Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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A Thieving Clothing Store Florid
Corralled at DoWitt.
City Fathom JKofuso to Confirm
tlio Mnyor'fl Appointments Com-
incncoiiicnt ICxorciscs nt tlio
Institute for tlio III I ml.
A AVholesnlo Trousers Thief.
Dn WITT , Neb. , May 1. [ Special Tele
gram to tlio Br.n.J Yesterday afternoon ,
when the train arrived from the south , thcro
.nllghtcd n sleek looking young man , about
twenty-eight years of age , light complexion
nnd weighing about ono hundred nnd fifty
pounds , carrying In'hts hand n small satchel
'on which was n bundle strapped containing
three or four pairs of pants. Over his
shoulder ho carried on overcoat loosely. Ho
nt once proceeded to offer the contents of his
bundle for sale at prices much below the
wholcsnlo cost of such articles. Pants
" \vbrth $0 to $8 ho sold for $1.150. His plan was
" to dispose of his goods to anybody and every
body on the street for whatever ho could get.
At the clothing stores ho visited ho claimed
ho wanted to buy pants , and at the store of
' O. A. Hunt ho succeeded in getting n ft ) pair
under his overcoat while the clerk's back
Was turned. In n short time the garment
was missed nnd steps wcro at once taken to
find it. The discovery was made , but it was
> n the possession of n saloonkeeper , who had
Jiaid the stranger sovcnty-fivo cents nnd a
bottle of' whisky for them. Mr. Hunt
had him arrested at once for petit larceny ,
nnd at his trial to-day ho gnvo his name ns
ilolui Kelly , of St. Joseph , Mo. , and claimed
ho got the pants from'n traveling man. The
Justice thought the statement a little
"washy , " nnd as ho could not give a satisfac
tory account of the transaction ho fined him
$12 and costs nnd ten days in the county Jail.
The bundle ho brought with htm no doubt ho
had stolen from merchants aloug the line ,
Mayor nnd Council in Conflict.
i HASTINGS , Nob. , May 1. [ Special to the
BBE. ] The , now mayor and city council of
Hastings have coma to n dead-lock on the
appointment of a street commissioner for the
ensuing year. The council wants to retain
fn ofllco Burton , the present incumbent ,
„ while Mayor Yocum insists upon having a
Chango. At n special meeting last night a
Dumber of now appointments for various of-
flcos were confirmed , and William Breed for
Btrect commissioner rejected. The mayor
thereupon declnrea that under the provisions
of law the office was vacant , because Bur
ton's time had expired , nnd during the inter
im caused by the neglect nnd delay in
Choosing a successor , ho would take it upon
himself to appoint William Breed to oxorclso
the duties of the ofllco. This pivos an Inter
esting phase to the situation and the questioner
or solution now is : Can this bat
Fruit Not Injured.
HASTINGS , Neb. , May 1. [ Special to the
BEE. ] The recent storm in this region was
unprecedented nt this season of the year for
the extreme cold that prevailed during the
f/imo. The tender young sprouts of trees
hnd shrubbery were enveloped in a thick
Coating of ice. This was at first regarded as
ft death blow to nil blossoming fruit , espec
ially to onrly plums , currants and gooseber
ries. The most welcome and agreeable
change yesterday to warm and pleasant
weather has afforded opportunity to examine
the fruit blossoms , and form an estimate of
the probable datnago incurred. It is assorted
by experienced and well-informed persons
Dhnt there is no cause for serious alarm.
Apples are not far enough advanced to bo
injured , ana the damage to other fruits will
bo nominal only.
Lincoln's Uonril of Trade.
LINCOLN , Neb. , May 1. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE , ! The , Lincoln board of trade
nnd freight bureau hold Its annual meeting
to-night. The reports of the officers show
the most flattering results for the year's
work. The newly elected officers are : Pres
ident , J. C. McBride ; vice president , A. S.
P. , , Raymond ; treasurer , Lewis Mayor ; secre
tary , John E. Utt. A board of directors ,
'consisting of thirteen prominent citizens , was
plso selected. The freight bureau organized
for the year with I. M. Uayinoijd president ,
nnd John E. Utt secretary.
Two mind Graduates.
NunnASKA CiTr , Neb. , May 1. [ Special
Telegram to the Bui : . ] The commencement
pxorclscs of the Institute for the blind were
hold to-day In the handsome now building.
, A.n interesting programme was carried out ,
- Governor Thayer being present nna pro-
Bentlng the diplomas. State Secretary Laws
TVns also present. Thcro were two gradu
ates. Lovl Coryoll of Brook , and Christian
jUucholui of Hooper. The institute 1ms at
present thirty-eight blind pupils twcnty-
zour girls and fourteen boys.
The Flyer BrcakH Down.
HASTINGS , Nob. , May 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ur.K.J Engine 134 on train No.
fa , the "flyer , " broke down at Holdrego today -
day , making the train thrco hours late hero.
Travel Is falling off on all B. & M. lines out
* fof h'oro. There are indications that a failure
' , to observe a slow order on the part of the
acting engineer inny have been the cause of
the great Alma wreck.
Organized a Uniform Division.
COLUMHUS , Neb. , May 1. [ Special Tolo-
i . gram to the BUB. ] A division of the uni-
' - Jorm rank Knights of Pythias was instituted
In this city this evening. A largo delegation
of knights from Omaha participated in the
. -exorcises , A grand ball mid banquet was
hold the opera house in honor of the Ocea
nian. _
f . t Flourishing llnlldlna Society ,
Coi.UMUU8 , Kp'J , , May 1. [ Special Telegram -
, gram to the BEE. ] The annual meeting of
the building association was held this oven
. f ng. The following officers were elected for
k -tho coming year : J , N. Taylor , president ; J ,
B. Murdouk , vice president ; II.
( secretary ; Gus G , Bpckcr , treasurer. Tlio
annual statement shows tlio association to bo
lu a flourishing condition.
, Agent. Cohurn Kxplixlns.
