Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1888, Image 1

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The Chicago Lawyer Will "Wear the
Ohlof Justloo'a Brmlno.
Nebraska nnd Io\vn Places Bcncfltled
by I'addook'H Building Hill A
Measure Interesting Fourth
Class Postmasters.
, Walters Successor Nominated.
513 FounTEBNTiiSTitREr , V
WASHINGTON. D. C. . April 00.1
On last Thursday nlgbt I tologrnphsd the
BEK Unit unless itvns discovered that Mel-
vlllo W. Fuller of Chicago had done some
thing to prejudice the Irish or the Germans
ngalnst him , ho would bo the next chief
Justice of the United States. No objection of
this character having como ngalnst him , the
president sent Mr. Fuller's nomination to the
Bcnato this afternoon. It created but little
surprise , the announcement by the DEC hnv-
ingrcturned hero and become well circulated.
Minister Phclps was on the Iloor of the scnato
when the nomination was received. Ho
looked n little disappointed , but Itnincdlatcly
jpoko pleasantly of the appointee , saying ho
would make n good chief Justice. Involun-
v arlly eyes turned towards Senator Gray of
Delaware , who was ( given to understand
Bomo days ago that ho himself should liavo
the place. The democratic senators could
not wholly suppress their disappointment and
feeling , for they were In earnest in their
united support of Senator Gray. The presi
dent tendered Mr. Fuller the position
several days ago by letter when announced
by the lieu , but has received no answer as
yet Thi > Illlnol8 democrats in congress who
secured bis appointment say ho will accept ,
and that the nomination will bo promptly
Mr. Fuller is a native of Augusta. Me. , al
though he has for many years been a resi
dent of Chicago. Ho novcr has been on the
bench. Ho is said to have had more practice
, before the supreme court than any of the
western lawyers , uud that when ho comes to
Washington ho will bo readily recognized as
Laving been a frequent visitor to the capital.
Ho is n small man , weighing not over 125
pounds , with white hair and moustache. The
president has known him personally ever
since ho has been hero. Mr. Fuller was not
a candidate for the oOlco. Ho had no papers
before the president , but n great many letters
were received at the white house from prom-
incflt men advocating his nomination. It is
eald that the president was influenced in
making the selection largely by his own per
sonal knowledge of Mr. Fuller's abilities and
fitness for the jrositlon. His ace ho thought
was about right 55 years and he has always
been a staunch Democrat.
It is understood that both Senators
Cullom and Fanvcll urged the se
lection , as they felt confident there
would bo no question about his con
firmation. Ho was Tendered successively the
solicitor gcnorship , a position on thocivil ser
vice commission and on the intcr-stata com
mission , and then a place on the Paclllc railroad - ,
road commission. None of these places were
acceptable to Mr. Fuller. Mr. Fuller pre
sented the claims of Chicago to the national
democratic committee , at its recent meeting
in this city , for the honor of entertaining the
convention this year. By this appointment
the Seventh Judicial circuit , which has not
been represented on the supreme bench since
the late Judge Jnrvis resigned , again pro
cures representation.
Senator Spooner says ho knows Mr. Fuller
quito well , and that ho is a man of profound
learning and eminent respectability. Senator
Spooner speaks in the highest terms of Mr.
Fuller and his opinion of him ROCS to show
that the republican senators will not oppose
his continuation.
Senator Cullom says : "I have known Mr.
Fuller for twenty-live years or more. Ho is
a scholar and is possessed of more than or
dinary literary attainments. I regard him as
nn excellent lawyer nnd nm sure ho will
mnko nn excellent chief Justice. Ho is about
llfty-four years of ago. "
Iteprosontutivcs Townshend and Springer ,
\if Illinois , speak In the highest serins of Mr.
Fuller M a lawyer nnd n courteous gentle
man. They predict his immediate confirma
tion , and say ho will soon tulco his scat on the
bunch 111 tlnio to receive the initiative before
the vacation for the summer. The supreme
court adjourns from early May till October ,
and It will only bu necessary lor the present
for Mr.vFullei" to take the bench for o few
Senator Paddock's bill providing a build
ing to cost not over 25,000 for every post
oflico , the gross receipts from which have
amounted to 13,000 annually for three years ,
was given a now impetus to-day , nnd turro is
now very little If any doubt that it will be
promptly passed by both houses. The jwst-
uiaster general sent to the senate to-day a
list of post ofllccs which will , under the proVisions -
Visions of the bill , bo entitled to buildings ,
nnd it discloses no congressional district that
Is not largely Interested in the success of the
bill and will enlist the hearty support of all
who will have an opportunity to vote upon It.
The bill Is endorsed by the president , post
master general , secretary of the treasury and
has been favorably reported from the senate
itominitteo on public buildings and grounds.
It embraces the policy the lien has long been
advocating that of economy and n wise In
vestment for the government nnd meets
With no opposition from any direction.
From DID report of the postmaster general
Juado to-day it is seen Unit the following eit-
ius in the Htuto of Nebraska meet the require
ments of the bill : Ashland , Aurora , Beat
rice , Hlalr , Central City , Columbus , Crete ,
David City , Fairbury , Falls City , Fremont ,
Grand Island. Hastings , Hebron , Holdrogo ,
Kearney , Lincoln , McCook , Minden , No-
i brnska City , Nclifh , Norfolk , North Platte ,
Omaha , Pawnee City , Plattsmouth , Plum
Creek. Bed Cloud , St. Paul. Schuylcr , Sow-
nrd , Sidney , Tccuuiseh , Wnhoo , Wysnoro and
i York.
