6 OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MAY 1. 1888. THE D-AJLY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFFICE , NO. 12 PEAKb STUEET. Delivered by Currier In Any Part of the City nt Twenty Cents I'cr Week. II. tV.TlLTON MANAGER. TELEPHONES * Hewr. " * Orncie , No. 43. N lour KDiTOM. No. 33. MIXOlt MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. New spring goods nt Heller's. Additional Council Blufis newa on the fifth page. A very Important meeting of the board of trade is called for this evening. Every incm- licr should ho present. The pews m St. Francis Xavlcr's church will ho sold nt public auction nt the church this evening nt 7 o'clock. All nro invited to purchase scats. Captain W. A. Hnycs , ono of the newly np- pointed members of the police force , yestor- dny stepped up smiling , nnd got the necessary permit to wed Mary F. McCaulcy. Yesterday morning City Auditor Hnmmcr Issued tlil.MJO in special assessment grading bonds to Si. Callahun , It. C. Mitchell , I . Sweeney , It. C. Dergcr , J. W. Kelley and Owen Bros. It was Intended to hiwo begun the paving of Broadway yesterday morning , but owing _ to nn unexpected delay the curbing was not * ' reudy , nnd the work will not bo commenced S- until next Monday morning. Some of the invitations to the Kngan lec- lure not having been delivered promptly , it has been decided not to open the diagram at Hushncll's until 8 o'clock this morning , so that -ill can Imvo an ecjual opportunity of se curing scats. The Virginia Tobacco works , of Nodaway , Va. . have commenced suit against the Coun cil Bluffs Insurance company for $1,000 , claiming that the company liaU nn Insurance policy on property that was burned there n year ago last Mnrcn. . The delegates to the democratic state con vention at Ucs Moincs loft last evening over the Milwaukee. Among the party wcro Messrs. Lacy. Plumcr , Straight , AV.vland , Groncwcg , Ilarvoy , Henry , Uowinnn , Guan- olln , Wymun , Flammaiit , Underwood and Dye. Dye.Tho concert nt the Congregational churcli to-night is to be a treat. Nat Brigham is to givu some of his solos , and Mr. Tabor will preside at the organ. There nro numerous other attractive features , and It being a bcncllt for Prof. lo ) Normamlie , the house should bo full. .7. It. Davidson is preparing to put up at once a two-story brick building on Main street next to Spctmun & liro. The building will be 28x71 feet , iron and plato front , and faced with pressed brick. The ceiling will bo corrugated iron , and a freight elevator will bo put in. The upper floor will bo di vided into ofllccs , and the building will bo provided with water closets niul other con veniences. Thooldframo building will be moved oft nt once , so there will bo no delay in getting the work started. Scwcr connections and house sewers laid by N. Y. Plumbing company. Travelers ! Stop at the Bcchtclc. A full line of crockery and glassware at Lund Bros. , No. " 3 Main stroot. Slieafo loans money on real estate. /J. G. Tipton has several fine bargains n houses and lots if taken soon. Personal Dan Canigg loft hist evening for Dubuquc for a visit of a few days. E. J. Stro'.v spent Sunday at homo nnd left yesterday morning on "tho road. " C. E. Michaels loft the city yesterday for a trip in the iateicst of the Mueller music com pany. Mr. Ccphus Hawks and wife , of Goshen , * Ind. , are the guests of A. B. Walker , 71)5 ) Sixth avenue. Miss Julia Indcn , of Yunkton , Dak. , is „ visiting her brother , W. F. Indcn , on AVash- ington avenue. * E. P. Fuller , of Westllcld , N. Y. , is spend ing a pleasure season with his relatives on Willow avenue. Mrs. Blackenburg , of Philadelphia , and Mrs. Dr. Longshor , of Harlan , are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stcadinau. E. H. Slieafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business btrictly confidential. Office 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stalrs. A Few ItcstlcsH Church Folks. The First Baptist church has ever since its organization been so unfortunate as to have a small and rather discordant clement , who have caused no little amount of trouble. Much of the time this element has been kept balanced and in subjection to the majority , who have been earnest nn $ Jjarmontous. A few ycais npo by the uijlormnato conduct of the Jh en iiiisTof , XUj > Vaiwas a general scatter