Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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The Grant Memorial Corner Stone
Is Bet in Placo.
Propitious Weather nnd Previous
Careful Prcimrntlon * for tlio
Rvcu.t Mnko n. I'rllllnnt Col-
-PAvltiB Matters.
! 1W91' ( STIIEET ,
LIXCOLX , April S3.
.Tho skies were propitious yesterday for
tlm iajlngof thoQrant Memorial hall corner
Cmc. A largo number of visitors came to tlio
< clly from dlkorcnt points In the state , nnd
"tlioparado preceding tlio exercises at tlio
rnnfjiusvns n brilliant one. Thp old solillcrn
walked In double column to the number p (
2QO , .t'lio Knights Templar and Master
Batons made nn imposing appearance. Com-
pnny I ) of tlio stnto mlllUn in their rcgula-
"lion uniforms made a soldierly appearance ,
pud the divisions of tlio First regiment Uni
form Hank Knights of Pythias added bril
liancy to' tko line of march , as they always
tlo. There were present in the First rcpl-
iiicnt of knights Lincoln division No. 1 , A. U.
tvlnrsliall division No. 10 , Aurora division
No , 8 , Ashland division No. 23 , and Apollo
division No. 11 , the Uniform Knights nunv
.boring 150 In the Una of march , tlio regiment
boinp headed by the Apollo band. The Uni
versity Cndet band headed Company D and
itho University qndots , and the G. A. U.
inarched to murtlnl niuslc. Other societies
in the city were in the llUo oi
nmrch , followed by carriages con
taining the speakers , the state , county
nnd City ofllcers and citizens in a line ex
tending blocks in length. The line of marcti
as 'laid out ended at the building on the
cnmpnsground , and the regular programme
as published In Uic "SUNDAY 13cc was 'fol
lowed. Captain Henry , department com-
nmridcr of the Grand Army of the Republic ,
Governor Thayer nnd Hon. C. H. Gere , presi
dent ol the boiird pf regents , delivered the
addresses , several thousand people sur
rounding the speakers' stand. Grand Master
Milton J. Hull , _ df Kdpac , nnd tJio grand
lodge of Masons" , sot tlio corner stone In
place according to the ritual of the order. In
ilio copper bo * that was placed In the stone
Toro , among other articles , a complete rostoi
pf the soldiers of Nebraska as compiled from
t1i6 the adjutant general's ofllco ,
iho records of the stnto militia , the cadets ,
the catalogue of tlio stnto university , copies
Of the city papers and the OMAHA DUE , will
other documents of like character. The on
) tto | proceedings were a success in overi
particular , and the afternoon was given ovci
to the orijoyjnont of the occusion by a host o :
The paving to bo lot the present summer ,
in addition to the Second district already
under contract , covers a good deal of torn
itory and .represents a largo amount of work
JTho now districts cover the following amquni
Of work :
District No. 8 , paving , square yards. . . 42,8fi <
Access excavation , cubic yards . . . . 14,03 !
Curbing , lineal foot . 10,781
.Corner blocks , number . 4 ;
District ] Xo. 4 , paving , square yards. . . 29.0X (
'Excess excavation , cubic .yards . 6 , < XX
Curbing , lineal foot . 9,801
Corner blocks/uumbor . 4 !
District No. C , paving , square yards. . . 55,55 :
, K cess excavation , cubic yards . 40U5 (
Curbing , lineal feet . 34,7N (
iCornor blocks , number . , . 81
District No. 0 , paving , square yards. . . 40,53) )
Excess excavation , cubic yards . 33,001
Curbing , lineal feet . 17,501
Comer blocks , number . 8 !
'District No. 7-pnving , square yards. . . 48,21) ) ;
Excess excavation , cubic yards . 88,19-
Curbing , lineal feet . 10,501
, Corncr blocks , number . . . 8 !
District No. 8 , paving , sqUare yards. . . 27,701
"Excess excavation , cubic yards . 7,5X (
. Curbing , lineal feet . 11,151
Comer blocks , number . A
Tbo Lincoln branch of the Irish Nntlona
league hold its semi-monthly meeting a
Fitzgerald's hall Sunday afternoon , a largi
'Sudlonoo being in attendance. The address
of the evening was given by Mr. E. J. Me
'Von ' , "Who dwelt largely upon the causes tha
led to the organization of the league
guo and presented nn hlstorica
resume that was very inter
esting and instructive- The usual cxcellen
'tbustcal numbers formed a part of the pro
, frraramo and a number of speakers added to
the interest of the meeting. Mr. McVan's nd
.flross was accorded a cordial reception , am
the committee announced that Mr. C. G
fDuvis had been selected as the speaker .foi
tlio next meeting.
John W. Stoward.doputy attorney general
Is homo from Mliidcn. Ho reports an inter
fisting decision given by Judge Gaslin in tht
District court of that place. The case was
that of Black and Jorgensou against tin
Chicago , Durlington & Qulncy railway fo
Uamagos for excessive and dlscrlmlnatliif
charges. Judge Gasliu hold in this case o
excess rales that the railroad must gran
rquul rates to all shippers , nnd if not , thci
the company Is liable for excess damages , thi
payment of which Is not voluntary and IK
protest ia required to make the road liable
Tlio decision is of n great deal of Importance
juid if confirmed by the supreme court wil
bo ol much inn > ortniico to the state.
The semiannual meeting of tlio Stat
Women's Christian Temperance union wil
bo hold nt St. Paul's Methodist church , thl
Olty , on May 4 und 5. Each union will b
iintitlod to Jlvo delegates , nnd nn intcrcstiiii
programme will bo arranged for the meeting
JNlrs , Woodurilwill Iccturo on ono of tin
Kev. A. J. Cudnoy , of the Seventh Da ;
Advent church , who layoll known and cs
teemed In Nebraska , hug urruugcd to go t
I'ltcnlni lalund , 4,000 miles northwest o
Ban Francisco in the Pacific. Elder Cudno ;
goes to that island and surrounding ones fo
missionary work.
