Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Tlio Flour City Fionda Slaughter the
Onmhaa Again.
i Poor Back Btop Work
Loses Uio Grunp lor Oninlia Opening -
ing of tlio National Ijonguo
Benson Other Sports.
Minneapolis Too Mnch for Them.
MINNEAPOLIS , April 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ben. ] O'ConnoH'a volco wns In
bad shnpo to-dny , the raw , chilly weather of
yesterday having Impaired Its effectiveness ,
nml although Burdlck In the pitcher's box
( rave him nil the nld within his power , luck
\va against him nnd Omaha was defeated.
The Ramo was.n . pretty content between the
pitchers In which the honors were oven , nnd
although the outfielders on both sides had
considerable work to do few of the batsmen
succeeded In finding the ball "sequentially. "
Omaha scored the only earned run nnd
would Imvo had the game had It not been for
Messllt's poor work behind the bat and
Bovcral questionable decisions by the umpire.
II Minneapolis scored first In the fourth Inning
first Mcssltt's muff
ning , Hnwcs getting on
I of his third strike. Ho-stole second nnd
crossed the plato on Patton's two-bagger.
The latter took third on n passed ball and
came homo whllq McCuHom wns being
thrown out nt 11 rat , Mossitt having again
tnuffcil the third strike. In the eighth Minne
apolis scored two moro runs on errors by
Bowdcra nnd O'Coniioll , both of which were
excusable , a passed ball and a hit.
Omaha went but in regular order until the
fifth Inning , when O'Conncll ' score Jon errors
ly llobinson nnd Wlnklotnun mid n corking
sfnclo bv Burdlrh. In the seventh O'Con
iioll again scored on a long hit to center and
a elnglo to the sonio territory by Shannon.
If * The score :
AH. u. In. mi. ro. A. n.
Hums , If
Sowdcrs. rf.
Anms , of
Miller , us
O'C niioi , Ib a 33 1 0 0 0 1
Sin pen 'b 3 0 1 0 a 0 0
DOI , . , j y
Burdick , p 1 0 0 10 0
Messltt , c 3 0 0 0 1 B
Totals ill 3 4 0 27 13 5
Alt. it. In. BU. ro. A. E.
Krelg , o
Hnwcs , Ib 4 1 1 5 11 0 0
l'nttou , rf..i
MCCullom. of
AVinklcnfan , : , . . 4 0 0 0 1 8 2
KoblnsonUb 4 0 0 0 1 8 1
Jovnc , If.
Hrosnnn , 2b
Shaw , 89. . . . ; . . . . .
Totnlfl 4 4 8 27 18 3
mr iNXisas.
Omnhn 0 2
Minneapolis. . . . 000200030 4
Earned runs Omalm 1. Tivo-baso hits
O'Coniioll , PnUon. Struck out Sowtluia ,
Miller 2 , Shannon , Burdlck 2 , Hawcs , Mc-
Culloni , WinlilQUiiin , llobinson. Brosnnn ,
Bhnw. Bases on balls O'CoiincH , Shannon.
Passed Inills Mossitt 4. Left on bases
llf Minneapolis 2 , Omaha , 4. First basu ou er
llfI rors Minneapolis , 4 , Omaha 3. Time of
I pnmo 1 hour and 40 minutes. Umpire
Briggs. _
They Now Stninl Two mill Two.
KANSAS CITV , April 20. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. f The fourth gatno for the loco
championship was played to-day between the
Western ana American association teams
uud resulted in , a score of 3 to 0 in favor of
the Westerns. Up to and including the
eovonth inning neither scored. Iu the olghth
the Westerns imuloi ! . Batteries Americans ,
Fopan nnd Donolmo ; Westerns , McCarty
nnd Wells. In the second inning the Amer
icans had the bases full und practically the
game in their hands , but UurUley went to
t , struck the second ball and died ut first
on a grounder to short. This demoralized
the team ,
Pittfllmrn 5 , Detroit 2.
Pms.itjwa , April CO. Pittsburg signalized
the inauguration of the base ball season by
defeating the champions in a twelve lulling
gamp. 'JL'hoscoro :
Pittsburgh . . .1 00010000003 5
Detroit . 0 30000000000 2
Pitchers Morris and Gctzoln. Base hits
PUtsburR 0 , Detroit 8. Krrors Pittsburg
3 , Detroit 0. Umpire Decker.
Now York 0 , AViiHliliiKtou O.
WASHINOTON , April 20. The opening of
the championship season of the National
league took place hero to-day between the
Now York nnd Washington clubs. The
score :
Washington. 0
Now York. . .0 300010102 0
Pitchers O'Day and Titcomb. Base hits
Washington H , Now York 0. Errors
Washington 8 , ow York 0. Umpire
Lyuch. _
Chicago G , IiidlnnnpollB 4.
IKDIAKAPOMS , April 20. Tlio first gnmo of
the National league clmmplonBhip season
was played , hero to-day. Tno score :
Indianaiiolis..3 4
Chicago . ' . .3 5
PJtohors UoylotindVnnllaltrcn. Base hits
Indlunaolls ) 4 , ChicagoC. Errors Indiun-
.upollo.l ? , .Qhtcat'O U. Umpire Valentino.
BoHtna , IMilladolpliin .1.
PniiiifrBM'Jiu , Ajiril SO. The Bpston and
vphiaii ] ] pliia clubs opened the Bouaon hero
to-diiy. Tlio score :
Pliltadolphia. . . . ! 00002000-3
Boston. . . , , ,0 * 4
PHcliors Oloason and CJarkson. Base
hits Philadelphia 6 , Boston 7. Errors
PliUadcluulu U , Boston 9. Umpire Daniels.
Athletics 4 < > , Boltliuorn 10 ,
DAj/ , April 20. The game to-day
bctwpeii the ] 3ultlmorc3 and Atblctlca vo-
BuJteil ns Jolloivs t
Baltimore. , . 0 3043000 1 10
Athletics , , . ,0 0 4 U 4 J P 4 -lll
IMcniplilH Ituees. .
