" - m THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFFICE , NO. 12 PI3AHISTIIEKT. . BtllTered by Carrier In Any I'rt of the City at i Twenty Cents rcr W cc. ] H.W.TILTON MANAGER , TELEPHONES * JinsiNitM Orrics , No. 3. Nionr EDiTOH , No. S3. MINOU MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. New spring goods at Keller's. The republican club meets this evening. Scdrlck Mowcry and Ellen B. Lawrence have been licensed to wed. Officer Heswlck has obtained a Icavo of ab- Bcnco for a few elays , and his place on the upper Broadway boat ! filled by Patrol DrivcrNlcholson. PctoKuyUcndall answers nil calls for the "hurry up" wagon while the change is In effect. TholadlcBof the P. E. O. cleared 5127 by their recent entertainment. Mr. I. M. Troy- nor generously donated his services , ami other participants wcro likewise kind In helping the ladles swell their charity fund. The now operatives at the knitting factory nro learning rapidly , nnd it is thought that nil the machines will bo started nbout the first of the month. At present there are twenty-eight machines In position , nnd seven mflro will bo added , requiring in all about fifty operatives. The body of n fully matured negro Infant was found In an old gunny-saclt on Avenue C Satnrday by seine dirt haulers. It had evidently ucen thrown thcro with the ex pectation that it would bo covered with dirt , and no ono would bo the wiser. The coroner was summoned , nnd gave It in charge of k Morgan , Keller & Co. , with Instructions to bury it. No inquest was held , but the mat ter will bo Investigated nnd nn attempt made to discover the Identity of the parties con cerned. The boozers seemed to bo out on a general fill-up after the democratic caucuses Satur- elay night , and the hoodlum wagon was kept busy from 2 o'clock In the morning until day light. Hilly Mnloney , J. Smith , Walter Cass , William Scott. J. F. Frederick and an un known w'cro all registered at the cooler in tune for ureakfast yesterday morning. Miv loney paid ? * .GO for his fun and was released , The others were short of cash , nnd will como up for Judge Aylcsworth's consideration this morning. An upright piano , bought one year ago at factory , will bo for sale for ono wcok at $175 , ns thp owner must soil at onco. Piano can bo soon at Suranson Music Co.'a. Sheafo loans.monoy on real estate. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. A full line of crockery and glassware at Lund Bros. , No. 23 Main street. For all female diseases consult Drs. Moscr & Van Ness opera house block , rooms 4 and C , Council ItlulTH. Correspondence solicited. ItustlcrH Tar Trade. The Domestic Sowing Machine com pany take , the lead. The lightest run ning anel the most durable machine made. Terms to suit any one. Call. 105 Main btrcot. Try Vienna ( lour at Parka & Son. Every sack guaranteed. 1'crKomil \V.W. Loomis loft for Chicago last evening over the Northwestern. Judge Deciner Sundaycd at his homo in Red Oak. Ho will return this morning. Jessie , the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Foster , is severely ill with lung fever. Nixon Waterman , editor of tflb Hellector , was called to Crcston Saturday by the illness of his mother. Rev. J. U. ICisk and wife , of Atlantic , are In the city .tho guests of their daughter , Mrs. W. 11. W. Rces , on Fletcher avenue. Mrs. Harry Hoist went to Missouri Valley Saturday evening to visit her sister-in-law , Mrs. James Amy , daughter of Mr. Frank Guiltar , of this city , who is very ill. Miss Cora Farnsworth leaves to-day for California. While there she will visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Metcalf. of this city , who are so journing on the Pacific coast. She will bo absent some time , and hopes that the change will greatly improve her health Largest stock of wall paper over seen in the city. Picture frames made to order. Very latest designs in cornice mouldings , fl. P. Niles , 402Broadway. Oldest firm in this line in the city. Sewer connections and house sewers laid by N. Y. Plumbing company. Piles cured with certainty. Drs. Moser & Van Ness , Council Bluffs , la. For two days wo .will sell Loomis & Alloli corn below cost. Call for prices at Parks & Son. You Cnn If You Will. Are you Interested In locating a Chautau- qua assembly at Council Bluffs } If so , wil' you belli the work now ! The efforts of the few have brought the matter to a point where the prompt support of our citizens makes pos Bible the successful launching of this grand cntorpriso. Wo must have J30.000 pledged before wo are Justillcd In commencing worli on the grounds. Between 120,000 , and ? 