THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 2 , 188b.- THE SPECULATIVE MAMETS , Whont Falls Off n Llttlo But Buloa Firm. CONTRADICTORY CROP REPORT. Narrow Flucttmtlons In Corn nml Trailing Light Grits Open Strong llut Close 12nnlcr Temporary Activity in Provisions. CHICAGO I'llODUCB MAHKET. CtncAoo , May 1. [ Special Telegram to the Bnn.l Yesterday's sharp advance In wheat eccincd to have strained the bull movement a llttlo nnd although the opening this morning was strong nnd was followed by n further small advance the speculative temperature was decidedly lower with a disposition on the part of traders to avoid buying at the top If possible. Sellers did Hot greatly predom inate , however , and It took all the morning session for prices to settle down ) e from the highest point reached. Except by the sculping clement , which is always ready to take small profits , there did not appear to ba much short selling. If the big bears did anything of the sort It was not conspicuous , The selling seemed to bo rather by the longs who were willing to take their profits and there were so many of this class that it argued a pretty fair demand to prevent prices Bcttllng farther than they did. Hutchlnson Was n frco seller of wheat early but qulto us free n buyer later at the decline. The receipts of wheat nro still heavy in the iiorthwcst but the exports reported to'day were larger than for some time past. Early London cables gave spot wheat and futures firm with prices tending upward. Favoring the bears wcro bettor crop reports from St. Louis and from Baltimore , quite liberal deliveries , and a reporj. . from the secretary of the Kansas' state board of agriculture that the winter wheat acreage of that state was 1,300,000 acres , instead of 500,000 , according to the national board. When that state produced its big crop of 3-1,000,000 bushels , it had 2,000,000 acres sown to wheat. Some reports from the winter wheat bolt said that the recent rain had done prcat good , whllo others claimed that it had been too slight to penetrate to any consider able depth or to bo of much advantage. July wheat opened nt 84c , sold nt 83c , then up to 84jffc , then very slowly and with frequent reactions of 2 o sagged to 83c , which wns the price nt the close of the morning session. Juno wheat opened at 82c , sold up to ' 83o nnd down to 82 > c , which was the price at the 1 o'clock close. There was very little of Interest in the corn market. .Fluctuations were conlincd to a range of about % c , and trade was decidedly light. The deliveries wcro small , amounting to only about 230,000 bushels. These small deliveries seemed to m- duce some covering by shorts early , nnd the opening was strong nt an advance of # @ ? c over yesterday's closing price , but largo receipts of corn of contract grade soon produced an easier feeling , and a decline of nbout Xc from the top prices reached about thu opening. July corn opened nt 55c , sold nt 55J c , down'to 55o and closed at 1 o'clock nt 55 ( < i55) c. Juno corn opened at 55e , sold nt 55J c and at 54J c , closing at 1 o'clock at 55c. The receipts of corn here wcro 493 cars , which was two cars less than the estimate nnd 803 cars were of contract grade. The estimate Is for 293 cars for to-morrow. Vessel room was taken hero to-day for 178,000 bush els Of corn. The seaboard clearances of corn wcro 0,000 bushels. The speculative oats market opened strong nnd higher because of light deliveries and some apprehension lest the small stocks might bo controlled by too few people , but this early advance was lost early and the market was easier in sympathy with corn. July oats opened at 32c , sold down to 32J. o nnd closed at 32 o. Juno oats sold from 32c down to and closing nt 32 > fc. August oats sold down from 29c to 23e , closing at 28K@28J c. September oats sold down from 28 ? c to 2Sc. Vessel room was taken to-day forc 120,000 bushels of oats. In provisions the movement was somewhat uncertain. Disappointment over May deliveries - liveries , which were in many respects smaller than anticipated , appeared to strengthen the market ut the opening and early trading all around was marked by an advance. As the day progressed , however , the feeling changed and with the falling off in trading the improvement witnessed was very gener ally lost. One o'clock prices in fact showed , n decline , based on last night's closing , of 2 > 056 On pork , whllo lard was unchanged to 2l c lower , und short ribs unchanged to 2K ° higher. AriEiiNooN SnssioN Wheat lower ; May closed nt 80J c , June sold at 82@S2Uc , fell to 82S2 < c , split , closing at 82) c. July closed nt83J.Cc nnd August the same as July ; December closed ut 85c. Corn easy ; May closed with sellers at 555 < c. Juno sold at B4K@55c , split , to 5jVc , closing at 51o bid. July sold from 54J @ 55c , split , to 54c spar ingly , closing with sellers at 51Xc. August closed at about 55c. Oats May was steady , Juno easier , and closed at 82) (8323 ( 0. Pork was u shade easier ; closed ut 813.00 for May , fl3.07j for Juno. $14.77 i for July , and $13.85 for August , Lard declined 2i @ 5c and closed nt $7.90 for May. $7.5)2 ) > for Juno , S7.97K for July nnd $7.82 > < for August. Short ribs were steady , closing at $7.20 for May nnd for Juno. CHICAGO STOCK. CHICAGO , May 1. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ! CATTLE The actual receipt' ' ! of cattle yesterday were ' about 12,000 , cattle , though about 10,000 'head driven in during the month wcro , for some reason , counted as yesterday's receipts , so that this fact makes receipts this week look 10,000 larger than they really wore. The market opened slowly this morning. 13Ids were low. Sellers wanted to raise prices , but they could not do It oven on the best and It took hard work to get steady prices for common grades. The boom in the London cattle market was encouraging and ought to have n decided effect upon our market. Steers , 1,350 to 1,500 Ibs , f 1.800 4.85 ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs , ? 4.004.40 ; 050 to 1,200 Ibs , $3.80@4.40 ; stackers and feeders , J3.00Q U.lH ) ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $2.0003.00 ; bulk , .5003.00. Texas grass steers , * 3.00@3.85 ; cord-fed , t3.800-l.10. 