Cv McCooK , Nob. , April 21) ) , To the Editor of
thoBeii : Your Washington correspondence
of the liith of March represents the acting
commissioner of the general land office us
stating that I had been removed from my
position as special agent , for the reason thut
it was necessary or desirable to reduce the
number ot special agents , and that from n
table of reports it was shown that duriug the
'last few months the number received from
mo did not compuro favorably with others in
tlmt respect. The acting commissioner
cither know , or should Imva known , that
some now ugunts had Just , been appointed at
the time of the interview , ami hciu'o his
Statement was disingenuous. Applying the
rule of falsus in uuo , fulsus In omnibus , it
vould bo unnecessary to go farther in
answer to his statements.
Yet nuy man iu his senses would under
stand thut tlio number of reports is no
criterion of an agent's efficiency , particularly
where ho was engaged most of the time on
hearings , as I have boon for the past nlno
months. These tables are prepared by tlio
head of a division who illustrates tlio civil
eoryico reform ideas of the late secretary of
the interior. Superannuated nnd entirely
Ignorant of land business , ho was Imported
into tlio bureau and at onca placed In charge
of a division ever the heads of efficient men ,
Knowing nothing of ttio business of the
office , ho naturally becomes ambitious to beef
of importance ns a dispenser of patronage ,
that nl'surd ambition which Impairs the value
Of so innuy humble servants of the govern-
rneut , It Is ( jnito evident that ho U a violent
partisan , and thut may iu sarao mcusura ac
count lor the fact that only two agents out
Of about seventy date back to the last administration -
ministration , as I am informed.
It was known to you , Mr. Editor , that the
ectton of thu department was preceded by n
combined movement of tho. confederated land
thieves , acting through ono who has bought
pis way into high public position. It came to
Biy knowledge- various parts of the stuty.
and it was also notorious thnt n scavenger
process of. attempting to rake up some
charges thnt would stand fire , wns adopted ,
the honorable secretary having refused to remove
move- without them. So far as 1 am advised ,
none were obtained.
It was also notorious that n prominent land
grabber from lllinojs was In ' Washington
goading on the Nebraska chio'f , heretofore
referred to. In view of this combination nnd
ot the further fact thnt the land ofllco hnd
been eleven year * in nscortninlng It , the ,
statement in effect thnt I had been inactive
or indolent , seems a llttlo absurd.
The language of the ( now ) commissioner ,
suggests Talleyrand's motto , that
"Language was given us to con
ceal our thoughts. " How noble the
conduct Of his immediate pcdcccssor. Sparks ,
of adamantine courage , who refused to per
mit n subordinate to Buffer harm at the hands'
of malefactors , for obeying his instruc
tions , nnd who chose to go Into retirement
rather than yield his convictions of duty. The
country needs moro men cast in tlio same
But the necessities of the leagued nnd
banded rings reipilro a man of putty , who
can lie moulded like clay by their wily attor
Wind-broken politicians whom the people
have repudiated , are by training , of all mon ,
tlio most unfit for the dollcato duties of ex
ecutive ability. A common blacksmith is as
well adapted to watch repairing , At some
future time I will endeavor tojsrlvo your read
ers a history 6f the lending 'hauls" of the
public land In Nebraska which have como to
my notice. G no nan B , ConuiiN.
Tlio Fire llccord.
PuEnLOColo.Mnyl. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE ] The Doromor opera housotho prln-
clpul plnco of amusement In the city was dis
covered on flro nt 11:30 : to-night. The flames
rapidly spread and are now beyond control
of the firemen. The building and contents
nro a total loss , amounting to $25KX ( ) . No
performance was Riven there to-night and
the cause of the flro is unknown.
ATLANTIC. la. , May 1. [ Special Telegram
to the BEB. ] Fire at 1 o'clock this rooming
totally destroyed Slater & Ellor's livery
bam , bus and baggage wagon. All of the
horses nnd most of the carriages were saved ,
J. Hunt's blacksmith shop and Ed. Butler's
carpenter shop were partially destroyed.
Tlio loss is about $10,000.
Llttlo Strike on the Wntmsh.
DKS MOINES , la. , May 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] A little strike was In
augurated to-duv on the Wnbash road in this
city. The company had employed a non
union man and ho was put to work in the
yard. Tlio engineer , who is n union man ,
found thlsut , and refused to work. Another
man was ordered up from the , , round house ,
and as soon as ho found out , the situation ha
suddenly became very tired nnd loft. All
tlio other men nt work learned of the fact
nnd likewise refused to handle the switch
cnglno while the non-union man was kept at
Fought a Deadly Duel.
JACKSON , Miss. , May 1. General Wirt
Adams , postmaster of this place , and John
Martin , editor of the Now Mississipian , this
afternoon fought a street duel , nnd both
were killed. General Adams was hit in the
head nnd Martin was hit twice. A news
paper article , published this morning In the
New Mississipplan , was the immediate cause
of the tragedy.
Prominent ( ownns Married.
MASON CITIIa.4 May 1. [ Special Telo-
grain to tlio BEE. ] Hon. J. E. E. Markley , n
leading attorney nnd i-olitician , was to-day
united in marriage to Miss Lilllo Emslcy ,
the youngest daughter of the late T. G. Eins-
ley , a wealthy banker.
Steaming Against the Ico.
CnnnovaAX , Mich. , May 1. The first
through boat , thought to bo the propeller
Gilchrist , passed up the south passage at 0:30 :
this morning. When last scon she was work
ing through n largo Held of Ice seven miles
above this place.
Russian Troops Moving.
BEULIN , May 1. The Cologne Gazette nnd
Vienna papers publish reports that Russia
is moving moro troops to the Austrian fron
Shot Him In Sol f Defense.
, 111. , May 1. The Jury in the
inquest on the killing of the striker , Herbert
B. Newell , returned n verdict that the killing
of the latter by Albert W. Hedborg wns in
self defense.
In ( urcd n Royal Head.
