Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisement-Minder this head. 10 cents per
toe for the first Insertion. 7 cent * for each tab-
sequent Insertion , and ll.ffln line per month. No
dverU'ementtaken for less tlmn 2ii cents for
the first insertion. Bov en words w 111 be count
ed to the line ; they must run consecutively and
must bo paid In advance. All advertisement *
must bo handed fti before 12:30 : o'clock p. in , , nnd
under no clmimstnnots Trill they lie taken or
discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising in these columns and hnv-
Jng the answers addressed In care of the lleo ,
will pleae aslt for a check to enable th m to pot
their letter * , us none will he delivered except on
presentation of check. All .answers to adver
tisements shonldVw enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns are pul > -
Hshcdlnboth morning and evening edltlonsof
the llee , the circulation of which aggregates
moro than 18.000 papers dally , and Rives the ad
vertisers lh benefit , not only of thn rtty circula
tion of the Dec , hut also of Council Bluffs. Lin
coln and other cities and towns throughout this
part of thq west.
AdvertlslnR for those columns will betaken ,
on the above condition' ' ) , at the following bus
iness htmscs , who are authorized agents for TUB
Jlru special notices and will quote the same
rates as can bo had at the main oluce.
TOHN W. III5LL. Pharmacist , 830 South Tenth
d Street.
OHA8E & EDDY. Stationers and Printers , 113
South 16th.Htrcet.
SH. FARN8WORTH , Pharmacist , 8115 Cum-
. Ing Street.
W. J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 24 North 10th
. St.
G KO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , IBOU Bt. Mary's
G. REUTHER , News Dealer , Post Ofllce ,
. Bouth Omaha.
WANTEU Situation as housekeeper by a
Protestant widow of2Ti with girl of 0 ; Is a
Rood conk nnd laundress , and not afraid of
work. Mother , box 754 , city , 233 23 *
SITUATION Wnntcd-Hy n man (25) ( ) , graduate
business college , Elmlra , N. Y. , in whole
sale or retail store , prepared to do shorthand
workandcnn ntuu typewriter ; has good refer
ences nnd will work for small wages. Btnto
Uiuplopment Olllco , 1417 Fnrunm , Room 11.
luosn *
\ \ ' Situation by younic lady ns copy-
TT 1st , Competent bookkeeper or cashier.
Thorough experience In real estate nnd Insur
ance olllco. Address , II C , Bee Olllce.
15823 *
SITUATION wanted by n carpenter.will work
for small wages. Cull 15171 amain st.Room
4 11. 10) 21t
WANTED Kmplojmcnt by the editorial
and cillloo of a democratic paper .No ob
jection to going west. Ability to write original
matters. Address H.O , Bco olllco. 1C02IJ
W/rNTEf ) A situation by n practical miller.
Must bo a steady job. Address H 1 , Bee.
114 21 *
MILLWRIGHT having six jears' experience ,
- especially on partlculnr woodw ork In that
„ tindo , wishes n position. Address H 4 , Beo.
" i9 wOJ " *
W ANTED By n young man , situation where
ho can learn the bricklayers or plumber's
trr do. Address W. P. , 1010 South 20th st , cor
I'lcrco. 169 23J
WANTED Members of societies as organ-
irors. Posted I. O. O. F. preferred. Per
manent and prolltablo position to successful
mem. Correspondence confidential. Address
Room 01 , No. & 0 La Bnllo st. , Chicago , Ills.
1)71 ) 21 *
WANTED By a llrstclass dressmaker , cn-
gagngement lu private families. 822 S 18th.
Miss Turner. C82 mCJ
" A/ANTED 3 young to middle aged men to
T T ropi esent our house ; uono but men of in
telligence nnd ability need apply. J. M. French
& Co. , olllcuf)12 Pnxtoh block. 24728
WANTED A cnrilngo blacksmith on icpnlrs
nt 140 ! ) Dodge st. 2li.24
WANTED Agents to hnndlo the Now Chem
ical Ink Jhaslng 1'oncll. Greatest nov
elty over produced. Erases Ink in two seconds ,
no abrasion of paper. sao to500 per cent profit.
One agent's sales amounted to $ < EO.OO lu six
days ! nnothor J52.00 In two hours. Territory
absolutely free. Salary to good men. No In-
jdlesneod nnswor. Sample 35 cents , Fortfcnns
I nud full particulars , ndilroBH , 1 ho Manufactur
ers , J. W. Skinner If Co. , Onalaska , Wls.
I 1D225J
WANTED A competent , sober and willing
head cook wanted nt the Windsor hotel ,
must bo a llrst class cook and bo well recommended -
mended , apply at olllco. 15023
WANTED By n competent man a position
ns gardener mid llorlst , hns had 18 years
* oxporlenco.vddrcss OftS lleo olllco. 10321 *
WANTED Experienced boy. Boeder's Drug
jjtoro. 12tn mid Hnrnoy ats. 1U121J
\ " \\TANTED Reliable man to take charge of
/ YY bookstall. Apply 303 N.ltlth St. 173 21 *
WANTED 2 teamsters , 25 per month ; S farm
hands. J20 ; 1 tlrst-cluss grocery clerk ,
must he well acquainted w 1th city ; Unit-class
coachman ; 2 canvassers. Omaha Emp. Bureau ,
llttN. loth st. 175 21
1'ortor for barroom $25 n mouth
and board , coachman with city references.
Mrs. Brega. 3111S 15th. IB 21 *
WANTED-AQrst class milker. J. F. Hoch ,
north of Dent and Dumb Institute. U' > 8 21 *
WANTED A few persons In each place to do
light writ Ing. Enclose stamp for 50-pngo
book of Woodbury , Albany ,
N. Y. tt."Ja21 *
\tTANTED A flrst-cln as Jewolor,0110 that cnn
TT do nil kinds of line work nnd engiavlng- .
Permanent Place nnd good wages. C. L. Erlck-
BOii&Co..213K. ! Ibthst. 601
WANTED Salesmen Flvo traveling sales
men ; snlary nnd expenses ; no experience
necessary. Address , with stamp , Palmer A , Co. ,
Praile Du Chlen. WIs. 817 25 *
WANTED Competent bricklayers , wages
? 4.fiO per day for U hquis' woik. Brick
Contractors' Association. Omaha , Nob. Apply
rJ Pnxton block. mr at
ci > 75 Per Month A gouts vvnutcd lu every county.
* P Plan of work easy ; now goods ; write vt Hit
stxiups. Gould M'f'B Agency. K G2 University
I'lttce. N. Y. City. 4KmflJ )
"TATANTED Men nnd women everywhere for
TT n genteel business gunrunteed to pay fi.U
per week prollt easier than other lines pay $60
per month. (2 samples free to cither sex seek
ing peimanunt employment. Expoilence abso
lutely unnecessary. Merrill Mfg. Co , B U ,
Chicago. USB ml *
W ANTED Men for railroad work , Albright's
Labor agency , 1120 I'arnam. VM
BOVb-Ain. TUU Tel. Co. . 1J04 Douglas.
\X7ANTED-3 dining room girls for Colorado7 ,
TV y for Wyomlujr.'l for Utah. tJO ; faro paid.
Cooks for Columbus , Shuuundouh , Fiemont ,
ttioux City , Valpnrnlao , Fiitrbury , etc. , M und 17 a
week2girlsiaolllcer's ; family , $ A ) nnd * 1D ; 3
for Council IlluITs , t0 nnd f 15 ; InundroHs and
dlslivrabher in H.UHO hotc-1 ; chambermaid and
dishwasher ( Danes ) , girl to work foruu elderly
couple on a lurm , no washing or bread baking ,
dO girls far gonitrnl house\\uik ; places never
been hotter or moro numerous. Mrs , Hi egn , 310
- 23(123 ( *
TXTANTED Girl for general ho usevrork. 2 118
TT Davuuport. T. J. Hoard. S82 ' 1
WANTED Girl for general housework , G or-
umu preferred , Mrs. M. tiloman , 054 t
80th Mt. 205 g |
ANTUD-Gtrl for general housework. 2211
BevvardBt. 15J23 *
AN'115n-Respcctuble cirls for all Kinds ol
w rlc. .International Employment Parlors ,
Falconur block , ror 15th nnd Douglas. 1IU 277
girl for cook and Kitchen
work. lnqiilrol5l3 Howard si. 14'JSIJ
! ) Middle ngod woman for cook or
man mut wife to gouu farm. Inqulru loom
2. ArllUBtou bloct. 14. 23
GIRL for g neral lipusework. The highest
w ages to one. competunt to ilo all kintls of
luuuovvork. Guod treatmentassmcd. Miu. G.