11 llous Business active , with an upturn of n strong Gc , the general market closing steady , but barely as strong as nt the open- Ing. The bulk of best mixed sold at $5.55 nnd common at -1505,60 : best heavy and Philadelphia made , * 5.CO@5.05 ; selected and assorted medium , butcher weights , (3.55 ; light , J3.4505.50. _ FINANCIAL. Nuw YOIIK , May 1. [ Special Telegram to the BEB.I STOCKS The stock market was active but exceedingly erratic. The professionals , who have been so active in the market of mto , appeared to bo out for the present. Room traders who have been piny- ing the bull sldo ever since tno advance BtartcO , realized and took their profits with moro frcqclom than at any time In several weeks. Gould und Sago wcro both out with bull Interviews , the former saying that ho was less Inclined to bo bearish on the situa tion than ever. Suckers are catching on and buying on this kind of bull and those who started the bull movement are selling and preparing to stuml from under. Shorts , who hnvo fought the advance , came In freely. Ono largo trader bought in n heavy block of St. Paul and put that stock up lj'c. ( The came operator also borrowed 23,000 shares of different stocks. There was considerable tou weakness In the general list curly and far u time the market appeared to bn going to pieces , but suddenly tlio downward current was arrested and prices shot upward with l surprising rapidity. Louisville & Nashville , Oregon Transcontinental , the Vanderbllts and the grangers were the moat active and recorded' the greatest advance. There were or 'too many stocks offered , however , and dur ing. the last hour the market weakened de- pldcdljr and the Close was .ragged. Louisville ft Nosh vlile was up Jfc , Nortkcrn Pacific pre fcrrcd % ct Oregon Transcontinental c , Burlington , § < c , Lake Shore < c , SU Paul Ic , Texas Pacific J < o. New England was off &c. Cotton oil } gc , Manhattan Vc and Missouri Pacific > fc from yesterday's close. Total sales were 311,745 shares. GOVERNMENTS. Government bonds were " ' * " ' " quiet but tcady. - QUOTATIONS. n. 5Ms registered. 12(1S ( } | 0.&N.W 112 U. 8.4s coupon. , , VlOw do preferred H4 U.S. 4'isreKlRtrcd.lOQH N.Y.Central 108 U. S 4Ks coupon..107ft ) . It. N P4U Pftclficcsof ' 65 12 ! > i [ i , T 25 > j Cnnndft Bouthcm. . MH i'nclflc Mall ; 33U Central 1'acillc 32 ! $ ) . D.&U 2J CMrnfZO & Alton..130 I'ullmnnl'nlaccCar . . . . C..H.AQ 124'4 ' Hemline. . . . [ lock Inland 114 " " ' ; Vii. a'I ! ! ! ! sou St. li. & 8. P 31 < Erlo 28 cloprcferrcd nsjj do preferred W4 ) ' C..M. & St. Paul. . . 70'i Illinois Central 122i ( Uo preferred llrt'4 I..II..VW. . 13 St. P. & ( ) . . . . . 41U K.&T. Ifii do preferred 110 LakoShoro. IMS Texas Pacific , 2Tfj i.ftN . . . . t. . . . . . . . . IW/t Union Pnclflc. 58 Michigan Central. . H1J.J W..St.Ii. iP IS'.S ' Missouri Pacific. . . Kr dojircferrcd ! JSU Missouri Pacific. . . . 21 W. U. Telegraph. . 78i ! do preferred 62'j MONEY ON CALL Easy , ranging from „ per cent ; last loan 2) ) per cent ; closed of fered 2J per cent. PittME MEHCANTIU : PArr.n 500 per cent. EXCHANGE Qulotand weak $1.80 @l.87 > for sixty day bills ; $4.S7Ji@4.SS for demand. rUOUUCIOIAllKISTS. ChlcnRO , May 1. Following nro the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Steady ; winter wheat In sacks , $2.f > 0@3.GO ; In bbls , $2.75@4.40 ; spring wheat , m sacks , 81.75@3.85 ; In bbls , $3.60@4.50 ; rye flour , In sacks , $2.70@2.90 ; in bbls , 2.UO@3.10. Wheat Moderately active ; opened Jf@5 > fc nbovo j-esterday , nnd after fluctuating within small range closed J c below yesterday ; cash , 80j < e ; Juno , 82Vc ; July , 83j/c. Corn Moderately active , and strong around the opcnidg , which was J/a'c bet ter but later became wcuk , and closed @K ° lower than yesterday ; cash , 55 c ; June , 54o ; July , Mc. Oats Firm all around , closing same to Jifc above yesterday ; cash , 82Vc ; Juno , 33 8-lOc. Ityc Nominal ; cash , ( KiJlc. Barley Nominal nt 77@78c. PilmoTlmothy * 2.75@2.60. Flax-seed ? 1.45. Whisky-fl.15. Pork Moderately active , but weaker ; cash , $13.00 : June , ? 13.07 > ; July , $13.77)4. ) Lard Advanced 2 c , but close weaker ; cash , $7.90 ; Juno , S7.U2 } < ? ; July , $8.02X. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. $ j.75@0.00 ; short clear , $7.70@7.75 ; short ribs , $7.20. Butter Steady ; creamery , 20@21c ; dairy , 1922c. ( ; Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 10 ; flats , 10 } @ 10Xc ; young Arnerfcas , . ggs Firm ; fresh , 12@12 Hides Unchanged ( green hides heavy green salted , 5Xc ; light green salted , Co ; salted bull , 4 > o ; green bull , 3 > c ; grcon salted calf , 8c ; dry Hint nnd dry calf , 12@13c ; dry salted , lOc : deacons , 30o each. Tallow Unchanged ; country , 45c ; No. 2,4 > c ; cake , 4K@5cperlL > . Hecoipts. Shimcnts. ] Flour , bbls . 28,000 23,000 Wheat bu . 30,000 27,000 Corn , bu . 224,000 33,000 Oats , bu . 173,000 182,000 Ilyebu . 5,000 2,000 Unrlcy , Uu . 10,000 18,000 New York , May 1. Wheat Receipts. 1,100 ; exports , 110,225 ; options weakened early and declined n trifle , later advanced J ( ffi c , then declined % @lc. closing weak nt about the lowcat ; cash , quiet and generally steady ; ungraded red , OSftDOJ c ; No. 2 red , U4M@94J c in elevator , U5 ? < o f. o. b. , 07c delivered , Juno closing at 93) 0. Corn Receipts , 81,500 ; exports , 4,000 ; options ruled dull ; opened steady , but sub sequently declined } ( $ )4c , leaving off weak ; spot , Xf51c ( lower nnd heavy ; ungraded mixed , ( ! JiX3li7 : fc ; No. 3 , G4X@ < Ufc ; steamer , (55 ( > < @G < ; ! fc in elevator , 07c deliv ered ; No. 2 , nominal , OSc in store , Juno closing ut G2 > < fc. Oats Receipts , 109,000 ; exports , 22 ; firm but quiet ; mixed western , 37@3Uc ; white western , 40@45c. Coffee Spot fair Rio , firm nt $14.75 © 15.00 ; options quiet with 20@35 points ad vance , closing steady ; sales , 43,000 bags ; May , ll.G3@11.90 ; June , ? 