Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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Dolly ( Morning Kdttkm ) Including Bundaf . . . . .
.nr.r , Ono Vcar . . 110 M
orsix Month . : . BW
'orTIircoMcmthi . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 W
io Omftha Sunday URR , mailed to any address -
dress , Ono Year , . . . . 00
NBW Vons Orrtoe. JIOOMB It ANII 15 TniiiUNB
jtuiM > t a. WASiiiNarotf Orricit , No , 613
1'OUnTESNin BttltKt.
All communications rotating to novrs ftnd edl
forlftl mutter should bo addressed to tlio Kuuoii
All business letters and remittances AliouM ba
pildrcftsed to Tim NR * Pnnr.tfintnn oom-Aur ,
OMAHA. Drafts , check * and postofllcc orders to
fo tumlo paynljlo to tlio order ot the company.
The Bee FalillnFcipJiiiy , Proprietor
Bworn Statement of Circulation.
BtntftotNebrnfllcn , I , .
County of Dougltiss , ( _
Oco. II. Tzschuck , nccrctnry of Tha n Tub-
company , does eolcmnly swear that th
nctuaiclrculatlon of tlio Dally lle for tlio week
ending Aprils. 1888. wa as follows :
haturdny. April Zl . 18.MO
Hunday , Aprn 81 . 18.2M
MondnyAprll Xt . . . JR.iWO
( Piiesclny. April 24 . 17.1WS
Wednesday. April SI . , .18,07 *
Thursday. April 20 . 17.SOO
1'rldny , Aprfl 27 . . . . . . .17,775
Average . 13.039
. .
Bwom to and subscribed In my presence this
ZStli day of April , A. D. , 1888. N. 1' . KK1U
Notary Public.
Btnte ot Nebraska , I _ „ *
County of Douglas. | 8 > s <
Qeo. B. Tzschuck , bclnt ? flrst dnlr mvorn , do-
posei and Bays that he Is secretary of The Hee
J'ubllslilnKCiimpany , that the nctunl overage
llatly circulation ot the Dally lleo for the month
copies ; for September , 1887 , 14U9 ! copies ; for
October , 1K87 , 14,30 copies ; for November , 1887 ,
15aM copies ; for December , 1887 , 15,011 copies ;
for January , 1888 , llixo coplea : for February ,
1888 , 16,893 copies ; for March. 1888 , III.CSSI copies.
Bworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence thlalCtli day of April , A. D. 1888.
N. P. t'EIL. Notary Public.
already tlrod ot her now
toy. Boulangorism wont up lilco n
rocket , dazzle a tlio pcoplo with u dis
play of flroworks , and comes down a
blackened sticlc.
TUB slaughter-house ana packing
house petitions of the Douglas county
democracy have joined issues , and from
now on till November the * alr will bo
full of flying fur.
THE clearance record of cities for the
week ending April 23 is most satisfac
tory to Omaha. Now York aud Boston
ehow a decrease. Omaha not only has
an 'increase ' in the amount of her ex
changes , but heads the list over every
prominent city in the rate per cent of
her bank clearings over the correspond
ing week of last year.
Tins serious damage caused by the re
cent heavy rains in flooding business
blocks on lower Harnoy , Howard and
Jackson streets , calls for action by the
council and board of public works. The
drainage in the flooded district is de
fective , and some of the sewers will
have to bo enlarged. We are liable to
have heavy floods during the spring
and summer , and relief should bo af
forded without delay.
and tide wait for no man. This
applies to cities as well as men. It ap
plies forcibly to Omaha at this Jungturg.
Oniah&llfrJBtljeop nferonsjt of the current
rlffS tfiaintaln nor ascendancy as a great
commercial and industrial center , by
cxortlhg all her energy and utilizing
nil her resources and advantages in en
larging her jobbing- trade , increasing
her manufacturing facilities , and push
ing on with substantial publiU improvo-
THE rapid extension of railroads ih
the past few years Is adding to the diffi
culties of the timber question. It takes
annually 500,000 acres of timber to sup
ply Cross-ties. At this rate our foTelt
areas will bo depktSu fn loss than
twentymo" years by the needs of rail
roads alono. It is high tlhio for in-
Voniors to turn their attention to the
cross-llo problem. If the proper sub
stitute can bo found there are millions
in it for the fortunate discoverer.
IT is stated on good authority that the
president is favorably disposed toward
the Sioux reservation bill , and that ho
trill in all probabilities sign it in a few
days. Should the measure become a
Jaw it throws open to Nebraska settlers
ft greater part of the Ponca reserve in
' the northern part of Holt and Knox
counties , between the Niobrara and
Rlissourl rivers. The eastern part of
this district is rich in timbers and graz-
. Ctig lands and is destined to become a
Valuable acquisition to Nebraska.
8 ' " , ' .
? YOUNG blood in politics is coming to
the front in Germany as wall as in
America. The opinion is prevalent in
Europe that Bismarck is training his
Don Count Herbert to succeed him as
Chancellor of Gorman } ' when Crown
Prince William succeeds his father.
The man of iron cannot last many years
oven though ho survives the sick om-
poror. To pass the succession of prime
minister'to his son is n most natural as
\voll as ambitious desire. Will the son
bo worthy of his illustrious sire , is the
question agitating Germany.
TUB proposition of Mr. Horn , of the
Keokuk tin works , appears reasonable
enough. Ho asks that Omaha' capital
ists shall takp stock in the enterprise in
the event of its removal to Omaha , in
order to enlarge the plant. This is a
business proposal that ought not to go n
bogging. The field for this line o
manufactures is practically without
competition in Uiisuootion. The oppor
tunity for a safe and profitable Invest-
in out in a manufacturing industry , such
nsMr. Horn's works appear to bo , never
was better.