Mr.Mi'ius , April 20. TUo truck was in good
condition and the attendance very satisfac-
factory ,
For Ivvp-ycar-oltU , half mlle Fan King
won , Gontllly uecond , Fred Fmk third , Time
Fcr oil ngos , thrcu-fourths of a inllo Glen-
Imll won , Crulecr tuc'ond , Jacob } ? third ,
Qlonbnll wa dlsquulltU'd for carrying slioit
weight and Cruiser was awarded the race ,
Jukobln second. Time l:10Jf. :
For threo-yoar-olds , ono anil ono eight
miles Queen Bess won , Lola May second.
Roy D'Or third , Timo-1 : toit' .
F0r all ages , ouo and ono-slxtecnth miles
JUitliduy won. St. Valentino bccond , Wan-
dcroo third. TJtno lCOtf. ;
Stccplochnso , for all ages , over a short
course , about one nnd throe-fourths miles-
neb Miles won , Killarney bucond. Ten Times
third. Time-4-Oy.
Teenier Wins n Rnco.
PjtNSA.coHi Fla. , April SO. Tlio regatta
clo&od to-day with nn exciting BlnglO'Scutl
race between IJiuuiu. KfcICoy and Tepmer ,
which the last nam u won
Fnuilly ol'Fivo Drotvnotl.
Wls. , April SO. A family
named Lathrop , comprising father , mother
and three children , were drowned on the
Upper Wolf river last night. TUoy lived iu
a email shanty near tbe bank of the stream ,
ana though they had been warned to leave
thuir dangerous abode , they neglected to do
eo cud the Jloodi swept the building und
occupants down.
ow York Bids I' nrcwcU to the
Mourned Chief.
Nnw YOTIK , April SO. The funeral ser
vices were held this morning In Trinity
nnpol dv6r the remains 6f Hoscoo Conkllng.1
' 'rom early morning the rnln fell end s.oddcn
Ings wcro hanging at half mast on the city
Imll and numerous public buildings , ni well
.1 prlvolo , which rcmfndcd the citizens that
fo\V York was to bid farewell to-day to all
hat remained of the distinguished states-
nan and Jurist , Hosooo Conkllng. The
lour fixed for the funeral services was
0 o'clock. Long before Hint tlmo people bc-
to gatlior on Wo tTwotity-foiirth street ,
liortly after 0 o'clock Uio ( loarso and car-
iagcs ilrovo up to the door and from them
ho pull-boarcrs and friend of Conkllng do-
iconded and entered the lionso and osconded
to the ropm where the remains lay. At 0:45
ho coflln was berne to the hcarso. Walking
n either sldu were pall-boarcrs ( whoso
jnmcs have fflrcad been mentioned ) dressed
n blacr | , wearing broad white scarfs.
The pall bcnrura entered the first three
carriages , u-lillo the other carnages carried
"Jolonol Fred A. ConHling , brother of the do-
'caaetl ' , his ( laughter , Mrs. Oakum nnn her
liusband , hlslileco and ncphow. Miss Laurn
Conkllng , and Alderman Conkllng ; his
lophowfi , Judge Alfred Conkllng , Coxo and
toward Conkllng , Colonel Fred Grant und
ils mother Mrs. Jcsso Grant , their husbands ,
Mrs. U. S. Grant nnd a few other iuimodliito
friends. Arriving at the church , which
ivas . crowded , the coflln with ita
nnplo black covering was placed on the
lior in front of the altar. Upon It were
placed wreaths of Immortelle ami lilies , to-
pcther with bunches of white and purple
Hies. No Herman \vna preached. The cu-
.iro assemblage' arose after prayer and
.oincd in singing "Ilock of Ages.1 This
finished , the choir boys walked slowly down
.ho aisle to the music of ' 'Folton's Clumt , "
. 'allowed by ( ho nall-bciirors and mourners.
The hearse followed by carriages boarinc
relatives was driven directly to the Grand
Central depot where a special train was
' .nkon for utica.
UTICA , N. Y. , April SO. The special train
soaring the remains of Koscoo Conkllng , ar
rived at 0:45 : this ovcnlng. The casket was
.ransforred from the funeral par to the
icarsc , and live carriages made up the
Implp procession to the family residence on
tut go i' street. At the house the casket wns
ipcuod nnd the remains were viewed by n
'ow it ) tlmato friends. The funeral will take
ilaee to-morrow.
Arniy News.
WASHIXOTON , April 20. [ Special tele
gram to the BEB.I Colonel John P. Parke ,
ingincer corps , Prof , Tallies Mercus , military
ncndemy , nnd First Lieutenant William C.
Brown , First cavalry , adjutant military
academy , are ordered to assemble at West
Jolnt to consider the extension of the limits
in the south of the reservation.
First Lieutenant William A. Nichols ,
Twenty-third Infantry , is granted two
months' extension of leave on surgeon's cor-
The operation of ao much of paragraph 17 ,
ipocial orders No. 79 , April 0,1SS8 , as relates
.0 Captain George E. Bushuell , assistant
lurgcon , U suspended until May 1 , 1883 ,
, vhcn ho will bo relieved from duty at Fort
'reblo ' , Mo. , nnd proceed to Camp Pilot
Butte , Wyoming Territory , aa dlreotod.
Joim Boruu , late private Company A ,
ighth infantry , now in confinement at the
icavcnworth military prison under the sen-
.enco of a general court-martial , will bo
released Jnne 1,18SS. ,
The following officers will bo released from
duty nt the Leavenworth military prison , to
" .iiko effect May 1 , nnd join their proper
stations : Captain William H. Hauimon ,
Twentieth infantry ; First Lieutenant
Thomas G. Townsend , Sixth infantry ; First
Lieutenant Benjamin H. Cheovor , jr. , Sixth
Tnc following ofllcors will report lu person
May 1 to thocommanding general of the Do-
[ lartmont of the Missouri for duty at the
Leavenworth military prison : First Lieu
tenant Qeorge S.-Hoyt , JSightdonth infantry ;
First Lieutenant Charles AV. Mason , Fourth
infantry ; First Lieutenant Harvey D. Heed ,
Twentylifth infantry.
Private Harry Thuguley , Troop C. , Third
cavalry ( now with his troop , is discharged
from the service.
The following general orders have been
Issued by General Sheridan ns amendments
to paragraph 78 of-tiie regulations , service of
18 > 5 :
A leave of absence commences on the day
following that pn which the oOlcer departs
from his proper station. The expiration of
his leave must find liim at his post.
