07BDE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , APEZL 21 , 188b. A Chapter of the Ltfo of William Kotto , the Bulclclo. UNABLE TO EARN HIS LIVING. Now Cnacft Filed In the District Court AVork Alicntl of the Stnto-'B Vot- crlnnrlmis Ilcpitbllcnn Com- niittco Meeting Cnllcit. BUREAU OP TIIR OMAHA. DEB , ) 1029 1' STHKET. S LISCOI. April 20. } The suicide of. Win. Kotto , found dead Thursday with n revolver shot In his hoai ) , ban undoubtedly ono 001130 for the action thnt has not reached the general public. In the memoranda found on the dead man was ivriUen tha fact that , ho wqs unable to do hqrd work and this fact ho brooded over. The cause of his disability la written In the rpconls ot the dlstrlpt court. JCoHo was QUO of the many laborers injured nearly three years ago In the wreck of the construction train on thp B. & M. between the towns ot Lawrence and Dowccso. In this wreck Kotto was thrown down an embankment twcnty-flvo feat , his right leg win broicau at the hip and ho was bruised and mangled about tbo breast and body and rocolved In ternal Injuries from which ho has never fully recovered mid which for months confined him to lls ) bed. Hailing to got a settlement with the company or pay for his Injuries , through his attorneys , In company with nlno others injured In the snmo wreck , ho brought milt In the district court of Lancaster county for $0.000 damages. After the usual delays , hedged about tlio cases by the attorneys of the road , the tlio rnllroiul through , an ordci : of Judge Field nt the present term of court , secured further delay In Kotto'9 case by having It. with two of the others , transferred to the United Btntcs court , in which several years more L'ould ba gained. These delays and vexations in getting his claim to trial and u hearing greatly annoyed Kotto , and hogrowdespond- ent ofover securing damages , talking In this strain to bpth his attorneys and fellow work- iuoti. From this hq took to dclnklng and Ipst tbo meager position ho held with the com pany as a flagman at a crossing , being dis charged about a week ago. Unable to do hard work from the nature of the Injuries re ceived in the wreck and without work and penniless , his next step was suicide. In the meantime , stnco iho transfer of his damage case to the United States court , his attorneys had commenced n new suit in the district court hero for him , placing the damages at on amount so low that the case could not bo Juggled by the road Into the United States pourt , and this case Is now pending. DlSTlllCT COUllT NEW CASKS. The following new cases were filed with tbo clerk of the district court to-day : Esther Burficll has illcd her petition , spok ing divorce from her husband , John Burnoll , reciting that they were married In 1803 ; thnt pt the February term of court In 1882 the de fendant was convicted of the crime of rape ftnd ECiitonceU to the penitentiary for life , which sentence and Judgment still remains in lull force. Khu therefore prayp for the di vorcement mid the custody of the four minor Children. Joseph Burns has filed a petition against H. C. Uittenbcndcr , nskiugjudgmcnt for 840 , n balance duo on work and labor in sinking a well for the defendant on his lot In Martin Heights addition. The Nebraska Wosloynn university has brought suit against W. C. Haw lay , alleging that said Hnwloy , in consideration of the wpsloyan university being located where it now is , agreed to give It and deed ten acres from bis farm adjoining tbo grounds. SInce pho location of the university ho has failed tope po do and notion Is brought In court to com pel him to nmko the deed. CASKS I'CMUNQ , The rccqrds of the live stock commission Bhow the following cases of"glanders re ported at thu oftlco und awaiting action. The commission expect , with the force of veteri narians now engaged In Held work , to clear the docket in the next two weeks. Tlio cases nro reported by counties as follows : Ante lope 5 , Boone 1 , Burt 1 , Brown 4 , Cedar 2 , Cheyenne 1 , Ouster 4 , Dlxon 2 , Dakota 1 , GurUold 3 , Holt 5 , Hamilton 1 , Koya Pnha 1 , Sioux 1 , Perkins 3 , Sherman 1 , Valley 1 , Washington 1 , Wheeler 2 , Wayne y ; total 43. CBNTUAL COMM1TTKE JIHKTING. Ii. W. BllliiiRBly , clmirmah of the republi can central commlttco of Lancaster county , lias issued the following call for a meeting of the republican committee : The republican central , committee of Lan caster county is hereby requested to meet at the sheriff's ofllco In the city of Lincoln on Tuesday , Api il S4,18S8 , nt 2 p. m. , for the purposeof iixing the day of the primary elec tion to elect republican delegates to a conven tion which shall select delegates to attend the congressional and state republican con ventions soon to bo held. CITY