Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Trtcdium butcher wclg . . ? , . & -r/ > \ mixed ,
@ 5,50 , and light | 5.405.ift
NBW YonK , April 80. tSpeclnl Telegram
to the BnE.l STOCKS The stock tnnrkct
was active , nml stronger on the majority of
_ A. _ . _ " /T - _ r- * * ' _ t _ 1 _ A lAl . . .111.
a decided improvement in that line. Oper
ators depend n great deal on London , and as
that market was stronger and hlphcr ,
and sent orders to wall street for
60,000 shares , it Rave a strong tone to the
market. Gould is still talking bullish , but
thcro arc many shrewd operators who bo-
llovo thcro is an object in that gentleman's
methods , and that ho will continue to have
himself interviewed until the market
broadens out sufficiently to enable him and
his friends to get out of their stocks bought
at materially lower prices , Before midday
the professionals began selling freely. Many
long stocks were unloaded and short sales
made for a time. Prices , however , continued
in xhcir upward course , timid shorts rushed
to cover and stocks advanced J to 2 points.
During the last tiour , however , a weak , un-
eoltlcd feeling prevailed , stocks came out
freely , and nearly the whole list weakened
Irregularly and the market closed ragged.
Burlington , after advancing 2 points , weak
ened and closed % below Saturday. Man
hattan lumped up 1 point and finished } {
lower. Missouri Pacific was the leader , and
gained 2 , but secured a 2 point rise. St.
yaul and thp Northwestern closed % better ,
Heading''and Lackawanna % bolter , Oregon
tfrnilsconUnontal > / lower , Ohio & Missis-
/ippi M lower , Now England M lower. Cot-
'oil certificates % and Western Union U
higher. Total sales wore 402,531 shares.
CiovEiijfMr.XTs. Government bonds were
quiet but steady.
I .
Clilcnco , April 80. Following nro the
2:30 closing prices :
Flonr Firm and unchanged ; wintcrwhcat
111 sacks. $2.50@3.GO : in bbls , $2.75@4.40 ;
sprlnff wheat , in sacks , S1.75@3.85 ; in bbls ,
t3.50@1.50 ; rye flour , in sacks , $2.70@2.00 ;
in bbls , $2.00@3.10.
Wheats-Active but unsettled : opened
weaker , % c lower nnd closed ? ( T@j c nbove
Saturday's ' closing ; cash , 81e ; Juno , 82Xc ;
July , 83 c.
Corn Active but unsettled { opened weaker ,
tiveiy weak early , later became iirmcr and
closed ? < f@X ° I'lRlicr ' than on Saturday ;
cash , 55c ; Juno , 55c : July , 55) .
Oats Hnthcr panicky feeling prevailed
early , but the market became steady nnd
closed with about Jgc ndvanco over Satur
day's closing ; cash , 325 o ; June , 32c.
Kye Cash , G3 > (304e. (
Barley 77@78c.
Pt into Timothy $2.C8@2.70.
Flax-seed $1.45.
Whlsky $1.15.
Pork Kutlier moi'o trading witti firmer
market ; cash , $13.02 ; June , J13.75K5 July ,
Lard Stronger , with fair trade ; cash ,
$7.03X ; June , * 7.J)2X ) ; July , $ .00@8.02K.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders. $5.75aO.OO ( ;
short clear. $7.70@7.75 ; short ribs , $7.17 > a.
Butter A shade firmer ; creamery , 20 ®
25Vo ; dairy , 10@23c.
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 11'
( JjHlMo ; flats , llj ll c ; young Americas ,
fees Steady and unchanged ; fresh , 12 ®
lidos Unchanged ; green hides
heavy green salted , 5 } c ; light green salted !
( Jc ; salted bull , 4c\ \ green bull , 3 c ; green
stilted calf,8c ; dry flint nnd dry calf , 12@13c ;
dry snlted , lOc : deacons , 30o each.
Tallow Unchanged ; country , 4J/5c ; No.
3,4 > 40 ; cake , 4f@5cpcrlb.
Ucccipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 17,000 20,000
Whentbu. . 18,000 20,000
Corn , bu 177,000 27,000
Oats , bu 147,000 SU.OOO
Jty6bu 3,000 3,000
Barley , bu 17,000 19,000
8t. Ijouls. April 30. Wheat Higher ;
cash , b&Xo ; May , SIWjC.
Corn Higher ; cash 50 @ 51c ; May , !
Oats Strong ; cash , 31J ( : i2o ; May , 319/c !
Pork $14.00.
Wliiaky J1.U9.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 20@2Co ; dairy ,
BoAiin AVhcat , very nervous ;
May , 81X ; Juno , 85e bid ; corn , steady
May , MJXo ; July , 61c ; oats , barely steady.
MllwjuiJcoe , AprilflO. "Wheat Less flrm ;
May , 7'JXo ? Juno , Mllgc.
Corn Quiet but linn ; No. 3. 55S50c. (
Oats Firm ; No a white , 35X@3Gc.
Ilyo-Highcr ; No. 1 , 04c.
narloy No. ' . ' , 70o.
Porlc April , f 13 50.
Mliuionpnlia , April 30. Wheat Fairly
ctivo. Closing In store : No. 1 hard
ctsh nnd May , 82c ; Juno,82c ; No. 1 northern
orn , cash and May. 8Ic ; July , 83 > o ; No
S northern , cash nnd Jvlny , 7U'/c ; Juno , 81c
On track No. 1 hard , 82 > 4'Q83o ; No. 1 north
orn,8W(382o ( ; No. U northern , 80 @ 81c.
Flour Unchanged ; patents , in sacks to
ship in car lots , 4.20@4.40 ; in barrels , fi.45
(34.B5. (
Now Vorlc , April 30 , Wheat Receipts ,
nono'cxports ; , 75,000 ; 'options irregular am
Bomowlmt unsettled ; opened steady , later de
clined WQJ c. subsequently shorts covered ,
leading to n rise of % @ls'c , closing flrm ul
J @ ) fc under top flgnres ; spot flrm butnulot ;
ungraded red , MKC'lMJfo ; No. a red , SM ffi
05o in store and elevator , 97 > { c dolivcrcil
May closing at tl la.
Corn Hoccipts , 33,000 ; exports. 10,000 ;
rash flrm ; options opened weak and '
lower , soon struni.'thoncd and rallied } l
oloiiliiK dull ; unurndod W@maNo. } \ 8 ,
Cfio ; No. 3. O''o delivered , May closing
Oats Receipt * , 65,000 ; exports , none ;
sternly ; mixed western , 30 > f@SOoj whlto
western , 40@45c.
Coffee Spot fair , Illo quiet nt $14.75 ; op
tions 10S2I ( ( points lower and dull , closing
steady ; uales , 44,000 baps ; May , $11.55 ®
Jl.tlS ; June. fll.Q5iUU5 ( ; July. $10.40.it0.55 ( ;
AuKUnt , $10.00 ® lOaOj September , t'J.75 ®
Petroleum United closed firm at SOJ/c.
Eirgs Itathorwcak ; western , 129fiS13Jfc.
J'ork Steady ; mess quoted nt $15.01X8
15.50 fornew$14.25 ; 14.5foroil. ( ) !
