Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1888, Part II, Page 11, Image 13

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Wheat Trading Still Aotivo But
Moro Conservative.
Corn Hulcs Considerably howcr Onts
Quiet But Steady Much Interest
Shown In I'rovlslons HORH
llcnmfknbly Active.
CniCAoo , April 21. [ Special Telegram
to the Br.K.1 The temperature of the wheat
pit was less feverish to-dny tlmn for the past
week. There appeared to bo but llttlo tradIng -
Ing for outside account and the local clement ,
left to Itself , kept within close bounds , as Is
Its custom of Saturday. The market had
closed weak last night , and opened about Jfc
lower this morning , and soon declined from
} { c to Comoro under offerings of holders
who feared the drop would go still further.
At the decline , however , thcro was good buy
ing , local talent evidently working for a re-
notion , and it came. But at the top thcro was
nobody to take wheat at the price , nnd the
scalpers , In their efforts to .oven up over
Sunday , sold the market down again , until
about-half the early advance was lost. The
holders of wheat and the wheatbcnrshad but
ono Incentive to sell to-day , and' that
was found in largcfr receipts of wheat
In the northwest , where the movement had
been expected to case up a llttlo by this time.
But thcro Is no casing up In 188,000 bushels
of wheat in ono day at Minneapolis. Exports
wcro better to'-doy but are still small. It is
expected that the visible supply statement
will show n decrease of from 400,000 to
600,000 bushels. The bullish Influences wore
rather better cables , tallc that former wheat
bears had gone over to the ether side and
wcro buying for a rise , and crop news. This
last , as far us the winter wheat bolt Is con
cerned , \locs not change much In character ,
but It gathers intensity from day to day.
Nearly all , if not all , the commission houses
have reports of great damage to vyintcr
wheat and general newspapers are printing
reports of that kind , by the column. The
wheat bears think that all this damage lias
been discounted , and has had its result in
the advance in prices already gained. An
other kind of crop nowB , however , is only
now becoming Important , and that is from the
spring wheat seeding in the northwestwhich
reports now indicate will bo considerably de
creased in amount on account of the lateness
of the season. As nn offset to big receipts of
grain in the northwest , the report of a repre
sentative of a largo harvester manufacturer
of this state was given. Ho said that their
eighty-four agents through Nebraska , Mm-
.ncsotn and Dakota reported the amount of
wheat now remaining iu farmers' hands less
than they had over known at this season.
Seeding was also much later than last year.
May wheat opened at 81'tfc , sold down to
fcOJfe , by the ofllciul quotations , but transac
tions must hnvo been small at that flgurc , as
most traders gave 80c as the low price ,
then advanced to 81J e , fell to Sltfe , sold up
81c , then down to and closed nt 8lM < tf.81 ? c.
Juno wheat opened at 8'2 c , sold at blc , up
to S2 c , back to and closing at 82 ? @ 82xc.
Largo receipts nnd the increased proportion
tion of corn of contract grade wcro the weak
ening factors In the corn market this morn
ing , particularly in the May delivery , whicl :
opened just lo under yesterday's closing
price. This was the bottom price for the
ilay , however , as strong parties wcro taking
nil that was offered at that figure. From
i Sjiij'c higher , however , the market ruled
quite steady for BOOIO time. The Rolling did
not appear to bo for short account so much
ns by tlio longs , who in a slowly dropping
market despaired of doing better. That it
was not short soiling was seen when two
local scalpers bid the price of May corn up
from M o to 5r J c without getting much
grain. In trying to sell what they did get ,
howeucr , they ran the price down 5 < c quite
as quick as they hud put it up but found no
buyers on the way down. In the casli
market , thcro was a good demand for con :
f. o. b. and for lower prudes in store. May
corn opened at &lc , advanced to 54Kc and
fluctuated between that price and 54 } < c for
some tiirc , then advanced to 55 c , dropped
to 5-lKo and closed nt 53c. Juno corn
opened at Me , sold down toKJifc , up to 54-tfc.
nnd closed at Mc.
The speculative trade in oats was quiet
with u very slight change in prices. May
outs opened and closed at 31 Jfc , soiling down
at ono time to Ul3le. Juno oats opened
atai c , sold atBlKc , up to and closing at
Uljjfc. July oats opened and closed at Ulc ,
ranging from | that price to 3lJ < c. Augus'
oats ranged from 2S ) < c to SS tfc , opening uni
closing at former prices.
Provisions claimed considerable attention
Lard , however , again led in interest and a&
tivity.though short ribs were traded in quite
freely , and pork was by no moans neglected.
The hitter article was also well held nnd at
the adjournment showed n decline of "i @ 5c
from hist night's flunl prices. Short ribs
were confined to narrow limits in their fluc
tuations and rested unchanged to u shade
lower. In lard the buiyng of English houses
was the feature of the trade. Tlioy bought
ou bulges and breaks , and with a good follow
ing of shorts covering they controlled the
market. The day's actual advance iu lard
CHICAGO , April 21. [ Special Telegram to
the Hun. I C MTU : The light run of to-day
was sold at an early hour , and ono or two
buyers wuro loft with their orders not filled.
There were n few lots of Tcxans on sale that
wcro disposed of at satisfactory prices.
Butchers' stoclc was rather scarce and mak
ing moro money than last week. This is
owlne to the light run of Texans , Shippers
should keep in mind nil the time that the run
from Tosus la liable to increase any week
nnd nt first ttio increase of native butchers'
Block nnd [ canning stock must sell lower ,
The stocker and feeder trade has ruled extremely -
tromoly dull for a week aud presented no en
couraging features to-day. Veal calves con
tinue to arrive in largo number , aud prices
arc ruinously low. Steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs ,
M.OOQ5.00 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , * 1.10@I.CO ; 050 to
1200 Ibs , W,70@4,15 ; stockcrs and feeders ,
S2.u5ffi3.r > 0. Cows , bulls and mixed , $1.05 ®
8.70 ; bulk , $2.5002.00 ; Texas grass steers ,
$3.40 ; cows. ? 2.12) .
Hoas JVo have had a remarkably active
market considering the sudden and unex
pected Increase in Mipply. From Monday to
Wednesday vidueu dropped 25@0c ! , and
there the decline was checked ; from
'Wednesday until to-day there has been n
quiet but substantial udvanco until the loss
of the curly part of the week has been nearly
regained , best heavy milking f5.05@5,75 , anrl
the best mixed * 5.50 < < i5.l50 , with assorted
butcher weights at $ .r > .G2 > f Q5.C5. Light sorts
wcro Hcarco and but few wanted ; nominal at
Ki.50C j5.5r. for liJO to 170 averages. Closely
assented light sold ut f5.COifJ5.30.
Chicago , April SI. The Drovers' Journal
reports us follows ;
Cattle Koceipts , 2,000 : market strong ;
steers , f3.70@5.00j stockers nnd feeders ,
rJ.S53.50 ; cows , bulls and mixed. ? 1IKK < ] >
8.70 ; Texas cattle , f2.12Ki3.40. ( ;
nllogtt Receipts , 11,000 ; market slow and
Do lower ; mixed , $5.35(3"-M ( ; heavy , J5.50
( JJ5.75 ; light , f5.25@5.50 ; skips , ? a.7D&,5.00.
Sheep Receipts , 3,000 ; market strong ;
natives , fl.OO@ < UM ; wentorn , * 5.00 < V0.6U ;
Texans , (3. 5 < g5.UU ; lambs , * 5.DO < 7.00 per
Knnsna City , April 81. Cattle Re
ceipts , 600 ; shipments , none ; market quiet
and steady ; good to choice corn-fed. fi20Cg
4.00 ; common to medium. ? 3.25@4.20 ; stock-
crs , ja.00@2.00 ; feeding Btccrs. f3.00 fl3.CO ; ;
COWB , l.60.J3.CO. (
Hogs KccoiptR , 5,000 ; shipments , none ;
market steady for choice , br.t So lower for
common ; common to choice , f4.75(25.00 ( ;
eltips and pigs , J3.25Q4.fl5.
National Stunk Yards , East St.
touis , April ' 21. Oattlo-Koeclpts , .100 ; '
Bhlpuirnt * . BOO ; market steady ; choice
lienvy native stem. iKK < 5.t0 ! ; fair to good
tiativo stows , tlitut.U ) ; butchers' 'ctccit. .
piiuo , ( .00 ( < i4. 0 ; stocien , and
feeders , folr to good , f2.10@3.JJO ; rangers ,
ordinary to good , 2.2.'X34.00.