Bi'.ror.E the next presidential cam
paign there will not be a party that wil
go befora the country without a plank
in iU platform denouncing- hiring
and maintenance of bodies of armed
men by corporations us a menace to oui
llb rtles. Tlio Illinois labor party in
It * recent convention embodies in its
platform the first distinct political pro
tuft ngoinit th feudal tyitem o ( hlrec
mercenaries. Th condemnation is sc
Ateericuai. and ia to unlvers
i that the use of armed hire
lings for tt y purpoto tvhauoavev willet
lot bo tolerated in this couutrj- .
A. Chief Jnntlco Nominated.
The eusponeo rognrdlnp the appoint
ment jof ft chief , justice of the supreme
court of tlio United States Was broken
yesterday by the president eotidingto
the eonato thfe nnmo of Melville W.
Fuller , of Illinois. This appointment
does not como ns n Burprine. For moro
Lhan n week pflst the selection ot Mr.
Tullor had been foreshadowed. The pub *
lie has also boon given some Information
respecting the qualifications of the gon-
Lloman to whom this great honof hna
'alien , nnd the testimony it ) highly
avorablo. Ho Is credited with most ox-
, cnslv6 legal acquirements , especially
.horough in constitutional law , nnd
with being in all respects fully equipped
for the highest judicial ofllco
jndor the government. Ilia reputation
ns n lawyer is not national , but ho hna
eng stood in the front rank of the 11-
inois bar. It IB no objection to htm
that ho hna noVcr hold n judicial posi
tion , only ono of the chief justices Of the
supreme co"Urt having had previous experience -
porionco on the bench.
It is hardly necessary to say that Mr.
Puller is n democrat , and has bcon tnord
or loss p'rominently and actively Idonti-
led with party work. His record , how
ever , does not appear to bo smutched
with any doctrines or principles which
would necessarily make him objection
able ns a candidate for the supreme
court. It is quite among the
iiossibllltfes that something may bo
lovolopcd that would justify the sennto
in hesitating to confirm him , but it dues
lot appear in what is thus far mtulo
public regarding Mr. Fuller's political
career , and the simple fact that ho has
jecn an active and energetic partisan
should have no weight. This consider
ation very likely had an influence with
the president , but that was to bo ex
pected , and it is not therefore a matter
with which the senate is called upon to
concern itself.
The probability is that Mr. Fuller will
bo con finned , and the country will ac
cept him in the Ml hope that lib will
provo to bo a worthy successor to the
eminent men whoso learning , integrity
md patriotism have made the supreme
court of the United States the most illus
trious tribunal in the world. It is an
honor of the highest distinction to be
called to this great tribunal , and no
man who has a just appreciation of it
will fail to leave without its portals all
prejudices that could influence his
judgment or impair his integrity.
Homo ami Ireland.
The papal decree against the political
and social methods adopted in Ireland
in fighting the coercion policy of the
British government and resistance to
rack-rent landlordism is very sure to
create among homo-rulo Irishmen every
where a strong nnti-vatican feeling.
The practices condemned by the apostolic
tolic BOO ns contrary to justice and char
ity , are the "plan of campaign" and
"boycotting. " The edict is chiefly di
rected against the work of the national
league , which necessarily has to
bo carried on with secrecy.
It is the natural alternative to the coer
cion policy of the government , which
prohibits public meetings of the Irish
people to discuss their grievances , jup.-
pregses free sp'ooofi , and arrests and im-
prisonsj regardless of persons , those
who have tlio courage to openly defend
the caUse of Ireland. In order to con
travene as far as possible this tyranni
cal policy , titld to keep alive in the
hearts of the people the flros of patriot
ism , it became nocesshry to adopt a
system 'of secret councils nnd insidious
warfare , which has been known as the
"plan of campaign. " By tncans of it
the friends of the Irjsh cause a o
kept alert and hopeful , and in a
measure the repressive policy of the
gCTSrnment is thwarted. The practice
of boycotting is generally Understood ,
having become almost as familiar to this
country as to Ireland.
The explanation of this interference
of the apostolic see in matters purely
temporal and political is doubtless to bo
found in the eager dealro of the pope to
be on bettor terms with the ruling power
in England than have provailcd for
many years. The present head of the
Roman catholic chUrch has shown an
exceptional capacity for successful di
plomacy , and ho has employed it with
marked success in restoring the papacy
to friendly relations with all the" gov
ernments which under his prede
cessor had become unfriendly. Thus
Germany , Russia and Portugal ,
which hnd long refused intercourse with
the Vatican , are now on the most
friendly terms there , and undoubtedly
England will speedily bo found in
vigorous rivalry with the other govern
ments in giving most respectful con
sideration to Pope Leo. Ho has been
peculiarly favored by circumstances in
carrying out his diplomatic plans , and
it must bo conceded that ho has used his
opportunities with consummate skilli
When Bismarck needed the catholic
support in the rolchstag for his military
bills ho did not hositata to seek the
assistance of Leo , and when the chan
cellor offered satisfactory concessions
that assistance was effectively given.
The extremity of the tory government in
England led it to call upon the aid
of the same apostolic power , and
as the papal decrco shows with success.
What the Vatican will receive in return
the future will unfold , but it is safe to
predict that it will bo a recognition
amply satisfactory to the special ambi
tion of the holy father.
The result , however , BO far as Ireland
is concerned , will not bo to the gain or
the glory of the tory government. The
matter is too obviously a bargain to bo
acquiesced in by any Irishman who sin-
curely desires to see Ireland relieved
of English tyranny and oppression , and
it will bo repudiated by all such as an
utterly unwarrantable proceeding ,
which it is a solemn duty to denounce
and dUregard. So far as the church is
concerned it may not provo to bo a seri
ous injury , but among its most de
voted people it will diminish respect
for the present head of the church in
conspicuously showing him to bo actu
ated primarily and chiefly by the am
bition nnd aims of the politician.
