Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1888, Page 7, Image 7
* * m W > - W' ' THE OMAHA .BEg.MCUESPAY. MATi : 188a NOTICES ; _ Advertisement * under thlsJicnd , K ) cents per line for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each mib- sequent Insertion , ftnrt IUX ) d llnopcrmonth. No ndvert Isemciittnken for lens than 25 cents for tho. llrst insertion , fioven worilft will be count ed to the line ; they must run consecutively nnd must bopnld In advance , All advertisement" ) rnust bo handed in before I2rt ) o'clock p. m , , nnd under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'nrtles advertising In these columns nnd Imv- Ina tlio nnswcrs nilrtreMied In care of tlio llco , will plcnte nsk for n check to enable them to get th'olr lettcrt ) , as none will bo delivered except on presentation of chcclc. All answers to adver- tlsertcnts shouldbo enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these columns nro pub lished hi both morning nnd evening editions of the UPO , the clrculntlon of which aggregates SiGre than mono papers dally , nnd gives the ad vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circula tion ot the RPO , but nlio of Council IllulTR. Lin coln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout thin part of. the went. _ B RANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these column * will bo taken , on the' above conditions , nt the following bus- inpss houses , who nro authorized agents for Tun flF.K special notices nnd will quota the same rdtel as can be had nt the main ofnce. 'Street. _ _ c IIA81C & EDOV , Blntlouers nnd Printers , 11 : ) South 10th Street. H. PAHN8W011TH , I'lmnnaclst , 2115 Cum- Ing Street. W J. HUOHKS.l'lmrmaclst , ( B North 10th st. G KO. W. 1'Altll , I'linrmnclst , 1800 St. Mary's Avenue. aiinUTIIEIi. News Dcnle'r , Post Office , i South Omaha. SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTED Situation ns housekeeper by an American widow ot 27 with boy of 3i Is a nice cook and neat housekeeper. Minnie , llox 7M. ICT 1 WANTED Situation ns salesman by a young innn of eight years experience In ixiokH , stationer ? and fancy goods ; best of references. Address A. U. , 1812 Chicago st. UT12 GOOD gardener , Scotchuinn , Is In want of a situation , undcrstnngs glass. Address II , 03. HOP oiiico- mm * WANTED Situation by stcnily young man , Whvro ho can miiKo a living , position In Borne wholesale house preferod , Address II Gl > , lice olllco. UI31 * W ANTED Situation by lady ns clerk , I years experience. Address II13 , llco olllce. 01830 * AF1HST-CLASS mnnts n position In dry COeds storo. cnu give good references. Address F. 0. Cramer , Ashland , Not ) , 1 < 59 SOf WANTKD Situation by young man willing to do most anything , w. II. lirldgos. 6')7 ' a ICthat. tX)51 ) * WANTED Flrst-clnss pastry cook ; mustba good on crcDiiiB , Ices , etc. Address Hrown's nos tnurnnt , N. llth-st. , Lincoln , Neb. 318 WANTED By allrstclnss dressmaker , en- gnKngemeut lu private f nuilllts. R22 S 18th. Sllss Turner. CSimOJ WANTED--MAUE HELP. TED -An experienced operator on pants. London Tailors. 313 B. 15th bt. 07U-1 ANTED Tailors , nt London Tailors. 313 B. Jutlt at. U78-1 ANTED Good blacksmith and helper. Ap- pitat factory Omaha Carriage and Sleigh Co. . Albright Station. 08M W ANTED Two men of good address to Boll a line of specialties ; call at 421 S. 10th st. Ww U722 * w ANTED-Mllkcr. 4118 Sauuders st. 068 W ANTED Competent cook and laundress nnd nurse girl at 718N21stst. No Swedes. OC72 WANTED-Live agents. Write Buffalo JIu- tuul Life. Accident and Sick llenellt as- nociatioh , Bullalo , New York. 0512 * S"ALE3MAN Wnutcd-Smnll line o f samples from manufacturing corporation olTered a live man. Ono traveler earned nn average of KCO per month for six yeara past. P. O. Box 1371. New York. 05730 * MAN and wife for private family , $50. Mrs. llrego. 310 8.15th. VSO 1 * WANTED Agents-Excelsior Self Wringing MODS. Something entirely now ; lightest aud most complete mop in existence : exclusive territory ; agent's sample tOc. Address Krcol- fclor Mop Co. , 83 Washington St. , Chicago. 111. CU30 * WANTED Ono coat nnd ouo pant-maker Steady work , M. Barrett & Son. Dunlap. Iowa. 620 W "X/TTANTED An experienced roller for cracker TT factory. Address ilotcalf JUlllni , ' 4s Cracker Co. , Central City , Neb. 61U A GENTS wanted to canvass for the largest J-i. nnd bcntcopylug house lutho U.S. For particulars , address to John Gacuzle , tea Peim fat , Reading. Pa. ' "TSrANTEU Alen end women everywhere for TV n genteel business Kiiarnntced to pay KiO per week prollt easier than other Hues pay fflO per month , 42 samples frco to cither BOX seek ing permanent employment. Experience abso lutely uunecessnry. Merrill JUB. Co. . 11 63 , Clilcago. 388ml * JIJ75 I'er Month A gents wnutcd In every county. * } ' Plan of work cosy ; now goods ; wiltowltU Otnmps. Gould M'f'u Agency , 1C 02 University 1'lnce. N. V. City. 4tOuiDJ B ( JVb Am. Ulst. Tel. Co. , 1301 Douglas. 250 WAHTEQ FEMALE HELP. ANTlVD-dlrl for general housework , 311 N. ,12th street. t)04 ) 1 * WANTKD fla girls general work , 8 dining- loom gills , 4 dishwasher , 1 housekeeper , 1 ntirso girl , 1 canvasser. 2 girls for Norfollrruro 'Ipald. J.ota of places for good girls. Omaha Ktnp. Bureau , 1W NJCtUet. 061 > iiU WANTKD Young girl ( hboutlO ) to nsslst lu hQusowork nuU look after children in Imall family. Mrs. McKenzlo , 163U N. Ifth. ILV ! 1 * WANTED-8 good girls for private family in Dakota , 120 each , fare paid ; waitress for - - ' I'hUUmouth. getable cook , . . . . . _ - r to family , t5 ; to girU for Roncrnl houuowork , Mrs. Druga , 310 6. . It . _ nt International Employment vx olllce for situations. Cor. 15th and Doug las , Fnlconcr block. 0164 * ANTED-A good girl , 1421 Howard st. 03JUO * T , A1JV agents. (10 a day sure ; now rubber un- Jdcr garment. Mrs. II. F. Little , Chicago , 111. Witt * 'ANTED A good vromau cook at 812 Dong- las St. 070 AtJTJJD Ten sow iae girls at 2100 Farnnm street. 030-BOJ hwKS'TV-FlVR more girls wanted , M.OO X to M.OO , nice places. Eight dlulug girls , two chambermaids for same Em out of the city. If jou wlbh a place < it the city. leave us your address. If you Syl h employment of any hind call on UH. Wo haven't time to mil erttat. Oate City Kinploy- IJnunt ofllco , 31i 8.10. Telephone I.IOB. 541 U VlFANTEO-Typewriter ; to commence ii at Hinull wmcoa ; puriuaiiuut Hltuatlou , WUbt wrltu good haud. Aililrvsa 11 Uf , Ileo oltice. 