Lard Advanced 007 points , closing firm ;
western Btcum , siwt , * S..Si ( ; ! > . ! i2)J ,
Butter Quiet but linn ; western , 10 ( < < 27Mc
Chccso SteaJy but quiet ; western flat.
Clnclnnntl , April 80. Wheat Firm :
No. a reO , feSs.
Cora Easier ; No. 3 inixod , W5)fc. )
Outs In moderate demand at34 > c.
Rye Lower ; No , J , 70o.
Provisions Pork qulot ut (14.50 ; lard in
fair demand at $7,05.
Whisky Active at 11.00.
Liverpool , April 30. Wheat In poor de
mand ; holders offering moderately.
Corn Firm and in fair demand.
New OrlcAim , April 80. Corn CJuif-t unC
Btcr.-Jy ; mUcil , 04o ; white and yellow , C3o.
Outs -Steady No. 2 , 41J(24''i.- ( .
Com Meal-Quiet at $ ' , ' .S5.
Hoff Products Quiet and weak ; pcrir ,
| H.75j lorn , I7.M.
Bulk Mc. t8-Shouldftr . { 4.00 ; long dc.if ,
$7,6U ; clear rit ,
, April ,1 T s Ururo ? ' Journal
Cuttle-lltcvJpts , 1,000 , utavkct ilowand
Cfeljc lower ; stccrj , 13.00 5.00 : B lockers find
'ccdc"h > , f2.85S3.70 j cowo , bulls fthij mixed ,
s eia1 * stocrii | 3.75@1.0J. * *
IIo - .
mixed , M.CM5.W ) ; jiCS y ; | 5,35(25COj ( light ,
J5.25K5.50 ; skins , 13.00(55 ( , - , . * ,
Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; market flkfidyt
\vjso ? di J5.00KO.T8 ; shorn , W.OOCT4.73 ]
western. ll.COaO.OOi T6xans , $3.75 5.60 ;
JAmbs , 5,25 0,75. ' , - _ v/
ITfVnsns OJty' , April 30. Cattlo-RQ-
colpji IOTJhlptnenU , rTOno ; shipping
grades slow nnd wcpk ; butchers' steers nnil
cows steady ; good to Choice corn-fed. fcLlQ
( S4.50 ; common to medium , J3.20@I.OO ;
Btockers , $2.00@2.80 ; feeders , J3.90Q3.M ) ;
cows , l.rx3.40.
Hogs Ueccipts , 4,600 ; shipments , none ;
market closed strong ; common to choice ,
ft,75@5,80 ; skips nnd pigs , f3.25Q4.60.
Nntlonnl Stock Yards , Enst St.
Iouls , April 30.-Cattlo Rccclpts , 1,100 ;
shipments , none ; market steady ; choice
heavy native steers , | i.40@5.10 ; fair to good
native steers , W.OOC'M.50 ; butchers' steers.
medium to choice , t3.10g4.20 ( ; stockcra nnd
feeders , $2.20@3.4S ; rangers , $2.40@4.20.
Hogs Receipts , 3,400 ; Bhipmcnts , 2,000 :
market strone : choice heavy nnd butchers' '
selections , t4.60@4.55 ; packing , medium to
prime , $5.25(25.60 ( ; light grades , fair to best ,
Monday , April 80 , 1SSS.
As usual on Monday , the receipts of cattle
wore light. The market 'was fairly active
nnd stronger , although Chicago reK | > rtco n
decline. Both packers nnd speculators were
liberal buyers and the bulk of cattle on sale
changed hands.
There were only twenty-four loads on sale ,
which was not enough to go around among
the buyers. As Is qulto apt to bo the case
when thcro is not enough to make n good
market , trading was inclined to drag , but
everything was sold out in good season. The
market was about steady in the morning , 'Out
closed 5o higher , as high ns UcTii'g paid
for one load.
S ? Sheep.
There were no sheep hero to make n mar
Cattle . 00
Hogs . . . 1,700
Prevailing Prices.
The following is n table of prices paid in
tills market for the grades of stock men-
t toned.
Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $4.10 (34.35 (
Prime steers , 1100 to 1800 Ibs. ! .bO (31.10 (
Fat little steers. 900 to 1050 Ibs. 3.00 @ 3.S5
Common to choice cows . 2.00 ( W3.50
Common to cholco bulls . 2.25 ( iJ.'i.lO
LilveHtOOK Sola.
Showingthonunborof hs.ilof steak sold
to-thc leading buyers on the market to-day ,
G. H. Hammond & Co 455
Omaha PackingCo 4GG
Armour & Cudahny P. Co 050
Speculators 09
Swift & Co 24
Slovens , Hamilton & Co 24
A. M. Crone 77
G. H. Hammond & Co 159
A. Jackson 18
J. Carlin 20
J.L.H111 0
S. Dreyfus 153
Highest and Ijowcut.
The following will show the highest and
lowest prices paid for mixed and heavy
hogs on tills market on each day of the past
month , and for the same period in 1SS7 and
I860 :
I/lvo Stuck Notes.
Ed Ayrcs is back after a two weeks circle
around the state.
A. W. Ollnger , Kcarnoy , marketed a load
ol hogs at the top price.
Qreeloy Center was represented by E. T ,
Fox , wlio camo.iu with a load of hogs.
Samuel Dreyfus started in to buy cattle foe
himself to-day His first day's worK was the
purchase of seven loads.
A. 11. Perkins , of Silver Creek , Iowa , had a
load of two-year-old steers averaging 1,143
Ibs. that brought $4 05.
J. Lobman , of Uio llrm of Lobman & Roth-
child , heavy cattle dealers , began buying
cattle this morning for Swift & Co.
Lobman fi Rolhchlld wcro the heaviest
purchasers of cattle lust week , their number
being 1-UO. Hammond followed with $1,4'
and Swift 1,173.
Hereafter Squires & Co. will ship their
hogs from hero to Boston In double deck cars
and they say that they will buy a good many
more than ever before.
The highest price paid for hogs on this
market last month was V40. The top for
the month of April , ! Sb7 was $3.57 , ana the
top for the same month in 160 was f3l"5.
C. R. Palmer , of the firm of Palmer , Rich-
man & Co. , died in Chicago on Saturday
cvcninc nt 4 o'clock. The business of the
flrm will be carried on the same as formerly.
W. O. Swartz. of Silver City , Iowa , was
here with a load of twenty-two cattle averns-
IIIR 1. 15(5 ( Ibs , which brousht 1410 ; also a
bunch of light stuff averncuiif SOS Iba. which
brought $ 'J 10 ,
AIIIOPIT those who came in with cattle
were the following : J. Hoggs , ; ! . .
C , Morris , Ansluy. O.V. . Parley , 'Moadi
C. E. Welch. Papilllon ; ( Jcorjro Bocto'l , Mil'
lard ; John WpKln | , Columbus j A. Standen.
Vtllejr ; O. P. KetzlafT. Walwa ; J. J. Hum'
hauaer , YvrfciS. S. Orecu , Schuyler ; Jolm
Brett , Wood Rlvdr nnd A. H. Wilson.
Wallop Neb.
Trotlncc , Faults , Nnta , Me.
Monday , April 80.
