TJHCB OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , APRIL 22 , 1888. - SIXTEENPAGES. . They Will Have to Walt on the Lower Houso. , THE GYMNASTIC NEW YORK SUN. A Thrininjr Wnr Story Uovlvcd by n Pension Illl-Sevcn Mule Barnnin , llcfusca to bo Placated Sher man's Home indorsement. Grave Senators Can IMay. WASHINGTON HtmnAU 7itr.OMAHA HKB , 513 FouiiTEBXTii STIIKBT , WASHINGTON. D. C. . April 21. Senators say they nro going to hnvo a sen- Bon of from four to six weeks of play com- parcd to the work that usually devolves upon them nt this period in a session. Tlioy do not intend to exert themselves very much during the debate on the tariff bill In the , liotiso , as the senate Is already far ahead of the lower branch < Jf congress. Thoplcuro- linoumoiiln bill will odcupy most of their attention next week , the Plumb land forfeit ure bill coming up in the morning hour cnnh dny. Tlio fisheries treaty Is to rocclvo much attention in secret session , the rosolu- , tlon to consider it In open session having failed to get a fair hearing , whereas Us author , Senator Klddlebcrgcr , is in bad 'liumor , and says ho will make no secret of Anything said In secret session upon the sub ject , and that ho will continue his light'for I open sessions , the * same as if his resolution liad not been offered. An extraordinary meeting of the commlt- s- tco on ways nnd means has boon called for Monday morning , for the purpose of discuss ing the question of fixing a limit to the dot - t > ito on the tariff bill. The democratic caucus this week , it will bo remembered , instructed the majority of the committee to consult With the minority , nnd if possible , ngrco Upon n period when the general debate should close and the hill bo taken up uuJcr tlio flvo TOlnuto.rulo. The democrats want to close the dobata on the main question within ten days , whlln the republicans say it should run tot least thrco weeks , and It looks as though they will have their way about It. The bill Will take up as much time , or more , under "tho flvo minute rule and this figuring makes ' nlmost Impossible to get a vote before the St. Louis convention , which the demo crats declare they must have. .An amicable nrrangomcntmay bo reached on plonday as to the time when the bill shall bo taken up under the flvo-minuto rule , for do- pate by sections und amendment , but there -will como a row sooner or later. The debate vpnust bo cut short at some period if a iinul jroto on the measure Is taken before the dcm- Ocratlo national convention. When that Is torcclpitatcd the anti-tariff reformers will * glkcly stand together nnd refuse to amend find vote solidly against it. This will of course dolcat the bill. It is understood that jtho tariff debate will proceed on Tuesday and that the bill wlll.not frequently bo set aside ( for anything ulso. There is no disposition in pny quarter to antagonize it with appropria tion bills or any measure , and for the pur- tooaoof retaining Its strength to the fullest ' possible degree Its. advocates arc willing to Bacrlltco anything. , , BTKANOn TUIIN OF TUB NEW VOKK StfN. The recent turns taken in political affairs nv the Now York Sun Imvo attracted a great Ooal of attention In Washington , nnd ulso caused distress amongtho democrats. A few ( days iigo It printed three or four columns of extracts from newspapers to show the un- bopularity of the Mills tariff bill , and editor ially . .wr/Aca the party nnd the president against free trade tendencies In view of the labor vote. To-day it printed Chairman Mills' speech in full , occupying a whole page less a half column. Editorially the Sun calls ( attention to the subject and asks a careful Btudy by everybody , especially by the workingmen - ingmen of the country. Then It significantly eays : "Mills is ono of the ablest and most uncompromising advocates of free trade that lias over been in congress , and while his bill , combined with the bill reducing the Internal revenue which ho has also presentee ] , departs very radically nnd widely from the policy Which Mr. Cleveland contended for In his annual message , the popular interest In the views hoadvocates is widespread and intense , nnd most Justly so. " ) WITH 11UM.ETS. The house passed a bill granting a pension Of 8100 a month to'Charles H. Smith , of the Sovcnty-slxth New York volunteers , which brings out u most thrilling war incident. Binith participated in ten of the principal battles of the rebellion nnd emerged from thorn without n scratch. On the llrstof July , 1863 , nftor lighting two years , ho wont Into notion at tlio battle of Gettysburg , and it aj > - nears that all that could have befallen him miriug the entire activity of the past turned tapon him at ono moment. During the fore- boon of that day ho was evidently picked out us a target by a largo number of the oppos ing enemy. One bullet passed through his Jeft thigh , another entered his loft groin , passed through the body and came put nt the right hip , n third entered above the left hip , passed through the body and fractured the spinal column , but still tlioy wore not through with him. As holayprono upon his face n shell burst over him and tore pffa largo portion of his right buttock. In that condition ho lay upon Iho battle Held for ( four days , without any assistance or nourish- tnent whatever. Ho spent the rest of the war time In a hospital. Ho has n widowed mother whom ho will support out of the jnonoy which ho will receive from the gov ernment. GOSSIP AIIOUT llAltXCM. * Ono of tlio leading Now York democrats has Just arrived in Washington and reports .that Chairman Barnum will refuse to servo at the head of the national democratic com- 'nilttuo during the approaching campaign , bc- cause ho regards Cleveland's position on the tariff as unpopular and likely to lead to do- feat. Uiirnum 1ms Indicated this much and .says that not only will Now York nnd Now 'England ' bo placed m Jeopardy , but also two 'elates ' .in the south