Ttio following cities In Iowa arc entitled to
postoftleo buildings under the bill : Albla ,
Algoua , Ames , Anamosa , Atlantic , An-
dubon , Dcdford , Hloomflcld , Hoono , Bur-
llnpton. Carroll City , Cedar Haplds , Center-
vlllo , Chariton , Charles City , Cherokee ,
Clnrlnda. Clinton , Corning , Council bluffs ,
Crcsco , Crcston , Davenport , Dccorab , Den-
Ison , DCS Molnes , Dubuijuo , Hldora. Em-
mettsburg , Full Hold , Fort Dodge , Fort Mad
ison. Glcnwood , Griimoll , Hampton , Harlan ,
Idu Grove , Independence , Indlauola , Iowa
City , Iowa Falls , Jcffereon , Kcokuk ,
Knoxvlllo , I.o Mars , Lyons , McGregor ,
Manchester , Maquokctu. Mnrcngo , Marlon ,
Murshalltown , Mason City , Missouri Valley ,
Montlccllo , Mount Pleasant , Muscutlno ,
Nevada , Newton , OsaROOsceoia , Oskaloosa ,
Ottumwa. Perry , lied Oak , Sheldon , Slien-
nndoah. Bigouruoy. Sioux City. Spencer , " !
Storm Lake , Stuart , Tipton , ToleJo.'Vllllsca ,
Vluton , Washington , Waterloo , Wnvcrly ,
Webster City , West Union , What Clicer ,
A bill wus introduced in the house to-day
by Mr. Chipmnii , of Michigan , that It passed
will overcome on evil which all fourth-class
postmasters havo. to u greater or less extent ,
suffered from. It has been the practice for
many years In neighborhoods where there
ure grievances against the postmasters for
patrons to post their mail with the mall
cloik on the trains as they pass through. In
tunny instances under the present adminis
tration thcro have been statements filed at
the postoQlce department going to
enow that pcowo have regularly
Collected mails In neighborhoods and carried
them miles distant to bo mailed on. trams seas
as to boat the poshmistcr out of his com
mission , The salaries bf fourth-class post
masters are made up by the cancellation of
stumps. The bill Introduced by Mr. Chlpman
requires that all wall delivered to railway
postal clerks must bo fully stamped , and that
the clerks must mnko n record of the total
amount nnd return it to the postmaster located
nt the nearest point where the mall was
posted , nnd the postmaster is entitled to
credit In his regular reports to the depart
ment nnd to receive hi * salary on that basis ,
the same as it the mall wns nil deposited in
his oftlcc for the cancellation of stamps , i
Ilov. Frank M. Colcmnn , of Iowa , was thft
speaker nt the Foundry mass temperance
meeting yesterday afternoon.
Prof. McGco. of the geological survey , nnd
Mrs. McGec , icnvo on Wednesday for n
month's visit to relatives In lown. They
will then sail for Europe to spend the sum-
taer abroad.
Senator Wilson Introduced n bill to-day to
rcmovo the charge of desertion from the
military record of David Lnsuro , of Iowa ,
A favorable report was In the scnato made
to-day on the bill appropriating (75,000 for a
public building at Fort Dodge , Iowa.
John 13. Doy of Stromsburg , George M ,
Humphreys nnd II. C. Lindsay of Paxvnco
City , Willinm U. Starr of Indlnnoln , Neb. ,
and Julia W. Corner of Uloomfleld , la. , were
to-day admitted to practice before the inter
ior department.
The special mall service to Matthews , Holt
county , has been ordered discontinued after
to-day. PenitY S. HKATH.
Sketch of the Career of Melville W.
CHICAGO , April 80. The nomination of
Mclvlllo Weston Fuuer , of Chicago , as Chief
Justice of the United States is regarded herewith
with unbounded satisfaction by lending men
of both parties. Fuller in every respect Is
fitted to fill that high ofllco. Ho was born In
Augusta , Me. , February 11,1633 ; graduated
nt Howdoln in 1858 , Minister Phelps being
a classmate of his. After studying law
nt Hunger nnd attending the lectures at Har
vard , Fuller came west to Chicago. His
ability was speedily recognized and forthlrty
years ho has won distinction amend the fore
most of the bar. Ho has been prominent at
several democratic national conventions nnd
in I860 was selected to deliver the address of
wclcomo to Stephen A. Douglas. In
his practice in the supreme court
of the United States , Fuller has fre
quently como in contact with Edmunds ,
Thurman , and other great lawyers , but has
never failed to hold his own against the
greatest of them. Ho is familiar with decis
ions of the court and especially on nil consti
tutional questions.
When Fuller was Informed of the nomina
tion ho was overwhelmed with surprise nnd
requested that ho bo not pressed for an ex
tended interview , simply stating that ho
would accept the nomination.
Postal Changes.
WASHINGTON , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bcul The following Iowa post
masters were Appointed to-day : W. J. W.
Townsend , Plattcvillo , Taylor county , vice
H. II. Albaugh , resigned ; M. H. Ynhegan ,
West Burlington , DCS Moincs county , vice
AbuerS. Cook , declined.
For Bonds.
WASIUNO.TON , April 30. Proposals for the
sale of bonds amounting to 2,713.000 were
received at the treasury department to-day.
Ho Kills Ills Wife While She is Defend
ing : Her Dnuchtcr.
CHICAGO , April 30. While defending the
honor of her thirteen-year-old stop-daughter
against the licndishncss of her unnat
ural father , Mrs. Muehlberg was struck
down with murderous intent by her
husband at a late hour last night
and is now dying. Muohlberg rc-
turcd to his homo on Low avenue in an in
toxicated conditlont after having been absent
all day. Ho went directly to the bed room
where his three children were sleeping nnd
attempted an assault on his daughter Eleanor.
The child screamed for help and Muchl-
bcrg's wife rushed in from the west room.
The brute was beating the child about the
head to silence her cries and when his wife
endeavored to stop him ho turned and dealt
her two blows which cut her scalp and face
terribly. She made several attempts to get
to the door and call for aldbut was prevented
by her husband beating her. In the mean
time nil three of the children sprang from the
bed und endeavored to stay their
cruel parent's wrath. Mrs. Muehlberg at
last succeeded in reaching the steps where
she managed with superhuman effort to cry
for help. Muohlborg then shook the child
ren from him and look a small crow bar
from the tool chest nnd struck the woman
over the head crushing In her skull. For the
ilrst time ho seemed to realize what ho had
done. Ho threatened the children not to tell
who did the deed and then taking some
money ho lied. The police have as yet been
unable to find the murderer.
Tnko'H His Life.
