THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE * WEDNESDAY , MAY 2 : 18S& SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements under this head , 10 cents per Uno for the Unit Insertion. 7 cents for each sub sequent Insertion , and 11.M ) n line per month. No advertisement taken for less thnn 25 cents for the llrst insertion. Seven words will lie count ed to the line ; they must run consecutively find must be pal < l In advance. All Rdvorthementi muni bo handed In before I2ni : o'clock p. m. , nnd tinder no circumstances will they bo taken or discontinued by tflephono. 1'nrtles ndvcrtlslnif In thens columns and hav ing the answers addressed In care of the Ileo. * tnil plpnse nMc for n cheek to enable thsm to ( jet their letters , on none will be delivered except on presentation of check. All unsworn to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisement * In these columns are pub lished In both mornlnj ? und evening Pdltlonsof the llee , thn circulation of whlrli aR rpgatPS more than lnMiopapers ilnllv , and gives the ad vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circula tion of the Hoe , but also of Council Illnffs , Mn- coin nnd other rltles nnd towns throughout this pnrt of the wont. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will betaken , en the above conditions , nt the following bus iness hoiipes , who nro authorized agents for TUB JlRi : special notices nnd will quota thonama rates as cnn bo had at the main otTlco. Htreot. V , Statlonora and I'rlntors , 113 South Kith Street. O II. FAUNSWOIITH , riiatmnclst , 2115 Cum- lnK8trcut. _ _ J. HOOIIKS , Pharmacist , North 18th st. . /"I no. W. PAlin , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's Avenue. News Dealer , Post OOlce , South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTED ( lontlcman , 24 years of nge. desires - sires n position In an Insurance or real cs- tnto olllco ; object to learn the business. Can plvo A No. Irefuronros. Ilns recently held po sition of Invoice clerk In tno largest \\holo.-mlo tea h ouso in thu U. S. nt Chicago. Address J 7 , lieu olllco. ' 1ICJ-2J \\7ANTED-Sltuntlonby practical printer , fl ' . ' years oxperlouco : married , sober and fctcndy workman. Country olllco preferred , best of references. W. J. J. , Bt. Elmo horel , Missouri Vnlloy. Iowa. 10143 SITUATION wanted by n young man 25 years , In wholesalooi1 ro tnll liardwaro Btoro , has Bovcral years cxpcrlenoo and cnn glvo good ref erences ; cnll ornddrcsa State Employment olllco i 17 I'atnnin'st. ; room 11 114 U T1\VO girls want sltuattong ns cooks lu private JL families. Apply at 1110 North loth st. 117 3 WANTED Situation In a private family by n young mull , has considerable experience 111 the care of horses and cows , II 71 Itoo. 1000 1 * " \XTANTED Situation ns housekeeper by an ' , American widow of 27 with boy of 3 ; Is n nice cook ana ncnt housekeeper. Minnie , liox 7M. U501 * \\TANTni ) Situation as salesman by n young TT mnn of eight years uxporlonco In books , stationery and fancy goods ; best of rofpronoea. Address A. It. , 1HI3 Chicago st. 7 < 2 * GOOD gardener , Scotchman , Is in want of a situation , uudorstangs glass. Address n , IS , Uoo olllco' 0101 WANTED Situation by steady young man , Where he can maKu a living , position In pome wholesale house profercd , Address H CO , JBeoofllco. 0431 * WANTKD Situation by young man willing to do mohi anything. W. H. Drldgos. 6U7 B. IQthst. OK 1 * WANTED First-class pnstry cook ; must bo good on creams. Ices. etc. Address llrown'a lies tnuiunt. N. llth-st. , Lincoln , Nel ) . 348 "I7V7 ANTED IJy nllrstclns * dressmaker , en- VV ; agagement In private families. 22 S 16th. Miss Turner. G82m6j WANTED MALE HELP. I WANT : i state managers , also , men for nd- jolnlng stntes. Our goods are new.Vo have big sales and no opposition. Dig money easy mndo. Please cnll Hooin 10 , Barker block. WANTKD An experienced night clerk ; must have llrst-class references ; wages ftU ) . Mrs. Crega. 310 S. 15. 133-3 WANTKD Aboyto drlvo a grocery wagon ; ono that can speak German. Inquire at CnoiOutnlrgst. Ira It WANTKO-An experienced operator on punts. London Tullore. 313 B. lath st. U7U-1 WA NT 131) (1ood ( blacksmith and lieper. ! Ap ply at factory Oraulm Cairlago and Sleigh Co. . Albright Station. US1-1 WANTED Two men of peed address to sell a line of specialties ; cull at 421 B. 10th st. UW - * WANTED-Milkor. 4118Sauudors st. PCS WANTKU Competent cook and laundress und nurse girl nt 713 N 21st st. No Swedes , M7 2 ANTED Mvo agents. Wrlto Iluiralo Jin- tual Life. Accident nnd Sick llenullt as sociation , lluirulo , New York. Ujlii * MAN mid wlfo for private family , 8.V ) . M rs , lirega , aio 8.15th. UJQ 1 * "C\r ANTED An experienced roller for cracker factory. Address Motcalt Milling & Cracker Co. , Central City. Neb. riu WANTED Wen and women everywhere for n genteel business guaranteed to pay * 0 per week pi oil t easier thnn oiluir linns pay WO per month. samples free to either sex seek ing permanent employment. Experience abso lutely imnoceesary. Merrill Mfg. Co. . II 03 , . Chicago. 388 ml * * , tC75 Per Month .Agents wanted In every county. P I'lan of work easy ; new goods ; write with stamps. Oould M'f'BAjjoncy , K University 1'liice. N. V. C'lty. ihgmUJ BO'Vb Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 UonclnH. SGO WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\fANTHD Head waitress out of city , JL'5faro TT paid , cook for Osceola , WO. Mrs , nrega , -010 8 lath. US l WANTKI ) A competent girl for general houBework. Apply U54 South 20th t > t. 105 3 * WANTKI ) Four Rood dlmncroom clrls at once , llostwlck hotelllubtiiit's , Nuu. 103 4 | XVANTKD Two girls to fold papers at 1309 VVl-arnnm. 111 1 WANTRD-A lady from M to 110 years ol ago unlucumherod , ns hotuekeept'r for an njjcd children ; to the right party can nilorpermiuiunt ami nlonsant home , beautiful ( lurroundlngd , fruit , berrit'H etc. , woik light , must be a neat housekeeper and good comtmnv. AddrebS J. H. Nelson , 1'liim Hollow , , lo\va. UCM * Glltl. Wanted Hood Herman or Amoiican girl for light housewoikt3N10thur ! ] ; , ialr bccond girl ; must coiiTo veil lecoiumeucTd. Itujulre 1911 Fnrnam " " \A7"ANTEI ) A good servant uhl for family of j three. Good wages paid. Mrs. W , u. Clark , it.'il nnd Capitol nve. * GlHIi wanted to mil machlneon punts. 811 B. 17th. tfJ4 3t " \i\7ANTKI ) A good , utout , nrst-class ho\iso > > and kitchen gill ; best cuab. wuiea. Call ut i&a cuss bt. ti8'j.i \VANTRD Tailoresses , at London Tailors , > V 313B.KthHt. U7b-l " \\TANTi.I- < llrl for general l.ousewoik.311 _ > N.U'ih struct. _ noil' \V A YouiiKKlri.aboutld ( ) to huubuwoik und Jook after children In email family. .Mrs , McKtmzle , IKW N. Uth. _ \A7ANT1U ) y good irtrlu for pilrntv family in > l Dakota , f.Xloucli , fate pulds wnltiess for Akron , Col. ; 1 for HoldreKU. 