Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE OJMAHA DAILY . .BEE : . TUESDAY , MAT 1. 1888.
fSTho internal revenue collections yes-
tcnlay amounted to $8,778.04.
The party announced for last Satur
day night by the Imperial club was
postporicd until this evening.
The BEK InstjGovoning cave nn ac
count of Johnson , n Supposed plumber ,
being flogged by two thugs on Tenth
street. Mr. .7. D. Johnson , a reputable
plumber of this city , called to say that
lie Is not the person referred to , which
it has been since learned , is the fact.
The Joe Williams that wan arrested
Saturday night for making Iho criinul
assault upon the seven-year-old child ,
is not the Union Pacific braketnan.
Al though bearing the same name , Mr. '
Williams , the Union Pacific employe ,
docs not care to bear the blame of an
other man's crime.
There was a misunderstanding in re
gard to the public mooting that was to
have been hold at Motz hall Sunday
to organize n worklngman's educational
society , and the hall was not opened.
About seventy men wore present to organize
ganizo the society. A meeting will bo
called for next .Sunday afternoon for the
bamo purpose. _
Personal PnriiRrnplift.
I. 1. ImhofT , of Lincoln , Is nt the 1'nxton.
J , M. Hill , of Lincoln , Nob. , Is at the Mil-
B.-F. Scarborough , of Wllbcr , is nt the
C. C. Morse , of Lincoln , Nob. , is at the
Paxton ,
J. G. Campflcld , of Sioux City , la. , Is at the
L. 'f. Calkins , of Fremont , Nob. , Is nt the
.1. R Knnni ) , of Clmdron , Neb. , Is at the
Paxton ,
J. L. McDonough , of Ord , Nob. , Is at the
J. W.Worl , of Sterling , Neb. , Is at the
E. D. Webster , of Stratton , Nob. , is at the
J. M. Grlfllth , of Wuhoo , Neb. , Is at the
Hon. J. E. North , of Columbus , Nob. , is at
the Paxton.
W. H. Conger , of Loup City , Nob. , Is at
tbo Millnrd.
A. M. Johnson anil wife , of Curtis , Neb. ,
arc at the Mlllard.
II. J. Kilp.itrlcl : anil wife , of DcatrlceNcb. ,
nro at the Paxton.
Mrs. M. M. Good , of Fremont , Neb. , is reg
istered at the Pnxton.
Messrs. Paul AV. Jackson and John H.
Markley , of Nlobrara , Noli. , are at Hie Pax-
H. N. Foote , of Atlantic , la. , arrived in
Omaha yesterday and ia registered at the
Judge Groflf returned from Paiillllon yes-
terduy evening , where ho adjourned the dis
trict court until to-morrow , when Judge
"Wnkeley will preside.
Foreclose : ! .
Bradstrcct's reports the foreclosure of
mortgages upon the stock of John Levin of
"Wahoo , and Chapman & Brewer of Gandy ,
in this state.
A Ixjst Boy.
Michael Snydcr , the fourteen-year-old son
ofV. . P. Snyder , who resides near the ter-
ininus of South Thirteenth street , has been
missing slnco Thursday last , and his parents
are In much distress over the matter. They
had Just moved here , and the hey was totally
unacquainted with the city. Ho wore a cap
and u dark suit of clothes , and has lost the
third finger of his left hand.
Going to Columbus.
Omnhn division 1C. of P. , twenty-four
strong , will leave this morning for
Columbus , where , in the evening , a division
of the uniform rank of the order , consisting
of forty men , will bo instituted by Captain
John Haywnn ) , commander of the Omaha
division. Besides the latter command ihere
will bo about thiity other knights present
from this city. The institution will be followed -
lowed by a reception. The management in
Columbus is In the hands of Captain Harry
Vail and Charles Miller , formerly of this city.
After Sprint : Clothes.
Two well'Orgnnfocd burglars entered the
bascmpnt of Mr. John M. Tanner's residence
about midnight Saturday night , and carried
away between ? 100 and $150 worth of summer
clothes of Mr. and Mrs. Tiinner's and their
Jittlo daughter , that were in a trunk in that
part of the house. Mrs. Tanner had been
cleaning house during the wcok , and had put
the trunk thcro until her upstairs cleaning
was completed. The men were seen at their
work by Mr. Tanner , but while ho was look
ing for his pistol they made their escape.
The entrance to the basement was effected
through a window. It is supposed that the
burglary was committed by some tramps
Who wcro begging at the house iu the after
noon. IBSI _
Congregational Churches.