3i > 0 \\rANTHD Youii Indies who arc employed 11 in the city and boarding , to try the Norrls European llcslaunint. Ilc t nud cheapest Istllea and ieiitlomcn'0 leatuuraut in the city. 811A:313Boi4thBt. : Opp. I'uxtou Hotel. \\7ANTK1) ) A capable girl , cxpeil nc d in > > Eccoud wore. Qoou WUGCK rnld. Call forenoon at 513 N. aid st , 474 \\7ANTr.I > Grl ! for general housewoik. 1923 V > California , coruor Will. 449 * V\rANTED ImniedTntnTrTTHillea to MorKfor > > u \ > liolcsalo lioube ou netcllc\vork at tholr liomes. < Soatmy dlttauoe. ) Oood p y can bo xiliulo. Kvcrj-thlup furnlslicxl , Turtlculars Irtr. Address Artlitlc Netdleviork Co.lUbth it. . New York City. 251 CANADIAN Employment Olllce Male nud fo- iiialo help sent to nil purl a if far * is ad- vanced. Itcfeicnce. Oir.uliaKutlonnl l > oiit , V.n. DrcgaaiOS.lMli. 1-b ! . ML 7t5ml4 O AT1 City rmploTmcnt"omce. 8118. Wtli.Tel- O ephouo LlOd. llclp for all klndi ot work Bent to all parti. Hotel-one * Douglas Co. bank , Ml 4 * 'r l'EHNATlONAL Kmoloyuient parlou ; r - X tti > ut Vs * hup ent io all rntU if fur * is ad- vauoed , ccr l&tlt & Douglas , Vft'.cooer bl'k , 11.3 Ulm4 UNION Employment Oftlc * la conducted In wi honoiabU meniitr , and our applicants injppUed ou thorl cwtiw. ttatll f M. 613 a. 1UU . . V14 iaU * - and boy * out ot v crk vo tail SrANTKD-JUn ' oP.e * ittelrhton . } , corner lith Miff DoujUi i ! § . K7- MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. _ ANTKD Good renl estnto listed with mo. q 418 8. 15th st. 815 " \\rANTRD Every good cook In Omaha out of T V employment to rome nnd leave his ad dress. I have lots of places. Mrs. Drega.310 S. 15th. frittl * _ WANTED Hoard nnd room In quit nolgh- boihood by nn express mtMcnger ; refer- eucos required. Addresa H Cl Jlte ofuco. 941 1 * WANTED-I'lfty feet of counter nnd sixty feet of shelving suitable fnr general mer chandise Rtorc. Address 1) . C. McDonald. llnrt- Ictt , la. _ _ _ pits TTNOAOEMENTSto do dressmaking in fnml- J&I lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 822 8. 18th st. 671 m 10 * _ I WANT more imnll houses for rent , F. L. Gregory , rental ngcnt , 30 ! > S. Iflth. 018 WANTED-TO RENT. WANTED Small unfurnished room , snlt- nblo for plnno practice ! must bo within 3 blocks ot postolHco. Address II fifl , lice ofllce. P492 ton RENT-HOUSES. THOU RENT 0 room cottage for rent 125 , nnd JL1 furniture I6r sale nt n bargain ; rooms rented pnylug rent of house ; central , best locn- tlou In city. Apply 1P21 Douglas st. Bdfi 8 * T710R RENT About Jnno 1 , very convenient JO o-room house In good repair , desirable loca tion , 10 minutes walk from I'O ; furniture and carpets fnr sale should applicants wish to pur- chaso. Address drawers , I'O. Oilil riTlOR HKNT Elegant 10-room house , all mod- JO crn Improvomouts , on car lino. Inquire 1403 Douglas st. 1)75 ) FOR RENT Nine-room house , all modern Im provements , half block from cable cars on Dodge st. Apply to E , T. Duke , 140U Douglas st , TJ10R RENT House B rooms.2 closets , hydrant JO m house , porch in front , side aud back , Enquire 1011 S. Center st. W8 2 * FOR HKNT An 8 room house , with bath , one block from cnr line , $ .10 per month. II. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 028 FOR RENT fi-room Hat , furniture Invoices X > 0. will take 200 , nil rooms rented , bring ing in J75 per month , good for G days only. Co- Op. L. Ac L. Co. , 205 N. llith St. BUI 30 FOR RENT Cheap to good tenant. O-room house , 110J N , 17th. Inquire 210 S 13th at. I _ < l 17HR RENT 27-room houses west of Hans- L com park , Windsor 1'laco. Inquire Chas D. Scldoii. M4 8 lith. ! 454 ! K ) 'IT'OR RENT Ilrlck hotel in city of 10,000 pop- J. ulatlon. J , II. Wooley , Grand Island , Neb. 470 7 * 17 011 RENT 8-room houso. Inquire J. F. JO Uartou. 20IC Capitol avi ) . 005 UJ TPOR RENT House of 4 rooms to small fam- JO lly. In rear of 12S. llth st. C1030 * FOR RENT.-Slx loom Hat well furnished , throughout. Furniture for salo. AH mod ern conveniences. Location control. Two street car lines pass the door. Address H 57. Ileo of fice. fi05 Z' YERY desirable ID-room house , cornor21st and Hurt st. All modern Improvements. On cable nnd street rnr lines. Inquire Dr. 1'nul , ne cor. 15th nnd Dodge Ste. cat 2t TWO Hats lor rent , unfurnished , nix rooms JL each , ntfilS S liithst. Inquire at the place. [ 3U 2t Tmoil RENT 16-room bouse , and furniture for JO aalo. 311 North.12th st. 352 mlt FOR RENT Furnished house , n rooms. En quire 809 So. 23d Bt. from 0 to 12 n. ra. 287 2t SOMETHING cheap , house for rent or for sale , furniture for sale , including Encyclo pedia llritnnnlcn. now Steck piano nnd other furniture. Otto Uoludora , 23 Georgia avenue. FOR RENT O-room lint , hot nnd cold wntor bnth , gns , all modern. J. II. Tarrotte Rental - tal Agency , 1000 Chicago. 88080 T71URNISIIED hotel for rent-Tho Bt. Elmo JO hotel , Missouri Vnlloy , lu. Tbo loading ho tel of the city nnd only one block from the do- ixt. For further particulars nddruss Hugh 1'ercy. 849 ln5 'filOR RENT O-room ilat fronting llunscom JO I'ark. llatli. gas , hot and cold water , 830. F. L. Gregory , Rental agent , 809 8. ICth Bt. 720 FOR HENT 3 new 11-room nouses , $10 , by S. T. Fetersen , so cor 15th and Douglas. ' 745 FOR RENT 2 elegant 8-room houses , all mod- orn > conveniences , excellent location , con venient to street cars , fci > per month it taken soon. H. E. Cole , ne 10th aud Douglas. U50 T710R RENT A 7-room flat. Innulra of Geo. JO lligglns , in the cigar moro 101 $ Howard at. 6M ) TjlOR RENT 18-room house. North Saunders JO st. Enquire of 0. W. Beall & Co. , 319 8. 10th. , 698 " 1310F RENT 10-room house , all conveniences JO 18th et. ; 7-room cottage , Howard bt. G. E. Thompson , 814 S. 15th st , up stairs. G20 ri O RENT Eight-room Ilat. front room sult- JL able for ofllccs , with all modern conveii- lences. 6038.13th. 552 I7IOR RENT Six dc-Hlrable houses , from $25 to JO $50 per month. Leavltt llurnham , Room L Crelghton block. 