Dr. Ulllinps has issued a bulletin of IB
fiajres , discussing the southern cuttle plague
jjnd Dr , Salmon 1117 pages devoted to vorb'l
figo , and the last half page to the provontloi
of homo stock from tbo phiguo. for wlilcti tli
learned doctor says little can bo done as yet
Sain J3. Low , nephew of Captain Hill , o
the governor's ofllce. and u clerk in the ofllcc
departed yesterday for n ten days' visit nt hi
Bumu in 131oomlngton , 111.
Dr , Gorth and Major Dlrnoy , of the liv
jJtoek commission , departed yesterday fc
northwestern Nebraska nud the cxtcrmlnatlo
of glanders In that section of the state.
Governor Tlinyor yesterday commlssiotie
JFrcd A. Murpliy a notary public ut Ccdu
Croelr , Cnss county.
Mr , Vf , C. Lane , local secretary of tli
Btnto Pharuincuutal association , Is busily i
jvork prepanitory to the meeting of the stnt
association in this city , May 8 , 9 nnd 10. Tli
sessions will bo hold at Hohaunon's hall , nn
p largo number of wholesale druggists wl
xnako exhibits.
Ono of the attractions at the Funko oput
house this week U the coming of tha lion
Jjcrg opera company on Thursday ovoninj
[ they present for the flr ttlme in trio city tl
now opera 1 < L' Eclair. "
The now woolen mllU for the city ni
qssured , and they have boon located near tl
Btnto fair croumls in Yolando place on Nort
Fourteenth street and the extension of tl
rapid transit line to West Lincoln. Tlio mil
Will open for operation with forty mon ot
jiloyed , and two buildings will bo orccted i
bnco , ono SSxlbS and the Mcoud S5x59i Tl
tihins for the buildings nro in the hands <
boutraotors , nnd they will bo commenced i
Among tlio peopjo of to-duy , there ru
few indeed , who liavo not hoard of tli
merits of Prickly Ash Bark and Borrh
us a household romody. Tons nn
drinks Imvo been mudo of thorn fc
conturlcs , anil in hundreds of familii
liavo formed the solo reliance in rlioi
inatio and klduoy discuses. Prickl
Ash Bittora now take the place of tli
old system nnd is more beneficial in a
troubles of this nuturo.
The Imposition Association. Qrclos t\ \ ,
Interior lioautitlwj.
The adjourned annual mooting of the o
fcoslilon buildlug nssoclatioii of OmuV.a wi
Max Mnytn-'a oiUee last evening , ' ,
largo proportion of the stockholders were
present nnd the required amount of stock
was represented. After bearing the reports
of the president , treasurer nnd secretary on
the receipts nnd disbursements on account
of the Grand , opera house , exposition hall ,
annex and stores , which were very fall and
complete , a lengthy discussion of the general
interests of the association followed. It was
voted to bo the sense of the mcotlng that the
interior ot the Grand opera house should bo
decorated and a well known Chicago
decorator will doubtless bo invited
to prepare plans and specifications ,
which will bo presented nod acted
upon at a stockholders' meeting to bo
hereafter hold. Tlio old board of directors
\vns unanimously ro-clcctcd , but the hour
being late the election of officers was de
ferred until another mcotlng.
A proposition wai made by Mr. T. P.
Glenn t& rent the Grand operrt house , but
the existing arrangements with Mr. Craw
ford precluded nhy action on the proposition.
It was clearly the expressed opinion of the
stockholders present that any proposition nt
any time having in view the use tof ilia Grand
opera house as a variety theater would not bo
It is n Curloufl Fnot
That thohpdy is novvmoroquscontlbla to
boncflt from tnodicino than nt any sea
son. Hence the Importance of taking
Hood's Sursaparllla now , when ityiii
do you the most good. It is really won
derful for purifying nnd enriching the
blood , creating nn npnollto , tuid giving
u healthy tone to the wliolo system. Bo
Buro to got Hood's tirsapimllu , which
is peculiar to itself.
How Tlipy Arc to lo Connected nnd
Their "Now Industries.
Yesterday a delegation of South Omaha
ofllcials and citizens called upon P. E. Her , of
the South Omaha Land company , to talk
over with him the prospects of that city , as ,
also to induce his company to aid them in
the construction of n viaduct over the
tracks on Q street. The latter street Is situ
ated considerably above L street , on which
the laud company ho ? already consented to
build a viaduct. The proposition therefore ,
to aid materially in Uo ) erection of another
viaduct rather soutli of the part of the
town which ought Hrst to bo developed , did
hot strike Mr. Her as being just the thing
his company would nt this tlmo favor , bo-
causa it was already spending a great deal of
money in improvements which were now ren
dered Imperatively necessary. The proposed
Viaduct at Q street would costit was thought
about 2',000 ' ) , and Mr- Her felt that later on
the land company might bo able to do some
thing to advance the enterprise.
The building of the viaduct nt L street ,
Mr. Her said would have u wonderful effect
upon South Omaha-and , ho thought , result
in the closing up of O street which now leads
across the tropics to the exchange and the
extension in that direction of the yards. The
building too of the addition to the exchange
would swing around the volunio qf business
to L street where It would always remain.
In the contract with Armour it seems the
stockyards company guaranteed to him n
llrst-class , easy driveway to the city. The
viaduct contemplated is ono of the
first moves in this direction , and will enable
an easy crossing of the tracks to bo made ,
thence striking the boulevard norfh and
northwest , crossing theB. . & M. track op
posite the round-house , then crossing again
near the intersection of the Union Pacittc
and tbo B. & M. , thence north to B street ,
whore another boulevard branches off to the
southwest and runs to Ylnton street. The
other one continues north , skirts Hanscom
park on the west and runs up to Poppleton
nvenuo , up to which place the city has al
ready agreed to pave. This pavement will
extend thence east on Poppleton avenue to
Park avenue , thence to Lcavonworth to
Twenty-sixth street. This work of boulo-
varding the street In South Omaha re
quires the grading of about fifty thousand
cubic yards , the expense of which will be
berne by the South Omaha Land company.
