Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Of FIVE , KO , i2 riSAJlb 9TIII3I3T.
Delivered by Cnrrlcr In Any Part of the City at
Twenty Cents I'cr WceV.
JiusiNros OrncE. No. a.
HIOUT KUiToit , No , a.
N. Y. Plumbing Co
New spring goods nt Roller's.
[ Not nn arrest wns docketed yesterday.
Superior court took nn nil dny recess yes
terday on nccount of lack of business.
Honjnmln T. Jnmcs nnd Mnry O. Crispin
wcro yesterday wedded nt "Squire Hriggs
Tlio line Hnmblctonlnn colt owned by Mat
Hnrlo died ycsterdny. Ho lately refused nn
offer of $1,000 for him.
In Squlro Scliurz's court yesterday after
noon Thomas Hendricks pleaded guilty to nn
assault on AdolpU Kolb nnd was lined t5 nnd
A number of carcasses of dead horses nro
lying Just west of the driving park. The hot
weather will soon cause the location to bo
easily discovered.
Father McMennmy celebrated the nup
tials of Mr. Patrick Mown , of Crescent , nnd
Miss Hcatrico Carrigg on Wednesday nt St.
Francis Xnvicr's church.
The meeting of the school board last even
ing Was unproductive of any decision In re
gard to the adoption of n plan for the new
building ns Mr. Unlit wns nut present.
The first of n scries of dlinocntcrtninments
that wn to huvo taken plnco at the Episco
pal church last evening , was postponed on
account of the rain until next Monday even
The demand for telephonic communication
with the now court house Is Increasing rap
idly. It scums that tho'public might be nc-
commodatcd , ns.tho expense would not bo
Eg Great.
i' * Audio Ilincbnrt , a pupil at the institution
T- for the deaf nnd dumb , died yesterday of
> - malarial fever. Ho wns aged twelve years.
Tlio remains will ba taken to his homo In
Ofidcn , la. , for interment.
Hut a half doren businessmen braved the
storm of lust evening to attend the board of
trade meeting. The special business for
Which the meeting was called will cnmo up
for consideration next Tuesday evening.
Mr. Carl IClopping and Miss Mnry Gciso
wcro united in matrimony Wednesday even
ing nt the homo of Conrad Gcise , a brother
of the bride. The Hev. Mr. Ulushburg , of
the German Lutheran church , oniciatod.
Hoffman , who wns arrested at Ncola for
stealing M. Lun/cndovfer's horse , nnd for
burglarizing IJeckman's harness storu , yes
terday was brought before Justice lirlggs.
Ho waived examination and was taken buck
to Jail in default of bonds , the bail being
$ aOUO In each case.
Conrad Lau/omlorfcr has had his stolen
horse rctutncd from Neola. The animal was
bndly used by Hoffman , the thief , who rode
it so hard that it dropped from exhaustion.
It wns also Injured by being run into a barbed
wire fence , but none of the injuries are per
manent or very serious.
W. J. Chirk , who is charged with bigamy ,
has returned to the city and has apparently
settled his matrimonial troubles , his wife re
turning with him , and s"ho and her relatives
being now satisfied that the previous Mrs.
Clark has no claims upon him. Tlio case
will probably bo dismissed.
Until the completion of the new parochial
residence Father McMenamy will reside at
the corner of Eighth avenue and Sixth
streets , to which place ho has already moved.
The buildings now upon the old church site ,
on-Pearl street , will bo torn down and the
material used in the erection of the new par
Vfi A. Bonn , the new pitcher of the homo
club , Is In daily practice , and is throwing n
very swift ball. His curves nro most puzzl
ing , nnd the friends of the club are enthu
1 siastic over him. To-morrow's game will bo
the first time that the boys have an oppor
tunity of meeting ono of the league teams ,
and a more correct idea of their comparative
merit can then bo formed.
i The evening papers are in n hot fight over
the county printing. The Herald has charged
the Glebe with ( loitnr the county up for a
largo amount , and the Glebe gets buck by
saying , "You'ro ' a worse one. " The Glebe
presents comparative figures sho'wing that
the Herald used to charge the county 30 per
cent more than the Globo's present prices on
county work. Tables of figures are presented ,
nnd billingsgate freely used.