West Virginia nnd forth Carolina. Illinium says lilnino's let- or of diminution amounts to nothing , and tint that thu republican ticket will road Jlalno nnd Harrison. This is having a do- hrcsslng effect on eastern .democrats here , UNEASINESS AHOUT M1N1HTEII I'liXDI.ETOK. , There Is n fear that Mr. Pcndleton Is In n much more serious condition in Germany than the cablegrams in the press indicate , or * the stuto department ofllclals will acknowl edge. Inquiries nt the department to-day ' failed to elicit any definite information , whllo thora was an nlr ot' mystorlousncss find 'A reticence that was bcllovnd to Do slg- nlflcunt. Those who saw Mr. Pendloton dur ing his brief visit hero , a faw months ago , uro Inclined to think that ho In In u critical condition nnd much uneasiness is being felt , M'KIXI.KY'B VIKWH OS flllEHMAN. , Rourcsentallvo MclClnloy returned from Ohio and was coriKrutulutcd by his colleagues Ju the house. Ho is enthusiastic ever Mr. Bhorumu's prosjxjcts of getting the nomina tion In Juno. Ho said that the endorsement of Mr. Bhoriuuu by Iho Ohio convention was not merely formal ; It was earnest ; they picmil'it. They were enthusiastic lu their nupport of Shormnn , and no man opposing him \voiUl ) Imvo dared put up his head In the Convention. The convention would Imvo rushed over such opposition nud have trodden it under foot. Thu convention and the republicans of the entire Btulo were for Shermun earnestly und all thu timo. Ho said thcro was no foundation Whatever for the talk of Sherman's undoi-so juent only bolug lukawarm and the result ol great labor. Ho felt that Shermun would cot the nomination and declared ho thought Ho would tnuko the atrongast possible candi date. Major MclClnloy is the leading Ohic republican la the house and is the recognized ( noutuplcco of Senator Sherman. S. HEATII. Army Nows. WASHINGTON , Apnl 21. [ Special Tolegran So the IJKU.l The superintendent of the re cmltlng service will cause thirty colorec cavalry recruits to bo assigned to the Nintt cavalry and forwarded under pro | > cr charge to such point or points in the Department ol thoPlutto us the commander general of the Bopurtmcnt shall designate. After arrival Ir > hat department the rccrulta will bo distrib tiled as equitably as practicable among the Droops of the regiment serving therein. Leave of absence for six moutns on sur gcon's .certiflcato 'of dlsublUty U grantee Post Chaplain Daniel Klndlg , United States army. Privates Edwafd J. Bronnnn , Troop L , Klghthcavalry.Tohnl ; | * : McArec , Troop A , Sixth cavalry , nnd Bcntis Hautsch , Company F , Fifth cavalry , now with their companies , having enlisted while minors without the consent of their parents or guardians , nto discharged the service of the united States. Under paragraph 2404 of the regulations they are riot entitled to payment or allowances and final statements shall not bo furnished them. Colonel C. L. Best , of the Forty-fifth ar tillery , will retire on the 2.1th Inst , on account of age. This will promote Lieutenant Colonel H. W. Closson. Fifth artillery , to bo colonel of the Fourth , Major HIchard Lodor , of the Third artillery , to bo Lieutenant Colonel of the Fifth ; Captain W. F. Randolph , Fifth artillery , to bo major of the Third ; First Lieutenant B. 1C. Hoberts , Fifth artillery , to bo captain , nnd Second Lieutenant H. C. Car- baugh , Fifth artillery , to bo first , lieutenant. Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Apiil 21.- [ Special Telegram to the BKI : . ] The following i mslons were granted Nfibrasknns to-day : Original In valid William T. Cole , Plottsmouth. In- orcaso John K. Enslo\v , Big Springs ; Stepbou t3. Blood , Cedar Iluplds. Helssuo mid Increase John J. Casey , Cleveland. Pensions for lownns : Original Invalid- Thomas W. Summersidc , Earlville ; William H. Howes , Davenport ; Alexander Hose , Colfnx ; James * B. Qulgloy , Wilton Junction. Restoration and reissue Isaac Hardiii. deccased. Marcngo. Increase Wil liam vlers , Allcrton ; David Hornbrnkcr , Bonaparte i Edgar Horn , Delplms ; William J. Adams , Montlccllo. Helssuo nnd Increase .lames W. Hobbing , Center Point. Ileis- sue John J. Jcnewlne , Wuukeon. Original widows , etc. Sarah E. , widow of Isaac Hnr- dln , Marcngo. Mexican survivors Orovo A. Warren , Movlllo ; Samuel T. Boyd , ICIrkmau ; Nathan Meyers , Woodbine ; Phelps Uccd , Carlisle. For Party First. WASHINGTON , April 20. [ Special to the Bnn.l Senator Gorman , the spoil boss of Maryland , , is industriously engaged driving the democratic members from his state into line on the Mills tariff bill. Dur ing the past four or flvo years the mining and manufacturing Industries ot Maryland have developed so immensely that the people are advocating the uialntalnanco of the present tariff laws , and.ft majority of them are op posed to the Mills bill. Gorman , himself , is largely interested In mining in his state , and his personal and business , us well as political friends , are strongly opposed to the proposi tions in the tariff bill now before the house ; but Gorman is nn administra tion man , and for the sake of poll- tics , and at the direction of the president , ho Is compelled to work for the party In oppo sition to his private interests nnd individual friends. Ho is engaged in cracking the whip ever the heads of the democratic members in the house from Maryland , and since lie lias been given absolute control of the fed eral patronage for the state , ho is expected to wheel them into lino. It is ono of the clearest cases in congress of self-sacriflco In tlio interest of the unpopular attempts of tlio administration that can bo found , and will bo found , and will undoubtedly } -id to the downfall of the boss. Jor Pleasure. . BOSTON , April 21 , | Special Telegram to the BUE. A reporter yesterday discovered James Russell Lowell pacing up and down the deck of the Cunder Ccphalonia , ana ac costing him , asked where ho was going so unexpectedly. Mr. Lowell