Dorchurt , ail N. Uth. VQ5 2ij
ANTED 3 tlrU to sew carpets. $5 to $3
woman puatry cook , $7 ; cook for restau
rant in Columbus. tM : dlnm > loom girl out ol
clty.&U ; llvo in i-lta.jli and 118 ; cook and second
cook lu , im family , H nnd fJ ; cook for family
of U , U ; r.tco Rlrl for family of C in country. fJ ;
HlllJ for Plattamoutli. Valparaiso , Shounniloali ,
etc. ; cilia on ranches ; dlshvrasher for 1'ucltlo
Juuctlou ; 8 forcAina rt < Maitrnut In city , and U.
for generul housework. Mrs. Hrcga , USO S. lith
lit. Tel. bM. _ 1J3 21 *
NTED at once , ox pcrlencod carpet son < > rs.
WANTED-Glrls to do nn sowlngln drapery
depunment , Chag. bhiv erlcjc. m l
rANTr3S good waitresses for Coiorado ,
V for Wyoming , a for Utah. rA ) and fare
t ldj nice girl for tin elderly coupla on u farm.
lip vnul'liiK or trend baking ; rook und ecoml
WANTED-Anurse girl , 2017Leavcnw&rtn st
"VKTANTED flirl , mnntbe rompetentoooKand
TT laundress , best of wages. 8403 Farnam.
670 _
TyANTED-Dtnlns roomgirl. 117N ? Hth %
ANTED-Competent girl In family of 2
Herman preferred. Mrs. D. II. Wheeler
COt 8. Ctth st 80S
' *
ANTED-UIrl for" Reneral housework. 1543
Sherman ave. Mrs. 'ITios F , Hall. 117
WANTED Competent cook and laundress
Heferenres required. Apply to Airs.V. .
It. McCord. 0 < B If th at. 1ST
ANTKIZ > girls , central work ! 4 dining
room glflsj 1 ulihwnshor ; 2 cooks for
private families ! 1 German second girl ; 1 dining-
room Rlrl. Norfolk , tarn paid ; we ha\elots of
seed places for girls. Om.ihn Emp. Bureau. 110
N. ictn st. ir > si
\V ANTED-Oood girl in small family , call at
VV 1321 N > 17th at. mi 81 *
WANTED Liuly or grntlemnn as canvasser ,
artlt le m-w ; inlirt have icady f ale w hero
oer Introduced. 1511 California st , Omaha.
17084 $
WANTHD lmmedltttcly , ladles' to worKfor
a \v hplcoale house on needlework at tbetr
homes. ( Sent any dlstauco , ) Hood pay can ha
made. Kvorjthlnrt furnished. Particulars
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , lV 8th
st. . New York City. SU
/1ANADI AN 'Employment Onico-Jlnlo and fa-
W male help sent to'nll parts If faro In ad
vanced. Iteference,0ninhaNational bank. Mrs.
BrcgaaiOS. 15th. Tel. 8S ( . 7Nnil4 *
STATE Employment Ofllce , HI" I'arnam at. ,
lloom Hi Wo send out help to nllpatu 1C
faro la pftld. 1TO 21 *
INTERNATIONAL Employment parlors ; re
spectable help sent to all part les It fnre Is ad
vanced , cor 15th & Douglas , Falconer bl'k , II. 2
1511114 *
UNION Employment OOlce Is conducted In an
honoiiiblo manner , nnd our applicants
supplied on short notice. Small foe. til IS. llth
Dll mis *
GATE City Kmp. office , 314 816th , Help for
nllklndsof work sent to all purls , Refer
ences Douglas county bank. Tel 1100 tat 23J
WANTED Men and boys out of work to call
at the City Intelligence olllce ( Ciclgliton
blk. ) , corner llitli and Douglas sts. .107
BY single gentleman , pleasant summer room.
References If required. Answer statins
terms. P. P. W , , P. O. box 221. Ml 2U-
W'ANTED To borrow two to three thousand
dollars live yeais , real cstuto security
worth five times amount , state lowest Interest.
Address O 87. this olUco. Oi ) 2b *
"TTINGAGKMENTSto do dressmaking hvfatnl-
JU lies solicited.Miss Sturdy , 822 S. 18th st.
671 ll10 *
ANTED Good real estate listed with mo.
C. 1' . Harrison. 4IH S. 16th st. 315
I WANT moro small houses for'ient. ' F. li.
Gregory , rental agent , 309 S. 16th. CIO
YXTANTED-SO boarders' at the Cpzzens hotel ,
TT corner Oth and Hnrncystaj 170 Sit
WANTED Cottage of flvo. or six rooms , ren
not to exceed CH per month. Address G
BP , nee olllce. 010
WANTED Six or seven-room houie furn
ished In desirable location forsununer by
small family. Address V 71. Bco olllce. 078
FOR KENT New 0 room house , corner , near
Vlntonst , $17per mouth.
Furnished and unfurnished residences and
flats. Welshnns & Co , H 3 Capitol a\e. Expo
sition bulldlug. SB S3
TmORRHNT-fl-roomllntnt410S llth st. llent ,
JV $3o , fnniUuro $ JOO , inonthlv pajments.
Rooms jiaylng KO over rent. Co-op L Jc I , Co .
80T N. 10th st. 081 SI
"TT10II HENT An elegant new 8-roorn house
JU uud barn , every modern convenience ; a
complete homo , good neighborhood , street cars ,
cheap rent. J , H. Parrottc , rental ugencr , 100U
Chicago street. Wizll
FOIl HENT 1'onr rqom house on Hamilton
st. cheap. Inqufioof Wright i : I.asbury ,
815 S. 14th stieet , up bt.iirs. ZRM |
10 Room House Gas , bath , hot nnd cold , city
w nter , cistern. No. 2221 Hurt st. , npply No.
2223 Unit St. 220-26 *
" 1710R RENT Now house of S looms in Popple-
J ton pal k , ti ) per month. Inquire or It. F.
1'agan at Commcicial National bank.
238 23t
HOUSE for rent and furnishings f-ale.
ApplrlBUCasa st. _ 8l 8 <
FOIl HENT Bilck house. 3 floors , centrally
located , rent cheap and the furniture the
cheapest In the city. Co operative Land & Lot
company. 205 N 10th st. 284 23
FOH HENT Houses and Hats of all sizes nnd
locations ; rents and prices to suit all. Co-
opcratho Laud A , Lot company , 205 N 10th st.
T710K HENT Se\en room house ; first-classlo-
JL ; cation , Itcnt , f.H ; furniture very cheap.
Co-opei atlvo Land & Co. . 20T > cor 10th st. 1.4 23.
TflOH HENT Ten room house , rcntially lo-
JJ cnted.f nrnlturo away don n and on easy pay
ments ; Income double the rent. Co oneratho
Land & Lot Co. . gO. N. liith stieet. 881-33.
T7\0ll \ HENT A seven room Iiouso In good lo-
JL1 callty , .Muy Jt > t , { 10 , Inquire at 251M Cup. ixe. .
11523 *
TjlOH RENT House , 5-rooms , 441 Convert ,
JL1 Inquire 1D83 Jackson. 140 23J
"CVR RENTTwd 4-room. nouses , 8. D. corner
JD 4th nnd Wqol orth a\o. Fred Kleo. lai 28t
ITlOIt UBNT 8-room house. Inquire J. V.
JJ Uarton. 2010 Capitol ftvo. COS 20J
TjlOR HENT 7-room Hat , 1st floor , 1605 Howard
JJ st. Inquire drug store 1 door cast. 035
desirable 10 loom house cor 21st and
Hurt st. ; nil modern Improvements ; on ca
ble and street car lines. Inquire Dr. Paul , N K
cor 16th nnd Dodge. ftJl 24"
1 looms and about 4 ncies land ,
good bum , about'/ mile north of foil , J15
per month to good tenant. Apply J17 8. llth bt ,
, , 7iH
TTIOU UENTWAOlttt ot 7 rooms , closets and all
JU comoiilenccs , Duggana block sotitli 13tli
and I'uclllc bt. Inquire at IIU'S Uth. Kit
TT10R RENT Ciropm Jlat , hot and.cold watur
JJ bath , gas , nil mddern. J. IT. Parruttc Hen-
tal Agency , Itiua Chicago. b'J UP
TTlUHNISHEir hotel for rent-Tao St. Elmo
J- hotel , Missouri Valley. 7a. Tha leading ho
tel of the city aiul only one hlotk from tha de
pot. 1'or further particulars address Hugh
Percy. M9 ni6
FOR HENT Ttto good p room houses on
Park ave , * 40 per mintll , D. V. Buoles , lloom
1 Darker biock. K87
TJ1INE largo now house's with 11 to 14 rooms ,
JU with all mculern-luiprovBiiiBiitH , ln"Clurko
1'lace , " Casii nnd 84th ats. on car Uuo , tor rent.