The remainder in the city will have to be
done by the city. The company , however , will
not stop with this work because its contracts ,
especially with Armour , require a good road
to this city , which can bo had only by paving
or macadamizing. That packer was offered a
lot for nothing in this city upon which to
build a distributing house but refused the
offer. Ho said he wouldn'.t ' talio It as a gift.
Ho had his teams and proposed to deliver his
meat to every retail purchaser within a few
hours after killing the beeves. All ho wanted
was a good rood and that , Mr. Her said ,
would bo given him , and if
practicable the work of macadamizing
or paving tbo South Omaha boulevard
would bo commenced as soon as the grouad
The committee which called upon Mr.
Her comprised Mayor Sloan , Councilmen
McMlllon and Rafforty , and Messrs. Hunt ,
Anderson and Howard from the board of
trade. They seemed satisfied with the fair-
minded statement made by Mr. Her , and
then left to call upon the railroad companies ,
the representatives of which told them to
get some estimates us to the cost of the via
duct , and call and see them ngalu.
Mr. Her afterwards told the BED reporter
that Mr. Bosor loft Omaha ! on Saturday last ,
nnd is no.w in consultation with Nels Morris
in Chicago , with a view to agreeing upon de
tails for tbo establishment in South Omulii
of the largo beef canning institution already
referred to In those columns.
In the afternoon bids for grading the above
bouluvara were opened at the otllco of the
South Omaha Land company.
Ait Absolute Cure.
Is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
nnd is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles ,
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. at 2'
cents per box by mail 30 cents.
Dintflot Court.
Judge Doano was the only judge holdlnf
court yesterday and was occupied listening t (
the argument in the application of J. T. Wai
son for an injunction restraining the Nor
York Storage company from selling property
alleged to have been given us security for i
loan of $7,000 ,
The unction was granted at 4:30 : o'clock
nnd the judge started for Papilhon where h (
opens the May term of thoSnrpy county coun
In the district court this morning Judge
Hopowoll will hear the arguments to bo presented
sonted by attorney David E. Van Etten , con
vlcted some days ago on a charge of cmbuz
zlciucnt , for a now * trial.
Its aupBrior excellence proven In millions o
home * for moi e than a quaner of a century , ]
is U ed by tiioUulted Status ( li > muiu nt. ft !
dorsad by thelicada of tko great universities a.
th atroniebt.puji t and no.t healthful. Ir
1'jlceaUnyinUlaklnB l'e d ; rdoe i not contali
amtuonln , Hme or alum. Bold only In cans
„ v Colcago. St. Loulu
A Very Lively Session of The Olty
The EvMnr&hnl Given n Job AS n
Pollcomnn Itobnii Gets the
Street Commlssloncrslilp
Other City News.
South Onmlia's City Council.
The Iron gratings loojned ominously In the
council chamber last night , and whllo the
three prisoners bohtiid tjia bars gazed wist
fully on the members of the council who sat
in front of the bars the aforesaid members
gnzod at caoh other. It was only n case of
misplaced bars , for It did seem out of place
to have the jail and the council chamber in
the ono room. As it was , however , the coun-
cilmcn had the best of it , foe whllo they xvcro
outside and had no inclination to change
places , the thrco highwaymen were within
and would have willingly done so If they
could. It was a case of tlioso who behaved
themselves and those who didn't. Marshal
McCrackcn was on hand as usuaLto see that
his proteges ( the council ) did so , and In
duo time called them to order
Then Clerk Hooter , more familiarly known
as "Tomtny" called the roll , and read the
minutes , both of which were duly approved.
When the reports of standing committees
were called for , Councilman Bnyllss stood ,
and addressed the mayor. As ho only asked
for" further time on behalf of "streets and
grades" and "ordinances , " ho was accom
modated and gave place to Councilman Mc
Millan , who also stood. He asked for simi
lar favors for the finance committee and ho
got them. When the now ordinances \yero
called for , the clerk read ono relative to the
nUinboring'of streets and houses , in which
Q street was named as the dividing line be
tween north and south , and the river , the
basis of streets running parallel to It , from
east to west. Twenty feet fiontago on each
street \yill bo entitled to a house number in
each block. It was referred to the ordinance
committee on motion of Councilman Smith
with three seconders. The committee
on viaducts did not wish to tell
"what they heard and what they
know" just now , and were
granted further time to do so. Another
special committee reported that the books of
the ex-clerk had been examined and found
correct. There were outstanding warrants
against the city amounting to $3,704.1 , and
claims accepted up to April 1 § 1,714.03 ,
neither of which wore included In the out
standing judgment , but then the clerk had
$23 m tljo dog fund , and the committee there
fore rccomoudcd that $1,200 bo taken from
the general fund and placed to the credit of
the salary fund. This was considered satis
factory , and the roix > rt was adopted. The
petition of Pat Kico for a position on the po
lice force was reported on favorably , nnd
that of S. W. Dennis for a license as hack-
man and auctioneer , referred to the finance
committee. A request from the property
owners interested , to open nn alloy between
J and K streets , from Twenty-second to
Twenty-fourth streets was referred , as was
that of Thomas Brennan for a position on
the iK > llce force. The Omaha Packing house
company asked that four fire plugs bo placed
on their premises , to bo uniform in size with
those now in the city. As the company owns
more hose" than the city , and as they inti
mated they would loan it in case of lire ,
Councilman O'Rourko voted aye , Councilmen -
men Smith and McMillan nay. and others
didn't vote at all. This called for another
vote , and It was lost , but Councilman Smith
moved that the matter be referred to tbo lire
nnd water committee. This was carried , and
then the members commenced to talk about
it , Councilman Rafferty wanting to know
who would pay for the plugs when placed ,
and Councilman Burk telling the advantages
of that 2,000 feet of hose. The question was
dropped , and the ; x > tition of William McDermott -
mott for a position on the police force was
put on file. Councilman McMillan wanted to
know if thev required any more men , nna
Marshal McCraokcn emphatically reported
that they did. "His remarks were to the
point , and were endorsed by the snores of
ono of the prisoners who had
lost interest in the proceedings nnd
fallen asleep in the cells at the
back of the room. Some time was taken up
in talking over the matter , and Marshal Mc-
Cracken suggested that a "rounder" was
wanted. The Wide awake prisoner in the
cell emphatically said "yes , " and then made
some remarks that were unintelligible , while
the sleepy ono quit snoring. The question
was finally dropped , and the question of ob
taining the street profiles from ox-Engmeet
Meyers taken up. Attorney Makepeace rep
resented the ex-engineer , and stated that his
client had done the work , furnished the
paper and done many other things without
any compensation , and that he proposed to
keep the plans until ho was paid for them.