inucrs. , Dr. Peebles , of David City , president ol the State Medical sooioty , and Dr. A. S. V , Mansfoldc , of Ashland , socretuiy of the Btute society , were Lincoln visitors ta-day , G. W. Nortou , Of tlvo thriving city ol Weeping Water , Cass county , was transacting - ing business In Lincoln yesterday. B. l'\ Thomas , of Wymoie , ouo of tin newspaper men in the kingdom of Gage , was in Lincoln to-day , tlio guest of Captain Hill , private secretary to the governor. It is reported that County Clerk O. C. Boll , of.this county , will bo a candidate the com ing fall for the ofllco of auditor of state. II is stated by his friends thnt ho has boor solicited by parties out in tbo Btato as well at at homo to bccomo a candidate. T.ho public is greatly Inconvenienced in tills city in getting to und from the Union Pucillu depot , owing to the tedious inannoi in which the curs In the B. & M. yards we . handled since the strike and the O street crossing being blocked. A gentleman stutcil that ho waited yesterday a half hour to gel across from the Union 1'aclilc depot , und i lady going away missed her train by the un necessary blockade. Colonel W. II. Woodard , of this city , wil ho the orator of the day nt the Odd Follow ! L-olebratluii at Crete , to bo hold on the Ctmu tnuciuti grounds on tha Utb. The Wilbei pornet band will Uo In attendance and tin yi&itoi-B will be tendered u grand ball ut tha opera house in the ovQiilng. F. J. Foss of the Crete assembly , was in the city to-day. Ho ropoi U prospects of the brightest character for the assembly of 1888 The death of Prof. W. F. Shorwln , of Boston , { .his week , leaves n vacancy in the musical part of the work that will bo filled by the tie lection of II , U. Palmer us conductor of thai I * branch. T. DoWitt Tulmago will bo ono ol tbo attractions this year , and Mr. Foss states that Senator Iluwloy , of Connecticut , wil ho iho orator on the Fourth of July. The latest arrangements in relation to the ussem lily Is that the two regiments 01 tbo uniform rank Knights of Pythias \vill go into camp on the groundi for one week , and Colonel Downs , of tbi Virst regiment. Is already at work to tha end. There will bo a largo number of ny\\ \ building ! ) erected on tha grounds thu prusuu season und the time extended to two weeks ' The programmes uro oxpuctod the lust of the month. City Attgruoy Lambcrtson furnished tk < paving comiultteo uu opinion to day In rola lion to the kind of cedar blocks contemplate ) ! for the work tnU year. There has been ni effort in some districts to change the block ) from white to red cedar , and the paving com inltteo were undecided as to whether It eouh bo done. The city attorney Bays that tin peciftcatlon very ciearly called for whit ? odar blocks and that all bids were as > kcd fo u accordance with Urn specifications. There fora bo holds that a chaugo could not bo madi hy tbo council ami the only way it could b ( louo would bo to Issue now specification ! tianilug red codq.r block * uml the councilthci advertising uuow for that material. A re port that an Injunction would bo issued if i rlmntfo was luudo to red blocks called fortl this request for an opinion , and it t $ vur ; probable that the whlto will be itdberod ti Wild that no nu\v bids will be ajskud. U'hlti cedar blocks on concrete will In all probubll lly lie the puveiaont of the present year. An Absolute Cure , The OUiaiNALABIKTINEOlNTMBN'J Is only put UP In largo two ouuco tin baxo/s cud iu an absolute euro for old sores , burn * xyounils. chuppe Imnilk , and all skin ornp tiou'j Will f'asiUvoly OHIO nil kinds pt pllas Ask for thQ OUlQItyAL , AniETINE O1NT MENV , SOW by aooamuu Uraif Co. nt ' . ' cent a per box -by mail UO ceu\a. \ I I IS IktOIlAND THK MAN ? V Dnnolnft Prorcjsor Snla to bo n Ilnd Indlvldunl. A number of sinister and unsavory reports about Prof. Mornml , n well known teacher of dnncliiR In Omnlio , two been whispered In ho cars of n Ur.n reporter of Into , but nt first Ittlo credence was placed in them. H was charged that ho wns here under an assumed name as a f ugttivo from justice , that his first vli'o died from neglect ant } abuse iu Now York olty and ho liad deserted hts second vlfo and helpless babe In Newark : that he md loft his flrst fnthcr-ln-law (5,000 m the urch nnd had akippcd out from Newark caving1 numerous creditors ; that ho finally drifted to Chicago and under an assumed inmo did Prof. Mnvtino , the noted dnnclng .cachor , for onslderublo inoticy. A look nt he rotund and placid fuco of the Omahn dnnrlnK master was sufficient to discredit nil such roiwrU , while the honeyed accents of his tongue would make ono swear by his eternal nobility nnd purity of character. But it happened that Mr. L. D. ISraakos , ot Now York , was In correspondence