Hogs Receipts. 400 ; shipments , l.COOt
market strong ; choice heavy and butchers'
selection * , $ .1.60(35.83 ( : packing , medium to
choice , > . ! 10@5.50j light grades , ordinary to
best , ? 3.15@5.40.
NEW YORK , April 21 , [ Special Telegram
to the BKB.I STOCKS The stock market
to-day was active , sales being 155,301 , shares.
The bulls had full control nnd held the
market firmly but did not advance prices
with uny degree of rashness , net gains Jrang-
ing from & to 1V , Manhattan having the
load. Coat stocks wcro strongest , Reading
advancing/ . The bank statement showed
nn increase in the reserve of $3,370,875 , i-nd a
decrease in loans of § 3,014,000. The latter
was not regarded ns a good feature , as it in
dicates n lighter demand for money.
OovEiiNMEXTS. Government bonds wcro
dull but steady.
2 per cent.
STKUMNO KXCHANOI : Quiet and firm at
$4.SOforGO day bills ; ft.SS/t' / for demand.
rilOl > UCEMA.niCKTS.
Clilcnco , April 21. Following nro the
:30 : closing prices :
Flour Firm ; winter wheat , In sacks ,
S2.50@UX : ) ; Inbbls , $2.75@4.40 ; spring wheat ,
n sacks , 61.75@3.8fi ; In bbls$3.r > 0 < ; J4.50 ; rye
lour , iu sacks , $2.703.t)0 ) ; Iu bbls , S2.UO'
@ 3.10.
Wheat Oiencd easy and } { @ % o lower ,
and closed J c below yesterday ; cash , S0c ;
May , 81 5-lc ( ) ; Juno , 81'tfc.
Corn Moderately active but unsettled ;
opened excited about lo under yesterday und
closed % c lower than yesterday ; cash , S3J < c ;
May , fi-ljffo ; .Tune , 51 l-10c.
Oats Moderately active and easier ; May ,
Hyo 03c.
Harley 77 > j'7Sc.
Pi line Timothy $2.00.
Whisky ei.15.
Pork Fair trading ; fluctuated slightly
and closed fi@10c lower ; cash and May , $14.10
@ 14.12K : June , $14.17H'14.20.
Lard Advanced 12 > i@15c. nnd tlio im-
irovcmcnt was well supported ; cash and May ,
? S.10 ; Juno , $8.12 } < f@S.15.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , ? 3.7fi@0.00 ;
short clear , $7.M7.S5 ; short ribs , $7.i0. !
liuttor Unchanged ; creamery , 20@25c ;
dairy , 2o@21c.
Cheese Unchanged ; full cream cheddars ,
[ 0.f@lOJ ! c ; flats , 10) @ 10j ! c ; yount ; Anier-
cas , ll@12c.
Eggs Unchanged ; fresh , 12J @ 13c.
Hides Unchanged ; green hides 4o\ \
licavy green salted , 5J c ; light green salted ,
Oc ; salted bull , 4 c ; green bull , % ; ffrceii
salted calf , Sc : dry flint and dry calf , 12@18o ;
dry salted , lOc : deacons , 30o each.
Tallow Unchanged ; country , 4 f@5c ; No.
2,4J.fc ; cake , 45c per It ) .
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls " 37,000 17,000
Wheat bu. 1 3,000 19,000
Corn , bu 134,000 23,000
Oats , bu 140,000 01,000
Ryc.bu 2,000 11,000 ,
13arley , bu 0,000 9,000
St. Louis. April 21. Wheat Lower ;
cash , jB4 > @S5Kc ; May , Sl c.
Corn Lower ; cash , C-0 > ( f51c ; May , COJ c.
Oats Lower ; cash , 32c ! ; May , 30Kc.
Pork-ll.r 0. .
Lard $7.50.
Whisky $1.09.
Duller Firm ; creamery , 20@25c ; dairy ,
Cincinnati. April 31. Wheat In light
demand ; No. 2 red , 88c.
Corn In Ijglit demand and weaker ; No. 3
mixed , 57@57 } < [ C.
Oats Dull and easier ; No. 2 mixed , 34@
llyo-QuiQt ; No. 2 , 72c.
Provisions 1'ork flrm at $14.G2 > ; lard
stronger at fc".70@7.75.
Whisky Active ut $1.09.
Milwaukee , April 21. Wheat-Steady ;
cash , 70c ; May , ? l' ' > c ; June , SO c.
Corn Lower ; No. 3 52) o.
Oats Dull ; No 2 white , aic.
Ilye Easier ; No. 1 , 02c.
uarloy Lower ; No. 2 , 72c.
Provisions Steady ; pork , April$14.25.
Minneapolis , April 21. Wheat Uo-
ccipts , 82U cars ; shipments cars ; prices
nbout siuno as yesterday's. Closing In
store : No. 1 hard , May , bOc ; July , SI ? c.
No. 1 northern , May , 7i > ) fc ; July , 79 } < Je.
No. 2 northern , May , 70 } c ; July. 77 c.
On truck No. 1 hard. 81 } c ; No. 1 north
ern , 7t79c ! ; No. 2 nortliern , 77c ,
Flour Firm ; patents , in sacks to ship in
car lotsfl.20@4.10 , ; in barrels , $4.404.r)5. ( ?
Now Vorlc , April 21. Wheat Receipts ,
1,100 ; exports , 55,000 ; cash grades ushudo
lower ; options weukened , but broke early
i > @Kc. hiter declined } { @ % c moro , sub-
bcquently strengthened Jic < ? ' % c , closing firm ;
ungraded red , 95fS'J7o ( ; No. 2 red , 95o f ,
o. \it&JHfo \ In Ktoronnd elevator , lHfg ) (
90) < jO delivered ; May closing at 93J c.
Corn Receipts , 17,000 ; exports , 13,000 ;
spot a shade easier und dull ; options declined
JJ'QJiO early , later to near the close of yes
terday , leaving oil flrm ; ungraded,0t ( @USo ;
No. 3 , 05o ; No. 3 , GSJi"i ( c nominal in
store ; May closing at U3 > c.
Oats Receipts , 43,000 ; exports , 73 ; mixed
a sliado lower ; white , steady ; mixed west
ern , 8V ( < ? 40c ; whlto western , 42O4c. ( !
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio quiet nt $14.25 ; op
tions opened 10@25 points lower , later
reacted 20 ( < MO points nnd closed flrm ; sales ,
JI7.000 bags ; April , $11.00@11.30 ; May , $10.1)0 )
( i ll.25 ; June , J10.50@10.bO ; July , $10.05 ®
lO.aO ; August , $ 'J.80 ( ( 10.05.
Petroleum United closed strong ut SO c ,
Kegs Firm aud in fairinq'uiry ; western ,
i'ork Firm and fairly active ; mess quoted
nt S15.0a@15.25 for now ; $ ll.50j ( 14.75 for
ol < l.
Lard Gained I't5l2 ' ( points , closing with a
reaction of 2Ji-l ( points ; western stoum , snot ,
Huttcr Steady , but quiet ; western , 10
@ 27o.
Cliecso Qulot and weak ; western flat , 11VJ
Kansas City , April 21. Wheat-Steady ;
No. 3 soft , cash , 80' o ; May , 60o bid ,
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , cash , 40Ko asked ;
May , 40Kc ; June , 40 > fo iid.
Oats No. 3 , 3lo asked.
New Orleans , April 31. Corn Easier ;
mixed , 03oyollow ; , 04c ; white , 05o ,
Oats Firmer ; No , 2 , 42o.
Corn Meal Qulot at $ ' . ' .80.
Hog Products Steady with fair demand ,
- ' -i.-
13ulk Meats Shoulders , ? 0,20 ; long clear ,
$7.00 ; clear rib , ? 7.02K.
Mvcrpool , April 21 , Wheat Quiet
and steady ; holders offer moderately ; Cali
fornia No. 1 , OsCafKCbBO per cental ; red
western , winter , Os bd@Cs Od.
Corn Quiet ; holders offer moderately ;
new mixed western , d. 3 d per cental ,
Saturday , April 81 , 18S3. f
As usual on Saturday the receipts of cattle
were light , The market opened n little oar-
Her tlmn usual aud wnsquito briskforntimo ,
about everything being sold. The prices
paid worn In most cases lOo higher than yes-
tenlay'a market. The pucKcrs were the
heaviest buyers , but there was a fair ship
ping demand suflldeut to take the surplus.
llig heavy cattle continue In rather lifht re
quest , aud do not sell ns readily us Udy'llttto
The week closed with liberal .rsceipls of
hop , there being over sovi ily loads on sale.