ing ailij tn"0 chUich cTrganizatlon was well nigh j ned. Out of the wreck the present y.nbtor , itov. Dr. Cooley , n wise leader , has gathered up a goodly membership , and rally ing n largo number of others , lias succeeded in building up a strong , active and apparently harmonious church. A few have begun another agitation , in favor of some changed and in order to get a full expression as to the sentiment of the church , a meeting has been held. The vote being taken on the retention of the able pastor , it was decided by un over whelming majority that hu should be re tained. There wcro less than a dozen who held a different view. Dr. Cooley has done for this church what few other men could have done , und the members seem to appie- ciato it. Warburtou & Iwnrscn , fashionable dressmakers , No. 32 Pearl st. ( Office of tbo Council Blurts City Wntcr- | works Co. , No. llfl Pcnrl street. April 27 , s 1688. To consumers of water : This com- ' r/auy / will consider tlmt ull consumers Avho have not pnlil water bills duo April 1 before MayS , as wishing to discontinue the use of the water , and upon May ! i all such delin quents will bo shut art without further no tice. Tlio ofllco of the company will bo open from 6 a. in. to fi p. in. , and from 7 to 0 p. in. , daily , except Sunday , until the expiration of this notice , HAHUV Himu.smNf , H General Manager nnd Chief Engineer. ' "JMnnmvn Clark" Ann In Heard From. Yesterday a quit claim deed was lllcd for record by which frank Clark , who gained such notoriety in connection with the Man- nwa hotel , pretends to deed to ono K. D Mills , of Atchlson , Kan. , all his interests in the property. The deed is marked at the top , "Mantuva hotel propelty , " by which it up- ' . pears that Clark Intended to deed what rights ho hod in the property , and tlmt M11U supposed ho was pelting tliese rights. Tot Bomo reason the deed contains n description of lots in block 91 , whereas the hotel is In block 80. This inny bo a mistake , and If so ft needs to bo corrected before Mr. Clarke suc ceeds in dcodintnvhut rights he may Imvo in that property. It is understood that Clftrk novcr claimed to have any interest In the block desciibeU in the deed , so It must bo some mistake. The consideration is only f $ ' . > , from which it appear * that Clark docs not consider his equltlctt in tlio hotel property as very val uable. It appeuis that Mills took the deed in settlement of some claim against Clark , who Is no\v operating in Atchlson , nnd aftoi ha deed ; wrote to parties hero td take it on his hands. Ho will doubtless ho n little surprised to learn that if Clark has any rights to HID property ho has not deeded thom in this instrument , hut has named lot : in another block. Thu little transaction dooc not practically ulTcct the Manawa hotel , as il is understood tlut Clark's interest is noi enough to hardly warrant making out are papers. V. jr. C. A. Gymuastiiin. The exhibition to bo given this raoi..o b ; the classes of the gymnasium promUos to t > i one of the best entortalnweuU of the season The boys will probably holt ! forth iu the Ma sonic temploand the nrogiuinme will bo inter sperccd with inueia by the best .wlont in th < city. This will be u novel eutcttaluruent fc ' Council Bluffs i > eops , who : p Us/ail will i ' the boys a crowded ! fe , FEARFUL FALL OF I1TE HEN , Whllo Tearing Down The Roof of the Old Catholic Church. THE DEMOCRATIC DIFFERENCES. TnlkB With Both Slclcs-Tho Baptist Church Itctnlns Its Pastor A Double Wedding Tbo City Fathers. A Fearful ( Fall , Yesterday startling accident occurred during the progress of the work of tearing down the old Catholic church. A gang of men were on the roof tearing nway the old rafters , when several of the timbers sud denly gave way , falling with n terrible crash Into the basement below , and hurling with them four men * The distance was fully thirty-five feet , nnd ns one of the chimneys fell at the snmo time , it seemed almost n mir acle thnt the men who went down In such n tnnglcd crash of timbers and flying brick es caped with no fatal injuries. The four who were injured wcro Henry Slaughter , A. J. Davis , Charles Adams nnd Uuck Poland. They nil received cuts nnd bruises of n painful nature , and were speedily being cared for by Dr. Pinnoy , whoso omen was fortunately right across the street. Slaughter had a cut on