IK our genial local contemporaries
kindly permit the Bun building tp
Iw constructed without further , inter
ference on their part wo shall feel
under Instlng obligations. Wo frankly
confess it was a most grievous ofTonso
on the part of the proprietors ot this
paper to proceed with thlB building
without taking the editors of the other
Omaha dallies nnd weeklies into their
confidencennd ascertaining their
wishes (19 ( regards Ideation , architect ,
plans , materials hnd contracts. Wo can
cArt assure thoin that this was purely
an oversight. Now that wo realize how
offensive such n course on our part hnd
bcon wo voty humbly bog n
thousand pardons for our lack
of professional cOurtosyt We in-
Lend , however , to nmko ample amends
by promising to keep our editorial nose
out of the grand building projects of
our enterprising nnd inlbllc-splritcd
contemporaries wlion , in the dim and
distant future , they Invest nil they havd
and nil they can borrow in ifl tig ill flea ni
structures that will bo the prldo of
Omaha for nil time <
IT is reported to bo the intention of
Lho president , in cnso the sonata refuses - >
fuses to ratify the fisheries treaty , to
enforce the retaliation law1 passed by
the last congress , which provides for ti
policy of commercial noii-lntcrcourso'
Under certain circumstances. It is
moro than probable that some of the
democratic senators nro milking thid
statement in the nature of a throat.
The president ifl authorized to apply rn-
Lalintion only In thoovontof Canada re
fusing to concede rights claimed by
American fishermen under existing
treaty regulations , so that it will re
main , with the Dominion government
to determine whether it will invite -
vito this course or avoid it. The
president cannot take any arbl-
Lrury action in the matter. Sub
sequent to the passage of the act the
Canadian authorities were guilty of con
duct which would luvvo justified the
president in proclaiming non-inter
course , but ho did nothing. The com
mission was in contemplation which luis
since framed the treaty now before the
senate. If this convention fail of rati
fication and the Dominion authorities
renew their forraor policy It will bo the
plain duty of the president to execute
the retaliation law , but this Is not a
matter which the senate is called upon
to consider in determining what is
proper to bo done , in the interests of
the country , with the treaty. That is
to bo considered solely upon its
merits , and not with reference
to what may happen if it shall not bo
ratified. Democratic senators are mak
ing a mi&tako in threatening commercial
non-intercourse if the administration's
plan of settling the fisheries dispute is
not acoc'ded to. It is an indiscreet way
of exhibiting zeal that is purely partisan
in its naturo.
Tim financial and business affairs of
the country exhibit some rather puz
zling conditions , which chiefly servo to
show that , so far as the legitimate enter
prises nro concerned there is a good
deal of uncertainty regarding the futuro.
So far as the bank clearings are an in
dex to business they show that it is less
in the aggregate than at the corresponding
pending time last year. There are In
stances Q ! l cal iu9"oaso , "notably Jn
Omaha , but tlio total shows a small fall
ing oft. Perhaps Under the circum
stances it is rather rdlrinrknble that the
decrease is not greater , but it is a fact
that in most departments of legitimate
business , taking the country through ,
trade is1quiot. . Meanwhile there
appears to be no lack of money
at the financial editors , the
reserves of the Now York banks mak
ing largo gains last woolti The activ
ity of the stock nihvket has been an in
teresting feature of the situation ,
chiefly because thoi'e seemed to bo u&
oclcnuatc reason fdjr it , unleS9"ll was to
bo found in a genordus demand for
American railroad securities in tlm
Lolldbn market. The business of the
railroads thus far in the current year ,
and the reported unfavorable crop out
look , are facts that olfoi' no oXcourago-
meiit to stock speculation. While the
speculators in securities soem-dlsposod
to discount a possible improvement , it
is evident that the general business of
the country is inclined to proceed cau
tiously , pending action by congress regarding -
garding the revenues and the surplus ,
which may bo such ns to require some
commercial readjustments.
day , Colonel Follows , is not doing him
self credit as district attorney of Now
York. His administration is a scandal
to the cause of justice , and ho is already
being denounced by the judges in the
courts as incompetent and careless , if
not corrupt. His department is con
ducted BO loosely that criminals go free
and important trials have to bo ad
journed because Mr. Follows falls to
draw proper indictments , and neglects
to subpoena witnessed. Ho is a wretched
failure at district attorney. Yet Mr.
Cleveland , familiar with his past record
as a corrupt politician , endorsed him as
a proper candidate for the olllco worthy
of all support. That recommendation
is going to cost Mr. Cleveland dear.
THE place which Omaha has secured
as the third largest pork packing center
in the United States is permanent. She
has outdistanced St. Louis ami Cincin
nati , leaving them far behind in the
rauo. These cities are no longer our
rivals. The Cincinnati Price Citmnt
gives the number of hogs packed in
Omaha from March 1 to April 28 us
12:1,000. : St. Louis , fourth on the list ,
packed only 00,000. Chicago still loads
with a record of ! J90t)00 ) , but as the in
crease over lust year is only 10,000 , ft is
evident that the pork packing of Chicago
cage hus reached high water mark , and
that the Industry is rapidly being trans
ferred to Omaha.
AVliy Popular With the Bourbons ,
ClucfiiMul ! Omette.
Connecticut has 50,000 miles of stone fence ,
and a great deal , too , that U measured by thu
AVIiat Vet s Are AVorlh In "Uliotly. "
ytw York Matl and Exfieit.
Seven dollais aud a half is said to have
been the average price of votes in tlio list
Hhodo Inland election.
A Democratic OUII1.
Chhayo Inter Owm.