HOME , May 1. The crown prince of Italy
and several officers of the army were severely
injured by ( ho unexpected explosion of a
dynamite shell during artillery practice.
Ann Arbor Professor Sick.
ANN Annon , Mich. , April 80. Professor
Louisa Iteod Stonowell was attacked Satur
day evening with n severe hemmorhngo of
the stomach and recovery is doubtful.
Wi-nthcr Indications.
For Nebraska : Kaln , followed by fair
weather , slightly cooler , fresh to brisk south
westerly winds , becoming northwesterly.
For Iowa : Uain , warmer , fresh to brisk
southeasterly winds.
For Eastern and Southwestern Dakota :
Cooler , preceded by slightly warmer , rain ,
followed by fair weather , fresh to brisk
southeasterly winds , becoming northeasterly.
DlNtfict Court.
surra FILED.
DRobert L. Gnrlich yesterday filed n suit
against James and Alex P. Mills , in which ho
alleges that the first named defendant made
a promissory note for 82,3.0 duo in 1890 to
secure payment of which a mortgage on lot
11 , block 2 , Beyer's addition , was made nnd
executed. Also that three other notes of
$7(3.00 ( each necurcd In lilco manner were also
executed. No part of said notes has been
paid , therefore philntill asks and order of
Joseph L. Lcpard flics an action against
his wlfo Minnie , whom ho married in the
centennial year in this state and who ho has
resided with until January , 1838 , during
which time ho labored zealously to furnish
her with plum preserves and chickens dally ,
but she , notwithstanding his efforts in her
behalf , kept company with other men re
peatedly , filled herself with turpentine and
finally contrncrcd a loathsome disease.
Therefore pluintllf asks < i divorce.
Cuy ! C. Barton and J. Nicholas hnvo nbout
hreo thousand head of cattle on a farm at
Papillion that drink the water from a crook
that i uus close by. Of late thu Union Cattle
company , it is alleged , has been dumping
manure nnd offal into the creek , making the
water impure and unwholesome. Barton
and Nichols have , tl\croforo , petitioned Judge
Groft to restrain tho" Union company from the
practices indicated. The case is being ar
Anna Wanok represents that she has be
come tired of being made a foot ball { and
sand bag for her pugilistic and pugnacious
hubby , and appeals to the court to dissolve
the marriage vows which were celebrated in
Johnson county , la. , January 25 , lSS.'t.
McCaguoBros. , banners , yesterday brought
suit against Milton II. Goblo nnd Arthur II.
Cooley to collect $144.45 duo on a promissory
Wilson T , Graham requests the court to is
sue an order to sell certain real estate hold
by him to secure the payment of a promis
sory note amounting to $303 given by John
Uieley , and no part of which has been paid.
County Court.
Judge Shields yesterday rendered n judg
ment in tlio sum ot fiSO.GO hi favor of tha
Gate City Laud company against H..T , Wall-
Licensed toVocl. .
The following marriage licenses ware is *
sued yesterday by Judge Shields :
Name and residence. Age.
( JlmonW. Clark , Omaha . 91
} Jennie G. Brooks , Omaha . 10
j Andrew Fnljpruphus , Omaha . . . . 21
( Icroue Anuroasent Omaiia. . . . , . , . . < , . SO
I Pcjter J. .Cardigan , South Qasaha . , 25
I Murv K. CunroV. Irviagton , Neb . S3
Minneapolis Didn'.t Care About Fin
ishing tlio Oarao.
The Homo Boys 1'rovo That They Arc
Not Weak at tlio lint , nnd
IvtopPs Delivery Hit
Very itnrd.
Proved Themselves SltiRRcrs.
The Omnlm nnd Minneapolis teams plnycil
their second gaino yesterday afternoon ,
which resulted as the first In n slgnnl victory
for the liomo club. The weather was ox-
ccrixbly raw nnd dtsngrconblo , nnd tlio nt-
tondanco , ns a consequence , small. How
ever , those who did bravo the chilly winds
were amply repaid , ns the game , so far as
Omaha % vns concerned , was highly cnjo.vablo ,
Botti teams acquitted themselves with much
credit In the Hold , while the Omahas made a
great record for themselves with the stick.
Sovcntcen hits with a total of thirty bases
will do for ono day , nnd a cold day at that.
O'Connell did himself proud , pounding Mr.
Klopf for n two-bagger , two thrco-baggers and
a homo run. Miller and Uurdlck also uindo
a thrco-b.igRor each , and every man hit the
ball safe one or moro times , with the excep
tion of Wilson. The latter , though , fully
inado up for his failure to get on to the Gor
man twlrler by his brilliant work behind the
bat. But In n game as perfect as this ono
wa % It would bo Invidious to particularize.
There was but one error made , and that was
an excusable one , being 11 fumble of a hard
hit grouiuler by Dornn. It must not bethought
thought that because the Omahas ran up
their score to double numbers that the vis
itors played n poor game , for they did not.
The fact that the Omahus mmlo ten earned
runs is proof that It was not Inmo work on
"thol * part , but a tremendous batting achieve
ment on the part of the local players. In the
eighth Mr. Klopf fairly lost his breath. It
was blflf , smash , bang , until every marooned
hosed lad had had a smack at him , and when
the smoke rolled by four runs loomed up on
the score board. At the end of this Inning ,
the Minneapolis being hopelessly In the roar ,
and the audience executing a war dunce In
the grand stand to keep from freezing , Man
ager Gooding suggested that the game tcr
mlnnto right there , nnd Manager fSolce ac
quiescing , Fosaonden called the game. Fol
lowing la the oiUcinl score :
29 3 7 2 24 U 4
Omaha . 2208230 4-1G
Minneapolis . 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 3
Runs earned Omaha 10. Two-base hits
O'Connell , Doran , Jcvno. Three-base hits
O'Connell ' 2 , Miller 1. Burdick 1. Homo runs
O'Connell 1. Double plays Omaha 1 , Min
neapolis 1. Base on balls Klopp 2 , Burdiek
none. Hit by pitcher Klopp 1 , Burdlck
none. Struck out Burdick 0 , Klopp 1.