A leave of absence granted to an ofllccr in
the field or on special duty at the time of his
application , shall take effect respectively on
the termination of the campaign or the com
pletion of the special duty to which thooflicor
was assigned , unless in the opinion of the
department commander his services can bo
sooner spared , when it will take effect nt
such time ns the department commander may
direct. In all other cases an olllcor is
expected to avail himself of a leave
granted as soon ns proper facilities
offer for leaving his station unless a specific
date upon which the leave shall take olToct is
stated iu the order granting it. Unavoidable
circumstances preventing the obeynnco of
this rule must in every case be reported for
the in formation and action of the authority
granting the leave.
Leave for ono month , beginning on the first
day of n calendar month , will expire with the
last day of the month , whatever its number
of days. Commencing on an intermediate
day of the month , the day of n month will
expire with the day preceding the same in
the next month. The day of departure ,
whatovorjthc hour , is counted as a day of duty.
The day of return , whatever its hour , as n day
of absence. The pay account of every ofllcor
on leave should , throughout the period of his
absence , exhibit the datoof Jcommenccmont
of leave , the } authority for his absence nnd ,
in case the account is for the mouth In which
Uio absence terminates , the date of return to
duty. In nil cases the day of depaitureor
relief from duty will bo counted as n day of
duty , nnd tha dny f return ns a day of
Fiirincrg SowiiiK Coarse Grain.
CHICAGO , April 20. "j-'Up Times to-morrow
will print several columns of special dis
patches froni Iho cproal grov/lng districts of
Wisconsin , Minnesota end Dakota. The gist
of the information given te that planting and
seeding is delayed by'tho lateness of the sea-
sou two or three weeks , and farmers in prac
tically every eccllon" outside the Hod river
valley are -paying moro < attcnton ! to coarse
grains and loss to wheat than usual Thlu
cutting do\vn in thu area of spring wheat
may bu an importpnt market faotor in viou-
of thn danger that throutona the winter
wheat crop of the western nnd middle states.
The CourtSuitlud It.
ST. PAUJ-'Minn. , April 20. Tha stale supreme
premo court to-day rendered a decision
iu the eusa of the Stfttu vs the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee. & St. Paul road , fully defin
ing what nro eijual nnd reasonable rates
and fares for tli9 transportation of pcn > ona
uud pwovty by tub. railroad company.
Tito Ohio liut'ton Ili-l ado.
DAI TON , d. , April SO. Dan J , Uyan , presi
dent , called the Ohio Republican league to
order this morning with about ono hundred
clubs represented. Judge John A. Caldwell ,
of tlm UlninoiUil ) Of Cincinnati , was electee
president of the league by acclamation.
All the Bleu They AVnnt.
CINCINNATI , April 20 , The strike ol
brow-era is not making much headway , ant
noni ) of the "bvoworios liavo boon compclloi
to close , us they have ail the men they want
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ,
When WW elck , TTO gate her Outorla.
When the wet a Cliild , bLo cried for Cutorta ,
'Wlii'n sha ttcotne Jilts , the clung to Ocutorla ,
When the hod CuUdw } , tbe care them Costorio.
The Apostle Cominuhos With Splr-
Itualistlo Lawyer Marsh.
. i !
Curious Thin ( TR Brought O.ttt nt 4 he
Trlnl of Mma. Olss Hollar For Do *
frnudliiR ttia ARCI ! mid „
Confiding Millionaire.
An Apostolic Mc isnio.
NEW Yonic , April 20. The special sessions
court room wns crowded this aftcrnoOtuvhcu
tlmo Dlss Do Bnr nnd lior' associates were
arraigned on the elmi-po of conspiring to do-
trnud the scptcpunrlnn millionaire lawyer ,
Luther U. MarshbymeansofbOgUsslilrHunl
manifestations. Carl Ilorr , a conjurer ,
showed the court how ho could perform sev
eral of Diss Do Liar's trlCKs. Lawyer Mnrsh
entertained the spectators with selections
'rom n note book filled xvllh communications
'rom spirits. Ono , a message from Peter
ho apostle , of Blxtccn pages , wns written ,
ilursli said , in two minutes ; it Joolc
fifteen mlnutos to . rend it. Bt.
Anthony of Padua wns also heard from ,
klnrsh declared his unshaken belief Unit
these communications really came fiom the
nnclout worthies whoso names , tlioy bore ,
lirough Diss Debar , as did the portraits of
? ) inkcspcaro nnd Claudius , the Konmn cm-
icror , and so Marsh continued his rcmnrkn-
ilo talc , itoing Into the details of the prodltc-
ton of various paintings and "comuiunicn-
Ions In n manner which conclusively proved
ils unshaken belief In the supernatural char-
icter of Ulss Dollar's perfornianees. Frank'
linwrcnca and his son wore discharged on
heir own recognizance , uncl the hearing was
MltS. OAHlilljE-OIjUTE.
The Horoluo or a Itnoy Scandal lie-
tiiriiB to Kiinsng Clly.
KANSAS Cmilo. . , April 20. [ Special Tel
egram to the 13ni ; . ] Mrs. W. D. Carfllo , of
3urlllo-Cluto fame , nnd her her two children
mvo arrived from Ban Francisco and nro
low lit the Coatcs house. Mrs. Carlilo was
shown lo parlor No. 7. She gave strict or
ders to nllow no ono to disturb her. She
said if Bho wauled to BOO any persons she
would Bond for them , has her meals served
n her rroui and refuses to bo interviewed.
The only ones Mrs. Carlilo has consented to
see are one or two Kansas City lawyers
ivhoiu she sent fur to consult regarding her
ICunsas City property , consisting of two
nouses and lots at the corner of Jucksou
avenue and Thirteenth street. This prop
erty was In Mrs. Curljlo's name , hut
Mrs. Carlilo No. 2 , nee Miss Glut ? ,
hud nn attachment suit for (5.000
against it. After the divorce and marriage
Df Miss Cluto to Mr. Cut-Ille , the former re
leased the attachment. Mrs. Curlilo was
also allowed $ S,000 alimony by the court
which granted her u divorce , and $10,000 Was
| ) ut into tha hands of trustees for the chil
dren. All this moiioy , representing $2:1,000 : ,
had to bo paid by Miss Cluto. Various at
torneys , who formerly represented CaHilo or
till wife claim they have washed tliclr hands
of the whole business atid have not seen Mrs.
