* - < I WK | yr pjl-TST JRP FS" * wT T"Ti "T T | - v . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 2. 188a- THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , ( [ r , OFFICE , NO. 12 PHAIlfe STIIEET. Delivered by Carrier In Anr I'ftrtot the City at Twenty Cents rer Week. . . . _ II. W TH/TUN. . MANAGEIl. TKMil'HONES : IIBRINFM OrriCE , No. 43. NlOUT liUlTOIL , NO. St. MINOR MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. New spring Roods at Keller's. August Hctslcr Is setting up the cigars to Iho boys. H is a boy. The homo of K. E. Miller is made Joyful In the arrival of ft girl baby , which arrived last Saturday. The readers of the Brn will please note change of grocery firm which appears in an other column. Forest Smith has moved Into the Hrown building , nnd will occupy the onico with his brother , Walter I , Smith. Yesterday , license to marry was Issued to Mr. Burklmrd Volllgcr , of Omahn , and Miss Antonla Heine , of tills city. The nnnunl meeting of the club for the election of ofllccrs Is to bo held Friday even * Ing. All members should bo present. to the un-'lcaaant weather it has on decided to postpone the opening ban- | tiot and ball at the Manawn hotel ono week , until Wednesday evening , May 0. The contract has Leon signed for securing the Oelso property for St. Ucrnnrd'ft hospital. A small amount has been paid down , nnd It is hoped that In the course of thirty days enough will bo secured to meet the llrst pay ment. Attorney W. H. Ware has moved Into the olllco in the Everett block made vacant by the chnngo In location of Mr. W. W. Bllgcr. Mr. Bllgor has moved into the former rooms of County Attorney Daily , on Pearl street. Attorney Dally has taken possession of the quarters fitted up for the incumbent of that onico in the now court house. The now knitting factory is now in active operation. Yesterday twenty-four operatives were at work , and now ones nro being added dally. Shafting is being placed In position , and by the first of next week all of the machines will bo rim by water power. A largo lot of yarn nrrlvcd last evening , nnd marketable goods are being turned out very rapidly. As soon as the full force of finishers nnd prcsscrs are nt work nil the space ia the room will bo utilized. * The oldest firm , ami largest stock of wtxll pnpor in the city. All the new similes in ingrains nnd valours. A few patterns in gilts at ICc per roil Nilcs , 402 Broadway. Money allow rates on llrst-clnsslarm security. Burnhum , Tulleys & Co , IW Main street. J. G. Tipton , Real Estate , 527 B'way Union Abstract company , :23fl : Main street. S. ' B. Wudsworth & Co. loan money. Personal Paragraphs. Judge Henry Ford has decided to leave Council Bluffs nnd establish himself again nt Logan , Ia. , in which place ho formerly lived. Dr. lUco was yesterday noon taken very ill While nt his olllce , and after being carried homo Dr. Maerno was called in to attend him. It appeared to bo apoplexy , nnd his condition , while not deemed immediately alarming , ia quite serious. Tlio Salvation Army. To-night in the old opera house there will bo a War Cry Sing Sing. This it something now. There will bo a 11 vo cents admission fco ; a War Cry will be given fieo to all ; and no collection will bo taken. Thursday night there will bo a rorintluan meeting free to all. Meetings commence at 8 p. m. All are welcome. Sewer connections and house sewers laid by N. Y. Plumbing company. Travolersl Stop at the Bechtolo. A full line of crockery and glassware at Lund Bros. , No. " 3 Main street. Shcafo loans money on real estate. Pcnpln That Ituild. The building and improvement craze still continues , and the city clerk Is called upon several times n dayto Issue permits. Yester day the applicants were us follows : S. P. Sorensen ? CO J. Stcphenson -200 Peter Larson SO Edward Williams 75 It is said that there arc now over three hundred buildings m course of erection in the city. Heal estate men report a scarcity of dwellings for ro.nt. J. G. Tipton has several fine bargains in houses und lots if taken soon. Ofllco of the Council Bluffs' City Water works Co. , No. 115 Pearl street , April 27 , 1888. To consumers of water : This com pany will consider that all consumers who have not paid water bills duo April 1 bcfoio May 2 , as wishing to discontinue the use of the