OMAHA DAILY BEE ; ; FRIDAY , APRIL 27. 1888. 3 11ARKET& I bry Weather News Bulls Wheat , But Trading is Light. A GOOD DEMAND FOR CASH CORN NoUvltlifltnntllnK liberal Kecclptu Oats Also Iltilo Quite Sf roriK Pro visions Tyowcr A PftllliiR OfT In Cnttlc Quotntluna. CHICAGO PnODUCE BIAHKET. I CHICAGO , April 20 , fSpcclnl Tclcgrfttn to the Dnn.l The dry weather was an nil powerful Influence In the speculative grain markets to-day. Its Influence wan felt most in corn and cats , but It was sufilclcnt to ad vance prices In the wheat market. There did not appear to bo any great rush of buying orders , but when there was one to bo filled , or when some short tried to cover , it was noticeable that sellers were scarce. When "buying orders were not present the local crowd wcro "offering" prices down only J.o fcco a sharp reaction with tiny now demand. This feature of the market was shown when nt ono time the local crowd wcro offering July wheat at 83o. Chicago operators under took to buy up some , and had to pay 83 c be fore getting riO,000 bushels * . Trading was light , The crop news continues of the same tenor altogether bad. A repot t from Cincin nati said the Price Current of that city , to whoso estimates some atten tion Is generally paid by the trade , placed the winter wheat condition In Ohio at Co , Indiana TO , Illinois CO and Michigan CO , nnd estimated therefrom n shortage In the winter wheat crop of 45,000,000 , bushels. The bcfirs consider this a rather favorable cstl mate for them , as the reports circulated hero for the ] MHt week or two would indicate a considerably greater shortage. A largo pro portion of the trading hero now Is "changing over" from May to the more deferred deliv eries , chiefly Juno and July , which are now most dealt in. To-day , for the first time , the indicator gave the lluctuations of Juno as the leading option , Juno wheat opened at S'Jc. which was yesterday's closing price , sold early at Sl c , then up to &y < fo back to S2c , ( < 1 un to tZtC ! , and closed at 1 o'clock at S2f@ ' : b % c. May wheat opened at fcOJjJc , sold ut 80 fc , up to blc , and closed at 1 o'clock at 81.VC. Thcro was n good demand for the lower grades of cash corn to-day for shipment. The quantity now loading Into vessels is largo , and the stocks are small. These things , not withstanding the liberal receipts , made the shorts very nervous , nnd the bulls added to their uneasiness by a reminder that this dry weather , which prevails throughout the corn belt , was extremely bad for the coming crop. The shorts , also found , when they tried to cover , that there was very little for sale , and they wcro compelled to pay higher prices. The demand was most urgent from the May shorts. Ilutchlnson was a good buyer early , but turned seller at near the top price , and helped to chcclc the ad vance. May corn opened at 55e and after selling early at Mc , advanced to5C } @ 50 > fell back to CSVc , sold up to 6Cc again and closed nt 1 o'clock at C.r > Xo bid. June corn opened nt M6c ? , sold up to 55/55' c , and closed at 55 c. The same talk of dry bad weather for seed ing had the sumo effect of scaring the shorts in the oats market , the influence Bbing felt most In proportion to the nearness of the month dealt in. May oats opened at U2/c , sold up to Silo and closed at 1 o'clock nt 8Uc. Juno oats sold from 'J8)c ) up to 3f } { c , and closed at n'JKjW2Xc. ( July oats sold from 82i/o to 33 ; < c. closing nt 32 c. August oats sold from " 0)40 ) to " 'Jc. up to and closing at c revisions again ruled lower. In the ab sence of any particular support from any qunrtcr , and under the Influence of good re ceipts of hogs , the opening in this market was at a material reduction in values. Initial sales of pork wcro made nt prices 20c under last night's closing , while in lard they showed a decline of 6@7jjc nnd in short ribs of 7Kc. Later thcro was some recovery from this de pression , but it was insufficient to regain the irround lost. Atl o'clock pork showed a net falling off of IDc , lunt of Sc , and short ribs of AFTEIINOON SESSION Wheat was a sbado easier. Mny sold at 8081o on the split anil 8J c , closing at nbout blc. Juno opened at 82&C , sold nt S2c. then to 82 c , with a few sales at 82.J/C , closing at 82c. July closed nt 8283c ; December closed at nbout 85c. Corn lower. May sold from 65c oft to 55 c. closing atCS rfc , Juno closing with sellers at 54XC , July ploslng at 64K@55c. August was about 55c at the close. Oats wcro lower and active. May closed nt ? % bid. I'erk declined 5c , and closed nt 81U.CO for May , J13.70 for Juno , nnd f 13.80 for July. Lard was steady. Mny closed at $7.UVU ! , June , nt $7.05 , July at $7.9714 nhd August at fS.02J . Quiet. Short ribs closed unchanged to 2Uo lower , May being quoted nt $7.15 , Juno at $7.22 , July at $7.32) and August at S7.-12J . CHICAGO LIVK STOCK. CHICAOO , April 20.Special [ Telegram to thoBcc.l CATTLU "It's bad , " said a sales man , "but it Is not ns bad as might have boon expected. " Prices were nbout lOc lower than yesterday , but sales were quite uneven. Thin nnd coarse cattle , especially heavy grades , were neglected and sola lower than anything else. Handy , fat steers of light and medium weights sold best. Fat light cattle sold higher than the ripe heavy grades. The common to fair kinds of beeves wcro In largo supply , nnd while the general ilomnnd was good , buyers wanted consider able reductions on the strength of big re ceipts. Thcro was n very heavy volume of business done , and not many cattle failed to soil. Fancy , fS.OO@5,35 ; shipping steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs , $4.18(34.80 ( ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , $3 M > @ 4.40j 050 to 1S00 ! Ib3 , f3.70@4.20 : stock- crs and feeders , t5.5C@3.70 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , tl.bOS3.55 ( , uulk $2.00@3.00j Texas fed steers , * 3.25@4.80. ! Hoes Trade opened with a sharp down turn of 5@10o , but at the cut business was brisk , the general market finally closing with the decline about regained. During the weak period the bulk of best mixed sold at 10.45(36.50. ( nnd heavy $5.55Q5.60. Light sorts of 170 to 175 averages , sold largely at 10.