with an attorney ot this city concerning a blllof $5OOQ oxved ilm by Morand. The attorney had potwlndof the evil reports about Moraud , and dwtor- uitncd to uiako Bomp liuiulries conccrnliiK this elegant professor who hai boon received xvith open arms hy the salt and savor ol Dmnlin society , and to whoso charge has lcon committed I ho darlings of the leading families la thucity. . The following is the ruply received uud speaks for itself , Tlin LCTTF.1I. 8(51 ( BnooMK STHHCT , NEW YORK , Jqn. 19 , 1833. H. K. Galbi-alth , ES < I. Dear Sir : Yours of the 15th lust , received. In answer would say that tha Mr. Morand you apeak of was a son-in-law of mine , having married tny daughter Eliza. His nnmo was then Joseph Li. Da Lortl a , from Montreal , Canada. wh < jro ho has relatives. My daughter died without issue March , 1SCS. At that time I was security for his rent of n hall over the Newark & Now Yorjc railroad depot nt New ark , N. J. , owned by the company. Ho did not pay the rent and ut tha and of the three ycnrs' lease I had to pay about $5,000 , in the year 1870yhlch still remains unpaid by him. Ho was married again tq a woman In Newark ( I don't remember her maiden name ) by whom ho had one child. Her address was 33 ! ) Mulberry street , Newark , N. J. In May , 1870 , ho deserted them , as well as numerous creditors , la N wark. See Now York Sun day Dispatch. I believe the date Is May 0 or 7. 1870. The next I heard of him was as n "Mr. Moraud , " assistant teacher with Prof. Martine , Chicago how lou gl do not know ) crhaps two or three years. Ho then went & KcokuU aud opened a dancing school as Prof. Moraud. That Is the last I heard of lilm until I saw your letter. . I hayo not heard from him personally since ho left Newark , hi 1870. Respectfully , D. L. G. BKOOKKS. Matters began to Ipok rather interesting , and Mr. Galbraith wrote to a friend In Now York fop copies qf the Dispatch of the date named in the letter. The copies arrived m duo tim6 , aud la ono of them was found the following telegram to that paper from Nexvark : A DA CIXO MASTBU TAKES FUBSCIt LUA.VK. They will sco him uo more ; nnd where will they find a man with such rubicund visage. such u sweet mouth , such cat-like tread and such uu exquisite- way of planting a bouquet iu his buttonhole- De Lorlioi Appollo hall , where ho was wont to call the figures. is now Hko "somo banquet hall deserted. " On Thursday morning some workman , for the purpose of making repairs , found it nec essary to pass through Da Lortio's bed room. The dancing master usually slumbers lute , but Do Lortio had already arisen. Had ho gone to gather violets and buttercups from the swamps of Kast Orange ! Ho would scarcely have taken his bed aud furniture then , By degrees the painful truth leaked out that Do Lortio had wafted himself awny ; had "took out , " "vamoosed the ranch. " etc. Then it became known tliat ho had loft the Newark & New York railroad company , $1,000 In arrears for rent. By nnd by Judge Gould , of the Journal , was told to "pulldown his vest ; " for had.ho not been oxultiug over the fact that Do Lortio had just paid him his bill of $14 in full ? He had his check in his trowscrs pocket , but the check was bad. Adieu , DU Lortio 1 Accompanying this was the following ex planatory no to from Mr. Galbfuith's friend : On the second examination I found what is written above. The "Judge Gould" referred to is probably the editor of the Newark Journal. The Newark Call was the paper that furnished to the Dispatch , the above par agraph. W. DUNNING , 10 East Twenty-ninth street. New York , March 23 , 16S8 , I'UOF. MIKT1XI3 INTKKVIBWED. The BED has boon in possession of the above information for some time , but know ing that Prof , Marline was coming to Omaha it was thought best to wait his arrival and receive his additional corroboratlon before publishing it. Prof. Marline was met las.t evening , and admitted his knowledge of these facts about Morand. and was sure of the ono concerning himself. Some five years ago Moraud camp to Chicago claiming to bo a broken down Canadian lumber merchant. Ho was utterly penniless and Prof. Martlno gave him n position as assistant , although an additional teacher was not needed. The pro fessor uieuiiwhilo paid U his expenses. At the end of two mouths Morand aslccd Prof. Martlno to advance him money to start a dancing academy at Superior. The professor kiudly did so , uud Morand with tears of grat- iUiUo m his eyes promised to pay it back in a few weeks at moat. That is the last Prof. Martina has ever scon of him. By u singular coincidence , Prof , Martina has been acquainted with Mr. Brookes , Mo- rand's father-in-law , for twenty years , but did not know of the relationship existing be tween the two men until