3 for 1'latUmouth. pastry cook for Sioux Ulty , IS ) ; VBKrtibloiooV , | iil { 2 dlshwashord , cook for prlvnto lamlly , M ; H ) tcliU for gunural housework. Mis. HICL-II , : )10 ) B. IMh. _ Itti it GIlU.S-Call nt International Kniployiu ollice for Hltnattouii. Cor. UtU und Doiig- las Fnlconer block. 0184 * JADY agents , (10 a day sure ; new rubber tin- Jder garment , lira , II. F. Little. Chicago. 111. _ U01t > WANTKU A good woman took nt 812 Doug- _ _ la sst. U7a mwrjm'-KIVK more girls wanted , KU J. to KM. nlca i > lac s. Kluht illniiiB room glrli. two chambermaids fcr same plicn out of thecity. . If > on wish a place out of tneclty. leave us your address. It you trUh employment of any klndrullonus. We feavon't time to advertlbo. Date City Kuivlov- aient otDcc , ail S. IS. TOupltoim l.ltio ; $ u ij 'ITI/ANTSD-A capable clrl. oxpurlenced T aecoud wore. Good w ages paid. Call rorenoon at613N.a < Ut. , -j1-0" _ _ % JrJiNTKD-lnimeillfttey ! , ladte ta wot'Kfor T a ttholeaale house on needle or.k at their komes. ( bent any dlatanre.l flood paj- can bo ei , tverythlnir furnWitvl. PurticulaM free. Addrcts ArtUUc KOtUl * ork U-HIV.bih itKtV Yort ( t. . ' S5I WANTKD-Typewrlter , wllllns to commence at small wngcs , prrmanant situation , must write good hand. Address II34 , Dee office. < wu W"ANTKD Young ladlns who ore employed > in the city iind bo&rdlne , to try the Norrla EnrBpcan Kcstaurant. DMt nna cheapest ladlei and gentlemen's restaurant In the city. 311 & 313 80.14th st. Opp. Paxton Hotel. EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. /CANADIAN Employment OITlcft-Malo nnJ f - \ > male help sent to nil parts If faro Is ad vanced. Koferencc. Omaha National bank. Mrs. Bregn 810 8.15th. Tel. 834. 765mU * / 1 ATR City Kmployment oHlcp , 314 S. 15th. Tel- vJ ephono 1,10V. flelp'for all kinds of work sent to all parts. Hofcrenco Douglas Co. bank. TNTKHNATIONAT * Kmplovnient parlors ; ro- JL sprctdble help sent to all parts If faro li ad vanced , cor 15th fi Douglas , Vnlconor bl'k. It. 2 151mi * PNION Employment onico Is conducted In an IP honorable manner , and our applicants supplied oil short notice. Small fee. 613S. llth 014 nils * Men nnd boys out of wort to call WANTED City Intelligence office ( Crelghtou blk. ) , corner 15th nnd Douglas fits. i)07 ) MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ANTED-Oood real estate listed with mo. W C , 1 % Harrison , 418 S. 15th st. 315 WANTKD Kvcry good cook In Omaha out of employment to conlo nnd If nvo his nd- dress. I hnvo lots of places. Mrs. llrega. 3108. 15th. * _ WANTED Hoard and room In n quit neigh borhood by an express messenger ! refer- CHCC9 required. Address H 01 llee olllco. 041 1 * WANTED-Klfty feet of counter and sixty feet of shelving suitable- for general mer chandise store. Address D. U. McDonald , Hart- Ictt. la. C316 * _ _ ENGAGEMENTS to do dressmaking In fami lies solicited. MUs Sturdy. 822 S. 18th st. D71 m 10' _ : WANT more ( mall houses for rent. P. L. Urcgory , rental agent , SOU S. IGth. 010 WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED To rent house In good neighbor hood to a good tenant by the year , rent must bo very reasonable. Address with full description and location J 3 , llee ollice. 1101 * "VyANTEU To rent cottngoln pleasant uclgh- T ? borhood , southwest ] ) referred , rent not moro than STi. Address J 1 llee olllco. uai 1 * WANTKD Itoom and board In private fam ily or private boarding house by young lady with references. Address 11 72 , Uee olllco. D81-2 * A nicely furnished liouso for WANTED two or three mouths ; address II C'J Ileo of- lice. 0312 * WANTED Small unfurnished room , suit able for piano practice ; must be within S blocks of postolllco. Address H 5'J , lice ollice. 0-102 fOR RENT-HOUSES. T710H KENT Two largo cottages. < L'7 and 029 -C 17th avenue , now in course of construction ; ready by Juno 1st next. John 11.1' . Lehmnun. 10J T7UJII RENT Fine 'modern residence G2S 42 South 17th street , John II. F , Lchmaun. | 100 FOlt HENT 3-roOm house $13 per month. In quire 8. B. comer llth and Ylnton 8t. 007 FOH HENT 7-room cottage , 2012 Capitol nvo. Inquire 251S Capitol nve. IH7-3 * FOll KENT 0 room cottage for rent t25 , and furniture tor snlo nt n bargain ; rooms rented paying rent of house ; central , best loca tion in city. Apply 1921 Douglas st. IW5 2' FOU HKNT About June 1 , very convenient 0-room house In good repair , desirable loca tion , 10 minutes walk from I'O ; furniture ami carpets for sale should applicants wish to pur- clmso. Address drawerI'O. . OCJ POU HENT Elegant 10-room house , all mod ern Improvements , on car Hue. Inquire 1409 Douglas Bt. 975 _ FOH HENT Nino-room house , all modern Im provements , half block from cable curs on Dodge Bt. Apply to 13. T. Duke , 110 ! ) Douglas st. F OH RENT House Brooms , 2 closets , hydrant In house , porch in front , aide and back. Enquire 1011 B. Center st. IBM 2 * Tj OH HENT An 8 room house , with bath , ono -C block from car line , J30 per month. H. E. Cole , room 0. Continental block. _ C28 FOH HUNT Cheap to good tenant , 0-room house , llltt N , 17tli. Inquire 210 S IJth st. _ | _ | _ 403 FOH HENT Brick hotel in city of 10,000 pop- illation. J. 11. Wooley , uraud Island , Web. 470 7t _ " 1J10H HENT 8-room house. Inquire J. F. JD Uarton , 11U Capitol a vu. _ COS 3J ' TT'.OH HENT.-Slx'roora Ilatwcll furnished , JL ? throughout. Fnrnlture for sale. All mod ern conveniences , location central. Two street car hues pass the door. Address II 67. llee of- lice. CU52 * _ YEHY desirable 10-room house , corner 21st mul Hurt st. All modern Improvements. On cable and street car lines. Inqulro'Dr. Paul , no cor. 15th nnd Dodge Sts. _ C24 2 ? FTWO Hats lor rent , unfurnished , six rooms JL each , at 512 S 13th st. Inquire at the place. _ 3U32 * "I71OII RENT Id-room house , nnd f urnlturo for JJ aale. Oil North 12th st. 352 mlt _ "T710R HENT Furnished house , 0 rooms. En- -1 } quire MM So. 23d st , from 0 to 12 a. in. _ 237 OT SOMETHING cheap , house for rent or for Bale , f urnlturo for bale. Including Encyclo pedia Drltaimlca , now Stock piano and other furniture. Olto IJniudorff , 823 Georgia nveiiuo. _ | _ SOQ TTIURNISIIED hotel for ront-The St. Elmo JJ hotel , Missouri Valley , la. The leading ho tel of the city nnd only one block from the de pot. For further particulars address Hugh Percy. _ 849 ml 6 T710U KENT 0-rooih Hat fronting Hanscom JJ Park. Hath , gus , hot nnd cold water , $30 , F. L. Gregory , Hental agent , 300 S. 10th st. 720 FOR HENT 2 new 11-room nouses , $10 , by 8. T. Potorscn , so cor 15th and Douglas , 741 T710R HENT 2 elegant 8-room houseo. nil mod- JL' crn conveniences , excellent location , con venient to street cars , SB per month If taken soon. H. E. Cole , no 15th nnd Douglas. 