THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 2 , 1888 , NUMBER 319. VOORHEES LOSES HIS TEMPER Crowded Galleries Witness nn Ex- clthiff Day In the Senate. * INGALLS1 KEEN-EDGED TONGUE. It Leads the Indiana Statesman Into n llrcaoh of. 1'arllmcntary Ktl- qitctto When His Wnr Hoc- ord Is Ilccnllctl. Senate. WASHINGTON , May 1. The scnnto naileries presented nn unusually animated appearance at the opening of to-day's session , being crowded with spectators principally Indies drawn hy the announcement of a speech by Mr. IngaUs In response to Voorhecs' Invcctlvo of \vcdncsday. . At the conclusion of morning business Mr. Stewart proceeded to address the scnato In support of his silver coinage resolution , after which It was adopted. At 2 o'clock Mr. Ingnlls commenced his speech. Ho recalled the fact that In July last Major General Fltz J6hn Porter wrote a letter to his friends thanking them aud say ing his heart was always with them. Tno senator from Indiana had complained last Wednesday that an attempt had been made to blacken the names of all the great civil and military leaders In the late war who had remained true to the democratic party. Fitz John Porter was one of those military leaders who maintained his nllcglanco to the democratic party , and he , within the lasl four mouths , although ho had been honorably dismissed from the service ana had been restored by the action of the demo cratic party nnd Its members who had been members of the confederacy , had written that bis "heart was always with them. " Referring to General McClollan , Mr. In- galls spoke of his education nt West Point ; of bis busino ss connection with Bcaurcgard nnd his attempt to extend and continue human slavery by the acquisition of Cuba. Ho Bpoko of him as having begun his mili tary career by disobeying the orders of Gen eral Scott ; as having abandoned Popcnt Ccntrovlllo ; us having failed to put the reb els to the sword at Antlctam ; as having re fused to obey the orders of the president and follow the rebels to Winchester ; and as hav ing fatally controlled the destiny of the nrmy until the buttle of Frcderieksburg. History had pronounced Us verdict upon him as u soldier , and the senator from Indiana would not bo able to place him in the category with Napoleon , Han nibal and Cicsar. Ho ( IngaUs ) dealt with him as a politician and said no ono could read his letter to President Lincoln after the. disastrous seven days' flght on the Peninsula and before Richmond without coming to the conclusion that ho was not fully and actively in sympathy with the forces , ideas and senti ments which wore then controlling the American people. As to General Hancock , ho also , Mr. In- galls said , was ono of the military leaders , who wcro true to the domocrcy. His martial career was ono of the impcrishalo heritages of American glory. Ho ma'rchcd and triumphed. Ho filled the abyss of fame with names which would bo eternally luminous. The Peninsula , Antlctam , Gettysburg , Chancellorvillo , Cold Harbor nnd Petersburg. Had ho been a sol dier under Napoleon ho would have been prluco and marshal of the empire. Ho had well been called Hancock the Superb. But after the war closed ho , HkoMcCIcllnn , had become tainted with the fatal virus of nmbitlon for tbo presidential nomination , but notwithstanding his magnificent and unap proachable career , the American people recognized his hostility to the reconstruction Measure's , and in the presidential election of 1880 ho carried but three noi them states , Cali fornia , Nevada nnd Now Jersey , and the first two of them had been stolen by the forgery nnd fraud of the Moroy letter issued by dem ocratic politicians. Ho had also received the 138 electoral votes of the solid south , which had been promised him , In his speech at Cin cinnati by the , senator from South Carolina , Mr. Hampton. Mr. Ingalls spoke of the affected indignation of the senators from Indiana nnd Kentucky as discreditable to their intelligence or their candor. If they Old not know that ho had spoken of these union generals not as soldiers but as poli ticians and ns democratic candidates for the presidency , they wore dull , stupid and ignor- unt indeed , If they did not know it and per sisted in their assertions they wcro disin genuous and he suspected , if such a thing wcro possible , that they were both. ( Laugh ter ) . Mr. Ingalls , continuing , said : Mr. Presi dent , from tbo impassioned eulogy ; from the rhapsody of approbation that flowed from the senator from Indiana at tlio great military achievements of McClcllan and Hancock , I began to have some doubts who It was that really put down the rebellion. I was driven curiously to inquire what wan the attltudo of the democratic party in the north und the senator from Indiana as ono of its great lead ers in 1602 , when McClollan , thti ideal demo crat , was lighting the battle of Antictum , and in 18ft ) . whun Hancock was hurling back In confusion and dismay the scattered squadrons of the confederacy. I was really , for u mo ment , Mr. President , inclined to believe- that the democrats of the north , tbo senator from Indiana , and those other great patriots whom ho eulogizes as an immovable- bulwark of liberty , of the constitution and the union Thomas Hendrlcks nnd Horatio Seymour and Wm. A. Hlclmrdson wcro in the full panoply of battle , assisting McClol- Inn , assisting Hnncoqk , doing what they should to make the success of the armies possible. And it seems lllto the very cliijmx of effrontery , Ilka the apex of audacity , for thcso men , whoso history Is so well known , Tvho wcro from the beginning avowed cue- mies'of the causa of the union nt every stop of its progress , and who. like the senator from Indiana , were avowedly hi sympathy with the south at the outset , ami wore advo cates nnd champions for slavery and seces sion , who gnvo aid and comfort to the rebel lion in every possible way "Copperheads , " "Butternuts" [ Laughter ] "The Knights of thn Golden Circle , " with all their brutal , degraded lies appearing hero as advocates mid champions of union soldiers and of the cause of human liberty , I sup posed from the enthusiasm displayed in favor of the military achievements of McClcllan and Hancock , that wo should upon inspection nt lust find that the leaders of the democracy , who had been so eulogized , were in sympathy with the union causa anil in sympathy with the efforts that they wcro making to overthrow the confederacy. Yet , Mr. 1'rosldent , at the very time , and during the very year when McClellun was fighting the battle of Antlctam , the senator from In diana , without excepting McClellnn and \vitl.out excepting Hancock , speaking at .Sul livan. Intl. , on the 5th of August , IbU. , gold , in reference- thq union soldiers , that they should go to the nearest blacksmith shop and have iron collars iniulo nnd placed around their nocks with the words inscribed