Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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{ The State Board of Equalization
Moots for That Purpose.
Occurrences nt tlio StAte House
Stonecutters Strike Coins On 1'nv-
lug Matters llosldcnts "Want
Fourteenth Street raved.
1029 P STUKKT , }
LINCOLN , May 1. )
Tlio state board of cquallratton met to-tiny
t\t the ofllco of the auditor for the purpose of
assessing the railroad nnd telegraph lines In
the state. The board consists of the auditor ,
treasurer and governor , the first two being
In attendance , Governor Thaycr not having
returned from Nebraska Oily. The board
. will bo lit session for sovornl days , and the
representatives of the different roada will bo
in attendance to sco to it that the assessment
is made in low as possible. Tnoro were
present at thooponlng , of the meeting ycstcr-
day 8. T. Hlghloyinau , tax commissioner of
( the Missouri Pacific , who arrived from tlio
nouth this morning' , nnd C. J. Smith , land
commissioner of the Union Pacific , whocamo
in from Omaha on the early train. The as
sessment o' a year ngo was but slightly
raised over the year prior , and the present
assessment Is far below that of Iowa. It Is a
fact worthy of notice In connection with the
assessments of railroads that Mr. Hlplcy of
the Uurllngton testified that the roaus west
of the Missouri river supported the main
lines of the Burlington In Illinois uml Iowa.
This testimony given before the Missouri
legislature might bo used ton great deal of
advantage in making uu a right value upon
which to assess Nebraska railroads. The
proceedings of the state board of equalization
will bo watched with much interest.
The bids of the Improvement of the capital
grounds will bo opened on Monday next.
The new building nt the homo for the fcoblo
minded at licatncc will bo finished this
The improvements at the blind asylum at
Nebraska City will bo completed by the 10th
of the month , the board inspecting them yes-
To-day a mealing will bo held by the board
of public lauds and buildings nnd the visiting
board of the Qrand Island soldier's homo for
the purpose of formulating rules for the gov
ernment of the homo.
Tlio live stock sanitary commission held a
meeting yesterday and had under discussion
tlio question of a systematical investigation
among the dairy cattle of the state for the
purpose of determining whether or no tubor-
colosis is abroad in the state. The preval
ence of the dlscnso In different sections of
the east , the commission consider sufllcicnt
prounds for the utmost "care in Nebraska.
The commission is also making energetic
efforts to entirely eradicate glanders in the
state and orders have bcon issued to tho.ns . -
sistnnt veterinarians to report specifically
every case handled by them that no fraud
can bo practiced In the state.
Some ninety days ago the stonecutters in
the city cave notice to the different yards
that beginning May 1 they should ask as
wages $1 per day of nine hours' work. Yes
terday-was the day for the raise , if granted ,
to take effect , and If not for n strike to be on.
At noon yesterday it was hard to determine
whether the strike had been ordered or not ,
but it was generally understood that the de
mands of the men wore not to bo granted by
the owners of the different yards. At Key's
and Bullock's yards there was no work going
on ; there had not , however , boon any work
for a few days owing , it is stated , to lock of
stone , but the general opinion was that the
ntriko was on. At Tyler's yard the men
were at work up to noon , but it was expected
that n strike would bo ordered there. There
cutters in the different
nro fifty or seventy-five
ent yards in the city , and they have been
Betting fiom ? 3 to $3 50 a day. It is under-
ritood that the cutters want no classification
in pay under their new demands. Thoio is a
good deal of work in progress In the city nnd
on hand , and it is difficult to determine what
effect a strike will have on the progress of
of buildings.