water , and upon May 3 nil t > uch delin quents will bo shut off without further no tice. The oftlco of the company will bo open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. in. , nnd from 7 to 0 p. m. , dally , except Sunday , until the expiration of this notice. IlAKiir BIIIKINIUM' , General Manager and Chief Engineer. Grand Sparring Exhibition. Arrangements have been completed for a grand sparring exhibition ut the opera house next Monday evening in which the best known pugilists and athletes of Council Bluffs and Omaha will participate. The principal ovcnt of the evening will bo a sctto between Pat Klllcn , of St. Paul , und Uarnoy E. H. Shcafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting room's. All bubinos > s htrictly confidential. Ofllco SOO Hroadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. Wnrburton & Iwnrson , fashionable dressmakers , No. 32 Pearl st. on Deck. In police court yesterday morning the case of J , M. Mclntyro for breaking open a car on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad was continued. David Thorp wns fined $5.10 for getting drunk and going to sloop on the steps of the Idol hotel at the uncanny hour of midnight. During the day J , Stagcman was run in for boozing- , and John Leo and John Murray were locked up for sneaking n watch chain from the lowolry establishment of Uoblnson Hros. They were taken to the county Jail for uufo keeping. IJounil Over Kor Assault * The ca o of J. W. Walker who was arrested about two weeks ago for throwing a car link at a "bcnb" engineer in the "Q" yards was tried bcsoro Judge Aylcsworth jcstcrduy , The trial was attended by a largo number of the strikers and their friends , and lasted from 10 o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. J. N. Hahhvin appeared for the stuto , nnd John Llndt was counsel for the defendant. About twenty-live witnesses were examined , the majority being for the dofcnso. The court in summing up the evi dence said that the testimony of several with - hnesses showed that the defendant , who U if ordinarily a peaceable , law-abiding citizen. if had been drinking , or the trouble would probably never have occurred. Ho thought the charge of assault with intent to commit murder was not sustained , but thought that there was an assault , and as the defendant would experience no inconvenience In secur ing bonds for his uppcaranco , ho would bind him over to the grand Jury In the sum of 500. 500.Tho The required amount was readily fuinlshcd nnd Walker was given tils libcity. The swearing of the witnesses for the defense plainly showed the feeling existing between the strikers und tlio'/scubs. " There is another case ngalnst Walker for assaulting Hralio- man Mungcr but Attorney Umjt announced his wish to try th'c case before n Jury , and it will not be . ailed until -next. week , when the Jurors of the superior court will bu in at- ' ' Icudanee. . THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , The Bcnoflt Ooncort Proves to Bo a Grand Success. BOUND OVER FOR ASSAULT. A Iccil In the Wrong Plncc More Pollco Nccrtcrt IJonrd of Trntlo Will llnoiu Ghnutniuiun Court Items Personals. A Fcnst or Good Things. The concert given Inst evening In the Congregational Church nsn benefit to Prof Normnndlo wns nn unqualified success. On nccount of the non-nrrlvnl of Mr. Tabor nt the hour for beginning the programme was changed somewhat. Miss Wmnlo Crofts appeared In ft piano solo , "Norwegian Bridal Procession , " by Qrlcp , which was beautifully rendered , and received merited applause. Not Brlgham's appearance elicited a hearty reception. Though not In his best volco his rendition of "O , Happy Day , " by Goctz , wns magnificent , and received 5 deserved encore. Ho re sponded with "Tho Ulrd Song , " by Soder- borg. "Tho Song of the 13lrds , " a duct by HuboiiRtoin , was most excellently rendered by Mrs. , T. G. Wudsworth and Mrs. Hert Evans. An cncoro was loudly called for , but on nccount of lack of preparation the ladles failed to respond. Mr. F. L. Hoyden sung "Alone nt Lnst , " by George Schlulffnrtli , in a , pleasing manner. Mrs. J. S. Judd ren dered "Tho Dally Question , " by Erik Mover- Hclmund , so cbarmingly that the audicnco demanded a repetition , but the intended cncoro wus not recognized. Mrs. H. W. Higgini next appeared