The annual meeting of the Omaha associa
tion of Congregational churches convenes to
day at the Illllsido church , Thirtieth and
Ohio streets , and will continue until Thurs
day evening. A largo attendance is expected
and provided for. Strangers arc requested
to tnlto the red or green street cars going
north. The church is three blocks west of
the terminus. Following Js the programme
for the afternoon :
2 : 'M p. m. Devotional Meeting .
. Led by Kov. J. T. Otis
3:00 : p. m. Organization , .
Kcports from Churches .
1:00 : p. m. Sermon ) > y Hov. G. W. Wainwright -
wright "Tno Incarnation of
the Biblo. " .
Fellowship and Supper.
T :30 : p. m. Pralso Service .
. Led bv Rev. J. A. Ilultinan
B:00 : p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. Question Box .
. Kev. Willard-Scott
6:30 : p. m , Sermon ( by the retiring mod
erator ) . Kov. E. P. Uucln ,
followed by the Lord's Sup
per .
"French" 'fillips. "
The Bohemian oat swindler is not alone , for
a new artist has turned up who bids fair to
eclipao the efforts of Ins partner ,
Inasmuch as ho conllncs his efforts to the
, horticultural branch of the business. Some
two weeks ago a mild looking individual who
were spectacles and who imtuio had endowed
with a very sweet smile , appeared at the
front door of various residences in Noith
Omaha with n b.isket mil of bulbs which ho
said wcio 4'Fi eni'li tulips. " Ho carried u
colored lithournph of the flower which in
dicated that n "French tulip" was a
thing of exceeding gi'cat beauty and while
not a joy forever was a Joy for a
year or two at least. As the plants flourish
best In the houbo and would thrive vigor
ously In nn ordinary tftniato can , the retail
dealer In bulbs did qulto a business at 50
cents each. Slnco that time u number of
ladles have watched the growth of their
plants with great euro and anxiety. Recently
it has been discovered that the bulbs wcro
What is commonly known as "Indian turnip , "
n plant celebrated for its medicinal qualities ,
nud which Is found in great numbers in
marshy lands , mul now a famuli brigade of
angry liouso wives are looking for the young
man who swindled them.
of Public Works.
At an adjourned meeting of the board uf
public woiks held yesterday the follow-
csthnatcs and bills wcro received :
To James Porter for repairing dump beats ,
John J. McDonald for repairs on sewers in
districts S , 00 , 117 andCS , Ht > 03.83.
To Hugh Murphy for OO.OOu cubic yards of
crudlng on Dodge street from Twenty-sixty
avenue to Thirty-sixth street , $3,01i.75. !
Third monthly estimate of H. D. Fitch , t
Co. , for grading on Jones street from Twenty.
fourth to Twenty-nlxth street , § 151.87.
First monthly estlma.'o of O. A. Jcnson , for
grading on Fnrnam sticot from Thirty-sixth
street wast to the city limits , J23t'J5. )
Fourth monthly estimate of C. F. Williams ,
for grading Fifteenth street from the B. A :
M. trade to William street , ffi57.
TJO monthly bills allowed were : Sewer
inspector's p.iy roll , J300.00 : curbing ic-
cpcctbr , 1173 10 ; paving inspector , fW.&O.
P. E. llfr , who vu turned xi bhort time ago
tew Q ! esbU g and Pcoria , reports that in
both places Jirlck pavement 5s In use , which
ia far superior to any wood pavement he has
ever seen. In 1'eorin the brick paycmcnnt
lini been Inld for fll-c years and is Just as good
no , when it was Inid.
The bidders for the sewer In the alley be
tween Fnrnam and Hnrnoy nnil from Ninth
to Seventh street wtis I' . H. McCauley ! In
district CO. in Armstrong & Nelson's addi
tion , J. C. Elliott , agent ; In
district 07 on Woolworth , Popple-
ton nnd Park ixvrnucs Hugh Murphy ;
In district 68 , Twenty-fourth street , north of
Cumlngnnd Kountzo place , J. C. Elliott ,
The board derided to re-advcrtlzo for bides
for the construction of the three-foot culvert
on Thlrty-flfth , from Lcavcmvorth to Jones ,
nnd on Jones from Thirty-fifth to Thirty-
fourth , the figures of the contractors being
larger than wcro thought necessary.
A resolution by Mr. Helmrod was intro
duced and adopted authorizing the chairman
of the hoard and the city etiBlncur to dis
charge any Inspector of public work who
shall bo found Incompetent
the discharge of his duties.
I hnve opened my Woodruff prnnito
quarries and can fill all orders of almost
any dimensions * Rock can ho seen at
stone yards ofVm. . Tyler , Lincoln ,
Neb. THOS Piucu.
United States Court.