T7ic following quotations arc wholesale
and notjlall. ; Prices quoted on produce
ire the rates at which round lots arc fold on
| } i mflffef. Vnilts or other lines of goods
packing cnr.UP' ' " '
. lltlJf aivlou' /
fame prices quoted for trie local trade.
Hates on flour and feed arc jobbers' mlccs.
Prices on praln arc those paid by Omaha ,
ml ( ( era delivered. All quotations on mer
chandise arc oblalncd from leading hou ca
and arc corrected dally. ! ' < Ires on cracJ < crs ,
cakes , etc. , arc those yli'cii by Icadlny manu
UfTTEti Fancy creamery roll butter. 250
20c , with solid packed at 31f&Sc ( ] ; choice
country butter i0@22c ! , common orades
17@lSo , inferior stuff rj@15c , according to
Eoos Strictly fresh lOKc.
STiiA.wniimins Fresh Florida , 25(330c ( per
Hnr.TS COc per iloz.
SnsNAon J3.00 per bbl.
RnuiiAim 5c per Ib.
ONIONS Native stock ( l.CO@l.T5 , Spanish
per box of 5 Ibs $1.7302.00 , California onions
3)f ) @ 4o per Ib.
PoTATons Cholco homo prown , 75@85c ;
Utah and Colorado stock , $1.10@l.23 ; low
grades , CTiQOTiC.
POUI.TUY No dressed fowl In tlioinarltct ;
live chickens , J3.7fiil4.00 ( per tloz ; turkeys ,
Uff ( lie per Ib ; RCCSC , $9.00(1(10.00 per iloz.
Cnnnsc Full cream , 13.i14c.
11 * ! ANA ? Common medium , $2,50(23.00 ( pcj
Tonsirs Kutubapas , f > JaWc. ( (
Lr.MONS ? l.00@3.50 per box.
DATISS Persian , M © " " l > cr H-
SAUIIII ICiuuT Choice nor Mil. of 03 pnl.
$5.Xig.i.JOj . ( K bbl. , $4.00@4.50 ; $11.00 per bbl.
of 50 ( rul. &
Clliift-Chotec Michigan cklcr , S 1.50 0 9
per bbl. of 3'J pal.
Popcoiix Choice rlco corn Is quoted nt 3@
le per Ib. , other kinds 'JM@3c per Ib.
CAIIHOTS W.23(3'J.50 ( per bbl ; new stock
)0Tf45e ) ( per doz.
PAUSNIM Now stock , $3.00@3.50 per bbl.
CAiiiuons fl per doz. for native stock anil
SjjfrC.v per Ib. for California.
. .vutti'LowEHGood stock , " $2.f > 0@2.75 per
Omxnns California Hix-crslde , $3.7.1rtI.OO ;
Messina , $ -1.50615.50 ; Los Angeles , W,00@
3.'riNavalsl.50. ;
UCANS Good stock , $3.GO@2.75 ; California
beans , $2.S.i$2.40. (
Fins In layers , 13i/M5e ( ; cake. TOc per ib.
NUTS Peanuts , 6 ( ii c ; raw Hrazil nuts ,
llc ! ; almonds , TnrrnKona , ± ! c ; English wal
nuts , 15jlSc ( ] ) ; filberts , 18e ; Italian chestnuts ,
15c ; pecans , 15c.
HONHY Iiil21c ( ( for 1 Ib frames ; canned
honey , 10@12o per Ib.
PAUSI.KV IWc per doz.
Cnr.i.v Oxiovn 15 ( < 7 > 20c per doz.
AsrAUUius ! S@'iOc iior doz.
Ct'cUMiinus $1.00 per dod for choice.
Lr.TTUCu ! ! 0@ltc ) per doz.
CELUHY California stock , $1.30 per doz.
] { .Uifiiis : 40c per doz.
STHIXO UKASS $0.00 per bu.
GHKIN : PCAS J2.50&t.00 : ! per bu.
TOMATOES $ -1.00 per bu.
Punu MAIM.I : Sv ur S1.23 per gal.
PI.NI : Ai'i-i.Ks W.75t4.lX ( ) .
HinniAiin 5c per Ib.
SAI.SII'Y 23o per bunch.
Grocer's Ijlst.
Rnrixnli L\H Tierce , % c40lb \ square
cans , 7c ; fjfl-lb round , % c ; 20-lb round , Si1 ;
10-lb pails , S c ; 5-lb pails , 8c ; U-lb pails ,
Synurs New Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
37@4Co per gal. ; corn syrup , S6o ; half bbls. ,
SSc ; 4 gal. kega , $1.55 ; sorghum , 3Sc.
PKOVISIOXS Hiuiis , in fJCiglOiiJ'c ; breakfast
bacon , 10 > 4@llc : bacon bides , 8 ( jf8JiJo ; dry
salt , 8ilSJ ( c ; shoulders , 7@7j o ; dried beef ,
Medium in bbls , $3.75 ; do in half
bbls , $3.40 ; bmall iti bbls , 0.75 ; do in half
bbls , fll.'JO ; gherkins , in bbls , ST. 75 ; do m
half bblB , S4.40.
CANNKII GOODS Oysters , stuiulard , per
case. S3.10@3.ij : ; strawberries , 2-lb , per ease ,
$3.0003.10 ; ruspberries , S-lb , per cftse , $ -.00J5 ) (
a. 10 ; California pears , per case , $4.70 ( < M.bO ;
apricots , per cane , S4.30ii4'.40 ( ; peaches , per
case , $5.00(55.75 ( ; white dicrries , per case ,
50.00 ; California plums , per rase , S4.50 ( < ? 4.GO ;
blueberries , jier case , $2.20@2.40 ; epg plums ,
2-lb , per case. $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , pereaso ,
$3.20@5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , Sl.bS l.'J.T ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.25w.y5 ( : ) ; 2-lb
string beans , per. case , $1.75@1.SO ; 2-lb Lima
beans , per case. $1.GO@1.5 ( ! ; 2-lb marrowfat
peas , S'.50@2 GO ; 2-lb early June peas , per
case , $2.S5 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.40@'J.ilO ; 2-lb
corn , i2.30g3.40 ; sardines , imported } { , 12@
15e per box ; domestic . .J01fuO ( } < c : mustard ,
JELMES-30 Ib pails , $1.25@1.50.
SALT Per bbl in car loadlots , $1.30.
Horn Seven-sixteenths , 10J @llc.
CANDY Mixed , 0@llc ; stick , U@3 c.
HOLLAND HiiiiitiNiis fO@72e per iteg.
MAI-I.K SUIIAU Bricks , 12 | e per Ib ; penny
cakes , 13@14e uer Ib.
HHOOMS , Extra , 4-tlc , $2.00 ; parlor 3-tie ,
painted handles , $2.25 ; No. 1 , $2,00 ; No. 2 ,
$1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
StAncii Mirror gloss , nji'c ; Graves' corn ,
GJfc ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo corn , 7c.
TEAS Japans , ! 20g55c ( : Gunpowder , 20@
OOc ; Young Hyson , 22@55e ; Oolong , 20(2050. ( AND SHOT Shot , $1.45 ; buckshot ,
$1.70 ; Hazard powder , J5.00 ; half kens , f 2.75 ;
one-fourths. $1.50 : blasting kegs , $2.35 1 fuses ,
100 ft , 45@75c.