two years after ho had helped Morand start his dancing school at Superior. Prof. Marline was at tlio resi dence of Mr. Brookes in Now York city on n visit , when Brookes brought out u photo graph and asked him if he had seen u man that looked like that in Chicago. The pro fessor immediately rocognlzcd the round. jovial Irish face us that of Morand , and spoke his name. "Yes , " said Mr. Brookes , "that is the name ho Is going by In Chicago , but his real Is Ho is son-lu-luw and nauio Do Lortio. uiy - - is a scoundrel. " Mr. Brookes then told of the cruel treat ment bin daughter had received ut Do Lor tio's hands , from which she dually died , Additional facts were elicited by the inter view with P of. Marline , but In deference tc his wishes nothing more will bo mentioned If you need a norfoot tonic or n blood purillor , ttxko lir. Jonoe' Rod Clovm Tonic. It speedily euros nil troubles ol thu stomach , kiduoys und liver. Can bo taken by the most dolicuto. Price T 0 conta. NASHVILLE , Tonu , , April 20. A Bannct special says N. B , Lester , the murderer ol Lieutenant J. T , Luwo , was hanged to-day ul 11:55 : at Lebanon , the scene of the murder , Its suparlor exrclli-iice proven In millions ol homes fr mo o tliuii a quarter of a. century. It Is u e.l by the ITiilted States tlovrrmneut En rtorfrid by the heads ol the urc-al uuh ei titles as iKf'V . 'KMt. purest nlld mo t hwUUtul. Di" Wli-BoCifiimli.iVlns Povxdoraoe * not coutsln nm noaj .liraor tmn. Holdonlylrioani. Wnwv1'ltICB UAKINQ f6tVDEV.cn,1 Norf\iu ) : . - CUU-ftgo. St. Louis , KNIGHTSJF LABOR The Wonderful Tale of a Mente of That KoblG Organization. Sherman's March From "Atlrmtn To tlio Son , " Through Georgia ami the CarollniM Oootl Kcntllng for ITrnml Army Boys. 80 much has already been written about Oen. Sherman's march to the sen , that It IIKI become n fainlllnr subject to our rentiers. ( Ion , Sher man's nrmy commenced Its memorable iiinrch from "Atlanta to thu Boa" on tlio morning of Novomberiritbnndnrrlvfidln frqntof the defenses > fonses ot Bnvmmnh on tha 10th of December , 1SH. No news had been received from the north during this Interval , except such na could In Rlcnncd from southern papers picked up by tlio soldiers on the line of inarch. Ihclr licet way In Dssabnw Sound with supplies of food n.nd cloth * Ing and an Immense mall , containing letters from home for nearly every one In tlio army , from thncomiuandlupKonornl down to the pri vate soldier. All that blocked their communica tion with the fleet Mas rt , McAllstvr , ontho Ogeocheo river. This fort was cnpturert by Hazen'H illtlMon of the Ifith corps , on IJocomber 1.1th and the IRth brought the boys their mails niul an abundant supply of food and nmunltion , mknlnp that one of the happiest days experi enced by the men of Shcrumn's nriny < I'ropnrn- tlona , were mode for. assaultlnotho confederate works nud were nearly completed when the confederates evacuated Savannah. The union troops entered the city before daybreak on the- 21st of December. TUa fall of Ft. MoAllKter placed Gen. Sherman In communication with ( Ion. Grant and the authorities In Washington. I'rlorto the capturu of Savannah , the removal of the Infantiy of Sherman's army to City 1'olnt uy sea was the plan contemplated by Oen. ( .runt , but Ocn , Sherman expected , after reducing Savannah , instantly to march to Co lumbia , 8. C.tlianco to ItalHgti , and then rn- port to ( len. Grant , and so telegraphed him. The fall iff Savannah resulted In the adoption of thu plan Ocn. Sherman had contemplated. About ono mon'h nas spent In Savannah In clothing the men and tilling the train ulth am munition and rations. Then commenced thQ movement which was to make South Carolina feel the severities of the war. Among tha "boys In bluo" In General Sher man's army. In General John A. Logan's div ision , was Mr. Jacob Llnlnger , a well known citizen of Omaha. Jlr. I.lnlnger served three years In the Union army under General Logon , and was nt the seine of Vtcksburg and through the entire march to the sea. " JACOB Mr. Llnlngcr came to this city about seven years ago from Indiana , and for six years of that tlmu has worked , for the Union Pacific coal company. He Is a member of Assembly No. WU of the Knlguts of J abor. A reporter who called on him at his residence , corner of Six teenth and Frederick stwjets , was made ac- attainted with the following chapter from Mr. Llnluger's book of experience. Wo will toll It in his own way. 1 remember , years ago. when exposed to all kinds of weather , 1 uaeu to cot cold very often. 