In recita tions. "A Kentucky Hello" was splendidly rendered and received an encore , to which she responded with "Auxitalicus , " a beauti ful thing which was well rendered. Mr. Tabor having arrived , next appeared in Hayden's "Adagio Contiwilo. " By the ar tist this grand musical conception was faith fully interpreted , and a icpctltion was de manded. Mrs. J. G. WudswortH sang the "Aria Hondo , " from La Sonumlnila so artis tically that ii second appearance wns de manded. She answcicd the call with "Quito in the Usual Wny , " by Caldicott. Misses Mattie und Hattlu Palmer sang the duet , "O Swallow , Happy Swallow , " by Kuckcn , it wns rendered charmingly , and urepetition was demanded , to which the ladies responded with "The Carnival of Venice , " by II. Mil- lard. Mr. Brigham again appeared , with that beautiful gem of Abt's , "bleep Well , Sweet Angel , " which called for nn encore , which ho responded to with "Dreams , " by Strelcz- skl. skl.Mr. Mr. Prank Badollet gave a flute "Kouanco nnd Farantclla" and added new laurels to his already enviable reputation. Mr. Tabor rendered his closing number , the "Festival March" by Smart. Mrs. Wadsworth , Mrs. Evans , Mr. Wcscott nnd Prof. McUermid rendered "To Thee O Country" in a manner most pleasing. This closed one of the best mid most thoroughly enjoyed entertainments that hus been given in this city. The results nro most satisfactory. The church was well illlcd , which will pivo a net result of nearly $150. The success is duo to the heartiness with which thoviorlc was taken in hand by all those interested nnd to them all Prof. Noruiandie extends a hearty "thank you. " More Policemen Needed. The new police force is now fairly started in its work , and is making a-good beginning. The "new broom" theory holds good In this case , and it is hoped that it will continue. There is no doubt but that Chief Lucas will do all that can be done with the number of men on the force , but it is evident to every one that the number is altogether too small to cover the amount of territory that has to bo patrolled by the city police. There nro but seven patrolmen on the force , live of whom arc on the night force , leaving but two for day duty. As it is impossible for the average policeman to ho in half a doicn places nt the same time , it can bo leadily scon that the number is inadequate. The captain of police , who has charge of the nlijtit force , is supposed to cover all the beats , and look after his men as well as the lawbreakers who dieturb the peace and quiet of the city. In the past the chief has pa trolled Middle Broadway , but his duties nro sulllcient to keep him in his ofllco a large shute of the time , if properly attended to. The force is to bo attired in regulation uni- fotm and it is hoped that the mayor will go a step farther and increase the size of his force as the rapid growth of the city , and the consequent increase in the number of the light-tlngeicd gentry passing through hero , makes such a com so imperative. Don't Own His Own Farm. Yesterday afternoon James S. Liggett , a well known and well-to-do farmer in Hardln township was in the city and visited the county recorder for the purpose of securing a loan. Ho offered his farm of eighty acres as security , but was told that the records show that ho docs not own such n farm. It seems that some person , representing him self as Liggett , visited Attorney Snydcr one day last week and had a deed acknowledged transferring this farm to one Granger. The consideration mentioned in the Instrument is f'J , 140. The deed was then recorded. At this time the teal Liggett w.ts in Chicago nnd knew nothing of those transactions until his return homo. Now , although Mr. Liggett owns Ills farm , on account of the condition existing , ho can do nothing with it until , through duo process of law , the title is quieted , In the mc.in time all parties nio waiting for "Granger" to turn up und call for his deed , which was left for record. Without this document his knavery will have accomplished him nothing. The recorder has been notified to hold the deed and should a claimant appear ho will bo put where moro questions can bo asked of him than ho will feel like answering. KAlIjIlOAO RACKET. A Decrease In I'astipiiiicr Traffic Ofll- ciol CliuiiKCS Other Items. "There has