-15(35.1)0 ( , and light at $5.10Q5,40. FINANCIAL. NEW YOUK , April 0. [ Special Telegram to the UEE.I STOCKS The stock market again started upward and higher prices wcro recorded on nil active securities , with the ex ception of ono or two fancies. The market continues to broaden and there are more Blocks In it than at any previous time this year , although the advance has been good and rapid , und many of those who went In on the ground floor have unloaded , their place has been taken by fresh blood , and the upward movement continued with as much force as before. Easy money Is still the chief stock argument of the bulls. It IB claimed that the secretary of the treasury can and will put 1200,000,000 of money Into circulation this year. The only way for htm to do It Is to purchase bonds , and should ho sec.uro thai amount it would bo one-fifth the bonded In debtedness. It is also claimed that the mere announcement of the secretary's willingness to purchase bonds will have the desired effect on the money market. There bus been a largo covering of shorts for the pavt three ilnys and big shorts are said to be well out of tUo market' Operators who watch the mar ket closely said the advance had been tufll- clout for the present and advised selling for a reaction , but s\id : r.tocks were a good pur chase on any material decline. The opening wus rather easy , but , r.s on previouu days , the declines were fractional. London ws a fair buyer ol Union Pacific and St. Paul , und prices advanced X to 1 point. The Broadway party took hold of Jersey Central after it'htid dropped tfc , and the loss. , wxfr rcMncd. Gould Is said to be behind the bull movement iu Manhattan , ' and it advanced H j points. "yVestern Union , and ii : fact all ef Uls < secur ities , showed inolo strength than any other property , advancing K < 3lK" iwlnts. . Kansas ft Texas was up 1J | and Northern Pacific preferred \ % , Hull points nro still out on qotton oil Btlfts nnd they acted erratically. New England and Richmond Terminal were quiet nnd only fractionally better. The mar ket was filled with long Blocks during the closing hour , nnd cnused a weaker feeling nnd n decline In almost every stock on the list , nnd the bulk of the advance was lost. Burlington and Manhattan , however , wcro exceptions , nnd both closed firm nt outside figures , the former showing n net gain of 2 points nnd the latter 8 . Other gains wcro 1 < on Northern Pacific prefeired , J < on Rock Island , % on St. Pnul , } { on Union Pacific , Reading nnd Northwestern , 1 % on Missouri Pacific , } { on Kansas < k Texas , % on Western Union. Lacknwnnna was J lower , Lake Shore Jtf , New England } { , Total sales were 420,272 , ngnlnst141,854 nrcshs yesterday. GOVERNMENTS. Government Donds wcro dull but strong. TESTEHDAY'S ' QUOTATIONS. U. S.4s registered. 12ljj ( 3. & N. W , U. 8. 4s coupon. . , 120h doprefcrrcd n.8.4tsrcKlstrcii.l07 ! > , i N.Y.Ontrnl 107 U.8 4s ! coupon..107W O.K. N KlVt 'flclflc ' fls ot'OS 121U I' . T 24K Mnnda Southern. . 51U Pnctnc Mntl 34H Central 1'acino. . . . . 32' 0. D.&K. . . . , -'OK ; iiirnpo & Alton.inn Pullman ValaceCntl4l J..1I.&Q 12J Heading KU ) [ ) . , ! / . * lao ; Hnck Island 113 ) . <.O. . . , in 8t.L. &B.K 2 Erlo SON doprofcrrcd n7J ilo preferred , . . . , TO C. , Jf. & 8t.Vnul. . . 74 Illinois Central 120 ? do preferred.lit I. , 11. JeW 13 4 St. I'&O 41 IC.&T I'.JJ ilo preferred 109 LakeShore Dlft Texn.8 1'ncitlc 24 ' N r- ? < Union Pftclllc. 674 : Michigan Central. . Wi W..St.L.&l > 14U illHsourlPncinc. . . 773 ] do preferred . "fl Mlssonrll'aclllc. , . . Z' " W. U. Telegraph. . 70U tlopreferred & MONHT ON CAM , Easy ntM < < tf % per cent ; last loan 2 per cent ; closed Offered nt 2 jicr cent. PitiMB MHUCANTILB PArcn IK < 2"'K Pcr cent. ExciiAxan Dull , but steady nt for CO dny bills ; ? t.S8 for demand. MAKICBTS. CIilcnRO , April 20. Following nro the ! :3l : ( closing prices : Flour Firm nnd unchanged ; winter wheat , n snclts. * 2.f)0@3.GO : in bbls , S2.7fi@-4.40 ; spring wheat , in sacks , tl.76@3.S5 ; in bbls , W.50@-l.50 ; rye flour , In sacks , ? 2.70@2.00 ; n bbls , S2.)0@3.10. ! ) Wheat Opened nt nbout yesterday's close luctuating within > f o range nnd Ihmlly clos- ng irregular with considerable ndvnnco over y-csterday ; cash and May , Sic ; Juno , 83c. Corn Fairly active ; opened nbout same ns yesterday's ' close nnd closed nbout same to tfo higher ; cash , D4Jj)0 ) ; May , & 5c ; June , Oats Active and higher , closing % o bet ter ; May , 82c. Rye May , C3J c Barley Quiet at 77 @ 78o. Pi ime Timothy $2.55jf ( 2.50. Flax-seed fl.45. Whisky $1.15. Pork Moderately active and lower ; cash nnd May , S18.40 : June , $13.70. Lard Easier ; cash and May , $7.92 > , Juno , $7.03. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , $5.75IO.OO ( ! ; short clear , S7.05@7.70 ; short ribs , S7.15. Butter Lower ; creamery , 10@24c ; dairy , 18c. Cheese Stead > ; full cream Cheddars , and flats , ll@ll } < ; c ; young Americas , 12l @ 13c. Eggs Steady ; fresh , 12 ( ! l2V < fe. Hides Unchanged ; green hides 4 } e ; heavy green salted , 5 } c ; light green salted , Cc ; salted bull , 4c\ \ green bull , 3) c ; green salted calf , 80 ; dry flint and dry calf , 12@13c ; dry salted , 10c : deacons , 30o each. Tallow Unchanged ; country , 4J @ 5cj No. S,4)fc ; cake , -lX ( 5cperlD. Receipts. Shipments. Flouibbls , . 24,000 23,000 Whcatbu . 40,000 65,000 Corn , bu . 115,000 41,000 Oats , bu . 139,000 104,000 Ryc.bu . 2,000 none Barley , bu. . . . . 10,000 none " New Vork , April 20. Wheat Receipts , none ; exports , 71OCO ; cash grades M@Xc higher but quiet ; options ruled weak ut the outset , afterwards declined 3 < @J c , subse quently advanced } t@Xc , closing steady with reaction ; ungraded red , 939fa.9Ce ( ; No. 2 red , 945i@95 > c in store and elevator , 90 @ 07cdelivercd05Xf. ; o. b. ; May closing at Corn Receipts , 80.000 ; exports , 28,000 ; options advanced curly and afterwards trained J @J < o more , subsequently declined M@Kc , closing barely steady with a reaction ol } { @ % cspot , quiet and stronger ; un graded , 07gC9c ( ; No. 3 , C6c in elevator , 07c delivered ; No. 2 , C9o m store ; May clos ing at 64 0. Oata Receipts , 29,000 ; exports , 585 ; market } @le nigher and more active but closed weaker ; mixed western , 37@39.tfo ; White western , 42@40c. Coffee Spot , Rio quiet at $14.75 ; options quiet nnd linn ; sales , 34,500 bags ; April , 11.75 ; May , $11.55@11.CO ; June , Sll.0n@ll.20 ; July. $10.60@IO.G5 ; August , ? 