0. V. Diivla Co. " " ' TOT a
TT10R RENT ( Proem llril frdntitig Hanscom
4. Park , llotu , gas , hot and cold wnter , tw.
1 * . lit Gregory , Ittntul at'ent , J0 S , ICth st.
< - , f-M
_ _ n _ ; t , _ -
Foil RENT 2 new llroonrnouses , * 40 , by S ,
T. Puterscu , no cor IStli aud Douglua. 745
TJlOlt RENT 3 elegant B room hounds , all mod-
X1 ern conveniences , excellent location , con
venient to street cora. US p r wontli. If taken
Buoiu H. E. Cole , nu Juth and , Douglas. 0V )
1TIOR 11RNT > A 7-rooin tlaf , Inqulrn of Oeo.
-L1 HlUUlns , In the cljar-tftoro 1C1S Houard st.
T710H HEN1V1 8-rooui house. Jiurth Saumlers
JJ st. Luqulro of C. W. IleuU&Co. . 3IUB.
10th. fi&j
_ _ _ _
"IJIOH RENT 10-room hou o , all conentences
-U ICtliKMT-foumcottape , Ilcinatdbt. ( I.E.
Xhompsun , 314'ti. 10th bt. up stalra. oijj
rpb Itr.NT-Elijht roo"m iBt. ! front room suit-
JL uble for offlow , ttltli all modern conven
iences , USB , Uth. ISJ
(71011 ( RENT Six dcultabla houses' from fa to
JL1 IW per month. LcuUtt lluruhnin , Rooml ,
Crelchtou block. * D77
TflOH HEKT-A neat 120 cottage. Apply at
JL' oner . a r , HurrUQii. 413 B 15th st. a l
FOR HHtTTwelrrooin ( noute. 25th and
and Mason etiects. fl'J ' per month. J. S.
CaulflnlJ. 180t I'urLam t _ 2j
OlIOlhKSteuti-uUy located. i nt from ! 13 to
t'luniHuro { or sale on monthly payments.
Co-op. L. aiull. . Co..SU5N. 18th st. ) iJJ
"JIHUI ilKXT W hen jou want 'to rent A lionee.
JL. ' utoru of offlcssoJoH. . E. Colo. 2ffi-
T7\OR \ RENT And furniture for Ic. almost
A ? new.atabirEalnb t house and'locatlon
In city ; every mourni t.auvsr.loace ; tnU wtll y
tq iuresliiute at once. Apply 1709 IXid Wi
Till REE furnished "rooms , with board , 1003
Farnam * {
FOIl HENT Two furnished rooms suitable
for 4 gentlemen. 8448oBdBt. ! B2123J
T710R RENT Furnished rooms also unfurn-
JL' Ished rooms for light housekeeping , 612 N
17th st. > 1M 21 *
"PARTIES wanting pleasant famished rooms
JL ran pet them nt my new block , corner 16th
and Howard sfs , third tloor. All modern Im
provements. D , E. Burnett. U70 21 *
r A furnished room with hot and
ju cold bath , very reasonable , 618 S 22d t ,
oai at *
TilOR RENT Ones small room , 1 large room.
JL1 1613 Chicago St. 2W-33J
N/"LRY plen'HUt larfe furiUslicct rooms ; .all
desired conveniences ; pclvate house jljohrcl if
desired ; 1 block from postoince. 1013 Capltolnve.
85189 *
TTiURNISHED Hooms-708 Notth 10th 8t
JU 220-28 *
"VfEW and nicely furnWied rooms , with gas ,
ibath , etc. , modeiate rates , at W Douglas.
* . * S-
"jfibiniENT-Furnlshcd rooms , 2420 Charles sT
JU 215 S * *
NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen , tljrea
blocks from opera house ; IS upwards. 'ci3
B. 15th. 24.I-2C *
NICELY furnished Upper front room. every- ;
modernconvenience , 1013DouKlns. IMS3' .
FURNISHED looms , southwest e'er 17th nnd
Capitol ae. . 1701 Capitol avo. .10986 *
TTMfRNISHED rooms for light housekeeping.
Jj ulso single rooms , 80M St. Tilarj "B aVq. 201 81 *
TTOIl HENTFui ntshcd rooms , 101J Dodge.
J 208 27f
_ _
rooms and board , 1WJ ! Farnauu
FOR H6.NT Nicely furnished front loom In
nice cottage J1 * , per mouth , * 40i ) Wllllnni st.
ejmlnutes \ \ alk southeast U. 1' . depot. bft'i
FOR RENT To 1 or 3 gentlemen , room w tin
bath etc , , 831' ' DoUuUis , SSJ
FOR RUNT To gentlemen only newly furn
ished parlor bed room 1110 llnrnoy :
| 171 3 *
_ _
"TOOK JU5NT 1 nicely furnished fi out parlor
JL * and other rooms , all modern conveniences ,
C03 N 17th st. VA Si
_ _ _
) V'ERV pleasant rooms for summer , with
A board If desired. 813831th , lurt 27J
URN18HED rooms for gentlemen with bath ,
15111 How aid. 13725t
FOR RENT Large , nicely furnished room
with closet , to ladles only. 201 3. 80th st.
01U23 *
GENTLEMEN At reasonable rates , neatly
furnished rooms 1st nnd 2d floor , every
modern convenience , near street cars and cable ,
bloakfnst If doslicd. apply 3888 Hurt St. U78 25 *
FOR RENT rnrnlshcd rooms , large , good
summer rooms , single oreil suite , nil modern -
ern com cnlcncea. 7003 17thnvo. . " T)5 ) 8lt
FOR RENT Suite of newly furnished rooms.
Hitltublo tor three gentlemen , all modern
comonlonces : board If deslredncar ; cwocar
lines. No. 038 Ocoigla ave (23th ( W" 018 3J ' "
1/IOR KENT A lot go front room'n-lth ' , alco\c > ,
JL1 all modern improvement s. 170U Dodge Ht. . .
TjlOR HENT Desirable newly furnished loom
JU1 gentlemen preferred , 1721 Davenport.
p1UHNlSIED ( rooms , 113 S 20th. ( U ) 7 *
TJIUONT room furnished , 1718 Dodge.
SMALL room rsultable for gentleman , 1C23
Dodge street 511 *
$1.00 to S1.50 ; S 18th st , , COS inHJ
OOM , gas , bath , steam heat , 2U1 S. 24th.
Li la 37 *
TjlURNlSHED Room to rent. BOM St. Marys
-I ? nve. 7b7
FOR RENT Furnished rooms in Grenulg blk
cor. Uth and Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo. R. .
Davis.Millar d hotel billiard room. 253
T .AHOB pleasant room , modern conveniences ,
JJ KOOChlcagost. 853
FOR RENT Rooms furnished and unfur-
niahcd. l.MCap. ave. _ 260
OR RENT TITO large unfurnished rooms
and hall on llrst flat , also t\v o rooms and
bath In basement. 2517 Douglas st.liW 83J
TT10R RENT 2 nnfurnlsned rooms 1111 Doug-
J ? lab. -stalrs. . 14J 21 *
FOR RENT One or two unfurnished rooms ,
pleasant front room for light housekeep
ing. 1509 Fariiam , room 21. third floor. % U 21 *
I710R RENT Cheap , 4 unfurnished nice looms ,
J-1 suitable tor housekeeping , 2088 1 1 ai m .
78881 *
OR HENT 4 rooms \"ffl Webster st . . 20 00
J looms 1023 h 2tith st . u fie
Also. ) rooms 1017 N 20th . 15 W
Judge Rental Agency , S.W. cor 13th & . Harnoy.
O FURNISHED rooms for married couple or
d single gentlemen , 2080 , 'lcholad bt. OS025
TI10R RENT About Mav 15. coy Jlttla pfilco
.1 ? or small store room , ground floor ; - \ cry cen
tral locution. Address P. O. box 75J. 831 24
TJ10R RENT One half of store foom. iJS
JL ? Douglusst. Win. H. Spelmalii 414
I/10R RENT Laigo olllce , best location In
JU Omaha , well lighted and heated.'orwlll , rent
part of It. J. II. Watts , Chamber-ol.Coinmt'ice.