NEW Yonic , April 30. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] A sensational suicide occurred
In the pulpit of the Presbyterian church nt
Broadway Village , White- Plains , at 3:30 :
Sunday afternoon. Ilov. Edgar L. Her-
manco shot himself In the tcmploand died at
8 o'clock. Mr. Hormnnco had n great deal
of trouble with his congregation recently
over the matter of salary. Dissatisfied with
that paid him , ho made desperate demands
for increase , which were ignored. The
trouble led to his resignation. Mr. Her-
manco stood high in despite of recent troubles ;
wus for sixteen years the pastor of one of
the richest congregations In that section. Ho
had recently lost his fortune. It Is said ho
had no domestic troubles. His wife is the
daughter of ox-President WoolBoy , of Ynlo
college. At the tlmo of the shooting his wife
was engaged teaching u Sunday school class
within n few feet of where her husband was ,
The wildest excitement was caused in the
Indignant Citizens.
NewYoiiK , April 80. | Special Telegram
to the BE E.I A call for a meeting to beheld
held in Cooper Union hall Friday evening
next , to approve Mayor Hewitt's action in
regard to hoisting foreign Hags over public
buildings , has already received morp than
seventeen thousand signatures. The signers
express' tholr admiration "of the manly ,
patriotic and fearless" stand taken by
Mayor Hewitt , their indignation at what
they call "tho insults offered the honored
head of the city government by a board of
aldermen and assembly of state , "
Both Died.
SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , April 30 , [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. ) A fierce hand to
hand fight occurred last night on the South
ern Pacific castbound express at Valentino
Station. Sam Taylor , n drunken cattle man ,
boarded the train , nnd Conductor Charles
Server , finding him troublesome , tried to put
him off. Taylor drew n long dirk nnd
plunged It into Server ugain nnd again. The
conductor managed to get out his revolver ,
and llrcd n bullet Into Taylor's heart. Both
men were dead In a short time.
Shot Him Dead.
MONTICEU.O , Kan. , April 80. [ Special
Telegram to the .BEE. ] Deputy Sheriff
Campbell , while attempting to nrrest Solo
mon Coker , n young man accused of robbery ,
shot him dead. Coker heard of Campbell's
arrival and armed himself with pistols nnd
knives , und attacked the oftlccr who remon
strated. Coker still persisting Campbell
shot In self-defense. The dead man bore a
bad reputation aud spent several years ut a
reform school.
Fur President ,
KANSAS CJTV , Mo. , April ! 50.--Speclnl [
Telegram to the BEE. ] At the district re
publican convention to-duy resolutions wcro
adopted with a hurrah favoring Senator In-
b'uUs for president :
The Dos Molnoa Loader Ofllco To
tally Dootroyod by Firo.
N'arrow Escape of Homo of the Em
ployes Jlnwkcyo Democrats
Gathering nt Dubtiquo
General lown News.
< i
DCS Molncn Lender Office Burned.
DBS MOINES , In. , April 80. [ Special Tele
gram to the I3r.E. ] A disastrous flro broke
out in'tho Dally Leader newspaper offlco this
afternoon , completely destroying thntoDlco
nnd the ofllco of the Homestead , nn agricul
tural paper , published In the same building.
A boy was cleaning the forms with bcnzlnr ,
some of which was spilt on the floor , nnd ho
stepped on pnrt of n match , which set the In-
flamnblo mass on flro. The flames wcro
quickly carried to the third floor , cutting off
the printers nnd several girls nt work in "tho
bindery. They escaped by the roof , two men
sliding down telegraph poles and receiving
n shock of electricity en route which ncnrly
paralyzed them. Mrr H. J. Phllpot , editor of
the _ Leader and n well known free trade
wrlfor , barely escaped with his life. Ho
waited a second to grab a roll of frco trade
manuscript which ho had boon writing at his
desk on the second floor , nnd was
pursued closely by the flames , which
had cut off escape from above.
The street door being fastened by 8omo
moans , ho broke open a side door nnd shot
out with the flame six feet behind him.
About fifty pcoplo were in the building , nil
ot whom wore saved.
This is the second tlmo the Loader has been
burned out within two years. Everything
belonging to the Loader ofllco was destroyed ,
including the subscription lists of the weekly.
The dally lists wcro in the safe. The paper
will DC Issued to-morrow from the Register
oflice. The postofllco adjoined the Leader
building and all the mail matter was re
moved in confusion , but the lire was con
fined to the Leader ofllcc.
The losses are as follows ; The Leader ,
$30,000 ; the Homestead , $8.000 ; the building
owned by W. H. Weaver , $0,000. The in
surance is as follows : On the Leader ,
PhoDiiIx of Brooklyn , $2,000 ; oNow Hamp
shire Insurance company , ? l,000Dcs ; Moincs ,
81,000 ; Dubuque , * ? ,0 ( > 0 ; Amazon , $2.000 ;
Fanners Insurance company , 2.000 ; Pee
ple's of New York , 2,000 ; Springfield ,
$2,000 ; St. Paul Insurance company , $2,000.
On the building London , Lancashire nnd
Globe , ? 3GOO ; Hawkeyc , $1,000 ; Hanover ,
$1,000. The Homestead printing company
Was insured for $3,000.
Iowa's Unterriflcd Assembling *
Dunucjui : , In , , Aprll'so. Delegates are as
sembling for the state democratic convention
Wednesday. Ex-Congressman Cook will bo
temporary chairman. Among the names
prcmineutly mentioned for
to St. Louis are J. H. Shields of Dubuque ,
F. W. Lehman of Des Moines , W. W. Bald
win Burlington , Colonel Bnllingall of Ot
tumwa , ex-Congressman Puseyof Council
Bluffs. John F. Duncombo of Fort Dodge ,
John C. Kelly of Sioux City , L. II. Bolter of
Harrison , and others.
Found Dead In His Shop.
Dunuqun , la. , April 30. [ SpecialTelegram
to the Bnn. ] William Deuglera shoemaker of
this city , was found dead in his shop this
morning. Ho wus in his underclothes nnd
lying over a chair \vith his head on the floor.
Ho was a single man and was last seen Sun
day evening , when ho started from his board
ing houso. The coroner's jury decided death
was from natural causes , probably convul
sions. Ho waS'Ubout sixty years of age ,
Proceedings Against the Squatters.