WIilio in f 01110 ( usrK tbo bet loads of ; heavy
hogs sold at nhout steady prices , tlio general
market on tlwt grade was u kliudo lower.
fully 5c leer and itt'ht
hogs 5@10o lower. Tlio market was a llttlo
inclined to bo slow , salesmen being back
ward nbout accepting the decline , but the
hops wcro all sold before the close.
There were a few hero , but there was noth-
ng doing on the market.
Battle. 500
Togs , . 5,000
Sheep , 700
Prevailing Prices.
The following is n table of prices paid In
his market for the grades of stock men-
'rimostoors , 1300to 1500 Ito.$4.20 @ 4.40
Prime steers , ItOO to 1300 Ibs. . 3.75
Fat llttlo steers. 000 to 1050 Ibs. n.50
lommon to choice cows 2.00
Common to choice bulls 3.00
' 'air to choice light hogs 4.90
"air to choice heavy hogs fi.25
air to choice mixed hogs. . . . . 5.15
HcprcHomntivo Snlcs.
No. ' Av. Pr.
1 bull 1020 $3.75
Ibull 1030 2.75
Icow 1230 3.00
10 bulls 178t ! 8.10
1 cow 1150 8.25
1 cow 1130 8.8.1
1 cow 1170 3.30
1 steer 1030 3.75 ,
18 steers 007 3.75
35 steers 1001 8.80
40 steers 1051 3.90
21 steers 1001 3.S > 5
1 steer 1250 4.00
55 steers , westerns 1331 4.00
11 steers 12(51 ( 4.10
18 steers 1250 4.10
72 steers 1213 4.10
37 steers 1259 4.20
ISstqors 1211 4.25
19 steers 1250 4.25
18 steers 1403 4.80
10 veal calves 135 5.25
No. Av. SUk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
15. , . .123 40 $4.00 01. . .254 HO $5.20
87. . . .113 80 4.25 CO. . .23'5 ' 120 5.20
79. , .f59 200 4.25 74. . .233 40 5.20
21. , . .159 100 4.90 74. . .251 200 5.20
09. , . .207 200 5.05 75. . .218 100 5.20
SO. , . .203 2SO 5.07 } 77. . .240 1150 5.22 }
71. , . .215 280 5.10 07 247 100 5.22
73. , . .217 120 5.10 75 . .251 SO 5.25
72. , . .213 120 .5.10 54 . .2H ( 40 5.25
83. . .107 100 5.10 00 , . .251 SO 5.25
70. . .220 1150 5.10 09 . .240 240 5.25
71. . .220 240 5.10 70 . .237 SO 5.25
77. . .234 240 5.10 03 . .203 SO 5.23
77. . .313 80 5.15 07 . .271 120 5.23
13. . .200 SO 5.15 70 . .24VV 0 5.25
00. . .108 120 5.15 70 . ,243 200 5.23
74. . .221 5.15 70 . .233 100 5.25
78. . .230 240 5.15 71 . . . .249 200 5.35
72. . .241 1(50 ( 5.15 73..239 SO 5.25
75. . .2241150 5.15 74 . .251 200 5.25
Ot. . . .2,13 120 5.15 02 . .223 80 5.23
SO , . .313 80 5.15 79 . .233 100 5.33
GO. . . .2(54 ( 320 5.15 01 . .270 1GO 5.25
. . .2J4 200 5.17J 07 . .253 12J 5.27K
(53 ( ! . . .234 120 5.17K 74 . .347 80 5.27 >
SO. , .19S 5.20 71 . .273 5.30
t70. . .212 40 5.20 75 . .259 5.30
09. . .331 80 5.20 G3 . .250 40 5.80
83. . . .231 200 5.20 G'J . .271 120 5.30
73. . . .247 200 5.20 CO , .3S8 80 5.30
Go. . . .248 120 5.20 (57 ( , ,3S5 100 5.30
G7. . . .243 40 5.20 . .234 80 5.30
OS. . . .231 40 5.20 59. . 20G 80 5.32)4 )
Gi. , . .234 120 5.20 72. . .2S4 80 5.35
- Litv < ; Stable Sold.
Showing the number of ho.vlof stock sold
to the leading buyers on the market to-day.
Omaha Packing Co 1,454
Armour & Cuduhuy P. Co 8,158
G. II. Hammond & Co 200
E. L- Lambert 199
Speculators 118
J. Curyea 27
Clarke & Deacon 4
Swlft&Co 127
C. II. Williams 41
S. Livingstone 3
Slovens , Hamilton & Co 1
Armour C. Packing Co 10
J. E. Huntfc Co 03
J. Carlln S
G. H. Hammond & Co 257
lines Packed.
Special reports to the Cincinnati Price
Current show the number of hogs packed
from March 1 to date and latest mall dates at
the undermentioned places , compared with
the corresponding tlmo last year , us follows ;
Murcli 1 to Apill 11 1888. 11W7.
Kansas City M7.000 ,
Oiimlm 112.301 uvono
St. Louis 48 , ( K ) ,
Indianapolis 45,000 2Ti. ( 0
Cincinnati ! ir , om : ! 0HK , ( )
Milwaukee : i8oo
Ct'ilnr Knplil.s 20,870 s,3.-i )
CleVeland Itl.ftV ) L'7,000
NubrnHka City , Neb 13.171 11,030
Ottumwa. la 17.7111 7.4HI
liivo Stock Notes.
J , E. Hale , Ord , came in to-day to look
over the market.
Among those who marketed hogs was
Parks Uros. & Co. , Ord.
Jack Long , Stromsbcrg , topped the market
with a load of 234-lb hogs.
John Wiggins , the well known shipper of
Columbus , was in with stock.
Three loads of the Heclcwlth & Quinn cat
tle , fed at Chapman , sold on the market.
C. F. Way , of the firm of Way & Munn ,
came in from Ord witli four loads of cattlo.
Shcltoii was represented at the yards by
Gcorgo Melsner , the well known banker and
J. M. Bennett , of ttio firm of Schevo &
Bennett , Hoag , was in with u load each ol
cattle and hogs.
Halo iSt Uorryman , of Cordova , marketed n
load of cattle aud a load of hogs. Mr.
Uorryman came iu to look after the ship
From March 1 to date Omaha has made a
gain over last year in the number of hogs
packed of 17,000. During the same tlmo
Kansas City has fallen off 5,043.
Produce , FriiltB , Nuts , Etc.
Saturday , April 21.
nicfnUmclnfi quotations arc wholesale
and not retail. 1'rlccs quoted on prmiuct ,
are tlic rates at which round tots are sold on
tills market. Fmlts or other lines of needs
requiring extra labor In nadtlng cannot nl-
wttuu bo supplied on outside orders at the
same prices quoted for the local trade.
Hates on ] lmir and feed arc jobbers' prices
Prices on araln arc Vtnuo paid by Omaha
millers delivered. All quotations on mer
chandise are obtained jiuni leadlnu houses
and are corrected dally. Prices on crack
ers , ctflics. etc. , are those given by leading
HuTTnu Fancy creamery roll butter
25@20o with solid packed at 21@2Jc ; choice
country butter 8UC482c , common grades
17@18c , inferior stuff 12@15c , according to
Eaos Strictly fresh ll@12c.
Or&Tuu PLANT So per pound. ;
UEKTS COcper doz.
SriNXAOis $3.00 perbbl.
Oxioxs Native stock , f 1.601.75 , Spanisl
per box of 5 Ibs $1.75jr ( 2.00 , California on
nions 8J @ -lo per Ib ,
POTATOES Choice homo grown , 75@85c
Utah ana Colorado stock , ? 1.10@1.20 ; low
grades , 55i/05c. (
POUI.THV No dressed fowl In the market-
Hvo chickens , $3.75ii4.00 pordoz ; turkeys
0@llo per Ib ; gcoso , $ lt.00(3 ( > 10.00 per doz.
CIIKCSK Full cream , 18i4c. ! !
UINANAB Common medium , ? 2.50@3,00per
bunch ; choice ; , $3.00@3.50.
TiMiMi's Rutabagas , 50GOc ; white , 40o
ucr bushel.