Passed balls Wilson 1 , Krieg 2. Wild
pitches Klopp 1. Time of gaino 1:45. : Um
pire Fesaeuden.
Chicago Maroons 7 , Kansas City 5.
KANSAS CITT , Mo. , May 1. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BEE. ] A largo crowd was in
attendance to-day nt the Western league park
to witness the opening of the championship
Borics. McCarthy was in the box for Kansas
City , and Dwycr for Chicago. Both teams
presented a fine appearance.
In the first inning the Kansas City slugccrs
started out well. Manning opened with a
safe hit to flrst ; Campeau went out at lirst
nnd Hossamoar followed suit at second ;
Cartwright hit a corker to center ; Manning
and Cartwright came homo on a safe hit by
Johnson ; Bradley struck out. Lung , Long
and Rook went out in quick succession for
tbo Chicago team.
In the second inning Ardner , McCarthy
and Wells died in one , two , three order , thu
latter two striking out. Moriarity , Houra-
lian and Honglo followed suit for Chicago ,
good infiohling saving Kansas City.
In the third Manning went out nt flrst ;
Campeau hit for a base , stole , second , and
came iu on Hossamear's hit ; the latter stole
second , but Cartwright fouled out and John
son wont out nt first ; McCuuley. Dwyer and
Cregan went out In one , two , three order.
In the fourth Bradley wont out nt first ;
Ardnor hit to center nnd McCarthy to third.
liooks hit tor a huso and came homo on a
long hit byLungo ; Long struck out ; Mori-
arty hit to flrst , Long getting to third ; Hou-
rahan struck out.
In the ilfth inning Kansas City earned two
rims whllo by hard pounding Chicago scored
three to their credit.
The sixth inning furnished blanks on both
Iu the seventh Chicago struck their lead
and followed it up with thrco more , making
the score ns follows :
Knngas City . 2 01020000 5
Chicago . 0 0013030 0-7
Umpire Hogau.
St. lentils Whites 8 , Milwaukee 3.
ST. Louis , May 1. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] The second meeting of the Mil
waukee and St. Louis teams resulted in a
brilliant twolvo-Inning contest. Sproat
pitched a great game for the Whites and
Homer did well for the visitors , until the
twelfth inning , when the Whites made three
singles , n triple and a homo run , winning the
gamo. Score by innings :
St. Louis . 0 10000011005 8
Milwaukee . 1 00010001000 3
Batteries St. Louis : Sproat and Coutz ;
Milwaukee : Homer and yarnor. Base hits
St. Louis 10 , Milwaukee 0 , Errors St.
Louis 7 , Milwaukee 4. Homo runs St , Louis
U. Utnpiro Bronnan ,
No Guino nt Dos Molncs.
DBS MOINES , la. , May 1. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BBE , ] Rain again prevented
the Dos Molnes-St , Paul game to-day. Tlio
St. Paul team loft for Omaha to-night to play
the tlireo games scheduled there for the
Clilcnuo 8 , Inillnnnpolls < 1.
CIUOAQO , May 1. The game to-daybotwoon
Chicago and Indianapolis resulted uq fol
lows :
Chicago . 1 1402000 * 8
Indianapolis , . , . 3 4
Pitchers Van Haltrcn and Healoy. Base
hits Indianapolis U , Chicago 13. Errors-
Indianapolis U , Chicago 8. Umpire Vnlen-
Detroit 1O , Pittslmrg 1.
DBTIIOIT , May 1. The game between Pitts.
burg and Detroit to-day resulted as follows :
Detroit . , . 2 80021 8 10
Pittsburg . 1 000000 1
Game called at tbo end of the seventh in *
ning on account of darkness. Pitchers Get-
zein for Detroit , Maul and Galvin for Pitts-
burg. Base hits Detroit 10 , Pittsburg 5.
Errors Detroit 2 , Pittsburg 0. Umpire
Decker. _ _ _ _ _
Now York 0 , Boston 1.
NBW YOBK , May 1. The game to-day
between Now York and Boston resulted as
follows :
New York . 3 0 81 0-0
Boston . 0 0 r 0 0 1
Game called at the cad of the sixth
ou account of darkness. Pitchers Keefo
for Now York. Sonrdora and Mnddon for
Boston , Bnso lilts Now York 5 , Boston 5.
Krrors Now Yoik 3r Boston 0. Umpire-
Daniels. it (
Flilln < Iclnhint2 , Wnslilngton 4.
Pim-ADEM-iiiA , Maj-il. The game to-day
between Philadelphia nnd Washington re
sulted as follows :
Philadelphia. . . - 0-13
Washington . 0 * 0 | 000200 4
Pitchers Gloason . hnd Dailoy. Base
htU Philadelphia 10 , Washington 18. Errors
Philadelphia 0 , Washington 0. Umpire-
Lynch , ( ,
Cincinnati 18,1 I/otilsvlllo 2.
CINCINNATI , Maj * J' ' , Tlio game to-day bo-
twcon Loulsvlllo and Cincinnati resulted
as follows !
Clnc'nnatl . 0 2 0 3 C 0 1 7 1 18
Loultvillc . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
St. hottta 8 , Kniinns City 1.
KANSAS Citr , May 1. The gnmo between
St , Louis and Kansas City to-day resulted as
follows :
Kansas Clty..l 00000000 1
St. Louis 4 100 1030 * 8
Cleveland 12 , Ilnltlinoro 7.
BAi/nstonp , May 1. The enmo between
Baltimore and Cleveland to-day resulted as
follows :
Baltimore 2 7
Cleveland 0 040 2114 - 12
Brooklyn U , Athletics 1.
Pnit.u > iu'iiiA , May 1. The game between
tween Brooklyn and the Athletics resultcu
ns follows :
Athletics 1 000000000 1
Brooklyn 0 000001001 2
Pair "Wcnthcr nml Flno Sport on the
Ivy City Courso.