the f iicc , near the eye , a scratcli on the chin , nnd n painfully bruised hip , but was nblo to wnlk nnd illd not consider his In juries serious. A. J. Davis had n bloody bruise on the check , nnd Ills hip and back wcro quite sore , ho having been caught under some of the fall ing timbers , and unable to get up until these timbers wcro lifted from oil him. Ho was able then to wnlk about. Charles Adams was ono of the more seriously injured. The ex tent of his hurts cannot bo determined for a few days , ns he was apparently injured more internally than externally. Ho was con scious , though suffering grently , nnd was taken to his homo on lo\\er Uroadway in a carriage. Young Poland was also badly hurt , his chest paining him greatly , rendering it dlfllcult for him to breath. There appeared to bo no bones broken , and It is hoped that In a few days ho may recover fully. John Rccch had n most fortunate escape , as he was with the other men , but when the timbers fell carrying them down , ho clung to the brick wall , and was not injured. It seems that there was great carelessness on the part of those who hud charge of the tearing down of the old building. The sup ports had been removed from under the roof , and the naked rafters were simply resting on the walls with nothing to support them from below , and nothing to prevent their swaying or spreading out of place. The work of taking down these timbers required some skillful and experienced man , who could direct the men carefully , and had such been the case the accident would probably have been avoided. As It was the escape from fatal consequences was very fortunate. The oldest firm , and largest stock of wall paper in the city. All the new shades in ingrains and valours. A few patterns in gilts at lOc per roil Niles , 402 Broadway. That Democratic Split. An nrticlo appeared in yesterday morn ing's ' Republican to the effect that Robert Huntington , the recently defeated candidate for the ofllco of city clerk , who acted as tel ler at the caucus in the First ward , had "confessed" to counting Whatermnn in , nnd Rudto out in thocold. . As it seemed emi nently unrensonablo that a person should confess such n thing even if guilty , a Ben reporter called upon Mr. Huntington , nnd asked if the statement was true. Ho promptly characterized it as a "bare-faced lie , unqualified by and maliciously false , " and said the most that he had ever said in regard to the matter was that he had worked harder for Waterman's nomination than any ono else in the First ward , and that ho thought Waterman's action in afterward voting against him in the city council most ungrate ful. In regard o the report that the Young Men's Democratic club is to bo reorganized with Mr. Huntington as picsidcnt , that gen tleman spoke as follows : "I am nwaro that there is much dissatis faction existing within the club over the recent action of the council in particular , and the general action of the leaders in general , but as far ns the brcakitiguu of this club and the organizing of a new one is concerned , the idea is simply preposterous. " One of the leading "bolters" is Dan Car- rigg , who expressed himself in this manner : "I am sorry I was a democrat nt the last election , but I won't be caught the snrriaf y again. Some of us are disgusted vvitll the way these cjd 'ringbo ' ; sinr6 3oing business - ness nnd wo nre coin gout on a strike. Wo have it all planned , nnd there arc just thir- tQC'l Ci these fellows who are licking off the cream now , who will bo slaughtered. Wo won't have anything to do with them , and they can't even attend ourmcctings when we reorganise. You say there are flvo demo crats in the council , but there are but two , ICephcr and Uollingcr. I tell you wo feel soi'o towards AVatcrman and wo don't deny it. I admire Weaver , oven If ho was against us , for ho stood straight clear through , but Waterman made a stand nhtt then sneaked out , and wo have no use for him. This talk about Howinan and his gang doing all the work is wrong , for other folks do the work nnd they got the benefit. If wo can't win an election wo can throw it to the republicans. " Mayor Rohrer was asked for his opinion in the matter , and said : "Why , its the great est lot of bosh I have heard in u long time. They talk about having money to buy n news paper und all such things , but I waht to sec it before I bcliovo it. I don't bollovo they can even make a little jingle. They will have their little splurge , but I don't think they will over attempt to make a split. " Honey at low rates on first-class tarm security. Burnlinm , Tulle ) a & Co. , llCJfoln street. J. G. Tipton , Real Estate , 627 B'way Union Abstract company , 23(5 ( Main street. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan monoy. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PHIOK $1K. IsathoroueWy practical , well made nnrt flnelj llnUlifd machine , Combines the I'EUMCTI.ET : TKHINO , EXACT ALIGNMENT ona lUi'in WHIT isn of a high priced writer with SIMPLICITY Couiyuctueei und Hurablllty. Send for circulars AOI5NTB WANTKO. P. K. GAGE Tlio r.xtclslor Co. ) Main St. . LINCOLN , NEB. , Council Dhi ( Is , Gcu'lAfcnt. Agt , tor Western 1 own D. H , McDANELD & 00 , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. 83) niid iZ ! Main Btrci't.t'ouncil rilutrs.Iovra. ACCIDENT INSURANCE , $5,000 AT DEATH ! f25 Meekly iKdeinalty for Injury. Costs but I ! ; per year lr. the Old HeiUblo United Ptatca > lu hi \ Auidunt AA relation of Niuv Voi k. Koou.3 , Oiiara llcubtt BUcii , OFFICER & FUSEY , BANKERS. iwr. SPECIALNOTICES. NOTICE. . havIxxt , Found , To LOAH , Fpr R loTo llent , WIOUs , IloardlnR etc. , will bo Ihsr tt d In thlS column nt tbo low rftto of TEN CUNTS PER LINE for the Ilrst In- sertlon and Five CcWQ'er Line for each subse quent Insertion. X/p5vS a vertUeibcnt1 ? at our oITlc , No. 12 1'earl Btf eet near Brondwixy , Coun cil Bluffs Iowa. WAflTS. _ _ "iron RENT Tlio corner omco over the K. C. JL ? A c. II K. it. ticket offlcc , now occupied by Also The room No. 14 Pearl st , now occupied by Forest Pinitli. Also flie duelling house on Woodbury nvo- nnc , known ns the McGt-o plncr. with ono acre of InnJ. _ Jloraco llverctt. TOST A bunch of small krys. Kcwixrd for JLJ same will bo paid by Horace Kverctt. T710HSA 1.13 Lumber yard nnd fixtures doing JL n business of $ aoXW per year In a Hvo Ne braska town. Also a line residence of 12 rooms , with associate bulldlnRS. Apply to Johnston k Vim rntlcn,33 Mnln st , , Council lllulTB. _ WANTii : > First-class tnllors , coats , pant and vest makers. A. Heller , 310 llrond way T710U IlKNT Larpo front room , 711 Slynstcr JL ! street , between Seventh nnd Elghth-sts. WANTED An experienced bookkeeper , either lady or Kcntleiunn. Address with reference and salary expected , Hook 25 , 11 co olllcc. Council lIlu.Ti'.la. WANTED At once , pants nnd vest maker. II. llockcn , Marian , In. "filOll HKNT First-class piano In Rood order. JCnn bo hnd at reasonable price. 1'osses- slon Riven May 1st , t ) . Uoldsteln , aM Ilroadway , FOH IlKNT Furnished nnd unfurnished rooms , 717 1st nve. HcforcnccB wanted. T710H SALK At a bargain , 40 aeroi near stock JL ? ynrds , South Omalia. Neb. , Johnson Ic Christian , Room 35 , Chamber of Commerce , Omnha. " \717ANTED Stocks of merchandise. Have TT Omaha and Council Illulls city property , nlao western land to excliantfo for KOocl.s. Call on or addn-ss Johnson A : Christian , cm U5 , Clinnibcr of Conimurce , Omaha. Ho Star Stables and Mule Yards IJroadwny , Council IlluJTs , Opp. Dummy Depot Horses nnd mules constantly on hand , for sale nt retail or In car load lo'.s. Orders promptly Ulled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. SCHLUTRH A DOI.EV. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council llltitla HOTEL 11 Best $1 $ a Dayjjouse in the City , GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS , Near the Depots. Street Car Connections. im. s. VETERINARY SOR3EON , HOSPITAL AND OPFICB 45 POUBTH-ST. Council Bluffs , la. Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty. V ' HO , 29V MAIN ST , GOODS. ILUFFS , OGDEN BOILER WORKS - : - - ; - , CAllTEU & SON , Prow'u. Mnnufacturersot Alt Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work. Orders 1 > j mail for repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction Limrnnteed. 10th Avenue. Ad dicts Ogdeu Holler Works. Council lllufls.Iowa. JOHN GILBERT , ri.UMUKIt AND DEAI.KII IN "WIND MILLS , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS. HO. 521 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL , UUJFFS , : : IOWA CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Jjouncil Bluffs. Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es- cnpo. Elootrlo Call Dells. Accommodations-First Class , Rates Always Reasonable MAX MOHN , Proprietor NEW SPRING MILLINERY 151i DOUGLAS ST. , 03IAUA , NEB. noo-iEi THE ADVANTAGES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. stocH , Furnishing Goods , ' BROTHERS. Lowest Prlofo , * Uw METCALF , i n -rtir id . _ i i i i > . 1 I Clothing , Hats , Caps , oto. ( DC ffardmant Everett & Fisher . d ] tO DCJJ Mtlo St. Council niuflj. -JJ , ISM si. M rr' A . ; emu , ET x y y Largest Capital and Surplus .CITIZENS.STATE BANK * Your Patronage % v cn of Any Bank in the | . . , > Is Solicited XIo o ro 57H , to COUNCIL BLUFFS & 85 Pqint. Wholesale. Oil % Qlooo . . 8. Pearl St o - + eCO J COtt 3 tt * EMPKIE HARDWARE CO. WEIR SHUGART CO. Munufucturor of ITino Carriages and Buggies. H. F H ATTENH AUER I always keep in stock a largo variety of eastern I have always a full stock to select from. . , , uiako Carriages , which 1 sell at a very low rato. Call anil examine. Prices Low. No * . 2T to ! lli Fourth Struct. I am alwavs rcadv to phew ( roods. 1861. 1888. P. C. DEVX3L. Jencll Vapor Slovc > ! , Monitor Wrought Ranges , Charter Oak Sto\cs , Leonard le- ! rlgcratorslliiililc rj' Hardware , Uoldcn tar S'npor lluitjcs , Ullddcn Teuce Wire , in llooftni ? and Job'Work GOi Itroadnay , Council Bluffs , la. Estimates Famished , CASH TRADE SOLICITED. SEND FOR CIRCULARS , NOW HUSBAND DEAR Y OU CO niGIIT DOWN TO PETER C. MILLER'S Tlmt'UeautifuI I'aftcruor WALL PAPER I SAW TUEHE YKSTKRDAV. 1113 DOES AMj KINUS OK HOUSE AND SIGN PAINT ING .DECOBATINQ , WHITENING , ETC. , And lias None But Experienced Workmen. No. 1U Pearl St. i : Council Uluffr. IF YOU WANT TO BUY O-O TO CQp Q CQa > O a W H 02 02H b PH I W C ; P W o Ul PQ -H Hd ? d P VI Ul IF YOU INTEND TO BUY THIS SEASON IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY NOW ! THEO. BECKMAN ( MANUl'ACTUllEIt OV ANB DIULKH IN HARNESS , SADDLES , BRIDLES AND COLLARS. A Full Assortment of Harness Goods Con stantly on Hand. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. NO. 206 MAIN ST. , ' COUNCIL ULUPFS , i : IOWA EGAN & KIMBALL , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND GAS FITTERS , No. 662 Broadway. Opera Uoueo Block , Council Bluffs. Telephone No. 284. 1843. INCORPOHATED 1878 CO. , MASSI'LION , OHIO , MANUFACTUREIIS. ' resigned for SIZES FROM' MILLS , ELEVATORS 25 TO 250 AND HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT HORSEPOWER POWER , PURPOSES , AUTOMATIC : CUT-OFF : ENGINE. Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa , HEND FOR CATALOGUE. E. C. HARRIS , Manager. NATURALIST AND TAXIDERMIST , Tmill mill > S AM > MAMMALS TItlJE TO \A'iUHi ; : . AM , WOKK UAKAJVTJKI : > . NO , OIO MAIN STIU3ET , ! COUNCIL IJIjUFFh , IA , > Orders Uken at I'enrosc & llardcn's , B , 13tu Bt. , Omaha , fteb. DR RICE'S COMMON SEXSE HERNIAL SUPPORT. The Greatest Invention of the Age ! llupture or llcrnU a Specialty ; Makes Female Diseases a Specialty , Cures all kinds of Chronic Diseases , that are curable , with his most Wonderful Vegetable . dies. Is tlio oldest and most successful specialist In the west. Rail and Bee him. Ofllco No. 1 Pearl st. , Council IllutTs , Iowa. Olllce houra:8 : to 12 n. m : 1 to 0 and a to a p. m. No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE AS80KTMISNX OF FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES , UOTII UOMK8T1O AND FOHEIQN. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. XT RlTT ? Aroln toots and Superintendents. Kooin ( X D lJUJUj 2) Qpera House Block , Council DTpT/TMDTMD Ilydi-aiilio and Sanitary Engineer , DlUliiriDlllJu , Plans , Estimates , Speciricationa. Supervision porvision of Public ork. Brown JJuilding , Council Bluffa Iowa. Floor Browri , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council ' Bluffs , Iowa. QTH IIP 7 Justice of the Peace. Office over American , DUUUIUJj Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffa , owa. _ _ _ _ _ CTftWT ? XT QTMCf" Attorneys at-Law , practice TiT tlio Stat DlUH l ( X D1U1D , aud Federal Courts. omco llooma and 8 , Shugart Beno ] ? look , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _ MS. WOODBW 4" FfrTK G 3t40 OUK A r HA7FN "Dentist. Corner Main street and First avenue. . . _ _ _ j Sur and 0. E. , Ordinance Grades and Grading Eatiinates. Drafting. 501 Jiroadvray , cor. of Main , JRoom 5. . 11' tin MrtMli i i All i , i