077 TTIOR RENT Nino-room house with all modern J- conveniences , furniture for sale at bargain. Inquire of J. II. Sherfy.nt O'Donnhoe Sc Sherfy's CCti 0 HOUSES centrally located , rent from 813 to ? T6 , iurulturo for sale on monthly payments. Co-op. L. cud L. Co. , 205 N. ICthst 003 TI OIl RENT When you want to rent n house , JO- store of ofllce go fo II. K. Colo. 202- FOR RENT Two good 8 room homos on 1'nrk ave , WO per mouth , D. V. Bholes. Room 1 Rarker block. B27 TT1OR RENT A nent J20 cottage. Apply at JL1 once. C. F. Harrison. 418 S 15th St. 231 FOR RENT T\velvc-room house , 25th and nnd Mason streets , 440 per month. J. S. Caul Held. 1304 Farnam at SSI FOR RENT And furniture for sale , almost new. nt n bargain , best house and location in city ; every modern convenience ; this will pay to investigate nt once. Apply 17ft ) Dodge ffi)4 ) FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. FURNISHED room for rent with gas nud bath , nt Oil S. 17th street. V73 2J YERY pleasant largo furnished rooms ; nil deslrocl conveniences ; prlv to house [ board If desired ; 1 block from postorUcellU3 Capitol avo. 8540 * T7IOR RENT Nicely furnished room on car JO line , 310 month , 113 8.24th st. 917 30t EURNISHED rooms to rent , 2227 Dodge st , 11411 ! "M'ICELY furnished south room , 1013 Douglas. LARGE , nicely furnished room , suitable for two or four gentlemen , 1&U5 Capitol nve. KBi ; "VTEWLY furnUhed rooms , suitable for 2,3 or J- > 4 Gentlemen. 822 S Ibth st , COl 30' 17HIONT room , with alcove ; nil modern con- JO veuleuccs ; day boinl. 2210 Faruam st. COB 2 * T7IOR RENT Front parlor , furnished , toper- X1 maneut , reliable party , Gentlemen only. 1C20 Cass. WJ 1 * 17 < OR UENT-Lnrgo furnished front room with J closet , 517 rieosniit st , bet Harney nnd St. Mary'H. 60 30 * TTIOR RE.NT-3 nicely furnished rooms nud 1 JiiufuuiUhoii room. 1814 St. Mary's ave.,2d floor. 62580 * _ _ LARGE comfortable front room , suitable for three or four young men , ut 1011 Doitgo. 47V at _ T7IOR RENT 1'lcnsant furnished front south -L room , with nlcovo bedroom , (10 , Also one Inrgo room f 12 ; bath room ; plcaBuut neighbor hood. Ret-runcoiequlred , Wia Webster fct. 5071 * _ TJ10H RENT Large and small front rooms JU furnl-ilied or unfurnished. 812J J'uniain st , _ 48i Wj NHWLYfurnhhcd room nt reasonable rent. 681 N. Ibtlibt. _ 40J2 * I.AIIOR pleasant room , modem conveniences , J nuactiicueogt. 259 flWO ulcely furnfghcd rooms with board i X desired. References required. , Far- nnm street , S'H m3 > _ T7VOR RF.NT To gentlemen who will bn pcr- XI mauout , flrbt-tlass rooms , at uiodeiate prlrui. ir.'l Davenport. 021 iflOll RENT Furnished rooms with first-class JO boMtl , 2Q13 Douglus at. 615 4t ITIOlt HKNT-aieorful room with board In a X1 private family , home enjoyments , refer- encca exchanged , ftu I'leasant street. 250-3i } * f7Hn RENT. A furnished room with board. X' na Dodge trf et. 007 ) J TfpURNISHED and unfurnished room for rent i ? at 6-M South lath st. _ 60S 4J N'EWLY.fnrnlsUin * , rooms , board if desired , desirable location. T14N. 18th at. 010 l T IIHNISU ED t eon and bowd , 1V03 Farnnm. . , - . : RENT Furnished rooms In OrennlR blk 1 cor. 13tH nnd Doflge sts. Inquire 'ot 0 o. IU ' Mlllard hotel blinurd room. Z58 _ T7XR ) RIlNT A nicely furnished front room. JO suitable for two gentlemen. Enquire nt 811 , St. Mary's ftvo. _ _ jll _ RENT 3 furnished rooms Tultnblo for 4 Gentlemen. Inquire Roofti C , 3d Iloor , 13 U _ "PLEASANT furnished room for gentlemen , X 9 per month. 005 N. 17th. 80880 * and nicely furnished rooms , with Had , NEW bath , etc. , moderate rates , at 2209 Dduglns. 22m- TT'OR ' RENT To 1 or 9 gcntlemou , room with XI bnth etc. , 2:119 : Douglas. SB _ L TilOR RENT A large front room with alcove , X' all modern Improvement s. 1700 , Dodge st. ( iji _ T IURNISIIED rooms , U3Sath. .030 ml * " " TTIRONT room furnished , 1718 Dodge. J ? | &I8 _ _ S MALL room 'suitable for gentleman. 1G23 Dodge street- 641 _ TOOM8 M.OO to tlM ; 1503 S 18th St , 632 ttVlJ ITAURNISHED Room to rent. & 0 St. Marys JO . 7e aye. , > _ _ T71 0R RENT Rooms furnished nnd unfur * JO0R JO nlshoil. 1724Cap. avo. JBX ) . _ FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. OR RENT 4roomsl702WbstorBt ( ! . 20 00 3 rooms 1023 N 20th st . . 12 ra Also3 rooms 1017 N 20th . i. . . . , . 1500 3 rooms122 North 21st st . , . 1100 3 rooms 110037th st . . . . . . . 12 N ) Judge Rental Agency , S.W. cor IBth & Hnrnoy. 40U FOH 11KNT Tlireo unfurnished roams for rent. iBI8 Mason St. COD 4j TTIOH UENT Two unfurnished Hoers , 612 south JU litliBtreot. Cummlngs &Mun''i ' > % on prem ises. JOT FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. FOR KENT Some well locntcd store rooms cheap. II. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. . iff } 3 F I OH HUNT Suite of oinccs fronting on 15th street. In WHhuell block. 463 3' HOllIIli ; block A new 3 story brick Just ncnrlng completion , S. E. comer Park nvo nnd Lcavenworth , two elegant store rooms , each ! { txGO. largo collars , also corner basement room finished off for barber shop , several Hats in the second and third Hoors. Low rents nnd all modern conveniences. Apply to Hobble llros. , telephone 88. 273 T710H rtENT One half of store room , 1212 : JL Douglas st. Wm. It. Spolmau. 4. > 1 T/1OK HENT Largo olllce. best location In JL.1 Omaha , well lighted and heated , or will rent part of It. J. H. Watts , Chamber of Commerce. 013 Tjion KENT One-half the store room nt 1212 Douglas.under the Mlliard hotel. 183 FOlt RENT Store nud basement , GO ! S. 13th Bt. Mrs. M. Lange. U53 TJIOIl HENT Two business or office rooms on JL1 1st lloor J25 per month. W. E. Clark , 14H Hnrnoy. 155 L1NTON block , S 13th , corner of Mason st. SlK hnudsome now store rooms with large col lars undcrnenth. finished with nil modern Im provements nnd conveniences. Rents moderate. Apply to John Ilamlln , nil S llth st. , Omaha. 80730 * TjlOIl KENT Half of ofllco nt 312 8 10th st. J- chamber of Commerce bid , Odoll Itros. & Co. TjlOll HKNT A No. 1 store room on 10th Bt. J. JE H. Pan-otto Itental Agency. 1U08 Chicago. BS730 O FFICE rooms. 003 S. 13th st , 830 FOR RENT Suite of olHco rooms. Bushman block , cor. luth and Douglas. Nine room house , cor. 17th nnd Dorcas , & 0 per , month , In quire AV. M. Bushmnn , 1311 Lcavenworth. 