WASHINGTON , May 1. Weather fair and
the track good.
Six furlonps She won , Revolt second ,
Maroon third. Time 1:17 : >
Ono and one-sixteenth miles Boss won ,
Brookful second , Queen Elizabeth third.
Time 1:52 : # .
Five furlongs Holiday won , Bonnie Park
second , Seymour third. Time 1:0. : ) .
Ono mlle Young Duke won , Lctotiu sec
ond. Sam ICceno third. Time 1:45. :
Six furldngs Crichton won , Clay Palo
second , Sequel third. Time 1:19. :
At the NiiHhvillo Meeting.
NASHVILLE , May 1. Weather flue and the
track good.
Seven furlongs Cupid won , Unique , sec
ond. Gallatin third. Time 1:31) : .
Five furlongs Sunlight won , Anulo Clare
second , Meta third. Time 1:04 : } { .
Mlle and half n furlong Osceola won ,
Huntress second , Bertha third. Time 1:4'J. : '
Troubadour stakes , nine furlongs Cruiser
won , Emperor of Norfolk second , Volnnto
third. Time l:53ii :
Seven furlongs Lnfltto won , Kirklln second
end , Quotation third. Time 1:30. :
The Anti-Saloon Convention.
NEW YOIIK , Maj ; 1. [ Special Telegram
to the BCE. ] Chairman Griffin oxpccts 3,000
delegates to the national anti-saloon repub
lican convention Wednesday nnd Thursday.
Ho admitted to-daj that the object of the
mcctlngwos largelyjto further the adoption
of a decided anti-saloon platform by the
coming national republican convention. Ho
believed also that the alterant would bo suc
cessful and that a direct issue would at once
bo made between tljo republican ( and demo
cratic parties on the , liqubr question. To the
"Will the convention make
question , expres
sion favorable to the interests of any candi
date for president ! " ho replied , "No , sir ; wo
have nothing to do .witlf candidates In that
sense. " The chairman stated that he had n
letter from Senator Harrison , of Indiana ,
which places hint decidedly nnd squarely in
line with nnti-snioon republicans. Thou ho
showed ono from. Senator Hnwloy and an
other from Senator Edmunds expressing
cordial sympathy with this mooting. "What
Blaino's sentiments of the
arc liquor ques
tion ! " was asked. "Mr. Blainc expressed
great interest in our movement. 'I wish
you to understand I nm with you thoroughly ,
Mr. Grinin , ' ho said as wo concluded our
conversation on the subject. "
Arkansas IjnOor Ticket.
LITTLE Rocic , Ark. , May 1. The Union
labor state convention this morning in
structed its delegates to the national con
vention to vote for J. A. Streoter , of Illinois ,
for president and T. V. Powdorly for vice
president. W. K , Duval was nominated for
supreme justice and G. W. Terry for secre
tary of state. The executive committee was
authorized to fill the rest of the ticket.
For RtiHk or Grcshnm.
CLINTON JUNCTION , Wis. , May 1. L. Hoi-
den Parker , of Beloit , and Jesse Stone , of
Wntortown , were chosen delegates to the
Chicago convention from the First Wiscon
sin district. They wcro uninstructcd and nro
nominally for Rusk , but will support
Propuring Tor Investigation.
CHICAGO , May 1. Grand Chief Engineer
Arthur , of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers , arrived here this morning. The
object of Arthur's visit is to lay out n plan of
operation for investigation before the inter
state commerce commission of the Burling
ton strike , which will begin next Saturday.
The Strike Conies to An 1C rid.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo , , May 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK.J The brick makers' strike
is ended and the men returned to work to-day
nt the old wages. Tlioy were not properly
organized ana In no condition to strike.
A Collision.
ELKO , Nov. , May 1. A locomotive ran into
n hand cur , eighteen miles east of hero , last
evening , killing two section hands and
wounding thrco others seriously.
, Pa. , May 1 , The mountains sur
rounding this town have boon burning three
or four days , and thousands of dollars , worth
of timber is being I destroyed.
A Biff Haul.
Buni.iN , May 1. Burglars broke into n
jewelry store in Munich and carried away
goods valued at 25,000.
Democratic. Conventions Continue
to Endorse the Administration.
Lengthy Hoiolutlons KnilorslUR the
Mcssngo nnd Denouncing the Pro
tective System The Ami-Sa
loon Ilnntibllcnn Meeting.
Cleveland's Tariff Ideas Kmlorscil.
MAHISO.V , WIs ; , May 1. The democratic
state convention was called to order at noon
by Chairman Asher , of the state central com
mittee. The various committees wore ap
pointed , when the convention took n rocoss.
Upon reassembling and when the several
committee * had reported , the committee on
resolutions reported the following , which
Was adopted !
The democrats of Wisconsin In convention
assembled heartily and fully endorse the
wlso nnd considerate and patriotic course of
Orovcr Cleveland ns president of the United
States. Wo take pride In the manly courage
with which ho has faced the hosts
of protected monopoly and the advo
cated reduction of war * arllt taxes now
retained only upon the every day necessities
of the farmer , nrtisan and laborer , having
long slnco boon removed from the incomes
and bank checks of the rich. Wo denounce
the system of tariff taxes that , whilst it
creates a dangerous annual surplus in the
national treasury of 8155,000,000. nt the same
time Indirectly taxes the producers of the
west for the benefit of the protected nine
dollars for every dollar that goes into the
Wo declare that the burden of taxation
should rest upon these who use the luxuries
rather than who use only the necessaries of
life ; that taxation should bo limited to the
requirements of the gpvenunent ; that a
greater tax is robbery under the forms of
law. We , therefore , demand that taxation
bo limited to the needs of the government ,
economically administered , and bo levied on
the luxuries rather than on the necessaries
of life , and that taxation bo reduced in strict
conformity to the principles laid down by
President Cleveland In his message to the
fiftieth congress.