Carlilo since her arrival.
The Consolidation Effected.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , AprllSO. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The directors of the
Kansas City , Fort Scott & Gulf and Kansas
City , Springfield & Memphis railway systems
met at the oOlco of General Manager George
H. Nottlctou this morning. The 'object waste
to consolidate the different small companies
forming the two systems into ono organiza
tion. In the building of the Fort Scott sys
tem a largo number of minor companies were
organized in different parts of Missouri and
Kansas and ttio franchises or road beds of
other railway companies bought lip. This left
the system , which is under ouo mauugemQnt
and owned by the same stock holders , stilUo
bo operated under various names , such ns the
Ulch Hill railroad company , the Springfield
& Southern , etc. The consolidation was a
matter of form wholly for the convenience of
the company in managing its business. There
wcro ton separate organisations in the old
system. This morning all the roads , includ
ing the Fort Scott & Gulf and the Kansas
City , Springfield & Memphis were consoli
dated under the name of the Kansas City ,
Fort Scott & Memphis , except iho Kansas
City , Clinton & Springfield and the Current
liivcr branches , which are not yvt finished.
Stoic n March.
KANSAS Crrr , Mo. , April 20. [ Special
Telegram to the BM ; . ] The ICunsas City ,
Independence & Park railroad , which has
been trying for a long time to get n northern
entrance to the city , came in with a rush tills
morning. Early this morning the work of
laying tics and putting down rails was com
menced on Seventh street about half a mile
east of Prospect avenue , and at noon the road
was completed to the avenue. The company
had the right of way on Seventh street , but
each time an attempt was made to build , nn
injunction was served. Over twenty law
suits and injunctions havq been occasioned
by these attempts. Finally they determined
to stop work for a while and then carry the
road through the contested territory BO rap
idly that no injunction could bo got out in
time to prevent the work. Last night a Jong
line of loaded wagons could bo seen along
the road near Mount Venion Junction , the
eastern terminus of the road , containing tics ,
rails and material. Early this morning they
moved to tha uceua of action with a force of
4UO workmen and in a few hours the long
contemplated Job was done.
StonecuitLTs in Session.
KANSAS CITY , Mo , , April 20. [ SpooIolTolo-
ogram to the BEE. ] Forty delegates to.J.ho
Missouri Valley stonecutters' association
met hero to-day. Delegates 'wurp present
from Omaha , Topeka , Leavenworthand
other Kansas towns. Secretary Sutorinels'tq'r
reported the association in a flourishing con
dition. Ho said the membership. i'x ; g/idei : [ as
far north as Minneapolis , and as far outh us
St. Louis. All were in fuvqr oft forming Ju
national association , TJio .chair was . .in
structed to call n mooting for tliat.purposo in
the near future. Kansas City ils to bo th.o
place of meeting. The members ol the as"s9-
ciutlon said they had all the non-union men
they wanted , and wcro in a position ito-re-
fuse to bo dictated to by the Journpymqn
stonecutters unionists.
lllalno. " , , ,
KANSAS CITY , Mo , , April SoAlSjiecial Tel
egram to theHEB.J T. M. urtln begun in
November last to organiza u JJlulnc club , lie
now claims to have secJircd < lIlS(8iTrcnibors ( In
the city. Mr , Curtln cxpectTlo""rattend ( the
Chicago convention with 1,000 uniformed
men who favor the nomination of Ulaino.
A Howard For o Murderer.
TimsioN , Mo. , April 20. [ Speojal Tcl $ .
gram to the 13EB.J The murder of William
Moss has created Intcneo oxcitcme"ht' TJo
citi/ens of this place and vicinity liuvo raised
$ 1,000 , which they offor'as a reword for Jlio
capture of tl0 | murderers. Moss was found
Thursday morning with hise.kull crushed
and brains oozing from the wound.
Tool : Morphine.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 20. [ Special
Telegram to the BEE. ] William TIatton , A
well known sporting man , committed sulcldo
early this morning by taking a quarter's
worth of morphine1 He attempted to write
three letters , but never finished either. No
motive is known except a quarrel with a
woman in a well known resort His friends
supirasod he was intoxicated , or medical alii
could have saved him.
ptcaiu hli > .Arrivnls.
QUCENBTOWX , April 20. [ Special Telegram
to the BKB. | Arrlved The Etrurla from
Now York and tbo Michigan from Boston.
UOSION , April 20. Arrived- The Scandi
navian fopm Glasgow.
New VO K , April 20 , Arrived'-Tlie Btafo
of Pennsylvania from Glasgow.
A Charming ttmcrtnintncnt By the
Y. IV 8. q. K.
The literary nnjl' musical entertainment
given by the Y. PRc. E. of the First Con-
rregatlonal churcll , Nineteenth nnd Davdn *
) ort streets , last ! evening was a very pro-
jounced success , 'rho ' oisny * by Misses
Lulu Byrne , BelleVltttmphry and Anna Wit-
nnn were nil productions of more than ordl-
inry merit , while thd'rcndlng of Misses Mary
ihorwood nnd Gumllo Coburn evinced much
elocutionary lalcitt.o/.Tlio "Lullaby" by the
ilph school quartcUc'wns n pleasant feature ,
ns was the piano 13 by George P , Physlck.
The singing by MrVungham , Mrs. Hivlnlns
md Miss Francis IRiedor was really charm-
HIT , and the wliolcaonjir delightful in the ex
treme. . J/-i
The instructions given to LIcutcnantTows-
oy , who Is now nt the Bellcvuo rlflo range ,
were to have the range in readiness for the
season's target prnctlcq by the 1st of May.
! u accordance with his orders , ho had the in-
ronchments cleaned and drained ; repaired
the "butts , " nnd , in fact , gave the entire
range a general policing. Mr. Mitchell , over
whoso farm the long rnngo passes , notified
Lieutenant Towsloy that ho would not nllow
shooting at the SCO nnil lXHV.vanl ( targctsthln
Benson on account of the possible dnmago to
ils stock. ' The natural consequences of tills
Will bo that Lieutenant Towsloy will have to
const met n new BOO and 1,000-ynrd rnngo ,
vhlch will certainly necessitate much moro
abor , and probably moro tlmo than was ox-
octed , but I can assure these interested in
lie repartition of the vnngo , that under Lieu-
enmit Towsloy's ofllolont management tha
range wVU bo In readiness by the 1st of next
month. _ _
A Girl's Fntnl Folly.