said it was ob vious , that ho was going abroad , but as to why , where , or for what reason ho was goIng - Ing , that was his business. The reporter asked him about the report that ho had been tendered the English mission in case Phelps should bo made chief justlco. "It is not BO , " said Lowell. "I saw the president lately and talked with him. The subject was not men tioned. I bollovo It never entered the head of President Cleveland. " "If the nomina tion was tendered would you noceptl" "That's another thing , I must decline to answer your question If I said yes , the pres ident might think I was angling for the place , which is untrue. My visit abroad is for pleasure , and plcaso don't start any false rumors. " So saying Mr. Lowell buttoned up his Macintosh , lighted his cigar and turned away. The Press Mistreated Her. KANSAS CITV , Mo. , April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the Buc. ] Mrs. Carhle and family left last night for Chicago. She says that the papers had treated her shamefully. She did not care to see any reporters. "How hare they mistaken you ? " was asked. "They say I was in collusion with tny hus band to got a divorce. It is not so. I wanted the divorce on Just grounds. What did I get out of it except a painful notoriety ; und now ho has married Miss Cruto. " Deadwood's Delegates. DEAD-WOOD , Dai : . , April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Tlio democratic county convention elected delegates to go to Water- town to-day. Colonel Stcolc heads the dele gation. The delegation chosen were all Church men. Steamship Arrivals. SOUTHAMPTON , April 21. [ Special Tele- cram to the BEE. ] Arrived Tno Bclgcn- lund from New York for Antwerp. ' NK'W YOIIK , April 21. Arrived The Scythia and Germanic from Liverpool. An Extensive Snowshcd Burned. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] An Immense snowshcd on the line of the Union Pacific railway at Buford Station , near this city , caught flro this afternoon nnd was destroyed. The shed was n quarter of a mile In length. Trains were delayed ton hours by the flro. Homo Kickers In the Crowd. KANSAS CITV , Mo , , April 21. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The saloonkeepers protective association decided as a body nt tholr meeting to-day to keep their places closed on Sunday , A few have determined to keep open mid will make a vigorous pro test. T12LKG11AP1IIO NOTKS. Two infants were deserted by unnatural mothers In Kansas City yesterday. E. B , Farnsworth , n scab engineer em ployed on the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs railroad , was arrested at Kansas City yesterday charged with bigamy , Ho claims his arrest was caused by the strik ers , to cripple the road. Ho Is a first-class engineer , nnd it will bo difficult to fill his place. A largo number of forged chcclis on the Citizens' National bunk of Kansas City are afloat , und many merchants have been fleeced. The Swedish Augustana synod closed Its sessions in Kansas City last nl lit. It com prises the states of Kansas , Missouri , Colorado rado ami Texas , has a membership of 125,000 , and sixty delegates were present. This strong church organization , which comprises a great percentage of the Swedish imputa tion , is enforcing temperance within its ranks , but It Is not in favor of a prohibition parly in politics. JAUIOS Hubbnrd , a book agent , has mys teriously dlsup ] > ourcd from Kansas City with the suspicion resting upon him of having committed a burglary. Ho loft a wife lu the city penniless. George Collins , colored , carried off every- thlugof value in Horace Voss' boarding house at Kansas City yesterday and was cait- turod Just as ho was crossing the state line. Ho explained to tha oftlcor arresting him that ho was helping a friend to move. A. JS , Dic-kson of Omaha tried to prove in Kansas City yesterday that Frank Webber robbed him on the highway. Ho nearly fulled in the attempt , as the defense brought out unsavory facts concerning Dicksou't vbit to Kansas City , Moso Fruloy , the big St. Louis bear , whose failure was announced early in the wcpk , 1ms resumed active operations , and says he will pay 100 cents oh tbo dollar and have plenty left. Cnupn City coal. , Nebraska Fuol'Co , LARRABEE LOWERS THE BARS , f f Removal of Iowa's Quarantine Against Illinois Cattlo. WORSE THAN THE CRIME OF CAIN , Jfrcd Held KIIN His Mother In rcl Over n Farm Hut-Unit Ac quitted A Corrupt Pro hibition Constable. Tlio Quarantine Heinovecl. DPS MOIXBS , In. , April 21. fS | > cclal Tele gram to the HER. ] Governor Lnrrabco to day Issued a proclamation removing all quar antine against Illinois cattle , ns follows : STATH OP IOWA , J Kxnctmvn Whorcns , On tlio 25th day of September , A , I ) . 1C80 , u proclamation WIIB Issued from thin ofllco forbidding the imliortatlon of any cattle Into this state from the state of Illi nois , which proclamation , which was on the 21st day of November , A , D. 188T , taodlncd by an executive order under which the Im portation of cattle into thin state froth the state of Illinois except from ( .lint part of Cook county then quarantined ngalnst by that stale , was again permitted. AVhorcas , A proclamation was on the 1st day of April , A. D. 1SSS , issued by the gov ernor of the ( state of Illinois , removing ill ! quarantine restrictions tlicn In force In Coolc courily , such proclamation "being based upon the certificate of the state board of lire stock commissioners , reciting that no case of con tagious plcuro-pnoumonia had been found in any part of Cook county since December , 1SS" , and , Whereas , The state veterinary Burgeon of this slate recommends that nil restrictions upon cattle tralllo between the states of Illi nois and Iowa bo removed. Now , thorefivfts , I , William Larrabco , gov ernor of the state of Iowa , by virtue of the authrlty vested in mo by law do hereby make my proclamation , revoking the proclamation of quarantine of the date of September 