George Chrlstcnscil Hied n transcript
In the United States district court yesterday ,
suing the Union Pacific railroad company for
$10,000 damages for Injuries received while
iu the employ of that corporation. At the
time ho was hurt ho was loading car wheels
on a car when a fellow workman dropped
ono of the disks on his foot , crushing his
ankle. Ho was laid up for several months
unable to do any work and the Injuries re
ceived have made him a cripple fpr life.
William M. Collins ft Co. . wholesale liquor
dealers , has tiled a bill In the United States
circuit court against Dennis ( Jutininclmm ,
Julius C. Her , Clifton E. Mn.ync and John
Hlley to recover UOO barrels of sour mash llro
copper whisky. The plaintiffs claim that
these goods wcro traded for ten lots In God
frey's addition which the defendants valued
at ( OoO each , when In fact they ore worth but
$50 each. According to the agreement be
tween the contracting parties the
defendants were to sell the lots for
Williams < fc Co. , and if they were not sold for
JI550 each by May 1 , Collins & Co. wcro to re
ceive $050 each from the defendants the same
as though they had been sold. The plaintiffs
therefore wish for a return of the whisky or
.its value , $3,075.
District Court.
The district court adjourned yesterday
until Wednesday.
Late Saturday evening Fred Ilawcs ap
peared before Judge Groff nnil asked for nn
order restraining the B. & M. from paying
over money duo him , to E. S. Flagg , of Coun
cil Bluffs , who had garnished his salary. The
injunction was granted.
Mrs. Estclla E. Kough was granted n
divorce from her husband , Joseph S. Kougli
on the ground of adultery.
Nicholas Schmittroth llled a suit against
Paul F. Stein to recover property In the de
fendant's possession levied upon to satisfy a
David M. Sells petitions the court to
order the sale of certain prem
ises owned by George E. and Joseph Barker ,
that ho might bo reimbursed In the sum of
$33.78 for labor performed for the defend
Judge Wakely yesterday issued a tempo
rary injunction ajr.ilnst the Omaha and Flor
ence Land nnd Trust company restraining
them from further interference with the land
represented to bo owned by Dennis Dee.
Nicholas Schmittroth yesterday com
menced action against Paul F. Stem , a con
stable , to recover certain property in posses
sion of the constable and reploviucd by him.
sunn IIY JOHN s. KIXO.
Charles W. MoVieker , John W. Foster and
Davidson G. Jasmer llffiiro as defendants in
a prommlssory note suit in the sum of $ C50 ,
brought by John S. King , who asks that a
mortgage held by him to secure the payment
of the note bo foreclosed and sold.
Jacob David represents that ho is the law-
f nl owner of lot 0 , McCandlish place , nnd
that he is annoyed by Lorcnz Hall claiming
it. David sets forth from whom ho secured
the deed , and asks the court to put a quiet
ude oil the assertions of Lorcni.
County Court.
No business beyond making a few orders
in a few minor cases was transacted by
Judge Shields yesterday.
Tno E. M. Hulso Mattress company of
Quincy , 111. , has filed a suit against the New
York Storage company nnd J. L. Watson
for 383 duo for goods sold and
deliverer ! to the former , and which the latter
defendant agreed to pay.
Frank Wussorman in his complaint
against Ralph W. Council maintains that the
latter keeps him unlawfully out of goods of
the value of $500 , and ho appeals to the court
to bo given possession of the same.
Police Court.
Drunk nnd Disorderly "Whisky" Jack'
flvo days ; Tom Kellcy , $10 nnd costs ; May
Jackson , $5 and costs ; II. Cfulltihan , 5 and
costs and ten days ; Jim Martin , $15 and
costs ; Mark Petty , $15 nnd costs ; George
Kennedy , Fred Londlnc , Ed. Johnson , ron-
tinned ; James Johnson , Charles Bloomberg ,
E. E. Prussia , discharged.
Vagrants Ellas Buckley , six days ; J .lines
Logan , ono day ; J. J. Cunningham , dis
Larceny Dan Evans , discharged.
Suspicious Characters John McCnrtcy ,
Clay Hicks , Sam Winters , Harry Upshaw
and Nat Brown , continued.
Fighting-Mj AJ. Sill and E. E. Prussey ,
3 r mul costs each.
An Imperative Necessity.
What pure nir is to nn unhealthy
locality , what spring donning is to the
neat housekeeper : BO is Hood's Sar&u-
parllla to everybody , at this BCiibon.
The hody needs to bo thoroughly reno
vated , the blood purified anil vitilizcd ,
the germs of disease destroyed , scro
fula , suit rheum , nnd nil other blood
disorders nro cured by Hood's Sursa-
parilln , the most popular nnd successful
spring medicine.