SHDAMA , Mo. , April 20. [ Special Telegram
to the Bun. ] Miss Molllo Larrimoro was
'ound dead yesterday in nn out house. Her
dcatti was caused by nn overdose of tansy to
commit abortion. She had lain on the floor
some hours before she wns discovered nud
badly bloated.
Ifoll From u Boalfold.
Dur.UTii , 'Minn. , April 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bni : . ] Frederick Mix , a siuglo
man employed ns u carpenter , foil from u
scaffold on the Ohio coal docks , a distance of
eighteen feet , breaking his neck and causing
Instant death. Ho 1ms relatives In Milwaukee.
AVork to Be Itcfmnicd.
PiTTsnuna , April 20. After nn idleness of
four months the machine shops at the Edgar
Thompson Steel works started up this morn
ing with non-union men preparatory to n
general resumption next Monday.
No Frills for Him.
Troy Budget : A tall , old man , with
a rather vacant look nnd a ho&lUUlng'
air , ventured slowly into the dining
hull of a largo up-town holol the other
evening in Now York. It was the usual
dinner hour , and the long room was
flllod with guests. The old man paused ,
scrutinized his cuff and liin waistcoat ,
ind after making what scorned to ho a
helpless effort to sac the back of his
neck , ho heokonodito the head waiter.
That funotionnry hhstoned up , und the
old man said anxiously :
"Waiter , do I Jcwk right tidy , you
know ? " „ ,
The waller inspected the voncrablo
guest critically for a moment , and them
assured him thatUlt was in order.
"Necktio all right ? "
"Yes sir. " '
"Collar button show ? "
"Not at all , air/ , ' o
"No spots on my coaU"
"Not a spot. " ' ( i
"Tho general ofrcct is pretty slick , is
it ? " "
' Very , sir. " e , ,
"Well , you soov.jvaitor. " Biiid the old
man , eonlidoutialVy , "I came down to
brcukfstbt ono day ( ast woolc without any
collar , and my % dfi James was very
angry ; so yesterday f.wheii I came into
much with my neciftig Under my left
oar , ho said if anything lilco that hap
pened again ho would have my meals
served up ttairs. Do you know my son
James , waiter ? "
"Yes , sir. "
"Is lie hero nt dinner now ? "
"No , sir ; ho finished about ten min
utes ago. "
"Aro you sure ? "
"Perfectly , sir. "
"Well , then , waiter , " said the old
man , in relieved tones , "it you're cer
tain of it , you toll the miin nt our table
to bustle in some corned beef nnd cab
bage , and not to play any of his French
business on mo , or I'll break his neck. "
AVhnt'H In n Nnino ?
Philadelphia News : The following
hearing , which occurred at the central
station to-day , presented some novelties
Unit nro worth recording.
"What's your name ? " asked Magis
trate Smith , in his most explosive tones
as a yellow-skinned night of the flatiron -
iron stood up in the dock.
"Dam You , " responded John Wnsee-
man , in his blandest voice.
"Wh-wlmt'tf th-that "
- , chokingly
screeched the irate magistrate.
"Dam You , " repeated the ohliquo-
eyed oriental with a chop stick smile ,
spreading his mouth from oar to oar.
"How dnro you mvcar in court , sir , "
almost gasped the horrified diaponber of
oxpnrto justice. ' 'What do you moan ,
sir ? "
"Dam You , alloo sameo , " responded
John with no moro expression on his
face than there is in .a pinto of boiled
rice before it is amulgjimutod with milk
and sugar.
Jufet ut this juncture Clerk Moffolt
placed his wlijto-horso moustache close
to the right-angled car of his honor
and whispered.
"Oh ! nh ! I BOO ! " exclaimed the molli
fied magistrate as ho bighcd out his
pent-up indignation , nnd the rod cor
puscles displaced .the apopletic purple
that had taken possession of his usually
ruddy cheeks. "I'll hold you , Dam
You , for n further hearing to-morrow.
Adjourn the court. "
"Tho cases is all over"iaid Sergeant
Mulin , and Liiudloy Murry took another
twinge iu his grave iw the epoctators
filed out into Ffftli 'street wondering
what it had all be3ubout. ,
The Oolobrntod Billings Oaso Draw
ing to a Oloso.
I'rolinhlllty That It Will Go to Iho
y To-Uny I own JL'ayli'K Off
OutHtniulliiK War- *
The Hillings Trlnl.
WAVMII.T , la. , April 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEK.jCounsol are now address
ing thp.Jury in the fan us Hillings trial. C.
D. Ellis , of Charles City , opened for the state
yesterday ortd concluded at noon to-day. Ho
niftdo iVmost powerful arraignment of the
prisoner In n spct > cli that has seldom been
equalled in this part of the state. Ho was
followed by W. L. Eaton , of Ofmgo , for the
defense. Mr. Katon made ns good n showing
as ho could considering the facts that were
against him. Ho concluded to-night nnd the
speeches of other counsel will occupy to
morrow nnd probably Monday.
lown I'nyhiKHer Debts ,
DBS MOIKKS , la. , April 1M. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKB. | The state treasurer's
call for $140,000 of outstanding warrants
matured to-day , and $75,000 wpro paid out
during the day redeeming warrants. This
is the way the floating indcbtcUncss of the
Btato is bolpg reduced , nnd when rho next
legislature meets It is expected the state will
be entirely but of debt.
The llnrllmt Murder Trlnt.
BOONE , In. , April 20. [ Special Telegram
to the Bun. ] The trial of Hurlbut moves on
rapidly. To-day some additional testimony
was introduced by the prosecution nnd when
it was concluded the attorneys for the state
offered to let the case go to the Jury without
argument. But .Judge Stevens hud not prepared -
pared his instructions and so did not submit
it. The arguments will close to-morrow noon
nnd the case , will go to the Jury at'once. .
Tionrd of Health Delegates.
DPS MOINIS : , la. , April 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The state board of health
has selected Dr. Lewcllen , its president , nnd
Dr. Kennedy ita secretory , as delegates to
the national meeting of stale boards of
health , at Cincinnati , no.xt month. They
will ulso represent the state medical society
of Iowa on the same occasion ,
An Iowa Town Hcorchcd.