T710R KENT One-half the store , room ut 1213
JJ Douglas , under the Mlliar < lliotol. 1B3
FOR RENT Desk loom , ground | lloor. cheap .
13th and I'arimm. llust location in city. J.
T. btanhope , Ameilcan Express Co , 145
TjlOH HENT Store aud basement , C04 B. 13th
J ? st. Mrs. M. Lange. 053
.T710RRENT Two business or oljlco rooms on
J-1 1st floor } 25 per month. W. 1) ) . Clark. 1414 -
llarnoy. _ 155
LINTON block , S 13th , corner of Mnson st. Six
haudHomu new Btoro rooms w Hh largo ct\\ \ '
lars underneath , tlnlshcd with all jiodf ) j n 1m-
provomentsaud cqiivtmleiicrsi. Hentimoderatuj
Apply to Jolm Hamllti , 311Bllthj.t : . UJunhiu.
> biTM ) ! * 312 ( J , 10Oi-kt.
J- Chamber of Commerce bid , Udell Ilros. & Co ,
OR RRNT A No. 1 store rooiu nlBtli'm. ' J.
11. 1'uuotto Rental Agflncy , loOO Chicago.
_ ' b ' { M
O Vl'IOE rooms , 008 S. Uth st.
TTIOR RENT Suite of olllce rooms , llnslunau
J. block , cor. 10th ami Douglask Nltlu room
House , cor. 17th and Dorcas. tJO per mouth. ln-j
quire \V. M Bushman , 1311 Lerivenworth. ' 718"
" 171011 RENT Business room now occupied , as
JU my olllco on 15th st. C. F. Harrison , 418 H l&th
_ r-ii' 1)74 )
STORE for rent cor of Jlcrcer'an'l LcT\vo ave-
nues , n good btore for a drUgglst nnd gro
cery. Inquire ou premises , Chas , J. Hyjii. - , W )
"TTIOR RENT 'I'hreo stores nnd basoment"
-1. 1005 Farnam stu'ot. Inquire nt Room IV ,
Arlington block , 1511 Dodge st. , botw oen U and
1 i n. m. & 03
T710R RENT A garden. T acres'land vvlth
JL' binall house , with quite a number of fruit
trees. A nlcoplace to umko money for ono
who undcrststauds .iidenlng. 0. R.K , & / ! ' . Co. .
1U'4 Fnrnnm St. , Omnha. 1023
TTIOR RENT N ) acres well improved.nenrclty ,
JU good house , lurn , cribs , etc. Hclilpslnger
Bros.UHb mil st. yvj iy.
FOR RENT Good sale und llv err burn-excel-
lent lorutlon , rent roasonaole , liuiuue of C.
W McVickmroom2 , llurkerblk. 1175
TjlOll LUASE Pioperty fin cor. of 15th and
J.1 Davenpoit f.ts.lot 8 , block G7 , Apply ut
Ng. 107 South Uth bt PlB.'tJ
ATTENTION , Gurdenors-For Rent The best
40 acres for garden , near Cnt-oir Inko
hoiuo. J.1I. Pnrrottu Rental Agency , I'M ' ) Chi
TTIOR UKMX Large barn cheap at 1707 Cass at.
J-A 8J5
Iff > ou want your houses rented to eood ,
prompt tenants , list them withj. H , Par-
rotto Rental Agtinty , ICLW Chicago , 8UO mlU
IK YOU aat your houses rented place them
with Denawa i. Co. , 15th. opposite postotllco.
_ _
. " \\rANTED-Housestdrent.andwo can rent
> > thorn too. H. E. Cole , N , E. IJth and
' _ _
L'iS'FKouses for rent WltU H. E. Cole , N. E.
_ I'.th anfl Douglas. _ _ _ _ . _ _ . 8fl3
V , F. L. . iicutal ageut , y S 1HU st.
T > RRSONAI Private home for ladles during
X confinement , strlcto-oonfldontlal , Intnntd
Bdopttd. Address M 42'nea ofnce. 833Mt
riMIB demand IQI shorthand writers Is in ex-
J cess of thp supply. Shorthand course com
pleted at Valentines Shorthand Institute in
from four to six months. Bend for circular.
TDERSONAL Mst your property to exchange
JL with o. o. BpotswootraosH a. icth. st aio
STRAYEDORSTOLEtfKOne gray ware pony ,
nbont 7 years old. 700 pounds , split ears , re
turn to 34th & Caldvvcll iftgl get reward. 450 1 *
Package of JowTlf-y between St. Paul
LOST and 18th and llbniud. Reward for
return toISdl Upload. ' 251-g5J
LOST Gold band ring un 10th ntbetween C i > -
itol a\o nnd Davenport st , return to Excel
sior onice and get roward. 103 21 *
I LSI nine Kami wlnte scolcli terrier wear-
J J ing tng No. 8001. answ ers to name of Fnt7.
Finder rewarded. Apply at 1710 Davonport-st.
TjlOUND-llunch of kejs. lleo olllce.o _ o *
T71OR 8A LE Now furniture In ft central 7 room
JL' flat for sale , or Undo for good carriage or
liorso nnd carriage. Wnlshons & Co. , 14iJ Cap-
tel ' avo. , Exposition building. r5 l
'l/lOHTRADE-Or Sale A span of carriage
J. horses ; a nlco carriage ; a span of white
ponies nnd oil out lit , cans , etc. ; a line driving
mare , phcaton ; also slugld and double harness.
Will turn same In as llrst payment on a nlco
house or lot centrally located. Call at once ou
V. 14CO rnrnam. 353
T710R HAL15 A cherry roll top desk uud re-
Jvolvlng chair. Inquire room 16 , Chamber
of ConiiiH'ice. 830 34
TTIOR SALE A family wishing to keep house
-LJ or to take l > oirdcrH will llnd best locttlon
In city and can buy several sot furniture and
complete outllt for kitchen at reasonable flg
ures. Inquire nt 1818 Chicago sticot. 1)7881 )
TT10R SALE-Prcttlcstpony in city , dark dun ,
JL' w 1th white mane and tall , also harness and
buggy , TOO S 10th st. upstairs. 7K3 31 *
FOR SALE Some good drhlng horses ; also
teams , harness and wagons. Co-opctatlvo
Land & Lot Co. . 8UCN. ICth st. 28381
T710R SALE Largo upper floor suitable for
J-1 light manufacturing. Jocntlon 1IB N lothst.
Price tiSper month. Active Real Estate and
Pioperty Exchange , 1524 Doilgo st. 037
"IT10R SALE A good driving nnd riding pony ,
JL' Price $05. Part on tlmo to good party.
Frank Johnson. West Walnut Hill. 114 3J *
IT10R SALE Cheap ; banking counter , Mcr-
JL' chants' National bank. Inquire at bank.
08J S3t
FOR SALE A top Buggy , nearly new , Colum
bus make , also good single harness , A. H.
Comstof k. J1J 3. Iflth t. 140
FOR SALE-A No. 77 Hall's safe with Insldo
door. 815 South Kitll at. 41) ) I
FOR SALE Rest carriages at Seaman's.
Cheapest carriages at Seaman's.
Host phaetons at Seaman's.
Cheapest phaetons nt Seaman's ,
ilest buggies ai Seaman's.
Cheapest buggies at Sfinman's.
Ilest w agons at Seaman's.
Cneapeiitwagon's at Seaman's.
East side of idlli St. , noi th of Nicholas.
Stndobitker'8 Repository. IK)3 ) M 17
FOR SALE Large Hall's safe , now. M. A.
Upton & Co. rt U11-
" [ 70 * R SALE Two (2) ( ) tuMflar steel boilers MX
JL 14 feet , with smoke Mack , steam guagen
glass water guages. etc . all complete ; wtll sell
cheap. Address Fred Krfig , llro er , Omaha ,
Nob. 505
TJ1OR SA LE The furniture , carpets , fixtures
JL' ami lease of a pli > a intly located. no ly
furnished house' , near hoiso and cable cats ,
house heated by steam , fuinltnre , etc. , in use
less than a j ear ; must be sold at once , rorpai-
ticnlurs apply to Hartmaliir Gibson , 101J i'ar-
nnm at. 497
_ _
TjlOR SALE-i-l'urnltur v in house of nine
ioomscentr.illy locMed. Address. G 10 ,
, 557
_ _
FOlfSALK 8 or 10 horse power engine and U
horao boiler in goooTprder. Cheap for cash.
