Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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An Honor nival Democratic Factions
Will Fight Over.
A AVouia-Bo "Wife Murderer In 'Uio
County Uastllc Biiprcino Court
Proceedings Tlio raving Mat *
tcr Not Settled Xet.
I Bunr.AU or TUB OJUUA BE , 1
1029 P STURKT , V
Liscoi.x , Aprils. )
There arc sljfns of awakening In the demo
cratic camp In this city , caused by the near
approach of the democratic state convention
that will send delegates to St. Lonls. Thcro
nro many evidences that there will bo many
eager patriots this .year as candidates for
delegates , and Lancaster county will have
- aspirants In the person * of Mayor Sawyer , S.
J Schwab , A. S. Tebbtts , and probably others.
It is understood that Mr. J. D. Cnlhoun
would like to go as a delegate It it was ten
dered him by the convention. The Lancaster
county democrats hold tholr primaries to
night , nnd on Saturday hold tholr county
convention at Fitzgerald hall. There has
been In the past tew days a number of demo
crats who nro In politics in the city. Yester
day an Omaha democrat was visiting his fol
low political believers here , and a democrat
fltatcd the mission was in the interest of
James E. lioyd as the man to head the Ne
braska delegation to St. Louis. The demo
crat who furnished this Information added
that in bin opinion there would , have been n
warmer feeling toward Mr. Boyd and
Ma aspirations among Lancaster county
democrats if he had not a son-in-
law who had successfully hold
! i n prominent federal position through
\ three years of democratic nilo. A democrat
from out In the states expressed the opinion
\ that tbo state convention would RCO a race
between Boyd nnd Morton again over the
question of leadership. lie cited as illustra
tive of this fact the statement that the demo
crats of Butler county had made that
character of n flght in selecting delegates.
It Is stated also that the fact tlmt Tobo
Cnstor has recently removed from Sallno
county to Lincoln will not prohibit him from
being thusccond district delegate with Ilagnn
of Adams.
Deputy Shcrlft Fowler was called upon by
telegraph Monday night for the little town of
Princeton on the line of the Union Pacific.
The message said that a man there was en
gaged in tlio wicked work of attempting to
kill his wife , and his arrest was demanded.
On the night train , therefore , the deputy
sheriff proceeded to the scene , secured the
' bellgerent , n man tunned Henry Peterson , nud
brought him to this city. Yesterday the
man was in the custody of the sheriff await
ing a hearing in the county court. As
nearly as can bo ascertained Peterson and
his wife have not dxvelt In the greatest har
mony , but contentions have been numerous.
Yesterday Peterson was in the city , nnd ho
bocnuio very drunk. Ho purchased a re
volver and hied himself homeward , with the
drunken intention of making it warm for his
wife. Reaching home , ho drove his wife from
the house , chased her through the streets
and around buildings , threatening to shoot ,
which nets , with the screams of the woman ,
aroused the entire community. Some of the
moro resolute fell upon Peterson , caught
him nnd bound him and telegraphed for the
sheriff. When the deputy arrived on the
scene the people had quieted down nnd re
leased him , nnd yesterday as Peterson-sat in
the oftlco of the high sheriff ho was a picture
of penitence.
Court met yesterday pursuant to adjourn
State ox rol school district 73 , Knox county ,
vs Morrell. Alternative writ allowed.
Kiostcrman vs Olcott. UearRument or
Cobbey vs Knnpp. Motions to modify
Judgement nnd relax costs overruled.
State ex rel Pepper vs Speiee. Continu
ance vacated and cause submitted.
Hcllmun vs Davis. Reinstated.
Lonoy vs Courtnny. Motion to vacate con
tinuance overruled.