25,000 tico already subscribed to the stock. Thcro Bhould bo no delay in action. If wo start this enterprise wo should do It right , on a plan commensurate with our facilities. There Is none too much time to lay out the grounds , erect buildings and provide for the opening season of ISS'.t. A programme must also be prepared , uud in this wo must have the best that can bo secured. Wo should arrange this programme early , before the best in- * D true tors , lecturers , etc. , have made their engagements. .Wo must say to these ar ranging our programme , "Secure the men wo need , " not with the condition , "Get the best men If you can pet them for a mere eoncr , " but out of tbo intelligence of the world make our choice , with the Instruc tions , "Qest these men wo will provide the means. Sea that you secure the bestOn euch a basis future success is certain. This Choutautiua assembly means every thing to the welfuro of this city. It means drawing to us a people whoso ac- qudmtuncQ wo desire , and will glva us a name respected throughout the land. It moans the covering of our bluffs with beau tiful dwellings , and filling our glens with abodes of the educated and rcllncd. It means 100,000 strangers to como and spend the sum mer days with us. It means strengthening the character and elevating the educational tone , not only of our own people , but of ovcry community in'.tlio west with which wo shall bo brought in contact. It means a thousand tilngs ) for our benefit wo cannot mention here , aud it means not ono to work us harm. It is the purpose to raise tlOO.OOO for a Cliautauiiuui such as our city and our facll- Hlc deserve. If $10,000 moro bo pledged this rveek the work can and will bo commenced , ( onco. If you will help , do not wait for omo person to cull on you. but call on and ciivo your subscriptions with K L. Snugart , Jl. F. Uohror , L. Wells , F. O , Qleason , F. J. Jay , John McGee , K. H , Odoll , II. Ij. Rhep- rrrl , Thomas Onioer , Frank Cook , I , . W. 'Pul leys or the subscriber. But if a subscription paper is presented to you , do not hesitate to lift every pound you can. If every man along the line now elocs his best , wo carry the heights for the grand cause this week , Uccder , will you help ! J. K. lUiiKXEfcs , Secretary. Warburton & Iwarsen , fashionable nrcsiinukers , No. 82 Pearl st , Union Abstract company , 230 Main street. For ale cheap. Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Ad dress or call on J , n. Rico , No. 110 Main street , Council Bluffs. For three days Park * It Boa will jm to every cuatomor who buys $2 worth ot groceries a cue of Plait1 * sujjar corn. " STOn AGE Good rooms , rates , at J. K. Scydor' * ecnmt ! lao ( iousa , Pearl street. TfiE NEW CHURCH OPENED , St. Francis Xavlor's the Scene of Imposing Coromonlos. A DISPUTE OVER A CHILD. Mule Mniul PrntUcB Her Preferences The Council Meet To-NlRht The Cliiuitnuqun Personal 1'arn- graphs Little Bits of News. New Catholic Church. The opening of St. Francis Xnvler'scburch dcmniuls more tlmn n passing notice , for It marks nn Important period In the history of a jrreat religious organization , ll represents the icsults of many years of effort and is the realization of the hopps which have been the Inciting motive of these yearn anil effort. Nineteen years ago Hev. B. 1 * . McMcnomy was appointed to the Catholic parish of Council Bluffs. Ihls was his fourth pastor ate. The parish was then constituted of about sovTiity families , having been built up by the Jesuit fathers. The possessions were then located In fourteen acres , ( what Is How the Clausen property ) and a small church building on Pearl street. As the parish prow this church was enlarged , and until now it has served as the place of worshop for a great church orgnnbatlon. During the earlier years Father McManomy had charges of ten counties \vcstcrn Iowa. With two or three exceptions ho buildeil till the churches on the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy road in the state. Ho has baptised 4,000 persons nnd seen his own pariah grow from that very snuill beginning to one of SOU families , or nbout two thousand souls. This number docs not embrace the seventy or more families who have split oft from the original body and now constitute the German Catholic church. During the earlier years the church ha no schools , and but indifferent accessories for prosecution of its labors. The society now has two schools , an Institu tion doing good hospital work ( which has good prospects of owning the buildings they now occupy ) and the elegant cdillco which was yesterday opened for use. Whatever may bo said of Its liberality unit progressive- tiess in religious thought , this can bo said In praise of the Catholic society. In material In terests and Investments for advancing the in terests of its religion and philanthropy it stands at the very head among the irganlzatlons of the city. Of late years the .ruuous . labors before performed by Father iIcMcnomy have told upon him , affecting his ihysical condition and somewhat Impairing ils activity , especially in pulpit nnd parish vork. Fur nearly four years ho has been .ssistcd by Father Haley , who has proved an , blo man and won a popular place in the icarts of his people. Now the health of the icnior priest has so Improved that ho will bo ; blc to enter his work with greater activity nd effectiveness. For soinu time past there jas been a feeling throughout the state that , ho northwestern portion should bo set apart md a separate diocese created embracing , his territory. This feeling , which Is born argely of the liecessitics which inheres in he organization of church work , Is so strong hat without doubt a division will be made , n this event doubtless the scat of the bish- iprie will bo here and Father Me. , as cvery- me delights to c.ill him , will be the resident lialiop. St. Francis Xavier's church was duly pencil ycstci day and with most imposing- leremonies. The structure was not dcdi- 'ated ' , as this ritualistic solcmni/ation is 1m- lossible when the structures is incmnbered j.V debt. It is mores than probables that when ho dedication occurs it will bo as a cathe- ral. During the early hours of the morning vis- .ors from the rural districts , and from ibroad , arrived in large numbers , and when , he time arrived for the beginning e > f the cx- jrciscs there were fully live thousand people ilong the line of inarch. At 10 o'clock the ino formed upon Pearl street \Villow avc- luo and proceeded in the following order : Jand of the A. O. H. of Omaha , the Omaha ilivision of the A. O. H. ; the Dun- Jap division of the same and the local division ; Fifth Ucgimont band chorus for tflu day the children from the Catholic ichools with teachers ; the children's iodulity ; the children of Alary ; the German Catholic society ; Mayor Itohrer ; St. Francis iociety : members of the church and atten dant visitors. While the procession was forming the sacred vessels of the sacrament ivero taken from their former repository in ihe old church , and with due ceremony berne by the clergy without the walls. Hero they were covered by n beautiful new canopy , made of white and cherry colored silk , beau tifully fringed and inscribed with gold bull ion. The cauopy was berne by Messrs. Sharlcs Paschal , Henry Paschal , J. F. Mul- : uiccn and T. B. Hughes. The priestly cortege ege was constituted of five boys bearing the emblems of the altar and twenty flower girls dressed in white and wearing beautiful gar lands of llowers. Each bore a basket of cut flowers and the path to the church was strewed with these emblems of beauty and isurity. Arriving at the church , that stiucturo was soon filled to its utmost capacity. Probably 1,200 persons found scats and crowded the aisles , vestibule and gallery. After the con secration of the vestments of the altar ana the robing of the bishop pontifical hign mass was sung by Bishop Bonucum , of Lincoln , Neb. Father Zlglcr , of St. Louis , acted as arch-priest , Father Haley as deacon , and Father Adolph as sub-deacon. Father Dowling , president