Rees Printing Co. vyT 747
"IT10R SALE Donnanr. > cai > capacity 3,403
JU pouuds. PhiUStlmrhel &Covrtll-9I3.1ones
St. , Omaha. < Jf o 207
T71IIONT room aud boifldVn'piivato family for
* gentleman and wife or two gentlemen.
3111 Hamilton st. HU 873
T71URN1TURE of 0-room flat for sale and flat
Jfor ! rent ; .1 blocks from opera house. Ad ,
dress G. 4.1. Heu. 7C3 21 *
"VTOT1CE Is hereby given that I will not be re-
1s Bponslble for any debts contracted by Ida
M. Clark , she having left my bed and board ,
niai ch 14th. Melv in Cl.trk. 055 81 *
OOOIC and waiter jackets , carpenters and
barkeepers aprons at the People's Clothing
House , 13U1 Douglas st , TOO 81
/"lASHpild for secondhand bonks at the An-
v > > tlquarlan book store. M N. ICth st. CJbmr >
and Umbrellas covered arid ie-
pnlied at 183 N. Uth st H. Halor. Send
me postal card and 1 will call upon you. ' .I'll 8'i *
[ Y PAbTUREwlll bo open for horbos April
- I'J20th. . David Nenle. SW 23 ? :
rpHEbanjoTiuuSiras an art by Goo.TJ'Ta BiTeir
JL beck , 80J Harnoy st. 182
HUGll SlOOKMrtN Uriissuud bronze foun-
dry , work of all kinds. Cor. 14th and Leav-
enworth BtH. , Omaha. Neb. 455m8 *
1J1L7RN1TURE1 Furnltiiro Wh wants house-
JL1 hold fin nlture , good as now. Tor cash oren
on tlmo. J. J. Wilkinson & , Co. , 1417 Fuiimm st ,
Room 0 and JO. 700-
F II UK Insurance , reliable companies , ft. E.
Colo. N. 13. Pith and Douglas. 721
WANTKD A good horse , buggy nnd harness
In eichnngo for South Omaha lots , ( leorgo
J , Sternsdoiir , room 0 , opp postoinco.M
DO you Intend to build this spring , If so come
nnd see us , w e can ouvr you the best of in
ducements. II. E. Cole , N K Cor. ISthtind Doug
las. 350 30
M ID WI UK-Mrs. n..Wlnton , N. E. cor. 18th
und Dorcas. ' 175 ay > '
"Ql'lUAT10"NS " secured. VaiontlnPsSliortTmnd
O Institute has placed all of Its graduates lu
good positions , students can enter at any tlmo.
bend for cir ular,1515 Dodge atreot.Omaha , Neb.
STOltli your stoves and furniture with the
Furgnson Furniture Co , . 715-17-21 North
Itith street. 470m3
STORAGK Having rented the large His story
Hi o proof building In the Mercer block am
prepared to olTor the best facilities for storage
of all kinds of goods , furniture- , pianos , stov cs ,
buggies , cutters ami merchandise , reasonable
rntus , receipts glveii , insurance. K. Robinson ,
HI2Ho\vau\ut \ , 07 mU *
rpltACICAQK , storage , lowest rate.a. W. M
JU llubhniaii. 1.111 Loavenworth. 120
"VTI3W YORK StorageOi. Incorporated capl-
-L > tal sri.oOO. most extensive facilities for
storage of furniture , pianos , etc. Warehouse
receipt given , 1MH , 1511VII12,15U Capitol nve ,
cor 15th. z 6 7
WANTUD J good ofllcHpesk nnd safe ; must
he cheap and in good'order. Address P.
O.bos7K. 2J124
WANTED Will buy some good notes. C.
\V. McVlcker , room 2 , Barker block.
WANTED To purrmijKi some centrally lo
cated Inside bnslntiii property. Commu
nication dnslied from ov\ncrs only. Address w.
1' . bmltn , l X ) Farnam st. y HU3-2JJ
WANTED A. P , TuUeK.wlll buy some good
I stand 2d mortgages it well secured. A.
P. Tukoy , Wil Farnam. , „ Ml
IT'il'I' buy furnltureotni house or Hat cen-
> trully locatud. Co-op. lJ.t > , L. Co , 205 N 10th
, U78
TVfADAM ECCLKSl Clairvoyant and test mcd-
J-'l. linn. Tha phenuiuena of the ngo , just
from tha pilnclpal cltlrs east , has taken parlor
rooms for 15 da ) H ut ; tii N Itith , Omaha.
\\herelnhcrtrnnco btute bhe uccurately re-
vcuU to her manv patrons secrets of tne jiast ,
present and future , in love , business , tioublu
und disease , tlmt Is truly wonderful and cur.
tululy useful. Information bouglit by mall will
receive prompt answer by enclosing 4 cents In
stamps and a lock of applicant's hair. Room 1
on 2nd lloor No.323 N. Utn , Ouwhu , Neb.
A NNA ALPLANALnrtho celebiated IIunga-
-t - rlau Gypsy is a tcJentlllc palmist , well
known as having the largest business of any fortuneteller -
tune-teller in Amerlcn. Lndlesonly , 10MN2atn
st. 20th und baundera cars pass the door.
WW 21 *
MRS. HOOPER , magnetic heallntt clairvoyant
and trance reading , N WcorSOtb and Casa.
704 m 7 * ,
K , NANNIE V. Warren ; clairvoyant , lied-
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
fre. Female diseases a specialty , llf N. 18tU
\TTE respectfully fall the attention of borrow-
T era in the city of Omah to our facilities
for furnishing long time loans on real estate.
Wo nsk of yon unquestionable security , Ortr
terms on such loans will meet your approval.
In dealing wltk us you arc dealing directly with
the lender. A\'o loan yoii our own money In all
case * . Onr branch ofljce , 1811 Farnam srf < t , la
tmdorthe management of one of the officers nnd
stockholders of the company , nnd lias entire
charge of all Omaha business , Including the col
lecting of Interest and principal ( nlthout ex
change. ) wo assure j ou that you cannot afford
to make a loan without first railing on tis. Cen
tral Loon * : Trust Co. of les Molnes , la. P. A.
Starr , M it linger. 810 24
" \VANTED--To loan fa.000 , real estate security
required. N.M.Nicholson , 3818 Parker
Bt , North Omaha. 040 25J
TYrONBY at low rates on good city and farm
J-'i property , notes bought. Klmball. Champ
& . Ryan. U. H. Natl bank bid. _ 4M tna *
lEfiOti.000 to loan on city and farm real estate.
P LlnnhaiKV Mahoney , room C09 , Paxton blk.
_ _ _
MONKVTo Ixsan By th undersigned , who
has the only properly organkod loan
agency in Omaha. Ix > ans of 110 to tlOO made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , ma
chinery , etc , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money cnll and
see mo. W. R. Croft , room 4 Wltnnell building ,
15th and llarnoy. 2i3
_ _
MONEY to Loan Omaha real estate and
farms. Mortgages bought. Odell Ilros. *
Co. . 1112 S. 16th Chamber of Commerce building.
_ _
MONEY toloan , casn on nand , no delay. J.
W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam Bt. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 878
BUILDING Joans. Lmahauic Mahoney
fl3 !
MONEY to Loan I can place good first-class
city loans on short notice and at lowest
rates. 1) . V , Bholcs , room 1 , Darker block.
BENAWA & CO. , loan agents , 15th St. , opposlto
poslolllcf , _ 870 m 10
LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand ,
W.M. Harris over 220 8. 15th st. 871
MONEY toloan , at low rates , on chattels ,
without removal or filing ; financial busi
ness of all kinds transacted quietly and without
publicity ; money advanced on Jewelry ; secured
notes bought. Call and sea us , it wilt pay you.
People's Financial Exchange , room Ml-4. liarkor
block 13th and Farnam , 851sn' > *
I CAN place largo or small loans w Ithout delay -
lay ; splendid tatos. A. 1C. Rlloy,1510 Farnam.
10NEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
J-'JU communion charged. Leavltt Uurnham ,
room 1 , Croighton block. _ 283
rpIIU Mead Invoitm't Co. make loans on farms
J. and city property. Room 804Ramgo bulld'g.
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. 'Lewis S. Reed & Co. , 1521 Farnara.
T\rONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
JjJL horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson
Co. , 1417 Farnam , ever llurllngtoa ticket offlco.
_ ( * iJ
PER CENT money toloan , Patterson &IJar-
nard , 31C S 15th st. 705
MONEY to' ' can on horses , wagons , furniture ,
pianos and other personal property or col
lateral without romoul ; business conlldcntlal ;
rates moderate. The Falrbank Investment Co. ,
815 S. 14th St. . upstairs. 883
. TV TONE Y to loan on city property and farms by
1'JL Jarvls , Conklln Mortgage Trust Co. L. P.