Court adjourned to this morning nt 8:30 :
The city council is yet wrestling with the
paving question , and after u long session
Monday evening have sot this evening ns the
final date for deciding who is the lowest com
petitor , nnd the material to bo used in the
different districts. Mr. Graham , chairman
of the paving committee , stated that ho , with
the city engineer , had rcHgured the three
lowest bids for cedar block on concrete and
tlnd that the figures heretofore published
were absolutely correct and had boon reached
with favoritism to no one. Ha further
ntatcd that tlio difllculty in arriving at the
lowest bidder arose from the fact that bidders -
dors liaa named different kinds of curbing ,
ono of the firms bidding on Colorado sand-
Btono , ono on Bandcm stone only , and ono on
both. In his opinion tiio question of the
quality of stone to be used in the curbs
would Do necessary to first determine. Tlio
aggregate bids for the work as reilgurcd
wore as follows : Mclican & Co. , Chicago ,
With liandcrn stone curbing , cedar blocks on
concrete , $515,070.05 ; Kelly & O'Bliea ,
Colorado sandstone , curbing. cedar
blocks on concrete , 540U4.10 ; Stout
& HuckstafT , Colorado stone , blocks and
concrete , t501.807.-t' ' ; Stout & Buckstuir ,
Handera stone blocks on concrete , S517m.G7. !
The difference between between Kclloy &
O'Shcu with Colorado otono nnd Mcl3can
& Co , with Unndcru stone was $1113 in favor
of tl0 | latter , leaving practically the quality
Of tlio stone to bo used to settle the bid. The
advocates of brick for pavement luwo been
Industriously at work the last few days , and
have secured u largo clement for that pave
ment In three of the districts. Judging from
the figures submitted to the council the
foui th , nixth and seventh districts desire to
experiment with brick. The fourth district ,
or property owners in the district represent
ing 5'iil feet of frontngo , have petitioned for
brick , the petition for cedar blocks not being
filed as yet. In the fifth district cedar block
adherents , representing n foot frontngo ot
5,071 feet , luiya Hied tholr petition , and the
lirlck petition from this district represents
15,741 foot. The sixth district seems to be
practically unanimous for brick , with n peti
tion for that material representing 0,1247 feet ,
in the seventh district the brick adherents
have a petition representing 10,1110 feet out of
the total foot frontage in the district of 14,040.
The eighth district lias not yet been heard
from , and a petition Is In circulation In that
district to huvo the paving postponed for one
CITT nitinps
Church Howe was in the city yesterday ,
mid as ho swoio to a petition liled with the
clerk of the court'ho lot the same afllduvit
foith that ho had not removed to Hastings as
tht ) impor.i stated ; that ho had no designs ,
politically or otherwise , upon the people of
the Third district , and that his home should
ramaln In the future , as It had In the past
nineteen years , in the county of Nomalm ,
where , ha further stated , ho would bo each
and every election day. nnd in all probability
a week In advance of election. Mr. Howe
Iiad no new railroad news to promulgate ;
whether the Missouri Paclfto would build to
.KCMrnoy the present year waa yet unde
An injunetion case was issued yesterday
JtiyJudgo Field , of this district , that is of a
peed deal of interest and Importance to the
city of Hasting ! anil the Miuourl Paciila
railroad , The Injunction is a temporary one
issued on the petition of Thomas II. Burnes ,
of Adauis county , and restraining the state
auditor , II. A. Habcock , ami Francis Phillips ,
chairman of the Adams county bouril of
supervisors , and L. B. Patridco , county
clerk of Adams county , from Issuing and
rccUwring the ) tlOU.OOO bonds voted by
'Adam * county In ! J of the Missouri Pacific
road. The ground on which the injunction
1s asked is the informality of the publication
of notices upon which the election was bold
granting the bond * .
lien O. Khodes , the well-known auctioneer
who went ( o California in the autumn days ,
lias returned to Llnrolu and is weighing the
question whether h sha'l juuko Lincoln or
the Pacific coast his home
The uniform canton of Odd Fellows will
Journey to Fremont en thu 26th. the nnnlvcr-
iiiry duy of Odd FoUowbhip in America , and
with other Odd Fellows lu this city w'.li Join
in the celebration inaugurated by the Ifre-
jnout lodges.
The county cvurt was engaged yesterday
in the hearing of the Fcdoway will caio , and
adjourned tbo hearing-before completing the
Qtterr Fits and StArtn.
The fits nnd starts ualnjj these words
In their literal meaning of the nor-
voua people often strike the beholder aa
ludicrous. The nerves ot hearing of
such unfortunates are minfully acute ,
nnd impinged by abrupt , unexpected
noises , lend them sometimes to perform
antics worthy of n jumping Jack. At
the root of nervousness , in most in
stances , is non-assimilation of the food ,
and consequently innutrition of the
nerves as of the other tissues of thu
body. This prolonged , is , of courco ,
productive of serious nervous diseaso.