The remaining paving districts to bo paved
this season in the city were lot by the city
council Monday evening , Stout & liuckstnlt
being awarded the contract for all of them ,
the council ordering the return of the certifi
cates of deposit to tlio other bidders with no
tice of their rejection. The contracts of
Stout & liuckstnll cover six districts , two of
which ( the third and eighth ) are to bo p.tvcd
with blocks on concrete , the remaining four
( the fourth , fifth , sixth nnd seventh ) to bo
paved with brick. Those districts will reach
to the university and state capitol grounds ,
and the streets adjoining the state grounds
will not bo paved until after the state makes
its appropriation for paving adjoining the
state property. It is tlio intention that the
brick pavement laid shall bo with brick
burned in Lincoln , experts stating that an
excellent quality of paving brick can bo
burned from the clay used in the different
brick yards hero. The yards are arranging
to Increase their facilities for work at once ,
nnd one yard announces that it will burn all
that will bo required on timo. Colorado
Handstono Is agreed upon for curbing In all
the districts , but a proviso is made allowing
the use of Uandcra stone if the other is not
A movement has been mndo by a number
of parties to reduce streets in places in the
city to forty feet In width , laxvning out so as
to leave that width for paving. There is a
very general opinion that in some parts of
' tlto cltr this is advisable , but In others It is
not. Especially Is the latter true on thor
ll'f oughfares leading into the city. Ono of tlio
' most important streets In the city Is North
Fourteenth ; it Is a section line and a thor
oughfnro for u largo section of country. It
loads to lumber and coal yards in the rail
road yards and is the great highway to the
Htuto fair grounds. On this street nro a num
ber of handsome residences , and the owners
of them seem to bo a unit in getting the
street reduced to fifty feet. The reduction
gives them extra lawn room mid makes the
paving cost them less , but the general publlo
cannot endorse reducing the street for their
especial benefit. Franchises for street rail
ways have boon granted by the city on that
street , and forty foot is too narrow to accom
modate street cars and the iumionso travel
ron that street nt certain times in the year ,
Tlio smaller property holders deslro the
street at least 11 fty foot wide , and ore work
ing to hold it that way , in which effort citi
zens generally will coincide In their views.
Last evening at the hour of 8 p. in. , Mr ,
W M. Woodard nnd Miss Helen M. Fletcher
were united in marriage at the homo of the
bride's pai cuts , corner of Nineteenth nnd F
streets. Hev. J. T. Minuhart , pastor of
Grace M. R. church , performed the ceremony
in the presence of the family and relatives.
Mr. Woodanl is a well-known attorney in the
city who has a prosixsrouB practice as ono of
the firm of Woodard & Foxworttiy. The
bride is an accomplished lady , greatly es
teemed by all her acquaintances. A bright
and prosperous future is open to Mr. and
Mrs. Woodard ,
CITT mtiKps.
Ono of the H. & M. specials who was walk
ing through the yurda with his revolver out ,
us though his life and the property of the
company was in imminent danger , stumbled
and fell , discharging his gun , the ball parsing
through 1U | hand.
The republican primaries to elect delegates
to the county convention will bo held to-day
in the dllTeiunt wards of the city , The wards
liavu held their caucuses and agreed upon the
ticket tosupiwrt , and there is no evidence
that any contest will bo waged. The county
convention will bo hold in liohunnon's hall
A delegation of So ward democrats were in
the city yesterday onrouto to Omaha , and the
state convention. While in Lincoln thov had
an opportunity of hearing both sides In the
battfa among democrats hero in which the
daughter houbo wing scored such a victory ,
The friends of Guy A. Drown , clerk of the
suprc-mo court , will bo glad to learn that his
winter In California has materially improved
. ' liU hvalth , Mr , Brown will change from the
California climate to that of Colorado
Springs. Colo. , wnoro he will -remain until
July when ho hopes to bo homo uyaiu at1
' . Lincoln. .
TUo. third of the. series of lectures lu the
Congregational church in this city was held
Jastoroning , Ilor. E. S. KahUron lecturing1
upon "Loft-Hnndcd Pooplo. " The Iccturo
course is proving a popular feature in the
church , and the Iccturo lost evening was ono
of the best.
Sheriff Whitney of Sorpjr county landed
In the penitentiary yesterday two now board
crs for that institution. They nro Thomas
Davis , sentenced for five years , nnd Frank
Brumbaugh , sentenced for one vcar , both
for the very foolish and common crime of
horse stealing.
Mr. L. M. Bartlcttof Chicago has been en
gaged to conduct the May musical festival
held in this city , commencing the 15th.
IJnlph Kitchen , who won many friends In
this city for two years while In the Capital
hotel , Is viMtlng In town , coming from Kan
sas City , where his homo has ucon the past
The mail facilities In nnd out of Lincoln
have been increased by the now railway tnsll
sorvjco put on the Kcpubllcan Valley branch
running from Lincoln to Valparaiso , Stroms-
burg , Button , and terminating at Alma in
the Republican Valley.