10.15@10.20 ; Scp tember , $10.10. Petroleum United closed strong at SSj c Begs Steady and in fair demand ; western , 3K@Hc. Pork Firm and demand fair ; mess was quoted at ? 14.25@15.00 for old ; $15.00@15.25 for new. Lard Maiket declined 5@7 points ; west ern steam , spot , SS.32J < f. Butter Fair wills the request firm ; west ern. 15M@27e. Cheese Quiet and easy ; western flat , St. Louis. April 20. Wheat Higher ; cash , 65X@S5 < tfc ; May , S5tfc. Corn-inRhor ; cash 51@51Kc ; May , 51 ? . Oats Strong ; cash , 31K < v$82) c ; May , Whisky H.U9. Uutter Firm ; creamery , 20CCo ; dairy , 18@23o. Afternoon Board Wheat , dull ; May , 85c ; Juno , 65X0 bid ; July , 83c. Corn , easy ; May , 5ljffo bid ; Juno , 50 ; July , * * _ . . . . . _ . . . * rnuf\ -C rnufi * + t * - * -1..11 ( II 1 y. \ II Oats , dull ; May , 31 0 bid June. 32o ; July , 28o bid. Milwaukee. April 20. Wheat Weak June , fcOVo ; other options nominal. Corn Scarce ; No. 3 , 5iJ ! < c. Oats Scarce ; No 3 white , 30fc delivered- ungraded , 34l c on track. Rye Steady ; No. l,03) < c. Harley Nominal ; No. 2 , 72e for cash. ' Provisions Lower ; pork , April , $1305. MliuicapollH , April 20. Wheat Re cclpts , 203 cars ; shipments. 80 cars. A good inquiry existed ; prices for hardest varieties wcro about MO above yesterday's Closing la store : No. 1 hurd , Apri 80Ve ; May , 80fc ; July , 81Jfc ; on track 62 } c. No. 1 northern. April 7Sfc ; May 7bjjo ; July , 79tfc , on track , SOkc. No. ' - northern. April. 70Xo ; May , 07f/c ; July C7Jon ; track , 70c. Flour Unchanged ; patents , In sacks to ship in car lots , $4.20@4.40 ; in barrels , $4.45 (44.55. Cincinnati. April 20. Wheat Steady No. a red , 87 0. Corn Quiet and firm ; No. 2 mixed , 56Kc Oats-Firmer : No. 2 mixed , 84 c. Rye Easier : No. 2 , 71@71'c. Provisions Pork , steady ut $14.50 ; lard In fair dcmund ut $7,70. Whisky Active nt $1.09. Now Orleans , April 20. Corn Firmer mixed , Olc ; yellow , ( Me ; white , C5c. Oats-Firmer ; No. 3 , 42c. Corn Meal-Quiet nt t'j.60. Hog Products Easier ; pork $14.75. Lara -17.25. Bulk Meats Shoulders , $9.20 ; long clear 7.UO ; clear rib , $ Ti53 } . Knnuns CllyAprll20. Wheat Stronger No. 2 soft , cash , BO 'o ; May , 7So bid , 7S > $ o nskcd. Corn Steady ; No. 2. cash. 45o bid , 40 , 0 usktd : May , 4Wo bid , 40Vo asked : Juno 40o Did , 47c uskcii. Outt-No. 2 , Mny , 20Ko bid , 30 c asked Liverpool , April 1X3. Wheat Demunt poor ; holders offer frtcly ; California , No. 1 6s 9d per cental. Corn 1-Vrn with demand fair ; new mixed western , 5s 4 } < d per cental , LIVU STOOll. Chicago , April SO. Tha Drovers' Journa renprts us follows : ' - ' Oa lOo fed stfe rs"J3lfl < JT4TabT Hogs IlecoIpU , 2l,000f lOo lower- ; heavy I5.25S5.5U ; heavy. J5.85fe5.Ci ; llgbt , $5.2 ( iJ54r skis , JUK Si-lO. SUevp Roccli.ts , 3,000 ; market nllvci , 54.30iJO.T5 ( ; western , $5.00 0.50 , TCx ns , $3.C50.00 ; lambs , $5.75@7.00 per head. Knn ns CUT , Afrril 2 < 3.-Cftttle-Rc. cclpts , 3,0007shipments , 740 ; market slow and weak10o ; lower for shipping steers } peed cows firm ; good to choice corn-fed , 4.25@4.50 ; common to medium , $3.20(34.10 ( ; lockers , $3.00@2.90 ; feeding steers , W.OO ® 3.00 ; cows , $1.50@3.60. Hogs Receipts. 9.0QO ( shipments , 4,200 ; market weak arm 6@l56 lower ; common to Choice , t4.70Q5.35 ; skips and pigs , $2.25@ .50. .50.Nntlonnl Nntlonnl Stock Yards , Knst St. Louis , April 20. Cattle Receipts , 1,500 ; hlprocnts , 000 : the market was lower ; choice Heavy native steers , $1.40@5.00 ; fair to good native steers , | 3.80@4.45 ; butchers' tccrs , medium to prime , $3.00(34.00 ( ; stockcrs nnd feeders , fair to good , $5,10 3.20 ; rangers , ordinary to good , | 2.264.00. Hogs Receipts , 4,800 : shlpmcpts , 3,800 ; Wio market was acllvo but lower ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , $ .1.45 ( S5.55 ; light grades , ordlnaryto best , $5.00 ® 6.80. OMAHA HV13 STOCK. Cattle. Thursday , April 20,1883. It was an off day in the cattle market. The packers were heavy buyers yesterday and vero not In need of many cattle to-day. In addition to that the market was in such bad shape in Chicago ns to discourage any specu- atlvo demand that might have been. For , hose reasons the number of cattle sold was comparatively small to what it has been fern n few days back. Under the Influence of the icavy decline m Chicago , the market hero was 5@10o lower. Heavy cattle were almost entirely neglected by the buyers and were owcr in proportion than the light and mcd- um weight cattle. The market closed slow nnd wcalc. llORB. To-day's hog market was In mnny respects very unsatisfactory nnd was n dlfllcult mar ket to report. The receipts were heavy but not ns heavy as for the past few days. The narkct opened slow with the best hogs sell ing about lOo lower than yesterday morning find in sonic cases salesmen had to tnko of ! I5c. A few loads reached S5.S5 , which was the top of the market , but they wcro not as good quality as the hogs which sold nt 55.10 yesterday. Light nnd common mixed hogs ivero very slow nil day and 10@15o lower than yesterday morning. Tho'hogs wcro not all sold until in the afternoon nnd then , ho market closed n little better , the feeling being , if anything , stronger. Sheep. There wcro no sheep hero to make a mar ket. IlCCClpt < 3. attlo 750 Hogs 5,000 Prevailing Prices. The following is a table of prices paid in this market for the grades of stock men tioned. Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $4.00 ( Jl.2o Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 3.73 - ( < 64.00 Fnt little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. 3.50 @ 3.85 Common to choice cows . 2.03 ( S3.50 Common to choice bulls . 2.00 ( 2.10 Fair to choice light hogs . 4.90 @ 5.UO Fair to choice heavy hogs . 5.20 < g5.30 Fair to choice mixed hogs . 5.00 @ 5.20 Itcprcucntativo Sales. CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. 4 mixed . 1037 $2.10 Otailings . 850 8.00 Ibull . 1C50 3.00 Ostcers . 075 3.12J4 Sstockers . 710 3.15 2mixed . 810 3.23 25 heifers . 922 3.50 Istag . 1120 3.50 C steers . 1030 3.50 39stccrs . 1093 3.07 14 steers . 10S5 3.70 3 steers . 1170 3.70 4 steers . 1002 3.70 15 steers . 1093 3.70 4 steers . 1200 3.70 21 steers . 1100 3.73 13 steers . 10SO 3.75 10 steers . U 3-S ° 15 stecrswcstern . 1101 3.60 21 steers . 1070 3.SO 47 steers . 1203 3.85 59 steers . 