been a great decrease in pas senger traffic on all western roads during the past sixty days as compared with the same time last year , " remarked General Pas senger Agent Eustlsof the B , & M. yesterday "Why is this thus , you say ! Well , I will explain. One year ago every small town In Ncbrask , Kansas and Colorado hud a real estate 'boom , ' Land that was classed ns aero property during the previous summer was divided into town lots and nn excessive valuation placed thereon. No man in the west Is without eastern friends and ono and all wrotolettois back to their old acquaint ances , informing them of the situation. In conscqucnco thousandsof people came from the cast seeking an investment for their sur plus cash. This yrar it is different. The matter is settled , and business Is on a moro substantial basis. The 'balloon' business 1ms died out , and values uVo steady , consequently quently theio nro not BO many speculators ns before. Whilotho railroads nro not iloliiL' as largo u business the country is moio pros perous because of this fact. I am not Hiiro , however , but that the decrease in passungor trulllc is moro than made up by un increase in the volume of ficlght business. " on-'icui. CIUNOKS. The following changes nro officially an nounced by the Union Pacitlo management , taking effect yesterday ; W. A. Deul , assistant superintendent of the Nebraska division with headquarters in this city , is assigned to the Wyoming division with head * quaitors at Emorbon , Wyo. P. Toohoy , assistant of the Wyoming division , is trans fcirodtotho Nebraska division with head quarters ut North i'latte. Mr. Toohoy Is succeeded by J. Hnpcljo , whoso jurisdiction formerly extended only over the nairow gauge divisions in Colorado , nnd ho will hereafter have chnrga of all lines in Colo- lailo. All the above officers retain their oh ; titles nnd the only charge will bo their trans fers to new divisions , KXfiiN'i : > i or THEIR ow.v. Instead of relying on the various lines of railroads to do their switching , the Union Stockyards company yesterday began hand- line cars withcnginosof theirown. Two new moguls. Wore put In service In the morning , William P. Campbell , formerly chief clerk In the oftlco of Assistant Superintendent Dcul , of the Union Pacific , will take charge of the business , ' TUB STOCK BUSINESS. All agent of ono of the line * co.iryi.ni ; stock ' i ud. from South' Qaiafid' w i3 seen j'9s- tcrday and In reply to a question as to how the B. & M. business was prospering at the stockynrdA , replied that It was declining dally. That since the strike the B. & M. has shipped very few cars of stock , and has in order to keep up nppcnrrnces scaled empty cars labeled "fresh meat , " taken them to points in Iowa , nnd then sent them back , The business of other road ? hns constantly been on the Increase the Milwau kee showing an Increase of nt least S3 per rent , the Hock Island40 per cent while the Northwestern was no per cent for March , compared with February nnd ono car of meet to spnro. Yet everything Is "running smoothly , " fiflKCS. The sixth anniversary of the founding of the town of Wymore will be celebrated May 21. The B. & M. will soil reduced tickets from points within fifty miles of the town. Thomas L. Kimball and Superintendent Dickinson , of the Union Pacific , nra in Den ver attending u meeting of tno direc tors of the Union depot in that village. By a recent arrangement trains on the northwestern extension of the B. & M. , will run to Alliance , in Box Butte county , dally , from Grand Island. Alliance- the end of the truck , A Modest Dctnntid. Nr.w Youic , May 1. [ Special Telegram to the Bnc. ] Dr. Charles E. Simmons , of No. 742 Lexington nvcnuc , has brought suit against the executors of the estate of the Into Samuel J. Tlldcn to recover pay for his ser vices ns Mr. Tlldcn's physician. The modest sum of $1-13,000 is the value at which ho esti mates these services. Only the lump sum without any particulars is given. The exe cutors nsk a bill of particulars and their law yers moved that such a bill bo ordered. An argument on the motion wns adjoin nod until Wednesday. Tilden's physician lives in a magnificent brownstone nt the corner of Fifty-ninth street and Lexington avenue , and has ono of the most lucrative practices in that medical neighborhood. Ho put in his bill once before fur the same amount. It is estimated that Dr. Simmons must have vis ited Tlldcn every day nt 8100 a visit for four ycnts , giving him the benefit of a leap year every twelve months. Don't delay , cure your cough with Dr. .T. II. McLcntf s Tar Wine Lung Balm , it ia pleasant anil promptly cures. 