713 FOR RENT Business'room now occupied as my olllco on 15th Bt. C. K Harrison , 413 S 15th STORE for rent cor of Mercer nud Lowe ave nues , a good store for a druggist nnd gro cery. Inquire on premises , Clms. J. Ryan. KM EOH KENT Three stores and basement at 1005 Fnrnam street. Inquire at Hoom 19 , Arlington block , 1511 Dodge st. , between 0 and 503 FOR REMT-MlftCELANEOUS. T710R KfiNt Good aaio nnd llvprv barn , excel- JL1 lent location , rant reasonable. Inquire of C. W. McVieker. room 2 , Barker blk. 075 A TTENJ'JbN , Gardeners For Rent The best - CJ40 acres for garden , near Cut-off Lake bouse. J. II. 1'arrotto Rental Agency , 1000 Chi cago. bhSSO _ THOR RENT Largo barn cheap at 1707 Cass st. - * 835 _ . _ RENTAL AGENCIES. IP you wont your houses rented to coed , prompt tenants' , list them ulthJ. II. Par- rolte Rental Agency , lOOtl Chicago. DUO mlO IP YOU want your houses rented place them with Bouawa & Co , , 15th , opposite postolllco. 831 _ WANTED Houses to rent , and wo can rent them too. II. E. Cole , N. K. 15th nnd Douglas. SC2 _ _ LIST houses for rent with n. E. Cole , N. E. If.tli nnd Douglas. 2C2 _ GREGORY , P. L. . Rental agent , 309 B Uth st. 203 _ PERSONAL , IJEUSONAL Send postal address for Mny "Male Mirror. " L. O. Joucs , American Clothier , Omaha. _ ucu 5 PERSONAL Go to the Norrli European Res taurant for your meals. Everything llrst- class , nt chop house prices. 311 aud 313 So. 14th Bt. , opp. Pnxton Hotel. _ ! kJ7. T > ERSONAL List your property to exchange JL with C. 0. SpotHWOOd. U06 S. IBth. gt 230 "PERSONAL Private homo for ladles during J- confinement , strictly confidential , Infants adopted. Address E 42 , Bee olllco. LOST. T OST On green car line , ono Kronen system J-J for cutting and llttiug. Reward fdr return to 1119 N lith ) Bt. _ 937 ! STRAYED or stolen on April 23d , nporhinn poodle , short curly hair , brown pug nose ; any one fhullnir samouud returning to 1712 south ! Kd st. will bo liberally rewarded. Mrs. James ( LMcGcath. 6172 _ CJTRAYED OR STOLEN-Ono prny mare pony , > J about 7 years old. 700 pounds , split cars , return - turn to 31th k C'aknell and get reward. 450 1 * FOR SALE-MI3CEU.A NE6US. > nud shaft lig , A avhorte JU1 power boiler , good ns now , nearly 30J feet 3-Inch shafting and about CJ feet smoke stock , for sale cheap. Enquire nt ofllco Omaha Fair nnd exposition Association , 213 South Uth at. J. H. McSlmuo , secietary. _ UdO-7 T710H SALE Show coses , shelving and couu- j-J ters. Inquire 60a N IBth at. V 12 2 * PRIVATE Bain of household goods of "a 14' room house , will sell whole or liy piece , for 4 days only. North bide of Leaveuworth. bet. 17th uiul 16th. U77 j ' Daisy buggy , manufactured nud eold by us lias no superior for style , finish and durability , when prices arc taken into consider ation. Call nud ueo them. cor. 15th and Dodge , opp. P.O. J. H. Mahler Co. , J. C. Bnan , man ager. 63830 _ AT YOUR own price. Furniture lu-n com pletely f urnlsnecl house with onwithoUt lease , will baaoldluholo or part atlyss than halt the cost nnd on easv terms , inquire nt once , Wright & Laabury , 215 S Uth fit. , upatalrj. 620 30 _ TJ10R SALE-150OTOcood building brick , do. JL llvere < l on cars , at Peru. Neb. , at a very low price. H , M. Meors. 318 m 23 * _ 1T10R SALE-Large Hall's safe , new. M. A , JL1 Uplou & Co. 811- _ _ OMKntonce. We hnva for sale toe furnl- turootalargo house ; parties doalrlugto purchase a single bet or anything in tile line ot household goods ran get great bargains. Goods nearly all new und llrst class. Wright Sc Las- bury. 215 S Uth St. , upstairs. _ 628 ! M BUY the Daisy bugfry. manufactured ana uold by J , 11. Mahler Co. , opp. poitollico. 63330 _ _ _ FOR SALE Large upper floor suitable for light manufacturing , location 118 N luth at. Price ! d per month. Active Real Estate and Property Exchange , 1624 DoJge at. _ 037 "triOR BALK A top Duggy , nearly nevr.O olura -I- bus make , aUo good blnglo hXruew. A. II. Cometock. 812 H. Mtli st. UQ _ T710K SALE-A No. 77 Hall's safe with Inside X' door , 818 Uouth 13th at. _ in TfOR BALE The furniture , c'nrpets , Qxtures Jund lease of a pleasantly located , newly furnlshpd honso , near horse and cable cam , house heated by eteam , furniture , etc. , in use less than a year ; mutt be sold at ouc . Par par- ticularj apply to Ilartmufc Qlbxm , 1613 Far- namsL . 0 } ' Uest buggies nt seaman'n. Chcnpsst buggies nt Seaman's. llcst wngons nt Senmnn's. ( iieapest wagon's nt Seaman's. Hast skle ot 10th St. . north ot Nicholas. Studebaker Repository. P02 M 17 THOU SALE-fl or 10 horse power engine nnd 12 JO horse bolter in good order. Cheap for cash. Hces Printing Co. * 747 T710R SALE Dormant srali capacity 3,400 JO pounds , rhltstlmmol & Co. , Wl-913 Jones St. , Omaha. ! M7 NtlSCELLANEOUS/ mWKNTV-FlVE cents will buy n box of the JL best writing paper , any color. Chase & Eddy. 113 S 10th. D54nOt 11. HUaOFUANK , grndtialo of thountvor- fllty of Munich , Germany , experienced teacher ot mnthcmnUtis ( Inclualng calcnlua ) , German , French and music , ( piano and organ ) . Address 1418 Howard at > 61180 * > j A UCTION sales of household goods at rcsl- -cXdoncos n specialty , lionry Crelghton. auo- tionecr , 151H Farnnni. 613 HQt nml door screens nt the lowest WINDOW Old screens repaired. Address S. W. cor , auth and Cumlng. 48i ) at SXI'UllT Accountant Hooks balanced , part nership accounts adjusted , books chanced from Blnglo to double entry. Address II H. Dee olllce. ai 30 TtASIIpnld for Bccond'linnd books at the An \J tlquarlan book store. a\S N. IClh st. KMmS * rplin banjo taught ns an nrt by Goo. F. Goltou * JL bock , COJ Harnoy st. Its UGH STOCKMAN Hras and bronze foundry - H dry , work Of all kinds. Cor. 14th nnd Lonv- HFlltlv sts , , Omaha , Nob. 455m8 * Insurance , reliable companies. II. E. Flltlv , N. E. 15th and Douglas. 721 WANTKD A good horse , buggy nnd harness In exchange for South Omaha lots. George J. Sternsdovtr , room 0 , opp postolllce. SM you Intend to build this spring. If so como DO and see us , wo can olter you the best of In ducements. II. K. Cole , N K Cor. 15th and Doug las. U&OSO SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. "VTALENTINIVS Shorthand Institute Is the T only practical , exclusive shorthand school in the west. All Its graduates are iu good slt- stltutc. 