of Criechton college , acted as master of ceremonies. Hayden's third mass in D was rendered by the choruses , and in a manner most creditable. The solos were rendered by Mrs. M. J. O'Nicl , Mrs. A. Dai-rough , Mrs. F. Dillon , Mrs. J. P. Murphy pnd J. B. Doyle. Mr. J. Schenck , of Dayton , O. , acted as director. Hov. Dr. Phelan , of St. Louis , delivered a very able and interesting discourse , selecting as his subject : "Why are not all Catholics ! " After a brief introduction , ho said : "I do not wish to speak of the stagnation among protcstunt Christians. In twcnty-flv.o years , with resistless outward rush , they completed the conquest of the Germanic world. Then they relupsea into inactivity nnd remained o for ! WO years. They absolutely did noth ing , We Catholics can readily understand the rapid rise and equally sudden subsidence of protcstant labor and result. Wo can understand the great , the sudden uplift. We understand it was but n symptom of disorder in ecclesiastical circles. What astounds us In considering the matter is that the great Catholic church did nothing to offset this activity. With the rare attractions which win alfhands and subjugate all hearts it stood iuly by. That which was at first the mighty church , which won nations in a day , was seized with inactivity. It cannot be that It was decay. In one province of the world the church IB great. In Italy , Franco ana Spain she makes no progress. In England , Germany and America she exhibits bomo of her wonted vitality , butovcn hero how halting Is her step and how short Is her arm in comparison with the majesty of her fotmcr mien and the sinewy strength which raised up nations to the glory of our God and his Chrlbt. In these- days a whole nation was converted In the life of a slnglo apostle. Hero in the nineteenth century we behold the spectacle of ono half tha worlO lying In a state of unconvcrslon , These na tlons Imvo no formalized opposition to the church and yet she * docs not. gain , Let us seek for an explanation , not only inside bir outside the church , Ono favorite explanation IB that every nation selects that religion that is best suited to its own peculiar demands. Another Is that different ages demand and create different religions , L t tills bo as it may , there are thinking Catholics who find this question of Catholic stagnation a puzzle. There Is a popular idea that the people ple are opposed to couvoislon , but thcro Is little evidence to prove the fact. * * There are occasional , evi dences of change of religious thought. Hut see what the church was. In apostolic days ono servant of Christ baptised 8,000 and an other 5,000. Whola nations were brought to Christ , But thers U a cause for this inac tivity , and we will find it , not in the gospel , but in the nature of the paopln where we preach it. The refusal of the people to hear the { oapel as wo preach it U avMsnce of aiwiUcy from God. The vrorldhas co pleas ure in God. The cluirch finds thtt rtinlculty thkt tUo apostle * never had. They had sim ply to ooirect erronei-u * Ideta concerning Clod td the pUa of saUatloii , while wo have to f.fiu ihe ! .n ) , a Ml an abicluto dlibeliel et. t. ic iu ! x ! t ncof ( ] fled , Tlioy < JU nut bAve , at YTS Jo , to clvfc stn\i UilB to ttV.e the plica of conscience 'nnd tnuraU. They pi'fichod tbo word , the people hiMni , < : ccpted tLu cetiinuobi stud leapt J Witt Joj , rtat they could bo mndo partakers ( a tbo ricsscdrtcss of salvation. The world to-day h&n parted company with natural' cllgion. Wo have lost our faith n the supernatural , that upon which the world Is built. Take away the supernatural and the church rests upon noth- ng , but belief in the supernatural is our ground of faith , the foundation of all truth. The world Is not disposed to listen to truth If that truth is not agreeable. The world of out day studies. Wo arc great students. Wo have as many scholars as there were men in the world in the days of the apostles. Wo have millions of men who pursue every avenue of scientific speculation. Where there was ono In the olden time there arc now 10,000. That wo arc deep student * is evidenced by the branches taught and studied. The paradox uttered by St. John Is almost literally