1139 3.85 43 steers . 1148 3.85 27 steers . 1207 3.00 1 steers . 1330 3.95 14 steers . 1257 4.00 19 steers . 1294 4.00 30 steers . 1207 4.00 noos. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 78. . . . 102 240 $4.90 CO. . . . 219 $5.07& 87. . . . 183 ICO 4.90 71. . . . 210 120 5.07 > 85. . . . 185 100 4.90 79. . . . 237 200 5.10 79. . . .193 280 4.92J4 07. . . .243 ICO 5.10 C9..218 80 4.93 09. . . . 220 5.10 70. . . . 221 120 4.95 C5..22S 60 5.10 8S..201 100 4.95 09. . . . 233 5.10 78. . . .219 60 4.95 73. . . .203 120 5.10 05. . . .203 SCO 4.95 C5..247 240 5.10 78. . . .190 60 4.93 71. . . .229 120 5.10 77. . . . 0t 120 4.95 SO. . . . 225 5.10 71. . . . 225 60 5.00 C2..2JO 120 5.10 OS. . . .220 200 5.00 01. . . .203 200 5.10 74. . . .205 60 5.CO 140. . . . 251 2SO 5.10 08. . . . 200 100 5.00 75. . . 239 200 5.10 91. . . .203 100 5.00 OS. . . .233 200 5.10 70. . . . 252 400 5.00 CO. . . . 247 80 5.12 } < f 92. . . . 209 120 5.00 05. . . . 271 120 5.15 75. . . . 215 80 5.00 07. . . . 240 120 5.15 82. . . . 203 80 5.00 50. . . . 203 80 5.15 72. . . . 240 100 5.00 53. . . . 250 120 5.15 71. . . . 218 40 5.00 03. , . . 254 40 5.15 71. . . . 215 80 5.00 54. . . . 259 40 5.15 57. . . . 210 120 5.02) CO. . . . 250 6.15 03. . . .203 SO 5.02i.f 09. . . .254 120 5.1B 81..223 SO 5.03 03. . . . 250 60 5.15 77. . . . 220 120 5.03 04. . , . 201 40 5.17 } 75. . . . 220 SO 5.05 CO. . . . 203 80 03. , . , 240 120 5.05 70..250 60 55. . . . 233 210 5.05 08. . . . 203 240 70. . . . 215 bO 5.05 GO. . . . S3 5.20 83. . . . 21 3 160 5.05 71. . . . 258 5.20 74. . . . 218 200 5.05 07. . . . 350 ICO 5.20 03. . . . 249 2SO 5,05 57. . . . 317 40 5.25 7S..221 80 5,07 } 70. . . .258 60 5.23 74. . . . 303 240 5.07& C2..2CO 60 6.25 Llvo MtocU Sold. Showing the number of head of stock sold to the leading buyers on the market to-day. uoas. G. H. Hammond &Co . , . . . . Ill Omaha PackingCo . 485 Armour & Cuduhay P. Co . 2,733 J. P. Squires& Cov . 1,075 Speculators . 378 Chicago Packing & P Co . 423 City Butchers . 10 CATTLE. Swlft&Co . 101 Win. Burnsido . 100 G. H. Hammond & Co . 148 J , Deacon . It A. Jackson . 70 J. L. Hill . 21 J. Carlln . 9 S. H. Grlffln . . . 20 Live Stock Notes. G. Frary , Bee , was here with hogs. J , G , Mathcrson , Pilgcr , marketed hogs. N. G. Omstcad , proprietor of the Turn a la. , feed yards , was hero to-day , The Chicago Packing and Provision com pany , had a buyer on the market. J. M. McReynolds. Davenport , Neb. marketed a load of 25S-lb hogs at $5.23. Mr , Pollard , of the firm of Jones ft Pol laid. Aurora , was in with three loads o cattle. Taylor & Blahnad five load * of cuttle of their own feeding on the market. Mr. Tay lor cumo In to look after them , Ell Decker , Phillips , came in with two loads of cuttle and one load of hogs. Lev Cox. of the same place , with two loads o cattle. Mr. Mercer , editor and proprietor of the Northwestern Live Stock Journal , of Chey enne , one of the bcbt known live stock papers In the country , was among the visitors ut the yards. _ OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Produce , Kruiu , Xuts , Etc. Thursday , April 20. quotations are wholesale and not retail. Prices ijiwtcit on jiroituce are the rates nt which round lots are sold 01 fii ? inurkit. Fruits or other lints of iiitf extra labor frv pucWna cauiot t- lie supplied on out aide orders ( it the Kiin price * < /uof l for the local trade nates on Jloitr nnd fetd cut jobber ? prices Prices on tirmn urc those jmtd by Omaha uililcra clflli'CivJ. All r/uoMilons on iner I ; obtained frum leading hou ci and r $ corrcttttl dally. Prices on . crttck en , ciiTiti , ttc. , tire tiwie given by leading ' Ftucy crccmery roll butte @S8c wilU boUo I'ackca at 21QSSc ; choloo country butter 20Ci2Sc , common craaes 7@18 < 3 , Inferior stufri(3I5o ( , according lo EooV Strictly fresh IfKJllc. ! Fr fsh Florida , 80c per box. fOopdr dozen , BcETS-COc pcf doiT , ' v &fTNtyaE-$3.00 cr'bbl. Rtifiunn Cc per Ib , OSlSSs Native stock , J1.501.75 , Spanish per box of 5 lys * 1.75@2.00 , California on- nlpns 8K@lo per Ib. , POTATOES Choice homo grown. 75QS3C ) Utah nntt Colorado stock , $1.10@1,80 ; low rrndcs. 53w05f. , PouT.Tnt No dress'efl ' fowl In the market ; ivo chickens , $3.76(124.00 ( per doz ; turkeys , @llc per Ib ; eecse , 19.03@10.00 per doz. CHEESE Full cream , 13$14c. ( BxxAjjAS-Cotnmon medium , $3.50(33.00 ( per bunch ; choice , $3.00@3,50 , Ti'itNirs Rutabagas , 50 ( < $ COoi white , 40 ® 50c per bushel , Lr.MOSS ? 4.50g5.50 ( per box. DATES Pcrsaln. CU7o per Ib. Sum KiiAUT Cholco per bbl , of S3 gal. :3.00@5.CO : ; 14 bbl. , $4.00@4.50 ; $11.00 per bbl. of rx ) gal. CIDF.II Cholco Michigan elder , $4.60Q0.50 icr bbl. of 82 gal. Porconx Cholco rice corn Is quoted at 3 @ 4c per Ib. , other kinds , 2)l3o ( per Ib. CAKHOT3 $2.25@2.50 per bbl. ; new slock , 10c per doz. PARSNIPS Now stock , $3.00(33.50 ( per bbl. CAHIIAOES $1 per doz. for native stock and ( ® lc per Ib. for California. CAUI.IFI.OWEII Good stock , S2.50Q3.75 per 1 ozcn. OHAXOES California Riverside , $3.75 ® 4.00 ; Messina , $4.50@5.50 ; Los Angeles , $3.00 @ 3.2Y ; Navals , $ .5or BHANS Good stock , $3.CO@2.75 ; California beans , ? 2.25@2.40. Fios In layers , 13@10c , cake lOc porlb. NUTS Peanuts 0) ) ( < $7c , raw Brazil nuts , 13c ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c : English wal nuts , 15@18c ; filberts , I So : Italian chestnuts' 15c ; pecans , 15c. Ho.vr.v lC@2to for 1 Ib frames ; canned lioncy. 10@12c per lib. PAHSI.UY 30c per doz. ONIOXS 15 ( 20c per doz. Asi-AitAous lb@20o per Ib. Cucu.Miicns 51.00 per dozen for choice. LUTTUCH 30c per doz. CEM'.IIY California stock , $1.50 per doz. RADisiins 40c per doz. STKI.NO BEANS SO.tX ) per bu. GIIUUN PEAS ? 2.50@3.00 per bu. TOMATOES -$4,00 per bu. Grocers' List. RnriNED Linn Tierce , 7J c ; 40-lb square cans , 7Jfc ; 50-lb round , 7Xe ; 20-lb round , Sc ; 10-lb palls , 8 c ; 5-lb palls , Se ; 3-lb palls , 8 c. Sviturs New Orleans molasses , per bbl , , 37@40o per gal. ; corn syrup. 