Mr. "Well1 Tells How Ho Proposes to
ICnlni'iro tlio Flro DcpnrtmiMit.
Last winter Mayor Broatch asserted that ,
because of an overlap in the llro ana polled
fund It would bo necessary to reduce the the
depart men 150 per cent. The announcement
created the greatest excitement among citi
zens and property holders , and immediately
Secretary Weir , of the Underwriters' union ,
proclaimed the fact that If the reduction of
that arm of the city's protection took place ,
the rates of Insurance on property would be
raised 50 per cent. While an overlap did nnd
docs now exist , the threatened reduction did
not take place , but the same gentleman held
that Omaha's lira-fighting service was not
adequate to the icnulremeuts and that on the
llrst of May the said service would have to
bo increased by live steam engines , five hose
carts , ono hook and ladder truck
with hose , other equipments and men
necessary for this work. If this increase In
the drjpaitmcnt were not made the rates
would bo iacreasod. The limit given expires
Yesterday Secretary Wclr sold that the
Underwriters' union had decided , at leatt
for the present , not to insist upon the demands -
mands made above. It felt disposed to leave
tno desired increase to the intelligence of
the city's officers , and that It would not now
raise the rates' ot Insurance. The union ,
howvypp , hud npt ehangod its mind that the
Increased force demanded and , through Mr.
Weir , would bring the matter to the atten.
tton of the boaitl of lire and police conimis-
bloneis I'.nd also to the mayor. Mr. Weir
Mild thut ho would bring the matter beloru
these gcQtlcmen tLis week.
Holes to UeCelve And Their Blinking
Up Various Items of Interest *
The Ink on the circulars issued by the Col
orado railroad association Is scarcely dry
when behold comes tholnformation that ; the
rates made at the meeting nro again to bo
disturbed. The now rates cut under tha old
about 40 per cent and wcro destined to aston
ish the Fort Worth ft Denver management- ,
Which hns been cuttinc.nnd slashing matters
generally , a lesson. Hut Instead of the Fort
Worth line being hurt as was anticipated it
Is shippers at Kansas City who are- crying
"quarter. "
The old 55 cent differential was regarded
as a permanent fixture , nnd when the new 30
cent ono was adopted it was regarded as nn
Inovatlon , But in a contest between railroads
d'ffcrentlalg ' count for naught under present
rates. Missouri river shippers are doing all
in their power to restore the old relations in
regard to differentials which is impossible.
The rate from St. Louis being $1.00 would
not admit of it ns far ns Omaha mul Kansas
City is concerned us the rate from these two
points then would only bo $1.05.
A meeting of the Western traDlo as
sociation which Is being held In Chicago
cage to day will consider the question
nnd If no decision is reached In the
matter another meeting of general managois
will bo called at once.
It Is stated that n combine was effected be
tween the Union Pacille nnd Fort Worth
lines for the transcontinental trafllc business
by which freight matter destined for Europ
ean points and which Is now carried via
Northern I'aclllc to Duluth and thence by
lake to Buffalo and thence to the seaboard
will bo delivered by the Union Paclflo to the
Fort Worth road nt Denver thence to Galveston -
veston Texas and thence by steamer to
Liverpool. The rates to bo much cheaper
than the all rail route across the continent.
In the event of any action Hko that there Is
no question us to the action of Chicago lines
between Omaha and Chicago as they would
in nn event of that kind endeavor to have all
their freight delivered for .western points
scut over the B. it M. and the result would
bo a little war. Whether or not the Union
Piielilo takes such action depcndson whether
the former action will pay better than the
present system.
To-day the passenger department of
the 15. &M. will issue a' circular cbnccrnlng
charges for storing baggage which will bo
nearly as follows. Baggage can bo left at sta
tions during the first twenty-four hours free ,
each additional twenty-four hours or frac
tion thereof 10 cents per piece , except on
Saturdays when baggage arriving after 2
p. m. will bo stored until Monday noon free
of charge. This latter clause is a-new feature
and was adopted at the recommendation of
commercial tourists who 'have always
claimed that it was unjust to charge them
storugo on baggage Sundays.
A private letter from Quincy , 111. , re
ceived Saturday night , gives the details of a
wreck at that point on the Chicago , Burling
ton & Quincy , in which engine 1B9
and special car 88 were ditched
by the carelessness of Engineer Qucnan
nnd Conductor Corwln , who , notwithstand
ing the fact that the switch nt the "Y"ncar
the crossing of the St. Louis. Kansas &
Northwestern is always locked for the main
line , ran off at full speed , and car and en
gine rolled down the bank. The cngino
turned bottom side up , and as she was not
shut off her drivers revolved until the steam
was exhausted. The engineer and thu porter of
the special were each severely Injured.