1 would have chilly sensations , with a little favor at the same time , a burning or prickling sensation la my nose , and a feeling of dryness or heat , which would last a few hours , when a watery discharge would set In. This would last perhaps from throe days to a week , when I would feel as well as over , but soon I would have another spell , and oa time went on I got so I wosi always catching cold. After a while the dl&diargQ chawrcd and became colored and thicker , and harder to remove ; It became more dilllcult for mo to breathe through my nose , which would stop up whenever there was a change to damp w eather : then the running from my uosa became less , bus 1 noticed thera was more trouble in my throat , and I had to hawk and spit a coed deal. My nose felt dry and un comfortable and bothered mo a great deal. Didn't this Imveatondeney to injure your gen eral health ? 0 , yes : my t > tomach got very weak. I was careful , though , and tried to diet myself. My stomach distressed mo con siderably , and 1 was uneasy and milserable. 1 had a buinlng sensation under my breast bone and my stomach felt distended , or rather felt as If there was something there that didn't belong there : hour water would rise up in my tliroat.and occasionally only wind. Uut lot mo toll you when a man's stomach it * out of order he almost hates the world , and seo3 very llttlelnltthatpleas.es him. Hut 1 have experienced a decided change of late. In looking over the city papers from day to day , I noticed the cures of Dr. McCoy. At last I got up spunk enough to go and see him , ho examined mo thoroughly and agreed to treat me at a very reasonable price ; J accepted his offer.aud to-day , after only ono month's treat ment , ] am like my old time self again ; my nose and throat causa me no trouble whatever , no pains , no aches , and my appetite is good , no dis tressed feeling , my blood agrees with me. 1 sleep well , and In fact feel like a now man , and advise those ulllicted in the same way to go to Dr. IX Coy and gt-t the benellt of his experience. Jlr , Mnlnuer , as above stated , lesldes nttho corner of Itith and Frederick streets , where ho will willingly corroborate the above statement. Can Cntnrrli fie Cured ? Tlio past ago might be called n superstitious one. The present can more properly On called an ago of surprises , for many things once clashed among the impossibilities have now become everyday possibilities. It would bo superfluous to enumerate thum. lint navowo reached the utmost limit/ Have wo ? Physicians who claim to make certain ailments the human body is sulijuct to a spaclal study , and claim to bo able to cure mich diseases , are pronounced by other self-batlslled pructloners as presumptuous ; but does their saying so make It not The roan who can come the nearest to overcoming thufceeinliuj impossibilities of others Is now all the rage , and well does ho or they deserve the success they have labored so hard to attain. Dr. J. Cresap McCoy orhls associates do not make claims to anything marvelous. Much as raising the dead and giving them now lire ; neither do they claim to give hlght to the blind ; but by their new and Bclrntillc method of treating catarrh they have cured and do cure catarrh as well as bronchial and throat troubles. They make catarrh a specialty , because it is one of the most prevalent and troublesome diseases that thu people of this climate ate heir to. Blnce Dr. McCoy and his associates Imvo located in this city they have treated with success hun dreds of persons whom other physicians have told their dlneaso was classed among the In curables. Do they not publish from week to week in the dally papers testimonial' ) from some of their many grateful patients , giving in each cu.so the full name and address of the per- bon making the statement that the doubting and skeptical may rail and Interview the said people prior to visiting the doctor's olllcesfar consultation. The people ad\crtlscd us cur ml are by no moans obscure or unknown , but In the majority of caws itro cJtUens well known by tlio biiNiuexa people and community at large , and It will more than repay any one Buttering from catarrhal atrectlon to visit those who e statements are published , or consult with the doctor or his associates at his olllce. DOCTOH J , GBESAP M'GOY , " Late of Bcllem Hospital. New Toft , KAMQE UUI1.DINO. OMAHA. NEI1. Where all curable cases are treated M 1th sue- ceu. itwllcal diseases treated skillfully. Consump tion , llriuht's dUuabe , DyHpepsla. HIiBumallsm. and all NKKVOU8 DlBIiABl's. All diseases pe culiar to thu BC.X03 a specialty. OATAlllUl CUNBPLTATION at ofllce or by mall * ] . Mauy dUeabcs are treated successfully by Dr. McCoy through thu malln , uud It la thus possible for thoae unable to nmko the Jour- tpy to obtjxln euccuBsful hospital treatment at their homes. Otlico hours Q to 11 a. in. ; 2 to i p. m , : 7 to8n 1U. 8UNDAV HOU S I'ltOJJ 8 A. } I. TO I I'.M Corr ; siKjndnce rccel\ proiuot uttvntloiu Nolottero answered unluw accompoulod by 4 ctuts In fctanipL , Address airmail to Dr. J. 0. McCoy , Hooms b DID YOU EVER TAKE IT INTO YOUR HEAD ? Thai you can purchase clothing tit half its original cost. It is very strange but nevertheless And in fact this statement is corroborated dnily by mnity of our bonefittcd customers thab MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 1119 Farnam Street. 