LESIONS | 3.50@4.00 per box.
DATES Pcrsuin , OU7o per Ib.
SAUH KHAUT Choice per bbl. of 83 gal
J5.00@5.00 ; bbl. , $4.00 ( < i4.0j * U.OO i > er bbl
of 50 gal.
CIDEII Choice Michigan cider , f4.50@0.50
per bbl. of 82 gal.
Poi'COiis Choice rico corn Is quoted at !
@ 4u per Ib. , other kinds , Si So per Ib ,
CAIIUOTS $3.25 < ! i3.50 jxsr bbl. ; now stock
50u pur doz.
PAiissirs Now stock , $3.00(23.50 per bbl
CAIIIUOKS $1 per doz. for native stock am
3u34o ( per Ib. for California.
CAOLIFLOWEU Good stock , f2.60@3.75 per
OIUNOES California Riverside , $3.75(3 (
4.00 ; Messina , $4.5iK < 5.50 ; Los Angeles , j.uo
© 3.25 ; Huvali-.S4.50.
IJtuNs Good stock , $2.CO@2.73 ; ' California
baans , $3.25@2.40.
Fios In layers. 18@lHc , cake lOo i > er Ib.
Nins PeanuuO > i@7 < ! , raw Urazil nuts
ISo ; almonds , Tarragona , 22c ; Eugllah wal
nuts , 15 < 7lSc ; fllbtfrts/19c / : Italian chestnuts'
15ci pecans. 15o , " ' i
HONBV I0@2le foFl Ib frames' ; canned
honey. I012c per lib.
PAHSLKT SOc p r-doe.
GIIKKX ONioxs-fflStencr doz.
ASPAIIAOUS 22c per Ib.
STRAWBEimtES-iFrcsh ' Florida , 35 ® 10 per
box. , '
CuctJMiinitt $1.00 per dozen for choice.
LETTUCE tOc per do * .
CELEUY Callfornlrt'atock , $1.50 per doz ,
IlAnisiiKi 40c per doz.
STIUNO Br.AN8-tfO.OO per bu.
GIIEE.V PEAS $4.00 per bu.
TOMATOES $4.00 pofibu.
Oroecrs' List ,
Tierce , 7Jfc ; 40-lb square
cans , 7ffc ; 60-lb round , 7 > go ; 20-lb round ,
gc : 10-lb palls , 8 ; c ; 5-lb palls , Sc ; 3-lb
palls , 8jfc. }
STIIUPS New Orleans molasses , per bbl. ,
17(3400per ( gal. ; corn syrup. 35o ; half bbls. ,
87c ; 4 gal. kegs , $1.55 ; sorghum 3Sc ,
Pitovisio.vs Ilnms , 10X@103fo ; breakfast
bacon , 10) ) < ( ailc ; bacon sides , 8kJfe ; dry
salt , < j < c7 o ; shoulders , OKQ c ; dried
lieof , 10@llo.
PICKLES Medium in bbls , $5.75 ; do In half
bbls , $3.40 ; small in bbls , $0.75 ; do in half
bbls , $3.90 ; gherkins , inbbls , $7.75 ; do in half
obis ! $4.40.
CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per
case. $3.103.35 ; strawberries , 3-lb , per case ,
$3.00@3.10 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3,00@
8.10 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ;
nppricots. per case , $4.80@4,40 ; peaches , per
case , $5.G ( ) ( < ? 3.75 ; whlto cherries , i > cr case ,
$0.00 ; California plums , per case , $4.50@4.CO ;
blueberries , pcrcn-tc , $2.20@2.40 ; egg plums ,
2-lb , per case , $3.50plneappplcs ; , 2-lb per case ,
$3.20@5.75 ; 1'lb salmon per doz. ? 1.85@1.93 ;
J-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.253.35 ; 2-lb
string beans , per case , $1.75@1.80 ; 3-lb Limn
beans , per case , $1.0001.03 ; 2-lb marrowfat
iicas , $2.GO@2.70 ; 3-lb early Juno peas , per
case , $3.85 : 3-lb tomatoes , $2.40@3.60 ; 2-lb
corn , $2.80 < & 3.40.
JELLIES 30-lb palls , $1.25@1.50.
SALT Per bbl. In car load lots. $1.30.
ROPE Seven-sixteenths , 105f@llc.
CANDY Mixed , 9@llc : stick , 9@9'ff.
HOLLAND Hl'.ititlNos 70@72cpcr keg.
MAPLE SUOAII Bricks , I2) ) cper Ib. ; penny
cakes , 13@14o per Ib.
BitooMs-Extra , 4-tle. $2.GO ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
STAIICII Mirror gloss , 5&c ; Graves' corn ,
JVc ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c.
TEAS Japans , 20@55c : gunpowder , 20@
GOc ; Young Hyson , 22@53c ; Oolong , 20 ©
G5c.Pownnii AND SHOT Shot , $1.45 ; buckshot ,
$1.70 ; Hazard powder , $3.00 ; half kegs , $2.75 ;
one-fourths , $1.50 ; blasting kegs , $3.35 ; fuses ,
100 ft. , 45@75c.
SyoAi ; Granulated , J77j ( & ! c ; conf. A.C .
C ,
buckle's roosted , 193 0 ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 192 c ; Dllworth's , 19J c ; Red Cross ,
19Kc ; nluroma , lOJfc.
WoonENWAiiE Two-hoop palls , per doz. ,
$1.40 : three-hoop palls , $1.05 : No. 1 tub , $0.75 ,
No. 2 tub , $0.75 ; No. Stub , $4.75 ; washboards
$1.50 ; fancy washboards , $3.50 ; assorted
bowls , $2.75 ; No. 1 churns , $9.50 ; No. 2
churns , $3.50 ; No. 8 churns , $7.50 ; butter
tubs , $1.70 ; spruce , in nests , $1.70.
Toiucco Lorillard's Climax , 45c ; Splen
did , 45c ; Mechanics' Delight , 4-lc ; Lcggctt &
Meyer's Star , 45c ; Cornerstone , 39c ; Drum-
mond's Horseshoe , 45c ; J. T. , 42c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 45 ; Cntlin's Meerschaum , Sic ;
Catlin's Old Style , 23o ; Piper Heidsick. G4c ;
SweetTipTop,3Tc.IT.N.O. ; , 17c ; Red.Whito
and Blue , ISc. T T
* CiucKEiis , CAKES , ETC. Prices subject to
change. Soda , Go ; "soda ( city goods ) , 7c ;
soda snowflake ( in tins ) , lOc ; soda dandy ,
5 o ; soda wafcrsfiu tins ) , lOc ; sodazeplivr ,
Sc ; city oyster , GWct excelsior , 7o ; farina
oyster , 7c ; gem ! oy4ter , 5c ; monitoi. 7c ;
Omaha oyster , 7o ; pearl oyster , 5c ; picnic ,
5c ; snowdrop oyster , , < 7o ; butter , 5c ; Boston ,
8c ; Omaha butter , 7c ; > saw tooth butter , 0c ;
cracker meal 5 c ; 'graham , Sc ; granam
wafers. lOc ; graham-\vafers \ m pound pack
ages , 12 > c ; hard br iid , 5c ; milk , 7J o : out
meal , Sc ; oatmeal wafers , lOo ; oatmeal wa
fers in pound packages , 12) ) 01 animals , 12c ;
Bolivcr gingorround,7c ( ) ; cream,8cCornhill ; ,
lOc ; cracknclls/ ; frosted cream , 8 c ;
ginger snaps , 8cgmger ; snaps ( city ) , Ue ;
home made ginger snaps , in boxes , 13c ; homemade
made ginger snaps (1-lb ( cans ) per dozen ,
$2.50 ; lemon creams,8c ; p > etzcls ( hand made )
ll > c ; assorted cakes and jumbles , HKc ; as
sorted lingers. 15c ; afternoon tea ( in tins ) ,
per box $7.00 ; banami lingers , 14c ; butter
jumblps , 11K < ! ; Brunswick , 15c ; brandy
snaps , loc ; chocolate drops ( new ) lc ( ! ; chpco-
latd wafers , 15c ; Christmas lunch ( in tins )
per dozen , $4.50 ; cocoa taffy snaps , 14c ; coffee
cake , 12c ; Cuba jumbles , llj c ; cream puffs ,
SOc ; egg jumbles , 14c : ginger drops , lie ;
honey jumbles , lljifc ; jelly lingers , 15c ; jelly
wafers , 15c ; jelly tart ( new ) , 15c ; lady flng-
cra , 13c ; vanilla bar , lie ; vanilla wafers , 14c ;
Vienna wafers , 1 dozen packages in a box ,
per dozen , $2.50.