SUOAHGranulated. . 7@7' < c ; conf. A ,
7c ; white extra C , Ok@ic ; extra C ,
yellow C , 5 % ( < 5Xc : cut loaf ,
powdered , 7J @S ) o ; New Orleans ,
orrEE Ordinary grades , I0@17c ; fair ,
17 ( < ? lSc ; prime , IbC' lU c ; fancy green ami
yellow " , 22@23c ; old government Java , 2S@
80"o ; interior Java , 2523c ( ! ; Mocha , 2SiJ.30c ( ;
Arbuckle's roasted , 19c ; MoLaUBhlin's '
XXXX. 1'J c ; Dllworth's , lOJ o ; Hed Cross ,
c ; Aloroma , 10 0.
OODESVAHK Two hoop pails , per doz ,
boards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1
churns , $9.50 ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No. 3
churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in
rests , TOc per nest.
TOBACCO Pi.uo Lorillnrd's Climax , 45c ;
Splendid , 45o ; Mechanic's Delight , 44c ; Leg-
Kelt & Meyer's Star , 45e ; Cornerstone , S'Jc ;
Urummond's Horseshoe , 45o ; J. T. , 42o ;
Sorg's Spearhead , 45c ; "Cut Rate1 2'Jo ;
"Oh , My27c.
TOIIACCO SnoitiNn Catlin's Meerschaum ,
31o ; Catlm'B Old Style , 23o ; Pijior Heidsick ,
04c ; Sweet Tip Top , 33e : U. N. O. , 18c : Red ,
White and Hlue , 17c.
CKACKCIIS , CAKIJB , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , 5c ; oda ( city goods ) . 7cj soda
snowllake ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda dandy , 5) c ;
soda wafers ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , be ;
city oyster , O' c ; excelsior , 7c ; farina oys
ter , 7oj gem oyster , So ; monitor , 7c ; Omaha
oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5o ; plciiic , 5o ;
wafers. lOc ; graham wafers in pouna pack
ages , li c ; l ard bread , So ; milk , 7' c ; oat
meal. 8c ; oat meal wafers. lOc ; oatmeal wa
fers in pound packages. 12Ke ; animals , 12c ;
13ollvcrifiiigerroui.d,7oj ( ) cream,8c ; Cornhlll ,
lOc ; crackncllH , lOc ; frosted cream , 6Kc ;
ginger snaps , 8e ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Go ;
liomo made ginger snaps , in boxes , 1'ic ; homemade
made ginger enaps , (1-lb ( caijs ) per dozen ,
$2.50 ; lemon creams , cpretzclshand ; ( made ) ,
UXo ; asRortcd cakes and jumbles , 11 ko ; as
sorted ilngors , Ific ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) ,
per box , $7.00 ; bannsa fingers , He : butter
jumbles , llj o ; Urunswink , 15c : brandy
snaps , 15u ; chocoluto drops ( new ) luo ; choco
late wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch ( in tins ) ,
per dozen , ll.fiOcocoa ; taffy snaps , I4c ; coffee
cake , I2c ; Cuba jumbles , ll } o ; cream puffs ,
30c ; DBK jumbles , 14o ; ginger drops , lie ;
honey Jumbles , lltfa ; Jelly lingers , I5o ; Jelly
wafern , 15ololly tart ( nuw ) . 15c ; lady fing
ers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14o ; vanilla wafers , Ho ;
Vienna waff rn , 1 dozen packages in n box ,
pei dozen , J2.50.
All ifooati jiacked in cans lo per Ib advance
except fiiiowliuko and wafer soda , which are
p.icke.l only in can * . Soda in 2-lb and 3-lb
paper Iwxes , Jfo per Ib advance ; all other
I'oods le per Ib advanco. Soda in 1-lb paper
Voices , lo per Ib advance , The 2-lb boxes arc
iiLtkeil in cases holding 18 in a case , The 3-
! b boxes are packed in cases holding 13 in a
casn , The 1-lb boxes are packed in caases
holding 80 in a case. One-lbgraham and oat
meal wafers packed 2 doz in n case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass openinp to
Show goods , 75e , Cans for wafer soda , J3.00 ,
not returnable. Cans for snowllako soda ,
J5.00 per doz. Tin wises with glass face to
display the goods , 75o each. No charges for
packages except for cans and returnable Glass front tin cans and "sitowll&K'e"
soda can * > -i.r un n.i.i. ui pnve ; i charted.
Dry Gflptls.
* iii.ii s SOLID Colons Atlantic , Co ;
Sinter , 6 < fc ; Ucrlln oil. r. c ; Garner oil , 0 ®
7c. Ptun AXnKoUKS Ulchmond,0 , } c ; Allen ,
0 > ic ; Hlvcr Point , 5c ; Steel Ulvcr Oc ; Hlch-
mond. Gc ; Pacific , Gfc. I.NDIOO BLUC.
Washington , * { c ; Century , dlgo blno prints ,
Po ; American , 7o ( Arnold. OUc ; Arnold B ,
licM Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOWo.
Ditr.M Charter Oak. 5a ; Kflmnpo , 4/c ;
Lodi , 5c ; Allen , Oc ; HIcHmonil , Oot Windsor ,
iJnow.v SiicuTi.No Attantlo A , 4-4 , 7J o ; v
AUU , , ; ; ; " l TUoj Atto D , 4-4. O'io ;
Atlantic PT4Ic ! : ; Aur3lVLL,4.4Oc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; brown XXX. 4-4 , 7 c | KO-
sler LL , 4-4 , Oc ; IndiaH llcad , 4-4 , 7 > foi
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , do ; * Old Dominion. 4-4 ,
5 Pcppcrcll , 11 , 4-1 , Hie ; Pcppercll , O ,
4-4 , Ox ) ; Pcppcrell , 8-i , ISKo ; Pcppercll , 0-4 ,
21c ; Pcppercll , 10-4 , 23e ; Utlca , C , 4-4 , 5c ;
Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7J o ; Aurora. 13 , 4-4 , OJ c ;
Aurora , H. 4-4 , GJfc.
HATTS Standard , Oc ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
; Uyonnc , 14c ; U , cased , $0.50.
iirET WAIIP Hlbb , white. 1'Jo ; colored ,
22c.DUCK West Point 20 In. 8 oz. , lOJ c ; West
Point , 29 In. 10 oz. , 12Kc ; West Point , 10 in
12 oz. , 15c ; West Point 50 In. 11 oz. , Iftc.
Checks Caledonia X , tike ; Caledonia XX ,
l ( > Kc ; Economy , OJtfe ; Otis , OVc.
Kr.NTUCKV JI-.ASS Memorial , 15c ; Canton ,
2Sc ; Durhnin , 27i < c ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming
ton , 23'tfc ' ; Cottswolil.SiKc.
CIIASH Stevens' H , Oc ; bleached , 7c ;
Stevens' A , 7kc ; bleached , 8Jfc ; Stevens' P
b o ; blcacheil , fi'ic ; Stevens' N , OJfeS
bleached , lO c ; Stevens' S RT , 12'Jc.