Georgia Williams , ono of the denizens of
the "How , " appeared at public headquarters
yesterday morning , nnd swore out a warrant
for the arrest of ililly Walters , ono of the
i gamblers , charging hitn with assault and
Battery. It seems that Walters took offense
at the fair Due frail ono on the preceding
night , and beat her most unmercifully. An
ofllcL-r was sent out to gather him in , but ho
was nowhere to bo found , having slipped out
for Denver on un early morning train.
It is pleasing to note the fact that the new
boiler for the canning factory is being mndo
hero , Carter & Son having the contract nnd
the Iron fronts being cast by Spruguo & Co. ,
another Council U luffs concern. Such ex
amples of encouraging the manufacturing
enterprises already established hero shoulO
bo followed. Ono citizen who shouts the
loudest against Council Uluffs getting a fliO
Write up In an Omaha paper has sent cast
I after mouldings , etc. , for his now house , re
fusing to allow the Council Lilulfs factory to
furnish them , though guaranteeing us good
work for less money.
Under the new organization of the district
court thcro is almost a continual session
here , and it seems that what little cxcuso
thcro was for tlio existence of a superior
court Is now done nway with. It is nn ex
pensive piece of judicial machinery , and the
showing of receipts is by no means pleasing
to the taxpayers. Many nro of tlio opinioi
that a police court would answer tlio pur
pose , and that thcro is not enough other nusi
ness to warrant a 12,000 judge , with clerk
and other expenses. Tlio district court cat
bo readied so easily now that these wanting
law can got n trial quick enough.
Personal Paragraphs.
Alderman Waterman Is able to bo ou
pgaln , though not rugged.
John Y. Stone and family , of Glcnwood
wore at the Ucchtola yesterday ,
William Townsend , of Hockvlllo , Neb.wh
formerly had nn elevator at Mincola , was In
the city ycsterdny.
E. W. Davenport has so fnr recovered fron
Ilia brief Illness as to bo out and about attend
Ing to business as UHual.
BUr. A. J. Manville , of Howling Green , O.
was hero yesterday on a brief visit to his oh
school-mato , Woostor Fay. Dr. Manville
on route homo from n California trip.
0. E. Stone , familiarly known na 'Squlro
Stone , is lying quite ill at his home corner o
Vine and Urynnt streets. Ho Is not only an
old resident but ono of the earliest members
of the bar of this county.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Klmball yesterday ro
turned from their trip to Hot Springs , Ark
They have been absent three weeks , and UK
trip has had a healthful effect on Mr. Kim
ball's health , besides proving enjoyable fo :
Among the lowans at Kiel's hotel yestcr
day were : A. 11. Smith , tSpcncer : Gerge W
McCoId , Panama : A. W. Wyman , Keg Creek
Peter Korth , Portsmouth ; L. D , Woodman
( see , Macedonia : J , H. Patterson and wlfo
Exlra : J , J. Taylor. Silver City ; S. Dyo.Jolu
Dye , D. W. Uorrltf , O. L. Stcmpel , John
Harding , E. H. Luett , all of Macedonia
Henry Plopor , Mliulcn ; John Wurncr.Charles
Warner. Hancock ; 13 , Taylor. Walnut ; E. H
Doppo , F. Shoyley. Avoca : i Herman Soiffcrt ,
Avoca , Theodore P. Worsloy , Nevada ; J. R
Fulton , West Side ; William Morrow , Mon
uamln : Julius Lehpeldt , Donieon ; W. U ,
Hell , Tabor : J , F. AlcAvcrich , H. Here
Carson ; S. G. Underwood and wife , Keg
Among the lownns at the Crcston house ,
T. O , Harris , Uaitelt ; John Harding , Dr. G ,
L. Stempcl , Wheeler ; Hlloy Clark , C. M ,
Witt , William Sells , A. F , neobo , C , W ,
Lane. Ncola ; C. F. Carver , C. F , Hummer ,
J. U. tjtroot , J. S. McCalm , H. Brown. Will
lam DiRgle , H. F. Faust , Persia ; S. W ,
Hiiffaker. n-nnk Haigitt , H. G. Bedford
Silver City : E. P. Drown , P. Hudigei1 , F
Sorferts , iv J. Popojoy , A. Hock , Neola ; J ,
M. Wyland , Mimlen ; George E. Fisher ,
George Wolff , George Hcichait , Underwood ;
W fl Oaks' Silver City ; J. A. Finck ,
Dlanchard ; & M. Crlppen , Neola ; James
Crow , Mludcn ; T. A. Eaton , Persia ; L. Hot-
'tluger , Silver City.