The remedy is Hosteller's Stomach Bit
tern , that invigorate the stomach and
enable it to perform its functions prop
erly. Soon after commencing a course
of it , it will bo found that the nerves
grow moro tranquil by day , nightly re
pose becomes less interrupted , and ajn
pcllto more vigorous nnd satisfying.
Those are the initial indications , fol
lowed by the complete restoration ol
nervous vigor. The Hitlers albo cure
fever and ague , liver complaint and con
Reflex or tlio Views of Citizen * on tlio
The question of n grain palace , which has
been projected by the directors of the Omaha
Fair and Exposition association , while gen-
enorally approved by everybody has given
rise to a great deal of speculation ns to bow
it is to bo made a success. It is conceded
that it would b6 an excellent means of dis
playing the products of the state , and , If
erected , and decorated in a manner which
would appeal to the aesthetic taste of the
people , bo a source of great curiosity and in
terest to thousands of people all over Ne
braska. Tlio grains suggested for the pur
pose of decoration are corn , oats , wheat ,
barley , rye , broom-corn nnd flax , which nro
grown in'n greater or less degree through
out the stato. To collect thcso
would require almost immediate
effort , because , at least with corn , that of
last year would have to bo used. Such a col
lection would require tlmo , patience and con
siderable experience. Before , however , the
decorations could bo utilized , the building it
self would have to bo erected and such a
structure should bo moro than the ordinary
horticultural or floricultural hall which is
now intended for the fair. With an archi
tectural design , and of largo dimensions ,
such a building would cost u considerable
sum , so much so , in fact , that many citizens
feel a return on the investment could hardly
bo secured in ono week's exhibit
during the fair. If the building
should bo erected at the fair grounds , however
over , the same pcoplo argue , the cost should
come from the treasury of the fair associa
tion because It would not bo looked on as
other than a private enterprise. Then , it 1
held that it would not bo worth while to go
to great expense and trouble of erecting a
grand palace for the exhibit of a few days.
Such a structure ought to be maintained , it is
claimed , for two and possibly four weeks seas
as to cuablo thousands to visit it who would
not bo able to do BO during the fair. If the
latter Idea should prevail , it is thought
it would not bo practicable to induce visitors
to go to the fair grounds , a distance of
several miles , for that sight alone. Those
who would go there would , in all probability ,
take the train at the depot at which they
arrived , and bo rushed through to the
grounds and back again without ever being
nblo to catch sight of the business pint of
the city , as has been the case with thousands
of visitors at our late fairs. Such a course
would inure but slightly to the benefit of
merchants of the city , who are alwavs dis
posed to welcome strangers from abroad ,
with a vlow to experiencing an equaliza
tion of the bonclits which should
follow the gathering of large numbeis of pco
plo. For these reasons it has been suggested
that the proposed palace should bo moro than
an appendage ta the fair. It is also suggested
that , while the fair association should bo en
titled to a pro rata division of the proceeds ,
othercitlzcns not members of that organiza
tion , should lend a helping hand to the en
terprise and erect the palace in town , in a
central place , so that visitors would bo com
pelled to pass through the city to reach It.
During the fair week the palace could beeped
oped in connection with the fair , ono ticket ,
with coupon , and , of course , at an advanced
rate , ' securing admission to both places.
After the fair the building could bo continued
for several weeks and the proceeds divided
equitably between the fair association and
other associates in the enterprisers might bo
considered advisable. Jefferson square lias
been suggested as a site which could bo util
ized for the purpose , it being within easy
roach of all the lines from the
north entering the city , and by
means of four lines of street cars
brought in connection with the roads from
the southwest nnd western parts of the
state. Whatever be the result of the project
indefinitely outlined by the directors of the
fair association , the sentiment of citizens
seems to bo to aid that organization in the en
terprise , though it is not the less pronounced
in favor of carrying out the scheme so that
it will Inure to the benefit of the greatest
number. _
Mothers Rend.
The proprietors of SANTA ABIE
have authorized Goodman Drug Co. ,
to refund your money if , after giviirg
this California King of Cough Cures a
fair trial ns directed , it fails to give sat
isfaction for the euro of Coughs , Croup ,
Whooping Cough and all throat and
Lung troubles. When the disease
nffocts the head , and. assumes the form
of Catarrh , nothing is so affective as
preparations are without equals as
household remedies. Sold at 91.00 a
package. Three for $2.60.
