is stated that Mr
liandull'H men will not enter the caucus am
there will bo enough absentees to hold tin
balance of power. Great anxiety is bclnj
shown over the outlook for the measure.
NUIIllAblCA MI'.AI-Ultl'.S IX Till ! SKNVTK.
The senate late this altcrnoon passed Mr
Paddock's bill provldlmr for the opening o :
the Fort Sedgwick military reservation u
actual settlement under the homestead lawn
During dcbnto upon it Mr. Paddock explninei
that it protected the rights of all scttlcn
on the reservation prior to the first of las
January , nud thosu who are protected by tin
right to make n second entry.
A favorable report was to-day made fron
the committee on publio "buildings am
grounds to the semite on Mr. Paddock's hll
making an appropriation for u public build
ing at 1 lent rice.
puiiNiTUJiu vent TUB corscii , m.urrs rimmm
The superintendent of the treasury to-daj
opened bids for the manufacturing nnd plao
Ing In position in complete working order ii
the fouerul building at Council Ululfs of ccr
tnin articles of special furniture as follows
OttoDiiko & Co. , Baltimore , fy.lOf. ; Tin
llobcrt Mitchell Furniture company , ( Jincin
nati , $ : jU7 , ! ; Ilcrusso & Co. , liufTulo , * . ' ! , -r S
Conant Uros , Fu'nilturo comp.iny , Tolu di
Dcnjamln Folsom , consul at Sheffield , nr
rived nt Now York on Friday , and has beei
Spending a few days nt the white house will
bis cousin , Mrs. Cleveland. Ho leaves to
morrow for Los Angeles , where ho wil
spend u few weeks before returning ti
Omalin. Mr. Folsom expects to spend toiiu
time in the hitter city , looking uftcr the in
tcrest of the Folsom estate in which ho I
largely Interested. Ho stated that ut tin
expiration of his term of office ho would re
move to Omaha , enter upon the practice o
law. and manage the family propeity. Yes
terday ho was nt the capltol vUitiiif ; thi
Nebraska delegation.
Representative Dorsuy loft for his homo ii
Nebraska this morning for n short visit.
J. C. Toole , of Omaha , Is hero.
Senator UUldlobcrgcr has written a lette
earnestly protesting against General Mason'
proposed unit rule lu the selection of dele
gates from Virginia to the rcpuhlicai
national convention. "I want , " ays lllddlc
beiper , "Virginia's delegates to go to th
national convention as men and gentlemen d
from other states , designated from their die
trlutx to the convention to elect th
delegates and electors at largo , am
do hojjo above all things Virginians will no
uiycr.r there contesting u'.id cuarrtllns sa I
! > > ( , which was then caused by the sum
policy which It Is now pioposcdto inaupurat
at Petersburg. If health ami strength Jut t If
It I will hira u hall lu Petersburg the nlgli
uefo.'e the convention and nndcavor I
frankly , ( earlosbly , nnd truthfully pweu
the political situation us It concerns und el
fcctH the republicans of
Pciti6 : , HIATH.
Dr. Ore en On the P.tilnl
WASHINGTON , May. 8. Dr. Norvin 'Greet
of vhp We tcra Unlcn
company , nppcnrcd before the house com
mittee on ] > ostofllcc to present some facts
upon the subject of the telegraphic system of
the country. Ho addressed himself to the
Hopkins bill to establish n postal telegraph.
Such an enactment would be , ho said , n
monstrous wrong. If the government con
templated going into the telegraph business ,
wns there nny proper way to do but to tnko
the existing property nnd pay for 111 His rc-
marKs , ho said , were not made with n view
to selling the Western Union to the govern
ment. The government did not need n tele
graph : It would not benefit the government.
The western Union did not want to sell , hut
Its purchase was the only proper basis on
which the government could go Into the tele
graph business. It should take all existing
properties and do the business exclusively.
WASHINGTON , May 2. After the transac
tion of routine business , the senate went Into
executive session. This being the first secret
session for several days , the accumulation of
nominations by the president , nmong them
fiat of Mr. Fnllor to bo chief Justice , wcro
r.ferrrd to committees nnd n number of re-
parts , mostly upon postmnstcrs , wcro mndo
by committees.
The bill appropriating $100,000 for n publio
bjlldlng nt Atchlson , ICan. , was passed after
the doors hnd opened.
The senate then resumed consideration of
the railroad land grant forfeiture bill.
Mr. Dnwes offered an amendment which
precipitated a lengthy discussion. It wns
withdrawn and an amendment substituted by
Mr. Hour , which provides thut the net shall
not bo construed to projudlco the right of the
Portage Lake canal company or nny person
claiming under It to apply hereafter to the
courts or to congress for nny legal or co.ult-
able relief to which they mny now be entitled.
The bill nnd amendment went over till to
morrow , with the understanding that the
linal vote on t'.io bill would bo had then.
The similar then resumed consideration of
the bill for the establishment of n bureau of
animal Industry. Mr. Paddock made a
speech in support of it , defending It both on
constitutional and economic grounds. The
bill was then temporarily laid aside.
The scntito then proceeded to the passage
of individual pension bills on the calendar.
The whole number of bills passed , in 05
minutes , wns 105 , forty-two of them being
IIOUEO bills. Several of them were for
volunteer nurses nt the rate of $2 a month ,
nnd one wns for the widow of General
Charles P. Stone , ( house bill ) at $50.
Mr. Cullom from the committee on inter
state commerce , reported the bill to amend
the intcr-stato commerca law. Placed on the
Tlio following bills wore passed : For pub
lic buildings at Fort Dodge , In. , ( senate bill )
JIOO.OOO ; Sterling , 111. , ( senate bill ) S50C03 ;
Duluth , Minn. , ( house bill ) ? 150OJO ; the
senate bill to provide for the sulo to actual
settlers under the homestead laws of Fort
Scdgowick military reservation in Colorado
and Nebraska.
The senate then adjourned.
WASIIINOTON , May 2. Upon assembling
to-day the house went into committee of the
whole , with Mr. Springer , of Illinois , in the
chair , on the tariff bill.