25 , 1SSO , and do hereby restore the right of im portation of cattle Into this state from the the state of Illinois ami from all parts thereof. _ Tobacco Thief Caueht. DES MOINUS , la. , April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the BEB.I A very bold thief was captured to-day In the act of stealing a butt of tobacco from the wholesale store of Sperry. Watt & Garvcr. It is the habit in the store to pllo the goods that are sold near the front of the store , so that they will bo convenient for checking off. Last Wednes day two butts of tobacco were missing , and It was supposed that a mistake had boon inado. Thursday the same thing happened , and suspicion was aroused. Yesterday Mr. Wutt had them piled in the same place and stationed himself behind a door to watch. The thief came at the noon hour and passed the south window a time or two and then stopped and looked In a few moments , and finally loft. T. M. Watt then made applica tion for a swift running ofllccr , and a detec tive was sent to-day and stationed himself behind a pllo of boxes. The thief appeared promptly on time and took a butt of tobacco that was near the window , when the ofllcor stepped out of n sldo door and met him. Ho "ropped the butt and ran , but was soon cap- ured. There were two others that were pursued by nn employe of the store , but wore lost in the alloy. The young man arrested gave the name of T. S. McQuiro. Ho Is about twenty-one years of age , smooth-faced , rather good looking and well dressed. Ho promised to tell where the rest of the tobacco is if they would let him go. A. Manufacturers' Conference. Bus MOINES , la. , April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the BCB. | The manufacturers and capitalists of central Iowa have decided to hold n national convention of manufacturers in this city lasting four days , beginning May 15. The call for that purpose was issued to-day. It is expected that manufacturers of St. Louis , Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Omaha , Kansas City and other western cities will attend in large numbers , and an invitation , with special inducements , will bo sent to cistern manu facturers. The general purpose is for u conference on industrial matters look ing to the development of manufacturing in terests , especially in the west. Each day there will bo a discussion of different phases ' of the manufacturing business , reports on the resources of different sections of the country , and places for the investment of capital in new forms of industrial enterprise. Each ovenintr there will bo lectures by noted speakers on industrial topics. Hurluiit Acquitted. BOOXE , la. ; April 21. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The jury in the trial of J. Ueed Hurlbut , charged with being an accessory to the shooting of Constable Logan at DCS Moines , brought in n verdict of acquittal at 0 o'clock this evening. This onus a case of great interest in this part of the state. Hurl- but is a son of the Hurlbut who was lately the receiver of the Chicago Times. Ho is at the head of n wholesale drug house in DCS Moines and a year ago one of his employes shot and killed a prohibition constable who was trying to arrest him for violation of the liquor law. The employe was sent to the penitentiary and Hurlbut was indicted us nn accessory , it being chagcd that hp hud armed his men and encouraged them to resist the ofllcrs. Iowa's Adolescent Orators. MASON CITY , la. , April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] There was an Immense attendance at the state oratorical contest hold in this city last night. Miss Sue Schcr- morhorn , of Mason City , was the successful contestant , with Miss Ida Simmonson ns a close second. The wore also chosen to attend the convention to bo hold at Cedar Hapids : Addlson Harris , Eldorado ; Carrie Swnrts. Ackloy ; Ida Slramonson , Clear Lake ; Lem Kratz , Hampton ; Sue Schcrmorhorn , Mason City : Doll Quackcn- bush , Webster City. Arrested for Bribery. DBS MOINKS , la. , April 21. [ Special Tele gram'to the BiSE.J Constable Frank Pierce , the leader of the gang of searching con stables , has been indicted by the grand Jury for receiving bribes. Ho was arrested at Boone and released nt a lute hour last night , and given till this morning to secure ball. Ho appeared before the Judge to-day and gave bond and will bo tried at the present term of the district court. Democratic Delegates. Sioux CITV , la. , April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the Bni : . ] The democratic county convention met here this afternoon and se lected nine delegates to the state convention , John C. Kecly , editor of the Tribune , heads the delegation. Mr. Kcely will receive the support of northwestern Iowa democrats for delegate at largo to the national convention. Murdered His Mother Sioux Cur , la. , April 31. [ Special Tele gram to the HEB.J Word has been received hero this evening of the murder of Mrs. Held by ther own son , Fred Hold. The parties reside In Plymouth county , ten miles from La Mars. The murder was committed on account of a dispute as to the ownership of a farm. The murderer lias not yet been arrested. _ _ _ _ _ A Child Fatally Burned. GIIUNUV CEXTEH , la. , April 21. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Blanche , the six- year-old daughter of J , H. Sperry , of this place , was severely , If not fatally , burned yesterday afternoon , her clothing catching lire from burning fiurdcu refuse and nil being burned oif. Her mother is vibltlug relatives at Fremont , Neb , Can't Collect the Tax , DBS MOIKKS , to. , April 21. Notice was re ceived hero to-day from Judge Brewer , of the .United States circuit court , that ho had granted a temporary injunction restraining the state from collecting taxes front tlio Pull man car company. ' A Iilvcly Faotlonni\'otcst In tlio David City DcniocrJtle CnnU > DAVID CITY , Pen , , AplilSl. [ Special Tele gram to thollRB. ] Tlio Butler county demo cratic convention was hold to-day and the following delegates were elected to the state democratic conveuftFrnSl Omaha , May 2 : C. D. Cnsper , Matt MnTcr'.il. H. Smith , Frank Loomls. Henry Vralg , M. C. Dclancy , Michael Miller ail * "John L. Ichaeck. A bitter fight was Wagbd between the railroad people's brlpndo and * the Morton faction , In which the Mortonltcs wcro victorious. Not a rfrcaso spot is loft of the old George L. Miller following Innhis county. A Boom nt ColunibtiR , Coi.t'Mnus , Neb. , April 21 , [ Special Telegram - gram to the Bin : . ] Articles of IncoVpora- tion of the City Improvement com pany were filed to-day with the following ns incorporators : J. P. Becker , Jonas Welsh , David Scupback , Her man Oeblrlch , Adolph Jooggl , Charles Davis and C. II. Sheldon. An Imirartmit business meeting of tho'commerclal bank Is being held this evening. Excavations for numer ous brick blocks will bo begun at onco. The Holt County W. C. T. U. STUAUT , Neb. , April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the Bun. ] The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Holt county has ocen In session for \\io \ past two days nt this place. The attendance Is very largo and all meet ings are of great Interest. Mrs. C. M. Wood ward , of Seward , state organlzor , was welcomed by largo and Interested audiences. Great assistance was rendered by pastors of the different churches and others. Almost Burned to Death. SciiUYLEit , Nob. April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the BED. ] To-day while Newell Wheeler , n blind man living out in the coun try several miles , was at homo alonc his house caught fire and endeavoring to cscapei ho was sovorcly burned. Tlio flro being be tween him and the doorway ho had to got outi of a window. The house and contents were entirely destroyed. Will Commemorate. Neb. , April 21. [ Special to i Br.E. ] The Odd Follows of this county will give n grand dinner in the Chautnuqun as sembly grounds on the 20th of this month to commemorate the establishment of "their sub lime order in the United States. Ex-Gov ernor Dawes will deliver the address of wel come. Going to Have a Good Depot. CIIETE , Neb. , April 20. [ Special to the Bnc. ] The Missouri Pacific railroad intend erecting a magnificent cut stone depot and passenger building in this city as soou as the work on the road will warronf. Delegates to Oinnlin. Om > , Nob. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The democrats met in mass con vention and elected the following delegates to attend the 'state convention at Omaha , May 2 : Fred L. Harris , J. L. McDonough , W. H. COK and S. L. Smith. Flro at Lincoln. LINCOLN , Nob. , April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the BEB.j ] Tko Empire planing mills , operated by O. C. > Munsoii , burned to night. The loss is estimated nt $3,000 ; par tially insured. The department confined the flro to the mills. _ Grant Dcnlocrats Organize. GIUXT , Neb. , April 21.-j-Spocial [ Telegram to the BEE. ] The democrats of Grant and vicinity mot nt this place to-day and organ ized a democratic club by the electing of J. A. Phillips as president and W. L. liutlcdgo as secretary. A Mad Dog's Frolic. WASHINGTON , N. iJ. , April 21. | Special Telegram to the BKK. ] William Cowell , a farmer , owned a bloodhound seven years old , weighing 150 pounds. } Last night Cowell _ wont out to chain tho'Uog up when It sprang upon him , catching hlni by the threat mid bearing him to the ground. Cowjll broke its hold , but the brute then fastened its fangs In his arm , crunching the bono and terribly lacerating the flesh. Mrs. Cowoll , hearing her husband's cries for help , came out with a club and struck the dog a heavy blow on the head. This only infuriated him more and ho sprang at her , tearing her skirts. She managed to escape into a shed without in jury. Cowell soon managed to crawl into the house , while the dog went out on the road. Just then William Bowldy passed by on horseback and the dog gave chase , several times springing for Bottrldy. once catching him by the foot and lacerating it badly. Tlio dog then started to return to the house , snap ping at everything In his t path , and going into th'n field , bit u number of sleeping cattle. A Mr. Clifford , who had hoard the noise and yells , came out with a shotgun and emptied both barrels into the brute , killing him. Physicians say Co well's chances for recovery are slight. Wont Down Together. EAST SAOINAW , Mich. , April 21. Samuel Phillips , a young son of a prominent merch- ant'of this city , while playing on some logs In a bayou this morning , fell in. Euglchart Beidlinger , aged twenty-four years , jumped in to save the boy , but the little follow clung to his neck and both wcro drowned. Uoid- linger leaves a wife and one child. The Printing Investigation. WASHINGTON , April 21. Several employes in the bindery of the government printing ofllco testified before the house printing com mittee that private work for Mrs. Hounds and President Arthur had been performed in ttmt ofllce while Mr. Rounds was in charge. Texan Capitol Completed. AUSTIN , Texas , April 21. The now state house of Texas , the largest state capital building In the United States , was opened for the flrst lime to-night to the legislature anu citizens , Olco's Defeat. Si'HiNapii'.LU , O , , April 21. Thomas Dugan and C. A. Bird , prominent hotel proprietors , have been lined $50 and costs each and sen tenced to ten days in the county jail for using olcouinrgcrino on their tables without post ing a notice in their dining-rooms. Big Southern Fire. WJNONA , Miss. , April 21. A fire which started on Summit street this afternoon and got beyond control , destroyed two-thirds tlio business portion of the Jown. The losses ag gregate fiOO.OOO , wltliMnsurauco of $90,000. , -jj Dnlcgatoti CJlioscn. ROCIIESTEU , N. Y. , Apr ! } 21. The republi can congressional district convention hold hero to-day , selected us