Councilman McMillan said the city wanted
the plans , the ex-engineer had never asked
for his money , the city could pay him , and
were good for it if they couldn't. "We want
the plans , wo want them right now , and we'll
find n way to got them that's right , " said
the councilman as ho sat down , and Council
man Smith at once Introduced an ordinance
to set aside u sufllcieut sum from the general -
oral fund to go to the salary fund
to settle all such unpleasantness.
It was referred to the ordinance
committee for ten minutes , and during the
ten the harmony of the meeting was rudely
disturbed bv the running in of O. E. Swift as
a drunk. lie was quickly placed behind tnu
bars , and during the commotion , the petition
of John Condon for the position of street com
missioner was read and placed on ttlo. The
petition of Pat Rowley , requesting that o
license be refused John O'Gormun for sundry
reasons , shared the sumo fate , and a request
to tax solicitors for laundry work was also
placed on file. By this time the ten minutes
were up , and the committee on ordinances reported
ported in favor of transferring S1,2UO from
the general to the salary fund. It was read
a second and third time and declared carried ,
Under the head of communications , Council
man Smith read the details of n scheme
whereby the ina-'or bo authorized to raise
upon his note as Mayor , the sum of $3,091,00 ,
paynblo ono year from duto to line
Omaha Tmst and Loan company. H
was put in the form of a resolution , and car
ried , and the lloating debt will now bo con
solidated , Engineer Loal reported on vu
rlous grades and streets , and as > cd for a
dcslc and was told to go and buy ono. There
were no more communications , and when the
"miscellaneous" was called , Councilman Mc
Millan got off that old chestnut about the
bill of the ox-engineer , it was placed on fllei
On motion , the mayor appointed Councilmen
Smith , O'Hourko and Engineer us t
committee to interview the refractory ox-en
glneor not later than to-morrow. Council'
man McMillan then moved that the engineer ,
In connection with the Union Pacific engi
neer , prepare the plans nnd profiles necc
sary to cruet n viaduor at Q street. Bills
amounting to $ .53 were referred to the
lliitinco commit tec , and then the most im
portunt drama of the evening was played li
one act. The mayor announced
Uavo Hoban as his apj > oiitc ! <
for street commissipncr , Councilmai
Burke was apiwintcd teller , the vote was
taken by ballot and Dave appointed on c
votooftltoS. The mayor then appointee
Put Rico to a position on the police force am
the result showed that seven thought tin
same way and one did not. By request , Citj
Attorney Doud read a report showing that
to his satisfaction , the old school board won
out of office and should turn' over any col
lateral they might be possessed of , and Coun
clhnan McMillan thought the council line
nothing to do with it Pat Rico and Dave
Hoban were then sworn in to their respective
offices , and the council adjourned to inee
next Monday night. After the adjournment
Councilmen Bayhs , O'Kourk and Burk wen
appointed a committee on licenses , and tin
meeting adjourned for a second time to mcc
next Thursday night. They did not adjourn
however , but went Into committee and talkei
over the licenses until midnight.
Church of 8t.
The articles of incorporation for the nov
church huve been slightly modified , and tin
name of P , J. Corrigau substituted for tha
of J. G. Carrol. Father Mormrty has beei
apKInted | treasurer , and P , J , Corrigan secretary
rotary , and the society have completed tin
purchase of nix lots on Twenty-third stree
at the corner of Q street. The price paid li
$3,000 , and the efforts now being made U
have the church edifice completed bcfon
tlw. fall , c.rc meeting with liberal cucourago
menl. Fdther Moriarty is also about to build
a parsonage adjoining St Bridget's church ,
nnd the contracts will bo lot this week.
Judging from the energy already shown
there is every reason to ; behove that the par
ish of St. Agnes will soon rank among the
most flourishing in the slate.
An AllcRotl Swindle.
Barney Dranlgan deals in cloth in a small
way , that Is the cloth fs , In small pieces. It
Is alleged that the nieces nro too small to be.
of any use and Barney was run In yesterday
on a charge of obtaining money under false
pretenses. Ho was released on a ? 1QO bond ,
bul not having any bonds with him put up
100 In greenbacks , and Is now studying out
his Una of defense. The complainant Is John
J. Donovan , who was shown a sample of good
cloth , and a number of pieces of thosamo
kind that were supposed to bo patterns of n
suit that would Just fit him. They were
cheap enough and ho bought them , hut found
they were useless , and In fact only rags. Heat
at on co pot out a warrant for Branliran's nr-
rcst and the trial will coma off in tlio inorn-
Tliosc Locomotives.
Next week the Union Pacific company will
bo prepared to hand over to the stock yards
company two pf tholr heaviest switch en
gines , hotter known to tha Iniatcd as "ton-
wheolors. " The stock yards company will
tioieaftor ) do tholr own switching , nnd If
necessary furnish additional engines.
Notes About the City.