Mr. Wilson , of Minnesota , denounced the
tariff system. Ho was opposed to the present
tariff because while it enriched the few it
prevented the expansion of our industries ,
and because it was especially unjust to agri
cultural interests. The important question
presented now was , whether the wealthy
classes should bo allowed tolevy tribute upon
the industrial classes. That' was the contest
now before the coiintry , nnd sooner or later
the people would succeed.
Mr. McComas , of Maryland , said Clove-
laud's message and this foundling called the
Mills bill had a common purposo. Both used
the surplus as a fulcrum wherewith to apply
tlio free trade lever to dislodge the protective
system. Every free-trader applauded both ;
every protectionist denounced them both.
Mr. Lanhum of Texas , said in view of the
conditions which surrounded congress nnd in
view of the intrepid stand taken by the
president ho could not see how nny democrat
could utford to antagonize the general propo
sition for reducing taxation.
Mr. Allen ot Massachusetts , spoke nt
length in favor of tlio protective policy.
Mr. Caruth of Kentucky , characterized the
protective tariff as n most insiduous enemy.
It walked in silcncenndundcrcovnr.nnd while
it pretended to bo giving the country protec
tion it was in reality stealing its substance
nnd destroying its lire. In conclusion ho re
plied to Kelly's criticisms upon Kentucky ,
nnd paid an eloquent tribute to that state.
The committee then rose nnd the house took
n recess until 8 o'clock , the evening session
to bo devoted to a further discussion of the
tariff bill.
There wcro but half n dozen members pres
ent at the house evening session. Mr. Stew
art of Georgia spoke against protection und
Mr. Davis of Massachusetts in its favor.
Army Matters.
WASHINGTON , May 2. | Special Telegram
to the Ben. ] The quartermaster's depart
ment will furnish transportation for the fol
lowing men from the places named in their
respective cases to this city , to enable them
to enter the soldier's homo : John II. Boldt ,
Into private Company D , Seventh infantry ,
Fort Laramie , Wyoming ; C. II. Green , late
private Company B , Twelfth infantry. Man
chester , lu. ; Alfred Hess , lute private Troop
C , Ninth cuvulry , Omaha , Nob.
Louvo of absence for four months , to take
effect-when his services can bo spared by his
department commander , is granted Major
Asa B , Carr , paymaster. United States army.
Nebraska and1 Iowa Pensions.
D WASHINGTON , May 2. [ Special Telegram
to the Hr.H. ] The following pensions weio
grunted Nehraskuns to-day : Original Inva
lid Patrick O'Huro , Hcnklcman. Increase-
James Mullarkoy , Shclton. Mexican sur
vivors Hoyul S. Adams , Plum Creek.
Pensions for lowans : Original invalid-
Joseph Biles , Muscatino ; Miles Wilcox , Ma-
pleton ; Shopperd G. Myrick. Chillicotho :
Elijah Purvis , Ames. Increase Harvey
Stewart , Corydon ; John Grey. Muchaki-
nock ; Fail-man Klliott , Colo. Mexican sur
vivors Nuthun Owens , North Liberty ;
David Sawtblno , Agency City.
I'ostofllcu Changes ,
WASHINGTON , May 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKU.I E. I1. Krctschmar
was to-day appointed postmaster nt Snrloria ,
Uuffalo county , Neb , , vlco Adolph Geohrlng ,
resigned , nnd John F. Hunting , Oakland ,
Pottnwattiiiaio county , la. , vlco J. F. Dates ,
Tlio Chinese Treaty.
WASHINGTON , May 2 , In secret session to
day Senator Sherman rcpDrtcd back the Chi
nese trenty with two minor amendments
from the committee on foreign locations ,
with rojonunciulutioiis that it bo rut 111 cd.
Sherman asked that the treaty be taken up
to-day , but objection was made and it went
A Monopoly ,
CHICAGO , Mny 2. The case between the
Pullman nnd Wanner car companies , In re-
card to vestibule trains , was decided this
morning by Judges Hiodgett and Greshum
in favor of the Pullman company , nnd en
joining the Wasner company from further
usoof thcsn traina. The decision is based
en the validity of Pullman's patents , com-
ii'.otoly ' refuting the claim of Wagner
that vestibule cars have been In use in
other countries before Pullman obtained his
patent * . The decision gives the Pullman
company a monopoly of the maaufacturool
vostibu'.o curs ic thlo country.
Houlaiigcr Comlnmncd.
PAH. * , May 8. The senators of iho cx >
'trciifj left at a 'meeting yesterday almost
ur.Muir.uuslycondemned Uoulivngcr'a move
A 1'nrlH Agent or nn American Com
pany Interviewed.
[ Cnpi/rtoM 1SS8 fiy Jamta ( Jonlnn litnntlt , ' }
LONDON , Mny 2. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEK. | On the Insurance -
suranco frauds case the Herald has Inter
viewed Homnns , Paris ngcnt of the New
York Life Insurance company , on the subjcc .
of Insurance risk swindles. Ilomnns really \
know llttlo nbout frauds of the Schurcr type ,
nny moro than the big bank with millions on
deposit knows nbout the burglar class , but
many men who hesitate to break open a bank
safe would readily rob nn Insurance company
by fnlso representations , but the companies
nro too sharp nnd detect fraudulent insurnncs
as the bank clerk detects fnlso notes , The
rule is to quietly approach the fraudulent
Insurer nnd demand the policy back in ex
change for a return of the premiums paid.
Homnns Instanced various rich men
who Insure , regarding Insurance ni a
good Investment , saying If Chnun-
ccy M. Depcw should succumb to tno
effects of n good dinner the company would
lose $500OOJ. Ho believed Pierre Lorlllnrd
has $ ' 0,000 In Insurance , nnd Gcorgo M.
Pullman was insured for ilOO,000 , nnd many
wealthy statesmen wcro heavily Insured.
When asked , "Do the companies suffer by
suicide I" ho replied : "Suicides nro moro
common than death by many ordinary dis
eases such as smallpox , railroad accidents ,
dysentery , asthma , cholera , diphtheria , etc. "
KfTortH to Secure ttio Ilclonso of tlio
Men at Jollct.