The same correspondent relates that not
loss than six engines have been towed into
Crcston , la. , within the last ten days , all dis
abled by incompetent men. '
The Union Pacific folks nro erecting a new
iron bridge over the Seventh street crossing
to replace the olu wooden structure now worn
Mrs. Crocker , wife of the San Francisco
millionaire , accompanied by a party of
friends , went eastward on the Union Pacific
Mr. Bowcn , a Chicago capitalist , and party
passed through this city m a , special car on
the B. & M. yesterday , en route homo
from California.
> „ , tx
A day or two slnco the 'DEE contained n
special from Schuylcr cbncerriing the finding'
of the remains of a man killed by a'traiu
near that place , the details of which were
horrible. A letter received from that point
by Superintendent Blickensderfcr shows the
affair to have been more terrible than as flrst
reported. The remains were scattered along
the track in fragments for nearly four miles.
nnd Sunday morning the head was found
in a pool of water near the track by a sec
tion foreman. An inquest was held and a
verdict of accidental death returned , after
which the face was photographed and the
head burled. -
In 185O "TJroit'H's Ilronchlal Trdclies"
wcro introduced , and their success as a cure
for Colds , Coughs , Asthma , and Bronchitis
has been unparallolled.
For Sale Clean hardware stock of
$5,000 , well located , with good trade , in
southern Nob. One-third cash ; balance
land. Address H. 00 , Bee ofllco.
Facts ami Figures Concerning the
New IJulldtiif ; .
Atacallcd meeting of thoY. M. C. A. , held
in the hall last Monday evening , a report
from the building committee was read by Mr.
Loavitt Burnham , chairman of that commit
tee. The report demonstrated that unless
money was raised soon work on the now
building must ccaso until it could bo secured.
On contracts In hand fUO,000 wcro uue , and
on contracts yet to bo let u debt of $10,000
more would bo incurred , making a total of
10,000 required to linish the building alone.
To offset this there were about $5,000 in
unpaid but collectable subscriptions on the
books , and f 10,000 yet remaining of the $ .50- ,
000 borrowed from Mr. 13. F , Smith in the
outset. Tills would leave $ -3,000 ! to bo raised
to meet all obligations with the exception of
furnishing the bulldini ; , which would require
about 810,000 more. Fop the last item , how-
ovor. a few special subscriptions have been
The report of the committee was discussed
freely , and a number of warm speeches
made. The meeting adjourned , without
taking action , to meet again this evening.
Tlio cause of the present crisis is duo
partly , but not wholly , to the failure of a
number to moot payments on subscriptions.
Last May the advisory board , consisting of a
number of prominent business men. met in
the parlors of the Nebraska National bank.
IJev. J. E. Ensign , then financial bccrotary of
tlio building committee , represented that
ho hud 50,000 in subscriptions nnd cash ,
Fifty thousand dollars moro could bo bor
rowed from Mr , B. F. Smith of Boston , on
live vears tune. Considering the favorable
condition of the finances the committee
deemed it advisable to proceed with the
erection of the building. The cost of the lot
was $27,500 , Contracts to the extent of
575,000 were let. As the money subscribed
did not come in very rapidly , the comrftlttco
tried nt various times to got a statement
from Mr. Ensign as to the exact conditi6h of
the building fund. This , for souio reason
not known , they were unaolo to obtain. Last
full the committee dispensed wltlj Mr , En
sign for about two months , Latcl * ho was
ie-cngaged to finish up some of tlio work hd
had started. Then again iu February ho
was informed that his Cervices would , bo no
longer required. Ilia successor as financial
secretary of the building com
mittee , was Mr. Ge6rVo O , Jon-
ncr , from Kalauiazoo , Mich. , who
tool : charge of affairs March 1. The tlrst
work of this fjonuoinan was 16 exaYifmo the
accounts. Of the $47IK)3 ) actually on the
books , f35,903 have been collected , leaving
fl'.OOO. Of the latter sum W,600 , is to bo paid
when certain parts of the building are fin
ished , From thu remaining $7,500 must como
about $3,695 In subscriptions that are either
totally uucollcctablo or doubtful. This
leaves f.1,05 as tha actual amountthatcan bo
relied upon to bo collected on short notice.