151S Dodge st. . OniaUa. 420 STORAGE. _ _ storage for furniture , Rtoves. mer chandise , etc. llutus H. Clark , 814-310 S 12th street. 304 m24 your slaves nnd furniture with the STOHE I'Hirnlturo Co. , 715-17-21 North 10th street. il\ 470m8 _ _ Having reiifed tlio largo six story STOHAGE building In ( the Mercer block am prepare d to off r the bestilfaclllUes for storage of all kinds of goods , furniture , pianos , stoves. buggies , cutters ana merchandise , reasonable rates , receipts given. Insurance. 11. Hoblnson , 1112 Howard Bt. a . CJ2 mli milACKAGE , storago.lfeNvest rates. W. M JL Hushman. 1311 Lonvjaworth.rates. 120 WANTED-gFO BUY. ANTED To buy tttecond-haud bicycle cheap , or will roa > ono for summer , KJ inch. Address Dox 22XjPapllllou , Nob. * U0030 * $ $ For cash , feftall ostnbllshod business WANTED ness in country tqwii or business build- ing. Address H 64 , llpo jttlllco. 050 1' WANTED A. 1 > . Tuk3.will buy some good 1st and 2d mortgages if well secured. r. TukoV. 13:34 : Farumn"4.1 "KM \XJILL buy -nlture'b'fff'ieouso or flat con-1 W trally located.Co-opLl.fcU : Co , 205 N. 16th CLAIRVOYANT. RS. . J. J. WltlTNEV. of San Francisco , trauce test medium , will arrive lu Omnha on Mny 1 , nud give private sittings nt her rooms horuaf ter to bo announced. to 130j TIT ADAM ECCLES1 The wonderful Clairvoyant J.TX nnd test medium , lu consequence of her increasing business will remain 15 days longer nt her former parlors-No. 322 N. loth , st. Where In her trance state "she accurately ro- vcals the most hldOen secrets of the past , present nnd future , is perfectly reliable in nil love , trouble , disease , nnd business nllnlrs. Consultation personally or by mall it. No lot- tois answered unless accompanied by 4cts In stamps. 322 N.lOth. Room 12nd iloor Omaha. 6234 * DR. NANNIE V. Wnrrun , clairvoyant. Med ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. IGtb. Bt. , Rooms 2 43. Tel. 044. 203 nftTTOTSTANSflmiY.celebrated slate wrlt- JLing medium nnd spirit srtlst , will bo In Omaha for ouo week only , from Slay 1 ; ECO ad- ement. C01-ll ! * _ . HOOPER , magnetic healing clairvoyant and trance reading , N W cor 20th nnd Cass. 704 m 7 * fflONBY TO LOAN. TiroNKY'tolonnoncnnttell. Room 31 , Cliam- It-L ber of Commerce. 600 m27 _ ( 500 to ! CO,00 ( loans by Bholes. IV TONE Y To Loan By the undersigned , who J'lhas the only properly organized loan agency in Omaha. Loans of ilO to IIQ9 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagona ; ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans BO made that any part can bo pnld at any time , each pay ment reducing the coat pro riita. Advances made on line watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they nro dealing wltli , nrt many now concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see mo. W. R. Croft , room 4 Withnell oUliaing , 1C th and I turner. _ a a ONEY at low ratns on good city and farm property , notes bought. Klmball , Champ & Ryan. U. B. Natl bank-bid. 460 m2 * _ I CAN place largo or small loans without de lay ; bpleudld tales. A. 1C. Rllay,1610 Farnam. _ 455iii3 TVfONIJY to loan on improved real estatoj no J--L commission charged. Loaritt Burnham , room 1 , Creightou block. 283 MONEY to Loan Omaha real estate and farms. Mortgages bought. Qdell Bros. & Co. , 312 8. 10th Chamber of Commerce building , _ _ J _ 262 $600,000 to loan on city and fnrm real estate. Linahan it Mahoney room 600 , Paxton blk. ENAWA rt CO. , loan agents , 15th St. , opposite postolllco. _ _ _ _ 671) ) m 10 QHOLES , Room 1 , Bark f r Block. ONEY to Loan-I caiwfraco good llrst-class city loans on short notice and at lowest rates. D , v , Sholes , room 1 , Darker block. | 3M _ _ LARGE or small loauT without delay by Sholos , room 1 , Baikir block. U83 - 1 | B - MONEY LOANED at C. 1' . Reed * Co.'a Loan Olllce. on fiirulturo , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of nllklifdg , aiuloU other ar ticles of value without removal. 8. 13th , overDlugharn's commission Btora. All busl- neas strictly confidential. _ 275 MONEY to loan on first-class real estate so curity. Harris * It. 10 &L. Co. , 820 8. 15tli fctrect. ill 270iu22 LOANS made on real nstatc" Cash on hand. W. M. Harris over 220 8. IBth Bt. 271 gllOI.ES places moro oaus than anybody. MONEY to loan , CASH on nand , no delay. J , W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st. Paxton - ton hotel building. 278 * n CONEY to loan. Notes ana it. R. tlckot. - i. boufiht and sold. A. Fornian. 1320 Farnam eta. 277 MONEY to loan , at low rates , on chattels , without removal or filing : financial busi ness of all kinds transacted quietly and without rpIIE Mead Investm't Co. wake Jeans on 'arms -J. and city property. Room 204Riuigo ( bulld't' . M K.t10 loat 91 furnltura. v gong. . . te.irUh'jut rflwovali ot taeoiltuiitl ucurr tty. llt : u. WuedmtuL 0 3 iJ UUi SOMB choice loans wantod. A. K. Rlley. I5iri rnrn m. 4 5 ni3 LOAJ < 8 m de on r ai estfito arTU mortew0 bought , Lewis S. Hoed A Co1MI Furnam. _ 837 f | _ QBE Sholcfl before getting A idan. 3S8 MONET loaned fln furniture , piano * , organs , horsKete , lowrf to . J. J. Wilkinson 4 Co. , 1417 Fnrnain. 235 6"1'EH CENT money to loan , Patterson A Bar- nnrd. 818 a IStli st. . 705 Q1IOLE3 , Room 1 , Darker block , for loans. " ] \ fONEY tel can on horses , wngom , furniture , JLiX pianos nnd other personal property or col lateral without removal ; buMneis confidential ; rate * moderate. Th Fntrbauk Investment Co , SIS S. Uth St. . upstairs. 230 BUILDING loans. Llnnhnn k Mnhoney. . . . U OHOLE3 makes Improved city loans. 383 MONET to Loan O. F. D&Vls Co. , real Astata nnd loan agents , 1605 Fnrnam st. 273 CMO.OOO To loan on Omnhn city property at B P ptrcent. O. W. Day , 8. E. cor. Ex. Bid. 8 OMB choice loans wanted by Sholfls. 833 HB. tXLB loans manor on Improved city or farm property , lloom 6 Continental block. . 870 /1ITV loans , Sholos , lloom 1 , llarkor block. JA. WOODMAN Jtoney to loan onre&l os- tate In sums to suit. iUO South 13th st. 270 I.OANB made on Omaha city property hy D. 1 V. Sholos. room L Barker bite. 278 "plOlt low rnto lonus , Sholes , 383 ONBV to Loan KM.OOO to loan In sums of from toOJ to J .HW on Omalm and South Omaha property. Money on hand. Wright St Lasbury , 215 S. lUh st. , upstairs. aa MONEY- loan. lx > west rates. No delay J , L. Idea * Co. . over Commercial Na- Uomilbant - 4 T OUNTZB Place loans by Sholos. 