fulfilled. "Tho world is full ot books , " nnd they arc good books , too , cov ering every line of science , literature and art , and though the people study nnd write nnd teach , always learning , yet they MO coming no nearer to the knowledge of the truth. Why Is the Inlletcltty ot this ago so slupglshl It has not developed n point in three hundred years. It teache < v the same antagonism to God and truth that Payne taught. The scientific world has no reverence for truth. It treats it as a servant , not as n master. There Is no loyalty In the world. It stands In Inactivity when It might nnd ought to embrace nnduo saved. Truth be gets truth , nnd truth bus n divine light that dominates the intellect and Illumines the soul. The modern , scientific world Is slug gish. It knows there can bo no effect with out n cause ; no design , without n designer ; no building without n builder , and , vet , know- Inc all that , they refuse to acknowledge the truth that the world owes Its existence to nn Intelligent Creator. They Hud in their own licarts a lack of gratification which can only come from nn intelligent God , nnd without this knowledge the mysteries of thq human .heart arc uusolvablc. Such a position ns this supposes the author of all things to bo a moiihtcr , which involves a'solf contradiction. They say they live for nnd have thp approval of conscience. That tribunal for whose ex istence wo arc in no way responsible ; which is always In session ; which has no vacation , nnd whoso last cdiet.shall bo that the sbul shall vacate its house of clay. Infidels take refuge in the irresponsibility of human na ture. They ask us : What Is truth I They toll you it is u senseless abstraction. Why you might as well ask what , is.touch or small. Truth is the atmosphere in 'which ' the soul lives. It is just as essential to the life of the soul as air is to the life of the body. The man who asks this question through life has parted company with his better self. The speaker criticised severely the position of the prominent scientists upon this question. He said the reason why the great masses of men embrace protcstaut religions instead of the Catholic faith , which ho said was the only "true faith , " was because it was easier. In a protcstant church ono could practice things which would not bo admlssablo in the Catholic church. Ho characterized the practice of divorce as condcmnnble. Ho said : "All protcstants are in heresy and schism. Wo have the gospel of Jesus Christ. They have not. Our religion is a divine institution. Thcir's is a human pro duct. Wo preach it on the corners of the street ; write it , speak it nnd teach It , and yet thcro is no advance. Protestants nro good rcasoners. They have accepted , without question , certain postulates that have comedown down to them. The world Is full of claptrap. Thcso principles have como down to them from the sixteenth century. They have never examined them , if they did they would find them to be as base ns wo know them to be. They talk about liberty of thought and conscience. Can you put chains upon your thought and bind it to do your will ? You may commit wrong by thought , though you pivoit no utterance. No man has the right to think wrong of mo. It is absurd to say that men may think what they please , and it is just as absurd to say n man may say what he pleases. If Christ has established a church to bo a tribunal it is not a human affair. If Ho placed it in the Catholic cjiurch it is there and it cannot como from anywhere else , and wo do wrong to think so. If a Protestant don't like ono church ho takes an other , and feels gratified by making the change , and ho never inquires whether that church is God's church or not. This is the fatal blunder that mars all the reasoning of our reasoning powers. Men must come to know that they cannot obey God nnd join the church that suits them best , but the true church. To bo a Catholic ono is obliged to attend church , to pay debts , to attend confes sion at least once a year , to bo con tent with ono wife and that means a good deal. An unpractical Catholic is a good protcstant , and a practical Protestant is a bad Catholic. A man may bo n good Protestant and do the things which n Catholic cannot do. That is the reason why Protestants do not become Catholics. " At the close of the services a largo collec tion was tancn to apply on the church debt. Last evening there was on able lecture de livered by Hev. Father Dowling , president of Creighton college , Omaha. Drs. Moser& Van Ness cure private diseases. Uooms 4 ana 5 , opera houso.b'lk. Telephone 2TJ. Travelers ! Stop at the Bechtelo. The district telegraph Co. serves pat rons any time of day or night. Money at low rates on first-class larm security. Uuinham , Tulleys & Co. . 