1119 Will soil you clothing which was inado to order by bona fide merchant tailors , rtfc half its original price. The question i1 ? often propounded by some of our astonished purchasers , "How can you afford to sell these fine goods ab such low prices ? " Query. "WIE3 O . -1 4. "We have been forhmnte enough to secure sonic of the handsomest nnil most stylish garments over before gazed upon by nn admiring public , A glance at the appended price list will induce the most skeptical nnd fostid eous bargain seekers to purchase. Spring Overcoats JBeatities $9.00 Which wns originally imido to order $20.00 11.00 Which was originally inado to order . * . 22.00 * 18.00 Which w 3 originally iiiudo to order 28.00 15.00 Which was originally mndo to orclor 80.00 20.00 Which wnq originally inado to order. 40.00 25.00 Which wns originally umdo to order : 60.00 SPRING SUITS , Elegantly Made and Trimmed. AT FOR 8.00 Which wnq originally mndo to order 17.00 10.00 Which wus originally inado to order 21.00 12100 Which wag origiimlly made to order " . 25.00 * § 15.00 Which wus originally nindo to order 80.00 & 20.00 Which was originally umdo to order 40.00 25.00 Which was originally made to order eo.OO 30.00 Which was originally uiado to order CO.OQ Comprising Railroaiij Seymours .Four and One Button Cutaways. PRINCE ALBERTS , And They are Dandies , A nobby and complete line of pantaloons. Every garment bears the name of the maker. All alterations to improve a fit done free of chorgo , and underjuo consideration will wo allow a garment to leave our establishment unless it is perfect in every detail. The original and genuine MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , HIS Farnam Street Three Doors East of I2th Street Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. GRATEFUL COMFORTINtt Epps's Coeoa BREAKFAST. "Dr a tborougb knowledge of the natural lam wnlqn govern tbo operation of dlucjtlnn anil nutri tion , and by caraful application of tbo fine proportles of well-soloctcd Cocua , Mr. Kpps boa provided our breakfast table * with a aollcntolj- flavored boveraira trblchinor save ua runny licavy doctor's bills. Ills by the Judicious UBO of aucli articles of dlot Unit a constitution may bo Rruluully built up until strong cnoiiKb to resist every tendency to disease. Hun dreds of subtle maladies arc floating around us ready to attack nhorovcr there It a veak point. Wo mar escape raanr a fatal sbatt by keeping ourselves nail fortified with pure bload ana a properly nourlsbod frarao.-Clvll Service Gazette. MudR simply nltb boiling water or milk. Bold only In balCpouud tins by Grou > re labeled , thus : JAMES EPPS ft CO , , Proprietor Omaha Business College , IN WHICH IS TAUQHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing and Typewriting. Send for College Journal. S E. Cor 10th and Capitol Avenue OOIiD MEDAL , PABIB , 1878. BAKER'S BiinnWnnt Dlumidbl AVarrantcd alinliittly jture Cor oft , from wlilcli the excess ot OH lias been removed. It lias Hires limn the itrtngth ot Cocoa mixed with fltarcli , Arrowroot or Sugar , and Is tticrcforo ( ur more economi cal , coiling leu than one cent a cup. It is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , easily djgistcd , anil admirably adapted for Invalids as wi'llaa for IRTSOUS In health. Sold lijr Ororurs etoryithore. W , BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass , DRUNKENNESS Or tlio Liquor Habit , rosltively Cured by Aduilulstcrlng Dr. Hatnes' Goldou It canlioglvoa liuicup of coircoor ten with out the kuowledgo of the person talcing It ; abso lutely harmlohs , and u 111 Direct a punuunt und blicttly cure , -\vhethur the ii.Ulent is a moderate Orlnkur or un alcoholic wreck. 