The prospects for the druggists convention
arc of the brightest character. Articles for
exhibit nro already in the city from Denver ,
Chicago and Now York , and many others nro
on the road ,
Ilnppy Homes ,
Much has boon written nnd said about
how to make linmo happy. The moralist -
ist and preacher have micknoyod this
thoino until it would seem nothing
moro remained to bo said. But the
philosophers hnvo gene far out of their
way to account for Iho prevalence of ill-
assorted couples and unhappy homes ,
and have ovor-lookod the chief causo.
Most of the unhappincss of married
life can bo traced directly to those func
tional derailgomonIs to which women
nro subject. In nine cases out of ton
the irritable , dissatlslled and unhappy
wife is a sulToror from some "female
complaint. " A trial of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Proscription will produce moro
domestic happiness than a million ser
mons of philosophical troatlso. Itcuros
all those peculiar weaknesses nnd ail
ments incident to womon. It is the
only mediclno sold by druggists , under
n positive guarantee from thn manu
facturers , that it will give satisfaction
in every case , or money will bo ro-
fundod. See guarantee printed on
ivrappor enclosing bottle.
Arrested in tlio Jail.
Ono J. L. Wilson , an old timer In criminal
acts , stepped into the county jail yesterday
istcnslbly to visit Jailor Joe Miller , xvlioso
liospttahlo bed and board he has frequently
enjoyed. As ho came In Deputy Sheriff
. robe Identified htm as bolng wanted at Lin
coln for relieving a man of Ins personal pos
sessions , and locked him up until such time
is the authorities at that point could bo com
municated with. Wilson was greatly sur
prised over the turn of affairs , and expressed
ho belief that there Is a mistake somewhcio.
The "I'ale I-'nces. "
This is the generic designation of the
white race bestowed by our copper-col
ored brother , the "noble savage. " The
Caucasian , though many shades lighter ,
"s not necessarily pallid. But when his
cuticle has the parchment-colored tint ,
and his cheeks the hollowncss indica
tive of a want of bodily stamina , ho well
deserves the appellation of "pale face. "
Those facial indications should suggest
a course of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters ,
an acknowledged rchabilitator of a fa'l-
ing strength nnd ronewcr of bodily sub-
stanco. It is derived exclusively from
bontanic sources is pure and cmciout.
Its invigorative action is prompt , thor
ough and speedily felt. Can the like
bo said of most tonics ? Scarcely. Appetite -
petite , as well as the ability to satisfy
it without subsequent dibcomfort , is re-
lowcd by it , and it elTectually tones the
liver and bowels. It fortifies the system
against malaria and rheumatism , and
remedies nervousness and kidney com
The Santa Ana. Fairvicw & Pacific rail
way will be running from aanta Ana to Fairview -
view within sixty days , and a contract has
been let for a telegraph line over the route ,
to bo completed withm the same period.
"Wo would bo pleased to know of a man
or woman who has never had headache
or boon subject to constipation. As'thoso
seem to bo universal troubles a littload-
vice luay beem in order. Why should
persons cram their stomachs with nau
seating purgative pills , etc. , which sick
en and debilitate when such n pleasant
and sterling remedy us Prickly Ash
Bitters will act mildly and effectively
on the liver , kidney- stomach and bow
els , and at the sumo time tone up and
strengthen the whole system ; causing
headache , constipation and all such dis
tressing evils to quickly disappear.
Work Will Cease.
It was decided lost night to stop work on
the now Y. M. C. A. building until sufllcicnt
money had been secured to meet present and.
future obligr ions. The plans adopted for
raising the requisite $25,000 will ho made
known to the public by their being put into
operation. Mr. Ed T. Dadmun , the now
general secretary , who had arrived from
Norfolk , Va. , a short time before the meeting
was called to order , was present and made a
short address.
Preparations are being made to hold a ro-
ceptlou In the hall Thursday evening of this
week , In honor of Mr. Dauuiuu.
An Absolute Cure.
Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , bums ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at iiS
cents per box by mall HI ) cunts.
Tlio MountcU Patrol.
The mounted opolicemen , Sheep , Ellis and
DoGraves , began duty yesterday. Four
other now patrolmen wore sworn in and as
signed boats. _
Reports of the fabulous wealth of the
Lower California gold mines continue to be
come current , but all appear to radiate from
the San Diego ofllco of the Lower California
Mining company , which is floating stock In
Iho corporation that has secured from the
Mexican government the exclusive right to
prospect in a largo region of country during
a term of years.