102 Main street. E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. OiSlco 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. SPEClALTNOTrCES. NOTICE. SI'ECIArjaclverttBements , such as Lost , found , To Loan. For Sale , 'to Heut , Wanto , Hoarding etc. , will bo Inserted In tills column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PElt LINK for the first in sertion and Klvo Cents Per Line for each subse quent Insertion. Leave advortltiements at our offlco. No , 12 Pearl Street , near llroadwuy , Coun cil lllutls , Iowa. WANTS. TT1OU KENT A pleasant 8 room furnished JL' dwelling with all modern Improvements , near business part of city ; line lawn ; references required. Apply to J , J. Stewart's law office , room 8 , Everett ulock. be bold A new drug stock located In MUST Nebraska. Inquire of Harle , Unas Ac Co. , Council IllullH , la. - good man and his v ife to work WANTED-A also two farm hands. Apply ttt Creston house between 8 and a o'clock Tues day , April 2ith. FOH HENT First-class piano In good order. Can bn had at reasonable price. Posses- slon given May 1st. D. Goldstein , iS8 Ilroadway. It HKNT Furnished and unfurnished rooms , 717 Istavo. Hefcrcnceswanted. T710K BAJjB Very cheap for cash or would e * JC change for Council llluffs or Omaha prop erty , a retail stock of boots and shoes valued at 15,100. Call at store No , C20 S. 13th Et. , Omaha , or address It. Martin , same place and number. TmUIlNITUHE-Iiouglit. old and exchanged ! J ? also Htoraue and commission in good , llcht , airy.flre-prool bulldlnif. JiKjulru at store No , 110North 13th st. It. Jlartln , Omaha , Neb , - . two experienced aewjr WANTKD-Atonce. , S. Jllller , 100 Fourth-st , , Council muffs * PlIOLSTKHINQ and Furniture repairing TJ done neatly and promptly ; work jruuran- teed. Household goods and furniture Lought and sold. L. M , Lewis , No , 110 North 13th t. , Omaha. ill BALE At a bargain , 40 acres near stock - - yards , South Omaha , Neb. , Johnson Sc Christian. Koom 35 , Chamber of Commerce. Omaha. "VHMNTED Blocks of merchandise. Have V > Omaha and Council llluffa city property , nleo western land to exchange for goods. Call on or address Johnson & Christian , Koom 33 , Chamber of Commorco. Omaha. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PUIOK $15. Is a thoroughly practical , well made and finely CnUh d machln * . Combines the VBIIKKOT LET- , KXAOT ALIGNMENT and IUi'ii > WRIT- J.NQ or a'htgh piicod writer with SIMPLICITY- , Coravactucs * nd Durability. 8 r.d for circulars. 1VANTKD. P , li. GAGK , The IvxcclKtor Cp. 3J Main St. LlKUOI.K , NlD.r < Council Ulull. , Agt. for Wealc'ru lo\r HE NEW BRIDGE. SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OF COUNCIL -BLUFFS. Largest Stock , METCALF BROTHERS ; Furnishing Goocte/ " Lowest Prices , Clothing , Hata , Caps , eto. ( * * 5 * it * < ft JO = ffardman , Evtrdt A 3 2to : FI .Ajsroe M ln SU Council BJuflt. So 181 St. ' tn S'd X Largest Capital and Surplusr Your Patronage - - tri of Any Banff ( n the oity. * f , CTZENS.STATE ! ! > IB Solicited. . * * OQ OQI cr < r > STH , & R. D.FoBtor. --4BMDKB- . . / ' O to COUNCIL ULUFPS " \ v. ,4 , „ q- ' i JW&E.L SQUIRE'S . ' * " * " " % * * * I Porcgoy. & Wooro'a ! * ny Poinfc,0il Gloso Go. 'Abstracts of Titlc Santa Rasa ; ' ( Q No. . 