Tlio 14 , WO mentioned would muko it con
siderably moro , but In order 10 bo safe both
sums uro estimated at $5,000. ,
To err IB human , but you make a
mistake if you use Dr. Jones' Red
Clover Tonic for dyspepsia , costiveness ,
had breath , piles , pimples , ague and
imiluria , poor hpootito , low spirit nos
diseases of the kidneys , stomach or
hyer. 50 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
Soidenberg's Figaro , the talk of the
town , a lOc cigar for oc. Max Meyer < Ss
Co. , wholesale depot ,
Tlilspowdernerer varies. A marvel ofpurt-
trstrcnfftn \rnolesomencss. . More cconotu
cal thantho ordinary kinds , nnd cannot bpsoln
In competition witn the multlturlo of low cost
shortvrclKhtiiinmor tihosphfttnpowders , sold
only In cans. Iloyn-Making - Powder c ° - . 120
Wallstrcot Now 1 ork
Our Magic Remedy
r All lyphllltto Dtidnii , of netnt or lent iUnalnf , tn
from Unto Dft endai. We will ITO written n r-
nice * to dor * VKJ cut or refund Tourmonar. And
we would lay to the who t v employed tba moil
Bulled Itiyilclani , u d Terr known remodr ant
bttT not been cured , that you are the lubjocti wo urn
looking for. Tou that hare been -to tbe celebrated
uot BprtDH of Arkaniai , and hate loit aU hope of
ttooTtry. we
Will Cure You
tTmake no charge. Our remedy ' unknown to any
one In tbe world ootildeof oar Company , sud It u
the only remedy tn the world that wlU cure you. Wa
will en re the moit obiUnato cue In ! than on a
month. Beren dayi In recent caiee doei us work. It
! the old , chronic , daep-eoBted eaiea that we eollott.
Wo hare cored bundredi wbo had boon abandoned
ky Pbyilclani and pronounced Incurable , and
We Challenge tha World
tha * we will not cure In leu than
one month.
81nce thc history ot medtclno. a True Bpeclflo for
ByphlUtlOkBruptlona , Ulcers , Bore month , Aa , hu
Been o t for buti nerer foand aatil
Our Magic Remedy
ru dlicorered , and we ere initlfled tn laylnittt lithe
BBly remedy In the world that will poiulTely cure ,
peeanie the lateit medial worke , published oy the
belt known anthorttu * . say there wai neTer a true
fpectOo before. Our Bemedr u tbe only medicine In
ue world tbot will care when eTerylhlnc elie Lw
Klled. It hat been wxtonceded by a fart o number of
lebrat < dPhTildan jIT IHH MITER TBT VAIZ.ZD
to CUM. Why watt * your Ume and money with
medldnn > tbkt neTer had virtue , or doctor
tiUnt t byeldani thateancot euro you. You that hare
tried eTorrlhtng oliattould come to ui now and f et
permanent relief I yon cerer can ot tteliewhera.
Mark what we a&yr.ln the end yon muitukeonr
feamedr or NZYIB recover. And yon that hare been
afflicted but a abort One bould by all meani come to
Be now. wany get amy and think theya re free from
thedlseaie.but In as * , Uro or three yean after , U
tpean again tn a more horrible form.
UTe.itlfet ou ftnckdal ftanainc throuih the mei
. pantile w .n tie * ajidnot * . uat are an f nlTTreiponit't
BleanaonrwrittracuaranMerareirood. ' we bare a
HIMKDT prepared on-nnrcly Bclentlflo Prtnclplee and
we wl h to repeat that ifxcriB riiu TO CUM. All
letter * lacradly confidential.
Room 10 anil II , U. 8. Nuttonul Dank. 1'Jth and
Fainiimsts. Callcra tuko elevator on Farnnm
street : to second lloor. Koom 11 for ladles only
The pain from Neuralgia and its
companion disease Rheumatism is
excruciating. Thousands who could
be ( juickly cured are necdlcsslv suf
fering. Ath-lo-nho-ros will do for
others what it did for the following
parties :
. WUlUmsport Ind. , Oct. , 1887.
Having- been afflicted with neurolgU for
th pjntfimryearn. xndtrjIngnlinOBteverj-
Ihlnic , but In Tain. I Until ] ' h * rd of Athlo-
nbnrufl. Attci taking one bottle I found it
iot ) helping me , and after tikinir fonrbot-
tlra of Alblonlioroe and one nf 1'ill" . I found
tint 1 KM entlrelH. . 1 tulnk the uedl-
ciiie la poeitlioly > uro cure
Mt Camel. HI. , Dee 6.1647.
I hare uitd Atlilophniw In my fatally and
find it to tm the s eatflnt medicine for nou *
ralgln in existence , and ha lni bad iu fanR0
f u toned upon me for t he part S ) > cam I know
whereof 1 ( peak. Una. JULIA CUILTON.