Sioux CITV , la. , April 80. [ Special Tele
gram to the DEC. ] The Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha railroad company to
day flled one hundred nnd three suits of
ejectment ngniust squatters in this county on
lands claimed by that company under the old
Sionx City & St. Paul land grant. These
lands wcro last fall certified back by the
state to the government and the secretary of
the interior declared them open to settle
Found n Floater.
BUKMXGTON , la. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to the I3nn. ] The body of n boy was
found floating in the river nt this place to-day
and was recognized as that of Charles Lieb ,
the fifteen-year-old son of Joseph Licb , of
this city. The boy had becu missing flvo
Plenty of Itnln.
MusCATis'E. la. , April 80. The droucht ,
which had become quito n serious matter In
this section , was broken Saturday night by a
fine rain , which continued Sunday und last
Bloody Battle Between Two Texas Ho-
ineos nnd Their Friends.
JcrraisoN , Tex , , April 30. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the BEE. ] James Layton and Paul
Forrar quarrelled over mutual affection for
Miss Aggie Uiloy. After separating they
detailed matters to their friends. Two par
ties headed by thcso young men organized
and met In a corn field. A battled ensued in
which many were wounded , pvcr forty shots
being filed. Forrar was fatally wounded in
the groin. Miss Hiloy hearing this bucamo
crazed with grief.
. . . .
Does Not Decline.
BUFFALO , April 30. [ Special Telegram
to thn BKL-.I The Express , whjoh has been
earnestly urging the nomination of General
Sheridan by the republicans over slnco the
publication of Hlalne's Florence letter , pub
lished to-day nn editorial , the caption of
which explains it : "Ho Will Accept. " The
information is said to bo derived from a
grand army mantho Ultimata friend of Sher
A Dcupcruto Fight.
Ai.KXAN'niiiA , April 30. A desperate con
flict took pluco yesterday ut a mosqua at
Damanhow near this city. A number of
escaped prisoners had taken refuge in the
mosque and refused to surrender to the
police , who had surrounded the building.
In the fight that followed fifteen convicts
wcro killed nnd two wounded. The police
lost four men , killed and wounded.
An Inventor.
WATimnuiir , Conn. , April 80. Allen B ,
Wilson-perfector and part Inventor of u sowIng -
Ing machine , who with Nuthnn O. Wheeler
established the great Whoolcr ; & Wllspn SowIng -
Ing Machine company of Bridgepott , died
yesterday afternoon in Woodinont.
A Strike.
FAU. KIVEB , Mass. , April 30. The brick
layers nnd masons In this city struck to-day
for nine hours n day. It is sold the labor
union of this city will order a strike before
A Panto in Tin.
LONDON , April SO. There Is a panic in the
tin mflvltet. The French syndicate has
ceased buying. The cash price 1ms fallen
from JEICO to 105 per ton , and little has.
changed hands at this price.
ATI Explosion.
NEW Youu , April SO. By an explosion of
a kerosene lamp , Mr * . Falst , her two sons
and daughter wcro terribly burnt last night.
Ttio boys died before morning.
The Dueling Fovcr > Hnn Tnkcii Hold of
Frenchmen \\Mth n. Hush.
( Copi/rfcM 1SSS bu Jame * Oonlon JleniifU.l
I'Ants , April 30. [ Ncw York Herald
Cable Special to the Br.n.l The duellists
arc nt it again , The encounter which cost
Dupuls , the artist , his Itfo yesterday Is likely
to bo followed by another to-morrow morn
ing. The principles are Duke do Grainmont ,
the well-known sportsman , nnd M. Hntm *
bnult , n fellow royalist. Both gentlemen are
dreadful lady killers , nnd It seems that both
Imvo lately been paying court to the snmo
beauty. Sunday evening , as the duke
nnd M. Hnlmbault wcro sitting at
the green table ht tholr club with
n knot of friends , M. tinlmbatilt began to tell
spicy stories of his rivals amorous achieve
ments. At first ho drew the line nt banter ,
but presently banter became perilously
pointed. The duke grow fidgety , butM.Unlm-
bault did not notice that. The appreciation of
his friends seemed to stimulate his lanry.
At last ho went beyond bounds altogether.
Nothing happened , however , till ho chaff-
ingly accused the duke of having used his
naino to ingratiate himself into the good
graces of n lady the other night.
Sala M , Kalmbault : "I called on
n lady who shall bo nameless.
She refused to see mo. I sent my card in n
second time with the snmo result. The tlilrd
message proved equally fruitless , but- this
tlmo the lady gnvo mo n clue to her cold
ness. " Hero ho paused , nnd pointing mock
ingly nt the duka ncross the table , said :
"Look here , duke , when you go there again
don't use my name nnd got the door shut
against mo. " Thcro was a laugh , followed
instantly by n dead silence , as the duke , turn-
ingpalo and red with wrath , suddenly leaned
across the table und slapped the Joker In the
face. After this , of course , n meeting was
unavoidable , as honor must bo satisfied.
The Emperor's Condition.
Bsni-iK , April 30. [ Special Cablegram to
the BEE. ] After the emperor arose to-day
ho spent some tlmo at nn open window nnd
was refreshed by the balmy nlr. During the
day ho received Gqncrnls Von Winterfeld
nnd Wclmowski. A sensation has been'
caused hero by the the report that orthodox
preachers in several Prussian towns are pray
ing that the emperor may have an early re
lease from his sufferings.
The Boulniigist Fcvor Cooling.
PAIIIS , April 80. [ Special Cablegram to
the BCE. ] M. Brumicr , ( republican ) was
yesterday elected member of the chamber of
deputies from the department of Hautes-
Savou by a vote of23,000 - to 13,000 , for M.
Marchau , the radicaLcandldat.o. Uadlcal de
feats in three provincial elections arc con
sidered as indlcatlvo-of a reaction in the
Boulangist movement * In Paris the Bou-
langcr fever is cooling ; .
Member Nolan Introduced Two of
Them Into. , the House.