Misrni.t.Atiois : Tnblo oil cloth , $2.85 ;
plain Holland , 8Je to S ) ; c ; Dado Holland ,
CoMrouTr.ns $ iVG3a35.00. (
" - a White , $1.00.50 ( ? ; colored ,
Sitr.r.TiNn Hcrkcly cambric ,
No. GO , 9' c ; Best Yt ; 4-4 , % : butter cloth ,
OO , 4J c ; Cabot , 7 > o ; Farwell , btc , ; Fruit
of Uoom , UJ4 : FrceuoO , Oo ; Hope , 80 ; King
Sad ; Peppcrell. To-4 , 2. > c ; Canton" 4-1 , 8"40 ;
Canton , 1-4 , Ojtfo ; Triumph , Oo ; Wumsutta ,
lOc ; Valley , 5c.
GixoiiAM Plunkett checks , 7J c ; Whlttcn-
ton , 7ic } ; York , 7tfe ; Normnndi dress , 8) ) < Jc ;
Calcutta dress , 8lic : Whittcndon dress , b ) < Jo ;
Renfrew dress , 8Jff@l ! ! < fc.
TICKS Lcwiston , ilO-in , 12) ) c ; Lcwlston.
7oz , lilc ; York 7-oz , Ktc ; Hnynmkcr , h ) o ;
JalYrey XX , llKe ; Jiiffroy XXX , ISIUo ;
Heaver Creek AAl2c ; Heaver Creek UU ,
lie ; Heaver Creek CC , lOc.
FIANSKI.S Plaid Uaftsman , 20o ; Goshcn ,
32Uc ; Clear Lake , 3) > < fc ; Muplo City , ! ! OKc.
AVillto-G H No. 2 , Jf , 21c ; G II No. I. * f ,
30c ; Qncchco No. lUf , 42o ; Quecheo No. 2 ,
COTTON Fi.JJSKLS 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , CJfc ; CC , 7 > c ; SS , 8J < fo ; Name
less , 5J c ; No. 5 , Oo ; Eli , O LOU. ; . 10 > te ;
XX l'c ; OG , He ; NN , Uio ; KX , is-u : R ,
20c ; No. 10. 8 > e ; so , 10J < fcGO ; , 12 tfoSO ; , lOc ;
20e , colored , lUc ; 50 colored , 12o ; 70 , colored ,
25c ; Uristol , 13 0 ; Union Pacific , 18c.
GPiiernl JInrlcots.
Fi.oun AND Fr.isu Minnesota patents , $2.15
(22.50 ( per cwt ; Kansas imd Missouri fancy
winter patents , $2.50(102.73 ( percwt : Nebraska
wheat , $ : ) .5 ( ) per iwt ? ; Exccls-ior , $3.00 per cwt ;
ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; cornineal ,
yellow , $1.00 ( 1.10 per cwt ; white $1.10@1.15
pcrewt ; bran , $10.00I7.0 ( ) per ton ; screen
ings. $13.f.O per ton ; sacked , fe5c per cwt ;
hominy , 53.23 per bbl : chopped , feed , $18.00
] ) or ton ; chopped corn , ilU.50Cwl7,00 ] ) er ton.
Lr.ATiicu Oak soles. 35iii7e ( ; ; hemlnck
slaughter sole , 213Ue ( ! ; hemlock dry sole , 12
( Vi2ric ; hemlock kip , GOigOOc : A. & U. runner
Kip , 50r75c ; A. hemlock calf'JOc , ( < JSl.00 ; A.
A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemlock
upper , 10@2le ; English grain upper , 25o ;
hemlock grain upper , ! ilu ( > 'J4c ; Tampico U. L.
Morocco , 2'.Hii3ic ; ; Tampico pepple , O. D. Mo. ,
2'Gi2Uc ; Curncoa. U , G. Mo. , 30c : Simon
O.D. Mo. , $2.76 3.00 ; Daligola kid , 80gUc ( : ;
X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American Hilt kid. 32o ;
Gricscn kids , $3.00rtl.50 ( ( : ; Frdlich glazed kids.
62.50ftJ2.7ri ; French calf kids. $3.20 ; oak kip
skins , $50cil$1.00 ( ; oak calf skins , $1.00&f 1.55 ;
French calf skins , $1.25@22r > ; French kip
skins , 51.10@1.50 ; Russitt linings , $0.00r0.50 (
per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50
( il.75 ! per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.00@
EXTIIACTS Sanderson's oil bergamot , per
Ib. , $ < 2.75@3.00 ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2.50 : oil
peppermint , $3.00 ; oil wintergrcen , $2.50 ;
olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.25.
WINDOW GLASS Single , 70 per cent and 5
per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount.
PAINTS White lead , pure.e ( ; white lead ,
fancy , G c ; putty , in bladders , 3c ; Paris
white , 3c ; common , 2J c ; red lead , 7c.
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees lic ! ; ICO acgrees ,
lie ; linseed , boiled. COc : linseed , raw , 57c ;
No. 1. $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm castor ,
whale. $1.00 ; whale water , blenched ,
85c ; fish , bank , 33c ; ncatsfoot cxtrarG5c ;
ncatsfoot No. 1 , 50c ; gasoline , 75degrees , 15c ;
W. S. Jnrd , 05o ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50
( < Mr > e ; W. va. zero , 14c ; W.Va. summer , 12c ;
golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 23c : whale ,
20o ; najithu , 1 degree , 14e ; headlight , 150
degrees , 12c ; headlight , 175 degree , 15c ; tur
pentine , -Ibc ; castor , pure , ? 2.45 nor gal.
Dituus Acid , carbolic , crystal , per Ib , 50c ;
citric acid , per ib , OOc ; tartaric , per Ib , 50c ;
sulphuric , per Ib , 5c ; ammonia , carb , per Ib ,
15e ; alum , per ib , 5e ; alcohol , 05 percent ,
per gal , $2.22 ; blue vitriol , per Ib , 8c ; borax ,
refined , per Ib , lOc ; camphor refined , HOe ;
cream tartar , pure , per Ib , 4c ( ! ; cream tartar ,
commercial , per Ib , 20e ; cloves , per Ib 33c :
cuttlefish bone , per Ib , 30c ; dextrine , per
Ib , 12c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , 30o ; Hops ,
fresii. per Ib , 40o ; indigo , Madras , per Ib ,
SOc ; Insect jiowdcr , per Ib , OOc ; morphine ,
P , & W. , tier oz , $3.00 ; opium , per
Ib , $3.75 ; quinine , P. & W. , per oz , Glc ; qui
nine , German , per oz , 500 ; rochcllo salts , per
Ib , 33c ; saffron , American , per Ib , 40c ; sa'-
fron , true" SpfttjU'll , per oz , $1.00 ; saltpetre ,
pure , per lt > j lOc ; sulphur , Flowers' , per ib ,
5c ; soda , bi-carb , per Ib , 5c ; silver , nitrate ,
per Ib , $11.50 ; spermncete , per Ib , ( Xc ) ;
strychnine , peroz. $1.25 ; wax , white , pure ,
per Ib , 55c ; war , yellow , puro. per Ib , 35c.