8. Pearl St. ARE'THE BEST. O CD I a (0 § No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASBOUTMENCP OP FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES , BOTH DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. DR. C. B. J U DD , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffe , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. WANTED LOCAL , AND TKAYJSLING AGENTS ON COMMISSION. YOU GO IllOHT DOWN TO PETER C. MILLER'S Anel Get That Iteautiful Pattern of WALL PAPER I SAW TJ1EUG YESTERDAY. HE DOES AIL KINDS OF HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING DECOEATINS , WHITENING , ETC. , Anel lias None Hut Experienced A Vork men. No. 1U Pearl St. : : Council Bluffs. JOHN GILBERT , nUHDEH AND DEALKU IN WIND MILLS , IRON AND WOOD PUMPS , NO. 521 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : IOWA R , H , HUNTINGTON & 00 , , COMlSffl MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE FLOUR , FRUIT & PRODUCE , NO. 104 BROADWAY. A Great Scheme. Messrs. Cole < k Cole have a device for the "Quick Meal" gasoline stove that does away with the smoke and steam of cookine. No more black walls , no smell of onions in the hall. Wo can apply it to any gasoline stove. Several used last year were eminently successful , Call at our store and BOO in use in con nection with the celebrated Quick Meal vapor stove. We have a splendid line of refrifjerators. COLB < Sc COLE , 41 Main street. OFFICER & PUSEV , BANKERS. WO Broadway Council muffs , Iowa. Established 1S5I. ffF" NEW SPRING , ' MILLINERY 1514 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA , NEB. OBDENBOILERWORKS : : , CAIITER & SON , Prop's. Manufacturers of Alt Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work. Orders "by mall for repairs promptly attended to. Satlsfaction'tuaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad dress Ofiden Boiler Works. Council Bluffsjowa. EGAN & KIMBALL , PLUMBERS , STEAM AND 6AS FITTERS. No. 662 Broadway , Opera House Block , Council Bluffs. Telephone No. 284. THEO. BECKMAN , MANCFACTUnER OF AND DEALEH IN HARNESS , SADDLES , BRIDLES AND COLLARS. A Full Assortuiont ot Harness Goods Con stantly on Hand. Jlcnalrlng Neatly and Promptly Done. NO. 205 MAIN ST. . COUNCIL UtiUFPS , : : IOWA ACCIDENT INSURANCE , $5,000 AT DEATH ! (23 weekly Indemnity for injury. Costs but ; 113 per year in the Old Iteilablo United States Mu tual Accident Association of New York & , Qcneral Agents. Boom 3 , Opera House Block. D. H. McDANELD & CO. , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prlcas. Prompt Returns. 20 and KS Hftln Street.Councll BluffsTown. Star Stables and Mule Yards Droadwuy. Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot Ilorsts and mules constantly on hand , for gale at retail or In car load lots. . . Orderi promptly filled by contract on short notice. . , Rock Bold on commission. _ , _ , , Telephone 1H. BCHLUTEH 4 IIOI.EY. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Uluffs DR. S. STinVAIlT , VETERINARY SHRUB HOSPITAL AND OFFICE 45 FOUETH-ST , Council Bluff : , h , Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty , SPRING TRADE IS NOW OPEN -AT- BEW DRESS GO ODS , SILKS , ETC , BEADTIFDL SELECTIONS AMD LOW PRICES GOODS AS REPRESENTED. Every one says we have the finest patterns. We know \7d sell at lowest prices. REMEMBER THE PLACE , 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1A , HARKNESS BRQ'S. MUELLER MUSIC CO. , 1814 St. Marys Ave. , 103 Klain Street , OMAHA , NEB. COUNCIL , BLUFFS , IA A triumvirate of Instruments which cannot bo excelled in tone , beauty of finish nnd general workmanship. Royal and Century Organs Excel nil others in style of ctiso , beauty of finish and volumo.of tono. Sold for CASH or on MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All kinds of Musical Instruments , Russian Gut Strings , Shoot Music and Music Books. Dealers supplied at Chicago prices. Send for Catalogue. Our Wcpnrlmenl of TOYS nnd FANCY GOODS , wo nre cloonff | outut Ion tUuu coil. I > ciilors plctuo ninlto 11 note of this , und get your coodi cheap. NATURALIST AND TAXIDERMIST , T. MOUNTS JSIRDB AMD MAMMAI-S TRUE TO NATURE. AI.JL , WORM. GUARANTEED. NO , O10 MAIN RTUKKT , : COUNOILi UIiUFFS , I At Orders taken at I'enroae 4 Harden'o , 8.13tn St. . OmuliB , Neb. EBTAULIHari ) 1842. INCORPORATED 1S7 CO. , MASSILLOX , OHIO , MANUFACTlWrilS. Especially Declined for SIZES FROM MILLS , ELEVATORS 25 TO 250 AND HORSE ELECTRIC LIGHT POWER , PURPOSES , AUTOMATIC : CUT-OFF : ENGINE , Branch House , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . . . HEN1 > l-'OH ' OATA1-.OOOE. E. C , HARRIS , Manager.- M ' '