LONDON , April 80. [ Special Cablegram tote
to the BEU. ] JoscpU"Nolan , nationalistmem-
ber -parliament , was re-examined to-day
before the committee on admission of
strangers to parliament. Ho admitted ho
introduced in parljanfcnt two ladies by tno
name of Millcn , but ha ntd ho did not know
they wcro the dauglftit's of a reputed dyna
miter. Ho had conversed with Millcn on the
situation in Ireland , nnd Milieu did not give
him the impression of being connected in
any way with politics or with dyna-
nilto plots , or anything of that
sort. Ho had no previous knowledge
of him. Chief Detective Munroe deposed
Mat Millcn , when ho sent his daughter to
London , directed tnat only Nolan should escort
cert them about. Nolan called three times
at the house of Kitty Millen , nnd on ono oc
casion remained tw6 hours. Ho took her to
the house of commons nnd afterwards es
corted her sister Florence there. Ho also
accompanied both of the sisters about the
city. The witness said ho got his infoimn-
tion from members of the family with which
Kitty Millcn stayed. If ho got a chnnco to
capture Millen ho would prove the lattcr's
connection with the fcnlan raid of 1877 ,
After Monroe had concluded his testimony
the committee drafted a report to the house
in which they avoided censuring Nolan.
Steamship Arrivals.
NEW YOIIK , Apri 30. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] Arrived The Spain , from
Liverpool. V
BALTIMORE , April 30. Arrived The Min
nesota , from London.
PHILADELPHIA , April 30. Arrived The
British Prince , from Liverpool.
QUEIINSTOWN , April 30. Arrived The
Baltic , City of Chicago , and Lake Superior ,
from Now York ; the Lord Gough , from
Philadelphia ; the Virginia and Ccphalonicu ,
from Boston.
GLASOOW , April 30. Arrived The State of
Indiana , from New York ; the Cnrthugonian ,
from Boston.
SOUTHAMPTON , < April 30. Arrived The
Eider , from New York , for Bremen.
Iron Stocks.
DDLUTIT , Minn. , April 30. [ Special Tolc-
tjram to the BEE.J The Minnesota Iron com
pany has just made application to the Now
York stock exchange for the listing of its
stock thcro for transfer. The company , un
der Its reorganization , is capitalized atH-
000,000. This , Including the Duluth & Iron
Hango railway , the docks at Two Harbors ,
the mines nt Tower and many thousand acres
of iron lands along the range.
It is an unusual thing for an iron company
to list its stocks on the exchange to bo placed
regularly on the market , but It is undoubt
edly u good move aud one that will , redound
to the ndvnntugo .of the company aud the
eutlro Vcrmllllou region.
Burn Ing Oil Fields.
BiiAoroiiD , Pa.t April 30. Forest fires
have been raging in the Kane oil fields slnco
Sunday afternoon , started by the spark of n
locomotivo. Severn ) tauits und many barrels
of oil have been destroyed ! Swamp Lodge ,
a suburb of Kane , is completely wiped out ,
The flro burned incessantly until 8 o'clock
this evening1 , when a heavy rain checked the
progress of tbo ( James , which are now under
control. The loss Is very heavy , It is the
worst tire in the history of this county ,
Chnrgna With Fraud.
HAMILTON' , Kan. , April SO. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE.J John Brugher attempted
to negotiate bills pt ( sale for cattle through
Attorney Wells , of whom ho had arranged to
borrow f 750 , when n' farmer named Thompson
arrived and caused his nrrest on the charge
of obtaining those bills of sale for fraudulent
purposes. Brughor halls from Steele City ,
Fires Started Again.
Pmsnuuo , April 30. All the Flint glass
houses in this district were fired up to-day
nnd by Wednesday every factory will bo in
full operation. The resumption will give
employment to 1600 men in this district , who
have been idle over llvo mouths.
'nicxlco Must ffavo Boon Whipped.
NOQALES , Ariz. , April 80. The Mexican
authorities report , two moro engagements
fought with the Ya'iuis. in which a number
of the latter worn killed and many captured.
Another dcbnomte Unttlo was fought nt
Guichoro ntnl it w belibvcd they were
wbrsted. . .
Patience Censing to bo n Virtue
Along the B. & M. Linos.
Sarpy Comity Court Notes Substan
tial Kvldonco .of Prosperity in
ColnmhiiB An Injustice
Done Miss Frccnmn.
Instances of Incompctcticy.
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 30. [ Special Tclo
gram to the BEE. ] The fact that the Bur
lington road Is unnblo to handle what busi
ness comes to It Is growing moro apparent
dally. Shippers nnd dealers at points along
the line who are largely dependent on the
road have been slow to speak of delays nnd
damages , but they nro not all silent. A
Uavcnna merchant was asked his expcrlcnco
to-day. Ho said goods from Lincoln wcro
from eight to twelve days on the road. A
car of salt from Chicago had been on the
road over n month and not In .vet. A Central
City merchant In Lincoln to-day stilted they
could not get goods over the B. & M.
Side tracks nro reported at points
along the line filled with Idle
cars. Shippers at Ulysses and Stnplchurst
are reported as hauling grain to Elkhorn nnd
Union Pacific stations , owing to the prccari-
ousuuss of shipments on the B. & M. Sew-
nrd shippers nro gathering stock nt local B.
& M. points , driving them to Seward and
shipping over the Elknorn.
Engine 188 is reported dead at Aurora , after
consuming twenty hours In going from this
point thcro , a distance of twenty-five miles.
Atkinson reports no passenger travel uud
freight light ; Rod Cloud no freights for a
week ; Hastings ono freight in and out a day ;
McCook ono freight dally. A stockman was
six days in going from Ulysses to Colorado ,
nnd had his stock badly injured. Two cars
of stock wcro four days and nights in going
from Omaha to Akron on the last freight ,
nnd dozens of like cases nro reported dally.
Eloped With the Main Witness.
PAMLL.ION , Neb. , April 30. [ SpecialTel
egram to the BEE. ] John Hamberg , con
victed lost fall of stabbing with Intent to
killWllliamBush at a dance hall was granted
a now trial by Judge Groff in order to get
the benefit of newly discovered evidence.