delegates to the na tional convention , II. II. Warner and John Hamilton. He-solutions tipon the death of Hoscoo Conkling wcro adqptcd. Ilcqucsts Granted. Pirrsuuita , April 21. At n meeting of the creditors of the Elba Iron & Bolt company and Continental Tuba company , requests for extensions of two , thrcu and four ycaro wcro granted. To Itoviso the CoiiHtltutlon. PAUIS , April 21. On reassembling of the chambers of deputies to-day a committee was appointed to consldpr the question of revising the constitution. Postal ChangcH. WASHINGTON , April 21. [ Special Telegram to the 'BEE. ] A postofllco was established to-day at Bayard , Cheyenne county , Neb. , Robert M. Sontinoy appointed postmaster. The Ieutli Record. CHICAGO , April 21. John A. Rico , the pro prietor of the Tromont house in this city , and welt known as a hotel manager all over the country , died hero this morning. At the Unity church Rev. W. E , Copeland will have for the euuject of his sermon in the morning ; "Tho Next Step ; " subject of evenIng - Ing conversation : "What Utiitarians Believe About Jesus and HI ? Work. " An important meeting of the church will bd held after the morning service. THE ST , PAULS GET REVENGE Omaha's Nine Sadly Routed on. the Diamond Fiold. MAINLY DUE TO THE PITCHING. Sowdors' Curves Puzzla the Visitors AVIillo 11 only Is Badly United Summer llacing Kast. nnd South General Sport. . SI. Paul 8 , OmnhaQ. ST. PAVI. , Minn. , April 21. [ Special Tele gram to the Uun.J St. Paul's base ball fanatics are happy this evening. The one thing that they desired more than .another was to sco the homo team wipe up the diamond mend with the Omaha representatives this afternoon. The memory of thrco straight defeats had rankled in their bosoms until every ono had sized the homo team up as sim ply rotten , and nothing but n derisive vic tory over Omnlm would Induce them to change this opinion. Tlio Omahas defeat Is duo to their inability to gauge young Sow- dors' delivery , while on the other hand the St. Paul players took kindly to Hcaly's curves mid hit him hard throughout the game. About eighteen hundred people wit nessed the game , the weather being tine. St. Paul scored In the flrst on a hit by Carroll , who stole second , went to third on nn out nnd crossed the plate on u wild pitch. Two more runs wore scored in the second on n homo run drive by Vcach and four sin gles. In the seventh thrco singles nnd a double gave St. Paul two more. , I the ciphth the Omaha team went to pieces nnd allowed St. Paul to score three unearned runs , making a total of eight , half of them earned. Omaha scored flrst In the fourth inning on n 'double by Sowdcrs , n passed ball nnd a single by O'Connell. lu the seventh O'Con- ncll led off with a three bagger nnd crossed the plato on Shannon's sacrifice , ending Omahas run getting. Thoscoro : ST. PAUL. Totals 43 8 14 2 27 17 1 OMAHA. Totals SO 2 5 0 27 14 0 HV INNINGS. St. Paul 1 20000230 8 Omaha 0 00100100 2 SUMMAUT. Earned runs St. Paul 4 , Omaha 1. Two- base hits lloilcy , Sowders ( Omaha ) . Three- base hits O'Connell. ' Homo run Vcach. Double plays Carroll and Morrissey. Sow dcrs , Enrl and Shafor. Bases on balls St. Paul 2. Omaha 1. Struck out By Sowdcrs 0. Healy 4. Passed balls Eurlo 2 , Wilson 2. Wild pitches Hcaly 2. Loft on Buses St. Paul 10 , Omaha 4. First base on errors St. Paul 4. Unaccepted chances Wilson and Healy. Time of game 1:50. : Umpire Fred Jeyno of Minneapolis. A Close Game. Tbo J. J. Hardln and the Crane Brothers teams of the city loagtio played their flrst exhibition game at the ball park yesterday afternoon. The game was close and exciting , finally resulting in favor of the Cranes by the following score : Hardins 8 0001210 0 12 Cranes 1 0114402 0 13 Earned runs Hardins 2 , Cranes 2. Homo runs Lally. Two-base hits MuLauglilin , Lawson. Passed balls Swartz , Millett. Bases on balls McKclvey 2 , Geist 2. Time of game 2 hours. Umpire Mr. Coonoy , of the Omahas. A31I3U1CAN ASSOCIATION. Cincinnati O , Kansas City 4. KANSAS CITY , April 21. Tlio game between the Cincinnatis nnd Kansas City Americans resulted as folloxvs : Kansas City 1 00020001 4 Cincinnati 1 004 0 0 1 0 * G { jit. Lioiiis 11 , Louisville 7. ST. Louis , April 21. The game to-day be tween St. Louis and Louisville resulted jxs follows : St. Louis 0 0101081 0 11 Louisville 2 022 10000 7 Brooklyn 2 , Cleveland O. BnooKtiYX , April 20. The came between Brooklyn and Cleveland to-day resulted ns follows : Brooklyn 0 0000010 1 o2 Cleveland 0 OOP 00000 0 No Game at Baltimore. BAI.TIMOUE , April 21. The Baltimore Ath letic game was postponed on account of cold weather. NATIONAL M3AGUK. PIUsniu-K 1O , Detroit.'I. PiTTsntnto , April 21. Tlio game between the Plttsburgs and Detroits to-day resulted as follows : Pittsburg 0 0012410 2-10 Detroit 1 a Pitchers Galvln nnd Conwoy. Buso hits Pittsburg 14. Detroit 13. Errors Pittsburg 2 , Detroit 2. Umpire Decker. Washington 1O , Now York 3. WASHINGTON , April 21. The game to-day between the New Yorks and Wushlngtons resulted as follows : Washington 0 1041004 0-10 Now Yorlc 1 02000000 3 Pitchers Whltnoy nnd Crane. Base hits Washington 13 , Now York 4. Errors- Washington 0 , New York 3. Umpire , Lynch. Chicago 8 , Indianapolis G. INDIANAPOLIS , April 21. The game to-day between the Cliicugos and Indianapolis re sulted as follows : Indianapolis..0 10003100 C Chicago 1 3100120 * 8 Pitchers Hcaloy and Baldwin , Basa hits Indianapolis 8 , Chicago ? . Errors Indian apolis 4 , Chicago D. Umpire Valentino. Boston O , Philadelphia il. PiiiLAiiEU'iHA , April 21. The game to-day between the Phlladelphlas and Bostons re sulted us follows : Philadelphia , . . .0 02001000-3 Boston 0 1210302" 0 Pitcticrs Casey and Madden. Base hits- Philadelphia 7 , Boston 10. Errors Phila- dolohia 10 , Boston 5. Umpire Daniels. GAMES. DCS MoincH 7 , Itockttml it. HOCKFOHD , 111. , April 21. The exhibition game to-day between Des Moines and Rockford - ford resulted as follows ; Hookford 2 10000000-3 