CHICAGO , May 2. Gcorgo Shilling , State
Senator Uurk , General Triiinhull nnd Louis
Nccbo returned this ovcnlni ? from Jollot ,
where they had consulted with the im
prisoned anarchists , Samuel Fieldcn , Michael
Schwab and Oscar Nccbo as to the details of
a petition for amnesty. It wns decided to
immediately call a mass meeting of sympa
thizers lit which the matter will bo fully dis
cussed. " A monster petition with Bignuturcs
from all the states is to bb presented to the
governor und in getting up the petitions po
litical influence is to bo used where possible ,
and an independent movement may be possi
ble for Oscar Nccbe , who , It is said , is rap
idly falling mentally and physically.
IUK a Tunnel and Uscapcil.
Si'iiiNoriULD , Mo. , May 2. [ Special Tolc-
grnm to the DUB. ] A Jnil delivery was
effected hero this morning by which eight
criminals gained freedom. For several weeks
the prisoners conilned in the county Jail have
been making attempts to escape , , but a special
guard in ccch instance thwarted their plans.
Hccently the court decided to do away with
the guard on account of ndditionnl expense.
The cell In which they wcro conilned is of
solid iron , built on the cage-plan. They sawed
through the floor and tunnelled through dirt
a distance of twenty feet , to an outsr founda
tion wall. Reaching this they demolished
enough of it to admit of their squeezing
through. The names of the escaped and the
crimes for which they ure incarcerated are :
Leonard Gohecn , criminal assault ; Charley
Ferris and John Devine , highway robbery ;
Edward Morca and Jacob Kline , grand lar
ceny ; G. W. Smith and Alexander Kain. Bo
hemian onts swindling ; E. Ncidy , burglary.
The she riff and a posse of men are in pursuit
of the runaways.
Poisoning Indians.
NEW YOHK , May 2. [ Special Telegram
to the Bcu. ] April 18 there was printbd n
story from Hio Janeiro giving an account of
the alleged poisoning of n largo number of
Brazilian Indians by ono Senor Joaquiu
Bucno. The story showed thut Bucno had
already poisoned 3,800 Indians , nnd was med
itating tlio murder of 5,000 moro. The cor
respondent stated that ho merely gave the
news as rumor from San Paulo , and that
there was no means of verifying it. Accord
ing to a Sun Paulo weekly paper , which has
Just been received here , the story was moro
than mere rumor. The paper asserts that
Bucno has under his command about sev
enty men who huvo been employed in perse
cuting nnd exterminating Indians. It claims
they poisoned wells from which nn Indian
village drew supplies of water by putting in
large quantities of strychnine. After per
forming this treacherous deed , they with
drew , nnd n week afterwards 3,000 of the
Indians were dead. The paper gravely ns-
sorts that this story is true , nnd says it don't
know what motive Mr. Bucno has for his
pleasant occupation.
Six Daysj r Heavy Knin.
MASON Citr , la May 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEU.I This is the sixth consecu
tive day of rain for this section , and reports
from western localities state that the rain
bus been general. The ground is thoroughly
soaked , and pools of water cover the sur
face of the land , Farmers apprehend no
serious trouble unless the weather continues
cald and rainy , when they fear seed will rot
in the ground.
Merely Talked It Over.
DBS MOINCS , la. , May 2 , [ Spcual Tele
gram to J the Br.K. ] Traffic' managers of the
leading western roads have been in confer
ence hero to-iluy with the rUilroad commis
sioners respecting changing rates tO'conform
to the new law which goes intd effect May
10. Nothing was done except a mcro exchange -
change of opinion , ami the commissioners
said they would soon announce such charges
regarding long nnd short Hauls , etc. , as'wcrc
necessary to bo mudo at oncc ; .
Mall Pouches Hollcd of $1OOOO.
HAiiKisnimo , Pa. , May 2. 'It is pretty well
settled that a big mall cobbory occurred on
the Northern Central railway near Baltimore
this morning , but the postal authorities hero
refuse to furnish nny particulars. It is said
registered letters containing about $10,00
were taken. The pouch with a long slit
cumo to the Ilarrlsburg postofllco to-day ,
Detectives are at work.
Charge Rote Cutting.
CHICAGO , May 2. Chairman BlancharJ
has called a meeting of the Peoria committee
on east bound freight for to-morrow. Com
plaints to tha effect that certain roads arc
cutting rates to the seaboard will bo invest !
gated. The spccillo charge is that rates arc
being made on grain to Peoria and othei
western points on the sauio basis that gov
erns at Chicago points or 5 cents below the
Tlio Dulutli District Iiog Cut ,
DUI.UTH , Minn. , Jlay 3.-Sj [ > ecInl Tele
gram to the BER. ] The total logs cut of the
Duluth district for the past winter according
to the surveyor general's ' report was 270.000-
000 feet.
- , . ' . .
Completed a Klenctlsh Job.
HKI.ENA , Mont , Mny 2. At 0 o'clock to
night John T. Hand , a chronic wlfo beater ,
killed his wife and baby with a Winchester
and then blew the top of his Jicad off
A BuslncHH Mini Dead.
DES MOINES , Ia.May 2. Georgcr 11. Mnlsh ,
president of the State. Insurance company and
very prominent in Iowa business circles , died
this morning of cueuiia , aged fifty-two ,
Died WIH Fever.
LONDON , May 2. News has been received
from Albert Nynnza to the effect that BUho ]
Parker and Hov. Mr. Blackburn recentl )
died of fever at Onvoro mission.
Tlio Spirit Frauds.
NEW Yomr , May 2.-Tho grand Jurj
brought in Indictments against General am
Mrs. Dis DtUar for conspiracy and
larceny ,
Gresham Goto the Endorsement of
the Illinois Republicans.
Connecticut Gives Thrco Cheers For
Him Dcsplto Hcvcn Mulc Uariiuiu
Iowa's Ilcpubllcnn Club Meet
ing Other ConvcntloiiB.
KntliuRlnatlc Illinois Republican * .