Democrats in ludiaua will mark the sum
mer of ISsS at "the coolest ou record. " IMata
ftnd nhlhrncHo * loVc wont save thorn
from nipping frost * In November.
Will Not Jump lit DnU.
Olmuney M. Dep6w will not resign thfi
presidency 6f the Now Y6rk Central until
hl nomlnntlon b.vUfto dhlcnrfo convention is
moro ccrtfiln thhn'lt ' Ik now. Thin la author ! *
ttttiVduntll flonlctttiy Mr.
I'rotoOtlDh. lit i'ennojlvnuln.
C7i frtiffO itcra Id .
"Protection" In Pennsylvnnln aSEsfiT , np-
ponr to protect , nltogothor. The manufnc-
turors of that state often ontl on the Pinker-
tons. 1'roublo might bo avoided ami labor
satisfied If the mohey spent for the services
of the Ilnlt6rtoti rirmy wore paid out In ad
ditional WflffOS.
A Spotless Reputation ,
r/il/datlp/ifd / / / Inquirer.
Dexter la dead. Dcjtor wns a public
character whoso nntno was once in every
body's ' moutll. As a youth ho wiis very fast ,
and Ills onfiy Ufa vfna spoilt dmdtlrf tliO dls-
ren'nttiblo ' associations of the rrtco track , yet
ho bore a good nnnio unsullied to the last ,
nnd Whoti ho died lilt rcputntlbti tvni bnot-
' .that's ' bocnuso locator Was a homo.
Working Up n Prohibition llooiii.
CMcciyil littaht.
Ex-Govornor St. John ( the prohibition
upostlo , has gone to the Pnolflo coast , where
hd Is making speeches nnd trying to work up
n prohibition boom , lie declares that the
prohibition party will elect a jircslilofit In
1S92. When that is done a prohibition
atnenJmout will bo nddod to the constitution ,
ntul liquor JrlnKiiig will of course ccuso.
A Reduction on Import * .
tlaiton 2'rrtiier/ / ; f.
TUo republican stato' convention of Mis
souri adopted a resolution demanding "a
wlso revision of our tariff laws , a reduction
of taxation on imports , placing on the frco
list ns nearly as possible the necessaries and
making the luxuries of life boar the expense
of government. " There is a good deal of
this kind of sentiment in the republican party
of the north.
Moro on the Fisheries.
The Boston Herald , snys the Missouri
IZcpuMlcun , has finally discovered that the
"hardy fishermen of Gloucester" over whoso
rights wo have been forced to make such a
hubbub , nro Canadians. ThU the Repub
lican has repeatedly pointed out during the
lust eighteen months. The Yankees who
formerly went fishing from Gloucester are
mostly out west now , raising hogs and salt
ing them with taxed salt in order that the
flsh caught by Canadians in the employ of
the cod-fish syndicate may have free salt and
Tlio Vic\vd oT u Mugwump.
Harper's HVfAly.
In thd democratic convention the president
will bo ronomlnnted apparently by acclama
tion. The droll diversion In the name of
Governor Hill has ceased , and so completely
that oven the ronomfuatlon of the governor
to his present ofllco has become very doubt
ful. His not supposed that the president is
altogether or oven generally acceptable to his
party , but his party sees that he is Its only
available candidate , and is in himself a plat
form. Ills administration , despite all dis
appointments , has gained respect and con
fidence for hlinsclff but the course of his
party has not tended to regain for Itself
popular favor.
The VOHIIJ : , Mini in Politics.
The young man ijiipolitlcs always runs the
risk of bciug snubbed by his elders. Ho is
sure to bo frequentlyreminded that ho should
bo seen and not heard. If he is inclined to
"ritliiibor 6f l > olltlal ! prejudices with
which to dairy on a modest business under
the eyes of hip directors. This la shabby
treatment. There is something peculiarly
pitiful in the pride which some young men
have in wearing as tholr own the tattcrod
opinions of others , without even presuming
to patch the ohsoloto raiment with BO much
its a single how idea. It ought to bo possible
for young nlGn In politics to see most rcauily
whore old methods fall short of the needs ol
the day. Those who do their thinking for
tlienlsolvcs , instead of accepting without
question rcady-irtade Ideas tinged with ether
men's ' bigotry aud bile , speedily find recogni
tion ns Americans of thg proper sort. Would
that there wore more of thorn.
People n'lcd , Stock Watered ,
St. Lout RCw'blKanT
We learn fiom the late report of the Union
Pacific railroad made In Huston , where so
many western railroads are owned that the
gross earnings last year were $33,557,000 nn
Increase of 3,29r,000 over the year before ;
not earnings , $10,890,000 an increase of
$2,023,000. This net income of nearly § 11,000-
000 a year , together with the proceeds of the
sale of the 11W)0,000 , acres of land granted
the roatl , ought easily to pay the loan' of
$37,000,000 made by the government to it
and one naturally asks why does it not ? The
answer is furnished in the statement of the
road's ' Indebtedness to others than the gov
ernment $1-17,000,000 , , or $110,650 per mile.
Nearly tlio whole sum of money represented
in this enormous debt was appropriated by
the dircclcrs and their friends , who built the
road and managed It for twenty years not
to include the not earnings from year to
year , which they appropriated also ; and the
money is still to bo found In Boston and its
immediate vicinity ,
Words , Words , Words.
CVifcai/u Newt ,
Talking , talking ou the tariff ,
Idly talking day by day
Where's the chunoo of being useful !
Men of congress , toll us , pray.
What n lot of useless gahblol
Arguments with whiskers , gray.
Make the talk mills clash and clatter ,
Tiiough they've nothing much to say.
Noliriislcn Jottings.
"Washington will have a50,000 court
hauso. < rf
Republican Clty'anow school house Is
nonrii ng completion ; .