J. J. Niblock has six loads of cattle on the
J. C. Goodcll brought in a load of cattle
from Buda.
George Golston came in from Washington
with two cars of cattle.
E. G. West Is in from Gothonburgh with
two loads of hogs.
Taylor < fc Byor caught $3.25 on ono load of
hogs from Broken Bow.
Gcorgo A. Hummer is in from Rising with
thrco loads of cattle nnd two of hogs.
John Mclnornoy and William Hopper are
In from Elkhorn with two loads of cattle of
their own feeding.
C. O. Wilcox Is in from Long Island , Kns. ,
with two cars of cattle and ono of hogs. It
Is his first deal in this market. *
Another proof of the growth of South
Omaha Is the growth of the South Omaha
brewery , which has had to treble Its capacity
in less than n year. Tholr annual capacity
is now 80,000 barrels.
Thirty-two merchants have expressed their
willingness to pay for street sprinkling , but
the water company Is throwing cold water on
the scheme instead of the streets. They
want fO per week for the necessary lluld.
William Woods and James McMahon arc
bold over on a charge of highway robbery.
Chris Solgoris the alleged victim , and claims
to have lost 75 cents and a pocket knife , but
the police seem to think bo was drunk and
lost it and than made tbo charge to regain
his liberty. Anyway , ho got out aud the
others got In , and they're still thoro.
The Afiliotcd Parents Bring Tlicm tea
a Studio In Collins.
The artists in the employ of a photographer
on North Sixteenth street Infd an unusual
and rather tender duty to perform on Sunday
last. It was the taking of the pictures of
two babes as they lay dead in their coffins
ready for burial. About' noon , Frank Dohl-
strom , accompanied .by Ills wife , walked into
the studio bearing on j his shoulder a coflln ,
Tenderly nnd with a display of emotion , ho
laid the white painted jcasket on ntablo nnd
asked that the featurospf his little darling
bo taken that as time spreads along ho could
look upon them and deplore the loss of the
'llowcr and joy of the family. The cover was
removed from the recoptlcal of death , and
the calm and innocent face of the departed
was taken. The burial , robes were garland
with bolts of smilax , and sweet perfumed
lllllcs and roses. When the photographer
had finished his work ; Dohlstrom screwed
down the cover of tho1cofiln , and resting It
upon his shqulder walked solemnly away.
Soon after Dohlstrom's1 departure , Charles
Felix came in on a llk& mission. He , too ,
had suffered an nflhctlon In the loss of his
babe. The corpse reposed in a handsome
casket of white , and a striking and beautiful
photograph of it was taken ,
The basis of calculation between cause
and chance is to bo reckoned , so far as
nmtlienYuties can figure out a result ,
upon data like the following1 : ' The. rules
being of course , tlio recognized mathe
matical ones that the chance of the con
currence of two independent events is
the product of their separate probabili
ties. Wo know there is more or less
frequency of recurrence than a fixed
average ; then , for or against the prob
ability , there is some cause nt work.
The chance of ono or the other of two
phenomena occurring , when two cannot
occur , is the sum of their different prob
abilities. For instance : "In the fall ol
1880 , " says Mr. J. W. Ames , Fairmont ,
Nob. , May 27 , 1887 , "my wife buffered
intensely with what the doctors called
sciatic rheumatism , and was helpless.
Tried everything to no purpose. She
wanted to try St. Jacobs Oil , but the
doctors said 'no , ' but I got it , tried it ,
and it stopped the pain. She improved ,
and in a short time she had no use foi
crutches. No return of pain in seven
yours. " Mr. W. W. Hall , Adams Ex-
probs Co , , BrooklynaN. Y , , was eurod
of sciatic rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil ,
nnd writes under date of May 6,1887 :
"I am still of tlio aaino opinion of its
curative qualities for sciatic rheuma
tism. "
The probability of St. Jacobs Oil cur
ing every time is reckoned upon known
facts. Out of the twpnty million bottles
sold not one in ten thousand ever fails
to relieve nil ailments for.which it is n
bpociiie- the chnnco against the proba
bility is so slight that thcro must be
some cause , and the cause is found to be
that it is not properly apnliod or taken
in timo. The ohancos uro also over
whelmingly in its fuvor that the mac-
volous cures wroght by it are the offset
to the fovv cusos wherein it fails , and
uro proofs that whore properly used it
will euro and never fails.
Omaha Seed House.
Hoaclciuurttrs for Landreth'n Celehrutea Seeds
Plants , Cut Flo\\era and Floral design * . Bent
for cat&logue.
W. II. FOSTER & SON , Propriotora
1022 Cavitol Avenue.
The Wonilerfnt "Scoop" Mnrto By An
Interviewer Blrw. I. K , l > ctiel , the
Lnily Interviewed , Tellfl a
Strnlfilitfbrwnrd 8 tor jr.
"Is the bricklayers strike ended rot ? " was
asked ot striking bricltlRver recently. "No.
and I don't know as it will end soon , but ItoiiHlit
to as It li going to retard a great many Improve
ments this summer it it does not end soon , nnd
tlmt Is not all. " nnsuoral the striker. "I nm
afraid U will apreod to some of tlio other
tnnlos. " Some of the prominent contractors
and builders being Interviewed rcanrdlnR the
above statement Mlilthor know nothing about
the strike spreading , but rnthor thought It
would soon be satisfactorily It should
bo , for the building should not Ijo retarded now ,
Anioni ? the contractors nnd bulMora Inter
viewed by the writer was Mr. I.N. Ueuol , vho
resides nt No. G35 Patrick nvenue.nud H at pres
ent engaged in building himself n boautlful
homo In Kountzc's addition. The writer np-
proncned him on the subject , and was Informed
that as faroS he know the strlko wns confined to
the bricklayers nnd brick moulders , nnd In his
opinion It would not extend any further than
tfmt. "but. " continued JlrrDeuol , "It you nro
nuxlous for nn interview on nn Interesting mat
ter go fcco Mrs. Dcuel , she can toll you something
nnd will tell you what Is true , for I nra Inter
ested In tlmt subject , nnd ntn nbout as Impny ns
n mnn can bo that she has recovered , "
"Then she lins been sick ? "
"Yes , sliohns boon sjck. nnd she oweshorwon-
dcrfnl recovery to the skill nnd wide experience
ot oho of Omnhn's greatest physicians , but come ,
wo will go to the house ana see her , she can tell
you nil about It. "
The writer found. Mrs. Deiiclnvery pleasant
lady , nnd Milling to toll her story , - \ \ lilcUas as
follows ;
tins. I. N. DF.UKL.