SrniNnriEU ) , 111. , May 2. The republican
state convention was called to order nt noon
to-day. Leading republicans wcro present
from all over the state. Lewis E. Payson
was chosen temporary chairman. Pnyson
wns greeted with npidauao upon assuming
the chair. His rctnnrks occupied forty min
utes , nnd wcro substantially ns follows :
"I sco exhibited real and enthusiasm , which
show that the poQplo are fully allvo to the
Importance of the occasion ; that the party is
Inspired with its old tlmo vigor , and its future
action will bo In harmony with Its past zeal-
ousncss. " Ho alluded touchlngly to the
lenders of the party who had died since the
last national election. In spcnkmg of Logan
ho said : "Ho , with'others less notable but
no less earnest nnd devoted , have Inid down
their nrmor nnd their burden , but their work
for the country through the republican party
will bo taken up by hands Inspired by hearts
equally patriotic , that will prove , lot us trust ,
equally effective. "
The speaker touched upon the wealth nnd
prosperity of the state. Ho then went on to
say : "All that wo sect in Illinois makes the
outlook easy because it all has grown up
under republican rule nnd republican princi
ples. So wo happily look back over thirty
years of republican administration nnd
proudly say ns against none of these republi
can officials has u dollar been lost or suspicion
cast on n trusted officer. 1 congratulate you
thut for the llrst time since 1S01 in the prcsi-
dentlnl your wo face an enemy who Is in pos
session of the government. Wo meet on an
oi > cn field and the democratic party must
stand up for inspection. Wo nil remember
how they succeeded four years ago , anneal
ing to the fears of too credulous people by
emphatic und repeated assertions of cor
ruption in office. "
At the conclusion of Payson's speech , nnd
after the appointment of different com
mittees , a recess wns taken until : t o'clock.
At the afternoon session the following res
olutions were passed unanimously :
Kesolvcd , That tbo republican party of
Illinois feels a Just and honorable pride in
the public career and services of Shelby M.
Cullom ; that it approves his coui83 ns u sen
ator ot n republican state , nnd that it plucsa
fu 1 conJldcnco in his wisdom , patriotism und
Wherens , The republicans of Illinois re
gard the record of 'Wnlter Q. Grcsham as a
soldier , ns n statesman nnd Jurist with sat
isfaction , knowing shim to be a pure man
and u faithful servant ; believing thut in the
event of his nomination for president by the
republican party the campaign must be
contested solely on the principles of
the great party of which Judge
Greslmm is a true , representativennd
that ho certainly'can..lead to victory that
party which for a quarter of a century gov
erned the nation with unequalled couragp ,
wisdom , nd61lty qnd purity. Therefore bo It
Kesolvcd , T.hut we declare our preference
for Judge'ldlVito for presi
dent nud recommendl-our "delegates to the
republican national convention to b'ivo him
their hearty und faltliful support.
Senator Culkim would have been
endorsed had [ ho declared himself
n candidate , but his friends stated they
did not intend to present his name to the na
tional convention as a presidential Candidate ,
and so all voted for Greslmm.
The following w.ere elected to the national
convention : Dclegatcs-at-largc , Colonel Ii.
G. Davis , Horace S. Cinrke , Hon. C. B. Far-
well and W.F. Hudley ; alternates , J. II.
Lott , Paytou Roberts , H. D. Judson and L.
S. Wilcox.
Up to 10 o'clock the following nominations
had been made : Governor , Joseph A. Fifer ;
lieutenant-governor. L. B. Ray ; secretary of
state , I. N. Pearson , auditor , C. W. Pnvey ;
treasurer , Charles Bccher ; attorney , Gcorgo
At 11 p. in. the committee on platform had
agreed upon the following , which will soon
be reported to the convention und will most
likely be adopted with n few amendments :
The republican party of tlio state of Illi
nois deems it unnecessary on the eve of the
national convention to make an extended
declaration of principles moro than to re
affirm those laid down in the national plat
form of 1SS4 and to express the conviction
that public Interest would bo greatly promoted
meted by a change of administration.
The democratic. ' party has become
merely an organization for official spoils.
It has unblushingly violated all
its reformatory promises. It is not entitled
to the conlldenco of the people. The presi
dent solemnly pledges himself to carry out
civil service reform , but with the full ap
proval of his partisan supporters , ho has con
verted this roforni into n shallow pretense.
Ho committed himself to the one-term prin
ciple in his letter of acceptance , but is now
actually using federal patronage to secure a
re-election. His partisan confederates pro
claim devotion to equal suffrage rights while
they trample these rights under foot In the
south. The democratic party professes at
tachment to stujo sovereignty nud home
rule , but ruthlessly denies both to
the Aracricnn citizens of Dakota , fearing that
the votes of that ipcoplo may bo cast for the
republican candidates nt the coming - presidential
dential election , It prqfesscs love for the
union soldiers nnd sailors , but its continued
policy has been to reftiso relief to the suffer
ing defenders of the nation and their de
pendants. It rules the national house ol
representatives , which nlono can originate
changes of tax nnd revenue bills , but It has
done nothing in its past six years in control
of that body to reduce the surplus accu-
initiation of money iij the treasury ,
or to relieve the people of uuneccs
sary taxation. Ita proposed tnrifl
legislation is a glaring subterfuge , and tin
attempt to destroy the American policy ol
protection to American industries and labor
in the interest of foreign countries , which II
successful , must necessarily bring disaster
upon the business of this country and tend
to reduce American wages to European
standards. It has provided no seaboard de
fense nirnlust foreign invasion. Its minis
tration of foreign affairs has been weak
to the verge of .humiliation. Our nation
is now represented abroad by men
who either soughtits , dismemberment 01
openly sympathized with its foes , The postal
service , affecting evocy interest , has been a
disgrace to the country ; partisan spoilsmen ,
in violation of civil Swvlco reform principles ,
have displaced truinqil , competent and faith
ful officers , many ot them ex-union soldiers ,
Every function of tut ) government is made
subordinate to partisan ends. There In s
lamentable want ol honesty of purpose anc
efficiency of administration ,
Iowa's Unterrllled Meet.