Chadron's throW story hotel will bo
completed this summer.
A Talmago ohluijalod from polbon in
the paint of n wawnpail.
The Nebraska ilc\hodUt \ is the title
of a now paper in Huntings.
David Caulthglljwor , of Seward
county has been iuj.mdgod insane.
Furnns county l-to have u $10,000
court house to bo completed nt once.
Liberty offers the Wyandotte road
$31,000 to run through that town and to
The real estate transfers in York for
six days , ending Saturday , aggregate
Nebraska City's jail will be repaired
in such a manner that escape will bo
Artistic horse thieves are doing a
business in Sheridan county , while the
vigilants sleep.
J. Sterling Morton , the sage of Arbor
Lodge , is at homo again after several
months absence ,
Fremont's electric lights fall to shine
just now , ou account of broken nnd dis-
conftcctcd wires.
The American Farmer's union , or
ganized at Pawnee City , is receiving a
good membership.
Between the years 1600 and 1830
there wore fifty-nine divorces grnntod
in Cumlhg counlyt
After throe weeks of oxoltomont ,
and jrlory , the Kctirnoy Daily Couribr
took its up1 ward flight.
A now ropublicn'o newspaper is to bo
founded nt Harrison , to take in the
summer orop of pumpkins.
A mother , two eons nnd tw6 daughters
from Scotland have settled oh 1,200
acres of land in Davlos county ,
Imiinnoln claims that the future holds
for her the proud distinction of being
the midway queen olty of the plains.
Chndron is making wry faces nt Al-
llnnco , and declares that there is no
homo fftr the "futuro groat" ot Bos
Uullo county ,
Vordon and Stollti , in Richardson
county , will hnvo two , saloons , each ,
while Falls City Will perhaps refuse to
tfraut license.
The total number of children of school
ago in York county Is 0,001) ) , an inarousb
of 500 In ono your. There rtro 108 teach
ers' in the county.
The Kearney Press says the story
told by Ell Perkins concerning the
strike at Kearney is false. To question
Mr. Perkins' voracity 16 shocking ,
The rdhfosontntlon that Richardson
county will bo entitled to Ui the next
session of the legislature la three roprd-
spntattvcs nnd ailoat senator with 1'aw-
lioo dounty.
The C-'Noil ' frontier looks at the
figures hnd axclftihis that Omaha is
maintaining her place as the third pork
packing city of the world , and nt her
present rate of increase eho will down
Kansas City and take her nlnco next to
Chicago before many months.
The assistant state veterinary sur
geon was In Stratum recently looking
for glnndorod horses. A Mr. Kirkttood
owned n mnro that was sick. The sci
entific gentleman pronounced the dis-
osvso glanders and was about to shoot
when Kirkwood protested nnd offered
his opinion that the case wns not glan
ders. And in this unsettled inunnor the
case was loft.
The fact that corner lots are being
staked above now Indian graves is
proton by a recent find in Antelope
county. The Tribune says : "In dig
ging the hole for their tree on college
hill the boys dug up parts of two skele
tons. probably Indians. They found two
skulls , ono entire backbone and a pile
ot other bones of the body promiscuously
thrown together. "
Foot pads and thugs are far too thick
in DCS Moincs.
Thomns Jones , near Sioux City , killed
eight wolves and one wild cat Saturday.
The rains in Iowa Saturday and Sun
day broke the backbone of the long
The miscreant who fired at the "Q"
fireman near Albia Friday night cannot
bo found.
The annual convention of the Roman
Catholic Protective association will beheld
held tit Waterloo , Juno i20.
Hon. E. H. Gillette , of Dos Moincs ,
is chairman of the executive committee
of the national greenback party.
The coming of the Santa Fc road into
Davenport grows doubtfullor and doubt-
fuller , drearily slugs a paper of the
The annual convention of the Iowa
state association of chiefs of police and
pity marshals will bo held at Council
Bluffs May 8 and 0.
The Gate City says that the Odd Fol
lows of "Keokuk expect to have the
grand lodge df the state meet in Keokuk
two years from now.
Dos Moines capitalists are booming
r c.ity thrpugji yic state's newspa
pers. Ton tndusaud dollais has boon
raliod for advertising purposes' .
Pierce , Potts and Hamilton , notorious
Dos Moincs prohibition constables , have
been indicated by the grand jury of
Polk county for recpiving bribes.
The annual tournament of the Iowa
Bpartsmcn , which will behold in DCS
Moines June a , U and 7 , will from pres
ent Indications bo a grand success.
J'ofTerson county has commenced pay
ing its regular bounty to farmers who
have had sheep killed by wolves. A few
such Claims are reported from Henry
The pcoplo at What Cheer , la , , are
studying the nrtefiiua well question.
Thovgoal mifiSs beneath that town are
Cutting off the lower ends of the wells
and the water supply 4s becoming pain
fully short.
A wealthy Dubuquor was reaching for
hia pocketbook the other day intending
to pay a couple of slooh strangers 810,000
for a gold brick worth twice that
amount , when his wife took a hand in
the deal and stopped it. The Times
says the man is no good if he doesn't
buy that woman the finest ailk dress in
the city. _
The Iron Hill bank at Carboimto has
closed for want of business.
Ono up in figures finds that Deadwood
spends $300 a day for cigars and strong
The new city council of Huron lias re
duced the salaries of nearly the entire
list of city ollcors. !
There Is to bo .f,000 / snout in another
building at Stephen mission , on Crow
Crook reservation.
Fifteen dollars per acre was recently
paid for ninety acres of raw land in the
custom part of Clay county.
It is stated that ono million foot of
lumber have already boon ordered and
that rebuilding Central Olty will begin
nt onco.