thereon in largo letters , "My dog. A. Lincoln , " nnd nt the same tiuio ho referred to the union toldlcis as Lincoln's dogs and hirelings , without excepting McClellun or Hancock. ( Laughter nnd applause ] . And , dur ing the campaign , Mr. President , that resulted in the election of Abraham Lincoln , the senator from Indiana , whn is now co vehemently in favor of the prosecution of the war of the rebellion for putting down the south : who so eulogizes the ciToits of the union nrimcs and the genius of the union commanders ; who poses hero as n eycclal friend of the union soldier and as perses criticism upon the i > oUUcul characters itud affiliations of those who were engaged in that war , made n speech at Grccncastlo , Which was reported in the Cincinnati Coin- pjcrclal , August S , IbOl , by Joseph H. McCu- } V Jnfih. now suitor of the St. Louis Globe Dem- ccnst. Mr. Ingalls read extracts frqm the speech which declared the war n failure and spoke of Lincoln as u monster und im. unhappy felon. Ho passed to the question of the electoral tczatulwlcn of le ? ! ) und Uted that Uus a pit the democratic party had dug nnd fallen Into. Ho referred to Hon. Henry Walter- son's proclamation for "ono hundred thou sand unarmed Kcntuckhins" to visit Wash ington , nnd concluded by saying that they failed to matoralize owing to Grant's firm- nes ? , because If thcro was anything that would turn the average democrat Inside out , with indignation , It was the sight of n fed eral soldier In hluo uniform. [ Laughter. ] Referring to the fact that the country still hod the confederacy against it with nil that It implied in the past , ho asked , who was Lucius Qulntus Curtlus Lnmarl Ho wai never suspected of being n lawyer. [ Laugh ter. ] His bitterest enemy never accused him of that. Ho never had been admitted to the bar of the supreme court , on whoso bench ht'Iwas appointed. Ho never had tried n reported case in any tribunal , state or na tional , for thirty years. It was an open se cret that the president nt ono tlmo peremp torily refused to appoint him. Ho nskcd what necessity thcro iiud been for the presi dent to offend the loyal sentiment of the country by placing on tbo bench of the supreme court a man who was not n lawyer and who never bad been , and who had called Abraham Lincoln n buffoon. Why , of all men in the south , did the democracy select him and force him on n reluctant president nnd n reluctant people ! It was because Lnmnr was the nearest and dearest friend and representative of Jeffer son Davis. Thcro was no other explanation of It. If that was not true , then his nomina tion was n farce and a burlesque without ex cuse or explanation , Mr. Ingalls then referred to the speech mndo In the house of representatives In 1879 by Mr. Blackburn declaring it to bo the pur pose and Intention of the democratic party to keep on until It wiped from the statute book the last vestige of the war. Passing on to the question of elections In the 'south , ho snld , the republican party would have no right to complain If the south wcro kept solid by fair means. 13ut the democrat thcro had been playing the political gamewith loaded dice nnd had been "throwing sixes" all the timo. Ho held "stacked cards , " and played with a "cold deck. " Ho had a re volver in his boot aud a bowie knife Gown the back of his neck. In closing Mr. Ingalls said in the centuries that are to como ho saw the vision of united , prosperous and happy America , a vast , homogeneous domain of free men , the rulers of the continent from the polo on to the Gulf , from the Atlantic to the Pacific , enjoying the franchises of liberty and the perpetuating arts of pence. The people should remember , ho said , on each re curring day when they celebrated those who had died , that this country hold in its fruit ful and tender breast no more priceless treasure than the consecrated dust of tboso who had died in order that this might bo a government of laws and not of men , and that liberty and constitutional government might not perish forever from the fnco of the earth. Mr. Voorhecs arose and in slow , measured , resonant tones remarked that the speech which the scnato had just listened to recalled to his mind the fable of the mountain in labor. Two hours had passed away , after the blast of a trumpet before the largo audience enceand the senate , and what had they heard and what had they seen I A poor , small mouse creeping off. His allusion last Wednesday to the senator from Kansas had been merely incidental. Men mistook them selves nnd the senator from Kansas did so more than any ono ho know. That senator had not been ulivo politically since the Cth of March last , when the senator from Kentucky ( Mr. Blackburn ) disposed of him. Ho had mndo no attack upon him , but upon the re publican party. Ho proceeded to compare Ingalls to u peacock on a barnyard fence , posing of a summer morning , looking nt his own feathers as they glanced in the sun nnd vocalizing the whole neighborhood with his harsh , unmusical nnd unmeaning cry , un mindful of the fact that therewcro more useful fowls in the barnyard. How useless it had been for that senator to arraign him. Ho ( Mr. Ingalls ) had read to the senate the old , stale , putrid , rotten slanders of years gene by on which ho ( Voorhees ) had trampled in forty political campaigns. That ho over uttered ono word against union soldiers or talked of their hav ing collars around their necks was a base falsehood. Mr. Voorhecs alluded In a sarcastic and amusing manner to Ingalls' war record nnd said ho would stand with the senator before the soldiers of Indiana or Kansas nnd quit the senate If ho was not approved by them over Ingalls. Mr. Ingalls replied that ns the senator from Indiana had seen fit to invite n comparison between their records and their ru.ins ; ; to the Krcat question of the past twenty- flvo years , ho felt it his duty to put it on record from information In his possession , what the senator's history and record was. Ho should refer only to public matters In public records , and should venture the afllr- matlon that whatever ; might have been his ( Ingulls1) ) attitude toward the great struggle between the north and south the senator from Indiana had been from the outsctthodo- termlned , outspoken , positive , aggressive nnd malignant enemy of the union. "I pronounce that , " said Mr. Voohces. ris ing with anger In his eyes , "to bo n deliber ately false accusation. I voted for every dollar for that soldier , for every stitch of clothes bo wore , for every pension bill that rewarded his services. " Mr. lugallR said the senator came in hero to-day and thanked God ho never had been followed hero by a committee to question his right to his scat ; and with much dilTusencss of illustration had endeavored to cast asper sions upon him ( Ingalls ) and belittle him nnd humiliate him in the eyes of the American people when ho ( Ingalls ) had only referred to the senator's public utterances his speeches which ho had never denied. Mr. Voorliccs declared that ho did deny it. Mr. Ingalls replied that the senator could not deny the publication ho had read. It was ci verbatim report and so certified to. Mr. Voorhecs assorted that not a word or a syllable said by the senator was true or be lieved to bo true in Indiana. The accusa tion had boon trampled under foot. The senator's accusation that ho ( Voorhecs ) had ever been n member of the political secret society , the Knights of the Golden Circle , was so huso and infamously false that ho did not know how to choose lauguago to denounce it ns such. Mr. Ingnlls , continuing , snld the senator from Indiana hod written a letter for F. A. Slmto which that gentleman took south with him nnd filed In the confederate war depart ment in support of his application for an np- puintment us brlgndlcr general In the confed erate army. The letter was dated December I ! ? , ISM , and said : "On the disturbing twos- tloji of the day , his ( Shuto's ) sentiments are entirely with the south , and ono of his ob jects is pi obably to secure a homo In that bcctlon. I take this occasion to say that his sentiments and mine are in close harmony. " DANIEL W. VOOKIIKEH. The senator said the charge that ho called the union soldiers "hirelings and Lincoln dogs" uiuUsaid tlint they ought to go to a blacksmith shop and have an Iron collar put around their necks with the inscription ' 'My Dog Abraham Lincoln , " was u cam paign slander nnd u scandal that had been spit upon. That averment could bo sub stantiated by UK credible a witness as there was in the city. Voorhees And even If the senator said it , it would be an absolutely fnUo uud pnlpablu Ho. Ingalls Tlio senator Is disorderly. Continuing Mr , Jntralls read from a paper signed by n cltlrun of Sullivan county , who stated that they wcro printout nt u iiiectlnv on April 0,1SG3 , when Mr. Voorliccs mitdo the statement quoted. Everybody know what business the democratic party of In diana had bcn engaged in during the war. Seventy thousand of them had been mem bers of the Knlgnls of the Golden Circle nuil had been conspiring agalnuttho union. They hud cntei ed into a csiyblnation , according to General Holt , for the purpoao of aiding sol diers to desert , discouraging enlistments , cir culating treasonable publications , giving in telligence to the enemy , nnd assassination nnd murder , nni It was sticccptlble of proof , tlint thojr did conspire to unli-dcr government men. This organization , which the senator bald ho never belonged to , hr.d a ritual df which US copies were found iri the senator's oftlco ut the tlmo when HtuicocU was at Bloody Anglo. lu that saniooftlto was found other corres pondence concerning thticbjccln nnd "pur poses of that organisation , q'ho correspond ence of O. L. VftlUndmcbamnsK hi the office. The senator , in his address to his con stituents in 1S01 , hart declared ho would never vote a single dollar nor n single man for the prosecution of the war , nnd ho never hnd done so so long nt ho wns In congress. He had consistently nnd persistently voted ngnlnst every mensuro for upholding the union cause nnd reinforcing its nrmy. Mr. Voorhees hero said if the gentleman from Kansas would find S single veto that ho hnd cast ngnlnst the pnyntcnt of soldiers for their supplies , for bounties , against appro priations for pensions , ho would resign hii scat in the senate. Every word the senator had stated on that subject was absolutely false , by the record ; absolutely false. Ho measured his words. The senator had said that he ( Voorhecs ) was the object of his charity. The senator was the object of his contempt. He ( Voorhecs ) reiterated his de ntal concerning his friendliness to soldiers nnd snld the papers spoken ot had been left In his office to put up n job on him , Ho could only say , ns ho said to the people whoso names wcro on the paper from Sullivan county , that they lied and did not tell the truth nor did the senator when ho repeated what they snld. The letter with regard to Captain Shuto ho had written. It wns in December before the war , broke out nnd ho had sympathized with the feeling that thcro ought to bo a compromise. As to charity ho responded to that with contempt. Ingalls Did not the soldiers of Indiana threaten to hang the senator with the boll rene on n train after ho hnd inado that Lin coln dog speech I Voorhecs The senator Is n great liar when ho Intimates such things ; n great liar and n dirty dog. It never occurred ; never in the world. That Is nil the nnswcr I have , nnd I pass it back to the scoundrel behind the senator who Is Instigating thcso lies. ( This remark made In reference to Represen tative Johnson , of Indiana , who wns seated nt the desk directly In the rear of Ingalls. ) Ingalls Thcro is a very reputable gentleman - man in tho'chnmber , n citizen of Indiana , who informs that mo the signers of the certificate jaro entirely reputable inhabitants of Indiana , nnd that ho knows fifty people who heard the senator. Voorhees Tell him I say hells an Infamous scoundrel and n liar. Tell him I say so. Mr. Eustis , of Louisiana , said ho would Inform the senator from Kansas that the mode and manner in which the .Louisiana election hnd been conducted , being n state election , was none of his business , whatever. Ho denounced as scandalous , vituperative and unparliamentary , the language which hud been used by the senator from Kansas with reference to the people ple of Louisiana. Thcro seemed to bo a preconceived conspiracy among the repub lican leaders to question the legality of elec tions in the south for no other purpose than to convince northern people that n democratic administration elected by the suffrage- the people was a usurpation. Senator Gibson followed. Ho said the charges of the senator from Kansas wcro an aspersion upon the character and patriotism of the southern people. The southern people were doing their best. With benevolence , with charity , with composure and firmness they were Invoking nil of the resources of civilization to settle this question. The senate then adjourned. House. WASHINGTON , May 1. The scnato bill wns passed granting the right of way through Indian Territory to the Kansas City & Pacific railroad company. The house then went into committee of the whole ( Mr. Springer of Illinois in the chair ) on the tariff bill. Mr. McCrcary , of Kentucky , took the floor. President Cleveland , ho said , had ma'do him self conspicuous before the whole country by the wisdom and courage exhibited in his annual message , when ho recommended tax reform nnd reduction of the surplus. Congress snould lone ngo have reduced tax ation , but the journals of the house would show that the repeated efforts of the demo cratic party in that direction were thwarted by the gentlemen on the other side. Ho then turned his attention