'J'housands of tlruukurils Imvo beuu madu toiiinurnto men u ho have taken O olden Speclllo In their colToo with out their knowledge and today believe thny milt drinking of their own free will. It never falls. TUo system once linpremiated with the Hnoclllc , It becomes an utter fniposilblllty for the liquor appetite to exist. For tiiilo by Kuhn kCo. , 15th and Douglas i > W. , anil IHth andCum- ing bts. , Omaha , Neb.j A. U , Foster & Uro. , Council lllulls Iowa S , K , FELTOH & CO , , And Mauufactureru' Agents for WATER WORKS SUPPLIES , U fall descriptions. Hydraulic Engines , Surveys. De- tbll Plans and Specifications , Furnished on Short Notice. Correspondence Solicited. Office , Straus's ' Building , Fourth Floor , OMAHA , NEBRASKA , Who U WEAK , NERVOUS. TKD. who In hl FOLLTand lONOKANC'E AM TBI FLED away hU VIGOR of BOBY , MIND nd MANIIOOD , causing oxbauiting drains upon the FOUNTAINS of LIFK ISEADAtlUE , BACKACHE , Dreadful Dreame , IVEAKNKSB of Memory. BAHK- j n SOCIETY. I'IMl'lE8 upon the FACE , and all the EFFECTS lending to EAKXY DECAY and perhaps COKNU.MP. TIO > or INSANITY , ahould consult at once tha CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Eitabllihed 1861. Dr. Clsiko has made NERVOUS DE BILITY. CHRONIC and all DUeesci of the OENXTO URINARY Organs ft Life iKUdjr. It makes NO dlffirenca WHAT you &ATC taken or WHO bu failed to euro you. liar to their ox can consult with the auuranco sf ipoedy rollof and cure. Send 2 cent * postage for works on your diseases. 9-3end 4 cents postage for Celebrated WorltB on Chronic. Nerroav and Doll * onto Diseases. Consultation , personally or by totter , free. Consult the old .Doctor. VhonEiuida cured. OfDce * and pnrlom private. 3-Thoso coijtcmplflllni Marrjatfo send for Dr. C'lnrkc's celobratcd gulao Male and Feinnle. each 15c. , both 25c. ( stamps ) . Before confldliiR your case , consult Dr. Ct AIIKK. A friendly letter or call may jave future eufleringaud shame , and add coldon years to life , < S-BooU ' Life's ( Secret ) Er rors , " We. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings eont everywhere , secure from cxpoauro. Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , B to 12. Addrns , P. D. OLABKE , M. D. 183 So , Clark St. . OHIOAOQ. ILL. 1742 Lavrace St. , Denver , Col , 4 Of the Missouri Btato Muslum of Anatomy , St. I.oius , Mo. , University ColleffO Hospital , London - don , tileson. Gonnany and Now York , having devoted tnelr attention. SPECIALLY-TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More csnoclnlly thqpe arising from Impru dence , Invite all to suirerlnc'to correspond wltli our delay. Diseases of Infection and coutaulou cured nfuly and gpeedlly without use of dan- t'orourt ilruk'if , 1'atieuts whobo cases liuvu been iicplecteil , badly treated or prououiict'd incur' able , Bhould not tall to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters receive imuicdlutu atten tion. JUST PUBLISHED , And will bo mailed 1'ltHU to any address on re ceipt of ono 8-cent stamp , "i'ructlcal Ohserva- tloiiB on Nervous Debility and 1'hyalcal Kxlmus- tiou , " to vlilcli la addud nu "Kssay on Mur- riaKu"wlth linpurtaut chaptorson diseased of tbu Iteprodurtlvo Organs , thu wltole forming a valunblo medical trcatlHe which uhquld bo read by all youug men Address DBS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver CoL E. t. Allen M. D. . . , . . , Ilomoeopatblc Bpeolullat , tit AND THROAT NOSE , tAK Bpeotaolej Accurately Fieseribed. MAMOJS UL'K. , OMAHA ir. J. OA.LimA.iTn , Surgeon and Physician. Office N. W Corner 14th aud UouKhis Bt. Olllco telephone , iQj ; Uvaldeuce toluphone , 6Gd. U" > PARKER'S QINQER TONIO ulUiout A rare iullciniLl tuuipotijiutluU cure wlumlt cue fa. cunu the worfet auo of Couch.Wcak LUDC , Attluiio. HIEMDERCORNS. The ufut , turett uid Lot cure for Corns , llunloni , &o. iUM Ui < AliL tiiiurxjcdinturttotlit ( dvt. hcurfalU U < u& U c ct t liru jtUU. UUC41 4 Co , H , If. THE CHICAGO AND MORTH- WESTERN . RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Tbo only road tf > take for DCS Mnlnes , Manlialtoirn Cedar Itiiplcls , Clinton , Dlzon , Chlcaco , Mllnraukoo ninl all points Kan. Tn the people of Nebraska , Colorado radoV rouilna. Utah , Iduliq , Nevada , Oregon , Wnsb- Incton and California , It offers superior advantage * not poislblp by oar other line. .Among a few or tbu numerous points of superiority cnjojrotl br th patrons of tbls rcmil between Onmlia und Chicago , am Its two trains n day of DAY COACHES , which are tlio finest that buiuan nrt and liiECnulty can create. Its 1'ALACKH1KE1'IM ! CAUS , which are models of comfort and elogunto. Us I'AK- IXJIl DHAWINO IIOOM CAltS. niimn > msed br any , and Its widely celebrated 1'AI.ATl Al. IHNINO CAH8 tbo eijtiul of whlcb cannot bo found cUowbero. At Council llluirs. the train * of thu Union 1'aclllo Itnll- wny connect In union depot with HIOMO of the Chicago cage & Nortliwentom Hy. In Chlcuco tlio trulni of tbls line niiiko close aonncctton wlib tbosu of nil other Knstern linen. Kor l > ptrolt , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati. NlrtKiuu Kails , HulTalo , 11tt liui , Toronto , Monlrcal , Iloston , Nnw York , I'hllHclelphlii , Ilalthnorc , Wash- Ineton , and all points In the J.an. Ask tor tickets via 1110"NORTHWESTERN" "NORTH-WESTERN" If you wish tbo host accommodation. All ticket agents sell tickets vlu tbli linn. if.UUOniTT. K. t' . W1IAO.V , Uen'l Juinigcr. Ucn'l 1'uss'r Agent. CU1CAOO.1U.S. W. N. I1AUCOCIC. Oen'l. Western Acent , U.K. KlMHAI.Ij , Ticket Agent. G. t" WKsA City f'asaengor Agent. 