DUIIUQUE , In. , Mny 2. The democratic
state convention nict hero at 11 o'clock this
morning , with representatives from cverj
county , J. E. Cook , of Webster county , WJK
made temporary chairman , District dele
gates to the national convention wcro niv
nouncod as follows : First , W. W. Baldwin ,
J. D. M. Hamilton ; second , Moses B'.oom ' ,
Thomas Lambert ; third , J. II. Scales , Catc
Sells ; fourth , L. L. Alnsworth , G. T. Hcl
lamy ; fifth , Charles A. Clark , J. E. Hin
denies ; sixth , S.S , CarutherL. G.Anderson ;
seventh , AV. H. McHenry , A , E. Morrison ;
eighth , W. S. Sproat , F. S. Whitmaroj
ninth , J. S. Yum , E. M. Wylund :
tenth , A. B.Kclth , J. J. Wilson ; eleventh ,
Will A. Wells , T. D. Higgins. A recess was
then taken until 2 o'clock.
Colonel Charles A. Chirk , of Cedar Rapids ,
was made permanent chairman. The com
mlttco on credentials rcpoitcd In the cou-
tested case from Dub-uuo county lu favor ol
Beating the rogttlnr delegation nnd the re
port wns ndoptod on a test vote of 470 to SKI
the only ] > olnt where n recorded vote wns
tak'cn. The following resolutions wcro
adopted i
1. The democrnts of lown In convention as
sembled endorse the ndmlnlstrntion of Presi
dent Cleveland nnd commend his enforce
ment of nil the laws nnd his manly nnd cour
ageous declaration for n reduction of the use
less war taxes , nnd his clean , honest and
economical administration of publio affairs
nnd the libernl , prompt nnd generous pay
ment of all pensions on meritorious claims.
2. Wo arc oppos'cd to the exercise of the
taxing power for nny but publio purposes ,
and fully and unoqunltficdly declare Presi
dent Cleveland's ' message ns the views of the
Iowa democracy on the tariff question. In
the interest oi American homes , wo demand
free coats and blankets : In the interest of
tcmpernnco nnd morality wo oppose frco
whisky and tobacco.
3. In nppolntmonts to nil offices , the duties
of-whlch mny reflect the policies of the ad
ministration , persons should bo selected
whoso principles harmonize with the pnrty
having the responsibilities of such adminis
tration ; but subordinates should bo selected
and retained for their efficiency. The levyIng -
Ing of assessments on officeholders for par
tisan purposes cannot bo too strongly con
demned , and wo recommend to the fullest ex
tent every effort which President Cleveland
has made In the direction of reform and the
elevation of the civil service.
4. Wo again declare our opposition to all
prohibitory liquor laws In the state or na
Delegates at largo were elected as follows :
F. W. Lehman of DCS Molncs , J. C. ICelly of
Iowa City , W. H. M. Pusoyof Council Bluffs
and P. G. Balllngall of Ottumwa ; and alter
nates ns follows : W. W. Dodge of Burling
ton. W. C. Earl of Wnukon , J. W. Crockett
of Aduir , nnd J. M. Swlgurt , The dolcgntlon
is solid for .Cleveland ; for vice president it is
divided between Grnv , Bluck and Stevenson ,
with a majority probably for the Indiana
Allison for President.
DBS MOINF.B , In. , May 2. The stnto con
vention of republican clubs was culled to or
der nt 11 o'clock to-dny. Frank D. Jackson ,
secretary of state , wns mndo temporary
chairman. Ho mudo n brilliant speech , in
which ho concluded by saying : "I venture
to predict thut the next reunion of the repub
lican clubs of lown will bo culled to celebrate
the Innuirurntion of William B. Allison as
president of the United States. "
This nftei noon John N. Irwin of ICcokuk
wns elected pormnncnt president. Speeches
wcic then made by E. P. Wolcott of Denver
and Colonel W. P. Hepburn of Clarmdn , who
mndo a ringing gpscch , creating great enthu
siasm In the convention. Tlio platform was
adopted , expressing the general principles of
republicans and the desire that Iowa repub
lican clubs might follow the leadership of
Allison in the coming campaign. Officers of
the league were elected us follows : Pi evi
dent , Frank Jackson , secretary of state ; vice
presidents , Charles M. Harlo of Council
Bluffs , John N. Irwin of Keokuk nnd E. P.
Seeds of Mnnchestcr ; secretary , Charles M.
Junkin of Fnlrfleld ; treasurer , Robert Fullerton -
lerton of DCS Moines.
About fifteen hundred delegates and niter-
nates attended the convention und nenrly
four hundred clubs are organized in the state.
Anti-Saloon Hcpublinaiis.
New YOUK , May 2. The second national
republican anti-saloon conference began this
morning with delegates present from all the
states. Letters of regret wcro read from
Joseph R , Hnwley , William M. Evarts , John
Sherman and William Windom.
After the committee on resolutions was
appointed , the following telegram was sent
to the republican club convention at DCS
Moinea , la. , and the state convention at
Springfield , 111 : "Thd national nnti-fcaloftn
republicans in convention assembled in New
York city telegraph you cordial greetings ,
with the koynotc , the saloon must bo de
stroyed. "
Frank Haddock , of Sioux City , la , , son ol
the murdered temperance lecturer , Rev.
George C. Haddock , made a speech , in which
ho said ho believed the republican party was
the instrument in the hand of God , used in
working out the greatest problems of our
race , and one of these was the liquor ques
tion To-night n mass meeting will bo addressed
by Mrs. Foster.
Nutmeg HonrlHmn Cheer Cleveland.
IlAiiTroui ) , Conn. , May 2. The democratic
state convention was called to order nt
10:45 : this morning and Colonel Charles
M. Joslyn was chosen permanent
chairman. Ho mndo a brief
speech which closed with congratulations
upon the condition of the party. The con
vention then proceeded to the election of
delegates , nnd the following were chosen :
At Inri'C , Alfred E. Burr , James T.