DBS MoiNts , In. , April 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] A flro nt Carlisle , ten
miles south of this city at midnight , des
troyed eight business houses and the big
roller mill. Loss , $50,000 ; insurance , 810,000.
It is u death blow to the town.
The Loiis All Snfc.
PiiAiitin DU CIIIEN , Wis. , April 20. The
rjvcr still continues to rise. The Fourth ward
is all under water and the people have to go
about in boats. No great damage has been
done yet. The saw mill logs are all boomed
in ami safe.
Declared the Usiinl Dividend.
Yqmc , April 20. The Pullman coin-
company has declared the usual quarterly
dividend oi 2 per cent , payable May 15.
Cnrn nnd Immhcr Burned.
Conductor Jackson , of the Union Pacific
dummy , upon arriving at Sheoly's station
last nijjht discovered several cars on the B.
& M. tracks on liro. Appreciating the situa
tion iio ordered the engineer of his train to
back down upon the burning cars and draw
these not already in flames out of danger.
Three cars , however , wcro left to their
fate , as the flro had already spread
over them so-ns to makeit impossible for the
tinln liands'to detach them. Word was at
once sent to Omaha nnd a Union Pacific fire
engine was dispatched to quell the flames.
By the time the engine reached the scene the
cars nnd their contents wcro almost com
pletely destroyed. Two of them belonged to
the B. & M. nnd ono to the Hook Island.
They wcro loaded with 40,000 feet of lumber ,
consigned to the Howell Lumber company.
The cause of the lire is not known.
Everything which belongs to pure ,
honlthy blood is imparted by Hood's
SavfeiiparillK. A triul will convince you
of its merits.
Building 1'ermltH.
The following permits build were issued
yesterday by the superintendent of buildings :
C C Hansel , brick addition to store ,
1100 Farnam $ 3,500
D B Buck , frame stable , Patrick's ad
dition 150
A Samuolson , fromo kitchen , Thirty-
third , near Dccatur 100
Frank Ewers , cottage , Twenty-ninth ,
near Hickory 2,500 ,
Chris Specht , cottage , Furnam and
Dexter 2,500
S G Johnson , cottage , Nineteenth and
Charles 000
Six permits aggregating , & 'Ji53 , (
The Old Silver Spoon.
How fresh in my mind are the days of my
sickness ,
When I tossed mo in pain , nil fevered and
sore ,
The burning , the nausea , the sinking and
And oven the old spoon that my medicine
The old silver spoon , the family
spoon ,
The sick-chamber spoon that my
medicine bore.
How loth wore my fever-parched lips to re-
.cclvo it ,
How nauscaous the stuff that it bore to my
tongue ,
And the pain at my inwards , oh , naught can
relicvP it ,
Though , tears of disgust from my eyeballs
The old silver spoon , the medicine
How awful the stuff it loft on my
Such is the effect o nauscaous , grip
ing medicines which make the aide
room a memory of horror. Dr. Piorco's
Plcnsnnt Purgative Pellets , on tbo cou-
trui-y , uro small , supnr-couted , easy to
take , pui'oly vegetable uud perfectly
ellectivo. ii-5 cents a viiil.
UUM vuiua
Why We Win
npc n o Hood's Pnr < pnrilla (9 ( tbo boil prlng meat
clno And Wood purifier. t )
liocntno it l < A concentrated extract of Iho best
filkirntlfO nmll)16ocl ) purifying remedies of thaveRO-
Ublo kingdom ,
Iee ) u e , by n peculiar combination , proportion
nnd preparation , It posscdioa curattro power peculiar
to Hoot f.
llccnuto It Is unequalled for the euro of scrofula ,
alt rheum , bolls , plmptc $ , humors etc.
llccaiHe U Is ttio only medicine of which can Irp
le ld"llMloio ( one dollar"an UnautworKblenfRU *
mental to
Strength and Economy
Decauso It effect * remitrkablo enrol where oilier
preparation ! totally Jail ,
Ilecauio I hero | nothing equal to It for curing
Afspcp'la , blllounnw , lick hrailacuo. Indltfctllon.
Becaiuolt roui.oslli * kldnoj * nd liver mul keeps
tlic'o ornani In healthy condition.
Oecauio GTorf lutlcle oulcrlnglntoltlficarcfiillr
Manned , none but Ibo best Is u < Mand , , all Ihorooti
andlicrbi nro ground In oiir own drug nilll-wlilch
uinkcs ItnpoMlblo tliouso of anything Inipuro or de
leterious ,
llccsiifo It It not advcrllied to do anything which
has notolreti'ly nccompllshcd.
Hood's Sarsapariila
Bold by all driistn U ts. II ( BU for W. 1'ropared Only br Sold by nil druggist' . H | * li for IS. I'leparodonlT by
C. 1.1100U & CO. , j/jwcll. . I .
MUSS. C. I , 11001) A CO. , Ixjwoll. > IB I.
10O Do oa Ouo Dollar I 100 DOSOB Ono Dollar
Cicino , HJiNtLTOx Co. , IKIEep ( , 13,1B37- .
The following U a true account of what your
8.8. B. hasdonoforour little daughter , Hotel ,
now four years old. When 12 months old
tump appeared on her hcelvrhlcli slowly grow
larger. Tha fiuntly physician thought U wet
caused by a piece or broken glass or needle ,
but failed to bring anything to light. Th
child bccamo feebler allthe time , pccmlng to
lose | he use of her l g , and Qnally quit walk
ing entirely. Tbo middle flngor and thumb
of cltherhand became enlarged , the floih to-
coming hnrd. The hip Joints became Inrolr *
cd , la that when uvcntccn months old she
could not stand , having lost the use of leg
and nnn. Partial curratUro of the cpluc also
f ellen ed. The uerrous system was wrecked ,
muscles contracted , and thcro was general
wasting of flesh and mutcle. At eighteen
months of ago she was placed under the
treatment of a prominent physician of Beaten -
ton , Mass. , but nt ttio end of ten months iho
bad declined to suah n degree that she WAS In
a dying condition. Thla was In April , 1884
Wo took the child away not knowing n hat
to do. In this dreadful dilemma we wera
over persuaded by friends to try "ono bet
tle" of SwirT'e SPECIFIC , whloli wo did , and
| x-f ore It bad all bceu taken wo law a ohango
for the bettor In her symptoms. Wo kept It
up , and have done BO to this day , and will
keep H up , If tha Lord wills , for many days
to come , for It has brought our dying Ilatcl
to life , to ylgor , to strength and health again.