The Huron , Duluth Sc Denver railway
has collapsed , and the farmers along the
line who worked for the contractors last
fall are badly loft.
Travel to the Blacic Hills is increas
ing. The incoming trains now carry a
much larpcr number of passengers than
for many months past.
Clmslm , the Indian who was BO un-
fortunalo as to marry MUs Fpllown ,
sends letters to acquaintances in the
cast asking for wedding presents.
Wednesday a Volga stockman and a
couple from Sibloy received about 400
head of cattle and paid no.irly 8115,000 for
them. The prices ranged from &J.50 to
$3,12 per hundred.
A binall army of prospectors Is scour
ing the Bald Mountain country , earn
estly searching for lodes of precious
metals. Old-timers say that the camp
was never busier than to-day.
Word reaches Dendwood from the
Midsummer that a body of high grade
carbonate ore has boon encountered in
the abaft. It has not been explored as
yet , however , and consequently the ex
tent and value of the find is unknown.
Rapid City ia in a quandary regard
ing the disposition of nor deud. Many
objections are made to the present bury
ing ground , and the papers are urging
the necessity for the establishment of
now ones in another portion of the city.
The farmers of the Black Hills nro
looking ahead this year to a season of
prosperity. Agriculture in that section
has gone beyond experiment , and it is
definitely bottled that a crop c n bo
raised , of cereals or vegetables , if prop
erly attended to. And realising this
and encouraged by litbt year's BUSCCSS ,
the farmo'ri. of the Hills are putting to
crop Cthis year an acreuce almost
100 per cent larger than that 01
i9t ycnr. Itunflrods of acres of now
If toUhu llhVo been broken hnd seeded.
-yiiv * f vu uuuii UIAJIVVH t i * Dw * iv i
I'll ohiof crops of course , will bo wheat
nnd oatsi
Buffalo Gap will have clcotrio tight.
Lnrntnio's artesian well ie down to a
depth of 000 feot.
The Lnrnmlo glass works company
proposes to incronfeo the capital stock
from $75,000 to double Chat amount.
Tlio Wyoming publishing company
has boon incorporated at Cheyenne for
the purpose of printing histories and
0. II. Slmonson stole n horse from n
Denver firm nnd his brilliant fcnroor
came to an uhtlmnly end at Cheyenne ,
Whbro ho wnd arrested.
Fifty-ono head of suspected Texas
cattle itro detnlndd nt the quarantine )
yards at Choydlilio , The herd hits boon
hold there for1 ftbbul thrco weeks ,
There woi'o forty-six nppllbants for
the Various olllccs in Converse county ,
ot Which DoliRlas Is the county scat.
The county was organized last week.
Two men jumped from thb overland
flyer iicurLuramlo , the night of the late
blizzard , and hnv'o liol been found , Thb
train was going nt the rate of thirty-five
miles mi hour.
Ill n llttlo sorimmilpo at theGhovonnb
& lJUrlin'gtoti depot nn olhployo of that
rotd : was struck 6n tlio lloiul with thb
fragment of n brick nnd Sam Bcluhar
was Jdllcd for lllo offeilsd.
The Glcnrock Graphic snvs that husl-
ncss is not dull in Glonrock , although
the mines ard temporarily closed down.
Spring trade fi'om the rnnohos and
round-ups has mndo the mercantile
business qtilta brisk.
The first man that was hung inLnra -
mio was resurrected in thnt olty re
cently by two moil who were digging
holes in which to plant trees. Tlio remains -
mains were Identified by mi old timer as
the man who wont by the name of "Tlio
Fortune Toller. "
Glonrock is already experiencing and
reaping the benefits of the interest
nmnifcslod in the Wyoming oil Holds
by the eastern public. Strangers and
capitalists who have some interests ,
present or prospective , in said oil Holds ,
nro arriving every week , all of which
tends to cause times to continue quite
lively in our splendid little town , des
pite the closing of the mines ,
Paper Boxes Turned Out nt Lightning
Speed by a Now Invention.
Lewiston ( Mo. ) Journal : Wonderful
is the paper box making machine that
an inventor has just put into running
order at a paper box factory in Auburn.
The operator foods in at one end of the
box-malcca a square piece of card board
and in less than throe seconds it comes
out at the other end mndo up into a
neat box , the corners neatly firmed to
gether and firmly soalod. It promises
to revolutionize the paper box making
In the machine are COO pieces , and
when in operation there nro fifty dis
tinct motions , each of which is depen
dent upon itself , there being no springs
about it whatever. It has a capacity
for turning out over twenty boxes per
minute , from the time the board enters
the feeder to the time it is delivered at
to the first lloor above. The machine
can easily bo adjusted to nearly ony
size of paste board box. . The smallest
size that can at prcsont bo rnado is "ixG
inches , and tlio largest 8x18 inches. The
donth of the bdx must must bo under six
The operator starts the machine and
takes his station at the back aido.scatcd
trjOR a hJjjH itooL First ho takes about
flva hundred pTeucs' of pastotiojird. of
perhaps 3x0 inohcs. O'no-lialf of these
lie puts in at ono side of the box-shaped
mould , and the ether half at the ether
side. Then ho takes the flat squared
piece of pasteboard , that has boon prop
erly Httod , and lays it on the machine
tablo.ln n position where the feed roller
will drag it into the machine , over the
mould. The wheels all start simul
taneously , nud while ono part ol thpjfla-
cliine ig doing its workanothor branch ,
further ou , isgctting ifoady to take a
turn 0t tn f b03 { .