J , G. Tipton , Real EsU to , 627 B\vay
They Are Plncod On a Strofag Olovo-
land-Pusoy Platform.
Brighter Prospects For the Motor
lilnc Aii Unpaid Check Onuses
Trouble Tlic Bonril of
The Democrat Delegates.
The county democratic convention met yes
terday afternoon at the court house to select
thirteen delegates to attend the stale conven
tion to bo held jit Dubuquc , May 2.
George A. Holmes called Uio convention to
rdcr , nnd Hon. "W. 11. M. Pusoy was mailo
shnirmnn. lie opened with his customary
Utempt to Impress the convention with the
mportunco of their acts , on this , the dawn of
A great struggle. Pottnwnttamlo was the
banner democratic county of the state. Thir
teen men should bo sent , real men , not mcro
names men who would po. The
Jubuquo democrats would gladly welcome
licin. Tlio coming canipniun would bo an
exciting one. Thcro would not bo mjch
slush. Cleveland has established his reputa-
ion for soclnl purity. Ho now stood lit the
jiend of social circles. Democrats \vcro proud
of Grover Cleveland , and pretty proud of
Franklc. After the apjlauso ) had subsided
business proceeded. .1. T. McAnlnich , of
Jarson. was chosen secretary. _
John P. Organ , .T. It. Ulcderlchs , Pat Lacy ,
iylvestcr Dye , . .1.1Prouty , were named as
committee on crcdentltils.
While the commlttco wns In conference
Senator Groncweg was called for , but de
clined to make a speech.
J. C. DcHnven occupied part of the tlmo
of waiting by rending from a morning paper
the account of Senator Voorhees' speech ,
Dan ViirroH was called out. Ho stated
that the llrst preat object was to sccuro the
nomination of Grover Cleveland , nnd the
next , that of John Illnck ; the third object wns
to sccuro tlio selection of such a man us W.
II , M. Pusey as one of tlio delegates nt largo
to Uiu national convention.
\V. If. Thomas was selected as assistant
J. P. Organ presented the report of the
committee on credentials. Fourteen town
ships were unrepresented. The report was
adopted. Tlio temporary organization was
inaile permanent.
The work of selecting thirteen delegates
ivns Riven over to u committee of five ,
named by Uiaclmlrinnn , as follows : A. W.
Wynian , .T. II. Henry , Thomas Uowman , Pot
Lacy nnd S. G. Underwood.
While the committee- was in its room Mr.
H. N. Whittlesoy presented resolution , one
endorsing Cleveland and especially his mes
sage , the other endorsing Mr. Pusey for dele-
gato-at-largo to the national convention. Ho
ilid not wnnt the delegates Instructed for
lum. If chosen ho wanted it to bo tlio result
of a spontaneous expression. The war cry
of the coming campaign was to bo the discn-
tlirallmcnt of white slave labor. This
was greater than the democ
racy , and the party should choose
its representative freely. Ho would
nt any time gladly give way to any of these
bravo men who hud fought for the party for
many years. Ho knew ho could rely on the
boys here If ho needed them , , nnd did not
want them instructed. Both resolutions weie ,
however , unanimously adopted.