Dos Moinea 4 * 7 Base hits Rockford 4 , DCS Moines 0. Er rors Uockford 8 , Des Moines 4. Jtadhourn Goes"to the Bostons. BI.OOMINOTON , 111. , April 21. Pitcher Had- bourn , left Bloomlngton to-day to Join the Bostons , having received a dispatch from the directors conceding all the points in dispute and promising him the same salary as last year. He wlllprobably play with the club Monday. _ _ _ _ _ Burglars Got the Gnto Ileceliits. KANSAS Crrr , Mo. , April 21 , [ Special Tologrum to the BBII. ] Burglars Entered Monges' guu store early till ? morning , bored the uufo , and succeeded' In obtaining SU7G.35 In cash , besides carrying oft revolvers nnd knives valued at $50. The robbery wns dis covered by the janitor When ho opened the store this morning. The money stolen represented the amount of the gnto receipts' nt yesterday's game be tween the American nnd Western associa tions. The money wns taken to the store of Mr. Mongos , president of the Western asso ciation , after the game , too Into for banking. Three hundred nnd forty-three dollars be longed ta the Western association nnd the rest to Mengos. Manning , captain of the Wcstorn club , had fT 0 In n drawer in n desk hi the ofllco which wns not touched. About nix months ago one Paul Brcnsa was sent to the penitentiary for flvo years for robbing the same store , AX TUAOIt. Favorable Outlook Kor tbo Season Must and Soiitb. NEW YOUK , April Bl. [ Special Telegram lo the 13EE. ] Although thcro have been a number of showers and the nights have been qultn cold , the last week has not been unfav orable for training , and at all the tracks good work has been done. At Shccpshcad Hay every thing Is being overhauled nnd put In shape. At the Hrooklyn track the carpen ters and painters nro as busy as bees , and there will bo many Improvements to open the eyes of visitors , when the meeting begins. At Jerome park Mr. Ulmont'n now stable Is In a forward state nnd the now grand stand Is undergoing thorough repairs. There Imvo been arrivals of fresh stock at each track , nnd things look qulto different from what they did a couple of weeks since. The rciHirt was qullo freely circulated lait wock and found Its way Into print to the ef fect that Htiuovcrhnd pulled up lame after ono of his gallops but nn authoritative denial was procured from headquarters before the Ink was hardly dry. Hanover Is still taking his work and the chances are that ho will came to the post this spring , but , of course llko many others ho Is likely to go off his legs nt any time , nnd It Is possible , perhaps probablethat ho will not stand up throughout the campaign. Hauovor has boon strongly backed recently for the Hrooklyn handicap , nnd still rules the favorite nt 0 to I. A horse that should not bo slighted for this event is the speedy Saxony. Ho is probably moro forwa * ! hi his preparation than any other eastern candidate , and is looking and going well. Another phase Is given to the Kentucky Derby by news published in a dispatch from Washington to the effect that Green Morris has signified his definite Intention , if all goes well , of shipping Sir Dlxou to Louisville to participate In that event. As is well known , Sir Dixon wns nil the winter a favorite for the race , nnd It is only recently that ho has pouo back on the betting , on the supposition that ho would not bo a contestant. The ship ping of the colt from Mobile to Washington , taken In connection with Morris' statement when in the south that ho was not likely to try this year for the Derby , put the book makers off their guard and caused them to lengthen the odds , and perilous by this time some of them have cause for regret for so doing. On last year's pub lic form Sir Dixon should , of course , win If ho starts , and all accounts ngroo that ho baa developed into a roinark- nbly handsome racer , that gives every hull- cation ot fulfilling the promise of last season. He will almost certainly start in ono or more of the events , for which ho is entered at "Washington , and whicli seem to bo at his mercy. Nothing but good reports come from Old Favor , In the sanio stable , and in many quar ters the Brooklyn handicap is considered as good as "moral" for him , but Favor does netlike like pinching , and ho is sure to get it in this * race. race.The current issue of the Spirit of the Times , has u dispatch dated Nashville , April 2'J , which reports : "Baldwin's string of thirty horses arrived this morning. All are in good condition. " Everything is ready at West Side park for the meeting , which begins - gins on Saturday the 28th. The outlook is that the meeting will bo the best ever held nt Nashville. The week's closing quotations on the su burban handicap remain unchanged. Dc.xtcr is Dead. NEW YOIIK , April 21. Dexter , the famous trotter , died this morning at the stable of llobort Bonner in this city. Ho was thirty yuars old. Ho died of old ago and ex haustion. Dexter was the greatest trotter of hi1 * Uay. Ho was the flrst horse to trot a mile iu 3:17 : j . Black Hills Crack Shots. RAPID CmDak. . , April 21. fSnoeial Tele gram to tlio Br.i : . ] In n shooting match to-day at Sturgis between the Rapid City and Dcadwood gun clubs , Kapid City won by a score of S'J to 81. The match was six men on a side nt twenty Pcorhi blackbirds , from flve ' traps , eighteen yards rise. A high wind pre vailed all day , preventing good scores. Hughes , of Kapid City , made the best indi vidual score 18 and Brcuuan , of the same club , the lowest 10. Wood Wins Again. LONDON , April 21. The twenty-mile bi cycle rnco between W. A. Howe , the Ameri can , and W. Wood , the Englishman , at Jar- row to-day resulted in Wood winning by ono foot. o He IB a 1'lratn Hold. A Washington special to tho.Chicago Herald details the following jntorobting account of a Yankee mate stealing- his vessel and sailing under an improvised black llu : United States Consul C. R. GrcaUiouso , of Kuimgown , Japan , lias notillctl the state department that