11.20@11.40 ; July , $10.00 )10.80 ) ; August , $10.25@IO.CO ; Septem ber. J-U.95@10.10. Petroleum United closed weak nt SOJ c. Etrgs A slmdo easier ; western , 12 3c\ \ southern , 12 c. Pork Quiet but steady ; mess quoted nt $14.25@t4.50forold ; $15.00@15.50 for now. Lard Advanced 5@7 points , closing with a couple points reaction ; western steam , spot , $3.35 < < 8.87X. Uuttcr About steady , demand moderate ; western , 10@27c. Cheese Quiet and easy ; western flat , Cincinnati. May 1. Wheat Stronjr and higher ; No. 2 red , S8 > iiSOc. ( Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 50K@57c. Oats Firm ; No. 3 mixed , 3435c. Uyo Quiet ; No. 2 , (59c. ( Provisions Pork firm nt $14.50 ; lard in good demand nnd stronger , at $7,73. Whisky Active at $1.09. St. Louis. May 1. Wheat Easier ; cash , 844 < SS4i > i'c ; MUy ( 84c. Corn Steady ; cash , 50 } < @ 50c ; Juno,81c. Oats Higher ; cash , 82) ) < @ 32Xc ; May , 32c. Pork $14.25. Lard-7.75. Whisky $1.09. Butter Firm ; creamery , 20@2Cc ; dairy , 16@23c. ArTEitNOON BoAitn Wheat lower ; May , S4c ; Juno , 84c ; July , 83c. Corn , easy ; May , 50Jtfo ; June , 50c ; July , 50c. Oats , lower ; May , flljfo ; Juno , 32c. JMinncnollH | , May 1. Wheat Ilccclnts , 301 cars ; shipments , 50 cars ; trading light. Closing In store : No. 1 hard , cash nnd May , 82c ; Juno , 825 c ; July , sajfe ; No. 1 northern , cash nnd May , 81c ; June , 81c ; July , 82Jfc ; No. 2 northern , cash and May. 79Kc ; Juno , 80e ; July , 81o. On track No. 1 hard , SS o ; No. 1 northern , 82o ; No. 2 nortli- crn. SO ts. Flour Unchanged ; patents , in sacks to ship incur lots , ? 4.20@4.40 ; in barrels , $1.45 (34.55. ( Now Orleans , May 1. Corn Quiet nnd steady ; mixed , Ma\ \ white and yellow , 05c. Outs-Steady ; No. 2 , 41K@42c. Corn Meal Quiet at $2.85. Hog Products Quiet aud weak ; pork , $14.75 ; lard , $7.25. Bulk Meats Shoulders , $0.20 ; long clear , $7.iO ( ; clear rib , $7.02 . Milwaukee , May 1. Wheat Weak ; Juno , Corn Steady ; No. 3. 55c. Oats Unchanged ; No 2 white , 84c. Uyo Scarce and higher ; No. 1 , Uarloy Stoody for old , firm for now No. 2 , 70c , Provisions Higher ; pork , cash and May , $1375. Kaunas City , May 1 , Wheat Steady ; No. 2 soft , 81o uskcd. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 cash , 45o bid , 45 o asked ; May , 455 "i Juno , 40 bid , 47 } < o asked. Oats No. 2 cash , 280 bid , 2UVc uskcd. Liverpool , May 1. Wheat In poor do- maud ; holders offering moderately. Corn Firm und in fair demand. LIVE STOCK. Chicago , May 1. The Drovers' Journal report" as follows : Catllo Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market steady ; steers , $3.SO@4.85 ; stackers and feeders. f3.40 < ? 8.iiOj cows , bulls nnd mixed , fJ.OO@3.iX ) ; Texas steers , $3.00@4.0 . Hogs Receipts , 11,000 ; market strong and 5c higher , closing weak ; mixed , < 5.35@5.55 ; heavy , $5.45 5.05 ; HBht. .aSgS.SSj skips , f4.00@4.20 Sheep RecclptP , 5,000 ; market steady ; woolcdnatives , $5.55i ( O.Wishorn ) , J3.75@5,75 ; western , f4.50@0.15 ; Texuns , $ a.75@5.85 ; lambs , t5.50@r.OO. The Drovers' Journal's special cablegram from London quotes a sharp advance in priced for American cattle. Best American , steers , 13 } Jo per Ib. estimated dead weight being IJfc higher tli an ono week ago. ICiumas City , May 1. Mlv.u .tvwu.un. 2,000 ; shipments , 330 ; market stronger and moro active ; good to cholco corn-fed , $4.15 @ 4.50 ; common to medium , $3.20@1.00 ; Btoclters , J.OOg3.90 ( ; feeding steers. * 3.00Q 3.CO ; cows , f l. X < ! 3.M > . Hogs Uccoipts , 9,000 ; shipments , none ; market notivo nnd 5o higher ; common to choice , | 4.75ij5.SOj ( skips and pigs , ? 2.25@ 4.CO , Natlonnl Slock Yards , Kaat St. LoulH , May 1. -r Cattlo--Hecolpt , 1,11X1 ; shipments' : market steady ; oholcc heavy native steers , * .40 ® .10 ; fair to good natlvo .oiii-io , $ l.40i4.00 ! ; butchers'steor * , medium to choice , f3. ' 0tf425j ( stockers and feeders , t2.30@3.00 ; rangers , ordinary to good , (34.10. ( Hogs Receipts , 15,000 ; shipments. 000 : market higher ; choice heaVy end butchers' selections. $ . " . . packing tnn.iimn . / > DV.ll. I * bl Ul in < el .55g5.05 ( \ ; | 'iix "Of t uii.ju prime. $5.30QG.OO ( light erodes , fair to best , IilVI-2 STOCK. Cnttlc. Tucsdaj * , May 1 , 18SS. Tlio receipts of cftttlo to-day wcro heavy , there being mare than twice as many cattle received as on yesterday. The market was strong nnd active , both packers nnd shippers being liberal buyers. About till the desirable dressed beef cattle offered on the market were sold before the close. llORS. The receipts of hogs to-day consisted of sixty-four fresh loads , of which number nine teen loads did not arrive In time to bo put on the market before the afternoon. The mar ket was active nnd Co higher on peed heavy hogs and G@10o higher on other grades. Everything was sold excepting five light mixed loads which arrived very late. Sheep. There wcro no sheep hero to make a mar ket. . _ Hcoclpts. Cattle . 2,100 Hogs . . . . . . . . -l OO Prevailing 1'rluus. The following is a tublo of prices paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned. Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $ .10 ( 1.30 Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 3.80 C' UO Fnt little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.00 © 3.85 Common to cholco cows . 2.00 ( $3.50 Common to cholco bulls . 2.2o @ 3.10 Fnlrtochoicollghthogs . 5.00 ff5.10 Fair to choice heavy hops . 5.25 Fair to choice mixed hogs . 5.15 @ 5.25 HeprcHontiuivo Sales. CATTI.C. No. Av. Pr. Ibull 1120 2,00 Ibull 1350 2.50 Scows 1110 2.150 1 hull 1400 3.00 Icow. 070 3.00 3 bulls 1750 3,00 1 hull 1750 3.10 Ibull 1700 3.25 Icow 1150 3.25 7 cows 1007 3.40 7 cows 1001 3.50 2 cows 1125 3.50 2cows 010 3.50 21 steers 993 3.55 10 cows 1112 3.00 21 corn fed westerns 1204 3.00 42steers 838 3.05 17 corn fed westerns 11JS2 3.75 ! I8 steers nnd stags 1144 3.7G 19 steers 1189 3.80 22 steers 1029 3.SO 21 steers 912 3.85 19 steers 1189 3.85 14 steers 1021 3.85 20 western steers 1412 - 3.85 37 steers 1133 3.90 18 steers 1144 3.90 7 steers 10(5(5 ( ( 3.90 8 steers . . . . .10SI 3.00 20 steers 110-3 ' 3.00 ISsteers 11(5(5 ( ( 3.95 17 steers 1141 3.95 54 steers 1187 3.95 15 steers 1141 4.00 19 steers 1034 4.00 It steers 1224 4.00 23 steers 112(1 ( 4.00 18 steers 1200 4.00 18 steers 1247 4.00 20 steers 1217 400 2 ! ) steers 1141 4.00 30 steers 1195 4.00 lOstccrs 111)3 ) ' 4.05 42steers 1100 4.05 20 steers 1197 4.10 34stccrs 1320 4.10 20 steers 1327 4.10 19 steers 1211 4.10 20 steers 1205 4.10 ' 81 steers 12(59 ( 4.10 42 steers 1350 4.10 lOstccrs 1294 4.15 21 steers 1304 4.15 35 steers : 1287 4.15 8 steers 1281 4.13 10 steers 1220 4.15 a steers 1300 4.25 39 steers 1410 4.30 nous. No. Av. Shir. Pr. No. Av. Shk , Pr. S3. .193 120 $5.05 03..252 240 $5.20 83. , .1015 1(50 ( 5.07 83..232 120 5.20 70. .210 120 5.10 09..244 40 5.20 05. , .220 80 5.10 00..237 240 5.20 73. , .203 40 5.10 00. ( . . .258 280 5.20 74. , .237 280 5.10 (54..235 ( , ICO 5.20 (52.