to that portion of Kelly's tariff speech in which the latter draws an unfavorable condition of affairs in Kentucky , nnd the speaker declnrcd the statements made by the gentleman wcro marvelous and gross misrepresentations. Mr. Fornn of Ohio opposed the bill. Ho discussed it nt some length mid earnestly op posed the proposition to plnco wool on the free list. Touching upon wages , ho declared if the bill passed , American workmen would bo compelled to compete with English work men nnd receive the same rate of pay for his work. Ho protested now and would protest under any nnd all circumstances against the false assumption and suicidal" declaration that thq soealled Mills bill involved demo cratic principles and democratic duty. If it was the intention of the bill to reduce the surplus , it would prove nn nbortlvo failure. As It now stood ho not only denounced it , but ho repudiated and denounced it. Mr. O'Ferrall ' of Virginia supported the bill. bill.Mr. Mr. Dorscy of Nebraska followed in oppo sition to the bill. Ho sold Industry and not population created wealth. Ho adjured the citizens of the west cither to stop trying to build up their cities or to defeat such at tempts ns wcro made in the pending bill to break down industries. The president might deceive the people until the next election but the people would then detect and undo the wrong. The commltteo then rose nnd the house adjourned , She Jliist Die , nnd Slio Did. ST. Josum , Mo. , May 1. ( Special Tele gram to the BEE. | Miss Emma Just , a young lady twenty-four years of ngo , committed suicide this morning by throwing herself in n well at her brother's residence , No. 1121 Fnron street. The young lady's family be came nlarmcd nt her long nbsenco nnd wont to look for her , whan their attention was at tracted to the well by loud cries for help , A rope wns procured and thrown to her. but she refused to tnko it. calling back , "Np , I must die ; I must die. " There was about ten feet of water in the well and it was impossi ble to rescue her until help was summoned. When n physician nrrlvcd Miss Just was dead , The unforumnto young lady is well known in St , Joseph nnd wns subject to fits of melancholy. She lived withj her brother , u Fourth street clothier. Gnniiningfl Secures a. Sir. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , May 1. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE. ] G. M. Cumniings , for merly general manager of the Union Pnclflo railway under S. R. Cnllawny , nrrlvcd in this city to-day nnd will succeed Acting Gen eral Manager Lush of the St. Joseph & Grand Island. Mr. Cummings retired from the Union Pacific when T , J. Potter took charge of affairs , and has since made his homo iu Now York City. Drawers' Strike. BITFAI.O , May 1 , About five hundred union employes in breweries went out on a strike this morning in obedience to orders from the nntlcnal union , Urowcrles are run ning with small forces , find the bosses have Ijiven the btrikeisfoity-clght hours to return. Found n Floater , Bi'r.MNOTON , In. , April 30. [ Special Tele gram to the Hcs. ] The body of a boy wns found llodUng in the river nt this place to-day and was recognized ns that of Charles Lleb. the fiftcen-ycw-old BOH of Joseph Lleb , of this city. The boy hr.d been missing flvo weeks. The Law Too Hlow 1'or Them. ATLANTA , Gn. , May 1. Henry Pope , colored , was hanged by a mob at midnight from thn court house veranda in Summer- villc. Ho was to Imvo been hanged Wednesday , but the news of a respl'o by the governor led the people of the county to lynch him. Ho hud bean convicted of rune. A. Scil'u Science. RAVENNA , Neb. , Muy 1. [ Special to Uo BK > : .J Ye tcidny ncca'j ' engineer run No. 40 , .east bound freight , oil an ppru nwitoh and upset n carUiftd of fat steers , turning that car ever on the sldo aid rtltehinjj another car leaded with horn , jfnstuauur trains are from cue to five bsm-j iauj daily ur.i ! get WOfiW a'.l tUOljUlO. DORSET'S ' DAY ON THE TARIFF , Nebraska's Member Prom the Third Opposes the Mills Bill. VOORHEES SCORED BY INGALLS. t The Kansas Senator Imys linro tn Pub lic Gn c the Conduct of the Tnll Sycamore During the Dnrlc Days oT the Rebellion. Dorscy Against Frco Trade. WASHINGTON Buniuu THE OMAHA BEE , 513 FOUUTEENTII Siiir.KT , WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 1 , Representative Ddrsoy ot the Third Ne braska district delivered a speech on the Mills tariff bill in thfi house this afternoon , nnd acquitted himself so well that ho was heartily congrntulntbd. In opening hli remarks - marks ho said : ' 'As ' ono of the representa tives of ono of the great progressive agricul tural states of the west , I feel it my duty to oppose- this bill on the ground that I believe it to bo n measure injurious alike to the agri cultural nnd labor. Interests of the country. This bill has not been prepared upon nny principle whatever , but it Is an emergency or expediency bill , patched up by the demo cratic majority of the committee on ways nnd means without giving n hearing to these in terests which are viinlly nffectod by the changes proposed. The frnmcrs of the bill claim that they have followed In the line recommended bv tho'prcsldent la his recent message , In which ho poses ns the friend o'f the fnrmcr , nnd wo .havo presented to us a bill which , in my Judgment , Ipjurcs every man engaged in agricultural pursuits in this country. It would directly injure 1,000,000 of our farmers because it proposes to put wool on the frco list , nnd it would indirectly injure every farmer In the country , because it proposes to reduce the duty or place on the free list so many1 articles that are now manufactured hero , and destroy so many im portant industries , nnd thus drive the opera tives to agricultural pursuits. In this rc- sncct the bill is the most vicious ever pre sented to the republican"congress. " Mr. Dorscy then gave an epitome of the different tariff acts ilrom 1810 to the present tlmo that relate to wool and woolens , and showed that when protection was given the wool growing industry * the Hocks increased nnd the weight of flecco also Increased , and the Industry was remunerative and prosper ous. He also showed that under an insufll- cicnt tariff the number of sheep in the coun try decreased and thd industry was seriously crippled , that this.