All goods packed in cans Ic per Ib. advance
except snowflake and wafer soita. which are
packed only in cans. Soda in 2 it ) , and 3 Ib.
paper boxes , } c per Ib. advance ; all other
goods Ic per Ib. advance. Soda in 1 Ib. paper
boxes , Ic per Ib. advance. The 3 Ib. boxes
are packed in cases holding 18 in a case. The
3 Ib. boxes nro packed m cases holding 13 in
a case , Tlio 1 Ib. boxes are packed in cases
holding 80 in a caso. Ono Ib. Graham and
oat meal wafers packed 3 doz. in a case.
Show tops for boxes , with glass aliening to
show goods , 75c. Cans for wafer soda , $3.
not returnable. Cans for snowflake soda , $0
per doz. Tin cases with glass face to display
the goods , 75c each. No charges for packages
except for and returnable cases. Glass
front tin cans and "snowflako" soda cans arc
returnable at prices charged.
Dry Goods.
PitiNTS SOLID COI.OHS Atlantic. Cc ;
Slater , 5.fc ; Berlin oil. G' ' c ; Gamer oil , G@
7c. PISII AND ROUES Richmond , OKc ; Allen ,
0'ifo ; River Point. 5o ; Steel River , Go ;
Richmond , Gc ; Pacific , ( i c. INDIGO BLUE
Washington , KC ; Century , digo blue prints ,
9c ; American , 7e ; ArnolddilUo ; Arnold B ,
llo ; Arnold A , 1'Jo Arnol CoM Seal , 10 } e.
DitKss Charter Oak , 5c ; Ramapo. 4e ;
Lodi , 5c ; Allen , Go ; Richmond , Oc : Windsor ,
GKc ; Eddystono , Oj c ; Pacific , GJ-Jc.
Uuow.v SiniETixo Atlantic A , ( 4-1 , 7 , * {
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7 0 : Atlantic D , 4-1 , Gi ,
Atlantic P , 4-1 , Gc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au
rora C , 4-1 , 5c ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , 7 0 ; Hoo-
sicr LL , 4-4 , Cc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 o ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , ( ic ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
Aurora R , 4-1 ,
HATTS Standard , 9c ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Byono , 14c ; B , cased , $ l.50.
CAiti'ET WAIUBibb , white , lOc ; col
nrcd , 2ic.
DUCK West Point 29 iu. 8 oz. , 10 } o ; West
Point , 29 in. 10 oz. , I2) < fo ; VestPoiut , lOln. 1' ' .
oz. , 15o ; West Point 40 in. llozlo. ( ! Checks
Caledonia XOKc ; Caledonia XX , 10 > c ;
Economy , 9Kc ; Otis , D
KENTUCKV JEANS Momorlnl , 15o ; Canton
- , - . . - , bleached ' , ' 8' c ; Stev
bleached , ; ; Stevens' N
bleached , lO o ; Stovons' S RT , 12 0.
MI6CEI.LANEOU8 Table oil cloth , $2.85
alii Holland , 8Uct6 9K ° i Dado Holland
CoMroiiTEits 5 < 5.(535.00. ( ( )
BLANKETS White , ? 1.00@7.50 ; colored
BLEACIIID : SHEETING Berkeley cambric ,
ui i uuiji , .V4ui l iwiiu u , uu , jiujiu , ou , 1 .111
Phillip cambric , lloLonsdale. ; HKo ; Lons-
dale , Oo ; Now York mills , lOVe ; Peppcrell ,
42-in , llo ; Pcpporoll , 4-m. ( ( 12o ; Pcpneroll ,
( H , iCc ; PCpperell , 8-1 , 21c ; Popporoll , 9-4 ,
23u ; Popporoll , 10-4 , 33o ; Canton , 4-1 , S fc ;
Canton , 4-4 , OKo , Triumph , Go , Wamsutto ,
lo ; Valley , Oo.
UINOHAM Plunkett checks , 7i o ; Whlttcn-
ton7 c ; York , 7Ko ; Normalidl dress , 8 > c ;
Calcutta dress , SKC ! Whlttondondress , b > Jc ;
Renfow dress. S@l"c.
TICKS Ivcwlston , iiO-in , , 12 > < fo ; Lewiston ,
32-in. , 13 c ; York , 33-lu. , 14c ; Swift river ,
7Ko ; Ttiorndyke , OO , 8' c ; Thorndyko , EF ,
8 } c ; Thorndiko 120 , ti o ; Thorndiko XX ,
15o ! Cordls , , To. 5 , MO Cordls , No , 4 , He.
DENIMS Amoskcag , B , 0-oz. , itio ; Everett ,
7-oz. , 13o ; York. 7-oz. , 18o ; Haymaker , S o ;
Jaffroy , XX , llj o ; Jaffroy , XXX , 13Ko ;
Beaver Creek , AA , I2o ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
Ho ; Bc-avur Creek. CO , lOc.
FLANXELS PJald Raftsman , 20o ; Goshcn
82Vc ; Clear Luke , SJk'c ; Muplo City , 'My.c.
White G H N 3 , % . 21c ; G II No. 1 } { ,
80o ; QuecheoNo. 1 , > / , 42o ' ; Qucchco No. 2 ,
< ftTi j QuccheoNo. 4'JSJKe ; Anawan ,
/li n. . )01X.- , , l n,1 V < 1 OJ.Inrn. .
count-LL , CVo , ; CO , 7Kc ; SS 8Uc ; Namo-
css , 5Hc ; No. 6 , Oc } EE , OKo { OG , lOKc ;
XXl e5 OO , I4e ; NN lOo } RX , 180(11 (
20c ; No , 10 , 8 * < c ; sO , lO c ; CO. 12J o ; SO , lOc ;
20 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 13c ; 70 , colored ,
25c ; Bristol , 13Xc ; Union Pnclflc , 18a
GoncrnI Mnrkota.
Fi.ocn AND FKED Minnesota patents , $3.45
( § 2.50 per cwt ; Kansas nnd Missouri fancy
winter patents , $3.50(32.75 ( pcrcwt ; Nebraska
patents , $3.45(33.50 ( per cwt ; rye Hour , $3.00
icrcwtwhcatgrnhnm$1.75@1.90pcr ; ewtjryo
; raham , $1.83ftl.40 ( per cwtfNow York buck
wheat , $3.50 per cwt ; Excelsior , $3.00 per cwt ;
ready raised , $5.00 per 100-lb case ; common ! ,
yellow , ( UXXgl.lO per cwt ; whlto $1.10@1.15
[ tcrcwt ; bran , $10.00(317.00 ( per ton ; screen
ings , $12.00 per ton : hominy , $3.25 per
bbl ; chopped feed , $18.00 per ton ; chopped
corn , $10.60@17.00 per ton
LEVTIIEK Onk soles , 85@37c ; hemlock
upper , 19@24o ; English grain upper , 25o ;
licmlock grain upper , 21@31o ; Tnmplco B. L.
Morocco , 2fl@33c ; Tampico pepplo , O. D. Mo. ,
22@20c : Curacoa , B. G. Mo. , liOc ; Simon
O.D. Mo. , $2.753.00 ; Dangola kid , 30(382c ( ;
X. M , kangaroo , 40c ; Ainorlcancnlt kid , 32c ;
Gricscn kids , $3.00Q3.50 ; French glazed kids ,
$2.50@2.75 ; French calf kids. $3.20 ; oak kip
skins , $ SOc$1.00 ( ( ; oakcalf skins , $1.00@1.55 ;
French calf skins , $1.25@235 ; French kip
skins , $ l,10@1.50 ; Russitt linings , $0.0006.50
per doz. ; pink cream anil wlilto linings , $7.50
@ 10.00 per doz. ; colored toppings , $9.000
EXTRACTS Sanderson's oil bcrgamot , per
Ib. , $ $2.75@3.X ) ; oil lemon , per Ib. , $2.50 ; oil
peppermint , $3.00 ; oil wlntcrgrcen , $3.50 ;
olive oil , Malaga , per gallon , $1.25.
WINDOW GLASS Single. 70 per cent nnA 5
per cent ; double , 70 nnrt 10 per cent discount ,
PAINTS Whlto lead , pure. 0) ) 0 ; whlto lead ,
fancy , 0 } c ; putty , In bladders , 8c ; Paris
whlto , Sc ; common , 2 > c ; red lead , 7o.