SniiiTs Cologne spirits 18 ? proof , $1.14 ;
do 101 proof , $1,17 ; spirits , s6cond quality ,
101 proof , $1.10 ; do 188 proof , $1.13 ; alcohol ,
Ib8 proof , per wine gallon , $2.12 ; redistilled
whiskies , $1.25@l,50gln ; blended , $1.50@3.00 ;
Kentucky bourbons , (3.00(30.00 ( ; Kentucky
and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00G,50 ; Golden
Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies. $1.50u3.00 ( ;
brandies , Imported , $5.00@8.00 ; domestic ,
J1.30@3.00 ; gins , imported , $5.00(30.00 ( ; do
mestic , $1.2503.00 ; champagnes , imported ,
per case , $2S.OO@33.000 ; American , per case ,
$10.00@10.00 ,
Lumber ,
BO All 1)3.
No. 1 coin , s 1 s.lS.50 I No , 3 com , a 1 s. $ 15.50
No , 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13,00
No , 1 , 4&01nl'J&14 ft , rough . $21.00
No , 1 " " 16 " . 21.00
No. 2 , " " 14 " . 1G.50
No. 2 , " ' 10 " . 17.50
A , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$21.00 | C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft.$15.25
B , " 20.25 1 D , " " 12.25
1st com in WhitoJf ino ceiling . -J0
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Clear % In Norway " " , . . , . . . . ToK ! ( )
2dcom in " " " . 14.00
A 0 In White Pine . $34.50
HOin " " . 32.50
CGin " " . 2U.50
DOIn " " . 21.50
EG In " " ( Sol. Fencing ) . 10.00
Gin. Drop Siding 50opcr M extra.
A 12 inch sis . $4550
" 13 " . . . 3-J.50
O12 " . . 30.50
Dia " . . ! . ! ! . . ! ! . 22.50
No. 1 com , 12 in sis , 13ft . 21,00
" " ' 14ft . 20.50
" " " 10ft . . . . 20.50
" " " 10 , 16,20ft. . . . . . 23.00
No. 2 " . . . . . . . 20.50
" " " 12 & 14 ft . 10.00
' ' " " .
10ft . 18.60
12 in Grooved roofing , $1 per M more than. 13
In Stock Boards same length.
10 in Grooved rooting satno pried as 12 In
Stock Boara .
snir LAP.
No-1 PlalnS and 10 in 119.75
No. 3 ' 17.25
No. 1OO , 8 In * , 10.23
1st and 2ml , clear , 1 , IV In g 2 o $50.50
_ . " . ' ' . " W , 3 50.50
3d , c ear , 1 In , s2 , . - . . . 45.50
? ' 1"2 4l-50 (
A. select 1 in 2
. , s s 80.50
A , W.1K , 3lns2B 4 :
M , " lins'Js
JD , " l fW. 21ns29
13 , select , nil ; 0 ft f 1 extra.
'Cclllnff \ r *
Clear Finish , 1 and I"/Inch , s3a 20.50
Clear Finish , IX nml 2 Inch , s2s 80.00
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , < inch 24.60
Clear Yellow Pine Casing anil Uaso , . . . 20.00
Com. 4 inch Flooring $10.50
Star " " 20.70
1st and 2d clear 4 Inch Flooring 22.00
Clear < inch Celling 20.00
Clear /Inch Partition 24.00
Clear % inch , Partition $2 above X Inch
OGUatte,2Hn ( $ 70
" Ux3slf [ 85.00
3 In well tubing , D &M nnd bov 22.50
Pickets , D & H Hat 19.50
" DH&q 19.50
SIIINIILI : ? , UAllli
XX clear $ 3.10 Extra * A * $2.00
* A Standard. . 2.05 AMIIJ&U. . . 2.4fl
5 In clear , 0 in clear 2.10
No. 1 1.30 CcdarA *
Lath 2.65
Ho ye king , or bo yo peasant ,
If you have a breath unpleasant ,
Teeth discolored , gums that tease ye ,
SOZOUONT'S ' the thing to plcnso yc.
USD it every night and morning
Teeth preserving and adorning ,
There now lies in Hcafy & llcafy'ston
Fifteenth street , the remains of an old soldier ,
named John Sullivan , who died yesterday
morning in St. Joseph's hospital. Ho has no
friends in the city , although Ills letters show
hat ho lias had extensive acquaintance
throughout the country. Ho was forty-six
years of ago , and enlisted as bugler in G.
troop , Second regiment of Massachusetts
volunteers , on Match 21 , 1SC3 , anil was dis
charged August 12 , 1S05. Ho came to town
a few days ago on a furlough of ISO days from
the western branch of the national soldiers *
homo in Leavcnwortli , Kas. , to which plnco
the undertakers have telegraphed. A letter
left .by him shows that ho was a pensioner ,
but the money had not boon paid because of
the lack of n national appropriation. Among
the friends shown in his correspondence arc
1) . McConncl , Broadway , Lcavcuworth , and
Mrs. Hassett , Fremont , Neb.
Mrs. Elizabeth Welsh , nn old resident of
this city , died yesterday at 1230 ; o'clock
of consumption , after a short Illness , at the
residence of her daughter corner of Eigh
teenth and Mason streets. She was sixty-
thrco years of age. She was the mother of
Mr. William Hays , wife of the assistant
ynrd master of the Union Pacific and princi
pal of the Dupont school ; also of Mrs. Ed
ward Lane , widow of the late superintendent
of bridges on the snmo road , The funeral
will take pluco on next Wednesday morning
at 8:30 : , requiem muss to bo chanted in St.
Phclontcna's cathedral. Interment will be
in St. Mary's cemetery.
A Natural Product of California.
It is only found in Butte county. Cal
ifornia , nml in no other part ol the
world. Wo refer to the trco that pro
duces the hculing' nml penetrating1 jrutn
used in that pleasant nml elleclivo cure
for consumption , asthma , bronchitis ,
nml coughs , SANTA ABIE , the King
of Consumption. Goodman Drug Co.
guarantees nnd sells it for SI. 00 n bottle
tle , or $3 for $2.50. By the use of CALI
FORNIA CAT-K-CUKK , sill symptoms
of cnlnrrh nro dispelled , nml the dis
eased nasal pnp&ngo is speedily restored
to n healthy condition. $1.00 a pack
age. By mail $1.10. Circulars frco.
Kenl J-Jstato Transfers.
Pleasant Hill BulUllng association to
AdellaA Whitney , lota 31 ami iK , blk 1.