- The committee reported the following dele
gates : W. It. M. Pusey , Sylvester Dye , J. II.
Henry , D. A. Fan-oil , J. M. Wylaiid , U. S.
Hart , S. G. Underwood , .T. II. Plumer , W. C.
.Tames , A. W. Wyman , William Groncwcg
and F , II. Guranolla.
The delegates appointed were nuthori/cd
to cast the full thirteen votes in case of the
absence of any of their number.
Sewer connections nnd house sowars
laid by N. Y. Plumbing company.
TravelcrsI Stop at the Bechtelo.
A full line of crockery nnd glassware
nt Lund Bros. , No. 23 Main street.
The Odd Follows.
The sixty-ninth anniversary of American
Odd Fellowship was celebrated yesterday
with becoming ccat by the order in Council
Bluffs. The day wns fair , and early in the
afternoon the streets were thronged with
spectators. The local lodges assembled in
the lodge room of No. 49 and about 2 o'clock
formed line in front of the hall on Broadway
where the Omaha delegations wcro after
ward received. These arrived on the 1:30 :
dummy and were escorted from the depot to
the main line by Canton Millitant No. 0 , the
local uniform degree of the order. The full
line formed about 2 p. in. , and in the follow-
ine order : Dolby's band , fifteen pieces ;
Canton No. 0 , llfteen persons ; Keystone
lodge No. 115 , of Omaha , and Omaha ledge
No. 2 , seventy-four ; Hnwkeyo ledge No. 184.
Huraboldt ledge No. 171 and Council Bluffs
ledge No.-10 , 152 ; Second infantry band efFort
Fort Omaha , twenty-two pieces ; Ncola ledge
and the lodges of Persia and Silver City ,
seventy-one ; carriages with veteran Odd
Fcllows.mukinir a total of about three hundred
Odd Follows in lino. The line ot march was up
Broudwuy to Pe.u-1 , south to tlio Junction
with Main , north to Broadway , east to Second
end , north to Washington avenue , west to
Sixth , south to Broadway and thcnco to Ma
sonic Temple , where- the exercises of the day
were lielil.
The hall was well filled with a most atten
tive audience. Upon tlio platform wcro
Dolby's ' band , the speakers of the day and
the veteran members of the order. Hon. D.
C , Bloomer acted as chairman nnd announced
the programme. After musicby Dolby's
band , prayer by the Hev. E. H. M. Fleming
nnd the opcningodo by tlio order Mr. Bloomer
gave the address of welcome. Ho reviewed in
brief , the history of the order since its or
ganization at Baltimore m 1S1U. Ho pre
saged a glorious future for the order ns a
Icgitimatn result of the principle upon which
it is founded , and extended a cordial welcome
to all visiting brothers.
Ho. was followed by Prof. James Me-
Naughton , who delivered a very entertaining
and instructive address. Lack of space for
bids n reproduction hero of tbo entire ad
dress , which would prove highly instructlvo
to the readers of the Bii : : .
The Second infantry band favored the
audience with a choice selection , after which
the Itov. Mr. Flemmlng spoke briefly upon
the moral obligations of the order. Mr. G.
L. Jacobs sH | > ko also upon the practical side
of Odd Fellowship. After another selection
by Dolby's band , Messrs. G. E. It. T. Hunter
nnd L. C. Hough gave short addresses ,
which wcro interesting and were well re
ceived. The closing ode finished the formal
exercises , after which some time was spent
in handshaking nnd the recital of personal
experience among the older members of the
order. The visitors were magnificently en
tertained , many of them being taken in
charge by the resident Odd Follows , while
others , who chose to do so , were taken to the
Crcston house , where an elegant supper was
spread for all.