03) EOH HENT A 7-room Hat. Innulra of Gco ! lilgglns , in the cigar store lOlo Howard st. 6tJO > _ T71OR HKNT 1 8-room house. North Bnunders -U Bt , Enquire of C. W. Dealt & Co. , 319 S. 10th. _ 83 "ITIOF HENT 10-room house , nil conveniences -L' 18th st. ; 7-room cottage , Howard st. O. E. Thompson , 314 S. Ifith st. up etulrs , ( ! 20 rpo RENT KIght-room ls ! , front ro i'n suit- J. able foj-.cSl s , ' tMln all modern convcn- teacca. C038.i3tii. 55.- ; _ (7IOH ( RENT Six desirable Houses , from S'o to -L' , W ppr month. Leavltt liurnham , Koom 1 , Crelghton block. 077 T71011 HUNT Nino-room house with all modern -U conveniences , f nnilturo for gale at bargain. Inquire of J. H. 8Uerf > % ut O'Douahoe Sc Sherfy's 6GS _ _ _ _ _ 0 HOUSES cenfally located , rent from } 12 to I7& , iumlturo for sale on monthly payments. Co-op. L , end I , . Co. ' . aa N. 16th st 503 7710 It HUNT When you want to rent a house , -i-1 store of olllco go to II. K.Colo. 202- FOU RENT Two good 8 room houses on Park ave , J10 per mouth , D , V. Sholes , Room 1 Darker block , K.7 T71OH HUNT A neat $20 cottage. Apply nt JL1 once. U. F. Harrison. 418 S 15th st.Vl 231 FOH HENT Twelve-room house , tt'.th and nud JIuuou streets , * IU per month , J. B. CaulUeld. 1304 Faruam at _ 233 FOH HENT And furniture tor Mo , aluioat now , at a bargain , best liouso nnd locution In city ; every modern convenience ; this wlllpay to Inveatlgato at once. Apply I7CTJ Dodge 3SJ4 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHEoT" TjlOH HEN'J - Furnished rooms , s\nu\e \ nndeS JU ult. 1518 Dttvoiiport bt. USJ 3f "lilOU HENT Furnished rooms , 181U Dodge at. _ _ _ _ v.uji K RENT-Furulshed rooms , N. W , cor. 21st and t.Mary'a . _ _ nve. OlQ-2t PLEASANT furnished room for fentlcraeu , t per month. COj N . 17th. 608 3 TpURNISHKD room for rent with gas and J- bath , at Old 8. 17th street. V732t Y"EHV pleasant large fiirnlshed rooms ; all uvslrud conveuleucaf : prlvate house-.bourd If desired ; 1 block from vo8toillceVlfi3 Capitol ave , _ _ SM 0 * TJ1UHN1SHED rooms to lent , 2227 Dodge st. NICE/A * furnished south room , 1C13 Dougla _ . _ 1451 ] T'AHGB. nicely fuicUhed room. Biiltable-for J-J two -or lour gentlemen , 15135 capltolave , FHONT room , with nlcovo : nil modem con vcnlcnccs ; day Itoxrd. 310 Karnam st. C062 * furnished rooms , board If desired , desirable location. 714 N. 10th St. 810 1 TilDRNlSIIKD nnd unfurnished room for rent JJ at 82J South loth st. 003 4J _ _ _ FUHN1SHED rooms nnd board , 1903 Fnrnam , _ BFOlUia * F 0 ft HRNT Furnished rooms In Grounlg blk cor , 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo , It. , DaTls. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 63 FOH HENT Front parlor , furnished , toper- mnucnt , reliable party. Gentlemen only. ICiOCass. KB 1 _ _ _ _ T , AHOK comfortable front room , suitable for JLJ three or four young men , at loll Dodgo. 47P3t TJ10H KKNT Pleasant furnished front south JL1 room , with nlcovo bedroom , 110. "Also one large room 212 ; bath room ; pleasant neighbor hood , Heercnce required. 1010 Webster st. 6071 * _ _ _ _ _ NEW furnished room at reasonable rent. "IN. 18th St. 1072 * LAIIOU pleasant room , modern conveniences , KUGChlcngost. 250 rp\VO nicely furnished rooms with board 1- Jb desired. He Terences required , 1IB1 , 1'ar nain stri-ot. 304 m2 TT OIt RENT To gentlemen who will bo per- JL' mancnt , flrst-class rooms , at moderate prices. 1721 Davenport. 524 TTlOll HENT-Kurnlshed rooms with llrst-class J-1 board , 2013 Douglas st. 515 4t FOR RENT. A furnished room with board. 1722 Dodge street. B07 Ij I HAVE most desirable rooms for summer will rent cheap to permanent parties , 1430 , N IBth st. 101-1 * T710H RENT Two basement rooms , 2G23 JU Dodge st. Rent low. Inquire within. 100 stza FOR HENT A nicely furnished front room , suitable for two gentlemen. Enqulro nt 2811 , St. Mary's ave. 111 TJ OH HENT 3 fmnlshcd rooms sultahlo foF4 -U centleincn. Inquire Room C , 3d lloor , 1302 Douglas. - S02 N E\V and nicely furnished rooms , with gas , bath , etc. , moderate rates , at 2203 Douglas , 228- POR RENT To 1 or 2 gentlemen , room with , bath etc. . 2310 Douglas , 8S2 T/10R HKNT A largo front room with nlcovo , J2 all modern Improvements. 1709 Dodge st. 045 imURNISIIED rooms , 113 S 20th. 020 ml * F RONT room furnished , 1713 Dodgo. & 1S SMALL room 'suitable for gentleman. 1C23 Dodge street' 641 ROOMS J1.00 to 21.60 ; 502S 18th st , D32 ntfj JLV 17UTHN1SHED Room to rent. 2020 St. Marys JD aye. 7B7 F 10R RENT Rooms furnished and unfur nished , 1724Cap. ave. 2UO FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. TTNFUHNISHED rooms to rent , 3 South 17th Ust. 107 3 * T7UR RENT-4 rooms 1702 Webster st. . . . 2000 JD 3 rooms 1023 N 2Jth st 1350 Also3 rooms 1017 N 20th 15 DO 3 rooms 110087th st 1260 1 rooms , 110 S 10th st 2000 Judge Hental Agency , 8.W. cor 15th 4s Harney. OH RENT An unfurnished room , 2326 Dav- enport. 0 3 2 * FOH HKNT Three unfurnished rooms for rent. 2212 Jlftspn St. H ) ! ) 4J FOR HENT Two unfurnished floors , 612south T3th street. Cummlugs i Murphy , on prem ises. uJ7 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. RENT Some well located store rooms FOH cheap. H. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 021)3 ) _ _ FOR RENT Suite of olllccs fronting on 15th street. In WUhnoll block. _ t jP _ HOI1I1IE block-A new 3 story brick Just nearlng completion , P. E. earner Park ave nnd Lenvcnworth , two elegnnt store rooms , rach 24xfiO. largo cellars , nlso corner basement ; room finished off for barber shop , several Hats In the second and third lloors. Low rents and nil modern conveniences. Apply to Hobble llros. , telephone bS. 273 fjlOH HENT Ono half of store room , 1212 JL ; Douglas st. Wm. H. Spolman. 451 F I OR HENT One-half the store room nt 1212 Douglas .uuder the Mlllard hotel. IK ) FFOR FOR HENT Store and basement , C01 S. 13th fat. Mrs. M. Lnnge. 013 TT10R HENT Two business or olllco rooms on JD lBtiloorJ2j per month. W. E. Clark. 1414 Harney. 155 T/1OH RENT-Half of olllco nt 312 S IGth st. Chamber of Commerce bid , Oclell liros. & Co. IKW O FFICK rooms. 002 B. 13th st. 830 FOR HENT Suite of olllco rooms , llushmnn block , cor. 10th and Douglas. Nine room house , cor. 17th and Dorcas , WO per month. In quire W. M , Hushman , 1311 Loavonworth. 713 IjlOH HENT Itnslnc53 loom now occupied ns -I ? my olllco on 15th st. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th -I74 ! for rent cor of Mercer nnd Lowe avenues STORE nues , a good store for n druggist nnd gro cery. Inquire on premises , Chas. J. Ryan. 630 T710H RENT Three stores nnd basement at JJ 1005 Fnrnam street. Inquire nt Room 1'J , Arlington block , 1611 Dodge st. , between U and 12 n. m. 503 _ FOR RENT-KllSCElANEOUa. rilO LET The Howard house In Ilolvldero JL everything new and In perfect order , nnd n good commercial trade ; terms easy , Call on or address ntonco , Howard house Ilolvlderu , Ihayor Co. , Neb , 10,1-1 * T710H RENT Good sale and llvorv bam , excel- JL' lent location , rent reasonable. Inquire of C. W. McVickt-r , room 2 , Darker blk. 075 T710H RENT Largo barn cheap at 1707 Cass st. JJ KB _ RENTAL AGENCIES. IF you want your houses rented to good , prompt tenants , list them with J. H. Pnr- rotte Rental Agency , ICOO Chicago. 