Warrants Out fur Fighters.
Yesterday Chief. Soavey svvoro out war
rants for the arrest of Low Ellis , Charley
Moore , Jumos Tracy and Homer Kirk ,
charging them with instigating nnd partici
pating in thu prize light between the two
backuion at the road house night before last.
As it happened outside the city limits the
complaint was mudu to United States Com
missioner Anderson and the state will prose
cute the case. The penalties for the crime
are very severe. According to the statute
any person convicted of engaging in a prize
light slnll be imprisoned in the penitentiary
not less than ono year nor moro than ton
years , Any voluntary witness of such an
affray muy be fined not less than $5 nor moro
than 1100 , and may be Imprisoned In the
county Jail not less than ton days nor morn
than three months. No arrests have been
in ado yot.
Its sinitrlor excellence proven In millions ot
pomes for jnoi e Uian a quuner of a century. U
la useil br thUTnlUd States ( loyeruraent En
ilorseU bjr tno heads or the great universities as
JJO trougMt. ' purest and most healthful. Dr
price's rriMinBaklue Powdsrdofs not contAtn
nimuonUjllraeoralmn. .Sold onlrlncans.
Kovrlork. Chicago. St. Ixiulf.
Copyright , 1887 , by Jas. S. Kirk & Co.
"I may justly say , with the hook-nosed fellow of Home , f came , sato ,
and overcame. "
Messrs. Kirlt & Co. iiuvo presented ninny articles of practical
utility to the great American public , nnrt have often experienced a
pleasant fooling of gratification In finding that real merit was ap
preciated. Hut the most cordial reception or all was reserved for
Flic rapidity with which this brand leaped to Hie front runic of
popular favor was remarkable. The makers themselves are not
surprised that White Cloud should make friend * readily. There
never was n soup like it Iti the world.
White Cloud will wash anything tlmt needs washing , from a
Imby's chock to u bnlfalo robe , and will 'harm one HO moro than
another. White Cloud fs guaranteed to lie absolutely pure. It Is as
sweet and clean as n May morning. If you cannot got a Maniple any
other way , send lOc to the makers ,
jTkJLixjTk. oc \ w
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000
"We do hereby certify that we superrlso thear-
ranRementa for all tbe monthly and quarterly
Drawings of The I uljlana fctato Lottery Company ,
nnd In perion manage nnd control the drawings them ,
selrcs , and that the AfttnR are comlucted with honesty
fairnesa and In good fnlth toward all parties , and wo
antborlra the Company to use thH cortlflcato with
iac similes of our signature attached , In Its advcrtlsa-
loeuts. "
We , the nndersltrned Banks and Hankers will pay nil
Prizes drawn In the lAiuUlnnu State Lotteries watch
may bo presented at our counters.
IU M. WAI.MSI.KYs 1'ros. I-oulsiann National Bank.
I'lKRItK IvANAUX , 1'res. State National llanlc.
A.UAMIW1N , Pros. Now Orleans National Bank.
CAUL UOUN , 1'res. Union National Dank.
* - ' Ovan HALIT A MILLION DiSTniuniED.
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated In 18C8 , for 2S years , by the Legislature
for educational ana charitable purposes with & capi
tal of H.UUO.UOQ to nblcli a reserro fund of orer
liW.iJUO boa tinea been added.
By an orerwuelming popular rote Its franchlsa
waa made o part of tha present constitution adopted
December 2(1 , A. I > . 1379.
Tbe only lottery orer yotcd on and endorsed by tne
people of UT state.
It noTer scales or postpones.
Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place
monthly , and tbe Grand Quarterly Drawings rezu-
larly evtry three months ( March , June , Sci > teuiD r
TUNK. Kltlhtirand Urawlnit. Claea U. In tbe Acad
emy of Music. Now Qrlcans , Tuesday May 8 , 1888-
2iuh Monthly Drawing.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
igjTNotico Tickets are Ten Dollars Only.
Halves , $5 ; Fifths , $2 ; Tenths , $1.