Kuun < 3r te Hltnelmugh's add.v d . $ 2,500
J A llorlmcli niul wife to Margaret Spell-
innn , pt 2-61-X , ! , IlnrbucU'a 1st ndtl. w il. . 2,000
Valentino Walter and wife to Wm O
Campbell , lot 17 , Selliy heights w < ! . . . . 400
John SclilanwlK. sliiKlf. to Win 1) Urllllth ,
lot-to , blk2. Armour place , w d . 1,200
Wm D Grlllitli. single , to Trunk Ulnnall ,
lots 4 nml 0 , blk " , Armour place , w rt. . . . ] ,300
W J Cannon and wifu to Hans 1' Jensen ,
lot : M , Hickory placer il . COO
T P Uullono. Hlncle , to Fred'k Dellone , lota
: , 3. 4 , n , of lot H , a sub of llanlleld , < i c. O.V )
U 8 Hood anil wife to James 1 1 oils ton , lot
20 , blk 4 , Albright's nnnex , w d . 322
James I ) Hcnscl , single , et , al , to Charles
Hlewe , lots J , 2. blk tl. Arbor place , w d. O.COO
J It lleiifcel , single , et a ) , to Chns Itlowe ,
pt lots 1 , S , 3. 4 , blk 0 , Arbor place. < i c. . 6
DO 1'atterbon et al to ( Jruliani 1' lirown ,
lot 4. blk2 , Kolsom place , w d . 675
11 11 Hosworth and wife to K K Ellsworth ,
uurtivliiya half Inteiettln lot 13 , 1'lk ' 1J ,
llaiibcom place , U , . 77. 1
12 i : Ulsworth , Hlnsle , to U 1' Hosworth ,
undivided half Interest In lot 20 , blk 11 ,
Ilnnscom place , < 1 . 1
Cora I ! Ionian and husband to S B
Cliapln , lot" , Itcdlck's wove , w d . 2,500
Herman IConntzo and wlte to John Mc
Donald , lots 1 nnd 2 , block 17 , Koimtzo
place.wd . 3,8flO
Emll Orothe. slnsle , to John Appel , lota
11 ud 12 , blk ( I , town of Mlllari ) . w d. . . . 4CO
EJ Potter to U cargo W K Grlllitli , lot 7 ,
blk 45. Florence , q o . 10
AV II HettliiRer anil wife to Mrs Mary 0
Iloltslander , lotOOln 1'ttlrmeunt , wd. . . . 3,000
O II llallou et al to Mary Slert , n } J nw U
10-14-11 , wd . 4.000
John II Dumont and wife \Vlllam [ S
I'opplctnn , lotiiO , Hues place , wd . 7.5CO
li 3 Donvoll , single , to Caroline 1'eterH , o ! 4
lot II , blk 4 , Credit Foncier add , w d . 3,200
Win I.atoy et al to Ferdinand 1'oppendlck ,
lot 12 , blk 2 : ) , Konntze place , w d . 7,500
Florence 0 Proctor nnd fiubband to Cnas
W 1'ruyn , north 3U feet lot IS , Elizabeth
place.wd . 2tOO
Gee K Barker et ul to J A Jordan , lots 2 ,
3. 4. blk 13 , Orchard hill , wd . I.850
II It Chamberlain , Hlnulo , to John J Gib
son , lotl ) , blk 10 , Walnut hill , w d . 1,200
Herman Kountzo and wife to Joseph J
DolsH , lot U , blk.'l , Kountze place , w d. . 550
"W II HellliiKer und wife to Mrs Mary
HoltBlamler , lot IK ) in 1'ainnimnt add ,
wd . 3.000
OH Hallow et alto Mary Slcrt , pt 10 , 14 ,
11 , wd . . . . . . 4,000
Wm E Hawley and ivlfo to Thoa F Hall ,
lots ! S1 , 21 , 2i In lluwloy terrace , wd. . . . 1,500
Alrln Baiindcrs anil wlfu to Thou F Hall ,
tfl by 14U feet lot C , Fnuiklhi Hquaro add ,
wd . 4,660
8 U Johiuon anil wife to Mike M Hack , pt
lotl ! ' . Koumzu'B Sd add. wil . 700
.MiKimtUb Kountzu et ul to William M
Welch etal , lot 7 , blk tl , Plalnviow. wd. . 920
0 cargo H 1'ayno ct al to Oliver O.Inn , pt
lotstl and 1U , bllcU , tihull'ti add , wd . 2,750
'Jlilrty-threo transfers . 1 70,534.
linildlriK I'crinlta.
The following building permits were is
sued yesterday by the superintendent of
buildings ;
Frank Lceder , cottage , Thirteenth anil
DorcttH . t 850
Mrs Amelia A Whitney , Improvement ! * ,
Wnlnut avenue near lureka . 600
W N Nason. 1'i-atory frame dwelling ,
Spencer and Nineteenth . 2,750
T w Johnson , stable , Nineteenth between
Paul and Charles . 260
0 A Yost , improvement ! ) , No. 1517 South
Eleventh. . ; . 600
Timothy Kelley , cottaue , 1220 Chicago. . . . 1,000
Samuel J Howell , buuement btory to waru-
house , Eighteenth near Pierce . 1,000
Seven permits , aggregating . , . , , , . .1 0,350
Live Slock Commission Merchants ,
Office Hoom 21 , Opposite Exchange Ilulldlng , Union
block Vurd , HoutljOmnhaMcbr
Live Stoolf Commission Merchants ,
Market furnltliod frco on application. Motkon nnd
feeders /urnUUol on KdoJ tunm , lle'orcncei Ouin-
huh'utlonal Hank nuil BouUi Uuiuhu Nailuiiai , Uulvn
Stock Vbrdi , Soutli Umulia.
'Live Stock Commission ,
lloom 15 , Kxcliinco Ilulldlng , Dnlou Stock Yardi ,
boutu Oiuubn , Neb.
Commisiou Dealers iji Live SOC'K ,
r.oom y } , Opposite Kxcuango lIutMIng , Union Block
Yunli , boulU OiuaUn./'fJ.
Of Omaha , Meil ,
o nTe.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cftrrltgci tad Hnrglft. Jonei Strut , btlwcenMhtnd
loin , pm h , Nttr k .
AEricnltnralImplenienls/fa / onsCaiTiaKes ,
If. Wbo1ci 1 * . Om b , Kcbraika.
Wholesale Dcsli-ri In
Agricnllnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies
( VI , BJ3 , (05 ( ind ( CJ Jones Street , Omdhn.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Mannfactnfers of Bnctoye Drills , Seeders ,
CuUlTKtoti , IlKf nakcn.Cliltr Mill * n > l I.ubnn tul-
rerlicrt. Cor , lllli tnd Nlcholti Btrceti.
AgricnltelImplementsWa , ons&BnEgies
Comer Hth nrt Nlctiolat Ptroctn.
, Ak.1. ,
Harrestini Machinery and Binder Twincl
W. B. Mead , Slnnsitur. Ifl3 l nrcnworth ( t. , OmnbR
_ B oo t o on d S h o o B _ _ _ _
j vuvu n
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Artists' Materials.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 DouKlnt Street , Omahn , Nebraska.
Mnnutjcturerj anil Jobbers In
Wagons Hnggios , Mes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. Oth nn J Pacific ftreotn , Omnhn , Nob.
1110 1103-1103 Douglas St. . Umnhit Mnnufnctorr , Sum
( Huccciisora to Heed , Jones ALo. )
Agon , , for Mgton ° ' "U < * ' " "
Qooksollors and Statlonora'
H. M. it S. W. JONES ,
Successors to A. T. Kcnj-on A Co. , \ \ holcfnlo & Hctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Flno WcJdlnu Stationery. Commercial Stationery ,
tttt IXURlns Street , Omnlm. Neb.
Omahtt Coffee and Splco Mills.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
Aeent for thi Manufacturers nnJ Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. OtB cc. 31t B. 13th BU. Omalm. Nebraska.
Importers and Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Kto 1514 Fnrnniu St. , New I'axton Hullillng.