- ( , .240 2SO 5.10 74. . . .223 010 5.20 102. , .215 200 05. . , .223 120 5.20 72. , .223 40 5.15 S. . , .328 5.20 C'J. , .244 80 5.15 O'is. , .2 < 5l ICO 5.23 57. , .241 40 5.15 72 ? . . .244 80 5.25 83 , .200 200 5.15 52. . , .285 200 5.25 (58. ( , .217 120 5.15 53. . , .273 5.25 70. , .214 200 5.1i5 Co. . , .2SO 100 5.25 OS. . .2-17 200 5.15 CO. . , .2 l 240 5.23 10. . .320 5.15 54. . , .2S2 5.25 (55. ( . .223 209 5.15 Co. . , .254 100 5.30 74. . .230 5.15 5(5. ( , .2S7 120 5.30 6(5. ( 227 ICO 5.15 C4. . .272 200 5.30 75. . ! 25 40 5.15 Co. , .2(57 ( 120 5.30 81. . .220 300 5.15 09. , .272 5.30 (57. ( . .253 1(50 5.20 57. . .251 120 5.30 53. . .229 1(50 ( 5.20 CO. . .205 5,30 75. . .242 80 5.20 04. , .28-J 80 5.35 74. . .223 ICO 5.20 72. , .270 200 5.35 YOUKBltS. . . . .387 1S7 5.10 ltvo Htoclc Solil. Showlngthonu-nbcrof hoalof stock sold to the leading buyers on the market to-day. IIO03. G. H. Hammond & Co 400 Omaha PackingCo 1187 Armour & Cudahay P. Co 17(50 ( G. 13. Wilson &Co 400 CATTLE. Swift&Co 473 J , Carlin 10 S. Drovfus 1C2 C. Akofcr 11 G. H. Hammond & Co 311 Stevens , Hamilton & Co 10 J. Pepper 1 A. M. Crone 0 William Hurnsldo 225 Harris & F. . . 7 A.Jackson 3 Tlio Month's IJiislnoss. Showing the number of hogs purchased by the leading buyers on this market during the past month : G. H. Hammond & Co 0,178 Omaha PackingCo 31,400 Armour & Cudahy Packing Co 52,158 Harris & Fisher. 115 J. P. Sauire & Co. , uoston 5,480 Halstead & Co. , Now York 1,108 Heckstoin & Co. , Now York 254 ( ! . U. Wilson & Co. , Jersey City 1,849 E. L. Lambert , Jersey City 1,189 Kin pun & Co. . Indianapolis r Chicago Packing and Provision Co , , Chicago 1,309 Jones & Stiles , Chicago 143 Speculators , 1,137 , Local butchers 214 Total 105,720 IjvoStock | Ncwti. J , Askwlg & Co. , Oakland , marketed 30o hogs.W . 3D W , S. Mahan , Malcolm , sold a load of hogs at { 5.35. Hogs averaged last month 203 Ibs and last week 230 Ibs , William Carter came in with a car of cattle from Ueemur. AmonK those in with stock was O. D. Tal- magge , Fairmont. S , Kendall anil J , Kopch , both of Sutton , were in with cattlo. Jim Stuart , St. Paul , was among the vis itors at the yards. G. W. Neff. HIaIr , Nob. , was at the yards with two loads of cattle. Platte Center was represented by II. S , El liot , who came in with cattle. Ed Lancaster , Holmesvillo , was in with n load of hogs and two loads of cattlo. John Dern , Hoojicr , nnd Way & Munn , Ord , wuro among those who marketed 30c hogs. Carey & Fredrick , Oconco , had cattle on the market , J. F. Fredrick came in to look niter them , Mr. Shields , Klngan & Co.'s hog 'buyer , is back again and will probably buy hogs for shipment to Indianapolis. Among these who came in with hogs wcro William Hobertson , Harvard ; ' L. Hobblns , Genoa , and Mr. Peterson , Wcston , la. Armour bought over 62,000 hogs on this market last monthvwliibh was n gam of 6ver sixteen thousand ms > compared with the month before. \ f - ' OMAHA WHOLESALE MAHKETS. Produce , KriVlts , Nuts , Etc. Monday , May 1. The /ol/oitfno / .quofcilloits arc wholesale not retail. Prices quoted on . . . . arc the rates at which round lots are sold on this market. JYils ( ( br other lines of goods requiring extra labor \n \ packing rannot al- mii/s be supplied' ' oil witslde orders at the name prices quoted fur the local trade. Hates on flour ai\fl \ feed arc Jobbers1 prices. Prices on grain prv. Ihotc paid by Omaha millers delivered. All quotations on ? ncr- chamllscttrcoMalHCd from leading houses and arc corrected dally. Prices on crackers , cakes , etc. , arcthosc given by leadingnwnu The market wns quiet nnd without feature to-day , the only change In prices being for eggs which wcro marked up. Butter wns easier , nnd poultry ruled ns before. Green vegetables continue to conio in freely , nnd prices are easing up as the season advances. BUTTIIH Fancy creamery roll butter. 25@ 20c , with solid packed nt 20 22c ; cholco country butter 10@20c , common grades 17@18c , inferior stuff 12@15c , according to quality. Eons-Strlctly fresh l2@12Xc. CIICESG Full cream , 13M14C. STiiAWiinuiiics Frcsh'Florldn , 25@30c per box. box.HEETS HEETS GOc per doz. Si'iNNAon $3.00 per bbl. HiiuiiAiin 5cper Ib. ONIO.NS Native stock $1.50@1.75 , Spanish per box of 5 Ibs $1.75@2.00 , California onions perlb. POTATOIM Choice homo grown , 75@85c ; Utah and Colorado stock , * 1.10@1.25 ; low grades , 55 ( 05c. Potii.Tiiv No dressed fowl In the market ; live chickens , $3.7CjM.OO ( per doz ; turkeys , Italic per Ib ; geese , $9.00W10.00 per doz. BANANAS Common medium , f2.50@3.00pcr bunch ; choice , $3.00@3.M ) . Tuuxirs Hutabapas , 65@COc. LUMONS ? 1.00@5.50 per box. DATES Persian. (5f@7o ( } ( jwr Ib. SAUIIH KIIAUT Choice per bbl. of 32 gal. $5.00@5. ( > 0 ; ' bbl.1.00(34.50 ( ; $11.00 per bbl. of 50 gal. CniKii Choice Michigan cider , 54.50@0.50 per bbl. of 32 gal. PorcoitN Choice riro corn is quoted at 3@ 4c per Ib. , other kinds 2j < J@3c per Ib. CAIIHOTS $2.25@2.50 per bbl ; new stock 0@l5e per doz. PAHSNIM New stock , f3.00@3.53 per bbl. CAIIIIAOCS $1 per doz. for native stock and 3 > i@4e per Ib. for California. - -Good stock , $2.50(32.73 ( per OHANOKS California Riverside , S3.754. ( 00 ; Messina , S4.50@5.50 ; Los Angelas , $3,00 ® 3.25 ; Nuvnls , 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; English wal nuts , 15 ( < i > lSe ; Illberts , 18c ; Italian chestnuts , 15c ; pecans , 15c. Iloxnv 1031c for 1 Ib frames ; canned honey , 10@12cpcr Ib. PAIISI.KV 30c per doz. Citcn.v O.vioxs 15@20c per doz. Asi'AitAOUs 18@20e per doz. CCCUMIIUIIS Sl.iX ) per doz for choice. LUTTUCC 30@40u per doz. CCI.EKY California stock , $1.50 per doz. HADISHCS lOc pe'r doz. STUIXU HKANS ? C.00 ' per bu. GUEIIX PnAS i.50@3.00 per bu. TOMATOUS $4.00 per Jni. Puiti : MAI-I.U Syyi'i1 S1.25 per gal. Pist : Aii > i.K8 $3.7ft$4.00. ( HnuiiAiin Curler Ib.