Piggott , Charles M. Allen and Wil
liam H. Barnum ; first district. Congressman
R. J. Vance , Gcorgo L. Phillips ; second dis
trict , Charles A. Tomilson , Clinton R. Davis ;
third district , S. O. Bowen , Alexunder C.
Robertson ; fourth district , Milo P.
Richardson , Henry A. Bishop.
Tlio platform reaffirms the democratic
national platform of 1&84 ; demands a re
adjustment of the tariff laws ; calls on con
gress to revise the internal revenue laws in
regard to tobacco ; endorses Cleveland's '
administration , and instructs the delegates
to vote for his rcnomination. With three
cheers for Cleveland the convention ad
journed. _ _ _
California IlcpuullcniiH.
StciiAMBNTO , May 2. At the republican
Btato convention held yesterday resolutions
wcro adopted denouncing the Chinese treaty 5
endorsing the United Stntcs senate in its
so-culled bondpurchnso bill ; denouncing the
notion of the democrnts in tlio house of rep
resentatives In smothering bills in favor oi
the issue by the government of cer
tificates for every silver dollar
In the treasury nnd proclaims allegiance tc
the dostraino of protection. The resolution
exprcssss regret at the refusal of James G ,
Blaine to allow his name to bo used as n can
didate ut the coming national convention
und reiterates his integrity nnd eminent
ability. Creed Hammond , John F. Swift ,
Morris M. Esteo and Henry T. Gage wort ;
elected delegates at largo to the national
The following delegates were selected
from the congressional districts : W. WBy- !
Ington , J. F. Ellison , A , W. Simpwn , I ) . E.
Knight , Eli Dennlson , R. D. Icohblns , C. F.
Crocker. W , H , Dlmond , M. H. DoYoung ,
W. C. Frank , Davis Killowin , and H. / . Os-
borne. The delegation Is not pledged ,
Pennsylvania ProhlliltionlHtH.
IlAituisnuiio , Pa. , May 2. About foui
hundred delegates were present whenthe
stnto prohibition was called to order thia
The following In substance Is the platform
adopted this uftcrnoon : Total prohibition
by constitutional amendment ; an interna
tional tut art liquor and tobacco ; tlio blblo in
the publio schools ; frco vote ; civil service
appointments not to bo based on party ser
vices ; direct vote of the pcoplo in all elec
tions ; differences of capital and labor to be
settled by courts provided for such purposes ;
protection to American industries and labor ;
ttoman suffrage.
Itlniiie'B Native Hcntli.
POUTLAND , Me. , May 2. The republican
First district convention was held this of
ternoon. Thomas Ii. Keeil was nominated
for congress by aeclamtnation and Colonel
M. Wentwortb , of Kittery , for presidential
elector. For delegates to the national con
vention Charles A. Brown , of Portland , and
William Toble , of North Berwick were
chObcn. Resolutions strongly endorsing
Blaine for llrst and last choice were passed ,
Wouldn't Vote For Blainc.
Jpnser CITV , N. J. , May 2. 'Tho repub
licans of Hudson county to-night elected
Juincs 13 , Oredenburs nnd General Johr
Ramsay as delegates to the Chicago convcn
tion. A motion was made to instruct the
delegates to vote for James G > Blaine foi
president. Although the nuiuowas greetct
with anpltuse , the inotiou was defeated.
Both delegate * nro favorable to the nomina
tion of Chnuncoy M. Dcpew.
They Favor Grcshnm.
SrniNoriKUi , HI. , May 2. The repub
lican congressional convention of the
Twelfth district selected William L.
Dlstln of Quincy , nnd R. W. Mills of Cast
county , ns delegates to the national conven
tion , nnd they wcro unln tructcd , but nro
reported to favor Greshum.
A Forecast of the Fall.
ST. PAUL , Mny 2 , Returns from ycstcr-
dny's city election show the defeat of the
democratic comhln.itlon Hint has long con
trolled St. Paul municipal affairs. Mayor
Smith is ro-c'.octcd. Comptroller Uochc , who
wns dropped by the democrats and endorsed
by the republicans , Is re-elected over Daly ,
democratic and workingmun's nominee. For
treasurer Reis , democrat , Is re-elected , The
republicans elect ten aldermen , the demo
crats six.
ConvcntloiiB nt Other Places.
Idaho republicans met yesterday nt
Boise City , nnd Hon. W. B. Hoyburn and
George A. Heck were elected delegates to
Chicago. They arc unlnstructcd. The con
vention denounced Senator Stewart's efforts
to eliminate Idaho from the United States
map.Tho Utnh republican convention wns held
nt Ogden and elected C. S , Varinn nnd John
Duly delcgntcs to Chicago. They go unln
How to ho n IicnKiio Democrat.
Mr. Charles Ogden , the provisional chair
man of the democratic national league , says
that the auxiliary clubs must nt the tlmo of
their application , have a membership of
twenty-live. Applications must bo lllcd with
the secretary , Edward B. Whitney , 07 Wall
street. Now York. These will then bo nctod
upon by the executive committee. When the
club is admitted to the league it will elect n
member of the executive committee. There
mny not bo moro than three members of this
committee In nny one city and town. To fn-
cllltuto the formation of clubs , applications
from this section of the country may bo sent
to Mr. Ogden in this cltv , who will take the
necessary steps to huvo them acted upon.
Colored Citizens1 Tribute.
Frederick Douglns Literary society held n
memorial meeting Mondny night nt the
Zlon Baptist church to pay their respects to
the Into Hon. Roicoo Conkling. Dr.
Stcphcnson delivered a biographical oration
which outlined the career of their deceased
friend , after which the society adopted the
following resolutions of respect :
Hosolveil , That In the death of the Hon. Ho * ,
coo Conkling tlio country hits mot with an irru-
imrable log ) of n statesman nnd patriot , hu
manity and the oppressed nn abln defender ,
freedom nn uncompromising advocate , the liar
a most profound jurist.
Itc.solved , That the service * of the IllnMrlou *
statesman In behalf of freedom nnd humanity
should embalm his memory In the heart o
every citizen of the republic.
Entries For To-day and "Tips" on
tlie Winners.