Joseph M. Morrow , of Motiroo , was elected
permanent chairman , and Oscar A. Peter , of
Milwaukee , secretary. The chairman's
reference to Grovcr Cleveland received most
deafening applause , as did thd reading of the
resolutions which were adopted by a standing
vote.Four delegates at largo wcro elected ns
follows : Gilbert M. Woodward , LaCrosse ,
who was declared chairman of the delegation ;
Emil Shandcin , Milwaukee ; George Bird ,
Madison ; J. 11. Knight , Hoclc Island.
Following nro thedistrict delegates ; First
district , .T. E. Dodge , H. 13. Kirkland ;
second , Owen A. Wells , T. W. Lameroux ;
third , Montgomery M. Smith , T. H. Brooks ;
fourth , Edward Huckott. James Knolland ;
fifth , W. H. Seaman , W. O. Soyks ; sixth ,
A. W. Palton , H. C. Falconer ; seventh , M.
L. Patterson , S. W. Dickenson ; eighth ,
Thomas F. P. Kowloy , J. McBride ; ninth ,
Jonathan Edwards , A. B. McDonald.
Following are the presidential electors
by districts : First. John Winans , of Hock
county : second. H. M. Ackloy , of Wnukoslm ;
third , William P. Bragg , of Green ; fourth ,
George J. Obormin ; fifth , John Franz , of
Manitowoc ; sixth , J. H. Marstin , Outagama ;
seventh O. M. Butt , Vernon ; eighth , Johu
W. Bashford , St. Croix ; ninth , David
Jennings , Wuupauca ; electors at largo ,
Molson Dowew , of Grant , nnd Thomas
Thompson , of Trcnipelan. Adjourned.
For Cleveland.
CoNConn , N. II. , May 1. The democratic
state convention met to-day and elected the
following delegates to the national conven
tion : Daniel Connor , Joseph C. Moore ,
Alvah W. Sullowoy and Frank Jones. No in
structions were given the delegates , but they
are nil for Cleveland. Resolutions were
adopted heartily endorsing the administra
tion of President Cleveland , and rccoin-
mend him for ro-uomiuution ; approve of the
president's message to congress on tariff re
form and reduction of war taxes.
Democrats nt Springfield , 111.
Si'itisoriri-n , ' 111. , May 1. The county
democratic convention for the selection of
delegates to the state and congressional con
ventions to-day made nominations for county
ofllcers and the If gislaturo. Resolutions en
dorsing Clovolandand Congressman Springer
wore adopted. General Black was favored
for vico-prcsidout.
Chnors Tor Itoth.
COI.UMIUA , S. C. , May 1. The state repub
lican convention met to-day and the chair
man , in his address , advocated the sending of
unlnstructcd delegates to the national con
vention. The following delegates at largo
wore elected : E. Zi. B ray ton and W. N. Tuft
( white ) , and W. T. Myers and Robert Small
( colored ) . Sherman's namowas cheered , and
the name of Blaine brought great applause.
Young Republicans Onthcring.
DCS MOINES , May 1. All the late trains
to-night brought largo delegations to the
convention of republican clubs to-day. Ed
ward O. Wolcott , of Denver , Colonel Hep
burn and J. II. 1) . Oliver , of Iowa , arc to bo
the principal speakers.
Will Have n. Proc-for-All.
NEW YOIIK , May 1. The sub-cominittco
of the cxecutivo national league of republi
can clubs met here to-day. Reports from
thirty-four states showed the work of organ
ization is progressing with great rapidity. It
was decided to hold a grand ratification
meeting in Chicago on the evening following
the adjournment of the national convention
to bo open to all.
Catherine or Iowa's Clan.
Dunt-'QUE , la. , May 1. Every indication
points to a big democratic convention to-mor
row. Tho. leaders and thrco-fourths of the
delegates arrived to-day and the hotel lobbies
are filled to-night. The sentiment Is for
Cleveland's roiiomination and for the en
dorsement of the tariff message.
Delegates Uiilnstructctl.
Si'iiiNoriEi.i ) , 111. , May 1 , William Brown ,
of Inland Grove , and John A. Ayres of Jack
sonville , were selected 'delegates to the na
tional republican convention for tho'i'hir-
tuouth district without instructions.
Keep the Blood Pure
\Vo liollovo Hood's Pnrsftparllla Is the very
best medicine to take to keep the blood pure and
to expel the germs of scrofula , sail rhcntu , nnd
other polsous which cause so much Battering ,
and sooner or Inter undermine the general
health. Ily Its peculiar curntlvo power , Hood's
Saranparllln strengthens the system while It
eradicates disease.
"Curly last spring t was very much run rtomi ,
had nervous beadnche , felt miserable and nil
thnt. I took Hbod's Snrsnpnrllln nnd was much
hcncflttod by it , I rocommnml it to my friends. "
Mils. J. M. TAYkou , 1119 Kuclid Avenue , Cleve
land , Ohio.
Hood's ' Sarsaparllla
'T&r n first-class spring medicine my wife and
I both think very highly of Hood s Snrflnpnrlll.i.
Wo both took It last spring. It did w n grent
deal ot good and wo felt better through the hot
weather than ever before. It cured my wife of
sick hendnche. from \\lilch slio hits suffered a
grent dcnl , and relieved mo of n dizzy , tired feel-
Ing. I think evnry ono ought to tixko something
to purify the blood before the hot weather
comes on , nnd wo Minll certainly take Hood's
Sarsapnrllla this spring. " J H. PBAUCK , Stipt.
Qraulto Hallway Co. , Concord , N. H ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold lijr nil ilrUKulsts. HtstrforW. Prepare J only \ > r t Sold ! > ? nil rtriiMliH. Hi six for $ J 1'rcpnreil only t > r
C. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. I C..1 HOOD & CO. , lowolt , Jlnm
1OO Dosoa Ono Dollar | 1OO Doses Ono Dollar
Impurities In the blood product )
Bodily and mental health depend upon a
henlthy condition of the blood. The blood ,
particularly In the iprlng nnd.durlng the hoi
Dummor months , bocoino clogged with 1m.
purltlci , which poison It and generate dlt-
CMC. A Imrmlces blood purifier , without a
particle of mineral polnon In It , euch us mer
cury or potaih , H necessary to remote Iheto
Impurities and to restore the healthy tone of
mind and body. Tbo best purlflcr nud tonla
known to the world U Sivlf t's Specific (8.S.8. ( ) .