93- Send 0 cents for the beautiful colored pic
ture , "Moorish Maiden. "
Will be attended by great ( lunger
to body and limb , out hundreds
THAT of leading players say they flml
more prompt relief from strains ,
sprains , bruises , rheumntlsmstill
GAME und enlarged joints , lameness ,
for such troubles than any other
OF external remedy known to the ,
profession. All athletes as well
s those in the ordinary avoca
BASEBALL tions of life unlto with baioball
plHyprs In certifying to the vuluo
of this piaster iu Hiich accidents.
AT It is prompt , pleasant and pleas
ing m action and never fails to
tei6 tji'st rcsiijl s w lieu used
accijrolug to prinlca directions.
Uplpn to its popularity many
wonljeija $ ul)0HtuUons ( ire offer-
- t'd. Iltijda should alays ask tar
llKNBON'B , firmly refusing all
other plasters.
Omaha Seed House.
Headquarters for I.widreth's Colelirateil ,
1'lanta , Cut I'lowcra and Flornl duslgna. Bend
W. II. FOSTER & SON , Proprietor
1022 Capltdl Avouue.
Grab Orchard
.A. s cejXTrvj3 oxrnir rci
010 BT.AIL DRuaai.Ti. rAMrHUT ai Man rule ,
Crab Orchard Water Co. Louisville , Ky.
* OT > . < > i . ir C'whinfc
Cin. t - je-filTin.uiUrirVc'fo"rfll ro ) ia'iiiil
OrttUilIa > pra > 7 i l < ot " blktr tclu. Woiil cl ptr
fho'Sinden Electrlo Co. 169 LiSil'l"M.lchlTiga
yr l/l/th (
ItUI Otislul 0 * .
This 'will be a week of rnro opportunities for parents and all those who have boys ta
clothe. We will make a special effort iu our Boys' department and will show some bar1-
gains which will eclipse anything over before attempted.
Childrons * Blouse Suits with be.lutiful embroidered collars , in sizes from 4 to 10 , at 9Go.
This suit-has never been sold for less than § 1.50.
Knee Pant suits of all wool cheviots , splendid patterns , handsomely gotten up , sizes from
4 to 13 at. $2.76. Other houses would surely ask for such a suit , at least $5.
Fine Blue Flannels , warranted indigo blue , beautifully plaited , sizes 4 to 12 ; as good a
suit as is usually offered for $5 or $ G. Our price is $2.95.
Wo shall also offer this week some extraordinary values in Long Pant Suits.
Elegcint Cheviot suits , strictly all wool , of handsome colors and * styles , well made , sizes
from 12 to 18 , at $4.25. The tactual value of this suit is almost double.
Our Long Pant suits runup to ISand wo can fit in our boys' department , at boys' suit
prices , largo sized young men , who would elsewhere have to pay for mono' sizes.
In place of a useless toy , usually given away to the little ones , wo will this time give
a benefit to mothers who will appreciate such a bargain and remember us long for it.
On Wednesday , May 2 , we will offer 2000 pair good knee pantt from 4 to 12 , worth
50c ; at 15c a pair. Make no mistake ; these are no trash , but-good durable pants , such aa
are sold by first class houses for 50c and more , and such as we can honestly recommend.
We intend that these pants shall bring us thousands of little customers in the future ,
and we could not expect to make customers with a poor articleKemcmber for one day
only and two pair to each customer is the limit. Out of town parties who order these
pants by mail mush enclose postage.
One Price Only. No Deviation.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
N..W. Cor. 13th St. Dodge 8to.
BR.A.C3H3S ,
Pest ftcilltice , apparatus and remedies for cue
ieaifyl treatment of every form of disease requiring
ing- Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Board and attendance ; belt hospital accom'mo-
dationa in the west.
WHITE FOB. CIKCULAKS on Deformities ant'
Dr ce , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvature of tin
Piles , Tumors . . , Bronchitis ,
, ,
Spine A > kv A MU4UI CancertCatarrh .J. WU I
halation , Klectricity , raraly I , BnHepsy. Kid :
. _ / ; Bladder , Eye , Ear , Stin and Blood , aod all
Surgical Operations. -
Dlseasoo of Women a Specialty.
BOOK OH DniACfs or WOMXN Fnir.
AU filood bisenses successfully treated , Syph
ilitic Poison removed from ( he system wltjicmt
merSury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Power. Persons unable to visit us mny be
treated at borne by correspondence. AU cofnmii-
mentions confideminl. Medicinesdrinstruments
sent by mail or express , securely packed , no
mark * to indicate contents or sender. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call and cousujt us or
send history of ypur case , and we will Scud iu
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Im
votency , Syphili ? . Gleet nnd Varicocclc , wills
| ; estlon list. Address
Omaha 3Itdteal and 8tirglenl.Intttiiteo !