an American warship is now cruising the Japan sea in search of the Ainorieun schooner Nereid , with which James Forbes , a Yankee sailor , recently ran away from the port of Guiun , Japan. The Nereid is n trim nnd tight little schooner , of about thirty tons burden , owned in the United Statennd ; , until sui/.cd by Forbes , sailing under the American Mag. Her captain , Charles Johnson , hails from Massachusetts , and his little vessel was trading in'the is lands south of Japan. One line morning in March lastCaptain Johnson anchored on" Guam , leaving tlio mate in charge of the schooner , wont nbhoro to buy a box of hard taclc. While lie was absent the first mate , Forbes , served out to himself a quadruple allowance of grog , under the intluonco of which ho conceived the idea of becoming n buo- cnneor on his own account. With vis ions of the glorious career of Captain Kiihl flitting thro'igh his befuddled bruin , ho wont below and brought up a loaded shotgun , which ho playfully pointed at the Japanese cook and stew ard of tlio Noroid. Tlio cook's yellow countenance turned white as his flowing shirt and running to tlio side of the vessel ho cast himself into the ftou un mindful of the sharks , whoso fins could ba fioon nbovo t-h i water on every sido. Ho was quickly followed by a Japanese sailor , wno preferred the chance of'life to the cor tin nty of currying u skull full of holes , and the two swum safely to the shore. Left in sole command of the schooner , Forbes ordered dis llttlo crew of shivering , chattering Japanese on dock , and pulling down the stars and stripes , run up a section of an umbrella cover whicli did duly us the black ensign of his newly appointed pro fession. Then setting all sail ho shot out of the harbor in quest of prizes , pre sumably bullion-laden junks und beau tiful but hapless maidens of high de gree. Fukuda , the cook , and his com panion lost no time in hunting up Cup- tain Johnson and acquainting him with Iho facts. Tlioy set out for the Ameri can consulate , where they reported the occurrence to Consul General Greut- houso. Tlio consul at once communi cated the facts to Commander Glass of the United States steamer Monocacy , which happened to bo lying in that port. A circular was then prepared de scribing Forbes und his little craft and sent to all the ports of China und Japan. The monocracy promptly weighed anchor fttid slatted In pursuit of tlio pirato. Uj ) to latest accounts Porb9 had not boon overhauled. Warming the Voting Men. Salt LaUo Tribune : They nro tolling in the onst of n millionaire who slops his pow rant in church when ho goes south and spends thousands of dollars for his iMH-sonal pleasure in the whiter season , and of another who puts 6 cents in the plalo when ho goes to a frco church on Sundny , but spends $800 a year for an opera box. Thcso things re mind us of what n married lady , who lias some daughters , wns Baying not long ago in this city , and as Kastor lias passed and the season for ontortninmonts 1ms returned , it may not bo amiss to quote the wonl'i of this lady , us tlioy were not 8 [ > okoii in confidence. "Do yon know , " said she , "that some of the young mon in this city nro bound to inako excellent providers as hcr.ds of families ? They arc saving up for it oven now. When a young lady lives near the theatre and the walking1 is jrood , they Boinotlmes nsk her to go. If , however , she lives thrco or four blocks away , and it is so muddy that a carriage would ho a necessity , they arci always too busy to go. They will wait for a father or brother , or POIIIO outside friend to take n young lady to a party , and they will then daneo hot foot oir , until just before supper timo. If the supper goes with the ticket , they will lead the procession and the young ladies to supper with an nir which scorns to say : Why should I mind the expenses ? If , however , the supper is extra , just before the hour arrives , they inako up a little club nmong them selves , nnd slip nwny to a restaurant. Tlioy are back , though , on time , and ready to dance away any little remain ing strength that the young ladies may POSHOS. AMUSEMENTS. Monflay and May , April 23 and 21 TlioOrcat Spcct.iculur Opera , THE MAGIC QUEEN , A largo and completes dramntlccoinpiMiy headed by the grout and only CEO. II. AI > AKIS. ? ? vGmI-rf.fvl1)rlmri ! . d'1. MISS PAUMNR A perfect doing ) of novation. Most goritoous Bconury ever neon , by the treat Bconlcnrtl8t.UBNUVli.I10VT. Secure seats at box otllco. Friday & Saturday , April 27 and 28 Matinco Saturday. The Prince of Comincdinns , GUS WILLIAMS , Supported- OnqucRtlonably the l > cst Com edy Company traveling , in hln now homo Comody-ilrama Jjy CAI , . WALLACE. Ksq. ontttlud KEPPLER'S FORTUNES Under the Management of JOHN H. ROBB. Now Uuslr. New SOUKS. Now Hocltatlous , jaj'-Soats on sale at Usual Places. Ono Week nnd Saturday Mnttnoo , CommenciiiR MONDAY. April Slrd. Supported by Company of Musical Merit. Admission 1O , tiOaiut HO Cents. Change of Play each Performance. GRAND FAMILY MATINEE SaturdayatSp in. AfiaSouvenlrofthoGoodrlch KngaKomont. 2 line Gold Wutches given away ono Satuidny Jlatlneo. Ono Saturday nllit. [ 1 * . S. Every person whopurclmsen u Hvscrvail Heat in ndviiuco for Monday , cuu reserve u seat for1 a lady free of extra clmrgo. Positive Reappearance , Positive Reappearance , Positive Reappearance , Of John T. Kelly Of John T. Kelly Of John T. Kelly And His Comedy Company , And His Comedy Company , And His Comedy Company , In His Funniest Play , In His Funniest Play , In His Funniest Play , An Irish. Stew. An Irish. Stew. An Irish. Stew. THEATER No. i. Holmes & Green's Holmes & Green's Holmes & Green's Brilliants , Brilliants , Brilliants , 15 Footliglit Favorite , 15 2O New Groups of Wax Statuary. From the N. Y. Eden Musee , A Host of Novelties. Musee Open Daily 1 to IO p. m. lOc Admits to All. lOc. Chairs 5 and IQc. Every lady visitor' on Friday next , Auril 27th , will rocuivo aEQUvouir.