25 cents a bottle. A New PiTTSimnn , May 1. At 12 o'clock last night the BrooUs liquor law went Into oper ation and 502 saloons out of 727 In the city closed up , probably never to bo reopened. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. OPKCIATjndvcrtlsemcnts , such as Lost , Pound , O To Loan. For Sale , To Hont , Wants , Hoarding etc. , will bo Inserted In this column nt the low rate of TKN UKNTS I'KHiilNK for the Orst In sertion and Klvo Cents 1'er Muo for each subse quent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our olllee. No. 12 Pearl Street , near Hroadway , Coun cil lllulls lown. WANTS. Positions for two first-class cooks. WANTED Jlent cook $111 per week anil pastry cook J7. Very bciil of rereiences. Address Mrs. C. A. i , Council llluiTs , la. WANTED Housekeeper Elderly ficrman Indy preferieil. Ouu child to care for. In quire nt llee ollicc. " 171011 KENT The corner odlco over the 1C. C. JL1 & c. 11 11. H. tlckut oUlce , now occupied by Judso 1'ord. Also The room No. 11 Pearl St. , now occupied by 1'orest Smith. Ale Ihe dwelling house on Woodbury nvo- nue , Xno n as the MiUco place , with one aero of land. Horace Uveictt. LOST A bunch of Bnmll keys. Howard for sume ill bo paid by Horace Everett. T710H SA LE Lumber yard and llxtures doing JL' n business of & .UOOO per year In a Iho Ne braska tow n. Also a line residence of K rooms , w 1th associate buildings. Apply to Johnston & Van Patten , : Main St. , Council llluirs. " 171011 RENT Flrbt-class piano In Rood order. JCan bo had at reasonublo price. Posses sion K ! > on May 1st. D. Goldstein , J3 liroaduay. FOH RENT rurnlshcd nnd unfurnished rooms , 717 Istavo. References wanted. "I710R SALE At a barunln , 40 acre < near stock Jt : yards , South Omiiha , Neb. , Johnson A ; ChrlRtlan , Hooin 36 , Chamber of Commerce , Omaha. Stocks of merchandise. Have WANTED Omaha and Council llluirs city propertv , nltoestoni land to exchaniio for goods. Call on or address Johnson .V Cnrlhtlan , Kocm 35 , Cnambur of Commerce , Omaha. Star Stables and Mule Yards Broadway , Council lllutfs , Opp. Dummy Depot Ilorscs and mules constantly on hand , for sale nt retail or In car load lots. Orders promptly Illled by contract on short Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. SCHI-UTEU , V IJOLnV. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council ItlulTs DELMONIGO HOTEL 711 Best $1 $ a Dayjjouse in the City , GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS , Near the Depots. Street Car Connections. im. VETERINARY SURGEON , HOSPITAL AND OFFICE 15 FOURTH-ST. Council Bluffs , Ia , Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty. D , H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. 33 and 22 Main StreetCouncil Illuffsjowa. EGAN & KIMBALL , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS. No. 652 Broadway , Opera House Block , Council Blullu. Telephone No. 281. NEW SPRING MILLINERY 151-1 IJOUGLiAt } ST. , OMAUANEU. DOWN BUSINESS ! IET ORDER TO PREPARE FOR MORE COMMODIOUS APARTMENTS WE WILL OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP SALE COMMENCING SATURDAY MORNING , APRIL 28th. Every person desiring bargains will not fail to take advantage of tliis great cash sale. stock is new and well selected. Fine dress goods , new styles , choice silks , etc. THE LARGEST STOCK OF CARPETS IN THE WEST. NEW GOODS AND FROM BEST DESIGNS i FIRST COME , FIRST SERVED. REMEMBER THE PLACE , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , HARKNESS BRO'S- . i ' ' ' l l j \ > M jf ZBIELIID GKE3 I SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OP COUNCIL BLUFFS. 'Largest Stock , METCALF BROTHERS. _ Furnishing Goods , Lowest Prices , . Clothing , Hats , Caps , eto. { a. o > -v'WUUim ffardman , Everett & Dealer In - f vwiA' tOCc v * City & . ESTATE REAL .Countjr I MUtUAb. UFE. INS. CO. New York. 11 If * No.Bhf. GO to Main St. 1814 Councl St. Blurts. * ( UU 'O Largest ) oj'Any ' Capital anh in and the Surplus' city. - * ' CITIZENSSTATE BANK , I ! COUNCIL , & .RD. BLUFFS Faster , , ASMOKE . 