The parade and street manipulation of the
line was under the charge of John Temple-
ton , marshal of the day , nnd Ed Brown us
assistant marshal. Tlio day passed without
casualties of any kind and was spent in the
most pleasant manner possible.
The festivities of the day closed with a
_ <
The dibtrict telegraph Co. serves pat
rons any time of day or night ,
Drs. Moser.V Van Nets euro private diseases.
Hooraa 1 and 6. opera house b'lS. Telephone 273.
Disputing Over n Safe Investment.
When the boom opened here so cnthusi
astlcally a yeur ago this spring , one of the
new linns of real estate dealers was that o
Peterson & Co. , of Omaha , who opened an
oftlco in the building now occupied by the
Manhattan. They purchased the property o :
Henry Elscman , and after occupying it a
short tlmo , sold It to ICiuiball < fc Champ , who
have since rebuilt and Improved It greatly
Gcorso Hudio claims to have made the sale
fo ? Poteison & Co. , nnd that In consideration
of his services that Peterson ft Co. agreed to
give him the now saf which was In their office
fico and which cost about ji'OO. Up claims
that one of the firm promised him the safe
aud wcat sri fur as to him lUo c.uaibma
ion nnd promised to bring over the keys
rom Omahn in n day or two. Ho did not dee
, o , tmd in a short tlmo the other partner up-
> carcd hero with men prepared to toke the
afo away. Rudio renluvlncd the safe , and
ho adjustment of the iWputa as to the.
> \vncjflhln fit JnO Irorf "boS ffecupliJd the at-
cntloji of Judge Carson yesterday , There
vas SOiho hard wearing done by somq one.
'or the testimony a ? to the transaction was
llrectly contradictory. Kudlg stuck to hla
original story and the firm flatly denied It.
The safe Is in Hudlo's possession nnd it is
with Judge Carsun to decide as to who has
the right to It ,
For all female diseases consult Drs. Afoser &
Van NC-RI , opera notice block , rooms 4 and 5 ,
Council Uluils. Correspondence solicited.
Shcnfe lonns money on rcnl estate.
J. O. Tiplon hns several fine bargains
n houses nnd lots if taken soon ,
Collared Fur n Check.
During the boom of ' 87 E. T. Patterson &
'o. ' , of Omaha , opened n real cstato office in
this city and npparantly did a rushing busi
ness. Connected with the firm was a young
man who was known by all as Mr. Peterson ,
brother of E. T. Peterson , and the "Co. "
of the firm. The firm did n great deal of np-
larcnt business hero nnd at Sioux City ns
well. At times they had largo sums of
: noncy on deposit at nil these various places.
During the month of August young Peter
son , as ho was known , called ntonoof the
: lty banks and asked that his personal check
'ortMJ. drawn on the First National bank , of
Sioux City , bo cashed. This was done , the
Sioux City bank was notified , but the check
was returned protested. It then appeared
that the firm had no money , at that time , on
deposit there. The cheek was sent to Omaha
for collection , but the bank to which it was
sent notified the bank hero that E. T. Peter
son pronounced the cheek n forgery and
would not pay It. The matter has laid
quietly until yesterday , when the signer of
ho check was in the city , called hctonsn
Witness in the Poterson-lludio caso. A war
rant for his nricst was sworn out by Justice
Schiu-z and an information filed charging him
with forgery ami obtaining money under
Tnlse pretenses. The Information is against
Walstrom , who carried the name of Peter
son while heio before. He was taken to
Sijuiro Schurz's office , but that ofllciul was
not In nnd ho wns tuken to the county jail.
A preliminary hearing wns afterward had ,
nnd the prisoner will have a full hearing
to-day. An effort Is being made to sinmro
the matter without litigation and with good
prospects of success.
E. II. Shcnfo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
conlidentiul. Ofilcc 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stuirs.
Money nt low rntos on llrst-clnss lurm security.