Hammond , general agent for Neb. , Room 109 ,
new I'axton block. no
OME choice loans wanted. A. K. Rlley.
151 ! ) Farnam. 455 mJ
MONEY to Loan O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
nnd loan agents , 1505 Furnam st. 87)
< C500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 0
P percent. G. W. Day , 8. E. cor. Ex. Bid.
_ _
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Rood & Co.'s Loan
Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and aU other ar-
tides of value without removal. i S. 13th ,
overningham's commission store. AH bust-
ness strictly confldcntlal. _ 375
MONEY to loan on furniture , wagons ,
etc. , without removal ; or on collatoralsecurr
ity. Business conndentlal. U U Ju obsB20oS 15th
MONEY 'to loan. Notes ana d. II. ticket
bought and sold. A. Forman , 1380 Farnam
sts. 877
HE. COLE loans money on Improved city or
farm property. Room u Continental
block. 270
JA. WOODMAN Money to loan onreal es-
tate in sums to suit. 880 South 13th st.
IOANB made on Omaha city property hv D.
J V.Shbles. room 1 llurkerblk. 879
MONEY to Loan $30.000 to loan In sums of
from $500 to 82,500 on Omaha and bouth
Omaha property. Money on hand , Wright &
Lnsburj , 815 S. 14th St. , upstairs. 823
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Rice & Co. , oror Commercial No
tlonalbank V84
SHORT time loans made on any avauablo
security , in reasonable amounts. Secure 1
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
flnnncl-U business of any kind transacted
prornptly.quletly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Kxch.intro. N. W. cor. 15th and liar-
ney sts , over State National bank. Corbott ,
manager 374
N1 'OTKS bougllt. C. B. Jacobs. 320 S. 15th st.
MONEY to loan on rurmiure , norsej , wngons ,
etc , or on any approved security. Low
rates. J. W. Bobbins , 161J Farnam. 2SO
CWOO.OOOtoloanatlovvost rate of Interest , oa
P city property , II , B. Irey , Freuzorblk , opp.
P. O. , IJO
rpHIJadveitiserhiulng had20 jcarspractical
X experience in the mnn'f of sulphuric and
other acids , fertilizers , baking powders , alk'ills
and other chemicals , w Ishes to correspond w 1th
capitalists with n vie wet stalling such works.
Oood prolltrt. Am in n position to give the full
est details and references. Addicss Q. 11" " , Oma-
ha' lleg. U7
F I OR 8AM' First clnbs meat market. Co-
opciativ e Land & Lot company , 201N Iflth
st. 22423
FOR SAM : l'Irst class bakery on a good
. streot. Co-operativo Land & Lot company.
203 N ICth fit. 22423
T710R SAIiK Kwtaurant. Neatest In city. Good
t J location , Good biiblness. Good reasons for
selling. PrlrotTiOO. Time on pint. Investigate ,
Address " 112. " Ike olllco. l.'l 3 *
A TlRST-CLAgSnovvBnnd job printing olllca
XV. "ufa thrtviilg county seat town for sale at
reuKQiiable- pusy turms. For particulars ad
dress the Itenector , Ofulalla , Neb. 11020
TTyitbTclRKsiestanrant on the best street In
Jho ( city , for safe. Rout away down and
terms very reasonable. Co-operative Land &Lot
Co. , 205 n. 10th st. 2-J4-23.
ANTlJD-Purrncrln-tho short system of
roller Ilourjnllls ; small capital required ,
Address IfU ea olllce. 21221 *
$150 per month , fj starts you in business , conn-
try rights free ; botidbtauips for catalogue
Patterson Oil Burner Co. ,
201 Canal st. Chicago , 111. 107 m20 *
BRTCIC yard and 200,003 brick for sale. M
Hanson-'iX ! Pacific , bet 25th and 28th st.
" *
J 11J2U
TTlOn SALK Barber shop and bath rooms In
J-.1 Piicllic hotel , price } 4UO rush , a bargain , address -
dress Chas. Moaer , Norfolk , Neb , 1312t ! *
TTIOR SAL-B-Flrst class stora nnd stock of
* - general mercliaudlso with good established
trade. UnoJocallon , bebt corner in large , thrifty
growing town. Terms reasonable. Address lJ ,
L > MliiUnr. iNellah. Neb. 111 .ai *
TTIOR HALB-Flrst-clasH ladles nnd gouts'tea-
Jtaurant. . beat of locations. Small payment
down. Good reason for belling. Address O ,
78. Bee. 105 23J
" 1J1OR KALE A gasoline nndcoal oil business ,
JL' 2 horses , tank wagon , capacity 1HI gals ,
pumps and oil house , everything complete. For
further particulars address Box 12 , Red Cloud ,
Neb. H223J
MEAT market for sale , A full equipped mar
ket In good location and doing a good
cash business. Address G 05 Bee olllce. U7J 25 *
17KR BALE Good-paying grocery business ,
-L1 good location , lequires SJ.OJO. Address G.
01. Hea olllce. 28
T7\OR \ SALE-rti interest In nrst classrestau-
X1 rant , doing good business , Addmss G CJ ,
Bee omce. t < iJ25
fj ORBALE or exchange. A new combined
JJ5bbl roller and burr mill with complete
outfit of modern machinery , doing a good busl-
iness , with unUmlt d water poweron Little
Blue river , in'lhayer county , Neb. No better
location In the state. Will take good lands c > r
city property in ( part or entire ) exchange. Ad-
drcsa. A. O. Colllna , llcibrun , NebCU'ml2
17VOR BALE A good paying bmluoas. Cigar * ,
JL1 stationery toys , soda water fountain etc .
' in first-class location. Stock Will invoice about
i-J.m Will take city real estate in exchange.
JCBgulr at Max Meyer is Co.'s , ' ? il
TT\On \ BALE A long term le of the ( central
JU located ) fAncy retail stand. Applr to
Fearon , Cole & Robortodn , 810 S 15th. cor F r-
nam. 457
JLV To loiienno residence near postonncs , anil
buy furniture ( all new ) at a great sacrifice. For
particulars sqQ Ii. S. Bklnnrr. 1509 Farnam. 2.-O
HORSES wnnt d In exchanso for improved
farms and houses In Omaha.
Omaha houses and lots wnntcd In exchange
for well improv od farms.
1 havo.wcll Improved farms In Nebraska nnd
Iowa to tradn for Omnha property.
Wanted , stocks of mercliaudlso for fnrms or
Omahn property. J. H. Watts , Chamber of
Commerce. 23021
_ _ _
GOOD drawing horse to trade forbuppyor
phaeton , 0. t' . Hnrrl on. 41 8. 15th. & >
BHICIC Wanted-100,000 bricks In exchange
for good Inside Omahn property. S. A.
Blomnn , room 22 and 81 H oilman bldg. U37
/ JOxl.t corner 23d and Douglas sts. f o trade for
vJ on eight to ten-room house aud lot. Goo. J ,
Btcrnsdorff room 0. opposlto P 0. _ S30
HAVE 100 lots in B. & M. Park addition to
( South Omaha , free of Incumbranee , to
trade for Improved or unimproved Omnha prop
erty , farm lands. Blocks of goods , horses , cattle ,
or anything of vnluo , These lots nro rapidly
Increasing In vnluo , and If you Imvo anything to
trade cnll nnd see mo. George J , Stornsdnrlf ,
room 0 Frenzor block , opposlto postomco. 830
rpHADHS made In renl estate nnd personal
JL property. Boo exchange book. Co-op. L.
and li. Co. 20& N. 10th st. _ C03 _
"TI7ANTKO to Exchnngo Two lots In II. & M.
TT park for liorso and bugey. Inqttlro nt B.
A. Sloman , Uth nnd Farnnm , I ( oilman block.
W ) houses nnd lots to exchange.
C. O. Spotswood. 3Q5H 3. 16th st. SJ
WANTI5D-20U.OOO brick for Omnlm real os-
tnte. K. A. Loavonvvorth,14l7 rnrnam st.
flDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 1505
L Fnruam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estuU jxtualuod , p r-
fected nnd guaranteod. _ 2tf
TDENSONiiOARMICHARIj furnish complcto
JO and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate in Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete sat of nbstraot
books in the city. No. IMP Farnam st. at.