80c ; half bbls. , 3Sc ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.53 ; sorghum 3Sc. Pnovisioxs Hams , 10Jjf@10 c ; breakfast bacon , 10U@lle ; bacon sides , 8 @SKo ; dry salt. S@SJfc : ; shoulders , 7@7l o ; dried beef , 10@llc. PICKLES Medium In bbls , $5,75 ; do In half bbls , $3.40 ; small In bbls , $ .1.75 ; do in half bbls , $3.90 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.75 ; do in half bbls , $4.40. CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per case , S3.10@3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.00@3.10 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per cuso$3.00@ 3.10 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ; nppricots. per case , St.30@4.40 ; peaches , per case , $3.GOi$5.75 ( ; white cherries , per case , $0.00 ; California plums , per case , $4.50@4.GO ; blueberries , per case , $2.20@2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , per case , $2.50pmeappplcs ; , 2-lb per case , $3.20@5.75 ; salmon per doz. § 1.S5@1.93 ; 3-lb gooseberries , per .case , 3.253)3.35 ) ; 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.75@1.SO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , $1.00@1.G3 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.50@2.CO ; 2-1U early Juno peas , per case , $3.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , S2.10@3.50 ; 2-lb corn , ? 3.30 < ft3.40 ; sardines , imported X , 12@ IScpcr , domestic } { , OXffgOKc ; m'ustard , 9) jELLiES-30-lb pails. S1.251.50. SALT Pcr bbl. in car load lots , ? 1.30. ROPE Sovcn-sixtceiUhs , 103 ® llc. CANDVMlxed , 9@llc : stick , 9@9 } . HOLLAND HEUUIXGS 70@72cper keg. MAPLK SUOAII Bripks , iSJ eper Ib. ; penny cakes , 13@14c per Ib. BUOOMS Extra , 4-tlc , 52.00 ; parlor 3-tio , painted handles , $3.23 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00. 100 ft. , 45@75c. SUOAU Granulated , 7@73 c ; conf. A. 07c : white extra C , OK@0c ; extra C , f > % < c ; iyellow C , 5K@5Xe ; cut loaf 7 % @ 7J < c : powdered , 7Ji@8 # ; New Orleans , f > % @ 5 % . COFFEE Ordinary grades , 10@17c ; fair , 17@18cprimc,18@19 ; c ; fancy green andyol- low , 22@23o ; old government Java , 28fi30o ( ; interior Java , 25Tt38c | ; Mocha , 28@30c ; Ar buckle's roasted , 19c ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 19Xe ; Dilworth's , 19 > c ; Red Cross , 19Kc ; Alaromn , 19c. WOODENWAHK Two-hoop pails , per doz , , $1.40 ; three-hoop pails , $1.05 ; No. 1 tub , $0.75 , No. 2 tub. $5.75 ; No. 3tub , J4.75 ; washboards , electric , $1.50 ; fancy Northern Queen wash boards , $2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 2 churns , $8.50 ; No. 3 churns , $7.50 ; butter tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , 70o periicst. TOIIACCO Pi.uo Lorillard's Climax , 45e ; Splendid , 45e ; Mechanics' Delight , 44o ; Leg- pett & Meyer's Star , 45o ; Cornerstone , 39c ; Drummond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 45c ; "Cut Rate , " 29c ; "Oh , My,1' 27c , TORACCO SMOKING Catlln'a Meerschaum , 81o ; Catlin's Old Style , 23c ; Piper Hcidsick , 04c ; Sweet Tip Top , 33c ; U.N.O. , Ibo ; Red , White and Blue , 17c. CIIACKEUS , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to change. Soda , 5c ; soda ( city goods ) , 7c ; soda snowflake ( in tins ) , lOc" ; sodn dnndy , 5 } c ; soda wufersfin tins ) , lOc ; soda zephyr , 8e ; city oyster , C jC ; excolHior , 7c ; faritm oyster , 7c ; gem oyster , 5e ; uionitoi. 7c ; Omaha oyster , 7c ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic , 5e ; snowdrop oyster , 7c ; butter , 5c ; Boston , 8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; saw tooth butter , 0c ; cracker meal 5Kc ; grahum , 8c ; gratiam wafers , lOo ; graham wafers in ) x > und pack- ngcs , 12 > fc ; hard bread , 5c ; milk , 7 r. : oat meal. 8c ; oatmeal wafers , lOc ; oatmeal wa fers in pound packages , 12jtfc ! animals , 12c ; Bollver gingcrround,7e ( ) ; crcam,8cCornhill ; , lOc ; crucknells , ICe ; frosted cream , 8Ko ; ginger snaps , 80 ; ginger snaps ( city ) , Da ; homo made ginger snaps , in boxes , 13e ; homo mddo ginger snaps (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen , $2.50 ; lemon creams,8c ; pretzels ( hand made ) llji'c ; assorted cakes and Jumbles , ll ) < c ; as sorted lingers , 15c ; afternoon tea ( In tins ) , per box $7.00 ; banana fingers , 14o ; butter jumbles , UK" ! Brunswick , 15o ; brandy snaps , 15c ; chocolate drops ( now ) lOc ; choco late ! wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch ( In tins ) per dozen , $4,50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14e ; coffcy cake , 12e ; Cuba jumbles , ll o ; cream puffs , 30o ; egg Jumbles , 14o ; ginger drops , lie ; honey fumbles , llJio ; Jolly fingers , 15c ; Jelly wafers , 15o ; Jelly turt ( now ) , 15c-v lady fing ers , 13c ; vanilla bar , 14o ; vanilla wafers , 14o ; Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in n box , per dozen , $3.50. All goods packed In cans Ic per Ib. advance except snowflake and'wafer ' soan. which are packed only in cans. Soda in 2 Ib. and 3 Ib. paper boxes , J c per Ib , advance ; all other goods lo per Ib. advance. Soda In 1 Ib. paper boxes , ic per Ib. advance. The U Ib. boxes are packed in cases holding 18 in a case. Tha 3 Ib. boxes nro packed in cases holding 12 in a case. The 1 Ib. boxes are packed ) n cases holding 80 In a COBQ. Ono Ib. Graham and out meal wafers packed 2 doz. in a case. Show tojis for boxen , with glass opening to show goods , 75c. Cans : or wafer soda , $3. not returnable. Cans for snowflake soda , $ < per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display the goods , 75o each. No charges for packages except for cans and returnable cases. Glass from tin cans und "unowllakc" soda cans uro returnable at prices charged. Dry Goods. PIUNTS SOLID COLOIIS Atlantic. Co ; Slater , 5tfc ; Berlin oil , 0 > o ; Garner oil. 0@ 7c. PIND AND ROUES Richmond , OKo ; Allen , OJtfo ; River Point , 5c ; Steel River , (3c ( ; Richmond , Oc ; Pucific , GJ c. INDIGO BLUI : Washington , J/c ; Century , digo blue prints , 9c ; American , To ; ArnolddOV o ; Arnold B , lie ; Arnold A , 12c Arnol Gold Seal , lOKc , Charter O k , 5c ; Ramapo , V/ZB ; Lodi , 5o ; Allen , Co ; Richmond , Co ; Windsor , 0 > < o ; Eddystone , 0 > Jo ; Pacific , O.'tfc. ' SIIEETINO Atlantic A. 4-4 , 21o ; Pepporcil , 10-1 , 23o , Uticu , C , 4-4 , 5u ; Wachusott , 4-4 , 7 > o : Aurora B , 4-4 , titfc ; Aurora R , 4-4 , O c. BATTS Stanuard , Oc ; Geln , 10c ! Beauty , 12Kc ; Byono , 14c ; B. cased , $ rt.50. CAIII-ET WAIIP Bibb , , white , 19c ; col ared , ± ic. DOCK : West Point 29 in. 8 or. . lOVe ; West PoinU 29 In. 10 oz. . I2kc ; West Point , lOln. 13 oz.,15e ; WQSI Point 40 in. Uoz.,10c Cheeks Caledonia X , fn < o ; Caledonia XX , 10 } < fcj Economy , 9 > fe ; Otis , 9 < fe. . . _ . / ? K y\ ii j 4f. uv i UtUUtUUlU IVi OH- " „ . . 