4r > .V - tif _ i J.W/&B : Li SQUIRE'S ! ! Glass Go. rorcgoy.&Mooro'fl . Santo Rasa ; - * viftif * * ' ' ' * ! ' . Pearl St. .ARE' THE BEST. 2tT EMPKIE HARDWARE CO. WEIR SHUGART CO. .1 ETC. JOBBERS OIF1 Manufacturer of Fine Cnrriugos nnd Buggies. H. F H ATTENH AUER I always keep in stock a lurgo variety of eastern ? I have ill ways a full stock to select from. . , , make Carriages , which 1 sell at a very low ratJfflt { Call ana examine. Prices Low. NOK. ! 27 to ! } Fourth Street. I am always ready to show pootla. jtj i OIF1 G G The undersigned , having purchased the Grocery Stock and Busi R ness of R TROXELL BROTHERS , O located at 345 Broadway , announce that they will continue the O business at the above number , and will strive to C C merit . your patronage. E J. W. BRAGINTON. E N. I. TIBBITTS. R R I Having sold our business , as stated nnd located above , wo take I pleasure in commending our successors to the confidence of the E public. C. C. TROXELL. E W. S. TROXELL. S S PRESH GOODS. LOW PRICES. ESTABLISHED 1842. INCORPORATED 1878 MASSILLON , OHIO , MANUFACTURERS. SIZES FROM Especially Designed for MILLS , ELEVATORS 25 TO 250 AND HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT POWER , PURPOSES , AUTOMATIC : CUT-OFF : ENGINE. Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa , BEND 1 < 'OU CATALOGUE. E. C. HARRIS , Manager. DR. RICE'S COMMON SE\SK HERNIAL SUPPORT. The Greatest Invention of the Age ] Itupture or Kerala a Specialty/ Makes Female Diseases a Specialty , Cures all ktnila of Chronic Diseases , that are curable , with his most Wonderful Vegetable Homo dlun. Ia the oldest und most suctuaaf ill apuclalUt In thu west. Cull and see him. OIlltuNo. 11 1'earl St. , Council lilutTa , Iowa. Ollice hours:8 : to 1 u m ; 1 to5 anil 0 to B p. in , , JCTC H. No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMI M3T13 ASSOUTMENa1 OP FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES , 110X11 DOMKSTIU AND FO11ISION , DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WAITED L.OCAL. AND 'JtltAYJULING * AGJUXTS O.V C'OM.IIISSIO.V , JONES & SHUGART , JAOENTS ion ( VICTOR CYCLES. IK ( HARDWARE AND STOVES. ) TIIE CEIUIWATEn ( DANGLER GASOLINE STOVE ! NO. 211 UUOAOWAY. A Great Scheme. ' .Messrs. Cole & Cole have a device for the "Quick Meal" gasoline steve that docs away with the sinoko and steam of cooking. No more black walls , no &mell of onions in the hall. Wo can apply it to any gasoline stovo. Several used last year were eminently successful. Call at our store nnd f > co in use in con nection with the celebrated Quick Meal vapor btovo. Wo have a splendid line of refrigerators. COMJ & COTK , 11 Main street. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER , PJUCE $15. Iso thoroughly practical , well made and finely llnlbliecl machine , Combines the I'EIIFKCT IIT- TfiiiNO , r.xACr A l MlNT and lUwnVniT - INO of a high priced writer with SIMI' , ICITV , Coinpactnf&ii and Durability , fend forcliculars. AGEN1U WANTED. r. E. GA n , The Ilxeclsior Co. Main St. LINCOLN , NFII. , Council lllntlM , ( ien'l Agent. Agt for Western luwa CRESTON HOU Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es cape. Eloctrlo Call Bolls. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable MAX MOHN , Proprietor OGDEN : BOILER - ; - WORKS , CARTER & SOX , Prop's , Manufuctureriot All Kinds of Steam Boihrs & Sheet Iron Work. Or ( Urn by mall'for repairs promptly attended to. SutUfaction iunrauteecl. lOtli AvenueAd - drets Ofiltn Boiler Works. Council lllullti.luwa. THEO. BECKMAN/t MANUFACTUIIEII OP AND JinAI.KIl IN ? , HARNESS , SADDLE ! BRIDLES AND COLLARS. ' ' A I'ull Assortment of Harness Goods Corf stantly on Hand. , Repairing Neatly and Promptly Donc'i NO. 2OB MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BlAJfl'FS. : : IOWJ JOHN GILBERT , I'UlMUUIl AM ) Iir.AI.EIt IN WIND MILLS. IRON AND WOOD PUMPS. NO , filil MAIN 8TM cii , uiurrs , : : IOWA ACCIDENT INSURANCE , $5,000 AT DEATH t f \\cokly i Indemnity for Injury. CO IB but f 13 purjuu In the Old Itcilablu I'nUed Mutes Mu5 lual Accident AKboclatlnn of Now Vork. KihLiMi'ju & KKI-MV. General Agents. ItoomS , Opera House Illock , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. tOO I ) r on ! way Council Hlutr , low * . U