Its superior excellence proven in millions ot
homes for more than a quarter ot a century. Ji
U iibuil by the United Stuted Uo\ernuir.nt. En
dorsed by tha heads of the Kreat uulerslttes us
tlin strongest , purest and most houltuful. Dr ,
1'rloe's Cream llaldns I'owderdoe * not contain
ummonlai llino or alum. Soli ) only tu cans.
N w York. Cnlcago. . at. LouU.
. . - Kirk's
Copyright , 1887 , by Jns. S. Kirk & Co.
"GooJ , the more communicated , the tiiore abundant grows , "
Tne number nnd variety or uses to which White Cloud is applied
are almost endless. Enconlums come from workers in all sorts of
materials , from all kinds ofdenlers and from domestic circlesall over
the continent.
White Cloud renovates marble , silver , brass , nickel , nnd zinc'it ;
improves the gloss and color of oilcloths ; it cleans painted and var
nished surfaces ; it brightens bric-a-brac , china and glassware.
When White Cloud is employed flannels do not shrink or ge
harsh ; wool fabrics are kept light and fleecy. The family washing
becomes a pastime rather than labor. .
The skin is made soft and fair attesting the exquisite purity of this
Airy and light as a fairy's boat , in glistening brightness does
White Cloud float.
Ask your qrocer for it , or send lOc for a prepaid sample to
3 i
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000
"Wo do hereby certify Hint wn mipcrrHo Ihoar-
mnRements for nil the monthly nml quarterly
Dmwlninof Tlio Loulslunn btnlo I-ottery Company ,
niul In person manage ami control the ilrawlnmthi > ni-
rclv os , unit that the xiino nro conducted with honesty
Inlrnoss nnd In itootl faith toward nil purlins , nml wu
nutliorlzo tlio Company to nio this icrtldcote with
IncMinllcs of ouralennturo uttnuhud , In Its advertise-
UJOIltS. "
We , the undersigned KnnH and nankera will pnyall
Prizes drawn In the Ixjulsliuuihtato Lutturlus which
luay bo presented nt our cuuntcrs.
n.JI. WAUISI.KV ; 1'rcs. Louisiana National Danlt.
I'IKRHK I..ANAU.I're * . Stnte National Il.mlc.
A. BALDWIN. I'rp . New Orleans National Itaat
CAUL KOUN , I'rus. Union Nntlonul Hunt
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated In IMS , for 25 years , by the legislature
for educational and charitable purposes with a capi
tal of tlUUDU)0-to ) which a reserve fund of oror
liiUoO has since been added.
ly an overwhelming popular vote Uu franchise
wn made a purt of the present constitution uduptud
December 2.1 , A. I ) . 1S7'J.
The only lottery oror voted on and endorsed by the
people ot any state.
It never scales or postpones.
Ita Or and Snelo Number Drawings takn place
monthly , and the dram ! Quarterly drawings regu
larly every three months ( March , Juno , September
And December I
TUNK. Ulth Grand DrawInif. Clna I ) . In the Acad
emy of Music. New Orleans , Tuesday Hay 8 , Ibtrf
21pth Monthly Drawlnc.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
e3S ° NotlceTickets are Ten Dollars Only.
Halves , $5 ; Fifths , $2 ; Tenths , $1.
1 CAPITAL IM11/.K Of tiv ) . ( n. .
1(1 HANI ) 1MII/.I ! OP fiOUUI. .
1 ( HtANI ) I'HI/.K UK JO.IIX ) . . Ul.tll )
2I.AIUIK I'lll/.KSOK 10.OII. , 'JUKI
4 LAIUli : I'llUUSOk' WML , 2U.IU )
20 I'Ul/.KS Of 1.IJUO . ,
50 " Ml. . XiJIII
100 " BUI , ; uoiio
aw " sui. . 40.UH
WO " 1UU. 60.UW
100 Approximation 1'rties of .
100 " ai ) . au u
100 KU . . , . , . . , io
1JO Terminal W . . . . . M.UU3
i , amounting to
Application for rales to clubs slioDld bo made only
to theomcoof tbo company In Now Orleans.