-like alt other Industries , needs stability ; lipw , under a protective tariff and the building up of manufacturing Industries , the valuaof the products of the farm has increased , as' well as the value of the land ; grouping the states having the greatest number of manufacturing industries , showing that in these .states labor is better paid and the farmers more prosperous. "I have lived long enough in the west , " said Mr. Dorsoy , "to see the western portion of our continent clinngo iron n region wholly given over to the production of wheat and grain to states with , diversified Industries ; towns that have heretofore been distributive points for enstcru ntanufncturers. changed into centers of productive industry and dis- naces , mills , foctorie'aand workshops. First cmno the cultivators of tLo earth , whoso business it is to feed the many ; next cnmo these whose occupation it is to clothe such workmen and their fumillo and to shel ter the"m ; then comes the manufacturers of implements of all sorts , and as n consequence quence of this diversification como improved homes for the people , ( schools , churches , and every instrument of a higher civilization. There are hundreds of growing young cities throughout the west whoso enterprising people plo nro to-day offering to nny firm or corpora tion that will establish a manufacturing plant within the borders both lands and money ns n donation , ' thus to encourage the dovelopmo t of manufacturing industries. The representatives of these people arc asked to support a measure In this congress that will injure , if not break down , the industries that we of the woet arc striving to build up , I now say to thos'o enterprising citizens , cither stop trying to build up your cities or vote down the party that will bring forth such n measure ns tbo bill under considera tion. " Then Mr. Dorsoy answered the charge that agricultural progress nnd development wns greater under a" low thnn a high tnriff , showing by statistics the increase in number nnd values of horses , mules , cattle , sheep and swine , showing a gain of over 100 per cent from 1870 to the present ; also the increase in number and value of farms. The depreci ation that has takenplaco In free trade Eng land in agricultural lands nnd the price of labor , etc. , wore pointed out ; the condition of the agriculturists in England compared with these in this , country , which , ho said , could not bo answered by the advocates of the Mills bill. Ho also showed that the passage - sago of this bill would not benefit the con- 'sumer of manufactured articles upon which the tariff is reduced , but is wholly in the in terest of the manufacturer and importer ; how very little the tariff affects the prices of manufactured articles in common use , and the benefit directly the farmers of the coun try derive from n protective tnriff. Ho showed further the indirect injury resulting to farm ers from the closing up of manufacturing in dustries and driving to the cultivation of the soil so many thousands of laborers now en gaged in the factories. Mr. Dorsoy closed by saying : "Wo nil agree upon these propositions , namely : That the surplus should bo reduced and our revenue laws revised , but that thcso ques tions should bo dealt with in n business like manner and that these things should bo done which nro for the best interest of the coun try ; that wo should bo guided by the experi ence of the past whfch bus so plainly marked out our course , turning from tno seductive pleadings of the theorists nnd following the advice of the practical and successful busi ness man of the coijntry. In my judgment It is the duty of the president to at once expend the surplus now in tno treasury by purchas ing and retiring our bonds. Then congress should authorize th'o-disburscmcnt of the ? 100,000,000 of gold now in the treasury , held for the redemption of the legal tender notes. By using the surplus and the $100,000,000 of gold , wo could 'pay off f3M,000,000 ) of our obligations. To prevent such ac cumulations in the future wo should have a fair , just and equitable revision of our revenue laws , which should bo done after careful invcstlgatlqu and patient hearing of nil the interests nft > 'tod by the proposed changes. The prluciplo of protection to the interests that have been developed in this count ry should never bo forgotten. If wo could place lumber , coal aud salt on the frco list nnd reduce the duty pu sugar nnd molasses so that the revenue arising therefrom shall not.oxcecd ยง 10,000,000 per annum , and use a portion of that sum ! necessary to encourage sugar growing in the-country , the revenues would bo reduced to the extent required and the people of the country liciiullttcd nnd no Industry injured. This country is not ready to take the first stop In the direction of frco trade ; it will make glad the hearts of these who for the past thirty vcars have been working for the 'markets of the great re public. " EXCITING SCENES , IN THE SENATK. To-day's scenes in the senate will go into history as the most exciting and acrimonious that have over taken place in that august body. The combat of words between Sena tors Ingalls nnd'iVoorhces opened rather quietly , but at the end of four hours closed amid incidents of the most intense animation. Senator Ingalls , in replying to the speech de livered last , weelc by Senator Voorhcos. set n trap for his adversary and succeeded In catching him in the most perfect manner. In opening his remarks Mr. Ingnlls referred to the part the senator from ludlara took in the war , and charged him with Icing a copper head , a butternut and an artlvpf < artlclpnt.tln tbo Kn'jjbir. of i > Q&.dxn Uirc' scii all of. the Infamies of that organisation. Ho wn < Just enough personal to make the hooslcr senator flinch and squirm under the lash , so that when ho rose to reply to the senator from Kansas ho completely lott his balance nnd opened up n personal tirade , which licensed Mr. Ingnlls to do the exact thing ho desired. Mr. voorhces. In nn abusive way , charged Ingnlls with unfounded nnd malicious nsscrtlons , nnd declnrcd that the truth wns not in him to the charge that ho wns n mem ber of the Knights of the Golden Circle , nnd hnd conspired to not only nsslst the south In rebellion but to prostrnto the federal orga nization In the north. Mr. Voorliccs repeated time nnd again that ho had gene before the people of Indiana in elections , when thcso sntno things had been charged against him , and hnd every tlmo como out vindicated. Ho kept ringing the chnrgcs on having voted pensions for soldiers nnd with having been the soldier's friend. When Mr. IngaUs arose to reply to the passionate nnd hasty personal ussnult of Mr. Voorhecs , It was observed that the latter Instantly bccamo extremely nervous. It dawned upon him nt that moment that ho had made n fatal error and that his political doom wat about to bo scaled , for ho saw the senator from Kansas take from his desk n largo envelope , out of which ho drew official documents , manuscripts and records. Thcso wore all facts which Mr. Ingalls hud hold in reserve like n cannon loaded with broken glass , rusty nails and slugs , and when ho began his fusillade it was n pity to behold , Ho first drew an autograph letter upon Veer hecs , In which the latter In rec ommending n friend for an appointment to a brigadier generalship in the confederate nrmy , expressed his full sympa thy with secession and the war of the south. Following this. Mr. Ingalls