South Omnhn CJ. Johnson &
Co , agents South Omnhn Land Co , have
the only complete set of abstract books In
South Omaha. Complete nbstracts furnished
on short notlco. Olllco opposlto depot , South
Omnhn. 127
FOR SALB-Choap , lot 433 , Hillside No. 2 ,
0-room house. Lot oif Spruce St. , between
16th and 10th. G lots In South Omaha. 20 acres
on West Dodge st. , suitable for garden purpose ,
by O. A. J.lndqiiest , S20 B. Uth st. 1UO 2(1 ( *
"tnOR 8AL12-Lot on Nicholas and 13th , < 5xl32 ( ! ,
JL } forfl,000. Address John R. Shn\v. Hamil
ton and I..ovv o nve. 100 ni3 *
I1IAVK several choice. Inside , full lots , upon
which I can bnlld houses to suit purchasers
upon their own selection of plans , alul ou terms
to suit. Tills will pay to Investigate. D. V.
Sholcs , room 1 , Barker block. 125
FOR BALK House (0 rooms ) nnd lot on 20th
St. , $ .IKO , 91,000 cash.
House ( u rooms ) aud lot ou 21st st. , $3bOO , $1,000
Corner lot on 23d st. , 11.000.
fi7-foot lot on 22nd St. , * 1,000.
11. W. Huntress , U17 Tarnam st. 911 SI *
710R SAL ! ' or exchange Now S room house ,
- nil modern improvements , barn , etc , small
cash payment nnd terms to suit.
1T111 take equity lu good lot as part payment.
F. L. Gregory. 00 SMth st. 400
W1 wants a good IBO-.icro timber-claim re-
llnqulshment within 4 miles of Cum-
mlnesvillo. Wheeler county ? Cheap , only $ J30.
Adjoining deeded land Is worth HO per acre.
Address Jcsso White , Jr. , Mcntorvllle , Nob.
TTIOR SALE Or exchange. Wo have some good
JL ? Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms ;
which we will sell cheap or trade for stock of
clothing , furnishing goodsMry Roods , boots and
shoes , groceries or hardware. Schlcsinger Ilros.
014 S 10th st. 'J'JOmlb *
$800. easy payments , buys n beautiful 60x123
foot lot , only JO minutes ride from post of-
flcelf ; you value your filend the almighty dollar
lar , buy some of those lots before they are nil
gone. II. K. Cole , room6 , Continental block.
24 1
T L. RICK & CO. , Real Kstato. 204
TT10R SALF. At less than cost : Nine nlco ,
JL1 neat cottages , well built , elegant lots In
elegant location , high nnd dry. and only short
distance rrom Bell line depot in Wnlnut H1JL
from $900 to 81,100. U cash , balntfco $10 per
These houses nro being closed out regardless
of cobt and j ou cannot get another such n bar
gain In n hundred years. Call quick on D. V.
Bholes , room 1 , Barker block. 725
T OT15 nnd 10 , block 8 , Thornberg place , will
J-J bo cold ilnririL' next 10 days , very cheap.and
only WX ) cash ou the two lots , IMS. Gregory ,
301) ) B 10th st. CC4
FOR SALK Ono lot nnd 2 cottages and stable ,
well and2 cisterns , on 8. U.Cor. llth and
Vint on ; price $5 000 cash. &
T L RICK & CO. , Real Estato. 834
$100 , easy payments , buys a beautiful [ 10x128
foot lot , only 1(0 ( minutes ride from post of
llco ; if you value jour ft lend the almlguty dollar
lar , buy home of these lots before they are all
gone. II. i : . Cole , loom it , Continental block.
24" . 1
T I , . RICE&.CO. ReatUstate. 204
FOR BALK A line residence lot on Farnnm
st , 08x1 U ft at a bargain. KJrnball , Champ
& Ryun , U. 8. Natl bank bid , 441m2 *
T L. RICR i CO. , Real Estato. 294
FOR SALE-0-room modern house , 50 feet of
ground , near Ibth nnd Bt. Mary's nvo , for
* 7,000p.irtj anxious to sell. G , 1C. Thompson ,
314 8.15th Bt. b74
J.1 . IUCK k CO. , Real Estato. 294
"TTIOR SALE The best nnd cheapest traclmgo
Jlots In Omaha. J , H. Watts , Chamber of
Commerce , 2302J
Q'3,250 , only JJfiO cpsh , balance monthly , buys
P n beautiful 2 Mory , 0 room house and lot on
ted car line , H E , Cole , room 0 , Continental.
g40 i
FOR SALE or Trade Fnrnnm st , . near 33tfil
Incumbranco 8,000. Equity W.OOO.
Farnam st. , cor Ulst , 1 Wtlii.
Trackage. Uth st , near Oraeo. 03x113.
GumlngaU cor 81st , < 8.'J3xHO Incumbranco
f2JOO. ,
N. 10th St. , near Nicholas , 01x191 , Incumbranco
Baunders St. , cor. Hurt , IGOxM , incumbranca
PurkavB. facing pars , 60x150 , incnmbrauco
Douglas st , near"20th , 00x132 , Incumbranca
ijIolslnB &M. Park add to Boutll Omaha ,
clear of Incumbranee. perfect tltlo/ >
2 quarter sections ut school l&ndda Kossuth
Co , lawn.
1 quarter section land in Qrundy Co. , Neb ,
clear. F
All of above property for sale or trade for
good iusldo Improved property or good Im
proved or unimproved farina. S. A. Bloman ,
rooms 22 and 23 , Hellmau bldc,13Jl I'urnum st , ,
OmahivNeb. 8U _
rpWO good houses , well located , for 12,700 and
JL J3.100 , on easy jbnyments. J , A , Holstand ,
room 0 , Arlington Block. 2M
ROOM cottagaa i front , full lot. lath and
llurdetto sts , only $1,759 , D. 0. Patterson ,
Omaha Nat. Hank. ' HJ'i
$300 , easy payments , buys a beautiful Cxl2d
foot lot , only UO mlnutoi ride from post of
llce ; If you vuluu your friend the almighty dollar
lar , buy some of these lots before thny are nil
gene , II. E. Coli- , room 0 , Continental block.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by v lit no of two
certain chattel mortgages , ono dated on the Htli
day of Muich , 18SS , nnd the other dated on the
28th day of March , 1HHH , duly lllcd nnd recorded
lu the olllco of the county clerk of Douglas coun
ty. Nebraska , the llr&t on tha 27th day of March.
Ih&s , and the second onthu 2eth dnvof Marcli ,
18S8 , both of which were duly executed by Ben
jamin F. Puller to J , H. Huugnto of Onmlm , to
secuio the payment of the llibt i\Wm \ , the too-
end JJJ.J.OO , together with the interest thereon
and upon , which there is due upon the snld Hn > t
mortgage , the sum of 1745 fl.1 , und upon vshlch
therein now due upon thcfcocond mortgage | 2X'.4"
Default having beun made in tlia payment of
said sev eral sums and so suit or other pi ocodlnu
at law having been Instituted to recover the snld
dobta or any part thereof , theiefoie I will sell
th said property thoroln described as follows ,
to-vt It : 'aho general block of Harness. Saddlery ,
Hardware. Ilxturos , Blankets , Robes , Whips ,
Axel Grease , oneMosler Office Bafe , one Olnce
Desk , one Show Case , Ilousu furnishing roods' ,
and such other articles including tools as nri ;
now in und are Vent in tha utore room and shop ,
at No.51U North Icth street In Omaha , Nebraska ,
ut public auction ut the said store room No. MS
North IBth street in the city of Omaha. Nuhrasku ,
on the 37th day of April , 1888 , at JO c/clovk a , m ,
of said day ,
D. U. IIUfOiT * ,
fcpj--d-7 -H2l "
Blda Wnptod.
T > uir.nnnp and Contractors nids forbnltd *
Inft a brlfk Masonic HMI , 4ST1B8 ffotthre
stories and stone basement , according to plans
nnd fpoeincatlons on exhibition M Roonj 27 ,
Now York Hotel , Fremont. Neb , by the f 6cr < v-
taryof the corporation. Bids will bo received
nntll2-30p.m. May 1st. 1 ! < S . The oortwratJon
reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Address Konimr Rtrri.K ,
al2dloml Secretary , M. T. a , Fremont , Nob.
No lino.
HK firm of r.minM & Falrbrft-ss , is. thU clar
JL dlsoivcd by mutual consent , The bus *
Inrss hereafter will bo conducted In the nameot
F. J. Fntrbrass , who hereby tenders his thank *
to all old patrons of the house , nnd also nllnovr
oneswhomav favor him. The affairs of tha
late firm will bo settled nt the onico , No. 1014 N ,
Ifith st.