8S3 SHOUT time loans made on any available security. In reasonable amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. General financial buMnoss of any kind trarmctml promptly.quletly and fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Kxchnngo , N. W. cor. 15th and Har- ney sts. . over 3tato National bank. Oorbett , manager 274 JTOTE3 bought. 0. n. Jacobs , 330 S. 15th st. > . . Sholos. 333 MONI5Y to loan on nirmturo , horses , \vagon3 , otcM or on any approved security. Low rules. J. W. HobbiiM , ifilJ Farnam. 230 U500.000 to loan at lowest rate of Interest , on P city property. II , U. Iroy , Fronzor bit. opp. P.O. 130 S PENDID rates on loans. Sholes. 333 BUSINESS CHANCES. "r\7"ANTED TWO good men < jf about 30 years of ni'O wllo cau furnish a SLOOO bond ; ad dress H. 09 , Uco ofllce. 07130 * PA11TNEH wnntpd In llrst class paying meat market to take place of retiring partner ; this will pay to Investigate. Address H 50 , lloo. WANTD-To Invest Jl.OOO in n business , with services , or will buy out nn Interest ; op portunity to investigate required ) reference given. Address II CS , Bee olllce. _ 635 SO * " | 7\OH \ SALE A banking business in a promlh- JL1 ent location with lease , books , time look nnd good will. Address 11 M , Ileo olllce. 613 4 _ _ _ T7IOH SALE Along term lease of the ( central J located ) fancy retail stand. Apply to Fearon , Cole & Hobertson , 310 S 15th. cor. Far nam. _ 457 FOH SALE Or trade. Tlio only holol in n thriving town In northwest Neb. Ad dress Companlott & Nolemau , Hay Springs , or It. McNnlr. Crawford , Neb. _ 4calt " 17IOB SALE A gAod brick yard nnd nil the ap- -L. purtannncoB , also ! 30\i,000 good brick. Apply llyau.Sc Walsh , room 0 , Arlington block. 4 * 4 rpIIE advertiser having had SO years practical Xexperluncfi in the mniVt of fmlphurlc and other acids , fertilizers , baking powders , alkalis nnd other chemicals , wishes to correspond with capitalists with n view of starting such works. Good prollts. Am in a position to give the full est details and references. Address Q. 10 , Oma- 1m Hoe. 147 _ $ " IGOpermonth. J5 starts you lii business , cbun- try rights free ; send stamps for catalogue to Polterson Oil Burner Co. , SOI Canal st. Chicago , HI. 107 m30 * _ TJIORSALE or exchange. A new combined JU 35 bbl roller nnd burr mill with complete outllt of modern machinery , doing a good busl- iness , with unlimited water power , ou Llttla lllue rjver , in Thayer county. Nob. No bettsr location in the state. Will take good lands i > r city property in ( pnrt or entire ) exchange. Ad- . A. O. Collins , Hebron. Neb042ml2 WANTED I have invented nn instrument tliat soils nt nlgtit nnd that In used la every family. 60.000 have been sold in the north west. I can olfer a good man an Interest lu the patent for llftcon years free. No capital re quired. A respectable fortune can bo easily made. If you dcslro n beautiful , permanent business , apply at 6nco. Inclose V-ceut stamp. Address J.D. C. Kuapp , 1)0X837. ) Minneapolis , Minn. Itoference , every bank ami business house in tllnnonpolls. _ 417 2 * A TTENTI6N Bakors-A bakery In first-classs -ex shape , to good location , nnd doing n good buslnesi , for sale choap. Ingharn &Stoole , real Estate IJrokers , Kearney , Neb. 425 2 * WANTED Partner with $200 cash to take half interest in restaurant , centrally loca ted , ono wh6 understands cooking pruforred. Address II 'JO. lieu . . Mlt FOR SALE A good paying business. Cigars , stationery toys , soda water fountain etc. , in first-class location. Stock wjll Invoice about J2.MW. Will take city real estate in sxchango. Enquire at Max Meyer & Co.'g. sal TTIOR SALE Brick hotel , with store-rooms , X1 chcnp , in city of 10,000 population. Little or no money required. Long time , low Interest , < H\sy terms , Great bargain , J. H , Woolloy , Grand Island , Nob. 4707 * T71OR SALE Stock of dry co < J'ds , boots shoes ! JO clothing nnd groceries , stock in good clean Shape , in a growing town , county seal. In center or Nebmsjcn ; two railroads cnmo In town last year , nud prospbct for the third ; good location , chonp rout , good room ; good reason given for Belling. . Address II80. Omaha Bco. "TT'OR ' BALE C6od saloon on Fnrnam st , X1 Terms easy ; coodreasons for selling. Ad dress U L Green , im Farnain at. , Omaha. : m illt TflOR. SALE Or exchange , a complete drllfj X' utore doing a good cash business , in ono of the best towns In northern Iowa. For particulars call or write ( o Fruukllu & Olson , room 643 1'ax- ton building. , D45 2 010 ACHES in Cednr Co. . Neb. , clear of euciim- brance , to exchaugo for good city property in or near Brlegu' 1'laco. Co-Op. L , & L. Co.,203 N. 10th at. 0531 - . . . a good , substantial . . and - commodious brick hotel bulUUng , well rontt'cl'located ut'Lincoln , county sent of Logan cqunty , Jils. , for improved or raw west ern land. A bargain to right party. For par ticulars aJJr' J. M. Molonoy , Lincoln , Ills , ma * T OR'KXCIIANGE Vncantlots clear nnd on- X1 cumbered , fnr fnrma und improved city property ; see our list. II. E. Cole , room o. Con- tlnental block. 03031 Oil EXCHANGE-Wohnvo n large llet of houses and lots , farms , etc. , for exchange ; when you have anything to exchange come nnd sett us. II. E. Cola , room C , Continental block. ' 00081 17UK Omaha real estate 4 Blocks goods ; Hnrd- X1 ware , groceries , boots and uhoos , clothing , Livery barn with stock. 80 acres In Iowa ( all clear ) . 40 acres 14 miles from Omaha nicely Improved. Improved Nebraska forms. Active II , K. & 1'ropeily Exchange , 1524 Dodge st. 637 CO \X7ANTI5D to Exchange-Two lots in B. i M. 11 park for horse and bugary. Inquire nt 3. A. Sloman , 13th and Farnam , Uellman block , "TTIORTRADE Or Sale A span ot carriage X' horses ; a nlco Carriage ! a upan of white ponlosnndoll outfit , cans , etc. ; n tine driving mare , pheaton ; also slngld and double haruoss. Will turn nm6 lu as tlrst paymertt on u nloo hotiso or lot centrally located. Call at ouco on V.UOOFnrnam. tta 00x132 , comer 23d and Dpuglas ets , to trade for nn eight to ten-room houfTond lot. Geo.j , Bternsdprg room 6 , opjtoMi P 0. SJO BRIOK Wanted-100,030 bricks in exchange forBOodlnsida Omaha proporty. 