Fur further Information vrrlto clcnrlf , ulTlnjr full
address. I'OjjTAI. NOTIW , ouprosi muuuy orders.or
Neir York KxchanfiB In ordinary luttor , Curreuuy by
ezpreis ( nt our expuuae ) wddresscd tn
Address Hegistsrci Lotion t )
TT7'Ill"I7TVTTtTT ) TUnt tbn presence of Oen-
IjliLJlJlilDI lV ) erals llcaureunrd and
Karlywlioaru In chamoof tlio drairlniKis niiuir-
nteo of absolute falrnuss and Intcxrtiy. Ibat tbe
chsncos are ll t'ljunl , and Ibat no oou can poiilblr
dlTlne wbBt number will draw a 1'rlie ,
UKMKMUKIt that tbe payment of all prices It
OKI.IANH. and tbo tickets are ilvneil br tbo president
of an Institution wbose chartered rignts are recou-
nlied In tbe lilnbest courts ! tberefore , benare ot any
Imitation ! or anonymous icbcmei.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Kecping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
nnd Typewriting.
nH for Cv > t Journal.
8 E. Cor 10th and Capitol Avenue
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4.
f-ostltTUTcurcdlnCO dayoCVUr.
HorncVKlectro-MafftJctU licit *
TruM , combined. Guaranuedtho
only ono In tbo world pen era ting
fccoutmuoui KlectHod ? Jllaonctta
, . - furrtnt. toitntlOcPowerful , DurAble ,
/Comfortable ftiid EffectlT * . Avoid fraudb ,
OTotn.OOOrured , ScndtltrtiljprorpanTiiUltt ,
Aixo KLCcf uio jtELTtf roil war -
f > M"Tsi , , i7-Lvw- " * n T 'iHvri i iir"-1 * - " * " - rrfst
UseFARKE ' CINOER TOHIO.wHIjout dclar.
A rare cInrtlc/OlMuntT | that crircM when nil else fftlf < .
mvorKtcaKusotCoiiKli.Wi-nkl.unKi" , Ksttnna ,
Rntlun , Inward 1'nlnn , r.iliaosllon Intaluatila fnr , FcinaloVeaunedS and all palnf and
orders ot the btumach and Bonds. We. at
nt Tract-ant and Laatlug of 1'erruinci 'Jla. UrpggUU.
Incomparably the Bast.
This will be a week of rare opportunities for parents and all those who have boya to
clothe. "We will make a special effort in our Boys' department and will show some bar
gains which will eclipse anything over before attempted.
Ohildrens' Blouse Suits with beautiful embroidered collars , in sizes from 4 to 10 , at 95o.
This suit has never been sold for less than $1.50.
Knee Pant suits of all wool cheviots , splendid patterns , handsomely gotten up , sizes from
4 to 13 at $2.75. Other houses would surely ask for such a suit , at least $5.
Fine Blue Flannels , warranted indigo blue , beautifully plaited , sizes 4 to 12 ; as good a
suit as is usually offered for $5 or $0. Our price is $2.95.
Wo shall also offer this week some extraordinary values in Long Pant Suits.
Elegant Cheviot suits , strictly all wool , of handsome colors and styles , well made , flizes
from 12 io 18 , at $4.25. The actual value of this suit is almost double.
Our Long Pant suits run up to 18 , and we can fit in our boys' department , at boys' suit
prices , large sized young men , who would elsewhere have to pay for mons' sizes.
In place of a useless toy , usually given away to the little ones , we will this time give
a benefit to mothers who will appreciate such a bargain and remember us long for it.
On Wednesday , May 2 , wo will offer 2000 pair good knee pantt from 4 to 12 , worth
50c ; at 15o a pair. Make no mistake ; these are no trash , but good durable pants , such as
are sold by first class houses for 50c and more , and such as wo can honestly recommend.
We intend that these pants shall bring us thousands of little customers in the future ,
and wo could not expect to make customers with a poor article- Remember for one day
only and two pair to eaoh customer is the limit. Out of town parties who order these
pants by mail must enclose postage.
One Price Only. No Deviation.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Examinations for admission to V.VhSAU Coli-
i.t cu111 lie held ntomiilm In the ftist week of
June ApullcaiiU M-ould Inform the President
berorc Miiy lUth. Aililu-ss JAS. S. TAVhOU , B.
1) . VassalCollcgo , I'ongliliotnslo. N. Y.
E.T.Allen , M. D. ,
Homoeopathic BpctRllst ,
Spectacles Accurately Prescribed.
IP. J.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Ofllco N.V Corner 14th and Douglas St. OITlco
telephone. 40o ; llesideuco telephone. C33.
vourU AS Ihpne t Tcirecly
Lnovn to Ul ( .rGononhxa
and Gleet.