800 mlfl IF YOU want your homes rented place them with Ilenawu & Co. , 15th , opposite pobtofUcu , WANTED Houses to rent , and we can rent them too , H. M , r8\c. \ N. B.ISth and IlOUg-aiT. - * - ' * t. . . 2B2 I 1ST houses for rent with II. E. Cole , N. U. J-J IMh und Douglas. 203 GREGORY. F. L. . Rental agent , 309 8 10th st. V03 PERSONAL. IJEHBONAL Fend postal address for Mny "Male Mirror. " L. 0 , Jones , American Clothier , Omnha. W5 PKHSONAL Oo to the Norrls European HeiT- tnurnnt for your meals. Kveri thing first- class. nt chop house prices , 311 anu313 So. llth Bt. , opp. Paxton Hotel. " 3d7. _ 1DKRSONAL List your property to exchange J. iTlthC.'C. Bpotswood , yxttt S. lOtli. st iSo iEHSONAIPilvato homo for ladlus during routlnnment. btrlctly contldentlal , infunta adopted. Address K 42 , llee olllre. 83,1 M15T THAYED or stolen on April"23d , aQcrmaii pixdlo. f-hort curly hair , brown pug no e ; nny one ftudlng sainnaud rutiltnlngto 17l2i > outh B2d st. will be liberally rewarded , Mrs James G.McGcul h. 517 2 STRAYED OUBTOLKNT-One gray mare pony , about 7 yeard old. 700 pounds , split ears , re turn to 34th & Culdwull and get reward. 45' ) 1 * FOR'SALE-fVllBCEUirANEOUS. OAHAP ( me thoroughly broken 3 year old , pedigreed , Irish sutler bitch unil S other pups 6 w ecus old. Address J i llee. Ill ) 1 * TTJOll 8ALK Ice cream , boda wotor , confec- -L1 tlonery and cigar business , H 70 Uee offlce. WO 6 * Oil 8ALi-Hollor : and shafting. A Si-horse pywer boiler , good as new , nearly 300 feet 3-Inch shafting and about CO feet smoke stock , for sale cheap. Knqulro at oOlce Omaha Fair and exposition Absociatlon , 213 South 14th st. J , H , McShauu , secretary. t tisO-7 TjlOH BALE-Show cases , shelving nud coun- X1 ters. inquire 808 N loth at. ma z < KIVATK sala of household goods of B 14- room house , will sell whole or by piece , for 4 days only. North side of licavenworth. bet. 17th and 16th , 77 B TJ10U SALK Large upper tloor suitable lor JL ? light manufacturing , location lid N 10th st. Price taper month. Active Keal Estate and SALE 1 0.000 etood building brlok , de livered onjBt-3 , at Peru , Neb. , nt a very low price. H. MJJjfvrs. ai5mE3 * H SAM lie furniture , cnrpets , fixtures nnd lea a pleasantly located , nowlf _ _ rnl hedlK near horse nd cable cars , house heatei Istentn , furniture , otc. . In use less than ft y Emust bo sold nt once. For p ttcnlarsniipL . „ Hartmnn4 6.TbsonT' 1013"Far - 'nam st. r jh [ ' W TTlon SAI.I5 Two (2) ( ) tubular stool hollers Mr _ L' 14 feet , with smoke stack , steam { mages , elms water plages , etc. , all complete ; will sell cheap. Address l"red Krug , Urewer , Omaha , r. . . , "filOll SAlW frnrnlture In liouso of nlno JL ? roomsccntrally located. Address. O 10 , Uco Uince. 557 "I710II SAIjK Largo Hall's safe , now , M. A. Jj Upton & . ( # . Oil- F SAIjR A No. 77 Hull's snfo with Insldo 1 door. 215 South 13th St. 493 "WO 11 SAM' A top DUKPV , nearly new.O olum JL1 bui make , also good single harness. A. 11. Conistoek. 313 3. 10th st. 140 _ EOH SALK llest carriages at Saaman's. Cheapest carriages at Seaman's. Best phaetons at Senmnn's. Cheapest phaetons nt Soamnn's. Dest bURRlos nt Seaman's. Cheapest buggies nt Seaman's. Host wagons at Seaman's. Cnonpest wagon's ut Seaman's. Knflt side of mil St. , north of Klcholns. Btudebaker lloposltory. _ VKK M IT FOK BALD 8 or 10 horse power engine and 13 IIOMO boiler In good order. Cheap for cash. llccs Printing Co. _ 747 TTlOIl SALE Dormant swi'n ' capacity 3.400 JJ pounds. Phil. Stlruraol &Co. . Dll-PiiJones ; gt. , Omnha. 207 _ MISCELLANEOUS. and door screens nt the lowest WINDOW price. Old scrums ) repaired. Address S. \V. cor. iMth anil Cumlng. 451) ) ; 1 paid for nuconilh.and books at the An- \J tlquattan book store , aus N. loth st. CMmS * THE banjo taught as tm art by Ooo. F. Oellon- bock. FOJ llarnuy st. Ita _ STUOKMAN-llrnss mid bronze foun dry , work of all kinds. Cor. 14th nnd I.eav- cnworth sts , , Omaha , Neb. 455mb * F1HK Insurance , reliable companies. H. E. Cole. N. K. loth and Donshis. 7J1 WANTKD A good horse , buggy nnd Imrnens In oxclmngo for South Omaha lots. George J. StcrnsdorlT. room 0 , opp postolllco. 230 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Shorthand Institute Is the i only practical , exclusive shorthand school In the went. All Its graduates nro In good sit uations and giving ontlio satisfaction. Students can enter nt any time. No summer vacation. Si'nd for circulars to Valentino's Shorthand In stitute , 1515 Dodge St. , Omaha. 4M STORAGE. CLEAN storage for furniture , stoves , mer chandise , otc. llufus 11. Clark , 314-llll ! S lath street. 14 m24 . your stoves and furniture with the STOKE Furniture Co. . 715-17-21 North 10th street. 470ma TOKAGE Uavlng rented the largo six story lira proof building In the Mercer black um prepared to offer the Uosc facilities for storage of all kinds of goods , furniture , planoi , stoves , buggies , cutters ana merchandise , reasouablu rates , receipts glvuu , Insurance. II. Uoblnson , 1113 Howard m. 073 mo * mUACKAOE , storage , lowest rates. W. M JUuslunnn. . 1311 L'eavenworth. 120 WANTED-TO BUY. \7t7ANTEpr-rtjr cash , small established busl- TT ness m couhtry town or business build ing. Addri/ft H.Q4 , Uoo ollice. OM 1 WANTKtl-A l . Tulcey will buy some good 1st nrfil aitmortgages If wellbecured. A. P. Tukey , lffi > Fariinm. ft'U . fftiillturootn House-or Hat cen- WILLbuy. trnlly localud. Co-op. L. & L. Co , 205 N. 10th 1 > CUAIKVOYANT. MADAM KCCliESi The wonderful Claln-oynnt and test nrcdlum. In consequence of her lucrcaslng Bnslnl-fes will rcmiiln 15 days longer nt her former parlors No. Si ! N. Itith , st. Where In her trnnco state she accurately reveals - veals the most hidden secrets of thopast. . present and future. Is perfectly reliable In all love , trouble , .disease , nnd business nltnlii ) . Consultation personally or by mall { 1. No let- tei.s ttiibwered flmless nccompnulcd by Jets In stamps. 3Z1 N JOth , Uoom 1 2nd leer ! Omnhn. Dll. NANNIE V. Wurren. clairvoyant. Med ical , buslnosi ) nnd test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases n specially. 119 N. Uth Bt.lloom32&3 , Tel. 044. 