&ftei % the pasteboard has boon drawn
in by the feeders , they are at once ele
vated out of the way and the part called
the "plunger" comes down and drives
the pasteboard , which lies flat over the
mould , down toward the bottom of the
maohlno. At this stage of thawork the
Sides of the box are formed and also
about n half inch on tlio end of the sides
and bottom is turned u'p and pasted as
llio plunger forces it down past the paste
rolls. Then comes the end piocoswhicft
nro drawn into position by a cluvin pass
ing under thorn with a weight attiiohed.
so that when two end pieces slip down
into the box-mould , the ohivlii urges the
rest forward to bp iu readiness for the
next box. .
ThSii , from behind , ns it were like a
mighty wave , tlio ends , are prousdd by
the action of the inachino at a jiressuro
of nbout a ton. After this is ddno , the
plunger is raised , clearing ItsoH , as it
does ether parts of the machinery , from
the box , which drop ? below. Hero a
wide bolt with cleats riveted to it car
ries the box to the rooms nbovo. All
this is done in less than three seconds ,
or 1,200 boxes per hour and 12,000 per
The inventor has in view a machine
that will make the cover of the box
ulso. This is the first time the inachino
has boon operated in any factory what
ever , and proves to bo a grand success.
An KiignKenicnt ntnu Found.
Burlington Republican : Satnuel
Blair , an Erie brakcman , who llvofi in
Ilornollsvlllo , has an owl for whiah ho
would not take 8100. Ho captured the
owl e'arly yesterday morning a short
distance butuldo of the city. Blair was
standing on top of a box cur , when sud
denly ho was struck full in the chest
by some object which came Bailing
through the air straight toward him.
The object dropped to the top of the car
nnd was quickly sel/.od by Blair. Ho
found that it was a small owl of the
"hoot" variety. As soon as ho had an
opportunity ho took his prize to the
caboose , and proudly exhibited it to the
other trainmen.
As soon aa the light from the lamps
shone full upon the bird , ono of the
men discovered ti small , glittering ob
ject almost concealed by feathers on the
owl's bicast. It was found to bo a plain
gold ring suspended around its neck by
n fine chain , which also appeared to bo
gold. The trinket was closely exam
ined , and on the inside tlio following
inscription was found engraved : "From
C. E. B. to G. E. M. , 18H1. FldolitttH. "
The trainmen promptly voted that the
homo of the midnight wanderer should ,
thereafter bo in the caboose. If this
should meet the eye of "C. E. S. " or
"G. E. M. , " will ho or tmo explain how
the ring came upon the owl's ncck'i1
They were engaged , of course , und the
engagement was broken. Maybe "C.
E , S. " ia now a wanderer on the face of
tlo | earth , bitterly cursing the fate that
parted him nnd his betrothed , whllo
"G. E. M. " sits silent and melancholy ,
murmuriner "Ho comcth not. " If either
of the hopclc&s lovers are Hying , and
wish to IIOSSCSB the rinjf , it may bu hud
of Mr. Blair by proving property , bul
he declares ha will not part with thu
owl /or nny prico-
Ho Will Prooont a Strong1 Front in
the State Convention.
Aflor A Dory Exchange of Speeches
Jlls Adherents Cnrrjr Tliolr 1'olnt
ntul Make Up tlio Iilst of
Tim Cottnty Democratic Convention.
The dombcratio county convention met In
the Council chamber yesterday afternoon at
SilOo'clock. Hwnscitllod to order by Euclid
Mnrtln , chairman of the democratic' county
central cottunlttoo.
Ou motion of 0. S. Montgomery OhArlos
OITut wns elected temporary chairman.
On motion bf J. J. Mfihonp.r , J * J. Points
Was elected tcrnt > ornry fcccrctflry.
Charles Cotloyor moved that n comtnltteo
of five on credentials bo Appointed. The mo
tion prevailed nnd the chair appointed ai
Buoh comtnlttco Mcssrsi Olmrlos Couoyer ,
John Hoth ) EUclld Mnrttn , Judge W. 8. Pel-
her nud BJ F. Moroartyi
On motion ot Frank Morri3scj' ( pendliip
the report of the committee n reCess ot fif
teen minutes wns tnkou.
While the committee bn credentials was
out deliberating chaos prevailed tunong the
delegates * the wire pullers hnd Ward heel-
ors. lluttonhollng nud our whispering was
cngflgod in , and tlio men with "lullooonco"
gathered In little knots and with paper and
pencil wrote out tlio names of tholr favor
ites to go to the convention , Pot Ford looked
dejected ntul Hat in silence nt the doslt occu
pied by him at the council inoclInRs , now and
then venturing to speak to his side partner ,
Councilman Adam Snydcr.
The following dclogaton were selected by
the committee on credentials :
First Ward Louis Schrocder , Patrick
Desmond , Charles Conoyor , W. II. Spray ,
Tbonma Casey , Walter IJrandcs , Clarence
W. Ulgolow.
Second Ward John Donnelly , sr. , John E.
Murphy. Chai los Hammerer. George Holmes ,
Jr. , Thomas Colby , Frank Prlborsky , Louis
O Third Ward Patrick Ford , Adam Snyder -
der , Henry Parish , Richard Uurdish. Charles
Fanning , Edgar Kothory , A. H. Forbes.
Fourth ward H. S. Clark , A. E. Coffgs-
hall , Gustavo Uenolto , Charles Ogden , Frank
Mormoy , Charles Little , J. J. Philbin.
Fifth ward John MoOorry , George Mod-
lock , John Conlou , Detllf Stofln , James
Douglas , Gustavo Krocgcr , Thomas II.
Sixth ward F. W. Lessentln , J. D. Rustln ,
Bernard Sachsse , M. T. Murphy , Murtiu
13oclc , Uhnrlts Stow , L. J. UlaUo.
Seventh ward J. J. Points. E. P. Morc-
nrty. J. J. Mahoney , Andy Murphy , J. P.
English , 13. F. Huso , A. Wagner.