In regard to IU wondnrtul purifying and.
tonic powcn wo giro a few tcstlmoulili m
follow * :
Mr. Wm. A. Slebold , with Oco. P. flowcll ft
Co. , 10 Spruce Street , New York , wrltci March
23th , 138) I " I feel U my duty , for the bonoflt
of others who may ba afflicted us I was , to
wlto you tlita letter , which you can uie ai
ray testimony In any way you choose. I will
answer any Inquiry from other * In relation
to the facts herewith stated. In February
lout I suffered eroHt pain and lnoonr ulonc
from bolls , all oror my neck ; I could not turn
my head without acute pain and my blood
was Iu poor condition. After trying nil the
usual remedies In euch cases , nnd finding no
relief , by the persuasion of Mr. J. W. Fears ,
Manager of your Mew York Offlce , I med ono
bottle S. 8. 8 , and I Improved rapidly add
very soon I was entirely rcllorod of my
" Job's Comforters. " Now not a sign of my
affliction can bo seon. I feel strong and cheer
ful. B. S. B. Is a flna tonla as proved In my
case. I sleep soundly and my appetlta Is good.
Dr. J. N. Cheney , a well known phyitclan
writes from Ellavllle , Georgia ; " I irso S. 8. B ,
In convalescent foror coses with the bent re
sults. It will , In my judgment , pravtnt sum
mer dysentery. It one will take a few bottles
In the spring , thus preparing the borroli for
the strains of summer. "
Mrs. Ocott Uston , lit Zane street ( Itland\
Wheeling , West Virginia , writes ; "Having
mcd 8.8.8. for the blood , I can safely say
that It beats anything I have used to cleansi
the blood and maka a now being out of a per
eon. "
Mr. U. B. llnmlln , Winston , IT. C. , writes i
"I use It every spring. It nlways builds ms
up , giving ma appetite and digestion , and
enroling mo to stand the long , trying , ener
vating hot summer days. On utlng U I sooa
become strong of body and easy of mind. "
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dbcaios mailed
THE Swirr SrEcma Co. , Drawers. Atlanta.0a
' All syphilitic Diseases , of recsnt or long slanalnc.ln
from ten to Bftocn days. We will el's wrltun guar
antees to cur * any case or refund your money. And
H would say to those who liav * niploytd tba moil
Rklllcd I'nyslclans , uied very known ramody ani
hrtTS not been cured , tbat yon r tna subjects w arn
looking for. You that have been to the MlebrateM
Hot Sprites ot Arkansas , and tiara lost all hops or
rooYry , ne
ermakonoenarce. Our remedy Is nnknown to any
one In the world outside of our Company , anil It Is
the only remedy in the nnrld that will euro you. Wo
will cure the most obitlnato case In than one
month. Bevcn days In recent ca es does tbo work. It
Is tbeoldchronlocleep-scat < id cnies that we solicit.
We have cured hundreds who had been abandons !
ky 1'liyslclans and pronounced Incurable , and
We Challenge the World
to bring ns a ctts that we will not euro In less than
one mouth.
Since the history of medicine , a True Bpeclflo for
BypbllltlOijEruptlonB , Ulcers , Bore month , &c. , lias
tsou lee t lor but certr fo nd until
Our Magic Remedy
irai dlscorerea , and wo ara Instilled in saying It Is tha
only remedy In the world that will posulmly ear * ,
because tha latmt medical works , publlihudby the
best known authorities , say there was nerer a true
Keclllo before. Our Remwlr Is the onlr medicine lu
e world that will euro when rorrtnlnK elie hM
failed. It has been so conceded by a large number of
Celebrated Physicians. IT HAS MBVXII yr.T )
to CUKE. Why wsita your Uma and money with
talent medicines that purer bad flrtiie , or doctor
with physicians that cannot cura you. You that bar *
tried everything lte should coma to us now and tat
armanent rullafi you never can get Iteliowhar * .
Mark what we sayi In the nd you must take onr
ttemedr or NKncit recover. And yon that have bean
afflicted but a short time should by all inuans com * to
now. > iany cet help and think thorn re fi * from
Ki a dlieato , but la one , two or three years aflr , It
appears agsln la a mom horrible form.
Investigate oar financial standing through the mar *
pantile aa'sciea and note that we are fulnr responsi
ble and onr wrttwn fuaranuss ara pocxl. w * bav *
UXUEDV prepared on purely Scluntlnn 1'ilnclplea and
w * wish to repeat that It XEVCU AILS TO CURB. All
Istterv sacredly ciwlldenllal.
THE COOK REMEDY 00. , Omalia , Neb.
Itooui lil and U , IT. H. National JIuuK. 12th and
I'ariium at . Cullers take oluvator on J'.irnum
utteetj to second lloor. lloom 11 for ladles only
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Jlcst lloiito from Omalui and Council
lllulls to
- THE EAST = = -
ClilcagOi AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Ccdur Itnplds ,
Hock Island Itockford
, Freeport , ,
Cllutou , Uubuqup , Davenport ,
Madison Janosvllle
Elgin , , ,
Ilelolt , Winuim , La Crossc ,
And all other Important points Knit , Northeast and
For through tickets call on the ticket agent at IM1
Farnanistrout.ln llarkcr lllock , or at Union I'aclCc
1'ulliuan Sleepers and tha finest Dining Can In th *
world no run cm tuo main Hue of thu Chicago , Mil
waukca & Bt. 1'uul Hallway , and every attention II
paid to passenvors by courteous employes f iu
C < u ! liVj.ER , Oenera ! Manager.
J. V. TUCK Ell , Asditant Ufneral Usnager.
A. V. H. UAIU'lSNTJtn , Ucneral' rauenier an !
Ticket Aiicnt.