- SALSIPY 23o per bfancli. I * - ' ? Grocer's List. RnriNnn LAitn Tiisrce , 7 fc ; 40-lb square cans , 7jj'c ; 50-lb rountl ; 7Xc ; 20-lb round , Sc ; 10-lbpails , 8o ; 5-lb palls , 8 c ; 3-lb palls , Svitfl'S Now Orleans molasses , per bbl. , 37@4Cc per gal. ; corn syrup , 30c ; half bbls. , 3Sc ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55 ; .sorghum , 3Sc. PUOVISIOXS Hams , 10 ( ffilOJi'c ; breakfast bacon , 10X0 He j bacon sides , % @ ; < c ; dry salt , SfSS c ; shoulders , 7@7 > | 'o ; dried beef , . Pi cici.ns Medium in bbls , ? 5.75 ; do in half bbls , $3.40 ; small In bbls , ? 15.75 ; do in half bbls , $3.90 ; gherkilis. in bbls , ? 7. 75 ; do in half bbls , $4.40. CANNUD Goons Oysters , standard , per case , $3.10@3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.00(3)3.10 ( ) ; rasjibcrrics , 2-lb , per case , f3.00J5 ( 3.10 ; California pears , per case , f4.70@I.SO ; apricots , per case , 64.30@4.40 ; peaches , per case , $5.OW ( ; 5.75 ; white cherries , per case , 0.00 ; California plums , per rase , f I.5C01.00 ; blueberries , per case , S2.20lg2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , per case. S2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , pcrcase , ? 3.20@5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , fl.85ii'1.95 ( ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case , S3.25ii:3.35 ( : ; 2-lb string beans , per case , S1.75@1.SO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , $1.CO@1.155 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $ J.50@2 (50 ; 2-lb early June peas , per case , ? 2.S5 ; 3-lb tomatoes , S2.40@2.50 ; 2-lb corn , S2.30@3.40 ; sardines , imported X , 12@ 15c per box ; domestic ' /f , 0f j.0) c ; mustard , Jiii.ns : 30 la pails , ? 1.25@1.50. SALT Per bbl In car load lots , $1.30. How : Seven-sixteenths , 105/@llc. CANDY Mixed , 9@llc ; stic , HOLLAND Hniiiuxos 70@72o per iteg. MAIM.I : St'OAii ' Hricks , 12 cperlb ; penny cakes , 13 ( ! 14c per Ib , HIIOO.MS Extra , 4-tie , S2.CO ; parlor 3-tio , painted handles , $2.25 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , W.OO. STAIICII Mirror gloss , 5Jfc ; Graves' corn , OMc ; Oswcgo gloss , 7e ; Oswego corn , 7c. TIAS : Jnpans , 20T55c ( ? : Gunpowder , 20@ OOc ; Young Hyson , 22@55c ; Oolong , 20g(55c. ( ( Powncit AND SHOT Shot , f 1.45 ; buckshot , $1.70 ; Hazard powder , { 5.00 ; half kegs , $2.75 ; one-fourths. $1.50 : blasting kegs , $2.35 ; fuses , 100 ft , 45@75c. SUOAUGranulated , 77' ( ' < c ; conf. A , . COITKE Ordinary grades , I0@17c ; fair. 17 ( < ? 18e ; prime , I8@19c ; fancy green and yellow , 22Q423C ; old government Java , 2S@ 30c ; interior Java , 25ji23c ( ; Mocha , 28J30c ( ; Arbuckle's roasted , 19c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 19 o ; Dii worth's , 19K"i Hcd Cross , 19Kc ; Alaromn , 19c. WOOUISWAHE : Two'hoop palls , per doz , fl.40 ; three-hoop mils , * 1. 5 ; No. 1 tub , $0.75 ; No , 2 tub , $5.75 : No. 3 tub. $4.75 ; washboards , electric , $1.50 ; lancy Northern Queen wash boards , J2.75 ; assorted bowls , ? 2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 2 churns , $3.50 ; No. 3 churns , ? 7.r.O ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in pests , 70c per nest. TOIIACCO Lorlllard's Climax , 45e ; Splendid , 40o ; Mechanic's Delight. 44c ; Leg- gctt & Meyer's Star , 45o ; Cornerstone , 39c ; Drummond'B Horseshoe , 45o ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 45c ; "Cut Uatc1 29c ; "Oh , My , " 27o. TOIIACCO SMOKINO Catlln's ' Meerschaum , 31e ; Catlm's Old Style , 2io ; ; Piper Heidsick , (54o ( ; Sweet Tip Top,33c ; U. N. O , , 18c ; Hcd , White nnd Hluo , 17c. CitAcunns , CAKUS , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , Bu ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowllako ( In tins ) , lOo ; soda dandy , 5 > o ; soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , Be ; city oyster , ( \\/.ti \ oXcelsiqr , 7u ; furiim oyster - tor , 7o ; gem oyifter"fi6 ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha oyster , 7o ; i > earl oyster , 5o ; picnic , 5u ; snowdrop oyster , 'Jo\ \ butter , 5o ; Hoston , 8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , 0o ; cracker meal , % c ; graham , 8c ; grahum wafers , lOo ; graham wafers in pound pack ages , 12Ko ; hard bread , 5o ; milk , 7J c ; oat meal. 8c ; oat mcul wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa fcrs in pound pafkajres , 12 | o ; animals , 12o ; 15olivorgingorromiil,7o ( ) ; crcuni.Ho . ; Cornhlll , lOo ; cracknclls , , lJ5c ; frosted cream , tityo ; ginger 1 snaps ' , ' 8c' ; ' , ginger snaps ( city ) , Oo ; \\yo\ \ assorted cakes and Jumbles , HVc ; as- ported lingers , I5o ; , afternoon tea ( in tins ) , per box , $7,00 ; banana lingers , 14o : butter jumbles , llj o ; Brunswick , 15c ; brandy simps , I5o ; chocolate drojis ( new ) l(5e ( ; choco late wafers , 15c ; Chriatmas lunch ( in tins ) , per dozen , f 1. 50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14o ; coffee cake , 12o ; Cuba jumbles , ll c ; cream puffs , 80o ; egg jumbles , 14o ; ginger drops , He ; honey Jumbles , llj < c ; Jelly lingers , 15o ; Jelly wafers , 15c ; lolly tart ( new ) . 15c ; lady ling- crs , 13o ; vanilla bar , I4os vanilla wafers , 14o ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages In a box , per dozen , $2.50. All goods packed In cans Ic per Ib advance except snowlluko und wafer soda , which are packed only in cans. Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb paper boxes , } { a per Ib advance ; all other goods le per Ib advance. Soda in 1-lb paper boxes , lc per Ib advance. The 2-lb boxes nro ( lacked In cusos holding 18 In a case. The 3- Ib boxes are packed in cases holding 12 m a case. The 1-lb boxes are packed in cussus holding 30 In a caso. Onu-lb graham and oat- ancal wafers packed " doz in a case. Show tops for boxes , with glass opening to show goods , 7Bc Cans for wafer podo , M.OO , not returnable. Uans for snowflake soda , $5.00 per doz , Tin cases with glass face to display the goods , 7Cc each , No charges for packages except for cans and returnable goods. Glass front tin cans and "onowllnko" soda cans uro returnable at prices charged. Dry Ooodn. PRINTS SOLID COLOIIS Atlantic , Cc ; Slater , 5'fc ' ; Hcrllnoll.OKc ; Garner oil. 0@ 7c. PIND AND HOPES UlcliuiomLGJj'c ; Allen , C c ; Hlvor Point. 