The defense was anxious to proceed nt once
with the new trial this term , but it was found
impossible to do tins owing to n somewhat
sensational occurranco. The row in the
dauco'houso originated through the jealousy
of a Miss Nancy Deeno , who slnco the trial
has eloped with the prosecuting witness ,
Bush , to the Pacific coast , where they now
are supposed to be. Owing to these facts ,
the defendant was released on his own
recognizance to appear at the next term of
The jury in the case of the state
ngainst Gottlieb Hess , for embezzling
from Aultmnu , Miller & Co. of Ohio , re.
turned a verdict of not guilty. This was the
second trial of this case.
A little breeze was occasioned hero the
other day when Mr. Thomason , n sheriff
from Missouri , n small man , struck Attorney
Lyon , pi Omaha , In the face for having cast
reflections against the sheriff in an argument
an hour before in a horse stealing case , in
which Thomason was n witness. Lyon
quickly rallied nnd demanded the nrrest of
his assailant , who was taken before the
cpunty judge and fined 53 and costs. The
witnesses to the little episode , showed their
nppVccIntlon of the pluck of the little man by
stepping up nnd paying the fine for the de
fendant. _
Miss Freeman is a Heroine.
FHEMONT , Neb. , April 30. [ Special to the
BEE. ] A well-known citizen of Ord , who
was in this city to-day on his way homo from
n ten day's absence to Wisconsin , had his at
tention called to the sensational story now
going the rounds of the state papers to the
effect that the report concerning the heroism
of Miss Minnie Freeman , the school teacher ,
is all n hoax. This gentleman preferred to
have his name suppressed , but his statements
having had weight in the former account of
Miss Freeman's heroism , they will also bo
considered now. Ho says the present re
ports do Miss Freeman an injustice ; that the
facts as first given nnd generally under
stood by the public nro the trutn ;
that the roof of the school house
was blown off by the storm nnd ho
had the testimony of n man who helped to re
pair It that the next day after the storm the
building was half full of snow. The people
of Ord all know the facts ns given in the first
Instance concerning her bravo exploits wcro
true. Miss Freeman makes her homo in Ord
and was repeatedly in town after this ad
venture , and the story she told confirmed
that as given to the public flrst through the
BEE In the substantial details. Tno pupils
nnd the residents of that neighborhood like
wise confirm the statements made by Miss
Freeman nnd the gentleman who flrst made
the facts public. The citizens of Ord made
sufficient inquiry concerning the matter be
fore they presented the young lady their gojd
watch to know that the account wns true and
that Miss Freeman hud actually proven her
self a heroine.
Columbus' Boom Is Solid.
COLUMBUS , Nob. , April 80. [ Special to the
BEE. ] With .Tudpo E. A. Sprice , champion
of the people's rights , in the city council , the
long standing difliculty between the t\ro
sides of the track is amicably settled. Colum
bus looks forward to an era of prosperity ,
far surpassing the expectations of the most
hopeful. No later than yesterday , twenty-
two car loads of fat cnttlo were shipped from
hero to Sot'th Omaha , nnd three train loads
of twenty cars each wcro consigned to the
same pluco to-day ,
The utilization of the water power of the
Loup river for manufacturing purposes is
now practically settled. J , N. Heater , n
resident of Columbus for many years , who
has had fifteen years experience in mills run
by water power , in company with J. B.
Becker , Jonas Welch nnd others , have per
manently located the route of the canal uud
have f 100,000 in stock now subscribed.
The architect fiom Omaha is hero drawing
up the plans for the now hotel , bank , opera
house and other buildings.
Crete Merchants Are Mad.
CIIKTE , Neb. , April 30. [ Special to the
BEE. ] The pcoplo hero nro getting very
restless In consequence of the strike on the
B , & M. Earnest talk is being indulged infer
for and ngainst the railroad and the engi
neers , with the prospect of nn indignation
mass meeting in condemnation of the way in
which the merchants , shippers aud people
generally nro being treated by the company.
When it takes four days to ship stock from
hero to Omaha , a distance of ninety miles , it
is high time that the people should take a
hand in and say who owns the state , the rail
roads or the engineers , and let the railroads
know that the pcoplo have some rights that
oven corporations and societies are bound to
respect. They think that this btriko has gene
far enough , and they are not called upon to
suffer because a railroad and its engineers
cannot ,
agree _ _ _ _ _ _
Must Close the Distillery *
NEBIIAS&A ClTr ( Neb. , April 80 , [ Special
to the BBE.l Mr. A. Hovls , of St. Louis ,
president of the Nebraska Dlstillinsr com
pany , is in tie ] city to-day with tin order
from the whisky trubt that the distillery at
this place must bo closed. This is ono of
eleven out of nineteen to bo closed , The
distillery wns ono of our largest Institutions
and its cjoso will throw a number of men out
of employment.
Pluii * for tno Anhcuscr-Busph bkjck , ex
tending the entire length of ono square , wars
received hero to-day. The estimated cost of
the building in $12o.OOO , and includes a hand-
Rome opera house plahncd after the style of
Boyd's In Omaha. Work ou the structure is
to begin in May.
Killed n Fellow Soldier.
SIDNRT , Neb. , April 80. [ Special Tclo-
pram to the BnE.J C. E. Brown accidentally
killed W , E. Murray nt Fort Sidney yester
day with n 33-cnllbro revolver. Both wcro
privates In Company E. Twenty-first In
fantry. Coroner Blrncy holds nn Inquest to
morrow together with the garrison court-
martial , Urown will undoubtedly bo held for
The Wounded Doing Well.
OnLCANS. Neb. , April 80.-Sncclnl [ Tclo-
grnm to the BKB. ] Dr. W. L. Downing , who
has had charge of the wounded from the B.
& M. wreck nt Hope Creek , now gives It ns
his opinion that Charles E. Eaton , of Lincoln
will recover. W. F. Conly , mall agent , ono
of the Injured , loft for Hastings to-day. The
other injured are nil doing well. The wreck
was removed from the creek to-day. No
other bodies were found ,
Preparing to Establish an Immense
Plant at Duluth.
DULUTH , Minn. , April 80. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] John Blrkinblno , of
Philadelphia , consulting engineer of the
Duluth Iron & Steel company , is the city.