Umnham , Tulleys & Co , lOJ.Mulu street.
S. B. Wndsworth & Co. loan monev.
To-NlRht's Concert.
At the congregational church this evening
} benefit concert will be given Prof. Do Nor-
mandle , the organist. The programme is un
excellent one and is as follows :
ritoaiuxiMi : . *
1 . Organ Festival March . Smart
Mr. Will Tabor.
2. Tenor Solo O , Happy Day . Goctz
Mr. Nat Uriglmm.
8. Duct Song of the BiritH . Hubenstein
Mrs. Wadswortli mid Mis. Evans.
4. Tenor Solo Dcr Trumpeter .
F. L. Hayden.
5. Piano Solo Norwegian Bridal Proces
sion . Grieg
Miss Winnie Crofts.
C. Mezzo Soprano Solo The Daily Ques
tion . Erik Mcyer-Helmund
Mrs. J. S. Judd.
7. Recitation . Selected
Mrs. Higgins.
8. Organ Adngio Cantavilc . Hayden
Mr. Will Tabor.
0. Soprano Solo Aria Hondo from Sonam-
bula .
Mrs. Wailsworlh.
10. Duet O Swallow , Happy Swallow. . . .
. , . Kuchcn
Misses Mattie and Huttie Palmer.
11. Toner Solo Sleep Well , Sweet Angel. .
. Abt
Mr. Nat Brigham.
12. Flute Solo Romance nnd Tarantella -
Mr. Frank Badollet , accompanied by Miss
Carrie Atkins.
W. Quartette To Thee , Oh Country .
Mrs. Wadsworth , Mrs. Evans , Mr. Wcstcott
and Mr. McDermid.
Miss Officer , accompanist.
- * -
Wai-burton & Iwarsen , fashionable
dressmakers , No. 32 Pearl &t.
Union Abstract company , -i5fi Main street.
Largest stock of wall paper ever seen
in the city. Picture frames made to
order. Very latest designs in cornice
mouldings. II. P. Niles , 402Broudwuy.
Oldest firm in this line in the city.
The Slotora AVI1I Move.
A letter has been received by one of the
city councilmen , rcfjucstinp that body to re
scind all action taken with rcfcicnco to mov
ing the Chicago , Koclc Island & Pacific tracks.
Tlio reason assigned for tlio request is that a
compromise hns been effected by which the
motor line is allowed to cross at Ninth ave
nue. General Given is the author of the
letter , which makes the statement authentic
so far as the action of the railroad is con
cerned , Mr. Heed is expected here the first
of the coming week , and will bring the two
motors which will furnish the locomotive
power of the road. All miHonablo question
ns to the early opening and operation of the
motor line to Mnnnwa is thus removed , in
which fact the people will rejoice. What
action the city council will take respecting
the request of the railroad has not yet been
determined , but in view of the many com
plications which have arisen , the safe policy
will probably bo followed of rescinding no
action until the motor line is surely allowed
to cross. The council is too cautious to bo
coaxed into rescinding its action by the rep
resentations of one side of the controversy ,
Mr. Heed will soon bo at homo , and if ho is
satisfied , then the council will probably re
scind their action ,
Grant's Birthday.
General John M. Thurston will deliver his
lecture on "Tho Life of General Grunt" this
evening at the Masonic temple under the
auspices of Abe Lincoln post , G , A. H. Judge
Ileed will preside , and Mr. I. M , Troynor
render a vocal solo. After the lecture the
post will hold a ramp fire , and a very pleasant
tlmo is anticipated. There will bo no admis
sion fee charged , and everybody is invited to
Bargain Corner lot on Broadway in
Baylibs & Palmer's add. , $ .r 25if taken at
onco. Johnston & Van Fatten.
Tlio Salvation Army.