5c ; Steel Hlvcr Oc ; Illch- mond. Oc ; Pncllio , OK - INDIOO ULUB DIIKSS Charter Oak. 5c ; Hntnnpo , 4Jie ; Lodl , 5o ; Allen , Cc ; Richmond , Gc ; Windsor , OUe ; Eddystonc , OJ o ; Pacific , G' c. UHOWN SiiBETiNU Atlantic \ , 4-4 , 7 } o : Atlantic IL 4-4 , 7 0 ; Athmtlo IJ , 4-4 , OJ/o ; Atlantlo P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 7 c ; Hoo- slor LL , 4-1 , itic ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7J < c ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , Co ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 6 < os Pcppercll , H , 4-4 , 7 < e ; Pcppercll , O , 44 , Cc ; Pcppcroll , 8-4 , ISJfu ; Pcppercll , 9-4 , 21e ; Pcppercll , 10-4 , 23c ; Uticn. U , 4-4 , Be ; Wnchusctt , 4-4 , 7J c ; Aurora , li , 4-4 , 0 , ' c ; Aurora , U , 4-4 , Ojfc. UATTS Standard , Oc ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty , Uynnno , 14c : H , cased , $ (5.50. 'ET WAUIUibb , white. 19c ; colored , 22c. 22c.DUCK West Point 20 in. S oz. , 10' c ; West Point , 20 In. 10 oz. , ISWc ; West Point , 10 in 12 oz. , 15e ; West Point BO In. 11 oz. , lOc. Checks-Caledonia X , Okc ; Caledonia XX , lOKc ; Economy , 0.1'c ; Otis , nrfc. KENTUCKY JKANS Memorial , IBc ; Canton , 28c ; Durham , 27 , c ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming ton , 22 > 'c ; Coltswold. 27) ) c. CitAsit Stevens' 13 , tto ; bleached , 7c ; Stevuns' A , 7Wc ; blenched , 8 > c ; Stevens' c ; bleached , O' c ; Stevens' N. bleached , lO c ; Stevens' S UT , 12Kc. MtscELLANr.otts Table oil cloth. $2,85 ; plain Holland , 8 0 to 9e ; Dado Holland , OoMroiiTEiis $ O.CO@35.00. ULANKKTS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored , $1.10@8.00. SHEETING Hcrkely cambric , No. 00 , OWc ; Ucst Yt4-4 , C c : butter cloth , OO , 4 c ; Cabot , "Kc ; Farwoll , S o ; Fruit of Loom , OJf. Frccno G , Oo ; Hope. 8c ; King Philip cambric , He : Lonsdulo , llj e ; Lons- dalc , Uc ; New York mills. 10J c ; Pcpperoll , 42-in , lie ; Pcppercll , 40-in. , 12c ; Pcpjicrcll , 0-4 , lOc ; Pcppercll , 8-4 , 21c : Pcpperoll , 0-4 23o ; Pcpporcll. 10-4 , Mo ; Canton. 4-1 , 8Hc ; Canton , 4-1 , O' c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wumsutta , lOc ; Valley , Be. GINOIIAM Plunkctt checks , 7J o ; Whitten- ton , 7 c ; York , 7 > o : Normandl dress , 8Jic ; Calcutta dress , Sjtfo : Whlttendon dress , 8 c ; licnfrow dress , 8 } @ 12Ke. TICKS Lewiston , 30-iu , 12 > c ; Lowiston. 32-in. , 13' c ; York , 32-ln. , 14c ; Swift river , TJtfc ; ThorndykoOO , 8Jfc-5 Thorndyko EF , 8Kc ; Thorndlko 120 , 9J < fu ; Ttiorndlko XX , 15o ; Cordis , No. 5 , > ; c : Cordls , No. 4 , lie. DISNMMS Amoskeag U , 9-oz , IGc ; Everett , 7oz , 13c ; York 7-oz , 13c ; Haymaker , 8J e ; JafTroy XX , ll ) < o ; Juftrcy XXX , 12'c ; Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc. FLANNELS Plaid Haftsman , 20c ; Goshcn , 32Kc ; Clear Lake. 32) c ; Maple City , 30 > < Jc. Whito-G H No. 2 , X , 21c ; G II No. 1 , % 80c ; QuecheeNo. l,3f , 42e ; Quechco No. a , % , 37'rfc : Quechco No. 4 , J32Wc ; Anawan , KlUo ; Windsor , 22) c ; Red XC , 24-ln , la c ; E24-in,21c ; GG 24-in , 18c ; HAP , % , 25c ; J U F , % , 2 XcG \ , itf,35c. COTTON FLANNELS 10 percent trade dis- . * _ _ . . We ; No. 10 , SJ c ; so , lOKc ; 00,12140 ; 80,10c ; " 20c , colored , lOc ; .10 colored , 1''c ; 70 , colored , 25c ; Bristol , IS e ; Union Pacific , ISc. Heal Kstatc Transrcrs. OP Hy Co to James Kelly , PO acres In 5- 14-10. w a 8 400 U 1' UsCo to K t ! Klrkputrlck , IS ) acres hi n-JWO. w d COO Jus ! ' IKuiFon , single , to Irvlnu Hanson , lot 17 , blk ItW , city of Florcucu , w il 200 Herman Kountzu nml wife to Jesse M Heiidco , lot 0 , blk V , Kountzo place , w il 11,000 Jesse M llcncleo anil husband to Agatha II 1 Ionian , lot , blk b , Kouutze Place , w a 10,030 Tbos K Hall ct nl to Fannlo Cooii.'sXt foct by 140 feet Jot 0 , Franklin square , w il. . 9.0CO Thus K Hull nndvlfo to Fannlo Coon , lota ! 3i4.i'i ! : , llnwioy'Jerrncp. wil 1.2CO JaH a wlnstanluy and wlfo to Stons tc ller.lotil. blk 12 , Walnut hill , \v il 1,600 Hotot 1 * Hamilton , widower , et al to Clar ence 11 Sobotker , lot 0 , blk 3 , Sulphur Springs add , w il -.500 A F Hoscho and wife to Wins W Wlchter- inuii. tot 10 , blk 11. Ilrown park , w a. . . . COO Jolin JIciDonnld to ItlaW llrown , lot 1 , S , blk 17 , Kountzo place , w d 0,600 William J ( inlliraltli nnd wife to Minerva M Fuller , umllv Y In lot 10 , blk 80 , South Omahn , w d 1,500 Jn ? M. Swetmim et nl to B F Beaver , lotJW to f > l Inclusive , blk II , nili blk B. w ! lot S3,31 to 4'J ' Inclusive , blk 1 , nil I , blk except 3 , ) , i)4 ) 'M. blk 4 , lot 1 to 14 InclliH- Ive and n H lot 15 , blk 5 , lot U 7 , , blk 14 In West , q c 1 Anielln Iturronghs et nl to ( leo W Loomls , y lot 1.1 and lots to ) inclu lva , blK 11 , lot 0 to 4U Inclusive , blk 8 lot 1 nnd n ! J lot U. blk 0. lot : ) , blk 0 West I.nwn , q c. . . i 1 Gee N Hicks t al to Amelia IJurrouchs , lot 1 to 1)7 ) inclusive and s IS lot ! K , blk a , lot R io 41 inclusive , blkO , lot H , blk 14 , lota. Iota , blk. West Lawn , wd 1 B 1' Senvcrs et ill to Klla B I.atson , lots i9 ! to 50 Inclusive , und n \ ' , IntM , blk S , lots J to > inclusive , blk ; l , lots 10 to 4'Jlnclu- elve , and ni \ lot 15 , blk 6 , lots 1 to 8 In- elusive , blk 8 , lot 0 , blk 17 , West Lawn , < 1 c d 1 Oeorgu W Loomls et nl to James M S\vct- nam , lots 20 to 50 Inclusive. Dlk 10. lots 1 to IS Incltihlvu nnd n 14 lot HI , blk 11. lots 45 to 4'J ' Inclusive , blk H. lots 1 to II" In clusive , and s Y lot ; y , blk K , lotO , blk 14 , West Luwn. < | c d 1 Blla K I.iui-on et al to U N Hicks , lot 1 to 24 inclusive nnd o't \ lot 2T , blk 1 , lot 1 to i'i Inclusive , blk 10 , nil blk 7. n V lot 38 nnd lot : \ 4U Inclusive , blk 12 , nnd all blk 13. lot 4,10 , blk 14 , West Lawn. no. . 