The entries In the running circuits for to
day , posted at the Diamond , nro :
First race , ono mile , selling Cora L. , John
Gray , Alamn , Fronio Louise , Birthday ,
Orange Girl , John Nave. Lola May , Winslow -
low , Cupid , Dancing Kid.
Second race , llvo furlongs , selling Dave
Hcnncssy , Dick Delancy , Ida West , Silver
Ban , VattcllOrderly , Chuney , Schoolmaster ,
Joshua , Skobeloff , Parish , Rivet , Stcvo
Tnlrd race , sweepstakes , seven nnd ono-
lialf furlongs-tperslmmons , Leo H , Aretino ,
Macbeth , ' Bankrupt , Egtnont , Lidn , Luhlan.
Fourth race , ono and ono half Tntlc , Lawyer
stake Bertha , Hypocrite , Los Angeles , Em
peror Norfolk , Budge. Cruiser , White , Hun
Tips First Lcla May , Cupid second ;
Second Rivet first , Chuney second. Third
Persimmons first , Macbeth second. Fourth-
Cruiser llrst , Emperor Norfolk second.
First race , ono mile Lottery , Lucy H ,
Paymaster , Thriftless , Romp , Pisu ( gelding ) .
Second race , three-quarters of a mile-
Branch , Sequel. Ilawley , Glcnoln , P.
Thomas , Brown Charley , Revolt ( gelding ) ,
Belle d'Or , Satisfied , Lou Ida.
Third race , one-half mile Ten Rookh ,
Singlcstono , W. G. Burns , Adam , Little
Barefoot , Sourice.
Fourth race , ono and one-sixteenth miles ,
handicap Young Duke , Bess , Panama , Tom
Filth race , ono mile , selling Wonder
ment , Bronzemarto. McLaughlin , Sequel ,
King B , Coin , Seed Tick , Subaltern , Eleanor
Tips First Paymaster first , Romp sec
ond. Second Brunch llrst , Sequel second.
Third Singlcstono lirst , Adam second.
Fourth Young Duke first , Bess second.
Fifth Bronzcmartc first , King B second.
On the Ivy City Course.
WASHINGTON , May 2. The attendance nt
Ivy City course to-day was good and the
track was fast.
Six furlongs Duke won , Ward second
end , Maron third. Time l:15J < f.
Ono and one-bixttenth miles The Bourbon
won , Richmond second , Favor thiid. Time
1:57. :
1:57.Ono mile Langor won , Annie C. second ,
My Own.tliird. Time 1:4 : ! ! .
Six furlongs Golden Reel won , Sam
Brown , second , Monte Cristo third. Time
1:17. :
Hurdle race , one-fourth miles over five
hurdles Will Davis won , Bunero second ,
Palmer third. Time-2 21.
The Nashville Hares.
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , May -Tho day was
clear and pleasant and the track fast. The
attendance was 7.COO.
Seven and ono-hnlf furlonus Hopedalo
won , Roy d'Or second , Dudley Oaks third.
Tlmo 1:3fl. :
Two-year-olds , four furlongs ICco-Ycc-Nii
won , Tessa K. second , Fink third. Time
Seven furlongs Glen Hall won , Benedict
second , ICormcsso third. Time 1:2(5'f. : (
Ono mile Wary won. Mollie McCarthy's
Last , second , Jacobin third. Time I- ) ! } * .
Six furlongs LIda L. won , Full Sail
second , Surprise third. Time 1:10. :
BiiutiNaiiAM , Ala , , Mny 2. At Warren last
evening a miner named Morton ohot nnd
killed tha deputy marshal. Ho was arrested
nnd put in Jail and bccauso of threats of
lynching was put aboard of a caboose of n
freight train for this city. The mob followed
und cut loose the caboose. They hung Mor
ton and tilled his body with bullets.
Wcnthor Indications ,
For Nebraska and Iowa- Cooler , preceded
by warmer weather in Iowafuir\vcathcrpro-
ccdedby rain , fresh to bribk southerly winds.
For Eastern and Southwestern Dakota-
Rain , followed by fair weather , slightly
cooler , fresh to brisk northerly winds , di
minishing in force.
Thi ) Sultan' * Por.llion. , May 2. The Sultan refuses to
submit differences between Morocco and the
Unito'l States , in rcfcrcnco to men imprisoned
at Rabat , to arbitration and the dispute has
been rcopcneJ.
Jail Dullvory ,
SPUINOPIBLD , Mo , , Mny a. A Jail delivery
was effected hero this murninj' by whlcli
eight criminals joined tht-lr freedom. The
prisoners cffceto < J their cscaps by tunnelling
under Ih9 wall. The sheriff and posse are in
pursuit. _ _ _
Xho Kinperor I'n e Good Nlsht ,
BjHUNMa.Y' ! ! . A bulletin this niornlnti
says the Kmperor passtd a good night Inf.t
night , anil tbitho ftels better. His furcrh
Burlington Engineers Can Return to
Their Former Positions
Although n Formal Order Una Not
llccn Iflsucd the T\vc > Months'Fight
la Virtually Over and the
Strikers Ileatcu ,
The Men , Can Oo Hack to Worlr.
Cnit'Ano , Mny S. [ Special Telegram to
the Br.i : . ] Although denied by the minor
officials remaining nt the strikers' hendquar1-
tcrs , it Is assorted on excellent authority
that the great "Q. " strike bus been declared
off and the Brotherhood of Locomotive En
chicors , supposed to bo the only Invincible
trade union in the United States , has suffered
its llrst defeat since It capitulated to the
Boston & Maine railroad In 1STT. At n meetIng -
Ing hold ycsteritny between Messrs. llogo ,
Sargent nnd Arthur at the Grand Paclllcr ,
the situation was thoroughly discussed , and
it wns decided to dcclnrc the strike off. Yes
terday afternoon the members of the brother
hood nnd the Switchmen's union were notU
lied seml-ofllclully that the strike was over
and they wore told to muko the best terms
they could with the company. After the
meeting Sargent nnd Arthur returned to
their homes , nnd Mr. llogo scut nut n cnll to
the chairman of tno grievance committees to
meet him as noon ns possible nt the Graml
Pacific. It will take n few duys before all
can bo present , nnd when they meet thd
strike will bo declnrcd off formally.