OILS Carbon , 175 degrees llc ) ; linseed ,
boiled , COc ; linseed , raw , 67c ; castor ,
No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1.13 : sperm
whale , $1.00 ; whale water , blenched ,
85o ; flsh , bank , 85c ; neatsfoot extra , C5c ;
ncatsfoot No. 1 , 50o ; gasoline , 75 degrees , 15o ;
W. S. lard , ( We ; No. 1 lard , 50o ; No. 3 lard , 50
@ 55c ; W. Vu. zero , 14c ; W.Va. summer , 12c ;
golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whnlc.
20c ; naptlia , 1 degree , 14c ; headlight , 150
degrees , 12o ; headlight , 175 degree , 15o ; tur
pentine , 48c ; castor , pure , $3.45 per gal.
Duuos Acid , carbolic , crystal , per Ib , 50c ;
citric acid , per IbfCOo ; tartaric , per Ib , 50c ;
sulphuric , per Ib. 5c : ammonia , carb , per Ib ,
15c ; alum , per Ib , Be ; alcohol , 95 percent ,
per gal , $2.20 ; blue vitric , per Ib , 8c ; borax ,
refined , per Ib , lOc ; camphor refined , 80c ;
cream tartar , pure , per Ib , 45o ; cream tartar ,
commercial , per Ib , 30a ; cloves , per Ib 33o ;
cuttlcflsh bone , per Ib , 80c ; dextrine , per
Ib , 12c ; glycerine , pure , per Ib , SOc ; hops ,
fresh , per Ib , 40c ; indigo , Madras , per Ib ,
SOc ; insect powder , per Ib , COc ; morphine ,
P. & AV. , per oz , $3.00 ; opium , per
Ib , $3.90 ; quinine , P. & W. , per oz , Olc ; qui
nine , German , per oz , 50c ; rochclle salts , per
Ib , S3c ; saffron , American , per Ib , 40c ; saf
fron , true Spanish , per oz , $1.00 ; saltpetre ,
pure , per Ib , lOc ; sulphur. Flowers' , per lo ,
5e ; soda , bl-carb , per Ib , Be ; silver , nitrate ,
per Ib , $11.50 ; spcrmnccto , per Ib , COc ;
strychnine , pcroz. $1.25 ; wax , whlto , pure ,
per Ib , 55c ; wax , yellow , pure , per Ib , 35c.
Si'iitiTS Cologne spirits 183 proof , $1.14 ;
do 101 proof , $1.17 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , $1.10 ; do 188 proof , $1.18 ; alcohol ,
1SS proof , per wino gallon , $3.13 ; redistilled
whiskies , $1.2o@1.50 ; gin blended , $1.BO@2.00 ;
Kentucky bourbons , $ ' . .00@0.00 ; Kentucky
nnd Pennsylvania ryes , ? 2.00@(5.50 ( ; Golden
Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies. $1.50@3.00 ;
brandies , imported , $3.00@8.00 ; domestic ,
$1.30@3.00 ; gins , imported , $5.00@0.00 ; do
mestic , ? 1.25@3.00 ; champagnes , imported ,
per case , $23.00@38.000 ; American , per case ,
HIDES Green butchers' 8 } < f@Jc ; green
cured , 5 > ( CKc ; dry flint. 9c ; dry salt , 80 ;
green salted calf , 7) ( ( ? 8c ; damaged hides two-
thirds price ; drv salted deacons , 23o each.
Tallow No. 1 , 8J.Cc ; No. 2 , 2 < { c. Grease-
Prime white , 4Ljc ; yellow , 3c ; brown , 2c.
Sheep pelts , 10c@Sl.00 , according to quality.
Branded hides classed as damaged.
Funs Raccoon , No. 1 , 80@45c ; No. 2 , 23 ®
30c ; .mink , 10@50c ; muskrat , fall , 5@Sc ;
inuskrat , spring and winter , 8@llc ; strippoil
_ 00
' '
CS1.23'otter ; , S1.00@0'.00 ; dry deer skins , 20@
85c per Ib ; dry antelope , elk , inooso , etc.j 15ii (
23c ; deer skins , per Ib , 20@25c.
No. 1 com , s 1 s.18.50 No. 3 com , s 1 s$15.50
No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 No. 4 com , sis. 13.00
No. 1 , 4&0in 13&14 ft , rough 821.00
No. 1 , " " 10 " 21.00
No. 2 , " " 14 " lfi.50
No. 2 " ' " 10
, . 17.50
A , 12 , 11 & 10 ft.$21.00 | C , 12,14 & 1C fI.S15.25
B , " " 20.25 | D , " " 12.25
1st com % in White Pine ceiling $31.50
2d " " " " 27.50
Clear % in Norway" " 10.00
2dcoin > 'BMn " " " 14.00
A 0 in Whlto Pine $34.30
BOin " " 32.50
CCin " " 29.50
DCin " " 31.50
EOin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) 19.00
Gin , Drop Siding SOc per M extra.
A 13inch sis $15.50
B13 " 89.50
CIS " 8050
D 13 " 23.50
No. 1 com , 13 in s 1 s , 12 ft 21.00
L" " " 14ft 20.50
" " " 10ft 20.50
" " " 10 , 18,20ft 23.00
No. 2 " " 20.50
" " " 13 & 14 ft 19.00
11 " ' 10ft 16.50
13 in Grooved roofing , $ l per M more than 13
in Stock Boards sumo length ,
10 in Grooved roofing same price as 13 in
Stock Boards.
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in $18.75
No.2 " " 17.25
No.l , OG,8in 19.25
1st and 2nd , clear , ! , ! } { ins 2 s 550.50
' " " 1& , 3 50.50
8d , clear , 1 in , s2s 45.50
" IJtf , IK in , 3 40.50
A. select , 1 in s 2 s , . . / , 89.50
A , " IK , IK , 3 ins 2s 43.50
B " liiis s 29.50
13 , " W , IK2 i" 2 s 30.00
B , select , all 10 ft , $1 extra.
Clear Finish , laud Uf Inch , s2s 20.50
Clear Finish , IJtf and S inch , s 3 s 80.00
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch , 21.50
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 2t ) 00
Com. 4 inch Flooring $17.50
Star " " 20.00
1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring 23.QO
Clear % inch Ceiling. . . . , 20.00
Clear 9 ( inch Partition 24.00
Clear % inch , Partition $3 above / indi
OG Batts,2 > iiu $ 70
" Jrfx8sls 85.00
3 in well tubing , D & M and bov 23.50
Pickets , D & H flat 19.50
" DlUfj 19.50
XX clear $ 3.10 Extra * A * $ 3.00
* A * Standard. . 2.C5 * A HB&B. . . 2.45
5 in clear , , , . , . , Oin clear. . . . . . . 2,10
No , 1 1.30 Cedar * A * .
Lath 2.55
Thu Condition ol'Trade.
Affairs in commercial circles , which have
not been in us good condition as could have
been wished for , for some time past are once
moro assuming their wonted aspect , and
trade was novcr better than at present ,
while future prospects never wcro brighter ,
Grocers report a growing business and
note a gratifying increase both in the number
of country orders received and the quantity
of goods hold. Prices have remained uni
formly steady for the past week , with nno
exception , Jurd advancing K CCI > 1 yesterday.
Outuido tills but littlu change is noted.
Thu dry poods trade It * in a flourishing
condition , with heavy sales und steady
prices , excepting cotton poocla , en which the
tendency of prices is downward , and dealers
who anticipate icplunlhlilng their stock
would do well to hcsitiiuas it wcro , foi
Ubout a weuk longer , when a yory grat
ifying cuuu < 'o is lUurust suit ) to occur. .
The leading grades of indigo prints are nlso
declining , Arnold having went off one-half
cent per yard.
The boot nnd shoo trndo Is very healthy for
this season of the year , and the amount of
goods sold is by ono dealer estimated to ox-
cccd that of lost year by nt least 15 per cent.
General merchandise li steady , generally
speaking. A change in rates had n tendency
lo advance the price of lumber somewhat ,
but notwithstanding , trndo is very good when
the amount of buildings In progress Is con *
sldcrcd , The bricklayers' strike has had
much to do In retarding work , hcnco thcro is
not the demand there otherwise would bo.