203 It" I ) . J. RTANSUUUV.colobrntedslatowrlt- Ing mvdium nnd spirit uitlst , will bo In Omaha for one week only , from May 1 ; see ad- cment. WJ1-31 * MRS. IIOOI'Elt , magnetic healing clairvoyant nud trance reading , \VcoriWth anJ Cass. 704 m 7 * _ MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY' to loan on furniture , wnsons etc. , without removal or on collateral becurity. Huslness strictly confidential. A. E. Green wood He Co. , Hooin 1 , Cunningham block , cor. 13th and Jackson. l > Ct.'iu31 M IONKY to lonn on chattels. Uoom 31 , Cham ber of Commerce. 500 m37 ( l600 to & 0.000 loans by Sholes , P 883 MONEY To Ix > an By the undorslguej , who has the only properly organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to $1UO made on furniture , pianos , organs , hor.sos , wagons , ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances made on tine watches and dlamondjjj Persons should carefully qonslclor who'tlley"nro dealing wllli , as many now concerns nro dally coming into existence. Should you need money call and see mo. W. R. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell uuildinir , 15th nnd Harnoy. 22 MONEY at low rntos on good city and farm property , notes bought. JClmbull. Champ & Ryan. U. S. Null bank bid. 450 m2 * I CAN place largo or small loans without de lay ; splendid rates. A. 1C. Rlloy,1510 Farnam , ' 455111'i MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no commission charged , Lnarltt Uurnharj. room 1 , Croishton block. 83 MONEY to Loan Omnha real estate and farms. Mortgages bought. Odoll llros. A : Co. , 312 S. lOtli Chamber of Commerce building. 282 $600,000 to loan on city and farm real osUte. Llnahan if Mahoney , room & 00 , Paxton blk. BENAWA & CO. . loan agents , 16th St. , opposite podtollicc , bT'J m 10 S HOLES , lioom 1 , Darker lllock. S3 _ _ MONKY to Loan I cnn place good tlrst-cluns city loans on uhort notlco anil ut lowest rates. D. V , gholos , room 1 , llarkcr block. [ as. . ) _ _ _ _ LAItOK or small loans without delay by fc-lioles , room 1 , Darker block. ikC ) MONIJY LOANED at C. 1' . Heed * Co.'s Loan Ollicn. on furniture , pianos , horses , wu ou9 , personal property of all kinds , and a.U other ar ticle * of valuj ? ViJthoiit rumnV4l. S. Uth , orcrlllDKham'a ronimlsslon store. All bust- ness strictly oontliluntlal. CTo MONKY ft/lfcin'on firat-cliiss real estate no entity. Harris' It. K.<. Co. , S-o H. 15tli street , } j , -j -TOin- LOANS inudo on real estate. Cash on hand. W. it. larrg , over SM 3. llith st. i.71 Q MOI.HS placed inoro cans tiuiu anybody. MONKY taloitn , cusnonimnd , no delay. J , \V. and K. I , . Squire , HI j 1'aruum st. Par. ton hotel bulldlng < HT8 MON15V to loan. Notes ana i . H. tlckat. bouBht lujil Mid. A. Koruian , 1USO Farnam eta. - an TirONKY to loan , nt low rates , on ctiattels , J--l without removal or fllliiK'financial busl. ness of nil klml > ,4ranaactol ( quietly and without block , 15th and Faruam. TUIi : Mead Inveatm't Co , make loans on farms and city property. Uoom iMI.Uamge bulld'ff. 4 > J1 " \ < "ONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , J-ti Uorsea , etc. low rates. J. J. Wilkinson * Co , Hi ; Farnara. ail _ GI'KH CKNT money to loan , Patterson & l nard , 318 8 15th et. 705 _ OMOLE3 , Uoom 1 , Darker block , for loans. TV loans , Sboles , Itoom 1 , Darker block , 3Sj JJUILWNd loans. Llnahan fc Mahone y.v . v * V/TONEV / to can on horses , wugons. f u--ulture , J- piano * and other personal property or col lateral without removal ; business confidential ; rates modprnt . The P.ilrhunt Jnvustmeut Co 16H. liliiat upsulM. isd . "M"ONEY to Loan-O. P. Durls Co , reM ML ndloan netnts. 1KB Karnnm * t. S73 < ECOO,000 To loan on Omatm city property fit S P p rcent. Q. W , Day , B. K. cor7Kx. Did. MONKY to loan on furniture. wafon\ ( etc. , without comornl ; or oncollatornl securr Ity. Uuslness conAdontlal. 0 II Jncobs.KO S 15th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XC,9 SOMK choice loans wanted. A. K. niley. I51B Farnam. 4o5 nia _ L OANS made on real eitixto , and mortirnROS bought. Lewis 8. llcod & Co. , 1M1 Farnam. LCKK CKK Sliolcs before getting a loan. QHOLK3 makes Improved city loans , 393 COMB choice loans wanted by Sholns. 083 HE. COLE loans money on Improved city or farm property. Koom u Continental block. ZTO JA. WOODMAN Money to loan on real 03- tate in sums to suit. EX ) South 13th st. 270 T , OANS made on Omaha city property by D. JU V. 8holQ3 , room 1 Unrkor blk. 879 T Oll low rate loans , Sholos. 383 MONKY to Loan J30.000 to loan in sums of from fiiQ ) to $2,60) ) on Omaha and South Omaha property. Money on hand. Wright & J.asbury , Sift 8. 14th St. , upstairs. S3 MONKY To loan , lowest rates. No delay J. L. Klce & Co. . over Commercial Na- tlonnl bank VS4 T7"OUNTZK Place loans by Sholos. O SHOUT time loans made on nny available security. In reasonable amounts. Bacurod notes bought , sold or exchanged. General financial business of nny kind transacted promptlyquietly ami fairly nt the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange. N.r. . cor. 15th and liar , noy sts. , over State National bank. Corbott. NJOTES boujrht. 0. 11. Jacobs , 33J S. 15th st. { UlLDIXO loans. Bholos. 333 MONEY to loan on tnrnuuro , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. Low rates. J. W. Robblns. 18H Farnnm. ZiO ( 500.000 to loan at lowest rata of lntorot , on P city property. II , U. Iroy , Fronsor blk , opp. P. O. 130 S I'ENDID rates on loans. Sholos. 3S1 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTKO-Man to Invest $2,500. Can double money in six months ; money secure. In vestigate. Address J 6 , Itoo olllco. I21-2J "fjlOH SALE-ronfectloncry , fruit , tobacco nnd -L1 cigar , Ice cream tlxturos ; best location In the city , u grand chance to go in to business. Ad- tlressJBJleoonico. lip 3t _ A WELL selected $ .1.500 stock general mcr- coandlse wltn paying trade , owner sick and must sell nt once ; SI.20U cash , balance good unimproved farm land. Address H 07. Ileo olllco. 0:10-2 : * PARTNER wanted In llrst class paying meat market to take place of retiring partner ; this v > 111 pay to Investigate. Address II5H , Ileo. FOH SALE A banking business In a promin ent location with lease , books , tlmo look nnd good will. Address 1155 , Ileo ollice. 51-1 4 FOH SALE A long term loose of the ( central located ) fancy retail stand. Apply to IVaron , Cole & Robertson , 310 S loth. cor. Fnr- nam. 457 TJIOR SALE-Or trade. The only hotel In a JL1 thriving town In northwest Nob. Ad- tress Companion & Nolemau , Hay Springs , or R. M cN nlr , Crawford , Neb. 403 It T710H SALE A good brick yard nud all the ap- JL purtnnances , nlso 30J.OOJ good brick. Apply Ryan St Walsh , room 0 , Arlington block. rpHE advertiser having had 20 years practical JL experience In the mnn'f of sulphuric and other acids , fertilizers , baking powders , alkalis and other chemicals , wishes to correspond with capitalists with n view of starting such works. Goodprotlts. Am inn position to glvo the full est details and references. Address G. It ) , Oina- hoJJee. _ 117 il15U per month , .V > starts you In business , coun- P try rights free ; send stamps lor catalogue to Patterson Oil Rurner Co. , 201 Canal st. Chicago , 111. 