Eighth ward C. O. Gallagher , John Belirk ,
Ed. A. Shaw , John Heth , D. P. Augcll , Wil
liam Fclkcr , J. H. Winspcar.
Ninth ward W. A. Gardner , Euclid Mar
tin , P. A. Gavin. J. W. West , S. S. Van
LJourcn , C. S. Montgomery , M. M. Parmer.
South Omaha D. 1' . Bayio&s , 0. T. Van
Alien , Hodio Hcduiond , J. ti. Mullen , J. J.
Donovan , Thomas Sweeney , U. J. Curtla.
Jefferson precinct Gcargo E.Timmo , John
McCombs. William Friclc.
Valley prcciuct J. W. Agcr , John Mitchell ,
Peter Fouso.
West Omaha H. W. Crossoll , John Mur-
tah , Charles OJTut.
McArdlo-J. H. MoArdle , Edward Callohly ,
John McArdlo.
Elhhorn John Lutz , James W. Moore ,
George W. Grcston.
Mlllard W. Peterson , Christian Kolber ,
Harry Link.
Chicago-W. Whitmore , D. W. Cannon , J.
W. Goodard.
Waterloo-A. H.Lce.L.W. Dented , Frank
Slavou ,
Union H. S. Luddlngton , E. E. Elright ,
J. H. L. Williams.
DouiJos4--Peter McCafJory , John Toner ,
JosonlrJones. ' 7 , . , w I . * * * -
Ou idotion , the temporary organization xvaa
made permanent , and Mr. Mortlssov moved
that a committee of seven bo appointed by the
chair to select thirty-five delegates to th6
state convention on a basis of tlio vote cast
In ward and precinct. This was the incen
tive for a big and protracted kick. A dele
gate from the Fifth ward , Mr. McGorry , cot.-
slddrod the delegates from each ward capable
ot Bolocttuit their own representation , aud
mnde that as an amendment to Mr , Morris-
Soy's motion. McGorry's idea was ably sgc-
ended by another delegate , and Po"t Ford
arose and cald there wore too many factions
among the democrats of Douglas county ,
whoso principal ambition WAS to get the
A delegate from South Onjaha wau
anxious to know how tnaqy delegates -
gates his town , which was the
banner of democracy In the cpunty was to
get. Ho was told It would bo olHlllod tp two
yavd a good send off.
Ed Morcarty denounced rjnptters ana
tricksters aud said ho and his ward was *
against them. They had como to this con
vention to get a square ( leal , to clmmplpn the
cause of no man , but to libido by the wishes
of the majority. Ho argued for fairness and
Finally , order being restored , n vote was
first taken on Mr. McGorry's amendment ,
and then on the previous motion. As the
chairman was unable to dccldo wUJpn of the
two had been carried , a division was called
for , which resulted In the defeat of the Mo
Gerry amendment by a vote of SO to 39. The
chairman then appointed Messrs. Morrissey ,
Heath , Coggcshall , Conoyor , Gurtifi , Wo t
and uu'don to select the delegates aud they
On motion a committee of five , comprising
Messrs. Montgomery , Scbroaor , Ppjnts ,
English and Huso wns appointed en rosplu-
lions , and the convention took a rocoDs of
twenty-five minutes.
At 4 o'clock the convention reconvene
when the committee on resolutions nifldo
tholr report. The reading of the rosoluliqns ,
which are as follows , created but little dem
onstration and the mention of Cleveland's
name was passed In silence. On3 delegate
voted in the negative unon the call for their
adoption , nnd cries of "put him out" ruiitf
through the hall ;
Wo , the representatives of the democratio
party of Douglas county , Nebraska , in county
convention assembled , do hereby heartily endorse -
dorso the administration of President Clovo-
and , and we favor his renomlnatlon for the
ofllco of president by the national democratic
convention , soon to lie assembled.
Wo commend such administration and
President Cleveland to the electors of this
county , because they are the exponents of
pure , economical and honest government ,
and because , through thorn , wo
may bo assured that the government
will not use Its powers for
the benefit of Individual or class inter
ests ; that the civil service laws which have
been enacted will bo maintained ; that com
binations of corporations , through trusts or
otherwise , tending to destroy competition ,
endanger the rights of individuals and create -
ate monoi > olles , will bo prevented ; that the
agricultural public lands will bo reserved to
actual settlers , for settlement under the
homestead laws ; and that the efforts by them
InuuguMtod to reclaim lands heretofore
grunted to corporations , will bo carried to u
successful result ; nnd because 'through thnm ,
the general and familiar principals of democ
racy are established and enforced.
The committee on delegates next reported.
Mr. Morrissey stated that at the lajuost of
Mr. iioyd he had been named to head the
delegation us folio\vni
Chairman. Frank Morrisspy. Charles
ICauffmun , Thomas Lowroy , Uiiarlei Con-
noycr , Charles Offutt , Charles L Van Camp ,
Jauio-i Uonnolly , sr. , John F. Murphyi
Patrick Ford , Adam Snyder. Charles O den ,
Hugh Clark , Henry Osthon . Ed Urrunan ,
F. W. Lesscntin , M. T. Murphy , J. Q. Me-
gcath , J. F , Uoyd , John ttaath , O. V. Gilla-
ghcr , D , P. Aimell , C. S. Montgomery. J. W.
West. J. McMillan , J. J. lionovan , U. J. Cer-
tin , Will Wliitmoro , Gcorgo GclUon , Jninp
McArdlo , John Tenor , jr. , J. W Aice. ; H. fci.
Ludlngtou , J. II. McCouib , U. W. Patrick
and Jlurvey Link.
Tht > dolegatCR were Instructed to vota as a
UDlt on all cnaturs Voforo the ror.vmUon ,
after which the ttf-tinj dispen ert , fec
that Ho/d Lad carried the duy.