The ashcu hue of her cheeks has changed tea
a rosy tint. She U able to walk anywhere ,
her languor and melancholy ha\o passed
away , and sha Is now a blithe , cheerful , hap
py romping child. Should you wish to In
crease > our testimonials of proof of tha
virtue of S. S. a , our names and what wa
hniesald Is but a portion of whatwoowoto
you , should jou wish to use them.
Kindly yours ,
P. O. Box C6.
Troatlra on Blood and Sttn Diseases mailed
Tiur SwiFTSrEcmc Co. . Drawer 3AtIantd.Q .
Kaslly dlfjoHtod ; of the finest flavor. A hearty
beverage for ft strong appetite ; n ( Icllentii drlnfc
for the sensitive. Tlwioughly tested ; nutritious ;
piilntablo : unexcelled lu inirlty ; no unpleasant
uftereffects. Requires no boiling- .
Marlon Hnrlond , Christine Teihuno Horrlck ,
Dean A. 11. Thomas , il. P. , pronounce It the best
of ull the powedered chocolates. No otlicrequals
It in flavor , purity nnd ANTL-Dvsi'Ki'jjcquulItlos.
Soldliy Gioccrs. Samjila matted for 10
fll. O. WILISUIt & , SONS ,
Whnt ? Cured among others the
following. They write :
819 Ctiitral Avc. Cincinnati , O. , >
January 4th , 1 > J. S
i cured n < oof liter
complaint and d > kiwiwla. I tnnetcu of
tliii Hun ton frieiK' ' wLoln troubled with
iridlKftitlou and he lias Improved % ou-
dtrtully. I1.11. ItowKKAMi' .
101loaeltn Bt , Now Ilateu , CL , I
February loth , Itw. i
AUiloilioros 1'illj worked wonuVn In my
PilU smuJl und
Ath-Io-plio-ros are
) ) Ieasant to take , yet wonderfully
[ active . Invaluable for kidney
nnd. liver complaintB. dyspepsia , in-
digestion , c'oiistijiiitlon , jicadnchc.
etc. They'll take away that tiroci
feeling giving new life and strength.
SW3end C cents for the beautiful colored pic
ture , " Moorish Maiden. "
Seabury's Ilydrouaphthol Soup
EVERY for pioiuptly curing ull skin nud
Hcnlp nlht'asuB such us cczowu.rlng-
wonn , tuttur , blotchcsbluck Kpotn ,
FAMILY bmborb' Itch , cluildrnir. Holly ouip-
tlons or rouKlinesa. fulling hair ,
Jtc. , Arc. It Is hlii'uy ' inpillrated.
SHOULD B oetly scented , and ilUintccts all
BlnkH , bualjw , tubs , c. , through
n lilch It pubses.
II ydroiinptliol Pastilles , for purl-
fyliiKtilck rooina , closets and npai t-
jnont.s where dlsca'au Korniii link.
M'hon burned In such places tlioy
Impart i\ most ijullt'btl'ul odor ,
\ > hlch U refrosljliiL- the hick nnd
GOODS aaivoublo tp nil other occupants.
, ilpail'B'CArnuurt Klmlonl'JnHterfl
quickly juducu Inllamumtion and
boon once corns itiul bujilons.tlicro-
25 Gts , at by bringing rollot und comfort to
thousands of fcuirorors. '
Druggists Soli } Munutncturprs. Jtr.w Yonu.
Tbo loading
Oorsota of Europe -
opo and
America .
eoia lact
your in
thla coun
try Ulouo.
Tlae roa-
eons are :
tbey are
flttlncr ,
ruojt com-
fortoblo ,
Qblo and
corset ov
Avoid worthless Imitations. Caroline
Is used in no Oorsota mzoopt tUcso
made by lie. None are gonuUio unless
Dr. WARNER'S CORALIKElo printed -
od on insldo of otcol cover. For eulo
by all leadlner morcliunts.
A , MINER , Manager.
( Successors to John Q. Jacob ? . )
Undertakers & Embalmers
At tbe old stand , 1(07 Karnam Bt. Onlvra by telo-
gr pli iollcltea and promutlr uttiuded to.
l lepU u Np. ii
Dccnuia Hood' * Fnriopnrllln Is nn lionftt m llclno
and cverf puKbssct rocelrcs A fslrcqitlmlont for hit
Iloonii o wo n k onlr A fnlr prife , nnfl do n&l Impose
upon the public coniidonco l > r nUunllr ikdrcrtltlnK
Hooil'i Snnftpstllls ai "wottU"'moro ' tbnn no sell It
llconujolUndrcrtlilngli orlxlnnl urn ! not dcrend-
cnt upon thfl lirnlns of compotltors.
nocnmoltls n modern meJIclncl tlie tlpo fruit of
Iho Industry nnd Mmljr of cioirlrncoil | iilinni ] clf ( <
under nhooc pcr onnl direction U Ii Mill prepared.
Ilcauto II 1ms '
Good Name nt Homo
Tlioro being moro of Hood's Sanapmrllln eoM In
I/owollwlipro It Minndo , tlmn of nil nllipreariiapiirll.
liKoMilood jiufinois comblnoil.
IlocKu olt H clenn , clonr mid lionutlful la appear
nnco , compared nlth the mudilr , gritty make u
of ether prDpnrallon ; .
loc ) u oCTprrttutlmonl l ujcd In odrestlalnglt Is
ttrlctlf Romilnfl ,
HccAU o wlipn given it fnltlifnl trlnl ncrordlnx to dl
rcctloniltls rciDimbljr certain to effect Iho dodrod
IlocnmoltsniUorlhlnnli thoroughlr backed up br
tlio morltt of the mcdlclno Ittelf.
Artlclqs of Incorporation of tlio
Mead Investment Company ,
JL imdvrslfrncd . 1) . Mrnd , of Leeds , Grot-no
Co. . State of Now York.V. . 1 > . Mead , Jr. , nnd
David Jamloson , of Omiiha , Neb. , doslious of
forming a corporation under the laws of tlio
Bin to of Nebraska , do Hereby associate omsvlu's
together and do adopt and mibscrlbo totho.fol'
louliiK articles of Incorporation :
Article 1 , The rorporatu tltlo of tills incorpor
ation shall be The .Mead Investment Company.