'A ' , tXc ; bleached , SJ c ; Stevens' P. 8kc ; bleached , Mc : Stevens' N , Olio ; bleached , lO o ; Stevens'S UT , 12Wo. MISCT.UANEOIIS Tnblo oil cloth , f3.83s nln Holland , 8,1 0 to OJc { Dado llollana , COMFOBTCHS M.CO(235.00. ( BLANKETS White , I1.00Q7.50j colored uos.oo. BLEACHED SIIF.P.TINO Berkeley cambric , No. CO , 9 'c ; Best Yet , -t-4.O c : butter cloth , OO , 4Xc ; Cabot , 7J o ; Farwcll , SJtfc ; Fruit of Ix > om , S'ics Frecno O , Cc ; Hope , Sc ; lung Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdnlc , llj c ; Lons- dale , lie ; New York mills , 10 > $ c ; Pepporcil , 42-ln , lie ; Pcppcrell , 4Vin. ( 12c ; Pcppcrell , ? : . 10 1.1'5 ' .W 11. Hv L I'ePPcrcli. .5M , 23o ; Peppcrcll. 10-4 , 25c ; Canton. 4-4 , Canton , 1-i , 9)40 ) ; Triumph , Co ; Wninsutta , Ic ; Valley , Cc. OINOIIAM Plunkett checks , 7'fc ; Whlttcn- on } ( o\ \ York , 7j e ; Normandl dress , Calcutta dross , * Jie ; Whlttcndon dress , BKO ; Rcnfow dress. 8k@12) ) c. TICKS Lowlston , ! tO-in. , 13 | c ; Lewiston , 82-in. , 18 } c ; York , 33-in , , 14e ; Swift river , 7' < c : Tuorndykc. OO , 8fc ; Thorndyko , EF , 8 c ; Thorndlko 120 , 91 0 ; Thorndlko XX , 15c : Cordls , No. 5 , O a Cordis , No. 4 , Ho. DENIMS Amoskcag , B , 9-oz. , lOo ; Everett , 7-oz. , 13o ; York , 7-oz. , 13c ; Haymaker , 8X ° > Taffroy , XX. HKct Jaffrcy , XXX , 12kc ; Beaver Crcelr , AA , 12c ; Bcnvcr Creek , BB , lie : Beaver .Creek. CC. lOc. NNr.i.s Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshen ! / , a7'o ; QuccheoNo. 4 , Jtf , IWJ o ; Anawan , XaKci Windsor , tMkty Ued XC , 24-in , 15) c ; E 21-Inch ! ! tc ; GO iW-lnch , ISc ; H A F , f , 25c ; J K F. 5 { , 27kfc ; O { , 35c. COTTON FI\N.NII.S : 10 per cent trntlo dls- . count LL , OVo ; CC , 7Ke ; SS SKc ; Niime- less , 5fc } ; No. 5 , Oc ; EK , 0 > fc ; CiG , 10 > c ; XX , VJkc ; OG , 14c ; NN , lllc ; HX , ISo ; H , JOe ; No. 10 , SJtfc ; sO , 10 > < cCO. ; 12Kc ; SO , ICc ; 20 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 71) ) , colored , 25c ; Bristol , 13K ° 5 Union Paclllc , ISc. Goncrnl ittafkcts. Fi.oun AND FEED Minnesota patents , $2.45 @ 2.50pcrcwt ; ICansns nnd Missouri fancy winter patents , J-3.50@2.75 pcrewt : Nobraslw patents , 52.45 ( 2.50 per cwt ; rye Hour , ? 2.00 jter cwtwheat ; prnhani$1.75@l.00per cwtr.vo ; irnhnin , $ l.ld@)1.40 ) per cwt ; New York buck- whcnt$3.5U pcrewt ; Excelsior , S3.00 per cwt ; ready raised , SJ5.00 per 100-lb case ; corninenl , .yellow. § 1.00@1.10 pur cwts white ? 1.10@1.15 [ icrowt ; bran , $10.00@17.00 per ton ; screen ings , 512.00 per ton : hominy , 83.25 per { bbl ; chopped feed , 518.00 per ton ; chopped corn , 510.50@17.00 per ton LuATiinii Oak soles. 35@37c ; hemlock slaughter sole , 21g39c ( ; hemlock dry solo , 12 ( a,25c ; hemloekkip , 0090c : A. < fc B. runner kip , 50@73o ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@l.00 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hemlock upper , 19@2Ic ; English grain upper , 25e ; hemlock grain upper , 21@24c ; Tamplco B. L. Morocco , ! i9$33c ( ; Tampico pepplo , O. D. Mo. , 22@29c ; Curacon. B. G. Mo. , 30o : Simon O.I ) . Mo. , $2.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , 30@32c ; X. M. kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid. 82o ; Griesen kids , $3.00@3.50 ; French glazed kids. ? 2.50@2.75 ; French calf kids. $3.20 ; oak kip skins , $30cS$1.00 ( ; oak calf skins , 51.00@1.53 ; French calf skins , S1.25@223 ; French kip skins , $1.10@1.50 ; Russitt linings , $0.00@0.50 per doz. ; pink cream and white linings , $7.50 ( S10.00 per iloz. ; colored toppings , $9.00 ® 11.00. EXTIIACTS Sanderson's oil bergnmot , per Ib. , $ ? 2.73@3.00 ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2.50 ; oil peppermint , $3.00 ; oil wintcrprcen , $2.50 ; olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.23. WINDOW GLASS Single. 70 per cent nnd 5 per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. PAINTS White lead , pure-O c ; white lead , boiled , COc ; linseed , raw , 67c ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale. 51.00 ; wlmlo water , bleached , 85c ; fish , bank , 33c ; neatsfoot cxtra/CSc ; nentsfootNo. 1 , 50c ; gasoline,73degrees , 15c ; W. S. lard , C5c ; No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 2 lard , 50 ( i55c ; W. Va. zero , 14c ; W.Vn. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; nopthu , 1 degree , 14c ; headlight , 150 degrees , 12e ; headlight , 175 degree , 15c ; tur pentine , 4Sc ; castor , pure , $2.45 ner gal. DIIUOH Acid , carbolic , crystal , per Ib , 50c ; citric acid , per Ib , COo ; tartaric , per Ib , 50c ; sulphuric , per Ib , 5c ; ammonia , carb , per Ib , 15o ; alum , per Ib , 5c ; alcohol , 93 per cent , per gal , $3.20 ; blue vitric , per Ib , 8c ; borax , refined , per lb , lOc ; camphor refined , 30c ; cream tartar , pure , per lb , 45e ; cream tartar , coflimercial , per lb , 20c ; cloves , per lb 33c ; cuttlefish bone , per Ib , 30e ; dextrine , per P. & W. , per oz , $3.00 ; opium , per lb , $3.90 ; quinine , P. & AV. , per oz , Olc ; qui nine , German , per oz , 50c ; rochcllo salts , per lb , 85o ; saffron , American , per lb , 40c ; saf fron , true Spanish , per oz , $1.00 ; saltpetre , pure , per lb , lOc ; sulphur , Flowers' , per lb , 5c ; soda , bi-carb , per lb , 5c ; silver , nitrate , per lb , $ .11.50 ; spermaccto , per lb , COc ; strychnine , poroz. $1.25 ; wax , white , pure , per lb , 55o ; wax , yellow , pure , per lb , 83c. Si'iniTS Cologne spirits 188 proof , $1.14 ; do 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do IbS proof , $1.13 ; alcohol , 183 proof , per wine gallon , $2.13 ; redistilled whlHkies , $1.20@1.50 ; gin blended , $1.50@3.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00itO.X ( ( ) ; Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00@0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon und rye whiskies. $1.50i ( 3.00 ; brandies , Imported , $5.00@8.00 ; domestic , ei.303.00 ; Kins , imported , $3.00@0.00 ; do mestic , $1.25@IJ.OO ; champagnes , imported , per case , { 23.00@33.000 ; American , per case , $10.00@10.00. HIDES Green butchers' SJi lc ; green cured , 5 > AOKc ; dry flint. 