The decision of the strikers' leaders to
abandon the fight against the railroad com
pany was brought about mainly by the re
ports of the in en who wcro sent out from the
strikers' headquarters nbout two weeks ago
of " ' " business
to Inspect the condition tho"Q's"
nnd ability to tuko cure of its t runic , both
freight nnd passenger. The reports recoivQd
from their men were very discouraging to
the strikers. From every point word
camotlmt there was no Inconvenicnco re
sulting to the road from the withdrawal ot
the .union engineers and switchmen. At
Homo places it wan stated that the road had
suffered n small loss of business , but that
even this injury was being rapidly repaired.
The hardest blows the brotherhood knew/
how to deal had been dealt , nnd victory
seemed immeasurably farther off than whoa
the men first left their engines. All this wns
dispiriting. Then , too , many of the men who
were out on strike were becoming restless
nnd impatient under their enforced idleness ,
nnd , nlthough they were to a man loyal to
the order , they chafed under its commands ,
The cxnenso of supporting the strikers was
becoming a burden to the brotherhood and ,
everything considered , it seemed moro to the
possible and probable advantage of the iricii
to call the strike off.
Mr. Hogc , chairman of the grievance com
mittee of the brotherhood , who has had
practical charge of the strike since the second.
week of its existence , was seen Just after ho
had partaken of a 0 o'clock breakfast at , tha
Grand Pacific this morning. When asked it
the strike had been declared off , ho paused
quite a while and then said : "The strike h'aa
not been declared off. formally. The irien ,
however , have been allowed to secure their
old places with the company , at the best
terms they can get whenever they can do sol
and those who cannot get worlt here. wUl go
somewhere else. A meeting pf the grieyanc J
committee has been called , and > , \yhat the :
may decide to do I cannot sny. " (
' Is It probable that they will order tin
strike off ! "
"I could not talk about that now. Thc.\i
will bo nblo to reach hero in a few days , and
their decision will bo mude public. "
"Huve any of the brotherhood men applied
for work on the 'Q i'
"Not that I know of. "
"Will the members of the brotherhood bo
given permits to work for the 'Qi' " ,
"No ; no permits will bo given. While the
strike is on they cannot work for the 'Q.j ,
and should the strike be declared off , they
may work for the road without permits , bOr
cause the withdrawal of the order to strike )
carries with it permission to go to work lit
any way they can. "
"Sargent and Arthur have gone home ? "
"Yes ; they have gone , and will not be ,
back hero until they are wanted to appeaC
before the intor-stuto commerce commission. ' }
"Do you yet expect to muko out a case
against the " ( J" before the commission ! "
"I do not know Just what will be dono. Jj
cannot talk over this question nt this time.'J
"Tho intention to declare the strike off has
been practically arrived at for Rome duysj
said a man who has been in Mr. Ilogo's offloci
nearly every day since the Inception of this
struggle. "Tho reasons for the hreak-dowK-
uro several. In the first p'.uce , it looked na
tiiotigh tlio company wus getting along with
out the brotherhood and switchmen lately ,
nnd every any ha * been adding to the 'Q's\
ability to succeed and lespening the chance
of the men to get buck. The men themselves
some of tnom , at least were beginning to
feel sore , the brotherhood was under hcavx
expense , and the light seemed lost , and it
wns deemed better to quit now , when thcrd
would bo a good show for ninny of the inert
to get buck to work , than to wult till thd
company would bo In perfectly good trim. I
do not suppos3 all the old men will ever get
back , and but few of them will get tlieic
pimines buck ut once , but the maorlty ; of
them will eventually get their old Jobs. You
nee , while the road has nominally a full
force there are many of the men
now running engines who would not bo kcpff
u day moro than possible for the company id
fill their places with men ns well skilled na
the old employes. Every day In the servlcd
of tlio roud increases the cfllclcncy of those )
men , nnd It hc'c.imo necessary to knock them
out wliilo it was possiblo. Wo expect no )
favor from the roud , but their own self in
terest will lead them to take buck most o
the brotherhood men. You \Mll sco that !
giuduully the new men will bo dropped and
the old , trained , reliable engineers tuken on.1'
" \Vliat will become of the men who cannot
work hero ) "
"Oh , they will distribute themsdlvcs around
the country nnd find work. "
Paul Mortlon was told uy u reporter that
the strike on his rend had been declared off ,
but It didn't surprise him ut all. "Wn have
lost sight of the htrlko completely , " said he.
"Wo haven't known fortwo weeks thutthcro
was a strike , I am glad , however , that tha
men have conic to their senses , They should
have acted us wisely six weeks ago. I do not
think we. will huvo use for many of the old
men. Wo have u full force now , and are ro
fiibing applications every day from onuU
ncers. As vacancies occur wo may take ?
some of the engineers buck , but I don't sea *
much chunco for vacancies ainont' the switch'
men. _
Nut OIV Vet.
CmctGO , May2. AlexanderSullIvan , coun
sel for the striking engineers and ( Ircmcn ,
Eidd to a reporter this morning thut the re
port circulated last night to the effect that
the Burlington strike hud been declared offi
was without foundation , "There will bo nb , :
such action tukon , " ho culd , "until after the
investigation by the inter-stuto commerce
commission is concluded , "
M. K.
May 2. At the second day's
of the txvcnticth annual general
Muthndist conference thi * morning , Bishop
Mcrn'.l rrndar. . address in which he said
since the last conference , four years i
not Ices than fo'ir ' hundred und ilfty tbbuj
S'ir.d EOU ! have been brought Into tld !
church and the iieriher : lij : > hud increased
irom i.iTO.OOO to 2,1104,000. ,
Thocotmnitteoon rulmtsslon of delegate *
has decided against the admission \vomcrt
us delegates , uiul declared their tsts | vacant )
Heavy tittow Foil at Uuluth. ,
DU.ITII , Minn. , 5 y -Special [ TeIB
tirarn to tc ! Bue.JA heavy haow Is falling