for thrco-quarters of an hour produced unanswerable proof of Voorhecs1 connection with the Knights of the Golden Circle , the Sons of Liberty , and the leading traitors of the north , nnd showed that in his law office wcro stored rituals of the Knights of the Golden Circle , corre spondence with the loading officers of that organization in the country , its conspirators in Canada and the political night riders of the period. Voorhees1 anger was unbounded. Ho grow pale , his volco trembled , and ho shouted across the chamber epithets and such words ns"Llur , " "False. " Base , " "Unfounded , " till Senators Beck , Cockrell , Butler nnd others aboil b him moved up nnd begged him to desist. The scene at this time exceeded description. The overflown galleries broke into uproarious applause at Intervals , when the chair threatened to have all arrested who did not keep quiet , and then the immense audience lapsed Into a quietude so perfect that ono could hear himself breathe ; n mo ment more and the audience would lese its presence of mind nnd everything would bo confusion again over some scoring remark from the Kansas senator. Finally the climax was capped by Mr. In galls when ho retorted to an insolent remark from Voorhecs by saying : "Did not the soldiers of Indiana threaten to hang you on a train with the boll rope between Terre Haute nnd Grcencastlol" * Quick as n flash Voorhecs sprang to his feet and in the most dramatic manner rushed forward , pointing his linger directly at Rep resentative Johnson of Indiana , who sat im mediately behind Senator Ingalls , nnd ex claimed : "I hurl back in the teeth of the scoundrel , villain nnd dirty dog who sits behind - hind you the lies ho hns put in 3'our moxith. " Instead of applause there were hisses from the galleries which swelled into n storm. Further on , In trying to explain the cvldenco produced by Mr. Ingalls of the connection of Voorhecs with tbo Knights of the Golden Circle nnd the plots in Indiana to destroy the organization , the latter said that they were the result of n political Job put up on him by his enemies , nt which explanation thcro wcro jeers and hisses. Every effort to explain by the senator from Indiana was a miserable .fay .rflwuL-amounted to'uothiiig short o an apologyp-which made his colleagues hang their heads In shame. After the disgusting interruptions hnd pro gressed for some time , Senator Ingalls , turn ing to the senator from Indiana , exclaimed : "If this was n police court the gentleman f rom Indiana would bo sentenced to the rock pile for being drunk anil disorderly. " The remark created n sensation and directed every eye towards the senator nt which It wns mado. The result of the scrutiny was not Inclined to leave an impres sion in the minds of these present compli mentary to Mr. Voorhees. There were many who said that ho was laboring under some thing more than the excitement of the hour. If Senator Voorhees has any aspirations to the presidential or vice presidential nomina tion , or any ambition to further political honors , ho may as well banish them from his mind after the proceedings of to-day. Ho made a pitiable spectacle of himself , while the senator from Kansas disclosed a record of the senator from Indiana which makes him vulnerable nnd open to any kind of political attacks.MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. The comptroller of the currency to-day ap proved as reserve agents for national banks. the Omaha National for the First National of Dorchester , and the First National of Pawnco City ; also the United States Na tional of Omaha as reserve agent for the Oregon National of Portland , nnd the Chase and Merchants National of New York for the Cedar Falls National of Cedar Falls , la. The house committee on Pacific railroads hns agreed unanimously to accept Mr. Dor- soy's amendment to the Pacific railroad bill , giving states power to legislate for the con trol of the Pacific railroad traffic , the same ns if they were incorporated under state laws. PuuiiY S. HEATH. Army News. WASHINGTON , May 1. fSpecial Telegram to the BEE. ] Frank E. Upton , late wagon- master Light Battery F , Fifth artillery , now in the Lcavcnworth military prison , under the sentence of n general court mar tial for desertion , will bo released as soon as ho can bo enlisted in Light Battery F , Second artillery , for which authority is given. Leave of absence for six months on sur geon's certificate of disability , with permis sion to go beyond the sea , is granted Captain Augustus DeLoffre , assistant surgeon United States army. First Lieutenant Guy L. Edlo , assistant surgeon , now under orders to report for duty to the commanding officer Fort Douglas , Utah , will accompany the Eighth cavalry from the Department of Texas to the Depart ment of Dakota , and upon the completion of this duty will proceed to Fort Douglas. Paragraph L',070 of the regulations ns amended by general orders No. 1)3 ) of 1SSH , from this ofllco , Is further amended to read us follows : Paragraph 2,070. After the clothing nnd equipage is received nt a post the quarter- muster will make issue on special requisi tions ( form No.UK ) In the usual manner , In such quantities nnd at such times ns the com pany or detachment commanders may re quire. To complete the record the discharge of First Sergeant Artemus McClnren , Company I , Twenty-ninth low.x infantry volunteers , February ? , 1SU5 , is amended to take effect December 111 , 1601 ; his muster into service as first lieutenant , same company nnd regiment , Februaiy 8 , IbU. ) , is amended to date January 1 , Ib05 , nnd ho is mustered for pay in said grade during the period embraced between the aforesaid dates. Patents to Westerners. WASHINGTON , May 1. [ Special Telegram to the BEB.J The following patents were granted northwestern inventors to-day : Casey , Thomas H. , Cedar Falls. la. , tlio bolt holder ; McClucy , Hugh , Keokuk , In. , detachable tachable- plow point ; Pierce , Charles , Monti- cello. In. , belt tightener ; Schott , Joseph S. , Burlington , la. , liamo tug ; Tridi-ll , John F. , Clinton , Iu. , machine for swaging saw tcoth ; Ware , .Joseph U. , assignor of one-half to J. U. Krautz , Marcugo , la. , nut lock. and Iowa WASHINGTON , May 1. [ Special Telegram to the BEE..Tho following pensions wci o granted Ncbraskans' to-clayt Original in valid Jamus Welstrad , Fremont ; R. Mike- sell , Hnrtwcll ; Henry 'J. Melven , Murqucltc. Reissue William Brady , Omaha. Original widows , cte.