Hides nro quiet but firm nt prices nbout
steady with those of thirty days ago. Furs
nro dull , with but few handled. Leather is
growing slightly moro active , with very few
The retail houses , in the city are nil doing n
thriving business , nnd moro especially cloth
ing morclmntsdry goods nnd grocery houses ,
which nro disposing dally of enormous quan
tities of stock.
Produce commission men report trade ns
more nctlvo with some lines falling in price ,
while the tendency of the market on others
is higher. Garden stock , which has been im
ported from southern points for pome tlmo ,
is becoming moro plentiful , aud rates nro
consequently lower. Butter , which has been
selling for very high prices , will probably
recede as grass comes onaud parties holding
choice creamery for higher prices would do
well not to retain it too.long. Foreign fruits
nro declining , the market being heavily sup
_ _
Itcnl Kstnto Transfers.
South Omaha Land Co. to Frank Plv-
onka , lot 11 , blk 70 , South Omaha ,
Wl ( , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . , $ nors
J S McCormick ct nl to James Peter
son , lot 24. blk 5 , Deer Park , w d . . . . 1,000
William Collen ( wid ) to Susanna Fore
man , lots 7 and 8 , blk 2 , Oxford
place , wd . 1,400
J H Horbach nnd wlfo to RS Berlin , s
20 ft lot 0 , bllt U , Horbach's 2nd add ,
W d . ! . . . ; . . . . . 250
Samuel Mortcnson et al to J P Mat *
lander ct nl , lot 10 , blk 2 , Baker place
w (1 . " . . . . . . 700
J W Grinith. trustee , to MattioE
Cooper , lot i ) , blk 8 , Baker's place ,
w d . 250
Pioneer Town Site Co. to P Hoist , lot
10 , blk 0 , Town of Bennington , w d. . 112
The Benson Land Syndicate to school
district No. 9 , lots 13 , 14 , 15 and 10
blk 9 Benson , w d . 1
R M Patterson ot al to George Voss ,
lot 15 blk 2 Folsom Place , w d . 325
Solomon Scliguian to Evil L Golden-
son , lots 81 and 81 in Bcllalr , w d. . . 2,500
A L Reed ( single ) to Benjamin Mol-
qulst , o 40 ft Iofl8 blk U Shull's 3ud
add , wd . 1,400
State of Nebraska to heirs at law of
F Peels , 80 acres in 10 , 15 , 12 , pat-
' ' ' " ' " '
John p'lVay e't nl to H'G"Clark' "lot 4
blk4 Grnmmcrcy Park , \v d . 750
Frank Nofok and wife to Edward
Havlick , lot 18 blk 4 Kountzo 3rd
add , wd . 1,420
Margaret J Cooper ct al to Mary L
Blackburn , lots 17 and 18 , blk S ,
TableLand , wd . 300
Balltras .Tetter and wife to John Yutcs ,
lot 7 , blk 2. Jotter's add , w d . 1,200
Henry Kaufman to his wife , Mary ,
wills all property to her.
Henry Ambles and wlfo to C F Harri
son , lots 13 , 14 , 15 , 20 , 21 , 23 nnd 24 ,
blk 8 ; lots 3 , 4 and C , blk 4 ; lots 1 ,
3 and 8 , blk 7 , Eckerman place , q c. 1
J A Hassctt ct al to Florence C Proc
tor , south 30 feet lots 0 and 7 , blk 8 ,
Patrick's add , w d . 900
Joseph Mceks , ( sing ) to J G Wris-
tanly , lot C , blk 13 ; Walnut hill , w
d. . . . . . . . . . 1,800
Hugli Patterson , ( sing ) to J J Philbln ,
lot 1 , 2 , 4 , McCormich's second add ,
wd. . . , . 3,000
Byron Rued et ul to Joseph Schroten-
crw ; Jtflot 12block 2 , Campbell's " add ,
w d . . . . . . 275
Florence Land Co to Milton Rogers ;
89 lots in Florence and 3 out lots , q o 1
Thirty-three transfers , aggregating. . 10,500
Yesterday the following permits were is
sued by the superintendent of buildings :
E. C. Eriling two-story frame packing
house , Twenty-eighth andCorby. , . .S C50
Mrs. Leonora Z. Johnson , two-story
frame residence , Wirt , near Twenty-
second . 2,500
Paul Senf , frame summer house , Vin-
ton , near Elm.- . 200
C. Homollus , addition to dwelling ,
Twenty-ninth nnd Ed Creighton
avenue . 300
Andrew Anderson , cottage , Thirty-
fifth and Dccatur . SCO
C. K. Emery , two-story frame cottage
and barn. Nelson , near Lowe avenue 2,000
J. H. AlcCulloch , addition to dwelling ,
3420 Dccatur. . 150
II. G. Clark , two cottages , Rice , near
Twenty-ninth . 1,200
C. J. Schmidt , addition to dwelling ,
Twenty-third and Davenport . 200
C. Schcrnovebbcr , addition to hotel ,
Twenty-fourth und Hickory . 700
Ten permits , aggregating S 8,100
Ministers of the city will notice in another
column a condensed church directory. It is
desirable to include in it every congregation
of all denominations , and to have e.icli ono
correctly noticed. Any errors made known
to the BEE will be promptly corrected.
Services at Walnut Hill on Thursday evening -
ing at Walnut Hill at 8 o'clock ut the resi
dence of Mr. John Epeiietcr ,
Rev. II. W. Kuhns will preach , morning
and evening , nt tlio Congregation
church , Nineteenth and Davenport.
The subjects of Rev. J. A. Henderson's
sermons are : Morning , "Tlio Press and Tlio
Truth ; " evening , "Tlio Last Chance. "
The subject of Rov. J. S.Dotwcilor's morn
ing sermon , "That your joy may bo full. "
Evening sermon , "Tlio making of Man.
Howl Why ? "
Rov. A. W. Clark of Calvary church will
exchange , pulpits with Rov. A. W. Liiiuar.
Evening theme , "How Christ adds members
to the churches ' by tlio pastor.
Thcro will bo revival services at the Hill
side Congregational church every night dur
ing llio coining week. Rev. H. S. Waunu-
mukcr , of Geneva , will assist the pastor ,
A mission Sunday school of the Episcopal
church will bo opened ou Sunday the 2'Jtii '
lust. , at the corner of Tenth and Bancroft
iitrcets , at 8 p. m. John AVilliams , puntor.
At tlio Walnut Hill M. E. church , nt Hertz-
man's hall , there will bo Sabbath school at 2
o'clock und preaching nt 8 o'clock Sunday
afternoon. Rov. C. II , Snvidgo will proach.
Attho Central United Presbyterian church ,
118 North Seventeenth street , Rev. John Wil
liamson , pastor , will take for his subject In
the morning , "A Peculiar People , " and In the
evening , "Our Captain. "
Calvary Baptist church , Saunders street ,
near Cuuiing , Rov. A. AV. Lamar will in-each
in the morning. The pastor Rov. A. W.
Clark will preach in the evening , services to
begin at 7:45 : , instead of 7H : : ) .
At the Seward Street M. E. church Rov.
Charles W. Savidgo will have as Ills subject
Sabbath morning "Sinning against the
Light ; " evening , "Tho Wino Room. The
bane and disgrace or our city , "
At the North Omaha Baptist church. 2109
Saumlcrs street , the morning theme will bo ;
"Tho Touch of the Unseen , " Evening ,
"What Shall Wo Do with Jesus. " Regular
prayer meeting on Wednesday evening.
Rev. A. B , Pnnnlmun of the Plymouth
Congregational church rail ta'co ' for his sub
ject .Sunday morning : ' 'cniats nnd Camels , "
This , it is predicted , will bo u bormon ap
propriate to the discussion of Siibbath dese
Arrangements have been made to establish
a Sunday school , in connection with religious
services , at the corner of Thirty-Bovonth and
Marcy streets. Rov. Brown , of llunsoom
Park M. E. church , will officiate. Further
notice will bo given next week ,
At the Hanscom Park M. E. church Rov.
George M , Brown will tuko for his subject
Sunday morning , "Falso Ideas of Religious
Lifo. " InthoovcnliifjJoo Critchflold , "tho
rough diamond of Indiana , " will give ona
of his characteristic temperance talks ,
Rov. William R. Henderson , pastor of the
Second Presbyterian church.Saundcrs street ,
will preach In the morning on "Tho
Origin and Universality of the Sabbath. " At
night he will deliver tlio fourth lecture on
Jonah. Subject : "Jonah and Nineveh. "
Mrs. G. W. Clark , secretary of the W. 0.