Captain David Miller , of the Salvation
army , familiarly known as "Little David , "
will lecture on Saturday evening , April 28 ,
on Lifu in the Salvation Army training
homo. Captain Miller is 'tho ofilcer in
charco of the Bluffs corps , and the lecture
will bo his personal reminiscences of train
ing home life and will Include a descriptive
account of a fifteen days' march of the First
Salvation Life guards. The first 250 per
sons paying for admission will receive a War
Cry of that date , free.
Piles cured with certainty. DrB.
Moscr & Van Ness , Qouncll Bluffs , la.
Tlmnks to O in a 1m Friends.
Rev. IJ. P. McMenoray , pastor of St. Francis -
cis Xayicr'B church , desires to express
through the BBS his thanks to these who as
sisted in making the opening services of the
now church KO t > ucc < jsiul , especially to tlio
Omaha singers who assisted tlio choir ; to the
Ancient Order of Hibernians and their band ,
and to the people of Omaha for their uniform
kindness In attending and assisting on such
If you sufTor pricking pains on mov
ing Xho eyes. , or cannot bear bright
light , and nnd your eight weak and fail
ing , you should promptly tibo Dr. J. H.
McLean's Strengthening : Eye Salvo.
25 Cents u box.
Largest Stock , METCALP BROTHERS : Furnishing
Lowest rit f-tTi . > itT .i Clothing , Hats , Oapst
f - ft * vmutam , . ; - DeMertovSfckS CJlBaomonflyy * ffardman , Everett &
6i&.Qwnty REALESTATE .
A v Male St. Council
1814 SI.
. Largest ) of Any Capital Banh in and the Surptoaf oittf. ga. j' CITI2ENSTATE . . - - > - BAN K , { % Qur Patronage VtoSollQltoSir "
! Stuffs a
JPorcgoj Mooro'a v-r.'TVX'jrt'V " . , ' . *
Paint. 011 Glees Go , -
' .Abstracts of T > Uc
. w , . Wholesale. antn Rasa ; n > ' ' , fVAV * '
Mo. 8. Pearl S"-r'r < M' L > : > .T ARE'THE BEST. ori
3 ;
Manufacturer of Fine Carriages nnd Buggies.
I have always a full stock to select from.
Prices Low.
"Not Hulk , Hut IJuslHCss ! "
is the way a western man put in ex
pressing to a friend his complete satis
faction in the use of Dr. Picrco's Pleas
ant Purgative Pellets. So small nnd
jet so effectual , they bid fair to sup
plant entirely the old-btylo pill. An
ever-ready remedy for Sick and Bilious
Hc-adiu-ho , Biliousness , Constipation
and all hlootl disorders. Mild in action ,
wonderful in ctlcctl Put up in vials ,
convenient to carry. Their use at
tended with no discomfort ! These
sterling merits account for their great
Jnmes Unxtcr , an impecunious son of idle
ness , received the usual lecture from Judpc
Aylcswoith yesterday morning and was ill-
lowed to depart. This was the only case re
quiring judicial attention.
Colgate & Co ,
is to-day the byndnym for all that is best
and most fashionable in the toilet art.
Lnst evening there was ijuito n display of
electricity on the telephone polo in front of
Dohr.ny's opera house. The insulation of nn
electric light wire feecmed to bo defective ,
nnd the wire coming jn contact with the wet
pole pave off a constant stream of sparks.
SPnCTATjnilvcrtlseraents , such as Lost , Found ,
To Loan. For S.ilcTo HetitVnnts , Hoarding
etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low
rote of TKN OENTS PER. L1NIS for the first In
sertion nnd Five Cent.MJl'cr Ijlue for each subse
quent Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our
olllce. No , 12 Pearl Street , near Broadway , Coun
cil Ululla Iowa.
WANTIII ) rirht-clops tailors , coats , pant
and vcbt makers. A. Heller , 310 Broadways
FOR HKNT LnrRO front room. 711 Mynster
street , between Seventh unil Eighth-fats.
WANTED An experienced bookkeeper ,
either lady or Reiitleman. Address ulth
reference nnd hnliiry expected , Book 23. Bee
olllce , Council llluu.In. .