1 O V HrlL'L's nnd wife to American Water Works Co. lotn , blk 10 , lota , 7 , blk 11 , all in Florence , q c 1 Ulchurd Olesou to J 12 Caetberg , e ! i lot 10 , Hnwo'sndd , wd 300 Augustus Kountzo nnd wife to Jncnb Ken- dls. n y lot 17 , blk 7 , Kountzo'H 4tli add , wd 705 Edwnrd Inrkln to II W CiirtlH. lots 1 , 2 , blk H , sub.I 1 Itcdick's mid , w d 60,000 E F Beaver e tnl to school district No 2 , lots 34 , ilo , : il ( , blk 4 , Wehtlawn , w < 1 COO Louis Bchroeder , trustee , to Oeo B King et nl , lot 21 , blk 12 , Drown park , w d. . . . 300 llufus H Smith to Kilns H LocK\vood , lot 10.blk ; 2 , Junction View Terrnce , w d. , . . SCO Sophia Lowe , widower , to Oeo Armstrong , pt 1H-15-11. nc 1 W (1 Albrlfiht nnd wife to L JInrks , lot 17 , blk 0. Muyne'H ndd , q c 750 Arthur Kant , single , to Oeorgu Crockett , Iotsl2 , b'.k6 , Mayno'H adil.ijc C60 Frederick Drexel and wife to Alvin J Caugliuy , o U lotU , blk2 , Drexel'ssubdv , w d 412 Alvin J UnuKliey nnd wife to ( leorgo C Maun , ay lot iJ , blk 2 , Drexel's Htibdv , wd. . . . . . 1,370 O W Loomls t al to ( i SI Hicks , lots fi , 0 , 7 , 8 , U and 10 , blk 14 , West Lawn , wd. . . . 1 Thlrty-ono transfers , aggregating $101,310 IllllllllilK I'OI-lllltH. Yesterday the following permits were Is sued by the superintendent of buildings : It W Andeison , cottage , Seward neitr Thirty-third t COO Lntey & Hensou , carpenter hhop , Twen tieth nnd HancToft 300 II Kimleman. 1 ? < story frnmu dwelling , Farnam nncl Dexter 2,300 H F Luoblien , 4 cottiiges , Mason and Thlr- ty-llfth nvemio 3.NK ) Four permits , aggregating tfl.DOO "Can't cat , i tlilnp. " Hood's Sarsnp- arilla is a wondurful ineilicino for creat ing an uppotito , regulating digestion , and K'ivinpr atronjjth. C , It. I'AI.MEII. N. P. 1IICMMA.V , J. II , III.A.NC'HA III" , PALMER. RICHMAN 4 ; CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Offlco Itoora ! ! , Onposlto UichanKO Ilullillni ! , Lmloa Htock Vlvrd * . Boulll Uiuuliu , Neb , MoCOY BROS. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Market funilubcd frco on application. Htockrrn and feuderg furnlnhedonuood ttrms , HufiTt-ncvs ! Oma. tin National llank and houth Omaha NaUuuai , Unloa Slock V > .rds , boutb Omaha. LORIMER.WESTERFIELD& MALEY -Live Stock Commission , lloom 15 , KxcbanKO llulldlntf , Union Stock Yards , South Oiuaha , Nub. ALEXANDER & FITCH , Commision Dealers in Live Sock , l , Opponllo Uxchango llulldlnj ; , Uulou Stock Yartls , South OmabaNuu. UNION STOCK. YARDS CO. , , Of Omaha , Limited , John i'Bg l.BUJticrlnuidcnt. OJA | | IiECTiY cTfunHmuTpA R K ER Dealerin Agricultural ImplcmGnts.fapns . , CurrUgei * nd Du t i. JMIM mrpft.bttwocnOthaod linh , < Jm h , Nebraska. LIN1NCER & METC'ALF CO. , AgricnltnralHDDleniGntsWa ( onsCarriaics , IlupRlf , Et . Wlioletale. Onmho , Nebr ck . PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , XVholciale Ie ) li > rs In Agricultural implements , Wagons & Buggies Ml , 003 , DOB nnd T7 Jonc * Street , Ocnfiha. P. P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturers of Bnctoyc Drills , Seeders , Cultlratori , liar nnkcu. Cider Mills and I.ubim l"ul- verliers. Cor. nth end Nicholas gtrcotn. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Agricultural Imiefis' ' , Wagons & Buggies Comer Itth nnd Nlchol Strcetc. OMAIIAimANCtl. , Harresline Machinery and Binder W. 1C. Me a , Mmiagor. U3 | lxtircnwotlli St. , Omaha Boots and 8(10084 ( W. V. MORSE & 'CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Artists' JVlntorlnls. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and .Organs , 1513 DouitlM Street , Omaha , Nebraska , MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARDCo Manufacturers nnd Jobbers In Wagons Buggies , Rafces , Plows Etc , Cur. Mh and Paclflc Streets. Omalm , Noli. 1110 1103-1105 Duuglftn St. , Omahn .Manufactory , Sum merst.llo ton KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Succcs or to Itccd , Jones & Co. ) WloWBMannGictnrers of Boots and Shoes AKcnt.Ior Booksellers end Stotlonors. H. M"S. W. JONES. Buocoseora to A. T. ICenyon A Co. , Wholesale & Ilctall Booksellers and Stationers , Flno Wcddlnc Btiitlonery. Commercial Stationery. WW Douglas atreel , Omaha. Neb. CoffOO8Spl _ O8EtO _ _ CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Umaha Coffuo and Bplco Mllli. Teas. CoiFees , Spices , Baking Powder , * W. U. WRIGHT , Accnt for the Manufacturer ! and Importers of Glassware Lamps Chimneys CrocKery , , , , Ktc. Offl co , 317 8.13th 81. , Omaha. Ncbraaka. PERKINS. CATCH & LAUMAN , Importers and Jobbers of CrocKery , Glassware- , Lamps , Silverware Klo 15H Fnrnam St. , New 1'nxtnn HulldlnK. Commission andjBtorago. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. . ( Successors to McShano & Bcbrocdcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaba , Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS , Wholcjalo . , Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commission Merchants. Correspondence solicited. 1014 Nort 16th Slrccj , utunha. Neb RIDDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , CoaljjDoko ' ' 'O LT O'KE & LIME co , Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal , 200 South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON dt CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And ( hlpncrs of COR ) , Coke , Cement , I'lantcr , I.imo , Drain Tile , and Bower 1'lpp. OOlco , 1'nxton Hotel , Karnam Bt. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and CoKe , 211 South 13th St. . Omaha , Neb. Dry Coodsjjncl Notions " MrS"SMITH & CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102nml 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St.Omaba , Nob. K1LPATRICK-KOCH DRYCOODSCo Importers and Johte in Dry GooflsNotions , Gents' Furnishing Cioodi. Corner lllh anil IJaJocy KB. . Omaha. Npbraskn. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Ftreet , Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Ornaha , Nebraska. Offlco Fixtures. THE B1MJIOND8 MANUl'ACTUniNCI CO. Mnnuf Hcturera of Bank , Office anil Saloon Fixtures. Monties , ldcbottrdalook Oiines. DruK I'liUircs , Wai Onsen , rartllloii > , UulllllK , Countcru , Ilccr ant Wlno Coolera , Mlrorn , etc. Factory and omcu.naj and ITS ! South 13lli K | . , Umuha. Tclt'iilioncr 1131. _ Crocorlos. ' PAXTON. QALLAG'HER & cbM" Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 706,707,709 and 711 B. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , th and Lcarermorlh Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. 'Hardware. LEE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Kto. Agents for Howe Scales and Miami 1'oirder Co. , Oinuha , Nub. HIMEBAUdH JcTAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tooli and lluffalo Scalci. ItOS titreet , Omaba , NeliruAu. ' RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , I0th and Harner Sts. , Omaba , Nob. Wrstrrn Axeul for Austin Powder Co. . JeHereon Htcul Nallt , Fairbanks HlapJanl Healo . MARKS BROS.SADDLER Y CO Wholesale Manufacturers of Saddlery & Johhers of Saddlery Hardware Aud Leather. 11U ) , IIUI and KU7 Ilurncr bt.Omalis Nebrutku. JHorwy I W7 J.1TROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprlng , W * on Htock , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. UD < ! 12II Harnu/titrcot.Oiniilia. JAMES A. EDNEY. Wholesale Iron and Steel , " V Bonnnd Carriaife Wood Stock , Ilcavr Harilwar lilc. 1217 aud mil Jx-'uvtnwertli SI. , Oiukha , Nun. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBKR CO. , All Kinds of Biding Material at Wholcsal If 16t4 Street and Union 1'aclflo Tfark. Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD Dealer in Lumber , Latii , Lime , Sash , Doors , Ktc. Yard TYrner 7th and DouIa : ; ( 'crng 0 Hats , Capo , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE A Wholesale Hals , Caps and Straw Goofa , Street. Om h . Nh. C N DIETZ , Dealer in All Kte of Inmlier , 13th pd California Stre t , Oruali . Nebrmk * . FRED w. GRAY" ; Lnmlier Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Comer nd PontUi gl . .Om > h . T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. " , " To Dealers Only , Offlcf,140J Fnrnnm Street , Oraali * . JOHN A. WAKEFIELD. Wholesale Unite Etc , Imported and American 1'ortlaml Cement. Ptat ( .Agent for Mllnatikcn Hydraulic Cement and ( Julncr White Lime. CHAS. n. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlicr , Wood Carpet * and Parquet Flooring. IHh and DnnelM STEAM Carter , t Eon , rrop' - Manufacturers of all klnrti Steam Boilers , Tanks anflSliect Iron Wort Works South 20th nnd II. A M , cros ! > lnf. ( PAXTON & VIEUUNo'tUONVOIlKsi Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , EDiilnci , limits Work , General Fonndrj , Mnchlno and lilacktmltb Work. Olllco and Worki , U , 1 * . llj. end lith ftri'Ct , Omaha. OMAHA WIRE & IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk lulls , Window Guard * . Montr HUmln , Wlro MKtin.Klc. lit Nortli ICUi Htreat , Oinatia. OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vaults , . lull Work , Iron nnd Wlro Fencing. SlKnn , ICtc. O , Arvliwn. 1'iip'r Cor. llth nnil.lnckson fls. CHAMPION IRON nnd WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards lid ucrcuns , lortmtiks , omcon , rtiuui , rui-iitciicvs , ot < j ImproTOd Awnlnxi , Ixicksmlth Mnchlncrr and _ illoektiulth Works. 403 SoutU luh 8 t. _ IMEAQHER .V LEACH. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , General Auontu ( or niobold Safe , t I < ock Co. ' * Vaults aud Jull Work , 1115 1'arjintu Street , Ouiuha. _ Nilllinory and I. Importers & Johlicrs in Millinery & Notions _ 20S , 510 nnd JU South llth Street. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 403 and 4 % gc iith 10th St. , Omaha. V1NYARD & , SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1105 llnniey Street. Omnha. 01(8. ( CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , ' ' Allo Grcnno , Etc. , Omaha. A. II. Dlthop. Mannger , Pnlnts and CUMMINQS & NKtLSON , Wholesale Dealers In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , HlS Karnsm StreetOumlm'Nub. , : CARPENTERrPA"PER" , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nlco itock of frUUInu , Wrapping and Writing 1'fcyer. 8p elal attention given to car load ord r . Prlntoro' Matorlale. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION , Auxiliary Publishers , C p o d s OMAHA RUBBER CO. . Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 Clothing and Leather Ueltlnir. 100U Faroam Btrcat. Stopm Fittings , Pumps , Etc- A. L. STRANG CO. , Jumps , Pipes and Engines , eam' , „ , " . " " rSSra BtreSfora'alS1. " " ' E'C' CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Water Supplies. TICAdriuartcni for Mast , KoostA Co'n goods. 1111 Karnam tit. , Omaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , HalUdarWindMjy..snsgndMftnm , St..Om.h. . BROWNELL & CO. . ' engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Bhect Iron Work fiteam I'umps , P w MIMs. 1213-1216 lAjnvenffortli Btreel. Omaha. Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL * CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds Bllhnd 013 JonotHtreft. Omaha. Storogo , Forwarding & Commlsalon ARMSTRONG. PETTIS 4 CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission ; ranch Jioimo of the HermPT Jludirr Co. nuRKleKat wholesale and retull , i : B UlOand 1312 Irani httreet. Omaha. Telephone NO.7W. _ 011A MANUFACTDM JOrowora. STORZ& IL"ER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North KlKtbtcontli Street. Oraaha. Ken. ' DO Manufacturers of Overalls , Joani rantsBlilit , Ktc. IKRand 1101 Ubuvlas Btrect , Umalia , N b. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice. John ICpeueter. I'roprlotor. M ) Dodao und 103 aud 104 North lUth tltreut. Ouiulia. Sosh , Doors , Eto. M. A. DISBROVCO. . , \Vliolcialo Maiiur-.cturcrs of Sash , Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , llrancli ufflco , litli and linrd Htruoti , Oinalia , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldlm/n , KtalrWork nnd Interior Ilanl Wood Flu- liu. N. 12. Corner Mh nnrt l.onumwortuttrctti , , Ouiaba , uu. ' OMAHA PLAN ING MILL CO , , Manafacturers of Moulding , Sash , Doors , And llllndi.Turning , Stair-work , Hank and OOlco 111 tinufl , 'Jith and IMppleturi AYfttiuu. Smoke stacks , Dollorn , Eto. H. K. SAWYER , Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks , llritl'blnuTunki and Cfiifml Duller ItopilrtuK. 1J15 Dodji- Street , tlumliu , Xoli , fECAPITOOiOTEE „ KEB. The bet krxiii/i and moil popular Hotel In tba Mate , location cuutrul , aiuolDtment ; Drot-clait lltadquarten fur comu/ertuf lofn nnil all politic *