107 mSD * FOH SALE or exchange. A new combined 33 bbl roller and burr mill with complete outllt of modern machinery , doing n good mist iness , with unlimited water power , on Little Illuo river. In Thayer county. Neb. No bettor location In the Mate. Will tuko good lands i > r city property In ( part or entire ) exchange. Ad dress , A. G , Collins , Hebron , NebC12ml2 WANTED I have invented an Instrument that , bells nt sight and that Is used In every family. fiO.OUO have been sold in the north west. I cnn offer n good man an interest in the patent for 11 f teen years free. No cnpltnl re quired. A respectable fortune ran bo easily made. If you desire a beautiful , permanent business , apply nt once. Inclose S-cunt stamp. Address .1. 1) ) . 0. Kiiapp. Ilex 837. Minneapolis , Minn. Reference , every bank nnd business IIOUHO in Minneapolis. 417 2 * A TTENTfoNIJakcrs-A bakery in flrst-classs -tx shape. In good location , nnd doing a good business , for sale cheap. Inghain & Stecle. real Estate Ilrokers , Kearney , Neb. 425 2 * WANTED Partner with $300 cash to take half Interest in restaurant , centrally loca ted , one who understands cooking preferred. Address II 30. Hep ollice. 338 Mlt _ FOU SALE A good paying business. Cigars , stationery toys , soda water fountain etc. . In llrst-class location. Stock will Invoice about J2.5UJ. Will tak-o city real estate In nxchange. Enqulro nt Max Meyer & Co.'s. _ 291 SALE-Hrlck hotel , with store-rooms. cheap , in city of 10.000 population. Little or no money required. Long time , low interest , easy terms. Great bargain. J. H. Woolley , Grand Island , Neb. 17071 OR SALE Stock of dry Koods , boots shoes. clothing and groceries , stock In good clean Bhape , In a growing town , county seal , in center of Nebraska ; two railroads came In town last year , and prospect for the third ; good location , chenp lent , good room ; good reason given for Bulling. Address II SO. Omaha lice. 1221 * FOR SALE Good saloon on Faniam st. Terms easy ; good reasons for selling. Address - dross G L Green , 15W Fariiam St. , Omahu. 343 Mlt FOR EXCHANGE. NEW 2 seated carriage nnd new single top buggv to trade for long tlmo real estate mortgage. W. L. Selby 1521 Furnam st. OUi ) "ITJOH SALE Or exchange , a complete drug -L store doing n good ca h business , In ono of the best towns in northern Iowa. For particulars cnll or write to Franklin & Olson , room 543 Pax- Um building. 045 2 _ 010 ACRES In Cedar Co. , Nob. , clear of encum brance. to exchange for jrood city property lu or ni'iir UrJggb' Place , Co-Op. L. i L. Co.,205 N. IBth Bt. 1)53 ) I _ WANTED To oxclmngo n good , substantial nud commodious brick hotel building , well runted , located at Lincoln , county boat of Logan county. Ills. , for Improved or raw west ern land. A bargain to right party. For par ticulars nddrcss J. M. Moloney , Lincoln , Ills , 1KJ2U * _ FOH EXCHANnK-Wolmvo n largo list of houses nnd lots , farms , etc. , for exchange ; when you have anything to exchange come and bee us , II. E. Cole , room U , Continental block. UK ) 31 _ ANTED to Exchange Two lots In II. A ; M. park for liorao and buggy. Inquire at S. A.Kloinuu , 13th and Faruam , Holluian block , . TjoH IXCHAMGJKeu. . fmn , or two South . - * - Or.isun lots for span of mures or mulfs. W. L , Bclby , isai Farnam Bt. UiK ) _ TJK > iTKADK-Or ( Sale -A span of carriage - Ihorses ; a nlra carriage ; a ftpan of whlto ponies nnd nil outllt , runs , etc. ; n line driving mare , pheutun ; ul&o elngld and double harness. Will turn Mtmo In as Hrst payment on a nlco house or lot centrally located. Cull at once on \.l400Farnam. 252 _ / fflr IK , corner 23d and Douglas sts , to trudo for ! - > an eight to ten-room house and lot. ( Jco.J. Btcrnsdorir room B. opposite 1 * O. SID _ BRICK Wanted-100,000 bricks In exchange for good Inside Omaha property , 8. A. Sloman , room 22 and 23 Hvllmnn bldg. 027 ALL kinds of property for trade. Stevens Hroa. , 1631 Farnam. 4883 _ TIIKADES made In real estate and personal J- property , gee exchange book. Co-op. L. and L. Co. 2Ua N. 18th ut. 603 T HAVE 100 Jots In B. & M. Park addition to J- South Omaha , free of lucumbrance , to trade for improved or unimproved Oinalia prop erty , farm lauds , stocks of goo-Is , horses , cattle , orunytUng of value. These lota are rapidly Increasing In value , and If you have anything to traderalland see me. George J. Steriudorir , room U Frenzcr block , opposite postolllce , 230 1710 U EXCHANGE Vacant lots 'Uear and on- J3 cumbered , for fams and improved city property ; seeour list. H. E. Cole , looinC , Con- tnental block. MO 31 \ \ TANTKli to houses nnd lots \V C. O. SpotswooO. 30Mi 8. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Onarant e and Trait Co , ir09 Farn&m street Complete nbstrncta fur- Blshed , and titles to rsal e tat immlnwl , p r- t ct < lftnd guaranteed. 8 3 _ T5EN8ON * CArtMlCHARL furnish complet J-J and RuftrantnM abitracts of tltla to any real estate in Omaha andDouRlns county upon short notice. The most oomploto sotof abttmol books In the city. No. 1518 Fftrnum st. 293 Abstracts South Omnlm-Kl. Johnson .t Co. , ngonts South Omaha Land Co. , have the only complete i > et of abstract books In South Omaha. Complete abstract * furnished on sliort notice , onlco opposite depot , South Omnhs. 127 gpRSAUE-REAL ESTATE. HO I7 SEandTof for sale"In South Omaha , not In some town near by , for WOO ; flOOcash and (15 per month. D , D. Smcnton , Darker block. 933-4 _ CHEAP house on Seward st near car line , ll.SKJU , easy pnjincutn. Stevens llrcis. , 1521 rnrnnin. 070 2 HAROAlN-Tot 19. block r. , Potter it Cobb'B addition to South Onmna , for $ W ) . ThU lot Is worth tuOO. I. N. Watson , 320 8. 16th st. 4K11 * _ FOH SALE Two lots In Omaha View. ? < ( ) each ; one on l.owo nvonuo , Walnut Hill , tl.POO. Addicss Ilex 2U1 , Mnywood , 111. T L. ItlCR & CO. , Heal Rstato. 234 FOH SA LK Or oxclmngo. Wo have some good Omaha real estate nnd Nebraska farms : which wo \ \ 111 soil cheap or trade for stock of clothing , furnishing goods.dry goods , boots nnd shoes , groceries or hardware. Schlcsingor llros. 01 4810th st. OWinlB * _ $300 , easy payments , buys n beaut I fill 60x128 foot lot. only 30 minutes ride from post of fice ; If you value your friend the almighty dollar lar , buv some of those lots before they are alt iouo. II , E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. _ _ 245 1 BIGGEST llargaln Yefr-1 have 7 full-sized lots for pale , fifteen minutes' walk of Ar mour's packing house , for $325 ; only $1X ( ) cash to get a deed and less for u contract. D. I ) . Smea- ton. Darker block. OS3-4 T L. RICE Ac.CO. , Real Uatate. SOI T71OR SALE or Trndo Farnam St. . near 33th , JU Incumbranco l-.tXW. Kittlty | JJ.OOO. Fnmnm st. , cor 31st , 13 < lxiU. : Trncknge. 