9c ; dry salt , 8c ; green salted calf,7J C'ibc ; damaged hides two- thirds price ; dry salted deacons , 25e each. Tallow No. 1 , 8J c ; No. 2 , 2 > | c. Grease- Prime white , 4)4c ) ; yellow , So ; brown , 2c. Sheep pelts , 10c(2$1.00 ( , according to quality. Branded hides cmssea as damaged. Funs Raccoon , No. 1 , 30@45c ; No. 2 , 25 ® 30c ; mink , 10@50c ; muskrat , fall , 5@Sc ; muskrat , spring and winter , 8ullc ( ) ; stripped skunk , 100t40c ; mountain wolf , No. 1 , 51.50 ® 2.50 ; No. 2 , prairie , 50@70e ; No. 2 , 25@40c ; beaver , Mo. 1 , per lb , $3.00@3.00 ; No. 2 , $1.00 ® 1.35 ; otter , $1.00@0.00 ; dry deer skins , 20 ® 35c per lb ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15 ® 25c ; deer skins , per lb , 20@'oc. Motor KxperlnieiitH. Superintendent Smith , of the horse car company , suid yesterday that they wanted no cable line in theirs. In a few years , and perhaps before that , a motor would bo per fected which would do away with the cable , and when it was perfected the local cam- pany would toke hold of it. William Me- Laughlln , an Omaha Inventor , had informed him only a few days ago that ho would bo ready In n short time to experiment with his motor upon ono of the cars. Yesterday another car was placed upon the fair grounds street car line , making a total of five und rendering possible twenty min utes trips instead of twenty-five minutes as heretofore. Superintendent Smith says that tcn-mlnuto runs will bo made in a , few weeks. ( 'Tho best on earth" can truly bo said. of Grig 'a Glycerine Salvo n speedy euro for cuts , bruises , scalds , burns , sores , piles , totter and nil skin erup tions , Try this wonder healer. 25 cents. Guaranteed. C. F. Goodman Drug Co. _ C. H. 1'AI.MER. X P.tUCUMAN , 3 , U , UI.AKCUA1IU. PALMER. R1CHMAN i CO , . Live Slock Commission Merchants. Oftlco-Uonm 24 , Oppottto Kictmnco llulldlni. union fclcictunit , Ijoutli Omaha. Neb. McCOY BROS. , Live Ml Commission Merchants , Market furnUliod free on application. EtocSferi Bud fuuituri turnUliod on good ternia. Ko'crenici : Oral. im National Hank anil boutli OrnaUa National , Uoioo Hock Y rJi , buutli Ouiahit , LORIMER.WESTERFIELD& MALEY Live Stock" Commission , lloom 15 , Excbinuo llu JInir , I'nloa gtock Ytri1 ! , buutli OuiaUa , Nub. A LEX A N DERir FITCH. Commision Dealers in Live Sock , , Uppotllo KxcbaoKQ llulldlue , Uolon Stock Vard > , buutli uiuutia , Kelt , UNION S TOCKY A RDS C Of Omaha , Limited , 'olm i'.liai aiawierlntendenl. Asrloulturol Implomotite , CHURCHILL PARKER LININOER & METGALF CO. . Ilugglea , Kte.Vboleinle. . Om hi > , NebraUii. PARLIN , ORENDORF it MARTIN. Wholesale Dc 1f r In Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies _ Ml. TO , KB and 007 Jonci Strett , Omaha. _ P. P. MAST & CO. , ManDfaclnrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CultltMort.lUjr lUkc . Cider Mills and Luban Pul- Tcrlicti. Cor. llth And NMcholfts gtrceti. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. . Wholmaln Agricnltnrai Implements , Wagons & Buggies Corner llth and NlcholatSlrteU. OMAlIAniUNCn. Arr. . , lairesting Macnineri and Binder Twine ! W. U. Mcatl , Maungcr , Ul3 U.-RVcnwortU tt. , OmiiUa Booto nnd Shoos. W. V. MORSE & CO. , Jotes of Boots and Shoes , Artists' Materials. A HOSPE , Jr. . Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1S13 Uouelan Street , Omalm , Nebraska. MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD Co Manufacturers nnd Jobbers In Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor.5th nml Pacific SlrooKOrrmlift , Neb ? 1110 1103-1103 Douclnn St. , Onmlm Alimufactorr , Sum incrfct.llo ton KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Succcfsors to Ilccil , Jones A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes Accntnlor Iloston llubhcr $ > hoB Co. lira. 1104 A1100 K Itarni'yM. . Onmlia. NobraaXn. Qookoollors onti Stationers. * H. M. & S. W. JONES , Successors to A , T. Kenyan A Co. , \ \ bolesnlo & Hctall Booksellers and Stationers , Flno Wcilillnu Ptatlonery. Comroorclnl Stationery. Uifi Douitlas Btreet , Oinalin , Noli. Coffooo , Splcoo , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omahn CotTeo nnd tplcc Mills. Teas. Coffees. Spices , Baling Powder , Crookory and Glassware. j imj mnW fVW * W W. L. WRIGHT. Agent JOT tbe Manufacturers nnd Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys Ktc. Ofllcc , 317 8.13th Bt. , Oinahu. Nebrnttn. PERKINS. CATCH St. LAUMAN , Importers und Jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Kto 1511 Knrnam St. , New 1'nxtnn Building. Commission and Storage. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. . ( Successors to McShano A Schrocder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha. Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS , Wholesale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commission Merchant ? . Correipondcnco cllclted. 1011 Nort lUli fcirec ] , Omaha , Neb. R1DDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Co ol Coke a nd LIrn o. " OMAHA COAL , COKE & . LIME CO. Johte of Hard and Soft Coal , 203 South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON i CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And shippers of Coal , Coke , Cement , Plaster , LI mo , Uraln Tile , and Sewer ripe. OOlce , i'azton Hotel , I1 arnam lit. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coke , 211 Bouth 13th St. . Omaha. Neb. Dry Goods and Notjons. " M. E SMITH & CO. , . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1102 nnd 1104 Douglas , Cor. 1Kb St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYQOODSCo Importers and Johhers inDry GoodsNotions , Gents' Furnishing floods. Corner llth nnd HaJner bta. . Omaha. Nobraakn. DEWEY U STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnara Street. Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVER1CK , Furniture Omaha , Nebraska. Office Fixtures. .THE SliLMONDS JIA UFACTUKINQ CO. Manufacturers of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantles , Fldclioards.Book Oases , Druu Fixtures , Wall Cn eii , 1'HrUtUmii , ItnlllnKS , Counters , liccr and Wine Coulore , Mlrors , etc. Factory and onice,17JU and I'Sl Houtli Utb c-1. , Uiuabu. Tvleiilioner 1UI. Crooorloa. P.AXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 704.707.70J end 711 B. lOtn 81. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , VAn and LtaTOOitorlU Streets , Omaba , Nebraska. Hardware. LEE. FRIED Ic CO. , Johhers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Hheet Iron. Ktc. Agents for Hone Belles , and Miami Ponder Co. , Omaha , Neb. H1MEBAUQH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1(06 Dougla _ btreet , Omaha , Mebraafca. _ RECTOR. WILHELMY & CO. . Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Ilarnrr fits. , Omaha , Neb. Weitem AgenU forAuitln TowderCo. , Jerfcriop fiteal Nails , _ Fairbanks Standard btiles. ' ' Y CO Wholoialo Manufncturers of Saddlery & JoDhers of Saddlery Hardware And Bather. HOJ,1W > und ltd ; llaroer Bt.O < ualia NcbraiUa. _ r _ ' ' , , w. J.'B'WOATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , BprlDj , Wanon Htork. Uardiraro , Lumber , Ktc. IVA ecdHllUarnoy Blfeet.Omsba. _ " j AME"Q A. EDNEY , Wholesale Iron and Steel , ' Vsjonanil Onlsice Wood Stock , lloayr Hardnare Ktc. UI7 hnil iu lAiarBnworlfa Ht. . Omu'-a. OMAHALUMBER Co , All Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale HU Street and Union t'acl&c Track , Omaha. LOUIS DRADFORD Dealer in Lumber , Laih , Liaie , Sash , Door * , Etc.- Yard , fsrixrTth and powlasi Ccroe Cnpa , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE & CoTT f Mcsale Hals , Caps and Straw Goods , 1107 HnrnoyPlrofit. Omaha. KnK C. N DIETZ , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , Mth and California SlretU. Omah Nebraska. FRED W. GRIAY7 Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Comer fth and Douglas 8ts. . Omaha. T.W. HARVEY LUMBEnfCOT" To Dealers Only , Once. 1103 Farnara Street , Omanit. JOHN A. WAKEFIETTDT Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported nnd American 1'ortland Cement. Cut I Agent for Mllwankoo Hydraulic Cement and Qulncr While Lime. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier , Wood Cnri > H and Tamiiot Flooring Mb and TVmcln STEAM BOILER WORKS , Carter * Eon , 1'rop's. Manufnctiircrs of nil kind ! Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet IrouWorfc Works Houtb. SWh ami II. & M. crosMnit. PAXTON .V V1KHMNC1 IHON WOHKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Worlr , KiiKlnp , llram Work , Gonernl Foundry , Mnclilno nnil lllacksuillh Work. . Odlee ami \ \ orks , U. 1 > lljr. and IHh btreot , Oiualin. OMAHA WIRE & IRON'WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings JJo k Halts , Window OuaMn. tinner Btaml , Wlr frlKiis. Ktc. 1EI North ICtli Street , Omalia. OMAHA SAFE nnd IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes Vniilt-i.1nll Work. Iron mid Wlro Finn-Inn. HlRn * . ICtfl. (1 Amlrvm , I'rtm'r C r. lltli nn l.lnruvin Su. _ CHAMPION IRON nncl WIREWORKS iron and Wire Fences , Railing Guards ml sciuons , lurlmiiks , onicus , riiirt-i , ri-iMcncej , cto Improved Awnlnits , Locksmith Machinery and Ulncksinlth Works. JOJSoutUUtbH t. ; MLMQHEK X. LliACH. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Ocncrnl Agents for DlPbnld Safe A I < ock Co.N Vaults audJuU Work , 1115 1'arnuiu Street , OujuUiw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ liiilllnury ' und Notions. I..6 . B E R F'E L D ER * TCO. . Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 203. 310 and 5 South lllli Street. Notlona > J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods < 03 mid < 05tkutU10tb St. , Omaha. VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1105 Ilnrncr Street , Omnha. 00. | | CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholsalc Refined and LnMcating Oils , Arlo Grease , Etc. , Oranba. A. II. llltuop , Mnnacer Paints and Oils- CUMMINO.S & NKirSON. Wholesale Dealers In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , 118 | Furuitni StreetOmahu.Nub. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , ' Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry n nlco itock of Printing , Wrapping and Writing 1't er. Special attention then to cor load orders. > , Prlntora' MatorlaliB. WESTERNNEWSPAPER UNION- , ' Auxiliary Publishers , Peelers In Type. Presses and Printers' Supplies. MI Bouth 12th Street , Omaha. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 311 Clothing anil Leather Uelttng. 1003 Fsrnam HtrMt , Flttngs [ , Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRANC CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , 3tcim- CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , 3tcam nml Water Supplies. Headquarters for Mail. Kou t & CO'B goods. 1111 1'arnam tit , . Omaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO.r Steam and Water Supplies , Ualliaay Wind Mills. 013 nnd 931 Farnam St. , Omahs. _ U. F. Hoes , Acting Manager. BROWNELL & CO. . Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Shoot Iron Work Steam Pumps , Haw MIKs , 1313-U1J Lunvcnworth tUruul. Onmlm. /I Sooda. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 911 and 813 Jones Htrect Omaha. , Storage , Forwarding & . CommlBolon ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , ' Storage , Forwarding and Commission- , Dranch house of tlio Ilcrmtr Ilinrgr Co. Ilueglesal nbolciale and retail , 1JM WlOand 15l > jtard HlrO t , f Oinaha. Telephone Nd.'W. ' Browora. STORZ&ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North Elgtbluoata Btreet. Omalia. K b. Oyerallo. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING COiV Manufacturers of Overalls , /cans PantsSblrti , Bto. 1192and 1104 Douglas BtreaU Otuabtt , Meb. ( Qfn loo. EAQLE CORrTJCE WORKS , H Manufacture Galvanized Iron aM Cornice , ' wt ffigffifaUOMgf * * * l ui M M. A. DISBRofOO.l Wholemlo Manuf tiirors of Sash. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , rancti ufflce , > n and Itard Streets , Oolkha , tyabj BOHN MANUFACTURING GO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Woiilrtlok-i , Rtalr Work and Interior Hard VToort llj > Uh. N. K. Corner bill and Ix-aicnnortlJ il.-tetl , _ _ OMAHA PLANTNG MTT.L CO. , Manafacturers of Moulding , Sasli , Doors , And Hllndit , Turning , Plalr-work. Hank ivna OWfe lit- tlu/ , /jIL and l' < iiiletoo | | Avonuii. Smoke Stocks , H. K. Mannfattnring Dealer in Smoke Stacks , lliiKhlofl , Tunk and 'jcnural llo'.lci l' < ual'la ( . U1S Du'l.'o MlDH.t- bu , Neb THE CAPITOL HOTEL I.INCOt.iaNEB. . Tin belt knflifu sa4 must popular Hotel In ttal sist * . lAicatirq csaiial. aipuliitrceiiti Dr v-cl fu , for cectwtM laea nul ailpoHtles ,