--Ainy , mother of John Willsoa , North Auburn. Pcn&tons for lowans : Crib'tool ln\alkl Jnmes P. Mend , Plorson ; John C. PnrUh , DCS Molncs ; Anson J. Smith , Fnycltc , John T. Pnrkor , Slgourncy ; Joseph Wllcox , New ton ; Nlnnlan II. Schooley , Akron ; Henry Snyder , Guthrie Center. Increase William P. Blnghnm , Murray : % Tohn Forrlso , ( navy ) , Keokuk. Original widows , etc. Minors of Joseph Barrett , Dos Moiiics ; minors of John A , Crippcn , Troy Mills , North Liberty and Cednr Fnlls. Mexican survivors Jacob Whaloy , Cottngo. Reissue Henry Whit man , Galcsburg. Mexican widows Elnstclne , widow of Frederick Stummn , Shady Grovo. I'lilillo Debt Statement. WASHINGTON , May 1. Following is n re capitulation of the public debt statement : Interest bearing debt : Principal , $1,038,109- 702 ; Interest , f7OOTiai3 ; total , $1,045,705,103. Debt on which interest hns censed since ma turity , $2,810,029 ; debt bearing no Interest , WT S,2MM3. ! Total debt : Principal. * 1,099- 097,150 ; Interest , $7,730,217 ; total , $1,700,833- 870. Total debt , less available cash items , $1,291,877.824 ; notcnsh In trcnsury , $110,344- Dfi'J. Debt less cash In treasury May 1 , $ l,18l,03 .8.)5 ; debt less cash in treasury for reduction of public debt , $314,1155,552 ; total cash In treasury , as shown by treasur er's general account , $590,308,518. I'ostnl ClinnROfl. WASHINGTON , May 1. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE ! The following 'Nebraska pOBtortlccs wcro established to-day : Kelly , Box Butte county , Henry Hoffman , postmas ter ; Thompson , Cheyenne county , Elijah Beers , postmaster. A postofllco was estab lished at Cnnby , Adair county , Iu. , S. E. Spaldlug , postmaster. Washington Itricfb. Bond offerings to-day aggregated $2,002,000. The decrease in the public debt for April was $9,800,000. The president has approved the act ol making appropriations for the support of the military academy for the fis cal year ending Juno SO. ISSO ; the act to secure the rcllnqulshmcnt of Indian title to certain portions of the Sioux reservation. and the act providing for the extension of the system of beacon lights on the Illinois river. HONORING SOHUR2. Royalty and People Admire the Ger man-American. ICopj/rtoM ISSSbu Jamct Gordon Bcnnttt. ] BERLIN , May 1. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] Cnrl Schurz nnd Henry Villard nro hnvlng a grand time feted , lunched and dined dolly , and the choicest vintages of Rhincland are placed at their disposal everywhere. Schurz , by pre vious appointment , called upon Bismarck to-day at 1 o'clock nnd had a pleasant chat with him , which was interrupted after n half hour's duration by the chancellors being summoned to the emperor. Bismarck , notwithstanding the rain , drove from Wilhelmstrasso to Chnrlottenburg in nn open victoria. I have never scon Bismarck look better than to-day halo , handsome , hearty and as straight as a ramrod. Saturday Schurz leaves Berlin to spend some months at Kiel. Saturday's dinner by Professor Ghelst , the kron prinz's mentor , continues to attract much attention because of its semi-official character nnd the warmth of feeling shown by nil present toward tbo Americans. Count Herbert , who has just refused the title of Prince Gcchmrath , Rot- tcnburg , the chancellor's confidential secre tory , Count Arco , the new American minis ter , together with representatives of most of Germany's political parties , nil expressed cordially their admiration for America nnd Americans , nnd wcro nnswcrcd equally cor dially by Schurz , Villnrd , Colemnn Crosby of the legation , nnd Consul General Rccnc. The public reception which has been offered Schurz will be early in Juno if ho ilnds it possible to return to Berlin then. I saw Villard today. Ho says ho finds much confidence in American securities over prospects of good times , ns all the disturbing elements seem to have been already dis counted. Speaking of the crown prince ho said ho thought his ability and conservatism was not appreciated outside of Germany. A Duel Kmls Without Death. [ Copj/rfuM 18S8bu Jama Gordon Bennett. ] PAUIS , May 1. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] The expected duel between Duke Gramont and M. Raimbauld , son of Louis Napoleon's ecuyer , came oft very quietly at the favorite dueling ground on the race course. Lo Vcsinot. The weapons chosen were swords , and the hour 1 p. ra. General Do Bauffrcmont and the Marquis Do In Grande were the duke's seconds ; M. G. Esptcta and Alfono Do Aldama acted for M. Raimbauld. At the third engagement Raim bauld pricked his adversary in the groin nnd the compat censed. The wound is nbout an inch in depth , but not dangerous. After the duel the dnko was taken homo. His wife is nursing him , nnd ho is now sleeping healthily. It Is rumored In the clubs to-night that ho will withdraw from the Circle do la rue Royale. The Duke in Ignorance. [ Copi/rfyM 18SS by Jamu Gunlnn Bennett. ] LONDON , May 1. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. | Tlio dukoof Norfolk was interviewed by the Herald late last night on the statement current to the effect that Cardinal Manning Is to bo made a life peer if Salisbury's bill is passed. Ho de clares himself In ignorance of any such pro ject nnd had not heard a word of the subject , Ho affirmed equal ignorance of the primates of Ireland nnd a bishop of the Scotch Episco pal church being similarly honored , and also of the Imaginary statement that the honors wcro given ns u quid pro quo for the papal dccrco ngninst the plan of campaign. Thn Emperor Worse. LONDON , May L A dispatch from Berlin says the emperor passed a sleepless night and that his fever hns increased. BKIILIN , May 1. The emperor's fever in creased this evening. His expectoration is more copious , mid the cough worso. Ho Is also suffering from a headache. An attempt bus been made to relieve him by inserting u now cnnula. During the day ho was lan guid und had little appetite. During the last twenty-four hours sovorul portions of tissue have como awiiy from the emperor's throat. The fever was duo to inflammation in the immediate vicinity of the wound through which the canula passes. Df. K , Cnnrerenno , NnwYoiiK , May 1 , The general con f ercnco of the Methodist Episcopal church opened its session this morning. Bishop Bowman , senior bishop , presided , The number of ministerial delegates elected isSit , and the number o ! lay dtlei/utes 175. Among the lay delegates are six women. Every state and territory in tl.o union is represented , mid thcro uro delegates from Canada , Mexico , China , Japan , Africa , Italy , Germany , Swe den. Norway , Switzerland and India. Bishop Bowmu'i ' appointed two committees to r-onBtdCT tlio ollglbillty of women delegates - gates und foivli/n delegates ngulnst whom protests hud been made. Tlio protests against the wornon are on the ground their ndmibsion implies nnd compels n vital in terpretation by this body of a law not enacted by the general conference alone , but wiilrh wa-iordnined by constitutional process. LONDON , May 1. Admiral Kir Alfred Ryder h s been ilrovnicd in the TUaiics by accident. No Ohio aa Yet to the Double Murderer , WHO CAN THE THIRD PARTY .BE Evidence Almndant ot the I'rescuoo of a Friend of tlio Unfortunates at the Lnst Meal Partaken on the Fatal Day. The Mystery Still