1401 r.irimm St. , Omahn , Nub. NO.OL.A.NO S PJtOPOSALS FOll AUMV Supplies Olllte of 1'urclinsliig and Depot CommlHuiuIus of Siibalbtcnce.U.S. Aniiy.Omnna , Neb. , Aluic'i ) , 1BH8 Souled proposals In tripli cate , Hubject to thu usual conditions , will bo 10- colvtd ut this olllco until II o'clock a. in. , central standard time , on .Monday , the S3nl duv ot April , IbW , nt wlilcli tlmu and iiluco they NVlll ba opened In the preboncu ot blurterH , for thn fur- iilshliiK and delivery ut Omaha , Neb , , th follow ing anny i > uppllos , viz : Vinegar ; blacking , slice , Murceron'n ; choebo , V. A.i Hour , family ; and tubacco , smoking , Seal of N. U. Tlio rlKht Is 10- served to reject uny or nil Vld > , lllank propo- hula and specifications aUoniUK I" detail iho articles niul ( luintltlea required und giving full Information us to condition of font met , will bo furnUlicd ou apillcatlon to this olllce , J , W. 1IAHH1UKH , Maj. und C. S , , V. H. A. PUBLIC SALE ! _ RECORDED Hereford Cattle , At or near Union Stock Yards , SIOUX C1TV , - - IOWA. MAY 2tl , 1388 , Tlio Hurlow Hall Jiitril or Huret'ord Cnltle All UncJor Four Yc < ir Olrt. Having leased my outat fora lone term of years. I um forced to sell my nntlra herd ublrh Is composed of the pet of HOUAOrJ Mil , IIKJ. and 1'LUTAltCH , llllu , and tovug of tlio llneut bulls In the Uiilted btutoa , The helfcru nro In. calf , or have calva at their 81 den. The calves uioicscordert , TUulieid la In sured and lie imrcUaser will ussuuio the lui > ur- nnco. O'erms , C'ush. Tlioro will boiio poalpono- mtiut. Catalogues on application. ALEXANDER BARLOW , Sioux Oity , Iowa. William SwartH , Auotluneur. JOSEPH GILLOnS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1378. Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-HIO4. THE MOST PEEFBCT OP PENS. ' HOW70A6T , i1ioo < IR < .U > t d Pie. m4tur lUclllH nd Kuucllon l . B § l d Tii ii ut fiMGatppllutkia. MARITOK eO. UNOIN PACIFIC "Tlio Overland Itoutc. " The Sportsmen's , Tourists' and Pleasura Seekers' Line- Send for the Neat Little Sketch Book. highly interesting and useful to Sportsmen. It contains Uic American rules for trapping and shooting adopted by the National Gun Association ; as well as the revinicd game laws of the Western States and Territories. Copies sent free upon application to J. H. TKIJDETS. Gen'IP. iT.Agt. . Omatin , Nub. NOW'S THE TIME To ha vo your friends como teas as Eastern lines will sell tickets and run Semi Monthly Land Excursions over the Union Pacific "The Ovcriuiifl Route. " Until July 1 , 1888 , tickets Hold for these excur sions w 111 be good thirty days for thu round trip and can bo used ton days going. When purchas ing nre ready to return , these tickets will bo good live days for that purpose. Jf purchase ulsli to stop short of destination on our lilies , iiKontb will stamp tickets good to return from Hiirh point. .1. 8. TEIIIIUTS , E , L , LOMA3C , Gen. P. & T. Agent. Ass'tG. 1 . &T. A. OMAHA , NE1J. "The Overland Route. " Has so arranged its family Steeping Car service , that berths can now be reserved upon application by any ticket agent to M { . Grecvy , Passenger Agent , Council Bluflfs owa. The reservations when made are turned over to the train conductors taking out such cars , so that passengers can now se cure berths ordered , the same as a Pullman bertli is reserved and secured. J. a , IKKHETg. 13. li. I < 0UAX ! , Gen. p. & T. Agent. Ass't 0. P. & X , A. OMAHA , NKIi. TUB OK THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , Tlio Must Itouto from Ouinba and Council Ululft to - = = = THE EAST = = = = - TWO TIIAIK3 DA1IA' I1KTWKBN OMAIJA. ANI > COUNCIL Chlcngo , AK1) Jllhvankcc , St. 1'uul , Jlliiiipaiiolls , Cedar Itaplds Kock Island , ircciort ) , Ilockford , Clinton , Diiljuque , Davenport , Klgin , Mudlson , JaiicsrlHc , Hclolt , Wluonn , La Crossc , Andull olber Important points Kast , rfortboa t and tioutlicatt. KortUroiifU tlcktiti call on the ticket aiisnt at 1V)1 Kaninm street , In llsrkcr Ulock , or at Unfou I'aclflo DtMIOt , I'nllnun Ble pers and Ibo flneit Dlnlnir Can In tba world uru run mi tlio mxln Una 01 lUu Clilcaxo , Mill WKukro & Ht. 1'aiil lUllwnj , iina aiorr iittvntluu I * paid to pnm'iiitera br courtvoui ( implores ol tli * company. H. llll.I.KH. funer ! l Jlauojcr. J. K. TUCK Kit , AnlaUnlticrnTnl Mnnnser. A. V. It. OAlil'lt.NTiai , Ocnernl t'uiteugar ana Ticket Ai ! nt. OHO. K.JIKAXOUI > , Atilitant Gooeral I'asiiugor aud Ticket Audit. J.T. CLAJUC U mitral Buperliiteadont. THE BOHAKUN 4 SULKY ! BEST MADE. Perfect Hiding Higgles. Breaking Carls. ' . Prices. Bohanon Carriage Co , , " 'c