Omaha , Neb. , April in , J8RS.
Notice to Contractors ,
Sealed propo lals w 111 bo rccelvml by the under
signed at thcolltco of the South Omaha Land ,
Company , at Omahn , Neb. , until 3 p. m.i April
akl , I8S8 , for the grading of the South Omaha
Boulevard , from West F , to West Jj streeMn
South Omaha. The approximate quantity of ox-
cnvatlon Is fiOKO ( Cubic yanls. prolllo mm specU
IlCAtkin can bo Recnattlioofllroof Rust nnd wny.
Knglneers , Room 4J1 I'axton IliilMinR.
A bond ofW ) w 111 bo required ( o Insure tha
completion of the work w Ithln W days front the
planing of the contract.
No olds w 111 ho considered unless accompanied
by n certified check for KOO.
The riRlit Is rcacr > cd to reject nny or all bids.
ISlKned.J P. H. 1IF.R ,
n-l4-mAc-7t Secrotnry. ,
f l-r-lfX l arirortndMinhoodltMtorKl Tr -
, | yitfj..p | ; mttnrallKlIti * nd FiinFllontl dlior-
dtrirnrrrt vdAoutMomtcb MMIclnel.
STRONG RtalM Trnulitunt free on ppHctllon.
MARtTOjl CO. r.rtriM. . . t it <
DlRHOlutloii Notice.
This Is to rcrtlfy tliat the copartnership heretofore -
toforo existing between Z.T. Llndsey nnd Ilunry
Swan Is dissolved by mutual consent. Henry
8w mi retires nnd / . T. l.lmlsey w 111 continue the
business of selling rubber boots , whooVetr. , at
wholesale nt llll llftrncr street , Omiiliu , 7 . T.
Llndscy nsstimes all liabilities of the IntJIlrm
of / . T. Ltnllhcy & Co. nnd is to collect all
monies nnd credits duo said tlrm.
Omaha , April80,18SS. 7. . T. TiTNMlSMJV.
Alilcrninnlc Surmises.
Much curiosity Is expressed as to what
action the council will tnko this evening In
rcgnnl to the appointments , upon which they
have been locked for several weeks. Mnyor
Hohror disclaims any knowledge wluitavor
of the Intentions or nrimigciucntu made bjr
the nldormcn , but is quite certain tlmt no
terms of settlement htivo yet been agreed
upon. Ho gave the reporter to understand
that ho was ready to nmko hia police npiint- ]
mcnts just 113 soon as the council could uprea
on the other city ofllccrs. mid ntitiouncoa his
intention of uniting for them , "unless they
kill the whole .summer trying to apreo. "
Aldcrimm Lucy sccnm qutto jubilant over
the \vaj- the matter stands , ami is willing. to
"back up" the assertion that thot o will bo no
change in the present attitude of the council.
Said ho to the reporter : "You newspaper
fellows kept poundlugnway ntus all tliu time
trying to llnd out the inside of the matter ,
and 1 had a vote taken over a week npo for
5'our enlightenment. Now you can call It a
dead-lock or whatever you please , but that Is
the way the matter stands , and if there is
anything now in the wind 1 haven't hoard of
it. "
Alderman Bellinger is anxious for an am- 4
icnblo settlement of the question , but says ho
will never give hla consent to remove u dem
ocrat from ofllco and le.ivo u republican to
hold over. Ho Is willing to compromise the
matter aud remove both , uud put in two dem
ocrats , but hardly knows how it is to bo
Alderman Weaver dcoics that there is any
trouble in the council , and says that the al
dermen " NS'lth
are "simplv getting acquainted
each other , " and that as the "acquaintance1 !
progi esses the matter of appointments will bo
adjusted satisfactorily.
Alderman Metc.ilf seems to bo having n
roathcr weedy row to hoe , but scorns to bo
malting rather good progress Ho hus made
up .Jits mind on the matter and wants to see
the color of the man's hair that can woiry
or bulldoze him into changing it , without suf- 4 I
ilcient/ieason. * *
Alderman Waterman "don't know art y-
thing about it , " but "guesses" it will come
out all i ight. Ho isn't worrying nt all about
the result , and talks like a ninu who has a
"straight tip , " but is very careful riot to give
it up.
Alderman Kneplcr regards the esker for
information with a pitying sinilo , calculated
to express sympathy for the ignorance of
nnjonc not in the ring , and moves away with
a looic that plainly savs , "I rould toll it all If
I wanted to , but this is a little too previous. "
It is very evident that a strong effort is beIng -
Ing made to bring the matter to a final issue
this evening , and what UIQ result will bo is
exceedingly doubtful ,
Ijlttlo Maud Chatters.
Little M.iud McCoy was enjoying herself
at the shci iff 'a residence jestorday. waiting
for the decision of Judge Deomor , which will
bo given this morning , nnd vhich will deter
mine as to whether she is to' remain with her
mother or with her father. The llttlo girl is
only nine years old , and Is a very bright , at
tractive child. She amused herself yester
day Jumping rope , and as she sat down on the
steps of the Jail to rest a bit , aho talked
freely to the UEB reporter. She is evidently
strongly inclined towards the mother's p\Q \ ,
which is quite natural , as she has been living
with her mother end heard from her all tha
father's faults , with none of hia virtues. In
speaking of Judge Deomor , Bho innocently
spoke of him as the pi lest , she evidently hav
ing got this clerical Impression from the
poiuilical sort of a canopy under which tha
judge sits and fiom the smooth shaven face
of his honor.
"Yes , that priest seems a nlco man. Ha
asked a lot of questions Sutuiday. My papa
bald ho never whipped mo , but I told right
out that ho had. He whipped mo once whoa
I was six years old for not shutting u door.
If that priest says I muflt go and live with ,
mv pnpa I shan't think ho is u very nlco man ,
I'd tathcr go and llvo with sorao ono I don't
know than to llvo with him. Hasn't mamma
ever whinpod niol Only once In two years.
That's all. Papa says that if ho ROtStUie lia
will keep mo with him a whllo nnd than take
me to grandma's at Mount Pleasant. I. ' 11
just fool him one. I won't ' goylth him at
all. If ho takes mo to Mount Pleasant J
know what I'll do. I won't stay with
Grandma McCoy. They don't like mo. Jill
Just sneuk over to Grandma Trobrld e's.
Tliov don't live only a haf } mile fioui
Grandma McCoy's. I know the way , Mama
told mo to toll Grandma Trpbrldgo to hldq
mo whoie tlioy couldn't get mo , if she had. to
hldo mo in the well. Grandma 1ms got a
loom where she can hide mo. It's a regular
plavioom for the children , and Grandma
McCoy don't know she has got suoh u rpom.
Hho'Il ' lock mo up in that so they can't Rot
mo. It scorns as if they wuro all wanting \
get mo. Yes , I'm only nlno years old. I
alnt got to only put 'teen' ' to It to make m.a
nineteen , Imvo It"
11 A Nont Capture ,
A valunbhi nmrc was stolen from the stnblo
of Mr. Lanscndorfer , Urn Main street
butcher , Saturday night , and a saddle , brldld
and whip from Mr. Hcdtnmn , the harness
maker. Telegrams were sent out yesterday
moi nlng- , and Deputy Sheriff William Soils ,
of Ncola , n rrcs ted the thief at that place later
in the nay , Ho gave his name as William
Hoffman , nnd had completely used up thq
animal and tutncd It into a field , hiding tha
Huddle under a fence. Ho was brought hero
and lodged in Jail last evening , A skeleton
key was tried at Hcckman'a without effect.
and ft pauo of class In the icar window was
rut out to obtain entrance. There Is a double
charge against the follow , nnd he will surely
go over tuo road ,
The police made several hauls last even *
Ing. Frank Wilson and William Lee , two
joungstoiB in their teens , wore arrested us
suspicious diameters. Khvood Hull was
locked up for vagrancy , and W. O. McLean
was art cstcd on complaint of the proprietor
of the Dohuonlco for stealing a watch and )
In money , George Peters and Thomas
Hrowti wore run In for disturbing the neaco.
Drown had a llttlo trouble with his xvite aud
was selling the furniture as fast us possible ,
A warrant was sworn out for his arrest Sat
urday for assaulting a "scab , " but had not
been served. W. M. Hart well , a crazy In
dividual who was creating a disturbance
near the opera litfuso , was also placed behind
the bars. It seems ho is following the "She"
combination , and lie claims to uo "boss of
the suiies , " and was careful to give tbe Jailor
directions to let him out at 7 o'clock this
moniltiif , a * his act begins at that. Una ,