Unsolved. COI.OHADO SrniNos , Colo. , May ! . [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The coroner this af ternoon empanelled n Jury nt Mnnttou to hold nn inquest over the remains of Mrs. Kearney nnd her seven-year-old grandson , Jean Hnnd. The only witness that testified was Miss Nol- Ho Ellsworth , tlio youngest daughter of Mrs. Kearney and the aunt of Jean Hnnd. Her testimony did not elicit nny thing additional to that already reported. She states that hctt nunt had no money or valuables nbout the house and that she did not believe the deed was committed for robbery. The Jury dlif not go Into anything of n family nature and * the inquest was only hold to determine the , exact cause of death. The session was ot short duration nnd the Jury returned n ver dict to the effect that thuldcccased came to their death from the blows of n hatchet in the hands of n party or parties unknown. An effort Is being made to Induce the county officials to offer n reward for the perpetrators of the awful deed. Who committed the crlmo Is the mystery which now confronts the offi cials. Wcro these defenseless people murdcrcoV for their money or owns there osomo over powering motive which induced the mur derer to commit the butchery ? If money merely was the object , why was the bjy killed first ! The house had the nppcarnnci of having been ransacked , but It Is thought that the old lady had but little money or valuables in the houso. Vague hluts nro thrown out that tbo motive for the crime may bo found in the family Itself. Between the Hands and Kearneys there has alwayft been a bitter feud , which was the outgrowta of a sudden dcntli under suspicious circum stances in this city seven years ngo. It id stated that the boy would have como into a fortune on reaching his majority. It is certainly - , tainly ono of the most peculiar crimes ever committed in Colorado , and brings to light many things almost forgotten in connection , ' with these people. The father of Iho murdered boy died la this city somo.years ngo , suddenly from ail" overdose of morphine , although it was be * 1 loved by many that ho committed suicide , nnd even darker suspicions wcro entertained. His wife was a most beautiful woman , and Is ; to-day studying to appear on the operatW' stage in New York. Fred Hand's father was Immensely wealthy , and from the day of his son's death until his own , which occurred nbout two years ago , there existed n fouct between the Hand nnd Kearney families. ' When the old mnn Hnnd died ho loft a great part of his fortune to thq murdered boy , but ; loft it In care of a Philadelphia trust com pany , and only a small allowance hns been given Mrs. Kearney annually for the sup port of the child. Now it appears that at the time of the murder thcro was a third- party In the house with her and the boy. That this person , whoever and whatever ho wa ? , committed the crime thcro can bo no doubt. Who was ho Is the question. There were three plates on the table and their nec essary accompaniments , nnd whoever th murderer is was the visitor for whom tl' ' third plato was set. All appearances indicate that this visitor went to tno house for the purpose of mur der ; that ho first struck the bov n blow on the head with a hatchet in the houso. Mrs. Kearney rushed to the assistance of the boy , who had gene struggling out of the door , ana as she went out pulled the door to and it locked Itself on the Inside by a spring look. She then rushed for safety to the stable and the murderer made an exit from the house by means of a window and arrived at the stable. Thcro is every indication to show that Mrs. Kearney closed the door nnd had time to drive u nail on the Inside to hold it before the murderer got there nnd that ua1 spite of the nail and her own efforts to hold the door the villain pushed it open nnd brained her in the corner where he hnd crowded her , nnd that tie then returned to the house whcro thoboyhad fallen unconscious at the door , nnd if not dead dispatched him , carried him to tno the stable and threw him into the box as ho was found. The fact Is evident that the vis itor was n friend of the family or some ono who could claim some intimacy with him. It is said that the fortune loft the boy is nearly ono million dollars , nnd that there are parties who would bo interested in his death to the amount of two-thirds of that sum. A Defaulter. ISEW YORK , May 1. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] While the body of the venerable George H. Potts lay in its coffin yesterday awaiting burial , rumor began to toy with the affairs of the National Park bank , of which ho was president , for the first time in the history of that Institution. It Is said Charles I. Dobcaum , assistant cashier of the bank , is u , defaulter to the amount of $100,000. Ho had been connected with the institution twenty years. The bank Is ono of tlio richest in the country npd will not feel the loss. The de faulter's mctfioclfl wcro to mtnlpulata hooks'J and it is thought his peculations have efc- tondcd over a long period. The directors wijl , not as yet mnko nny statement und nothing , definite is known no to Dobcaum'a where * abouts. _ Lynched. YicKsnuna , Miss , , May 1. Jim Harris , colored , who criminally assaulted Mrs. Sim mons hero Sunday night , was lynched last night. Vent to Tholr RAPID CITV , Dak. , Muy 1. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The great anxiety that has prov.illcd hero for ton days is over , and to-night the feelings of the people find vent in iv manner expressive of the most exuberant joy. When the news of tlio president's signing - j ing the Sioux reservation bill came this after noon all were on the anxious scat , but at once commenced a series of lively demonstra tions which still continue. Bonfires , biuis bands , giant powder rockets , cr.iokcrg , cheers , bolls , etc. , enter largely into the exorcises.Vino corks nro also flying1. Everybody Is happy and the town won't sleep to-night. A n\K \ Consolidation. ST. PAI-L , Minn. , Muy 1. The directors of the Minneapolis & Pacific , Minneapolis , Sault Stc. Marie ft Atlantic , Minneapolis & St. Croix and Aberdeen , UismaiLk.t Northwest ern railways met yesterday nnd formally ap proved articles of consolidation of the jour companies. The numoof the four lines will bo changed to the Minneapolis , St. Paul & Sault SVc. Marie. A UlK Klr . Kr.iTiisnuua , III. , May L A lire iu the business portion of the city nt 5. o'clock this morning , and at 7:30 : was still raging. Ono block of stores is already burned. There is no regularly orpraubed dcparlincutbutth | n- habitants turned nut und uro lighting wo flames. The lofcs go far amounts to 175,000. * A I'anlo in Tin. LONT/ON , April SO. There JB a panic In the tin market. The. French syndicate lias ceased buying' . The casl | price 1ms fallen from lf > > to 105 per ton , and little haa chaugcd bunds at this juice , ' t