Mr. Blrkinblno has made all the plans of the
two mammoth furnaces , steel converters nnd
mills of tbo companynnd his present trip Is to
mnko final the arrangements for commence
ment of work on the first building. Work
begins first on the foundation of the 140-ton
blast furnnco , to bo followed nt once by the
followed at once by the costing , stock , nnd
engine houses npjolning , nnd later by the
converter houses , rolling mills , etc. It is
not expected that any pnrt of the work will
bo ready for business before the opening of
navigation in 18S9 , for it takes time to build
such immense works ns planned , but it is in
tended to have everything ready to go into
blast ns soon ns coul can bo received from the
lower lakes next spring and prepared for the
furnaces. The ores to bo used will bo the
famous Bessemer orcstof the Vcrmilllon ,
mixed to a certain extent with the softer
ores of the Gogobic. Arrangements nro al
ready being made by the company for the
purchase of stone brick , fire brick nnd iron
work for the furnace , nnd machinery for the
engine house.
Indications Tiiat the Boy Wat Killed
Because Ho Was an Heir.
DENVEU , Colo. , April 30. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] No now developments
wcro made in the Edgerton murder mystery
to-day. The bodies of the victims are in the
receiving vaults at Munltou , where they will
bo kept until the coroner's Inquest is. held ,
which will probably bo to-morrow. Sheriff
Jackson , of this county , is busily at work on
the cose and has been engaged In following
several clues to-day with no definite result.
A hatchet , with which the bloody deed was
performed , was found buried in old Mrs.
Kearney's skull. This would indicate that
the boy was killed flrst and does away with
the theory that the murder was committed
for the purpose of robbing him. Thocaso
possesses many intricate features and at
present it would seem as if all efforts to dis
cover the perpetrators of the deed would bo
futile. The murdered boy's grand'father ,
T. C. Harld , is a retired iron merchant of
Philadelphia , and left anestate worth (40,000
which the boy -would have como into pos
session of at his majority. His mother is at
present in Now York. Other relatives of the
family are prominent citizens of Philadelphia
and St. Louis. The case is one of the most
mysterious ever known in the state.
The Northwestern Flood.
MINNEAPOLIS , April 30. A special from
Eau Claire , Wis. , says the flood has driven
fully 150 families from their homes in the
past twenty-four hours. Three bridges are
impassable. Porterville , a village below
there , is Hooded und deserted. The inhabi
tants are camped in sheds and warehouses.
Two streets on each side of the Chippcwn
river in this city are floo'ded. The greatest
loss thus far is to the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railroad nnd to partly submerged
sawmills nnd business houses. Four inches
of melting snow have fallen and it is still
snowing hard.
A special from Chippcwa Falls , says the
Chippewa river is stationary and no further
is anticipated if the rain stops. The Chippewa
powa Lumber and Boom company's mill Is idle
A Sunken Ship.
SAN Louis Ouisi'o , Cain. , April 30. 1 ho
Pacific Coast steamship company's steamer ,
Queen of the Pacific , plying between San
Francisco and southern coast ports , sunk
near Port Harford this morning.
The Queen of the Pacific was valued at
$500,000 and the cargo ut * 50,000. She sprung
n leak when fifteen miles from Port Hurford
and despite strenuous effort bctran to fill
rapidly. She was kept going at full speed nnd
was brought to witnmliOOyards of the wharf
before she sunk. Everybody was taken off
safely in life-boats. The passengers praise
highlv the conduct of the officers and whoso
exertions alone prevented loss of life.
AVcnthcr Indications.
For Nebraska : Wurmer , fair weather , folj
lowed In western portions by rain , fresh to
brisk southerly winds.
For Iowa : Warmer , fair weather , light
to fresh southeasterly winds , increasing in
Eastern nnd Control Dakota : Warmer ,
threatening weather , followed by light local
rains , fresh to brisk southeasterly winds ,
Lower Hates to Colorado Points.
CHICAGO , April 30. The committee con
sidering the question of through rates to
Colorado polnlx have ngrccd to mnko rates
on commodities from Chicago 20 to 25 per
rent below ttio authorized rates from Now
York. This Includes all articles which In
the cast como under the head of commodi
Mayor Francis nnd His Friends.
KANSAS Cirv , Mo. , AprllSO. [ Special Tclo-
grain to the BKE.j Mnyor Francis ot St.
Louis arrived in the city this morning on
business relative to the gubernatorial office.
Ho bus been closeted with friends most of
the day In his parlors at the Coutes hou&u.
A Successor to Vilas.
M.IDISOV , WIs. , April SO. The democratic
state central committco to-night elected
John L. Mitchell , of Milwaukee , to represent
Wisconsin In the national committco , vice
William F. Vilas , resigned.
PendlRlon Getting Better.
WIESBADEN , April 30 , Qcorgo A. Pcndlc-
ton , American minister , went out driving
to-day. The effect of his stroke of paralysis
has nearly disappeared ,
Arkansas Labor Party ,
LITTLB Hocic , Ark. , April 80. The union
labor party held a convention hero to-day
nnd nominated u state ticket and adjourned
until to-morrow.
Two Men Killed.
SUCLBYVJLLB , Ind. , Apiill'O. ' A boiler in
the tile factory exploded , killing two persons
and fatally injuring a third , Several others
wcro badly bruised.
Six Pcrnons Killed.
PIIACIUE , April 30 , To-day in the menage
rie a pickpocket raised the cey of fire , which
caused a mmpfle. Six persons war ?
tramped to death and many others seriously
The London Tlmoa Takes a Hopeful J
Vlow of Its Effect.
TJio Unfrocked Lender ot the Anil ?
I'ovcrty Brigade Denounces the
Vapal Document Vnrloua
London Press Opinions1. 4
The Thunderer In Glee.