OKO. l UK AFFORD , Aiilitant QoBoral
and Ticket Accnt ,
JT , CUillli Uenera.1 Superintendent ,
Tor a peed spring medicine wo confidently
recommend Hood's Sarimparllln. II ? its use the
hlood is imrillod , enriched and vitalized , that
tired feeling Is entirely overcome and the whole
body Riven strength and , visor. Tlio nppottto I
restored and sharpened , the digestive organ *
ara toned , nud tha kidneys and liver Invigorated
Tlioso who have never tried t I
pnrllin should do sn this spring. It Is n the
oughly honest and reliable preparation , purely
vegetable , nnd contains no injurious Ingredient
whatever. Thousands testify to its peculiar
curative powor.
Purlflos the Blood
"Ilmd orylpclin in the worst form , holng
nearly covered with blisters. My husband
licnrd of Hood's S.irsnpnrllla and Insisted on
taking It , though 1 hnd llttlo faith. I hail taken
but n few doses , when 1 begun to feel better ,
nnd In n week 1 wns sure it wns iloltig mo good.
1 continued to tnko It according to directions
nnd when the llrst bottle wns gene 1 wns entirely
well , 1 have not l > oen troubled by eryslpolns
since. " Mns. J , . HACON , llilmllcld , Mass.
N. U. If you decide to tnko Hood's
pnrllln , do not bo induced to buy any ot'wr. '
Who Is WEAK , NEnVOUR. I > r.niI.lTA-
TEI > , irhnlnhIa'OLI.YandI N < mylN < lIi
has TIUFLEO away hU VK1OH of UO Y ,
MINI ) and MAMJOon.camlng rlmu.llnq
dralni upon tha FOUNTAINN of L.IFK ,
Dreams , TORAKNEsn of Memory. HAHII.
the TACE , and all the EFFECTS Icadlue to
Tie W or INNANIT Y , should consult at oneo
the CELEHRATED Ir. Clarke. Established
1RM. Er. Clarke has mode NEIIVOUN HE-
BILITY. OlinolVlO nnd all Diseases of
the OENITO imilVAItY Orpins A Llfo
Mtudy. It make * HO difference WHAT you
tftTe taken or WHO lias railed to cure you.
liar to their tex can consult with the assurance *
of speedy roller and cure. Send 2 cents postngu
for works on your diseases.
49 B nd 4 cents postage for Celebrated
TTorka on Chronic , Norvoiim and Dcll >
calo DlsoMca. Consultation , personal ! ; or by
letter , free. Consult tha old Doctor.
Ttionnands cured. OBlcoa and pnrlora
private.Thoeo contemplating Marriare
twnd for Dr. Clnrhe'B celebrated guldo
Knle and F malo. each 16c. , both 25c.
( itarnrw ) . Before confiding your caie , consult
Dr. OLAIIKK. A friendly letter or call may
tare future suffering and shame , and add RoMon
years to life. airBook "Uto'm ( Secret ) Er.
ro , " too. ( itamps ) . Medicine and writlni *
cent everywhere , secure from ezpoiur * .
llours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Address ,
186 So. Clark St. . OHIOAOQ. ILL.
Terminus of Missouri 1'nciftc Hallway Co.
iu Adams County , Nebraska.
Depot , round house , turn-tnblo and tank all
completed. Through trains from Kansas City
commenced April 21st. Fifteen miles from
Hastings. No town within 0 miles In any direc
tion ; Is situated lu the center of Nebraska'
lluest section , nnd contiguous W
the famous Plulto Valley hay lands.
First Sale of Lots at Public Auction
MAY 1st , 1888.
Terms : M cash , balance In B and 12 month" ) nt
10 per ocnt Interest. Train leaves Hasttngi ,
Neb. , nt K in. on that day. Free transportation
from Hustings to 1'rosser and ruturn , on appli
cation to
Trustou for Comjmny ,
Exchange Nat'l ' Bank , Hastings , Neb ,
Corsets of Eur *
opo and
Bold last
year in
this coun
try alono.
eona are :
they nro.
the best
llttlner ,
moit com *
fortablo ,
moot dur
able and
joorsotov >
Jer mado.
Avoid worthless imitations , Corallnq
is used In no Coreota except those
made by ua Nona are genuine unlosa
od on insldo of stool cover. For Bale
by all lending merchants.
' J. A. MINER , Manager.
fimn SCIENCE OF LIKE , the
l-Brcat 3IoJlcal Work of tlio
nge on Manhood , Ncnrmu and'
1'liyslral Ucbllltjr , I'rematuro '
Decline , Errorj of Youth , ftiul
the untold mlsurlcsconidiucnt
thereon , 300 pages Svo , 123
prescriptions for nil disease * . .
Clotli , full llt , only JI.OO , b ) *
mall , ecalfil. Illustrative eamplo free to all young
and inlitdlo occtl men. Hciulnovr. TUo QolJ an < l
Juwcllcd Medal an nrdeil to the author by the N-
tlimnl Medical Association. Addrees P. O , \ > oi
U93 , Dot/ton , Mas * . , or Dr. W , H. 1'AUKEll , grad
uatoof Harvard MedicalCollcgc.Kiyear1 practlc *
In Uostun , who may bocoiikUltoJ confidential/ ! '
Spixilalty , DUcaso of iluu. OClcet.'o. i Bulfluglut.
Henmrkablo for powerful gympa
tlicTic tone , pliable action and abSolute -
Solute durability. 30yui > r ' record ,
the bent guarantee of the exce
{ f Mi"MI" rl jr'OT'.iJlf < f <
TOWP M bM ( cti otVoatMul jr.
Ell Ea H rori. nrlr ? c r , Utt
iui uo4 , U I "III "nT lu tl trinttu ( culclf
conumlnr tall frurtleultrt ( cr kern * . ui . ( ii U ;
'PROF. F/b" ' FOWLER , MPOCJUB. Oonrr * t