1GUANI ) i'HIZK OK W.IU ) U(1H ) (
I UIIANU I'lllZK OK 'JJIOI. . . , Will
21.AIU1K 1'ltlXIWOP 10,1111) ) . . . . 30,000
4 LA11UIC I'lUZUSOr ij "l. , . . HUM )
so i'iil/.iw otf ifM ao.ooa
10 " Ml 25.0UI )
iw u an mooo
JOO " ! WO 40.UJU
UIO " 10U tO.W (
100 Approximation 1'rtiuiof Mil I 30.000
1UO " " 200 2UIUO
100 " 100 iu.un
l.UJO Terminal " CO UI.OOU
2,179 Vrliea. amounting to JWiXOO
il. A. DAUPHIN. ,
N.W Out NS , LA ,
QK , P.O.
Address Registered Letters tj
T > TM'TM"m7"R That the presence or Gen-
. uIVerals
lvJMVlJluU.L > Ueaureeard nd
Early , who nro In chaneof the drawing * , i > a guar
antee of absolute fairness and Integrity , that the
chances are all eiiual , and that no one can possibly
divine what number will draw a 1'rlie.
RKSir.MIIKIl that the payment of all prliea Is
URLtANH. and the tickets are signed by tbe preslaent
or an Institution whose chartered Hunts are recog-
nlied In the blgueit courUi tuarofore , beware ot any
Imitations or anonymous scheme * .
ICemarlcalile for powerful gymrta-
thotle loiie. plluUle action aiiiTab-
aolute durability. 30 years' rvcord ,
the best Kutrnntee of the excellence -
lence of these Inetruraents.
lnoorr.par bly
State Line.
To Glasgow-Belfast , Dublin and Lherpool
: v
From New York Every Thursday.
Cuuln passage $10 and $ RO , according to location
of state room , excursion $03 to $75.
Steerage to and from Europe at lowest rates.
Gen'l Afionts , JK1 BrBadway , New i'orlc.
JOHNBLECliN. Ocn'l Western Agent ,
1 4 Kaudalph St. , Chicago.
HARRY E.MOORES , Ageiit , Omaha.
Advertising has always p'ovon
successful. Before placing any
Newspaper Advertising : consul
41 to 9 tUmlolfh SlreeU CHICAGO
Some men think that because they pay high prices for clothing , they got a bettor article than
wo sell for half the money. This is a mistake. To many customers who visit our store for
the first time , it is a revelation that they can buy just as fine goods of us and just as well
made as any custom tailor will turn out , and the fact that our prices are from 80 to 50 pe
cent cheaper than other houses is also a revelation. The remarkable bargains wo offer this
season have never been approached by any house.
In spring suits wo are opening otery day now lots. All the lateat styles are represented
in our stock. The now Princg Albert suit in fine corkscrew and cassimero of different and
beautiful shades and at prices almost one half what other establishments offer.
The most astonishing , value over given in a spring suit is offered this week is our now $7
cheviot sack suit. Tills is made of a splendid all wool ohoviot , an elegant color , lined with
fine serge , good trimmings and well made. Now , any house will show a seven dollar suit , but
wo positively assert that no one will show anything to compare with the quality wo offer in
this suit for less than $12 , and we ask but $7 for it.
Our Spring Overcoats are. on the wane ; of the finest grades are but a few loft , and wo
have marked them down to close them out. Of our $6 overcoats we still have a fair assort
ment. This is the biggest thing over shown in the way of an overcoat and everybody who
has bought one acknowledges that it is as good a garment as is shown anywhere for $12.
" *
In our hat department wo offer this week 25 dozen fine light colored derbys , satin lined
silk band and binding , goat sweat leather at $1. If you are asked $2 or $2.50 for the same
hat ? you would not hesitate to pay it
One Price Only. No Deviation.
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets. Omaha.
Amu imiiuuui imuui
Paid Up Capital , - $28OOOO
Surplus , - BOOOO
II. W. VATKS , President.
LEWIS 8. HEED , Vice-President.
A. K. TOUZAMN. 2ud Vice-president.
W. H. S. UUOIIES , Caihlor.
II.V YATKS. S. lUr.i > ,
Cor. 12th [ mdTarnnm fits.
A General Hankies Business Transacted.
Issued bs
itn. towns and Water Companies , etc.
3"Corrc pondence solicited.