We have coU cooiHer.
nble. and in every caie il
bu si en sithficticn.
Alcott < ! >
Sold br Drojr UU.
I'ilo 4 1.00 ,
To Glasgow , Belfast , Dublin and Lhcrnool
From New York Every Thursday ,
Cabin passage $10 and ? JO , according to location
of state room. Kxcur > lou $06 to J75.
Steerage to ami from Europe ttt Lownst rates.
Gcn'l ARcnts , CJ Uroailway , Now 1'ork.
JOHN BLEGEN.Gen'l Western Agent ,
1UI Kamiulph St. , Chicago.
HARRY E. ISIDORES , Agent , Otnaha.
OF the IJodr enlarged ind strengthened. Full particu
lars sent B lcJ Irce. KlUIi ilKC. CO.luri-iui.N. ! Y.
result of over-Work , InrfUcistlon , etc. , ailireu abort
Health is Wealth !
Dn.E C. WEST a NEnvg xwn UnAnf THBXT-
WENT , n guaranteed svieclno for Hysteria , DIzzl.
ness. Convulsions Fits , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous prostration , caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco , Walcofuluegg , Mental
Depression , Softening of the Hruln , resulting la
Insaulty.anil leading to misery , decay and death.
Premature Old Ape , Iliirronnoss , Ix > ss of Pewee
In cither sex. In voluntary Losses and Sporma *
torrhcua caused byover-oxortlon of the brain ,
self-nbuso or ovcr-lmlulsonce. Each box con
tains ono month's treatment. Jl.OOa box , or six
boxes for J500. sent by mull Prepaid on receipt
To cure any case. With cacn order received by
us for six boxni , accompanied $5.00 , we will
Bond the punlmser our written guarantee to re
fund the money If the treatment does not effect
a cure. Guarantees Issued only by C , F. GOOD
MAN. Druggist , Sola Agent , 1110 1'arunui Street ,
Oiunha. Neb.
In consequence of the heavy consignments we have lately received from our
agents throughout the country and the low figures we "bought them , we have con
cluded to give the pxiblic an opportunity to purchase GOOD RELIABLE CLOTH
ING at prices heretofore unknown , for the next ten days , commencing Saturday
April 28th , and ending WednesdayMay 7th , inclusive. It is almost unnecessary
for us to go into details with regard to quality , etc. , of our stock as it is conceded
by everybody that it is unapproachable by any ready made clothing in the coun
try. Our stock comprises every conceivable design and style which is needed by
any reasonable man.
IMPORTED WORSTED FOUR BUTTON CUTAWAY SUlTrf , which STRIPED TROWSERS , which was made to order for $9. nnd wo formerly
sold for 8G
wore made to older for $25 , and we formerly sold for § 15 ; , ] ' . . .
NO1'$3.7B. 10 I ) < iyti Only.
NOW $8 4. SUIT. For Ten Dnya Only
CORKSCREW PANTALOONS , which were made to order for $12 , and wo
KAILROAD LONG STRAIGHT CUT SACK SUITS , which were made formerly sold for 88 ;
to order for ? 30 , and wo formerly sold for $18 ;
' NOW $1.50. For IO Days Only.
, ; NOW $ 'J A SUIT. For 10 Days Only
CHECK TROWSERS , which were made to order for $14 , and wo formerly
SCOTCH CHEVIOT SUITS , neat and striped patterns , sack or frock , which sold for $9 ;
were made to order for $35 and we formerly sold for $20 ; NOW $ G,25 , For 10 Days Only
' $10.KO A SUIT. For 10 Doys Only. CHEVIOT PANTS , which were made to order for $16 , and we formerly
PRINCE ALBERT SUITS , winch were made to order for $40 , and wo sold for 811 ; . .
formerly'sbld for $25 , NOW $ O.OO. For 10 Days Only.
JVO W $18.25 A SUIT , For JODitys Only.
SINGf/E BREASTED NOBBY SACK SUITS , which wore made to order
for $451 , aftd.we formerly sold for $22.50 ; Which were made to order for $35 , and we formerly sold for $18.
t iNOW $18.00 A SUIT , Per 10 Maya Only. NOW $8.7S , For IO Days Only.
Every garment on the premises was made by a first class tailor and , bears the
name of the maker. All alterations to improve a fit done free of charge.
Misfit Clothing Parlors ,
. Three Doors East of i2th Street
Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to.