Commission QndJ5toraga. _
( Successors to McSunno & SclirocJcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omahn. Nebraska.
Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commission
Merchants. Corro'iiondunco solicited. 1011 Nort
ICth Streei , Omaha , Neb
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Epcclaltli-s Duller , EBU , Chccpe , 1'oultry , Game ,
Oysters , Ktc. , Htc. 113 boulU lull Street.
Coal , Coke andUlmoj _ "
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
2ff. ) South 13th Street , Omaba , Nebraska.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , Plaster , I.lmo ,
Drain Tile , anil Hewer 1'lpc. OOlce , I'axton Hotel ,
I'arnaiii St. , Oraaba , Neb. TclopUonu 611.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
2H South 13th St. . Omaha. Neb.
. ,
" "
"M. E SMITH" & "co. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 11C1 l&URlas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goofls.Notions .
Cents' runilshlnH llonrtj. C'arnor llth and IlsJncj
MB , Omaha , Ni'brnikH. _
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street. Omaha. NcbraiVs.
Ouaha , Nebraska.
Offloo Fixtures.
Mnnufucturcrs of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provision's ,
706 , TOT , 709 and 7118.10th Bt. , Omtb , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 th and I.caTCoworlL Etrceti , Om li , Net > r ka.
Jours of Harflware and Kails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron , Ete. Aienti for Howe Scale *
and Ml ml powder CO. , Omaha. Nob.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Snop ,
Uccbtnlci' Tooli anil Buffalo Hcalo. JWi Duuglai
_ titreet , Omaha , Ntbrama. _
Wnolesale Hardware ,
btanilaril Brali-
Wliolcsale Manufacturer * of
Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware
AudLcuttier. 1(03,11(6 ( and I4U7 llurnfei.Omnh ,
_ Ncbratka. _
_ _ jHo [ nyy H o r d war o
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprlnei , Wagon Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc , Vtf.
_ apdHllllatnty btr ( ilOBi U .
Wnolesale Iron and Steel ,
'VatOQ and Carriage Wood Stork. Ilcary Hardware
1-lc. 1 17 uni' lilii 1.3Bt HworlliHt. . Unmbu , Nob.
OM AH AL MBK n c o ,
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ItU ElreetMid Uplpo raclBpTratk Ouiaha
Dealer in Lumber , Latli , liinjsj Sash ,
29oriElc. 1 tr f-rvrLrr Tib and Ul c * . ' * . , ; Cvrpei
ts Cnpa , Eto.
Wholesale Hals , Caps and Straw Goofls ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Innmer ,
Mth BJC llfornUBtrfftii. Omaha. NVbr.ikt.
FRED w. GRAY ; ; - ' f ]
InmliGr , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc , f ]
Cornet fib and Douglas Big. . Orantih.
To Dealers Only ,
Oftlro.liaKi > rnnmStrcclOmnh .
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
qolncy White I.lme.
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier ,
Wood Orpeli urn ! r-nrqnet Flooring Ptli m1 T
Cntter A bon , I'mp's. Mnmifncturrraof nil kind *
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet IronWorlc
Wotks South SOtli nml II. A M. croMlnc.
PAXTON & vnlMNa lltONyllK8. .
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worlf ,
Knalnon. limn Work.Clpncml Foundry , Machine and
lllnUnmltti Work , ontce nml Work * , U. 1 * lly.
and 17th Hlrcot , OmMm.
_ _ _
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk ItnlK Window Onnnl" . Klower HtnmlVlr8
f lnn . Ktc. la Norm If th Street , Urnnlia.
Man'frs ' of Firc& Burglar Proof Safes
Vnullv'nll Work , Iron nml Wlro Foncltiz. Sljns , Kto.
(1. Anilri'i'ii. 1'rim'r Cor , lull nn I.IiKtuon Ki .
Iron and Wire Fencs ? , Railing Guards
Uil bcrevns , lurbMiki , oliluuVi M rr. , Ke\denct' \ , oto
ImprOToJ Awnlnv > , l'OCk mlth Machinery and
UlackimltUVurk > .
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time LocKs ,
Oencr.ilconH for DlPbnld Snfo & Ixick Co.'s
Vaults anJJull Work , 1115 Kuraam Sircct , Umivha ,
riiiiiinory and Nations. _
Importers & Jotes in Millinery & Notions
_ aW.JlOnndSU South llth Ftreot.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
( X ) and 403Hcutli lOlli St. , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1105 Hnrney Rtrcct , Omaba.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Qrcaso , Etc. , Omnlm. A. II. lllriuin M niiri > r
Paints and Oils-
Whuloalu Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
lift KaniSem glicctOuinuuNeb.
CAR PETrr E n "P APE Rc"6" ' , ' "
Wnolesale Paper Dealers ,
C n7 n nlco itock of 1'rlnllnc. Wrapping nnd Writing
I' & er. Special altcnllon clron lo cur load orders.
_ .
WESTERN foEws p'ApER fJNioN ,
Auxiliary Publishers , .
Rubber Caode-
Hannfactnrers and Dealers in Rulilier Goods
911 Clothing nnd Leather Belting. 10U31'nrnain BUe t.
Pumps , Pipes and Engine's ,
Wholesale Pnmns , Pine , Fittings ,
3tcnm nml Water Bnnpllpn. Headquarters for Mait ,
teen A CO'B goodt. 1111 Kiirnnm HL.Omulm.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Hnlllday Wind Minn. OlBnnilUMFarnnm BI.OmaU .
G.K.ltusi , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
BnooUron Work Btcam Pnmpc , Hun MIKi.
l nvonwortli btreet ! Omiiba.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
llandCI3Jonc Htrei-t Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission
Storage , Forwarding and
Draoch liouio of the llerraer lliiEJT Co.
irlielciale and retail , 1SH UlOand 13IJ ItarU Btreet ,
Umaba , Tclcpbono No.TW.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
mi North Klgthtcenth Elrect. Omaha. Nab.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
; an rantJ.Stilrti , Etc. llUIand 1101 Uoutlufltrtet.
Omaba , Web.
_ Cprnloo. _
MannfactnreGalyanized Iron and Cornice ,
103 and IB
Saah , Doora , Eto.
Wholesale Hanufocturen ol
Sash. Doors , Blinds and Monldings ,
Branch ufflce , llli nn J UarJ fetreeH , Omaha , Null.
Manufacturers of Sash , BOOK , Blinds ,
Moulilloiri , Blair Work and Interior lUiM Wood Ha-
Uu. N. K. CorucrftU and U areuif urlta atftf ti ,
_ Omaha , tyeb. <
" " " '
Manafacturcrs of Moulding , Sash , Bool's ,
And llllndi.Turnlnr. Ftalr-worV. Hank ADI ! Omc HI-
_ tlnu . 'Jrtb auU I'jppietun.TC U . _
H. K.
Manrifacturing Dealer .In Smoft : S
, Tankt in. I Otcitnl M < > ller KcpMrloi , U15
IXxiVU 6lr t. Oiujti , Ncli
Tb ti ; t known and we'll popular llot l la tha
tlitv. Localloo rrnlral. appolututKK Crit-r.lai *
Htadquaiten for romuitrcla ! ucu aail all politic *