WANTED At once , pants and vest maker.
H. Bocken , Marian , In.
MUST bo told A new drug stock located in
central Nebraska. Inquire of JIarle , Haas
Foil RENT Pint-class piano in good order.
Can bo hail nt reasonable pries. Posses
sion given JIny 1st. D. Oohlutelli , 228 Broadway ,
FOU HUNT Furnished and unfurnished
rooms , 717 Ut nve. Heferences wanted.
FOll SALE At a bars.iln. 10 acres near stock
yards , South Omahn , Neb. , Johnson &
Christian , Iloom 35 , Chamber ot Commerce ,
Stocks of merchandise Have
Omnha and Council llluirs city property.
alto western land to oxchan n for gDoJs. Call
on or address Johnson & Christian , , , _ om 35 ,
Chamber of Commerce. Omaha. " °
I'HICK $ lfi.
Is a thoroughly practical , well mndo and finely
finished machine , Combines tlio PKIIITCT LIT-
TKIIINO , KXACT Al-inSMENT ttlld ItAI'll ) WlllT-
iwi of a hlRh priced writer with SiMi'MCiTr.
Compactness and Durability. Send for circulars.
F. E. GAGE , The Exrelsior Co.
yrl Main St. .
LINCOLN , NKII. , Council Dhill'H ,
tien'l Agent. Agt. for Western Iowa
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council Itlulfs , Opp. Dummy Depot
norses and mules constantly on band , for
Eale at retail or in car load lots.
Orders promptly tilled by contract oa short
Block sold on commission.
Telephone 114. SCHLUTEB 4 HOLKV.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council llluffs
0 , H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
f 20and & 2 Main StreetCouncil Illuffs.Iowa.
No. 569 Broadway , Opera HOUBO Block ,
Council Bluffs. Telephone No , 284.
AOTertlMnjr bm felwnya prorca
/uicceuful. Before placing any
Kewipaper AdrerUilagr coniuft
it U It U Uk U iU PHICACO.
27 to SlJ Fourth Street.
YOU ao man ? DOWN TO
And dot That JJcntitiruI 1'attcrn of
And Hns None Hut Experienced Workmen.
No. 1U Pearl St. : : Council Bluffs.
NO. 521 MAIN ST. ,
$5,000 AT DEATH I
(2 } weekly indemnity for Injury. Costs but t3
per year In the Old Itciiublo United States Mu
tual Accident Association of New York.
General Agents.
Hoom 3 , Opera House Illoct.
- : - - : - ,
All Kinds of Steam Boilers A Sheet Iron Work.
Orders by mull for repairs promptly attended
to. ( Satisfaction tuarantctd. 10th Avenue. Address -
dress Oeden Ilollur Works. Council Illuffa.Iowa.
KODroadway Council Bluffs , Iowa. Established
Countil Bluffs , Is. .
Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty ,
I always Ijcop in stock a largo variety of oastorji
make Carriages , which 1 soil at a very low rate ,
Call and examine my stock. I am always
ready to show poods.
Every one says \CG have the finest patterns. Wo know
sell at lowest prices.
Orders taken at Penroso & llnrdeu's , S. 13tu St. , Omaha , Nob. "
co. ,
SIZES FROM Especially Designed fqif
25 TO 250
Branch. House , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
= 1
No. 2O1 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
No. 6OO Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on largo commission or salary.
The Greatest Invention of the Agel
llupture or Hernia a Specialty !
Makes Female Diseases a Specially ,
Cured all kinds of Chronic Diseases , that are curixble , with hla moit Wonderful V i Ut > U n m
dUa. IsthooUiuitalul most successful specialist In the wont. ( Jail aud too him , OI' N . U
I'earlst. , CoUucil UluIIs , Iowa. Otttce houra3 ; U > 12 a. ut ; I to S nd a to 8 p. m.