.Article II. The principal place of transacting
Its business shall bo at tlio city of Omaha , Doug
las county , Nebraska.
ArllcloliJ. Tlio business to bo transacted by
this corporation shall bo , to buy , sell , hold , Im
prove and IciiHo ri'Al estate ; to loan money on
real estate secuiltv and upon municipal or other
coiporatlonorlndhldunl notes , bonds or other
securities , uud buy and sell the name with or
without KUarnteo of payment ; to recolvuon
deposit from ludlvliltmU linns or corporation' ,
money , bonds orother securities and to holdnud
account for the pump ; to Issue certificates of
deposit , bonds , und other evidences of Indebted
ness ; to act as trustees , llnanclul agents or guar
dians for Individuals , corporations or estates ;
to transact such other and further bnslucus as
shall be compatible with a loan and
trust business.
Article 1V. The capital stock of tills corpora
tion Khali bo ono hundred thousand dollars
( MUO.IXIO UO ) , and may bo Increased to live hun
dred thousand dollam ( t&OU.lKju.lO' ' , divided in
shares of llvo hundred dollars ( fWM.OO ) each.
The liourd of directors may Increase the capital
Block when authorized so to do by vote of Two-
thlidH of the stock. Tori r per cent of the capi
tal stock of ono hundred th juuand dollars shall
bo paid In before the commencement of Imilnf ss ,
and the residua when called for , as provided lu
hto by-lavs of llio corporallou.
Article V The olliccrc of this corporation
shall bo a I'rasldeut , Vlco-1'resldent , Becrotary ,
and Treasurer , wliich hiild 611Ices of Secretary
and Treasurer may be held by ono and the xamo
pel son. 'I ho directors shall consist of the otllccrs
of the corporation and such other individuals us
the Block holders may from tlmo to tlmo elect
from UIHOIIK ; themselves.Tho Directors at no tlmo
shall axooad ulna ( U ) In number.
Article VI This Corporation shall commence
and go Into operation on the second day of April
A.I ) . 18S8 , and shall terminate on the second day
of April A. 1) . JKW.
Article VJI. The indebtedness of this corpora
tion ont.sldc of funds received or deposited for
Investment , shall at no tlmo txcced tw o-thlrds oC
the amount of Its capital stock.
ArtlcoVIlI. Thoolllcorn of this Corporation
for the eiisulntr year shall bo W.I ) . Mead , Presi
dent ; W. I ) . Mead Jr. . Vico-1'rosldonti David
Jamelson. eccretury nnd Treasurer , and they
shall bold olllto until the llrst annual meeting ,
on the \Vodnosday lu June A. D. 188 ! ) , or un
til their siK-cohbors are elected and qualified.
Article IX. 1 hose articles may l > o amended at
any regular meeting of the Stock-holders , notice
of such proposed amendment having heen given
four wjeka before the dnto of Hiich meeting.
Witness our hands tjils gtth dny of March A.
\V. D. MBA1) .
V > ' . D. ti CAD , Jn.
TnuSTATE or NnnnAsicA , I. .
DoiiRlns County , ( ns.
On thisXoth day of Jlarch , A. D. 1683. person
ally appeared before me , u notary puUllc In nnd
for said county and state , W.I ) . Mead , W. D.
Jr. , and David Jumlebou who are personally
kno\\n to mo to uo the identical persons w ho
executed the foiegolng unities of In-
f , corjorutlon und whoso names are
J siAr ! subscdbed thrroto and they acknowl-
1 - > ' edged the same to bo their voluntary
act and deed.
jiU-31-28m5 C. 1' . NtEDiiAM , Notary Public.
IU mala lines nod branches lacjujo O1HOAGO ,
rEOniA. MOLINiJ , 110012 : ICLAND. DAVEtf-
and ccotca of { ntcrmsdlAto cltloe. Cholco o (
routes to and from the Taclflo Ootut. All tianB-
if-ra la Union clopoU. rast trolna of Vine D&y
Coachoa , clugaot Dlolns Can , mr rulftcsui , Full *
man 1'alaco Blooparo , end ( batv/oenCUlcaso , Bt
JoaopU , AtclilsoD and Konims City ) HocUnlna
Chair Cora , Cojta Vrea , to tioldera of taroueli
flrut-clasa tldiota.
Chloago , Kaneoo & Hobrnoka R'y
" Oroat Rock lelnnd nouto , "
Eztenda West and Oouthwoet from Kensta City
ttlulBt , Joaoph to IJELQON , HOJ1TON , . UELLIS-
and lioyonil. rntlro pneaowjer caulpmont of Ibo
colobretod Vullman inanufncturo. All afety op *
pllanccB and modern improvomcnto.
Thp Famous Albert ton Route
IB thn favorite between Chicago , Uoclc leland ,
Atclileoii , Kansas City tuad Llianeapollfl and Ot.
P uL IU Watertown branch travsnoi th great
of Northom Iowa. Douthwo t rn l Jnnoiiota , end
JEaet Central Dakota to Watortown , Pplrlt take.
Gloux Foils' and many other tavraa and cltlo * .
Tbo Bbort Uuo via Benoca and Knnluikoa offera
nuerior facllltlo * to travel to and from Indian-
apolle. Cincinnati and other Southern POlnU.
l"or Ticks U , Kups , FtWeru , ordeilrod informa-
tlcn , apply ut any Coupin Tlckot OlUoo or uddrcwi
Oeo'l Wo&acor. Oi'n'l Tkt , Sc Faao. AtU
tiliif iOc ( < "puMcca pr
„ _ , .n < rxAnr tVikHUIlr-
ilnuoui.inKd , ooihlr { unrnM of
11/AlrMtly ILr < ii J1 ill vnk pmui uito-
cttV i.t' \ Jfrtttmunilr \ velotMt s.wd C tuS.
OrtmiIiBpw { lMi Ui > i | l . ! i rtflti.Wji | 55 yj
p u Dll/fute'llntlir ' BuJ lti. l 4 Jwi Ube
\bo Saudin LletUio Co. 160 USelloU
CPROF. F-o'-'POWLER , Moouus. Conn ,