13th st. near Grace , 0,1x112. Cumlng st. , cor 31st , 18.VJxllO Incumbranea S2.0'X ) . N. IGthst. , near Nicholas , 01x101 , iucumbranco IS-ilV ) . Haundersst. , cor. Hurt , 193x51 , Incumbranea , . Park ave. facing pare , 60x153 , Incumbranco ( O.V ) . Douglas st. , near SOth , CGxlK , Incumbranco " "i- lots In II. & M. Park ndd to South Omaha , clear of lucumbrnnco , perfect title. 2 quarter sections of school land In ICossutU Co. , Iowa. 1 quarter section land In Grundy Co. , Nob. , clear. , All of above property for sale or trade for good Insldo Improved property or good Im proved or unimproved farms. S. A. Sloman , rooms 22 nud 23 , Hellmau bldg , 13J1 Farnam St. , 0nahn.Nob. _ _ _ _ _ _ Dlj 00 makes first payment on ono of those WOO $30 lots. Remember the motor will make regu lar trips to thcsa lots or your money Is refund ed. Come take u ride with us. llcnson Land Syndicate , II. U. Cole agent , room 0 Continental block. 32 3 T HAVE several choice. Inside , full lots , upon JL which I can build houses to suit purchasers upon their own selection of plans , and on terms to suit. This will pay to Investigate. D. V. Sholos , room 1 , llarkcr block. 125 L HICK i CO. , Heal Estate. 291 FOR SALE-Lots 15,10,17. 18 , block OJ { . Bod- ford's 2d add. Lots on Madison square ; beautiful vlow. 2 lots In Davenport's sub-division , near 24th. I louse and lot on Hamilton , near 24th. House nnd lot on Cnldwell and 25th , corner. 3 lots in Morseman's park ; east front on 32d nve ; street will bo paved this yenr. H7 feet fronton Farnnm. near20th. 1 lot on Hamilton and 3Jth , just on grade , 1 lots in Dupont place ; parties cannot make their payment ; wnnttoBetl chcnp. 8 ' , ; o and lot 12 , block 3. Exchange place , South Omaha. Two 5 room cottages , now , near Kountzo's place , on monthly payments. The above nro n few of the chenp prlco prop erty we have on our list that wo consider the price is below their value. Hugh G. Clnrk. room 7 , board of trade building. 0201 FOR BALE Two acres , on Vlnton St. , between 21st and22d st. , SS.OOO , half cash. John Hag- Icy , on premises. Oil 5 * . makes first payment on one of those $ .100 $30.00 lots. Kemember the motor \ \ 111 make regular trips to these lots or your money Is refunded. Come take a rluo with us. llonson Land Syn.ll- cato , H. E. Cole agent , room 0 Continental block. 32 ! ) 3 IOT13 and 10 , block 3 , Thornberg place , will 1 be sold during next 10 days , very chenp.and only J200 cash on the two lots. F. L. Gregory , UOil S 10th BU CO ! T L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 231 $300 , easy payments , buys a benutl fill.10x12 foot lot , only3fl minutes rldo from post of- lice ; If yon value your friend the almlgnty dollar lar , buy some of these lots before they are all gone. . II. E. Cole , room , Continental block. T710R SALE A fine residence lot on Furnam JL1 st. , 68x132 ft nt a bargain. Klmball , Champ Ac Ryan , U. 8. Nntl bank bid. 144m2 * T710H SALE 0-room modern liouso. 60 feet of -L1 ground , near 18th and St. Mary's nvo. , for 87,000 , party anxious to soil. G. E. Thompson , 3118.15th at. B74 fl 300. easy payments , buys a beautiful 60x12 $ P foot lot , only 30 minutes rldo from post of fice ; if you value your friend the almighty dollar lar , buy some or those lots before they nro all gone. H. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. OR SALE-Lot on Nicholas and 13th. 60x132 , for tO.UOO. Address John K. Shaw , Hnmil- ton nud Lowe ave. 100 m3 * mWO good houses , well located , for J2.700 and JL $3,100 , on easy payments. J. A. HeUtand , room 0 , Arlington ftiock. J3 T L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 291 FOK SALE At loss than cost : Nine nice , neat cottages , well Inillt , elegant lots In elegant location , high and dry , and only short dlstanco rrom llelt line depot In Walnut Hill , from goou to { 1,100. U cash , balance tlUpur montn. These houses are bolng closed out regardless of cost nnd you cunnot got another such u bar gain In n hundred years. Cnll quick on IJ. V. Bholes , room 1 , Darker block. 725 5 ROOM cottage , east front , fill lot , 23th and llurdutte Hts.ouly (1,750 , D. 0. Patterson. Omaha Nat. Dank. il.i ! ) rHACQUAINTtD WITH THE OEOORAPHrOF THE COUNTW WIU OBTAIN MUCH INFORMATION FROM A BTUDr OF THIS W1P OF THE CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAHD & PfiCIFIC R'Y ' Ita main Jlnea and branches Includa CmoAQO. PEOniA. MOLINB. HOOK la&AND , DAVEK- POUT. DCS MOINE3 , COUNCIL HLUFFS. IiIUS- OATIWB. KANSAS OirX" , BT. J02EP1I. LEAV- ENWOBTH. ATOHIBOW. CZDAB KAPrDB , WATEILLOO , MTNKEAI'OIJB , and BT. FATT& . und ecorca of intermediate cities. Choice of routca to and from the I'aciBo Oosit. All trana. for * in Union depota. Tast trains of Fin * Dy Coaches , elccaut Dlnlns Can , maeniacoQt Full- man Falace Bloopere , and ( between Chicago , OU Joseph. Atchlson and Konaao City ) Reclining Chair Can , Bsote Free , to bolders of tbroueh flnt-clow tickets. Chicago , Kansas & . Nebraska R'y "Ore-nt Rock Island Route. " Extends Weat and Bouthwoet from Kuuas Cltr and St. Joaeoh to HETJ3ON. IIOIITON. . 13EL1 Z- VILLK , TOPEKA. HKBINQTON. WICHITA , irUXCZITHBON. CAiDWXLL , and all pomU la KANSAS AND SOUTHERN NEBRASKA ndboyoad. Entlra paa * naareiulpnint of th c lebrat d Pullman manufacture. AU safety ap * pllancea and modern improvemonti. The Famous Albert Lon Route Is Uie favorite b two n Chicago , Hock Island , AtchliOQ. Kanau City and Mlnntapolls ana Bt. FauL Its WaUrtown branch travoriea tbo trout "WHKAT AMD DAIRY BELT" cf Ifortiorn Iowa , Southweatem Mlnntaoto , and East Central Dakota to Wutottowu , Bplrit lAlu. Blouz Falls and many otiior town ) and cities. The Short lAna via Donoca oad Kankokoa offers uperlor facttltlea to travel to-and ftora Indian- spoil * , Cincinnati and other Southern potato. for Tick U. Uup , ycldera. or doalrod luforma- UOB , apply at any Coupon Ticket OtUvo or mtdrcta E. ST. JOHN , K. A.HOLBROOK , cr. Oen'lTkt. 6s fea * AcV CHICAGO. ILL- Hlntoinent oTMr. Ittorni\(1. OMAHA , Mny 1. To the Editor of Iho Upon uiy nrrlvnl nt Montreal I round n copy of tlio Omnhn HER under ( Into of April 2Ut , containing many thingfl dorogntory to my chnrnctcr both In soclnl nnd business circle * , nnd Imving decided before leaving Omnhn to- return to this city In the fall nnd ninko Otnnlm my homo concluded to take the Ural train back nnd correct the fulso report In n general way n < \ regards the claim of Mr. Hrookes , my fnthcr-ln-lnw. The fftctlhat ho wns nt ono time nssoclntcd with mo in busi ness In Newark , N. J. , twenty years ego , nnd that the saino was not n flnnuclal success , he losing his money nnd I my timo. Mr. Hrookes 1ms known my whereabouts nil those yenrs nnd 1ms never presented