[ Copi/HoM / JSSS fy/ Joints ( .onion JJcnnfM.1
Loxnox , April 30. [ Now York Hcrnhl
Cable Special to the BED. ! The first lender
In the Times to-day on the papal dccrco In *
eludes the following passages : "Tho Irish
priesthood nnd Irish peasantry will think
twice and thrlco before upholding the plan 6f
campaign and the organization of the league-
in the fnco of the papal condemnation. It 1
notorious that the majority of the priesthood
have been forced against tholr wllls Into the
movement nnd nro glad of _ nn excuse to cxtrl-
cato themselves from tho'dubious and danger
ous position. The peasantry may have a hank
ering after the advantages of dishonesty ,
though of la to these seem to bo much less-
certain nnd unqualified , but It is not cosy to
believe they will incur the severe censures-
of the church for the sake of en
forcing boycotting and maintaining the
supremacy of the 'league. In view
of the fact that In n great number of cases
the priests have been the active organizers
nnd illicit treasurers of the plan of campaign ,
the papal dccrco , even if it affected the
clergy only , would bo of very great signifi
cance , but If It extends to the laity nnd em
braces in its condemnation the ordinary mem *
bcrship of the league , its Importance can
hardly be overlooked. It would bo a very
curious sort of protestantism which would
show Jealousy at the interference of the
papacy for vindication among these of the
Homan Catholic faith of tha elementary
principles of morality recogimcd by nil civil
ized communities. To deny the infallnbillty
of the pope , who has not acted with anything ;
llko precipitation or without the most care
ful inquiry , would subject Roman Catholics
to the imputation of heresy. "
What Other London Papers Say.
Lojfnox , April 30. The Pall Mall Gazette ,
commenting on the papal decree , says ; "The/ /
] > opo's blunder amazes us. It will make no
difference in the condition of affairs In Ire
land , 'whllo an alliance with the pope will
displease England. "
The Qlobo says : "Tho decree means law
nnd order , which wcro menaced by the Juno ,
tlon of n strong British party with the Pnr-
ncllltcs and wo have now , in the Vatican's
opinion , overcome the disturbing forces'OS-
sailing them. "
The Star denounces the decree as cruel ,
perilous and wanton. "If Ireland submits to
the sacrillce of her liberties to base tory in
trigues she will bo unworthy of freedom ,
which in a few years Englishmen will grunt ,
her if she maintains her demand. " The
paper summons Englishmen to. denounce
their ministers' intrigue.
The Irish parliamentary party will take no
steps in connection with the dccroo. but will
leave the question on HsinBritS'to the "appro
elation of the pcoplo.
Its Effect on the People.
LONDON , April 80. A meeting composed of
Irishmen and Englishmen , held at Aldershot ,
condemned the pope's decree and resolved to
found a branch of the homo rule organization.
DUULIN , April 30. The Mitcholstown
branch of the national league has discussed
the papal decree nnd decided it will not take
its politics from Homo.
Deposed Dr. McGIynn Talks.
NEW YOHIC , April 30. [ Special Telegram
to the BEI : . ] "What shall wo do to bo
saved ? " was the question propounded by Dr !
McGIynn at the meeting of the Anti-Poverty
society at Cooper Union lait evening to a
largo audience. Dr. McGIynn , referring to
the pope's Interference with the plans of
campaign , said : "If Irish people can stnnd It ,
I think I can manage to worry along some
how. Thcso wretched , starving pcoplo in Ire
land nro Bending thousands of dollars every
year to Uomo as peter's pcnco [ hisses ] ; if
they can tolerate their bishops and priests
who have had the courage to speak ueir.ff
clubbed Into silence by the pope if they can.
stand this , I can. But now , I como to think
of it , I can't stand it. Something rises' up
and tolls me that I should bo unworthy of my
manhood nnd unworthy of my priesthood if
I did" [ applause. ] The vicar-general , of Now
York , who is part and parcel of the ecclesi
astical body In this district , recently
preached a political sermon In which
ho made the astounding announce
ment that wo must take our politics
as well ns our religion from Peter ,
When they undertake to give you your pol
itics as well us your religion you had better }
take care to BOO what you nro getting.
[ Laughter. ] The works of Copernicus op
the solar system wcro on the list of forbid
den books for n hundred years. The interT
diet was finally taken off , nnd now little
boys nnd girls are being tnuplithis works In
the parochial schools of the Catholic church ,
and not n word said about Copernicus having '
been branded as a heretic. If the American
people can stand taking their politics from.
Homo , as well as y > olr religion , I con stnnd
it. But something says no. I Jove my coun
try , and this Is my country. I'PlUUBO'1 ' I
cannot stand it , und I grlevo over the de
generacy of my country. The old love of
liberty and Justice hns so died out from our
pooplo. What shall we do to bo haved ? The
salvation which wo seek Is restoration oJ
of perfect order and emancipation of the
man from the brute. "
Itonlnngcr Not For War.
PAUIS , April 30. [ Special Telegram to the
BKE. ] Boulungor has written n letter pro
testing against the warlike ideas that have
been attributed to him. Ho wishes now to dc |
clare distinctly before Franco and Europe
that democratic Franco Is maligned by being
credited with thoughts of aggression , to
which ho has over been , und still remains
resolutely opposed.
Heavy Storm at Quccnstown ,
[ CopirfaM8SS l > y Jamtt Gordon IJcnneUJ
LONDON , April 30. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEB , | Quocnstown.
reports the storm predicted by the Herald ]
burst thcro to-day with tremendous seas. J
The steamers City ot Chicago und Battle {
had to take shelter in the Inner harbor. The I
Cephnllona.with Lowell aboard , could barely
communicate with the tender. Some small
crafts were swamped , The gale continues
heavy and rain is falling.
The Saturday Night Riot.
PAIIIB , April 80. [ Special Telegram to tUa
The affray between the BoulangisU *
and a party of students , who came out from
the students' club , In which several bhots
wcro fired , though few persons wcro injured ,
was not In this city , but at Toulouse. The
conflict was resumed last night , but It was
suppressed by the police without any serious
results. " -j (
President Carr.ot left Bordeaux to-day. A
crowd awaited him at the railway depot unit
greeted him enthuslu tlcally. lie hub arrlvca
nt liochefort.
A Dead Franchnuui. ,
PAHID , April HO. Hobart , who ki'lttl ' Du- . ,
pals In n duel , ahd tho' four io
ends have becu urrcatcd.