Cor. 13th und Dqdoe Sit. . OKAHA. MCQ.
C. 0. D.
With Privilege of
All Wool Pants ,
both light and dr rlc
colors , in sizes 30 to
42 waist und 30 to 31
leg measure. Also
a very largo line of
bettor grades of
Pan ts ranging in
price from $2.60 to
88. Our $3.76 to Sfi
Pants uro extra good
Mailorders Solicited ,
S , K , FELTON & CO , ,
And Manufacturers' Agents for
Of ull descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
Office , Straus's ' Baling , Fsiirin Floor ,
Advurtdlig h l y proren
succeiital. Hefoio pUciufnny
Ncwapeper Ad vcrtUln * cousufc
For Medicinal and Family Use.
Is Death to Sure Cure for
For Quart Sotils.
So/tf Only In Battles.
For Sato by Grocer *
For Sale by ur.4 Wine Merchant *
Eotryuihtrt ,
This 13 to certify that I oiamlncil the simple of EELLE OPBOU11DOH WllISKEy rootlvcd tram
l&irrcnco , Oatrom & Co. , and found the eame to bo perfectly fiee from Furcl Oil and all other deletcrloul
lUbsUncos and strictly puro. 1 cheerfully rocommrnd tlio tame for family and Mcdlclual purpoin.
J. 1' . 1UH-.VM. M. D. . Analytical Climnlit. I.ouUvlllo. ICy.
GLADSTONE EJItOS. < V CO. , Agents for Omulm , JVcb.
Electromagnetic Belts !
Tfic Granilest Triumph of Eloclrlc Sctonco
" Mal0 and
Qeilllentn'iBelt 8clonll'ica"y ' (
wi"7i * ? t"iiwtrtta7th'booa'"rt'ra i WHEN ALL ELSE FAIL8
. NOTE the following who h Tebi > on
and aifd by pennliiton.
ItdllKIUnlALd ETMTonSRennliyi irUto .i. J. Ho .Und , It ! B. I'ark.rana J.M.lnltttallgnIlo nlof Tnde ,
Colfi of the g < ftljr JI A. Oetan' . O. commlirtonmercfcmf.StockTirdij W , Ifellai. M. pv , lowai DuddPotlii.ttiignatlianiioliniUol.Oonosllr L > rau l UlTk , X nk i . .ill l Judtre I. N. ,
UttiT Iif perTUIe.III. I'.l. Abbotl.jnpltcltjrw t rworki , BontbBtnrt.lBit i Rott.K.B mpion.C > ' 'C ' * °
! S ! < f&Lv $ S
parttoir vigor , ttrewrtb , enerifr .
_ Uflo llErEIIBNCIuri.-lnr Ilelt are btlng recottDUed b . nk .nJIniloricdbr commorcltl KHDer ttiouiindjwhom or wholeialo Ithncurtd. home InCblcagOl bolei l ororpltl ,
Ban rmucUco nd Obtc go lrHeml tlunprur llttptgu llloitrated pmopMet .
I3H-t T. J. ikoUJVBJ , lBTcntor uilM Dttf clurcrTll , t H'abiuli ATCPUO Chlc r
Boston Boiling CO'H. IIoso is sure to stand Omaha and Council
Blufls HIGHEST pressure. See Hint the FAOTOUY name and
trade mark , "GYC ONl'T1 , is stamped on every piece. Yearsfof
experience , and not one foot returned to date. Boston Belting
Co 3. hose is not finished in red , as red color is injurious to the
hose. For sale by nil dealers , or
1008 Farnam-st. , Omaha
lHOI5PEHSA8ltSOlOBYAll.DHUSS15Is : , . , n iHOLoae 4 f ( eTAMix. ) i
CC SlfllATtR ! ON r/IBV HOX.
llftCVrlr ! * nnoiclitclio * icd r.nrti. l d. i-
* . ? MAltV. 4 iic rt4nWouifcU-ai M Jicl .
! ? nnMH l | li4r * ! l eM vfi inii.Uil .
IA/PAU "lil o r < rlii < r rwn ' tf-
We : An .r utbiu ,
r r . trlyln-Bir ait
l4 r.S 4 , U I tl ! . " Tii .lu bi li tl ( le4)
SuWtUr lull j. U .uiui lit wio m.-t , tti el
'pr/OF. K. ' l'fOV.'l-eRi McoUU ,