n clnlm to inc. As regards the death of my wife , she died from what Is knows as Hrlght's dlscaso , ns tlld her brother from the B\mo ! cnu o two yrnra previous , the same being hereditary on the mother's side. Twelve ycurs nga I cnlno to Chicago to look up n location lu the west while there called on Professor Martlno us ono teacher would upon another , nnd ho kindly" told mo while In Chicago to malto his homo mine. While there I tnught him , ns well ns his children's class , mnny fancy dances for hli May pnrty s.xUl dances to uo nlso used for the Huttcrily ball , to bo given for the bchcilt of the Ilnhnaman hospital. I never consld cred myself an assistant , nor was I In desti tute circumstances , ns I had nt the tlmo on deposit nt the Fidelity bank of Chicago about $500 , nnd wns never n broken-down lumber merchant , for my Instructions both to Mnr- tlno und his clasios , I was to bo paid gener ously , and nftor four months' services ho gnvo mo $25 ; his excuse for not paying mo moro wns that having lost so much money that season , ho was tumble to do better nt that tlmo. Mr. Martlno never gave mo money to go to Stitcrior | , or anywhcro else , nud I will bo charitable enough to believe that ho has forgotten the circumstances his dntos nro BO iimccurnto. I fully believe that If I could 11 ml him In Omnha I could hnvo refreshed his memory , but Instead , learn ho has gone to Dcnvor. My business Is of such a nature that I cannot wait until his return. I would state Unit for the past twelve years 1 hnvo boon Uo itcd In the following cities , having classes there nt different times : Qulncy , 111. ; Haunlbal , Mo. ; ICookuk , Ottumwa , Cedar Uanlds , IJos Molncs , Iowa City ana Omnhn. If nny inter * cstcd person will tnko the trouble to Innulra if my conduct In all tlioso years has not boon above reproach.nnd my government of classes jn dancing In tlioso cities lias not been In the main for the advancement of the art Instead of Its debasement. Lot them nsk the numer ous patrons who hnvo visited my classes , nnd tlioso who took part in the lessons if the classes were not properly conducted ; nnd , also , ascertain if nt the close of nny season there were any unpaid bills or indebted of nny kind ugalnst mo. I canto to Omaha to attend to my own business at the request of old patrons of mine who have known mo many years in the above natnod cities. I was much pleased with my suc cess , which being beyond my expectations , may have occasioned Jealousy In other quar ters. I shall return to Omaha this fall , nmko It mv homoattend , strictly to business , pay all bills promptly , study and strive to please my patrons nnd excel In my profes sion , hoping to gain nnd retain the good will of those who hnvo supported mo so gener ously nil these long years , nnd iny now pa trons in Omaha this and last season. I am Very respectfully , Vflt. L. MOIUXD. Win. Black , Abingdon , Iowa , wag cured of cvncor : of the eye by Dr. Jonca1 Rod Clover Tonic , which euros nil blood disorders and diseases of the stomach , liver nnd kidneys. The best tonic nnd appetizer known. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co. Ilns a Scheme. Secretary Nattlnger , of the board of trade , has received the following letter in re ference to the building of n pontoon bridge nt this point : Pi.ATTSMOUTn , Nob. , AimlJSS. As pont aooa bridge starts from the water's cdgo it is far moro convenient to pcoplo living near the shore than is a high bridge. If you will got n charter from congress wo will put in a bridge at your plnco this spring or summer , though It may bo too Into , if you begin now you will get it quicker nt the next session of congress If not now. It only rerrOlrcs flva signers nnd $150 to incorporate. I'll send you u copy if you wish. With n pontoon bridge nt your place poo. pie could drive over with pleasure , safety and spaed uninterrupted by locomotives. Remember n pontoon bridge is not half as long ns n high bridge and horses with light vehicles can trot over it. There is nn improvement of much morfl importance thnn is apparent to llrst thought , nnd all of its advantages niny bo gathered by you without uny delay. * * * Respect fully yours , S. N. STUWAUT. To err is human , but you make a mistake if you use Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic for dyspepsia , costivonoss. bad breath , piles , pimples , af uo and malaria , poor appotlto , low spirit 1103 diseases of the Kidneys , stomach or liver. 00 cents. Goodman Drug Co. SUCCESS IN SPECULATION. A NEW WORK The most complete ever.pnb- Ushcd.dovotcdto the purchase and silo of stock : ! , bonds , otc. Decisions of the courts regarding stock sales , brokers and bucket shops , manipu lation of the stock market , causes of panic , otc. How , when , nnd what to purchase and Bell , Send postpaid on receipt of 60c. , by the STANDARD PU1IL1BHING CO. , Albany , T { . Y. S. K. FELTON & CO. , And Manufacturers' Agents for WATER WORKS SUPPLIES , Q f nil descriptions. Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De * tail Plans and Specifications. Furnished on Short Notice. Correspondence Solicited. dec , Straus's ' Building , Fourth Floor , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. THE CHICAGO Mto Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The silly road to tuku for ! > t Moliiei , Maribalcowa CeiUr Hui.iiU. ClluibD , Ulxnn , CUt-tiia , MJlwnnkuu anil all i > oinu K tt. Tutue | ieoplan ( Nebraika.Colo rado , Wruuilnz , lltnu , Idaho. Nurnrta , OreK"n , Waili. luiiuin Hint CAlilurnU , It unon uinrlortt4r : uUg not puJtlblo by an ; oilier lino. Anionn a ( ewoftUa nunieroui points of ( uperlorltr enjoyed by tbo patron , nl tbt rot'l bctwocu Oinatia n.iil Ciilc'iuo. are lu tno trains a liny of UAi CXJACIIKS , nlilcli are the flncitthat human art and Ingenuity can crenlo. lurAI.ACKHl.BKl'INO CARB , whlrli are tuuileli nf comfort and elfgiDce. Ita 1'AIl- 1X5H DUAW1NU UOOM CAItS , uniuriiiuitcd l > r any , mill II , wlilKly caliibrated I'ALATIAI. 1)1 NINO CAHH , tbo riual of which cannot ta fnund cliewbtre. At Council lllurTi. ttio tralua of Ibn Union 1'acino IlalU nay connect In union depot with thoio of the CM * tiaoNortbweitorn Ily. In Chlci0n Ibe train , of Ibli line make cloie counotUon nlth tboia of all otbur KastKrn llnut. . . For Dutroll , Columbiii. Indtanapollf , Cincinnati. Niagara Kulli , llutlalo. I'lttiburc , Voroiito , Moulnul , liotton. N tr York , l'blladoli ' < ) iTa , llalUutore , Waib * Iniilou , vudall I'Cluti lu th Jfait , Aat for UUcti Tla th" "NORTH-WESTERN" If jou wl U Hit t > U acrommodatlon. All tloLlt agouti toll Ucktli rla tbU lino. il.HUiiiirrr. s.e.miaoy * . . Ucu'l Manager. Ooii'l I'ai 'f Agont. ailCAUO , ILI.S. W. N. UAneXlCK , Oun't.Weilarn Aient. I ) . E , KlilU ALL , Tlcfcot Agent. U. f. WUftr , Qly Paotngar AgnU li'JI i'tirufuU St. , Omaha.