"Yes , I was n very sick woman a year ago this
labt winter. 1 contracted n severe cold , I had
pain and discomfort In HIT chest , uml a sense of
rawness or soreness In the upper part of my
chest , which \\ns painful on cough
was dry nnd hacking , especially on lying down
nnd on waking. I felt feverish towniof night ,
but always felt easier In the forenoon , my
brenthliifLwas labored , and I continually felt the
want of mr. Sly wheezing w as distinctly audi
ble to others , nnd the members of my family
often referred to It. My eouga became very BO-
vere , nnd my friends , nnd oven myself , thought
tlmt 1 wns uoine Into consumption. I coughed ,
coughed.nnd my lungs v\ ere so sore that It racked
me terribly , aftera spell I would raise tenacious
material , often mixed with blood. I loit flesh
nnd strength. I had a very tender spot In the
loft side of my chest which caused mo consider
able anxiety nnd led me to believe I was soon to
be ono of the great throng that had cone before.
I tried n variety of medicines , but they did not
seem to reach the spot. At last my husband
suggested that we go aud see Dr. McCoy. We
dldbo. Ho pronounced my case curable , and I
commenced treatment , that wns nbout three
months ago I Improved rapidly nnd felt as
w ell as over after two month's treatment , but
decided to continue another month ns a matter
of precaution. My lungs feel sound nnd strong ,
I do not cough , nnd feel that the doctor has
really saved my life , and I cannot speak too
highly of his skill nnd painstaking , not to men
tion the moderate foes lie charged me. "
Mrs. Douel , ns nbove mentioned , resides nt
present nt No. 2035 Patrick avenue. North
Omaha , -nhere she will willingly substantiate
the above statement to anv ono doubting It , by
calling upon or addres sing her there.
A Few Symptoms of a Disease That
Mny Prove Snrfons to Von.
Do you have frequent Ots of mental depres
sion ?
lo you experience ringing or buzzing noises
in vour care/
Io you feel ns though you must suffocate
when lying down ?
Are j-ou troubled with a hacking cough nnd
general debility ?
Are your eyes generally weak and watery , nnd
frequently Inflamed ?
Does your voice have n husk , thick sound ,
and a nasal sort of twang ?
Is your breath frequently offensive from some
unaccountable cnuse ?
Have you a dull oppressive headache gener
ally located over the eyes ?
Do you have to hawk nnd couth frequently In
the effort to clear your throat ?
Are you losing your hense of smell , and Is
your sense of tnsto becoming dulled ,
everyone allected will have n few ormnny of
them. The greater or more serious your symp
toms , the more dangerous your condition. This
class of diseases Is treated very successfully by
Dr. McCoy or hli associates. The many cases
reported through thocolums of the dally papers
provo this , and cnch statement published Is
substantially the same ns given by tlio patient
cured. Dr. McCoy und his associates ,
ufae no secret nostrums , but cure diseases by
their skillful combination of the bebt known ro-
medics , applied in the most approved manner ,
nnd by using the latest and roost highly recom
mended appliances known to the piofcsslon.
They thus produce rf suits that spenl : for themselves -
selves In the many patients cured , and w e ns-
Mire our readers that these eminent physicians
have achieved a success in curing disease which
tow or no other doctors can diiDlicnte.
Advances Ilia Theory of Catarrh nnd
Consumption His Advlco on tlio
One of the bolt learned physicians of modern
times , in nn article on catarih and consumption
bays : "Tho treatment of consumption has made
inoat advances by thn Introduction of now rem
edies , and Imx enabled the closa student and
specialist to establish Indications for remedies
lung in use. BO that by their methodical apullca-
tlon betteresults nro attained than weio for
merly gained nt a tlmo when consumption nnd
cancer wore lognrdod as equally Incuinble , nnd
were somewhat xlmllnrly trcatot.
"Tho treatment of consumption demands n
careful avoidance to all agunts calculated to
cause hyperemla of the Uingsuud bronchial ca
tarrh. Vcrsons In whom a tendency to con-
Hiiuiptlon is suspected should bo treated with
the greatest earn and attention.
C'Tlnally , whenever thcro Is the slightest BUS-
plclon of a predisposition to consumption , every
catarrh , no mutter how ( .light , should be t teat oil
with the utmost care , u hlch inunt not be lelaxod
until the catarrh is entirely Well. This rule , so
obvious from our point of view , It , very fre
quently violated
"Many patients fall a victim to the deeply
rooted prejudice that a neglected catarrh never
lettdii to consumption.
LatoofBclleYfloHosDitalNowYorlc ,
Has OOlcea No. 010 uml 311
Where all curable cases are treated with sue *
Medical diseases treated skillfully. Consump
tion , Hrlflit's dUoabe , Dysnephlu. IthcumutUm ,
ami all NEHVOU8 D1BHAHK8. AU diseases ne-
cullar to the sexes a upeclalty. OATAltlul
CUlIU ) .
( XJNSULTATION atonicoorby mall 11.
Muny dlseiiica are treated successfully by Dr.
McCoy through tlio malls , and it Is
tluia possible for those unable to mult o tbe jour.
toy to obtain successful hospital treatment at
their hoinuu.
UlUce hours 0 to 11 a. pi. ; 2 tollm. ) . ' 7 w8n.