T. U , , will bo ut the headquartora,1218 , Dodge
btrcct , evcrv day froin 10 u.m to 8 p.m. Gos
pel mectlng'Sunday unu Tuesday evenings.
Chinese class Sunday ut 3 p.m. Meeting of
the uniiju Tuursday at 3 jxin. Evcr.v.borty
KI.IIIIKS hliiiiii i n iv 1111 i r.iiini'U ' ) ii
Items of Interest to the Members o ?
the Soorot Orders.
Mnsoulo Jlciun DoltiRfl or ttio Odd
Follow * ) General Pythlnn News
Xho foresters The Knights
null Ladles of Honor.
REV. N. B. TnoMrsoN gives In the Pythian
Knight n very complete endorsement ot
Pythinnlsm. Among other things , Mf.
Thompson says :
"Lot mo ay to some of you good pcoplo.
who have almost prayed that your husband
son or brotlicr might talk In their sleep , or an
you hnvo carefully folded nwny their gaudy
uniform , , looked , If perchance some llttlo )
clue to what they keep from you In secrecy
might bo known , no matter what they tell
you the ledge consists of , how long it 1
needful for thorn to stay away once n wcolf.
or how often , lot mo assure you the true
purpose of the ledge is not n cloak to cover a
multitude of sins. I don't want to cnusd
family eruption by tolling you how soon
they might como homo when they go to the
lodge , but I do wont to toll you , your hus
band or son , if they follow out the prlnci *
pies there enjoined Upon them , they will 1)0
all the better for It ,
"If you good houBo-wivcs have tired of the
response , "oh , I have been to the ledge , "
when some of those knightly gentlemen havd
forgotten themselves aud homo , nnd hnvil
crept In cautiously for fear of waking you.or
disturbing the children , or hung their hate
over the face of the clock , lest its loud tickIng -
Ing should disturb you in your dreams , don't
say , "I wish there wasn't n ledge in tha
world , " for I tell you it Is n good institution ,
nnd ono I cndorso next to the church , nnd
any true knight Is because of It a better bus-
band nud son.
"Do you ask mo how much I endorse Pyth-
ianlsm , I reply with fill the power there is in
me. If these before mo are true men and
knights , they will do ns best they may to help
the ncody , nnd show mo what orders does
moro ; the church of God Unas Its grand mis
sion in the samo. Commend this order , yc9
because every such man , nud there are over
200,000 in this country , before ho can enter
our mystical circle , sit in our halls , wear tha
insignia of n knight , must claim to bu a m'aii
of good moral character und believe in the
Supreme Being.
THE OIIANH LODGE Knights nnd Ladles of
Honor of California met last week in San
Francisco. Siuco the session held last year
n largo increase in the membership in this
Jurisdiction is noted , whllo the increnso in
the order at largo has been great and be
yond the most sangulno expectations. Thcro
are now seventeen lodges in the stato. ot
wUich number , twelve are located In Ban ,
Francisco. Thcro are over 50,000 member ?
belonging to the order In general , with ntJ
least 1,800 subordinate lodges nnd
grand Iddgcs , distributed In nearly every
state , and since the date of organization la
1878 over $3,000,000 has been paid ns boncllta
to beneficiaries of 'deceased members.
TUESDAY EVEXINO ttio thirty-second dogrea
was confercd at Masonic hall in this city.
Colonel Hall of the army and Thomas 1C.
Sudborough , chief clerk of the Paclllo B
press company wcro the candidates. Thif
was the first time for centering of this higli
degree in Nebraska.
THE DETEUMINATIOX of the Order of .For
esters In tlio United States to exclude negroes
from membership , nud the equal dotcrinlnaT
tion of the high court of England that no
such discrimination shall impair the univer
sality of tlio order , is likely to bring on a
crisis , says tlio Baltimore Telegram. A few ?
colored men of Chicago have been carefully
preparing- bring tup question of their ex
clusion to an issue. Of course they expect
to bo refused , for it has boon expressly pro
vided in tlio general laws of the order that
"white males" shall bo
only eligible to ad
mission. On being refused , the applicants
will tit once appeal to the high Court of Eng
land. Tlio result of such an appeal is not in
the least doubtful , for the English high
court has already considered and determined ,
the question of color with reference to ad
mission to the order. Probably the questjod
of negro membership was never brought to
tlio general attention of the order until the
subsidiary high court meeting at St. Louis ,
in 1879. The New Light Ledge of New Or
leans sent u delegate to this meeting. Ilia
credentials wcro attacked at once on tho/
ground of his color. Tha sumo opposition
was renewed at the meeting Iu Now York >
in 18SO. The sentiment against negro mem
bership has widened aud deepened , until now
an open revolt is fully determined upon as
soon us the question is forced to the Issue ,
Tun OUAND commnndory of Knights Tcm
plar of Texas convened in El Puso April 18.
On the morning of tlio 20th the conclave
started on an excursion to the City of
Cisco has 310 members. This lodge pays' a
side benefit of HO a week , has W.OOO in bank
and has paid t3OUO out of its general fund
for double assessments for Its members.
JOHN II. COI.TOX , tlio grand chancellor of
Pennsylvania , the suspended Pythian Juris
diction , is yet in tlio Inud of the living. Mr ,
Colton is proceeding ou ills way with remark *
able cheerfulness. Mr. Colton Is now en
deavoring to Increase the membership of the
suspended jurisdiction by attracting new
members to tlio order. To this end Mr. Colton -
ton has talten what is considered in some
quarters a bold step by issuing the following
circular :
Frequent inquiries have , of late , boon made
concerning the right of dispensations to
lodges to sot aside altogether the require
ments of their by-laws in regard to fees for
conferring ranks. The constitution of sub
ordinate lodges ( Art. XII , Sec. 2 , ) directs
Unit "tho fees for conferring the several
ranks of the order shall bo such as are pro
scribed in the by-laws of the ledge , but shall
not bo less than ? 10 for the three ranks , ox-
ccnt by virtue of a dispensation duly ( -ranted.
Hoforo the adoption of the constitution of
] Sb4 a dispensation could not bu granted to
bet iiKldo altogether the fees for conferring
the ranks of the order , so as to luave in op
tional witli u lodge to charge much , llttlo or
nothing as the judgment of it members
might direct.
Ordinarily , lodges still limit their requests
to dispensations to confer the three ranks foe
not less than tfi , whh-li dispensations tire
granted whenever duly applied for.
Formerly this minimum charge was neces
sary , bccauKO the grand lodge constitution of
178 limited llio authority of the grand chan
cellor in this respect to tlio grunting of spe
cial dispensation ) ) , "authorized by supreme
ledge law ; " but iu the ptvbcnt constitution
of tno grrnd lodge , unanimously adopted In
August , IVvl , tins restriction was stricken
out , and tlio grand chancellor Is now directed
to grant dispensations to subordinate lodges
"to set aside temporarily any requirement of
the bylawsvlioro tholicco.sslty of the lodge ,
ns represented by an olllcliil statement , thuro-
from , justifies it , the request thorotor having
been made by n two-thirds veto of the mem
bers voting. ( Constitution Grand LodgeArt ,
HI. See. a. )
Upon such a request , so made , the mandate
of the constitution to the grand chancellor
s imperative ; ho "ahull pnuit" It , ,
Go nnd Got n Jtocord ,
Puck : IIo Imd imulu his doclnrnlion
of love , nnd it had boon heard with n
lowering of the fair head , n blush on
tlio soft check ; hut lie could not help
bayiiifr faoiiiothiiifj'to 1111 in while ho
.Mailed fo.i Jior iinswcr.
"When I btiy I luivo never loved till
now , " ho fciiid , "it is not an empty
word. My lips have never touched the
lips of any woman except my mother's ;
my hand has novcr pressed u u'oman'a '
hand ; I do not dunce ; und my arm "
A look ofstranffo wonderment came '
over the beautiful face , nnd the deep
eyes grow largo us she llbtoned.
"Is this true , George ? " she aRkod.
with hushed breath.
"It is , " he answered ; "it is t literally
truo. "
The lee ! : of wonderment merged into
agluncoof icy sternness us fahe rOe ? to
full height anil confronted him.
"Then for heaven's uilcti "
, , , George ,
alto said , "go somewhere else and
tico tU } you g < Jt a record.