U. EJABftlS 4 GO , , BANKERS ,
DlwKoliitlon Notice.
This Is to certify that the copartnership here
tofore existing between X.T. Undiey nnd Henry
fi\suii Is dissolved by mutual consent. Henry
Swan retires and 2. T. Llndsey will continue the
business of selling rubber boots , shoes , etc. , at
wholesale at 1IU tlaruey street , Omaha , 2. T.
of Z. T. Llndsey & Co. , nnd Is to collect all
monies nnd credits iluo said linn.
Omaha , April iO. 1838. Z. T. TJNDSLEY.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book - Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
0"irl 4nr Collf ve Journal.
S E. Cor IGth and Capitol Avenue
TansilPs Punch Cigars
wuro Bblppod during thd past
two years , without a clriuiii
mor fri our omplow No 6tber
houie Id the -worla can traiu-
lul 1 y make such JVBliowlnS.
Olio ncflnt ( dealer onlyj
wiujtatl In oicb town.
R.W.TANSILL&C0..66 State SLChicauo.
Of lh notlrcnUrgea and itronjthcutd. Fulll'artlcu-
Uricent idled Iree. KJUK MKC. OO.UarHi.o. N.Y.
result of crer-Wcrt , IdJUcrctlon. etc. , tdireu abort.
Health is Wealth !
Dn.E 0. WEST 8 tfenvs A.K
WENT , , n guaranteed spoclao ft
ess. Convulsions Tfits , Kei
FrematiirirdliS A RoT narr'enntiw ,
In cither BOX , Involuntary Losnej ana _
torrhoea caused by ovf r-exortlotv of the
self-abuse or over-lndulfjfince. Each b
tains one month's treatment. 11.00 a bo , _ . . .
bore-i for 15.00. sent by mall Prepaid on recslpf
To cure any CMO. With each order receive by
us for alx uoxng , accompanjcd wltji 13.00 , to wlU
send the purchaser our written fiilarantsd t3 re
fund the money If the treatment dors not effotf
a cure. Guarantees issued only by 0. P. GQOU-
MAN , InijBl.t ( ! , Sole Agent , 1UU Farnttm Street.
Omaha , Nob.
When you iiit nd to purchase your spring suit or overcoat , to know of a house that is impartial in its dealings and enc tlmt can sell you the best and
cheapest for your money. The popularity of the Misfit Clothing Parlors , which has been maintained for upwards of four years is a
positive proof of its integrity , and it is positively known.
In allots dealings , and always does what it claims it will do in newspaper advertising. The clothing sold by us can be relied upon , as we only
handle such goods as we can honestly recommend.
Every Garment on the premises is made by some First Class Merchant Tailor.
It is your duty to examine our stock bsft re leaving your measure with a tnilor , as we guarantee to save you at least forty-five per cent and will give
you asROod afit.and as regards choice wo can shew you all the latest designs in material embracing nobby Cheviots , Sacks , neat
Bannockburn Seymours silk mixed worsted three , four and one button cutaways , in fact everything which comprises
the latest design and stylo.
Overcoats Beauties
89.00 Which wns originally made to order . $ iJ0.00
11.00 Which was originally made to order . . ' . 212.00
13.00 Which was originally made to order . , . 28.00
i 16,00 Which was originally made tooraor. . . . . , . 80.00
i 20.00 Which was originally made to order . , . , 40.00
j 25.00 Which was orifjinnlly made to order . 60.00
SfRING SUITS , Correct Styles , Elegantly Made and Trimmed.
AT iou
8.00 Which was originally made to order , , , 17,00
10.00 Which was originally miido to order ; , 21.00
12.00 Which was originally made to order , , 2-5.00
15.00 Wliioh was origi'ially rando toordor 80.00
20,00 Which was originally made toordor , , 40.00
25.00 Which was originally made toordor , , . , . , 60,00
80.00 Which was originally made to order , , CO.OO
Comprising Railroad , Seymour. * Four and One Button Cutaways.
PRINCE ALBERTS , And They are Dandies ,
A nobby and complete line of pantaloons from ? 3. to $9. Every garment bears the name of the maker. AH alterations to itnproVa a fit ( done
free of charge , and under no consideration will wo allow a garment to leave our establishment unless it is perfect in every detail. The
original nnd genuine
Three Doors East of I2th Street
Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to.