Correspondence receives prouiut attention.
No letters anawered uuleis nccoinpouled by 4
ctnts lu stamps ,
to Dr. J. C. McCoy , lloouis
i S. & 0.
1742 Lawrence St , , Denver , Col ,
Ofthe Jtl 3ourl State Mnitnm of Anntomr , St ,
LotiH , Mo. , University College Hospital , Ix > tv
elon , tjlpsen , ( Irrmnny and Now Vork , baring
rtevototl tnelr attention.
More cipeclallr the o arising from Imphi-
denco , InvUo nil so snirerlnp"1o correspond with
our delay. Diseases of Infection ami contusion
cured safely and speedlljr without use of dan-
Rerotu druas. 1'ftUents whose case's Imvo boon
neglected , btidly treated or pronounced Incurable -
able , should not fall to write us concerning tholr
symptoms. All letters receive immediate Atten
And will be mailed FUltn to any nddresi on re
ceipt of ono a-cent stamp. "I'ractlcal Olnorva-
tlons on Nervous Debility and I'byalcal Exhaus
tion , " to which Is added nn "ISssay on Mnr-
rlngo , " with important chapters on diseases ot
the Iteproductlvo Organs , the wholo. forming a
valuable medical treatise which should bo read
by all young men Address
1742 Lawrence St. , Denver Col.
Hereford Cattle ,
At or near Union StocK Yards ,
SIOUX C1T1' , - - IOWA.
MAY 2d , 1888.
Tlio Barlow Hall Until of Hereford
Cattle All Under Four Yours Old.
Having leased my ostnte for a long term of
years , I am forced to sell my entire herd which
Is composed of the cot Of HOUAOK 5th , 12K4 ,
nud I'LUTAHCU , M410 , nud fromo of the finest
bulls in the United States.
The holfers are In calf , or have calves at their
sides. The calves nio recorded. The herd is In
sured and the purchaser will assume the Insur
ance. Terms , Cash. There will bo no postpone
ment. Catalogues on application.
Sioux Olty , Iowa.
William S warts , Auotlonour.
icago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y.
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Frccport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Ihtbiique , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Jaucsvillc ,
Bclolt , Winoiui , La Crossc ,
And all other Important points Bait , Northeast and
For through tickets call on the ticket npentntlYll
Faraam Ktrcot , In Barker Block , or at Union raclflo
I'dllman Sleepers and tbe finest Blnlng Can In the
world are run on tlio main Hue of the Chicago , Mil
vnukco & St. Paul Railway , and every attention Is
paid to paasengora by courteous employes of tbe
It. MILTiTSn , General Manager.
J. K. TUCKKIl , Assistant Uonoral Manager.
A. V. U. OAltl'lSNTKH , Qcnoral 1'auengor and
OICO.K. HK'AFFXJHU , Asslstaut General PauenROr
and Ticket Aeont.
J. T. CLAUK General Snperlntondeat.
Epps's Cocoa
"By n thorough knuwledgo of the natural laws
which Rovcrn the operation of digestion and nutri
tion , and by careful application of tbo ttno properties
\roll-Relect d Cnnra , Mr. Kpps has provldcit our
breakfast tables with a dullcatoly flavored beverage
which may save us many heavy doctors Mils. His
by the Judlcloutuse ot such articles of dlot that a
constitution may bo gro < lually built up until strong
enouRh to resist every tendency to dlsotuo. Hun
dreds of subtle maladlus are noatlnn around us ready
to attack whcrover there Is a weak point. Wo may
escape many a fatal aliaf t by keeping ounclves well
fortWod with pure blood and a properly nourished
frame. " Civil Borvlce ( laictto.
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Bold only
In half pound tins by Urocers labeled thus :
S , K/FELTOH & CO , ,
And Blanufacturcrs' Accents for
Of nil descriptions.
Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De
tail Plans and Specifications.
Furnished on'Short Notice.
Correspondence Solicited.
OfficD. Strai's ' BniluM , Fourth Flcf.
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4.
* r
jota U u lh Mil i.a i
known to us ks Goaoi ihtzft
Pd ClMt.
Wi ! , ! > mU cptlMir.
pbU , India tterr cue U
lLUgl > tuUfuUca.
Alcttt *
Bold t > J Dri
FtUa il.OO.
Proprietor Omaha Business Ctllige ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and T > p writng. !
Ctnd ( or Cvll e Journal.
8 E. Cor 10th and Cspllol
\Tho l WEAK , ItKRVOCH , r F.miITAr
bai THirl.KI > Kwar hit V1OOK of IIOItT.
HIND and MANHOOJD. causing exhkuitln j
dralni upon the FOtTNTAINrt of 1,1 rr ,
nKAl > A nK. BACKACHE , Drdful
nraamt , TTRAKNRNA-of MrmorT , HASH *
the FA OK , ana nil the EFFKCTH irtdtnffta
KAIII.T DKUAT and perhaps t'ONHUWP.
TIUN or INNANITT , khonld ooniult itt one *
the CKLEBRATKD Dr. Clatko , K tabUlha4
1R51. T Clarke ha * tniide NKRTOCB AC *
niL-ITT , CHRONIC ! and Ml DlltUN of
Htndy. U nakM NO difference WHAT joa
Jxaro taken or WHO hai failed to cure you.
liar to their tax can coniult with the Miuraneo
of tpoedr relief Mtd cure. Bend 3 cents poitaca
for wotki on your dlttaies.
Wflend 4 oenU po t go fbr Celcltrntcil
WorUi on Chronic. Ncrvnu * and D ll
eato Olieaiei. Conmiuatlon , pcnonalir cr bf
l tter , l > pr. Coniult the old Doctor.
ThonenuilN ctir * < 1. omemand nnrlom
prlvnto. Jta-Thoee contemplating Marrltjo H
trnd for Dr. tilnrlto'a cttebtalcd galilo
Knle aud Fcrnnlp. each ! " > . , both Sfto.