8. A. ALL klndi ot property tor trade. 8tovon § Pros. , 15n yatnam. 4M _ fY\HAIK& iJiads In rent estnta and porsonat * jror > rty. Set exchMi boo * . Co-op , 1 * nd L. 0 < > . 80S N. ICth st. Bfld IIIA.VB 100 Iot4 < in n. A M. Park addition to Bouth Omahft , free of lucnmlirunc * . to trade for improved or unimproved Omaha prop erty , farm lands , stocks of poods , horse * , cattle , or anything of value. Those lots rtrc rapidly IncrfftMnij In value , nnd If you have anything to y-saa call nnd so me. George J. BUnisdorir , room 0 Freiiitr block , oppoalto postolllce , gM WA NTRD W ) houses anil lou toexchaiigo. C. 0. Spotswood. 3M' ( { 3. IBtli Bt. aft ) ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. ' ID LAND Gunrautce nnd Trust Co. . 1S05 Farnnra street Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to real estAU qxaratnod , pto fected and trunrnnttoj. _ BENSON * OA11MICHAKL furnish complfts and guarAnteed abstracts of tilfo to any real estate in Omaha nnd Douglas county upon short nottco. The most complete set of abstract books in the city. No. 1M Farnam st. 92 Abstracts South Omaha Ril. Johnson & Co. , agents South Omaha Land Co. , have the only complete set of abstract books In South Omaha. Complpta abstract * furnished ou short notice. Olllco opposite ! depot. South Omaha. 127 _ gQR SAl.E-REAU ESTATE. ft II EA1' house on Seward Bt near car Hue. \J $1,800 , easy payments , Stevens llros. , nisi Faruam , 070 2 RARGAlN-Ixit 19. blockTN 1'otter k Cohb's addition to South Omnua , for 1390. This lot Is worth * 500. 1. N. Wntson. 820 S. IBth st. 4F3 4 _ T7IOK 8ALK-Two lots In Omnhn View , t'-oo - each ; ono on Lowe avenue , Walnut Hill , 11,800. Address Uox SOI , Mnywood , 111. J _ 059 1 * T L. 1UCU & CO. , Ronl Estate. : H T710R Omnha 1'ropcrty Ranch nud 3,000 high -V grndo cnttle clear , will assume Incuni- brnnco. 220 ncra farm.flncly Improved , clear nnd JJ.OOO cash for good property. 210 farm , dear , $3,000.Equity in house and lot. lot.A A Inrgo llt of fnnns for lots nnd houses nnd lots. Campbell & Hervey , 310 Chamber ot Com merce. 60300 _ "T710RSALK Or exchange.Vo Imva some good -U Omnha real estate and Nebraska farms : which wo will sell cheap or trade for stock of clothing , furnishing Koods.drygood , boots nnd shoes , groceries or hardware. Schleslnger llros. 014 8 10th at. roOinla' _ $300 , easy payments , buys n beautiful DOxlM foot lot. only 80 minutes rldo from post of- ilcolf ; you value your frlond the almighty dollar lar , buy soiuo of those lots before they are all gouo. II. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 245 1 J L. RICE &ICO. , Rent Kstnto. T710R SALE or Trade Farnnm Bt. , near 33th , JO incumbrnuce K.OOO. Equity 8J.OOO. Farnnui st corUlst. 136x182. Tracknge , 13th st. near U race , 05x112. Cumlng st. , cor Slat , 43.03x140 lucumbranco v-w.OOO. N. ICthst , near Nicholas , 01x104 , incunibranco Sauuders St. , cor. nurt , 160x51 , Incunibranco I'nr'ltavo. facing part 00x150 , iucuiubranco KfiO. Douglas st , near 20th , 05x132 , incurabrnnce $2 , < JOO. 25 lots lu H. &M. Park ndd to South Omaha , clear of iucumbrauce , perfect title. 2 quarter sactlona of school laud In Kossuth Co. , Iowa. 1 quarter section land in Qrundy Co. . Neb , clear. " All of above prpportv for sale or trade for good inside Improved property or good im proved or unimproved farms. 8. A. Sloman , rooms 22 and 23. Hellman bldg , 13JI Faruam St. , Omalm , Nob. 813 . makes first payment on ono of those $300 $ . Remember tlio motor will make regu lar trips to these lots or your money is refuud- cd. Come tnke a ride wltn us. IJenson Land Syndicate , II. E. Cole agent , room 0 Continental block. 8293 I HAVE several choice , inside , full lots , upon which I cnu build houses to suit purchasers upon their own selectlou of plans , and on terms to suit. Tills will pay to investigate. D. V. Sholos , room 1 , Darker block. 125 T L RICE & CO. . Heal Estate. 201 T710R BALK-Lots 15,10,17 , 18 , block 0' { , Bed- JO ford's 2d ndd. Lots on Madison square ; beautiful view. 2 lots In Davenport s sub-division , near 21th. House and lot on Hamilton , near 24th. House nnd lot on Caldwell and 25th , corner. 3 lots lu Monefnan's park ; cast front on 32d nvo ; street will bepavod this year. 87 feet front on Farnam. near 20th. 1 lot on Hamilton and 35th , just on grade , 4 lots mDupont place ; patties cauuot make their paynieut ; want to sen chcnp. B M i ) and lot 12 , block 3 , Exchange place , South Omaha. Two 5 room cottages , now , near Kountze'B placo. on monthly payments. The above nro a low of the cheap price prop erty we have on our list that wo couslder the price is below their vnluo. Hugh G. Clark , room 7 , board ot trade building. 6201 T710R SALE Two acres , on Vluton St. , between JO 21st nml 22d St. , $3,000 , half cash. John Rag- Icy , ou premises. 0145 * $30.00 makfcs first payment on one of those WOO lots. Ruriicmber the motor will make regular trips to these lots or your money is refunded. Como taken rlelo with us. Benson Land Syndi cate. II. E. Cole agent , room C Continental block. S 3 LOT 15 and 18 , block 3 , Thornbcrg place , will bo sold during next 10 days , very cheup.nnd only 4200 cash on the two lots , F. L. Gregory , DOT 8 ICth st. COl T L. RICE & CO. , Real Estate. 234 $300. easy payments , buys a beautl ful60x12 foot lot , onlyoO minutes rldo from post of fice ; if you value your frlond tlu > almighty dollar lar , buy some of these lots before they nro nil gone. H , E. Cole , room ( I. Continental block. 241 * 1 T710R BALE A fine residence lot on Fnrnam JO gt. , (18x132 ft at a bargain. Klmball , Champ At Ryan , U. S. Nntl bank bid. 444m2 "C10H SALE 9-room * modern house. 60 feet ot X' ground , near 18th and St. Mary's nve. , for J7.000 , party anxious to-sell , O. U. Thompson , 314 8.15th St. 874 $25 cash nnd 82,3 per month will got you n Ono lot nnd house built to ordur. Stevens Dro9rt 1521 Farnnm. 487 20 $300. easy payments , buys n beautiful 110x123 foot lot , only 80 niinutos rldo from pobt of- fleeif ; you vnlno your friend the nlmlghty dollar lar , buy nome of these lots before they nro all gone. H. E. Cole , routu 0 , Continental block. 