UUmjM ) . Mpfoio confldlnr yonr caie , ooniult i
Dr. OI.ARKR. A frlendlr letter or call tnaf
nr * future luffcrlngand abamo , and add troldcn
< reai * to Ufa. * v-Book "Mrc' ( Secret ) Er
rors , " too. ( stampi ) . Medicine and writings
rent OTsryrrhere. ceonre from exposure.
Itouni , 8 to 8 : Humtnyi , 9 to 12. Artdrcnsi
F. 6. OLABKB , Mr D.
180 So. Olatk 8U. OBIOAOO , ILL.
"Tlio Ovcrlnml Uoutc. "
The Sportsmen's , ToiirisV nnd Pleasure
Seekers' Lin'cv
Send for the Neat Little Sketcli Dook.
- - * * ' * * * >
"Q-TJ-tT C Ij-CTB HP'IliE3S ,
highly Interesting and useful ttfSportemen.
It contains the American rules for trapping
and shooting adopted by the National Gun
Association ; asvcll as the rcvlfted game
laws of the Western States nnd Territories.
Conies sent free upon application to.
Oen'IP. &T. Agli , ,
_ Oiiiiilin.'Npu.
To have your friends come to
"ECOM.GCU3 on.d. "tTolorcxslca
na Eastern lines will sell tickets aud run
Semi Monthly Land Excursions
over tuo
Union Pacific
"The Overland llonte. "
Until July 1 , 188S , tickets sold for these excur
sions will bo good thirty days for the round trip
nn ( I can bo used ten days ( ; oliig. When purchas
ers are ready to return , thaw tlckota will bo
good five days for that purpose. It purchasers
wish to stop short of destination on our lines ,
agents will stamp tlcketa good to return from
such point.
J. 8. TEUHETS. B , li. LOMAX.
"The Overland Route. "
Has so arranged its Family Sleeping Car
service , that berths can now be reserved
upon application by any ticket agent to M
J. Grcevy , Passenger Agent , Council Bluffs
Iowa. The reservations when made are
turned over to the train conductors taking
out such cars , sothatpasscngcrscan now se
cure berths ordered , the same as a Pullman
berth is reserved and secured ,
QenP.&T.AKcnt. , Ass'tO.F.&T.A.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only road to take for Dei Slolnos , Murnhaltown
Cedar nankin , Clinton , DUon , Clilcneo , Milwaukee
and nil points East. To tlio people of Nebrmltiv , Oolo-
rado , Wyoming. Utah. Idaho , Norm ) * , Oregon , wish- '
InRtou and Calif ornlH , It oners superior advantages
not potslulo by any other line.
AMIOMK a fnw of the numerous points of superiority
pnjoycd by the piitrons of till ) roail bettrcon Omiilm
nnil ChldiRO. uro Us two trains n rtuy of DAY
CUACllKS , whlcli uro tlio llnottllint human nrt nnd
Ingenuity cnn creftto. Us I'AI.ACKSLlIKl'INIl OAKH ,
which itru inofluli of comfort ft ml cloxanco. Us 1'AU-
1.011 DHAW1NU KOOM OA11S , nn uri > iiMod by any ,
and Its widely celobratoil I-ALATIAI. DlMNd CARS ,
the equal of wlilcli cannot bo found clscwlioro. At
Council liluffa , the trains of tlio Union I'uclllc Itnll-
Tmy connect In union depot with tlio o of thoCbl-
race & Northwestern lly. In Clilcuuo thn trains of
this line make close connection wltli tnosa of an
other Kastern linos.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati.
Nlaiiaru Italia , lluiralo. 1'lltlbiiiw , Toronto. Montreal ,
Iloston , Now York , I'lilladolrima , Daltlmoru , Wash
ington , and all points In the Kmt. Ask for tickets ila
If you with the licit accommodation. All ticket
uccnl8 neil tickets Tin ttili llnu.
li.uuuurrr. K. i1. WILSON ,
CJen'l Manager. (1 on'l I'aM'r Auent.
C11IOAOO , Itt.1.
W.N. 11AI1COCK , flon'l. Wtwtern Aaeiit ,
1) . K. KlM AU..TIcknt Aiicnl.
U. K. Wftsr. City f'a cnser Agent.
1101 Farnaiu St. , Omaha , Nub.
Its main lines and branches Include OHIOAOOJ
cud BcortB of IntcnacOiato cltloa. Choice ot ,
routes to ocd from tbe Pacific Coast. AU tran -
fern in Union depots. Host train * of Fine Day
Coathoa. elegant Dialog Cori. magnificent FuU
man Poloco Hloopna , and ( between Chicago , at ,
Joseph. AtcUUoa and Kaniao City ) Kecllnlna
Chair Cora , SeaU Tree , to iioldera of tbrouga'
Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska R'y
"Great Rook Island Route. "
ExtendaWeBt and Southwest from Kancaa OJty
and Ot. Joseph to NELBON. 1IOKTOK , . J1EMUJ.
JJUTOinilBON. OALDWEIX. bnd Oil poluU la
end beyond. Entlro paeteniter equipment of the
celebrated Pullman manufacture. All Mifoty ty
plloncuB and inodero improvements ,
The Famous Albert Lea Route
II the favorite between Chicago , liock lolind.
AUhlBon. KftD a < City and MlnneapolU and Bt.
Pnul. XtaVaterto wi > branch trovoree * the fprcat i
of Northern Iowa , OoutbweaUro XXlnnetota , and
Boat Central Dakota to Watwtown , Bplrlt iJiia ,
Bloux Falls and many other towna nod cltlei.
The Short 'Lino via Utctca and Kankake * offeri
superior facilities to travel toned from Indian *
opollB. Cincinnati and other Bauthern pslnU.
Yet Tickoti. JWf > p , 7Uder , or de Ued lnrcnna-
tlon , apply nt uny Coupon Tlcfcit Oce or atfdrcM
' r. Oea'I