245 1 T710R BALIS Lot on Nicholas and 13th , 00x182. J ? for $0,000. Address John R. Shu w , Hamil ton and Lowe avo. 100 m3 * TI1WO good houses , well located , for J2.7UO nnd X $ J.1UO , ou easy payments , J , A. llclataud , room 0 , Arlington liiock. 235 T L. RICE It CO. , Real Estate. 294 FOR SALE At leas than cost : Nine nice , neat cottages , well Imilt , elegant lots in elegant location , high and dry , and only short dutanco from Belt Hue-depot lu Walnut , Hill , from CM ) to { 1,100. & ca&U , balancu ill ) per moutn. These houses are being cloaca out regardless of cost nnd you cannot net another sutu a bar- pain inn hundred years. Call quick on I ) . V. BholcB , room 1 , Barker block. 725 5 ROOM cottage , enat front , ful lot , JMth nnd Burdetto st.s. only jl.TOU. D. C. 1'nttersou , Omaha Nnt. , Bank , Ui)5 ) T , IST your property with Stevens Brog. , 1531 JU Fnrnaiust. 497 2J SUCCESS IN SPECULATION , A NEW WO It 1C The most complete over pub- Ushod.devotedto the purchase and silo of stocks , bonds , etc. Decisions ot the courts regarding stock sales , broken ) and bucket shops , manipu lation of the stock market , causes of panic , etc. How , whcu , nnd what to purclmso aud bull. Bend postpaid on receipt of wa. , by the STANDARD 1'UHLIBIIINO CO. , Albany , N. Y. Hliorlir'a Sale. By virtue of nn order of eulo issued out of the county court for Douglas Count/ , Nebraska , nud to me directed , I will on the fclli day of May , A. I ) . . Ibsa , nt 2 o'clock p.m. of said day nttho warehouse of 1'eyoke Ilro. ' ? Co. . 1102 , 1101 and 110) ) . Howard street. In th City of Omaha , Doug las County , Nebraska , Bell at public auction th property described in said order of ule ns fol lows , to-wlt : A lot of cloth , consisting of suit ings , overcoating , coat and vest pattoius , broadcloth - cloth , etc. ; also a lot cf linings uud tailors trim- mines , materials , etc. , and a tm&ll quantity of custom made clothlnu. Bald property to be nold to satUfy a certain Judgment obtained by Heury wolf nnd William LlchUmilndur against August Miller , befor * Junge Shields , county I12j.o costs , with interest from Apitl 3ft ) . 16ca. until paid , nnd f 1.05 costs of iuer as on tald Bherllf of UyuuU3 Countf , Neb , Omaha. Keb. . April ti. ISM. FOUNTAIN - BK/A.13i3B- - OUT . the S t , THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. SU DUUD AN Til AIN8. Ilunnlng between Council Illuffs nnd Albright. In addition to the stations mentioned , train4 stop nt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth strooti , nuil nt the Summit In Omnhn. Westward. eastward. Al South Sheeloy. OiUalia Trnus- Broad bright. Omaha , depot. for. A.M. A.M. 1. U. A.M. A.M. 6:45 6:67 oio : 0:15 : 0:25 : 0:30 : 0:43 : 7:00 : 7:05 : 7:15 7:20 : 7:50 7:55 : 8:07 : 8:15 : 8:27 : 6:55 : Oi07 0:15 : 0:2t : 0:55 : 10:07 : 10:15 : J0:5r : 10:50 : 10:63 11:07 : 11)15 11:27 11:50 11:65 l > . m. fcro- p. m. p. m. 12:16 : 12:60 : 12:5 : , " . 1:15 l:5n : 1:5 : ! > 2:15 2:27 : 2:50 : 2:55 8:07 : 3:15 U27 ; 3:50 : 3:55 : 407 ! 4:15 : 4:27 : 4:50 : C:07 : 6:15 : 0 : 6:50 : 6:55 0:07 : 0:15 : 0:50 : C:53 : 7:07 : 0:15m 7:87 : 7:60 7:55 8:07 : m 8:50 : 8:55 : 0:07 : : I3 y | U" 0:50 0:6. : ' . 10:07 : 10:15 10:50 : 10 ; 55 11:07 : nrll:15 : 83 11:55 11:59 : 12:09 : am Iv 11:30 : COUNCIL BLUFFS. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Loavo. Arrlvo. A'No.ll . 4:00 p. m. D No.l . 10 : 11 No. 2 . 0:40 : p.m. A * Jp. 13..1J : O No.O . fl:20n.m. No. S . 8 : A No. 4 . 0:40 a. m. No. 8 . T : CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN. A No.O 9:40o. : m. A No.S OilT a. m. A * No.8 4:00p.m. : A No.7 11:30 : a. nl. A No.4 0:45p.m. : A No.0 050pia. ! KANSAS C1T1' , ST. JOE & COUNCIL BLUiTg A No.2 0:25n. ra.lA No.3 fl:33n.rfl. : A No.l B:10p. : m.A | No.l : SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. A No.10 7:05a.m.A | No.O 8r : n.m. A No. 12 7:00p. : m.A | No. 11 V:00p. tu. OJIAHA & ST. LOUIS. No. 8 3:40p. m.A | No.7 i U33a.m. ; CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & QUINCf. No. U . 0:50n. : ra. No. 6 0:40 : n.rn. No. 4 . 8)5u.ii : ) ] . No. 15.945 ; a. in. No. 8 . 4:00p. : m. No. 7 UOOpJll. : No. fl . fiIOp. in. No. 3 7:00p.m. : A dnlly ; It dally except Fat.0 ; dally excep Suu. : D except Jlon. ; | Fast mail ; 'LliultoU. THE CHICAGO AND And Chicago , The only rend to tike fnr Dos Molne . MarshaUonn Cedar Knnltlfl , Clinton , DUun , Chlcugp , MlvAyKeo and ull nulul , ICant. Tit the uenplo Ot Nubmaka.Golo- rndnVyniulnii. . Utah , Idaho , Nevftli.OreKpuiah - Incton Hint Cullfornlu , It ollors oiiut'rloradritnttKt'i ) ot ppatlulo IPj nny otlior line. Ainong a fair of the numerotii points of suficrlpr niorpd ] by tlio patron ) of thl rotul betifoou pie . anil Chlcngo. are It * tire trains n dor of DAi ( ; o AC ) I IIS , nhlcli are the Uncut tlmt hunlnn nrtAoit Inccnultr can crunlo. Hil'AI.AClSHLlilil'l.NO CAflH , wlllOh nro moduli "f comfort and eleianc0. lln IfAU. LOU IHA\VIN ( > JIIXM OAHrt , nn urpas oil tir Br , nnil Its wldnly rulobrnteil l'AIA'l'IAl. mNJNa OABB. tha enual of which cannot bo found tliOwliPre. At Council llluffii , tlio Iralui of th Union Pi nay connect In union depot nltb tnot < . cage k Northwestern lly. In CUIcBgo 0)6 ) lrah | thfi line mnko cloio conuectlon nub tlioio 0 : oilier ICaitenillnoi. "NORTH-WESTERN" If yon wish tbe lioti accommodation. All ticket ccnu tell tlrketi via tUli llnrt. k itiiuuinrr. jt. p. WILSOS . Uou'l Manager. UQu'IFau'r Agent. cnioAOO , n.ts.r W. N. DAllCOCir. nen'l. UVjtorn Aitdnf. U. K. KIMUAM , . Ticket J OBl. o. \viisr , city I-aiionset Aeeal liOl Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. TIIE- ov Tan Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , Tlio Dcst Itoulo front Oinalia aud Council Illull's to EAST- TWO TRAINS UAILY 11ET\VBKN O1UUA AND COUNCIL Clilcngo , AND Mllnaubce , St. Paul , Miuuuunolls , Ccdw linplds , Hook Island , Frocport , Hockford , Wluton , Dnbuqnc , Diwnport , Illglu , Madison , JauesrlUc , Itelolt , Vbiona , J.a L'rosif , And til ethir Iraportirjt coli , Btit , Kortbcut tail tOUtbtMt. l"or throujh rek ( U pinpntbt tlcltt r nt Bt on 1'ttiaa i na JUO. ? Djfliat Cmld t , | M 0,1 ? ElttaOpa U ajMu < j ( ( U tt Oenir l fuiiuet